2002 Ocean Sciences Meeting OS12O HC

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2002 Ocean Sciences Meeting OS12O HC OS78 2002 Ocean Sciences Meeting 2 the pycnocline south of the front. These subsurface Applied Physics Lab University of Washington, 1013 OS12O HC: 323 A Monday 1330h features had T-S characteristics and optical properties NE 40th St., Seattle, WA 98195, United States typical of north-side mixed layers and were found be- 3Naval Research Laboratory, Ocean Sciences Branch Western Pacific Marginal Seas II tween the 27.0 kg/m3 and 26.7 kg/m3 isopycnals (a CODE 7333, Stennis, MS 39529, United States , layer that outcrops on the northern edge of the front) at 4Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, MS #21, 360 Presiding: SRamp Dept. of distances as far as 50 km south of the frontal interface. Woods Hole Road, Woods Hole, MS 02543, United ; , Moreover, these features often exhibit anticyclonic cir- States Oceanography CLee Applied Physics culation and negative potential vorticity, a result of the 5Kwangju University, Div. Civil & Environmental En- anticyclonic flow and large, negative contributions from Laboratory gineering, Kwangju 503-703, Korea, Republic of the tilting term. These properties are consistent with recent theories of frontogenesis and enhanced subduc- The subpolar front of the Japan/East Sea is present tion rates driven by symmetric and baroclinic instabil- throughout the year and is characterized by strong hor- OS12O-01 1330h INVITED ities under strong wind and buoyancy forcing. izontal temperature and salinity gradients in the upper 200 meters of the water column. The front is also char- URL: http://sahale.apl.washington.edu/jes acterized by higher phytoplankton abundances as in- The formation and Circulation of the dicated by both chlorophyll fluorescence and inherent Intermediate water in the Japan/East optical properties (IOPs, such as beam attenuation and Sea OS12O-03 1405h absorption coefficient). During spring and early sum- mer, seasonal heating of the upper layer results in a 1 northward propagating spring bloom. Seasoar mapping Jong-Hwan Yoon (81-92-583-7910; Ekman Frontogenesis: Generation of of the frontal region shows that subduction processes [email protected]) Negative Potential Vorticity, along the frontal boundary can transport nearsurface 2 Subsequent Instability, and water characteristics (low salinity, high oxygen, high Hideyuki Kawamura (81-92-583-7997; chlorophyll fluorescence and IOPs) from north of the [email protected]) Application to the Subpolar Front of front to depths of at least 250 m. During winter, ele- 1RIAM, Kyushu University, 6-1 Kasuga-koen, Kasuga, the Japan/East Sea. vated fluorescence and optical absorption at the front Fuk 816-8580, Japan result from increased stratification and convergence at the frontal boundary. As in summer, subduction of Leif N Thomas1 (206-543-0769; 2ESST, Kyushu University, 6-1 Kasuga-koen, Kasuga, water transports IOPs downward in the water column. [email protected]) Fuk 816-8580, Japan North of the front the IOPs were uniformly mixed to a 2 > In order to clarify the formation and circulation Craig M Lee (206-685-7656; depth of 120 m and within the front IOPs were high- of the Japan/East Sea Intermediate Water (JESIW) [email protected]) est in the upper 50 m. South of the front, absorption and the Upper portion of the Japan Sea ProperWater 1 and attenuation spectra show a uniform upper layer Peter B Rhines (206-543-0593; from the surface to ∼75 m. A subsurface absorption (UJSPW), numerical experiments have been carried out [email protected]) using a 3-D ocean circulation model. The UJSPW is and attenuation maximum from 80 to 110 m is charac- 1 formed in the region southeast off Vladivostok between School of Oceanography, University of Washington, terized by decreased absorption in the red wavelengths, 41oN and 42oN west of 136oE. Taking the coastal orog- Box 355351, Seattle, WA 98195-5351, United States indicative of the subducted water from north of the raphy near Vladivostok into account, the formation of front. During winter elevated bio-optical signals were 2Applied Physics Laboratory and School of Oceanog- the UJSPW results from the deep water convection in not detected as deeply in subducted water as in sum- raphy, University of Washington, 1013 NE 40th St., winter which is generated by the orchestration of fresh mer, but they demonstrated specific spectral changes Seattle, WA 98105-6698, United States water supplied from the Amur River and saline water that would be expected in a subducted phytoplankton from the Tsushima Warm Current under very cold con- North-south sections of density and upper ocean ve- population. These results indicate that frontal pro- ditions. The UJSPW formed is advected by the current locity made while crossing the subpolar front of the cesses provide a mechanism for significant downward at depth near the bottom of the convection and pene- Japan/East Sea during January 2000 were used to cal- transport of the products of primary production from trates into the layer below the JESIW. The origin of the culate the two dimensional Ertel potential vorticity the upper layer. JESIW is the low salinity coastal water along the Rus- (PV). In some sections, during cold air outbreaks, the sian coast originated by the fresh water from the Amur PV in the core of the front above 60 m was negative yet River. The coastal low salinity water is advected by the the stratification was stable and the absolute vorticity OS12O-05 1435h current system in the northwestern Japan Sea and pen- was positive. The negative PV was attributable to the etrates into the subsurface below the Tsushima Warm strong north-south density gradient and vertical shear Apparent Removal of Carbon Current region forming a subsurface salinity minimum of the zonal velocity associated with the front. We sug- Tetrachloride in the Thermocline layer. gest that the process of Ekman frontogenesis is respon- sible for generating negative PV of this type. Indeed, Waters of the East Sea (Sea of Japan) as revealed by QuikSCAT scatterometer winds, the lo- OS12O-02 1350h cation of the subpolar front during cold air outbreaks in Dong-Ha Min1 (206-221-6741; this period was in a region of Ekman convergence where [email protected]) conditions are favorable for Ekman frontogenesis. Evidence of Wintertime Subduction at Using a weakly nonlinear analytic theory and nu- Mark J Warner1 ([email protected]) the Subpolar Front of the Japan/East merical simulations we have shown that convergent Ek- 1 man transport can generate fronts with negative PV by School of Oceanography, University of Washington, Sea intensifying lateral density gradients, steepening isopy- box 355351, Seattle, WA 98195-5351, United States cnals, and reducing the absolute vorticity. The numer- Dissolved carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) was mea- 1 Craig M Lee ((206) 685-7656; ical simulations demonstrate how fronts with negative sured for the first time in the East Sea (Sea of Japan) PV, formed by the process of Ekman frontogenesis, are throughout the water column in summer 1999 during [email protected]); Burton H Jones2 unstable to symmetric instability, a two dimensional in- the HNRO-7 and KH36 expeditions. Seawater sam- ((213) 740-5765; [email protected]); Kenneth H ples were collected and stored in flame-sealed glass am- 3 stability characterized by an overturning cell which di- Brink ((508) 289-2535; [email protected]); Leif N verts the Ekman transport down the dense side of the poules for later analysis in the laboratory. The dis- Thomas4 ((206) 525-7944; front. The along-front vorticity associated with this solved chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) CFC-11 and CFC- [email protected]); Robert Arnone5 overturning cell is driven by the dominance of buoyancy 12 were measured onboard the R/V Roger Revelle ((228) 688-5268; [email protected]); Richard twisting over the tilting of planetary vorticity by the (HNRO-7). CCl4, a man-made compound, has been 5 6 vertical shear of the along-front velocity. For symmet- released to the atmosphere since the early 20th cen- Gould ((228) 688-5587); Clive Dorman ((619) tury, several decades earlier than CFC-11 and CFC- 3 ric instability to grow, this imbalance must increase. 534-7863; [email protected]); Robert Beardsley This is accomplished by the convergent surface flow 12. CCl4 has been used in several recent studies as ((508) 289-2536; [email protected]) of the overturning cell, which, through horizontal ad- a time-dependent ocean tracer for water mass dating vection of density, strengthens buoyancy twisting and and delineating pathways of newly ventilated deep wa- 1Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washing- intensifies the front. Underneath the surface expres- ters. However, CCl4 has been observed to be removed, ton, 1013 NE 40th St, Seattle, WA 98105-6698, sion of the front, the divergent flow at the base of the presumably by biological activity, in warm upper ocean United States overturning cell spreads apart isopycnals and generates waters and in anoxic waters. CCl4, CFC-11 and CFC- 2Department of Biological Sciences, University of anticyclonic vorticity. These signatures of symmetric 12 levels were close to equilibrium in surface waters of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0371, instability, i.e. thick isopycnal layers and anticyclonic the East Sea, however CCl4 in the upper 1000 m of the United States vorticity, were evident in the observations of the sub- water column had lower saturation levels than those polar front of the Japan/East Sea for sections where of the other CFCs, especially south of the subpolar 3Department of Physical Oceanography, Woods Hole the PV was negative, and suggests that frontal inten- front. Evidence of CCl4 removal in thermocline waters Oceanographic Institution , MS-21, Woods Hole, sification through Ekman convergence and symmetric is indicated by comparing the profiles of the predicted MA 02543, United States instability is active in this region.
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