Extensions of Remarks E945 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
May 25, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E945 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS ALBANIAN VOTERS 27. H55706105E, Adriana, Isuf, Aruci, 06/07/ 67. F55325181R, Alije, Ibrahim, Baliko, 25/03/ 1975. 1955. 28. D25513053Q, Ishe, Kalem, Aruci, 13/05/ 68. F10215141O, Ismail Haki, Baliko, 15/02/ HON. JAMES A. TRAFICANT, JR. 1932. 1951. OF OHIO 29. D30503085R, Isuf, Xhemal, Aruci, 03/05/ 69. I15621127L, Irena, Sefer, Balla, 21/06/1981. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1933. 70. D91001052B, Sefer, Ali, Balla, 01/10/1939. 71. E06125026W, Selfiaze, Shero, Balla, 25/11/ Thursday, May 24, 2001 30. G55605174N, Mirjeta, Safet, Aruci, 05/06/ 1965. 1940. Mr. TRAFICANT. Mr. Speaker, I submit the 31. G50601287U, Ramis, Isuf, Aruci, 01/06/ 72. H46015106O, Fidane, Elez, Balliu, 15/10/ following passage and lists for the RECORD: 1965. 1974. The list of names enclosed, are considered 32. G50610350R, Ramiz, Isuf, Aruci, 10/06/ 73. H10224115D, Naim, Hasan, Balliu, 24/02/ the ‘‘official list of voters’’ in two district polling 1965. 1971. 74. G85504119G, Nurie, Qerim, Baloj, 04/05/ stations in Tirana, Albania, as submitted by 33. H65110174C, Shkendije, Isuf, Aruci, 10/01/ 1976. 1968. the current reigning socialist government. 34. G16010207W, Xhevrie, Isuf, Aruci, 10/10/ 75. E25610110F, Nusha, Frok, Baloj, 10/06/ The Democratic Coalition opposing the So- 1961. 1942. cialist Party in the upcoming election, main- 35. H00507154P, Agron, Idriz, Avdia, 07/05/ 76. G60122106S, Sander, Preng, Baloj, 22/01/ tains that this list has left off many eligible vot- 1970. 1966. ers, thus, disenfranchising many Albanians 36. H86102060N, Bujana, Idriz, Avdia, 02/11/ 77.
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