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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19126-5 - Delphi and Olympia: The Spatial Politics of Panhellenism in the Archaic and Classical Periods Michael Scott Index More information Index As in the text, numbers in bold with bold parentheses, e.g., (121), are reference numbers for particular monumental dedications or structures within the sanctuary of Delphi. They are listed in the appendices (A–F). Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations. Acanthians ritual procession around the Altis 163, dedication (180),Delphi 61, 103–5 221 Achaian federation see also athletic-victory statues; temple of dedications, Olympia 194–5, 200 Hera, Olympia; temple of Zeus, Aegina Olympia; tropaia, Olympia dedication (105),Delphi 84–5 Amphictyony dedication, Olympia 162 activities during the Persian wars 81 rivalry with Athens 267 Apollo Sitalcas dedication (166),Delphi Aeschines of Athens 133, 170 100 Aesclepius 142, 237 composition of 35, 36, 82, 125 aire, Apollo sanctuary, Delphi 42 dedication (102) following Persian wars, Alcmaeonids, family of 49, 52, 77 Delphi 82 Alexander I of Macedon 87 disinterest in the Athena sanctuary, Delphi Alexander III of Macedon 111–14, 130 activity at Delphi 134–5, 237–8 interaction with Alexander III of Macedon activity at Isthmia and Nemea 244, 134 247–8 interaction with Roman Emperor Hadrian activity at Olympia 212 261 involvement with articulations of Greek involvement in first Sacred War 52–3 community 269 involvement in post-548 bc rebuild of Altis, Olympia 10, 14, 20, 27, 219–28, 229–33, Apollo sanctuary 56 238–9,
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