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GeoTime® 5.3 – What’s New Discover Locations. Visualize . Animated Presentations. New Analysis Tools Communications Data Import Wizard Interesting Location Finder Import Wizard for Call Details Records (CDR) The Interesting Location Finder is a new analysis tool that locates The new CDR import wizard helps users import complex locations where multiple entities have visited. This is useful for events that contain both source and places that receive frequent visits. Users can also set a minimum destination entities but where location information is only number of entities to visit a location, as well as the number of provided for one of the entities. The wizard makes importing times those entities must have visited for it to qualify. Duration most communications data a simple process of choosing at any location can also be set to avoid including locations with “calling” and “called” entities. quick stops (stopping at street lights for example).

Proximity Finder Enhancements New Source/Destination Swapping Filter When importing CDR and other communication records, source Added to the proximity finder is the ability to do precise measure- and destination entities are not always placed in the same ment calculations when looking for events or that are in columns. These types of complex records can now be imported close proximity for a period of time. This is useful for locating in GeoTime with a single pass, allowing users to specify which entities in close proximity to regions or areas. Users can either entities records are being imported, as well as ensuring that import shapes or draw their own regions using annotations. location information is correctly associated with them. Enhanced Meeting Finder The meeting finder has been enhanced to allow users to set meeting durations settings, as well as the ability to ignore Live Data Enhancements small meetings with too few entities. This is helpful when a Full Data Feed Loading user needs to reduce the number of smaller meetings that The full contents of a live data feed can now be optionally re- only involve a small number of entities or that have a too short read by GeoTime, instead of only loading new events since the a duration. Users can also now run the meeting finder on only last update. selected entities vs. all entities currently loaded. Recent Feed Configuration Settings Pattern Tools Work On Map When adding a new live data feed, GeoTime will now use the Pattern finding tools can now be run on map graphics, allowing last used feed parameters, such as refresh rate, map fitting users to draw a on the map and look for entities, events options, etc. This saves users time in having to manually set or polygons that are within close proximity. these parameters for each new live data feed. mAp GrAphiCs AND ANNoTATioNs new Geocharts tool aggregate with map Graphics This new tool in GeoTime makes it possible to drive the look Any closed shape that a user adds to a tag can be used to ag- and feel of map graphics with your data. Any shape that a user gregate event data in the 3D viewer. with this capability, users imports or draws on the map can be colored dynamically by can now create a dedicated tag for map graphics that they their data. Users can choose to use event count or any of the wish to use for data aggregation. This is useful for aggregating standard statistical functions (sum, average, etc.) to color map data based on areas such as cities, districts, zones, etc. graphics. This is useful when users want to show concentra- tions or “hot spots” on the map. 64BiT plATForm sUpporT Full 64bit release of Geotime Users on microsoft windows 7 64bit edition platform now have access to a native 64bit GeoTime application. This version of GeoTime allows for additional memory allocation, supporting large data sets and enhanced performance Note: ESRI Of Contents map source is not available in the 64bit release of GeoTime.

import map Graphics real time memory monitoring Map graphics can now be imported from an external fi le, al- GeoTime now monitors its memory consumption and will alert lowing users to merge them into an existing data set or re-use the users when available memory is low. This is useful them across multiple data sets.This is useful when working with for situations where users are working with large data sets separate fi les that contain boundaries and . Supported and need to segment their data into smaller sets. fi le types include shape fi les, KML (points, lines and polygons), Xls (points only) and Georss. oTher ADDiTioNs AND eNhANCemeNTs Pop-up Window Pinning Line measurements and Point Graphics Users can now pin informational windows to remain open The line graphic can now be used to measure a path on the map while performing other tasks. or the distance between two points. The line tool can be used to draw a path and then display the total distance that it covers. This Label Deconfl iction is useful for calculating distances on road systems. The addition A new option has been added that works to keep labels in the of point graphics allows users to create points on the map to 3D viewer from overlapping each other. The label deconfl iction display specifi c locations. option works to keep event, entity and link labels spaced apart from each other to prevent overlapping. advanced color Gradients controls Users now have the option to set min/max values for how color gradients are applied to events. Users can also set zero as the mid point for applying 3 color gradients. This is useful when working with values that range from negative to positive values. report snapshots capture all visibility snapshots in reports now capture the visibility of all objects including annotations and map graphics.

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