Molelepolo DAC ‐ Community Service Inventory (By Type of Activity)

Type of Activity Association 1 Abstinence EFB Face The Nation Family Connections Bows and Arrows Jubilant Rehabilitation Center Ministers Fraternal 2 AIDS Coordination East DAC 3 Alcohol/Drugs Catholic Women's Association (CWA) Jubilant Rehabilitation Center 4 ARV Bokaa Clinic Borakalalo Clinic Clinic Kgosing Clinic Clinic Clinic Lesirane Clinic Clinic Clinic Mmankgodi Support Group Health Post Clinic Council Clinic Nkoyaphiri Clinic Phuthadikobo Clinic Scottish Livingstone Hospital Clinic Clinic Thamaga Primary Hospital 5 Behavior Change BOCAIP‐Keletso Counseling Center Boikgapho Intervention Brothers in Arms EFB Flying Mission Life Skills Program Gabane Community Home Based Care Gabane Ministers Fraternal Gabane Support Group Hope Worldwide Humana People to People Kagisano Society Women's Shelter Project Kgothatso Support Goup Ministers Fraternal 6 Condom Distribution Hope Worldwide House of Men Theater Group Humana People to People Ikago Rehabilitation Center

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Type of Activity Association Kweneng Deputy District Commissioner Lekgwapeng Health Post Molepolole Administration of Justice Molepolole College Clinic Molepolole Education Centre Molepolole Institute of Health Sciences (IHS) Police No. 11 District Station Officer Scottish Livingstone Hospital 7 Councelling and Mentoring Baylor Clinic of Excellence Teen Club 8 Gender Based Violence Dithakga tsa Bomme Ba Kweneng Gender Committee Kagisano Society Women's Shelter Project 9 Guidance and Counselling Kgosi Kgari Sechele II Senior Secondary School Kopong Jr. Secondary School Kweneng Rural Development Association Primary School Moruakgomo JSS PACT Club Motswasele Junior Secondary School 10 Health Care Services Health Post Bokaa Clinic Borakalalo Clinic Boribamo Clinic Brothers in Arms Catholic Women's Association (CWA) Dira Le Rona Youth Centre Dithejwane CJSS Ditshukudu Health Post EFB Friends for Life Gabane Clinic Gabane Health Post Gabane VMSAC Health Post Gakuto Health Post Gamodubu Health Post Health Post Health Post Kgosing Clinic Kgothatso Orphan Care Programme Kopong Clinic Kubung Health Post Health Post Kweneng East DHMT Kweneng Health Post Lentsweletau Clinic

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Type of Activity Association Lephepe Clinic Lesilakgokong Health Post Lesirane Clinic Magokotswane Health Post Health Post Medie Health Post Metsimotlhabe Clinic Mmankgodi Clinic Mmanoko Health Post Mmatseta Health Post Mmopane Health Post Mogoditshane Clinic Health Post Molepolole College Clinic Molepolole Council Clinic Molepolole Prison Clinic Nkoyaphiri Clinic Phuthadikobo Clinic Phuting Health Post Rungwana Health Post Scottish Livingstone Hospital Shadishadi Health Post Sojwe Clinic Thamaga Clinic Thamaga Primary Hospital 11 HIV Education Beno Society Botswana Harvard AIDS Institute Partnership Botswana National Youth Council EFB Flying Mission Life Skills Program Gabane VMSAC Gamodubu VMSAC House of Men Theater Group Medie VMSAC Men Sector Molepolole Men Sector Thamaga Mma Sechaba Womens Association Mmankgodi Support Group Mmankgodi VMSAC Out of School Education Department Sojwe VMSAC Tebelopele Voluntary Counselling and Testing Tsosologa Health Services Vision Bearers 12 HIV Support Batlang Jehova Support Group BOCAIP‐Keletso Counseling Center BOCAIP‐Solofelang Counseling Center

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Type of Activity Association BOCAIP‐Tumelong Counseling Center Boikgapho Intervention Brothers in Arms Divine Mercy Parish Outreach Friends for Life Gabane Support Group Kgothatso Support Goup 13 HIV Testing BOCAIP‐Keletso Counseling Center BOCAIP‐Solofelang Counseling Center BOCAIP‐Tumelong Counseling Center Tebelopele Voluntary Counselling and Testing Tsosologa Health Services 14 Home Based Care Divine Mercy Parish Outreach Gabane Community Home Based Care 15 House to House Campaigns Humana People to People 16 Income/Skills Generation Dithakga tsa Bomme Ba Kweneng 17 MCP Hope Worldwide House of Men Theater Group Humana People to People Tse Dikglo House of Theatre 18 MCP For Young Women Forum for Evened‐Out Control of HIV (FECH) 19 OVC Batlang Jehova Support Group BOCAIP‐Bana ba Keletso Child Care Center Divine Mercy Parish Outreach Forum for Evened‐Out Control of HIV (FECH) Gabane Community Home Based Care Hope Worldwide Kgothatso Orphan Care Programme 20 Pallative Care (Home Based Care) Pababalelong Hospice 21 Peer Education EFB Flying Mission Life Skills Program Ministers Fraternal 22 Rehabilitation for Juveniles Ikago Rehabilitation Center 23 Stigma Reduction Botswana Baylor Clinic of Excellence Teen Club Friends for Life Gabane Support Group Kgothatso Support Goup Mmankgodi Support Group 24 Theatre House of Men Theater Group

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Type of Activity Association Life Aid Tse Dikglo House of Theatre 25 Traditional Healing African Dingaka Association 26 Workplace Wellness Ikago Rehabilitation Center Kweneng Deputy District Commissioner Kweneng Tribal Administration Office Lekgwapeng Health Post Molepolole Administration of Justice Molepolole College Clinic Molepolole Education Centre Molepolole Institute of Health Sciences (IHS) Police No. 11 District Station Officer Scottish Livingstone Hospital

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