WORL D_DRIVES association Eastern European Network

Vol 8, July 2006 LOCLAB Stupino

Targets of the Welcome to Stupino Stupino meeting The prev ious INTAS meeting was in • Insights from the Suprasl, where the West historically met case studies the East, as our Polish hosts pointed out in Newsletter VI. The place of our new • Comparative meeting can also be considered as a analysis, results contact point of these cultural and • Outlooks for the historical formations, although not in interpretations geographical sense, but in economic and social terms.

• Valorisation of results Stupino is a typical example of the destination for expansion both because its kind of industrial development that took large population represented a vast • Discussion with place in the middle of the 20th century in consumer market and because its labour stakeholders the Soviet Union and in the Soviet block force had a comparatively high level of as a whole (the so-called "East" in the general and professional education. Two • Publication and geopolitical antagonism that lasted transnational companies – "Mars" and diffusion through most of the 20th century). The "Campina," producers of inexpensive town of Stupino – its residential part, the chocolate and dairy products – decided to service sector, and the universities - was exploit these markets and began built around a military (aviation) plant, in production in Stupino. The presence of a Contents: accord ance with the high priority that the qualified workforce was a key factor that Welcome 1 military production took in both foreign influenced their choice of location. and internal policy of the Soviet Union. Stupino in comparison with types of local Military "company towns" like Stupino What you will see in Stupino is the societies in were therefore privileged places to live, result of a pacific "Western" expansion 2 since they served as the foundries of into the "East." Our research was focused on its social and psychological impacts Portrait of qualified personal for the military Stupino 3 industrial complex and their residents and the local population's attitudes to- enjoyed the highest living standards and wards the "West". We will present these Programme 3 the best educational opportunities. results during our meeting in Stupino, and we hope that they will provide an Stupino as a society 4 The end of the Cold War, interesting comparative context for our restructuring, and demilitarisation of the INTAS network. Frame of the Russian economy led to a prolonged project, state of the art 5-6 crisis of military plants that served as town-forming enterprises. This situation Good Elephants' was characteristic for the entire ex-Soviet perspective 7 block. But Stupino's fate was different , July 2006

Previous, current, from that of most military "company and planned towns," because representatives of the Alexey Levinson projects 8 other side of the geopolitical antagonism known as the "West" came to Stupino, Tatiana Vorozheikina Publications 8 drawn by the process of globalisation. Post-Soviet Russia was an attractive page 3 of 8 LOCLAB Stupino

Th e pr ogram A comparative portrait of Stupino 29 Sept ember 2006 Participa nts arrive to Moscow. Stupino is a relatively young investors to Stupino. "Campina" Welcom e dinner in Stupino. town; it was officially registered as a started its production in 1997 using the infrastructure of a local dairy town directly subjected to the regional 30 September 2006 administration in 1939. Nevertheless, it plant before it opened the first

10.00 – 13.00 has a rather long history as a place. It production line of its own in 2000. Dr. Yuri Levada 'East and West' in was first mentioned in chronicles in In 2004 tax revenues from foreign the Rus sian Labor Market` 1507 as Pochinok Stupinsky, which companies accounted for 40% of Questions and discussion. was a settlement on the road from the town budget. The Stupino Dr. Hans-Peter Meier-Dallach district holds the first place in the LOCLAB project: Where do we stand Moscow to Kashira – a town on the at present? other side of the Oka River, the main Moscow region in terms of direct Dr. David Rotman. water artery in the Moscow region. At foreign investment, which totaled th Presentation and discussion of joint the beginning of the 16 century it was more than 600 million dollars in data analysis and inputs. given to a nearby Saint Trinity 2004. An Italian company Moderator: T. Vorozheikina monastery. "Marazzi" already invested more 15.00 – 19.00 A metallurgical plant was constructed than 30 million dollars into the Two country-specific reports: there in late 1930s, and Stupino construction of a plant producing Belarus and Poland became a "company town" of the ceramic tiles. Discussion Soviet military industrial complex. According to Pavel Chelpan, who Moderator: N. Churilov. has served as the head of the town Aircraft aluminum was produced at the 1 October 2006 metallurgical plant; the aviation administration over the past 19 10.00 – 13.00 machinery plant produced propellers years, "while everybody was Two country-specific reports: and engines for helicopters and planes. complaining at the beginning of the Ukraine and Both plants went into a profound crisis 1990s, we were actively searching Moderator: M. Pachulia in the 1990s. The metallurgical plant for investors and inviting them to 15.00 – 19.00 that produced aluminum, titanium, our region." Dr. A. Levinson. nickel, and cobalt went bankrupt in Russian country-specific report. 2001. It employed some 5,000 people Comparative discussion of five and provided most of the town's tax cases. Workshop (questions, solutions, and revenue. Nevertheless, both plants new inputs). continue to exist, "Aerosila" company Theoretical interpretations. (the machinery plant) is the leading Moderator: N. Genov. Russian producer of the propellers and additional engines for planes. 2 October 2006 Two major foreign investors came to 10.00 – 12.00 Stupino in the 1990s: "Mars" – the Participants will visit one of the American producer of chocolates and foreign enterprises and one of the animal food, and "Campina" – the former Soviet plants Dutch company producing yogurts and 12.00 – 14.00 dairy products. "Mars" was the first to Presentations by Ivan Palamarchuk, In Stupino the Western value build its production line in Stupino, Deputy Mayor of Stupino, and models are confronted to the Vladimir Nikolaev, Director of the and local administration considers it to Russian ones rooted in the own employment agency "Novaya Zhisn". be the "anchor investor", that had tradition of a modern power. Moderator: A. Levinson afterwards attracted additional 16.00-19.00 investors to Stupino. "Campina" Comparative discussions and further http://stupino.stinline.ru/ planning. http://mosoblpress.ru/stupino/index.shtml Diffusion and publication strategy. http://www.comstrin.ru/news/68.html Moderator: H.-P. Meier-Dallach http://www.mojgorod.ru/moskovsk_obl/stupino/index.html

LOCLAB Stupino The network: institutions, team leaders, participants WOR LD_DRIVES Switzerland: WORLD_DRIVES, Belarus: Belarusian State University, Center International Centre of Competence for for Sociological and Political Research, Karl Eas tern Branch Practice and Social Research / cultur Marx 31, 220030 Minsk, Belarus prospectiv, Mühlebachstrasse 35, CH-8008 Prof D. Rotman (TL); Dr L. Filinska (TL); Switzerland Zürich. (Co-ordinator) MA N. Veremeeva; MA A. Markovich Müh lebachstrasse 35 Dr H.-P. Meier (TL); Prof Dr R. Schaff- C H 8008 Zürich hauser; Dr Th. Walter Russia: Analytical Centre Levada, Public Opinion Research - Sociology, Nikolskaya TEL: Poland: University of Bialystok, Centre for ul. 17, 109012 Moscow, Russia, +41 44 260 69 01 Research and Social Initiative in Bialystok Dr Yury A. Levada (TL); (BOBIS), Department of History and Dr Alexey G. Levinson Sociology, Plac Uniwersytecki 1, 15-24 The Moscow School of Social and Economic FAX: Bialystok, Poland; Sciences, Political Science, Vernadsky +4 1 44 260 69 29 Dr M. Bienkowska-Ptasznik (TL); MA I. Sa- Prospect 82/2, 119571 Moscow, Russia,

dowski; Prof A. Sadowski; Prof P. Glinski; Prof Tatiana E. Vorozheikina (TL) E-MAIL: Dr K. Sztop-Rutkowska; MA R. Poczy- world_drives@culturpro kowski; MA R. Oryszczyszyn Ukraine: Center for Social and Political

spectiv.ch Investigations, SOCIS Ltd., Reytarska 34-A, Bulgaria: Centre Regional and Global 0100 , Ukraine, Development (REGLO), Sociology, Dr O. Grigorevich Stegniy (TL);

Dondukov Blvd 11, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria, Dr N. Pohorila (delegate) Dr E. Borisova Ignatova (TL) PROFILE AND PARTICIPATION Georgia: Georgian Opinion Research WWW.C ULTURPROSPECTIV. Germany: Institute of Eastern European Business International (GORBI), Public CH/PHP /INDEX.PHP?AKTUE Studies, Institute of Sociology, Gary Strasse Opinion Research, 45 Vaja Pshavela Ave, LL 55, 14195 Berlin, Germany 380064 Tbilisi, Georgia, Prof Nikolay Genov (TL) Merab, Rezo Pachulia (TL)

Previous and ongoing projects Project initiatives

The Eastern European network was created • GOOD_ELEPHANTS: Transnational by a series of conferences and projects since companies challenged by diverging societal the early nineties. Important are the network- contexts: social performance between and joint research-projects: Western, East-Central and NIS areas for Europe • REGIONS: The role of regions in transforming post-communist societies: • YOUTHLAB: Youth, labour markets and Belarus, Georgia, Russia and Ukraine as integration into local societies in Central cases for comparison (INTAS-1997-02025) Asian and Caucasian countries (Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Poland). • UKRAINE: Regions in the Ukraine: dynamics, movements and politics (INTAS- • REBUILDING: Rebuilding the past for the 94-3938) future. The cultural heritage in people’s mind compared between Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, • GEORGIA: How Georgians view Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, democracy? (SCOPES FGEPj65810) Bulgaria and Poland Contacts to Rus sian Partner • LOCLAB: Dynamics and social impacts of • NEW TOWNS in Eastern Europe: Learning the labour markets on local communities in by comparing – a project initiative with L evada-Center Eastern Europe accelerated by the EU- ENTP (European New Town Platform) Integration (INTAS-04-79-6799) 17, Nikolskaja str. • HOW MANY WORLDS? Joint publication

109012, Moscow, • CHERNOBYL:The Chernobyl generation. project on the occasion of the 25th

Russia Life situations and perspectives in Gomel, anniversary of the World Society Foundation

Chernigov, Brjansk (SDC) 2007 in Zurich (see Newsletter VII “How many worlds?”) tel 07 495 628 86 92

fax 07 495 628 80 23 Papers and publications of the LOCLAB project:

www.culturprospectiv.ch/upload/uploads/literature.htm www.levada.ru