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GERMANYAMAZES Lumber Dealer KPUPP SCANDAL Don’t pay five profits ¦ That’s what you do when you buy of your local I GERMANYAMAZES lumber dealer. Buy of us and you buy of the producer. We are B one of the biggest independent lumber companies in America; own I thousands upon thousands of acres of choice Western timber. Do our I own cutting, logging, railroading; operate six huge mills, where B we produce every day 20 or 30 carloads of lumber and millwork- B Buy direct from our six mills I saving in price we offeryou better mate- H livery service and guaranteed satisfaction. H Immediate shipments I We carry immense, stocks. Miles and H miles of lumber piles and warehouses H oaning with millwork await your order. H lake all shipments within 24 tQ 48 hours. H Better quality guaranteed B ur timber tracts are in the famous Puget H wind region. Noted for big trees. Our H mber is straight, free from sap and knots. ¦ durable. xceedingly ¦ B HRS. KRUPP -VaZTBOH&W, OTtfOf :r otinferior quality. Throw off this un- I owrtgns cf'kruprs rcessary burden of five middlemen. Get ¦ ir dircct-to-you figures. Send us your H •protrr'i material Un for price, delivered your Radon. EMMA Krupp e ship everythin! for building complete —lumber, tub. NY'S excitement over the on. ahlnrles, millwork. hardware and paint. scandal is not due alone to the rarity ail coupon today for catalog and prico Hoi ¦ of graft cases In that country, or to the :g fad that it touches her 111 her most sen- sitive place—the army. It Is due partly [EWITT-LEA-FUNCK to the fact tl at the Krupp establishment CO. f Cniy Bids.. has come to be looked upon as a nation- 411 SEATTLE WASH. { al Institution, und that every Germau adly lend the following. Quoting price* delivered my itaJ . immensely proud omam/u/krupp PAcrosjr ! ) °! lamb '' •“*mUl,o'k has been of it as one ) Itto loUcr I Lof the of the Fatherland. Klorlen lOC And now that tills great Industry to discover 1 has stooped to the bribing of officials—- a fact ad- Urea mitted by the Krupp lirm, after the charge had , been made In the relchstag—and that It had been IB plmniof to build u follow, i supplying French newspapers with material for (X. lur. N I.HI.fUlmlji war-scare articles, so as to Induce the Gurman government to buy more armament from the Unique Suicide. BOILED EGGS BETRAY THEM Krupps, Is more to Germany thun a scandal It A safe was used by a man nam- ed years Is a catastrophe. Jacob Rabinowltz, fifty-four Nationality of Dlnera Is Shown In The charges were made In the relchstag by Dr. old, of Philadelphia, Penn., to com- Their Various Method of I.lebknecht, the Socialist deputy, and in the col- mit suicide, a few days ago. Fret be Eating. up pound umns of the Vorwaerts, the Socialist newspaper. Jacked an 800 safe with a of head be- It Is a coincidence that It wuh that newspaper block wood. Placing bis Sherlock Holmes might have figured neath*oit he drew a strap as as which ten years ago printed another scandalous tightly this out, but he did not! story about the Krupps, which caused the death he could around bis neck. Then be •The average Englishman will al- knocked of the then bead of the works, Friedrich Alfred tbe block from under the ways demand his egg boiled jUBt and the heavy upon Krupp. safe weight fell three minutes, then he places It in an hla bead. He was found by hla wife, It was Impossible to refute him, because tho egg cup, just large enough to have but died before a physician arrived. minister of war, Gen. von Heerlngen, was obliged the egg fit it, taps the top of the He had been despondent for several to admit then and there that an Intiulry was going shell, and the broken shell weeks because lost a lawsuit. removes on which had already revealed that "one of the be with his fingers. The egg is eaten a Krupp officials" had bribed officers to reveal cer- spoonful at a time. tain Information The following day the Krupps ECZEMA ALL OVER BODY A Frenchman, much like the Eng- Issued a statement In which they admitted that, lishman, likes Ills eggs of three min- their representatives In llerlln had maintained 175 East St., San Francisco, Cal.—"l utes, exactly. He then "peels" them, "friendly relations" with their former "comrades” used the Cutlcura Remedies while In places them In a glass, stirs and of the war department for the purpose of obtain- business In San Francisco before tbe mixes well together with salt, pepper ing "business Information," and hnd bestowed earthquake and fire. I was a terrible and butter. He makes a practice of " small present “on certain under ofilrlals sufferer from eczema for several years. dipping bread Into the mixture, and It was on Friday that I.lebknecht exploded his I had It all over my body except my eating it along with the eggs. bomb and forced von Heerlngen to reveal that banda, neck and face, my legs and A Spaniard wouldn't think of letting secret Inquiry and on Saturday that tho Krupps arms being tbe worst. I had to put his egg boll more than one minute. made their admission of bribery. On Sunday the APROf/jwr ffiuv- RZCgrrrPPODzrcr op Zf&xsnrPJ stockings on my hands at nigbt to He then breaks It, and lets the con- Vorwaerts published the text of tho Instructions keep from scratching, and whenever tents run into a glass, and consumes It sent by the Deutsche Munitions und Wuffenfabrlk Prussia gave him the contract for her new breech- He directed In his will that the firm should be I did scratch the parts burnt like fire. as If he were drinking a glass of to Its l’urls agent to "leave no stone unturned' loaders. The Khedive of Egypt followed tills with changed Into a stock company. This was done, My limbs got so bad that from my an- wine. to persuade some popular French newspaper to a large order for war material, and Russia fol- but Hertha Krupp, his daughter, who married Dr. kles to my knees there wasn't a par- An egg Is only fit In an Italian's publish a statement that France Intended to dou- lowed with contracts for large quantities ot new von Rehlen und von llalbach. holds all but four ticle of akin on them, and tbe flesh It- estimation when It has been placed ble her orders for machine guns. The object was weapons. shares of this company. She Is not only Ger- self turned perfectly blue and raw, In cold water, and removed Just as to get the German government to order machine While thu Essen works were designed for gen- many's wealthiest woman, but Its wealthiest sub- continually throwing off a moisture, the water beings to boll. He then guns from the Deutsche Munitions und Waffen- eral foundry work, the output for many years has ject and gnatest taxpayer. and I had to keep them wrapped ,ln breaks it, pours it on a plate, and proceeds sop up fabrlk. consisted almost entirely of heavy guns; but It Hence she has been called "the (Jueen of Es- oiled silk cloth to keep my under- to It with bread. On Tuesday the popular Indignation had risen was not until 1846, 20 years after his father's sen." und "Our Lady of tho Cannon," and other clothes from sticking fast to my limbs. The German, like the Italian, de- high years firm, mands his eggs as near the liquid so that Gen von lleerlngen's plea for a sub death and 26 after the founding of the romantic names. At the age of eighteen there “I tried all kinds of ointments. , pension of judgment until his private Inquiry had that Alfred Krupp began gumnaklng Ills first descended upon her the greatest Industrial In- state as possible. He breaks his eggs done Its work was forgotten. The budget commit- results were pieces of small caliber. As he be- heritance the world has yet known. She was six- all kinds of Internal medicine, but In an unsightly cup, and scoops tho tee of the relchstag voted to appoint a parliamen- came Interested In the science, and as Ills dis- teen when her father died, and attained her ma- with no relief. Then I bntbed my body liquid out as If it were soup. tary commission of Inquiry Into the scandal. This coveries In steel rjßtlng developed, the size and jority In 1904 with Cutlcura Soap and kept It anoint- Tho American Is about the only one commission, however, despite tho protests of tho weight of the cannon he was able to construct Essen Is a city now of 150,000 population, and ed with Cutlcura Ointment and my who prefers his 'eggs boiled hard. Increased are Socialists, was not vested with power to send for steadily until these war monsters, which It owes Its existence as a city to the works. skin Is now as smooth as a baby's. When they served up to him, he Krupp knifes them In persons and papers. have become world-famous, became common oc- Rut there Is hardly a city In the world which Is They cured me completely.” (Signed) half, removes the con- Although the Krupp works date from 1810, when currences in the Essen works governed more In the communistic spirit than Harry A.
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