Arrival - Information How to get to the Elsa Brändström Haus?

Subway 1.) From Airport to the Elsa Brändström Haus Please take the subway line S1 in direction of Wedel or Ohlsdorf to the subway station Blankenese (ca. 50 minutes). At the subway station (outside) take the bus No. 286 in direction of Falkenstein and get out at the third stop “Lichtheimweg”. Then go back (in the direction where the bus came from) about 200 m and a sign on the right hand side will guide you to the Elsa Brändström Haus.

2.) From Central Station (Hauptbahnhof) to the Elsa Brändström Haus Please take the Subway S 1 and S 11 in direction Blankenese or Wedel to the subway station Blankenese (ca. 30 minutes). At the subway station (outside) take the bus No. 286 in direction of Falkenstein and get out at the third stop “Lichtheimweg”. Then go back (in the direction where the bus came from) about 200 m and a sign on the right hand side will guide you to the Elsa Brändström Haus.

By Car 1.) Coming from city center of Please drive in direction of Wedel following to Blankenese. In Blankenese leave Elbchaussee into Dockenhuder Straße , passing subway station Blankenese and driving along Blankeneser Landstraße in direction of . At the gasstation Shell turn left into Kösterbergstraße until you reach the sign Elsa Brändström Haus on the left hand side .

2. Coming from Autobahn A7 Please leave the A7 at exit following Elbchaussee to Blankenese. In Blankenese leave Elbchaussee into Dockenhuder Straße , passing subway station Blankenese and driving along Blankeneser Landstraße in direction of Rissen . At the gasstation Shell turn left into Kösterbergstraße until you reach the sign Elsa Brändström Haus on the left hand side.

Exact adress of the Elsa Brändström Haus: Kösterbergstraße 62 22587 Hamburg