Vol 4 Aug. 2003
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Casa de Macau no Canada (Toronto) Newsletter Vol.4 August 7 , 2003 4168 Finch Avenue East, P.H. # 39 Scarborough, Ont. CANADA M1S 5H6 Tel: 416 - 299-6947 Editors : Gloria Soares Anok 416 - 284-9095 Monica Alves 905 - 887-9408 [email protected] [email protected] F rom the President E ditorial Briefly speaking... It was indeed very appro- Board of Executives priate that our first social event, Traumatic is probably a good word after Toronto was officially taken to describe the emotions of Toron- Michael Barros - President off the World Health Organiza- tonians these past months since the 905 - 831-3488 tion’s SARS Watch List, was our SARS outbreak began in March. successful celebration of Dia However, although the epidemic is Armando Santos - 1st Vice-President Macau. We, as a group and com- over, may we remind you not to be 905 - 827-4367 munity, should be thankful that no complacent, remember still to wash, [email protected] member, to my knowledge, suffered wash and wash your hands at every Tony Barradas - 2nd Vice-President from this dreadful disease. opportunity, especially when han- dling money. 416 - 291-9597 Once again, the Social Committee [email protected] has spent a lot of time and effort to Participation by members’ contrib- put together a full calendar of uting to the newsletter makes it Jerry Noronha - Treasurer events for the forthcoming months. more interesting for all, and Monica 416 - 291-6015 [email protected] It is important and necessary to take and I would like to thank the fol- note of the cut-off dates and I ask lowing contributors to this issue: Nena Noronha - Secretary for your cooperation in abiding to João Almeida; Eddie Cruz; Marie 905 - 509-4412 this request. Camille Gonsalves; Regina Holden; [email protected] Sonny de Lemos; George Reme- On behalf of the Executive Com- dios; Armando Santos and Cintia do mittee, I wish you a healthy, safe Serro. Table of Contents and enjoyable summer. We would like to acknowledge the From the President ...........................1 Items for sale: success of some of Casa's junior Editorial...........................................1,2 members who were faced with a White Golf Shirt @ $20.00: Casa News ........................................2 very tough academic year. Mem- May they rest in peace.....................2 (S-One; M-One; L-One; XL-One) bers who did not have children or At the request of members ..............2 Black Golf Shirt @ $20.00: grand children attending Grades 12 News from other Casas.................2,3 (S-Five; L-Six) or 13 might not realize that 2003 Across the wires............................ 3-7 Caps @ $8.00: has been particularly challenging. Interesting Links ...............................7 (Blue-Two; Green-Two; Cream- This is the first year of the 'double Cook’s Corner...................................7 One) cohort', meaning students in both Funny Bone ....................................7,8 Jacket @ $50.00: A look at the past..............................9 Grade 12 and 13 graduated to- (S - One; XL-Five) gether. Social Calendar.........................10-13 Sweatshirt @ $35.00: (Colour- Mulberry) Though we were unsuccessful in (M-Three; XL-One) contacting some Graduates, our congratulations go to all Graduates If you are interested contact Jerry who be attending Colleges/ Noronha at 416 - 291-6015 or Universities this September: Eric [email protected] (Barradas) Ashley - Centennial Col- lege, Hospitality & Tourism; An- in June. Although it was Friday, drew (Alves) Brander - the Univer- M ay they rest in the 13th, there were no black cats, sity of Guelph Humber, Media peace ladders or broken mirrors at her Studies; Jeffrey Larcina - Queens party held at the China Buffet King. University, Commerce; Stephanie The 80 or so guests were treated to (Vieira) Law - York University, Lionel Maria Larcina - Born: food and prizes galore, with Casa Fine Arts for Visual Arts; Nicole June 22, 1924, Died: June 6, 2003. members, Walla and Elsie Riberio, (Rodrigues) Sanguinetti-York Uni- Our sympathies are extended to going home with a TV. versity, Biology and Albert brothers Joe, Archer, Meno, and (Xavier) Tam - University of Wa- sister Norma da Costa and their re- Congratulatory greetings were re- terloo, Computer Science. spective families. ceived from our Prime Minister, Premier and Mayor. Special guest Members who have not received that evening was Margie’s niece, their newsletter should contact One of Casa’s Senior members, Elysio Antonio dos Remedios Angela Marcal, who, despite the Casa’s secretary, Nena Noronha, fear of SARS, came from San Fran- who has a record of membership Alves, passed away peacefully Sunday June 29, 2003. He is sur- cisco and totally surprised her aunt and prints the labels for our mail- vived by his wife Vivian (nee Cas- by her presence. ing. Though we have taken mes- tro) and daughters, Elaine, Isabel sages in the past, it might be more Margie, an avid mahjong player and Tsui (Peter Tsui), Melissa and expedient to call Nena directly, a regular at Casa’s 1st and 3rd grandsons Justin and Jeremy Tsui. thank you. Thursdays of the month gatherings, Up until recently with failing health had a uniquely-decorated cake in Your Editors and his mobility somewhat re- the form of a “13 heads” winning Gloria & Monica stricted, Elysio was a strong sup- game, complete with dice and porter of the Casa and was very dealer/wind-marker, all of which proud of his Portuguese roots. In were edible! 1992 when the Casa organized a asa news C trip to Portugal, both Elysio and Congratulations, Margie. Many Vivian grabbed this opportunity to more to come. Dia de Macau join the group and thoroughly en- (Submitted by Social) joyed soaking up the history, sights, The celebration of the annual Dia sounds and food of their cultural N ews from other Casas de Macau was held this year on roots. Some members might recall Saturday, June 21st. About one that he contributed an article in a Sunday, May 18 hundred and thirty members at- previous newsletter recounting his Organizers of the Festival do tended the event that began at 5:30 experiences serving in the Hong Provincias invited Casa de Macau pm, in the Royal Canadian Legion Kong Volunteer Defense Corps Incorporate (Australia) to partici- hall on Salome Drive, in the Mid- No.5 Machine Gun Company dur- pate at the Sydney Portugal Com- land and Sheppard area of Scarbor- ing the battle of Hong Kong and his munity Club at Fraser Park, ough. Mass was celebrated by Fa- ultimate imprisonment in the Sham- Merrickville. Toronto members ther Richard MacDonald with Fa- shuipo Barracks in Kowloon. Our Chuck and Marie Camille Gon- ther Anthony Sharma (who is visit- sympathies are extended to Vivian, salves were visiting Australia at the ing Canada from his native Nepal) his immediate family and brother time and joined in the festivi- as the co-celebrant. Dick and sister ‘Margie’ Yvanovich ties. As is the usual Macanese of Australia. 'tradition', food was the highlight of The dinner was catered and the Macau stall. Tachu was the throughout the evening, music was main dish served and for dessert, provided by Armando Santos. Af- t the request of members pao de leite, batatada, baji, bebinga, ter the hearty meal and dessert, A We have been asked to insert the geneta, gummy, pineapple -orange- there were a number of door prizes following: marble cakes and many other de- and a 50/30/20 lottery was drawn. lights were offered. Many joined in the festive mood of One of the benefits of being an the night by taking to the dance octogenarian is enjoying free In addition to the food stalls there floor. The evening did not end until membership in the Casa. Margie were bands playing and also folk after 11:30 pm when the happy Cruz joined this elite and revered dancing. The volunteers manning crowd began their journey home. group when she recently turned 80 2 Located at a height of 342 m (1,122 ft) you will find the Glass Floor and Outdoor Observation Deck. At 346 m (1,136 ft.) is Horizons Cafe and the Indoor Observation Deck. “360”, an award winning fine din- ing restaurant is located at 351 m (1,150 ft.) and offers guests a com- plete 360-degree view of the city. Think you're high enough now. Think again. Sky Pod, the World's Highest Public Observation Deck is located at a dizzying 447 m (1,465 ft.). The CN Tower plays host to two annual stair climbs each year (1,176 L to R: Sunti Rosario (serving); Marie Camille Gonsalves; Marcus Guterriez; steps). The first in April for the Yvonne Herrero and Therese Alonco. World Wildlife Fund and the other in October for the United Way. the stall were on their feet for 7 course). Combined these events draw more hours, but everyone pitched in and then 15,000 people and raise over had a grand time. This was Austra- AJ Hackett, a company that made $1 million dollars. lia Casa’s first time participating in its name in the bungy jumping busi- this festival and due to its huge suc- ness, is offering a ''safe and guided As one would imagine, the Tower is cess this will now be an annual climb'' up the mast of the tower, at a magnet attracting all kinds of peo- event. the end of which the intrepid ple hoping to set weird and wacky climber can stand on a narrow plat- records performing some amazing form at the top and feel either feats like: running up the steps in cross the wires elated, terrified, or both. This is not the fastest time; ‘pogoing’ up; mo- A for the faint-hearted or out-of- torcycling up; carrying up a 440 lb Macau Tower condition - to climb and descend piano; a refrigerator; a stove and Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2003 the 100 metres of ladders takes two even a 200 lb pumpkin have found hours.