Towards a European Strategic Aviation Research, Development, Testing & Evaluation Infrastructure Report of the Independent Expert Group Final Report - April 2013 0 Towards a European Strategic Aviation RDT&E Infrastructure Legal Notice Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use which might be made of the following information. The views expressed in this publication are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission. Contact: Dietrich Knoerzer – Stanley Tang European Commission Directorate-General for Research & Innovation Directorate H – Transport RTD-H.3 – Aeronautics B-1049 Brussels
[email protected] [email protected] 0 Towards a European Strategic Aviation RDT&E Infrastructure Preface Tasked by the European Commission and ACARE Member States Group in September 2012, a group of independent experts (IEG) has produced the following report on a European Strategic Aviation Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Infrastructure (RDT&E) and has submitted it in February 2013. The mandate provided very limited time for the group to deliberate and did not allow the complete perimeter to be addressed in the necessary depth. The IEG therefore decided to make sure it covered areas where short-term advice actions were potentially needed and where its own expertise could contribute. Nevertheless the IEG was also able to review the entire spectrum of aviation RDT&E infrastructure (identifying several additional areas as potential "strategic RDT&E capabilities", ranging from aero-engine testing and ATM, E-infrastructures and large scale demonstrators to production technology capabilities) and to recommend further work on these and other topics that it considered necessary to provide a complete and in depth review in the longer term.