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The eC darville Herald The eC darville Herald

7-10-1908 The edC arville Herald, July 10, 1908 Cedarville University

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Recommended Citation Cedarville University, "The eC darville Herald, July 10, 1908" (1908). The Cedarville Herald. 2250. http://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/cedarville_herald/2250

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@Cedarville, a service of the Centennial Library. It has been accepted for inclusion in The eC darville Herald by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Cedarville. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Cheap Excursion To A A l R P P X A , f*O AA X VA N‘ jC jLAH r £ M. August Ord I HWfcSTfcRN OHIO ™'“ Tho Fourth -was celebrated m a B. F. Thomas wishes io announce Council met in regular session UST PUBLISHED BY THE rousing TOannor, the day being ideal that he will bo a candidate for Monday evening all members being A U G U S T 4, 1908. for such an event. The nighc pre­ County Bocordor of. Greene County present. * stown Automobile Club vious a heavy rain fell which caused subject to the Republican primary Reports from different committees many to believe that the program tp bo hold Aug, 8 d, 1008. Your vote were read and approved. The fi­ ~'r tr " n rrri...."Ai" No better time of the year to go. You can as advertised could not he carried and influence solicited. nance committee reported for the IT IS ijp ilIfflD INDEED TO THE MOTORIST out, 'With a warm Bunsbine the see them harvesting both spring and fall We arc authorized to announce appropriation ordinance which can streets and race trade were soon It gifs* jg^lhoritativo information concerning the roads the name of L. T. Marshall as a be found in this issue. with two maps, list of garages, hotels and rates, the wheat that will yield 40 to 50 bushels per /. J dried. The atmosphere was pleas­ candidate for Clerk’ of Courts -sub­ A resolution was also passed de­ new Qbio fiHsb Automobile Law, places of interest to visit ant throughout the day* The Are acre. Write me for particulars. ject to tho Republican primary, claring it necessary for sidewalk arid other iiMlrmatian of value to autolsts. works display at night was inter­ August 3d, improvement on South Main street, rupted by a sudden shower which The baoS^onsists of 70 pages, handsomely printed in Tho electric light question came two colors tagdOuble coated stock, and bound in buckram had a tendency to separate the W e are authorized to announce up for further discussion as to the Cloth, with BSId stamp. Size 0x9 just right to keep m the crowd* It lasted only a few min­ the iiama of Dr. D. E. Spahr as a terms of the contract. Attorney poeketof tfiaSnach'ine, where it will he handy. utes*: candidate for Representative before R, L, Gowdy was present for the w. iT corry , Young America with the noisy the Republican primary to be held Twelve » 6 l.page maps, each showing section of cdun- . company. Judge H* L. Smith has try 15x20 inSte, with sectional cross lines, 1 mile each way cane, cannon, cracker, etc,, was on August 8 , 1808, been the legal advisor for the cor­ altitude ab«N» sea level, showing grades. Sixty-five routes JAMESTOWN, OHIO. hand at (day break and the town poration. The contract for street We are authorized to announce ore given iiffiletall. was In a Continuous uproar ail day* the name of Walter L, Dean ns a lighting has been agreed upon by So far as known there was not an candidate for County Auditor sub* Council and company and ib ready accident. Even those who allowed jeot to the Republican primary to for the signatures of tho proper Price*! Postage Prepaid $1,50 their celebration to get go far as to be held on August 3rd. officials. , "feel too good” did not b.ecome Send your order to We are authorized to, announce The ordinance regulating the troublesome. Mayor "Wolford took price of commercial lighting and extra precaution and had four extra tiie name of I. fc>. Dines as a candi­ Secretary, Middletown Auto Club date tor County Treasurer subject to fixing the meter rate did not suit officers for the day. the company and a consultation was the Republicanpnmal-y to be held ID D L E T Q W N , OHIO. There were two games of base held withoutany change in the po­ August 8, 1008. ball, Oedarvill©' defeating the Day- sition of the members of councl I have decided to Close’ out ton Edgemonts both games. The Wp are authorized to announce The ordinance calls for a charge ■f ..... ■ ' — ....i ... , , i n ------< my entire furniture business attendance wah good and a neat the name of S. O. Hale, as » candi­ J5 cents per thousamlAvarttir^vvith a . . m 1 . - ' ' ____ _ •, on account of failing health. sum realized. The street amuse­ date for re-nomination for County discount of five cents. This san e r .a We will sell every article in ment in the morning attracted a Clerk snbject to theRepublican pri- large crowd. • maryto be hfllclAugust 8,1908. stock at a cut price. Carpets, Rugs, . Driiggets, Linoleums, .. In the afternoon there wore sev­ We are authorized to announce YOUR APPETITE - eral good races at the Jackson the name of R. R, Grieve as a candi­ iness here to: justify ih and all kinds of house furnish­ track." Music for the day was fur­ date for County Treasurer subject The company wants a minin © I f you r ^petite is poor, eat meat. To tempt ings. If you are looking for nished by the Jamestown band. to the Republican primary to be charge of , fifty cents per moi bargains come and see us. We with a ten per cent discount. ’ your appetr j and nourish the system our choice ! held August 3, 1908. wilistili continue our under­ Council adjourned until Thurs r meats are J it excelled by anything. The weak ; ifJK£>w3iI fA STATEMENT. We are authorized to aunouno© evening. >■ taking bnsinesB as before*..;... the name of I. T. Cummins as a can­ At the Thursday evening moe g and the sti Hg*. the small and the hearty eater | .C«*r*i*av • / didate for County commissioner sub­ both ordinances on electric’ lij ■ Some few citizens are under .the ® alike enjoy i jigm. - • ' ' _ ; ject to the Republican primary to were passed. The contract wil impression that the band had asked bo held August 8 , 1008. Signed next Thursday evening. i an exorbitant price for their ser­ We are authorized to announco G* G. McClain vices on the 4th of July, as per G C, WEIMER,;. 1 . a statement made by a ‘ gentleman the name o f M. A . Broadstone as a AUTO-ACCIDENT. 201 W. Main street, Xenia, Ohio. at the Board 9! Trade meeting held candidate for re-nomination for July 1st,, that the band had asked Count/ Recorder subject to the $50 for the day, and that 'be, the Republican primary to be held Aug­ A sixty-horse power Thomas Fly­ ' gentleman, could secure a Band m usts, 1908. er owned by Brown Gwmn of Wash­ twenty minutes for $25*00; and We are authorized to announce ington C. H., was wrecked Tuesday ■ty,:./ another gentleman made the state­ the name of Howard Applegate as a '* . goo. saved. 20c saved.1 20c saved, morning on the Jamestown and, »c saved. 2t)c saved. ' ‘ ,J.'20o saved. ment in one of our business houses candidate for Sheriff subject to the $1.00 Xenia pike. The machine was be1 $1,00 White $1.00 black add $ 1.00 m that Our band wanted $40.0Q. Where Republican primary to be held J o o B iM fc $1,00 Black tag driven.at a-speed of 2f> miles per ilAumlaiklla* Shirt Waists, - Tab}* L in en '__ _ colored Dress, ■Wrappers- tor- these gentlemen got their author'ty August?, 1908,' V ■ “ 11 .jjfefata hour when it dashed, against a tale-, for £)0©« " for so©; „■ Tor 80©; 50c. for these statements, we are., unable We.-are authorized to announce phone pqle. The accident bcciirred to state, as no due *fe«d MntSd .that lire name of J.'t?. there was even a possibility for the ..... tijniinr isiaiwr o ins nriuge, "ran until Wednesday,Mday, July 1st, and, at to be held August 3,1908. " B0d saved, that late date, it was impossible for* and went over an embankment. All. iohr of the occupants Wars $2**60 Patent' the management to get out & free We are authorized to announce Men's more or less injured. Dr. W* A, Leather Oxfords Band, as the majority of the. mem­ Dr. J. (1. Carson atf a candidate for briggau Galloway wa& driven to the scene for $2.00. bers had notified, us that they had Representative, subject to the com­ .wear fur 40e$ in nn automobile where lie dressed Cent made other arrangements for th’af ing Republican primary, , ' their wounds and took them back day, therefore there were no terms Wo. are authorized to announco toXenia* made or given* ,a few moments of J. F. Harshman as a candidate for The car waS.nearly new and cost deep thought into.the past, will un­ re-election to the office of County $4,500 and Is one of the best manu­ 60c saved. doubtedly solve the problem for the Commissioner, subject to tho Re­ factured. 10c saved. majority of tho citizens of Cedar- publican Primary, August 3rd. . $2.50 Parasols, vfile, “ Why the home'.boys were * 60« whit© and colored not engaged for the 4th of July, 1008. A. G*- Carpenter announces his FOR SALE. Corsets for for $2.00, K* of P. Band. candidacy for nomination to the 40c, ofllue of County Commissioner, sub­ i 5 Days of Dry Goods selling at Twenty per cent ject to tho Kepubliban primary Six dining room chairs, 2 rocking CELEBRATED BIRTHDAY. election^ August 3rd* chairs, 40 yards Walton Volyot Car­ off our Usual Prices. We are authorized to announce pet, 1 (Howard) bed spring, 1 mar­ & ; saved. the name of J. E. Lewis as a can­ ble top stand. 2 wood top stands, l 10c saved, Nob one item in our house reserved and as our goods are marked in plain figures Four score years of this life and didate tor Representative in the bed room suit, 1 8 -day‘ clock, 1 12- $2150 uOo you can practically do your, own shopping and figure your own saving. Think yet in good health is the record state Legislature, subject to the foot extension table, 1 zinc trunk, 1 Bilk Gloves .White Skirts made' by Mrs. W» M. Barber on Republican Primary election Aug. base burner stove with gas fixture* lor 40c. what that means. 20c on $1.00. $1.00 saving on every $5.00 cash purchase of for $2.00. Wednesday when her eightieth 3rd. and 8 feet Rush iron pipe, 1 lawn birthday was celebrated. In honor mower, 2 screen doors, 1 Singer good, seasonable Dry Goods, Millinery, Suits and . We are authorJznd-Jto—announce of the occasion about twenty of her Sewing Machine, 1 Winchester re­ that John B. Stevenson of Miami lady friends were entertained that peating shot gun, a lot of dishes. Sale Will Begin Saturday, July 11th, township, will be a candidate for afternoon. Light refreshments S. R. Gowdy, County Commissioner, subject to 50c saved. were served. • , Co saved. the Republican primary, Aug. 3rd. A t resldenc© ol R. C- Watt. and Close Saturday, July 25th. 25c Lac* Hose, $2A0 Wear© authorized to announce Step Pains almost Instantly—Dr, Miles J —See Howard Oorry’s ad. for black at whit* Trimmed Hats that Charles F. Howard will bo a for $2,00. Anti-Pain Pills, No bad after-effect*. cheap .excursion to Alberta, Can. for 20c% candidate for Probate Judgo, sub­ He says the prospects for large W iih the market price going higher this saving is worthy of consideration. ject to the Republican primary, crops were never better. Farmers August 3rd. are counting on a yield of from 40 to **It Pays to Trade In 60 bu. of wheat per acre. Oats, flax, Partial List of Goods on Which You Can Save 2 0 per cent barley, sugar, beets etc., in propor­ . Go saved. SPRINGFIELD/' A WORD ABOUT tion. Land that will produce such 70c saved. Men's and Boys’ crops Is sure to more than double"its $8,75- 25o Balbrlggan SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES, present value within a short time. Whit© Drosses Underwear. Dress Goods Baby Caps and Hats $3.00 How much better to have, your 20e Colored Silks, plain and fanoy. , all kinds % deeds and personal papers whore they are safe from firs and readily Black Silks, all grades Summer Underwear for Men, accessible* A misplaced paper often A Dress Trimmings and Linings. Women and Children causes worlds of trouble. We have $1.00 saved. 5c saved Corsets, all makes them-for rent at less than one-third W ash Goods, all-kinds. v Pleased Gloves, silk and kid $6.00 - of a cent per day, . 25c all Linen W hite Goods, plain and fancy. Covert Jackets Towels for THE EXCHANGE BANK, Man Toilet Goods, all kinds. Muslin Underwear $4.00. Ccdarvllle, Ohio. 20c, Silk Umbrellas Infants* Dresses and Underwear z&tffr Those Who Use W hite and. Colored Parasols Children’s Shirt W aist Dresses A* D. 5. Effervescent Sodium N eck W ear Ladies’ Dress Skirts CEDARVILLE COLLEGE Phosphate H$1.20 saved. 5c saved. ■Embroideries and Laces Ladies’ Tailored Suits I 4 To help you remember. 26c Silk and Sateen Petticoats wr$o,(K).aw h it c ii are much pleased with its Table Linen and Towels *WA8 hJlBuit8 forg Neckwear for Ladies OxfOrds and Shoes Wife has asked you to get ___0. effects* I t at once re­ Curtain Swisses $1.80. ^ 20o. Misses and Children’s Shoes another suit about a dozen lieves their suffering and < White Shirt W aists times of late, Fifteenth year opens Sept 15. eventually * We have reduced the price Teachers Dhouid examino our Teachers* course. Students for tho on all odd suits and if you ministry, law, modicino and pro­ Cures the difficulty 6c saved. $1.00 saved. fessional teaching should study can find your size in a pat­ 25c ' $5,00 * oar Classical and Philosophical #■ Pony Blockings Bilk Petticoats tern and model to please, we courses. Those who wish studies A sluggish liver is thb JOBE BROTHERS & CO for 20c, far $1.00. can save you from $3 to $5. preparatory to agricultural, civil, cause of many ills in the XENIA, OHIO, That means a new suit for electrical, and mechanical engineer­ ing' can find thorn in Codarvitle human system. This rem­ you with the difference saved College. Our courses m Music and edy tones up tho system Oratory nro exceptional. All who cigars, also a little present for to a point where com­ 80c saved. $1,00 saved. 76c saved. $1.00 saved want a thorough education can got ! 5esaved. 300 saved, 80c Saved. your Wife. ittigljfc at home in (JedarviUa Col­ plete enjoyment is cer* $1*60 Colored $6.00, | S6« $1*50 $I,G0 $5.00 lege ttfc a t tiling expense, Young tain. iLadics* Oxfords Trimmed Hats Bilk Umbrslltts Tailored Blurts Fine Waists ^Table Linen Bets —THIS WHBH— people, coma to college. - Every pur­ White Goods • for $8 .00. foi‘$ioo. for $i.£0, for $t.2o. for $1.20. for $4,00. Arcade * *> - Springfield, O. suit 5i calling for college graduates. for Shu, » Catalogue froth i s A A T w i i m r\ H«inbhta Mirefaiwits* Association. DAVID McKINNEY, President ...... * .. . ..

■ 4* ^ i Man’* tack of ffhivpfry* “TAKE THIS CUT” €s js Q & ^ s ^ r s t} xOQih The Cedarville Herald. From flic Ik-* inning tho "escuca of Ml Adam”; "Tho w..msu whom-thou gay- »« JSr.oo Per Year. cot to mo to be with mo, sho temptca mo,” ha» been a tevorito eno with all. \ mankind, “Uhri-rjipz Ja femme” io tho KA3&LA-* BUILT. * - Editor, CALLED AWAY. old French proverb. "I hero is never rniur*Ytw.Es o i i i o . a bit of taicehief hut a petticoat la at tho bottom of It/* says tho old EngHok JfttlDAY, JXJLVi'b , i m vei'ciou of the manim. Mrs. Melda Bull, widow of tho Wn Somtob Yorat Batr <»«&<5B late Edward O. Bull, died Tuesday nnd proflaisn careful and prom pt It is estimated that three Inmlrctt • attention, to oil business afternoon after an operation .for yxoroasp amrmdhen ;? to tjub csn . thousand Americans have crossed tumor. For a number of months li'M 'rn '»N OF OHIO, q intrusted to us. ®I* Kina Yoii, Havo Alv/ays Bought, and wliicli lias been the Atlantic this year and spent on she had been in poor health and tho t o oso fou over- 3G years, lias Bom© ttua .sigmatifffS of frtf»*IaA »■ is Ike Cor-JClIv-tbn d (io an nvernjjo of $700 cadi or two hun­ operation v/aa undertaken in tho Mttc «t M# ,-*U(nrt It lh« »«tf.je o' fcilb. and lias Tieen mad© under Bis per- NEW YORK DRAFT . hope of restoring her health. „ y sonal SMperviBion sine© its infancy. dred and ton millions of dollars. pa it rctolvf.d hf the Several Asuair.lly pf aad BANK AIONEViORDERS* The deceased was tho daughter the Slat* cf tiiiiai Allow no on© to decsiv© you in tins. Foreign countries profit immensely Cr,r?znH 1- A iir^r-r'Mlcn •.-■X'-Dtl- fea sub- j Tlie cheapest and most con* of Mr. ami Mrs. 8. K. Turnbull and nlttci! to fn*el&M/m cl Uih .-.talo at Mia All Counterfeits, Imitations and MJust-as-frocd9!> are Bufe “ Wo recommend it; thoro isn’ t from American tourists, In fAvvita- was aged forty-three years and sis tiOKt oic;t!cu ft'i- i b* e 1 r ttic ctiocral Sl.:pntHAVi^ « . wtii*VV.*.,^ * frA—JiAttfl V^*--v «•■ IDAtioV^tr V^l" .nnsh^mbty In Mnwul flio p f, Sisperiinents tliat triffo witii and endanger1 Bo tek it of I rtflrt llfkf t-Alf* — : eriandc iiotei- ScopcroYtvo'“off lt¥o months. ” Within tho past' ffliur I'tcu ol’ 01:!o k-> ?1;?t jcrllca'i 1C to "2, bath Iniitiits and^liildren—jEbtperience'^agatnBt iSxxierimenti* mail. ■■ . Iticluoiva, cf artL.-lfi n, '. "t!tU Tclively Xd SO ytare tonrtsnt experience. Ne peln public charity, public property used exclu­ told aeonles; my friends thought I ' *WA»6 detention front Lasfumri. Bladder, Kidney, Passed July 6 ,1008 . It Does Burt sively for any public purpose, mid personal 500 iiji to $3.94 ■was going crazy. I could not sleep Blood end Skin Plfeuw and JOtacasca oC Women. DtttfK TOR. BOOK OR RXCTAli D1SRABSS (FBLKI , J. H. WoLFOKP, ■ property to ««, amount not exceeding tn nor rest at all, I tried different doc­ •ttdludcrwmeuttofT&iltUUUuMki. KsUhliihcd 1BMV valuo $209,. lot each Individual, may, by tors, but failed to find relief. My Pres, of Council. . general laws, be axampted from taxation; Children’s Dresses $1. tq $2, head would ache all the timo; I was but all such laws *h*H b« subject* to alter­ -AD JUNTO. like oiio drunk; could not concentrate d r . j. j . M c Cl e l l a n J o h n G. M c Co r k e l i ^ ation or repeal; and the value of all pi ... -m y mind, and was so restless and. But we can’t help it, so orty, so exempted, shall, flow tlipo to ti...a, Ladies’ Dress Skirts—-fine se­ worried that sleep was out o f't h e ' . Clerk. bo ascertained and published os may bo fo r question. After taking one bottlo of » 8BuA» e t Columbus, 0. down they go again. We directed by law, /: Dr. Milos' Ncrvlna I felt wonderfully Section 2. AH tafoo and exemption!) In llout women .lection, best fitting. changed. I am now on my third bot­ force when this amendment Is adopted ohnll $100 Rewards $100. have fresh, 3 boxe$ left of remain in force, lit tho emn« manner and to tle and am gaining all the time, t . can lie down and sleep like a child, i ■ tho Games extent, unlOKs and until othorwlso W a is ts —All in Net—Persian Lawn and Percale nnd am able to d6 my worit" our 17c fancy California directed by .statute, MRS. MAY SCOTT, Ehglisli, Ind, 3 . O; GitAMnr,twain. Don’t Fail to HearThe readers of this paper will be pleased peaches, price was cut to Speaker Via Ton., of the llouae of Muslin Underwear—great Stock. ~ Your druggist sells Dr. Miles’ Nerv­ to learn that there is at least one dreaded Hcprcsciualivtw, ine, and we authorize him to return . 15c, then 12£. and now they Jam !'# M. IVitUAlio, price of first bottlo (only) If It fall* disease that science lias been able to cure in Pitsmcr.t vf the senate. Long SilK and K id G loves—all the rage. to benefit you, all Jfs atcgcs rind that is Catarrh. Hall’s go at 10c per lb. Adopted March 2T, 1608. «s Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure new UiiiTt.n States ox Amjemca , Ohio, Office of the Secretary of fitato. J a ck ets and S u its to fit the body find purse CALEB POWERS known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh I, CAKMI A. THOMPSON, Secretary tit being a constitutional disease, requires a State ot iha State of , Ohio* do hereby certify that tho‘ foregoing .is an cxempllffcd copy, constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Our 20c extra fancy Peach- carcfuly compared by tr.o with tho original Cure is taken internally, acting directly up­ rolla now ea file in this office, and In my At official custody as Secretary of State, na re­ on the blood and mucoussurraees of system !i&es p e r jb...... 15c quired by the laws ot tho Stato of Ohio, of n flDTGfllSON & GIBJIEY’S, thereby destroying the foundation of the Joint Renolutlon adopted l;y tho General As­ sembly of tho St»t« of Ohio, on tho 27th day disease, and giving tho patient strength by of March. A. I), 1IKI8. XENIA, OHIO. Baber’s Ik Testimony "Wiimrup-, I havo hereunto SPRINGFIELD building up the constitution and assisting aubecrlbcd my name. Ami affixed my official nature in doing its work, The proprietors Extra 4 fancy California seal, at Columbus, tbl3 23rd day of April, A. D. 1908. , have so much faith in Its curative, powera, prunes, per ,1b, Be or 2 CATtMt A. THOMPSON, that they offer one Hundred Dollars for any [8EAi..] Secretary of state. case that it faila to cure. Send for tot o lb. for .».««*».*,,.». 15& Restaurant. P^OPOSCT^AMlirioMENT "tfTTHlTcoN^ testimonials. , Try Them. : BTITC'ilON ti'f OHIO, CHAUTAUQUA Address. F. J. CHFXJBY & Co, Toleda O, JoiitV lisoiunofi Sold by Druggist, Uc. frcpeslflf as ameafowal is the Ccaafiltillon el Iha TOWNSLEY BROS,. Now located in the Book- Hail's Family Pills aro the best. Halt at Bhla reltHvt (a the lime cl ihe con- 3 cans.of tomatoes___ 25c cieaceAieal *1 Ik* ref filar icttbat walt&r Hotel Building across Saturday, July 25, 2 p. m . •f fktgsaetal atiemkly. —Orange ice, lemon ice, and pine Be it recoiled lit the General Assembly of the street from the old the State of Ohio t adplo ice at tho lawn fete. SECTION I. A rropicitloa chall bo snb- Cedarville,' Ohio. Clark Co*, Fair Grounds Mother’s Oats, per pkg^ 10c folttcd to tho clrslora of this otato at tho “Adams” stand. Restaurant next clectloa for memborn ot tho general assembly to amend r-fllsn 20 of artlrlo II in hotel lobby and dining Mr. G. A . MoGlollan and wife and of tho cohctltutiOti, ro nu to read as follows: Miss Irene McClellan of Dayton Sec. 20. Tho regular coslon of each room on second floor, reached Special Features: Domes­ Quaker Oats per pkg., 10c general acgemhly r::a!t commenco on tlio Manufacturers of Cement Building Blocks, Build­ left Monday ior Atlantic City. lirct Monday da January next after It is by elevator. Meals 25c and tic Science; Nature Study; chosen, a. a , Taoupeoif, ings raised and’foundations constructed. See [us 35c. Tho reaidonco of Mrs. Louisa Bpsalxr-pf the House of Hepi csentatives. Choruses; Orchestras; Quar­ —WE ARE PAYING-- Avjmvxt Ir. HAnnin, Bratton is being improved by the . „ . __ j ' Pivr.n’cot of tfia Senate. for Cement work’of all kinds. Estimates cheer­ High Street, Springfield, O* Adopted March 20, Itj-jj, tettes; Soloists; Headers; addition of a modern veranda. 20c per lb for No. 1 fresh liunra Stateci op Ameeic -a, dmo, fully given. Ofilea ot tho Ecirrlary of State. Dramatists; Lecturers. Butter. - I , GARMI A. ‘IHOMPCON. Secretary of state of tho Gtati*r 6f Ohio, <2o Sscroby certify 16c per doz. for clean fresh, that the foreg,ihrifi* an exemplified copy, cdrefuly compared by we with the original , Splendid array of talent ; flANHATTAN E ^ gs. I rolls now on Wo in llri* office, nnd In my official custody as ScifCtafy of State, nsr re­ from July 23 to August 2, quired by tho laws of thk SlGte of Ohio, of a FOR DURABILITY AND SERVICE. 3 Joint Resolution adopted by tho General As­ RESTAURANT sembly of tho State of Ohio, on Uie 20lli da? inclusive. of March, A. I), 39fid. W e have found Ur IToiimohv W m ster, I havo hereunto No. E N. Detroit 8L, Noma, O. ? Our Remnant Sale begins aubscrlbcd my name, and affixed my official V ak St Coiumhnu, this 23rd day of April, Saturday morning and con­ A. I). 1008, ’ “J.-M.” ASBESTOS ROOFING LIQUOR o« BUI of Fare. . . CARMI A. THOMPSON, tinues l one week.|gFirsfc far:At,.] Secretary of state. equal to all demands. Whether it be used on the most Coffee, Tea, Milk...... Cc MORPHINE' comers will get the best modest farm building or the largest manufacturing plant Habits, is tho only surj anil rational tfoafesent Bread and Butter...... Oe Dr, I.Ilk.'i* Antl-l’alft FKla relieve pafft for those addicted to dbink or drugs , fiend far Niagara Falls Fried Potatoes...... fie bargains. Will] you^take w e have always found it true to its trust. Free Booklet and terms, «o»7 Ksrth Oeaclisc At*.. It is made to give cervlce. Every square is thoroughly Caked Beans...... '5c the hint and'be among the Pie, per quarter...... '...... so inspected before leaving the factory. The worionansliip COLUMBUS OHIO Excursion Ham Sandwich...... 5e first. W e have remnants is right, and the materials used in its construction are as By etroDffthf’iilnri the nerves which Buttered Toast.:...... fie Cwr Kbc S of Laces, Embroideries, good as money can buy. As evidence—we can point to 'olitvol tho action bf the liver and bowt-fo Pennsylvania Cheeffo Sandwich...... fie Dr, r.Uica* Nerve and Liver Villa cute Cake...... oe Ginghams, [Calicos, [Dress Asbestos Roofing applied in the early nineties in good -obstipation, SO dO&cs 25 rente. Yuty low faro WtUtiMiiiRy, July 8teak, Chops, Ham or Bacon.... iBc I Goods, Lawns, Musling etc. condition to-day. £:nh, Oot details from agont-, I Bun or. Bacon With Eggs ...... £0o Furthermore, it requires no coating or painting, “ The J. W» 1‘atfateugli. . 'NOUHti Ttro-wnt afarttie Hot Boast , Weiner or Egg A W Nt first cost is the only cost.” | ;tor...... » months'-...... trial Hanchvich...... oe *y,iat Oysters, jw y...... I0e JW IN®UHS«ttg Issue, spt.ui atikleo c#eacixifiaa to iw.tj iliolr aasaea oa tto latni> A t B IR D ’S InUfosttakil, A Marjaitiift' Bread and Butter with Meat Orders far the' Hoj-JowKhtHiaJrfCa Of beautiful tlhiti.-allim#. MUko of tiirffs* aiftoiiStooa, ec > m to hff Jtem »Hx tiAto it '■'« H. W . Johns-ManvilleCo. ftfililo ot atcht. M B A I S **>»>« age Wiitsb jter •*-#»,m t Hold imri iMi|u»te l by Isaac N, Cleveland, O. aia caiM iutt orb 1 Wlstetttifcii, » j5 “W e Lead Others Try to Follow.” ~ r * s 2 r - 7 M LOOK! LISTEN! U A Nimble Nickel is Better than a Slow Silver Dollar” tore isn't

' to" irusV THEREFORE toiler. Meats kind to mces for Beginning Monday, July 6th, 1908, 1 they’ re Don't go ofc. Buy The Largest and Best Known Store in Greene County starts one of its BIG MONEY SALES ronld liofc b* rt dent T-ilb which in the past have been given to the satisfaction of everyone of our customers in. this county inco tttlstnj lmfl* better 11iny £tload« Elver,JI m *. 1 W e occupy and devote two large rooms to the selling of only, and can show you a larger assortment than any store in this county, and at prices that have made this store the most popular shoe store in* Greene County, not with= -r standing the fact that weare pff the square atid on the wrong of side South -Detroit street. If we said no more you would know the store that sets forth the above. This Sale means much to you. Firstly,

od.BoSoed, ,<\ £0c. :Noyer We Have just Received 500 Pairs of Samples red OCO, cN.Y. 8ci i from different factories manufacturing both Men and Women’s Shoes at a So per cent discount. These samples are fall BOXES, goods used on the road by salesmen who havel&nished selling their fall and winter shoes. The sizes are as follows: Ladies’ 3 to 5 and in Men’s 6 to 8, and will be sold at prices less than the retailer pays, or a saving to you of 50 per cent. W e are agents for the best known lines of shoes made which will go in this Sale at cost and many cases less than cost. s re­ 1 '*'* ■ ’ . ______. , .______* ______, ‘ ______. , , - _ _ r - ' ■■ ■ » in the brain, is re­ T o give you an idea of what awaits you at this store of ours We will quote below a few of the many bergains, sleep, e d .o f hoiild, IN OUR MEN BOYS ROOM«=31 SOUTH DETROIT STREET >ss o f loss Men’s 5(4.00 and $5,DO Pat.' Colt and - Men’s 2.C0 Oxfords, all leathers $1,89 pliys-- ' ; Gun Metal Oxfords $3.49. Iiles? Msn’sja.60 Box Calf and Gun Metal Calf ; $1.98. > j -irri- Men’s *4.00 and $5.P0 Pat, Colt and - Gun Metal Boots *3.59. Boys1 Gup Metal and Satin Calf Boys’ Pateht and Gun Metal Shoes * ' . {t rings Men’s $2.00Oxfords $1,49. Blucher Shoe, our $2.99 grades. To baud sewed and oh nifty lasts; $3.00 ■ating Men’s Pat. Colt, Tan Gajf and Gun closeout.,..,,., ...... $1.99 grades ...... $1.99 tains . Motal Oxfords, $3.50 grade $2,89 Men’s Satin Calf Mat Top Boot $1.49 refor Boys’ Patent Colt, Tan Calf and Boys’ Satin Calf and A’lei Shoes, 300 PAIRS Men’s Kangaroo Calf, Men’s $3.60 Pat. Colt, Tan Galt and Gun metal Oxfords,'our $2.50 grades All solid leather and. our regular eets. Seamless Work Shoes, just tho shoe to close out...... gl-09 $2.00 grade, to close out...... $1.49 ■ .ted un- Gun Metal Boots $2,89, oucht I for the farm and shops, regular price -t sleep and sold everywhere for $2.80, our Boys’ Satin Calf and Vicl Kid, prices on Youth's and Little Mon’s .nt doo- if. aiy Men’s $3.00 Pat. Colt, Tun Calf and jirtce during this sale will be....,§1.89. all solid leather shoes, our $2.50 Shoes of same leathers and styles, I was Gun Metal Oxfords $2 30. grades...... ;...... $1.09 cvtt in same proportion. entrato : jA_ S3 and Boys, Patent Colt, Tan Calf and Of tllO ottle of Een’s $3.00 Pat. Colt and Gun Metal Gun metal calf Oxfords. Our $8,00 derfully Grades, To close out...... $1,98 ird bot- ' Boots $2.39. ime. I . child, tad, . Nerv- return It falls LADIES’ ROOM=»=33 SOUTH DETROIT STREET Ind Ladies* Tan and Patent Kid in Hand Turned and Goodyear One lot of Ladies’ Pnteti.t Oxfords and Sailor Ties, $9.00 Misses Patent and Tan OxfordtW $2..00 Gtndeg, Sales price Welt. Samples. Size 8% to 4K* $3,60 and 4.00 Grades. Sale Grades. Sale Price $1,89. $1.39 ^ Old Ladies’ Common Sense Shoes in High and Low Cut, $2.50 Children’s Oxfords and High. Cuts. All leathers. $1.25 Grades One lot Ladies’ Gun Metal Oxfords $3.60 Values. Ail sizes and $2.00 Grades, Sale price $1.39. Salo price 89c, Sale price $1.99. Ladies’VIci Kid Patent tip hand sewed shoot, Always sold _ . . , •, . , , , Ladies’ .Tlcl Kid Patent Tip Oxfords All Sizes in $3.00 and at$3.60. Sale price $1.99. Infante Soft Soled Shoes in all colors. 50c values. Sate price 23c. $2.50 Grades. Sale price $1.49. Ladies’ Patent Kid Goodyear “Welt Shoo, Irving Drew & Co, Odd sizes In a big lot of Ladies’ $2.50 and $200 Ozfords. Sale $s*00 GratleB- Sale price $2.69, White Oxfords and Barefoot in Ladies,’ Misses' and Children’s at Less than Cost, price $1.19. Misses Tan and Black Oxfords, $1.50 Grades. Salo price 09c.

Book- 31-33 SOUTH W R O N G SIDE acrosa. D ETR O IT STT, e old OF STEE.T aurant XENIA, OHIO. KOCHS SAMPLE SHOE STORE dining cached e and Mr. Fred McMillan of Des Moines, Mro. Sarah Mitctioll ban been the Mr. Roy Patton of Bpring Valley The VV. C. T. U. Trill meet Thurs­ —FOR SALE; Frosh 4hort horn I Mr. Ber6 Ustick and sister, Miss id, 0 , Iowa, spent Saturday and Sabbath guest of Dayton relatives. was the guest of Miss Bessie Road day afternoon July 16 m the It. P. cow, five years old, Clitirloo Raney JNeliio, of Columbus were guests of | LOCAL. AttD; PERSONAL with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. on Saturday. church, subject: “Medical Temper- —Millinery J Millinery 11 Closing Miss Mary Ervin entertained tho .relatives over the Fourth. - lames McMillan, aneo.” A short address will ho out sale prices nt Eiabot’ e. RoV. Homer Henderson and wife, embroidery club Thursday after­ Mr. J. H. Hastings loit Wednes­ given by Dr. J. O. Stewart. Karry Owens, who is employed FrahJti B. Bull of Shelbyville, Ind., have been guests of Mr. Arthur noon. day for Now Coficord, wberojie at­ FRESH FISH 1 FRESH FISH 11 with tho Marshall Field Co., of Auld and wife the past week. Misses Lotha and Merle McFar­ spent Sabbath with his parents. Miss Mary Hart of Cincinnati tended the funeral of a friend. At Weimcr’d. Chicago is home on a two weeks land and their friend, Miss Minnie Mr, Oscar Batferfleld is taking spent Saturday and Sabbath with Miss Louise Smith spent the week Mr. George Barber spent Sabbath vacation. ’ Mr. James Townsloy of Franklin, Milfcler of Dayton spent the Fourth Visited relatives hero last week. his yacation. Mr, Roy McFarland relatives here. visiting friends in Jamestown and here. Miss J. May Hood daughter of tho is substitute for route number one. with Mr. D.VH. McFarland and Springfield. family, . Miss Bessie Btraln returned home , ~,-ieo cream ahd cake at the lawn late David L. Hood Esq., of Wall- Mrs. Matlon Towneley has boon Spepdlng tho Week in Springfield, Mr, W. E. Alexander aud wife from Cincinnati Tuesday after visit­ —Attractive prices on buggies at fate. lingten, K . Y ., is visiting her uncle wore tho guests of relatives in A superb finish id obtained by ing there for a few days. and aurifc Mr. and Mrs. li. Hood, Kerr &r Hastings Bros. Mr, Tunis Dubois of Xohia spont Spring Valley over the Fourth. Using Campbell’s Varnish Stain on Mr. Woodbridge Ttotlek returned —Rockers, couches, folding beds, Mr. John Pierce and wife spent Miss Eflio Conley attended a re­ Saturday and Sabbath with Mr, floors, furniture or interior wood­ to Cleveland, Tuesday. Mr, Charles Hiff and wife of Chi­ work. These stains are sold in 15, sideboards, atMdMillan’s the Fourth in Dayton. CStiJfOt ception at tho homo of Miss Mary Bird. Mrs. If A Gates spent the Fourth cago arrived last Saturday and are 25, 75 and $1.40 cont cans.’ Ask for Harper in Xenia, Thursday, in hon­ Mrs. Ilutli OHho. has been the Miss Mario Dixon of Londonderry Mr, W . W . Nortlmp and wife of being entertained by relatives. CROUSE & CRAWFORD for color With Columbus relatives. or of Miss Ula Tnyloft who is soon guest of Oedarvillo friends the past is the guest Of Dr. and Mrs. J. W . Coshocton, O,, spent the Fourth card. 1 0 - Closing out salo of all summer to be a bride. week. ' Mrs. O. W. Marshall of Xonia has Dixon. hero. millinery at Nisbet’s. been the guest of Mr, A. Z. Bmith Hon. Charles Howard, candidate —WAN't e D:-S tock to graze Mr. Noah It and all of Anderson, MissesBcrthaand Edna Stormont and family for several days, for Probate Judge was in town last JUiPimiatlc i’aJnft niitsu-tl W Uso •»? V f.3 . Smith of Clovelaild came about twenty acres of blue grass Ind., visited boro tho first of the will entertain a number of friend# pr. Miles' Antl-I’nli) Pilb, C3 O.^cs C5 ela 'toweta Mr. W. H. Blair and family of Friday. Mr. Howard lias held pub­ this evening. ft euro home for tlio Fourth. pastnra, running water. Call on Wpek, George Thomas,- W. L. Marshall Loveland spent Itha Fourth at lic office- on several occasions and «_Oomo totholttwufefo ami got an Mrs. Mary Barber and grand­ has not boon found wanting. He Miss Florence Forbes lias re­ farm, 1V-24 d. Clifton. fee eecutn £«ono*. daughter, Miss Bertha Doan aro has served m the state Senate, may­ turned to Trenton wi -.ro sho will Master Maynard and Helen PuiYor or of Xenia city and county prose­ visit Mr. M. W . Collins. Curtains te h., your windows Miss Veta Androw left Sabbath visiting Indiana relatives, PATENTS night for Jstcw York where she are visiting in Hpringileld and cutor for several terms. at MeMiilftn'n.' Mias Bertha strain left Thursday Miss Lillias Milburn o f Chicago, ICavea: j,ixtid TtriiJe.Matit* oMAititl rti:Ja!3P it sailed for Europe. Sho is with a Washington C. H, tent: bnoiness wnrteae4 to? MoetaHtC F#ta. - for Dayton whero sho will visit for Tho ordinance against spitting on loft last evening after a. few days Mrs. J. 0. StevtAtt spoilt Wednes­party of tourists and expects to bo itw# Ometis crrssiTfcu,*. wrfcsr o wtei a fmv days. We regret to report that Mr, Hale tho sidewalks is now in, force and visit with her graudmother, Mro. tend we ran cenwe f atei.i la I«ss issseiHin ifcosr j day in Columbus. bewoto to-m Was*s!BgUi*‘, ■ J gone two months. Colima of Monmouth. iii.T has been already we notice quite a change. It A. W. Osborn. | „ seed pcdeh’dwwi.ig «>«• -Iirtn.* with caici Ss-1 - Attend the dosing out sab* of — Closing out oaki, AU our sum­ in poor health, saffering with rheu­ might bt> said that the officers ex­ fbMk. wo advise, U ®atciitaKe #I| Col. John B. Stevpnemj, candi­ mer stock nt greatly reduced prices matism, j tcisive. Oar lee sial uneil!) jwuentls ecaat e J. $ !»*#«*# gummor MilWnerS' fct NIsbsFs. date for county commissioner par­ pect to enforce the ordinance to tho Mr. .and Mrs. J, D. Bilvey enter­ M MAM*kLtr,Otwin P*IKftti,*’ wStbi at Nlobet’n. loti or and offenders lmd hotter be Most of same to tea V.S.ar.d tore.ga ccseuiisf • Mhltrcssos, bed springs, tho took of the Fourth celebration Bat- Mrs. I. g , Davis and ebihhonj tained Mrs. Howard, of Ilamiitan, fsest liee. Atlareas. Mr. Charles Nosbit and family of cautious. For tho sake of decency best to bo had at McMillan,8. titdky and Incidentally looked after have roturned to Cincinnati after! Canada, and Mrs. G. E, Mastsrsan, Loveland have been guests of Mrs, lo.A.SNOW AOO. Frank OWaugh of Dayton, spent spending* few day# with relatives mon should observe tills nev village at the Ohp> PenitentIkry, SSundxy the iu forests of his campaign. 01 h*rt. i , *nn». -witf lit ♦#«<>*, WxtHiNftteMi k. #. , ||Abbktb with f#l*tlY#ibera. Andrew Winter, 1*W. I " ' BISTRffiUTJNG BEF0T FOR - - G, A. MeUY, SHERIFF’S SAI& $$ Pittsburgh Perfect” FencesCounty Surveyor Georfre A. Mo* STATE UF OHIO, } T he Storm Kay, a resident of Greeuo County Gr**no tV.mty, #, s. i The Store \ ( y i Ffenco where tho stays are July Sweep Sale of Every Washable Skirt in Our House. wrapped or clamped on tho strands. , » eclipse of the svn on the 28th. The JacobiC< Levalley, her husband, on rainfall was short on the first half the 17 th day of June 1008, filed his If by this time you are interested, come and see this fence and get in your order.- $1.50 Skirts fo r...... ,.,95c of the year, only 13.09 inches, petition against her in the Court of | I f you are skeptical come and be convinced. _ j Samuel Cresswell, Observer. Common Pleas in Greene County, , $2.50 Skirts for.; ...... •...... $1.45 W e add our personal guarantee to every thing claimed for it and would be pleased Ohio, praying for a divorce from $3.50 Skirts for. .■...... $1.95 . to submit prices. . ■ her on the grounds of gross neglect • V' ■:4 Don't fail tosee.us before buying your fencing. Don't put it off until- you arcPHILLIP’S RETIRES. of uty and for adultery with-a $5.00 Skirts for...... ; ...... !$2,95. 5 t ready to use it, but place your order in advance, as we cannot carry all sizes in stock. James A . Flnkbone which cause will bo heard before the said Com­ July Sweep Sale of Every lingerie and Princess Dress in Our House Mr, p . JR. Johnson, who resides mon Pleas Court on the 3rd day of * v,1 ! ; . on the JT, S. Drown farm has enter­ August 1008 by which time she w ill, $5.00 and $6.50 Dresses for.,___ ...... $2:95 Crouse & Crawford. ed into the dairy business, having be required to answer* ? r-. • i $8.50 Dresses fp r...... ; ...... -...’$4.25 ‘ <■ f “ purchased tlio business of Mr. Z. T. ' -* Jacob C. Lovalley. Phillips. Mf. Johnson started B y J , N. Dean, afcfc’y. -7 -31-d $10.00 and $12.50 Dresses fo r...... $4.95. Thursday. He will have a hand­ - $15,00 and $18.50 Dresses for...... ^_-_$8J91!L______| some new wagon in a few dayH. Mr. Phillips has been in the dairy bus­ AN ORDINANCE. * July Sweep Sale of Every Tailored Tub Suit in Our House Fresh. Fish! iness for a number of years. To make appropriations for the Cur­ An inqlidst Was held Monday at rent Expenses uud • other Expenditures $10.00 Suits for*...... !...... $4.95 Fresh Fish! the office of Coroner C.- S. Johnson of the Village of Cedarville, Ohio, dur­ $15,00 Suits for ...... $6.95 injth^’ case of Lester Wathall of ing the fiscal halt year ending Decem­ Jamestown who committed suicide ber 80, 1908, July Sweep Sale of Every. Silk Petticoat in Our. House . Why not try some Fresh Fish once, they are good by shooting, Five witnesses were Re it Ordained by the Council o f the examined in the ease, among them Village of Cedarville, Greene County, $6.50 Petticoats for___ ;! ...... $4.75 for your appetite and health, I have made arrange­ being Mrs. Ida Clemmer, wife of Ohio. $8.50 Petticoats for ...... $5.50 ments at the lakes to have nothing buiHFresh Stock, W. B. Clemmer. She stated that SECflQN JL .That to provide for the , young Wathall had visited her be­ current expense* and other expenditures , July Sweep Sale of Every Separate W ool Skirt in Our House. so they are shipped to me the same day they are tween 10:30 and II .o’ clock Sunday of the Village of.Cedarville, Ohio, dur­ morning, and hade (h*r good bye* ing the fiscal hall year ending Decern- j $6,50 and $7'.00 Skirts f o r ...... $4,95 caught. - We have all kinds of vegetables in season. stating that he intended doirigaway her30, 1008, the following Sums be and $8.50 and $10.00 Skirts for...... $6.75 ’ with himself. He had a revolver* are hereby set aside and appropriated a# | Breakfast Foods, Canned Goods and Jellies. which she said, she tried to takfe follows: $12.50 and $15.00 Skiats fo r...... $8.95 . - f away from him."' Simeon Garrittger Section 2. That there be appropri­ Smojred Meats. Fresh and Balt Meats. and James IJwyer, who found the ated from the General Fund:— July Sweep Sale of Every W ool Tailored Suit in Our House dying man, and George Persinger, Salary of Council 1...... ' $144,001 who stated lie had seen tho man Salary of Mayor K*V***r 29.00 . $22.50 Suits for,. , ...... L ...... $9,95 • In the same old stand;'at the same’old place near the previously, but thought that lie was Salary of Clerk...... 60,00 $30.00 Suits for...... '...... $14.95 same old R. JL;"on the same old street; the drunk. The only otlior witness was Salary of Treasurer...,...... 45.001 H. O. Loveless, who lives in the Salary of Solicitor,...... same old Phone 100;the same old name, neighborhood* andnalri-fchafc Wnth- MILLINE.RY DEPARTMENT allhad intimated committing sui­ Legal Advertising...... 25.00 | cide to him. Contingent Fund...... 130,00 July Sweep Sale of Every Hat in Our House $5.00 Hats for,; . , .; ...... ______, .$1.75 C h a s. fl. Spencer Caleb Powers at Springfield Chau­ . Total $489.00] Section 8. That there be appropri­ tauqua; Jdly 25, will for the first $6.50 and $8.50 Hats for,...... ’ ...... $3,50 ated from the Safety Fund:-— Telephone 100 ' Cedarviller Ohio. time tell those who have so deeply Salary of Marshal...... $ 60.00 | $10.00 and $12.50 Hats for...... $4.50 sympathized with him, the story of ^ Fresh and Salt-Meats, Vegetables. J Salary of Night Police...... 132.00 his persecutions during the past $15.00 and $20.00 Hats for...... $5.00 Salary of Chief Engineer...... 108,00 J years m our neighboring state of Kontuoky. This year’s assembly Other Fire Department Expenses 676.00 [ Other Police Expenses...... 35.00 | of the Springfield Chautauqua af­ fords a most inviting array of talent Contingent Fund..;,.,.,.;...... 39.18 PETER A. BOGGAN MONUMENTS, CUT STONE, STATUARYL riMany-tents have been engaged for tile entire .time. Tills year, more Total $920.18 | 7 South Limistone street, Springfield, Ohio. Section A. That there be appropri­ than ever before, those living in R * tho vicinity of Cednrvillo will he ated from the Service Fund:— enabled to attend, owing to the Street Repairs...... $835.00 early harvests. Tho program for Street Lighting...... 225.00 this year Is well balanced, contain­ Pump Repairs...... 15.00 Contingent Fund...... 25,00 1 ing humorists, soloists, lecturers, SO TO scientists and dramatists. Thurs­ too FARMS Your titatf to your loved ones who have day evening July 23, the opening Total, $917.32 ection Constantly on hand FOR BALE passed away. night will bo free to every one. S 5. That there be appropri- ] W h en ' Let taeir final resting place bo marked Friday July 24, will be Temperance ated from the Health Fund:— throughout Ohio. Write us TO­ for all Stele with a suitable memorial. day, Lou Beauchamp will be pres­ Salary of Health Officer,...... *....§ 87.CO j DAY for mu* il \seriptive list, T h e W in d s f£ you desire originality in design ent. Saturday, July 25, will be Salary of Clerk uf Board of Health 12.00 j Btate size of farm ami locality and thoroughness ia construction— G. A. It. day. Rent of Public Damp.,...... lg.75 | desired—or if you,want us to sell Doth B low como and see uo« Garbage Removal...... B.00 your farm, write us. Wo can soil It for you. Years of exper­ The man with the comfortable The announcement of I)r. J. G, Total $ 67.25 ience. Good bank references. Carson as candidate for Represen­ overcoat don’t mind It a bit. Section 6. Ami the Village Clerk is j tative appoprs today. Dr. Carson Come in. and look at our new authorized to draw Jus warrant on the j Smith & Clemans, stock of imported and domea- stands upon his record as an active Village Treasurer for payment from any | temperance Republican in Greene tio woolens for Spring over­ Wiih our superior facilities and equipment, which, ftro not of the foregoing appropriations upon re­ Real Estate and Loan Agents. county and the Stale of Ohio for coats an I suits and leave your equalled by any retail eoncorn ill tho IT. H., we are prepared ceiving proper certificates, and vouchers Cedarville, Ohio. over thlrtyyears. During this time order early and you will have ns never before to'ftirinsh high grade work less money than therefor, approved by the board or offi­ Also agents‘for the famous Car- them when you want them inferior work will qosfc oUiswhere. Wo employ no- agents in ho has served the party in , various cers authorized by Saw to approve the capacities. Besides others, he, at tercar Automobile. • most. f thia territory. If at all interested In any in our line, write, Same, or ati ordinance or resolution of tho urgent request of Republicans phona for catalogue or if possible call to soo uo. Roll phono Council to make the expenditure; pro­ fi01. Citizens phono 2If). Established 1864, of Greens younty, cheerfully con­ vided that no warrants shall be drawn or sented to serve as their representa­ 6 0 YEARS* KANY, paid for salaries c.r wages, except to L EXPERIENCE tive in tho Senate Of tho 76th Gen persons employed by authority of and GEORGE DODDS & SON, oral Assembly, Ho now asks that in accordance with jaw or ordinance; The Tailor, 113, 115, 117,119 W . Main St., Xenia. O. if his service was satisfactory, that provided further, that the appropriation I10 bo granted, accord g to invmo XENIA, OHIO. for incidental expenses can only be ex­ morial usage, a socor. erm, which P atents pended for items of expense constituting j can only bo done as member of a legal obligation against the Village TnAOE MAifitb tho House, lie stands pledged to and purposes other than those covered O e sisn s d a i l y - POM— d a i l y no candidate for IT. B. Senator, but www “ C vuriopyrigh rtrau ts*■» iA ubwc. i CLEVELAND TO CEDAR by the other specific appropriations Atiyoabeondina asttololi nad description tnay you 9lfh iJJevcJaridUfjIa&anHrtQjr, fnH toialidii ridooatbd oU*sice! conct#tict«d> will support the one agreed upon by nulckly asrortnlncertain onrrmr opinionopinwn Iresfroo Jwhether nn ncc^cit, oarers ttvi(&v«cr6T/ iici&dz on t»AO Great herein made, n inyontton 10lo prohnblyprobably P.'Uentflhf&^pnatcntnlj^. Commiinlca* tho Republican caucus of the Legis­ tlnnsotrlcllyeonfldonlfal...... _Uyconfldontu>b [IfltIDBQOKj-... IlfltJOBOOK on Patents ...v., igfggay Section L This ordinance shall taketent free, olrtcot ncency for flocuriupf patents. lature, as ho expects to support the t’ntonia taKcn tbreanh Jinanis Ctr. rccelvo STEAMER EASTLAND sprrtaltietlte, wltlinut, cimTOO, Jntbo Republican Btato and National effect and he in force from and after the tickets in November. earliest period allowed by law. Scientific Hmcrican. E bersolle Pianos FARE FIVE Fasoed July 6,1808. A tmndoonioty Hiestrntnil wccWy. Lr.rccat rlr- J.H. Wolford , dilation of any scientliln Joutiml. U'ermo, $3 a A. BSOL.UTSL.V DURABLE. $1 HOURS Carpets, mattings yesrs four months, $1, Sold by nil nowodcalorti, and linoleums Mayor. at McMillan’s. MONN & 00,361Broa4f»tr, NewYork FOR AT Attest: j. G, M< CoKKM.t, Dfauob offleo, CXt V St, V/oobicstoa. It. V, «Wc have for uaawhezor rntrousoitEhmolo Hanoi in tiw» Clerk, Ccnservotory where they .ue •Kinstently subjected to th* hard- ROUND THE Prof, O. Bruce Collins lias boon est kind of use. Wo have fjj jnti the Eberaolo to ba a cowl elected principal of tho grammar durab e plimo, well w «U i«;ms wear and tearof thorn J c TRIP POINT A CARD 0»! THANKS, ,oom• *