TITLE: Matthew SCRIPTURE: Matthew 9:9-13

BIG IDEA: The pursued pursuing the pursued.

1. SEES, COMES, & CALLS – READ Matthew 9:9 CONTEXT: As a tax collector, Matthew was hated. Matthew was regarded as an outcast and unclean. In fact, by Jewish law, the tax collector was debarred from the and was lumped into the category with murderers and robbers. But the text says, “Jesus saw Matthew,” and then He saved him by saying, “follow me.” Jesus not only saw who Matthew was, but who he would become.

A. Spend time thinking about and sharing how Jesus “saw you” and saved you. In what aspects of your life did you feel undeserving of God’s grace? How is your life different now than it was before Jesus?

2. THE MATTHEW PARTY – READ Matthew 9:10 CONTEXT: Matthew left his old ways of life, but he did not leave his old friends. Instead, he invited them into his home and into his life so that Jesus could change their hearts, minds, and life, like He changed his. A lot of times, when we trust in Jesus, we run right into a Christian bubble. Sometimes, this is even applauded because we are told that “hanging with nonbelievers could have a negative influence” on us. Yes, fellowship with other believers is imperative for the Christian walk, but we, the pursued, now are to pursue those not yet following Jesus.

A. Which way do you lean in regard to the way you spend your time? Do you hang out with nonbelievers or other believers? What do you believe to be a healthy balance between those two options? B. Discuss some people in your life you have connected with, or have been meaning to connect with, to make a spiritual impact on their life. What has this looked like? What could this look like? C. Stop now as a group and pray for these people.

3. THE POSTURE OF THE , THE POSTURE OF JESUS – READ Matthew 9:11-13 CONTEXT: The Pharisees could not believe Jesus would hang out with such a rag-tag group of lowlifes. And yet, Jesus responds – the sick need healing. All of us hold doubts or prejudices toward others, much like the posture of the Pharisees. These sentiments can be for others inside the Church, but oftentimes, it is for those who are not like us at all. Jesus sees all people through the lens of grace, love, and purpose.

A. Discuss the specific people in your life (no pressure to name names J), or groups of people in society, that you have doubted the ability of God’s grace to reach? How does this story interrupt that thinking? B. What fears do you have about pursuing people who are different than you? Encourage and receive encouragement from others in your group to start pursuing those who are different than you with the . C. What would it look like for you to make the posture of Jesus (verses 12 and 13) your posture? What would need to change about the way you think, the way you act, and the way you spend your time?


A. PRAYER: Thank God for saving you from your sin. Confess and repent of any prejudices you have toward others. Ask God to soften your heart and to provide ways for you to minister to others for the sake of Gospel advancement. B. ACTION: Consider connecting, social distancing style, with others that God has put on your heart. Intentionally block off a few dates on the calendar and start inviting people.