10:30 AM Tsal'alh Elders Complex 600 Skiel Mountain Road, Shalalth, BC
Squamish-Lillooet Regional District Board Minutes June 28 and 29, 2017; 10:30 AM Tsal'alh Elders Complex 600 Skiel Mountain Road, Shalalth, BC In Attendance: Board: J. Crompton, Chair (Whistler); T. Rainbow, Vice-Chair (Area D); D. Demare (Area A); M. Macri (Area B); R. Mack (Area C); M. Lampman (Lillooet); P. Heintzman (Squamish) Absent: District of Squamish (One Director); Village of Pemberton Staff: L. Flynn, CAO (Deputy Corporate Officer); J. Nadon, Communications & Grant Coordinator Delegations: Tsal’alh Chief and Council; D. Wolfin, President & CEO, C. Daley, Corporate Social Responsibility Manager, Fred Sveinson, Senior Mining Advisor, Avino Silver & Gold Mines Ltd.; R. Joubert, General Manager, Tsal'alh Development Corporation; J. Coles, Area Manager, Bridge River Generation, J. Shepherd, Project Manager, M. DeHaan, Technical Principal, Planning & Water Licencing, J. Muir, Community Relations Regional Manager, R. Turner, Construction Manager, Lower Mainland, BC Hydro Others: P. Dahle (Area A - Alternate); D. DeYagher (Area B - Alternate); B. Baker of Britannia Oceanfront Development Corporation; members of the public 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 10:30 AM. The Chair recognized that this meeting is being held on Tsal'alh Traditional Territory. In remembrance of Andrée Janyk 2. Approval of Agenda It was moved and seconded: THAT the following item be moved to immediately after Approval of Agenda: 7.3.2. Request for Decision - Britannia Oceanfront Developments Corporation - Rezoning and OCP Amendment Application Page 2 of 23 of the minutes of the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District Board meeting, held on Wednesday, June 28 and Thursday, June 29, 2017 in the Tsal'alh Elders Complex 600 Skiel Mountain Road, Shalalth, BC.
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