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E WL E WL REGISTERED WITH THE DIRECTOR OF POSTS AND TELEGRAPHS AS A NEWSPAPER Volume V No. 7 Organ of the Botswana Democratic Party JULY, 1967. LOETO LA TONA YA 'TEMO MO dikgweding tse di fitileng Tona ya Temo, Morena Tsheko T~sheko o ne a tsamaya thata mo mafelong a mantsi a Botswana, go bona balemi le barua-kgomo le go bona ditiro tsa ba Lephata la Temo le ba Lephata la Leruo. Mo mafelong otihe o ne a ntse a buisanya le babusi le magosi le merafe mo kgotleng le balemi ba basweu le ba bantsho. Me go itumedisa thata go bolela gore mo mafelong otlhe a a a tsamaileng pula e nele sentle mabele a teng le phulo e ntsi. Tota mo mafelong a mangwe pula e nele go feta selekanyo mo ebileng e ntshofaditse mabele ya bodisa dinawa le dithotse. Puo e o neng a e bua le batho bogolo e ne e le ya go ba kgothatsa go lema thata go katolosa masimo le go a epa disana le gore batho ba dire mo masimong a bone ngwaga otlhe eseng go ntsha dijo mo masismo go tswa foo batho ba bo ba siela kwa magaeng a matona goya go nna ba sa dire sepe. 0 ne a tlhalosa ka gore Goromente o lemoga gore temo le leruo mo Bot.swana ke tsone tse di tshetsang batho ka go sena mekoti le ditiro. Me a bolela ka gore Goromente o aga sekwele se segolo kwa Gaborone se se tla rutang makau a Botswana temo le tlhokomelo ya leruo gore ba gasiwe le lefatshe la Botswana go ruta batho ka bontsi go lema mo go tla ba tswelang molemo. Gape balemisi ba rutwa ditironyana tse di mabapi le temo jaaka go baakanya mogoma le terekere le go aga polokelo ya dijo le matlwana le go betla majokwe gore ba tie ba thuse balemi mo dilong tse tsotlhe. Maikaelelo ke gore balemi ba kgone go ikagela matlwana a mantle (eseng lietaagananyana ya gompieno) mo nasimong a bone ba kgatlhege go nna mo masimo go dira masimo a bone ba ye gae fela go bapatsa tsa temo le leruo le go tihola bana. MR. TSHEKO TSHEKO One a bolela gape gore Goromente o simolola go dira matamo ka bo ntsi gore batho ba bone metse mo masimong a bone ba seka ba lelekwa ke lenyora ba ise ba fetse ditiro tsa bone le gore dikgomo di bone metse mo mafelong a a katologanyeng di seka tsa kgobola lefatshe ka go pitlagana. Sekwele sa temo kwa Gaborone se tla ruta le bagolo ba ba batlang go ithuta temo gore ere balemisi ba ba kaela mo masimong a bone ba tshware ka bonako. Tona ya Temo o ne a kgala thata mokgwa wa Batswana wa go kgobokana mo magaeng a matona ngwaga otlhe go sa dirwe sepe fa ese go tlhomaganya malwapa fela mme dikgomo di timela di tsalela mo nageng ka di tlogetswe le basimanyana fela. 0 gakolotse batho gore dikgomo di feditswe ke leuba fela jaaka di ne di feditswe ke Seakhubama. Me morago ga Seakhubama banna ba Batswana ba ne ba di kokotletsa ka go di tlhokomela ba nna natso. Fa di sa tlhokomelwe ga nke di kokotlegela gape. Bogologolo banna ba ne ba patelesega go nna mo gae gore ere dira di tla ba tsee marumo ba tlhabane. Gompieno ga gona dira tse di letwang mo magaeng. Gape ditiro tsa merafe di dirwa ke ba ba tlhophilweng ba dikhansele le dikgosi. Jalo ga go tlhokege gore bontsi jwa banna ba nne mo gae dikgomo di bolawa ke lenyora, di latlhele dinamane mo nageng bangwe ba di itseela go bo gotwe ba di utsule. Kaga thekiso ya dijo o boleste gore ba Lephata la Temo le la Dikoporasi ba eme ka dinao go senkela balemi mmaraka me bothata ke gore kwa go tleng go rekisiwe teng gale kwa Kopanong le bone ba na le dijo tse dintsi thata. Me goa lekwa go goa nnwa fela. Se sengwe se o neng a se bolela bakenti se rulaganyediwa go bulwa ke gore sekwele sa Ramatlabama sa le gore bakenti teng ba tla kaelwa paakanyo le pabalelo ya matlalo gore ba thuse batho go baakanya matlalo a bone gore a ba neele tlhwatlhwa e e siameng. Gape o ne a bolela gore Lephata la Temo la Botswana le dira tumalano ya tshwaragano le la Kopano go lwantsha dinonyane (tlhaga) tse * Continued on page 2 For your PRINTING and STATIONERY BOTSWANA PRESS (PTY.) LTD. P.O. Box 64 Mafeking PRINTERS OF THIS NEWSPAPER PAGE TWO THERISANYO - CONSULTATION JULY. 1967. CAPITAL CONTINUATION CLASSES T HE Gaberones Community has, under the leadership of the Senior Educaeion Officer, Mr. S. H. Modisi, opened a night ,school under the name "Capital Continuation Classes" for Junior Certificate beginning with a Form I class this year. This project is an experiment and for this reason only 30 pupils have been drawn from all parts of Botswana as long as they were able to find accommodation with their relatives or friends in Gaberones. In response to the advertisement through Daily News and Radio Botswana 40 pupils applied. Their ages varied from 15 years to 27 years and all, except the two who passed standard VI in 1955 and 1957, passed standard VII between 1964 and 1966. Qualifications for admission were chiefly age and the year of passing standard VII and the class of passing was not considered a deciding factor. TUTORS An appeal to the public for people to volunteer to come to the rescue of the wasted future leaders turned out most encouraging results. From the offers and self-sacrifices, it is apparent that there are many people to whom the progress of Botswana is a great concern. The 26 people who have offered to sacrifice some hours of their evening work or rest from their ever increasing day's work are representative of Ministers, Civil Servants from all ministries and also volunteers. The ministers - the Vice President, Mr. Q. K. J. Masire and the Minister of Education, Health and Labour, Mr. B. C. Thema are among the tutors. Of these 26 tutors, 21 are qualified * teachers. What a blessing! We hope the students will take the tide at the flood. OFFICIAL OPENING At its inauguration on July, in a Geography classroom in the Gaberones Secondary School, the project had the blessing of the Minister of Education, Health and Labour, Mr. B. C. Thema. After being introduced by Mr. S. H. Modisi, the Minister said he was pleased to meet the tutors and students He emphasised to the students that they had had the opportunity that many had missed and would be wise to avail themselves of the services of their tutors. He said that although they were presently thinking of their personal advancement, they would be an asset to this coun- try if they made a success of their studies. He encouraged them, citing himself as an example, by saying that many people had achieved higher education through private studies, for though they would be taught for a few hours each school day, their task was almost equal to that of people studying privately and the bulk of the work fell on their shoulders. They would have to do a lot of studying by themselves. The Minister wound up his speech by outlining a few projects that Government had started or was contemplating on with a view to try and meet the pressing demand for supplying the skilled labour required in Botswana. He concluded that it was the aim of his ministry to persuade other big centres of Botswana with similar facilities to start night classes to combat the loss of potential leaders which otherwise occurs through numbers of scholars who pass standard VII but fail to get accommodatoin in secondary schools. BEHAVIOUR Mr. Modisi called the attention of the students to the fact that the normal conduct as was practised in schools would be expected of them. They would have to refrain from influences by their equals employed for various works who were free for "nice times" and other practices and "make ups" like the use of lip sticks. No student would be allowed into the class if he or she came to school shabbily dressed or with unwashed clothes. Because of the limited time available, regularity and punctuality to classes were a must. BEGINNING OF CLASSES Classes began on Monday, July 3 wlien 28 students turned up. The three teachers who did what may be regarded as preliminary work were satisfied with the response given in English, Mathematics and Geography. The students themselves looked active, interested and they wore brighRt faces and although all but six of theim obtained a third grade pass in standard VII, there is hope, all factors being equal, of their gaining from the course. SContinued from page . di senyetsang batho mabele me go a solofetsa. Kwa Machaneng Tona ya Temo o ne a amogela neo ya kgomo ya moroba ya Afrikana le kgetsi ya mabele e tswa mo bathung ba Domkrag ba Tswapong South Constituency ba e naya Goromente go lebogela thuso mo dinyageng tsa leuba tse di fitileng. Moemedi wa setsha seo, Morena G. Sebeso, o ne a bua jaana fa a supa neo e:"Tona-kgolo ya tsa Temo le Leruo, re a leboga gore o bo o re letleletse go go emisa sebakanyana fano mo tseleng fela, mme o sa ntse o le mo loetong lo lo leele. Ke romilwe ke Branch Congress e ke leng modulasetulo wa yone ya Botswana Democratic Party mo karolong eno ya Tswapong South Constituency go supa malebogo a magolo a rona re lebogela thuso ya dijo e e dirilweng ke Goromente mo leubeng la ngwaga o o fitileng - thuso e e neng ya re akaretsa rotihe ya seka ya tlhaetswa loago lope.