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6-26-1907 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 06-26-1907 Journal Publishing Company

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about the blowing up or Itradley, Orchard at Mullen eighteen mllec when ho alleged Ilia! Bradley got lislanl. "1 am not sure of It. but If SEEK "Inn he deserved. He denied ih, I am not mistaken I saw orchard 10 PROVE lit" 'told Cnpely thai (!nv. Steunenhol g playing poker that day in a saloon or WIRES SILENT WINE GROWERS WARSHIP SENT TAFT VISITOR had driven him out of the counlry cigar store." said the witness. and that he intended to kill Hie (,n'. Dr. Mciiee also rekited a conversa- ornor. tion he had with Orchard In the Orchard was next coilf nuil ed by Coeur d'Alenes in 10n4. on hard, ac- Charles A. Sullivan, a miner from cording 'to the witness, said he was ORCHARD A Cripple Creek. He said thai In' knew "spotting" for a detective agency. CLASH Sullivan. hut denied a ruiuci sa lion On the witness MESSAGES 60 FEM SOUTH; with him in which he said tliat lio. said lie saw Orchard at the depot one Stetineiiberg ought 'to be killed, and day at Wallace. Idaho, talking to e "if lie was not killed mien Orchard man named Cunningham. Orchard would kill him himself." claims he gave the 1'eabody bomb to II Orchard successively denied simlar a man named Cunningham who said BOASTFUL conversations with Fred Hough, of he wanted to blow up a "scab" board- BY MAIL RIVALRY IMMINENT Wallace, .lames liainey, slag, driver, ing house. The witness positively and Lotlie Day. a woman he know in tixed the 'lime of bis conversation w ith Hemer. He also denied lie had orchard as the latter part of July, made threats against the pncnmr to Is, 14. y r.-- - b.,;. ... r. n. v. s',.u 1,1,1, came to Boise In OVER COLONIAL telly and W. F. Huvis. hehal' of the stale, was railed to the WESTERN UNION BADLY PROTEST AGAINST ANY ZELAYA'S AMBITIONS TALKS LIAR The detense offered In evidence two stand to establish the identity of K. WITH rogue's nailery pictures of orchard, C. Sterling who it was claimed was a CRIPPLED, STRIKERS SAY TARIFF CONCESSIONS! MENACE TO PEACE AFFAIRS CHIEF taken after his arros-- i for the murder secret service man in the employ of of (ni--, Sictinenberg. They show Or- - the Mine Owners' association in 1UH3 in garb resembling a tr. 1111- - Tele.g-laphe- Milwau-tr- y Gov- chard and several years thereafter. Dischaige of Railroad is Substantial Giowth of Indus-- j United States Cruiser War Secretary Declares Defense Introduces Witness shaved and unkempt. Next came F. rt. Kecld. a miner now Richardson compared thoir appear-i.v- . living at Coldfteld, Nevada, but 'for- for Tampering With in United States Ui as! kee Dispatched to Central ernor Magoon's Rule in Cuba ance with the Orchard of tod The merly of Cripple Creek. He, 1,1 said ml Self-Accus- ed Who Swears w I photos ere admitted. lie had known lurry orchard n long Wiies May In Reason for Continued Pio-- J Ameiiea to Protect American Will Last at Least Eighteen Another picture showed orchard while In t'nion hall No. 4il at Crip- Commercial Assassin Was Miles Away a in a group of three men. one holding ple Creek in IH'i.'i he said be had voke Southern tection From Competition, Intci ests in Case of Strife, Months Longer. ' a smoking revolver. His companions conversation with Orchard in which When Wardner Explosion were Andy and IVtcr Christiansen, the lalter called lioiernor Steiinenherg 1 picture was was respon- 11 1 Hy 1 H.r Morning Jntiriitlt Npet'lill l.ettoetl W Ire orchard said that Ihis hard names and said be h.v Miiruinc .1, .lined Spfi-ls- l l entecí Ire Morning .Imirmtl Speelnl t.eeil W Ire MernliiK Journal Siieelul l.eimeil Wire Occurred, a novelty. povertv and - :. taken as sible for his (Orchard's) Fi anciseo, Z'- A bulletin I la inmonsport .V. Y. June June :.'". - The possl- oyster Hay. June Secretary til,- gov- San June I, The first witness for defense that he would go.' even with the by press committee from Wine iiow 1 rs' associa- iblliiv ,.f serious iroublo In Central 'Pa ft spent four ours with President re- issued the American was Mrs. Mary J. King, an elderly ernor. Hie telegraphers' head,U!irtei tonight tion in annual convention heir tocho Ainei i,a growing ,,ul of the disturbed Koosevelt today ami said as ho left plied woman, who formerly conducted M precipitated a com- STATE FIGHTS IN VAIN Harrow here said : adoplecl resolutions protesting .oí.uiiM conditions exlsllm; there Incidental to ovsicr Hay to return to the Yale a boarding house in Cripple Creek. heated and lengthy discussion by ask- "As an evidence of the inability ol would expo-- the alleged ambition of President '. mencement (hat a number of Import- sops, nal tariff concessions that TO She said that she had several ing the witness to detail bis pecs., Ihe Western t'nion to I, anille the busi- in country '.,, in- !.n a ,,f Ntc ar.cuua to form a union of ant mailer relative to Cuba. Panama KEEP OUT TESTIMONY la- Ihe industry ibis who are miners, hut are not now and experiences in the Cripple Creek ness offered by the pi. I, lie. they have creased competilon from foreign " American -- laics has caused and the Phllpplnes had been con- member:- - of ley never were the union. bor troubles. Mr. Haw voiced for unfilled customers to use the telephone The new adoption of the 1, tlo in nisi ra t ion to despatch the cluded. The public announcement C. Sterling, of objection ,v K. chief detective Hie oseeui ion a strenuous wherever possible. followed a discussion of th, tin, cruiser M dw autiei. to that relative lo these t, a nsvielions. he said Miners Tell of Hearing Orchard the Mine ow ners' association of Colo- declaring (he labor war In Colorado "A report reached head,iiartei s to- localiiv her to proceed would come w lien the appropriate disap- new derm. in tariff concessions and orders for rado, lived al her house in Cripple nothing lo do with 'ihe imiuiry day .'.(inn lelegiains had -- I',,' w on his to had thai I1 e,l larlft enccs- lb iih from Mare Island Navy orders were Issued return Life .!; camp division of the French Threaten Steunenberg's Creek during the strike that into the murder of (Jovernor Stenn- peared Iron! the overland v.ii.i n, oil from navy de-- I' Washington. room of the Western SlOllS. forward the She saw orchard visit his room seven enberg. He declared the ijuestioii Ihe operating "Thi association." the resolutions n inieiii today. Kehctive to Cuba, the secretary said more times, in the even- purpose of possibly I 'nicm ol'lice III Chicatio. Tliis would ., Because of Private Grudge or usuallv was asked for the y I t he 'I'iie colli, Saturn a'so has been di- that iloveriior Magoon's administra- ing. they were being mailed reid, nest reciuests hat amusing sympathy by showing the indicate that will rect, to pro, to I .a I'nlon and tion there would continue for about Sterling paid for done from Chicago." Fnlted lates government refrain eel Long Held, engaged and the Colorado militia might have from ending lo anv foreign coun- - from this vessel ihe Milwaukee and eighteen months longer, that Ihe tak- room occupied by Mrs. McKinney. II ought not lo The strikers discovered today that ei Is now pro- things have. try tar IT eoncessions directly calcu- - the itunhoat Yorklown which Is now ing of the census which ,a man charged with pulling in reply asserted public business was being handled ovei wife of Mr. Harrow that brokerage linns. laled to increase the competition of at Acapnia, will cal The slay of the gressing and the preparation for the B.r Mnrninf Journal HiipHhI . l Mire. I spikes on the Florence and Cripple could not pick out of Ihe private wires of a president thi' prosecution They at once notilied the brokerage foreisu wmeniakers with Ihe wine Milwaukee in I'eiii'-a- American wat- election to select native 2.". di- Creek railroad. in an attempted of past few years the - II lioise, Idaho, June Tin first the history the who have permitted outsiders (,, produc, s of Ihe I'lllled Slates. Fu- ers is problematical and In niea- would !'o,;tiire niton, that time. Th wreck, which the defense claims the isolated it wauled lo place linns - Is rect testimony In defense of Wil- incidents practice 11. t depend- upon Hi million that iloveriior Magoon encountering the un- de- use their wires Unit unless the ilcr tin ma igrinon of enterprisuK s'ire railroad officials and mine owners before the Jurj then shut the de-f- s, difTIc sop ing Haywood was offered today, and was stopped at once Iheir operators men and In a material il develop in thai ,'lion She goes many lilt nrobleins and liam l. dertook themselves, with intent off In its purpose to present the the fense would heconie involved ill the strike. a by a protective tariff, the "for ihe nroieetiou of Amer- them In thoroughly satisfactory and it was chiefly directed toward of placing 'the blame on the Western of case and show who ' Secre- other side the I'acllii' ol'llclals have ii rv I 11 i ican Inicies!-- " which arc threatened manner was the concnii nt of ac:s com- The Southern wine Ins, of the tt'il Slates .showing that Harry Orchard, bla'iing Federation of Miners. was responsible for the discharged several up orators at outside loped lapltll) within last because ,,f ii,,- r,,u! n Ion as It now ta rv Tuft Mrs. King said she saw or- of. Harrow once more has the Frank Steunenbcrg for the loss 01 his that plained Mr. points on complaint nl' Chief Operator few .vears " exists. The eiu'ser St. l.ouis on her When Hie secreiaiv wan lo several times knock on Mrs. rf Orchard 01 In mine, chard made the declaration that Jells of th. West Oakland ol'lice A way to a Hnmlun port. Is en route talk of his presidential candidacy he interest the Hercules had M con- ter lining mil that the number Kinney's door. commuted the crimes he has they had In- -- i, not seen Vorys. kill-in- s: the Western Fiiion tint engaged In wine to the l'aillic Co., and will arrive remarked thai he had threatened to have revenge by of fo- - some one other of tsiabll hinenls Her consisted fessed lo be acted with the woiktng of Western 111, 11 in In political manager since the Wash- Orch-Hi-- terfered pro, n in tlie la Central American waters about his him and that the conduct of d hut a few- tending more the Federation of Min- Commercial Telegra- Fulled States uuestions than Western f'nion wires. The I T to I :!:, bol w l two nioulhs. It m.,1 he that she will ington conference, which look place closely fix of Sterling's whole, history of labor trou- creased Ii in ell the and K. C. Sterling, both before the to the date ers. The phers i'nlon of America, and the Order ISM l!''i:, and capital relieve Ihe Milwanke, In Ihe event on the day the secretary slatted on stay King's house. with the Western Tolegra phei have a w ork- Veils and the they at Mrs. bles associated of Hallway ,1 111 $ to his western trip. Independence explosion when lo- - wtni rlod In, that the administration decides recen! Mrs. Alice Flt.hugh, who succeeded Federa': ion of Miners could alone ing cement. Should the discrimi- It ween and af- agi I, the resolutjo us have thai vessel return noilh and Is were frequently together Mrs. King as proprietress of the Star cate the rosp,,nsibl!. declared the nation against the rai'road operators M'l ji; Wowneil Seaman I'ouml. off or un deemed necesearv to continue ih. Itodi of terward, when Sterling called the rooming house, said tha'! Detective at torney. on complaints of the Western I'nion ls e llndinu ' III ew ot Ihc. e ev icieuc'cs of pics, ,f two American in Washington. June were following Or- Sterling continued to live in the house Kver since this strife between the continue, there is grave danger ot ihe the prove lo be body of bloodhounds that becoming in, leasing popularity of American that sec! Ion. of wluti niav the chard's trail, Justified the inference for some dole after she took charge. mine owners and the labor associa- Southern I'acllic operalors Seaman Frank It Plumber of Mali-to- She saw Orchard go to Sterling's tion, mine owners have been on Involved. wines, and in view of ihe Imponnnt men drowned in that the mine owners inspired the the relation which the wine Industry bears 'rllii-i- n of .cla.Mt. Wn.. one of he room at least a dozen times. She also the aggressive, declare, Mr. Harrow. the launch of the Mlnnesola was crime. to get of this )Pi:i: roits complain of lo A mélica a ngrietlll ill e. It would union ,l.i i'Iiv. June :r, The, e saw McKinney the man accused of They determined rid I I I navy I Ml VI IOI, d is, i i,,n In- lo ihe department toda. for fol-- by sides (.ltl seem an act of in nal and tune! unl ivorablc connm nl here The calling of the first witness spike pulling. In Sterling's room, ! order and only takiiiK both L'.',. -- In- at. Xevv York. June Til,' executive justice l't expect this in.luslrv lo : l:c act ion of Presidí nt . lava of the defense was preceded by a fur- lowing his release from jail, can the '.ruth be arrived of Commercial Telegia-plui- s' inicial Stole Oall Million. argu- Committee the crease I. (he lace of competilon from aragua. in Invading Salvador In ", per- C. W. Adlcr. of Leadvillc. Colorado, Senator Borah entered the a Home. June -- The committee of ther examination of Orchard to union loclav acbhesseil letter foreign wine producers. This associa- the Amapala treat v w hleh 'formerly a telegrapher in the employ ment to suggest that Ihe defense to Nally the Pos- a'.ion ,f the chamber id cleputlci has repoi ted defense to complete. Its formal lo lien, ral .Manager of urges upon our w as Sl.i.11' d through the medial loll of mit the of the Florence and Cripple Creek open un the labor troubles ill Colo- company, suggesting tion Ihirefore In la or of Impeaching Ninislo Nasi. tal Telegraph of Hill tariff I d .Mexico. Impeaching (iiestions. These questions railway, told of seeing K. C. rado must have a speeilic theory in 01, the reiciition he I'ulti Slates and of public instruction. Orhard. that Hie grievances ot the orators of .very ile-- s, former minister were ill connection with the claim mat- I dm ios on foreign wines nil Sterling and D. C. Scott, a detective view some one to connect the be hoard and considere. by represen- w ho is cha gecl with absconding with killed Steunenbcrg rioiiou." Leaving Hondura-- . . that Orchard of the railway company, together in ter with. tatives or the company In Ihe letter Mcnragiuins $T,!ui,nni) from ! he siale trcHHUi alleged grudge (trow in I of an room at the Cripple Creek Judge Woo, allowed 'he witness Id lb,- indio.,, pict'oiclnc Pelel,,, Cortex, June J L - New III I of sale of Ills Interest In the Scott's committee out the depot. Ho saw Orchard twice before give his experience. Kecld said lie Hint, the Postal ollicials receive a com-- I leans, June The evac, union of th OKLAHOMA DELEGATES Hercules mine. was by several deputies on union, but 'dated that If oast hy Nicaraguan sailors Orchard, who came Into court un- the attempted train wreck. Adicr's arrested mine.' of the nioiiiluran same flying recollection was somewhat hazy as to June 7. I'H. and taken aboard a thi sis no! agreeable, employees of Ihel began two davs ago and la not yet AGAIN CALLED TOGETHER der protection of the to Creek where he was members of the, completed A laige -- and juiuailron of gourds that always acts as dates and the lime of day. bin he sain train Cripple Postal who aie also learner he was sure about being put In the bull pen and .held four union's executive board, will be dele- - oras number of smaller vessels have sail, his escort, maintained his old calm- its orchard that he saw. davs without trial and without any gated lo meet iheir cinplovers. alieiidv. but the warship iiniomotp, in ness of manner and spoke In the same Is it Is t CoiMcinloii Meets de- Cripple Creek, u rail- - charge being laid againsl him. In the coinniunlcatloii Mr. Nally still In s at an, hor heie and said Or- low. pitched, soft tone. He again ira Blizard of Is Jal lo Consider lictiion w Cross-examin- e by Mr. Hawley lo for purport- Hun she prohahlv wailing for llu ever to kill ay conductor and 5 aril master, wasj taken lask slnienionis nied that he threatened by him lo th Ii ii ii of Ihe in Sal- dinances. Steuncnberg because of the Hercules called to the stand as the first w itness He, Id said he was a member of the ing to have been made outcome outbreak el'lecT hat Ihe -- In San Krallc isco vador which has Xleai'""uiin backing sold Western Federation of Miners and Jrike I. . "' William II. mine, and again asserted that he after recess. A Huillín. T July he-fo- violation the recent ic clash al Tegucigalpa be a since the organi- was called In of RECEIVED clii.lomai conslltu--sue- d in the mine two vears "Did you testify before the I'nited liad been member I presiden! of ihe bis interest day peace agleellleUI between the tele- lli ecu NI, al aguen and o mim an mi- Murray, trouble that drove him out of commission appointed to inves- zation was formed. On the after , ,, 1, call, ,n today notice the explosion lie graphers and companies. I in till.-- tin liles pre. led ihe order lor evac- iih emu northern Idaho. Two witnesses calle,' tigate the Cripple Creek disturb- the Independence depot II,, urgently to Ihe members of the CO, is! il ill Ion. tl to hull pen. point the loiter savs: uation. minias demanded - later in the day. swore that Orchard ances?" asked Mr. Harrow. was taken Ihe - of i Ihe con- be- "We beg to stale thai tile tolegra- the removal of troops. convention ikliihoma lhat did thl eaten to kill Steunenbcrg "No, sir." replied the witness. Military officers were in control at convention vvin reconvene and the pen where were ir,n phcrs made an agreement Willi in slllullonal cause of the Hercules matter "Do you know K. C. Sterling?" the bull there l! I In on Wednesday, ,lul I", the way for was company you represent which envere iirniii-- Men May strike. (iuihrle defense had prepared "Yes, sir." men confined when the wilness Chicago. Thai aureclllelil has bee for Hie pui pose of making any proper I such testimonv from a dozen more arrested. Asked If he did not know Fit!'. burg, June - A slrike of the and The witness said he understood viólale, in a manner which judical It Is changes In ihe election ordinance two today were merely Investi- - men which said. witnesses. The heard Sterling was in Hie employment of the that the military were the disregard of agree melils en- blast furnace such oilier regulations as will F. I!. once of Cripple Creek, as thai will a II eel he! Ween Hi .linn and la.llnil making Jtedd. Mine owners' association and he had gating the dep,.. matter and that into is on the other side This ominóte the intons-l- s of now of floldlield. New. and Hie a noth- lend men probably vv III he called on July subserve and and communicated with Sterling at the soon as they learned man had statement we are pr, pared lo sulisiau-- j Ihe of Oklahoma. other. Charles A. Sullivan, formerly of ing to do with it he was allowed to gy correspondence, 1, The difficulty Is over an eight slate now a watchman headouariers of the association. Hate bv printed rules Cripple Creek ami Itedd said he knew nothing uboiil it ( FRENCH WINE GROWERS hour day. l 'I In Klizard was contracting freight agent covering hlcago and a ttur siaiemeni ainlli Killed by mill. in til" Brown hotel Denver. Held Clyde. LT, of the Florence anil Cripple Creek at all. The witness was al concerning conditions now inevailini: Salf Lake City, June Schollel.l said he heard Orchard make the state Colo.. when arrested. He said he VOTE TO CONTINUE FIGHT llrlbcr Con ic led. ment and threat in the miners hall In railway at the time 01 me liinepemi-10- 1 there." Kershaw, bis wife and two daughters - never had seen Steve Adams until he Coin inning, Ihe letter says: 2.1. M. by a on the Oregon Orinóle Creek and .Sullivan swore thallenee dt explosion. He immedl- by Pillshurg, June Challes were killed train were fellow alely went there and saw the wire came to lioise. Itedd was released "We potito, led V'oul' ColltpaUV to be Itichardson vas convicted In crlmnal Short Line this afternoon near Lin- while he and Orchard 111:1 11,1 i ng pen , Neville's olace in rung which served as Ihe colonel com the bull heal, on certain grievance-- inehnlinu court today with conspiring with ton while driving across Ihe trac k In boarders at John and Ihc chair If lie br.-a- . con, li- Leader Albeit Loses Piestke repeatedly saul who told him in leaving (hat this h ot oontiaet and Hie Harvey P lloslaph. Joseph Flaherty a buggy. Clippie Creek Orchard c'ews was to let him know and he li, ms in San Francisco and our ofli, , -- Kleiiiienberg he won hi '" Tin- claims the Independ- molested He and .1. 11 Mllholland lo attempt to that but for defense von m From Paiis Visit; Denies -- would see that he was released. The went as far as possible lo meet lilts-bur- g Sails on lllill-- l, I dp. a rich man and that he Intended 'o ence depot was all but all abandoned tin bribe eouiicllmen to pass the liisliliol Un' i'. ' colonel also advised any responsible repi eseuiative of fian-ehls- LM M S. him. The cross-examin- might witness said the and Tube lily Hailroiut e Victoria, H. C. June II. kill' affair and that its destruction It a good plan to Postal Telegrauh company, hut w,i, Wept at Feet of Piemier V"- - showed both were members ot by him that might be orilina nee. Monmouth sailed early todav for id have been planned others than the Cripple Creek while existing ignored." the Western Federation of Millers Western Federation of Miners. leave kohonia. carrying Prince Fushnnl and a lln-woo- prevaled. lie left two davs Clemenceau, King that Sullivan was friend of "What sort of a depot was it?" conditions Itixii to Visit Mexico. party home from his visit lo many of the fedea-(io- and has not been hack since. SOCIALISTS STRUGGLE t annua Mover and Mr. Harrow of the witness. later 2.1. Kciwurd and t" at Cripple Creek. asked Charles A. Sullivan, wat 'hman al Mexico City. June Fulled leaders "The depol was in good condition," H. l.,riot,it Jcuricil Special I eio-ei- l M ire ) i. McCiee. a mining broker Hie Brown hotel. Denver and a for- - MIME WORKERS' ORDER Stales Ambassador Thompson notified Ir. replied HI Izard. Amolles, Fiance, Julie '. Maicelin government formally to- CZAR'S SOLDIERS the fnenr d'Alcnes. another Impeach iner miner in Cripple Creek. district, growers the Mexican mm "It was a nice, station ,1 n th, w Alberi. Ihe leader of ihe wine day Hint Secretary of State Hoot ing witness, swore that incnani foil, itedd ll itness stand. have suflered ON VERGE OF MUTINY In 11104 Wallace. Idaho, that he w h a good wailing room. It had a line w l ircha 1,1 a t Vliiooiil SI. John I i ad- - IIHi k on Act- movement, appears lo would visit this republic during Sep- him at Sullivan said he i, de-i- r, a coti-- bo able in inllueme a agency. of I." H ii '' Pic-lilci- diminution II Is expecled Secretary was a "spotter" for detective platform in front Cripple Creek in He then ing K Mulioiicy. , tember. lhat de- - of His s I, loclav belore a hi" meeting in coun Orchard "denied this conversation, The witness next liilil pulling hard is Itoot will spend ten days this 1 - tailed Ihe statement i in bi. Peleishmg. 2.1. "isiiulct any vv of Hiens. which he described St. June nled that he was ill Idaho ,at the bloodhounds on the trail of the leged to have mole t and bieli try. In from Kras- - Sulii-.flare- crisi-lig- interview will, Preiu ice Clemenceau al Ing reports are coming time in 1Ü04. men who were supposed to have per- denied tills no, ruing. d lienver. June L'.'.. - The ht principally prosecu- orchard Pails on Sunday, sounded iinlouslv noye-Sti- wiieve a uo.en iokiuomos Several witnesses. petrated the outrage. The van .said I irchard d, lhat if it against Acting President hough was camped. of ihe troops w at like a defense. All he are The temper omen, w ho kept lodging houses on ground 'the dogs Ma lion, v Hie W Federa - va- - tion objected the had not been for Sleiinenbcrg he win of esierii by Iron, koine It.llllll and every day Ihere are misun- at ! meetcd cheers bad Cripple Creek, located Orchard but Judge : t to today w h Ill' , had not been nualilied. be rich ha illienberg ought be Miners was reached people he re lie n Was II U pi e,l DRAWS NEAR istandlngs, but up to Ihe present no nous w ith moi hub. "Ir to go in. ill I' Il, IDS conferences il" report Owners' asso- Wood allowed the evidence killed and he was not el. he elallse of his legar, II" addressed his follower- - Horn the i,'H outbreaks. detective for the Mine route taken hy ) of W. In-l- i- Independence ex- Hii.ard detailed the (Orchard voobl kill him. Industrial Workers Ihe lool of II house. He related in detail The strictest regime lias been ciation, prior to tile dogs went toward Colorado by l.lkell Up ill the federa loll OI ,,l - camp, is plosion, and there was a further show- the who Sullivan Kns examined Senator Ihe in, id, nls the trip lo Pari- alio tiilcl in the wnicn isoi.nco pr!niis. a water lank nir.ard llora Ii. He said he had known ll.iy-- I Hon Vincent St. John of li iloliold. ,)js ceeplion by lile premie!. Who !' No 1,'laiKes or friends are admitted ing to meetings between Orclrard - Inr-ug- as K on tele- Nov . ac ting I, a- - no Scott, a detective for the called up ('. sterling the w ood since :iu:i and was a Iso ac led the aiiae-- on lit, c eivel no a fi lend and prese EARTH IN JULY the soldiers. Io whom and I. C prc-n- lt is it t s pay and Crinnle Creek railwaw phone. oiainled w th .Mover allllougn he nan fill. it coll, oiled tl he o pon hi in a h uml rod an lo hl are geallled. Florence to any con-b- et in;- - I,. k nighl searc hed a de Another witness told of the effort to Sena-- or llorah objected never met potlibone. He joined Ihe hghl is an nl in the sil ,assauo o The police lasl e 11s Hi ml' i ,,r bv iv h of Ihe war ministry ami locate the guilty men of the Independ-nc- 1 "rsati',11 ween the witness Western Federation of Miners In sic fo control Hie federa ion Albert inditiiutni denied partment blood- d defense, had Willi Hill F.ast-erl- SO w ept in he presence of he pi ellller. o nil, I It lo Hie neaclillia let s io oio- outrage by starting he declare that the the and lie was a, ouainted ihc lallst parti. I' il- station v , groups, - me a I it- si- M. l a, none, a il ga him this message: I the re iiliii binary much hounds from the chair rune used In right to how that rne other W. F. Ia is, Sherman Parker. I. al. this let oil Act nig Pi of, Pet ci val Lowell Gives Out no explosion. tip nuiepcnn- - Hilt' Hasten and Mil dent Mahonoy took Ihe floor ll o "Will o ha, k a lid ass, inl.lo Jhe I, ga llleralnre being sel'.eu. pulling off the mine than Orchard blev Aikmaii. Art I -- ilnr-b- evi- :i-,1- ,- fed, ral, ,1 and ell Hi, !, building w a i rounded bv police dogs toog the road to ence depot if it Could, but the Mysler. wilness met (irchard In spoke lor half an hou,' belore nominee Concern- w He said the The will n,.i d s. until they Latest lufoimation ing Ihc sea ch only one arrest as Colorado Springs, the one over which dence must be competent and not July, 19HL'. Th noersalion as to ioui'iimeiit and w ill eonllliue I'is ilia! inn - a ll,l"i lie llleg ailitude." made fled night, and that -', neiihe, g occurred In tense tomorrow m, .ruing M, Ma- ha by Flag- Orchard la the hearsay. (Jovernor cu said, he 1,11- - ing Planet Gatheicd HcIm - Mlliek (.unril House. got w a- - Alter led", lbell when reported to Sterling, be expect to show." said Attorney no one pres- honey repudiated all the cha lies -- he "We September and there won d now K i asno a k Sib ria. June The dogs off. Sterling - K. C. Sterling Taking lie clellool; Ihe orders to call the Harrow- in reply, "that ent but witness and orchard made htm. i,. il c eoni- - Obseivatoiy, on llu- guard house and iieten-io- li w .,r .lu- leave lo th of ih staff Hack said he knew ho blew un the station the blowing up of (irchard repealed In rial -- 1, was responsible for Sullivan declared second comeniion the - IV oill e SltOllI,) prison winch begun June had 1,1 I. Ulillle:- to lie lote, said that Steve Adams knew all about it of Sicunetiheig sev- We to el fall o s and later the depot, that he his denunciaiion Winkers of llu rid he !.,' . 11. If (or 'lit h - resumed ta- -i nichl bv revolution-s- I , im-i-I- tl Ire I done no. connect table, but g e a ,.f Hie W I Morning .lenrnsl , and we expect to Orchard eral limes at the breakfast ill 'hlcago he blstoiv niii-- Olll'l to It) w lot o, noted the siirroiindtnii fought admission of : the moi 1. The state the any one present. ih he ,1 ,! v opposed with th" Mine owners' association." there was never else proceedings and tared M p. Il, an s i.osloll. June Ji. Pen nal Th, ,,, cue, heavy lire on the bloodhound story and also or- I -. I., T at covering "I'pon that showing the evidence He had never eoninmnlcaled what were irregular almost to from he AHo, a M iih ' ill- I, si n. tug director ol Hie ohs, n itl'.i liar h, coat, is and ilo- lalter replied wnb admission of evidence , 11 n la O the will be admitted," declared Judge chard had said to anybody until afler op, ning of ' io ent ion f"W than Ii'. , lo, s ,lllt in h Al- si ii Ariz., who aiowd in ll"M ..II, - a fusillade lasliUK I Colorado war. -- Inning enera features of the a, of , t vv v l. ii, a ann unce, W I. the .trial bad stalled, then told an radicals tried P. Main possess the I. a - sa g !' a, ta, ' toda on business lie er ft. tin a cab was Klncl but In both the court ruled i i h e II,,' alt driver instances "I called Sterling up and told him who brought one of the eo, enl ion. w hi e lie HI'd S" oil, or . ,, ol.lel! I, ..,,: time ,'llgie some of Ihe hiles! n o loa lo w iiuaintance Mar-I- ll ith the defense. g I. m Ho- plan al dogs were on a safe trail. the defense to see him. of Hie Wes ern F, ral Ion w ,'h unalialing i gathered Hoarding I ,o- - Xlie, e- - Limit d Hiloll.-i- l the-tri- onened this morning Hie altóme. for members t When olT. we know wilness be was at pi ... Itn now pr, h olllf Itout thi hile I he i elallons ol If J v. si - to He said: "Call the dots orclmrd told the of Miners endeavored to have ats , N'.n h I'lal to lltle The Harrv orchard was recalled the , -l 1. In sun who did it.' I called trie (logs off. ...o,..r chin the Hunker Hill and cecilillg" aciold'llg fo Hie it I Ul.tis In Hi mo! 'IIS uml 1.. ,s Aug, limited ex. pi oss ..a by the defense in order tha' a ic. lf ll - us llv stand I saw Sterling and he up. He did tlo Mbcrl .ocs lii t.lve llllll-c- I'll. jar. sucn Ilia! the "ñu a as w U.'d mi Ih" might be Some davs later Sullivan mice was blown Hon. The con ni'en amec "llOji luí" re few impeaching oueslioiis - i' ;, M Albeit ,11 pop ! ha, - pt seine, an 'PI 111" r told me the reason he called the dogs not sav he had helped lo do Ihe job itsi it ut ion cgtel.ltin out XISl- N.nbouno. Jun, s, ,11,1 Of nt..- ric bride Pin to him by Attorney Itichardson. !.-- I,, i It Is - ion lit, ins IS rsel. 11. who caused (he join tied until :SM a. e mfdniiibi t"i .Moni! sil - .ci her a lock P'rt in If off was that he knew Court ad ee the offh of president I - uu- lie wanted to know here W I, IO, t Mr. Low, ha.- b. tin Mr Itiehardson it was Steve Adams." ., Hie harge in, n: ,,e, led Pült ll" ill g'V. self 'PI" It, w lode a ,n w ,,s derailed. two In explosion: that m., tomorrow in retard . - II IV ! Ill- - o poll ,,! ii.i Orchard had not told Max Malich Ule poli. ,da- I" on si, being d . oniplelel o cl Hea- on n Blizard said St. I ha lo had empl el II to hi se, Ul'e. pets tuno a Turkish bath establishment in John pla net doll.K N, WHS t'ltil Hilly one not know cither orchard or Ho-- ! In.lii-tr- ul Hint, r, ,, at Oil,' killed ver Oovernor Stennenberg was he did NEW RECLAMATION !lo sleal some con nrma lion wasj Lo- - Intl. . name 1PI- - that -- nv l In- - sell t;e, a Anire Adams, that sterling told him nothing Maho, o .ti.l did ih FORGED CHECK INDUSTRY I ., n - As w ll h for him (Orchard) being ..ids. If 'seen ut eat- .it" k ri Injured responsible he was IN COLORADO tt to ,,, tin , t now was a man. and he int. m led to about Adams other than the PROJECT he had cm,. ili'il in, .let a ri It Pioles-.- I... Veil M,h ins. he i.oor that ! I. ,1 l - firs,: favor- man who blew up 'be depot rec.n ds but l h t n.o Intuí been FLOURISHES IN ORIENT; now a, ot 111, south o M a kill the governor at the kt-r- 1, MERGER Hlizard declare, that the Independ- tak.-- Iron, ll I i-.- riaí l of ,s m n, h laigcr than tha ie mo SUIT TO STOP able opoortunity a I 'oln , , m - ia- - la-- n to the ence depot as usen lis slopping tlraml Jun, lioi June Ihe W orld be, the in lile ol pole, t ml il,,' nieliiiiK ol been said he had I - -. COMPANIES orchard agent ,f he visil of See- t w - c. Ic Tin- BIG TRUST hut denied any piaoe. hut then was no ucKei One of 'he result K.I 11 l7.l ion pr. allv ihsoigon- Seen baths with Mallch l be s, ,11 there. reta i v of the In:, lor larfield will IZed t'k 'H, JI ,.le Was looiiious conversa ' ion. e ' .1 such - le-- J ,1 111 m, H. Blizard ua- followed on Ihe stand Hie building of Ihe I'nited States el-- allv del' Ho,: an arc it ', John .Mahonev ,, ' - H.'tnl't 'dnf He denied that he knew i -- el ees ,e plan-- a N. oik. Jo" bv Hr. A. L. Mci tee. formerly a physi- cla ma Hon ser1 of ihe liiiib Line . e,l one lo luí: John llu, e.l ,.i; Al- r in room, niplo, ob-- I of vatl.l. Kllioit. who was the emit -l ,f i A a s- Ol 'olbv Ihe law Ktirg-o- ii in the Coeur al a o.- between I.'OIII.IOMI i CIO ''i'llg of e, "lid "i-'- still cian and ditch iiai hi l f.. rutel- noon! la ami when F.lliott. It, 111,- - iinti-he- d ureatlv end and oil, end coi s and is now a mining broker and I :t ion' "I"' The building of this it'in iik ins C. had do ib- ever met him I'Alene , . , a nee- - I o f Ihe L oniiable I. denied that he had Oar-- ion H.i'.-- j on. Itn, a i, a, II- - b. in a in ,',illl. - On-har- do ou asked ! means the reolamal of 1 1 'I ru-- it, r. vino thtoiigh coun- "Where lie?" ditch nl i Trouble . hi- asked if had' ..111 t Ml ,h.. ugh! on a nee "I'!' Itichardson I tUMl a land, lib1, b will be rol till! Low b"li , s II- - de- row made) I - to '!" , I. r IC l. e in lite KHiott that capital was ' e t .n i n, on, J not told Fervor. Jin ,lt ci'. .on licit. :tl i now a in Coeur d'Aler.e Lake highly pr, dti, He innii iiliiinill'.- tin.i ,., t , toda , an to i" get rid of union labor.! of I v.. nl ! plan-'- ha e been ..itn termined t" ' o v de I e he I.., a pl'ot ,,,!,, le I'lviit' i --re, in water"'' hor ten in ally and, pi and ti ,k- -. ok , e W h pic ,,..,se, ni of ho Western Iticlit the P. H It .' I a k'-- e ,1 v il Low ell has will, 'be and would begin with the I h n.,u-- - itn II HrooiV Pr.. a .1 and - on a boat." replied the witness for at ast twonlv mi" , c oinpaiivot New York Miners, and that some- sustenance S A I o l - show ii, e wo canals. Th" Fuuiiable ii ml Federation of ' i;,shall t'!o him ,'U- -i comean should laughter. and people. s c , , st plOXllIlily Mercal. I,'" T in Idaho. amid". cil-'e- o, n , I lo rv-- ,es t' and - happen . C. tins--. rt - I'S thing would so..n i .J. .1 tlk it nt llllo The o! ul he had known orchard - II ell lotut'd. ' He , I : ll,.- of noxl Ih. Un! be il- and ais. that he d l, ml tn a. e.,1 Ihe middle . - Orchard denied 'hi I deliveied milk to 'I lieee Ifc'ail Krmi Heat. a lodav tr Jun. ilei- Is el in nuble Th'' Mr i since. ii". orchard ,g t .1. M I. " .i has prepar'-i- for this event had ever with Kllioit about l'iü-lnn- g. .tun- - L' ', it c'Iihu comlun ,,io.' the .., I,, t,e, ti cetl talked I hi- - Three in otclunnis. . V 11 bv llie Miaet'lll, house. - - . l,V tl ,1 n I, t ion il l 0 i nt- t. I !,. pel I" ill H UM Steunenhere. Tfr!! ,e-'t- f,,.lv lie ,,,ice nil- - ll, n.,'1,111 of Hie two The day of th Hunker o.I from bea' nrrurrcil ' - o a I., i, Can bo belt"!' th knowing P t ti K (,.r ill'- Into The witness admitted i j mnklng a toial of fourteen it meo K,t, Ii s w as o biaineii fisuduleinly. r not remember S'itlivan mill explosion a' Wardner. fatalilH!"' - !M .1. Copelv. but lie did he saw since Sunday evening. , Uiking with him In San Francisco llu. MrOe declared that Jm


tor the killing, tealllleil that be thought committed the crime while In- - MONTEZUMA TRUST COMPANY aane. Ivlng. ho aald. went nn fie. PATHETIC TALE qtient debauchea ending In delirium NOTED BR 0 S HAGUE DOINGS tremen. ALBUQUERQUE. NEW MEXICO The wltneM atated that dining the lnt few year Judg" living had Capital and Surplus, $100.000.00. very (llaagreeabie, although aome year ago he was plenaant and nffahle. OF VIRGINIA SHROUDED IN Tug 1oat With All on I loa id. HOI INTEREST ALLOWED ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS Vancouver. H. ('., Jtirjp The lug t'onatance. C'anlnln Nelaon and crew of aix men, all of New Weatmlnlatrr ha been lot with all on hoard at Hlvera Inlet, son mile ui the coast. iiI TRAGEDY Xo particular have been received. W A N SECRECY .J. THE JAFFA IT WEANS HIM lilucae War on Opium Trnrtlo. T'ekln, June 25. An edict lned to- night order all official aiiletly to THE KCNNINC, OF A RANK ACVOl'NT HAS A TENDENCY TO carry out anti-opiu- GROCERY COMFY FATHER ADMITS SLAYING the edict and BEST BELOVED OF TEXT OF PROPOSITIONS WEAN A MAN KlidM 1 A BITS OP EXTRA VAllANCIS AND DIS- command an Inveatig-aiio- n Into the SIPATION. AND A DAUGHTER'S BETRAYER fiuuntlty of land at pieaent devoted to AUTHORS NOW ALIVE! HIDDEN FROM PUBLIC IT OIVKS HIM NEW AMBITION DESIIIE the cultivation of opium. TO SAVE M ON E Y. WE ARE ALWAYS CLAD TO ASSIST THOSE i "Good Thta to Eat." WHO DESIIIE TO "TURN OVER A NEW LEAF." :: :: :: Former Judge Loving Tells of Speech of Chief Secretary for! American Delegation Seeks to S Dreadful Sequel to Buggy ATTACK VALIDITY Ireland Remarkable Tribute Render Private Property on . cDrriAi Ride in Which Re Believes to Veteran Humorist, Who; Sea or Land Immune From National Bank Occasion,! Captu-r- e in War, for State His Child Was Drugged. Proves Equal to THIS WEEK ALBUQUERQUE I He Morula! Joarna) Hpeelal I.amt tVlii ) Hy Morning Journal gpc!iil Termed Wira.J Illy Morning Journal Hiierlal Wire. Houston. Va., June 25. When the luidoii, June o.ri. Tin finest ni-bu- The Hague. June 2.V The official GRAPE JUICE AT trial of former Judge living, chaiKed Attorney Delmas Startles Graft which Mark Twain ha- - received documents of the peace conference REDUCED PRICES with the murder of Theodore Klen. In lOngland wn the Pilgrim luncheon were distributed tonight in large yel- - adjourned yeaterdiiy. in ,- the defendant Prosecution San Francisco in hla honor today, Tin Imsts num- - low envelopes under seal of the sever-speech- The famous Bass Island hnd n to a conversation relute hered 150. Two notable est secrecy to the '.",' member of the Grape with hi brother-in-law- . Harry Hneed. With New Reason for Quash- Juice. were made, that f Chief Secretary delegation, besides 'lie secretaries. who told him of the allt-gt'- tlruKKl"K of his daughter, which led to the ing Indictmnn's. for Ireland Hindi introducing Mark The documents contain the text of Concord and Cataba killing, when thn attorney for tht Twain, which was a classic and full of some of the propositions jropnse,l to - prosecution objected upon the (trouiul ll Mnrnina .linirmii apiÍHl Issued Wire 1 humor, eoitehiiliiig with a tribute the conference. The American propo- For this week we will company lo hy that Judge Loving'" atatoment would inn KiancHco .1 win a,. All of the which brought the its slton jiropoaert Joseph Chonte, of ring, Mr, y, sell Grape Juice Im he a ma y evidence. lengthy mu ions grotiuilH alli ged by the defense feet with iirolotiger che, and the American delegation vesterda this at After reply, which was largely hu- runs: FIRST NATIONAL BANK argumenta today thin objection in uppnii of a motion to act aside the Clemen' these low prices: loioei-- Preal-- d morous. prívale property of private Mooting' an Incidental indictments avaluar Vice "The overruled, thua nt LoiiIm tJliiMM o the Sniithoin a. A lelegiam of congratulations clti.ens of Ihe sikii ttory powers, w ith victory Ox- PINTS 25c for the defence. cilio Telephone and Tiiegraoh com- signed "The undergraduate of the exception of contraband of war. -- ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO- - Judge continuing, wild Mr pany and other log corpoi allon ofll-cla- ford" waa read and a no! her from t he shall be exempt ,m the high seas or Regular 35c. Hneed, came to hi of lice, and told the were retired to poaitloiia of com- New Yoik Pilgrims. The presence of elsewhere from capture or sei.ure by painful atory. Hneed nald that while parative lualgnlfleniice thin afternoon many members of parliament was the armed vessels or mllilary forces of QUARTS 50c by a new ar- they pievi-o;j- f contention and particularly complimentary aa said powers. Nothing in this rule iitiggy riding npon the evening gued hy .Mr. (laaa' Regular 65c, SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT - attorneva. wire oliliged to absent themselves Implies In any way the in lolahilty of lnj iiaw Loving and The- Hiiefly ataled, the charge brought by from one of the moat Important and Meaara. of vessels which will attempt to enter will ton e 'üt rí.oufe. Delmaa and fungan In their Interesting débales of Ihe season. a hy At these prices it effort to (Una gel port blockaded the naval forces; !.'. L éüild :i. home of the have the indlctmenta There were only two toasts "King of said power, nor of cargo of in aide, and which by iinderatflnd-In- g the pay you to lay your Steven tu I l .i.'. iu'd for Hneed, gay formal lalward and the president of the said vessels." la for the heneltt of all I he other I'nlted States" and "our guest, Mark ng tliu. i.: I.ovlng hail returned defendant as well, la this: All of the The Ifrltish proposition of the samei Summer Supply. from tier buggy tide In a bad condi- net by grand Tw a In." day says: performed the preaent Mr. wa to good tion Continuing, thn wltneHH nald: Jury aim e a dale early in January of Illiriil known all "In order to diminish the difficulties room Mm. this year are Invalid, becauae preñ- men and women in both hemispheres met hv the commerce of neutral pow- We carry fllll 1 Sliced went to the at the and lo all boy and girl who are good also a Ividd'a and uw Minn Ixivlng In the en! grand jury ceuai.'d lawfully to exist ers In case of war, the British gov- when the grand Jury Hat liniT for anything, as Mark Twain. The ernment 1s ready to abandon line of IShe and condi- tor the bed. waa delirious her w a eei titled by the county Judges ml dead authora, he said, were a mighty principle of conti iiliand in case of war tion who 1 1 f o . Kneed wild that In the dale referred to. army. They abounded on the between powers which sign a conven RASPBERRY SYRUP, SHOW CASES MADE IN ALBVQVEHQVE shelves, hut was fin- r the parlor of the Kldd home h raw The undlapuled facta are these: Mark Twain Ihe tion adopting this principle. The right RASPBERRY VINEGAR, Counter Cases, at, foot $1.85 up to $3.50 Mia. Kldd and Theodore Kate, and Kaily In January of this vear the est apeiimen extant of the living au- of search will nic he exercised, except 13(17 - I loor Cant's, at, foot up $8.00 told him he would go for a doctor. grand Jury Hat for was duly cer- thor. They nil loved him and were to prove the neutral character of BLACKBERRY BRANDY, $1.00 to that lllled by Judge of San willing to It'll him ao. Me waa not it Kated, however, Initiated on getting o the twelve commercial vessels." Francisco county and waa hy them re- going to ay what the world a thous- - LIME JUICE, hlmaelf. Dr. arrived The French proposition is as fol- THE SUPERIOR LUMBER AND MILL CO. doctor Btrother turned to the county clerk, hut the and years hence would think of Twain Iowa: miii! recognUe Hairy Oliver grand being in CHERRY PHOSPHATE, Si'o Our Now Hrick Iluililins:. ahe did not hlin. Jurv. the mldsi hut lie waa speaking for the men and "Article 1, The contracting power! 111 of it bribery graft Invealigntlon waa autld that my daughter wa the cure women of today and their children agree thai hosiilitlcs among them sole for no! thereupon illachaiged. Instead It to say what Twain has been to them. and are agents WITH AMPLE MEANS of Dr. HUother. He then went down waa In (annul begin without advance and un- II. a mer- continued exlaletne under the He in 1 887 a copy of the atrcet, when W. Ice, III remembered equivocal notice, having either the the celebrated Mil) UNSURPASSED FACILITIES of belief that, llHVlng been aelecteit the "The Jumping Frog" In the preface chant of IivlngNlon and kinsman rail of 0A. It could legally exist for form of a declaration o' war or sup- 111 Dr. Ht of was wire, luid him that rot her or until the fall of which Twain described aa "The ported hy amounting til an ultl- - WHITE ROCK TABLE THE wild Theodore Kalea hail twelvi months, wild humorist of the 1'uelflc slope" fads had that 11107. The cotni took the ijucstlon un- malum with a conditional declaration WATER. him (Ntrother) that Kllziibelh iidviHemenl. and "The moralist of the main," hut of war. OF mux to treat for that, der am hot- he In- drunk and her the had proved to an "Artice A stale of war must he; and any nothing about if. fluence for good and would leave the Drink White Rock and "Harry aald he home communicated to neutral power with- - EXTENDS TO DEPOSITORS EVERY PROPER ACCOMMODATION that returned EDITORS PLEASED WITH world richer than he found II. out delay." keep well, that night Mini decided to tell me. Mr. Clemens, replying, said that AND SOLICITS I licports from liome Pat-i- say- -' NEW ACCOUNTS. w a allocked and aeni for m' wile JAMESTOWN FAIR Secretary Hlrrell had touched very and . and daughter. I received a letter ing that President Itoosevelt was j CAPITAL $150,000.06. lightly on his position as a moralist ready. If ,ope so it. to from Mls Annie Kldd, anvlng Unit the desired ' lie was glad to be recognized as auch - Offloora anil Director: my daughter wna atlll there. My wire National AiaiKiiitloii l'iisea lieaolu-llon- a support the participation of the Vnti- 111 n because he had auffered since he had In pro- - DON'T BOLOMON LUNA, went ii Iter Klliealieth "iirroy, ( oliiineuiliKory of lllg t'elc-b- i can the present conference President. t Kllieulict h of been in Ktigland, When he eame no Inipresnlon not with her. told duced here and are j W. S. STRICKLE It, ' W. J. JOHNSON, the conversation with Harrv Hneed. at loll. here, he said he saw a placard an- believed. The member of the Amer- FORGET Hhe got down on her kneea Hud began nouncing that "Mark Twain ariivew" ican delegation nay that they know Vie President and Cnslilrr. Assistant Cadiler, cup Is aioleti" ' aobblng and aald that Huntluv evening iTi. Na- and "The Ascot and he nothing about the matter. WIMXN McINTOSH. GEOIiGE ARNOT. go Norfolk, Va. .June The no Khtea had reiiieated her to riding lOd i had doubt that his character had Dr. of OUR tional It iiio iiMaoriatlon i loaed a ilrike of (iormany, member declined, but upon be- Buffered J. C. BALDRIDGE. A. M. BLACK WELL. O. E. CROMWELL. with him; ahe very enjoyable HeK.alon at the Jamea-tow- n tlierehr the permnnetit court of arbitral ion, ing urged, accepted. After they got June l.'ilh, and He was itulle sincere In protesting, presented one proiiosit ion and Prof. BAKERY In the buggy they drove to the teniae aa he never got the cup because he I got o highly tileiiMed were the mtonhera e Marlon of Kussia four jiroposit ion? where Theodore Katea and ahe mil with the exposition that they included never had a chance to get It. relating to arbitration. Sir Ktlward nuil remained for some time. Then following to Then In a siruiar batilering niood he In direction the reaolutlona peilaitilng Kr c of (real Britain presented the they drove, ahe aald, the great ion : told story story until, becoming DRIKK reluming. Kales the celehral after rules of the commission that investi- The Grocery Co. PiLSENER BOTTLED BEER if the Han. Willi" That our - iidered In the more serious, he luithetically referred Jaffa produced a of whlakey and ol- - thank at" gated the Hull Incident, thinking, he! bottle of Hie Ter-Ceii- to the losa liis daughter, t'niniuil-ili- g - a She declined hlll oflie'tl Jameatown ir said, that this might he advantage- fcrod her drink. tunal the i xtetodon ol he aaiil: 'Good Things to Eat." H wceniid eüiohlllon tor ously moditieil. did diink, and In fill our and aaaemhlv here; a since arriving illK.v!!r and iitreer. Hhe reitneated him oreHeiice "I have received The Prst suii committee of the first! pleii'.ure and an experience which hundreds and hundred of leilers will ,,n Kail Order Filled Ram to drive faat and return noun1 Inatead 111 committee discuss Thursday our Kng-lun- d. Brewery will ever he roseate and rich from all coiulll Ions of people In a KcelTd. Soutliwestcrn of continuing to Lovtngalon. He went paaa bv. morning Ihe convention of lMtil re oppo-all- e meti orlea aa the veara That There is compliment and praise rapidly up the mountain In an , lating to arliltratlon. Kach delegate e i ni Ti ni ti v thank them for their in them, hill above nil there is the direction. Alter that ahe became cour-teil- e will he entitled to propose whatever did not know what tendí r and grant of all possible nole of affection, and affection is the Co, nncoriMiioua and i changes he thinks lit. and getierotia unatltiti'd hoatil-- l de- Ice a and happened. W hen aaked If Kstcs hud most precious revwiri man can Nnllce fur I'ul.liciilion. a ' which have been ao heartily w MKKaiilted her, alio aald that I'.stcs Hud hel her for character or achieve- I a enjoyed In HiIm sire Ailitiitoi's A i ii i . I iiu-ii- l uf Hie Interior. Land forced blnmelf upon her and alie hail ein dated and and ment e X ii eaaloli of our aeltl tinenta, we islall Vii .'.I. The ten "nut ii ii I V. N. t . June ItiftJ. only a recollection, make me feel In June i pv Will faint to I,, ii- tcNlimony to the grand and ex. "These letter that lire liei kI,-- that 'ri.rn hI Telephone 482 and Wagon Stop at Your House. n 1 llllif who signed the ninnilest "Thl revelation ruine to men ay ol Knglund, as in America. atii not a l' r.iMIII" Vl'hav ,,f .laruleii. N. M has filed a aky. I cept'onal an attiactlona which ll it'll was iiliu-e- on the walls of f thuudeiiiolt from clear love I, etltet-pli- n stranger, not an alien, hut at home." Ill mien ti, niaktí final five Will lllslltiglliNll thla si, ii, lid I my daughter and no power on earth rai ls Jim . a I'pcHlllIK o tile soldi iit'M'f In mipiMU't nt iiin claim, viz: rrom e x ),, ,Mt I ona or ir my the giear tile ! join Un iiktnon mid (lhi nifaiiist ;. Í M.iy could have roHtralucd hamK" pant, Ita'Rtl Knlrv No. iual began to weep. central location amidat the illM!.il were today by a jury. im;. i hp U Section 1 i. Township The witnes here HCen or fr gnat and historical intereat. :t N.T W , arni that saiil pr..f will Several of hla relative also Kind ediit-ation- lian:' ii peculiar and iiitenae ho nuiiip Imfi-ri- V. S S. IF YOU'RE IN THE DARK tear. Pensión IMiiiim H. titcr.i, l. mirt Loving said co ii omiiellta reviving the highest ol (rimminMi'iiHT, at A Ihutiucni'ic N. M., on Continuing, Wiudilniiton. June 2"i. A fi. i:mi7. I went out. In- der oi patriotic emulation and pride; AuifUHi to to go "In lhl condition dis- of u m priointeil hy Hp tho following witncsnfs to as where tor your plumbing, tending to put that man to death. I the stupendous and unprecedented ! namH aicel-cla- d i president depni pruvi' hi c"ntinij"iis rfnittt-nt- ' upon, lot us enlighten you. you In play and eorn eiit i at mn id the x the lo consider tniental and If want a got my ahotgun and drove alone or imunnD methods today disapproved of all the nil t i at of, the lamí, viz: OiHlmtr- - (.ovlngston, was nt Ouk-lidg- navies Ihe woild, an event ln . broken water or steam pipo fixed, new but found he vice pensions plane Kovei-nnu'ii- sai, f old Alhu.,mrrqin-- N. M. 1 Ullli.le and llnpal alleleil and without' sel for gas I went to Oakiidge, where n Sain, of old AMmimiitqu. N. M . liafiitl fixtures, a bathroom put In, or a sta- proti.ihiliiy ot du.ilicalion ror decades iiiiuui employes. r learned Kate waa In a ear at the I,.. I'utlillii. N M . Hlitl .MamiH furnace repaired, to us. We do to i, line; the asaemblv and array ot A N" roine tion. I then turned my loose in to ClIHlillo f It'ii'nuTtiue, M. new a livery atable, got out buggy Ihe Mililieiy ol our land embracing all MAM KI- - It. OTKHO, IioKi?Ir. work completa or any kind of of the arms ot aervtce and exposition and loaded my gun. 1 aaw Kate In the ita He repairs. Our work Is rieht and 10 ara negroea, ol the Indiiaiiiea, ni a n tifaii ii I ea. com-iiii'- n Declines Pavois Organized 6AD HAIL STORMS IUIS WANTKI. the car with two and waved y our prices. and the aria running a poteu-tlall;- 1 hilo will tie hy the of llietn aside ami aald to Kate: 'You But Is lioanl are the young man who take ladle of atlraiilons that should hring Labor, Sure Lawless Kiliicatl'in for tli tMtiintlMn of .mnt loyal sutrwalkH at t h Third and Fourth driving drug I lliein evei earnest, true and American out and and ulna Ii watt! mhool hundirías. Jíhlü will he opened I no reply, aa be made a lo threahold. Mob in Frisco Would Insult: STANDARD PLUMBING AND hem, and Thinmlay. .tune l'7, at 1 p. at it, N. I allot A in, motion aa to leave the car him FEATURE OF Mai ron'H offirp. Tht1 hoartl icservt t he I tin n am rondel ed myaelf to Hie ahí i Are You Tired, Nervous His Men. r tit to rrjei't any or all bid. IMan niay HEATING COMPANY. Iff " he epil at th elerk'a effiee In tlie inliul Harry Hneed, who Uvea upon the tuilliiiK, M. A. KKI.KIIKIt, I' and Sleepless? I ' i I, i la (llr Miirnliif Journal Ire in lil" farm and who aaaiatiint and ImiiilvssnnM r K. Fraiu Isco, June The Hut- - Notice fur 1'iihllrntion. THE WORLD IS FULL OF ODD AND manegci of the eatHle of Thoniaa , THE WEEK CURIOUS dun to lli (art tlm j I of New Yolk, waa the next wi- lliat ht letin today pi Hits the statement ,v eparl ineiit of th Intnl. r. Land (,ff. c et Unn nut Inl on properly I.IimkI: Ke, N. people, so may still g 1507. there He upon the iimin-m- mmrlshliiir lieiieral Frederick 1.. I'unstou In n fer-- ! Santa M. June 24. be those who have llies related that thev n tMnyiJ Dr. in IV or tragedy he told Judge Lov- nrrviw. I'Iitih ellei to the col respon deuce between1 Noli.e herel.y git en that HeZ"kiah not Morning the (lolilnn Mndli'iil Mhoovitv fiuiA. jirirn. HHTnni'iiid, of A Hmii uercjue. N. M.. han filed used the Journal classified ad columns. ing tor to M l himself und Hie Fourth of Julv coin-- 1 that he had aelit Hi )i m-- i notit-- ! 'nn-- . n tiliHl, tuil tlu ri'lijr Ilia vo ar of his Intention make final Mis Loving and found her In i , iiroprrlv nimrUliiHl tiul II ihe miran nf ..,l,,'',:,,:,,.5,,,, j'Üir;,'!,.;.! Rains and Heavy Showers Ef- - u a ti pi "f in uip'rt f )i,h iltnii. r:;: R7- condition, lie -, lu-r- diunken. unconscious thn IhhIv ar run m hiiioimIiIt nn mm liin-k- i iz; Honieten.l lOrury No. made ti stilled about Ilia meeting lieiieral Is as sayiriK: nd N Mix wh It'll riiin in oil. in ililii v ynii hunston iiuoted .'s. 1'.'.. for the S' NW'i. a SW'H. buggy "I fectually Relieve Set 1 Loving and Kales in a leo! tnmg r understand that there was much Protracted tioti 1;', Townnhip lit N.. Itanfre K. and atlfllllg Willi rli'n, anil tdii dissension In com- siilti itro..f he II. I Itelween soli. tenia tuiir.) up muí ml von r the Fourth of July thai will made hefoie treamlng from her eye. Mlaa Kllll-l,- i invinnrRlnl. mittee in icmird t,i my Drouth in All S. Hem. I' S i 'ourt t'niminioner. at A kh1 (or a huí lot u( l letter. There Sections of the of al- iliylr ur are manv est Imalile men In hiiiuerjiie. N. M . nn AiiRilst 5, '.f'7. ill Lilng. told lh" atniy lor work. He-i-t, oí II. ilm mi the oi k iiií. y urt niilh nation, hut for the liatiei.-kite- s, I He names the follnviinK wiinese to leged luin b he niiiig man whom In vitality arid health arn Tenitoiy, prove patent alio! dow n It waa the same l.mlin.r don't chic a whoop In " hta rontinuus reffidene e upon, and her The trontiln with nnwt miii ul l i Ion t Uinlo anil ' I 1 ni of. he land, vn: John ('. California y II III to t l In the stand atol ahe ahe told her llln Irlnm whli'h hav a twoniinij aln taken have Itoas. Jerome n Finn, Iien.1amin K A'ian.n i ne or un I ott the morning of the trageiiv. and (ur a llu-- r niipport tie tietter class ut Ai't'ortHnp t t nil A klmrt timn, la thai ara largely I to he wralht-- ImlN in und Klmer ti Kers, ut ItiU'iwrrjue. N. .1 in rui i d In hla huniing down clti.ns mennt no attack on the in. M. MAM U. hih rnmiiid of alcohol hnMing tho ilrui! in 1, lnl iS5Ur. fi.ini Siintii Kc. tho wojithtT Kh OTKKO. man whom ahe union portion of the population: ,1 nr.i a'i.; it.a the oliitlon. Tin. alcohol ulirinki up I In- n- -l fur thf week fniiittff 'J 4 w a. t III g d I. in tact am In barged lili pe pe la tin' tilivnl curpiKilr. ami in tlm long run personally favor ,,f the dthlt'dly íav.tnihh u intortst.;. N ol ire for iNihllcat Inn. given a di unions us I for KMc. ahe ald. had her ink Injur" tlm fi'i-- l think that with the Ktvat liepMii Of fh C I Excursions ruiom. tini mav liurhiR tile fore part of the week rains of the Inteilor. lrtn.l 0 a rl o - k had In rlly iiu,ne d interests mnl of nhlake from he ilularalHl and NMUir (or th Uurif bunted locelhei. and showers over all Siinta Ke, X, M , Jun 24, I'm: rid-- j llnit Ihe v oi occurred part? while lile) ere nut lillituv yet In nit In y kini:meu must oiitanize for . No UH is herehy Kiv en J u. the eaWenisl ami with vita t h of the territory, helim lightest In the that Ing t.i tin- kill- OH II pi otectlo n. It S;in M fil-- Every Tuesday, Thursday on the urtei tneoi p;!oi At'reaed )r. I'mrre toi,lon Mr,l,c und not be Míeme southwest, and. and the ex- i'.i.iillu. of Itafael. N. han n. and ing. After tiikinK the lii ink sin- . . fl 'in tiiis class tii at t of hi intent it n tc f jr f lincovery contain nu alcohol lit cry , trouble would treme southeast, hut suft'u lent In these rnke iTH-i- l o'iiu-- hui as pro f In mipp-ir- ilaied idle tin lately ti. gali lo teel hottln nf It War upon It sure as regular lore to sections to rehoye pro- car of hi hum. wj. Saturday during June, July, rapier Ti i, II thoroughly the H.tmeitteKtl Kntrv No diay and her head "spinned around n.i.ive or In a full lint of all ippear the slleets tiny old he tracted drouth The latter jiarT of tin fifv. s If ahe had jvlien some (i. "wil- ' Hnrn, at iimlte,!. I Mm triad there w no for the NK'i. W'i- SK',, S.., "... August and September aeveral incretllriiia. ror the ilru,rii:t to he from Friday ii :: ug c ili (his Is (lie . week to Suiblav Inclusive Township .. linn te lt , nl t!i ful di In Una niiiitl hi. spiii offer lie P.ll.lde asl,.Jt llav out of t mi Minii'thinf cialma as diflli-uli- was Kenorally iear, and much waimei. B.iHl pr..f will li inrnle tti.f..r.- S,: her protests, ahe deii.llcd that her es- - gKHl i"Jnt the . it to IIIMlil your IllMillCI'IICV. ' Tin1 weather for the week as a whole Vtirwiirtl. I'. S. I'tnirt t'mnmlM iorier, ai RETURN LIMIT NOV. 30 ' i "lie i't drove m i r an uní i I more Indication ,,t tile it her iiii iuii! Kvry Innreillcnt nt.Tiiiji into ihe lo sent was deficient in and the tem- K.i faet. N M., on AueuNt T.. de.-p'.-ie - disoi derlv on ll sunshine ;;. road, and h. r oui- worl.l "(iol.lcn Medical Ilmcovcrv perature consiilei-aiil- Me the folt'-wfr- t fmil I aver. iced hel,,u iiüines :'!ifw EXTREMELY LOW RATES d til.- "In all i - laged her Kxhaust" lo MlllHktli the i the lime nave been i iioi-iuh- prove In.- eoiuiiiu-.ii- r'SHh-nr- up n ha. ur.anlmoiiaapToai and nd 'ivt. I ít tii but warm, brlirhl r, n.. lie, net e I the . , ami her mental t.iculin ndeted in- i or the miHii.-n- h.i.l no dlfl'teultv pil- film.Hi.m of the land. n: I...'-.-- i. oiti authur.t j r. t ' weaiher of the last several days, ' capable rrom the a: innii.uii she Inn h past hv ,th j )U1N, Mm une t S nt he. It. ' n if a r n i, Los Angeles of all the a.veral i hool of practice N, low iiiic rains, ek and Return $35.00 nui'-i- r eivi d ll w ; y the Keneral made ViffiiU' bM of Srtn N M thai ahe lecaiied more o'hi r Dietllclne aold throuvh drunirivi. (,.r li"lll en Ullon THOUH the most favorable of season I'mlin Kff' tul ahe regained her a iim s hih- in like any 'mm uniciit lo lis, t n of hi, h the M.VNTKL K. t1 Kl:o, u r- r. Coronado iiirnna has aiuh end,rerf nt. , thus far. and Return $35.00 bed late that night at tin home ' The "Uoiden Mllral Uiarovery" n,it ned me. Sll' h could I alo-ha- Hot i fT. The thunderstorms of the lMh and XOTIt V.. r'oiinty lieik K. L. Kid. In re ori'y a!l good ettccta to i help bllt 'n attitude." San the were ac, ompanied. in some local- - BIKH W Francisco and Return... $45.00 been Waiting. Hhe that ot'ialne,! from ilia u of lenMen iri--lth TM. S.l K ! by severe hall, causing consid-- 1 I on follnwing w lo n to . I, MTI TO M KS OK 4. i!l reelv-f- t :h ,,f ,,. the murninu root, in ail lomara. ver and hoel (on eiiible dama;, n widely dis-- j ni d for h.-- scattered prel.jiiw clerk fur Ir.f 4 1 iHther aak the mu e' tronhlea. aa In Mlioiianes. u in I'ljiler or tints, pas 1, in. uly in parrs of MrKIn- - 'f é., diela. . j bioiigiit to the home of Mi. Knlij ulceration of sioiuarh and i ilflii i. ai.l ef earth nn the re I tr'mtt t'. uc - fir.l that milk lev ourity. The iiiounlairi snows have d i i f.'.-- ; end ef Ihe in an uneonai cua and di ugci on.'- bowei and k ml red ailment, hut n Imi. intlm-nc- Jlrel t.rhle nnt ' 1i7. melted rapidly under the of (I on bend, d l ! ., f.--l;rtt II. m. ahe to him In i I Said to thirty ni.iii tolilea Seal used romt.i!iid ti.j.i j,:,l r ra ps fiil t J"l in toM to,i,i l rit lender the and warmer weather hut knee the m atorv ahe rrestlT In It I , en lh top and lo a n A 'j'v-í- . lrs fhaneed rnrative ip,iivivf carcyine. a y.d-uni- e haie .)!-I- . unit fair alihouuh full i It wsa Ihla recital, declared the tii.n hv oilier Inareiiient aurh aa M, ne V piacro aa the ceul-'l- ,: ., II Kh IKK Tv , of water, have not be, n unseason- aurer fT,y which afr-ite- il mind ..t Mum i,rk. 1st ne. fo the Itiark t herrrliara, Itiikaimnt, ably i'looded, xcept in a tew Al, f aald rk to tlone ani Judge Ixiving thai it impelled him and cbamicauy pura scattered I ' r lrine bú a iit ,es. p;acei under the direction an.J lo tl. a which, i refineddre K stl.K. ai oiiimit crime aceoiding eiTcprn. j id the reuMy lurvfyf.:, liel-- pie-- j " i " III atMlemclll. cioild bVI" he Common Sena Medical Adier t Slaia bida ill be at Ai-- , i.nrd the meel,t. vent, d tiv no power except Und l aent frealn paper rover on receipt i,f i ni;x uk .;oiN; riiKe ' jTIII MTKHMION r TIIK 1 -- f the board ef cunlf onifnlitaiunera tn le mighty." ÍI one cent U par tha of i - taini cot uia J r m k.K! r. iTlON KOX-- V. h- a on M"n,!ny. July 1. I'iiiT. Mia Ijiiv ing it ahe intj Si rloth-hoiin- tie lilt admitted th b.iij iw!. atatntxi the w. oal At I - n Willi young K - i.,umewill be Addieei U. V enu. P order f the board of county cemmla- tnh. two drink enu lr. I Pierre. Hiiffalo. N. V. tirv VOl R IM) ivmti; o lera. A. K WAI.Kr.K, Got during the drive, the f1rl one lictim K tot K .ItlM K VIt0V Full Particulars I From i Pierce Pelleta enra eaa- - llitUI I S KM I' rruhaia link. at tor'. lr. iieaant ION KHW' MRF.lll. VtM Mt Ai K'" Tunacall Uivlngtnu j avpalioo. boiouanaaa aa4 I! r'Y IV M Ml T. Dr. William of baadarb. OK M lnr I Vlltl E. PURDV. Agent I IHlIM 11 I (2 who iv Judge living before and nf- - I M: OH IT M T MORVivn jnrnNAt. waat ADS -- m rr.isioR ei.M; miii IIKIMi KrM I TS THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26. 1907

Two men won1 forced ár the plate, a balling bee In t tic first three In- Votloe for riililUatloii. TU very t ef Kmikuis City Berf aaA NIWVOKr'H, but the third soiled on a close de- nings. H i, I it not been for the weak- Department o' th Interior, J.nnd Of- Million at r:lll. HI. lis Sorlll PRICHARD KINDLYÍDISBARMENT cision. ening of Meyer the pitcher in the fice nt Santa Fe, N. M., May 28, Third treet. CASEfyflR L1UE .score: It. H. E. inning Harvard w iiuld have had to ltbe lu7. loin o A New York ....nil:' uin.;i 4 contení Willi 11 couple of runs. All the Notice Is hereby given that F.duar-d- T.OmoVH fit'AH TKKI Willi Huston tiinl out 1011 . s 11 (.lory woim to Yale, for the crimson Maes, of Peralta. N. M., hiii filed CJ0 CIIKIH AT VAN .VS. Halterios HoKA" and Hlchey; Hrultt players were slow on liases and dull íntica of hi Intention to nuiko final OUTLINES THE L DDKS BAD FOR and CriB'T. in their work in the Intlold. the men five, year proof in support of his Notice for Publication, in the nut Held having repeated oppor- claim, viz: Momesteml entry No. Department of tlie Interior, Land Of- WESTERNLEAGUE. tunities 10 run sprints to held the 69, made April 10, 1902, for the fice at yanta Fe, N. M , May 28, BASEBALL home inns and two banners. Yule' NF'4, section ft, township 6 N, ranga 1907. In Inning 4 K, Notice Is hereby given that Jesus'!' s stick work began the first and that proof will be made IH's IMoint-- Si Oi'im'r I. M., CASE FOR ft PENDLETON and continued through until t lie tlflli before M. W. S. Otero, T'nlted Htate Anaya, of Old Albuquerque, N. Denver. June 25. Oes Mollies won Inning during which ihroe home runs Court Commissioner, nt Albuqnarque, has filed notice of his Intention to todav two to one because of better five, proof In support 1 had made tell thousand Join In wild X. M , on Juiy 6, 1907. make final year Des .Moines pilche,-- c.vmes st support i;!en the howls ,.f deliulit. lie mimes the following wltnenses nf his claim, viz: Momestend entry iieih i.ei nii! idiiw Score: It. H. K. No. 8170. made December (I, 1904, for fmil 4 r, to prove bis continuous residence Denver . ... v. 10" Via:: the NFI4, and F.'v. section FESTIVE GRAFTER AN American l.cai;, . '.' upon and cultivation of the land. F', ÍJ?', TEFOD Dos .Moines ..MU O lulu 2 COLLEGE OARSMEN 8, 5 X, range 11 W, t 'hii'HKO Ht St. Manuel Maes, Candelario Moya. Fllo- - township nml that l.or's. mill . MollolloiiRh ; Cleveland at Detroit. Hatieries Adams 1,arla" atl of said proof will ba made before If, V. HABITUAL EMBEZZLER READY FOR STRUGGLE !m;;i(,a;!m 'irM Com- Washington al I'hiladel; It la. Cohrine, ami Yeaü'er. S. Otero, I'nited Slates Court Albuquerque, N. M.( New Vork ai I'o.-to- MAXUFL It. OTEItO, Register. missioner, at oil Informs Mr, Hanna Wi- I'lioblo I Sioux City 2. July E. 1907. What Fleeced Eighteen Yeai Old Pueblo, 25. In a fast game soon Crows Filtered for following witnesses Vdlnnnl iJ'naiii'. June t ontci--t ilikecpsie Notice for lnMlctlon. He names the the tirst from Sioux City hi l'ou Toda: Of- tnesses He Will Be Allowed to I'oslnll at Xrvv Vnv!e Pueblo took AiivImkI.Ch Hace. Department of the Interior, l.nml to prove, his continuous residence Gill Out of Her Money. I'hiladelphia at Brooklyn. today. fice at Santa Fe, N. M., May 29, upon and cultivation of the land, vis: Summon for the Defense, Cincinnati at I'tttsburjf. Score: It. II 1007. Feliciano Chavez, Juan Analln, Felipe . 4 12 Stole Money for Land Sold Pueblo . . . .ill" ""I. "2 Poimhkoepsle, x. y ., June Notice Is hereby given that Fiante-ri- o Metrern. Florencio Mares, all of Atris- l . . 1, I a 2 7 Inlet-col- re-n- m or hi: 1.1 its. Sioux Cily . tin full " thirteenth annuel eglate Chuve, of Albuqueroue, N. M ., to, N. M. for Taxes, ni. Mattel les -- Poner and Smith; Jar- - gattn tomorrow will Iind pro- - has filed notice of his intention to MAXt'KL R. OTFIM. Register. CLARK'S BILL-OF-FAR- E .iii'-r- , mi l.cauuc. roll and She bun. pounced I'uvoille among the seven make final five year proof In support W on. Post. P. c. crews ut the starting line of tho bm of his claim, viz: Homestead entry SM-il- eight-- , 1 I. varsity ,.,l It ad- BREAK PROVES BAD ONE Dixnubh to the Morning Journal. Chi,ai; :lt; 2ii .4:! Lincoln 5; Omalui mi race. being No. 112411. mudo May 3, 1H07. for tlie DR. D. M. WILLIAMS :,. I :,. won mitted by lowing race Aztec, X. M ., ,;une That e ;tti 22 -I Lincoln. June Lincoln sharps that the 10 X, DENTIST Cleveland open on SK'i, section 4. township range 2:i .." hoi game from imalia today by Is'hii contesi. opinions the t leton, nt of Detroit 30 foui'-oiire- i;. Hint said proof will be made l'elul former presidí outcome of the ,i contest are und Jtih c?JL. Phiiadeipiii: ;:4 ;t ..".ni; score of 5 to 4. IWnre 1. W. S. Otero, T'.'.lteil States Attorney General Afraid to the Huirán of Immigration and one Tl. 11 K. widely at variance tonight, though New York 2Ü 2T .4!ll Score: a slight by Court Commissioner, at Albuquerque, of :t:t "HO 1"1 n:p 5 S 3 Cornell has preference the chief gratters of the Santa Fe si, i.ouis 2i :t4 .4 Lincoln X. M , fi. 1907. More Of- 1 making ugers. be on July Examine Convicts .3:1:1 "(HI 01" 11304 U those Theiv will rnuf, swindled an einhn liosioii in as Omaha three races tomorrow. Tlie tirst Is the Tie names the following wllneesen l! ,:t'-- Washington IT 'l Palteries Zackeit. McKay and four-oare- d prove ficial Stenographer Can Take girl out of her mono; ami ciitb' zzled I university shells, without to his continuous residence Kluraii; Thonipson and Coding. coxwalns, two miles, tor the Kennedy upon nml cultivation of the land, viz: httndreils of 1I0I ars In the rob- of fake cqulp-nie- nt Only One Side, National li"iur. liailenge cup. in vvnii-- soyracuso. Pedro K. (arela. Darlo Chavez, Sera-fi- n TI11 most modern electrical a tie f, if one Henry Sehrandor was Won. Post. P. c NATIONAL LEAGUE Pennylvania, I oiunim.i anil Cornell tlotix.ilcs, llivlan (.arelo, y Mares, for (lunlnl work in Ibe south- C, 12 .7MI 1(1, lll'ollRhl out 111 today's session f the Chiiano will compete. Tin- second race, the all of Albuquerque. N. M. west, liooois 15 and (.runt lllock. Xe- :i4 21 eight-oare- d shells, 2:t. sMtIii1 llbpatch to Ilic Morning .lotirniil York .Bis Pittsburg liscK Two (.ames. freshmen two miles, MAM' PL it. OTKItO, Register. Pilone disbarment proceediUKs a;;ainM Philadelphia ::.'! 24 ..m) Cornell, Wisconsin, sos- - Ittsburg, 2ñ. Cincinnaii won will bring logethor Santa I'e, X. M., June 2.V Xd dlcton. :bt 2.", ,,",4 June Pit tsburs games of a double-heade- r from Syracuse. Pennsylvania and Polum Notice for Publlciitloil. 111,.' The is in a -- both slmi nf penitentiary Inquiry was Pi, . 21 .4211 bin. varsity race of tour miles Of- tun :2 PiCshurg li lav by bettor bitting. Tlie Department of tho Interior, Land stroll)? case against I'cndl, t,.n. it. 2ii :'. 4 .4 :i :i will find Columbia. Cornell. Sv no-us- held today. When adjournment was j Cim innal It. M. F.. fice at Santa Fe, N. M May SAVINGS BANK üreas.m today denoscd and said that Score: I n, 2, Pn.oklyi 2:1 Ilii .Sii'l 4 3 Pennsylvania,' leorgetow Wisconsin 10117. taken yesterday lUUrnonn 11 was Pendleton had embezzled the PiMsburg . . . . nil" ill ""1 2 line, 4i! .24" I and Annapolis at the starting St. I.ouis ( ' i 11 11 11 . i . 111 4 12 I Notice is hereby given that Pedro the would cceds of tax sales of land, the in .nut ul I that iiiroKi.satim -- - M., Willis, Ciininit. and tlih- llarvnril-Yiil- e Today. F. (arela, of Albuquerque, N. has resume at 1a o'clock this ninrninir. At being sent from JCuni, X. M. The Wi'slerii l.i'iitie. lotteries Itenattn filed notice of his intention to make bind was bought by T. A. pie C. son; Mall and Sclille. Tied Top. Conn., Juno. 25. Willi th Won. Post. P. 11. F.. final five vour proof in support of his OF YOUR OWN thai Imiir Attorney Hanna. for the savs It enry Second iranio: Score It. tace for Irishman fours tomorrow Pierce that Sobrando Des Moines :4 22 f, .iT 301 Olid I" 2 'd re. claim, viz: Homestead entry No, lcl', was notified that the prose- ranchman, nave PiI'lidletnn $.",im for :l 2il Plllshurg inn the annual limalla .574 11111) 1 II May 3, 1 I '1 t . 2 4" nil" - on will be opened. 1I21S. made 907, for the case, the Improvements on the lands n! 2 7 2 ', r. lie lina gaita the Thames cution had closed Its ami that lie Denver Phillppi, I.eever and The Harvard Freshmen seem to have "ii, XWU, und N'4, SV!4, section 4, By Buying never gol anything in return for his 2S Itatteries I would lio exjiected 'to commence his i.incin "i Smith, Mason and Solilei. the best chance for this race, accord- tow nship 10 N, range fi K, and that mone. The impro enieuts were old SiollS CilV 4 ."2 .12!' 2 ing to opinion. said proof will he made before It. W.I case al o'clock this afternoon. to Merman Par for J.Tmi. 11a . .21 : .:. "" Pueblo Fvcn ill .Hrookl.v 11. 8. ulero, t'nlted States Court Com- Furniture Crockery and At hearing Mr. testifies that lie Pendleton a note Honors ( tho this afternoon tave Prooklyn. Juno 2a. lirooklyu and Kiiülish Tennis liuoiplollslilii. missioner, at Albuquerque, X. M., on secured a 2 and inortKiiKe. Pendleton meanwhile 2,1. Hanna continuance until Philadelphia divided honors today In London. June In Hie Jll! 6. 11107. o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Attorney represent ins himself as the aneni of AMERICAN LEAGUE. A. Household Goods of a double-head- but not until the lo- Tennis cliamplonshlps today He names tho following witnesses (ieneral I'rlehnrd kindly outlined the Sehrandor. X. Sawyer, played, bent H. provo age, hUnuo tl: Icicland I. cals had made it four straisbt from the llrltsh lo his continuous resident's ense for the defense and furnished Mary Alten, eighteen years of llelir. brother of Karl M. Hehr, the upon und cultivation of the land, vlz a to vieliin-ize- d Chicago, June Chicago de tlie visitors. Mr. Manna list of tho witnesses he Appears have been neatly H. America 11 representative, straight sots. Sera-fi- n list, many Cleveland today and relamed Score: It. li. Kluuterio Chavez, Darlo Chavez, will he pcrmiKcd to call. The by tlie barrister of aliases fealed X and was-playe- H 2"2 f " y of- league leadership. The ame Philadelphia (únzales, (jarcia Mures, who was separated from a public the ( Ambition. fnl'ows: Mrooklyn 3"6 "tl"- - 1 1 1 2 Higher ail of Albuquerque, X. M, Borradaile Su t fice by Matferman for the In a drizzle and darkness ....""1 Many you'.' Why, iierintctnlen Trclford. ilovernor Pitllriger and Jacklitscli ; Fllu MAXt'KL It. OTKItO. Register. Co. S. II. Sample, assistant superintend- good of tin' territory. Miss Allen tes- stopped it In the seventh inning. Palteries couldn't dress me. M K. Moll Kilter. - ent. tifies thai Pendleton offered lo file on Score: P. and Fdgar I wasn't asking; for a posl- ! It M. it be ChlcaMo 122 n:tl u Second game: Score: F Knight, who is nt present land for her. saying that "would 1 tion as lady's maid .Slopor's. Captain . . Inlil S 0 2 IN of lie Cleveland In" "12 " 4 7 2 Philadelphia 2"2 13" IF YOU ARE SUSPENSE in the I'nited Slates military hospital all riglil" defrau.liiiK her out 2 S 4 Hayard, Jam'.. Catteries While. Walsh and Mrooklyn """ """ 2i "Whv." nfikl ho, "you Imve married at Fort. and cannot attend. Sparks and Dooin; 11 en- - Mr. The henriiiíí adjourned until ;i 111. Itho.idcs. Peifjer and Clarke. Halterios the worst performer In my rompunV'" a to tho best place to buy 1'alley lirown. The fact thai ley and lierijen. lirown is a irisoner in the county tomorrow. "Kxuctly so," murmured thi bride; 'fa1 Two "nobody lilm an aetor."-f-Smile- s. jail nt liatón muy preven1', his attend- SI. Pools is tiaincs. New York (I. can rail SCREEN DOORS SI. l.oUls. Jl 2.",. St. i.ouis ti Itostoil 5: ance. Itie Net York, 2: - Huston shut A- SAN FRANCISCO JUDGE hot li yames t'r 0111 Detroit today. June Claude KtsRlcston, formerly of 1 marrh rljcht atraiRlit to thin yard. II out X York al the olo grounds to HcttHOU J"ooiií;Ii. lbuquerque, present whereabouts un- Score: It. Just iinlnadej a car nf ln TRIES TO KILL HIMSELF 1 112 (mi" n 4 1 11 day. will to St. I.ouis . . . . . Clara No man ever dare pine serpens, klnil known, .supposed to bo in Nebraska. ; ll. II. F. j while the . . nun 111,11 2 ti Score trifle wiih my ttftVetionH. have five is Detroit ... 1 ilo warp. tipst all William Meyers, the convict who . 5 1 that nut The of and Moslou . nil (l"2 "2" bift brot hers. alleged up by tho palteries Howell Stove (1(111 U 7 1 ami rhenper than the Inferior onvt to have been hmiR Member of Sti:terlor Itcncli Fulls In Xew York . . noil un" ,,iul.e They'll with yours w .M 11 tin! Schmldl. trifle you have been vrl j for seventeen days ith his toes Attempt to I lid With (.1111. and Need- - I offered. During lioiililes Set ond same: Score: It H Jtatterii Llndamiiu sooner than they will wlih mine. barely touching the ground. McCinnliy Hovverinan. hrotUiM-f.- Si "2" ""'I i I 4 li ham; and have live little 1lpplnrotr this period Meyers is alleged to have 2.",. Pouis San Francisco, June Overcome muí "2H-- -2 7 Ma .r'iio. subsisted on a meagre diet of bread; Detroit """ 'iiicago Chleago-St- . Gfe HIO GRANDE with and humiliation at the ac- (Hade and ti'Coiinor; Nut iona wn:er. R naileries ; 11 ( and association in lecoin-inemliH- niiis game st poned rain. In Ntrmtjr tiitnlr.r. 1 tion of the bar er and Schmidt. LUMBER. COMPANY Armljo niñez. he be imneaehed for Seb ItUimp Kie(iTl.-- Jlui'Kt'Ha. 'f Unn Island, Toney. Toiiey is the nesro that Major prross Intemperance if lie should not ins Double Homier. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION cruelly and Inhumanely I'lliluilelohia cliil-diT- Third and Marquette. who was immediately resign. Superior Judge K. 2r,. Phllndel- - UHMtifiutinna tlnit Blind the pulo liitlw by cold water thrown Plilla.iolphii June muntry every treated bavins C. Hehhiird tried to take liis own life doublo-boado- r M game Minno--eoon- d nf ih Btunm tn the iuin by one of the prison ol'fi- - jibia took a from Al innoapolis First in his face today in his chambers at the Tempi" Wahlngoin lodaj. upolis 4; Kansas City S; game: mer fr u week "r two. e!a Me was death al I! K. '.). "Qumnt. imleed. Hi'e the ('cinmenlM nn tha YARD IS THE PLACE is well Israel. saved from Score: .11. Minneapolis 4; Iva usas City BALDRIDGES Claude Doane. Claude a re- :! rountrv hiih. nt thilr first ultitipn of It," ter he had pressed the barrel of . . ""11 toil mill At Indianapolis Indiana polls of Windows, hours to peace officers, at loasL re- Washiugioa Fur Lumler,Sliinfiles,aiHlLath. Larpe stodt known, the temple, by a :i 7 4 ( jtih MumMn. "thncie children mal. volver against his Pliiladeipliia .. .mid (lull "12 'olinnbus 4. ... always on hand in the territory. porter who took the weapon tiwny. H ; "One child, found rhkIiiic with pMn(ite Paints, Oils, Hrusltt.s, Cement, Huildn(j Paper, ts- - Pallerie.s Hunlies and ydon At Toledo Toledo 4; Louisville Attorney Hanmi proiesleil quite rest t lot of hens, wan asked If he Wad, I, 11. Combs and Sell reck. At S:. Paul St. Paul 5; Milwauk inir orouslv at beinR restricted to this list soon Agony Column in UrllMi Papers. Second fame: Score: I! M. 10. had ever iditckens hefin. D It I D Cm E of witnesses, and the attorney encial fi r, ' "Oh, yes. I've seen "em hefore, he J. C. II A L over and The longest series of "agony" ad- Washington ...""" """ "2" 2 MOW promises to think the matter 0(1 'hut only they win peeled, ih. Roi sTiti Ki Aim in MKXICO on record is that for Philadelphia . .21" """ :i s 2 Yale Mofeáis Harvard. after rir riitsr inyr possibly allow him slhth'ly wider lat- vertisements li contin- which a schoolmaster named Wilson Paltiiics Smith and Warner I'.etl- - Xew Haven. Conn.. June 25. (in "T!itr! was another le rha ',' itude. ued Hihop Hurgess. ' h ' refused to h a ory was responsible. Ho bad evid fiit y dor am1 Sell reck. the greensward of tlie Yale field dia- JT- - It Is reported that the terr crush-ingl- y country ntuy In the city. iN been robbed of his daughler ami mond, the Yale baseball olub weeker. lie would W.I, 1 V II V APATTERSONX 1 li I) ti S T A 11 h K S - formerly a AUDI tinvlm- Frank Slicaron. nogan ,0 No country ftir him. money, anil niive, using cvv York ;t; Itoston 2. defeated Harvard this afternoon .l Avimiih'. 7. Alliiiiiiu'ruuc, Jiew S!oUi in the oltice ot tne commissioner 1 7 why." they nuked him. West Sllvrr T'liilioiie clerk 1X51. iind continued till 0. when P 25. Xew York won in the second game ot the series by 'Hut lands, a salary of $1(1 a Cay iston, June ' necause machine of jiublic an end lo his score of 14 to 4. This means 11 they have thrashln' , if the Inquiry. either his death ltit ifriiio the home ioam again .day the may as olfirial stenographer hiy-ol- out there,' said he, 'nml U'h had enough rFori.K, so intra search. or lie discovered that tori,i,r,.u ,,, tw I., ,, nitiih ItttStolU T of he tie in Xew York on Sat- voiti.i) is ixLii oe oni and ci iuoim th Despite this del'cns, was notified here, It's done hy hand " the the so long. w 11 Hie It was simply where 1113 VSE1 MOIUNINU WANTS v be fur- - which ho had sought liiled He ha s lo none was out urday. For nines STILL THOSE WHO HAVE NOT JOl'UVAL that no stenographer unid a ed-- , offered Wilson was evidently man of nished to take the fesliinoiii ticution. with an extensive knowledge by them, and that if ilie.v de: Ired he he adver- - they would of foreign languages, for testimony taken down 111 Knglish, French. Oerman, - own stenog- - tised New Illusli- 1 SpriiiK At Veil. Just have 10 furnish their occa-- 1 . Tim I'opnliir Latin, Spanish and Italian, anil r I'l-i'f- ni nlier. sionally he used cipher. Siiiiiiiu-- CulliloKiK' now II. Is tiie ilrape. Wo opinion hero is t t contains illustrations The prevailing His state of mind was reflected In nro Hhowlntr nn elegant of Jap Clark concerning iiller-- of all the new ntyles in the teslinionv advertisements, his moods dr.-ip- :vi his , ' Wo- new in the. the bill of fare furnished the terri- timing between threatening.-;- implnr-- j WeariiiK Apparel for lini" of at- men, chililren, emliriilil-ere- il torial prison lias so alarmed the ings. wnrnings. ami occasional misses anl Economist lace, hi it ami to put is reut The etc. a torney sonora that ho decided The two lattel- mooils are millinery, It ihli'fon, In the must witness s: lielp in innkiiiK- Belli! ilium no more convbls on the in the following advertise-inent- Albuquerque's Brightest and Best Store. ileslKiis, stand. al Inline. Send tlsj your stylish Parisian 1111 a postal at XI.OO. Slj.liil ami J.."ll, Mr P. ursum arrived in Santa at "Caution All persons assisting in; atlilrcss, even 11 STORE in nuil inlolH. noon today and was in consultation secreting my daughter, Alice Jano cant. ml it will promptly THE DAYLIGHT hl.ick aftor-noo- you. with the aiding governor all Wilson, Id years old, are liable to forvvarileil to seven years' Imprisonment. K. .1.1 Wilson. Funis, Ireland. (March 12, CHRISTIAN MINISTERS 1S6S.) in ANNUAL JUNE SILK SALE "lleureax malheureux quo je suis. I Muslin Underwear our Truivk News HAGUE money. K. W. mm got no J. MEMORALIZE ain't not ES (Doc. 22, 1 r, Annual Sale ri!E-- i vi; itmv clemiance r rxitr I'IEt Althougii the F.xpresn cannot lay Great June OI' H.V, SI. nml $1.2S IWCV Ml.KS AT 5lc. Signed I buc.1i Yl!l OF Depuiulion IMcsi nis Address claim to an advertiser with a. ami week of this lengthy record us Wilson's, iis "agony" The seronil last all and thill's enough Women who know 1 .calling (iuirclmii'ii of World. interestiiiK sale 1st now oil with an Tlia's column has contained many romances, or fill Silks know lini Economist qualities, and women who was the mystery ú aililitloii new stocks that Economist Silk Sales, and chief unions which by KentM'-ou- s know Albuquerque know tlie many breaks caused the I Interest 2.'.. The surrounding a woman who for fie( m the woman who knows most of all Is surely oln to The Magno, Juno lsl.lent traillntf of last week. conference. M. Nelidoll. years regularly made use of the first lay In a supply of Silks for this and next season. No püa of nonce In the 111 page 2. is genuine- siitlsfactlon you Kconiimist styles 'to ,, on There because, see ,!: reeeived a delegation trollll column buying of risk about that; the ' throughout the world, Who she was, what she was and hoth tlie selllnn; and the lire well in advance. Indeed, It Is all Economy, for the tian churches ow sanitary . , . .,, I... 11,0 V.o-- Pi v. William what slip sought w ere her n seorots, these ilisllnctlvely (lean, price of raw Silk has ben RoiiiK-.up- up and up. All Kood li.utwuiiii Injus- - made garments jr . See Wlmlow Hispía)' lb-nr- of Itipon. who but that she had suffered some and thoroughly now. All kinds, all colors, in IiikIIih r Our Fremanfle. dean ex- rasmia for IhivIiik c presente, d an tidiness urging no- lice was evident from her frequent from hiuh class faclories. The for Waists tin, I .liu-k- Suits; Changeable Taffeta, I'eait de We flaller ourselves lhat we car- peace. uno and passionate appeals to nontt. cessive advance In cotton fabrics CyKiie, and Si ripe Taffetas, Choice, ference Insure o Check l.oiiislcniie ry chosen linn of humanity. The Kldfi'ss was signen unnamed person or persona. l::t: tempted many mills and mer- tlie yard r,,,c the best trunks chui-chine- ot t.reat she would insert as many to in fabrics of in- all the leadlng .. At times chants traffic ill Albuquerque nml durlnir this except 1110 cattiiiiii i. ni,. las three adertlsoments on the same terior quality, but that course Is Prilain . ... " sale we have marked our onllro fused to participan' even ,oo, day. A loiter would arrive first, a directly opposed to this store's SALE OE WRAPPERS, KIMONOS AND a conference to which the pope waul'disiricl messenger would follow, and fixed pulley of piittinu finality line of trunks at in per tent below not invited. Xine American allelic before ho had hardly left the office a above all other considcraot Ions. our regular prices. Steamer bishops signed the address. 'telegraphic "personal" would arrive. lliKli class muslin K.irmenls at HOUSE DRESSES. PETTICOATS M Xelidoff cordially thanked Hi", series of advertise of ordinary grades Unit Trunks, Hulean Trunks, all kinds taken n iThis remarkable the price deputation for tho interest ments ceased lust netore .now tears. is mission of the June sale. y. Hiid - , , - the See Our Window uf Trunks, Suit Cases llaiul- 01 tne eon,,-- I lie F.xpresn w ill doubt- th. vork com-- Headers of SKI H I'S l.onir or short Skirts, he lid. tho address would be i less remember a course of "agonies" nn- entire stock divided Into lot H.ius. ..1 .l,llni. that evervonp rar about made of Cambric and Nainsook. in this journal - that appeared i, 01- broidery trimmed, with nil m hers for easy clioosinfr, and nest Iv'desi'i ed the' success of its work.. years ago. - It was conducted in I,;u Km pro- - two 1,11 at priced it celebrated proposition which Fiance persons extra-, ruff bottom: the prices for the Raiment This Ilústrales the The bel ween two under the' J.-- e (land ciulier ;."l :$.- Ml)', Iind HI. (Ml each. lo second committ-- and "The P.o- - ready made to wear Is less than Abel-Lac- k Trunk, seined the delinitcIV names of "Mvnsotis" Co.'s Wardrobe wai l had not : ot been jeeied." lias been staled thai no WVEItS We curry a full line to express tho 'it lilt you can buy the material iidvi i ilsed In all the leadins wo- drifted It will merely howpver Is safe. In j Cambric, Nainsook and I.01111 of war be v Inner, clever. fir make them of. wish that a declaration - ease, correspondence was cloth, both upen and closed slyles, men's journals mid Kuaranteed by tho opening 1 yjiosiih- ihfs the C.lve you choice before and published by a Snnda from the plain hemstitched ruftlf Lot No. Ibe makers. ties. . newspaper, and the result was a veri- at lüc to tlie most elaborate styles of l iwn ui upper sellinif regu- . of enthralling in- - made, up . . . .' priced .. , . $;lil.() wll Inoell l table tabloid novel to larly for $1.00, made full and 2 Tivrn:v- - terest. M lt(.l EltlTI'.S iii:m-lsi:- s .' iri Puco Texas June 1,1 riH-ti- tliitt-s- .It ami lonu. Sale 1'rlce only r...... Pa r,.niHK timre . of I.onu Cloth nml Nainsook, of t,. o,.i.o,en of ho Southern tli.-i- tlii-s- you This llliisl rates another the , n- ... ,,,,1,1 Lot No. 2. 'lives the on i. he innrc niitnt'tic Willi Luce and Kmbroiilcry 1 ,'lti,' r.ii)r',a,l wn, st ruoK w e - trimmed l i- V.' a I H. C. fill) 11- lih'h of relet,, A, Trunks, No. -- oneri non, ling an sh,,rl ailvfrt at neck, armholes and bottom i holce of percale wrapper and itul ivt't, r V Hi l'V "'I' Killlll' IIT5H!1 ? w discharged today lciltlv KaViiicni; priced at I.II0 each. up. ; lturcau styh Vci iratnill. ere apt'tir;l in the Kxpress ml kimonos, full lenKlh and made - ot The first KVIl-F- ine l ili- ir ,la, liiled by members ,,n LA t.lilX'Ul i: l'Mll',l! ll $20.00 . .!;ir,-l- .Mil. nil' th'' Mtirrh ufll. selliiK regularly at $12,. J of ailw ay i ranino-"- Nainsook, tail,, re, I undei mus- " l, e ".ii-l- h , 11 t. ' Sale I'l I $ 01. f.,,,110, men lire 'bere , r-.irti paiil. combination of Corset Cover ami I r. llr.'k' All lin .- you es sw 101,0, V0 Cover and iwers. Lot No. .l- iilves the , $2.VIM tnkn the ),la, of oilier i'ome hnino. for ' hI's sake. or write Skirt, or Corset Pr 11 same s'rike. also separate house ((owns. ilii,,! ved .he w here to me t yon like Illustrations: choice nf percale Oli'S k come hand-sewe- of Iuawis. Harry. For made In tw o, pieces and can be For Hand Hubs and Suit Cases, PROMOTERS COME KiliiHK tne FoTKÍV, Kale . Skins, (iowns. Corset Covers and MINING home. aim,- of Ciy-V'- worn separately, usually we rsrry I "row n." Í J Must Supporters, 'Tis the ?. we nre headquarter. Ice. $l.r,0. Sale 1.00 TO GRIEF IN DENVER People re.'i'l. an.1 pity, nn,l pass on. Vhjl' I'liderwear. Muslins pi ti for Fll.e.. f In line from -trO everything made this Mtt'e rliiamini: that tlie ailveniM-irieii- 5- -:!lt ii't each and up. for sepanit --V nt up a h 1 suit. excites th.-i- compassion may he , jBar nients. and St:t.."il each bng to n i'ht 11 Special I'l oiniiK ill nml Wi aliliy ( nlornilo M. Hie heart-cr- y of ore of their on 'ifor the comliiiialioii illustran Women's Petticoat Priced upward from $1 to $25.01 :s th.- st IP fur -f ft Mail". lioiiselioM. This one of n I' up $1 r.O, foi.Mlr Solid Color L tv rtticoats. values to -.- of the iiroiiy" column, t " fascinations III'. VSSII.Itl It is a perf.. Hast Che, k I 'err ale I .t oats, exceptional due for il por of a newspaper lil.)lsi: lilt June 'h.iiK-- with which is the Coyer in one K.irnient, t i, s. , he, ks ami stripes. splendid val.. I IVnvev, women renti- Supporter and close lilting Corset Cinifhnm l'et o.ti o, 111 i m.ii uitv of l..-.- ..2.- the N in "f to which the I open made of white Batiste t. , all colors, extra v ,d... iiHiiiK fir-t.- - ,e, in front and in back: Chambroy l'etti meilitim lieinn ers turn !antlon Kxtuess. to nbsoluiciv a Parasols t" thr and hBlillv boned down the front Rinve I ou to Inspect our assort nif et of iho Kin.iiK'i.'l Seciirily an. Trust smoolh snrfaie: all sizes. 32 to 4 bull bust incisure, We Invite beautiful the r.,.h'ti.-l,- i :,!l MinniK III her I.,mhI Thine. on. Mt and S2.IHI Tiny Tots' Dresses .11 the n... , t st.s les and shapes. r,,,,aiiv. M Pts.plr Tll at SI. St.. each. a...1 the IV,e '; r kT,,-- .r iu. i, siiow White Linen, plain, he,l and embroidered. (,,an ,M -- K.-t- in lie, ks plain colors, light We henistib F. i 1, l', l and inn an, Sni'-- inii company. i H! f..r t.OW VS. ShIUTS Its c.ineham Pros.. nam,-,- - mv AlL'tin Cllll.liKFVS tan, nicely limsheil wilh braid ,n t 910.01) ruch. prf-iilen- t .1.0- BÜ.T lt. nine I and dark blue, pink and tl.25 ijiiarri,-. of the tirst Also IVCI.IDI IN THIS SALE. Ion walsied promi- lia l'p embroid. . IIimUT lirown, yoke and In K. 1111 It" we have a very line, hoth In solid colors, one of the moM lll and ."m handsome ,i,npai,v anil r , . r t re are 'Iiililn-n- ' ed plackets, bemsl itclie.l 2 ti ttra' m-- r I. IHnwrrs lieinfori s; .', Veiy serví, cal, le. S'.es to ears. and to show ar.,1 miiiins in v,il,-ii- k'-- I sib 11 nml 1V would be pleased nent wealthiest II w !, " a also K ni. (rawer. Trim- in, elfe. is combinations. . .nr Tacks and liultles. pr-s- se ,li plain IH-- ,,f his h.- A II, ?, iiiim-iH't-- s it pla ids, stripes, polk, sml 10 Ileiuer: A. ..iioier '""' c r, e ?' w c h ill ,1., h wiili embroidery ami I.a. e. Iihided into lot Little the slock. This week we allow specittl discount of per s 11 F. A w nw, h Ht- - med Willi low lie, k símil sleeves. Size :iso, ii,!e ;n the tiilsim J A asv hoosim; as follows: No. I. Xo. 2, rol, ,r. Son," and y Finan-ela- .1. p I, ill,-.- for ; . . i 2". i :.iio it on any parasol In the house. suri-tai- f tlie l I. . !:. 7. !;7th-- I 14 Siin,ier. ihe , :i. No. 4. No 5. N". ri-- No. i vers Security inmpaiiy were In it ml ..irt No. :(!: !: aH'l Trust c- t .,11 nr.-.- l nn-- l IUII n sleil io.iay an. I ea. li (;.ie heml in an. -- 14 11 lulc 6! Hie sum of $.'..'." "' THE ALBUQUERQUE. MORNING JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1907

bureau Hie automatic wi1kiIiik blinker box, hopper, ami , rooming txiMiil, whew pri-xi- built In RURAL CARRIERS FINANCE, COMMERGE MIKADO SENDS 1711", nnd u.-- at thiil Unit" 101 iiamp-lni- s "f miiihII 'uln: wanning inurhlu. bottle HhiikT uxt-i- ) In hnx.i), log anil journal classified advertisements - , rldclli- or drying mui-lilni-- mui-hln- anil coin (imh-i- . All NEED NOT COUNT AND STOCKS In aiiual In rhiug. of I I o pf 111 tul. HELP WANTED Male I ! MISCELLANEOUS GREErm io Himnloh Irrlmillnn I'rujn t. Trail1. I 1 T)M! 1, .1 nifiihtrK, of HeviMe, rilrvi ANY ClifrHjro lioiml of WA.VTKD (ood porter for hotel and bar, LONGER á. Delay to m unt he hoiient and industrious. Addreas luair.i.Miys rncorporated. jf Nltetltl.m tO Ihff f, pi,,t,i,-i- or ChlcnRo. June mock ihnt tim i , s3 have' stocks or bonds fur opt'iaihtriM in the Houthwexl this offiee. sale, let ml KriifHffH-inr- try to sell them for you. M lirjRnt Id Atiilulii,i.i, wlilili uf wet weather ave u Httontith-enliii- r WAXTKD 1Í al.oiit U yeara old lo CíeorK Kel Septem Ioick. bmker, Kllimtt hStpiare, llufraio" htm f..r mn llm rupíi d t he wi ti iniluenci to wheat, the rk around In. une. Charles Trapp, Old Money to Loan New Vurk. IhoiiUht and Kiurly of tin-- Heiltliaii ber ilelivciv closfiihT at nef Kiitn of Town. Organs, Horses, KAISER ptnn..s On Furniture, Pianos, a A rew of Mail 4i VhO. lí kuai.xn l I.,. Fivo Thousand Pieces J4 U! Ooiii wen scrutched wwln ma nnd in I.. .,h..l. 'li..- .c. Corn is W A N T K O Apply M a he ws Wagons and other Chattels; also on c w ere 12 Milker. at cuines can ne leaseu at fj.on per nionih eorimil f t'ndiMit'p- '4 lower. Provisions lairy. Salaries and Warehouse Receipts, as or boiiKht for low cuah prices, I'm- in fan rv' A plitn of n;i!mi ihm l.v ii. .r M.irtl. i' Handled on 14,000 Routes hiKh'T. Ttadinii the wheat put low os as high us ilfill.0(l. Singer Sewing f achine i'n. was act wii h commi.NHion house J10.00 and h"í. liief Miitlriwr ..t thf r h.. iv, re quickly and strictly huilM tniyerw. j Loans made t It l During Notes of the and ihp leailthR News of IN Itií I'. tul liMiiritlnry of hi (.inula 1906 to HELP WANTED Female private. Time: One month to one GERMANY MAY GET ON nitirii-f- Imm the day was' generally favorable the FOR MUfvlr f..liiMi imm tr he. .ire year given. Goods to remain in your RENT Rooms ili.ilw Í7 Hi t K I, i.tld l tin I ' l ..turne Derailment, I WA -V- AGREEMENT w"h In Kanmia and .Mlanouri. wh?.rt. NTKI ouhk woman as cashier. possession. Our rates are reasonable. JAPANESE if WMter K.llh.M-i- f I Wnllll (ill! I'll I Aimly at laon Stoi P. us borrowing. ItKXT-wlt- now In pniKior. The Call and see before Kolt h Nieely furnjalid- front room I" tin kiiiYhi hi th- raw- t III III. I. rompai'aiivelV tone of th Uv- - WANTED iianiln-i mulil. Ail- - Steamship tickets to and from all liath. Huliahle for uoiipie. ' . The Moinlnc .Tournbl Hiirentu - s (l llliic (l.t N'l eiojil 111 Iri-n-. i'.. Hiln tfvr. Thti-- 8 Periimylvftnla N V. ri pool market following; yralenlay's parts of the world. reel. i ( fim-.t- I' I (mil feet per hf'"tnrf I. ir. A.. I hiinibi-rmalil once. Cn- - -- Presence of Fir.hlin Ships at wtilií TA decline hele aUo reimt hened the IWAVTKI hi THE HOCSEHOtiD LOAN CO. Kon ItE.VT KurniHhed riMi-n- ,...i.T:- U ,ih iliKlon. It. C. Juil" . euMe nii'tt-- i K ih.i' ni lv iiitni.-i- Huti-t- 3 4, Bldg. un.l iioiei i - v.. -- ik ' IJiMliI Iirliverj cur rlfm will led lm ru-- ( rai market. he heavy tone of the' Rooms and Grant . : - ui.L sireet. m l ' i' It :i i.f w 1' r f 111 K ..iii Kiel Color to Belief tt't Mim ijiiiu nata market had a benrlah effrrt for a OFFICES. KEÑT Xl.-- ex,..j..I Lends qnll.-i- l In mi n t the mirnher of plecca of riiall - f. r hounework. PRIVATE leVFiñ"ro7.mfS Hnrniiillv on ew .r liinil koOii WAXTKM-- llrl ion.ral men; It,., fitiiii. time, but prices rallied and lirld MO.-- W.-(- t OPEN EVENINGS. rooms for IIkIu hnii.eii.,,. llt-- m ' (In- .1 iml ttMl ly Jul.v 1. Vulval ovinia roimal Proposals to Gcr- -j mlv 46 ni Ku hfl r. iniiliilnj.' tnlh' them after firm mull the dose. A dónense In thei 303 West Central Avenue Apply Mi. H. H. Hutherfrfl. 617 M...i: IM l.ittitf I. .mi 'il ;i p.'l .i i.ti pill? .men vh"ie th rfcordtt nlmw that world's visible supnlv of 3,9S.ri,(ll)ti Urumtway .. N V A N Hie f :i r o. r m o T" :,.tinn piecfut of n i I per month nualnst a of 3.04 li. dull for the M O K T t h O F'Ht HUNT Fui nialied rooma many Are Contemplated, ir ni'iie in Hern ilerrear LOST AND FOUND for r ;n''i.iiij,liih Min It"- year, was an Import-- I On Household Furniture, Pianos, Ufe keeping, with polirli. iitu.iil"ii hninlli in i ih each of t hi t hn-- mont h same v.k last oleen at . i policies, Re North llroudwuy. ti. In. li thr.'i. lili lí.' í ant bullish fai lm Septem her opened Mnnilay, one lailiea' bvoast pin; Insurance Warehouse Im i!i'í-'- !n the Junt; no, st - O'Ml HIHI qnarler 17, !.OK Morning K per In I Wire 1 ..f I'"- llll.J.ilV .f "I'l linrbaiiKed to higher lit to fin, lor return t., 502 North Killth Blrtait ceipts and Other Personal Property. UI3NT Two ro,.ms f..r llK,l Journal leuaeil a ye In at 94ic h,.,: v ml naiHteiN ha heen 4 'r )I4 M r't e. am! reward, ii. itemllne. - hi r.imilK iliKtriliii- wild off lo and then Easy Terms. You wiiii an Kiel. Jinn- Ü.V Tim prixi-m- of tvvi.j' naoi'ip ullli f.r 'ir. Strictly Private. conveniences. i"- - Kast m illnixly to Mf. cloKliiif ÍI4 or I'eiitral avenue. - III' ..f Ihf- llllKfl Inn ailvaiu rd f, at LOST 'J d P. b. can pav back by the week month. .In irihlpM. Jii,iiin-- min- '! i - cuff button. "I. pail. lln Kt flll.'il, 11 huvr II SHlf.KI. i.f I. .'I all inrnl rarri"i have heen Tim í'iii'n '.vas hiclinc fnilv' t office PERSONAL PROPERTY LOAN lit KENT Two furriished siiifiT (hi ' raved face fíetum this ro.oiia. Isti r hihI Hivtnil ntcmlM'rn of tin hii.1 ii In the v hecinisi" of iiti la vora bin ble for houaekeeping. .sup. wild n o.frtl lintrih nf mlli.n in count and rentier il.tlly rf porta of f ir reward COMPANY atreet. 4j North li'jtntlon Is .1 vtrather anil weakness of oats but 1 1 2 S. llti legation .l. .ih .if flfli nii.OT Tin-!!'.i..p ii ii.iT thf - T. A. Whitten, Agt. Third St mail hll orcd unit col led ei bv them, fli " I'lcaite find Brooks, the Kxpress- - WÍH Liter IwvaniM m liccanst- of niimcrons IIEXT Neatly hitvinit .1 polliliiil chiiiw- Vi. Ill III. O. i ll.itll.N '.r rllllillH ttif Kir Pi a nd 'entra avenue. furiasl.eil " hi thai he 'lepai t metit mh;ht h In p'tNtB!ilon ih crop is still backwartt. fee o.- prices, . n - j tin' rr.iui tepni that the STORAGE ini' i,a Veta IP nr. (lofullily a of tii..m lmp..riuiil i.i "nr iiouBe, mint i of Information from which reasonable The market closed firm. .Septemhcr wesi i.eud avenue. Mm. ,. In miiMng piopo-- j Iht i;.iti'l.iliill tr M.irilni-- fliavi-i- Kleinln-- . ih sship pn piiiHiliiii for opened a shade to ftv c hiKlier . . W A N T K I Piano, household goods, etc., ron-- Unit l.v iiil'lmu Ihi pHttlut l...uii.liii i' "f touhl le mailt as In ihf extent to atvcti.rfa if Kil-- t lo ji't ttitmy for nil iigi i''ini'i)l j to advanced to f3e and lsh? Koyale 0 fa' 20 i stored safely at reasonable rates. rinme FOR KENT Modern tin- n u l ililí Miirl'.ii.i' 'if 7lt"'l.-lin- patt'otm a jtpreelateil r2;c. & r' and hoard o v.ili which Iho nervier. i - Lllobf 'onnUdaltid 11 to 11, "i40. The Securit y Warehouse Improve- per Hif fin- Imllar lo lliiil lrmed at 't Renewed liUi- month. Mra. Uva I.. Craiff. tills I..-- l hi i.n. it ? (inn niii) mpiiiit1 nirtirii The reporta fur the ijuaiter ndeil rlatfoitH a ment Co. Ofdctis in the Orant Mock, Third South Second Ulreel. upstairs. i i Jiipan ami of the .Inlv market caused r. nily hi !iiiKi,'l lii'lwicn tui.1. Ill 3IOi.(tliliMI ri. o II IIU'liTM nf .In lo IttinlneNM. street mid iVntral avenue nhl.'il If 31. JInfl. h.-- that 5.00H or more fréKh decline In the price of oats, the 1"i ii in f. AiiO-- will he (oitloriMl. wlilih ami. uní ri.iil'l t l.awver can Kct you a divorce without placen of mat I ntoiit li were beino; hun-tlle- il price (f J uly a one time be rip one Vice Admiral IJnln, In commnrid of funitKh Hie p..puln cent the close of yesterday. nu bficit y for about a hundred pounds. WANTED Miscellaneous PROFESSIONAL on 4. L"J(i rout ex. con mí de ra bly limrrt lower than v How will it CARDS. In Kmpi-ro- i William iliinnif itlnly.lliii' 'I'll Paul ..f opened c Sociei Woman much more the niiKht i..l unohaned at s. lot! teams to haul lumber from In al nun than of the whol nnrnlmr of off cost with publicity. Illustrated iJit WAN'TKP an iinrli til pin c if broiiíc. un i'iiüb' lililí! to c lower at 37c to 37'c, sold our mill to Iomlnno, z'l miles, price $ti.00 C. N. KNGLE 1 ? i i.nipl.-- l tun K.n, ami llin litfif I" rout ft in at ton, The In which 3(1 Vjc closed at 37 r. July ; road's, lili omnii-i'ii- wlnff on Hi" lo and The Recent Fleet In London. per thousand cash o(l plenty of Violinist. 111 num. tlilrlv more t ha it one t houMaml routes are hand- sold between 42c 4 3r and closed lti w a lAituber i'o tf ii.,:iil nl' ,i If. linó a llli'Hsaiíi- from and .Home leading ter. líomitiífo clt'. Music public piitti-ipu- Tin uf the advócalos of munici furnished for and private laml..wnirii ..ffirt'il I.i r. at ' i i ' .In fxpi Hin tío' lio ling on a or more piece per inanth are: U"4c V A w o le k v t s to Kansas"! y or pinii'if ompoi'iir . pal ownership in country, incummpe .TKI TT entertainments. I .f lia- t'pi-nm- ims nances especially, fclMIll will ririididilp. l"ii wt ii'til 1. ; - 'hicuft"- 0 Huut h Walter etreet. l.lMl'l'M and Iowa, 37 rouieti, Ohio roiiu-a- Miohl- ' AVall a considerable nu ruber of pe wananem, hue 904 South Third street. Mlllllwl"!- of inmil v. iip.m r. Ihrtl tin. K irnini-n- l Klrevl. AdKiltnl Yiiiiiali i, lol llli'l' Kan it rutilen; New York 1,087 rtmieji, and ' endeavored to minimize the effect of the re- -- hy a pi-- WANTED Situation first class short r.ur uKfi-- Oi H.lmlli'i Ihl' I'l'innhilnff nlni'ly I 4 New York, .lime 24. Tin1 tock ATTOKXKYS. Hi .lniHiiii-'- i' navy, who itiiik' to 111 he-- nr. I'o Ule. cent London county council election by order e nk. Address ( H. S care this ! In l i Tin- - inliilnii-- f i piilillf wan In today H. . ;,f ullli I'rlniM- ii'hnil, now fi ní Kara! deli v y ar urrmiKed no market taken band with munlejpnl ownership was noi office. W. D. BHYAN oh-i-- l it claiminii that . t ion iiiiiiiiv. and him ii ilaln dolliilli' wi.rkKl in .if !ti that curne-i'- can niuii on thu mrvjca vl more viKor and determina than the issue nt stake, and that all the success- At'orney at Law. w liav.- j niT.-n-- j Ice cream customers to try our In of lili h M KlM' :lll.lllH l.oviuil Un Ihi-l- for some timé pad. The initiative was WA.TI'l Office In vli'W. line iialuri iMii'eM Khorlly uftrr the airhal of the ful parly proposed to do wow to stop the use no gelatine. First National Bank Bulldlnr lliMI j supposed to be largely protessional, ice cream. We T'ucked OI I' It nary ri.fiiii. f..r lh t..mimiii.e-- pfinrljml morniriK mail. Whero Ihe amoiinl waalef ul of I he progressives. I I In1 - maiiaiiemHut and delivered to any part of the city. y lii n i'iii- l appearance of confidence even A o liiiiiHT pa rl i' lib ini-n- Un- muí ti nlan n of mall lo hi counted by ihu coitUtk j but the While It is true the idatform of the "o. was n that Matthews lialry tf p.. ror lifivi A in ii?iHador lowor ini' iiii lili n nyii.UriiO' which lain bei-- larite. (hiar detiurtur if Mfeemmrlly amonj? professionals distinct reformers did Include tV. stopylnt' of need-les- inln- - ap- ii on lil-- i li lt and llio .Inpanoic In ti'rniN Hun will t dclayH change from the recent profound on WA NT10D Iridies fitr stylish dressmaking Ult. S. U BURTON - tin KiiviTllincnl and elimínate nch aft far waste and did lay special emphasis (N. - Thi- of was busy ('all on Miss P. Crane, r 2 North .Sec- i;.t..r i In- lir"l ""t on hla lifihl. ..Mía Mm If Id pnivlili nilfl In Hu an prnct h o n lo 8e f athy the market. Rumor havioRr honest accounts, so the actual Pbysician and Surg-eo- and ui inoro cxjieiiuíi.u wltii the probable origin of thesuddenly that ond street. MiJHnery ai half price. Highland ioi imIii i' of 1h.' I'ollrt, wlio llltl'i'll f ..11. iv aiiioiul laiilii'iR fniffli'ii'iii delivery of mull rural Is the put- - toss uti the municipal undertakings mlifht bl Oftice. 610 S. jinxi ok tj iiatrnrm -i . Walter street Bin b IhliKif, rom. developed activity, wnne me in- n ' in i, h Imporliimr' In mmin ..f t. tin w..rk ..f pone o UK hi to he areola pli.t lied hy ami own to every tine, tt is equally true thai W A NTKI Partner hi Rrowlnir profitable Albuquerque.N.M. Phone N. 1030 ( - V., ldi iit. I . in-- dividual or Kxoup yarieu in trie, unifi- A., " in. nil. d on lito lin In t i n m Ihiil II lit m. Him- hi- j iu e of i he count tin riute which are It staled categorically that a halt would he out business. Address care DR. R. L. ni Mit was aiir-me- nt HfST surmiseH there general c.t led in municipal i One of t he .Journal. 8, i.n of lurk i.f fim.lH T'l.' handling r,f)iiil or more pieces nf mail per organ- trad nit. Rooms N. T. Armijo building. in .lull. in the rumors pointed to by t Avsain jlnintMer hu liplinlnti'il .'t nini-ti- l muñí h. reuMons fflven ho Municipal lieform W ANTIC I) ull Tuberculosis - tlllfi. K"i ized professional operations as con- dunny sacks, sizes. Cash or treated with High Fre- Khaili iiiHk. Juno ':'. Tin- nasim-d- The report on the work In iMviHb-- fur voting for t he candi dates of its K. Fee, quency i iKiliii-i-- t t. K" I" Svllli. I. mulo- Hi. in. unit the for feed. W. 02 South Pirat Klectrlcal Germi- K IT. lllili-- I I cerned tn the upward movement of Current and i, unit i'lilrf of the niit.-iii- of lead .en em Mav. 1!hi7, Iiowm party was that "they will eontlnu themselves phone lfí. I'olomd r xa in i oh i on of lh il. ni ami for that ireet, cide. Irealments given 8 movement was ob- t from a.m. to run 'i ll. Moll dOrllvi'H, who wiim M)7L'.'i4:l plecea of undelivered mall mutter prices. The based to the b'riithnat-- work uf he council and in - lull I.i Hit k. ..riitiiont viously on total of selling WANTKl) To buy young heifer calves. '"," nurse in iiko, Inn liai bi'fii ar- were i eeei ved m t he d v in durhnj the absence will oppose any extents! on of t he municipal PiJTrLned attendance. t.hul.a foiinlKht ion that pressure in for several care Journal. tf DR. W. G. íyÍAI)RACH d. month, an compared with 9áu.8o'J pieced tlur-Id- k the market and socialistic trading." The London Time r.:, Uiiiulf by Mm hlnery. days past, notwithstanding some new. - HfRiiltillns t he name trnmt h a year inn, During of February Ü7th states that the munlci- WA.N'TICD Shirtwaists to make from your Practice Limited All Dio mmlfin ulltlnH In Svw YnrU lam month 5r.:ti;:t circulam and of an unfnvorab'e cha racier, It was nil ivurllnir r. ini mill nt ..f th I.nnrlfin ehnm. own material. T." cents and up; bodices, Eye, Ear, Nose Throat, MINT AT tiHVi it n t found easy thetelore to bid prices up 9'iils and 3?fi West Lend oculist EXHIBITION mti vflmui nu. mtu nth itii trtftttn. letters Were (lent loytnl, ond 4M,-:- her f runlrr.e invited nil th. munieipal skirts. avenue. and Aurist for Santa Fe coait non-uil- any overwhelm- - Tlio i imniH In all f t lim va art' hit em and purer-i- were returned to without bringing out ,.,.fo,.m ,.a,ii,iatos to il.Tmltoiv whetho, lines. Office 813 West Central ave. FAIR ing ollrr-lng- of at higher 9 THE JAMESTOWN t IfUiifil hy lUMMJimitii- pip nl nrhft) fwuidern In Muy. 'iiifi, lettera and storks the lh(iv wrre pl,He,, ,u nlnll.1ai trailing, and jFOJJALE Miscellaneous Hours: to 12 a.m.; 1:30 to 6 p.m. to tin outlet fniind Iti ci-r- ifnun ir hall niitl parcela were returned. All undelivered mail price. There was a marked movement whr,h,.r, if Hooted, they would dn mm , ,, KOIi SALIC young t ln with n fti t pl:t' wit 'i w t In speculative sentiment in London ,.,,, Ul ,.,.., , , Fine mare and colt: also iioMKoiwnis. ontii itff mntfer from hich he addrcHnes of i tit - - Mv ni; ano i n h i u. saddle and bridle. Apply ItHr, Williams DRS. BR ON SON & BROÑiSQN- ir-li- SMclaili' íii tli Sihiií of vatiiiiiti pumpit which kin H thf Impttriih'ft to senders can he ained In now being re evoi urhf n, eufhty-fou- r veiilioil in lo - luu wnu-- i street. n hi-- ll trom a nils ncrir-- to In t Jiomeopatmo fho (.nu'l hHM iil Itnrt'Jtti til i :Ms-lio- thf whi'tt? Htfy propil turned within a few days after its receipt at luctor riitlonaUy lie afllrmat ie to both Ihpse poM'it of. keep II back. Apnarently fears of qviesltoiiH. Times "In neavly V (Ut S A Í.K Household f'urn fuTe and Physicians nnd Surgeona. r- the IHvlnlon of In th let 'fhe adds that -- How (oini Mudo filthily lend chickens. St4 Norlli street, Over Ii In In ihf unilt'i'r-i-iint- liotl wnrhl. leiH oiieiied lam month the sum of trouble at the fortnightly settlement every the eumtitliLtoH In their Hitilressew Twelfth Vtttin's drug store. Fhone: Slum n. that a Iiuh hfch tiilii-i- t t.iward th ifmil was found. London In have subsiiled. aliaohitely eoniloiniied comiietllion with pri- 'Olí SA UC Yo'uiik frentle horse, and busgy, Office and residence, U2g. Albu-q- u w ' Hh-- fi A It Iiisrount.s reeedod ullhoui-'- London cheap for rash. HüK Kast 'upper pvenue, erque, h Irh llh clt'i Tun Hin nil lu" On Monday of this week 'JO li.'il d vate etuerprlKti. NJM i a w an at tuli.ii i hit In t look $1,000.00(1 in gold In tills market i)R. --r Ya., 24 Oil In Imtii bh' I'll lei W';re ret urned to Bonders hy KOK SA I.R Kinest pony rig in territory V. M. BIÍER1DAN Jutii' t t - I - shipment) tomorrow. It Is opin- tl. nf hi' If IN.Will III', Cl lit It Of til' cli- the clerk in In lor the A I1 Ui In the ;0s. lull 7 years 111! 14 v t r itnv Hi" ei.faed that work the - idooded Shetland. old; sound Homeopathic iltl at Mturu-- s ion foreign hankers- tnutr In llw haKcmcni nf these of (lend J .el I'm, This In the umoiig that the Henry James, the novelist, arrived at 10 and trenile; nice bunKV and harnesB. Out- Physician ,liHlt'Ht' l (MíMÍI illl, vlWl l r.' tuny if larett ' and Hnrgeo. h' muy t h um-- gold export movement may extern fit $100, for iniiiHící.m yu nei thltu mini her e r l et hi one da v by t he o'clock one ninht a Florida hotel nnd .ui South Third mreet. Albuquer-9uIif,?LMexlc- 111" VIII 1'MIM ;l iM r lllli-l- lu tin' at Occidental Life Building. o- u"'l In Ii n inli In i at h.n. xa m an Hie mi consldei a bly further. Closing slocks 111' i; nit dlvthlnn. the best prelotm record of 20.J1'; could Ret nothing to eat. The hotel va - ( me 1) ihlllrll'MI (it cuín gill.! MllvtT ' .i- dozen Pekln duck; also Teleohone 888. lift cl lnxnrv. in l hi nw llioati w.i having been mailt.1 Atolil-io- U suit Mihi on April l'lí. lio7. i naKntficent and expensiv e, but Its rule vv s htiack Minorca efors at 6o cents per aet- - itlnC, i U p. il.. preferred . HI í licit' lltflKlilk tf Cfltrl (Ul'l tinelo, Uuii jai manter hti no afu-r- - i n TtH' 'oln:IM:c f inuiM'V 1m t;inrtl iMirnw Y.oli. to ftervn food certain h'itvf'. nd iitMt lt..r..l Hi.. Ilia n.oiilli ,,t ii r.ii. air. hi-- ew'ieclrtl attention the Ww :it!i CHAS. A. )7 .1 In n la retiirnlnir of I'entit-lvunl- . I :'0 in consetpietice Mr. .la mea went huhfifV to F.l,L:H, ñ. tliV.ihlMfi vio vv of pciati'')!, - Í SALE PprtnK wagrm. (lh(lft .',(ini tmi Hlmvu Un- nurfrtcn ihiM m.-i- syntem Foil with top and ujkI (' il Mii.iU I f.t matter, ami under the re I'noifii-I'niii- bid. Office: HiKim 14, N. T. Rldg. nil the t Rt I Southern 7i brake. ;l5 avenue. Armijo reel h ahm In thinf a nil l h ndopied it cfticl-ci- i' liaea tí 8 whtt-t- Hie ;itl'WH, h.H h 111 If !h eenlh high tttandard of Pui iflo IKi, IMneussi nt; this hardship nf lerw nrd. he Hours: tn 2 a.m.; 1 to 5 p.m. fitiviTitmint eetm Hue the r In funeil hiln wliii-f- v Tel. IhMMM'HM, M1UM ' bus been ntialneii hi the work lUtpid il.. lU'.'fei-re.- . M FOH SA pliiine Kfis. Aiipointment.. WrlU'lt "till ftpfi'lMl f.iri' (Mi II I.EFo nice ponies. Hunters' by mail. the Hie fin W encoillll cIN II KHiinllll' act In tieln pi l'"i . K n Hi' and urate work also dono ion niii ted .piler "1 fell, indeed, Wafion Yard, .'00 North nr.jadvv; hf i,ii,i in ni. tain ntl.iiHttiwiii cif I U like the lenderfoot Oil. J. B. KKAFTT intuí. llnll cullH til If. Willi ficealnc hllllf. other branches nf (he dl luton I'nlt'-.- SI el . . . on Saturday Simen IP, In ih nf lit' MlItf'hltH't ThiM i i vlstled an Arkansas hoiel back the '7"s. FOU top rubber-ndltlo- Benfal ' lc' ki en in uiiH ulcithh, In loinpcra hint the force eticnted In "noled injf," or Ho . '.Ill SALE one biigry and Surireen. In In a gu-.- 3, TiijcmiKT the vim tall'tnt wdnht nnim-oiL- "Il was primitive lnd'd, and the lireil trap; in Rooms intf iiiiilritithit. l.v tin. plil(ln out the lelletu .n end-e- IVSKliT STREET both perfect ci BarrtHt,t iBuHdieg. pnone U I' n KiVrii Ml.inH-ii- i which the on ' 'all iiliN'i inn iiuj pla ni which Ii uhtn l lie e mer nf the uihlrent:eH llonds were Irregular. Total sales, bis arrivnl. said to the landhrd, at lat tersoii's Uurn, West Silver made hy mall. il. 'I'h H IfHH ("I'cmiir iiIIiiwimI an be ascertained made rt avenue. Imtel'ii enhl Kt'iniKe t 1' n W l.l.T.-I- OHO. tf ÁX.GKÍW Í5. . mrtei lihnvn k lecn.l oT r ect Ions, and the em par value, Jl. 000. Cnlted Klates E. J. D?"S M Mi. mi .illvt-r- y Hi " a IhrHt. Ml cxilH. (he nil- N lien xifieil ploeen hi he liiiiids were unchanged on call. I'd like balh FOIt SA 1,10 On account of Office-s-: T-- ai.-l- fiwh tlnMi ruhiu (lie! opeuiinr branch recently dissolution block, opposite ncrui Ihli.llHh llllerlllK KcrefliH "f velv lihe ellees' op in d ami e.voa "'All rlrht.' was the reply. partnership will e our cows in bus Golden Rule Ifovi-nut- i ii-- ; removed contents of Hours: ra. to iil htm Hnnl in xpt in menu fm a reiurrñn-- In suit. Kasy terms. Hrog. 8:80. IimI ;t ;elitii. arntnk'eii which in cm hi a uln'.Me dav liosiiHi UihiI Market. "And the landlord went nut, Albers 12:30 p.m.; 1:20 to 6 p.m. Appoint- tii' iit inur. nuil han tlnutlv IIImiiiin ' hIiiiimmI h. iIpn ''t Thioio he air The report on the operations of R 2 ii . Activity in lo ten minutes with a tin can of soti aoap, a ments made by , , iiuh N cfthHUit'ici hiism-Iti- it the rural islon, June the KOIt, SA Mí Aermolov windmills. tanks mail. hiiit which ami ihuH i hlll.-i- ntnl inirl-- j up I tow el, a pick a U N ftiiko delivers Hcrvtc to June t, lid?. made cal wool markets cont inues wit h he and shovel. a ii.I substructure. Wi IkliiR Si Hon. 707 TIiIh nmclinii' Is eluKe-- . tleil. mnihieleii hllwe c.l pub If c oda y by he Kourt A t h ca it N'orth Aitcani-xri's.- i h ssltit ant I'od best of wank The demand for "The eastern RUesl took of Kihlh street, phot ie Usii. he Hist iliin- hy the lit H n ii tf lute Hlliuller eiiew f.innetl how - oH.Mhi Ih ti a t t F. W. i n master deneral. that the total num- tine ct eds and a few 'of i snap nil the to Wet, but tn? pi i SPKNCER th'p.'H niitl In charm' of an t increasinií J Ft SA .K niciit. the Mh.iI ahoye, helnií Ihciv íiilinille.1 to r t First class surrey horse; also i M.r net it tons for he service up Ma cm ha ve been noted in (he lower find shovel he it mm t Ih l'h 'a h' nit a in In received askan.'e. two second-h- nd bugles. For particu- Architect. If the iixtntM Hu ihf nr i( the hui!hnif an lo (hal date was !W :':'... upon which 14,777 Ki adt'H. I let of domeRl 1c wools ' "What are ?' the niachlMf mm Initlli, eluls these fur he said. lars Impilre at Hunters' Wajron Yard, 1MU Harnett BuIldlnK. lulu if jollier tun Filikw mil 1h ir ronfi-denc- e - Im llnleil adverse reports hne been made Since M.iv have been larKe and a grnwi nff " 'Wall, stianKer,' N'orih In (Iiím Hiiin- Mh'irtii In npn ni V said the bind tort, 'the nioadway Rms4rJ in. llene u oiuhi ful Hi..rn he low he nt fei'l t a n re- lillt-M- first here has been Increase nf 117 In in the value of good wool is low, assaS'kkís'.- - - "IiC lllf CtilllltlK pt'.'HMi'H IIHI-l- In water's an' ye'll hev to i!,n up the all the new ImleN wnjhl nil the avemiie iiiimli-- r .17.714 W. i Ik the of rnut"s. Hiero belnir ported. crwek.' " JONK- S- h thi kiivi nint'iit, and in of hoiiHew ' , t w II h cliaim' Ifc Htlinh fif Ion and (p. es now In at w n) t pert CfillH-i- finir) rout oner ion hh h are served l'rlceH for domestic- wools continue AALfcRiaLEstate Assayer, Mining & Metallurgical itltf th''.nnis h i ni if. Hel p are t ,'17 SA IrnunTi.',ri pii'.jpctTwn-i.-- inarhlf flourn. here by M!6 reKulnr entiléis. All mules st rotifr Willi act tve Rales, especia My !,: r IMiliaih Iphla mint. 'DiIh machine thee I ndereslimatiMl HU Powers. 4, Ooo Engineer. thf celtliiKS ami wall, hn are kLikh ami 411 unit aii-f- i.f rk-l- vallev laml; 09 1m i ali-i- t ile served dally except on which Service Montana and Oregon and Wyoming I West Fruit h nihil hin ii in mIiiiw IMMt'tile s. "Ves. was mit In all that storm, My l.uiiilíinl WHirr (lull avenue, Postofflce Bor table bete are tnl anl.ed lion is rendered now - clips n cre-p- fur ill. J m. r,0 per 173, M t If ill (nlnh)K There ate pnd- of tine med hin grade r and"-- -- or at office of F. H. 112 nf the ihmt.le H. IVomtel f 111 iiiiichliiis raincoat was oaked. iiir.' & Hull, Cnrlnliail, New Kent. -- ttiK 4k: peiitit.ns .'41 uf which lime been ted as high as 2 ;ie. He t ter prices M.. South Third ml. acl itallv c liniiiK it nicilal i he dl' Inic "Hut you can't sua k u raincoat, stret. wasilnr and dishes. ni tier iin.l rful fmoral'ly acted un.-- In S.M.K m ejiwh' - a Hh'U t th-- and service enlered are also reported the central state. le l.aiiit to Ihe entat. lie il.iuhl maciitni'N for keeplllK )s ii ens. Hpeet.ll n u .v Slhei established A bülnmc of 1 0 1 'I ;! 17 ,,f anil in Home parts prices me-v- ai "f J..p Ciiiiitiiluite CIVJI, KM.lNKKKh. i MH lull uf hi pi w hit b t lie (in w extreme Orteua: aitutiteil In dumb all iti conneet Itiu wiih the illiiniK the Appropriation T r new "I can't, hey? Hero's the etieck for Uain-h,.i- i Ue A llniqui-iue- Apiily tu T. It. Klled Itftitle I: put t hroiiKh, may he service durlntt the PITT R OS-S- rootns of the vnrmus sulies, nil Hurt s finen fine Kxeha Miran. ailinlliistl-at..l-- at the Lumber Mill i n ei ett init iloiN, w lit be ilatt current venr remains unexpended. Territory scoured basis staple, County Surveyor, and fullv of ibes, (or all Hnim uf w i U. ft out i 'i r di 7 s""''-- t :. pla on il bv h (n 70 2c; tine medium, 6S 1t 70o; fine tf Attornev before U. S. Depart-men- t. peraioo chatK' coal broilers lo rus boilers. Kver t hlnu- is a fis Amendment Vol Aeceittctl. Land It N Mih la-i! HH Australian i:perts in rlmliudogy. clothing, 7ic; tine medium cloth- fill! KAI.R A impr.ived 1 Land Scrip en- bi'lv follouh beautifully a In wnrd-- . for sale. Civil clean the operating ing, 5 fa 6 Sc. Mrs. Jaitway I w lsh i knew where my riuu-h- t In itji.-oi- it i i f ..Mow Aptiiv lleynulils. Navajn gineering. the uttiuees, the of the bent íir.f tie ok principal e hosoituls The Cioit' while r'nlled wool, basis, extra, fifí husba nd w as. ll.,lel. 'jLAve.J-ipposlt- vhi, li Cn- feat of the hnhifun! l scoured If Morning inelthm the itutal uniforms are us MhlnltiK as the etlnp lUliimls act of fit1 fi Journal - iiuiV 7 lie; line. di fi2o; A supers, 3 Mrs. Ka lei You mean, presume, nlh abniit I'.Oiid dcKtveM iN e w nth Wales. K fS that K, arc ones in well kepi watos. All ibis in he Coiiul John Kos (ii1 HAI.K Rill huy a lot V N 1 ) i eriouKh ÓSc; B supers, 43 47c. I you wish you knew where your husband is? K'HTAKKIi S SfTlitST in the tirx npeiatlon, and M'tid ter. nf Newcastle, i hut t be A ust raliur In hiK lila mi; i.wner will f? to the neraue woman to her borne in Mrs. .lukwuy Xo. i Kunnintee an A. j.:t) " he is cast . mil tes w t don't. know where ,,f to per f,,r Kin: its Into lupins and mood to renard her n kitchen ns of horh elsewhe are ittchiiiK he ex 1 fur yeur. All. III the limit outs Wool. he is. He's up in his room, sleeping a ply t'el dilute xoUtlloll of Slll- - tint, disorder, pcrluieiu w II h mm hlt.-ies- S. off r.irner I..H. Ji.urnnl i.ffire. jj Cndertaker and Embalmer nfeiico utid unhvMlenic Ht. T.ouiH, headache. more .n hi. io tree the lioin She poor rm 't he visa hitf fif tic s and t lie o ver no June 2i. Wool, steady. Rait American. City Undertaker '' surface ihing. has lefi plant; .'ÍIR SAI.R My ninrh on Snulh Reeon.l Cnrnmerr-ln- l pi The ínwots run s.he i he prls.iti, w it i many i Ih w ho Mediuto grades, combing and clothing. Club Hldg. A1hnmierriie nide. are then nnit take he ice whhh lile leu company iwi sons ó street. eiKht room a,. rlili-k.- ma ii ii be 2 hit " .'6 bje: liglit fine. 21 21 l,u. th. llnk'niiH and icilucetl elects to her. pure ,.r imtMiie She or at ie api inted bv the cul- íí in. use. i or iircharil anil easy vv 1 di 7 E. alfalfa h;ilt iduhtv-li- tit a i hue, 'g c; tub washed, W. MAUGER an Inch l to r conk or her ,at em v w rat re a pp. led a conmiliuilvc I, AtlielR maid must aso (JV f T If I, i' l l 30 37c. I'llDTM VOI'RSKI.F WITH an inch, This mill dishes and weonr and hv nu mil for he pin pi se of CnnsUlernu l. Mer mlt biead lit p,,vs r motor, A i t CHe 'Hi ll pi im.ner n the lines hau.t ílt lo Inn uni t,f unv one of laid Tlit .MidaN. WOOL F0RJRENT Dwellings One of, Our Accumulative dlin the pre healed In the real hotels .,uld he llltelv lo eotiyert low n in her pari of t hese rcKuintioiis, Itepresent ln Mauser A Avery, Boston a mi of w i New York, was a ! It HK.VT title furnace to Moflen lialf tile in ,.Vi, y,,t K lili an f pe. ti mailer reiVrrvd June There (With Hualie Mauger ) Furnished modern new tent t mar-Ue- t. Accident lie h de-- house; Policies ntnl y hem he f sharp advance in London tin .;.. and steel runxe; huh', then cooleil to un iitp... tu uf hotel life. pel iiiaueiil head of (he the 11F North Kir.l 8t. Allnlquerqu.. N. M. COVFKH AM, ACtlOKXTH e of ,t wjiler part meld n nd adviMtujc witli spot closing at UM ios, an Apply i South High street. spun. the controller lliiillile ment. for imK tll-'l- tjcnei l wcr perilled lie (lit to KiM'bit nl hereon The prisoners will he advance of i2, while futures U IÍKXT 7 room b- f'iiKíilnii uf Artlxis In furnished house. 401 (pnenKer railway Mranihoat the Trance. I. mi it n it h iimh-- a pi o it higlti i Iocally mar- and 'b multiple essiv iiRe svslem lás al Í1S2. the South Kilith street. Inquire at J3 Smith travel, elrvatiirs, luirnliig per I.i ii Ki d by t l Tlnv bv no means fii..-ui- vv point. 4 liulldlDgs) aa he tut inc ni ew. aie ..r ltm:il !iih he will pi act i. allv delernniH' ket was dull and about live Kdilh street. ninf i l t 4 rurt. i 1' kt per IlillUlte. in their aulsilc lives The ferventlj maln-i.iine- heir ow a ra lent hh ihe en.ioy-- s higher on the average al 4:í.mi(ír J.óo - t lenaids RENT-T- wo Annual Illvlilenda 'I'll t uo-u- tent houses for in farm nf Insurant tf.- are th. ti uiHi in order to a.iitlcinic of I'mme in all of priv ili'K. ..r the reverse. They will Copper recovered part of its recent housekeeping IlKhf Insurnnre up I , Apply at luU' s. iuth in r0 renl Inrreaae. ''b metal al he rdne of t he mailers of Hue tut them lo a d,Kre. he classiih'd int. i three grades, the lower, losses in the on don market wit h ADVERTISE Amo. itrr i KVKKV I IHKKAI. "i h. mh.-.- ni'- -l i Iim he e t spot closing l.'is IS It 30 KKATl'KK Ilion Th!.. of lino ni i whh h noiblnu bul llilet medial and he huher The lower fl higher at Knit knt room r. imttifr house, ran The ,l 11 I Truvrlera Ina.iranre baiih the iitnl nftel' hard pr- longed whole can will be divided Into ittii the while futures were i Ills hiBher at he un.iiiKi-- for hotel. K""d V. (nian7, wok II. M, Million, 211 Hartford. Onnnecttcut: tu the liiiiiiti'e, ntiain Keen penal and t he ilion. Prisoners In Ho- fill. lineally tin market was dull and West iold avenue. If i!t-i- iol:u' .' sriiinnv tomhiues Every Day in Year Dlilesl, I.nruest Hlrongea hi; to t; r t the and of Anldeat and poMhii.K in th- j"ilh incessant coiiipi'llllori ..n nil si, ten to de will he t'Ul nominal wi:h lake puoted at $2;k0tff RKNT Mode .. e; 2 fllll eotiajjes. rlose In. t'onuw. nle.. tumbl. r and dix ti ma. i petenl lie. us ;.rtv f V lib li 4.U; electrolytic, at $22.00 il 22.2."; bine. deep hem inn em ten .lev oU-- (,, i heir r I'n il Teulsrh. ...ins a and 4. e t. ft. s t In e t w t $ 1 .iMHF 2 1 wa- - tirant illipttlC i.iNk (o ther thev i,. in hi liia-- ill be ellfc asting, at .2fi. Lead l.uililinfr. .inhmlt a. ad. uilc t t tf o.liiliL' V ..r Ihix I - Ul ."liolet loe. Tie dehnile uuchatigeil at $ r.7 4f ñ.SH loeally. but or i he il w,t-- f..Him of cmenthm nt;, Hi,. 1 Í I'.KXT 5 ' "! bHl-- t en i 'II l ,1 o 4 i rs in I cheap room house at 310 I" II' Li " t 'ISi'llel '! IH in adva nee to .otidon M. L. '' he s -Í- .mi.' Hi'tidis, they ;ne West Haea avenue. ,l" d. CM, a lilt el m dl.Ue u at II um 7s b'd in Inquire of Henry Schutt "I' rt iMIM i)I Fie be spelter was hatiued at 4 c ple-ie- Hllit this can Mann. 7:M S. ' , .IS deVMl.,1 t fi 4."i ! .North Fourteenth 219 2nd St. . " "to li.i bof-- ib. v nnitol then ' ihe hi her Indus rv ant London and dull at $6.3. fi Just tell the people what slreet. ' tint os h s tint j pi ..fet.-- s ,n e t t if x n' " hi- ersi hi ood HUNT-- Tin 5 tb.. mut Y conduct and ran division rally. and room u eaiiiiot kn.'H "r lit w you have to sell. furnished hoielt iiiiv t' f the low er gi ad. s Uth'tleS- houses. I'all at 417 Pouth Arno t.i. t III !.. M M.M-kn- . street. A wtihout rt Aekttnw le.ld of r mu I in Inc WOMAN'S llAt'K attv oiieii.- too .Ider -- tt'. ir On xtmnKtit ' IndliM! t ( Th qinitslkilil I in run ue.xi hive room flat. U mnitielit n prompt inn t i h n pris- - fnllo'lnic l.oslon Tell them a clear, eleétrle SANTA FE TIME . TABLE r trade ..kin. and water. Klc-irna- muí u timt e am-U- it ai he lo III he t. nnhed bv F J. llraf l'.... raiiKe Xash l f1ic l'sjp, til fHm,,,Mr i'ier elithle ei e full pi Pílese Wupply .. r.i.B West h. v, ), own to Alliunuerque, forcible, enthusiastic man- 1'entral avenue. if Ibr Aihlceof 1 1, is Mf)iiUt-c,pi- nim e ful I., h lie lie t ariiH lie m, "'inn marks. When heir pilvate wire í Ml M . June L'j. :i : Fun ItF.NT Five 7 r lllei U l'olloi-ii-4- item ..f I.e. niaiks have b, .ti ne.l in this it rude ner through the columns and room rottakea: A V I at t .( w II el; i AtiializNniate.1 l c.nvenienl tu shops Paul Teutsch, Hti n 'it i k ll as niM ft a lies Ihe tv prisoner he ie o he nlaced on i'..pper ... roiilna ii i i ; t , r.t, " "J ilrant huilding tl.d p'i'r.s. ..f heir f.,ri ''Mil Sel t'S lie sm-- i,i hM. pi M t fib minks have of The Mornina Journal. tf . 4 , SI i n 111- II i n Vlloili'l Mos! lier ii h h. il n been gained tor pi f np.nih tm-- i Full It KNT Two l.:,t- si.icev f.t n t nine 4 H- i or three room houses. . h 111 ft li b.M IlKS, lite. llrtl el pi t reding pt furnished he kliloe-- 'ler Isoiier will be . ? .I- or unfurnished. v. V. Fu. mm AiiKona a "-- n uive tnem iew Tacts "e W.nilh s, nli- d- 'Hps b .nln t reuijlred Io iHlf.'lili " fixed tusk dailv. I '"I nd street Tbf l: r tiiein-a- !. m h titi nf t o h in ea p.i i o fot - ' cure n l phvsirHt cemli- li. nt ic . . 1 , II and prices each morning Albu-Mi- , II I i. .'ii The .ok ( Iv I , Many w.mik n It i tr il li.'tit a pi ..duct e, !. n .n BON VOYAGE ' ' ( t mat iv e. e.l ..I . ' 14 1 and before you know it, Mom i e t h s. rf ant hará ter. snd llitiKliiim IIS.'-- Tnke the deliithtful mean trip w (., tie o i i li a ' ti i k front (Rffetlve June Hi rtd W tl It 1. im Kfiifrd t i tt- hi tr nit t.nsistent lth.) i lo w you will have Depart j ll h disi ipl tia rv Ol 1Kb Cuiie the busiest Galveston to New From Ihe Kuat Arrive. III So t liV! t 4 ell de .nelly i pni pritner York h' Uil.e: ff ni. be , ii m tterln n,l So. 1. p 8.30 P ."""iXt A ni:o.o trade at which VIA TUB Southern Cal. Rp T:4í h St . bUiUt- M a n t ai th.-- nt i; store in the community, lle. he IS nV'M lirnflt l. h will i'i iiteiuit.-i- . . ?S tr No. 3. California so p I MP M mi e n do the ;. I.tmlied i: fe Sllffi led I K 1,( f, t ; i t leal ul hi' .i hltp f SUpp.rt, H Itell Nu. 7. North. Cal. Faat Mall.. .I0:ti p ll;45p T'itiiis In ht r ba. k M hi, M C I - ' nef linn till' hV ai llbeff; !ler Thousands of progress- MALL0RY LINE No. . El p. 11 12:S t .i ft Mex. City Exp.. .45 p M' w new e j nn Arlf... . I' hell ftl e i With the ntr.ill.-- ' I leet nf 4.ianlfii'enl cmei eneral ü I . . 1 .' Hi Modern Nteel Sleam- - rum Ihe Wes- i ive business men do- t- tiht on the in of t!;e ' are sftsin pi IS of d :hev ' l:.i-- t ahina. No. 2. Ohirago ;5 hl-- 'l l Untie Fast Mall b?, - Ehloylng k. If 'Util flW "lie eotTi- .1. li II he ' . lhe Ouif .f i ii i. y I 1 M ' ing t in all parts of Eihilaraleil No. 4. rhleagn 6:5 p i. k 1, s the Iv hreezea Limited ;IP pi. lined if ii hi fl- i';iril!li,-- l es. n and lllimitahle viewa of hr liir. of "Kv every No. . t'hl. ft Kan. Cily Ein.. ?;:P ii .1 in-,- l I'.iial-l.- . t..-,- ti. :. sense ia 'difi yern f tie ii h..r.i , - n . w revived and :lp tt' inK un- ll . country. They are making iiimuUt.-- mind Fmii Hie Hnnth i and nnewert u I... am a Khln un, i t mi i ll. l t .i lii , t w . . . S 4J s r on.i l'ilii j..,, sie, ii. tu i reilu I ererKize.l hv Una lonir h- - "Nik 10. Chi.. ft T:MP . ii llfti.r.1,-,- i M it ii . their - inn Ien. K lireil Iim. They .'i to .tiiniiai-- i.i Kin k I'S'i ", business fairly leap io- ei,h...... r.F.O Hl M . . -- limine. nail No. 10 train k relt.-- H.",-I;- t k Mm nit .. i :s rml... connertaat Lamywith branrh mili .'ti. in aiul f(,,, III p. I,,. I r'nu f.l 1.1 ' e.ini.h rates. neluding alale--.11- , , ii.Uteil t li to the front. for Santa Ke and atops local point in tli.,1 tlnie iim utte h.ix li j I t. ir.t 11 ill e;i, I, e Se i, IT. heilh at all and meala New 1. 1, l : llnlle A Mexico. T. K. PL'RDr Agent. tlL'TO UK IM. I. iniK'tt Ií:I!.' .,11, ,!! h. nun KOM.MK . , i , .. l'I.KT w l t Í. in I I y de- You do I. Hil, i.lll a tlrrl liln.-- Hit r It I 'nl can the same. TRIP, hailing fruna 4. 41 ar p.tjn. W'f i.iiviri, u, . I : i mi rd then in r n day. - J Thnnwtar and Ka.tnrdi.T- fr.,m more il.ei.i-'ler.r- l I'M Moor i . 1 ' V s You in uo. li.tlnt.fc: effertlxe f..r should advertise BII.K every Tveadar: from thmi lltmn'il Kl.I'i-- One-4-.n i.f MmiK-nt- . Minion .11.. .1 IIKIAMlli li t;it 4... ever 1'rldi.v er lutnni,. .: p. VVhst of Hit . r 6 The Morning Journal, as it t:w Biff ft fortuoBtr4 lilt tlo D.rt Momfrur Journitl kK I ... I v -- piM-r . . IIIM. Fia. via. -- m h . in tue '1 do ynji 1. "" . r v w r f r A "vVl mi íi hv Prli e 'n Mi;MMe the nuit tnurestlnp; 4IB and ail noima in MTlli illUr . . goes to the people wheri ri..r..i. frrtttttiuM li(rtettl . IV.. ruff.,!-.- the Un is eaverljr looklnir . '"r i: i: r..r lunner paniiuiara sk any ti. of tnbrmB- - tMrn Pttishur 4 , I . railroad! Mf. .. .V, m I I". , for m , Kel O.. n Yi.rk. jtir.iin for t'nr I funilnhed roimi or a boarding! k . 1'. t ill their minds are fresh and "r ii. Aeenl. or addresa , i.i '""i"In-- i" at various Tumi) . . .. pris Si' ' ityertl-enu- j , Ask for or. f I i I f f U y,iur In part i ,,,i. ,i fc4 easily impressed. Inlerealie the luiinr inati - i. tllrm that ..,r ... r .a- - M l'inrii:ii Of i Line f,.Mer i Vv thu tper 'Tl.h r..: like tin r. itdvit i .,,H.ialU Mi,., H. TVIIIIK. Peaeenget T not w. el lie raffle Manger. i . -t 7& if wjr not? ...... ! HnaMleaj, ,, erfc tt. r3rit i sL irwtw tMt ay im A ' Ps

!'-v- l 1i


case or tetanus so treated should be reported. GOOD NEWS FROM SIX GOLD MEDALS FIRST AID TO THE The Difference. Hare's "Practice of Medicine" says: When children are wounded by I means of toy pistols, tetanus antitoxin should be Injected at once, since the RAABE & MAUGEK TO ON THE proportion of disean.. In which te- - MUG PRESENTED NJURED tanus develops from the injury Is very 115 and 117 North first Street Between R. R. and Copper Aves. large and by the prompt administra-- 1 13 lion of the remedy the disease may he prevented from producing its char-- I acteilsllc symptom. Thus. In ltlOS. OF PINAL STUDENTS GLORIOOS 4TH out of 56 cases of Fourth or July tetanuH treated without uniitoxln. Shelf Hardware, Cutlery, Enamelware, Ill died, whereas ill I 04, mil of Si cases treated with anti-toxi- none died, i In lÜlS casen of tetanus treated l W LAWN MOWERS, TENTS, WAGON COVERS, Accelerated Activity in Rich Interesting Exercises Mark i Physician Urges Great Import antitoxin, Packard and ilson found ' that the mortality was 42.2 per cent.j REFRIGERATORS, RANCH SUPPLIES, In cases in Around Florence. Close Anti-Tox- in and Moschowlta 41 treated Districts of Most Successful ance of Administering this wuy found a morlallt yof 40.!, per GARDEN TOOLS. GARDEN HOSE. POULTRY NETTING, " cent. As the death rate of acute te-- 1 Ariona Mining Notes. Ten Months'' Work in Paro- in Cases of Powder tanus is about SO per cent and of chronic tetanus about SO per cent. It chial School. 'Burns, is evident that antitoxin wives many; Winona Wagons, McCormick Mowers and Harvesters lives. F.ven after tetanic symptoms, í'hoonlx, Ariz., June S5. .Miners In have developed tetanus antitoxin THE MOST POPULAR BECAUSE THE BEST. from Florence, Pinal county, bring The parochial school of old A- Prepare for the Glorious Fourth. should still be used, as it may he of good news as to mining operations lbuquerque, In charge of the Sisters of Get out the arnica and the salve and some valne. Charily supervision of and developments In the various dis- and under the the bandages and the cold cream and Rev. Father Capllupi. S. J head of the IF A encompassed In boundaries whoop'er up for the late George PUP BREAKS LEG YOP IJVK IV SMAI.ii TOWN' tricts the church of San Felipe de Xeri, closed AMI 1'IMi IT II KI TO (.1 I' of that rich little bailiwick. a successful ten months term on last Washington and Independence. And CHASING JACK WCY OH The uprise from the tunnel to the Thursday afternoon by giving a public above all, don't forget the antitoxin. RABBITj, Kill! IS. LOOK FURTHER fore-sigh- WHY on 'the Kinnon property nt entertainment at the Casino, consist The city drug storejtare having the t wi! Mwi; i: thing. surface oy v.. pit vprm:iiiat sny, was completed ing or singing tne classes, calisthe- to lay In a supply. A local phy- Too Kinerprlslng Hull Doe Now in a o. When you cm get Cochran, they the nics, marching, recitations In both the col- yesterday; Hospital Willi In Splints. past week and the hoist .set at the Kngllsh and Spanish languages, and sician said rii:icr For prompt and courtcon rrentmeal i.oosi: i v.w ii:vk npixim, shi fts, of the upraise, la in operation. also an In leading, spell- "Although there have never to my and Üie very choicest of media you i:. iuifh lar examination no Sinking In the tunnel in line with ing, arithmetic and geography. The knowledge been any fatalities In this A valuable bull dog belonging to will make mistake by calling ou Ill.Wk HOOKS AMI ltl ltm It STAMPS. Phoenix, met KM 111 KI.KIWVOIU , 112 North street this upraise has commenced and good whole .urogram was very interesting city as the result,uf Fourth of July ex- J. II. Spalnhnwer, of pleasing, audience being com- with a peculiar accident the other telephoning ylur (rilcr lu. made In your own City. progress will he made. In the work. and the plosives have been some serious posed re! :i there day. The pup in the vigor of youth of purents. lives and friends CAN'T CALL TLI.FPIION I I.uko and Burnett, of this city of the children. accidents and It Is always possible that was giving Joyful chase to a Jack rab- Notice for I 'iihliciuloit, IF VOl lío-me- will be more ones. The bit. The rabbit Jumped a ditch and Department of the Interior, I. and Of- - spent most of last week at the The school is for boys and girls, and there serious on a the pup followed, and in landing fice al .Santa IV . X. M., May Ü1, mining claims situated at the this year had large attendance. The greatest danger from such accidents In a man- 5c expense it up is the other side, struck such 1907. II. Co. Hox Canyon, of keeping borne possibility of In my S. Lithgow of twelve miles is tetanus. In mouth vo- the ner that one foreleg was fractured Notice Is hereby given that by the Jesuit Fathers, with such parents of Albuquer- a manor. Mr. Spalnhower, being dallo BOOKBINDERS RUBBER STAMP MAKERS eiut of Florence. They are reported luntary contributions on the part of opinion the the bad Lucero, of A Ibiuiuei ipte, x. M., has que boy should strongly something of a doctor, Instead of kill- Journal Building. Phone 924. to have been so well pleasel with the the narishloners as they are pleased small have put filed notice of his Intention to muke necessity of ing the pun, the Injured member year proof In support ot prospects of their properties that they to donate, which this year have Vieen Impressed upon them the up In splints in the most approved final five nis begin work and development rather liberal, and for which the anti-toxi- n in case of such Inturle. It the Is now getting claim, viz: Homestead enlrv No. will at oniin-count- manner and dos 1 n to I saved thousands of lives in this 11U93, made April 19. 7 . for the once. Fathers feel grateful he coinniini; gen- around very nicely and gives promise ily of Old Town. They hope that they last summer and ils more of complete recovery. SF.'i. section 4, township 9 X, range Superintendent; C. M. Kcnfleld and keep good at the eral use will have the effect of greatly n 10, and that said proof will be made Up Telephone 789 will tin the work Cadi Newberry reducing the Fourth of July mortality. H. W. S. Olero. I'n i ted President Dennett of the next scholastic term, which begins on as HOXT 111 K AT I.V before Suites Whenever joii ivanl your PreMcrtptlons filled prtniiptly niul Btvurately or Mining company have gone to lioston September. The administration of antitoxin Just Court Commissioner, nt Albinpieriiue, the first Tuesday of next soon accident as possible may in to arrange for the renewal of work Ily Invitation, Nestor Montoya after the Cure the Indigestion Which Is So X. M.. on Juiy 5, 1907. If you want IHtl S unit MKIHCI.MCS wnt up to your house a liurry. an to discuss mean the saving of a small life." He following witnesses on enlarged scale and made an appropriate address on the The phvsician in question, who, ac l.ialilc to l.eatl lo Apoplexy. names the the advisability of Installing an elec- occasion, citing the history of the cording to tho ethics of the profession ltusli of business, eating too fast and to prove his continuous resilience tric power plant on the tilla river at Catholic church and its success in has a horror of seeing his name In 'too much, excesses of any kind, soon upon and cultivation of the land, viz: WILLIAMS DRUG CO their minen In Hutte district. education, in all ages, under all cir- print, calls to following result in Indigestion. Then when the . bise Crespin, of Old Albuquerque. X attention the i;u- - BLUR 1IT Ave. , John Ijí Manning, of the O. K. Min- cumstances and in all countries, extract from the current number of digestive organs cannot cure for the M.; Valentin uarcla, lionaclano FRONT. W. Central ing company, was in Florence last marching always abreast of the times the Journal of the Ameritar .Medical food properly the coals of the blood tlerrez, Vicente Herrera, of Chilill week with. It. K. Humphreys. M. E. and doing its full share, and duty in association. Chicago: vessels In the brain get little nourish- X. M. They had been out to Pincho looking the noble work. It is again time to sound tho alarm ment, become brittle, and finally yiclti MANTEL R. OTICUO, Register. over the O. K. group of mines and He impressed upon the parents the and to prepare for the annual tetanus to the fierce blood pressure. One I claims, but were reticent In speech. Mr. necessity of education for their child- epidemic. We approach the celebra- Is then aald to have a "shock," to be Notice fur Publication. Humphreys Is the Inventor or the ren so as to fit them for the battle of tion with .somewhat less apprehension paralyzed, or to die from apoplexy. Department of the Interior, Land Of- and Is now r lilis year than we did a few years ago. People suffering with headache, gid- THE rushing RACKET! Humphreys rolls life with chances success equal to fice at Santa Fe, X. M., May Ü8, connected with the engineering de- any fellows; to them for there is now every reason to be- diness, palpitation, sleeplessness, bad coupon It of their make a few of many mouth, drowsiness, coaled 1SII7. Cut out the below, present nl our partment of the Colorado Iron Works respected, use- lieve that the deaths taste in the l oí u worthy of themselves, will follow can be ascribed to tongue, eating. peck Notice Is hereby given that Adolfo dept., and save a pol Ion of the price pair of . at Denver. ful and an honor to their families and that distress after Mirabnl, of Chilill. N. M., has filed no- ' in new com- anything but municipal and oarenl before the eyes, and any other of the Water has been struck the their slate. He recommended the tice of bis Intention to make final j HAVE SHOES FOR ALL of Alta tal negligence. Physicians will do many distressing results uf a weakened WE double compartment shaft the plete mastery of both the Knglish and keep mortality figures by dis- five year proof in support of his' MI'.N'S a 115 feet. The in- their part to the stomach, should profit the SHOKS mine at depth of Spanish languages as an acquirement years Ml-o-- claim, viz: entry No. 6679, suffi- at a minimum. For four the covery of stomach tablets. Homestead grain Slices, Men's (lortdyear welt Box Calf flow Is not very strong, but of essential to success in future commer- compiled ami made November 2fi, 1901, for Men's heavy nil supply Journal has statistics In recent years the greatest advance the! cap toe and double Mide; lilis Shoe, whole wuole quarter, cient size to furnish an ample cial, mining and Industrial relations published comments on the injuries of in been In slutly of .NWVÍ, section 21, township 8 N, range in- medicino has the a good strong work Shoe. cher, three soles, cap toe of water for the new boiler to be with the sister republics of the south the Fourth and their results, and for diseases of digestion and nutrition ami 6 I!, and that said proof will be made makes A good body of the pair I.H." long back slay; a good slvlish stalled at the shaft. which have a population of nearly immediate and valuable results it has no other preacrlptlon has proven it- before H. W. S. Otero, United Stutes Spanish-speakin- g Men's brlnht Caharetta, (soft and serviceable Shoe, at. vi ore was alfo siruck with the water, sixty millions of been a most profitable undertaking. a. It Albuquerque, self of as much value as Court Commissioner, at lju-- Kngllsh Men's welt Vicl Kid ami consists of copper oxides and car- peoples. The first year. litOII, yielded deaths Is In as Vicl) Shoe, (loodyear 4tl rolled upon as u certainty today X. M , on July 6, 1907. $2.0(1 Shoe, soles, cap bonates with some glance. After these On the morning of the following as our tribute to Independence day, relieving worst of diges- hack Slav, cap toe, the pair blucher three the troubles He names the following witnesses! Kill Lace, Ma- toe and long back stay; this two Important strikes, O. r. Griffith, day, June 21, nil the pupils of the and of these 41' were due to tetanus. tion and asslmiluliou and making a to prove his continuous residence Men's Vicl mining On basis of iliese figures a vigor- rshall's Congress Shoe, tap toe, Shoe lias all the good points in the superintendent, started his school assembled in the parish church the complete cure. upon and cullhatlon of the land, viz: wearing qual- to retailing a bot- by ous campaign was siarled and taken can military heel, Knglish hack slay style, comfort and crew lead above the and high mass was said Rev. Fr The strongest proof thut be $n laxar, .lose Muldonado, Heyea sails-fa- up enthusiastically by other medical Juan II neat und comfortable Shoe, ity and never fails to give tom of the shaft and will eowtlrrue Capllupi. Following this six gold in substantiation of the claims Mora, Kliseo Mirahal, all of Chilill, ;.5( daily papers, which a pulr Ion, the pair this work till his new hoisting engine medals were distributed to the six pu- Journals and the that will cure the worst forms N. M. the resulted Hi a fall nt the mortality ot - Men's Calf Itlucher Shoe, Men's (loodyear well Patent and boiler arrives and ate installed at pils who had won the, highest aver- of stomuch trouble, cancer excepted, MANDF.L ltox re year to 1S.1 105 ii. OTRHO. Register. Colt Shoe., mat Calf top, the shaft for work. age marks during the course. The ex-r- the following deaths, and give immediate relief in indiges- half double sole, Knglish buck blucher Pros, are striking very with benedic- being from tetanus. This decrease, it tion is the guarantee that J. 11. stay and cap toe, the pair, $'.50 half Cuban heel, medium sole The Guild vtr'i closed the was easy to demonstrate.- was the re- MOUNIXn .KH'RXAI. WANT APS and welt; of Shoe high grade ore in a drift they are now tion of the rt.'eMted Cacrament. O'ltielly Co., give with every Men's Vicl Kid Lace Shoe, the perfection two one being a consid- Mi-o-- iiniNi; KKKi running on the lan foot level of the sult of factors, box of to refund the money i.r French plain toe, the Shoe for making; the pair $:l.50 (30 per in Mi-o-- Head erable decrease cent) unless cures. A guarantee comfort; the pnlr Men's Patent vaiiip, blue her Yankee Girl mine in the Owl the numbei of blank curtrldi,c , dull district. The ore runs high In' gold, !!k this must inspire confidence in Men's (looilyenr well. Velour Caborelta wounds; the other, and perhaps the a. ex- copper. Yankee Girl J. II. O'ltlelly Co. take the Calf, foxed blucher Shoe, half quarter, half double sole and pllver and The BEAR CANYON IS more striking, was the Improved pro- not Hlngle well; tension edge, pair. .. .$2.(1(1 is one of he Culumet-Pina- l whole risk and 'the remedy will Cuban heel, sole and the claim phylactic treatment of blank cartridge a penny unleg II cures. SPECIAL... "ill (loodyear Velour Mining company' group of which the wounds, especially as use cost you a very dressy shoe: pair. Men's welt regards the '. Vicl .""a If Oxford Shoe, single, sole ami local man- anti-toxi- Men's Kid Fox blucher Guild brothers are the of tetanus In 1905 the total kid welt, Cuban heel. This Is a agers and In which they hold a large and the number of tetanus Timo ' lo Turn. Oxford Shoe, mat Calf lop. half deaths tip ami military heel, pair, $2.."tl dandy Shoe, the pair 11:1.5(1 block of stock. POPULAR tases remained about the same; 1X2 Our coffee is a substitute IRE deaths anil 104 cases of tetanus; while Our butter Is a fake. excursions! last year a gratifying In te- i,Aini:s' SIKH'S KNOCKS IN THE decrease Our eggs are not the true lien dull; "PUT tanus lo 89 cases was recorded, the to- Is our cake. Elm Ladies' Crown T'ollsb Shoe, Lntlies' While Canvas oxford 1'nrcal toe, tal number of deaths being 15H. These In we hfde our feet. Opera l'uenl tip toe, corded fop Shoe, blucher cut. plain BOX" SAYS BURLINGTON S9 cases preventable were leatherette large eyelets, wide THANEVER of disease Or bo the experts say. to quuiler, Cuban heel, exlhle sole; single sole, shown by the reports we received to And nothing Dial we wear or eat ii gootl anil nent Shoe for the lace, covered heel. pair. .. .$!..'( he almost entirely of patterns who money, SI'.IKI Ladles' While Canvas Oxford Management is genuine totlay. tin; pair Novel Plan Adopted by were not seen by physicians until lock- Principle in Illinois, Kan- I. atlles' Vassar Shoe, Khl blu- Shoe, blucher cut. cap toe, Crltl-Isi- story Points of Hallway System Co Secure li jaw hud already set in. Tho old our eyes to all we might have shut, cher. l'ulen! leather. Inlaid front leather heel, half double sole, of lack of appreciation of the dangers Iowa, Michigan, Missouri, und eyelet slay, tip, extension edge, large eyelets, oí Service From Passenger. Fifty in by fam- And worn a shoddy hat sas, Patent One Hundred and of Fourth of July injuries the almosi-wo- milita, y heel, long w ide Silk laces, the pair. .$ I.t( ily And for clothing, but exlhle sole, physician was seldom heard. And Minnesota, North and South .wick the pair 2.ll( Ladles common dense Oxford Sunday-T- so. as we remarked before., we look They didn't stop at that. slay; Tut Knocks in the 17ox" is In ef- Mountain Last he Here is the final blow, I vow. Ladles' Khl blucher Shoe, Pat- Shoe, made for ease und com- with confidence to a continuance of the Dakota and Wisconsin. (loodyear turn, no tip, low fect the Inscription on neat, locked record of past three years, ami And bitter Is its sling. ent tip, Cuban heel. Oak soles. fort, Tale cf Two Marauding Pigs, the They've gone and folsieil on us now Kid back stay, hound tongue. heel, wide last, the pair. ,$1.50 receptacles which are being placed in feel assured that the profession will oxford do Its part in making the price of our An Imitation spring. DATES OF SALE: This Shoe Is all that is new ami Lot! les' Patent leather the observation, parlor, cafe and din- vlylish; the pair 2.."M Shoe, him her cut mat Kitl col- system. yesterday senseless "celebration" as small as tip. large ing cars of the Burlington Its II. X. Packert returned possible. He Wanted in Smoke. l.mlics' Kitl fox blucher Shoe, lar anil front, Imitation managing officials are determined to from Hear canyon, where he has been Is we can to you told Kid tip. extension sole, common eyelets, Silk laces, exlhle sole, is There little that add Mrs. Hmlthson Doctor, June 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, Shoe, find out if the passenger service not spending past two weeks camping the advice as to the prophylaxis of te- my he smoke a cigar sense heel. Oak soles; a very Cuban heel; a very pretty the husband could ! to the traveling public. pre-vlo- . . .2.."(l pair $2.00 satisfactory out with his family. tanus vtlilch we have printed In after each meal, didn't you? 29, 30; July 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, practical Shoe, the pair. the To facilitate the expression of years. F.very lacerated wound Yes; oh, yes. Ladles' Kid blucher Shoe, low Ladles' Vicl Kid Oxford Shoe, pens, "Hear canyon Is at its best this Doctor 10, 11, 12, 19, turned, "kicks" the company is placing received Horn Fourth of July explos Mrs. Smithson I thought so. He 20 and 21. two-li- ft heel, Palent tip, new blucher cut, hand Palent Ink. and paper beside the locked year," said Mr. Packert last night. ives, no matter which variety, must be eats six and seven meals a day now Final Return Limit Oct, 31. medium toe, Onk soles, back tip. pony eyelels, ribbon luces, boxen. They are provided with locks "The heavy ra na have made every- looked on as a wound that Is Very pos- Brooklyn Eagle. stay; the pair 2.5( Cuban heels, buck stays, at $2.."0 so that the' "knocks" will be certain sibly Infected, with tetanus. The Ladies' Vicl fox blucher Lace Lit dies' Patent leather College can thing green and attractive and the Is (lull Kitl cuff, ribbon to. reach the higher officials and character of these wountis such that you will II will be Shoe, Patent leather fox, cxlld Tie, overlap canyon Is beating Its previous records only If make Inquiry Is sole, swell lust; a not be abstracted by a conductor or their cleansing can he properly a revelation to you how many suc- Patent Hp, military heel; Ibis laces, llexiblt" Sunday accomplished, as a rule, general . . V, .$2.50 other train employe who knows that for popularity. Last then under cumb to kidney or bladder troubles In Ii very dressy shoe. pair. .$:l.l0 beaut the pair jt passenger is witling a complaint were over ISO people in the canyon anesthesia; and to render conditions PHILADELPHIA AND RETURN unfavorable for the anaerobic tetanus one form or another. If the patient Cuban heel, a solid und service ug.iliw;t the service. and were vehicles of all kinds Is beyond aid, Foley's HOYS' LOW CI T SHOPS there bacillus they should lie permitted to not medical $59.25. ( able Shoe; sixes II lo $1.50: "It has been our aim to give perfect gorge, so Kidney Cure will cure. It never dis- Hoys' Hongoln lilut her ix ford l;i'í second, strung up along the that heal from the bottom. And especially sole, half 1 lo 2. $1.75: 2 yi to f. . $I.M5 passenger service first, safe; J. H. O'ltielty Co. Shoes, half double reliable third, comfort- It looked like circus day." il must lie remembered that, in spite appoints. regular and of the depredations of even the best surgical cleansing, Tickets on Sale Juiy 11, 12 able." said P. S. KiímiIx, passenger Mr. Packert tells s ;OOII FOR 25,- - ANY PAIH OF SHOKS manager Burlington. of two bold, bad pigs which have vic- still may result, and conse The llifthlaml Metliothst Kiiliopnl churra and 13. Return Limit July 23, IT traffic of the I $a...o on .mohf.. rowers timized many a camper up the canyon. quently only through the prophylactic IpiiKUt will Kite n UKlithotlHt- (tot luí lit lie CUT iiouiiiT vi Tin: nit ki:t nut "We state that In our public 1 15c on from $1.110 lo $2.5(1 to One of these pigs Is black and tne injection ot from a to 0 culm; cen reiitlenee uf Mr. A. K. Kiiliitmin. Am By Depositing this ticket those mil invite our natrons in them can one TueBtluy ::. anil 10c on I hose from 50c lo $1.00 improve- oilier is wnite aim tumi me oeepiy timeters of tetanus antitoxin .iveiiliiK. .tune Hacks will IT m.-tb- suggestions to us for be absolutely of preventing the every llfteen and paying it be We only nllow on cncli pnlr of sli.Mtt. we get dyed In a villainous cunning unpre- certain rail from Occidental liulltllnu $1.00 may ment In practice, however, among to disease. This is most particularly minutes utter 8 d. m. t ul It out mid bring II along. A cedented pigs. Few visitors to Philadelphia few suggestions from the public. Hear canyon have escaped their raids. true of wounds which are not seen un- extended leave OUT NOT MKIII AITLIt JI M'. 2! many different branches A.s good praise It is actually believed these pigs can til one or more days old. the AICTTOX AT up to and including July 31, our service and compliment us on un- incubation period of tetanus is lil.MF.MItFK TIIK of climb tret s. The lunch that is left usual I 'KOX-- V A 2::t(l excellence. from live to fifteen days, are few III AY Kl CO. AMI Its general guarded for a few moments In the there 7::0 P. M. KACII DAY. "These compliments are nice but hack of a wagon or on the ground Is physicians ton far removed from a D. II. BOATRIGIIT A us for the s supply of to It In limi- not useful. few Toast' doomed, for tne pigs can abslractsand-wlche- antitoxin ecure BENT 205 S. Second St. Phono 1013. 204 W. Cold Aw. occasional mishap, giving us criticism and deviled eggs from under to be of value. The positive'efflcacy obviously as to be of you lying your shoe. of tetanus antitoxin as a prophylactic, KANSAS, T. E. PURDY, Agent. .so intemperate the seat while are ItIO I'l KKI O, MM Jit lie use. A very few passengers of- In numerous instances they have as well as its harmles.sne.vs, have been Intelli open tents corn repeatedly proved, hut never belter vk;a ami fer well merited criticism and started to rip after OAT HAT. gent or iniprot .mi and other provisions Inside, and noth- - than by the results of its use afier suggestions the last celebrations. It may be K. W. I KK, H. Hr.l HI. 16. constantly i ing is secure lrom their ravenous ap three ihev sre so few that emphasize fo cilPSH I'lMll. service petites. I oe mini 1 lie t.te well to the prophylactit Ak keep on the road both secret pis air treatment of wountis from cannon official inspectors, trying to spy property of the Hiirela estate, the I TIIK FRONTINO and people who control the (iallegos grant ci ackers and the various explosives M TIIK I A t .out our own faults and seeking inspi- blank cartridges. Our stat líIVI IMSII TO MV tHF. Improvement in the ser- where the canyon is situated. ither than IT IN THK I.ITTI.K TIIIM.M Allot T ration for There Is said to be grave danger istics show that so far the dei tease in I'AKK AMI I'IKM THAT MAHK TIIK Hid vice In any detail. from tetanus has been accom- policy and as a that these animals will be mistaken deaths lili I till-- KM IN TIU M 'Following out this for wilil hoars by some long suffering plished almost exclusively by the pre- us and themselves, we are In- In blank cartridge CAIIK IN MAhINO hel nto camper with a gun and will turn up vention of tetanus ANO CAKK IN BAKING; I HK. IX FACT, itialling In all our observation, parlor missing. Certainly there l 0 wountis. while the number of cases id a locked box for the from other explosives has Al l. THKIIIIill IH WHAT (IV KH OI K anil eafe cars score to be settled with the porkers. tetanus the Kf.AVOK. H. suggestions fOIlHlMllt- - As a fl'- - Til UK FAMOI'S Hats ultntist Panama uf criticisms and "They stole a pound of butter and sta- te-- 1 H. FIKNT ST. our patrons. Pen, ink, and seventy-liv- e cents worth of meat from suit. In lftOli the blank cartridge from te- are at hand and communica- me before 1 had been in th" canyon tanus was but little mote than tionery causes tions of this kind from the public will half an hour." said Mr. Packert last tanus fpm all other combined. orn nfav phonic nmi:it is in he thankfully received. The rom- - night. whereas in I!i0;i it constituted seven- - 4A. KF.MIAIKKIt Till lili IS Air The largest variety of genuine Panama Hats ever shown ..i .in, h.iT' will hear an invitation to Among those In the city now In eighths of all the cases. Apparently WAY'S A ((II ItTUII S CI 1 Kk deposit and are Itev. i H. Iloiittiayi this is because the tetanus danger of KKAHV TO TAKi: YOl OltHKII, New Mexico now on display at the popular 'write sml vour criticisms the canton so ll and It J. W. McQuade and family. Five blank cartridge wounds has been NO MVriF.U HOW SMALU 1'. Ii. suggestions, and will only wami In the parties went out to pend the day yc- - ell emphasized that the danger the , i'K.vrr l o. niwnml bv the Huperintemient at other wounds has been overlooked. lid of each run. Kvery complaint, A lre-eiU- e Seiller. Although it seems that some slight ithilcism anil suggestion will have improvement in the treatment Mall Order AdvrrlUtra. and considera- "How does this yere community curative un you gpt Ktiliir huttinpoM from careful investigation 'of is being made from year to Ll . names stand tin brainstorm an' unwritten tetanus our 4 hoi.HH non of rearit-ra- Ther Is loti .f tion. Those bearing the and ' ' year, yet the percentage of recoveries of the writers will be thank- a tv stili extremely Huiail. most of It to he hail are! while uiit irent atlver- - PRICE PRICE addresses agin 'em, stranger." and In the Jetirnul are acknowledged." "We're In whose Incubation t!Ars k""' fully "All right. What's gootl farm prop- these are patients their Khar, there la plertiy left for nw- - This plan of the Hurlington to stop pel toil as ni foiiKiucrauie lengtn. iin- - erty wut h , comera. $5.00 bv learning from the public the Hel no I'lrill Ul ect i liten I IK. causes and then removing them will with an incubation period of less than much by Cured Hemorrhages of Ih I.lingH. days often recover. Consequently Notice fur rul.tlratloll. Your size is here if you call at once be watched with interest nine ('lilted R,a,' ornee. Santa Fa. Net other roads. "Several years since my lunga were there is no disease in which the ounce Int so badly affected that I had many of prevention is worth so many pounds Mexlcn. llimrlrt. June 6. 1T. hemorrhages." writes A. M. Ake, nf of cure. Such Improvement in results Notice la hfrtO.y given (hat John Torco, I'nkiml. of Albuquerque, rmmtr of Hernallltn, Ter- again. Wood. Ind. "I took treatment with as has so far been observed seems to So she's about to be married several physician without any bene- - lie larg ly due to more vigorous use ritory of NVw tiaa thla dar fll?t! who Is the lucky man'. especially - In office lite application to purrhae. Tin ou know . I men to s f antitt'Xin. by the intras- thla ire-- fit. siarieti t.iite rniey . Tes; the dead one." Detroit I, .net- - my areipmai and intraneural routes. Tin unuar me proria.nna ni amnion .in, ecu.-.- and Tar. and lunes V...... WF 1. J - - , ..I..,. ,.,...u. th.. ...lU A..n - ..r,,-r- u , ....Unnr , Pivss. n,w :i Rimnii as a dii let. i reconi- - Ifr mend It in advanced stages of lung serum. We have ais. learned and NWÜ of SW'i of erclion ! anrt FISH Company, I antl-- L. A ttxid Crlu. trouble." Foley's Honey and Tar intil to be afraid of large dimes nf ! of NR'A. and NKV, of HK'a, ae ciun St. E. Washburn .n toxin, as these seems to be of advan- 11 N ttana--a a E. N. M. M father of Mrs. Siddons had j coug lungs. townehlp P. - 119 Gold The stops the and heals the tage. Control of apasms by in- - 122 South Second West , . the Any and all ppraona adveraely hor in m.irrv an actor. I o j . Notwithstanding hh injunctions she jlanil I'etemr. friiiira injectlonx of beta-cural- n lh lantla or deairlng to object one 01 me men,,.,. I Murphy i or "I magnesium suipnate for any reaaon lu Ihe eale (hereof to ap- marrleil I O ... Ily Co. j f.Vteltzet, lie ntl- - sfrms to of distinct plicant, ahotild file their affldavlta of pro-te- Ion. I' inlunn In tho ftf tf irii.n Tioarer Kemble heard of If h. ' In thla frita eo or kWera iba Cay how ti t V 1 nr. ti nr. SOI t.XIHS I,.,.,! ,,f ovn more vnlue than the iie mi nay '.W&a furious and asked her .I K AW NY h. MtY AKTFIf0O All meih- - of Salt. tlrwte the appllee,.n of cerebral sedativos. these !?. MAVI'KI, K " I VI THK io.W e he allowed. OTKHil. "ITa -- he bad not di - AI'ITIOV ate comparatively new. ami ben - Hhe. thai ho,.MFI;AY AHI lit Is extremely desirable thai every Keaiater. obeyed ulm. It' l.


n t,rni of inn Iti-iI- i I'im .,f lin- y.'in ljil l.iml i.ffn . i Cf'i Jltbuqucrque lh- ,,. ll lo-- llll. Ill" pllulK il Mllrilll llliiu'ití I' r'inii'iIssl.Mwr it ir n 11 Hep, i 1 MATTRESSES OF ALL KINDS, $2,50 AND UP mile by j - ii Hi: B, lhV Miiii.- ii .nt; 'tin- m'nii i RJI?PE of iln' riiv K.ivi'i'Mini'iit fter I." I," ii, ,,,i;ip"h.'rl u: ,, , t,,M I. Second THE PRESCRIPTION ; , morning journal llic It,, mil (luíosla ;i n tutor limn llu-t- r Inllllf iiinl iiliti,.iu h ln,., i Wool, Cotton, Japanese FlddU v UlHH t,l! 11,, llill lliltig i, t H in lier. They rtte-enil- DRUGGIST l'ul.llhe.l I.r Hi mi lime !h" rinlit of Solos p. il,,. ,,l ui'.'uiiiplitihm!,! Down Cotton and Fiber, Publishing Co. í'kí Inn, iiut Mu1 nrin.iltK of .illy West Central Avenue Journal r,,i,-!,- fl.iM",. ,1 I,, Ml 203 fi niil-- In' it I In 1 "I'll" iv" IS I'l" "Double" and Ostermoor, ii neblue l l"ft to ii ll :ill )' If Hill Tu i'ii' li.kiii in over l"ui !,... mi, In h . p. 1,.- O'.ls r I A. MAtTllKltxilN. I'rffltlcrit. Voló. The piii'lii' in irl nui li" I! !), III ,, - l'n would mil.' sli.m I'llllll'lll a. r,', I'liili- i hi-,- ii ñu. k ,,p " llUl.lll H. Prices arc the lowest, W. ni RKK. KMf.T. .1 - nil i .imtniitl HI''' f illingo iiihIii liu- limit wnli. Irtmii ii t' !.n I'I'it inert i ii n. cur (Mitrr So nl' M ;. ii;n . iin.vix'i hoiiuhu'iil I'ik il. In l, no, Inn Kclii-iii,- in ii i. .uní considering duality, 1'll I'll ml ilutes, uim ,il'i' llll'll Votcit nil I Ii- -f Mildly in ili o- , lli" wlmi "'.i M"li ... In, nl, l l, '. - i" REDUCED m'w.ti(1--i- ill tilt" Inn, live r;niicil tin i mutter ftt th 1iJ'illi fieri lil'llil? Blllirim liny mm .nil. From $2.50 to $18.00 ALL Poiri frh t A iiiiMiurniij, N. M, unrtur Th" nt nny Mini' lime I'uiii-m.iii'- h El ..f . Thr I'liin.'M' mnl .JiipH, snvs Paso and a TII KKTS Hill MIT i.f ..iiw Murrh 1:. III i.lltl lili) 111' ll'l III till" i'l.lll- - We satisfaction. lltll lllltll I'lull'l' Ilu'iili. uill roii'iii.-- ihr wot hi. guarantee AMI HOI. I). ( (ll(ltlrOMM.N( IC h tin-- r h n w . Railroad Scheme. I TIIK iiiiKniiilU'rii ni un i'lri'tlon wlili ,l ml h nit k y liu "Give trial. 8ULII 111.11. llll: MIIIIMMI JIIIHVU. " us a iMfim l l ii n m;iv ,in m if me I'l'ijuiri'ii lo in!! i ,, AinMi lihi'l in 1'Ari.H or t t i', - Tin- mlnlsO'!' uf imhlli Insi in mn in iii TIIK I'ltlM ' UK COMPANY. Ml Mi ll. hi ri'llllllMI i lieni'ver niki'il tn tin 10 liy a ju iiil'iii la ty tins !iiii n ti'iiui.limi. Ilr rnilly Itimwi.ll pill," ..f ifi W. V. FUTRELLE FURNITURE TICKET I I ttV TIIK III I I HI II AS rn ili i.,u n ""; MOURE'S OFFICE H ll'! flKH'-i- I'V I'I'f rent of Hie Vnli'l". lllilkl'M S V ' lo'.U likr ll pilvi 1. mn cnl Al L Till': TMIK. AMI TIIK MI.HIOIIH UK I. nil Ik o il" ll ill, l"l Only Mt'inbcr of Amerlmn TIrket Hlf. Till; III' II III It AN 1'AltTV WIIKN TIIÍ.V Aim. trpniril to h;ivr "inp ''!,. i.- i- i- f.nrvt Hnikfn' AMhoeltition. Thr in. ir A 'V A ni-- - 1 1 : j i,. m "it, i. "l bum Hot Tale for show am the road to a iiii.n r. f I.I 1'IIII.OsnniY. morí i h!l.i!lrM'' thill) r'r-lnri- Jll,"' ill' 11.1 sMK Ilr II,. , ,..r. ns "f away VtKt ientrnl Avenin. AUMiiiuertiud lu- "iii l;;ui ,rr in he i.imh in. cim't be far ion'' I. Mr. Roosevelt. rt IIS .'. I. I"l .Ill- -r silll IlirUrr rln tiliilli.n llmn Nlif l.ll.rr Miwr t..'. I'l illii ".lll" Wlrrc shadows limv- c."'l and !.. .1 i' p- f"l Ih" I' ,' ,i " "f lio.jMi-vi.i- c- I A ml ill U :'hi '. In r Mnlm, Til only Wifl In w inn' covri iiini'til 'lili in up"!) N tli" triiitoiy I'li'.iilii lllr ollh'lnl So hh Mr. coiiliiKit his sunbeam l!,- II .1 I'll 111 " Wae-rt- ALCUQUERQUcPLANINGMILL runtllii'tl-;,,!- , i I w j 1' lustlltiM an- whlnperltiff soft. Mellen l"liril entry I 111 riir. niz" it il In- Rlvi'ii thr sit " ll UK rn l ih r lo tí'- nil Ihr rvhlrlirr vi me to i hop.- rli rlcs hctc ml 'tu as leaves ilf "M ,,k- , Mué, oi only Mi.- i viili'iu iic.iitisi .Mr. Ti'fi- - moat Ju r'iiimt-;iii'- hi.- uifii was lomiiart-- And skies are mild ato' All li Imls nl' Mill Work a ir, thrlr riiuísnl rrsMii'Mttiilx," l.v t nt i II IV it '. h m 'I '.' , vary, iiut mu. c he cuuaKeil In dhpuu- - And placid drift ah. ft. I'liii'o I. noil Morning Jiturniil litm n higher ,,: .i i 'llic lilulit fur "lit of Hip ofin-r- In ihc i,iil.i . oik" iiurl'iiii with the "watur.- i pcii." Mi.' fit lias Willi nothing else do. W ut Liiiv li i'H. rutins t!tl! U ii'firllHil lo an? in! ii tupi ork l'l v w n i' "Trh Jl !n Ilml. Til" Stii'k U too hlif to hr .i. í i iiut i luí licuil 1. li I vvtars a iilher In AJI,i..eri.m r iinr etlier ri' iiliili'iiilii Hu rllh linn " ii u i" t i' ImllilK r,ii.-- : In llm of Ml" lslillul ntvn la ; ' i linn .4 m 'rd v a MS Oh. l.azy vllle's a Ocar aid place; ilnllr In K Mellen." Tin Amertnill hnl k"i'i "ur ilry." A'ul Ihif i.i.' ll "Witt p. 111 t, "III. v' A. J. Love, Proprietor inii'i' m.'M'luit.i huü'-- hill e a ft i i s o er w a - whhh in oiiml (h. Mil ,ll,.l li,' lireamland NrMNii!Har lllrei'f.irr. not :i 111,1. ItiKti! 111:1 fiirl rmihl Inivr nuin- rmivitlrinK oí S; unil r. It will he that Mr. It.HMeveU not hffb-til- i" tnu-i- Plmiut 40a. S. I'irsf Strict t.l H ll """ll !li ttllt The route's Iillliiil .'ilion Un l fin iiUliril ; 111". hnlly Ociiniin. . .I Kcv. ur. l.oii bccau,i" thai fje-- a NI ni . rlsi '."'I', i' Hi .11 summer day. TfcHJf !' II"' 'HIITION lii t. cxih-- " titi'lcvtuni; kíihw a I iv ihlr-(l- r iiu tv u'irrn yi'Hti'i ilny. Thin'c "naiiin ta tliai iootns in stale, i Irriinii in r nil" our l.i it.'.i in It I' ii itf .' I'lllllllll'l'. The no.ldinif rose thai St. Elmo Sample & Club f y. hy in j. tl'ii W Noll wolllll 111' 111 ih!''.-h.- had killed u lici hv liillmf 'l.c Rooms ml mull mio jer unnime. lul r nlnrly ,tli'll"K "t iiiivliit: ll'i .1 N' comtm.n The wilil flowers an the hi):. Iiiillv. V.y cpirliT, !jii nt.t.iili Bulry lo lit" lllihrrsi' prnrr rotlii'rNM k III I'.lllsi lllr. Al k., Ill' Tup. u, I, ileei 's chcHi , h'.t that a Kitntiii pi'"P Josrph I'.iirnrlt. I'i'tiirii (iir, T III " 11.' 'llllllH 'ii 1,'litiin .".tllil AH neiierousiy Indicare IHU VVrst 1. rl- -. .1 1';,, if U t ti h , Avttlintt. Jitiiiy. i.y mm t.itn int. nth. Mi' il '('he iiul iimI llll, lull, tin-in- . nt ni cil with am nriMcntil Il.i'inr nl" l.ih.uiim luí. it II, .' nsi'l Biu.iilil ..nth The w :i y to i,ay ville Krarici.- .Miiucy of Now York. Writica ' uyroKS , nr. ii u ,i u thr rrpri i of P. nils inula l, lukt'll ll'i ti.'.iplt- f'r Washington Si ciioicb servkd. aix. If llll pil 1,1 P m III, the .'ci Vi.rk Wnfhl, .fr. Aulnev aun; the popular unnips. K.'iio overy Mnn-flii- v. A I. Ill OI KIIUI'K NEW IMUXIi'H Ihr it llilliiilm 1' II itll'l ilil'.If nl'iillts in lili' iinwi'ii in Ihrir liasen! to hnil only Willi: "Tin-- ' Uii, - "Am an Knt ishm an J nspct. I thi pt'fMith-t- Tlntrsiliiy .'ini Snttirtl.iy tilij li tn. ii!r .mii ii r iiul uiiiil.i lili "tu h On Ki'fr Will". - c l.ti) r a thf tin- iiniwi'i'," iiui'i.' üi.iil i tiul oiii. much to cnii ihic (".nil Shíl-nuri- tin- nnlirv of nr Inloir Chirk j. ni uf ii thi'iim-l- llnii tu i, I. .ii. ft lit- 'tiiy :l nl i m m. ii lit crs with the ijrcshiriH. unit tiiiMi I will Dr. Srtv.ira til 'linli.T noosi i.r f w p.u :ii n hrii.k nhiiiil thr nf fin,. f i!u- I'iiiihiiiilli' mil Hi li.'.l lit'i-- r I'lu' i":iitl a Dor, J. Rankin Company li tiiii nl lm hn I' cí- 1'itrniB. til.i 'rnii..iil tsihP". "f - hut he rnpc.J into thf Society a the ,l ijiuslllnll HH .'i lit l!' IllnSI f ft,' H !ei. ron.-i- ll'l" tt', e il m :i...-- itinikiiitiiiii: Vire IiiviiriiiiiT. lü'iil ItsUiIo mnl .'i'HvliiK lililí for thr i iirtlon of I'- ale arn 'mniall icil as an tici ttrtiiin .T m - Til" t!lXlliyi't'S' K'loil ."in nut lilt! K.'ln III lilt- HIlUI'K V ii i rn who i;iih liint- mill n, iilti lii'il Itr.ttlii'r-ln-lii- hit 517. 11. N. T. render ii n lil m" hlow ill p.i.v Ai I'l I, ll vain h lm- he fnllovvlim "VlnltliiK l'l lOiiKliitli Loans. I'liomt I'ikiiii liv.i Aim" "I iiul Hour whirli hrlnti ril lo 'I'll., I,. it ru... v.Tilll,' In' II! Urn I m Uiiiimi'VI'II iillilli';in." nhoiit .S'., In Un- I'll Hi'' Ariiiijii I ti. lil lii;, .!lmiiit'i'iiit, . . If "A l!i Hi npii' f" 'nl, l , "In the month of .lunc, li.u llm'i'i'"!' ''i'1 to lie th" ino'd n:iy;il ilr- - ll's iinviltn MtrlliiKi "!i,'!ii'i lu tt mi 1:1 Puno llll'l SI P.iUiM tltllll t ir,' imrllilr - i 1 ult',1 shui.iliiK. The tin- - ciiiiiiiiuiiii Miinii i.:'i. ilof. ii thr 1,'nt Iiiiuii- I. nin :." r III" (mini pi II. nl (hurchili ami in.'iTiliiK hf i.iii'iis.nii foiinwiiiK I tilts. nlln III'" llll'l Mi.'li.'M 111 Wlll'hl. 'I'llCM' ll"W lil t -- hunting ,11111 .1 uwny, riiisiitji lionil'ly. Ihr ti " 111" bin kui,' in the central m in llinii. i k.l'l'H l'l'us-il- tt'llll'l fin., l:,lll In Arthur E. Walker lull llti''. - u.m liiicnili'il fur yi'ipril;i. ' .Iim .f Suuth Africa. Toward clo-- . .,f a dlu- "Nt-x- i ilny in- - liit'l v, lit'i ltn li. Hi. iiKii llrllipH III" lo roKl, V.hell rolnplrlr, The Alumina- h.ii hi uvi htI 1,'M'll I", lllllll III. surntilt "I 111V the in. l i ' I'liv 3iistiiJinc( SerrWnry Mnliinl i h.'il llll :if!"i Hi" I'i j Hull vmih '. m- pii .i t ut' It licarteiiiiiK dy duiinu which uc rnct nuthiiu un. ..nuil, a hfitiik. iiiiotii iiKiii.f, iif mil in lhiiiK hlii" $ ii.OiiO.liuCI ll. Thry Ihrlr juliii'i' llm. It mi! liullli i.r il. ,"! "'in'- nil x.iim nu ll .Mmnnni ,i it hut Kim hlovvlnu iicrnF the Nam'.. filil'l.V K"."l ntiihlin Association. Thonn .Mh'. In IliiiHiiiu." look ir .li'. .li i.f IV. li.tK-- lllllll Hi- - uf nil' llll'l ussiiillf ll liilll I" Viil"'' Avniip. Buiiii iirrm: 111 u.i:-itr- iWVi West Ontml Ill'O I.I hr flint li" il'MM'1 nf Ihrlr IniiK Iiiii- ,j liu, .11!. il h H.I. uf liJULTSod. ho sud'lenlv cillllti I '.u Ijiiiii,- - tit-li- I'l" Kim rvt'i'V fi'w t n it : l.l IliT llll" "11 !',' till ÍIUUII in;. li.uift IMiior Mm tiinit .I. ii . a the traclí-- uf u clrphanl. npiJúr-n- i i iiiiuli',. TlH'.v hr Kl p. p. I,,, up h lu.i-- I ipfl huc i. ii. i ii iiinl r. it. iif I tipr mi hr uir lo h.ivr in Win liufiai't itt,, s.'t'..ii.i. ni nnili Til In nun niiiH'f . ly a 1'i'H vie le pliant, an we ilili t .;iru,-ttl- l f iml icfti from v q i n o h :, In Iill.l push u thrmuili is witit much fttihitt riisst'il. It t'i. a i, n i' i; it q it k . ('iillliiil tu i ;i nuil hiinki'l'i Iiiiri" iik In Imhl t la- lovv-ru- ; Hull !il rllv lllti'lnls ll hllH n - lia 111'' 111,- he íi'ioi' wan ra veiny; alone. - hn ut il if Piu'i.:sl .,pi. .rl mi inn tvi hint. In'- t 111. t Hi I'lH'll t.f lli IlliSKfB lllC Ulltll'I- Imiiil for hill-- It tin I II Kpaor we to o niapiiiK Foundry and Machine Works. uiiotlii'i' I'li'iiii.n rllv J.lliiii loiii. 'Ihr welKhi uf hull IVmilrn'H Ii li litis I... p liu lm oil' ful U". the rami' ii shore t.tlilly. - - ki'ci. rs iiill"l nl i'lu" nifjllirr llilnk llii'i'- un- oilirr iIiIhk.i a t il n 'OI .f a Mwei i w ater Incoan and here, :'h) yunls Mull, tlini tnil lx tu liy .'l.imil t.iriM KUIIIK to rlillirh. Willi Ihitj t ;tl "til- IK' li. r. Vropiii'ior., tin 11. intuir exrrril wy en- - his lililí"' Rnvf (hut illy ni'i'ild iiinn- llmn ii rllv will lir lo a ai iiiinih.'i ul li"ll-t- h from the hanUn, haw a. l"ulai jtjmhi. Imn onl Ilrnfm fastlntífl. Ore, Conl, and II. .it uf ni)' hnllh'Hhlp Ii'iu- 'I'hr hui'liiii I" 111" iii' ltt'.'l't r iin.l tlf iiiillitli'l ivn'K iiinl "lii'il lniii vuut I'll l.i li s, There are Postoffices Itivint,' jt b dilnli to ul hcirt'K conti'ii .umber ram, i'tilleys. Ora to linrs. TliibhHt Tlif'ir in" -. Hi-- I. i i'.- My - nH.fc. Ilml Klinulil li" rminlilri ii nirrinrtii of Ihf innln lintlrty kiiiiw and hail ni'idlv time to ix- i nl wir. Hit' nn- - Motnl, r.dumns mnl Iron for líu hi Ml'. ni'-- and Postoffices. ha iijyc ideas n tu lacv v I ;u, klo " 'Thpri' iiin't it" m'Tt. nnin I imlli'i'il IjisI I'li'i'lliill till v lirir ii tu hi" lulrh thil' hfmlilHiili' llll' 2 Thr nltt.i in ) is' poliii in inff, Tt opa Irs on Mining add Milllnpr w lie Hit; el ' i t inj; liainlU'r lllul"! Ulllllliiim 111. us.' lol' 111" llrfrllMI' is th iionster ii. pnani n.pi OTlY, 'ri"ili('. mrrrl rnliiin 'liHtt nny i NVw - AA'lty. nur npeetnlty. TVrN ttunt PUU ui' gri'iitrr Hint uf il i a Tin' fi.ll" ni; fY'.m Tito Tin iinifiiri lu alarm, we muw 11m open nf ii croco- " in. .i'f? X.ins.'n.t.'. yi.u'se ii"i i,.t v Hit' i nil i V rli',.. iiut only iM, ril, hy hU onsiiln inn in Jaws A tt'liti illy (I much-iiiik-- '.' of Ttnilroad' Track, Ihniiiieuue. New Mxlen Is inicrcHi Mi'j tn ii of i hat Hie maidenly Hi tn t lii'iisTim! in lli.'tl b"X.' un Hour.!'- - Vrl'l I'l r.'lrl"IU'f vill It" (lOMHlltlo. Irlllnis tt un. as hat li.'.v iiinl mil "iii'lei arise from wiiur fn.m nt 1'iisi it liilii'i'l lull mi' ii'iiiiiK ruis-- BiHiiiv i In f m ' '11 uf ' in th i.r Siinta (lie elt;ihatil and w It li n hard metal "Tli.- r I'liishi il mnl sliimniiTt'il ."tl'ii'lM from Inn) lo Willi il nrt nf II llsw ll" I'll "'K tplrsl lulls', lift I't K" IrtiKlh th" wnlrr llnr Tc ful it tup per t i?i t llll" Ih k i h.Hu down ht u in ii hi h " All. "in lh"in nin't f"'i- V'.u. sir. Thi'y'rr THE WM. FARR COMPANY VolHI lll.'ll lit lll'f'l'lll lll'f lllllloil ft 10 n K5 hnif-n- (' i rn m í frrl nlul iiiiixliTiiini whllh nf A now Ju-t- lnln'HH in in ni trunk. The Heiihnnt immediately licúan t" f. un. r nl. Klit't in 'I'm. l ily i oillli'il Klliilllil run-ciilo- i- niiiahl" hook has hirti ill. iii "riii y'tf S"l Wholrsali' anil Piotnil ..lllili'. Th" -- suvh: frrl, III. Willi till' lintt l'llll illlrr.! m lu III" .Miminar I'll lil t Ii dm nialHT. Thi' TuiMinuail );inr withdravi' drav.lui ihe ciocu- sir.' " IIKAf.FB IV I KKSH A Nil KAI.T MEATS llll" rlly'H Riinli'il few ihct-- an iiili'-- In II It- t will liny, vi'hhi'Ih itiiii'mii nil Iiinl "Cinh Stun" I'oiiir tnsf at;" tit wllh him. hut had hat receded hirty 8,lUhuut n Ki.rrlnlly Un y riivli lulu it rllv whhh innriry ihrxft tin- krid- K lu-- linillniiK iM"s. 11 w llrHH k I'c New Mrxk'ttn tiutl wan a feet w a tint her trocad le n nuca red and rniinrir-iiiri- nl Tin Till" nr. of A T'rj Tommy. ft Mar-k- Pt lU'vliliB why ilo not Hi'' i will nuvy iirul r- i iff c nt t 111 til a rc- - l. fr For Cattle ml Maga tho Bipreest h I he t luill, hr Ihr prlilr uf Ihr i is .is." Ilv Kin fft i'f. Tin tclKitiii lie tall af liN u midii iih friend, II Ini- - Kriwl. Biiy. Mr, Johnston." raid littti Tommy, Is rnriKiill 1'iinnt in iilH mi I 111 li. rl Klmwt'il he rcrr-iinf- tu lliiw offici helper) In I'rici'S Pattl. thrlr tut s nil Ihr I'll, Mllnllhl II' I'M'I hr iiiafei iall clieekíuj; the elephant's HpenkitiK." m ta ur n f hi "are fond of ijiiitli'in. H ' Kll- - ha vc nr. Tlil a fur mm from the water. and liiiriiiiit IIKM llll lit llrpiw has Koll" lo retreai Strenntii ' John- it ill 'iloll In llirin. tt" "Not very, Toiiimy, Mr. Tiny iti 14 k roiiMlili'l' tlilit tlirv nrf .ir lor llm siiiiiinrr. Ill" poor liitt- - dii'M un ilav fi'iiii niwhi Thi' facts arc however, were an the elephant's Hide, and GROSS, KELLY & COMPANY ( ' ' , i na i we u ston, v.oih sml'e. tin' mirvuniH of llw i'i'nili'. mi! thrlr j Inf tu t ii .i. ti h ii i ui'.i.i i na' ih an iiii ni" i in ri 'a with incaKUteil backward Mrtde ho was K'ail i peyk , I'm i i 'hi i 37 "7 rciii b in vcar nvfi' lartt. That is pally hankti, don't much"" inunii'i'f unil ttlirn h lioti'l i i i : s. ml Mill. Tu in ,,i,.i,ih ,.ii,.u ?it making Ihe where ue epected " Wholesale Merchants i""r !; n iin 1,,lHi ,n ,tM' 1,1 n..t u deal i M mIi I II Ik' i.ixiii io liuv.-'- I"1" f"'' hl,,r to nee him with otic af his mi'ilH Well. nal iiiiylhiiiK If ri " i'i hiiiihl tfilhrr simihiht. led - t .J 1,1 "he- Wool, llldi'S niwl IVIlg (IIhtiimmmI liV tin' ii'olf, illflfllil of !n7, "T iii uno t his war il will Khmv crush any furl her presumpt ion nut af .Mr. "I ihiiujcht f"-- ,in ven Wlu-r- 1: say to mamma n SiH'dully. - f' n (.Tcitcr tlu.n that. lie, ree canse h":ud Sister Akhc till- riiunrll nil rilirt HiHi nil Ill ft rotillnrllirilil'llt mlilri'KH, il 'Ph.- Miihm nnw 'rucad but nt this moment other l tlC Nil l IN li" .Mil' J (nil Ul MUX 11)1 1' waiting all the il III Ii" n In F In rmisuli;i-- j ll'l ft crufMililea came on the scene and ein h fall today that she had been a rjii'Q i h. s veoa s fiirti mill surh iliitr th. T" 1 1:1 111 N'. V., livi'il Siintn nuil It - l'nlvi'Hlty, ill oil. iw ii m v. ry A It, cartel', tin t a y.-- to Philadelphia Jn- liuliil rli'i'liiin. lion Willi Mi'.ssis. K.'i.vnohlH nlul I'rirli-- i from in inn Into liiU' ami ulvliiw hold nf anuihei winter for IIHlMi'l', U'llil fcf-l- s l nvcr t .IniiK" Wlllhint J. fliiyiior Hiivr n llillr lili n vlrw 1. Ill" Ti.!- - little Sotv tllf tail, one Fide uf tiie jramli-s- i;nirer. I mn fof thi H'iunre ilnil. mil. lllllkllll! i innlif-r- The in teat Inns arc that Ihie. crrt'1!? ;iil man vv-- w ü The p,uml nilvh'r lilrh Imiv il nlii ,i lily hr fon! "I n fsti i? u ion" Htlll intuí Impur-- I that nioi Iiul will i tm 1. In fHccipiH wo '.r lir.e t men hlndnii'Kt crocodile, uetirft n a a H"i't of trot-- IMpj (enraged AVell, t'onstnntia, ihnifih- - a nriosiivm.'!' lu'replril ii, il only hy ihu .vuiiiik turn tlm It ii'-- Lobby itKrri'i.ii'Ax. wllhlu jfiir Pin'. tlll I'f an oar In tills naikahlc team, besan l ví, nil my w soft. Safoon m.Ver in life í i trr jf vi i ii i In' ' N"w ha- i u r hu rfcionl''lit khvh nf Cnluiilt, 1ml nlnu hy thuw nf Ihr U'lml I, nt omr of ihr hiiir,iu!''"ml'"r,",;"" '" "nlr" " """ t" k tail die with his forciynst paw i. jrreen unsophiaticateU. Kpocny an bird as , CHOICE LIQUORS SERVED Ml" '""'' V1" "i"-il- and the hi ra In upim hN probusi Is must have to iy In vrry (ihiln trrini, nuil wlml unti'V. Thr .hnliir sihl: of ImiiiiKiulloii tMilItt Mux. X.'iiiiii.l"1"1""" """"" yoiiuR ruddini: ton" rilnentr lleer on Tap. " I. ecu Haiti-mor- e missi s il. Hr got sonm liiio.iiuil "' tctrthlH f..r the clchant. Amid the i ically ) hnvo' lluUIKh hi' UHix il rlllll lliHli'iiil of Hiiinr. imiv K'lliiK mil nf hr Mamm.i omphat In "Voil .vuiiiik mnl ll III Vl'illM. iahhed and foam covered svat'TS it wan dime anil Oft Acquainted. l hr-Ir- "III of I'iKllI 'I'hru, Ihinlt oi American. h" . ., Imp.iK.silili" f. opini'-- i more nilili' iiiiilrtiirnl. nrvrt hnl' lulu Ihr wui hi iim iinilcr n li nsl ni- - iv tu- - s.rir.nt.v ,.i tur hu u. c ri M F CHRRFNT COMMENT to inn an as the IV. I. AI.KXANOKU, l'rIl.' i i i ult mu te t h ie (il III" I'M V ílll Inn i ll i lul lii'i' t y rilu-rnlli- Mr. l"i Hi. llll 1(11 JIIMM I result af is r si riiKfile. iihlllíi Inn tu Niicli'iv lu our U'lVf I'l llll" " itr m v (is eLn ntotiey on tdther sudfi" Jl llll'll r III" luihlh' pilnlri, Mr. Mux I'lust. 1 in Kreuk. lo Kft VI'IT f.llr how mil wIIihIiIv, lull fur Ihr ko.u1 Kundy. 'I'll lake your ladship's live THOS. F. KELEHER ih-'- l I'.iraki r. nitco u;mui u whin hi' ivft Inn ipiv-i- " lime i'.iijr ' I. rlty hull hniiil nf nil. ii inlt'irsl in Sp.'ii I, n n i ii - to au.iinsl the elephunt uli.iuted and Harness, SjuUIIi'S Smlilli'i'.v, lA'Utlicr, .ro'oli Tnkr lit" ii ul' Iho liui.'Tii uf K i'i'ii..r i.r Hit'-- Biaiii tl Tnfl "tit on his - 11 - tin sm.ner w an the wut;er c tTected han t h hy IIiiimh who lm vi- In ihv Ihr fri'luht. nniriit mnl :nilliit'. lllillillll. Ill" lllllll ll, Of il .ll' iiit'i'i'i' hv niMliiiiu hhu a Man- jiiilu'. FiiulliifiS l'iiinl. L.B.PUTNEY - s.iKHcttv af the ete;ihaiit landed me tlie ,, iiinl livi-i- "f liii'Ki" hllllKH lll Iiinl VilMII" Uollih'l why tnr .Mnl ii ih iin wily act n htrt lii'i- rrn- uhtvh Iiofiire linyliif; cxiuiilni" our pnoils nuil Established ikii. ., W lil thf hiullii "Wr nt Jiimi rntriliiK Upon nil rrn piist money an well as himself flu wet nr. The Hilluiv ul' Ihr Sutitil nupilrr. lie feels n a. i i 'aso I lei a lil. suvo m Hi'iloiiwly - lirliTS and iiionry. linniliM o" mil' rllzmiM i' of thr l;lr,'il"Kt I'limulllli' irfolnt thin Willi Is lllso thr rily rililol of liu- Al- - elephunt Kiiuply blew through his trunk the Wholesale Grocer, Flour, Feed many of water he just previously 10 WKST AVI.MT! ini'iiiiri'il pvi-i- ili.y hy ti iisuii uf th" I'lllUlll'V i (T hml Wr lit it to imimir, lool, ii .lump uf $ no iiflrr ihr X )...lil UrUk. Kalians had I'l". VTlMTi mr most and Grain. Agent for h il pt r ol Fran-inc..- " imbibed, and the hue crocodile, fetditu: i y w lili-l- I'll uní liurraii. hit siippllt fuñí '"Dip ,la;is nuilit i'ait. an muni nlln i niiiliiloim ilirv un' tlitlkr nur i"V f fill' ti t. nnlloilill a Kfent and foivaful swirl of waters upria.t-iut- i Ihr iii'ttil lu r liu ripls, tviix'i! a t iinon-u- If Mitchell Wagons fl'l' Willll of Iho-i- inil-ru.ii- lt V. II. MITCHELL I'll III l' It'll I'l flllllllll In In ni.ik" who run I', t II his hack teeth and threatenitiK i" almost mir un hr Hi nt nf K I. th.y Hhnul.i. think the Waxh him mi Allniqiiei'(,n' H 11 1 wash Ins wry tannue down hirt throat, had New JfeTlrn HIHVrt'HK" f.lrlllll'K, HI'CIIW ii in lit .i ml Hint our il in highly w.'.uhi '' CITY SCAVKKU )ir(lii'l' uohnllc litv t I U l ll- - to release his hold, a ml he entire crew at I'iiiiiIm. hi;h-- low 'iillltl Ihr lit mill I'll It'll lli.m i ut!! of tt'c ih'Hiit. fur war liy wlild'il liillliiK wllh Hi'ilnii" riiiiilltloii" lllr lint pl'lvnlt" hut plllilii' tlve ci ocodil. n fell back into the depths uf Ihono 17. Oil West CViirr Avonue. iV..n di Glaive .n t li.- hilt nl hi it- the time the KiaPeiV "ill lht-- K;t llirwiiyli for I'oiint'll In iiik Un' I I'l" I" ivv, mi thru, hu mi ilis-- t 'l-- t the ted and d isk raced. thr whhh inn ul llic illi.ihli' intiviil never it ll t hi Ml - I'll'ieiiix J(c.ulili' Ull. "Nil b"Uht sonic wriiers af utoi'ivs r.f wild linn, I tin- I'ikii fur ii rlty hull. Imliiiilluii ur fiiviit'l ni in r.iir. lActi a siiicii .!' ;tnyt!ilriK cm a lil "lict. i)i-- such as maumuln lions or Kilkenny ' wli w I Minimis - Is n ii In I ni k. hiirnii. in hi. Atfiilfn nrcvcfí Tin- ttiuil of iiiuiHT irui'i'iii:" Wr in" hi lo mo;i fitiiiihtlriit cats huvf itusi ii t i i'i son a- nf the thiiiKs lit, Itl (ri.Hiw HMI.IIO siHiMiiKi, h ii K link sansa wc, h. an, tIií RhiK.nt i.r t he f im r t'Jila Vall.-- Is 'i:f.' MWiiul-liii- it hey otln-r- un Toti&Gradi-- 1 7 I h.t wiinensed, 2 fin- iriitri- llirnilri' In ill" tulhMr Mi'iik nuil hmitl wnlrrihii: unil riic, .iihitiii'M, hnltrr, sumir, sail. irnlfu h. nc may a A ml im and have 3 North Third Street littltl llliiiK. niiitiiril frtiin l.r0 .uv" Hn-i- l i:i.iii' ioiinlv pciuiitled to In l':lrut-ttii- In law u'tih-s- i' rt mar Thatchi-- huy Dealers ruinli'f'H &uo IiitiI'Ii tliiin ninny iriiih' un' nuni" mil' iiihlh' utilltlri whirh .siiwi'l ht uiic. ni onilcf laiuhnmii - lii-- '.' " olí;;: ::l hut trwtli Will lire- lM, i us- ..!.! si mii.I n wix- - calor their f c.i:oci:iaKS, I'üoyisions, chain All ttrk AltMilutfly (nuruntreit. ii i i V prai'hi's. liiiinininl nlul hi'ic die iiiittiiK ínin if. 'I'hr illy 'hHlrl:iii iuiIiIIhIh'i r I'll ii I' lluuhl'M hil It H iillliiil. v.iil for t he i .'ili? reas, ni i hat ip I m l. I .h it' Hllr.ira oat. h r..r l .ft He an net. far f irnih Hay nuil ine line of linporleil 111" uf Inw-- i aw well in stranger M. Cit;iii"s. llinrly H.iiniiiK nuiilniil iIiiiiki'I' Such will mil iiijurr Ihr himils Why i ii t Ihi' "i iici t" tint make noiiyh tut" hc fuiitrc to count nrt returns ntii.m:cr lhan iielion Wliii I,itiiurs unil l'laee your hose, Ted thipon.'d to my un. N. T. Arii,l III h" H'll" Unil mnl uf il imi j, therefore. believe onlers for llils lln lino with Itiilltlinic. ronliiKl.iii, hlrli "i Hlurk'i mil' inhllr rni'iiii t l - a ut He tab' ca n do the other I'm hint ami nhhtiiu-i- iVmii i he in tiih n- liin. liiivlnit un uní lo Ihr n't Ih hih.rly Kiihl, hut will improvr no mollycoddle." llir. hies lor t me in "ii; r mi Sure? liaty k' U hnl will Mr. say of W. TRIMBLE & COMPANH nf n iMihohl I'iith'llt, will r.lll Ihr Ihrm h uuikliiii thrill hoiirsl i tit liitiiiiiy HHk il ol lilm in a ruse in w lihli ti list amhnK that II O liurittim Mt"lc h.osevelt Francis L A tlhrev '' Creat hlessl the w .rid Hot t h of III" iliM'UH" Ii nil ci 111 Ml ll ll :ilr liaflilitl llll hi' was Nought mmMiIi.- ci lil "l tal pclltl cnl ml v that IhiK' rman Ri'l'llis licit New York World, but i na; üiialc- - I.IVFKV, lUKl) AMI I.IVKKV 8TA1II.E8 (nl tliat".' n ilmt i'il.nanl was i cu ....inti! (o llvlllK n III llf i'l' IIUH" tu ill rrtl-- r Tin' Almanac. - 'irl'muis "Wr mr :l!so ii lu mil' i awaits Mr. lioosev ett in emer- l irttl CIiikk Tlinlt,iit0 at thrill U't a uso. lu w as n i ilcail nu nt ncy kcih-- a n ml hat 'hit y will w action his unil In- I Kt'ilHtilllltile KilteM. Excursions nvvii.v. ji'l rmiiiliily litinili'i'il". inilli hi u k. o Hint liu if .slinll no hi hi- "lahhi'il with miitlilv until ahkhii ur I'.'l hr ritliis '" ' t"tn.' JaiiUi I .r..- - t " ia i i mi .. Teli'ili(iiie It. orlli Secnnil Street. riy iiiohiilily IioiimiiiiIh. of mi'' l X nil tliw IllilliTia! which wr ratl-ll- Suiiii' ni '.i il n ist iu a n hail yol tu inc i.ili. -- On r. il I tt i.'li a I. ln il. Ft. in., t.l I S, ,.. ,.r Hi. iho ltier. llV III! li I'l' M1V- - m In lit' ii. nil I'l "" ' .ll,..l.. 'llll' plmllli'r ill tlll'ilt ii III I in h :h nvmr, T. oulsrlvi noiitt t n li IllIM I'l lit- he cliiMinl 'wui T. Uiililr rr.'ü. Clin. Mulini, tfey 'i'-- t n n'-- i 1 i, ii'l u out h 1 he i noe CI1.111I, XU o O. rm In i'iii "in pila ii il i. nt' on aiilliill; Ihal wr t un ni . I, i ih.ii iiii.Tirl u:sol O. rvvB. riatiliettil, Tria "hi ilt'ilri" Halt' Mexiiii ity 11 nil return t40.25 I un f i .1 i a Hi lnis-Hi's- 'Ntt, iMiile the oppoiie." liiiili'i'i. WIiii mini IihhIiikI Ihrs thraprl' Ii h" Mi. I''i"si has linn, 'sitli' ' t ; rail I'ltiillli'" than tan te..,. I ijuitc t lie opp.iHíl'?" June tu June limit August 31. Ii mi liallil til, ill pllliiii' t nl nf iinv nliir iiiiiI'T t'il rtM'W all' ullirr 'il. cani-- Liquor Co mu imiil" 'in pi uillli hrl'r. lii'i-l- l" hi I." i.f Hit' "Yi'!; the utisei when he claimed nift Consolidated I' Iiit i Ihal il lias t'Xi'l Hit l.ililllli 'han mi th.' ..nioi' Norfolk, Ya., il will II H in his arniH.' l.ile. mnl return 15 ilnv niiunt iniiM. mnl llhi r.uiy thr "lu all ihrs" ihinr.n you shniihl l.ikr l.i llli't'l. Si iil'.'. ly :l tla passi s t lu-l- i'"l .'t.'if if, sil al, r'"lihli'r Ittinst'lf limit, ( - Snrrpsmirs to Mctlnl A Eultin $r,ii.;r,; ((ay, $72. J0; season It.f. lililí) fur II I'l' US III'' h p. " am In Hi.' ullitf lull llial In' laki's ' imnlt "lit- la ii, nnly fli'iiii tin III".', ullii. nt Wat-.i- . limit Deoemlier 11, 11, I'll- i, ul his In'lulil'.r I.' 'I" YV. 15. of !)yi nntl r.nehorhl ft Olnmt Í7.í0. .1 snlllf T.illTl' III, llll' nlln,' ll, till' t. in,., Tshunc. Tinn., rily I'hyih'lnil mnl nil nlln T itl h!r si..."t" -- I ... 1 K 1IKAI.KKSI ir iiiilsiil... anil li'tlils a .,- - Ut tt istv T, ti nt is in Int. uriis: "Thin h to ccrlify that I W1IOI SAI IN -- ualk ilii'i.' Denver mnl return, J Colorado h h hint I' ll ii". Hu n th. I ' I uhn lir M I'Mli'll ll ill 'IS. lull " - l'í In. Ill have ttst'il Orino Laxative Kruit Syrup Sprints a ml hill. UllVW'S 1U1 Ml IMs. 4 & return Suti.Tf,; I'ueltln i t K'll-t-l- RMdiiiiii inning. WifiF.S, LIQUORS CIGARS 111 Ihr l.ll'Mllt I'IIIT lllnili iff ul Inslii'ili'l liu litis "I lili' for riironie ennstipation, aiul it has and. return, ílN.n:,. lo- Tickets on sjle I. unl "Iiiii-- ill illa i. "I A nieiMcH n ,.iii,i il !. y in no m.dU proven, wit 1,oi it a don hi, to a 1 .III;'! il M llltull rxuowil ni tilo:" Who lli.ii is ni ed br We lianille everything In our line. June to St'i'tt mber .'ill, Jau". Keturu 'Ph.- - Xi'u Y.. ik Wi.i'1,1 Ii in luti-- fila I'll's a.all.1 wlillt' l.'Klsl.l Idle iiiitl he Ik k d i k io eelehrate the "nl- - I hurotitjh, jnacl hal ri'tufdy for t hi will t'r no í Write fur Illustrated Catalogue nnd limit October 31. 109 7. jir hrv.ill.t. .Ill'l lll.'lr In Ihe lio-- old remioiiB wa T i il Simla '.. iniii trouble, íincl it is wiih pleasure rf T. K ' lili; i.:l talis "Mr Issued to only. ITHDY, ent ;ilis:.iilllr f a c .stH n find a le nnd buiti" fi-r l'rlie List, dialers wlHt'Oll lllr lliMoll ' hlin hand th v eonsrii'tit tous refet'ence." J. If. s i li ii lilt- Telephone 1:18 ri r .ir.' i" an. tt lm i,! !ou ii t he neitfh s home. 1 tut ht (he of rv rl llv w hl. h l n I'l u Ilnil Holy Howl Over O'melly Co. f'OKNKR I'IKST ST. AMI TOrPKB AVK l.l lilt' ills,.,,,, r , iiiiitiiii.ui. Tin icthl.'.r Htand cnaid, for the ,nu riciiil Imv THE "SHORT LINE" ii nú. if nnl .Un h;i''ii'-l- a in;n- - on i - lis eelehrittloit to him that ,.i l.l ruis li 'i' a- - t.'il.'tt- Freight Rates. - n t in Willi ,i i.iii.1 of mn inh. m. .iii.l h Kl r.m-- Time- To the Miing Camps of CoIj-- li !,l ii. l .in a,' i In '(:hl pi 1"- Ol-- ' it"i,,si. hi ni Ihr ,h- -. All, KINDS imimmi,. ih Miiciti i.f ;t ii. n jrado, Utah and Nevada; to I'f-f- ihr Will .1.1 111.' llllMtlr- -l f"lf l"ll " .1' l Til wrT 0"""m"mmm 'H ,1 i:i .1 MMH.'H... Denver, Colorado Springs and I , "I" ' Farm ll .'.'III-.-- ill" i Vll'l 'Í..II ll'i' Pueblo, is by may of Santa Fe, of I'll' I in - nl I'l W ll Machinery New Mexico, I" Vm'I k ll Will I ll and the '1 1. In- Win M N Ii il M i' 1,1 ill' III, 111 I'll it ,1 W k k.v MowKits. v.i 11 li.i- - In'" " il".tK l'"i hli;i null' .1 iumii:i:s. DENVER & RIO GRANDE lililí Ih lili l,r. i'v-ii- .il Hi,- s, ii .y II lililí-II- ham ri:iM:s. . l' 'I'll.' s,.,Vts ,1 llll'.', .",1 ,l,ti, I p.. .!.! It I' ll' .'is Write fJ I'l' ' ' ni.-,- , ' in s.i. iiis ,.mK,tiK il. lii.l lu 'I. Ii 111;. r V t t I. i: nwi; mi. ii qi ai.itii.s vv RAILROAD ' and . t i I ll'i!. "I' I'l' nil. "I .i'l. tu..,.- .11 t " t iii's; " 1.,' .... low chicks. ' .1 ii. l.i",' lit Through the fertile San Luis k t' I'" il It 11"! i o w moi ... i'l i". li in' I'.i.i , i i, nn lit .ti 11. t .11 t ;. 1. l innnrn 1 . 1 1 v.-.- ." ' om si t, Valley; also to ., rv kii the San Juan ' " , I.- l.i r tt Mmnhn l K, t :..: Mil ij N. M. 'it ;!' ii .t I..Í 1, .''i' lil It Hi I. r 1. 11! tS of ,,t I ' il.tK .1 .t ... u, tv llli't'l (Country Colorado. 'ii. ll 111. I,. tI i,' . ;.- - f..r .. I'l nut. For Information an to rate, trnln i ' .. I; . 'I':..' uli'i' .uir serrlec, les'rl)tlvi BililrctH 1.' .1 "1.1' tu I.. lllernlnre, t 1. .1 11 . I In !,., WITH 1. 11. i i.. ni. i' .i ti. .1. EAT BREAKFAST YOUR WIFE! S. K. HOOPER, v .1 .in 11, General r&.ssenser anil Ticket Agen' ' .. ii k!i..ti n .is THE PACIFIC ELECTRIC TOASTER can be attached to iiKwm, min.

on dining-roo- m I. any lamp socret and used your table then í FRENCH FERÍALE 'i i.i. i, ni; 1. ; .. .mi' iT your wife may enjoy the morning meal with you and prepare ' 1. THE ' "i" til t lm ll n .' f .: SHOE FOR YOU iii I LL O. , I r I Hi: Kl V iIM s xv . in;, .'i In- . San Juan Wants the it as it is consumed, Costs one and one-ha- lf cents for 'a Sra, CtTi Rn.ur for Srifwni WTmntnt. Dies and H'Hiso ftrvrit lIOWB 70 FAIL, I i ,. Slippcis a'1 .1. f n i.f M mil s ;. In.- hit La Plata Lands. Ik- t"jü uAiBi.Lvia lii art rf mi'd.-il. rrT W- f IM',1 f tuche large slices of bread toasted on both sides, II 111 iml tn. W ill i, Ibein Oil t" to t fjf - r. III. .lil, 11 I1- oi VV'.imrn, T'l. lii I.r n ' ' "i" 'ii". ln i:,',nl.!i - I I: .1 ..... , ' - hT itrm 1 jnut erJeri iv I be'l "If " n- Tli. Is 11., .li iii.t f i).,. We invite you to call and 'tit i Tlirv l.k- dainty; their fit inspect it at UNITCD WFOICaL CO., UNeftSTtM Wm ' f lot T. tin- f ll'l' Mllte l"f '. t. !' i- I; ;i !. i;.il.t .' .t in t" in,!,: is well till' In;: It .' P' iíect; thy wear "'ill! i'l ..l 'ill''!! t .; is .i.i- - ALBUQUERQUE Sold in Albuqutraut by tht J. H. Q'Rtilly Co. 1" V II ' i.r til i.f .I'l'! '! . , . and I't-- cool, - ... i tiltil .1 ns un ,t .1 h 1,1' ,, l,.,r nie GAS. , ' ELECTRIC 'I tt In, li lm, I l,t II ii'l, i !i.,i ii. . lis ,,t ,1, ,, ,,,, , Tee . ' ,.t l! si -- ' " s LIGHT H'MI .1 t - '....l I" ., '. t , s hut " i , , i . 1' 1' II II M t $1.10 to $1.50 IMf.s li...' 'ii, -- ,; ,v"-i- POWER CO., IF YOU ARE ,hu ..i'',' :..r;,iui 1I..1I I - ' '' Rout,-'- tt.,s )ii., I,,! Tin, ' ' '"' A- - .. ,1 ' ' I K III. UK .'. i.f.r. 1 :lr .,.l.'., , Slippers, ted er I ' p. - ( s Cor. in.. It M j .ij n . ' . ' " Fourth .Is t n 11 .I..." uní I' '" "' ll.n k $1.25 m )!.,! tt h,- p.., i . , , Mtliiijiii. m Hins is itiiiK eit 'ii t: t ., L' i'.'"','.:!. ur'u''.,.,,'.,.'.'.',;'V,Vl!i. and Gold. mi i ,11 ,. One S'mp lili ilTrt I i., th. (,.'.,. nn.l :ht - i, ,;,-- ...... Smdals llio opHr-- .!.,... tn,.. si,.., ..... ! t.;t, ,1. pi.t "t t lit th.- - ; unity you (Hikinu for. s.:i. un. Itii't's; ni,iiti: - ' v. i, '';-- to $1.50 Albuquerque, nri iiiiiiM-n- t '.' .. 1,1 ., I,,. . 1.. 1"' f itMniiiir nl All " - ..." "1.. ';,'hV.'í .'.r Thiee S'mp aurtil .: 1 " "' N.M. -' r i.j.i t - !, ... Til .1 ; , i . ilu in ncin- t It t.l Till tim ' ' ' U t.l ' .! - r ,1 in ' '' "" : n ' '" to . , ,i, ( ! t "' ' ' " v' '' " "- $1.75 $2.50 Mil! ''! t.;) h t' ...,j I. f.,. I' ant 'ill.;; I li ,1 in t ,u '' '" '' - " " '" " "' Phone Red 98. i s , .,..., , ,, , . in I. - Sis; "" .,. Foui S' ,p Sandals i,s. uith. tltf liit';. '' ' f The 1,1 Life ""'" " " " '"V " ... 'I.I ..... ,f I ' Parties having our Pacific Electric Irons Mutual It- ' ' ' : .'. can use fa. ,'f is. ,t ,1 . , the ll.e .;t In t,i,! it I., I' 1.1 " i; t, ' ,1 '" " . i. '" I ' f x $2.00 to $3.00 - li t 1.; .,, same ccrd and attachments on the Pacific E. R. FERGUSON, Manager. ill. .sis thf - ,i.i .. K '.. Electric Toaster, '..' h, .t':i';, i Ja!,ets..$1.35 to $2.25 i 'les f.,r 11 "iniiiis-'.ii- i t.l livi. tiio icducing the cost of the Toaster thereby. Coles Block, El ..f I Paco. Ta. THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, JUNE G, 1907

tlv should attend the meetings of the anil the people shall make between on th ftmi I h western have already rtuelvert railroad traffic associations, where all themselves. advice that Tucumcarl la to te a dlvishm matter pertaining to the movement of I do not believe that- - railroads WEED BURNER DOES af rr ,tjly 1 This will irive Tu uiurarl a PEOPLE, THE RAILROADS traffic' rules, rates, and regulations shoutd enter Into politics, and I look railway pay day nf $t5.fl00 in July and governing same, could be discussed be- confidently for the time when tlie rail- after that of $',0M0 to f .10, turn a month. N..T0!ÍHE officers or the Un- he go a t tween the roads and roads will not forced to to In addition hHf we hnvo, thta Hftmirra I Ho representative of government. state or federal capital to save them- ii muni pn tape rniia town in Niw Mrx-l- VIHUIN 7. A Reasonable Time for Delivery, selves from dangerous legislation. WORK OF t The railroads should tlx a reasona- That time will come when the people 300 and the bring to settle- Wll-lar- ble time in which the freight Is to he ralhuads the The new Santa Kr 'nitral depot nt GOVERNMENT consignees. ment of their differences the same which la bun tmttt rmrlh of tha TIE delivered to the The limit common sense (hat they bring to Al should be abundantly reasonable, tlie .tit net Inn, t'i Tepliice tlr old Rtmrtut settlement of their prívalo TERRITORY cause the nature of the freight busi- SECTION nut hoaat of town la muring completion. ness, over which the railroads cannot Mil cría I fur th rotiR track la I'pina; s s IN always control, demands a great deal KiiiploM-- and luefloi-- Associated. thl week. of liberality in Us movement, but 1 be. The one and one-hal- f million cm- iieve some of the time now- - consumed ployes of the railroads and the stock ItrltMt Tout itnd Honra of Mark. Trail of Grand Trunk Pacific How B. F. Yoakum Views the Questions at In such delivery should be and could holders are closely associated and theli Union ' Pacific Experiments remarkable off) eta re;ort Issued yes- - con- In- eight-hou- be saved, to the profit of both the Interests are identical. You cannot terday on the miner's r day shoa a n t Railway New signees and the railroads. Such line one without affecting "", other that the matter is of vital national e.on- - Blazed Prac- s With Issue Between the Three Great Factors could be worked out Unit Thrift is a total stock Issue on Successfully Gasolene rern In the national Interest the govern- would be of mutual interest to the of about Jfl.KMUHHI.noo, of ment la advised to retain the power of reg- tically From Ocean to Ocean 4. 1 railroads and the shippers which amount riO.0iiti.tl0O is divi- Machine That Clears Out the ulating or suspending any Isw that may h in the Transportation Problem. 8. oí anil dend fiaying stock, and t ;!.! Through 'Dominion, Itclatlon Stale Federal is in adopted for restrhtin? the hours of miners. Power. paying stock. The Track a Hurry, Aa Is well stockholders receive annually about known, miners themselves are Where the slate regulation of rates, 40,0011.000 Is not agreed on the eight-hou- r day. A few A plan the present i advantage to railroads, except to as dividends, which lo turn current the or on riilri-ai- l weeka a tro a bill was a second Tluport, I con-Int- o state legislation other íi.íH per on Mow to way f ao erlvate rend I'rineo British Columbia, of present financial Int-rsl- cent the total dividend rid tta rliiht of wrfili railroad agitation from destructive further disturb subjects, directly affects time lii ih house of commons, but It waa 24. is piescnled dltlons, but of no practical value for paying stock, and hut 3.6 per cent on tall, rank und trouMetima tin t interfere June The trull of the new trans- constructive channels commerce, the federal authority (he then stated that tn view of the eommlttea by Fi. K. Yoakum, of the ex-- 1 purpose of arriving at a fair and total stock Issue of the railroads; with operation of traína, lina h'en aolvrd continental railway Ih now blazed chairman the should rule. For instance, let us as- Inn uiring Into the sublect the government ecutlve board of the Chicago, ftock euliitalile basis for rate-makin- and while the employes receive iiiuiU'illv, on ihe l iifon Partite railroad lv the (men- ocpan sume that the rate from Denver to St. in would explain lis Intentions Tha from to ocean, already the island and Pacific railway, in an ar- I don ol believe that It would cure the monthly Installments. 40,1100.000. tion of a machino that doea I he work of later. Holds Is Jl.fiO, made up of l from which is equal to a committee iwiuch Included Mr. ftiiHaell liulliloi-- are receiving nd sending out ticle In the forthcoming issue ol existing Ills. 50 dividend of 300 men a day. The new ffaaohmt weed ltf. , Denver to the Missouri liver and per cent on M. IV. I. or. I (JUnfawe. Htr n Prince-Rupert- World's Work. Mr. Yoakum expresses As a railroad manager.! should not the tota' railroad slock hurttrr turned ovit hy 1he Omuha ahupa of and Hubert mall at on the Pacific, cents local from the Missouri river to i 1 see right of capitalization of $6. 000. OOll. t issued its report yesterday. yes- himself as in favor of direct federal oppose it. nor do how the reduce .". the Hurritnan road o era we lit which was a voiceless wilderness - St. Houis. If Missouri should An employe earning lloo on a rail- The commit) some di ml mi- control of railroad capitalization, pub- the government to make such a valua- 30 cents, mi lea In twelve hours, while heretofore li finda that terday, and which will be a hustling, I the local rate In .Missouri to road is receiving an 5 a licity of accounts and opera- lion can be challenged, even though Income equal to luid gana; of mutt-e- men, work-i- llón of product Ion won hi follow legal re booming city tomorrow. railroad it would make the interstate rate percent on 000, reipilrrd a a complete adjust- doubt Its etliclency In accom-- I Us. and has a stake In a a dud Ion of hours. At ;rront th n vprn rr The Canadian government, tions and anil fair ultimate 11.30, which means. In effect, lhat the equal to full day, to eul the weed from which ment of nf the public, plishlng practical results for whHh property an investment of t lieorei leal w eek Is 4! hour 6t m Imites, be- the interests the rate on commerce between states has 5 clttffttt mile of track. backed the builders of this road, being urged. expense it that amount in per cent securities m t he Sa was the railroads and the government. He it is The been tixed by state commissioner" The weed burner la built of at eel. with and that busts reduction would lieved that there immediate need sa ys would the An employe who earns il.liOO per an- S .1.7 va na a would entail on the government Instead of commissioner.., ri'Hulatlon tvucKa. At one end la u Kitaoiln tons, calculated on the ou'put of of another transcontinental line, but J consti- the federal num has an Income equal to an Income .v com- believe that the solution of the he unwise, as all the elements Is Ina; t car lris )tot mimh time is lost the no one guessed that l!t07 would, find eiiill-labl- e This only one of the numerous cases $30.000 of 5 r engine, uaed for propel he and railroad problem is to be found In tuting the principle oí fair and from cent bonds or mitter finds, the real week Is only CI I he development of the west outrun- and Is the same as Is taking place in stock, and so on through the list of pumphiK the air which force rh no line to that the of the people and rates can be had through other where hours minutes, a tot Ih hoi its that Ho ning all the railways. The more there govern-Inient- 's all the stales and territories railroad employes. the burner apreadlha; out near the irer;1. tlie railroads, through the government sources of information at tin hy w lost time could hn utilised, while other is built, the more there Is need to re-- ; stale legislation. reducing stat The railroad are an In- When at work the eed burner runa three of the United States. The time han command which will be would mean Ih" reduced build, for the developing west of Win- w ill rates. Is establishing the rate on the telligent dnas of citizens; and, as the or four tnllea an hour, but can ntaka a tht gone when the railroad could go ahead liable while the valuation theory na- output he so ap- nipeg has barely begun. Interstate commerce; while our question, now being so vigor- upeed of from t we to fifteen in lea, and would not o eat as miphl and work out Its plans, and carry on nut. railroad he pear. The Grand Trunk Paellic manage- tional commissioners, at Washington, ously discussed by the legislatures and in handled on the road uioter reurulttr train its operations, without consulting the Ut. Tlie Limitation of I nunc Security by speeillc act of The effect on wages and on the nrfce of ment is bending every effort to rail the Inrm-oat- nf ih iuxhiIp although authorized tile people, is a campaign of education or '.era The railroads congress, duty, ,, A short- charged with the and which is (he only method solving on i nr con- eonl is next considered. temp'rarv V Y "i must fall in lino with the democratic n,..,.. Tank carried the pint form I II IS I ll most of the only body authorized by law lo age of supply mean enhanced ,n'ire and Edmonton at the""'earliest possibli institutions of tills country ln h in tlie radical such a problem with fairness to nil tain enouxh naaoltne f r a dny'a run. must my In regulations, seem powerless I be moment, for there. In the great Sas- by all platforms meets views. make such interests believe the voice of the Thr'tujrti rowi of burners apreadinit well be- and wages; and should "prices raised to That there have been mistakes Un- the. - to of in- katchewan valley, half way between we lleve that apilalizatlon of nil- iirevent the disturbances the employes, individually and tluoimli yond t hi ralla, thr fin ml na; gasoline ta such an extent aa to cripple or cause he the railroads, admit, and that some P'l-a- l In- the "Chicago" and "Denver" of the loads should terstate rates. their organizations, will steadllv forced downward hito the klllliiK root removal from this country of id her indus- of the troubles of today are the legití- provide fed- weed. l)omlnlon. Is the storm center of a and logical law. which would ral au Such cases, which can be multipll-'- heard against unjust laws, or laws thai unit branch, wlillp tic old procesa did not tries, a temporary cause might be found to male outgrowth of such and opeiat" a un.luKtty pi development that would be. called a mistakes. Tlie object the enlight- thority lo construct indefnltely, point to a conclusion that will fnjiiro their of. "Mm future row th. ha ve a permanent effect." it of railroad, the purpose of whiih Is !o over muí proper development of f boom were It not for the j'act that ened railroad manager of the en- the federal regulation rates tí tíinl the It Ih not uncommon on weatern brunch IMcusing the export trade, the commit- and engage trafile over I had been of steady growth for a num- lightened legislator he in interstate eluvr should be widely extended. am far the country, which means constant andj a rut to ace tee cannot accept the reaaaiiiing conclusion years. must to cored its own or through connecting enemy employ men t to a line, aidlnfta commercial track ber of as far as possible existing errors, to rails from being an of the rights of Increased k renter vcmIh from three to fort blah, which that the foreign buyer Is our most tenacious lines. Such legislation should be union, I un. men, which mtn Of course they are working west make a repetition of impossible, any state in the but do not Dumber of nml furnishes: form u movement, customer. In view of the ranld extension of them in f Kteut obstruction to train made with tlie fact clear'v mind give a tt nekH Hntl tint rumen tn III les In HrU-is- from Edmonton, and east from Prince and (o establish a dcrsland that these rights slate safer dif- production abroad. Already, "although permanent basis In some of country com-- j cause slippery ralla and make operation locating a line tail-roa- thai sections this right regulate the nor to hjimllins: piiKMenirer and the Unpert. but the task of upon which the people and the d the lo rates the ficult I w la is shipped to all parla of tho of railway, such as there are large areas that need rail- make regulations lo govern the of tlie country. The nlon Pad fio red burner oat the Grand Trunk can transact their business in the merie i tier ef a sol n world, the British command of all distant Pacific proposes to build. Is an Intri- roads, and that they cannot get the movement of traffic between slates, In point of fiict, the thing that the ore ut ion of serhms railroad future without injustice to one i disappeared " Particularly In cately difficult one. It will pass either railroads unless tile builders are al- Such an application of (lie feder.ü shippers nnd the people of thH country! prohirin leñera Manager M older markets has or to the other. 'ed the idea, w developed the trade to the ports from Hand nif through half a thousand miles of wi- The by lowed to make a profit, or to see the power over corporations authorized to now dent re Ih not ho much reduction hlch has been ti current created the existing 1m h.v Mr W. It. McKeen, Nantes, as shown hv the effect of the coat chance of profits, on the building. engage III handling traille, of l ;uen as It service. Tlie j superintendent of lderness that was practically unknown agitation must be turned into a safer interstate hetter any disadvantage to Hiitlsh when the preliminary pathfinders set The law should, however, make It cither by federal authority or by di- people hit vi a ritfhl to Insist that their motive power of the t'nloii Pacific. tax. special the channel, or great harm will lie done, exporter would men a the ;art lai or entlr their faces toward the three passes to peo- to gain these profits mine than rect supervision, should not take away service shall he cotuda nt y Improved. both the railroads and to the rail-rad- s KI PI I S IN At I lit which were supposed to lie somewhere ple. once; and the requirements of any of the power of the slate s over I do not helleve that tlie railroad man-aei- THINK IT success of foreign competition. This agitation has now reached new for Improvement, ; íkuhi-:- i same lime, Britain Is supreme In the middle near the headwaters of the Peace. a point it may carry for capital i purely interstate traille. It trie inter of the country will refuse to where be said to development of l N eedles Ki - ) markets-e- . g.. the Mediterran- Every river, gorge and canyon will a threat to the general welfare of (he equipment, and the state commerce comuilssloiiei a should treat wll h the neople. throtiKh their and largest - property, country served, The pci.i of w t i e surprised to although competition has be sounded, every possible and doubt- country; because it to affect and the establish a standard of rates over th rcprcKentntlvcft in eortRivss, openly and Needles ean ports Herman - threatens placed the supervilson In- In I, on papers M0 M i less many Impossible passes will be- the coun- should be under entire country, after using all the fiiirlv on the question of how the heat read th Armeies that appeared at arse lea and American is industrial enterprises of the commerce commis- 7no examined before the final selection is try, with millions of men. women of the interstate formation at their command and the result may he brought about, nor hesi- feet of the rlv hank on one side and threaten"'.'. the only to mí made, before the president and the and children directly dependent upon sion, with authority authorize machinery of the government to ad- tate to endorse a legislative policy that feel on the 'i lie r de had been washed It fs notable that our most serious com- as prop- I w manager profile, 1 such Increase of capital the just establish a scale of rates thai protulHCH hetter condition. away by the fl n tera uf the t'olorndo petitors, Cernían." n nd America, have not general "O. K." the these enterprises. do not believe re- and to care of Its It t he- - un- before the chief engineer pens his that the people desire erty needs fully take are fair and equitable, is not right Railroad managers will not stand In river, and the residents of Needle were uniformlv limited miners hours; the the destruction quirements. power states, the way of lust legislation merely be- official "Put her there." of the railroad properties; and 1 be- that the of the various com Inn "apprehensive of serious results. Just derground h miis are at present shorter than men who are to be held re- This is a question that will require by their separate acts. can break cause such legislation nilffht have an how thta aerloiia condition should have hap- here, longer than they would be by an If the lieve that the people, the government, I but careful consideration and he commis- of so on In I la- - eight-hou- sponsible for the finished line were In the de- down the entire fabric rates ndverse effect raliruad securities pened and tie people of Needle not d r v. and the railroads are united sioners should he allowed sufllcieiit fixed by power granted by congress. Wo all imtlsfied to build as the early trans- sire to agitation the market. recoenize thai nvrr It before the .os Angeles papera did, I tut the cffc'l on other British Indus- turn this current of for to use some Is, no Is continental lines were built in the from to latitude themselves There however, doubt that the the true condition of Wall street of la a que Hon yet unsolved. In all, t here tries Is "an Interest uf greater national Im- destruction construction. as may warrant. rail- i a every United States, the last spike could he public rail- discretion conditions state can regulate the traflie of .supreme tu toiii tire to section has been 1. In w idth ta Urn away, any effect on tha The demands that the water, gas. IN fet portance than Immediate driven years earlier than it will be so I. I'nif ii System oí Accounts. road, telephone, telegraph, of the I'nited Slates. Without but the span of transmission wlra of the or workers In collieries." "A II our roads of the I'nited States shall be ex- - I owners driven. If they had less faith In the I uni- or other like companies which are agency we can neo her build.- ox tent de- regulated by law as to prevent future believe that there sliou'd be prop Victor tíold Minina; coinpanv is the same Induwtiics are ultimately completely future of Canada. If they could fore- dis- uccounts, I am glad to clusively slate Institutions. nor Impi'ivc our great railroad a wan, injustice In their management or formity in and Chl-cac- o length a It always about l.'Jmi feet, pendent upon British coal for their exist- a slump In they t Instance, a railroad from erties; to any lartre extent. see the near future, crimination In their conduct. The gov- see the efforts now being made in lia t j For and tli o support a on either side are no ence." Then Is md mii' h chanco uf relief of fixed g V to East SI. Houis which does not The leading: financial Intercala) in could build cheaply, have less ernment of the Knifed is thmi-In- by tlie government. hen supports. smcher was hnlH although ft point pay something on States direction engage In handling Interstate trafile New Voi k and other money centers, nearer the The by foreign coal Imports, charges to and earn its administrative policy to that the end Is accomplished and the plan on the bank of river and It la still bo to cauae rwoura to such money expended, even in is to the Jurisdiction tit Up- are com i UK .tf realize that the only the might reached the "lean end. As a railroad manager and as in working order, the Investor will sublect there, la going Pi stay there. The by present Import years," but they are building against a different state of Illinois alone. When, how- rue basis of oub'lc confidence In us and a relief, as Itlustrated the an individual. heartllv endorse this know (hat the reports of the be, In t'olorndo river fa one of I hose few stream of (Icrman coke in West Cumberland and In which they have unbounded pro- a guide to ever. It engages in interstate traffic, and our securltien must found future policy, and .shall do ull I can to companies are corerct the ex- Nile, la liable to shift It liners carrv faith. If fortune favors them, if the In by Interchanging with other roads closer and more cordial relti MiMhip which like the hy the fact that some Atlantic mote such a course. value of their securities. oiler It one aide of a valley to an- to uue on the outward good old earth continues to sweat words, annual reports of the rail- tending beyond the stat' of Illinois between the people and tlie railroads. current from American coal here We are not planning and legislating the thereby becomes Interstate and its sit- tnd the Hlrony, of the govern other In a few year. The Colorado river voyage. "gold" at the rate of nineteen bushels a'one, tomorrow, roads will be a proper and legUiinal.' that ami to the acre, as it has done for the past for todav but for conlldence, as they uation under the law Is entirely ment Is neeeHsaiv to accomplish the has shifted Ita main at renin aewral Accordingly, before making the recom- when will bo more than lOO.UOO,-(10- 0 basis for public twenty years, reserva nineteen years, they will bo counted there ."hould be. changed. II has become sublect to most satisfactory results. feet within the last mendation thnt parliament should people In the Culled States, pro- re- eight-hou- r wise In their generation. 3. Publicity. the whole body of the federal law while thern evidence that It has shifted power of suspending an day, tro by If they were ducing and consuming. Therefore the lating to interstate common carriers, for during the centurlea before, saya emphatically: Hut. the same token. problem a adjustment be no mystery In the I K ma mlba committee cheaply, following contour of fair between There should and has removed itnelf from all state santa Needlea a auhjeet of peraecution lately "A might be created hv nn en- to build the business. 1 our ioi; situation country, rising falling with the railroads and the people through railroad think that laws governing tlie pnme subject. THINGS AT SAN ItHKN AltlHNO Ita abandonment by the Sunta Ke price coal, following tha enact- of the and government Is problem of accounts should be subject to inspec-- t between hanced of billowing the a oT Illinois may Is elght-hnu- r the swell and swale of the on by government, as openly and Thereafter, the state Tlie Santa Ke buying still moro Railroad company and Ita belnr washed ment of ati law for miners. In utterly inade- greater responsibility than an the guise of a local law. exten- It ta becoming fields, and finish a line problem as as accounts of a national not. under the property for Its Immense shoo away hy the Colorado river, which the lmmedlat economic Interest of physically unfit for traf- other of the generation. tlie reduce its Interslale rates, but such Needlea, how- produc- quate and the it with open minds, bank are now subject to the inspection sions In San Hornartllno. notoriously an. The people of employers and men engaged In thn to come to We must face power resides only In the ledeial gov- I t fic that is almost certain personal of the examiners; but ai', Information Hiring he week dea Is have been ever. Are not mlndtnrt. because (hero la ao tion of coal alike might be opposed to thi they be called bunglers laying aside all ambition and ernment. no them, 'would our private prejudice to seek first the pel mining to the railroads' businesi closed for live lots on the south side Utile sense in the newa and fact, economic interests of Hit country at large." and the road would have to be rebuilt Importance Hie Commission. a cast Mt. by good of ull the people, which Is also should be protected against Improper The of of Kingman vemte, from London Mall. at the cost of millions. Profiting com- avenue. The roof of the new A. T and H. F. de- set p the good of all the railroads. use. Such publicity will be found Ibe The scone of the Interstate Vernon the mistakes of others they have look- should be sufli-clentl- y complete purchase of all pot at W Hard la being put on and the t I ashlon Hints. const of this I should like lo take up In section:! ultimate safeguard of the laws merce commission This the standard for the ruction ing equitable broad, at a time not lai property on the south side of K inn-ma- n conereto irang Is moving to Mountalnair. follow, lit new highway Is proving the several points that seek to form toward fair rates and and. Bathing foMumua this year will national that agi- dealings, and will, at Hie same afford distant, full enforcement ol the law avenue, from I Ftrert to Ml. Ver- The Willard depot, to the eaaiiai obaerver. way, styles gil a surprise to the contractors. the basis, not only of the popular a general as heretofore, tha tation, but also of most of the leg- tlie investor another proper test of should be had. It will in time become non Hvenue, all of which will tie en- hould be completed In two weka. hut enn hy the mermaids and the llshes. islation, wisiand unwise, now pro value for the securities lie Puns or a necessity that the proper lullillinetif closed by the shop yard fence for shop trac tora a y It will not receive the fin- In automobile cost umm nono but fast BOY FEARFULLY CHOPPED posed by the lawmakers of the (.Tinted owns. I of the functions of the government, In pu rposes, ishing touehei until the middle of Keplein-he- r, colora aro employed, und, aa ukuiiI, many ait States. II. legalized 'Ira I lie ion. dealing with this important question Last year large Mocks of land were and not then unless the workmen put dying. I affecting, as il does, every industry, In on building. full, especially UP UNDER CAR WHEELS I I lioiiiialion of the Itebate. do not believe that the railroads purchased by the company, the deals good time the ts still worn rather pools should be legalized, but I do be- man, woman, and child In the land, be and some- act is effective, and is being handled by K. T. IVrrla of San hv those inclined to ulunui. The Hepburn lieve that traffic associations between will require the creation of a new cab- company. NO I Ml KMT I'. KM II I. NY times It Is also worn threadbare, both Just and wise. As lime goes on, will he Hernardino for the At that Information received at Nogales railroads should be allowed. Suppose, inet officer, whose department time the live lots at the corner of OYHH AT TI M MCAR1 In modish gloves there Is no drparlnr the machinery for the enforcement of can with responsibility In matters m Wednesday and Thursday conveyed for instance, that two rai'roads charged Kingman and Mt. errton avenues The private rat "i'loudrrof t with Super- from the staudnrd we lit, and the period of . !.. ict Imnrove. and should im to naviga- (a the Intelligence that Cirilo Itamire-z- leach all the lumber traffic of the pertaining railroads and were not purchased as It was not be- intendent Bitwken aboard, is In Tucumcarl. ten seconds still ulluwed for tha conn'. age, prove, and the enlightened railroad states of Texas and Washington. They tion; who, through his position In t lie A y of pleasing tastes dictate e Jr., a boy about sixteen years of managers will with the lieved t hey would he needed for the and the work under way Is being pushed arid s, might form a pool with con- cabinet, will enable the cabinet mem- wearing milady's coiffure, but Ihe prueitc son of the well known broker of people to certain shop extensions, but a change. In the with ull the vigor imssihle with the force ef Ortis; government and with the necting lines northward and eastward, bers) to keep In touch with all matters, of Meurlng It on her escort's shoulder Is Sonora, lost his life near 1 (lie prin- plans as originally made It nec- more a hundred men the company enforce the law. believe in whereby those connecting Hues should Involving the movement of tlie com- make of than frowned u:on by ilami-- de con fiance. station, on the line of the Sonora Is - essary to luivp land as the now employed at the shops and round ciple of the act, which that there receive all lumber for transporta- merce of the nation, both domestic and this added has In foot" ca r I he cardinal rulu still pt In a very w this In A railway, Sunday morning uniformity of charges ithout u shop extensions will be much greater house and on the truckage being put shall be l li ill ol' j lion I mil t iii-- i ii tt 11 ii r,i-t- I ii foreign. valla; "If thn hIioo ill, ;ut tt on." During lo' a difficulty, nd and shocking manner. illegal discrimination or unlawful "'" of two lines. A pool Is n As the laws multiply, the labor oí lhau originally intended. ahortnge of men la yet the Kor evening vo;n- ut smart functions a fa- mangled re- termini the every to the day of Sunday the vices to class of shippers or com closed association. A traflie associa- enforcing them, of Judging affairs un- railroad company Is making effort vorite up pa tinge among Home of the ull mains of a human being were found munities as against another. I believe tion on the other hand, is open, and der them, of making rulings and In- Will lire roiiNiimifloil. overcome this handicap, says the Tu l Is a good deal of nerc is a thing of past, will Is along the track below Ortiz, scattered that the relíale the all the collecting lines are aliowed to vestigating charges, must a 'so multi- A. A. llenen, finch. Ark., wrllea: News. Kvery thing lhat work The proper place for pads Is on tha very I along Ibe distance of a kilometre. The as a principle, even though in the participate, The federal government ply. The commission, too, mu-- con- "Foley's Honey and Tar Ih (he bett being employed, mid he number could be of the cell. Thomas Speed Mosby In he remains were so mutilated and scat- nature of things there will probably by endorsing a pool, would give an tinue to grow strong, or the whole sys- Increased to i!(M In a day If hi men could Bohemian. impossi- be perfection In preparation for courIih, rolda und ding tered that Identification was never absolute this advantage to a few of the stronger tem of administration will be Ineffec- I I. now it he had. Tim h western has this week a any more there can be trouble. that hH rured truckage ble. Put In a pocket was found matter than lines to the detriment of others not tive. eonHumpfion in find ntnge-8.- You acquired additional grounds for A l,e?.Moii In Ileal!' in the of mall deliv- I I upon the handkerchief marked with Indelible perfection matter parties to the pool. Hy legalizing the believe that have tourhed any one using Foley's extending l.onn feet west of the wool scour- 1 le.i It hy kidney filter the Impiii ery, army administration, or any other gov- points an- at Is- - never heard of ink with the name of a small brother traille association, however, the most of the vital that being aalis- - ing plant, which will tola! a trackage of from the blood, unless they organized function In- k.n.1 u mm nnvr Honey and Tar and not and of ;he Kamirez boy. with a photo- administrative ernment would be legislating for the in iio:i inv titi'iti eighteen miles. The grades are being made do thin g"ul hejilth Ih impossible. Fo- volving such a large poiointage of part. pollrv. Ih. Ihe pen- - J. II. (í'Iílelly Co. graph rif his sister and a cap which whole, rather than for the This hut one That that fel as fast as possible and every effort Is be- ley' Kidney ('urn dim ken sound was identified, af l.erw a.rdvjis that of Is the true function of government. tile and the raih oada hall gel together! . ing made to get ready for t ho voiumn of ponlllvely es- upon ails, Tim world n full ot '" rnHoua ami will cute all forma young 2. Tlie Valuation ir liallroads. When the government shall have and confer tlie mutters thai business that Is Inevitably coming with the d Itamirez. purpose of estab- agents at them, ami Mm govern- - nmiiIc, of kidney and Ida tier dtseawe. It Encinas, Valuation for the tablished its Interstate trafile between that mJ f re t division, w hlch Is to I Wednesday, a lad named fixing transporta- to en- - who linvn not iimmI Morning: journal iníi anil pHsaeuger hi rengl hen ho u hole ayate m. J. j ). at lishing a basis for the different commercial centers of the ment hall be the Instrument ha I who resides at Nogales, appeared - - ' CüíHsirUsI Add. Tui urncurl after July The conductors O'Htnlly Co. s. would not be uf any dis- repiesenta- force the Agreement the rallrnatl llermosillo, having come from (iuay-ma- tion charges country, the federal trefile that where he had gone from Nogales Sunday, leaving the line city Saturday night. The two boys stole their way on the train, riding on top of the mail that in passing 7 car. Encinas related ' -- " '"" - --- - 1 the water tank at Ortl the valve rope i i """"" r1"1 "i N r ii" r- IIJi 1 """"i f",,u"""Ji caught young Kamirez about the neck pza r and dragged him along the roof of: the car. At the end of the car he fell "CJj between the two cars, Ibe rope releas- i ing Ks hold, and he must have lodged 2 between the two cars in an insensible in 3S condition, being carried along that ÍPISHO wav for a distance, and then falling to the rails, being cruelly chopped 15 "20 Center JVetv Mexico and mangled by the revolving wheels he Future Kailroad of track, and carrying him along on the NEW OF BELEN IS 31 MILES grinding his lifeless remains lo bits. LOCATED ON THE BELEN CUT-OF- F OF THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA & SANTA FE RAILWAY. THE CITY SOUTH OF ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., IS AT . SANTA SYSTEM LEADING EAST AND WEST FROM GALVESTON AND CHICAGO TO SAN FRANCISCO AND LOS ANGELES, Our Culii'y M'Ms RrlliHh AiM-val- THE JUNCTION OF THE MAIN LINES OF THE FE K can nt be otherwise than wel-ron- FROM THE NORTHERN STATES TO EL PASO, TEXAS, AND THE REPUBLIC OF MEXICO. InlelliRencp to Hiitlsh nal nun-it- s to lrain that for the present, nt nny rate, the American shipping y bill la dixpnwid of. Even In lis Zzoton Improvement Company had Helen and mortified form it would have the The CIHOeBPOaATBQI effect of displacing tonnage that at the present moment drawn upon; Oreat Britain for Its coals, and also of' Are the owners of the Bclcn Townsite, consisting of 1000 Business and Residence Lots, size 25x142 feet, fronting upon 80 and 70-fo- ot streets and avenues, nnt in the business throwing a more or less considerable, em-- , Atchison, Topeka & Fe Railway Company is now its depot grounds number of British tramps out of center of the new city and directly upon the Santa Fe Railway Depot Grounds. The Santa grading extensive ployment. besides leading to the es- limits 800 feet wide and mile long (capacity of 70 miles of side track) to accommodate its immense passenger and freight traffic, Harvey eating House, round house, coal tablishment of a serlea of American yard a coaling depot. Even though last) chutes, water tanks, machine shops, etc. ' year the I'nited States of America had Houses, the Belen Patent Roller Mills with its 150 Barrels a capacity, winery, etc. It Is the no coal for export, vet Industrial and THE CITY OF BELEN has a population of 1500, and several large Mercantile day commercial progress there makes in New Mexico. From its location upon the great trunk line leading north, south, east and west, to all over ours that such largest shipping point for flocir, wool, wheat, wine, beans, hay and fruit such grand strides All will Belen to a state of things can prevail but a points in the United States and Mexico its future growth as a Commercial point cannot be estimated. fast limited, mail, express and freight trains pass through short time, and with the diminution is good and climate unsurpassed. Belen has a $18,000 public school house, two churches, a commercial of a business activity so abnormal Chicago, Kansas City, Galveston and the Pacific Coast. The water becoming Intolerable to te The in and Qni third of pur- that it is cfub, three hotels, restaurants, etc. It needs right now a good up-toda- newspaper and a good hotel. lots ofrered are low prices terms easy. Americans themselves the I'nited - two-thir- 8 per per and States is bound In the more Immedl- chase money cash; ds may remain on note and mortgage for one year with interest at cent annum. Title perfect warranty deeds given. ate future to command ample supplies, early If you to secure the choice lots. particulars and prices of lots call in person or write to of coal for its home purposes, the re- Come wish Fcr further quirements oí an ocean-goin- g mer-- 1 cantile marine and navy, as well as an export trade. As circumstances are. although it is p.xwibl British coal may still experience some competition The Belen Town and Improvement Company from American, it will be in a far lesser degree. In any case, it Is a great thing tu know that no Brltifb BECKETt. President WM. M. HE'RGE'R. Secretary ships will for the present be laid up JOHi In consequence of being usted by American subsidised steamers. I.on-lo- n Iron and Coal Trade 8 THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1S07

I'xlnln V. Hurt Mioc for women CHARGE FISH WERE ARMORY SHE 10 mid children. Ktluln In i Jllgli-grad- e hliiK'K for men. Tlie I'tfie--t Dm.; store ISelwera Kcnver and I Angele. KILLED WITH MAIL ORDERS CAREFULLY FILLED. THE IDEAL BE CHOSEN 11. K FOX. Secretary and Manager. SHOE STORE E IT WEEK gm Sc rcliiry AVilsiin, tlie ii illoiial far. 216 W. Central Ave. 0)11111 nier. is a of íímh' liilins. Hi, Wr uro iimv ready to show all ftur riKii'ls ,'iliiuit Hie coiulltioii of our new mill mkimI Hniliir style In bprlng n crops liaie (loin' iniicli h relie c us of I (Hiiui In all department. All by the "sly rum- iir Arrive the iiiixicty mused kinds of sliiwa, anil rlv to please Serious Allegations Against Adjutant General ors i cernina llie crop ilcst ruction. everybody. Come In and Ik shown. Albuquerque Who Saturday Night to Consult Wo are also bearers of onil iicivm lo Fishermen those interested in lifeli class Plumión;; Have Been Having Great With General Borradaile and ívorU. Here's our inessaíjü to you along will : ni lie mi this Hip. Hi' In full ripeness, ivhii-l- i iiifils no comment our prospect for mi easy route to Ii If LOCAL HEMS OF INTEREST Ruppc, i ill need of Plillilb-iuj- ; rliiiniH directly over the High Peak. "Sport" on the Pecos. Captain f sf ma les vilienever Hot Weather togs of all mirk of any Kind or ilcscrlpllou. K. (II cite ca nu do n from Sun ta : l. Am a Im est w (ieneral A 1' TaiklnK-toi- i Tin: Fu l.ixt Ml; ;ht. result of latlond hich Adjutant have been maile within the punt few of the New Mexico National kinds, from the cool Straw i ; Co. :i u Km-lipi- L. X ii 1.1IH Bell in in tempers' re. ill Hi J. nii uf Vegas mi an tin y by Warilen Wlllium K. will In the cily Saturday northerly nliwN. - (amo Guard arrive Winn. 4i; arrival from tli" Me.nlovv illy j ester- - . Mil xi ii 90; Griffin, In the of Valley nlKht to cunsu". Aiith General llnrra- Stl-Ve- r A-tie- Prompt 7!amberj in in tempei atut day. , the Hat down to the comfortable 122 W. The mum, Til'; cast winds; rlenr. ranch on the upper J'eeim, It. Ik uniler-sto- daile and Capí. H. Kuppe rifíaruiiiK Attorney A. II. Mc.Mlllcn returned that charges have been brought the site for the projected national tornrilM. Inst niKlit frmii ii Itusi n cm." trip to Low Cut Shoe, city. I lie ar B I iiKalnst several Albuquerque men of Kiiaril armory for this' Washlogion, June 2 r,. - New Mexico Su ii a Fe. - by món- is Colnoosed of General -- Fair Wednesday nuil Thursday unlawfully klllliiK Huh In that river board Hart, Schaffner and Marx thunderstorms In northeast por- Attorney Thomas Hrnton Catron of the use of dynamite. Several record Taiklnnton and Captain Kuppe and Simla arrived In tli i t on train No tion. cali lle of mountain trout ha'e been looking over the ground will 7 Inst night. after - P Wednesday unil -- aper! Arioiui Fair on I'een season nml recommend a site for (he building Suits and Trousers cool. Wall Thursday. miule the this Tlii' furniture Ik iu movfil Into onn of the more recent of these next week. The I ininiercial club thi iw 41 police llllill:illlTH III till! hich took up the matter nt Ihc lam stylish, Our to Ken-er- comfortable and it Miguel A In y til mis bete from Kolbcr tti til nif. catches was ho large us attract meet Ing, wishes to know what site is New Stock Just Received i ni Tn enmity iHlerday. attention. The result ias an wanted and how much ii will rust be IMlHivorlli IiikiiIIm always right We M Atloriii'y rituiiieil it Is salil has re-k- u fore proceeding with the proposition prices are 1 In I In- city fruin which at tlie H tlmilslo Halas wiix last iiiKlH from a trip lo I. tin Venan of securing the natiie. It is likely a 9 I Mtl'l day. oil In dweariiiK out of war- I'hillll nn business on 'ui.'iini'SN iiialterH. the avenue w ill be ! rants from the uame ai'len's i ll'lce site on West Silver sell Hanan and Douglas Shoes, I n- f as (he most favorable. LUMBER CO lnputy Sheriff Henri tin, of 1'liailen Hunt of Kl I'iimo wiim In the which will pi'i'bnlilv he served within ALBVQVERQVE Hol In connection It Is well to cull lino count)', whs In Ihi' rtty y hiMt I'iikm a day or two. There lias been more this ell nlht on bin May to the to the fact once inure that We are also agents for the Dr. Albuquerque, New Mexico I or suspicion of illegal inetlioils In attention Firs( Streel Marrjuette Avenue, City from 'olorailo. less h.Ull com na n are still SllV oil llsliiiin-- on the I'eeos lor some titi loeal is Í be ii regular meeting of new fii- - Thrfe will June i'haileno, linliiiii. wai llneil 't Htisph Hint llsh ere b'e recruits. "I'nless there are Deimel Linen Mesh Underwear. tin- o'clock. Inltla- - anil the a days," says tonight ut In poliie eoiirt ye.ilerilny by JuiIki' Inii slaliirhtpreil bv pot hunters has re listnifiits within few I u J i . I am lion nuil in l Capt. yesterday, "I fear afcKaEara.issaBi ('rain for ru ii k en csh. been si i eiiifl lieneii to the verge Ituppe oil centlv roinir to fall down on tn y necessary the best earth, w ill B by' I In Ainer-lim- i of conviction. The icame warden has There be concert II. for Company G. We ro ed I Attorney Nelll Flebl reliirneil da ,s along the thirty men I ,u ni ! romnanv Iminl ut thr rnoeiillv soent several things law! evenltiK after xpenilinn a week ut a thorough iiivestlgn-Lairillit- s two lieutenants, among other Traction park casino tonight. river iniiliiiif.' company is short the Flelil eolliiKe on the 1'eron. Hon llllll the jio' oulstaud-b- e and the old town H. I a ;ild t In t one lieutenant and one captain. IF. There will be nieeilng of tin lug and he hands of the - STRONG! t H. . say in nec- Minium s Relief corps IIiIm iifternooti I.. Hnheoek of Kelly, merehant moiinti'd polli and the San Miguel would like to also tills FUNERAL DIRECTOR i ti riK to t Ion any man lio is a member ut 2:Hu nt lt'i Ali n h hull, lly order anil oierator reliirneil that COIIIH.V Kliet ill': office ure the result. that of trni president. eiiinp laat iiIkIh after t ra ti.ael Iiik of Ihe National Guard may at any MONUMENTS of- bete. time apply for examination as an 201-21- 1 North Second Street Manager (imhiini. of tin- - Colorado RAILROAD NOTES now seventeen offi- JM ficer. There are ttHBRHiaiKffisi KssxainE&rmsimwiyk&'m 'l'l'pillll,IC I l 111 I ill V belli, IlilH returned Mm, lli'ilrlik. wife or I'niil lleilrlik cers on the unasslgneil list." wiiii wa w Baii from lienvcr, where he intended u of the Kvenlnn flli.en arrlveil hint The following special order has I Iiuk-ban- il t meeting; of district lulinugers. M from Topeku, to Join lier I 1. UT. if the Saul l Fc at l.a J nil been Issued from Hie adjutant gen- here. J ed the A Ivan ido yesterday. The Central Avenue Clothier: Hupei ("hurlen H. I.likens, at eral's office In Simla Fe: Inteiuletit No. A hoard id I Special Order, II. E. A. Gertig, of lie Children's Home society of New The Alpha Alhlelle iimhoi billon ,'inr F. Mexico mid Ai'lr.iitiu, has from Grover C. KiiiinoiiH Is now repair officers lo consist of Major John returned a very enjoya lile dniiie hiKl niulit ni In H. Kuppe. ii to I law son (rack timekeeper the local yards. 'caree, surgeon; Captain CONTRACTOR and BUILDER trip unil other northern lililí taime thirty couplea were pres- l S C A S II New iiolnlH, first Infantry, and Second Lieutenant T K It 41 W. :oppor Mexico ent. I'tirtih-hri- l re- Shop Ato. The Kills on heslra infantry, . . F T Win daril. wllh the Santa Vi Clarence K. Ileald. first F - f - ' HIÍST AMKRK'AN IU.OCK. per full ..M Phone SI7. , inusli;. - ii! Judge U, J. Mi Uiillli-n- whn ha at Trinidad nrrlv il lu re on business corder, Is appointed lo niee! at Albu- n, vi. y ll'K M.T, Ion 8..V) been Juki let! pen' e at Kan Mar N. M .. n eiirl.v as prncticahle ANTIIKACITK SKIVIi AM) I I KNACK of the I tn iiidii Libéralo liara, nneaker of veslerday. querque. In I for many years, In of this order, for t.lU SI) U arrived llutrllv lioin-- e es at alter the receipt, 1KT M'terday morning en route to Cali- - tlie last of représenla l' ate Owen A. Simla Fe arrlveil from Sania Fe last The piilnl gang Is now Imp y ni the examination of I'l forulu on u vacation trip. i company G.. Ilrs.t Infantry, niKlit to iilteinl the coiihI rnrl ion of l.iiini daiihing ni' the Harvey hi use Ilurtner, National Guard or New Mexico, for .1. MiKIMIn. of Hloux Fulls. H. ft. Koine polltral feneen ilow n here. and slallon. of xc ursion as second lieutenant Miienl yesterday III A lliiliiieriiie. ,1r. appointment n Guard of New Mi Kllllp h a mill ami laml owner ami In Suiiilay'H I' olii muni F. II. ('lough, foreman ol Iiridges Infantry, National . Alliu-llleril- Mc-'ci- i.' whs hIihwii lll'ounil bv J, Mel 'orrlslou. 13 liinlnn-i- Itoy Colli, in. the and building on the sulllll nil. was , "i4 iSw v i I to llllll-ne- lf will report lo this an olil in iiiiuhitum ami frleml l luí II 1(11 II llisliiiKlllslieil here j'cHt"rdav. Private Kurnier a such time and place as he by liinliiK the me ith two hoard at - " ( w WOOD - I fa 1- : ri I) It V C f, II A II Moimeli, lie w ell known biiMe lirlve with a man on nerum! base. Special Huilla Fe trafile Ag 'ill F. H.I may be noiitled by Its prcsiilciil. . - go- - painter uf Inillun nulilei In. mil veil In Simforil, wltll headiiuarli'i'M in Chl- Itv ( imand ol the acting 1 i- - PINION ' --'I AMI lOU.MIK) Colorado Hie eltv yeiterilay from the iiianil .lllKllnhiiio (inrel.l of os lirieHiiH, in cago, vlsllcil Hie local nl'lice i yester '1 - y v it; , I aid t'Hiiyon. anil will leave later fur a KiilTeflnit: from mtIoiih liilurles an tin' day. ft. P. YA KKINGTON. f - visit tu lili' Jem- pueblo mill olheiK. ichiiII of heinu tin on n l i oiii a wnKon Adjutant General. r 1 ' - I v Passenger eny-ine- 7 and 1ÜH0 ' yeslerilay. Ile Is IiiIiik a teinleil by n Principal East- A to la learn lielntiKlnR tiiiri Ian pliyslenu ami is reporleil In n erltiial ciiuie out of Ihe sho'is yesierdn.v find away on FlrM mi yestenlay inotii-Iii- r reel lOllllHloll were tried mil .'lelween ben; and JOHN BEAVEN anil eiilllileil with the Iiiiuhv ilrlven s!eta S. by Health Kriink bolli CLELANDl CASE TO tilltiei tiuur. Ailoiiiei Willi. un II Chllilers. loiiii-Me- l 604 SOUTH F1HST VritKlCT ern Points liN bailly but no vehli belim iIhiiuikiiI for William II Vmlreiis In llu' A. Mm re. (he well known l.ilalllliH ii'Millhnf Wnxh-Iiikio- I agent In city (leleKatchip eonlest now on at ii eral reezer arrived the via I. fr in Ills hi nilqiiai lers at l a .Inula NI' holiiM HaveiliM arrlveil lo re yen-le- i ii'tiiiiieii ml mullí from Hie ilny from Hun Juan, Al l.,, eiilleil national ra.nilal. Mr. I 'hi birrs allt'K''H last nl'iht. UP TODAY h"ie by the Herlous InliirleN of bin (hilt lllllrh of the phillltHT'N evlilelire COI 71 K Irk pat rl,k. briikeinan on vJ The CRAIGE mother, Mm Maria Saveilra, who wni rega nlinu Hie Colfax eoiintv eleeilotis James ta:tt..,;-s.,.-i" .. ... HOTEL by I'V to heiil the limited between here and Juntu '..a inn ilowii the Simla llmlteil, permitís eleel hum several fam- s, he, baa left for l,os Angeles wltll his eolith of the eily Siinilnv. learw nKo. He sa hiiwe'er. that I ily for u t Ii r( day vacalioit. Comedy Trio hi.el i olijei Hull lo Ii.ivIiik all lln'J Manhattan at Albuauerque's Finest Al H o'i l..i ii t h Ik nt I'.llin IN COURT iiioi iiIiik. I'oiiieslanl s et iiienee 1:0 htToro ( '. llo, will in late General Suiierinlendeiit F. Fox of Rink, Commencing eur tile funeral of the in tn it i !' on privUfKi'H anil elfi'tloiiH Skating European Hotel. Mm. Onofre Unirla ile tiii(;oi. who in the Suntii l'e, announces thai work illeil Mniulay at home at the of the house. on the new round house nml .shops n( Wight. Admission, uliiht her CliHiiuie, III likely be Tuesday of I ) ra. She i wurvlveil bv Kas., stalled Silver Avenue. ami fall. t i o ilaiiKlttem. two HiMtei.i anil tio this Oven tiling of Demur i ei Re- - Including Skates, 25c. Half niock from Santa Fe Depot. HomualiJii Unrein of Nan K. liHlael, anil Manuel lliireln of AIiInio. THOUSAND NDIANS Three cars of a freight were de- GKOHGIZ tl.I.lS. l'rop. railed at Maxwell City at I I I il o'clock versed by Supreme Court Tlioin.ia Flebl In here from Kl I'nsu. Sunday night, calling out the wreck- ing creiv from I. as Vegas and block- and Testimony Again Tickets on Sale Daily Walk Henley i f lieiell prlit - ing traffic for some time. "d.iy be i lly. THE Be Taken Here. HOW MANY PACKAGES OF AT FIESTA I Charles Whiting, who las heen In I II M Patterson w as a al i hill charge of tile refrigerator service out June to September 30 f COAL ruin the Pass C,y yes I, rdii v at Wlnslow Is expeeted to return here The taking of evidence In the case fíen nine Aiiiericaii Itlock per Ion ,f(l.."ll e irlv In ,Iulv and accept a position In oí agalnsl A. W. (.eiiuine Cerrillos Lump II. Ml a i t, ii Sufre Alexander PEARLINE 'a ndew the ell knoii or ii K.AII Hie local shoos Ihe Santa Fe. accounting; Anthracite ool huer. Is Hie fill. or ju land praying for an .Aiillnaflle .Mixed II. till Have You Been Getting for LOW RATES LONG LIMITS C. Kriil'.'iiian of tl.'M South begin In Hie district court today. The Aullirai He. stoic ami furnace sixes !l..0 M is Tlnglii 'lived III Ihe b- leales tonigli' acciinijiaiiieil case was recently uppealed to the su- - t'lean (ins Coke .(MI 25c? city fr, San Marcial 'Stenl,l Mils l;i will Tickets Accepted on Limited family bir Paso wliere he by accept a poslton w ltti the Fl Paso jireine inrt of Hie terrijory Attor 1 A, live or the I loin lugo I .il in her We Have Been Selling and All Other Trains, Col. Selléis and Paity Witness anil soul Itw estern ney V. It Cbihlers for Ihe defendant. cuiiipaiiy i fill up i li.'inll g' ttailwai' coinpan'. Hie higher court reversing tile over- Call at Ticket Office and We lay. side-swipe- W.II.IlAIIN&CO Intei esting Sights at Jemez A heirdly lónded coal car d a ruling of defendant's demurrer by the 7 Pkgs for Will Plan Your Trip Back East, t .1 box car In the local yards 25c M.i F. Sena I'll lo S. ma llano Pueblo-- near tlie coal chute and one Judge Will H. Field appears Telephone Fe y est eril ii y artci il i - t with his A Good Year for the ,esterila district !! For Three Yeais and ol" w case Involves are t.llilil hl'le. 'truck tlie coal car as derailed a ml for the plaintiff, The We ARE ALL GOING, Ciops. hurled no to Hie car Inuly in Hie valuable oronertv in Hie Pnijs mlilr Still at it, There will be go la lini: id earth. Tlie box car was not bnilly lion to this illy on .ortn eeouii WHY MOT YOU? I va- - Ves, We lime n Pliinie anil k- - o'i h I i.i - ilu maiji'il. street Just outside the eltv limits; Ihe I. liiuiuilt i nil ag- lli'livcry, Noil. Hon and Intn h. d l Is I! Selléis aild Mis. lions notes, deeds and property T. E. Purdy, Agent. Fnglneer PatTratli. in charge of the value, Cash s Mi Ins,,, gregating considerable BAKERY Albuquerque Grocery and U'illl.lllis t SHAW'S John W llllll nn H.ig i oust in, luii vvutk on the Ithi Puerco A suit has been Hied hi Ihe district A. T. & S. F. Rv. u h en piistrv. or i ililn. aunt of Col. Seliers I'l lUllleil end of tlie Helen cut i ill in the county styled iIUtk ti'iai n pet 'iilrndeitt the lililíes arrived court fur Valencia l.u. Ki'p-- Homer ad-- : yrur with lliirt-- cutiti li Company, H. Wzrd, Manager l I'll at l lie St u rgr s la I lllgllt. tilglil from i trip !o the ptp'lilo eily last night from .lamest, ni n and Itaea against Hamuli I.. de Haca left later for Helen. Mr. morning Journal "wanTs .leiney.. fitly it vv est PalTraili ininlstrator prayhig thai defindant be' 212 . :: :: IMione 10.'t 3IS W. Maiblo- - Phono 206 I, of some miles irt Silwr. lii ni, i ii John I'i'iiveii. w le anil , says that tlie niilinry nud naval enjoined from si lling certain properly w - - cily Ihey ... I bring i pu- Hils the mol Misk I. in II, Abel or of nheie lines. display ,ii the John Smiih exposition held 111 trust lor the pl.iinlih- lioma results. bio. iiiree of Mr lieaien. h.l' e gone cc reinoti les and soorls nlteiuling the Is splendid and well worth going tpefe X. Wllkerson aiuiears for Hie plain io l h e. i u Park, Ca 1. llesta of San Jmm al the old village. to see. HIT.

I'll- r- - "Tin re vi ere about a In- l'V ManllaTmi Ciuiiedi Triu eiil thousand II Petilhone, general manager of A man who is In perfect health, bo t.iio'Ml ,i log crowd la-- t night at ilic dians then." said Col, Sellers last Hie tiulf Colorado and Santa Ke vvitli Ihe can do an honest day's work when wlti nppi-a- every stilting Itn.k nuil niglil. Mere some very exill-In- g lieadoiiiiiters in ilatveslou urrii'ed in necessary, has much for which he "There - WAGNER. ) evening tor i est of Hie week. Hie eltv night In private C. liodg- HARDWARE the last his car Mr. I.. CO. lloi'se races, i hh ken pull- should be thankful. foot and No. I'.'. Hie car being aitaclied to Pa., y ers. of Itranchtoh. writes that he! to Albuquerque II W In i day i ere- - , petll-lion- Successors Hardware Co. Fourth PlIlMHIl ri esti ing and other sports nu.i r. ligous train No, at l.a .Inula Mr. e only to work, but he and Central Avcnutf. Ii So, was not unable from his io orlo to luollies, AlHlouirh the .lelio- Pueblos who reports an enormous busi- couldn't stoop over lo lie his own io Hssiini, nal super-:'s- t lost to ness on Ihe linlf lines of the system Foley Killlfi y i " all their triiit owing the spring shoes. Six hollies of 's III.' MIX n., inn I. .No Ii in trusts they have g eiups of ill. i left Her mi fot Kl Paso, ""Cure made a new man of him. Ile Dealers t.ilfa and g.irileli trin-- .ind ar, ap- - was pa n leil liv a tiuinher "f "Success lo Foley's Kidney lililí) Snitlln Ni sla. ml friends and tiny will slop over at sas. m Ii. ic ri iuriii'd iioio,- (ruin an pnrelilll pretty prospfious. Cure." J. H. O'ülelly Co. ii' t Jellley Kng!c en route. Il .Ol. IM i II llllllllg w Ii o Ii lo i lie ptleolo llllinliei's ahoilt ttij' s, t'.ioi s. Willi,un vvho li- Stoves 1 isiled New V.irk Philadelphia liili.ilutiin Mis Mil Ranges ard 1.. W end Lewis of Kmpoiin. Is one of t lie ost pl'.ilnillellt clill. iiliit Kas the Ml lis having niioiiiils gainst f e was III iieisu We Carry a Full Line .1 C Mi Iltosll of I'll cío., i. rt sorlelv women III lie lluekeye sl;ie santa ton ractor who this nía lilln county Hill idease tile t 111- - yesterday lias the y i in riling fot Hie I Nt, in, l, was gre.itlv illl.eret i d Ml Hie pu eiti for ill hers f. ir same with the piobate ballasting the l'V on Hie .New i t, in br if In r. s, enes ;i Hie Village. Ihe I1l"--t Santa i'1'k Satiird.iy June ii' visit llllam not later than Wre---Crockcry---GIev.ssw- .1 . vv 11 -- Mi liv ion and has f. ol ' Mi lolosti. the W rll kllovvn sheep Ho- knot si,, id e er it, .,.,1 lee h. aro y t ,o j lio n now working this i a from I nisei Sllle s me htu Pin A l:. UAI.K1 Clerk. Granito iphs al the po, I .a in v . tlie ballasting h Living been Alfie.l.i A lia. a n ,.t tt. completed the rest of ih,. way. The W O O II O O II. ALL KINDS OF TOOLS FOR THE MECHANIC I vv i l mi, eui-'iii- ' II. go II. II I, ho the I ii I. Thr,,.. ruii'lhed thruuvth the niountn'iis froiii '. I" rutin. h our lil.. j I i . ,1. . n- - s V'rgas to ;iorie:.i is now one all ,,f noil v.. ..,,1 nftiT the H.l v.i n ri il ..I Hie go, i Xifri li, . II; of Jlv We Have in Connection ' oiei s Iu Hi, I I.AKK II I ; OAI. ( a Tinning Shop and Plumbing Shop. lo. it. at s,,i Pen is vi. iihg Hon , Ihe linist country. Mr. i , Lewis win, also th,. till, I, III. Ills k I If has contract to put in üii'i, nan yaiils ol li, ill. isl on lOVT ITHHiKr I'll T WK 'H-It- ALL WORK ENTRUSTED TO US WILL ii. Iu, I, , l.urij the RECEIVE OUR EEST ATTENTION. j Ib-I- n ro. k TISi: (iradl mid couip.'tny- have opened I.,, . ru! off s.iys the crusher at I'lMM ?! ' r. I i i , 11. vv iil iln l III IS MITIIIN OP'ITIK lo 'par ol 'oiimoi in e oiil . i aiiglni be running in days. . iielt;' (mi M iiv. a. vnxrr co. en, i.' MTiimrfm ll.nlieebl nud .i.oiin ola. i al IV ililu in- aiBiTJW SBOiffiaSaCaHtaaaaU 1 s i A- slirenil South rust n opposit, Ihe ,. If .ue. IX I1KKAI A w a s.m la- -t say anvtlnng to you lit' INi nr.ido. free lui.iii lud I. , ii p. i , 'Ind Ciitick A OK s,,M-HlK- suspl, 111 Mil- Is SHUT UKAI. L. H ana jjm - m - "ija-- Hi niglil nt Hie folliiiil of - atiiuit latest painting'.'" T iliini the 1.1k I,, It,,- uti mi asked I'll K HOT tIKKM MKK IT I pi,.' e Willi 11 Is one of Hie p. s U' liber. llll.ii I,, lit Me II ..,.,ll A II l e. Luí. ,1 AMI THK in replied "Hy way. PI.ICANT. fllM'K w ill r i up .iii.l most the cil ., "Yes." Cutis the im attractive - lili-- III,' I o MiitMri.l llHl Mu, im. B liar ai makkm i r w ha in it e ,.tt 1,. .(i- m lull must have had it turely framed K THK 1IRK a &u 1.1 l.l.l,lll.l I'tiliitutc lia TKHM, TtKR All. i Cn,t li. Kuppe ut colllp.ilie you It to i (, III, it before showed him. didn't II Imlay o ..uu.'.t h i Hlllt It AMI WOKKV OH-- ' HUH llllH, AMI Mever ÜI KU out Mr ' you "" Jake ,ei,l.r,.l k.ikI n iiiilft.rinra as a liuppe s l.M,t ii, lacs o ti High ill i:r V." Why?" vat h!-- HKsr class bbkau I' riti'liaoitt 1,1!. Iin,t Rf . BAII.I.XU. . HBST ST. " ! Ib norm eipl "f tang'' Sllr Wholesale Distributors Peak 'h' I., um-- J "I thought so. he said he - liiui-- niMil j. tki.,1 ,K him nud ihe nintn Snndin lange of lit nn- noticed one tent in about it." - iiiKll.a ttluilv ml in nrct en artistic r . RFN N FTTT, Inins Mr Kiipt.e 111 take nu OH 'I - Philadelphia Press J. h, r 1(1 . Klrl I vv Acme lot I It km llrnilqnurtor for Steel Mowers, Rakes and Harvesting f. II. onr.r. M. !. I. . A I .ass nml :i Navajo Illankeis and Machinery MpJyllT )tl.Mll'T ' All t he wot 1,1 a lover loies,' In, linn nii.l vl Hut Cupid's su, b an eif lelnn Il s often true nil ol hers do NOT MADE BY THE TRUST FULLY WARRANTED We lime JiiM rerrlveil an rJimnMiiinr, Mrtr sliinient of llnwk'o ;xeept the girl herself." ! Solid I', iplua Press. NOTICE fiueol t ut .luí anil rtrliaill Mlier. lleautilul comls. WK MOKK KIHIU TIIKKI.I (IKK Lightest - figun-- a i.-rj- r Running, Strongest, all art- prl.fil in plain nnl low. for llilrtjr : Mí lTT M i l. IM H I.MIK H K or Wear Longer, Costs less for Repairs. i imllrnis: . Ml-T- n da) r nliall file a cash iliaciium i.r in SHKKIXK'K 1IOIM IH .Mll, SM.IIS Mr till s couldn't find tha one man 1n thlx Inwn r I KK l,. (hat waata that artille or drlvtnc lTOKV W HITE JXm F1UCF.S ' aura yours aa aurtvljr quoek- - 7 JKST 6T. of and aa GRUNER & SCHEELE Sfimi S ' I L.aain Jiwltr-TH-EI.VERITTDIAMOMI tA L ACE - Central Avt If u t fur nair ail ann ao; ami a T.n ffjrrit qt'f. xnv Mrxiro. NORTH 1 1KST ST. j lwka fee would ! largtsr hr Fourth and Mountain Road