Botswana. Supervisor of Elections. . Report to the Minister of State on the general elections, 1974. , Government Printer [1974?] / 30p. 29cm.

1. -Pol. & govt. 2. Elections- Botswana. I • INDEX Page. Report to the Minister of State on the General Elections, 1974 Evaluation and Recommendations *"* Conclusion ...... 2 - • • • • 4

Title Appendix lA' A list of Constituencies, Polling Districts and Polling Stations showing the number of registered voters by constituency and polling station Appendix '/?' Authenticating Officers appointed in accordance with the Presidential Elections (Supplementary Provisions) Act >;• 12 Appendix 'C A list of Returning Officers for the Parliamentary Elections • ! l 13 Appendix Z)' A list of Returning Officers for the Local Government Elections .. ^ . 14 Appendix 'ZT Summary of the Parliamentary election results Appendix lF 17 A list of candidates in the Parliamentary Election showing the number of votes cast for each, number of votes in each constituency, and the majority gained by the winning can- didate and the percentage poll 18 Appendix '6" Summary of Local Government Election results by District or Town Council 20 Appendix 'IT A list of candidates in the Local Government election showing the number of votes cast tor each, the number of voters in each Polling District, the majority gained by the win- ning candidate, and the percentage poll / 22 Appendix T A list of political Parries registered under Section 149 of the Electoral Act 1969 30 Appendix ' J" A Report on-expenditure on the 1974 General Election 30 Sir, REPORT TO ™E MINISTER. OF STATE ON THE GENERAL ELECTIONS, 1974 SSSITOSSS: S.»=^^HS£s~rr?' Lo^l Government Election* become generally available to the public - - - > »S5S^S^as: •

l^^sstsss^aSSSS^5^^-^-"5 5. Presidential nominations were received at the High Court in Iohatse hv fh#» ri,;nf i -r submitted their nominations and were declared validly nominated: ,CC' candidates (i) Sir Seretse Khama of the Botswana Democratic Party; ^ i^psps(ii) Bathoen Gaseitsiwe of the Botswana Nationasl Fron t number of voters who would be eligible to vote in the coming Election There were a total of ftn qKnp, • , between the closing of the Rolls for the previous General Election in June 1969 and Julv 31st 1974 hrfn ^'H?* total number of names on the Roll to 236 848. There were no new registradons^^of aUent ' ' *'"* ^ A SOOn aS 8 L ;K r J* * completed, staff requirements were estimated for each Polling Station usintr the

Ming Office^,anointment m'mmise transport requirements. These names were submitted to the Elections office where the staff OffilToTih h f aW'ng IT" ^°vernment staff based in Gaborone. Letters were then sent out to all Presiding Officers on this list informing them that it was intended to appoint them to a particular Polling Station and asking for then comments so that reallocations or replacements could be made as necessary. * lL?" NOrTatIOn D3 t0t candidates were validly nominated for election to the National Assembly The Botswana Democratic Party nominated candidates^ all 32 constituencies, four of whom werrunorPosed S Botswana Independent Party nominated six candidates, the Botswana National Front, fourteen and the Botswana Peoples Party eight There were three Independent candidates. There were 362 candidates for the 176 Local of L^STrv! Dlst"cts, and sixty-six of the Polling Districts were uncontested. A summary of the total number 9 R^tur^nroffi16" haH K eS Stand,"g' acc°rding to ^cir Party, is included at Appendix "G". L H f g ^^nfoqnUeSted l° SCnd ,n 311 nom'nat'°ns to the Elections office as soon as possible after ? J T of no"?,natlo"s and bv 9-30 p.m. virtually all nominations had been submitted. This information enabled Plann,0g for packing of ballot boxes. A duplicate list of all equipment required for each Polline Station was prepared to ensure that the equipment packed for that Polling Station was correct. It pro^ between 100 and 40 ballot boxes a day once these forms had been prepared, using twoLfffrom the UccZns a^outck>orl^^hJf^iviir 'sTT' -°u "T^ tWO Weeks' durinS »*ich staff lists were finalised g Stat,ons wlthout and fnHoT JZ u L buildings were delivered to all but the nearest of these. Ballot boxes and indoor poUmg booths were then either delivered to District Headquarters for issue by District Commissioners . for Jfsue direct to Presiding Officers who were having from Gaborone. 0. Training of Elections staff and provision of information for candidates for the public occupied a consideranle Archives: tlme e E'eCti°nS """ ^ KvC GuidCS W™cd' roPies °f«^are lodged in"hc Gove" A Guide to Authenticating Officers A Guide to Returning Officer, for the Parliamentdry and Local Government Elections A Guide to Presiding Officers in the Parliamentary and'&caL Government Elections A Guide io Candidates for the Parliamentary Election A Guide to Candidates for the Local Government Election. • j

<- " The hdp ZEgSsxSgt. ^vTna'^m' V6,e^'S aTin an ""-ti-to-y ->e. The obvious tbat a complete re-reristration mu^Take^ h f ^ ^ WaS that the ro,,s werr incorrect. It is gLw„ " &„ . »&, • ~~ recommendations made in the Report on the General Elections lQfiqT Elect,on fndjn th!s regard, the registration cards should be pre-numbered and made accountable Hrt'r suPPorted- In short, these are that a /»- Gaborone'^) the name of a voter has to be written only-onceby the Registration Offic<£T.S =s)*tem should be devised so that nVh u ofp ,,in8 mfor whic h m & i'^T:st fr : °? office, and that voters' names should be'recor&d £flSK?V«2£ K^ ThT^ ^ » "* ***& regisu-ation number from several registered voters with l° d,Stinguish th«r ;r~-tg P.- ;he TH£ inhc ^-p-^ «* ****** specially trained J, he purpose,^en"" "" """ °U' * «"»P«™^ "voters"how ^'j0? * ""' «'«'»« "»uld be restricted t„ informing

be better housed. There are also a few Z„ wLret£ t £!££* ^ ST'= indo°r sla,ions rould wiH be time consuming and should be begun" a«e " g S'at'°nS Sh°U'd be ***' A th°™*h ch«k

were, ^sfgLCi 0^^ E'eCti°nS ^ T'^ 13^ Polling took place on Saturday, October 26th, 1974. The Polling Stations opened at 7 00 a m ,nrJ .1 ^ complaints received by the Elections office were referred direcSv to thTpXTf"1™ paPcrs. hadJ3een forSed- AH nation papers does not threaten the election system as it is unlikelv that A °J lnve®nSatIon- Forgery of nomi- supporters will win the Election Should he or she Hn«> FI • D • * candldate w^° ,s unable to garner nine Court. I recommend that he Ebctora let be amend 7, " F'""0" C°Uld S,i" bc brou^t before the High rCqU re 3 S gna Ure 3 contested constituencies, a polling percentage of 31 2°/ * ' in paperc, and ,0 disbar crossed ' ' ' " Sprint "ominatiL

stamped with an official mark as required by Section 52 (tUi) in the° Fie TTA" J ^Mot Envc,0Pcs should bc the Local Councils (Conduct of Elections)^Re*Znl l^ S ? u T ^ a"d the ctJuivalent provision in immediately prior to a voter «iSS en ™S SyStCm °f marki"« <™<='°P« only a double check, however, T ^ Ball« B°* "'egaly. l\ is n mbered and an f^^SS&S^SSSSmH^daysXhc Pres. deft took the Oath of Office on Tuesday, 29th"bctober 1974 "" """ the numbers on every envelope dispatched to each DoUincr cr t" P ^ " account is kept of velope account, it is completely un^a ' to mark ,h 8 '0"' TdCd 3 S'riCt chcck is kcP' lhl; Ballot En- "c inc'udcd a'Appcndlx "F"'and «—"r»"

7- Evaluation and Recommendations

tin should be accounted for. This recommendation wac 'V e,r E ?' a"d that thc enveloPe ,n thc discard

l0te^s=ed-r a

ballot could be Lntified by ^ T ^ ^ P™"'s important to be able to check the ballot nfa nartir i T L- ° therefore arises as to whether it is more Should be amended^^o ensutthat'S " ^ RCgU.,ati°n " Whethcr ,hc Cy y P erson s votc 1 the ballot should become completely secret There is evidence th . " u - recommend that because of the provision in this Section and there ^ T" Pe?,C Th<> WCre regis,Cred did H01 vote check a particular person's vote Counted Ballots should still he L ^ ° ti'at C ?'gh CoUr, Wl1' CVCI nced to iipsissiggsis are no illegal envelopes ^t "" * S"' Bas^eee >emat: thai "T' ^ SS2^^ii«irp«&S3SS J

and d |lat Cd e R Appendix A ? ? *° ? «^ Officers for the constituencies or polling districts in which those vjtfe^are to be counted, and opened at the time of the main count 34. The most unsatiifactoiy aspect of Polling Day was the packing up of the Polling Stations at tfiTclose of poll, and STAFF REQUIREMENTS - 1974 ELECTIONS InVShSf 8 ^ STJatC P,ackageS" F°r this e,ection' 1 Provided enWlopes which were to be sealed en IOp d boxes ^fh ^ ^ H• « ^ ™ A w^eff completely unmarked, causing difficulties for Voters both Returning Officers and Elections officestatf A consid

4 'Voters Constituency * Registered Aliens < Voters . Polling District Polling Station (it 3117/74 Registered ' Registered Constituent r Polling Distrii t s Kisa '"" polling Station at 31/7774^ 227 Omaweheho Werda 370 Matobo 638 Werda 469 w , 6 679 Molopo 573 »'— Bot'eti (10) "Boshoek" 714 Rakops 1 280 Hereford Khumaga Kang 981 292 Kang Moreomaoto 412 ' ' 'if5 Lehututu 768 Makalamabedi Tshane 517 252 Xhomo 706 . Hukuntsi Toromoja 805 402 Lokgwabe 457 Letlhakane 1-354 10 495 1 051 Mmatshumo North East (6) Makaleng 524 Makaleng 516 Mosu 653 Masingwaneng 223 617 Gulubane 281 Makoba 166 Mambo 291 7 737 Kalakamati Kalakamati 475 (II) Zwenshambe Mathangwane Mathangwane Mapoka 549 ^ 2 759 Mapoka 1 377 Thalogang 736 • Nlapwane Tlalamabele Tlalamabele 98 Tonota East 513 Masunga 642 7 Tonota No. 1 School 3 222 Masojane Tonota West Grenfell Bros. Store Ntshe 420 1 757 Moroka 587 Mandunyane 440 Themashanga Monaiwa Tshesebe E. 511 727 Tshesebe E. 464 Dimotse 129 Jackalas No. 2 270 10 333 Ramokgwebana 534 Mmadinare (12) madinare Tsamaya 695 Mmadinare 2419 Siviya 134 Tamasane 290 8067 Kgagodi 939 Mogapi , 587 (7) Southern Tati -intensions IV, VI and VII Matsiloje 542 Hospital 37 Tati Siding Extensions II, V and Government Camp 388 Industrial Site Government Camp 495 English Medium School 46 Francistown Central Francistown Central Extension I Tswana Medium School Monarch 324 Extension III 222 Monarch 968 Tswana Medium School Francistown East Francistown East (Lot 1863) Blue ^own 951 Botshabelo West 51 Tati Town School Botshabelo Kgotla 216 Council, Chamber 1 077 Council Chamber 526 4 927 Tati Wfst Tati Bottle Store Riverside South 633 Bobirwa (13) Tati Siding 655 Mafetsakgang 2 806 Somerset West SomerseH^est Borehole Tobane 437 Molalatau 646 6 996 Molalatau 1 120 Mathathane Sebina and (8) Gweta 719 Gweta Sfcmolale Nata 1 220 456 Nata 792-' Gobojango 401 Matsitama Lentswe-le-moriti •648 V Sefhophe 525 Mosetse 688 Sefhophe , 1 004 Sebina Tsetsejwe Sebina 2 916 1 117 Kombane 475 8 794 - Maropong 765 Tsebanana 377 North (14) Mashoro Mashoro Nshakazhogwe 697 298 Mabeleapudi 883 8 179 Paje 888 Nkange (9) Tshimoyapula Nkange Nkange 563 1 327 Marulamantsi 301 1 923 ..Senile Ghangate 688 295 Topisi Dagwi 344 278 Serowe N.E. Central School Totome Totome 2 608 1 826 Serowe N.W. D.C.'s Office Goshwe 2 177 392 9 149

* — -x r - V Voters Constituent^— , Registered Aliens Voters Polling Station at 31/7/74 Registered Registered Xlotisfiiueni r Polling District Aliens Serotfe South (15,) Serowe S.E. Polling Station at 31/7/74 Registered T Builder's Brigade 1 903 Tlokwa E. Mabolawe 316 »•— Tlokwa East 385 Serowe S.W.- Tlokwa W. Commjmity Centre 3 196 Tlokwa West 305 Tlokwa S. Tlhabala •1 742 Tlokwa South 479 Mogorosi 222 4 863 7 379 (21) Bophirima 295 • Tswapong North ()6) Palapye D.C.'s Office 606 4 870 " 2 Moshawaneng Malaka- Seingwaeng School 376 341 Notwane Lecheng Health Centre 736 963 Bogare Matlhakola Kubu Store 496 Ratholo 294 Botlabatsatsi Ratholo Bakgatla Store 804, 749 Mosanteng Ratsheola 994 1 264 Bokone Moeng. Homecraft Centre 391 467 Artesia Goo-Tau Artesia 603 Maunatlala 667 Maunatlala 2 056 168* Moremi 50 Malotoane 245 Lesenepole 682 Oliphant's Drift 583 12 403 2 6 297 Tswapong South (17) * Pilikwe (22) Pilikwe Mankgwenyane Bakwena National School • 1 328 841 St. Paul's Ramokgonami Old Police Station 1 197 1 506 Borakalalo Seleka Seleka M.L.O. (N.R.C.) Office 1 328 1 109 Loologa Mokobeng Elementary School No. 7 828 583 Mogotlha Sefhare Sefhare Molepolole National Store 358 2 189 Sebele Machaneng Bakwena Tribal Hall 1 330 917 DoveBale Farm ^ 613 Mahetlwe 616 Makwati * 564 Lepare 218 8322 343 Mmamarobole 117 (1ft) Moiyabana Moiyabana 7 663 Kalamare j 1 632 Kalamare 843 Mosolotsane 848 East (23) Mogome Mogoditshane 1 030 Shoshong 575 Shoshong 2 757 Metsemotlhabe 415' Lentswe-le-tau Lentswe-le-tau 913 354 Poloka 366 95 Kodibeleng Medie Medie 320 368 Kopong Mmutlane 167 887 Selenye Gamodubu 415 125 Semarule Ikongwe 157 200 Tobela 70 283 8 262 4 558 (19) Mookanc Kweneng South (24) Gabane Mookanc 1 297 I 570 Mmankgodi Palla Road 495 1 467 Kudumatse 544 535 West Thamaga Western School Maphashalala 336 1 385 Kubung Dovedale Kgotla 140 432 Mahalapye W. Old Dam Mahalapye School 3 079 299 Mahalapye S. Thamaga East Gobuamang Memorial Tamocha School I 789 l School Taupye 115 965 7 795 f 6 683 Kweneng West (25) Kgatleng and Bokaa Letlhakeng 2 727 (20) Morwa 668 Moi-wa 450 466 Oodi\ 87 612 Lephephe Lephephe 338 320 • Sikwane 486 353 Mahalane 490 93 Kudumelapye Kudumelapye Malolwane »- 384 553 Mathududukwane Letsebe School 425 681 v Motokwe - Motokwe 419 r L Voters Constituent r •^sffegistered Aliens AT. Voters Polling District Polling Station 4*31/7/74 Registered Constituent i Polling District y Registered Aliens Polling Station fl/.31/7/74. . -Registered 201 Dutlwe' 450 M°rwamosu >245 365 Kokong 244- Botlhapatlou' Mabule 445 • Mabule , 492 • , - 229 Leporung , "510 . .. T shidilartiolomo 58 Phitshane-Molopo 292 7" 606 Phitshane-Molopo 528 Sedibeng Gaborone (26) Naledi •80 Old Naledi Mokgomane Government 1 308 335 Thornhill Mmathethe Mmathethe North East 143 1 054 Gaborone Secondary Mogoriapitse Village 264 275 Camp Primary School Metlobo Ditakana 434 359 Lesedi Primary School Segwagwa -v. South Ring 385 351 Town Hall 692 Kangwa White City Family Planning Centre 186 / 964 6 156 Bontleng- Community Centre 789 and Barolong Good Hope Customary Court 405 (31) F Good Hope 933 Metldjane 5 384 Tlhareseleele 133 (27) Tlhareseleele 727 Moshupa West Moshupa Junior School Dinatshana I 205 Hebron 130 Ralekgetho 255 Hebron 503 Tshaane 120 Papatlo 511 Moshupa North Kolobe Logobere's Home Mokatako Mokatako Moshupa South 1 0^6 231 Moshupa Senior School 1 593 Tawana School, *i Ranaka Ranaka Ditlharapa Ntlhantlhe 777 Station 142 Ntlhantlhe 842 D.C.'s Office, Lobatse 491 Lekgolobotlo Peleng West Peleng Court House 360 Peleng Central 660 Kgomokasitwa 542 Hill School, Peleng 570 Manyana Manyana Peleng East T.T.C., Lobatse 969 Mission 435 7 709 B.M.C. 728 "T Tent ne^r T.T.C. Kanye South (28) Dilolwe Woodhall 192 5 D.C.'s Office, Kanye 1 182 Woodhall 563 Mafhikana Kanye Restaurant Lobatse Central Agriculture Office Matshitswane 715 Boswelatlou 214 A King George V Memorial " High Court Annexe 68 Hall I 148 7 231 5 \ 419 (32) Ramotswa E. Nyorosi Maisantwa Post Office 1 750 Mogobane 269 Tsokwane Mogobane 69 Ootse 411 Gathwane Gathwane Ootse 614 Ramotswa N. 371 Digawana St. Conrad's 796 Ramotswa S.C. 319 Mokgosi Memorial 529 Ramotswa W. 35/ Mogojwegojwe Tribal Storeroom 247 Ramotswa N.W. 401 St. Bernard's 344 7_469 Ramotswa S.E. Mohcdin Store Kanye North (29) 620 Ntlhatlase Gaborone Farms Bonnington Mapalamo School 885 336 4 Kgosing Rachele School Sebele Bagami 2 091 Lobatse Farms - 25 Tomela Council Hall Knockduff 58 Maokane' 708 Doornlaagte Maokane 299 137 Samane 232 3 648 ' 4 Selokolela 578 - TOTAL Gasita 249 236 848 260 Mokhumma 441 - Jwana 311 Tsonyane 104 Dipatana 63 Leherwane Moshaneng 96 Moshaneng 741 6 798 Ngwaketse and Kgalagadi Kgalagadi (30) * Khakhea 490 Mabutsanc 476 ' Sekoma 439 10 11 Pollifig [District Returning QJftcer Returning Officer's Headquarters Botlhapatlou Appendix E • *-T§A Naledi Town Clerk, Gaborone 4 128. Go>£rnment Town Clerk s Office, Gaborone 129.(j^orth East '"T 130. Village , 131. Ditakana t132. South Ring 133. White City 134. Bontleng 135. Moshupa West J. Leach, Ministry of Finance and New Tribal Office, Moshupa 'SUMMARY OF RESULTS OF THE PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION 136. Moshupa North Development Planning, Gaborone 137. Moshupa Soeth 1. Total number registered voters in contested constituencies 05 050 138. Ranaka 2 V 2. Total poll in contested constituencies ' ^4QJ 139. Ntlhantlhe 3. Percentage of electorate wh6 voted 14Q. Manyana 4. Total B.D.P. vote 31,2 49 047 141. DilolWe District Commissioner, Kanve 5. Total B.I.P. vote D.C.'s Office, Kanve 3 086 142. Mafhikana 6. Total B.N.F. vote 143. Ma'tshitswana 7 358 7. Total B.P.P. vote ]q 144. Nyorosi 8. Total Independent vote , ^] 145. Gathwane 9. Percentage of voters voting B.D^P. 77 7 146. Ntlhatlase E. Bradley, Ministry of Agriculture, 10. Percentage of voters voting B.I.P ' w 147. Kgosing Agricultural Office, Kanve' Gaborone 11. Percentage of voters voting B.N.F. | ( 148. Bagami 12. Percentage of voters voting B.P. P. g'g 149. Maokane 13. Percentage of voters voting Independent . \ 150. Moshaneng 14. The Botswana Democratic Party contested 32 seats and won 27 151. Kgalagadi D. Ritson, Ministry of Agriculture, The Botswana Independence Party contested 6 seats and won 1 152. .Vlabulc Veterinary Ollicc, Kanve Gaborone The Botswana National Front Party contested 14 seats"&nd won 2 153. Phitsh^ne-Molopo The Botswana People's Party contested 8 seats and won 2 154. Mmathcthc Independents contested 3 seats and won 0 155. Good hope Town Clerk, Lobatse Tribal Office, Good hope 15. The following candidates did not gain 1 /20th of the votes cast in their constituency and so lost their deposits: 156. Tlhareselcelr 157. Hebron ~ Constituency Candidate p 158. Mokatako artv Boteti B.I.S. Mbenge B.P P 159. Station l)is(rictiCommissioner, Lobatse 160. Peleng West D.C.'s Office, Lobatse SeroweN. T.E. Kulhman „ B.N.F. 161. Peleng Central SK Serowe S. M.S. Seretsc B.N.F. 162. Peleng East Tswapong S. K. Menyatso IND. 163. Mission Mahalapye M.K. Semetsa B.I.P. 164. Woodhall Gaborone L. Kgang^ IND. 165. Lobatse Central 166. Boswelatlou 167. 'Ramotswa East— . District Commissioner, Gaborone 168. .Vlogobane Police Camp, Ramotswa 169. Ootse 170. Ramotswa North 171. Ramotswa South Central 172. Ramotswa West > 173. Bamalete North West 174. Ramotswa South East 175. Gaborone Farms 176. Lobatse Farms

16 17 Appendix F Mahalapye . Gaborone Registered Voters 7795 Percentage Poll 38,1 BOTSWANA GENERAL ELECTION Registered Voters 5384 Percentage PoH-30,3 "-3Tr G.K. Koma B.D.P. 2856 26th October, 1974 W.M. Seboni B.D.P. 1195 *r- M.K. Semetsa B.I.P. no POLLING RESULTS K. Koma B.N.F. 413 Maun/Chobe - ** 2966 L. Kgang IND. j>2 Boteti .. v" Registered Voters §732 Percentage Poll 28 y - - " • ' rc>3Q Registered Voters 7737 Percentage Poll 26,9 Majority - 2746 D.R. Monwela B.D.P. 1852 Kgatbeng\Tlokukng ' 9^ L.M. Seretse B.D.P. ' 2009 Majority - ^ ^ L.M. Sethoko B.I.P. 875 Registered, Voters 4863 Percentage Poll 33,6 B.I.S. Mbenge B.P.P. • 71 Moshupa 2727 M.K. Segokgo B.D.P. 114l 9 2080 Registered Voters 7709 Percentage Poll 48,1 ' Mrs P. Macheng B.N.F. 101 - 1 Majority - 977 E.S. Masisi B.D.P. 2800 D. Otsheleng B.P.P. 383 Okavango ^ Majority - 1938 G.A.T.-Gare B.N.F - 906 Tonota 1633 V RegistereaVcJters 92 SO-- Percentage Poll 25,2 3706 Registered Voters 10333 Percentage Poll 15,2 M.G. Modisang B.D.P. ins Majority - M.K. Mpho B.I.P. 1204 L. Makgekgenene B.D.P. 1261 Mochudi Majority - 1894 P.K. Pudiephatshwa B.P.P. 312 \ - 2322 Registered Voters 6321 Percentage Poll 20,! Kanye South T573 G.S.W. Ruele B.D.P. 793 Registered Voters 7469 Percentage Poll 41,9 Majority £"6 K.H. Molefi , B.N.F. 237 Mrs K.L. Disele B.D.P. 958 Ngarni ^lajority - 949 A Mmadinare S.P. Moagi B.P.P. 287 B. Gaseitsiwe B.N.F. 1889 Registered Voters 4917 Percentage Poll 34,2 K.P. Morake 1317 2847 G.M. Kwerepe B.D.P. ' J 223 Majority -931 L. Kgosintwa B.I.P. 457 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED Majority - 556- Kanye North . r 1680 Molepolole Bobirwa Registered Voters 6798 Percentage Poll 36,0 Registered Voters 7663 Percentage Poll 26,8 B. Chibana * B.D.P. 910 Majority - 766 A.C. Sikonyane . D.K. Kwelagobe B.D.P. 1869 Ghanzi M.N. Yane B.N.F. 1537 S. Gower B.N.F. 185 Registered Voters 5387 Percentage Poll 24 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED 2447 2054 H. Jankie B.D.P. 1114 Serowe North Majority - 627 A. Lepono IND 181 Majority 1684 Ngwaketse I Kgalagadi Registered Voters 9149 Percentage Poll 37,2 1295 Kweneng East Registered Voters 6156 Percentage Poll 42,0 C.W. Blackboard B.D.P. 3360 Registered Voters 4558 Percentage Poll 37,6 Q.K.J. Masire B.D.P. 1738 T.E. Kuhlman B.N.F. 39 Majority 933 P.M. Tshanc B.N.F. 845 Kgalagadi E.M.K. Kgabo B.D.P. 1620 3399 E.K-K. Sebele B.N.F. 95 2583 B.M. Moapare " l7p Majority - 3321 Majority - 893 7 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED w Serotve South Majority - 4435- * Lobatsej Bar&long North East Registered Voters 7379 Percentage Poll 33,9 Kweneng South Registered Voters 7231 Percentage Poll 32,4 Registered Voters 8067 Percentage Poll 35,1 B.K. Kgari B.D.P. 2453 Registered Voters 6683 Percentage Poll 26,8 B.C. Thema B.D.P. 1894 R.M. Sechele B.D.P. 1375 M.S. Seretse B.N.F. 32 P.S. Mmusi B.D.P. 1499 Z. Keshupilwe B.'N.F. 451 —K.M. Nkhwa B.P.P. 1460 2485 B.G. Mosielele B.N.F. 293 2345 2835 T792 Majority - 2421 * Majority - 1443 Majority - 85 Ramotswa Francistown Tswapong North Majority 1206 Registered Voters 12403 Percentage Poll 37,9 Registered Voters 3648 Percentage Poll 34,6 Registered Voters 6996 Percentage Pol! 29,! Kweneng West _K.R. Kobue B.D.P. 928 J.M. Ntuane B.D.P. M.P.K. Nwako B.D.P. 4424 994 E.G. Reokwaeng A. Motsumi B.N.F. 335 P.G. Matante B.P.P. S.O. Mofswane B.I.P. 276 1101 [263 4700 2095 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED Majority - 593 , Majority-107 Majority - 4148 Sebina Gweta Tswapong South Registered Voters 8179 Percentage Poll 17,! Registered Voters 8322 Percentage Poll 32,2 M. Maswikiti B.D.P. 1113 G. Sebeso B.D.P. ' 2560 N.M.C. Ndolo B.P.P. 336 K. Menyatso IND. M8 1449 2678 Majority 777 Nkange Majority - 2442 Registered Voters 6679 Percentage Poll 20,2 O-LTftttjimc B.D.P. ' 1097 Registered yoters 8262 Percentage Poll 36,9 S.P.B. Balule B.P.P. 249 G.S. Mosinyi B.D.P. 2885 M.M. Tlale B.I.P. 164 1346 3049" * Majority - 848 ' Majority - 2721 18 ^ Appendix G Council i: SUMMARY OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTION RESULTS No. of seats by Parties contesting: B.D.P. 13 V North West District Council " ' B.N.F. 0 . B.P.P. i , ' 5 — No. of seats by Parties contesting: 1 B.D.P. 9 Total number of Registered Votere . ' - „B.I.P. 4 Total number of Registered Voters in contested seats • > • . - q oqo Total number of Registered Voters Total number of people who voted - Total number of Registered Voters in contested seats 99 „Q Percentage of electorate in Kgatleng District who voted 25,6 I otal number of people who voted Z , Council 98 Percentage of electorate in North West District who voted 27,5 No. of seats by Parties contesting: Council B.D.P. ,21 B.N.F. 0 No. of seats by Parties contesting: B.D.P. 10 Total number of Registered Voters B.P.P. 0 Total number of Registered Voters in contested seats To o 1? 1 otal number of people who voted Total number of Registered Voters 3 5 Total number of Registered Voters in contested seats 9 fZ Percentage of electorate in Kweneng District who voted 28,8 " 1 otal number of people who voted Gaborone Town Council Percentage of electorate in Ghanzi District who voted 23,5 ^ No. of seats by Parties contesting: Council B.D.P. 8 No. of seats by Parties contesting: B.N.F. 0 B.D.P. 11 Total number of Registered Voters B.N.F. 0 Total number of Registered Voters in contested seats ? St Total number of Registered Voters 1 otal number of people who voted Total number of Registered Votere in contested seats Percentage of electorate in Gaborone Town Council who voted 30,0 ' ^' Total number of people who voted - Southern District Couflcil Percentage of electorate in Kgalagadi District who voted 22,3 ! ?' No. of seats by Parties contesting North EastDistrict Council B.D.P. 14 No. of seats by Parties contesting: B.N.F. 10 B.D.P. 2 Total number of Registered Voters B.P.P. 5 Total number of Registered Votere in contested seats no t^ Total number of Registered Voters Total number of people who voted 7, ' Total number of Registered Voters in contested seats o 007 Percentage of electorate in Southern District who voted 41,2 I otal number of people who voted 8 997 Lobatse Town Council 3 094 Percentage of electorate in North East District who voted 34,4 No. of seats by Parties contesting- Francistown Town Council B.D.P. V No. of seats by Parties contesting: B.N.F. 1 B.D.P. 5 Total number of Registered Voters * „ Q01 B.P.P. 4 Total number of Registered Votei? in contested scats ooco Total number of Registered Voters Total number of people who voted "fjjf Total number of Registered Voters in contested seats 6 066 Percentage of electorate in Lobatse Town Council who voted 30,0 4 otal number of people who voted 5 571 South East District Council Percentage of electorate in Francistown Town Council who voted 29,3 I 630 Nt5. of seats by Parties contesting: Central District Council B.D.P. 11 No. of seats by Parties contesting • B.N.F. 1 B.D.P. 32 B.P.P. I B.I.P. o Total number of Registered Voters B.P.P. o Total number of Registered Voters in contested seats t I otal number of people who voted , Total number of Registered Voters 95 Total number of Registered Voten* in contested seats S I5! Percentage of electorate in South East District who voted 36,1 ' I otal number of people who voted * Percentage of electorate in Central District who voted Selebi-Pikwe Town Council G°Vernmem EiC"i0n did - W <**" votes cast in their polling -No. of seats by Parties contesting- B.D.P. 6 Districtj Town Council Polling District B.P.P. o Candidate Party Total number of Registered Votere North West Maun Total number of Registered Voters in contested seats ??? Central S. Ngoshe B.I.P. I otal number of people who voted - Letlhakane K. Moshabile Kgatleng Oodi B.P.P. Percentage of electorate in Selebi-Pikwe Town Council who voted 39,0 Kweneng S. Motlhasela B.N.F. Mankgwenyana K. Itiseng Southern Mabule B.N.F. 20 T. Sebakile B.N.F. 21 P

Appendix H Nojane Polling District BOTSWANA LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS Masunga Polling District Registered Voters 725 Percentage Poll 19,6 26th October, 1974 *"• Registered ^Voters 1,062 L. Sakha B.D.P. 102 Percentage Poll 36,0 POLLING RESULTS ' G. Mannathoko S. Masuga B.P.P. -__40 , " J J). P. 290 T.D. Letsolathebe B.p.P. 92 NORTH WEST DISTRICT COUNCIL 142 f&tsane Polling Disfrict Sehitwa Polling District Majority - 6£. " 382 - Registered Voters 709 Majority -"198 Registered Voters 1310 Percentage Poll 28,1 Percentage Poll 37 KGA,LAGADI DISTRICT COUNCIL Nb-'ie Polling District A.B. Modimoosi L. Sankwasa B.D.P. 261 B.D,P. 189 Bokspits Polling District Registered Voters 1098 D.M. Kabozu "E. Kauziri B.I.P 73 Percentage Poll 51,0 •B.P.P. 1Q7 Klaas van der Westerhuizen G. Mauchaza B.D.P. 215 368 262 B D P Majority - 116 /-> LL L « RETURNED UNOPPOSED S. Thogo B.P.P. 345 Majority-154 (iakhibane Polling District Kachikao Polling District Nokancng Polling District 560 Registered Voters 1287 Nelson Kaartz Majority - 130 Thomas Simvula Percentage Poll 36,8 Tshesebe E. Polling District M. Gaetsalwe B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED B.D.P. 322 Registered Voters 2097 R. Kootlhokile B.I.P. J51_ Kolongwaneng Polling District Percentage Poll'35,3 Shorobe Polling District A .J. Se'oeela B.D.P. 355 473 Kenetwaeng Gaeemelwe Registered Voters 1461 Percentage Poll 25,1 E.G. Kachana B.P.P. J386 Majority-171 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED M. Maphomo B.D.P. 175 Tsau Polling District 741 M. Gaditshwane Tsabong Polling District B.I.P. J91 Registered Voters 1601 Majority - 31 Percentage Poll 30,7 Jan J- Esterhuizen S. Tati Polling District J "366 X. Kahovere Majority - 16 B.D.P. 376 Registered Voters 930 L. Mpho ... n B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED Percentage Poll 38,0 Maun Polling District B.I.P. Jj6 Werda Polling District S.O. Lephalo B.D.P. 167 Registered Voters 4869 492 S.D. Sefume Percentage Poll 25, Majority - 260 Pete P. Toto B.P.P. 186 I.T. Tudor B.D.P. 766 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED 353 S. Ngoshe B.I.P. 28 GHANZI DISTRICT COUNCIL Mofopo Polling District Majority - 19 S. Sawete B.P.P. 442 William I. Ryn 1236 S. W. Farms Polling District FRANCISTOWN TOWN COUNCIL Majority - 324 Registered Voters 1199 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED Percentage Poll 19,3 hang Polling District Boteti Polling District D. Melo Government Camp Polling District B.D.P. 194 Adam Phori Registered Voters 741 Percentage Poll 32,3 S. Setima B.P.P. 38 Gabriel Oila Kabelo Mmusi G. Molcaulengwe B.DJ>. 145 232 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED Lehututu Polling District K. Keakantse B.I.P. 94 Majority - 156 Francistown Central PoHingJDislrict 239 N.W. Farms Polling District Registered Voters 768 Percentage Poll 22,3 Registered Voters 324 Percentage Poll 35 5 Majority - 51 Richard Charles Eaton B. Thiite B.D.P. 154 I. Ebrahim B.D.P. 95 Shakawe Polling District B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED K.L. Moleta B.N.F. 17 J. Fox B.P.P. 20 Registered Voters 3913 Percentage Poll 19,5 N.E. Farms Polling District w • • H3 115 S. Tubego B.D.P. 639 John Kemf , Majority^ 137 Majority - 75 S. Samati Tshane Polling district Monarch Polling District B.I.P. J25 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED Moropise Morobise Registered Voters 968 764 S.E. Farms Polling District Percentage Poll 27.7 Majority-514 R. Oagile Elias Kajuu B.D.P RETURNED UNOPPOSED B.D.P. 82 Sepopa Polling District Hukuntsi Polling District M.A. Kaluluka B.P.P. _186 Registered Voters 1466 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED Percentage'Poll 36,0 Mogolele Senatle 268 Q. Molapo Kalkfontein Polling District Majority - 104 B.D.P. 251 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED Z. Nyati Alfred Tsaabae B.I.P. JJ1 Lokgwabe Polling District Francistown East Polling District . Registered Voters 951 528 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED Joseph Molatole Percentage Poll 30,2 Majority -^26 Karakobis Polling District G.J. Modikwe B.D.P. 83 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED Seronga Polling District Sam Baitheyi E. Mathumo B.P.P, 204 Registered Voters 2316 Percentage Poll 23,9 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED NORTH EAST DISTRICT COUNCIL 287 M.B. Maeze B.D.P. 74 Kanagas Polling District Majority 121 T. Xhaakudi Makaleng Polling District B.I.P. 480 Registered Voters 584 Blue Town Polling District Percentage Poll 34, i Registered Voters 1311 Percentage Poll 31,8 Registered Voters 1077- 554 D. Afrika B.D.P. 155 Percentage Poll 27,7 Majority - 406v - M. Mosolwa B.D.P. 160 B.T. Toteng K. Rastus B.P.P. 44 B.D.P. 120 Gomare Polling District K.K. Sechele B.P.P. 257 N.M. Maja B.P.P. _T78 Registered Voters 199 417 Percentage Poll 29,9 Majority - 111 i Majority - 97 298 K. Molanze Majority - 58 B.D.P. 158 Makunda Polling District Kalakamati Polling District M. Sefo B.I.P. _301 White City Polling District Joseph Kanguiko Registered Voters 1024 Percentage Poll 24,0 Registered Voters 526 459- , S. Mafa Percentage Poll 28,7 Majority-143 B.D.P. 197 J. Kooreng « B.D.P. 83 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED P.G. Nthoyiwa Bodiba Polling District^*—. „ B.P.P. 49 M. Monamati B.P.P _68 Kuli Polling District • 246 Registered Voters/1338 Percentage Poll 34,2 Majority - 148 151 Registered Voters 226 J. Molatole B.D.P. 323 Percentage Poll 31,0 Mapoka Polling District Majority - 15 G.O. Molaletsi L. Mongadi " . B.D.P. 49 y— Tati West Polling District B.I.P. 134 Registered Voters 1475 Percentage Poll 26,8 E. Leswape B.P.P. _2i Registered Voters 633 457 E.M. Mudongo B.D.P. 115 Percentage Poll 21,6 Majority-189 70 M. Matnmo N. Gunda B.P.P. 280 B.D.P. 70 Majority - 28 B. Gombalume B.P.P. 67. ^ 395 22 Majority - 165 137 Majority - 3 23 Riverside S. Polling District Mmadinare Polling District Registered Voters 655 Percentage Poll28,4 Kabelo Dintwa S.M. Molotsi B.D.P. 111 B.D.P. RETURNED^NOPPOSED Mookan&Polling District -—" P. Marman B.P.P. _75 Sikwane Polling Dihrict « Bobonong Polling District Alexander Modisa 186 Registered Voters 579 1 Percentage Poll 37,7 Majority - 36 .. — Mompati Mmolotsi w " B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED B.R. Mooketsi B.D.P. 192 Somerset W. Polling District B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED — Mahalapye N. Polling District M. Rasetshwane B.P.P. $6 Registered Voters 4'37 Molalatau Polling District Registered Voters 3079 Percentage PolM3,0 y Percentage Poll 34,4 218 K. Motshwaedi .B.D.P. 43 Philimon Matema .. G.G. Ngakaagae B.D.P. 1004 Majority - 166 E. Mputshana B.D.P. 145 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED B. Dipatane B.I.P. 56 Mathubudukwane Polling District 188 Sejhophe Polling District 1060 Registered Voters 681 Percentage Poll 42,3 Majority-102 Majority - 948 Abel M. Bagwasi W. Seleke B.D.P. 196 Mahalapye S. Polling District CENTRAL DISTRUST COUNCIL B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED O. Kgafela B.P.P. _92 Registered Voters 1904 Percentage Poll 37,8 Gweta Polling DistHct ^ Mashoro Polling District. 288 , E. Mabua B.D.P. 679 Majority - 104 * Andrew Ndubano John Phiri D. Moseke "* B.I.P. __4[ Malolwane Polling District j B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED , "720 Registered Voters 384 Percentage Poll 24,0 Nata Polling District Serowe N.E. Polling District Majority - 638 S.J. Mosotho B.D.P. 76 Jape Ntuwane Boemo Gareitsanye SELEBI-PIKWE TOWN COUNCIL W. Fergusen B.P.P. 16 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED Extensions IV, VI and VII Polling District 92 Sebina Polling District Serowe N, W. Polling District Majority - 60 Walter Sebina Registered Voters 4831 Patlkd Mathodi Bophirima Polling District Percentage Poll 15,9 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED S.C. Moeti B.D.P. 559 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED Registered Voters 901 Percentage Poll 34,4 Extension II, V and Industrial Sites Polling District P.M. Nyadza B.P.P. 210 Serowe S.E. Polling District R.R. Mogotsi B.D.P. 153 Mrs Oemetswe Wabeng M. Motau 769 Mrs Barophi Galetole Ratshosa B.N.F. 122 Majority - 349 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED B. Mogorosi B.P.P. 35 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED Mange Polling District Extension I Polling District Serowe S. W. Polling District 310 Registered Voters 3823 Alfred Lesole Majority - 31 Percentage Poll 21,2 Gaoraelwe Obimele Resheng ( O. Zibani B.D.P. 624 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED Moshawaneng Polling District B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED S. Chakalisa B.P.P. J88 Extension III Polling District Registered Voters 376 Percentage Poll 23,9 Palapye Polling District 812 L.P. Mollowakgotla B. Phometsi B.D.P. 50 Majority - 436 Registered Voters 6468 Percentage Poll 28,2 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED M. Mfolwe B.P.P. 40 Totome Polling District S.G. Mabogo - B.D.P. 1648 Botshabelo West Polling District ~ 90 Registered Voters 2856 M.U. Nwako B.I.P. 173 Majority - 10 Percentage Poll 18,7 Registered Voters 216 Percentage Poll 38,0 P.E. Kelapile B.D.P. 449 1821 Majority - Mrs B.K. Lesole B.D.P. 70 Notwane Polling District „ M. Matobo B.P.P. f 85 1475 Ratholo Polling District T.G. Mapeni B.P.P. 12 Registered Voters 736 Percentage Poll 534 Majority 364 L.B. Mathare 82 R. Sell we B.D.P. 60 Majority - 58 Rakops Polling District B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED KvN. Manamela B.N.F. 14 Botshabelo East Polling District Kgagamedi M. Kgopo jt Maunatlala Polling District M. Letsepe B.P.P. 48 Registered Voters 256 Percentage Poll 39,8 L. Moedi J22 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED B.M. Seane B.D.P. 88 Majority - 12 Letlhakane Polling District B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED M.N. Mafula B.P.P. 14 Bogare Polling District " Registered-Voter* 4365 Percentage Poll 28,0 Pili/cwe Polling District 102 ' B. Ngwako B.D.P. 1183 Baphaleng Sebeso Majority Registeredl_Voters 496 Percentage Poll 21 N.C. Molomo K. Mashabile B.P.P. 39 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED B.D.P. 51 KGATLENG DISTRICT COUNCIL M.M. Moremi 1222 B.P.P. 57 Majority - 1144 Seleka Polling~bistrict Bokaa Polling District 108 Mathangwane Polling District Phetbeo Rasesioo Registered Voters 668 Percentage Poll 23,7 Majority 6- Registered Voters 3495 Percentage Poll 13,4 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED S. Kgari B.D.P. 85 Botlhabatsatsi Polling District K. Chite M.B. Medupe B.D.P. 286 Sefhare Polling District B.N.F. 25 Registered Voters 804 Percentage Poll 11,2 L.C. Masingwane B.C. Montwedi B.P.P. 21 R. Kutlapye B.P.P. 181 Harry George Wesson B.D.P. 70 467 J. Mosweu IND. 27 D. Seame B.P.P. 20 Majority - 105 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED 158 Tlalamabele Polling District Moiyabana Polling District Majority - 58 Majority - 50 Wabone Tshimologo Ogaletse Gasewetsho Morwa Polling District Mosanteng Polling District Registered Voters 450 Percentage Poll 43,8 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED / Registered Voters 994 F,R. Tan B.D.P. 84 Percentage Poll 20,3 Tonota E. Polling District Kalamare Polling District C.K. Matlhaga S.K. Tladi B.N.F. 30 B.D.P. 150 Tapologo Moepeng Mmadora Boikanyo B.N.F. Luka Sebonye Mosinyi J.P.M. Madisa B R P. 83 37 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED >\ T. Letshwiti BJ^RETURNED UNOPPOSED 197 B.P.P. 15 Tonota W. Polling District 202 Shoshong Polling District Majority - 1 Registered Voters 3053\ Percentage Poll 16,0 Oodi Polling District Majority - 113 M»M. Manyakate B.D.P. 405 Registered Voters 4364 Percentage Poll 38,3 Registered Voters 934 Percentage Poll 30,0 Bokone Polling District L. Senthufhe B.P.P. 85 M. Monamodi B.D.P. 1537 M. Motsamai B.I.P. 136 M.J. Moeng B.D.P. 248 Registered Voters 391 Percentage Poll 18,7 ~490 ' S. Motlhasela B.N.F. 13 Majority - 320 • . T673 M.M. Kgakole B.D.P. Majority - 1401 M. Motshe B.P.P. 19 T.K.C. Ratsheko B.P.P. '24 280 Majority - 229 Majority - 11 25 bitakana Polling District Artesia Polling District ^ Gabane Polling District Dilolwe Polling District Registered Voters 385 *2) Registered Voters 1599 Percentage Poll 20,6 Motsaakgamelo E. Motlkalamme Percentage Poll 22,3 Registered Voters 1182 Percentage Poll 44,3 PJfl. Ferguson B.D.P. 55 Mrs K. Dikgageng C. Kgakole B.D.P. 224 B.D.P. RETURNEfT UNOPPOSED B.D.P. 165 MrXentswe B.N.F. 35 —s^D.G. Kgomotso B.N.F. __3! ' B.K. Dikgageng B.N,F ' 359 ^ 'j* M. KgamSnyane B.P.P. 70 Mankgodi Polling District ' • X 86 524 ^ 329 Registered Voters 2002 Percentage Poll 34,3 ^Klaijpiity - 24 Majority-194 Majority - 154 - . K. Scribe B.lbdP. 62? South Ring Polling District Mafhikana Polling District „ S. Segola B.N.F. ^65 Registered Voters 692 Percentage Poll 48,3 Registered Voters 715 " Percentage Poll 36,4 687 ftj. Moremong JfiXP. 241 B. Morebodi BCD. P. 120 KWENENG DISTRICT COUNCIL Majority - 557 N. Mosele B.N.F. 93 M. B.N.F. 140 -- < Thamaga West Polling District 334 Mankgwenyana Polling District , 260 Registered Voters 2116 Percentage Poll 22,7 Majority - 148 Majority - 20 Registered Voters 1328 Percentage Poll 18,4 W.K. Kowa B.D.P. 305 White City Polling District Matshitswana Polling District K.G.Setalo B.D.P. 238 K. Kenosi B.N.F. J76 Registered Voters 964 Percentage Poll 25,1 Registered Voters 1567 Percentage Poll 37,5 K. Itisengv BT.N.F. 6 481 J.E. Makgwa B.D.P. 159 I.W. Letsomo B.D.P. 162 ' 244 Majority — 129 K. Marumo BiN.F. 83 M. Ketshabile B.N.F. 425 Majority - 232 Thamaga East Polling District 242 587 St. Paul's Polling District Registered Voters 965 Percentage Poll 22,4 Majority - 76 Majorityy~ 263 Registered Voters (1197 Percentage Poll 28,3 M. Sebikiri B.D.P. 145 Bontleng Polling Distri. t Nyorosi -Polling Disfri/t V V.B. Kgosidintsi B.D.P. 320 K. Mosweu B.N.F. _71 Registered Voters 1194 Percentage Poll 39,8 RegiSrewri^v oters 1819 Percentage Poll 34,0 N. Lesika B.N.F. 19 216 S. Selogilwe B.D.P. 349 J.K. Phitsana B.D.P. 335 339 Majority - 74 A. Mmusi B.N.F. 126 Mrs T. Mokgothu B.N.F. J284 Majority - 301 Letlhakeng Polling District 475 619 Borakalalo Polling District Kehaletse Segwagwa Majority 223 Majority - 51 Miss M. Hirschfeldt B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED Gathwane Polling District B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED Lephephe Polling District Registered Voters 2186 Percentage Poll 40,0 Loologa Polling District David Sekonopelo SOUTHERN DISTRICT COUNCIL K. Ralotsia B.D.P. 206 Registered Voters 828 Percentage Poll 18,4 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED K. Sabone B.N.F. 669 T. Pule B.D.P. 124 Kudumelapye Polling District Moshupa West Polling District 875 Miss L. Kgabung B.N.F. 28 Israel Seatshogeng Registered Voters 1580 Percentage Poll 43,9 Majority - 463 152 Ntlhatlase Polling District B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED L. Thupane B.D.P. 603 Majority - 96 D. Sefiwa Registered Voters 885 Percentage Poll 46,7 Motokwe Polling District B.N.F. 91 Mogotlha Polling District Mrs T. Gofhamodimo B.D.P. 183 John Or Seboni 694 J.S. Mhiko Majority - 512 S. Selotlego B.N.F. _230 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED Moshupa N. Polling District 413 Dutlwe Polling District Sebele Polling District Registered Voters 1046 Percentage Poll 51,8 Majority - 47 Kekgetheleng Molematsela Kgosing Polling District Registered Voters 1330 Percentage Poll 22,8 N. BasimanebotlheB.D.P. 507 / Registered Voters 2091 A.K. Baikakedi BJXf. 285 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED M. Ramooki B.N.F. t Percentage Poll 33,7 B. Bodigelo B.N.F. 18 Botlhapatlou Polling District ~542 W. fTadipitse B.D.P. 201. A. Mabe B.N.F. 5Q4 303 S Rankamane Moipolai Majority 472 ' Majority - 267 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED 705 ' . Moshupa S. Polling District Majority 301 Mahetlwe Polling Districts , Bagami Polling District Registered Voters 1593 Percentage Poll 47,1 Registered Voters 1294 Percentage ^oll 40,0 Registered Voters 708 GABORONE TOWN COUNCIL K. Disele B.D.P. 661 Percentage Poll 36,6 K.D. Beleme B.D.P. 459 Mrs B. Otlaadisa L. Mokgadi B.N.F. 90 B.D.P. 106 N. Masiele B.N.F. 59 Naledi Polling District C.N. Kemoabe B.N.F. 153 518 ' 751 RegistererfVoters 1308 Percentage Poll 21.4 Majority -571 259 Majority - 400 D.G. Qaborone B.D.P. 229 Majority 4?~ Ranaka Polling District Mogoditshane Polling District N.T. Keitseng B.N.F. 51 Maokane Polling District Registered Voters 111 Percentage Poll 50,6 Mrs Lillian K. Banda 280 Registered Voters 2373 Percentage Poll 35,4 H.D. Kruger B.D.P. 226 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED Majority-178 G. Motsweng B.D.P. 287 T. Mampe 167 Polling District Government Polling District K. Moshaga B.N.F. 554 393 Registered Voters 1008 Percentage Poll 34,8 Egaboy Gits Morweng 841 ' Majority - 59 L.M. Paledi B.D.P. 298 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED Majority - 267 C. Legwale B.N.F. 53 Ntlhantlhe Polling District Moshaneng Polling District North East Polling District Registered Voters 1744 Percentage Poll 52,2 351 ^LRegistered Voters 741 Percentage Poll 30,9 Registered Voters 264 Percentage Poll 29;9 R. Ramolapong B.D.P. 428 Majority - 245 M. Leaowa B.D.P. 138 R. Mannathoko B.D.P. 66 R. Makoti B.N.F. 482 Medie Polling District P.K. Ntwaeagae B.N.F. 91 D. Kebaswele B.N.F. __13 —. 910 Gobuamang Molala 229 79 Majority - 54 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED Majority - 47 Majonfy-~53 Manyana Polling District Kopong Polling District \ Kgalagadi Polling District Village Polling District Registered Voters 969 Percentage Poll 42,2 Registered Voters 1894 Percentage Poll 36,6 Registered-Voters 1785 Percentage Poll 39,4 Registered Voters 434 Percentage Poll 17.3 E. Macha B.D.P. 356 L.P.T. Mantbe B.D.P. 664 R. Kono B.D.P. 426 J.M. Nwako B.D.P. 63 M. Mompati B.N.F. 53. K. Wakgotla B.N.F. 268 I. Kgwakgwe B.N.F. 40 I.G. Kgamane B.N.F. 12 409 * 704 75 694 Majority - 303 Majority — 158 Majority - 624 Majority - 51 -27 26 Mabule Polling District Lobatse C. Polling District Bamalete N.W. Polling District Gaborone Farms Polling District Registered Voters 1094 Percentage Poll 52,2 Registered Voters 214 - Percentage Poll 37,9 Registered Voters 344 Percentage Poll 35,5 Registered Voters 361 Percentage Poll 20 8 Mrs M. Rampagane B.D.P. 557 P.K. Trie ^B.D.P. 64 LMokgosi B.D.P. 115 KiMmopi B.D.P 61 ^ T. Sebakile B.N.F. _J4 B-M. Namanyane B.N.F. 17 - I. Lekone B.N(F. 7 B; Ditshabeng" . B.N.F. 14^ 571 ... i r^: Hi ^. 122 -75 Majority - 543 r- Majority - 47 1 V . Majority-108 ' Majority - 47 ~~' Phitshane-Molopo Polling-District Boswelatlou Polling District Ramotswa S.E. Polling District ' Lobatse Farms Polling District ' Registered Voters 943 - Percentage Poll 45,9 Andries Matsietsa Abraham Isaacs J. Tlhong Raphael Daniel Molefe B.D.P. 354 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED B.D.P. RETURNED UNQPPO^ED R.O. Kamodi B.N.F. '_79 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED* / 433 - SOUTH EAST DISTRICT COUNCIL Majority - 275 Mmathethe Polling District Tlokwa East Polling District Registered Voters 2226 Percentage Poll 40,0 Registered Voters 385 Percentage Poll 26,5 D. Siele —• B.D.P. 418 M. Tatedi B.D.P. 50 1.. M. Tebogo B.N.F. 471 B.B. Bogatsu B.P.P. 52 I •' 889 102 Majority - 53 Majority - 2 Good Hope Polling District Galebotswe O. Lefenya Tlokwa West Polling District Registered Voters 305 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED Percentage Poll 29,8 M.G. Seitshiro Tlhareseleele Polling District B.D.P. 44 C.K. Mpolaise B.N.F. 16 Senyana D. Letselea K. Seitshiro B.P.P. 31 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED 91 Hebron Polling District - , Majority - 13 Lydia K. Gape B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED Tlokwa S. Polling District Mokatako Polling District Registered Voters 479 Percentage Poll 43,0 Violet S. Manyeneng T.T. Makepe B.D.P. 150 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED M. Manale B.P.P. 56 206 LOBATSE TOWN COUNCIL Majority - 94 Station Polling District Ramotswa E. Polling District Ishmael M. Ebrah&m 1 Registered Voters 269 Percentage* Poll 47,2 B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED J. Bolokwe B.D.P. 96 Peleng West Polling District Miss M. Seabo B.N.F. 31 Registered Voters '660 Percentage Poll 33,5 127 T.B. Mmelesi B.D.P. 142 Majority - 65 Miss K. Mmopa B.N.F. j/R \ 221 Mogobane Polling District Majority - 63 \ ~ Registered Voters 411 Percentage Poll 45,7 Peleng Central Foiling District CJt. Maganu B.D.P. 133 I I. Makgweng Registered Voters 570 Percentage Poll 31,9 B.N.F. _55 T.L. Kelaotswe B.D.P. Ill 188 ^Majority - 78 J.I.M. Modise B.N.F. 71 "/X 182 Ootse Polling District Majority - 40 Willie Baker Peleng East Polling District B.D.P. RETURNED UNOPPOSED Registered Voters 435 Percentage Poll 26,4 M.J. Monakwe B.D.P. 57 Ramotswa N. Polling District MX Mosepele B.N.F. 58 Stephen Porogwane 115 B.D.P, RETURNED UNOPPOSED Majority - 1 Ramotswa S.C. Polling District Mission Polling District Registered Voters 357 Registered Voters 920 Percentage Poll 28,9 Percentage Poll 36,7 S. Morweng A.L. Mmope B.D.P. 203 B.D.P. 65 C. Ntshwene M. Dira B.N.F. 63 B.N.F. 66 266 131 Majority - 140 "Majority - 1 Woodhall Polling District Ramotswa W. Polling District Registered Voters 563 Percentage Poll 25,4 Registered Voters 401 Percentage Poll 38,2 L. Dithebe B.D.P. 86 M. Maswabi B.D.P. 90 M. Giddie B.N.F. __57 A. Motsumi B.N.F. _63 - 143 153 Majority - 29 Majority - 27 28 29 • V ~ N Appendix I i v . pr > ^POLITICAL PARTIES REGISTERED UNDER SECTION 149- OF THE ELECTORAL .ACT V • •" Party , ' = . b'l "* ' * BOTSWANA DEMOCRATIC PARTY Domkra* Voting,Colour , BOTSWANA INDEPENDENCE PARTY J nioTiT"^ , . ***** •t>. BOTSWANA NATIONAL FRONT ££IFT?'. &*** BOTSWANA PEOPLE'S PARTY mlfv Z £ Jac^ronnd Black Black star on gold background Gold

Appendix J

( REPORT OF ELECTIONS EXPENDITURE 1. Election - Equipment R- '• (a) Purchase and manufacture of outdoor Polling Booths {b) Purchase of equipment for indoor Polling Booths 3 401,13 (f) Purchase and manufacture of 114 ballot boxes 3 729'38 (d) Purchase of ballot envelopes 855,00 (*) Other equipment (pens, pads, stamps, wax etc.) 1 800,00 2. Printing and paper (costs borne primarily by Government Printer) ' ! 40?'™ TSSlVeh,deS maintenance, cost of travel for elections and Information staff ' r b,1C ty and tra,nin 4 T '° P/ ' g and running of vehicles for disbursing equipment . 7, = , * 4 ——-— - - — J 5. Temporary employment 9 662,93 6. Payment of Polling Officers at R5,00 8 726,66 7. Payment of Presiding Officers at* RIO 00 " 2 067,00 8. Office expenses: Telephone, etc. '100,00 9. Miscellaneous 285,73 888,31 -4- TOTAL R39 312,06 NoTf of thc cict,,ons °n,y'and n<" rdi-d - 4th December, 1974 \ \