duisportmagazin 2 A magazine published by Duisburger Hafen AG 2/2016

Stable growth for duisport

Building the New Silk Road together

Hub of the energy market transformation K 47869 4D Packaging duisport packing logistics goes to extra LENGTHs to be the best and offers a full bandWIDTH of services. Because we reach new HEIGHTs in quality and TIME is of the essence while we provide SPACE for innovative thinking.

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duisport packing logistics GmbH Port Number 3650 Alte Ruhrorter Strasse 42-52 47119 Germany Phone: +49 203 8032-0 Fax: +49 203 8032-204 [email protected] CONTENT

4 Positive growth trend in 2015 7 Hub of energy market transformation 10 Building the New Silk Road together

„After a bumpy start in the first quarter, the second Together for the energy market transformation – Duisburger Hafen AG (duisport) and China Mer- quarter was already an improvement and the third that’s the slogan for a future-oriented partnership chants Logistics Holdings Co. Ltd. (CML), the logistics quarter was good. I am optimistic that we will be entered into by innogy SE and the duisport Group. division of the China Merchants Group (CMG), have successful in achieving an improved economic per- As leading companies in the energy industry and lo- entered into a strategic and project-based coopera- formance compared to the previous year again in gistics, innogy and duisport want to develop a “hub tion agreement. The agreement was signed in Hong 2016. Container handling will also just enter the plus for the energy market transformation” in the port of Kong during the recent trip to China by Germany‘s range, while market conditions will lead to a slight Duisburg, and test out new methods of saving ener- industry minister Sigmar Gabriel - a trip that also minus in bulk cargo handling and especially coal and gy and using renewables in logistics and industry. included North-Rhine Westphalia minister of trans- steel,“ explains Erich Staake, Chief Executive Officer portation Michael Groschek and duisport CEO Erich of Duisburger Hafen AG. Staake.



4 Stable growth for duisport in 2016 21 With DHL to China and back 36 300 Years of the Port of Duisburg

7 Hub of the energy market 24 Semitrailers are now stackable 39 Shop windows facing the Rhine transformation 26 NGK – International automotive 10 Building the New Silk Road together supplier in the port

28 Revolutionary for inland waterway SERVICE NETWORK transport 40 duisport Shipping List and Rail 12 Watertruck: Breaking new ground Schedule in inland waterway transport 46 duisport – The Port PORTRAIT 14 Digitalization in rail transport 47 Port Map 16 Port of the future 32 Rhenus Port Logistics Duisburg

18 Greiwing expands services for inter- modal transportation in Duisburg

IMPRINT Editor and advertisements: Layout: Visuell Marketing – visuell-marketing.com 42. Volume – Edition 2/2016 Linda Wosnitza (lw) Satz: media-grafixx, Mülheim an der Ruhr Tel: +49 203 803-4455 Frequency: Published twice per year, Fax: +49 203 803-4409 Print: SET POINT Medien GmbH June and December [email protected] Translations: Kern AG, Bonn Publisher: Authors of this edition: Cover: logport I Duisburger Hafen AG Hans-Wilhelm Dünner (dü), Josefine Schürmanns, Cover photograph: Oliver Tjaden Alte Ruhrorter Straße 42–52 Axel Granzow (gran), Wilhelm Klümper (klü) 47119 Duisburg Articles signed by the authors do not necessarily represent the opinion of the publisher. Articles may not be reprinted, www.duisport.com unless the source is quoted. [email protected]

duisportmagazin 2/2016 3 THE PORT » STABLE GROWTH 2016

Stable growth for duisport in its 2016 anniversary year © Hans Blossey

In the area of development and marketing of logistics sites duisport was able to register a record-breaking year. Almost a 1.000 jobs will be created thanks to duisport’s new mayor projects.

(dü) „After a bumpy start in the first Chinese government”, says Staake. considerable boost in cargo transport quarter, the second quarter was But there has also been a downturn in from China to Europe directly via Duis- already an improvement and the third trade with Russia and South America. burg,“ Staake is confident that the quarter was good. I am optimistic that cooperation agreements made now we will be successful in achieving an The growth market of China in China will also lead to significant improved economic performance The participation of North-Rhine increases in the handling figures at compared to the previous year again Westphalia‘s Minister of Transport the Port: „We want to develop duis- in 2016. Container handling will also Michael Groschek and Erich Staake port into the leading European trans- just enter the plus range, while market in Sigmar Gabriel‘s multi-day trip portation hub for Chinese transport.“ conditions will lead to a slight minus to China yielded some encouraging in bulk cargo handling and especially results. „We were able to agree on a For Staake this positive development coal and steel,“ explains Erich Staake, strategic and project-based cooper- is the result of years of development Chief Executive Officer of Duisburger ation with the Logistics Division of work in the establishment of a direct Hafen AG. China Merchants Group in Hong Kong, link between the Chinese and Euro- which operates 31 ports in 18 countries pean markets by rail via Duisburg: „We still lack the drivers of global eco- and 1,148 logistics centers in important „Already today, about 20 trains a week nomic growth. This finds expression metropolitan regions. In the economic run between the Port of Duisburg in languished, falling container han- hub of Chengdu, we signed coopera- and various destinations in China. dling figures in most of the northern tion agreements with Chengdu Inter- The Chinese are surveying the world ports. The economic development in national Railway Port Investment Co. anew, building new industrial centers China declined for the second year in Ltd (CDIRPI), a wholly-owned subsid- in less developed provinces in Central a row, which is to be corrected with an iary of Chengdu Industry Investment China and the west of the country investment program launched by the Co. Ltd. (CDII), which is planning a while cleverly exploiting investment

4 duisportmagazin 2/2016 THE PORT » STABLE GROWTH 2016

of these terminals in Duisburg are in the black. As already in previous years, our growth and solid economic perfor- mance is based above all on the han- dling volume generated on site from the settlement of new companies and from the development of new Conti- nental European rail transport rela- tions, for example to Turkey, Scandina- via, or China. Both market segments are showing signs of expansion for the future, as well,“ as Erich Staake justi- fies his expected annual results. © Rolf Köppen © Rolf With five major resettlements, it was Erich Staake takes stock of the business year 2016. not only possible in 2016 to close the last property gaps at logport I, but also to fill the logport IV projects in Kamp-Lintfort with interesting inves- interests of foreign partners, such as is all the more important that ports tors. „Since the start of logport I, we Volkswagen. New trading routes oper- not generate their economic results have located over 100 companies in ating under the Chinese „one belt, one exclusively from the user fees for the Duisburg. With logport V in Ober- road“ Silk Road initiative are result- port infrastructure, but rather work hausen, logport VI Duisburg-Walsum ing in an improved connection to the out their own services for settling new and logport VII in Marl, we now have markets in the Near East and Western companies and thus related qualified a total of 200 ha available for resettle- Europe. An important element in the logistics services with a view to the ments. The interest among investors is implementation of these strategic complete transport chain. unabated, Staake continues, for word objectives, according to Staake, is the has since spread about the combina- intensive use of developmental policy Settlement projects create growth tion of large areas with good transport instruments, such as the construc- „With a handling capacity of 5 million connections and a wide range of logis- tion of road and railway connections TEU at nine terminals, duisport is well tics services that the duisport loca- and of ports and inland terminals in positioned for the future development tions have to offer. „Our settlement the countries and regions along the of intermodal transport. By the way, all and logistics concepts have become Silk Road. „It is exactly the realization of such projects that the cooperation agreements now signed between the Chinese partners and Duisburger Hafen AG are targeting!“

The trend is still going towards increas- ingly large container chips, overcapac- ities among container operators, as well as decreasing containerized cargo at seaports and in the hinterland, lead- ing to an extremely high competitive and pricing pressure. „The decreas- ing costs of entire logistics chains are advantageous for the shipping indus- try, helping it position itself in increas- ingly tight export markets. However, the participants of the supply chain are suffering under the falling rates,“ © Hans Blossey Staake points out. For that reason, it In 2016 two major resettlements could be gained for logport IV. duisportmagazin 2/2016 5 THE PORT » STABLE GROWTH 2016

the backbone of our seaport transport services and has clearly profited from the development of Duisburg as a rail hub,“ Staake is convinced.

The highlight: The Port‘s anniversary The absolute highlight of the year 2016 was the 300-year anniversary of the Port of Duisburg. Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder came for the unveiling of the sculpture ‚Echo of Poseidon‘ by the artist Markus Lüpertz, which will welcome ships arriving from all over the world as they enter the world‘s largest inland port. Schröder expressed his appreciation © krischerfotografie for the gift of Duisburg Hafen AG on The Highlight in 2016: The 300. Port’s anniversary. the occasion of the Port‘s anniversary: „The unveiling of the ‚Echo of Posei- don‘ is the most wonderful event of the 300th anniversary celebration of the benchmark for the entire sector 1,092,000 TEU were transported by the Port of Duisburg.“ „Not only were and have convinced renowned compa- rail and 455,000 TEU by inland water- Federal Minister of Transport Alexan- nies such as Kühne + Nagel, the South way, meaning that the amount of con- der Dobrindt and North Rhine-West- African furniture manufacturer Stein- tainers transported by rail was already phalia’s Premier Hannelore Kraft there hoff, the pet food chain Fressnapf, but more than double. for the ceremony on September 16 as also medium-sized companies, such top representatives of German poli- as the chemical service provider Grei- Staake: „The development of rail tics, but leading industrial, logistics, wing. The word ‚logport‘ has become a transport mirrors the results of our and trade representatives from Ger- guarantee of supreme quality. I‘m sure settlement policy, as the companies many, Europe, and China were also that the rapid development over the located on our premises today can there to offer their congratulations. I past nearly two decades will continue select from 400 trains to 80 destina- was especially gratified by the gift by in the future,“ Staake believes. tions in Europe and Asia every week. To my friend Klaus Michel Kühne, who achieve this, we have invested heavily paid tribute to the Port‘s anniversary A railway vision became reality in our railway infrastructure and have with a graphic on the subject „From The development of railway trans- built over 100 km of our own rail- transshipment point to gate of inter- ports has played an important role way tracks in the port area. The year national trade,“ as Staake enthusiasti- in the growth of logistics services at 2001 saw the opening of DIT, the first cally relates. Staake is especially proud the Duisburg location. In 2000 a total high-capacity intermodal terminal of his employees, which played a part of 130,000 boxes were transported at logport 1 to initiate this develop- in contributing to the success of the by rail and 220,000 boxes by inland ment. I still clearly remember discus- 300-year anniversary: waterway vessel from and to the Duis- sions back in 2003 and 2004 about burg intermodal terminals usually at whether the expansion of the railway „I would like to take this opportunity the seaports, and in 2005 the ratio infrastructure might harm inland to extend my thanks once again to our remained more or less constant with waterway transport. The exact oppo- event team, who perfectly realized a 350,000 TEU by rail and 362,000 TEU site is the case, as inland waterway lot of good ideas, like the colored illu- by inland waterway vessel. In 2013, transport has continued to grow as mination of duisport headquarters!“


Hub of the energy market transformation Strategic partnership between innogy and Port of Duisburg © inn0gy

Peter Terium (CEO Innogy SE) and Erich Staake (CEO Duisburger Hafen AG).

Together for the energy market trans- solutions and new electric-powered 300th anniversary of the port’s estab- formation – that’s the slogan for a transport systems. innogy CEO Peter lishment, duisport has taken on the future-oriented partnership entered Terium: “The partnership with Duis- role of central logistics hub for central into by innogy SE and the duisport burg’s port company is of particular Europe. “I am very happy to know we Group. As leading companies in the importance to us, since transport and have the innovative skills of a lead- energy industry and logistics, innogy logistics are key sectors for future eco- ing European energy company by our and duisport want to develop a “hub nomic growth and successful climate side in the form of innogy,” comments for the energy market transforma- protection. With the energy market duisport CEO Erich Staake. “Together tion” in the port of Duisburg, and test transformation, these sectors are we have the strength to create new out new methods of saving energy facing fundamental changes. Here impetus for the European energy mar- and using renewables in logistics and at innogy, we want to be part of the ket transformation based on North industry. The CEOs of both compa- transformation process and work with Rhine-Westphalia as a centre for the nies, Peter Terium for innogy and Erich Europe’s largest inland harbour to energy industry and logistics.” Logisti- Staake for duisport, have signed an show that industry and sustainable cal transport chains are already being agreement to this end. energy strategies go hand in hand. For optimised at the port of Duisburg, me, that’s ‘innovation – made in the and shipping, rail and road systems The goal is to develop an integrated Ruhr area’.” are being intelligently networked. energy and logistics strategy for This enables industry and logistics to the port of Duisburg: both compa- Create new impetus for energy mar- structure goods flows economically, nies are looking at an innovative and ket transformation efficiently and with more sparing use decentralised energy supply system The port of Duisburg has the ideal of resources. Partners and customers on-site, the use of ultra-modern solar conditions in place: this year, the of the port company all benefit from duisportmagazin 2/2016 7 THE PORT » HUB OF THE ENERGY MARKET TRANSFORMATION this strategy of networked logistics focused on sustainability, includ- ing 300 logistics-related companies located there. Every year these compa- nies generate added value in the order of € 3 billion.

Energy supply, mobility & goods transport Cooperation between these entities revolves around the fields of energy supply, mobility and goods transport, with the mainstay being the testing © Tim Deussen, Berlin © Tim innogy SE is an established European The super-thin solar film from the production facility weighs only 500 g/m, energy company. With its three busi- with a thickness of less than one millimeter. The film can be integrated into ness segments Grid & Infrastructure, many types of applications. Retail and Renewables, it addresses the requirements of a modern, decar- bonised, decentralised and digital and use of innovative, decentralised Another focus for testing will be to energy world. The focus of innogy’s energy-extraction technologies. For determine how to optimise the sup- activities is on offering existing and testing purposes, ultra-light, flexible, ply of power to ships docked in port, potential customers innovative and organic solar films will be installed e.g. using locally generated electricity sustainable products and services in the port of Duisburg, made by where possible, to minimise the use of which enable them to use energy Dresden-based company Heliatek, in diesel in the port. Transport capacities more efficiently and improve their which innogy has a shareholding. The in the port and at other locations in quality of life. The key markets are films can be installed on hall roofs and the region will also be gradually con- Germany, the United Kingdom, the façades, and also on logistics contain- verted to electric mobility. And lastly, Netherlands and Belgium as well as ers – all locations where conventional goods transport will be refined toward several countries in Central Eastern PV modules would be too heavy. This the use of alternative primary energy and South Eastern Europe, especially is where the solar films can prove their sources and logistics for the system the Czech Republic, Hungary and suitability for practical use in logistics components needed for the energy Poland. In renewable power gener- and industry, and the first customer market transformation. ation, the company is also active in applications will provide support for other regions, e.g. Spain and Italy. The their market launch at the same time. subsidiary of RWE AG started opera- tions on 1 April 2016. The innogy brand name is a symbiosis of the terms innovation, energy and technology.

Based on the combined financial statements for 2015, the company achieved a revenue of around € 46 billion and an EBITDA of € 4.5 bil- lion. The company is expected to employ around 40,000 out of a total of around 60,000 employees of the RWE Group once the restructuring process has been completed. Further information: www.innogy.com


A complete look at sustainability at duisport

As Europe‘s central logistics hub, the lity, and how transportation chains can transfer potential in this area. It is the port performs a model function when be optimized jointly with partners and reason why the port also offers trans- it comes to reducing greenhouse gases, customers. The better the processes, portation using rail. The port‘s own rail- expanding the use of renewable ener- the fewer resources are consumed and way company supplies and connects the gies and adapting to climate change. fewer greenhouse gases are emitted. different areas at the Duisburg location. North Rhine-Westphalia is a model The issue of “brownfield development” And it also takes over regional feeder ser- federal state in terms of the structu- for the development of unused indust- vices. This means that the port is directly ral transformation. The cooperation rial surfaces into modern logistics areas connected to the chemical and logistics between industry and logistics is also forms an important part of sustainabi- parks in the region, and brings contai- important in terms of sustainability lity activities. The development of log- ners to the location. Transcontinental aspects. It is also why competitiveness port I - from the former steel works to a connections by rail are also successful. based on sustainable structures forms trimodal logistics center - is an example They are cheaper than air freight, and an integral part of the company direc- of sustainable structural change, and much quicker than the route by vessel. tives of Duisburger Hafen AG. Against is continued with the development The rail relations between Duisburg this background, duisport implemen- of additional areas in the entire Ruhr and China - the trans-Siberian route via ted an integrated energy and climate region for logistics purposes. The attrac- Russia and the ‘new Silk Road’ to cen- protection concept two years ago. The tiveness of the region, which is increa- tral China through Kazakhstan - play an main incentive for implementing the sed in this manner, leads to a situation in increasingly important role for duisport concept originated from the company‘s which companies in a variety of indust- and its customers. In terms of combined own innovation ideas, whereby a holi- ries, e.g. automotive logistics, become transportation, there are more than 400 stic look at economic, ecological and increasingly interested in Duisburg as a weekly train connections to 80 desti- social concerns was a significant moti- logistics hub. Moreover, it also helps to nations in Europe and also to Moscow, vator. Of course, partners and customers strengthen the business location bet- Istanbul or Chongqing in central China. also provided a lot of impulses. Additio- ween the Rhine and Ruhr through the Sustainability means the optimum nal support came from the climate pro- creation of many new workplaces. In combination of vessel and rail. No other tection legislation of North-Rhine West- addition, the properties meet the requi- transport carriers are in a position to phalia and the climate protection plan rements of the Energy Savings Regula- transport the same volumes of goods in of the North-Rhine Westphalia ministry tion (EnEV); all buildings are fitted with such a climate-friendly manner. of the environment. high-quality insulation, and are up to date in terms of energetic aspects. They Future challenges in the area of susta- As a result, Duisburger Hafen AG is in also include in-house solar facilities on a inability relate to the interaction with an excellent position with regard to cli- logistics buildings, which actively redu- all stakeholders, in particular with res- mate protection. The company‘s sus- ces the consumption of fossil fuels. pect to new construction or redevelop- tainability concept made it possible to ment projects, with the aim of ensuring achieve a situation in which automotive In addition to its business success, that future developments at a growing components for the largest CKD loca- duisport also focuses on the responsible location are also designed to be both tion of a German premium car manu- management of the environment. Sus- environmentally- and climate-friendly. facturer (which settled in the port) are tainable and climate-friendly logistics Traffic and logistics concepts play a key transported from Duisburg to Antwerp activities are also playing an increasingly role in this regard. For this reason, and via inland water vessel and rail. Ves- important role in the market, and help with mutual expectations of success, sel and rail transport means that more to increase the attractiveness of a loca- the Port of Duisburg enters into coope- than 13,000 trips by truck can be avoi- tion. duisport is optimizing the trans- rations with strong partners, such as ded every year - just between the Ruhr portation and logistics chains in order innogy, and acts as a e.g. pilot location of region and Antwerp alone. to move traffic from the road to rail/ves- new projects. These have a signal effect sel, with the aim of offering alternative in cooperation with other ports and The primary focus of sustainability and transport carriers. The port pays close logistics locations, and demonstrate the climate protection is on the issue of attention to these general factors when importance of the cooperation between logistics concepts: duisport is develo- it designs terminals and logistics areas, industry and logistics. ping approaches for sustainable mobi- and believes that there is additional duisportmagazin 2/2016 9 THE PORT » NEW SILK ROAD

Building the New Silk Road together © Manfred Knopp © Manfred

Erich Staake (front right), Chief Executive Officer of Duisburger Hafen AG (duisport), signed cooperation agreements with high-ranking Chinese business partners in Hong Kong, attended by Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy Sigmar Gabriel and North-Rhine Westphalia transportation minister Michael Groschek (right): (from left) Hu Zheng, Director der CMG, Zhang Rui, General Manager of CML, Zhao Huxing, Deputy Chairman of CMG.

(klü) Duisburger Hafen AG and China Today, approximately 20 trains a China. Along this new trading route, Merchants Logistics Holdings Co. week already run between the Port of which operates under the Chinese Ltd. (CML), the logistics division of Duisburg and various destinations in “one belt, one road” Silk Road initi- the China Merchants Group (CMG), have entered into a strategic and pro- ject-based cooperation agreement. The agreement was signed in Hong Kong during the recent trip to China by Germany‘s industry minister Sig- mar Gabriel - a trip that also included North-Rhine Westphalia minister of transportation Michael Groschek and duisport CEO Erich Staake.

CMG is a leading group in the trans- port/infrastructure and finance sector, among others, and is based in Hong © Manfred Knopp © Manfred Kong. CMG has 31 ports in 18 countries, and operates 1148 logistics centers in duisport represents the company with its own booth on the Western China the major metropolitan regions. International Fair (WCIF).

10 duisportmagazin 2/2016 THE PORT » NEW SILK ROAD

logitrans Istanbul – Turkey as hub of the Eurasian market

(lw) The logitrans Transport Logistics Exhibition in Istanbul is considered an important trade show for storage technology, logistics and transport in the EMEA region (Europe, Middle East and Africa). Despite the cur- rent political and economic challen- ges, logitrans, which is held at the IFM Istanbul Expo Center, once more presented itself as the platform for the logistics industry in the Eurasia region. This is also confirmed by the approximately 13,500 participants © duisport from 50 countries, and 180 exhibitors from 26 countries. also has a joint representation with sive conference program with panel the Turkish logistics company Arkas discussions and presentations. In For years, the Port of Duisburg, as Holding S.A.; the establishment of the addition to the opening discussion on one of the largest logistics hubs in joint venture of the two companies “The Role of Turkey within the Inter- Central Europe, has been engaged was announced at the event last year. national Supply Chain”, the event also in Turkey and therefore also partici- The purpose of the venture is the deve- focused on issues such as Industry 4.0. pated in logitrans, where it presen- lopment of multimodal logistics areas ted the broad range of logistics and and intermodal services in Turkey. other services available at the Duis- burg location from 16 - 18 Novem- On the occasion of its ten year anni- ber. As part of the trade fair, duisport versary, the trade fair offered an exten-

ative, CMG and duisport intend to with Chengdu International Railway part of the country for some time. implement joint projects in the entire Port Investment Co. Ltd. (CDIRPI), a trans-Eurasian region. Besides estab- wholly-owned subsidiary of Chengdu Staake is confident that the cooper- lishing better connections to markets Industry Investment Co. Ltd. (CDII), in ation agreements with the Chinese in Western Europe, China also wants the industrial metropolis of Chengdu. partners will also lead to significant to use the Silk Road initiative to con- The company plans to significantly increases in handling volume at the tinue to develop the economies of the expand the volume of goods trans- Port of Duisburg. “We want to develop provinces in central China and in the ported from China to Europe directly duisport into the leading European western part of the country. via Duisburg. duisport has been transportation hub for Chinese trans- engaged in the large Chinese cities port.” During his visit to China, Erich Staake along the Silk Road Chengdu, Chong- also signed cooperation agreements qing and Urumqi in the north-western

duisportmagazin 2/2016 11 NETWORK » PROJECT WATERTRUCK

Watertruck: Breaking new ground in inland waterway transport © Hans Blossey

The project, co-financed by the European Union in Belgium, has the objective to use inland waterway vessels as flexibly as trucks.

(gran) Using inland waterway vessels a similar way to road transport (truck/ burg by the Association for European as flexibly as trucks: A project co-fi- trailer concept) while at the same time Inland Navigation and Waterways nanced by the European Union in Bel- cutting down considerably on CO2 (VBW). A total of € 18.6 million alone gium is making it possible. In order to (about 25% compared to the emissions has been provided for the construction do something to counteract the dra- of the existing inland vessel fleet) and of a new inland waterway vessel fleet matic decline of inland waterway trans- to relieve truck traffic on roads. The of motor ships and push boats which port by transporting small lots on the project is seen expressly as a solution exhibit a modular structure similar to channels, the Belgian Ministry of Trans- to supplement inland waterway trans- trucks and are therefore easy to adapt port has called the project „Watertruck“ port on large waterways, such as the to different conditions, with their to life with the support of the EU. Rhine. It is not intended to compete motors satisfying similar environmen- with existing shipping services, as it is tal standards. The fleet is to comprise The project to be funded and tested to generate new transport services. a total of 31 ships. According to Johan is the development of a logistics sys- Boonen, this corresponds to about 3% tem for smaller lots by using modu- Maiden voyage set for the beginning of the total Belgian dry cargo ship fleet. lar barges that would also be able to of 2017 The maiden voyage of the new ship is travel longer routes as a pushing unit. About € 23 million is available for planned for the beginning of 2017. The New ships are being developed and „Watertruck+“ until 2019. Half of this entire fleet is to be ready for operation built for this purpose, as an expansion is the contribution of the EU, 40% at the end of 2017. Partners participat- of the channels is not expected in Bel- comes from private investors, and ing in the project are the companies gium due to tight public budgets. The 10% from the Flemish government, as GITRA Shipping & Trading, Fransber- goal is to employ this specialized fleet Johan Boonen, project manager at the gen, and Group De Cloedt. The shippers to organize the regional distribution of Vlaams Instituut voor Mobiliteit (VIM) that have been brought on board to goods on waterways of limited size in explained during an event held in Duis- date are OK Afvalbeheer, a waste man-

12 duisportmagazin 2/2016 NETWORK » PROJECT WATERTRUCK

agement company with containers Divided response ing project from our circle of friends and Waterwegen & Zeekanal (commis- Among the members of the VBW and from the Belgian inland ports.“ For the sioned for earth and rubble removal the guests of the event, however, the situation in Belgium, which – as Kluge for the Nieuwe Stede construction pro- project generated a divided response. explains – has a large number of chan- ject). Johan Boonen is confident: „We While Martin Deymann of Reederei nels and sluices of limited dimensions, are currently in the process of acquiring Deymann Management GmbH & Co. the idea of smaller connectable units additional partners in a second round.“ KG termed the project a good approach is highly sensible. „We‘re keen to see in view of the structural transformation whether the business idea will hold.“ Improving the profitability of regional faced by inland waterway transport, According to Kluge, there are certainly distribution transports seeing the necessity of breaking new also a number of waterways in Ger- According to Johan Boonen, the back- ground, others such as Rudi Paulissen many that would be attractive for this ground of the project is to gradually of De Grave Antverpia N.V. feared „sub- concept. The ship fleets operating in take small inland waterway vessels out sidized competition“ with the existing the Berlin area are similar in part, he of service, as it is no longer profitable to fleet. Above all, the profitability of the adds. Nevertheless, as Kluge points operate them. For example, there are project was called into question: Hardly out, larger vessel units would have to now only just under 200 ships with 250 any customers, it was argued, would be be commissioned on many waterways to 450 tons in Belgium. In 2000 there ready to pay the freight prices required in order to achieve economical opera- were 440. These ships are no longer for such a concept to pay off. For accord- tion and to retain a competitive edge available for transports on small water- ing to Johan Boonen, the project is to against other transport carriers. As ways. At the same time, the standard- be self-supporting from 2019 onwards. Boris Kluge concludes: „The expansion ization of the ships and a transport of the federal waterways to meet the concept are intended to improve the As Boris Kluge, Managing Director of standard appropriate for these larger profitability of such regional distribu- the German Federal Association of Pub- vessel units is and remains essential tion transports. „In the future, ships and lic River Ports (BÖB), now comments for this purpose and will continue to be even convoys could be able to go across the project: „Watertruck is a fascinat- demanded by the BÖB.“ © Hans Blossey the channels fully automated,“ Johan Boonen is convinced. Today, at least one person is required to be on board if loading and unloading is carried out independently. Johan Boonen admitted, however, that the concept requires a large logistical transport network with many ships in order for it to be finan- cially sustainable. But this depends to a decisive degree on the willingness of private companies, logistics providers, and shippers to participate and to pay the entailed freight prices.

The project therefore targets not only the hinterland region of the seaports of Antwerp and Rotterdam, but also urban areas and metropolises such as Paris and Berlin, where there are large channel networks and a high demand for distribution transports. „We are cur- rently holding talks with the Deutschen Binnenreederei about the project and a possible rollout in Greater Berlin,“ said Johan Boonen. In Hamburg too, where a similar concept for container trans- port already exists, Boonen explains, they have received positive feedback.

duisportmagazin 2/2016 13 NETWORK » ZEDAS® CARGO © Frank Reinhold © Frank

Digitization in rail transport

duisport rail is now taking the first steps towards digitizing rail traffic at the Port of Duisburg with the introduction of the logistics software zedas®cargo 3.0, which was designed especially for the requirements of railway companies for goods transported by rail.

(lw) As a logistics location, Duisburg kilometer rail network that ensures well as timely rail traffic and traction is considered to be an interface for an optimal linkage between the port services. intermodal traffic and the number areas and on-time supply for the ter- Due to rising customer demands, a one railway hub in Europe. Every rele- minals. Furthermore, duisport rail considerable degree of safety require- vant industrial region can be reached offers local and regional transport ments and intensive competition in from here – and the extensive net- services that improve pre-carriage and rail freight transport, the efficient work is being expanded continuously. onward carriage for the customers planning, processing, and documen- The partner for rail transport at the on site and cooperates with national tation of international rail trans- Port is duisport rail GmbH (dpr). Here and international railway companies. ports has become indispensable and too, the digitization of processes will As a consistent step, duisport rail has requires state-of-the-art, integrated IT play a role in the optimization of work- extended the German approval held support. For this reason, duisport rail flows. For this reason, duisport rail has by rail transport companies to include took the first forward-looking steps launched a digital process manage- European approval. Around 30 railway towards the digitization of rail freight ment system adapted to the changing service providers and operators are transport at the Port of Duisburg circumstances. already active at the location. Whether three years ago. This is all thanks to containers, bulk commodities such as the logistics software zedas®cargo 3.0, duisport rail GmbH (dpr) is a sub- coal and steel, or chemical products, which was specially conceived to meet sidiary of Duisburger Hafen AG and exclusive offers or those in coopera- the requirements of rail transport was established in 2001 as a public tion with other partners: A high level companies in rail freight transport. rail transport company within the of flexibility, short decision-making duisport Group. As a public rail com- paths and professional employees Tailor-made logistics software pany, dpr has an approximately 200 guarantee market-driven solutions as zedas®cargo offers users an improved

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working method and faster access to relevant and current information. Using the application makes it possi- ble for train drivers, car inspectors, and schedulers at any location to access the information they need and to use them for their work processes. The software reduces arrangements and records, thereby simplifying the high workload while automatically supply- ing exact data for service accounting. In order to design the software to be more efficient for duisport rail, a cus- tomized enhanced version was devel- Modern process management, step for step along the oped together with the rail experts value chain. © Frank Reinhold © Frank

accounting, the demand for the paper- less processing of transports can be met, also allowing the optimized plan- ning of railway processes. Mobile tab- lets are now used for communication with scheduling and the registration of services in real time. At the same time, information about the progress of shunting operations can be for- warded as needed to customers. This means that these processes will be cloud-capable in the future. © duisport / Rolf Köppen © duisport / Rolf Thanks to the potential offered by the The software now depicts not just long-distance transport but also shunting digital world now being exploited in and individual car traffic. railway logistics, duisport rail is cre- ating transparency in the entire pro- of the duisport Group in cooperation future requirements of the European cessing of train and shunting traffic as with Zedas. For the first time, this ver- regulation TAF TSI (Telematics Applica- well as car inspector services, thereby sion allows the mapping not only of tions for Freight - Technical Specifica- fulfilling important prerequisites for intercity transport, but also of con- tion for Interoperability). increasing the attractiveness of rail siderably more elaborate shunting transport and for the optimization of and single wagon traffic as well as Intelligently designed rail processes logistics in plant, port, and terminal car inspector services. As a result, dpr Thanks to a consistently digital pro- areas – step for step along the value is already optimally prepared for the cess from order acquisition to service chain.

duisportmagazin 2/2016 15 NETWORK » ECOL SUMMER SCHOOL 2016

Port of the Future © Uni Duisburg/Essen

Participants of ECoL Summer School 2016.

(js) Yet again, this year’s ECoL Summer scape strongly dominated – ‘Metro- and achieved insights into future con- School was sponsored by duisport. It politan Region Rhine-Ruhr’, Duisburg cepts of various experts in logistics. has already been the second summer proved to serve as an ideal environ- In addition to that, the participants school of the ECoL Network - Emerging ment to raise questions on develop- could take the chance to not only dis- Concepts of Logistics. Accompanied ment in logistics. This year’s session cuss the various presentations but by the theme ‘Port of the Future’, the focused above all on different forms of also develop new approaches in small group of young researchers repaired hubs in port areas. working groups. for six days to Duisburg, the Port of Duisburg and, thus, into the logistical In running the platform ‘Emerging Many Disciplines United heart of the Ruhr Region. Concepts of Logistics’ and its corre- In order to tackle big future challenges sponding summer school innovations in logistics, there is more expertise From Istanbul to Duisburg in logistics shall be enhanced by coop- needed than core research of logis- Last year the first ECoL Summer erating closely between economy, sci- tics provides. Hence, the series of lec- School took place in the picturesque ence and society. Following these prin- tures of the ECoL Summer School was metropolis of Istanbul at the campus ciples, this year’s ECoL team visited the framed by inter- and transdisciplinarily of the ECoL partner Koç University and logistics service provider Schnellecke, perspectives. Besides representatives inspired and motivated the organiz- toured with e-bikes of public service of economy, amongst others Dr. Dieter ers to continue with the concept. This throughout the city and inspected Lindenblatt of the Port of Antwerp and year, the Centre for Logistics & Traffic different logistical hubs of the Port of Dr. Stephan Convent from the logis- (ZLV) of the University Duisburg-Essen Duisburg. Back in the base of the sum- tics service Rhenus, who gave insights welcomed the summer school’s par- mer school at the ‘Gerhard-Mercator into their entrepreneurial roadmap ticipants at the campus in Duisburg. Haus’ in Duisburg, participants pre- towards port development, lectures Being part of a – by industrial land- sented their current research topics were given by professors from Univer-

16 duisportmagazin 2/2016 NETWORK » ECOL SUMMER SCHOOL 2016

sity of Duisburg-Essen and FOM Uni- versity, for instance discussing impacts on supply chains by climate change, the increasingly complex relationship between human knowledge and tech- nology as well as the often neglected role of socio-cultural aspects within planning of urban infrastructures. But the role of politics in logistics was not missed either. Gunnar Platz of Planco Consulting presented the port and logistics concept of the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Visioning the Future When planning, the ECoL Summer School- and DIALOGistik-Coordinator © Uni Duisburg/Essen of the University of Duisburg-Essen, ECoL-participants on a crane at their visit at the Port of Duisburg.

Güldilek Köylüog˘lu, put a high empha- sis on creating an international envi- ronment: “I am glad that besides the initiation and consolidation of scien- tific co-operations by the ECoL Sum- mer School, we also strengthen the ability to work in teams of social and cultural diversity.” For the next sum- mer school Köylüog˘lu puts the topic ‘Food Supply Chain’ into prospective, probably hosted by Koç University again.

More about ECoL – Emerging © Uni Duisburg/Essen Concepts of Logistics and detailed The participants discuss about ports as energy hubs with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd reports on the summer schools on Noche, Board Chairman of the Centre for Logistics & Traffic (ZLV) of the Uni- www.ecol-summerschool.net versity Duisburg-Essen. More about DIALOGistik Duisburg: www.dialogistik-duisburg.de Contact: [email protected]

duisportmagazin 2/2016 17 NETWORK » GREIWING © GREIWING/Sputnik GmbH

GREIWING expands services for intermodal transport in Duisburg

The new container storage area for 400 TEU also features a gantry crane that can move loads of up to 45 tons.

(dü) On September 1, Greiwing logis- we have now gained access to the eco- eleven years ago at logport I. With tics for you GmbH opened a new logis- friendly transport carriers rail and ship. the construction of the new hall and tics warehouse at the Port. The facility This will allow us to give a new dimen- handling area, the general contractor at logport I offers space for 25,400 pal- sion to the Greiwing brand‘s market Goldbeck was able to commence con- lets and features a gantry crane and positioning and to open up new cus- struction in November 2015 after an a tilting platform for containers. The tomer potential,“ as Jürgen Greiwing extensive planning and approval pro- company based in Greven, Westphalia emphasized the strategic objective of cedure. Thanks to the new building, in has thereby expanded its capacities the investment. He thanked the project which titanium oxide, PVC, and other by more than a third to 66,000 pallet team, the branch management, and all goods are stored in sacks, big bags, storage spaces, thereby becoming one employees that the facility was able to and on pallets, the Greven-based com- of the most important logistics hubs go into operation on time after only a pany has expanded its logistics center in Europe. ten-month construction period. at the Port by 8,960 square meters of warehousing space and 25,400 pallet Managing Director Jürgen Greiwing „We are happy to be able to present storage areas, which corresponds to a named the opening of the new € 13 mil- our new warehouse and are convinced capacity increase of 36%. The logistics lion facility in Duisburg an important that we will now be able to even bet- service provider in Duisburg now has step in the 86-year history of the fam- ter satisfy the needs of our customers over 66,000 pallet storage spaces. ily company. The company currently with our newly created service range,“ employs a staff of 600 employees at said Klaus Beckonert, Managing Direc- Value-added services ten locations in Germany – with 120 tor of Greiwing. In 2012 the company The company‘s range of value-added of them soon to be employed in Duis- had acquired an additional 37,500 services was also expanded. A 45-ton burg. „Thanks to the direct connection square meters of operating space in gantry crane and a tilting platform are to the Duisburg Intermodal Terminal, addition to the plant already built now used in the 2,070 square meter

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sibilities and the numerous transport relations at logport: „The company, which processes considerable parts of its transport volume by ship and rail, can profit here from the advantages of the extensive duisport network. The link to shipping traffic allows multi- modal transports with direct connec- tions to the overseas ports of Antwerp, Rotterdam, and Amsterdam.“ Erich Staake commended the investment of the medium-sized company as a contribution to strengthening the positioning of the important chem- ical industry in the region: „As a key industry, the chemical industry needs

© GREIWING/Sputnik GmbH specialized logistics service providers © GREIWING/Sputnik GmbH The shareholder family and the management of Greiwing Logistics for you like Greiwing, which has made a good GmbH are pleased about the successful opening of the new pallet warehouse name for itself in Duisburg over the at the Port of Duisburg. past ten years as a solid and reliable

logistics area, where formerly only one The new facility has eight loading reach stacker was available for con- ramps, of which one is fitted with an GREIWING logistics for you GmbH is tainer handling. The container storage automatic loading and unloading an internationally active specialist for area offers space for up to 400 TEU. system for specially equipped trucks. complete solutions in silo logistics. The new crane facility allows 25 to Moreover, the new logistics ware- The services offered by the company 30 lifting operations per day. The silo house has direct access to the neigh- based in Greven, Westphalia include logistics company offers its custom- boring Duisburg Intermodal Terminal conventional and combined trans- ers at this location not only container (DIT). During the opening ceremony, ports, storage, and handling. In addi- handling as before, but also ware- Erich Staake, Chief Executive Officer of tion to bulk goods, the company has house and high tower storage and fill- Duisburger Hafen AG, explained the special silo trailers used to transport ing – the latter even under clean room added value offered to Greiwing by rice, sugar, cocoa powder, and other conditions for the food industry. the flexible ship and rail handling pos- foodstuffs. Unique in Germany, Gre- iwing maintains a granule technical center in Wesel used to provide gran- ule pre-carriage, sorting, homogeniza- tion, drying, packaging, and post-car- riage services for its customers. The company‘s service portfolio is com- plemented by cleaning facilities for tank and silo containers which are also available to other transport and logis- tics service providers. Greiwing has 86 years of industry experience and ten locations in Germany. In addition to its headquarters in Greven, these include branch offices in Wesel, Duis- burg, Worms, Ludwigshafen, Weiden, Leipheim, and Burghausen/Gendorf. The family-run business currently employs a staff of over 600 and gen- © Dünner erates a revenue of over € 80 million. Erich Staake with senior partner Erich Greiwing and his wife Maria Greiwing.

duisportmagazin 2/2016 19 NETWORK » GREIWING

of the last properties at logport I was being used to build this project. „25 years ago, 3,500 employees worked in the ThyssenKrupp steelworks at this site. Since 1999, in the scope of the restructuring of the grounds, Erich Staake and his team have established 50 companies at this location, at which over 5,000 jobs have been created.

Interim goal achieved Following its settlement at the Port of Duisburg in 2005, Greiwing has now achieved a further interim goal with the commissioning of the third con- © GREIWING/Sputnik GmbH struction phase in the 37,500 square The new pallet warehouse offers space for 25,400 pallets. meter area. In order to further advance the development of the company, the medium-sized forwarding company.“ „Over ten years ago, Greiwing came logistics provider has already scheduled Duisburg‘s Mayor Manfred Osenger to logport I with its first facility. Since the next step: 2017 is to see the opening also sees the investment made by the then, the company has gone through of a state-of-the-art hazardous goods logistics service provider as an impor- a successful development, which has store on the premises, whose construc- tant step forwards which Duisburg now been continued with this new tion is to begin imminently. has made as a logistics location in the construction phase.“ Manfred Osen- 300th year of the existence of the Port: ger reminded those present that one

StattLand Fluss


Haeger & Schmidt International GmbH • Vinckeweg 22 • 47119 Duisburg • Germany Fon +49 203 8003 – 0 • Fax +49 203 8003 – 273 • Mail [email protected]

Anzeige Duisport Magazin 173x128.indd 1 15.02.2016 13:59:31 20 duisportmagazin 2/2016 IN FOCUS » DHL FREIGHT © duisport / Rolf Köppen © duisport / Rolf

With DHL to China and back

Effective immediately, DHL is using the logistics hub Port of Duisburg to improve the connection between road and intermodal traffic between Asia and Europe.

(gran) DHL Freight strengthens the Rhine-Ruhr economical region and ates the China Competence Center for ties of tits multimodal network even the economical centers on China’s the north of Germany. More may fol- more in cooperation with the Port. coast (Shanghai to Shenzhen). Cus- low, possibly in the south. Starting immediately, DHL, the for- tomers with complete shipments or warding subsidiary of Deutsche Post, containers have access in Duisburg A real alternative will use the logistics hub of Duisburg to intermodal connections within As Amadou Diallo, CEO of DHL Freight, to improve the connections between Europe. Moreover, for customers that remarked on the occasion of a joint overland and intermodal transport cannot fill an entire container alone, event with Duisburger Hafen AG: “The between Asia and Europe with a spe- DHL offers the consolidation of ship- use of railways as a transport route cial emphasis on rail transport. “With ments at the DHL Freight Terminal in between Asia and Europe has proven the direct link of train connections to Duisburg, i.e. the packing of a single to be an optimal solution and has China with inner-European transport, container with freight from different been received very well by our custom- DHL is further expanding its ranges of customers. “We are the China Compe- ers as a real alternative.” The location services going through the logistics tence Center for the west of Germany of Duisburg plays an essential role hub of Duisburg,” said Mirco Schott, and pool the goods in Duisburg,” as according to Diallo: Shorter routes to who become branch manager of DHL Mirco Schott explains. A staff of four customers and excellent intermodal Freight in Duisburg-Kaßlerfeld, one of sit at the “China desk” in Duisburg, connections offer many opportunities the largest of the 36 branch offices in among them a Chinese employee. A for more rapid deliveries and cost ben- Germany, at the beginning of 2016. total exceeding 200 employees work efits. “For this reason, we are going to at the branch at “Am Blumenkamp- consistently expand this area,” Ama- In Duisburg, DHL customers can profit shof,” which has been in service for dou Diallo stated. There are already from fixed weekly runs between the about 20 years. In Hamburg, DHL oper- customers whose flows of goods DHL

duisportmagazin 2/2016 21 IN FOCUS » DHL FREIGHT © DHL

DHL continues to expand its offerings through the port.

is processing from China via Europe to China and Europe,” as Erich Staake is from Warsaw or Malaszewicze,⁄ the Tunisia via the multimodal combina- convinced. “Together with partners transshipment terminal on the border tion road, rail, and short sea shipping. like DHL, we make an active contri- between Poland and Belarus, where In the opposite direction, the goods bution to the further development of containers are further handled where can be transported to Korea, Japan, these routes, thereby strengthening necessary. and the Pacific region. DHL Freight is the function of Duisburg as a leading then supported by DHL Global For- logistics hub in Central Europe.” Increasing transport volume expected warding, the affiliate specializing in In Duisburg, the train reaches the maritime and air freight. Erich Staake, According to Mirco Scott, the transit Duisburg Intermodal Terminal (DIT) Chief Executive Officer of Duisburger times between Western Europe and at logport, the largest of eight termi- Hafen AG, explains the opportunities China for bulk goods transports aver- nals in all at the Port. Since 2011 the of intermodal transport: “As the most age 16 to 18 days. The train connection number of China trains per week has important hub in the European hinter- according to Scott is significantly less risen from one to eight. Car parts, IT land, 400 trains per week link Duisburg costly than transport by air and much products, and textiles are currently Port to over 80 direct destinations in faster than by maritime ship. And the most common cargo on trains Europe and Asia.” Thanks to the wide there are now more forwarders for the from China. Trains to China primar- range of logistics services at the loca- China trains: Apart from DHL, these ily carry goods from the mechani- tion, Duisburg thereby offers the ideal include DB Schenker, Hellmann, and cal engineering and food industries. starting position to dispatch rail trans- recently Nippon Express. All charter From Malaszewicze⁄ onwards, DHL also ports directly on site and to ensure an contingents on the trains that each offers temperature-controlled trans- efficient pre- and post-carriage. “Our transport an average maximum of ports. The company has not published comprehensive intermodal network 40 containers. The trains from Duis- current figures as to the utilization of has made an important contribution burg and Hamburg travel primarily the trains. Thomas Kowitzki, Head of to Duisburg’s establishment over the on the southern route referred to as Multimodal at DHL Freight, foresees past years as a central departure and the “New Silk Road” via Kazakhstan that the transport volume on this destination point for the transcon- to China. Trains run on the Trans-Sibe- route will increase to over one million tinental train connections between rian Railway through Russia starting TEU by 2030.

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Mirco Schott

Mirco Schott (37) is a Duisburger been the branch manager of DHL through-and-through. Born in Duis- Freight GmbH in Duisburg. “I always burg in 1979, he has remained true wanted to become a branch man- to his home city to this day. After ager. That it worked out in Duisburg his apprenticeship as a forwarding of all places is a lucky coincidence,” agent at DHL (at the time Danzas) in he says. His hobby is something for Duisburg, he worked as a dispatcher tough men. Mirco Schott plays water while simultaneously earning his polo, formerly in the first team. business administration degree Today, for “age-related reasons”, he at the Gelsenkirchen University of is a player coach in the second team Applied Sciences. Starting in 2006, of the Duisburg Swimming Club DSV he worked for five years in the head 98. He also plays football in the first office in Bonn as a project manager league with the Gelsenkirchen Dev- for DHL Freight, where he was able to ils. Mirco Schott is married and has get a taste of the corporation. Mirco two children of the ages of four and © DHL Schott returned to Duisburg in 2011. twelve years. Mirco Schott, branch manager of DHL Since the beginning of 2016, he has Freight.

As before, however, utilization still “Our business here in Duisburg is Amsterdam are stowed in Duisburg leaves something to be desired in the becoming increasingly international,” in cooperation with DHL Global For- direction of China. “There are more the branch manager explains. Exam- warding. In three halls with a handling incoming than outgoing goods,” con- ples he provides of this include, on area of 10,000 square meters plus an firms Mirco Schott. DHL currently han- the one hand, the expansion of the additional 5,900 square meters of dles about 30 containers per month. DHL Freight network in Europe and storage space, the goods are received, “The number fluctuates heavily,” the new services such as the China train, put in interim storage, and sorted by branch manager explains. DHL cus- and, on the other, the “ideal” trans- destination in order to stow them in tomers mainly come from the areas of shipment possibilities offered at the truck trailers at the 128 loading gates mechanical engineering and technol- Port. While national general cargo still and to send them out primarily for ogy. “We still see a whole lot of upward constitutes over half of the business overnight delivery. DHL does not have potential, especially with transports to volume, the share of international its own vehicle fleet, but rather works China,” says Micro Schott. The aim in general cargo is increasing. Part and together with a permanent core of Duisburg is to increase the volume by complete shipments and cross-dock- subcontractors. An annual average four to five times. The consideration is ing for major customers also form part of over 1.2 million shipments (in and being made to better utilize the trains of the business. Moreover, sea freight out) are handled here according to the by loading containers en route, e.g. in containers shipped overseas via the company’s own information. A total of Russia or Kazakhstan. seaports Antwerp, Rotterdam, and 170 daily departures are registered.

duisportmagazin 2/2016 23 IN FOCUS » VERTIMODAL

Semitrailers are now stackable © SGKV

Test site of VertiModal was the logport III terminal.

(lw) In the greatest Continental Euro- 2015 alone, the number has increased shunting areas for the tractor units, a pean intermodal transport hub and from 150,000 to 832,000 units. As single trailer requires approximately the most important European hin- gratifying this relocation trend is at the same storage area as nine 20-foot terland terminal, intermodal experts first glance, it poses major operational containers. However, as trailer han- collect practical experiences in their problems for intermodal transport dling is in increasing demand among profession every single day at the terminals designed almost exclu- customers, the terminals are more rap- Port, working on innovative solutions sively for container handling. Due to idly reaching their capacity limits. to meet new challenges. The research the non-stackability and the required project funded by BMWi entitled „Examination and testing of a techni- cal solution for the vertical stacking of semitrailers in intermodal transport handling facilities (VertiModal)“ was initiated by duisport facility logistic GmbH (dfl) and Studiengesellschaft für den Kombinierten Verkehr (SGKV, Research Association for Intermodal Transport) e.V., Berlin in October 2013 and was completed in August 2016 with the presentation of a practical solution at the logport III intermodal terminal.

Semitrailer transports by rail have been © SGKV rising sharply for years. From 2005 to VertiModal focused on developing an open framework solution.

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Project objectives With this rising problem in mind, duis- port facility logistics GmbH (dfl) and SGKV started the VertiModal project just under three years ago. The project funded by BMWi pursued the objective of reducing the space needed by trail- ers in the terminals. By increasing the storage and handling capacities for semitrailers in intermodal transport terminals – and that without modify- ing the floor area nor the existing han- dling equipment – the project was to © SGKV reduce bottlenecks and to effectively At the end of August, those in charge of the project presented the practice- exploit the future potential offered oriented steel frame construction. by the relocation of truck transports from the road to the rails. VertiModal Mafi trailers, etc.) and the observance Practical steel frame construction concentrated on the development of the systematic framework condi- This allowed the development of an of an open frame solution similar to tions in intermodal transport han- affordable and flexible steel frame supporting frames of ISO containers dling facilities. In November 2015, the construction. On August 31, 2016, successfully tried and tested in global first prototype of the frame design an impressive demonstration of the commodity trading which can pick up for stacking trailers was completed frame and its practical mode of oper- the trailer and integrate it into the and transported to the Port. Initial ation was provided during the final handling processes of the terminal. tests successfully identified optimiza- presentation of the project at the log- © SGKV Basic requirements for the implemen- tion measures which were taken into port III terminal. The frames can now tation of the solution were the ability account during the construction of be used to stack the trailers in three to combine it with existing handling the two subsequent prototypes. layers. Moreover, like containers, the equipment (cranes, reach stackers, trailers can be placed very close to each other using cranes or reach stack- ers, regardless of shunting distances.

Both the funding body and the board of directors of Duisburger Hafen are convinced by the solution. Andreas Liessem (BMWi) expressed his satis- faction that „all the objectives of the project could be reached“ and that „stacking will now allow three trailers to occupy the space of only one.“ Prof. Schlipköther (member of the Manage- ment Board of Duisburg Hafen) sees considerable potential in the stack- ing solution for getting a grip on the storage space problems caused by the increased number of trailers. The Port „would like to further optimize the frame solution and then use it in the intermodal terminals at Duisburg Port.“

Additional information about the pro- ject is available at the project website: © SGKV www.vertimodal.de

duisportmagazin 2/2016 25 IN FOKUS» NGK

NGK - International automotive supplier in the Port of Duisburg © duisport / Hans Blassey

In the Port of Duisburg, at Kasslerfeld location, the construction works for NGK have already started.

At this time, an approximately 23,000 Increasing capacity for international proximity to our headquarters and square meter logistics center is being automotive supplier innovation centre, and the infrastruc- developed and built at the Kaßlerfeld NGK is a leading global manufacturer ture of the port will enable efficient location for automotive supplier NGK of spark plugs, glow plugs and lambda logistics for our European business,” Spark Plug Europe. The activities are sensors. Headquartered in Japan, the said Damien Germès, Senior Vice Pres- carried out by Goodman, which is also company started its European opera- ident of NGK Spark Plug Europe. expanding its presence at the Port of tions in 1979 and has been growing ever Duisburg in 2016. The total invest- since. Today, there is almost no auto- Erich Staake, Chairman of the Board ment volume for on-going projects mobile manufacturer that does not use of Duisburger Hafen AG: “We are amounts to EUR 28 million. NGK products. With its head office near pleased, in NGK, to have been able to Düsseldorf, NGK Spark Plug Europe was gain another strong company from the It is expected that the facility for NGK, searching for a new modern grade-A automotive industry. Our full service along with an additional speculative warehouse in a strategic location to approach, in combination with trans- unit of 10,500 square meters, will be enhance its overall storage capacity. port networks that are perfectly coor- completed by the end of 2016. They are dinated for the flow of goods, has once located near the recently announced “To consolidate our leading market again demonstrated how attractive the new development of a 31,000 square position, we wanted to optimise our Port of Duisburg logistics hub is for the meter logistics property for Fressnapf, warehouse logistics. Goodman offered automotive industry. With 400 trains the market leader for pet products in us a state-of-the-art property solution. per week to over 80 direct destinations Europe. The new warehouse is located in close in Europe and Asia, the port offers NGK

26 duisportmagazin 2/2016 IN FOKUS» NGK

Goodman is an integrated property European Logistics Fund). Through ket insight and dedicated local teams group that owns, develops and man- prudent investment management, create sound investment opportunities ages logistics and business space quality assets and active property man- and develop properties and environ- across Continental Europe, the United agement, the Partnership provides ments that meet each client’s individ- Kingdom, the Asia-Pacific region, its investment partners with stable ual requirements. North America and Brazil. The Group income returns derived from invest- invests in industrial estates and ware- ments in logistics assets. With more than 1,100 staff in 16 coun- house and distribution centres. tries and 33 offices, Goodman has the With total assets under management global reach to meet customers’ needs Goodman also offers a range of of €23 billion and 412 properties under as their businesses expand or evolve. listed and unlisted investment vehi- management, Goodman is the larg- In Europe, Goodman is present in Ger- cles, including its flagship European est industrial listed property group on many, the Netherlands, Belgium, Lux- managed partnership, Goodman the Australian Securities Exchange, embourg, France, Spain, Italy, Poland, European Partnership (GEP) (follow- and one of the largest listed specialist Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, ing the rebrand of the Goodman investment managers globally. Its mar- Sweden and the UK.

an ideal starting position to supply maximum efficiency to achieve strong Additional space available in a top vehicle manufacturers and the after- economic profitability in their global location sales market all over Europe.” supply networks,” said Jordan Corynen, To maximise the potential of the site Goodman Regional Director for Germany, and to meet high customer demand, Facility enables efficient processes Austria and Switzerland. “With our state- Goodman is developing an additional The new facility for NGK Spark Plug of-the-art facilities, we support commer- 10,500 sqm unit. The property will Europe comprises 21,000 sqm of storage cial efficiency and in this way contribute have a 9,200 sqm storage area, com- space, approximately 900 sqm for office to the success of our customers.” plemented by a 900 sqm mezzanine and social areas as well as a 900 sqm can- for greater operational flexibility, and opy, which provides increased flexibility Savills advised on the transaction. “Loca- 450 sqm for office and social areas. The © duisport / Hans Blassey for car parts handling. The hall height of tion was critical for NGK and Goodman development is located in one of the 12 m allows NGK to optimise the storage provided an optimal solution to provide top ten logistics regions in Germany of its broad range of components and 22 enhanced efficiency to the logistics oper- with Duisburg at its centre, according extra-large load bridges ensure efficient ations of our client,” said Elmar Wirths, to a report by bulwiengesa. cargo handling. The entire warehouse, as Director Cologne of Savills Immobilien well as the exterior areas, are equipped Beratungs-GmbH. “As the largest inland port in the with energy-saving LED lighting. On world, the port of Duisburg offers cus- completion, the property will aim for a Goodman manages over 400,000 sqm tomers access to one of the best mul- gold certificate from the German Sus- of logistics real estate worldwide for the timodal infrastructure networks in tainable Building Council (DGNB). automotive industry and provided nearly the heart of Europe. Many companies 160,000 sqm of new logistics space for from a variety of sectors want to profit “Suppliers and manufacturers in the the sector in Continental Europe over the from these exceptional advantages. automotive industry are dependent on past twelve months. For these reasons, we are confidently investing in this new expansion pro- ject,” emphasised Corynen. The Port of Duisburg offers a first class ship- ping and rail network, as well as direct access to the A40 and A59 motorways, making it one of Central Europe’s most important logistics locations. Addi- tionally, due to its multimodal infra- © Goodman structure, it is one of the most signi- ficant hubs for combined transport.

This is what the new logistics center will look like once it has been completed.

duisportmagazin 2/2016 27 IN FOCUS » IMPERIAL LOGISTICS “Revolutionary for inland waterway transport” IMPERIAL Logistics International launches digital freighting system © Imperial

IMPERIAL operates one of the largest push boat fleets in Europe which mainly travels between the ports at the mouth of the Rhine and the plant harbors of the steel industry in Duisburg.

(dü) Everyone is talking about the Jens Kleiner, CFO of the division IMPE- cargo have been matched together digitization of processes and infor- RIAL Transport Solutions, about the in freight exchanges for many years mation cycles in industry and logis- progress and opportunities resulting now, this process has remained largely tics, but there is still a long way to go from the launch of the IFMS for IMPE- analog and thus more elaborate in in many areas in terms of practical RIAL barge owner-operators, external inland waterway transport. implementation. Europe’s leading barge owner-operators, and shippers. inland waterway transport company Kleiner: That is indeed true. Expe- IMPERIAL Logistics International based duisport Magazine: Mr. Kleiner, do you rience has shown that traditional in Duisburg is assuming a pioneering consider processes in inland waterway processes hold for longer periods in in- role in the industry with the restruc- transport to be old-fashioned? land waterway transport, with one of turing of its freighting activities and the negative effects being a certain the development of the digital plat- Kleiner: What gives you that idea? encrustation. form IMPERIAL Freight Management System (IMFS). duisport Magazine edi- duisport Magazine: Whereas in road duisport Magazine: Encrustation? tor Hans-Wilhelm Dünner spoke with cargo transport freight capacity and You’ll have to explain that.

28 duisportmagazin 2/2016 IN FOCUS » IMPERIAL LOGISTICS

conditions they can provide their cargo space.

duisport Magazine: And how do your tradition-conscious barge owner-op- erators react to this?

Kleiner: Of course there were some questions, which is entirely normal with a new approach.

duisport Magazine: Isn’t there a dan- ger that a certain number of your own barge owner-operators will come away empty-handed or with smaller © Imperial freights when freights are assigned? Jens Kleiner is the CFO of the division IMPERIAL Transport Solutions. Kleiner: Not at all. Quite the opposite. IFMS will assign them cargo that will Kleiner: That can best be explained such a waste of resources in the future better use the capacity of their ships, using an example. Let’s assume that a with a new e-commerce platform reducing empty runs. This October customer in Rotterdam has1,200 tons named the IMPERIAL Freight Manage- we will already approach our barge of seeds to ship. The shipping com- ment System, or IFMS in short. owner-operators and integrate them pany calls your barge owner-operator into the platform first. This means our who has a 2,000-ton ship in Duisburg. duisport Magazine: And how is it sup- current barge owner-operators need The empty and entirely oversized posed to work? have no fear of becoming marginal- barge cruises towards Rotterdam. At ized with the launch of the electronic the same time, there is a matching Kleiner: With IFMS, we have created platform. From January 2017, we will ship 300 meters away that is com- an online platform which will allow release IFMS for the entire barge own- pletely unoccupied – but hardly any- barge owner-operators to specify er-operator market. one knows about it. We want to avoid when, at what capacity and at which

The IFMS-Ticker

The ticker shows open cargoes on the flat screens in schedulers’ offices and schedules ships according to the traf- fic light system. In “red light” status, the ticker displays all cargoes pend- ing within the next three days are ships that will become empty within the next three days. “Yellow light” shows all cargoes or ships lined up for the next four to ten days, and “green light” status shows all information with a lead time of over ten days. The colors switch automatically according to defined time criteria. In addition, a pie chart indicates the current status of the individual traffic light phases. Grafik: IMPERIAL duisportmagazin 2/2016 29 IN FOCUS » IMPERIAL LOGISTICS duisport Magazine: What is your cur- rent status as far as the development and launch of the system?

Kleiner: Large 55 inch flat screens on which the IFMS Ticker is running have already been installed in our schedul- ers’ offices. Every scheduler in every office should be able to take a quick look at the ticker to remain informed of the current situation, regardless of which of our shipping companies and the location at which he or she works. duisport Magazine: Do you mean that © Dünner you first plan to use the system to The 110-meter-long dry freight ship MS DUNDEE belongs to the IMPERIAL- complete your internal tasks? owned fleet and is primarily employed in the Rhine area.

Kleiner: That’s absolutely correct. We will first organize processes between our locations to be more transparent and work with a more system-based duisport Magazine: What time frame approach. have you set for full operations?

IFMS in a nutshell duisport Magazine: What do you Kleiner: Once the ships have been IFMS stands for IMPERIAL Freight mean by that exactly? integrated – and that will happen Management System and refers to between October 2016 and January a web-based e-commerce platform Kleiner: For example, entering data 2017 – our customers will be able to that brings shipping space and cargo promptly so that we can prepare feed their cargo directly to the IFMS together. The objective is to opti- documents for skippers and custom- starting in mid-2017. mize ship scheduling, thereby better ers automatically from the system utilizing the ships. In the first step, within a short time. This is also sure to duisport Magazine: To you think that only the fleet belonging to IMPERIAL change processes within our organiza- the IFMS will stir up the German inter- and the internal cargo volume of all tion. The required administrative work nal inland waterway market due to IMPERIAL locations will be merged in will decrease, and schedulers will have the magnitude of the cargo volume a single internal marketplace. Sched- more freedom for other tasks. and the number of connected ships ulers from all IMPERIAL locations will alone? inform themselves in real time about duisport Magazine: Will the electronic outgoing cargo and the available system render the traditionally highly Kleiner: I want to be careful with ships using screens installed in the personal contact between the ship superlatives, but in comparison to offices. At the beginning of 2017, IFMS and the scheduler superfluous? the previous workflows, an e-logistics will be opened to barge owner-oper- platform with this spread may be rev- ators, and the platform is set to be Kleiner: Not at all. Customers or barge olutionary by internal waterway ship- released for external shippers start- owner-operators who would prefer to ping standards. ing in mid-2017. Basically, IFMS func- be assisted by telephone are still free tions similarly to freight and vehicle to do so. We regard IFMS as a sys- duisport Magazine: Mr. Kleiner, thank exchanges that have been used for tem-supporting link between ship and you very much for your time. a long time in road cargo transport. cargo. But we are going to transfer our Moreover, IFMS simplifies the trans- entire annual shipment volume of 50 port process on board, as registered million tons to the IFMS – a volume ships can very easily send informa- that may convince many barge own- tion such as positions or load-delete er-operators to participate in the mar- documents using a mobile app ketplace.

30 duisportmagazin 2/2016 We’re here for you since 1716.


RZ_Imageanzeige_A4_V0.indd 1 02.12.16 09:02 PORTRÄT » RHENUS PORT LOGISTICS

Rhenus Port Logistics Duisburg © Rhenus

Inland waterways transport with tradition.

(dü) When Thomas Maaßen, Manag- oil paintings with scenes from inland the ever-changing challenges of the ing Director of Rhenus Port Logistics, waterway transport at different sta- markets and meet the demands of passes through the stairway to his tions of the Rhine, but also numer- the modern logistics world with inter- office on the second floor of Rhenus ous ship models, from the wooden modal transport chains and their dig- Port Logistics Headquarters in August „Ruhraak,“ the transport ship from ital linkage and integration with the Hirschstraße, he is inevitably reminded the Wilhelmine period 200 years ago, information systems of our custom- of the more than two centuries old to 150-year-old paddle steamers and ers.“ Over 350 inland water vessels roots of his company at the Duisburg 50-year-old push boats, all the way to are controlled form Duisburg, from location: „In our subsidiary Rhenus state-of-the-art push barge combina- channel-going barges to push barge Partnership, the most traditional play- tions, such as the RHENUS DUISBURG combinations with a carrying capac- ers in inland waterway transport and put into service last year. ity of 700 to 6,500 tons which trans- port handling on the Rhine have come port approximately 44 million tons into being, including Reederei Stinnes Inland waterway transport with of bulk cargo, heavy piece goods, and founded in Duisburg in 1808, Reederei tradition containers per year for the Rhenus Fendel founded in 1875, Westfälische Thomas Maaßen links the tradition Group. „20% of the transport volume Transport AG founded in 1897, the and modernity of his company with is conveyed with our own inland ves- French Rhine shipping company CFNR justifiable pride: „Of course we don‘t sels, with motor ships of various sizes, founded in 1919, but also the over take the tradition-steeped history of push boats and pusher barges, as well 100-year-old company Rhenus itself. our company as a cause for compla- as state-of-the-art push barge combi- The history of this company has been cency, but as a documentation and nations employed in various areas of documented by large-scale historical an incentive that we have risen to navigation, from the Rhine to the Dan-

32 duisportmagazin 2/2016 PORTRÄT » RHENUS PORT LOGISTICS

ube or the Oder and Elbe to the Seine and the Rhone,“ reports Maaßen about the fleet structure and the areas of navigation. The inland waterway ves- sel activities controlled by Duisburg include service companies such as the inland vessel bunker service Rheintank and the Bilgenentölungsgesellschaft, shareholdings in ship-loading compa- nies in Belgium and the Netherlands, and subsidiary and associated compa- nies on the Danube and in France.

Commitment to the Duisburg loca-

tion © Rhenus It is no coincidence that Duisburg was chosen as the site for managing the With the push barge combination Rhenus Duisburg, which went into service diverse activities of the Rhenus Port in 2015, Rhenus is documenting its special relationship with the largest inland Logistics business area. „Duisburg is port in Europe. number one for river/maritime traffic, in bulk goods logistics, and container to Basel on the Rhine to channel ports carried out by the Duisburg-based transport – in sum the leading hinter- such as Dortmund and Hildesheim all Rhenus-Schiffsmanagement GmbH. land location in Europe with enormous the way to Warsaw and Moscow. growth potential from which we have Rhenus Scharrer GmbH offers full-ser- profited in the past and we wish to Independent subsidiaries vice logistics in the ports of Duisburg continue to profit from in the future,“ The independent subsidiary compa- and Wesel for bulk and piece goods Maaßen is convinced. In addition to nies in Duisburg include the river/ with unit weights up to 300 t. The the strategic management of Rhenus maritime shipping company Rhenus company has an outdoor area of over activities in 16 European inland ports, Maritime Services GmbH, a charterer 100,000 square meters and multifunc- from Antwerp to Danzig in the North and shipping company active through- tional halls, as well as its own trans- and Baltic seas and Marseilles in the out Europe operating with 15 compa- shipment points in the Duisburg outer Mediterranean up to Galati in the ny-owned and 63-controlled coastal port and the Hochfeld south port with Black Sea, the Duisburg headquarters motor vessels. Technical services for water, rail, and road connections. The also coordinate Rhenus operations in the Rhenus-owned inland waterway, most recent member of the Duisburg 36 European inland ports, from Wesel service, and river/maritime ships are Rhenus family is ALS Allgemeine Land- und Seespedition GmbH. Taken over in Spring 2016, the company manages operating areas at locations in the Duisburg Parallalhafen and Bottrop covering 80,000 square meters which feature 7 crane facilities, various ware- houses, and an internationally active shipping department. Rhenus Port Logistics also includes the container service provider Contargo, which is a founding shareholder of the first com- bined terminal in logport I in Duisburg Rheinhausen DIT. The company also has its own rail and ship transports which use other container terminals among the nine located in the Duis- © Dünner burg ports. Thomas Maaßen, Managing Director of Rhenus Port Logistics. duisportmagazin 2/2016 33 PORTRÄT » RHENUS PORT LOGISTICS © Rhenus

12,000 tonnes of coal on the Rhine - the push barge combination Rhenus Duisburg fully loaded.

The growth industry Rhenus Rail process at many of our own multi- as a private provider throughout Ger- Another rather new Rhenus opera- modal terminals for cargo handling many for over 20 years. The company‘s tion in Duisburg is Rhenus Rail GmbH. from maritime ship, for example, to activities are focused on the south/ Founded in 2015, its services are used railway or from railway to truck,“ as southwest region of Germany, where by Rhenus-owned logistics companies Maaßen explains the broad service Rhenus Rail maintains its own opera- as well as by customers from inter- range. To complement this, the rail for- tion sites in Mannheim, Worms, and modal transport, maritime hinterland warder Rhenus Rail Logistics realizes Freiburg apart from its headquar- transport, and high-volume shippers integrated railway logistics concepts ters in St. Ingbert/Saar. In addition in the bulk goods, automotive, agrar- for forwarding companies, scheduled to long-distance traffic, Rhenus Rail ian, and chemical sectors. „Our focus cargo traffic, supply chain manage- St. Ingbert especially offers last mile in this endeavor is on individually tai- ment, and traction. transportation and shunting services. lored concepts in block train solutions Rhenus has used its close contacts and with both nationally and internation- Moreover, the rail transport compa- cooperations with French railways to ally consistent production from one nies belonging to the Rhenus Group achieve a leading market position in source. For the production of block provide for their own traction through- cross-boundary transport. trains, we procure suitable rail car out Europe. These include Rhenus Rail equipment by customer request. In St. Ingbert, which established itself Based in Orsoy and Moers, the major- addition, we can also access on the market as early as 1996 and ity shareholding NIAG connects the equipment for an efficient handling has produced trains independently Rhine-Ruhr region and the ARA ports,

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34 duisportmagazin 2/2016 PORTRÄT » RHENUS PORT LOGISTICS

using its own equipment to carry out container transport in the hinterland local railway transports on their own of the ports at the mouth of the Rhine The Rhenus Group is an internation- network as well as both regional and and the Bremen ports and the activ- ally operating logistics service pro- national external network transports. ities in France and on the Danube. vider with an annual revenue of € „With the majority acquisition of „Inland waterway transport is the only 4.6 billion. Rhenus has 500 locations Crossrail at the beginning of 2015, we mode of transport with considerable with a workforce in excess of 26,000 have considerably expanded our area capacity reserves in infrastructure, employees. The business areas Con- of operations in transalpine transport which opens long-term growth oppor- tract Logistics, Freight Logistics, and between Benelux, Germany, Switzer- tunities for container transport to Port Logistics stand for the manage- land, and Italy, as well as on the Bel- the hinterland as a market segment. ment of complex supply chains and gium-Romania axis,“ reports Maaßen. With our subsidiary Contargo, we are for innovative value-added services. „Thanks to our 50% share in LTE Logis- represented over a wide area with our The headquarters of Rhenus Port tik- und Transport-GmbH, we have own terminals so that we can take Logistics, which has a sales share of now increased our focus since the end transport management into our own € 2 billion, making it the most impor- of 2015 on traction and production hands,“ Maaßen explains. After taking tant Group area, is Duisburg. Here, possibilities in Austria, Slovakia, Czech of the French shares of Wincanton and in addition to a variety of transship- Republic, Hungary, and Romania.“ the Rhine shipping company CFNR ment and warehousing services in and integrating them, Rhenus is now seaports and inland ports, Rhenus With these shares, Rhenus has a total well situated with its own shipping also controls the railway, inland of over 12 country licenses that allows and handling activities on the Rhine/ waterway, and river/maritime trans- it to serve almost all continental cargo Sâone, in the Paris Basin, in Northern port sectors centers in Europe. As Maaßen explains: France, and on the French Moselle and „We do this with a total of roughly 140 sees significant growth prospects in of our own locomotives, long-distance these areas. and shunting machines of different grade, which Rhenus took over in 2015 performance classes and national On the Danube, Rhenus has two sub- and which operates its own push boat approvals, the respective suitable cars sidiaries: Rhenus Mierka Danube convoys on the lower Danube. „Con- being rented or placed by the custom- Shipping founded in 2012, with head- siderable investments in agriculture, ers. Our objective is cost leadership in quarters in Krems and subsidiary industry, and infrastructure are being traction in order to use a large share of companies in Regensburg, Belgrade made in the countries bordering the our own railways services in as many and Constanta, operates its own ship Danube. In this regard, we see good areas of the Rhenus organization as convoys and cargo motor vessels that medium-term growth potential here possible.“ transport goods between the ARA and intend to realize it with additional ports and the Danube region as well investments in our own fleet and Future growth prospects as on the lower Danube. A close coop- in handling and logistics facilities,“ When asked about the growth pros- eration is maintained with the Serbian Maaßen reveals. pects in the inland waterway trans- port and internal waterway transport port sector, Thomas Maaßen identifies logistics service provider CFND in Bel- Thomas Maaßen considers the recipe for the success of Rhenus activities in the area of port logistics to be based in the high self-responsibility of man- agers and employees in the individual companies: „The second success fac- tor is the host of long-term relations with customers that have been relia- bly served by us again and again with customized, innovative logistics ser- vices – and that for over 100 years!“

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duisportmagazin 2/2016 35 CUL-TOUR » 300 YEARS PORT OF DUISBURG

300 Years of the Port of Duisburg © krischerfotografie

The Duisburg philharmonic orchestra provided live accompaniment for the film 300 Years Port of Duisburg as the ope- ning even for the ceremonial act.

„In all 300 years of its existence, the attended the event at the large white year history of the port with succinct Port has never stood still. It has fre- tent on Duisburg‘s „Mercatorinsel.“ and impressive sequences. The video quently been a trend-setter and a pro- The event was headed by Federal was accompanied by „live“ music from vider of new impulses. We have done Transportation Minister Alexander the Duisburg Philharmonic – a four- much, but there is still lots of work to Dobrindt, who stood in for Federal part suite by Prof. Bernhard Eichner. do,“ says Erich Staake. The Chief Exec- Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel, who had utive Officer is referring to „his“ com- to decline the invitation due to the Port of the Future pany, Duisburger Hafen AG. On Friday, EU „Brexit Summit,“ as well as North In his welcoming address, Host Staake September 16, 2016, the world‘s larg- Rhine-Westphalia’s Premier Hannelore reminded the guests that the Port has est inland port celebrates its 300-year Kraft and Duisburg‘s Lord Mayor Sören often been a trend-setter during its anniversary with a festive ceremony Link. After that, at the beginning of the history – flexible, adaptable and often followed by a gala dinner. festive ceremony, the guests experi- prescient: „Even the first dock for coal enced a premiere event: an eight-min- vessels demonstrated the visionary Almost 500 invited guests from pol- ute documentary film which shows outlook of the time. After all, indus- itics, industry, science, and culture the important milestones in the 300- trial mining was still in its infancy in 1716.“ Similarly, Duisburg has also „made itself fit for container handling long before other competitors“ in the last century. In an elaborate history book, the duisport Group offers the following description on the occasion of its anniversary in Staake‘s words: „how the ‚Port of the Future,‘ the gate to the future for Duisburg, North- Rhine Westphalia, Germany and cen- © krischerfotografie tral Europe, was established at this The gala-location at the Mercatorinsel. site.“ Now the focus is on continuing

36 duisportmagazin 2/2016 CUL-TOUR » 300 YEARS PORT OF DUISBURG

to strengthen the global connectivity and regional anchoring of the Port with new strategies and new digital technologies.

At this time, the ports in Duisburg han- dle almost 130 million tons of goods. More than 3.5 million tons are moved in containers – the highest container rate of all global inland ports. The Port has become a job engine for the entire region, with a current employment effect of 45,000 regular workplaces. © duisport/Georg Lukas Three hundred companies around the port generate about € 3 billion in added At the festive ceremony (f. l. t. r.): Sören Link (Duisburg’s Lord Mayor), value every year. A total of 20,000 ves- Hannelore Kraft (North Rhine-Westphalia Premier), Erich Staake (CEO of sels and 20,000 trains travel from Duisburger Hafen AG) and Alexander Dobrindt (Federal Transportation Duisburg to more than 80 national and Minister). international destinations; to seaports, the European hinterland and to the story of Germany and is now a vibrant and a unique success story. The Port Asian region as far as China. marketplace at the heart of Europe. was and continues to be an engine for

© krischerfotografie Germany is the world champion of the transformation of the region – and Alexander Dobrindt, Federal Minister both exports and logistics – a success also for North Rhine-Westphalia, Ger- of Transport and Digital Infrastructure: that would have been unthinkable many and Europe. The development „300 years of the Port of Duisburg: without the Port of Duisburg.“ of the Port of Duisburg is a good sign That‘s 300 years of the eventful and for North-Rhine Westphalia – yes, we above all moving history of growth, North Rhine-Westphalia Minister can manage transformation and the prosperity, and labor for our country. President Hannelore Kraft noted: „The future – and I am sure that this success The Port of Duisburg has made a deci- 300-year anniversary of the Port of story will continue.“ She also praised sive mark on the economic success Duisburg is indeed a grand birthday, the logistics and transportation indus-

Grand duisport family festival

On the occasion of the 300th birthday The duisport employees from all loca- of the Port, the duisport Group then tions were cordially invited along with invited all its employees for a grand their families to celebrate „their“ port family festival on Duisburg‘s Merca- – and the weather luckily played along. torinsel on Sunday, September 18.

The popular WDR 2 presenter Steffi Neu guided the guests through the diverse program with great charm and wit. Be it the bouncy castle, the bungee trampoline, face painting, a raffle with great prizes, or show acts such as the interactive concert of © krischerfotografie the Little Piano School and the Flieg-

“Germany is the world champion of ende Homberger: a colorful variety Köppen © duisport / Rolf both exports and logistics – a success of program offerings and fantastic Fun for young and old alike: More that would have been unthinkable live music made for a lot of fun and than 900 employees visited the without the Port of Duisburg“, says entertainment for young and old. family festival. Alexander Dobrindt in his speech.

duisportmagazin 2/2016 37 CUL-TOUR » 300 YEARS PORT OF DUISBURG try for its creativity and courage in searching for joint solutions. „Duis- burg and the Port of Duisburg have joined forces to tackle the reality of Shop windows facing the Rhine structural change. Today, the Port is an impressive symbol of strength. This is exactly the kind of attitude we need and that we promote here in North- Rhine Westphalia. If we invest in our infrastructure with combined and coordinated effort, we will not only cope with the huge challenges in this area, but will also lay the foundation for new wealth and make our country permanently fit for the future.“

In his capacity as the shareholder rep- resentative for the city, Duisburg’s Lord Mayor Sören Link stressed: „The © krischerfotografie Port is the pivotal point in the indus- A charming moderator: WDR 2 moderator Steffi Neu. trial life in our city and as such is an indispensable player in the federal state, as 22,000 workplaces in Duis- Landmark for the city and the port the gala dinner that followed. At the burg depend directly on the port. With a performance of the „Rheinische dinner, guests were served a special Therefore, the Port‘s continued fur- Sinfonie,“ the Duisburg Philharmonic appetizer in the form of a film docu- ther development is very important to closed the festive ceremony, which menting the creation and unveiling us – and as a city, we will do what can was led by WDR presenter Steffi Neu. of a piece of art as a birthday present in this regard.“ After a short break, she also emceed by the port company to its city: „Echo of Poseidon,“ a ten-meter-high bronze sculpture by the famous sculptor Prof. Markus Lüpertz. Port head Staake and the artist spoke to Neu about the World premiere background of the origin of this work. 300 Port Years – Four Suite Movements After the discussion and the film per- formance, the view was opened to The guests at the festive ceremony the eventful history of the port with the brightly illuminated sculpture, held by the Port experienced the pre- a specially composed and rehearsed which is located a few meters away, miere of the eight-minute anniversary suite with four movements. drawing the attention of all passing film „300 Years of the Port of Duisburg“ Prof. Bernhard Eichner, composer and skippers and Rhine tourists to the and thus also a musical world pre- composition teacher at Folkwang port and the city of Duisburg. „It is a miere. For the Duisburg Philharmonic University in Essen, composed the permanent landmark for the port and accompanied the filmed scenes from work. The work‘s sound structures for Duisburg,“ says port head Staake. provide a matching musical frame- „And Markus Lüpertz promised us that work for the four main sections of it will outlast us all, perhaps another the image sequence. Film and music 300 years, hopefully alongside the „flow like water,“ blending together Port of Duisburg.“ to form a unit that the composer Eichner describes as follows: „Elements of earlier music meet forms of expression from contempo- rary film music. © Duisburger Philharmoniker © Duisburger

38 duisportmagazin 2/2016 CUL-TOUR » SHOP WINDOWS

Shop windows facing the Rhine © Günter Matczik

(lw) Bleak shop windows in vacant connections of the district to the port, While it is not expected that the shop shops: On Friedrich-Ebert-Straße in but also a view of the uniquely favora- window campaign will lead to retail- Duisburg‘s Laar district, this is an image ble location that Laar has on the Rhine ers or service companies finding their that is to become part of the past. today. For the artist, it was important way back to Laar, the district still has a when designing the work to take up lot of potential, not least thanks to its In cooperation with property owners, the history of the port. This was in turn direct location on the Rhine, according the EG DU Entwicklungsgesellschaft a welcome opportunity for Duisburger to Anke Gorres. Duisburg under the project manage- Hafen AG to support the project on the ment of Anke Gorres has come up occasion of the port‘s 300th birthday. Whoever wishes to get their own idea with a creative idea to give the former The collage‘s motifs even include such of the colorful shop windows is cor- shopping street back its visual appeal. special details as the beluga whale dially invited to take a winter stroll „Moby Dick“ that surfaced in Duisburg through Laar. Since November, colorful collages now 50 years ago. decorate a total of 14 windows in the vacant shops. The large-sized photo The EG DU now hopes that addi- collages made by property designer tional property owners will follow suit Günter Matczik show Laar‘s Rhine and also have their shop windows dike together with motifs of Rhine designed – the multifaceted port navigation from the past 300 years. offers enough motifs for the purpose, A reference not only to the historical in any case.

duisportmagazin 2/2016 39 SERVICE » SHIPPING LIST

Logistics with full service from Logistik mit Full-Service one source at an ideal location aus einer Hand am opti- in Logistikthe harbours mit Full-Serviceof Duisburg and malen Standort im Hafen Wesel.aus einerTransshipment Hand am places opti- at Duisburg. Umschlagstellen themalen outer Standortharbour and im the Hafen Hoch- LINER CONNECTIONS im Außenhafen und feldDuisburg. south harbour Umschlagstellen with con- INLAND CONTAINER TRANSPORT Hochfeld Südhafen mit nectionsim Außenhafen to water, rail und and road International from Duisburg Shipping Company Terminal Ship type* Anschluss an Wasser, transport.Hochfeld Handling Südhafen of goods mit up Belgium Schiene und Straße. Antwerp 4 x per week 1 RRT, GWW B to Anschlussa unit weight an of Wasser, 300 t. Antwerp 3 x per week 5 DeCeTe B SchieneUmschlag und bis Straße. Antwerp 5 x per week 7 DeCeTe/DIT/ D3T/GWW B Stückgewicht. Antwerp 2 x per week 4 DeCeTe B Storage Umschlag on open-air bis ground The Netherlands and in multi-functional halls - Rotterdam 5 x per week 6 DeCeTe B Stückgewicht. Rotterdam 6 x per week 7 DIT/D3T, GWW, DeCeTe B 2 100,000Lagerung m auf. Freigelände Rotterdam 5 x per week 1 RRT, GWW B Rotterdam 5 x per week 4 GWW B Lagerungund in multifunktionalen auf Freigelände Processing of transports of undHallen in multifunktionalen conventional goods and contai- SEA-GOING CONTAINER TRANSPORT Hallen International from Duisburg Shipping Company Terminal Ship type* nersTransportabwicklung by inland water and von ocean transport, rail and truck. Azerbaijan konventionellen Gütern und Baku via Georgien 1 x per week 11 DeCeTe B/S Transportabwicklung von Finland konventionellenContainern per Binnen- Gütern und Helsinki 7 x per week 3 DeCeTe B/S Oulu, Kemi, Tornio Seeschiff, Bahn und LKW. 3 x per week 3 DeCeTe B/S Containern per Binnen- und (via Klaipeda) Seeschiff, Bahn und LKW. via Kotka 2 x per week 11 DeCeTe B/S via Mäntuluoto 1 x per week 11 DeCeTe B/S Georgia Poti 1 x per week 11 DeCeTe B/S Great Britain Hull, London 5 x per week 11 DeCeTe B/S Tilbury 4 x per week 11 DeCeTe B/S Thamesport 1 x per week 3 DeCeTe B/S Teesport 1 x per week 3 DeCeTe B/S Rhenus Scharrer GmbH Grangemouth (Schottland) 1 x per week 11 DeCeTe B/S Rhenus Scharrer GmbH Ireland Schifffahrt · Spedition Belfast 1 x pro Woche 11 DeCeTe B/S TranssphipmentRhenus Scharrer - Forwarding GmbH Agency Cork 2 x pro Woche 11 DeCeTe B/S Schifffahrt · Spedition Dublin 2 x pro Woche 11 DeCeTe B/S Moerser Str. 59 Waterford 2 x pro Woche 11 DeCeTe B/S Moerser47059 Straße Duisburg 59 · Harbour No.3921 Kazakstan Moerser Str. 59 47059 Duisburg via Riga 4 x per week 3 DeCeTe B/S 47059Postfach Duisburg 10 12 51 Latvia Telephone47012 Duisburg Riga 4 x per week 3 DeCeTe B/S +49Postfach (0) 203 10 / 12 7 38 51 08-0 Tallinn 2 x per week 11 DeCeTe B/S Telefon Lithuania Fax47012 Duisburg 02 03/7 38 08-0 Klaipeda 3 x per week 3 DeCeTe B/S +49Telefon (0) 203 / 7 38 08-38 Norway Telefax Flekkefjord, Husoy, Bergen, 02 03/7 38 08-0 [email protected] 03/7 38 08-38 Tananger, Maloy, Alesund, 1 x pro Woche 11 DeCeTe B/S www.rhenus.comTelefax Larvik, Frederikstad, Moss 02www.rhenus.com 03/7 38 08-38 Oslo, Kristiansand 2 x per week 11 DeCeTe B/S [email protected] via Brevik 1 x per week 11 DeCeTe B/S www.rhenus.com Poland via Gdynia 2 x per week 11 DeCeTe B/S [email protected]

40 duisportmagazin 2/2016 SERVICE » SHIPPING LIST

Russia Moskau 2 x per week 11 DeCeTe B/S St. Petersburg 6 x per week 3 DeCeTe B/S St. Petersburg 2 x per week 11 DeCeTe B/S Ust-Luga 1 x per week 3 DeCeTe B/S Schweden/Dänemark Varberg, Stockholm, Sundsvall, 1 x per week 11 DeCeTe B/S Umea/Holmsund, Helsingborg Ukraine via Klaipeda 3 x per week 3 DeCeTe B/S LINER CONNECTIONS SEA-GOING CONTAINER TRANSPORT International from Duisburg Shipping Company Terminal Ship type* Spain/Portugal Bilbao, Leixões 2 x per week 11 DeCeTe B/S Gijon, Vigo, Lisbon 1 x per week 11 DeCeTe B/S Sweden/Denmark via Gothenburg 2 x per week 11 DeCeTe B/S via Oxelösund 1 x per week 11 DeCeTe B/S Södertalje 1 x per week 11 DeCeTe B/S Aarhus 4 x per week 11 DeCeTe B/S Urkaina via Klaipeda 3 x per week 3 DeCeTe B/S

CONVENTIONAL SEA-GOING TRANSPORT International from Duisburg Shipping Company Ship type* Shipping across rivers, seas Denmark weekly 2 S Great Britain and lakes with our ecological East Coast UK daily 6, 9 S fleet for more than 60 years. Sutton Bridge, Flixborough week 2, 6, 10 S Sweden weekly 2 S East-Spain weekly 6 S Transport of all kinds of North-Spain weekly 6 S products such as steel, paper, TRAMP/TRANSPORT PROJECT CARGO agricultural, general and CONVENTIONAL SEA-GOING TRANSPORT - Regular sailings upon request hazardous goods. National Shipping Company German Baltic Ports (e. g. Kiel, Wismar, Rostock, Stralsund) 2, 9, 10, 12

International Frequent shipments between Denmark (e. g. Fredericia, Kopenhagen, Odense) 2, 6, 9, 10, 12 Duisburg and UK. Also to book England (e. g. Grangemouthand all british Seeaports) 2, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12 Finland (e. g. Saimaa-basin; Ports on the South and West Coast) 2, 6, 9, 10 as flexible door-to-door traffic. France (e. g. Bordeaux, Caens, Le Havre) 2, 6, 9, 10, 12 Greece, Italy, Northern Africa all Ports on the Mediterranean Sea 2, 6, 8, 9, 10 Ireland (e. g. Cork, Drogheda, Fojnes) 2, 6, 9, 10, 12 Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, CIS Countries all baltic Countries/Seaports 2, 6, 9, 10, 12 Mozambique 9 Norway (e. g. Oslo) 2, 6, 9, 10 Poland (e. g. Danzig, Gdynia, Stettin) 2, 6, 9, 10, 12 Portugal (e. g. Aveiro, Figueira, Leixoes, Lissabon, Setubal) 2, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12 Russia (e. g. St. Petersburg) 2, 6, 9 Scotland 2, 6, 9, 10, 12 Sweden (e. g. Göteborg, Malmö, Sölvesborg, Stockholm) 2, 6, 9, 10, 12 Scandinavia 2, 6, 8, 9 Spain (e. g. Aviles, Bermeo, Bilbao, Pasajes, Santander) 2, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12 Turkey, Black Sea 2, 9, 8 SHIPPING COMPANIES Name Telephone E-Mail 1. Alcotrans Container Line B.V. + 31 (0) 88-8 760 220 [email protected] 2. Amadeus Schiffahrts- und Speditions GmbH + 49 (0) 203-5 79 40 [email protected] 3. Containerships + 49 (0) 203-519 250 10 [email protected] 4. CONTARGO GmbH & Co. KG [email protected] Rhenus Maritime 5. H & S Container Line GmbH + 49 (0) 203-80 03 265 [email protected] 6. HSW Logistics GmbH + 49 (0) 203-80 03-0 [email protected] Services GmbH 7. HTS intermodaal b.v. + 31 (0) 183-66 88 66 [email protected] 8. Meerpahl & Meyer GmbH + 49 (0) 203-7 13 96 90 [email protected] Shipping · Chartering 9. Rhenus Maritime Services GmbH + 49 (0) 203-80 4-247 [email protected] 10. Saar-Rhein-Transportgesellschaft mbH + 49 (0) 203-80 07 60 [email protected] Krausstraße 1a 11. Samskip B.V. + 49 (0) 211-6 50 44 70 [email protected] 47119 Duisburg (Ruhrort) 12. See-Transit Schiffahrts- und Speditionsges. mbH + 49 (0) 203-28 08 08-0 [email protected] Telephone TERMINALS +49 (0)203 / 804 - 0 Name Telephone E-Mail DeCeTe Duisburger Fax + 49 (0) 203-80 90 600 [email protected] Container-Terminal GmbH +49 (0)203 / 804 - 255 DIT Duisburg Intermodal + 49 (0) 2065-49 92 65 [email protected] Terminal GmbH [email protected] GWW + 49 (0) 203-31 85 622 [email protected] www.rhenus.com RRT Rhein-Ruhr Terminal GmbH + 49 (0) 203-31 85 60 [email protected] * B: Barge, V: Vessel (Short Sea), B/V: Barge/Vessel All data in the shipping list are based on information provides by the shipping companies. duisportmagazin 2/2016 41 Wichtige Zielstationen innerhalb des Kombinierten Verkehrs

Bahnverkehre national Bahnverkehre international Schiffsverbindungen Indirekte Verbindungen SERVICE » RAIL SCHEDULE

Constan¸ta 01_2016 Important combined water and rail destinations.

National railway transportation International railway transportation Ship connections Indirect connections

1 - 7 = Montay - Sunday C - Arrival two days later Dep. - Day of departure D - Arrival three days later Arr. - Day of the arrival E - Arrival four days later Op - Operator F - Arrival five days later A - Arrival on same day G - Arrival six days later B - Arrival one day later OPERATORS Name Telephone Fax E-Mail 1 DistriRail B.V. + 31 (0) 10-20 10-716 + 31 (0) 10-20 10-795 [email protected] 2 duisport agency + 49 (0) 203-803-415 + 49 (0) 203-803-430 [email protected] 3 Ewals Intermodal NV + 49 (0) 2065-89 3-0 + 49 (0) 2065-89 31 99 [email protected] 5 Hupac + 41 (0) 90-6 95 29 20 + 41 (0) 90-6 95 28 01 [email protected] 6 Interferryboats + 32 (0) 32 70 27 00 + 32 (0) 32 70 97 74 [email protected] 7 Italcontainer + 39 (0) 5166-5 10 35 + 39 (0) 5166-5 09 91 [email protected] 8 Kombiverkehr + 49 (0) 69-79 50 50 + 49 (0) 69-79 50 51 19 [email protected] 9 Metrans + 42 (0) 267 29 31 36 - [email protected] 10 PCC + 48 (0) 585858 210 - [email protected] 11 Rail Cargo Austria + 43 (0) 5 77 50 + 43 (0) 5 77 50 700 [email protected] 12 Rhein-Ruhr-Terminal Gesellschaft + 49 (0) 203-31 85 60 + 49 (0) 203-31 85 622 [email protected] 13 Samskip + 31 (0) 38 385 2623 + 31 (0) 38 385 2627 [email protected] 14 Trans Eurasia Logistics GmbH + 49 (0) 30-29 75 48 00 - [email protected] 15 BALO + 90 (0) 232 479-0999 + 90 (0) 232 479-4888 [email protected] 16 CFL + 352 (0) 519 810 1 + 352 (0) 519 810 611 [email protected] 17 Far East Land Bridge + 49 1 516 701 2299 - [email protected] 18 Minsheng + 86 (0) 23 65885550 - [email protected] 19 IRS InterRail Services GmbH + 49 30 42 26 15 12 + 49 30 42 26 15 40 [email protected] 20 ERS Railways B.V. +31 10 4285200 +31 10 4285210 [email protected] 21 Ruhrtalbahn Cargo GmbH +49 241 538073 50 - [email protected] 22 Contargo AG +41 61 639 36 36 - - 23 CTD Container Terminal Dortmund +49 231 998 91-0 - [email protected] 24 Polzug +49 40 74114538 - [email protected] 25 Swissterminal AG +41 61 906 45 45 - [email protected]

TERMINALS Name Telephone Fax E-Mail DeCeTe + 49 (0) 203-80 90 60 + 49 (0) 203-8 09 06 34 [email protected] D3T + 49 (0) 2065-678380 + 49 (0) 2065-6 783820 [email protected] DIT + 49 (0) 2065-49 90 + 49 (0) 2065-49 92 90 [email protected] DKT + 49 (0) 2065-89 35 00 + 49 (0) 2065-8 93 50 20 [email protected] DUSS + 49 (0) 203-80 90 50 + 49 (0) 203-8 09 05 55 [email protected] GWW + 49 (0) 203-31 85 60 + 49 (0) 203-31 85 622 [email protected] logport III + 49 (0) 203-803 4427 - [email protected] All data in the rail schedule are based on information provided by the operateurs without engagement.


National From Duisburg To Duisburg Operator Terminal International From Duisburg To Duisburg Operator Terminal Dep. Arr. Dep. Arr. Dep. Arr. Dep. Arr. Bönen 1-6 A 1-6 A 12 GWW DK - Denmark Bremerhaven-Nordhafen 1-5 C 1-5 C 2 DIT/D3T Kopenhagen 1-5 B 1-5 B 13 logport III Buna - - 6 C 5 DUSS Taulov via Hamburg 1-4 B 1-4 C 8 DUSS Buna 1-6 B 2-5 B 5 DUSS Taulov via Hamburg 1,3 B 5 D 8 DUSS Dortmund 2,4,6 B 2-6 B 23 DeCeTe Taulov via Hamburg 5 D - - 8 DUSS Frankfurt/Oder 1,3,5 B 1,3,5 B 10 DIT Hoje Taastrup via Hamburg 2,3 C 1,2 D 8 DUSS Hamburg Süd-Waltershof 1-5 C 1-5 C 2 DIT/D3T Hoje Taastrup via Hamburg 3 C 4 E 8 DUSS Hamburg-Billwerder 1-5 B 1-5 B 8 DUSS Hoje Taastrup via Hamburg 4 E 5 F 8 DUSS Hamburg-Billwerder - - 7 B 8 DUSS Hamburg-Billwerder 1,3,5 B 2,4 B 8 DUSS E - Spain Tarragona Leipzig-Wahren 1-5 B 1-5 B 8 DUSS 1-4 E 1-4 E 8 DUSS (Constanti) via Ludwigshafen Ludwigshafen (Rhein) 1-5 B 1-5 B 8 DUSS Barcelona via Ludwigshafen 2 D 2,4 C 8 DUSS Ludwigshafen (Rhein) 6 C 6 C 8 DUSS Barcelona via Ludwigshafen 4 E - - 8 DUSS Ludwigshafen 2, 4 B 1, 3 B 2 DIT Barcelona via Ludwigshafen 5 F 6 E 8 DUSS Ludwigshafen 5 D 5 D 2 DIT Irun via Ludwigshafen 1,5 F 1,5 F 8 DUSS Lübeck Skandinavienkai 1-5 B 1,7 B 8 DUSS Irun via Ludwigshafen 2,3,4 D 2,3,4 D 8 DUSS Lübeck Skandinavienkai 6 B 2-5 B 8 DUSS Marl 1-5 A 1-5 A 2 DIT FIN - Finland Marl 1-4 B 1-4 B 2 DeCeTe Marl 5 C 5 C 2 DeCeTe Helsinki via Lübeck 1-3,4,5 D 1-3,5,6,7 D 8 DUSS Minden 1,3,5 B 2,4,7 B 12 GWW Helsinki via Lübeck 6 C - - 8 DUSS München-Riem 1-4 B 1-5 B 8 DUSS F - France München-Riem 5 B 1-4 C 8 DUSS Bayonne via Ludwigshafen 2 D 1 D 8 DUSS Rostock 1,3 B 2,4 B 8 DUSS Bayonne via Ludwigshafen 4 E 3 D 8 DUSS Rostock 6 A 7 B 8 DUSS Bayonne via Ludwigshafen 5 F 5 E 8 DUSS Rostock 1-4 B 1-4 B 8 DUSS Lyon 1-4 B 1-5 B 8 DUSS Schwarzheide 5 D 6 C 5 DUSS Lyon 6 C - - 8 DUSS Schwarzheide 1-4 B 2-5 B 5 DUSS Singen (Htw) 1-5 B 1-5 B 5 DIT H - Hungary Stuttgart 1,3,5 B - - 12 RRT/GWW Budapest 1-4,6 C 1,6 C 5 DIT Unna 1,3,5 A 1,3,5 B 12 GWW Budapest - - 3-5 B 5 DIT Budapest via Wels 2 C 1 D 8 DUSS Budapest via Wels 5 D 4 E 8 DUSS International From Duisburg To Duisburg Operator Terminal Dep. Arr. Dep. Arr. I - Italy A - Austria Bologna 1,3,5 C 1,3,5 C 7 DKT Hall in Tirol 1-4 C 1,2 D 8 DUSS Busto Arsizio/Gallarate 6 C 5 B 8 DUSS Hall in Tirol 1,2,5 E 3,5 F 8 DUSS Busto Arsizio/Gallarate 2,4 B 1,3 B 8 DUSS Hall in Tirol - - 4 E 8 DUSS Busto/Gallarate 1-4 B 1-4 B 5 DKT Wels 1-5 B 2-4 B 8 DUSS Busto/Gallarate 5 D 6 C 5 DKT Wels 6 D 5 D 8 DUSS Busto A/Gallarate 2,4 B 1,3,5 B 5 DUSS Wels - - 6 C 8 DUSS Busto A/Gallarate 3 C - - 5 DUSS Wien-Nordwest (via Wels) 1-4 C 1-3 C 8 DUSS Milano 2,4 B 2,4 B 7 DKT Wien-Nordwest (via Wels) 5 D 4 E 8 DUSS Melzo 1,3 C 2,4 C 13 logport III Wien-Nordwest (via Wels) - - 5 D 8 DUSS Melzo 5 D 6 D 13 logport III WienCont 1,3,6 C 2,3,4 B 5 DIT Pomezia 1,3,5 B 3,5,7 B 20 DIT Wolfurt (via Frenkendorf) 2,3 C 3,5 C 25 D3T Triest (via Ludwigshafen) 1,3,5 C 1,3 C 8 DUSS Triest (via Ludwigshafen) - - 6 D 8 DUSS

B - Belgium Triest 1, 3, 6 B 1, 3, 6 B 13 logport III Antwerpen 1-5 B 1-5 B 2 DIT/D3T/ GWW N - Norway Antwerpen 2,4,6 B 1,3,5 B 8 DUSS Alnabru (Oslo) via Kiel 1-3,5 D 1-3,5 D 8 DUSS Antwerpen 6 - - - 8 DUSS Alnabru (Oslo) via Lübeck 1-4,6 D 1-5 C 8 DUSS

CH - Schweiz NL - The Netherlands Basel 1,3,5 B 2,4,7 B 22 D3T Rotterdam (APM2, Cobelfret, ECT, 1-6 B 1-6 B 1 DIT/D3T Euromax, RSC) Frenkendorf 4,7 B 4,6 B 25 D3T Rotterdam RSC 1-5 A 1-5 B 8 DUSS

CZ - Czech Republic Rotterdam RSC 1-3,5 B 4 B 5 DIT Brno via Lovosice 1-4 C 1-3 C 8 DUSS Rotterdam RSC 6 C 6 C 5 DIT Brno via Lovosice 5 E 1,2,6 D 8 DUSS Rotterdam RSC - - 2-4 A 5 DIT Lovosice 1-4 B 1-4 B 8 DUSS Rotterdam RTB 1,2,4,5 A 1,3,4,7 A 21 DeCeTe Lovosice 5 C 6 C 8 DUSS Rotterdam RTB 6 C 7 B 21 DeCeTe Ostrava Paskov via Lovosice 1-4 C 1-3 C 8 DUSS Venlo Cabooter (ab Antwerpen) - - 1,2,4,6 B 2 DIT/D3T/ GWW Ostrava Paskov via Lovosice 5 D 1,2,6 D 8 DUSS Prerov via Lovosice 1-4 C 1-3 C 8 DUSS Prerov via Lovosice 5 E 1,2,6 D 8 DUSS Prag 2,4,6 B 1,3,5 B 9 DIT


International From Duisburg To Duisburg Operator Terminal Nässjo 5 D - - 13 logport III Dep. Arr. Dep. Arr. Helsingborg 1,2,4-6 C 1,2,5-7 C 13 logport III Helsingborg 1,2,4-6 C 1,2,5-6 C 13 logport III PL - Poland Brzeg Dolny 1,2,4,5 F 1,2,2,6 F 10 DIT International From Duisburg To Duisburg Operator Terminal Brzesc 1,2,4,5 G 1,2,2,2 F 10 DIT Dabrowa Gornicza Dep. Arr. Dep. Arr. 2 C 2 D 8 DUSS (via Schwarzheide) SK - Slovakia Dabrowa Gornicza 5 D 4 D 8 DUSS Bratislava (via Lovosice) 1-4 C 4 E 8 DUSS (via Schwarzheide) Cierna nad Tisou (via Lovosice) 1-4 C - - 8 DUSS Gadki (Poznan) 1,4 C - - 8 DUSS Gadki (Poznan) 2,4,6 B 1,3,5 C 24 DIT SLO - Slovenia Gadki (Poznan) - - 6 C 24 DIT Kutno 1,3,5 1,4 C 2 8 DUSS Ljubljana (via München) 1,3 C 1,3 C 8 DUSS Kutno - - 5 D 8 DUSS Ljubljana (via München) 5 D 1,5 E 8 DUSS Kutno 1,3,5 B 1,3,5 - 10 DIT Ljubljana 1,3-5 C 2,3,5,6 C 11 DKT Wroclaw (via Gadki) 2 C 1,3,5 E 8 DUSS Wroclaw (via Gadki) 5 D 5 D 8 DUSS TR - Turkey Ambarli via Triest 3 G 2 H 8 DUSS RO - Rumania Ambarli via Triest - - 5,7 F 8 DUSS Curtici via Budapest 3,6 D 2,5 F 5 DIT Istanbul (Pendik) via Triest 1, 3, 6 H 1, 3, 6 H 13 logport III Ploiesti via Budapest 3,6 G 2,5 D 5 DIT Istanbul (Pendik) via Triest 1,3,5 F 4,6 G 8 DUSS Istanbul (Pendik) via Triest - - 2 H 8 DUSS RUS - Russua Haydarpasa via Triest 1,3 F 2 H 8 DUSS Moskau 2, 4, 6, 7 H 2, 4, 6, 7 H 14 DIT Haydarpasa via Triest 5 G 2 G 8 DUSS Haydarpasa via Triest - - 7 F 8 DUSS

S - Sweden Cesme via Triest 1,3 G 3,5 H 8 DUSS Almhult 1-4 B 1-5 B 13 logport III Cesme via Triest 5 H 7 J 8 DUSS Almhult 5 D - - 13 logport III TR Mersin Port via Triest 1,5 F 3 H 8 DUSS Göteborg 1-5 B 1-5 B 13 logport III TR Mersin Port via Triest - - 6 G 8 DUSS Göteborg 6 D 6 D 13 logport III Katrineholm 1-5 B 1-5 B 13 logport III Katrineholm 6 C 6 C 13 logport III Malmö 1-5 B 1-5 B 13 logport III Malmö 6 C 6 C 13 logport III Nässjo 1-4 B 1-5 B 13 logport III

duisport rail GmbH Port number 7602 Rotterdamer Straße 70 47229 Duisburg Tel. +49 203 803-4414 Your partner in Fax. +49 203 803-4444 [email protected] highly-efficient transport chains www.duisport.de

duisport_rail_173x84_final.indd 2 02.09.16 12:02 44 duisportmagazin 2/2016 SERVICE » RAIL SCHEDULE TRANSCONTINENTAL CONNECTIONS FOR COMBINED TRANSPORTATION



Moscow Sabaikalsk

POLAND BELARUS Astana Malaszewicze Changchun KAZAKHSTAN Dostyk Shenyang Urumqi Yingkou Peking

Kumul Tianjin Incheon Qingdao Tokio


Suzhou Shanghai

Chongqing Wuhan Yiwu Changsha


Combined rail and water destinations. Northern Route South Route Main served areas Indirect connections 1 - 7 = Montay - Sunday C - Arrival two days later Dep. - Day of departure D - Arrival three days later Arr. - Day of the arrival E - Arrival four days later Op - Operator F - Arrival five days later A - Arrival on same day G - Arrival six days later B - Arrival one day later

Transcontinental von Duisburg nach Duisburg Operateur Terminal Transcontinental von Duisburg nach Duisburg Operateur Terminal At Et At Et At Et At Et CHN - China CHN - China Beijing 2,3,6 - 2,3,6 - 17 DIT Shenyang 2,3,6 - 2,3,6 - 17 DIT Changchun 2,3,6 - 2,3,6 - 17 DIT Shilong - - 5 - 17 DIT Changsha - - 6 - 17 DIT Suzhou 2,3,6 - 6,7 - 17 DIT Chongqing 2,3,6 - - - 17 DIT Tianjin 2,3,6 - 2,3,6 - 17 DIT Chongqing 2,3,6 - - - 18 DIT Wuhan 2,4,6 - - - 14 DIT Chongqing 2,3,6 - 2,3,6 - 19 DIT Dalian 2,3,6 - - - 17 DIT JPN - Japan Qingdao 2,3,6 - - - 17 DIT Tokio 2,3,6 - - - 17 DIT Yingkou 2,3,6 - 2,3,6 - 18 DIT Yiwu 4 - - - 18 DIT KOR - Südkorea Yiwu 5 - 5 - 19 DIT Incheon 2,3,6 - 2,3,6 - 17 DIT

duisportmagazin 2/2016 45 SERVICE » THE PORT duisport – The Port Contacts

The port of Duisburg, at the conflu- Infrastructure and suprastructure ence of the Rhine and Ruhr, is the larg- est inland port in the world with han- dling volumes of 130 million tonnes Duisburger Hafen AG and value creation of 3 billion euros property development and marketing per year. facility management, maintenance Tel: +49 203 803-1 The trimodal (water, rails and roads) [email protected] logistics turntable duisport acts as a hinterland node for the seaports and as a gateway for goods transport to Central Europe. In addition to goods Logport Logistic-Center Duisburg GmbH handling (primarily merchandise in investor management containers, import coal, iron/steel, min- Tel: +49 203 803-4180 eral oil/chemicals) the logistics location [email protected] offers numerous logistics services. duisport – the company Around 300 logistics oriented compa- logport ruhr GmbH nies are based in the Port of Duisburg. logistics real estate in the Ruhr region Tel: +49 203 803-4230 In total over 20,000 jobs in Duisburg [email protected] depend on the port, 45,000 in the region. Port induced investments Logistic services made by companies at the location amount to more than 250 million euros a year. duisport agency GmbH duisport – the port Group transport chains, marketing, sales Tel: +49 203 803-4417 Duisburger Hafen AG is the holding [email protected] and management company of the Port of Duisburg. The duisport Group, which the subsidiaries of Duisburger Hafen AG also belong to, offers full dfl duisport facility logistics GmbH service packages in infra- and supras- port logistics tructure including relocation manage- Tel: +49 203 803-4233 [email protected] ment for the port and logistics loca- tion. Logistics services supplementing the portfolios of companies based in the port complete the Group’s service spectrum. Thus the duisport Group duisport consult GmbH port and logistics concepts sees itself as a partner of the logistics Tel: +49 203 803-4210 sector and makes its own contribu- [email protected] tions to optimizing transport chains to deliver to and from industry and retail.

duisport rail GmbH Contact for Shipping public railroad utility Port Authority and Shipping Authority Tel: +49 203 803-4202 Tel: +49 203 803-4240 | [email protected] [email protected]

Ship Reporting Station Packaging logistics Tel: +49 203 479 76 36 | VHF channel 14 [email protected] | [email protected]

The Web Portal www.duisport.com duisport packing logistics GmbH packaging logistics and transport solutions Corporate Communication für the investment goods industry Tel: +49 203 803-4455 | [email protected] Tel: +49 203 803-20 [email protected]

46 duisportmagazin 2/2016 SERVICE » THE PORT

Motorway Railway Planned feeder road

Important connecting road Water area Headquarters of Duisburger Hafen AG

Important connecting railway duisport Port area duisportmagazin 2/2016 47 The ideal network. New logistics sites in the Rhine and Ruhr region.

duisport / logport is the leading logistics hub in Central Europe

As a multi-modal cargo handling and logistics platform, we connect companies from around the world with European markets. With the continual development of new logistics sites in the Rhine and Ruhr region, you too can become part of this international network. Benefit from our comprehensive range of services: integrated industry and logistics solutions ranging from real estate development and approval management to financing, construction, facility management and tailor-made transport solutions.

For more information visit www.duisport.com

Duisport_LP_Anzeige_A4_E_RZ.indd 1 18.02.16 11:17