iKliliilg 1997 Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Table of Contents 352 Athabasca Hall, University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2E8 Telephone: (403) 492-2972 Director’s Message 1 FAX: (403) 492-4967 Peter Jacyk Centre 3 E-mail: cius@ua!berta.ca The Canada Ukraine Business Initiative ... 7 CIUS Website: http://www.ualberta.ca/~cius/ Legislative Cooperation Project 10 CIUS Annual Review CIUS Press 12 Reprints permitted with acknowledgement Journal of Ukrainian Studies 15 ISSN 0702-8474 Encyclopedia of Ukraine 16 Ukrainian Language Education Centre ... 18 Editor: Olenka Melnyk Ukrainian language editor: Halyna Klid Ukrainian-Canadian Program 20 Editorial supervision: Myroslav Yurkevich Church Studies Program 22 Design and layout: Peter Matilainen Stasiuk Program 23 Cover design: Graphic Design Services, University Events 25 of Alberta Seminars 28 Staff Activities 29 To contact the editorial offices Awards 35 of the Encyclopedia Project, Donations 37 Journal of Ukrainian Studies, or CIUS Press, please write c/o: Endowments 39 Donors 43 Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures University of Toronto 21 Sussex Avenue Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A1 Telephone: General office (416) 978-6934 CIUS Press (416) 978-8240 Encyclopedia (416) 978-6076 JUS (416) 978-8669 FAX: (416) 978-2672 E-mail
[email protected] Cover photo: Detail of a Scythian gold pectoral held at the Museum of Historical Treasures, Kyiv. The pectoral was excavated from Tovsta Mohyla Correction: barrow, Dnipropetrovsk oblast, Ukraine, by Borys The CIUS fall 1996 newsletter incorrectly credited Dr. Bohdan Krawchenko as Mozolevsky in 1971. chairing the Ukrainian Canadian Committee’s activities in Edmonton commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the Ukrainian man-made famine in Ukraine.