
(12-2-19)- Monday Matthew 9:9- “As went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth. ‘Follow me,’ he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him.”

When I was in the early stages of seminary I was working as a part-time junior high director at a small but growing church. The pastor had a preaching style that was very motivating and I was excited to be a part of the mission following his lead. I realized that there was much that I didn’t know about ministry and I was pleased to learn from someone who was experienced in ministry and had a plan for the church. My life was greatly impacted by being a part of this church while in seminary.

Jesus sees Matthew, who is a tax collector, at his work. Jesus calls to Matthew to follow Him. Matthew sees something and hears something that compels him to follow. Matthew realizes that he needs to learn much about life because his life is not fulfilling. Matthew realizes that he is a sinner in need of a savior, a sinner in need of change, a sinner in need of a new life. Therefore, when Matthew hears Jesus calling him to follow Jesus he leaves everything and follows. In following Jesus Matthew will receive cleansing from sins, purpose for his life, and the desire to live for the Lord instead of himself. We too need to follow Jesus each and every day as He starts our day by saying, “Follow me.” Let us believe that our lives will fail to really matter without saying “yes” to Jesus’ call. Let us understand that there is much benefit beyond salvation when we follow Jesus.

Lord, as I have said yes to Your call to follow You, I continually say yes. Let my life have meaning for You. Amen.

Why do you think Jesus called Matthew to follow Him? What is the significance of the detail that Matthew was sitting at his tax collector’s booth? Why is it important that Matthew followed Jesus? Why is it important that you follow Jesus? Have a great day.

(12-3-19)- Tuesday Matthew 9:11-12, “When the saw this, they asked his disciples, ‘Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?’ On hearing this, Jesus said, ‘It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.’”

About twenty years ago I started getting migraine headaches two to three times a week. At first I just tried to ignore them and work through the pain. Because they weren't debilitating I was able to function even when the headaches got strong. This lasted about a year until one of my church members told me about a medication she was taking for her migraines that she thought would really help me. I went to my doctor to talk to him about both the migraines and the medication. He agreed that the medication would be able to take the migraine away whenever it came. It has been a nice blessing to have the help. I still get the migraines a couple times a week, but the medication takes it away fairly quickly. I should have gone to the doctor for help sooner than I did!

When Jesus was eating with the tax collector Matthew and his other tax collector friends, the Pharisees were not happy that Jesus was eating with “sinners”. Jesus responded by telling them that it is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. What Jesus meant by this is that while all of us are sick (sinners), not everyone understands they are sick. Once I realized that my problem could be helped by the doctor I decided to go to him. When people realize they are sinners (not perfect but do things wrong all the time), then they can get the help they need from Jesus. When they admit that they need help we can help show them there is someone (Jesus, the great physician) they can go to. Until they have eyes to see and the humility to seek help they will not receive help. May we pray for open hearts and minds and for the opportunity to share how Jesus is the answer to their greatest problem: sin.

Lord, thank you for helping me to see that I was sick in my sin and needed Your help. May I be able to help others see this and find You. Amen.

Why were the disciples not happy with whom Jesus was eating? Why do you think Jesus responded as He did? Why is this an important message to share with others? Have a wonderful day.

(12-4-19)- Wednesday Matthew 9:27- “As Jesus went on from there, two blind men followed him, calling out, ‘Have mercy on us, Son of David!’”

When I first started out in ministry I had a challenging first call. About 6 months into my ministry one of the couples in the church rallied a group of people to challenge me in what I was doing for the church. As I said before it was my first call, I was in Colorado with no support system, and I felt attacked. Ultimately, it led me to decide to seek a call back in California. On the last day of ministry there, at the end of the service, the wife of this couple had these parting words to me, “It is all your fault!” Fast forward a couple of years when I returned to do a wedding and then went to church there on a Sunday. I was talking with some people when out of the corner of my eye I saw this woman approaching me. I braced myself for what she might have to say to me, but nothing bad came out of her mouth. Instead it was words of kindness and happiness to see me. She even wanted a hug. How would I handle this? I chose to show mercy by being kind and giving her a hug.

As Jesus is walking along He encounters two blind men. They are asking Jesus to show mercy on them. Mercy is giving a gift that is not deserved. These blind men didn’t “deserve” mercy from Jesus, but they were asking for it. Jesus did show mercy to them. First, He showed mercy by stopping and giving them His time. Jesus allowed Himself to be interrupted to talk with them. Jesus showed mercy by even considering giving them healing. Second, He showed mercy in that He did heal them. He gave them a great gift which they did not deserve or earn. We all need mercy. We need God’s mercy of daily forgiveness. We need God’s mercy of His giving us wisdom and power to carry out His will. We also need to show mercy to others. Regularly we come upon situations where we need to show mercy to another. Maybe it is forgiving someone who has wronged you. Maybe it is showing love to someone who is difficult to love. Maybe it is sharing the with someone who is hard-hearted. I encourage you to find ways to share God’s mercy with others.

Lord, thank you for the mercy you regularly show me. Help me to show mercy to others. Amen.

Why did the blind men ask for Jesus’ mercy? How was His healing them merciful? How has God shown you mercy? Ask God to give you the desire and opportunity to share mercy today. May the mercy and love of God be with you.

(12-5-19)- Thursday Matthew 9:37-38, “Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’”

When we moved to Colorado back in 1996 we bought a house that had not been landscaped. We paid to have the front yard done but decided to do the backyard ourselves. One thing we did was put down a 30’ by 50’ rectangle of sod. I had never laid sod before but didn’t think it looked too difficult, so I chose to do it by myself. I was very wrong because it was challenging and tiring. I wish that I had asked others to help me. Not only would it have gone faster, but I would have not gotten exhausted. When it was time to pour a concrete patio I had about ten people helping. This job went much quicker and easier.

Jesus tells us an important fact, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few." Meaning, there are many that need to hear the gospel, but not that many who are taking the time or opportunity to do it. Jesus didn’t just come to die for our sins, He also came to train disciples so that God’s people could do the work of evangelizing. We are called by Jesus to go out and share the gospel with those who are lost in their sin and don’t know Jesus. The more who do it the easier the job will be and the more will come to know Jesus. Let us fulfill this call of Jesus together.

Lord, help me to be a committed worker in the harvest. Amen.

Why is this true that the harvest is plentiful? What keeps workers from trying to reap the harvest? What would motivate you to fulfill this call? Blessings.

(12-6-19)- Friday Colossians 4:3- “And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains.”

One of my first experiences of sharing my faith with others was when I went evangelizing on the beach with a friend. We used a questionnaire to help us initiate the conversations. I was surprised that most were willing to dialogue, but I also realized I was not fully prepared to respond to all their questions about God, the , and salvation. It was not easy to talk with them when I myself was not confident in my own Bible knowledge. I also realized that it was much more difficult to evangelize to people with whom I had no relationship at all. Since then I have found it much better to build relationships with people and let my sharing come out of our relationship together. In time they will ask me questions so that I can then take them to the Bible and share with them what God says about faith and salvation. In all of this it is important to know that many are praying for me to have opportunities and clarity when I share.

As Jesus tells us to go out into the great harvest of unbelievers, there can be some fear and trepidation when we consider this. In the challenging climate of our world where Christians are now being persecuted more and more, we need to understand that prayer is essential! Specifically, the Apostle Paul tells us that praying for others to have opportunity is key. When we pray for others who we know will be sharing their faith, the power of God goes before them and with them. When we pray for others as they share their story, God will indeed work great things in and through their lives. When we pray for others to proclaim clearly the mystery of Christ, people will listen and lives will be changed. May we commit to praying for those we know who are dedicated to taking the gospel out into our world!

Lord, thank you for those who pray for me. Specifically, for those who pray that I will be able to share the gospel with unbelievers. Amen.

In what ways is it difficult for you to share your faith with others? Why is it important for you to do this? Who is praying for you to have this opportunity? If you don’t have an answer to this question, ask some close friends to start praying for you. Have a great day.