Cultural Simulation and the Applications of Culturally Enabled
CULTURAL SIMULATION AND THE APPLICATIONS OF CULTURALLY ENABLED GAMES AND TECHNOLOGY by Jumanne K. Donahue APPROVED BY SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE: ___________________________________________ Marjorie Zielke, Chair ___________________________________________ Dean Terry ___________________________________________ Frederick Turner ___________________________________________ Habte Woldu Copyright 2017 Jumanne K. Donahue All Rights Reserved This dissertation is dedicated to the civilized, humane, rational, and creative people of the world. May you increase in number. Your wise actions are sorely needed. CULTURAL SIMULATION AND THE APPLICATIONS OF CULTURALLY ENABLED GAMES AND TECHNOLOGY by JUMANNE K. DONAHUE, BS, MFA DISSERTATION Presented to the Faculty of The University of Texas at Dallas in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN ARTS, TECHNOLOGY, AND EMERGING COMMUNICATION THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT DALLAS December 2017 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS To begin, I would like to like to thank my supervisor, Dr. Marjorie Zielke. I appreciate your support and guidance given the unorthodox confluence of ideas in my dissertation as well as your confidence in me and your leadership of The First Person Cultural Trainer project. I would also like to think the members of my committee: Dr. Frederick Turner, Dean Terry, and Dr. Habte Woldu. Dr. Turner, you are a gentleman, scholar, and writer of the first order and your work on epic narrative has been enlightening. Dean Terry, your knowledge of avant-garde cinema and role as an innovator in social technology has always made our conversations stimulating. Your example encourages me to take risks with my own endeavors and to strive for the vanguard. Dr. Woldu, you introduced me to the concept of quantifying cultural values.
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