®fje JBufee Chronicle Volume 65, Number 130 Durham, North Carolina Friday, May 8;:i970 Marches and UFC actiibn, discussed at mass meeting By Celeste Wesson He also "interpreted" the added. Assistant Managing Editqr proposal passed by the UFC which Susie Dunn announced that r Marches and rallies in gives students the opportunity, there are going to be Duke students Washington, Raleigh, and Fort with instructors' permission, to take remaining in Washington next week B ragg, educational forums, and a pass on their work to date or to to do "any kind of work" needed community action in Durham were receive an incomplete to be made there in organizing against the war. suggested as options for "continued up by August 31. ' 'Student representatives from action" against the war at a 7 p.m. ''Immediate and total all over the country, including mass meeting in Page Auditorium w i t hd rawal of American forces Duke" are meeting with Senator last night. from Southeast Asia is the one Fulbright today, she said, as an The steering committee formed demand" of a march scheduled for example of such action. at a noon rally on the quad tomorrow in Washington, D.C, Ken Dunn also announced that there presented the crowd of one Vickery, steering committee will be a march today at 1 p.m. in Photo by Diane Lubousky thousand with information Eddie Bragg talks at pro-union rally in front of Duke Hospital. member, said. Raleigh to demand that Governor concerning the "pass-fail" option The nonviolent protest is Bob Scott retract his telegram to passed by the Undergraduate planned for Lafayette Park, across President Nixon which said that he Faculty Council (UFC) earlier from the White House, although as "and the citizens of North yesterday, and suggestions for yet no permit for a rally there has (Continued on Page 8) Trustees may meet student action during the "time been issued, he said. freed" by the grading option. Rally Telegram For those who are "not prepared Protests Rich Reisman, chairman of the for arrest" another rally is planned on University Union, announced that further from the White House, he union election the Council had not decided to continue By Bob Entman students concerned with the send as a group the telegram Editorial Page Editor situation of non-academic opposing the war that President After saying that he would not employees and leaders of two Sanford sent Nixon yesterday. to mount recommend to the trustees that unions attempting to organize they allow an election concerning workers, local 1199D of the By Robert D. McFadden union recognition at Duke, National Union of Hospital and (C) 19 70 N.Y. Times News Service President Terry Sanford announced Nursing Home Employees and Activities N EW YORK-Strikes, yesterday morning that he was Local 77 (affiliated with the For information on the demonstrations and occasional "requesting the executive American Federation of State, marches in Washington violence continued yesterday in the committee of the Board of Trustees County and Municipal Employees) tomorrow and in Raleigh collegiate protest against the war in to meet as soon as possible to were invited to the meeting with today as well as plans to Indochina and the fatal shooting of consider the matter" of union Sanford and Charles Huestis, vice four Kent State University representation for Duke Hospital communicate with GI's at Ft. students. president for business and finance. Bragg see page 12. workers. (Continued on Page 9) —(CBS News announced The announcement came at the last night that 136 colleges end of a meeting with about 20 across the country have concerned students and labor Election sought closed down and that more leaders. During the meeting, than 300 are having strikes or Sanford repeated what he had said demonstrations. Late last in the Chapel Wednesday night that night, however, the Chronicle if there were an election, "Duke Rally aides union learned through a National would recognize" the winning Strike Coordinating Center at union. "But," he added, "I have By Ann Wightman of Hospital and Nursing Home Brandeis University 364 not said yes to an election." Hospital Editor Employees, AFL-CIO), called on schools are closed down Over 100 participants in a rally University President Terry Sanford, Photo by Davi (Continued on Page 3) Yesterdays meeting had been Sanford listening to students. organized in the wake of held yesterday at Duke Hospital to stop the "bullshit" and to Wednesday's discussions with heard Eddie Bragg of 1199D say respond to the demands of the Sanford. Representatives of that the workers "will do whatever students and the workers. is necessary" to change a system Bragg said that he had presented which "offers them only poverty two proposals to Sanford at their wages and second-class dignity." meeting yesterday morning. The Nixon reappraises Struggle The participants, who demanded first proposal was that Sanford that Duke's non-academic workers accept the I199D application cards By Robert B. Semple Jr. Working with visible urgency, he given the chance to choose their signed by Duke Hospital workers. (C) 19 70 N.Y. Times News Service Nixon promised, in an 80-minute discussed own union and that that union be check the signatures on those cards WASHINGTON-President conference with the presidents of recognized by University officials, with payroll files, and thus Nixon moved yesterday on a determine whether or not I199D eight. majpr universities, that he arrived at the hospital around 2:45 variety of fronts to repair his lines would henceforth restrain hostile at rally p.m. and circled the small grassy represents a majority of the hospital workers. of communication with the comments about students from By Mike Mooney area immediately in front of the campuses amid fresh evidence of high administration officials, ASDU editor hospital's main entrance. The second proposal, the one revolt against his policies within the including Vice President Agnew. Eddie Bragg, a national organizer Bragg, who is a vice president of Bragg called an "open democratic administration and among his He also summoned the governors of I199D, local of the National national 1199 (the National Union (Continued on Page 4) academic advisers. of all 50 states to meet here Union of Hospital and Nursing Monday and ordered his speech , Home Employees, AFL-CIO, writers to prepare material on the yesterday told a rally of oyer 500 student crisis for his news students that the war in Southeast conference at 10 p.m. today. Asia and the struggle to organize UFC approves pass-fail Aide resigns workers are related issues. At the same time, however, it The noon rally in front of the was learned that Arthur Klebanoff, chapel was organized by a student The Undergraduate Faculty the UKC, but would personally comments drew the only applause Council (UFC) voted yesterday to support the telegram. of the meeting. principal aide to Daniel Patrick group called the "Steering Moynihan, counseler to the Committee," formed last night to let students of Woman's College "Never recover" Marvin Osborn, associate and Trinity College apply for a President, had decided to resign and (Continued on Page 4) Irving Alexander, chairman of professor of religion, said: "Our pass-fail option, an X or an I in any psychology, said: "It we go ahead inaction will be a corporate would probably leave the White course, based on work done to May as a faculty to politicize ourselves inaction." He said the students are House today. The Director of the 7. we will never recover." Alexander's watching the UFC's action, or Health, Education' and Welfare Weather The proposal on grading was ? inaction, and will judge what the department's student liaison staff, On the homefront: Sunny and passed by voice vote. 5 Council does accordingly. Anthony J. Moffett, announced his warmer today, high in the mid-70's. In a second vote, the UFC£ Members opposing the motion, resignation Thursday. Low in the upper 40's tonight. defeated 55-26 a motion by o however, expressed the view that it Clear through tonight. High Thomas McCollough, associate | It was also learned that a group was not the UFC's function to of prominent Harvard professors Saturday in the low 80's. On the professor of religion, to endorse* officially comment on matters not shores of the Potomac: Mostly President Terry Sanford's telegram § would confer today with Dr. Henry officially concerning it. A. Kissinger, the president's adviser sunny today, high in the low 70's, to President Nixon. 2 After the meeting, 42 UFC low in the low 50's. Clear through on national security affairs, ai:d William Cartwright, chairman off mtmbers signed a statement announce publicly their break with tonight. High near 80, low in the education, said he could not endorsing Sanford's telegram to low 50's Saturday night. support the motion as a member of the administration's policies in UFC meeting. (Continued on Page 10) southeast Asia. Page Two The Duke Chronicle Friday, May 8, 1970 -Observer- A lifetime long and likely to last forever By Russell Baker- WASHINGTON-It was April. President Eisenhower made it clear The interesting point, however, doubt whether the war actually putting American boys in." 1954, when Richard Nixon, then he would not take up the has to do with the student existed; in Vietnam there is no An. unpleasantness one has had Vice President of the United States, Frenchman's burden in Southeast malcontents who are carrying on so doubt that people die in violence with him an entire lifetime will first made news by suggesting that Asia, Dienbienphu fell, Vietnam vigorously against Mr.
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