®fje JBufee Chronicle Volume 65, Number 130 Durham, North Carolina Friday, May 8;:i970 Marches and UFC actiibn, discussed at mass meeting By Celeste Wesson He also "interpreted" the added. Assistant Managing Editqr proposal passed by the UFC which Susie Dunn announced that r Marches and rallies in gives students the opportunity, there are going to be Duke students Washington, Raleigh, and Fort with instructors' permission, to take remaining in Washington next week B ragg, educational forums, and a pass on their work to date or to to do "any kind of work" needed community action in Durham were receive an incomplete to be made there in organizing against the war. suggested as options for "continued up by August 31. ' 'Student representatives from action" against the war at a 7 p.m. ''Immediate and total all over the country, including mass meeting in Page Auditorium w i t hd rawal of American forces Duke" are meeting with Senator last night. from Southeast Asia is the one Fulbright today, she said, as an The steering committee formed demand" of a march scheduled for example of such action. at a noon rally on the quad tomorrow in Washington, D.C, Ken Dunn also announced that there presented the crowd of one Vickery, steering committee will be a march today at 1 p.m. in Photo by Diane Lubousky thousand with information Eddie Bragg talks at pro-union rally in front of Duke Hospital. member, said. Raleigh to demand that Governor concerning the "pass-fail" option The nonviolent protest is Bob Scott retract his telegram to passed by the Undergraduate planned for Lafayette Park, across President Nixon which said that he Faculty Council (UFC) earlier from the White House, although as "and the citizens of North yesterday, and suggestions for yet no permit for a rally there has (Continued on Page 8) Trustees may meet student action during the "time been issued, he said. freed" by the grading option. Rally Telegram For those who are "not prepared Protests Rich Reisman, chairman of the for arrest" another rally is planned on University Union, announced that further from the White House, he union election the Council had not decided to continue By Bob Entman students concerned with the send as a group the telegram Editorial Page Editor situation of non-academic opposing the war that President After saying that he would not employees and leaders of two Sanford sent Nixon yesterday. to mount recommend to the trustees that unions attempting to organize they allow an election concerning workers, local 1199D of the By Robert D. McFadden union recognition at Duke, National Union of Hospital and (C) 19 70 N.Y. Times News Service President Terry Sanford announced Nursing Home Employees and Activities N EW YORK-Strikes, yesterday morning that he was Local 77 (affiliated with the For information on the demonstrations and occasional "requesting the executive American Federation of State, marches in Washington violence continued yesterday in the committee of the Board of Trustees County and Municipal Employees) tomorrow and in Raleigh collegiate protest against the war in to meet as soon as possible to were invited to the meeting with today as well as plans to Indochina and the fatal shooting of consider the matter" of union Sanford and Charles Huestis, vice four Kent State University representation for Duke Hospital communicate with GI's at Ft. students. president for business and finance. Bragg see page 12. workers. (Continued on Page 9) —(CBS News announced The announcement came at the last night that 136 colleges end of a meeting with about 20 across the country have concerned students and labor Election sought closed down and that more leaders. During the meeting, than 300 are having strikes or Sanford repeated what he had said demonstrations. Late last in the Chapel Wednesday night that night, however, the Chronicle if there were an election, "Duke Rally aides union learned through a National would recognize" the winning Strike Coordinating Center at union. "But," he added, "I have By Ann Wightman of Hospital and Nursing Home Brandeis University 364 not said yes to an election." Hospital Editor Employees, AFL-CIO), called on schools are closed down Over 100 participants in a rally University President Terry Sanford, Photo by Davi (Continued on Page 3) Yesterdays meeting had been Sanford listening to students. organized in the wake of held yesterday at Duke Hospital to stop the "bullshit" and to Wednesday's discussions with heard Eddie Bragg of 1199D say respond to the demands of the Sanford. Representatives of that the workers "will do whatever students and the workers. is necessary" to change a system Bragg said that he had presented which "offers them only poverty two proposals to Sanford at their wages and second-class dignity." meeting yesterday morning. The Nixon reappraises Struggle The participants, who demanded first proposal was that Sanford that Duke's non-academic workers accept the I199D application cards By Robert B. Semple Jr. Working with visible urgency, he given the chance to choose their signed by Duke Hospital workers. (C) 19 70 N.Y. Times News Service Nixon promised, in an 80-minute discussed own union and that that union be check the signatures on those cards WASHINGTON-President conference with the presidents of recognized by University officials, with payroll files, and thus Nixon moved yesterday on a determine whether or not I199D eight. majpr universities, that he arrived at the hospital around 2:45 variety of fronts to repair his lines would henceforth restrain hostile at rally p.m. and circled the small grassy represents a majority of the hospital workers. of communication with the comments about students from By Mike Mooney area immediately in front of the campuses amid fresh evidence of high administration officials, ASDU editor hospital's main entrance. The second proposal, the one revolt against his policies within the including Vice President Agnew. Eddie Bragg, a national organizer Bragg, who is a vice president of Bragg called an "open democratic administration and among his He also summoned the governors of I199D, local of the National national 1199 (the National Union (Continued on Page 4) academic advisers. of all 50 states to meet here Union of Hospital and Nursing Monday and ordered his speech , Home Employees, AFL-CIO, writers to prepare material on the yesterday told a rally of oyer 500 student crisis for his news students that the war in Southeast conference at 10 p.m. today. Asia and the struggle to organize UFC approves pass-fail Aide resigns workers are related issues. At the same time, however, it The noon rally in front of the was learned that Arthur Klebanoff, chapel was organized by a student The Undergraduate Faculty the UKC, but would personally comments drew the only applause Council (UFC) voted yesterday to support the telegram. of the meeting. principal aide to Daniel Patrick group called the "Steering Moynihan, counseler to the Committee," formed last night to let students of Woman's College "Never recover" Marvin Osborn, associate and Trinity College apply for a President, had decided to resign and (Continued on Page 4) Irving Alexander, chairman of professor of religion, said: "Our pass-fail option, an X or an I in any psychology, said: "It we go ahead inaction will be a corporate would probably leave the White course, based on work done to May as a faculty to politicize ourselves inaction." He said the students are House today. The Director of the 7. we will never recover." Alexander's watching the UFC's action, or Health, Education' and Welfare Weather The proposal on grading was ? inaction, and will judge what the department's student liaison staff, On the homefront: Sunny and passed by voice vote. 5 Council does accordingly. Anthony J. Moffett, announced his warmer today, high in the mid-70's. In a second vote, the UFC£ Members opposing the motion, resignation Thursday. Low in the upper 40's tonight. defeated 55-26 a motion by o however, expressed the view that it Clear through tonight. High Thomas McCollough, associate | It was also learned that a group was not the UFC's function to of prominent Harvard professors Saturday in the low 80's. On the professor of religion, to endorse* officially comment on matters not shores of the Potomac: Mostly President Terry Sanford's telegram § would confer today with Dr. Henry officially concerning it. A. Kissinger, the president's adviser sunny today, high in the low 70's, to President Nixon. 2 After the meeting, 42 UFC low in the low 50's. Clear through on national security affairs, ai:d William Cartwright, chairman off mtmbers signed a statement announce publicly their break with tonight. High near 80, low in the education, said he could not endorsing Sanford's telegram to low 50's Saturday night. support the motion as a member of the administration's policies in UFC meeting. (Continued on Page 10) southeast Asia. Page Two The Duke Chronicle Friday, May 8, 1970

-Observer- A lifetime long and likely to last forever By Russell Baker-

WASHINGTON-It was April. President Eisenhower made it clear The interesting point, however, doubt whether the war actually putting American boys in." 1954, when Richard Nixon, then he would not take up the has to do with the student existed; in Vietnam there is no An. unpleasantness one has had Vice President of the United States, Frenchman's burden in Southeast malcontents who are carrying on so doubt that people die in violence with him an entire lifetime will first made news by suggesting that Asia, Dienbienphu fell, Vietnam vigorously against Mr. Nixon's but there is great dougt whether probably come to be regarded as a Americans make war in Indochina. was partitioned North and South, latest intervention. Most of them ideologies—Communism-, "free curse. If the old 7men who ' run "If in order to avoid further and America droned peacefully on would have been only three, four, world"—are at war there, as out Congress and were childrenduring Communist expansion in Asia and into the warm, comfortable depths five years old when Mr. Nixon first politicians insist, or whether we are the Spanish- American War still particularly in Indochina, if in of the Eisenhower years. spoke of this matter. merely caught in some kind of had to read about casualties on San No end in sight Asiatic con game, as brutal and as Juan Hill every time the newspapei order to avoid it we must take the Still within Indochina risk by putting American boys in. I Between Mr. Nixon's first pointless as Chicago politics. arrived, they would doubtles.' Now, sixteen years later—seven bellicose utterance and his latest, a think, too, that somebody in the believe that the executive branch of years of Eisenhower, three years of Whatever the fact about the war, the Government has to take the whole lifetime has gone by for most a person of college age today finds Government ought to have his Kennedy, five years of Johnson, people now on campus. policy examined. A few might be politically unpopular position of one year and three months of it possible to view his entire facing up to it and doing it, and I This may be a key to lifetime as a period bracketed by tempted to blow up the ROTC Nixon later—Mr. Nixon is still building. personally would support such a engaged with Indochina and once understanding the depth of the rage Mr. Nixon's declarations of decision," he told a convention of again reminding us of the political which so many express toward Mr. willingness to accept "the risk of (Continued on Page 10) newspaper editors that spring. danger he faces by doing whatever Nixon's policy. A while lifetime of The uproar created by these he does when he ties our armies engagement with Indochina. And no end in sight. And nothing that Published every Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of comments was quickly squelched; down there. me University year except during ynivarsity holiday and exam periods by anyone can do. No election, no the students of Duke university, Durham, N.C. Second class postage paid Congressional fulmination, no at Durham. N.C. Delivered by mall at lio.oo per year. Subscriptions, totters, and other inquiries should be malted to Sox 4696, Duke Station, change of President, from Durham, N.C. 27706. Eisenhower, to Kennedy, to Johnson, to Nixon, serves to Spectrum remove this dreary, meaningless, other-side-of-the-world, death-promising Indochina from PIZZA "Tango" Tickets Poli Sci Reps American man's fate. PALACE Tickets for the las uke Players To the young it must seem that •f Durtiam, N. i production of the s> 1 Mrozek's J in representing h it has already lasted forever, like MCI Hiiiioo'omh *o I "Tango," to De staged T •Sat., May 7 lolitical sclent 8est Pizza in Town 8 and 9 in trie Branson Arena Ttiea lergraduate Studii the war in 1984; indeed, it may Ph. U6-02S1 are now on sale in the Page Box of and on the main guad. Ticket prices prove to be the war Orwell foresaw scaled as follows: General admissi in 1984—that endless war the $3.00, Faculty-staff, $1.75 Studt n 214 Perkins Library by May 9. politicians invoked from time to $X-50. time to justify the ruling tyranny. In 1984, of course, there was Student Organ Recital Organ students of George Ritchie and A Great Gourmet Dinner — Our Cynthia Crittenden will present an organ recital in the University Chapel on FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Tuesday, May 12 at 4 p.m. Both the ifflttBc Mary Duke Biddle Holtkamp organ and 5 to 9 P.M. S 9 95 the Aeolian organ will be played. Spaghetti Supper for 2 with ^ ' 'Western Wear & Tack Pint Bottle Vintage Chianti Durham Group The Gourmet Center operating Complete riday. May 8, at 1:30 IVY ROOM RESTAURANT 204 Psych Bldg. Ail _Esi! Cosmopolitan Room & Delicatessen Line of Western Wear . its please attend. All Items Can Be Eaten Here—Or for Carry Out. b, Leading MonuFocju.e, Arransre a Date or Come in Pairs Men - Women - Children "ask about FREE KEY RING after your purchase" * SUCKS * SHIRTS Senior Recital ' JACKETS . HATS H TS On Saturday evening. May 9, at 8:15 • BELTS * P.m. in the Music Room of the East Duke Building, the Department of Music and many other items... will present, in his Senior Recital, DAVID DUDLEY, pianist. Mr. Dudley, a native of Rock vine, Maryland, is a student of Loren Withers. TRIP to the public. The program includes works by Schubert, Brahms, Oebussy, and Chopin. International Travel Consulting

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XojTBSPfmv the World LEE RIDER JACKETS When you are WORLD CAMPUS AFLOAT For Men and Boys IS A COLLEGE ON A SHIP ready for a good ttN'S LEE HIDEH JACKET LINED OR UNLINED AN UNDERGRADUATE TRANSFER SEMESTER lade ol thr same 13V,-oi. d*nim as Ihe Men's Style No. 101 Lee Riders, .anforiied. Form-liilintj wilh 2-way collar. Adiuslable waislbnnd.Irji.kel is FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDY n ade in ihe special palenied Lee design. Sizes 34, 36. 38. 40, 41, 44 46 money^aving deal 48, and SO. Slyl. No. 103 $7 Oft TALK WITH THE cone by or call ADMISSIONS COUNSELOR ON CAMPUS FRONTIER WESTERN WEAR & TACK SHOP DOWNTOWN HILLSBOROUGH THURSDAY ROOM 201 10 AM to 3 PM 118 Churton St. Ph. 732-4990 JBB PETE MARTIN FRIDAY FLOWERS BLDG l. W.dn.,4., 10 T. I Ml at FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: PLACEMENT CENTER 'NKW STORK OPENING SOON Carpenter's Chevy or BILL SAVAGE (STUDENT) 684-3499 WKLLONS VILLAGE" Downtown; Durham CHAPMAN COLLEGE, ORANGE, CAL. ?hon«g|B2-045I Friday, May 8, 1970 The Duke Chronicle Page Three •Strikes and violence continue across nation- (Continued from Page 1) and firebombs al National Tuscaloosa, where state police used Card Wiggins, was pushed, punched Adelphi University and Nassau which includes 114 on strike Guardsmen at the University of tear gas to break up student and jostled by the protestors. Community College were filed in [i.e., with 60% or more of the Wisconsin at Madison early demonstrations. Many campuses empty New York State Supreme Court, students striking.]) yesterday in the fourth successive Fire wrecked an administration Some campuses were all but and eight students of Wayne State Firebombs damaged buildings on day of street fighting. building at the Valparaiso, Ind., deserted today, either closed by University in Detroit obtained a at least four campuses, and fired of While most campus protests university campus. Other blazes administrative order or abandoned temporary injunction against the suspicious origin were reported at yesterday were peaceful, there were heavily damaged a student center at by students who left to participate cancellation of classes. six schools. Vandalism hit many many violent incidents. Armories Fordham University, a two-story in a massive antiwar rally scheduled Many campuses in the country schools, and National Guardsmen and Reserve Officer Training Corps bookstore at Marietta College in in Washington on Saturday. had no demonstrations and some used tear gas to disperse student offices caught the brunt of the Ohio, two buildings on the Organizers of the rally predicted individuals and organizations spoke demonstrators on several campuses. arson and firebombings. Southern Illinois University campus more than 35,000 persons would out against the antiwar activity. S.I. The 27 colleges of the Georgia Three firebombs were thrown at at Carbondale and a building at the amass outside the White House in Hayakawa, President of San university system were ordered the ROTC building at the University of Virginia at defiance of a Justice Department Francisco State College, said some closed Wednesday for two days. University of Nevada in Reno, Two Charlottesville. permit that authorizes only the use students were using antiwar Other school that canceled classes firebombs were hurled at a ROTC Another fire swept the ROTC of the area around the Washington activities "as a cheap excuse to for varying durations included office at Ohio University in Athens, headquarters at Case Western Monument. destroy building, institutions and Wellesley College and the Ohio. A gasoline-filled bottle set Reserve University in Cleveland. A coalition of students at 21 lives." Universities of Miami, Oregon, fire to an armory in Mankato, Demonstrations Ohio colleges and universities In New York City, the Board of Washington and Montana. Mills Minn. Elsewhere, young demonstrators announced plans for a march on the Education announced that all the College in Oakland suspended Firebombs also damaged blocked traffic and entrances to State Capitol in Columbus today. city's 900 public schools would be classes for the rest of the semester buildings at the University of San school buildings, held rallies and Gov. James A. Rhodes of Ohio closed today as a memorial to the and students went on strike at Francisco and Colorado College at took their protest marches off the said that any school in his state that four Kent State students. Whittier College, President Nixon's Colorado Springs. campuses and into the streets of was experiencing unrest should be On still other campuses, protest alma mater. Two buildings, including a college communities. shut. Afterward, Antioch College in took new forms. At Columbia, gymnasium, were destroyed by fire Students at the University of Yellow Springs, Ohio, announced where picketing students blocked Young protestors hurled rocks at the University of Alabama in Missouri and that it would offer "sanctuary" to the doorways to most campus burned effigies of President Nixon any Ohio students "evicted from buildings yesterday and classroom during rallies. their campuses" and to National activity was almost at a standstill, The University of Miami Guardsmen who were "unwilling to representatives of the canceled classes until Monday after follow the orders of their business-school students—joining 300 students blocked entry to the commanders in repressing the with others at Harvard, Dartmouth, school administration building. students of Ohio." Massac husetts Institute of At Cambridge, Mass., more than Support for President Nixon was Technology, New York University 100 demonstrators tried to enter registered in some student quarters and the University of the building that houses the office and in a few instances students who Pennsylvania—announced plans to of Harvard University's President, wanted to attend classes fought ''demonstrate to the Nathan N. Pusey, but were repulsed back. Administration that dissent need by university police. Harvard's not be radical and disruptive." Suits ask reopening Wall Street action seen Administrative Vice President. L. Suits asking the reopening of Their announced plans call for a KcrrBaldtein Knit Shop "joint action with the business Knitting Supplies, Fugs community" on Wall Street at noon Needlepoint, and instruction next Tuesday, and continuing 635 Broad St efforts to "contact members of the business community to solicit their ACROSS FROM EAST CAMPUS aid and support." While groups on and off Looking for a Swinging campuses were chartering buses and trains and making other plans to go New Place? to Washington Saturday, a group of medical students at Yale planned to join other medical students in a separate demonstration in Washington next week.

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Mangum St. 489-0600 or 489-6207 Located at 1-85 and Old 86 - Hillsborough Exit Phone 688-7525 ICE RINK CLOSED: APRIL 1st • Nov. 15th Page Four The Duke Chronicle Friday, May 8, 1970 Worker-student struggle- Engineers, nurses (Continued from Page 1 the students had acted responsibly, for anti-war candidates, in honestly putting forth out and that it was the turn of the —Excusals from class for a week meet on pass-fail politics," he said. faculty to act responsibly. Sanford in October to campaign, "We do believe that Sanford is "laid down the gauntlet to the —Direct contact with the people By Jinx Johnstone Unlike Trinity College and the trying to manipulate this struggle," faculty," he said. of Durham through speaking al East Campus Reporter Woman's College, the Engineering Handelsman continued. "We will Osborn said he had been "unable organization meetings, mass The question of whether the School faculty will vote in its continue to try to convince to keep behind the walls of let ter-writing to congressmen and pass-fail option which was passed entirety on any academic changes. everyone of that," he added. sanctuary of my profession." leafletting. yesterday by the Undergraduate According to Ann Jacobansky, "Maybe you don't agree with us Students should let the faculty —Co-ordinating students to go to Faculty Council (UFC) will be dean of the nursing school, the completely, maybe you don't agree know they support the pass-fail Washington on Saturday, extended to the school of entire faculty will meet some time with us at all," he said, "but if options, he added. —An all-University committee, engineering and the nursing school today. She said, "we generally you're concerned and want to do Recommendations appointed by ASDU President will be decided in meetings today. adopt what the UFC adopts, I see something, you have to organize Rich Reisman, another member Hutch TRaver and Sanford, to According to John Artley, dean no reasonable objection" to a yourselves." of the "Steering Committee," said study ROTC on campus, of the engineering school, "I feel it similar plan. "Concrete proposal" the proposal respected the rights of —Justification by the University is appropriate for us to pass John McKinney, dean of the Robert Osborn, associate those students who wanted to go to for the presence of AROD on something similar to the resolution graduate school, said that he did professor in the Religion class, and also "the rights of those campus, passed by the UFC." not "expect the question to arise" department, said he spoke to the students who are sensitive to the — Exploration and Artley said that there would be a pertaining to the graduate school as group "as a father with a draftable position of our country around the implementation of a peace meeting this morning of the they "already have the flexibility" son, a faculty member and a world." curriculum at Duke. Engineering Faculty Council to to accomodate the students. He citizen." Bob Feldman, chairman of the "draw up a motion for an said "we do not have any pass-fail Osborn said the pass-fail option ad hoe committee formed afternoon meeting at 4 p.m. with grade in our structure." Graduate later passed by the Undergraduate Wednesday to discuss proposals for the entire engineering faculty." students may already elect to take Faculty Council was a "concrete protesting the war and politically He said, "In my own apprasal at an incomplete and they have a full proposal" that would give students involving the University, said the Marshals this time, the motion will be similar year to have it removed. a change to participate in anti-war following recommendations have « Marshals for Washington to that passed by the UFC, but "I don't see any great activities. been made by the committee to % are needed. Call NSA at there is the possibility of some constraints involved," he said. "If He said President Sanford and Sanford: :| 387-5100 on or before Friday differences. My own indication is the student has earned his grade, he — Political persuasion through •:•: afternoon if you can help. that the majority of faculty will can take that or else he can take an Strike! the electoral process, campaigning endorse the same kind of thing." incomplete," McKinney said. The following is a partial list of colleges and universities that have The Iron Butterfly Live including In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida/ announced they are closing.

,ity liforr (through Sunday); Kent State University (indefinitely); all la campuses of Penn State University (indefinite); Boston University (end of term); Brown Are You Happy/Reg. $4.98 NOW ONLY $3.35 University (end of term); Tufts University (end of term); University of Notre Dame (end of week); Northwestern University (end of week); Also, the University of Connecticut (indefinitely); Seton Hall University [end of Also, the University of Connecticue (indefinitely); Seton Hall University (end of term); Rutgers University (indefinite); 8 Track or Cassette Reg. $4.98 Reg. $6.98 NOW $5.49 Sarah Lawrence (indefinite); Finch College (end of term). C.W. Post College

(indefinitely); Brooklyn Polytechnic C.W. Post College (indefinitely); Hofstra sity (indefinite Po'v titute 1 of tei "I- ersity of New (thrc y); South. of Long Island U. Ginger Baker's Air Force This great two record set Manhattanville College (indefinite Marymount College (indefinite). Collet of New York (through Friday). Also the 27 colleges of the Georg Reg. $10.00 NOW ONLY $6.98 y); Wellesley College and the Univt Miami, Oregon, Washingt Montana (varying duration College in Oakland (end o "Vhittier College (indefinitely). McCartney doing his own thing His first solo album -hospital- Reg. $5.98 NOW ONLY $3.99

(Continued from Page 1) process," is that the University conduct an open election offering 8 Track or Cassette tape Reg. $6.98 NOW ONLY $5.49 employees the choice of 1I99D, 77 (an independent local union affiliated with the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees), or no union at all. Speaking for 1199D, Bragg said, "We are not afraid of an election. -ATTENTION BUDGET CLASSIC BUYERS- We welcome it. We endorse it. We All Mono Budget Classics On The Following Labels f want it." Bragg said that although the Only 99C Each participants at the rally were Artia, Audio Fidelity, Baroque, Concert-Diac, Counterpoint-Esoteric, "wearing 1199 hats," they were Everest, Esoteric, Helidor, Monitor, Nonesuch, Turnabout, Vox, Vox- "pledging their support to the workers at Duke Hospital." Box, Urania, Pan, Crossroads, Everyman, Mace, Mk, Parliament, Period, "This is a student rally," said Pirouette, Scala. Bragg. "Students have begun to CHOOSE FROM ANY OF THESE LABELS ANY DISC 99c recognize that we are in a struggle against the establishment" and that workers and students "must struggle together," he said. Geraldine Lunsford, member of the steering committee of U99D characterized the rally as "beautiful, just beautiful." Lunsford said that she was "sure record bar that hospital administrators didn't H' expect the rally and that she was damn sure that they don't like it discount records and tapes very much." "The workers appreciate the students' support very much," Lunsford added. Friday, May 8, 1970 The Duke Chronicle Page Five

development is providing funds for international "law and order," and the CIA trains its own select native commandos. You What does all this have might call this Vietnamization of the world. Gov. Nelson Rockefeller, after returning from his Latin America junket, openly indicated the new trend. "It is my judgment," he said before a House to do with the war anyway? subcommittee, "that our interests can best be served by...continuing the military aid "It won't help for those of you who are Jones, who cleans the Biological Sciences program relating to equipment for internal I to the escalation of the war to shut Building for SI.83 an hour. "I'm never able security purposes." the University down, and I don't think it to go to the store and buy a balanced meal," Coincident with the emphasis on more means one thing to President Nixon if she says, "I buy some beans one day, maybe discreet military aid, the corporate colleges close down. That would have no real a chicken the next, but never really a policy-makers also plan to rely on new effect. I think we can find a more creative balanced meal." Several of her children need techniques of economic control. A Nixon way.'" dental care or new glasses, but they have to task force on foreign aid headed by Rudolph Terry Sanfo ™ wayed a crowd of over wait. "After we spend what money we have A. Peterson, chairman of the Bank of 1300 students j these words Wednesday. for rent there isn't much left." America, and an International Development 3's outspoken opposition Mrs. Jones, like most workers here, makes Conference consisting of business and civic Through groups and funded by major corporations to the war^-1 nly seemed to many that just a little more than the government-set poverty minimum, $3500. have recently proposed new approaches to the University foreign aid. They advocate greater emphasis influence again Presiding over the University, its students on multilateral efforts, such as an Overseas He promts and workers, its academic technicians, its Private Investment Corporation and the "constructive i military and industrial research, are a coterie World Bank, which are run by corporate just now and i ^f corporation and foundation executives oligarchs. their only place!\ A 'w :orm its board of trustees. The men Easily 'gno^lll his\ For years United Nations statistics have moment were those nasty o% shown that the Western nations (that is, the University as a home::, of military Reynolds Tobacco, Free World) have progressively extracted and training, as an industrial tool, as :te, the Aluminum >om the underdeveloped countries raw oppressor of workers. , and the Foreign laterials at a low cost and sold to them And what does all this have to do with Service Institute also set the University's |ijshed goods at a relatively higher cost. the war, anyway? priorities. The conditions today that dictate Tfiis robbery the UN has euphemistically It would seem on the surface at least that so much involvement with-the military and termed a "worsening of the terms of trade." there is only a tenutous line between Duke, the corporations and so much poverty Now these corporations will be able to the military, industry, and Vietnam. the non-academic employees have been manipulate the economies and the governments of the Third World, even more However, when you look beneath the created by them. so than they have in the past. veneer of scholarship and academic freedom, Many of these men and their corporate you find that the line, connecting these counterparts all over the country are quite In all of this, the men who govern institutions becomes a maze that is vital fcq<" liberal. They, like Terry Sanford, oppose the .merica's corporations and universities have the survival of all of them. ; extension of the war into Cambodia. But been guided by a belief that capitalism is the Although at Duke ;±he maze is not as they do so not because they have realized answer to the world's problems. They have important and, therefore, not as < complex a$ America acted immorally in Vietnam. Most coupled this conviction with a singular desire at other universities, it*still.illustrates howf of them supported and helped initiate to control the hierarchy of this new the system works. 1 B America's actions in 1965. capitalist world. Many of these men are like Safely hidden from >.those in the.; Now, however, in response to the failure Terry Sanford and Duke's trustees, shrewd, classrooms, Duke sponsors;-, a variety of • smooth, and deceptive in dealing with the -of U.S: military efforts in Vietnam and the public, ^k research activities in which industry and the snowballing public opposition to it, they military work side-by-side.- : feel, like Terry Sanford, that America was Those who heard Sanford Thursday night With the consolidated University of "wrong." "If we have learned anything," iin Page saw first-hand an example of North Carolina, it controls the Research says David Packard, Deputy Defense corporate image-making. He told students Traingle Park, second largest industrial park secretary and leading California there that Duke would recognize a union in the country. Over 40 Duke faculty industrialist , "It is that il is not very easy to chosen by the workers in a "properly members worked there last year as :ve any of our foreign problems with our supervised election." But in a private consultants for the Department of Defense, military capability." meeting with fewer students yesterday, he IBM, Monsanto Chemical, Tectmitrol, and added "1 have not said yes to an election." To take the place of American troops, He declared others had "superior rights" additional private and government agencies. these corporate policy-makers have found a The Research Trianglelnstitute a 0uke-UNC over the workers and that he could not more subtle, technological means. The new "take a position contrary to what the whole subsidiary inside the large park, helps military policy, dubbed a "low-profile" professors get together with industry and the medical establishment thinks." He had new, military. Last year it received over approach, involves reducing the inflated and different personal thoughts about a one-fourth -of its revenue from war-related military machine overseas and instead union. "I'm not sure I do think it's a good research. substituting native, U.S.-trained idea. I'm not prepared to say I'd recognize a counter-insurgency armies and police. union." George Herbert, president of the Already the Agency for International Institute, predicted then that more defense work, especially classified projects, would be By Alan Ray conducted there in the future. The me« who : run the Institute believe this is vital to the : country's future. Herbert and at leaSt two-' vice-presidents are members of the American Ordinance Association, which Senator George McGovern recently labeled "one of the top lobbying agencies of ihe military-industrial complex." Duke also aids the military in the Army Research Office. Through it the University has contracted with 27 government agencies to hire professors from all over the country to advise arsenals and government laboratories. One Duke professor worked on President Nixon's Safeguard system. "It is possible," according to Dr. Francis Dressel, coordinator of the Duke-AROD office, "for an arsenal to call up today and say we'd like to hire some professor, and for that professor to fly to the arsenal the next day." The faculty here appears determined to keep the AROD office. The Academic Council formed a committee to e\;imine war-related research on campus hist year. As chairman of the group it chose the head of the physics department, Dr. Henry Fairbank, who has received numerous grants through AROD. Needless to say, the Army was washed colorless in the committee's report. To subsidize its spectrum of industrial and military research and the high salaries its senior faculty receive, Duke must have cheap labor. Thus, it pays its non-academic employees the minimum they will suffer They had not received a significant salary increase until 1968, when 1500 Vigilers demanded that wages be raised to the $1 00 minimum. Even now, most workers live like Mrs '—AND IF I'M NOT BACK IN SIX WEEKS Wi)t ©uke Cfjnmicle | The Student Press of Duke University Founded in 1905 On to Washington- There is no longer any excuse for those of us in the University community who are committed to action against the wars in Indochina to stay on the sidelines. The disorganization of the past few days has been corrected. The UFC has agreed to a plan which, though it falls far short of shutting down classes or meeting University-related issues, gives motivated students a chance to leave their studies for the time being in order to work for peace. One proper focus for our activities which we can use is the mass demonstration in Washington on Saturday. This march will prove to the Nixon regime, to our country, and to the people in Indochina who look to us for support (and this includes the growing number of American troops who would come home immediately if they were set free by their rulers) that we have not given up and that the latest madness has only strengthened our resolve. The fact that this march on Washington, the fourth in a seemingly unending series, will prove the continuing unity of American students and radicals in our struggle against war does not mean that we are going to succeed. Just as the march ori the'Pentagon in 1967 did not by itself The lessons of history change Lyndon Johnson's policies, the march on the White House tomorrow will not by itself change Nixon's decision to expand the war beyond any previous levels. We must not go to Washington, throw our existential rock at the President's.marvsion, and then return satisfied that By Eric Widmer we had done our bit for peace, love, and freedom. The demonstration tomorrow must serve as a prelude to further efforts. (C) 197 0 N.Y. Times News Service had an even greater impact in us a number of helpful comments It gives us a chance to be with students from other parts of the country There is not much point in Peking, where they made the failure on this sensitive subject. Strung and to see that the anti-war movement is gbigger and more diverse than we suggesting now how we might have of the Ming policy quite apparent together, they come out something might realize while secluded in our Gothic haven. We are part of a national avoided getting bogged down in to the new emperor, Hsuan-Te. He like this: effort, and taking part in tomorrow's activities fulfills a responsibility to Vietnam. But in view of the became head of a "withdraw from "Why should we take our brothers across the country. And bringing the struggle back to our embarrassment about getting out, Vietnam" party at court, and Chinese troops, horses, perhaps the simple awareness that promptly carried out the new money and provisions and home state and community is even more vital if we are serious about another country—apart from the policy. waste them in such a hot, commitment to the preservation of human life. emasculated French empire—has Le Loi becaome king of Vietnam desolate, and useless place? It All of the activites, whether in Washington, other cities across the solved a similar problem can lessen and carried on Vietnamese relations is definitely in the class of country, or North Carolina, are equally important and are connected. the unthinkability of prompt with China, as before. By the 18th not being worth it....Le is Nobody should feel that they are making a lesser contribution if they withdrawal. century, however, his family's rule timorous and incompetent... decide to stay here to carry on work that might seem less glamorous. The We resist the comparison with had declined. Scared to death of a after his country was essential thing is for everyone to do something, regardless of the location, France, but what about China? rebellious Southerner named recovered he was unable to to help save the lives of our fellow men and to save ourselves. Historians of Si no-Vietnamese Nguyen Hue, the bungling Le King revitalize himself...obviously relations have shown that twice in fled from Hanoi in 1788. In China, it is a case of heaven having the last several centuries, China has Emperor Ch'ien-L ung thus faced become disgusted with the Le extricated itself from Vietnam. the venerable question of whether family. We cannot protect —And after Thus, while we get more or not to intervene in behalf of his him. Even if we chase away The events of this week must be only the beginning of a long Cambodian prescriptions from the loyal tributary monarch. Nguyen Hue how can we : Administration, a little history continuing struggle designed to liberate the campus, the community, the At first it was suggested that a guarantee that there will not might also be trotted out. be more Nguyen Hues, again country and the world from the forces of death and oppression. The show small contingent of, quite literally, In the early 15th century, for "special forces," be sent to coming out to cause of unified campus support for the goals of ending the Southeast Asian war, example, the Yung-lo emperor of Vietnam. These troops, trouble?...The environment ending American militarism and ending society's oppression of minorities the Ming dynasty became actively furthermore, would act only as of that place is inhospitable. is a most heartening result of the Cambodian and Kent State tragedies. engaged in an attempt to bring advisers, following the loyalist It is not worth any great This type of unified spirit must not be allowed to wither with the coming Vietnam more firmly inside the rim Vietnamese soldiers in order to give involvement...and the people of summer. of Chinese influence. A puppet them confidence. But Ch'ien-Lung of that country are trapped Here or the Duke campus, recent events have opened an unprecedented ruler was installed, but when he was skeptical. between the points of arrows number of channels of actions for students to take. We must all take failed to pan out, a border crisis What is the difference—he and bayonets. Inside or was manufactured and the Ming advantage of them. asked—between sending special outside of China, it makes no armies entered Vietnam. Along forces and sending in troops? difference: foreign people are The option of taking final course grades or pass-fails from the student's with the military occupation and Unfortunately, however, the also innocent and defenseless. present standing will enable those with real commitments to fulfill them. economic exploitation of the emperor relied too heavily on the There are some things which For example: country went the building of exhortations of an ambitious local our heart cannot endure." -Student action has given the unionization effort among hospital schools and Confucian temples, for Chinese official. Gen. Sun Shih-I, Subsequently Nguyen Hue did workers new impetus. Rallies and other mass action will be coming up the whole venture was excused as a and it was decided to dispatch a expel King Le, and he was next week. Sanford has vaccilated on the idea of elections but a strong means of showing the Vietnamese military force to Vietnam. Why immediately invited to Peking. organizational push on the part of workers, aided by students, might force people how Confucianism really escalate? Nguyen Hue accepted this worked (although at least one an election, regardless of what doctors or administrators wish. Workers will Why escalate? invitation. The occasion of his Chinese general had to be reminded General Sun accomplished the arrival was a festive event. He need a lot of moral and physical support. that his job was to pacify, not -Sanford has promised to establish a University-wide committee tc aim of keeping the Le King on his received the Chinese calendar and slaughter, the population). throne, and then hastily sent off a camel seal from Ch'ien-Lung, as evaluate the roles of ROTC, AROD and military research in general on the Withdrawal policy memorial to Peking, asking well as some Ginseng for his Duke campus. As of now this committee seems to be only advisory, but Ultimately, of course, Vietnam permission to attack the rebel base mother. Everyone lived happily students can make damn sure that this body hears all the sides of the issue; did not become a 16th province of in the South. But the emperor and ever after, or at least until the that there is continuing on-campus pressure for the removal of the China, just as it will not become grand council demurred. The lessons of history were once more military, and that the entire campus learns exactly why this military our 51st state. The stagnating limited aims of the intervention has forgotten. involvement is totally inconsistent with the purposes of the University. Chinese army, unsure of why it was been achieved. Why escalate the -A rally will be held in Fayetteville next Saturday, as Fort Bragg holds in Vietnam, made a good target for war further? Instead General Sun Eric Widmer is an assistant' its open house. The organization of men within the military has been the prototype guerilla leader, Le was sent orders to withdraw from professor of Asian history at Vietnam. Ch'ien-Lung has also left pushed ahead by the invasion of Cambodia. News reports come in every Loi. But Le Loi's elephant attacks Brown. day of men strongly reluctant to continue the killings, men who refuse to move out when ordered, men who refuse to fire their guns. These men Letters to the editor need your support perhaps more than anyone else, for they must struggle from within. A large turnout in Fayetteville will, as the USO says, show them you care. No guns for campus cops -If ever there was a time when the people in Durham would respond favorably to antiwar leafletting, that time is now. All people are at least Previously there may have been uneasy about the course the war has taken under Nixon's leadership. And Editor, The Chronicle: symbolic and practical. furthermore all the concerned some justification for the belief while some people are demonstrating in Washington, others should try to According to the Wednesday's Chronicle the SDS-sponsored factions in our community ought Lo that weapons could be trusted to show the people around here exactly why the war is wrong, and what they meeting Tuesday night had be able to unite in support of it. the hands of the uniformed services should do about it. difficulty in deciding on practical THE SECURITY FORCES ON in our country. AL Kent State, There are many things to do. The suspension of typical University action that could be taken by those CAMPUS SHOULD NO LONGER however, we have seen a military business may help to spark an internal "revolution" which emphasizes not of us in the Duke community who CARRY FIREARMS, force of the national government wish to lessen the level of violence grades, but education; not credits, but real thought. We are heartened that The reason supporting this shoot civilians, apparently after people have recognized that abstract pursuit of knowledge tends to lose all used by our government at home becoming frightened. and abroad. demand is ;i truism: guns can be the meaning when people are being murdered. We urge all students and faculty instruments of death. In our society' Eliminating guns will not of to continue to learn, to study, to teach and to act continually to build The purpose of this letter is to Lhey arc a very common instrument co ursc e I i m i na I e violence. justice, stability and peace in this chaotic world. suggest an issue that is both of violent death. (Continued on Page 7) Friday, May 8, 1970 The Duke Chronicle Page Seven More letters to the editor -Campus cops, old wars, an end to violence- (Continued from Page 6) police. Clearly the Duke security The only way to attain our goals Hopefully it would reduce the force does not want to shoot Too young Into heads is by talking with these presently death rate and eliminate the students. Perhaps there are good antagonistic elements of society, possibility of accidental deaths. (It and by helping them to change reasons for arming them; if so, we Editor, The Chronicle: Editor, The Chronicle: is hard to beat somone to death should be told what they are. what is now in their heads. I have a little brother named I am writing because there are, I accidentally.) Presumably students The issue is obviously more think, a few things that can be And this implies more than heads will continue to be beaten Patrick. He's a cute little boy of 11 leafleting. It means knocking on complex than I can argue in this who lives out in the country with learned from the events of the last and rocks will still be thrown at the letter. few days. doors, speaking with these people, occupying militia. But there is a our parents. Patrick has a dog Although in more civilized Boycotting classes and living in their communities, qualitative difference between names Mary and he likes to read working with them, and respecting countries police forces are and play "Monopoly" and work on peacefully demonstrating are dying of gunshot wounds and unarmed, in America our military them. getting one's head cracked. cars when he isn't in school. He's a ineffective here, and accomplish no and especially our paramilitary good little brother and he cried significant social action. These I think we have only gone a Police forces without guns even forces wear guns as if they were when I left home for school. actions give these frustrated people small part of the way, because the • find that students would be less badges. The real harm comes when issues are much bigger than In eight years Patrick will something to do, and allow many quick to resort to deadly weapons. they use them. It is incumbent to believe they are doing something Vietnam or Cambodia, or economic The Kent State massacre was upon the University as the seat of participate in a lottery to determine issues. Unless peoples' heads are his draft status. In eight years my useful. It makes them feel good, committed by soldiers under the some of the noblest sensibilities and and little else. straightened out, there will be more military discipline of the national the highest wisdom in a society to brother will pray that Feb. 25 is wars, and more inhumanity. And drawn last. He will have grown and And some people blocked traffic only by helping all people to open government. It is the discipline of discourage increasing violence by at the circle, which means they our Duke security forces as tight as disarming its own security forces. matured much by then. their eyes and take a good look will He will realize that if he inconvenienced other people, these problems be alleviated. that which an army enforces? Both moral and practical wisdom nothing more, nothing less. Space and competence do not seem to dictate this move. questions, he will be ignored, if he MikeSobel "72 dissents, he will be harmed, if he Although violence has been allow me to debate in detail the William Brandon, Jr. historically effective, and can serve issue of guns for Duke's campus complies, he will be a party to one Graduate School of the greatest wastes of lives and as a lesson, man should become money in which the United States civilized and begin to reverse his has ever involved itself. brutal history, rather than let it THE COLONIAL INN deteriorate further. He's an adorable little boy of 11. This implies seeking a different Choose from: .95 In eight years President Nixon's means to settle our conflicts. Action is 10 different meats and 10 vegetables successor may have ended the We should remember that Have A Great Meal For draft—in which case Patrick need violence has always brought with it not fear for his life. intolerance and repression, sought at something man has not yet left in ONLY 15 MIN FROM Nixon's successor may have the past. In looking at mankind's extricated all United States forces progress, what has truly been DUKE ON HGWY 70 WEST!! from foreign lands where they are accomplished? We have traded law school neither needed nor wanted, from religious wars for ideological wars. 1759 - 1969 the internal affairs of foreign Does this represent progress? By Connie Blankenship countries, from the college What can be done to alleviate A proposal suggesting alternate Serving 5:30 9:00 P.M. campuses where angry and this situation? ways to complete the academic frightened young people are truly I sat it out this year, and said the year at the law school was drafted concerned about America and hell with it. Ultimate change I "In the Center of by 20 law students last night and Americans. learned, can only come from will be presented to the law school An Historic Village" working with the people, and I am faculty at 8:30 a.m. today. In eight years all this may have not speaking of college people. V. V. "Pete" Thompson, The committee of 20 was happened. Until then Patrick will Maybe the "silent majority" can be selected by approximately 120 law Innkeeper play and work and grow. 11 is not won over, or at least their children students, out of a total student so old. It's too young to have such can be, if properly educated, body of 250, at an ad hoc meeting an old war waiting for him. indoctrinated, or whatever one yesterday. Anne Cunningham '73 wants to call it. "We anticipate the faculty 2 Arm bone. 13 Footgear. 40 Anien. responding affirmatively," a 3 With 20-A, 21 Current 42 Philippine PUZZLE month: abbr cloth. member of the committee said. By William Lutwiniak 23 Siouan. Run "And we intend to participate in by 39-D. 25 Student's — LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN ON demonstrations in Washington and ACROSS 60 Papua. 4 New venture 27 Olympic —. DOMESTIC & IMPORTED BEERS & WINES 1 Is busy. 62 African 28 Popular Durham even if the proposal is 5 Varlet. PARTY SETUPS & KEG SEER 5 Chore. garnish. 50 Breaches. denied." 10 Over­ 153 Golfbag item. 29 Is outdone. JIM'S whelms : 64 Slight color. •ICE - PARTY SNACKS collorj. 65 Descartes. 7 GI address. uncles. 52 Concerning. On being questioned if anything 14 African 66 39-D's 32 — de suite. PARTY 6 DAYS was being planned by the law specialty. 9 Legal orders 33 Record. 54 Olympian. 15 Bibulous 67 Kefauver. 10 39-D's first 10: 0AM 286-9906 students as a group, the member 68 Overindulge. 34 Pee wee —. 56 Mountain: 2 Blocks From Duke Corner said, "We are aiming to link up with 16 Oriental DOWN 11 Bypass. 36 Originate. pref. STORE t° TRENT & HILLSBOROUGH RD. 1 Weather 12 African 57 Carry on. 11:30 P.M other law students in lobbying 17 Look — watercourse and 30-A. 58— breeches. (visit). against the war in Cambodia. And. 18 Hole —. we are going to try to work with 19 Italian resort. Crown Cut Rate Party Store law students from Penn State on 1 20 See 3-D. 2S2S Fiyctteville problems of urban relations. We 22 Terrier. will also do some leafletting and 24 Available. Domcctk k ImpcrUd beer and win*. 26 Midi season. will be especially concerned with 27 Emulates We have delivery •erric*. Palmer. student legal problems, like arrest, 30 See 39 Down. M.-Th. 7:00-11:00 and so on." 35 On hifih. 36 French Fri. t Sat. 7:00-11:45 37 Bill. 38 Fall abort. 39 Places for •L J|-—JPt- 40 Stringed instrument. 41 "All Aboul 42 Peeps. LITTLE ACORN 43 Evaluates. 44 Capitol Hill • ••lIIaEESIIil activities. 11 JZ S3 M' ^H5:J 5fl G 46 Rhone RESTAURANT tributary. 47 Wayfarer's 706 Rigsbe* Ave. ATTENTION: COLLEGE 48 Playing card, - IKL_. SENIORS of yore. 51 Gaffe. Serving Quality Food Daily & Sunday Need a new or used car? 55 39-D's ® Field Enterprises, Inc., 1970 S/S/70 11 a.m. till 9 p.m. Alexander Ford has a special plan for you...with o Yesterday's Puzzle CRYPTOGRAM - y Lois Jones little or no down Expert CATERING Service payment! Come in and see 1 or call Steve Thompson at FRIGIDARMS LIME-RUNGFUE DM111 131313 "Specializing in fried chicken, 688-2311 or 477-8444 for nnnnn_nnr-i!n nun ONCE ONEU RUG ADS CLUE barbeque, ct brunswick 8tew" , details of the exclusive offer...designed especially FUN. Wide Selection of Menu for COLLEGE SENIORS Hiann Yesterday's cryptogram: Disconsolate old Steve Thompson '71 LMUUU ULUL Mild •typ#s* aaagungiio UQEBEI dietician ate pulrid parsnips on purpose and nnnra ranrap nonim "Part* Room Available" Ulj'!U_ljjj|jjl liuubju Take Out Orders—AQ Food Pnrk»$erf Fer To* Cnrt IT Detfre* Phono W. p. Dovit 682-4567 Page Eight The Duke Chronicle Friday, May 8, 1970 Washington officials assure demonstrators permission By David E. Rosenbaum demonstrate closer to he front of in the peace movement, such as (C) 1970 N.V. Times News Service the White House. But one of them Charles Palmer, president of the WASHINGTON-Govemment indicated that H Street was National Student Association, who officials privately assured yesterday acceptable, saying "it's all ironed expect a much larger turnout. More the organizers of the anti-war out now." than 250.000 were at the rally al demonstration scheduled here for Government spokesmen the Washington Monument last tomorrow that a rally on H Street. meanwhile reiterated their public November, a demonstration that across Lafayette Park from the position that the Washington followed months of planning. White House, would be allowed to Monument grounds were a Officials frazzled go on as long as it remained preferable site for the rally. Walter The haste with which the plans peaceful. Washington, the mayor of are now being made has Washington, toured the monument The leaders of the New government officials frazzled. Results for yesterday's cheerleading election were unavailable. Mobilization Committee to End the grou.ids today, and the city began A government spokesman said: War in Vietnam professed publicly to erect a speakers stand and install "Before we knew how many buses to be annoyed that they could not sound equipment, even though the were coming, where they were protest leaders say they will not be going to park, where people were In Washington used. going to housed, what kinds of The officials expressed people were coming. We don't -Page- confidence that, with the White know any of this today," House and Lafayette Park across As a result, security operations Fear is growing (Continued from Page 1) the street, cordoned off and from the Justice, Defense and Carolina" supported Nixon's move inaccessible, the rally could be Interior Departments, the city and By Max Frankel conservatives in Congress were in sending troops into Cambodia. controlled. other agencies met throughout the (C) 1970 N.Y, Times News Service alarmed by the failure to consult Seminars 30,000 expected day. WASHINGTON-The confidence them on what they took to be a Hutch Traver, ASDU president, The Mobilization Committee Weekend days off have been of just a week ago—euphoria, some policy shift. said that seminars were being says that it is expecting 30,000 cancelled for District of Columbia called it—is suddenly gone from this The news from the front only planned for Monday and Tuesday persons to come to Washington for policement and other local capital and in its place there is fear added to the dismay, for officials dealing with the draft, ROTC, the demonstration, and city police policemen. All members of the and the anxious activity inspired by began to believe that Nixon's military research on Duke campus reported that they considered this District National Guard will be fear. impassioned rhetoric had built up and the relation of the workers' to be as accurate as any estimate. training in armories this weekend, expectations of a historic military struggle with the war. But the demonstration was but the Guard has not yet received There is fear of violence this operation instead of a grueling slog Each seminar will run four organized so hurriedly—no plans a request to be on the street. weekend as tens of thousands of in the Cambodian murk. times, at 2 and 4 p.m. on Monday were made before President Nixon's antiwar demonstrators prepare to Some of the highest officials of and Tuesday, he said. speech on Cambodia last A Pentagon spokesman said that parade just as close to the White this government were asking Steve Handelsman, SDS Thursday—that both the police and there has been "appropriate House as nervous officialdom will themselves how they could have spokesman and member of the the demonstrators believe the precautionary planning" for allow. There is fear that the embarked on an apparently useful steering committee, announced that 30.000 figure to be little more than possible use of troops in connection psychological value of that military exercise without due there would be other seminars a guess. with the demonstration but that as determined show of strength on the regard for the consequences at concerning Duke workers. There are many here, including of today no units had been alerted Cambodian battlefield is being home. In fact they were wondering He went on to explain that some in the government and many to duty. dispelled by the turmoil on the whether an operation that has SDS-WSA, the faction of which home front. There is fear of further become the cause of such Duke SDS is a part, is not the dissension inside the dissension and is now firmly limited Weathermen, but believe "that a government—what if Vice President in time to six more weeks and in worker-student alliance is the best Agnew fails to take the hints to scope to about 20 miles inside tactic" for making basic social "taper down" the assaults on young Cambodia, could possibly still change. people? demoralize the enemy in the He also said that people who manner intended. were interested in "these seminars" Deempha size war should also meet in front of the A news analysis Throughout the past year, it has Labor Department in Washington been the primary objective of Saturday afternoon. Nixon and his top advisers to chase Community Action To turn the tide yet again is the war off the front pages of the Because most people in Durham obviously the purpose of President world, to demonstrate to the "don't really think about the war" Nixon's hurriedly called news insurgents that they could engineer community action in Durham is conference tonight, and of the public support for a still muscular needed. Bill Kennedy told the frantic consultations now with performance on the battlefield and group. students and college presidents and to dispel the rebel's feeling that He said door to door contact governors and cabinet members. Hanoi's fate and fortune was the with Durham residents and draft With reporters poised to break central concern of all mankind. counseling in the high schools will through the prepared answers for a This was the strongest card left be organized to "bring it all back to real glimpse of the man at this in the American deck, foreign the people." moment of tension, even while policy planners used to say. And Earlier in the evening a member some young people may be even those who winced at some of of the audience who identified preparing to break through the the rhetoric of the President and himself as a "nonacademic elaborate barriers that are to be Vice President nonetheless employee" had suggested that erected around the White House, marveled at their skill and students could get people in the the President faces his most diplomatically useful success in community to telegram state difficult public test to date. carrying the public along over the senators and representatives in Sense of turnabout past six months. Washington to support McGovern's It is almost impossible to Overconfidence apparent amendment to cut off funds to Marchers were videotaped by hospital personnel yesterday. exaggerate the startling sense of Even insiders have had trouble Vietnam to the appropriations bill. turnabout here.. Until Wednesday squaring these considerations with GI's United morning, it was still this the President's decision to move A "counter Armed Forces Day Faculty telegram Administration's clear intention to into Cambodia and to resume some rally" organized by GI's United at ride out the protest with appeals to bombing of North Vietnam last Fort Bragg will be held next The undersigned faculty members, following the meeting of the patriotism, the President's duty as week. They are reminiscing now Saturday in Fayetteville, Steve Undergraduate Faculty Council endorsed the statement sent to President commander in chief and the about the hard-won gains in the Hoffius announced. Nixon Wednesday, by both Terry Sanford, president of Duke and Kenneth long-range benefit of his decision to opinion polls, about the Rennie Davis, of the Chicago Pye, dean of the Law School, which reads as follows: move troops into Cambodia. "unleashing" of Agnew against conspiracy, Jane Fonda, and author We implore you to consider the incalculable dangers of an They knew there would be dissenters and the television Mark Lane wil! speak at the rally at unprecedented alienation of America's youth and to take immediate dissent, officials said, but the networks and newspapers who 1 p.m. at Rowan Street Park in action to demonstrate unequivocally your determination to end our majority would go along, especially spread the dissent and about the downtown Fayetteville. Students military presence in Vietnam. when it became clear that Nixon sense of political invincibility that are also encouraged to go onto the had chosen a quite moderate form came over the President's closest base after the rally to talk with GI's Thomas McCollough John RieDel of escalation, designed to hasten advisers, especially the more about the war, Hoffius said. William Cartwright Cliff Wing the troop withdrawals and to conservative among them, Peter Carbone Richard Leach Two faculty members also spoke John Fein protect American interests in the throughout the winter. to the group. Richard Kramer of John Cell Middle East and elsewhere through Oddly enough, some of the Richard Searles a new exertion of prowess and will. the psychology department said James Price conservatives themselves were that the "faculty aren't that bad," iryan Carl Rose Depth of passion apparent warning each other that the public's James Bonk Dana Ripley and suggested that "although it is John Hanks Harry Partin But suddenly the depth of support, though surprisingly broad, hard, get your head together." Stephen Uhalley passion in what is still presumed to was probably wafer thin and they Annie Leigh Broughton Willi; l Kalki be a dissenting minority became worried about a bad turn in the Thomas McCullough of the Donald Fluke .1. Pavlc religion department discussed the Donald Roy M.T. Parlier apparent. The killing of four economy or the war. What they did anti-war telegram that he and Donald Stone JanePhilpott students at Kent State University not expect, but have now come to Hugh Hal! Francis Newton several other professors had signed Paul Welsh had an effect. So did the impact of suspect, is that overconfidence as individuals and sent to Nixon. He Edward Maho ley Richard Aguila the untimely presidential reference itself could contribute to their Norman Thon Charles Young to some student radicals as "bums." encouraged students to remain Eric Meyer Robert Osborne taking a policy turn too sharply and "rational" in their further action. Alan Jenks Henry Clark So did the awareness that even too fast. Friday, May 8, 1970 The Duke Chronicle Page Nine Picture •Union vote discussed- of Nixon Vice President for Health Affairs, would not say whether he thought hospitals. Eddie Bragg, a national vice William Anlyan before making a they would act to recognize 1199D Bragg said that a rally will be president of 1199, presented recommendation to the trustees. or to hold an open election. held next Thursday in support of removed Sanford with a proposal to "hold Sanford said he could not "take a Sanford replied "No" when hospital workers. "If we have a an open election which will include position contrary to what the asked if he would recommend to By Jean Cary 1 large confrontation we want it 1199, Local 77, no union at all, or whole medical establishment the trustees that they allow an before school closes down," he Feature Editor whoever wants to be on the ballot," thinks." election. "I would not fight" for an The only picture which said. "We want students to be Local 77 sent no representative. Asked what would happen if he election, the president said, involved." President Nixon has sat for since Right to union decided that he was in favor of although Bragg maintained that taking office as President has been holding an election but Sanford has "a lot of weight" with "Vacillation and bullshit" was Asked if he agreed with Bragg Bragg's description of the Sanford removed from its position at the that the workers in Duke Hospital administrators of the hospital the trustees. back of the Moot Court Room in remained opposed, Sanford replied meeting. Asked for comment, "have an inalienable right" to Bragg said that if the trustees did Sanford said "That's not my kind the Duke Law School and placed in decide whether they want union "I don't know." a vault. Dean Kenneth Pye not either agree to an election or of language." representation, Sanford said he was Asked how he would respond to recognize 1199D as the bargaining Sanford said that the first time explained that the picture will "not at all certain" and that there the submission of these pledge remain in the vault "while feelings agent for hospital workers, the unionization problem can be may be "superior rights." "I'm not cards, Sanford said they would be "Confrontation, strikes" would examined by the whole board of are up." sure I do think it's a good idea. I'm handed over to the trustees "where The picture was removed after become "necessary." But he added trustees is at their next meeting, not prepared to say I'd recognize a this decision is made." that "I'm not in favor of strikes. I scheduled for Commencement Dean Frank Read received word union," Sanford said. Sanford indicated that at the that the picture was in danger. don't want to polarize. I don't want Week. Sanford said that any decision proposed extra-ordinary session of to make Durham an other He also said, in answer to a The picture, painted by Mr. King on whether to hold such an election the trustees executive council, Charleston." The latter comment in Winston-Salem, was given to the student's question, that he did "not would have to be made by the consideration would be given to the referred to long and a bitter want to get into" the question of Law School by several of the Duke board of trustees. He said that submission of union pledge cards hospital strike which 1199 led last Law School alumni last year. When u nion representation for Duke's regardless of his personal position, which Bragg claims a majority of year. non-academic employees who work asked to estimate its value, Pye he would have to consult with the hospital workers have signed. He commented "There are probably President Sanford said "We outside the hospital. several opinions on that point right haven't reached that point yet." He There are approximately 3200 now. I would call it a very emphasized throughout the meeting non-academic workers in the debatable issue." that the connection between Duke hospital and about 1700 in the rest Columbia, Yale start Hospital and the rest of the o f the University, according to University i: not as close as many University personnel director News feature believe. William Linke. national lobby effort "The hospital is essentially Bragg said that "a majority" of A student at the Law School, self-supporting," Sanford said, "the the workers in the hospital have Steve Bronis, commented that he University does not subsidize" the signed pledge cards in support of had heard several students say it By Martin Arnold Yale alumni who are members of hospital. If the University did 1199D. had been valued at $15,000. (C) 1970 N.Y. Times News Service Congress. The delegation will subsidize the hospital, Sanford "If the University and you are as At an open meeting in the Moot NEW YORK-A nationwide include at least two members of the added, "we would use it to improve liberal and progressive as you are Court Room Wednesday afternoon, effort to send student and faculty Yale Corporation, the university's departments." supposed to be, you couldn't called to discuss the Cambodia and delegations to Washington to lobby governing body. Vice President Huestis said that object" to holding a "democratic Kent State actions, several students in Congress against the war in Yale alumni assist "patient care is number one, ahead election," Bragg asserted. noticed that the picture had been Southeast Asia was initiated at There are 22 Yale alumni in the of anything else—labor disruption, removed. After learning that the Co 1 umbia and Yale Universities House of Representatives and seven strikes, whatever." He said that the picture had been stored in a vault, yesterday. in the Senate. Sen. John Sherman National Labor Relations Board they requested that it not be put up At Columbia, more than 60 Cooper, R.-Ky., and Rep. Ogden had excluded "non-profit again. Dean Read said he would professors telephoned colleagues on Reid Jr., R.-N.Y., both Yale hospitals" from its jurisdiction Basketball submit the question to a vote of the campuses around the country alumni, "have generously agreed to (which means that they are not faculty members of the Law urging them to send faculty put their office and staffs at our compelled under law to respond to The annual Duke-UNC School. delegations to Washington to lobby disposal," Brewster said. employees' petition for a union alumni game will be played Some students suggested that in Congress against the war. He said that the meetings in election). He said that this was tonight in the Indoor the picture should be publicly Columbia University President, Washington constitute an attempt because such hospitals have "less Stadium at 7:30 in a benefit burned. Others suggested that it Andrew Cordier, joined with Dr. to express the u ni versity flexibility" than corporations and affair for the Durham should be sold and the money given James Hester, president of New community's opposition to the war profit-making hospitals to deal with Academy athletic program. to support anti-war activities. A York University, in a joint telegram and "to counter the White House's union demands. The money will also go third group would like to have the to the New York congressional effort to isolate and make Bragg asserted "That's not true." towards scholarships for money gained from selling the delegation urging a meeting with scapegoats of the universities and He said that "compulsory needy children. picture used to provide funds and them Sunday to discuss "in these their students." arbitration wrch both sides agree Heading the list of stars scholarships for poor students. anxious and possibly decisive days" to" is used in other non-profit will be Charles Scott, making (C) 1970 N.Y. Times News Service the crisis on college campuses and Brewster said that he was urging hospitals in which 1199 is his last appearance here after SAN FRAN CI SCO-John the war. the meetings because the "clenched organized to decide signing a S500.000 contract Hickel, a son of Secretary of the Faculty go to Congress fist and 'shut it down' rhetoric" of management-employee questions. with the Washington Caps. Interior Walter J. Hickel, joined a At Yale, President Kingman many of the student radicals have "We have a working relationship Larry Brown of the Caps will student strike at the University of Brewster Jr. announced that he "simply helped Mr. Agnew and Mr. with management" in such also participate, along with San Francisco yesterday in protest would lead a delegation of about Nixon sterilize the political hospitals, Bragg said. "Patient care Bill Bunting of the Carolina against United States policy in 1,000 Yale teachers and students to influence of the universities, their has increased and workers become Cougars. Vietnam. Washington Monday to meet with faculties and their students." more dedicated" in unionized | See how things used to be | VIETNAM: 147,708* | at Duke.Laugh at the CAMBODIA: 105* I outmoded dress. Marvel at | old "campus beauties" KENT STATE: 4* WHAT | OLD Yearbooks j on sale at the Chronicle | office NEXT? j A STEAL AT ONLY $1.001 * (the best Figures subject to change. years are going fast) Page Ten The Duke Chronicle Friday, May 8, 1970 'Pass-fail option approved" i Over the fence

{Continued from Page 1) requirements." according to the semester." (For further clarification ;K (C) 19 70 N.Y. Times News Service ;£ President Nixon as individuals, not proposal. Otherwise, (he I or X may of the grading options see page 10.) ^ WASHINGTON—American troops have uncovered what was ^: as representatives of the faculty. be removed, according to current & described as the most sophisticated rebel base complex found so ^ The options University regulations, by the end $ far in the Cambodian operations, the White House announced. The % of fall semester. 1970 (Jan. 31. The Undergraduate Faculty The unprecedented proposal Council adopted another proposal •:•: base reportedly contained 400 to 500 buildings, a complex •:•; passed by the UFC cites the 1971). *:•: communications network and a large equipment cache. Spokesmen ^ Classes will continue until the uring that "every faculty member "extraordinary circumstances of give serious and thoughtful •:•: hesitated, however, to confirm reports that the base was the prime j$ the moment" and "the strong ?nd of the regular semester. Final •:•: enemy headquarters. W. ?xams will be held as scheduled, consideration to each student pressure currently upon the request," so that each student students of Duke University" and ic^ording to the proposal, "to •g JERUSALEM—Following a particularly bloody day of fighting &: permit students to continue their request "may be assured of a recommends the following grading sympathetic hearing." •:•: that left five Israelis dead, Defense Minister Moshe Dyan said that g options for this semester. normal course work for the •ji: Israel would have to launch new attacks across her northern border \ The policy says that ^ in response to the increase in incidents along the border. undergraduate men and women enrolled in Trinity or the Woman's ?| CHICAGO—Pollution control officials of the four states J College may elect a pass-fail option, |;5 bordering on Lake Michigan were startled by new thermal pollution ] based on the work done to date in :j? regulations announced by the federal government. The new ] any course, if they have the Manchester to pay AIH S regulations would prohibit the dumping of any heated water into the ! approval of the instructor involved tg lake that would raise the water temperature by more than one j or of the department in classes By John Thorner year for residents of Manchester," fe degree. taught by graduate students. Academics Reporter Benton said. Applications for such options, must Manchester House voted last At a meeting last Wednesday, be completed no later than five night to pay their dues to the the AIH voted to expel Manchester i p.m.. May 15. Cards requesting the Association of Independent Houses fro m their organization. Gerald S WASHINGTON—Concerned over the increasing domination of \ change to a pass-fail option may be "under protest." This action ended Wilson, assistant dean of Trinity '$ local television by the networks, the Federal Communications j obtained from undergraduate deans a controversy with the AIH, the College, explained at the |i;: Commission ruled that big-city stations must fill one of the four • in either East Duke or Allen administration, and Manchester Manchester meeting, that the Sj evening prime times hours with locally produced material. • Buildings, and should be returned that has been going on since administration depends on the AIH :•;• Commission Chairman Dean Burch, who dissented, said he hoped to j to the Registrar's Office. mid-October. as an organizing, communicating, gj have the rule revoked or modified before it takes effect. Rather than choosing the According to John Benton, and policy making unit. "For | WASHINGTON—Unemployment rose substantially to 4.8 per j pass-fail option a student may President of Manchester, the administrative purposes, the « cent of the labor force during April, it was learned in Washington. "elect to be aware an I or X in administration had threatened to administration insists on having a jg The rate was up from 4.4 per cent in March. It was not known how i any coure" in which he or she is disband Manchester as a living living group in the AIH or the |j much the rate had been increased by the effect of wildcat trucking i nrolld. Th I or X must b group if they did not pay their Inter-Franternity Council," he said. ^ strikes, but officials indicated that the rise was a consequence of the : rmovd by Aug. 31, 1970, "if such dues. "Dean Cox has not released Dues to the AIH are 50 cents a ^ slowing of the economy. j removal is necessary for the student our housing contracts and therefore person or approximately $30 for fe::::%¥^W:::=:%W to satisfy continuation not guaranteed living space for next Manchester. Newly elected President of AIH, Rick Gabriel, said that the major part of the AIH budget goes to "communicating to Alternatives to academic business as usual freshmen the advantages of -Baker- independent houses as an A) Upon application to, by 5 p.m. May 15, 1970, and approved alternative to fraternities." He also by, the instructor, (or the department in classes taught by graduate said that the AIH "provides a (Continued from Page 2) This is the way the students) an undergraduate student in Trinity College may elect a forum to discuss problems common Even the most ardent supporters must seem to the students. A Pass-Fail option, to be awarded on the basis of work done in the to independent houses and to of the President's position on the lifetime long and likely to last course to date (May 7, 1970) in any course in which he or she is exchange ideas on better house Spanish-American War (the forever. A curse. And no one with currently enrolled for the Spring semester 1970. government." members of the House Armed power tomake the Government B) Upon application to, by 5 p.m. May 15, 1970, and approved In a letter sent to the AIH last Services Committee) would be have its policy examined. Just one by, the instructor, (or the department in classes taught by graduate October 10, Benton said that "the willing to concede that the war had more President with the courage to students) an undergraduate student in Trinity College or the decision to withdraw from the AIH become a curse. The more sensible take the same politically unpopular Woman's College {Woman's college students are also eligible for (not to pay dues), is based upon a position all those other Presidents alternative 1), may elect to be awarded an I or X in any course in might conclude with good reason general consensus in Manchester that a war that had lasted more have had the courage to take ever which he or she is currently enrolled, with the understanding that that the AIH has failed to serve any since today's bums were nothing the I or the X be removed by August 31, 1970, if such removal is than seventy years—a committee useful purpose in return for our chairman's entire lifetime—would but the hope of the future sitting in necessary for the student to satisfy continuation requirements. financial support." sandboxes a lifetime ago. Otherwise the I or X in any course in which he or she is currently probably last forever. enrolled, must be removed as per current University regulations, i.e., Along with the motion to pay by the end of the Fall semester, 1970. dues, the members of Manchester Pizza Palace agreed to set up a committee to ot Durham, Inc. examine their position in relation Specific Clarifications & to the AIH and the administration featuring atmosphere Ph. 286-0281 next year. Hour*: Engineers and nurses are not affected by this ruling. Meetings are %Mm and reasonable prices 4-11 Mon-Thurs. being held today by the respective schools faculties and interested

7) If you are on academic probation, or financial aid, go see your Dean! We'll do our piarl. -Ius) hrinj; your friendly bachelor in to see our ArtCarved 8) If a professor refuses to cooperate with the U.F.C. proposal diamond rinKS. When he sees and you feel that he is not acting in good faith, go to the Director of how you lifihl up when you try one on. he'll resolve ihen Undergraduate Instruction in that department and if that does not and there that nobody but solve your problem arrange to meet with Dean Hall or other him will Rive you one. members of the East or West Dean's Staff. (The U.F.C. urges that And he"H likely resolve that the one he'll Rive you will every faculty member give serious consideration to each student lie an ArtCarved even before we request so that any student coming to him in good faith may be tell him alioiit ArtOarved's assured of a sympathetic hearing.) Permanent Value I'lan.

Change cards for any student wishing to select one of the alternate methods of grading may be picked up at any time after 12 Weldon's Jewelers noon, Friday, May 8, at the Trinity College Deans Office, 118 East 327 W. Main Street THE "IN" SHOP F CR JUNIORS Duke. These cards should be returned to the Registrar's Office, 103 Alien Building no later than 5 p.m., Friday, May 15. DOWNTOWN DOWNTOWN, FASHION FLOOR ,.A«0» Friday, May 8, 1970 The Duke Chronicle Page Eleven

Politics and business, I don't pay them no mind. Drink Thoughts of poets, that wine, wine, keep your head stoned all the time. —The Youngbloods In the face of a world led by a command generation of savage non-poets, Honko-Cossak marauder pirates poisoning our air, murdering our youth and defiling out ethics, we declare our continuing commitment to the possibility of a benign and other sages civilization and the absolute right of each man on earth to 1) a guaranteed grope, 2) land and -Vhen the mode of the music changi money, 3) longevity, 4) happiness, When the mode of the music is changed"" 5) freedom, 6) supplies for his art, When the mode of the music changes ^)sheep. The walls of the city shake — (for the Fugs) He who does not dance neither shall he eat He who does not prance neither shall he drink He who won't romance neither can he think He who does not dance neither shall he eat

You can have the men who make the laws You can have the men who make the laws You can have the men who make the laws We will smash the old world Give me the music makers widly we will thunder When beauty barks I heel a new myth over the world. When beauty barks I heel We will trample the fence When beauty barks I heel of time beneath our feet. When beauty barks I heel We wil! make a musical scale of the rainbow. Cinema Beware a man who is not moved by sound Beware a man who is not moved by sound Roses and dreams The cinematic Arts Beware a man who is not moved by sound debased by poets • Committee will present Frank He'll drag you to the ground will unfold :j Simon's "The Queen" and Drag you to the ground in a new light ji Christenson's "Withcraft for the delight of our eyes :• Through the Ages," a Come dance with me come dance with me in the eyes of big children. :• Swedish film, tonite at 8 p.m. Johnson's land We will invent new roses |:in Biological Sciences Come dance with me we'll beat that hoary band Roses of capitals with petals of |: Auditorium. "The Queen" is squares. : a documentary film of the Music hath alarums to wild the civil breast —Vladimir Mayakovsky >. 1967 transvestite beauty Music hath alarums to wild the civil breast j: pageant. Music hath alarums to wild the civil breast It does not bring me rest No more painters, no more It does not bring me rest writers, no more musicians, no more sculptors, no more religions, But in the bitter end PELD AGAIN! no more republicans, no more This wildness brings me rest royalists, no more imperialists, no I sleep in the eye of the storm -4th & Final Week- more anarchists, no more socialists, and in the startling end no more Bolsheviks, no more bluewhitness makes me calm politicians, no more proletarians, dream in the eye of the wind. no more democrats, no more armies, no more police, no more Tuli Kupferberg nations, no more of these idiocies, (for the Fugs) no more no more, NOTHING, —-The captain with the khaki sweatband, old goat pot-bellied barnyard NOTHING, NOTHING. that only he noticed. The old fart was smart, the old gold cloth madonna —Louis Aragon dancin' to the fiddle and saw he ran down behind the knoll and slipped on his wooden fishhead. The mouth worked and snapped all of these back to the bungalow. Mama was flattenin' lard with her red enameled rolling pin XSTAM:rre Politics is bullshit. Spiro when the fishhead broke the window Rubber eye erect and precisely Agnew is bullshit, Richard detailed airholes from which breath should come is now closely fit, with Nixon is bullshit. Our music the chatter of the old fart inside. An assortment of observations took isn't bullshit. place: mama licked her ribs like a cat. pecked the ground like a rooster, -Steve Stills pivoted like a duck, her stockings down caught dust and doughballs, she cracked her mouth, glazed, caught one eyelash, rubbed her hands on her •IBHi.^.^.^.^.^.H gorgeous gingham, her hands grasped sticky metal intricate latchwork. THE LATE SHOWS RETURN Open to the room. Uh. Smell, coal, mixed with bologna, rubber hands, WITH A "REAL GOODIE' crumpled waxed paper bonnets, fat SAT.-12.00 geese legs and special jellies, ignited by the warmth of the room. The GLOBAL PICTURES old fart smelled this through his important breather holes cleverly he dialed from within. From the outside we observe that the nose of The Most ADULT the wooden mask where the holes had just been a moment ago was Motion Picture now smooth, amazingly blended, Dustin Hoffman ever made in camou ftaged in with the very Jon Voight Hollywood! intricate rainbow trout replica. The MIDNIGHT COWBOY old fart inside was now breathing Also freely, from his perfume bottle Sidney Poiter fHE atomizer airhole invention. Rod Steiger consider the possibilities IN THE HEAT NOTORIOUS —Don Van Vliet OF THE NIGHT Captain Beefheart


[BOB & CAROLSTED & ALICE | THIS YEARS Latitude Zero ELLIOTT GOULD DYAN CANNON BLOCKBUSTER! QUADFLIX Make Way for Lila ]| LAST 5 DAYS A French Directed Film Saturday Only-12:Q0 "THE BRIDE WORE yorktown©* E3ES2ES3 BLACK" Marsha Erotic Housewife Jean Moreau & Buy Your Tickets in yorktowne Sat & Sun. SHOWS: Sex Shuffle Advance 7:05 & 9:00 1:15 - 3:11 - 5:07 & Telephone 189-2327 7:08 - 9:30 Censorship Today Page Twelve The Duke Chronicle Friday, May 8, 1970 6 N.C. universities FOR SALE: SERVICES: to march in Raleigh For Sale: G.E. Portable TV, Going to Europe, Greece this $25; Magnavox stereo. $20; slimmer? Save $80 plus on Rides will be leaving the main congratulating Nixon on his action. 1966 Oucalti 250, needs airfare. Contact Patti Crawley, quad at 11:30 a.m. today to take Well, he doesn't represent us and 1 repairs, make offer; Rousseau Graduate Center. & Revolution and The Age of Duke people lo meet with students suggest we march lo his office Voltaire, by Will Durant, $5 from UNC, NCSU and three other Friday and demand he wire a each; many records; call North Carolina universities at telegram withdrawing his Rates 286-0634. ANNOUNCEMENTS: NCSU's Memorial Auditorium for a statement." she said. Minimum of 10 words $.50 protest march to the Raleigh The various groups will gather (per day) For Sale: 1961 220S Mercedes Announcing Co nstruc tion— June 10: THE CORAL capitol, beginning at 1 p.m. today at the brickyard behind the Each additional word .04 Benz Sedan. Air conditoned, Beverly Schwarz, member of the 10% discount for 3 consecutive BAY—Bermudian-style student union at NCSU. Schwarz leather interior, standard shift. residential ocean-front NCSU student government, called explained, "At noon we will walk insertions. Call Emily Turner, 3221. 15% discount for 5 consecutive cooperative apartments, for the march at an antiwar rally at along the sidewalks, following all For Sale: 1969 HONDA insertions. Atlantic Beach—M or ehead the brickyard there Wednesday. regulations, to Memorial CB160. Low mileage. Excellent City, N.C. Co n tact: condition. Book rack, helmets, Schwarz made two demands: Auditorium where we will meet the Carteret — Carolina Chronicle classifieds should be goggles included. Must sell. that Governor Scott should Duke. Chapel Hill students." The Development Corp., Drawer submitted prepaid in the $400 or best offer. 489-1686. 969, Burlington, N.X. 27215. withdraw the telegram he sent to march is restricted to sidewalks prepared envelopes available in Ph: 584-7866. Nixon on behalf of North Carolina. Flowers Lounge and the because the groups were unable to RECONDITIONED backing his expansion into respective Dope Shops two get a parade permit. FURNITURE— Cambodia, and that Scott should days prior to the desired date Regional Mensa Meeting May Reupholstered sofa beds and 17. Call Dick Caldwell 6909, also send a telegram to the governor of insertion. Schwarz told reporters yesterday couches priced from $49.50. Tom Spong 6102, James of Ohio "condemning him for Chairs from $14.50. New Hamilton 6786 for details. allowing the National Guard to go that there will be a brief rally in the innerspring mattresses, sale on the campus of Kent State, and auditorium, and that they were price $24.85. Dinnettes, beds, "working to get a good speaker for WANTED: permitting four people to be etc. GOODWILL STORE, The Shusterman's party has killed." that." President Sanford has been Wanted: 2 summer students to 1121 W. Main St., across from been postponed one week. On East Campus. "Governor Scott has concluded asked to speak, but his decision on share large house. 1 block from to Washington! that he ought to represent all of the whether to accept was not available West Campus. Large, private, GO CONVERTIBLE THIS people of North Carolina in last night. furnished, air conditioned bedrooms. Two complete SUMMER, 69 Fury III bought baths, stove & refrig. Rent and new Jan. 70. 2,700 miles. All utilities $36.00 each per extras with six speaker custom stereo 8 tape. List month. Call Joe 286-3962. Tell it to Nixon $4,850—great reduction. 477-2059. Students attempting to University of Maryland by calling Room for rent—reason­ Read coordinate Duke efforts to send Mike Donnelly at 301-454-4161. able—286-7649—fern ale student—1 block from campus. For Sale: 1969 Bultaco 250cc people to Washington, D.C, for Parking near the University of Saturday's rally sent the following Metralla. Less than 500 miles. Maryland is available and may be Excellent cond. $425. Call information to the Chronicle last I ncredible 3 room Apt. to obtained through the number sublet for $85( t) a month. Bruce Golden: 688-5494, and use night: above. Other information on June-Aug. V/i blocks from East 684-3965. Rally parking in D.C. is available by On Glorious Ave. P.O. 6064. C.S. or 688-6463. A legally sanctioned rally will be calling 202-765-5774 and should be SKIS (men's) $17.50; TYPEWRITER (portable with held at the Washington Monument obtained before entering the city. Buses and trains Le-.ving in June? Couple would case) $34.50; BED (3/4 size) at noon tomorrow. A second rally greaily appreciate knowing of $24.50; CHEST $4.50; will be held at Lafayette Park at the Duke students may obtain a small house or duplex 477-1510. Chronicle same time. (See story page 8). limited number of chartered bus (unfurnished, up to Legal aid tickets in Flowers Lounge at 10:15 $90/mon*'.0 for summer and following year. Will pick up Legal aid centers have been a.m., Friday, May 8. If there are too many students to be lease if desired. Please call Jack LOST: established, and can be reached at Herr (682-7998) or Cheryl the following phone number in accommodated in the Temple (-3931). Lost: 34" alligator belt. Classifieds D.C. (area code 202) 466-8417 Washington-bound buses, (most helpful), 965-1144, WA transportation will be arranged to Ride needed to Texas (El Paso) Reward. Dick Caldwell, 6909. 54047, 783-0250, NA 8-2765. Raleigh. There, rail transportation June 2. Will share expenses. For medical aid call 498-2119. may be obtained on a strictly Call Robin Dodds, 2031. For other aid or information, individual basis. including housing, call the Oberlin Extended stays Strike Headquarters in D.C. at A group of about 25 students is 387-2800. planning on working with Senator Housing and Parking Fulbright and others and will stay Housing is available but should in D.C. for more than one day. be arranged before entering the Students interested in staying in Washington area by calling D.C. with this group should call the 244-3006 in D.C. American, Methodist Center, 286-9230 today. Georgetown and George A meeting will be held in the Washington Universities have Campus Center on East Campus at opened their facilities for out of 8 p.m. tonight. town guests. Other housing is Students leaving before this STRIKE available off campus near the meeting who wish to work with the group call Randy Teslik at 301-579-6438 after noon Bragg Division tomorrow. The group will probably not leave for Washington until may go to D.C. Sunday morning.

The 82nd Airbom Division Drivers at Fort Bragg has been Below is printed a list of Duke THIS IS NO TIME FOR MUSIC. designated as the Army drivers to Washington, their car division which will be called capacity and the times of departure to Washington this week if and return. ALL cars will leave the government deems it from a clearly indicated area in the necessary. Responding to New Dorm Parking Lot. The first requests from individuals group is returning Saturday night. associated with GI's United at Bob Conroy, 2, 5 p.m. Fri.; Jim the base, a group of people Parker, 1, 6 p.m. Fri; Dan Harvan, will go to Fort Bragg and 5, 6:30 p.m. Fri.; Wib Gulley, 2, 6 The 112 E. Main St. communicate with those GI's p.m. Fri.; Mark Lehman, 1, 8 p.m. in the 82nd Airborn. Sources Fri.; Jim Lemily, 2, 2 a.m. Sat.; Hal (just |4 block from at Bragg claim this Stull, 3 or 4, 6 a.m. Sat.; Hans communication definitely Feige, 4, 6 a.m. Sat.; Bill Griffith, Ihe hi«her priced store) would have a beneficial effect 5,6 a.m. Sat. on the GI's (who are already Other drivers: Larry Lesnik, 2 or extremely upset about 3, 5 a.m. Sat. (returning Sunday); Cambodia and Kent State) Patrick Noone, 4, 5 p.m. Fri. (not should they be called to returning); John Eckhouse, 4, 6 Mon.-Thurs. 9-7 Washington. They will be p.m. Fri. (not returning); Bob encouraged not to go. Lebby, 1, Fri. afternnon (call him; Fri. and Sat. 9-9 Interested people should not returning). meet in the Y office in The coordinating committee Flowers at noon or 5 pjn. asks anyone else who intends to go today. to stop at the New Dorm Parking Lot first.