Microcomputer Digest Sept. 1975

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Microcomputer Digest Sept. 1975 ICROC PUTER Copyright © 1975 by Microcomputer Associates Inc. Printed in U.S.A. DIGEST Volume 2, Number 3 September, 1975 16-BIT PANAFACOM MICROPROCESSOR THE JOLT FROM MAl The latest entrant in the microprocessor Microcomputer Associates Inc. has announced arena, Panafacom Ltd. of Tokyo Japan, has un­ the world's lowest cost microcomputer system veiled a l6-bit microprocessor chip set fully yet available. The system is offered in kit supported by a series of microcomputer cards form as well as assembled. The heart of the and a resident hardware development system. JOLT system is MOS Technology's 6502 8-bit The PFL-16A is a three chip LSI microcom­ microprocessor. puter designed to offer users functions match­ The outstanding feature of the system is a ing those of a minicomputer in the form of a ROM mask programmed DEbug-MONitor (DEMON) which system component. (cont'd on page 2) provides instant software to the user after completion of the kit. 8080 IN CIRCUIT EMULATOR DEMON includes a unique feature found in no o~her microcomputer system, that is, a self­ Ramtek Corp. has announced an In Circuit adapting interface to any terminal speed from Emulator for the 8080 microprocessor. The MM 10 to 30 cps. A TTY 20 rnA current loop as well 80 (nicknamed the ICEBOX) directly replaces as an EIA interface is standard with the kit. the 8080 microprocessor in the user's system Other DEMON features include display-alter and allows the designer to examine, alter and CPU registers, display-alter memory, read/ control the 8080 system. ICEBOX is a real write hex formatted data, read/write BNPF for­ 8080 to the user's system and requires no matted data, unlimited breakpoint capability, special design considerations. high-speed 8-bit parallel input option and The MM 80 was designed to provide the in user callable DEMON I/O subroutines. circuit emulation ability in a basic system. (cont'd on page 2) (cont'd on page 3) Low COST pP ENTERS MARKET INSIDE THIS ISSUE National Semiconductor has formally an­ INTERSIL reduces prices on their IM6l00 micro­ nounced their SCAMP microprocessor, a single­ processor and memories. Story on page 7. chip 8-bit p-channel MOS device priced around $15. INTEL introduces two high-speed versions of SCAMP (acronym for Simple to use Cost ef­ their 8080 CPU. Story on page 7. fective Application MicroProcessing) can be SPECIAL REPORT on Europe's microprocessor ac­ used alone or in a multiprocessor configura­ tivities. Story on page 18. tion. National will be backing the micropro­ cessor with a wide array of software and soft­ COURSES---Upcoming microcomputer courses for ware tooling support. (MD, August 1975) October, November and December on page 15. With only two chips, the microprocessor and WYLE DISTRIBUTORS adds Intel franchise to any standard memory, a user can address up to their current line of microcomputers. Story 4K bytes of memory to implement the control on page 13. (cont'd on page 4) PO BOX 1167, CUPERTINO, CA 95014 • (408) 247-8940 Copyright © 1975 by Microcomputer Associates Inc., All Rights Reserved. M.R. lemas, President. Published monthly. Subscription $28.00 per year, overseas $40.00 per year. DARREll D. CROW, Editor; LILLIAN lAU, Associate Editor; PATRICIA L. DREISBACH, Circulation Editor; RAY HOLT, Applications Technical Advisor; MANNY lEMAS, Applications Technical Advisor. MICROCOMPUTER DIGEST 2 Volume 2, Number 31 September, 1975 TABLE OF CONTENTS: MICROCOMPUTER SPOTLIGHT Page European Microprocessor Activities -rs- SPECIAL FEATURES Page Italy •••....•.•.•.•.••..••....•••.•• 18 16-Bit Panafacom Microprocessor ••...•. 1 Germany .•.....•...••'................ 18 8080 In Circuit Emulator ..•.••..•...•. 1 Belgium •.....••..••••••.•....•..•..• 19 The JOLT From MAl •••.•.••.•.••.....•.. 1 Spain ...•.•....•••.••••....••..••.•• 20 Low Cost uP Enters Market ....••..••... 1 Sweden •.•..••••••..••.••..•...•..••. 20 Electronic Warfare ........•.••......•• 5 The Netherlands .•...••••.••...•••.•• 21 Micros Micros--WESCON Theme •...•.....• 6 COMPANY ADDRESSES FOR THIS ISSUE .•...... 22 Microcomputer Education 6 MICROCOMPUTER STUDIES AVAILABLE ......... 22 TECHNOLOGY MICROCOMPUTER PRODUCTS/SERVICES ...•..... 23 GI IM1600 Now Available 7 Rockwell Announces 2-Chip uP ...•..•... 7 NEC To "Truly" Second Source 8080 .•... 7 Intel's Higher-Speed 8080 uP .•.•..••.. 7 SPECIAL FEATURES: Intersil Drops uP Prices •...•••••..... 7 MICROCOMPUTER-BASED PRODUCTS THE JOLT FROM MAl 4-Bit Educational Microcomputer •...... 8 Cramer To Offer uC Kits •••...•.•..•... 8 (from page 1) uC Spectrum Analyzer ..•.•...•.•....•.. 8 The basic CPU card coritains the 6502 CPU, Upgradable POS System ...•.••.......•.. 9 512 bytes of user RAM, 64 bytes of interrupt Microcomputer Serial Printer ...•..••.. 9 vector RAM, and 16 fully programmable I/O New Version Of Model 340 Terminal .•••• 9 lines. Power on reset and auto bootstrap to Intelligent Floppy Disc ....•.•....•.•. 10 the monitor are included. Pro-Log Supporting M6800 & F8 .•.•.••.. 10 The 6502 has a built-in clock generator, uC-Controlled Wiring Analyzer ••...•.•. 10 thus eliminating the need for an external MEMORIES/PERIPHERALS clock generator. Two external interrupts FPLA Programmer Now Available •.••.••.• 11 are provided to the CPU, one maskable under Flexible Disc System For MicroPac .••.• 11 software control and the other non-maskable. 6800 Relocatable Macroassembler .•.••.. 11 Appropriate signals are brought out to a con­ Low Cost CMOS Static RAM ••..•••••.••.. 11 nector to allow the user to add single step Fairchild Shipping 4K RAMs ............ 11 and address halt features. uC Tape Storage System .......••••.••.• 12 Other available cards include 4K RAM, I/O New lK Schottky RAM ••••.•....•..•.•... 12 (32 lines), power supply, universal bread­ Microprocessor Test System •...•.•.•... 12 board card and an accessory kit. Single Timer, Counter & Generator ...•..•.••.• 12 quantity kit prices are: CPU--$249; 4K RAM-­ PEOPLE, LITERATURE AND EVENTS $265; 1/0--$96; Power Supply--$145; Univer­ SRI To Study Industrial uC ..••••..•... 13 sal Card--$25; and Accessory Kit--$40. Prices Wyle Gains Intel uC Franchise ••...•••• 13 include the DEMON and all documentation. De­ Computer Printer Analysis .••..•...•.•. 13 liveries are 10 days ARO. European uC Study Available ••••••.•.•• 13 People On The Move .••.•.•.•.••....•••• 14 16-BIT PANAFACOM MICROPROCESSOR Recent Literature .•..•••..••••..•.•.•. 14 EDUCATION (from page 1) Microcomputer Courses, Seminars And The PFL-16A microprocessor is manufactured Conferences for Oct. thru Dec ...•..... 15 using N-channel LOCOS silicon gate E/D MOS FINANCIAL technology. The three chip set consists of Digital Controls In Process Industry •• 17 a 16-bit parallel microprocessor and two I/O control chips (a subchannel adapter and a direct memory access channel controller). The microprocessor features an extremely cI~; PO BOX 1167, CUPERTINO, CA 95014 • (408) 247-8940 Copyright © 1975 by Microcomputer Associates Inc., All Rights Reserved. M.R. Lemas, President. Published monthly. Subscription $28.Dq per year, overseas $40.00 per year. DARRELL D. CROW, Editor; LILLIAN LAU, Associate Editor; PATRICIA L. DREISBACH, Circulation Editor; RAY HOLT, Applications Technical Advisor; MANNY LEMAS, Applications Technical Advisor. MICROCOMPUTER DIGEST 3 Volume 2, Number 31 September, 1975 efficient architecture, flexible system con­ The self-standing system software aids struction, easy-to-use I/O interface and consist of an initial program loader, micro high throughput. Each chip is housed in a monitor, I/O control subroutines, arithmetic 40-pin package and is completely TTL compat­ subroutines, linkage loader, debugging uti­ ible. lity and ROM support utility. The microprocessor architecture consists The support systems software aids consist of seven 16-bit registers; an instruction of a cross assembler, linkage loader, simula­ counter, instruction register, stack pointer, tor, source program editor, RB program uti­ two accumulators and two index registers. lity, EB program util~ty and a debugger. Typical instruction execution time is 3 us The PFL-16A microcomputer development sys­ with the microprocessor operating on a two­ tem consists of a front panel, power supplies, phase 2MHz 12V clock. Other features include and ten standard cards for a versatile sys­ three level multiple interrupts, DMAcapabil­ tem. ity, automatic restart, a 33 command instruc­ The CPU card houses the microprocessor, tion set and six addressing modes. The ad­ clock generator circuit, bus driver/receiver, dressing modes include direct, PC relative, and controls the sequencing of program in­ indirect,. PC relative indirect, index modifi­ structions. cation, and indirect index modification. The CPU Option card provides the micro­ Three supplies are required: +12V, +5V and computer with DMA channel connection, memory -3V. parity check, power fail interrupt, interval Software development support is available timer, etc. on the Panafacom U Series industrial comput­ Three types of memory cards are offered: ers and the MACC-7/L minicomputer, or is ' core memory card, IC RAM card and IC PROM resident with the PFL-16A development system. card. All three memories can be freely com­ Moreover, various program modules residing bined. in the target system are offered. Other cards include the console panel and Four groups of software aids have been control panel card, Basic I/O control card, developed to operate on the above systems. communications line control card, PROM writer These categories include the self-standing
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