BOTSWANA WATER STATISTICS Published by Central Statistics Office Private bag 0024, Gaborone Phone 3671300, Fax 3952201 E-mail:
[email protected] Contact Unit: Environment Statistics Phone: 3671345 3692807 3692880 Printed by and Obtainable from: Department of Printing and Publishing Services Private Bag 0081, Gaborone Phone 3953202 Fax 3959392 October 2009 COPYRIGHT RESERVED Extracts may be published if Sources is duly acknowledged PREFACE This is the first edition of ‘Botswana Water Statistics (BWS)’publication produced by the Central Statistics Office (CSO). Prior to this, the office compiled two editions of Botswana Environment Statistics in 2000 and 2006 respectively, in which Water Resource Chapter was included. The publication has been necessitated by the global recognition of the need to incorporate considerations for the sustainable use of safe water in the socio-economic development planning process so as to ensure that the socio- economic development achieved is also sustainable. The CSO did not conduct any survey to come up with data presented in this publication, rather the department used secondary data collected from various government departments, ministries, parastatal organizations, private companies and NGOs. Data in tables whose source(s) is (are) not indicated are from other Central Statistics Publications. Data was collected from Water Utilities Corporation, Ministry of Local Government, Department of Water Affairs, different District Councils across the country and publications such as ‘Botswana National Water Master Plan 2004’ and ‘Inventory of Wetlands in Botswana’. The Pressure-State-Response Model was used in preparing this publication. It was not possible to get the required data on all the variables that were necessary for the analysis and/or monitoring of the sustainable use of water resources and impact of anthropogenic activities on water sources.