EFFECTIVE JUNE 15, 2020 BUS MAP & GUIDE Chittenden County COVID-19 RELATED UPDATES INSIDE Download Transit App Plan your trip and receive upcoming depature times for nearby GMT lines. Download Token Transit Select a single ride or monthly pass. When you are ready to ride, tap your pass to activate. As you board the bus, show the driver your digital ticket. CONTACT GMT: Green Mountain Transit | 802.540.2468
[email protected] | www.RideGMT.com COVID-19 SCHEDULE UPDATES COVID-19 RIDER INFORMATION Due to the fluctuating changes related to COVID-19, GMT has delayed the printing of a new Bus Map and Masks Required Guide. There are several schedule changes, effective All passengers riding on GMT vehicles will be June 15, 2020, outlined in this digital guide. required to wear a cloth face covering, this includes children 2 and older. For everyone’s Please continue to monitor our website page RideGMT. safety, there are no exemptions to this com/covid-19-update/ for the MOST CURRENT policy. This requirement, as mandated by information. the Governor’s Executive order, will be in effect until further notice. Thank you. Effective until further notice, GMT will operate bus service fare free. We will continue to monitor COVID-19 updates and adjust this time-frame accordingly. Limiting the interaction on-board our buses will help us prevent SOCIAL DISTANCING the spread of COVID-19 to other passengers and to our For the safety of our passengers and bus operators, Transit Operators. Whenever possible, Transit Operators GMT is limiting the number of passengers on-board to may ask passengers to board and alight through the rear allow for social distancing.