Fact Sheet: Surface-to-Air -5 and DERby-Air Defence System (SPYDER)

04 Jul 2018

The Republic of Air Force (RSAF) replaced its air defence system with the Surface-to-air PYthon-5 and DERby (SPYDER) ground based air defence system in 2011.

The SPYDER is part of the enhanced Island Air Defence (IAD) system. The IAD system is a multi-layered networked island-wide networked system that brings together sensors, weapon systems, command and control elements and decision making tools to further strengthen Singapore's air defence.

As an all-weather air defence system, the SPYDER enhances the RSAF's capability to effectively deal with a wide spectrum of aerial threats. The capabilities of the SPYDER air defence system include anti-aircraft and anti-munition capabilities, and is able to deploy both

1 the PYthon-5 and Derby missiles which are fitted with infrared imaging and radio frequency seekers respectively.

The SPYDER intercepts targets at longer ranges and higher altitudes for improved operational effectiveness. It is equipped for 360 degree engagement against aerial threats and is able to engage multiple aerial targets simultaneously. Integrated into the enhanced IAD system, the SPYDER is able to tap on a real-time integrated air picture to respond faster and engage targets with greater precision.

Technical Specifications: SPYDER System Rapier System Rafael Advanced Defense British Aircraft Cooperation Manufacturer Systems (now known as BAE Systems) Intercept 15 kilometres 7 kilometres Range Intercept 9 kilometres 3 kilometres Altitude Crew 4 men deployment team 15 men deployment team Requirements Derby Missile - Active Command Li homing guidance through Guidance radio frequency System Python-5 Missile - Infrared Imaging


- Speech by Senior Minister of State for Defence Dr Mohamad Maliki Bin Osman at the Full Operational Capability Ceremony of the Surface-to-Air PYthon-5 and DERby-Air Defence System (MINDEF_20180704001_2.pdf)

News Release:

- The RSAF's SPYDER System Attains Full Operational Capability (MINDEF_20181220001.pdf)