406947 to 406985—Continued 406947
JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31, 1976 67 406947 to 406985—Continued 406947. ALLIUM CEPA L. Liliaceae. Onion. W-C 1549. One km from Sebaco, Matagalpa Department. White, bulbing onion. Reproduced by seed in Nicaragua. Local name Paisana. Cultivated. Seed. 406948. CAPSICUM ANNUUM L. Solanaceae. Pimento. W-C 1554. Palace Hotel, Managua, Managua Department. Perennial to 2 m tall. Fruit small, red, pungent. Cultivated. Seed. 406949. DIPLADENIA sp. Apocynaceae. W-C 1566. Roadside at El Recreo, Zelaya Department. Slender vine to 2 m tall, leaves opposite, flower salverform, yellow with red eye. Wild. Cuttings. 406950. GOSSYPIUM sp. Malvaceae. W-C 1562. Town of Teustepe, Boaco Department. Shrub to 2 m. Bolls small with 3 or 4 carpels, lint white. Growing both as dooryard and wild cotton. Wild. Seed. 406951. IPOMOEA sp. Convolvulaceae. W-C 1578. Roadside between Esteli and Somoto, Madriz Department. Vigorous twining vine to 3 m long, leafless. Flowers 10 cm in diameter, white. Wild. Cuttings. 406952 to 406968. LYCOPERSICON ESCULENTUM Mill. Solanaceae. Tomato. 406952. W-C 1537. Public market, Managua. Fruit somewhat lobed, red, to 10 cm in diameter. Local name Chilcarojo. Cultivated. Seed. 406953. W-C 1538. Public market, Managua. Pink fruit, catfaced, many lobes, flat, 6 cm by 12 cm. Local name Chilca. Cultivated. Seed. 406954. W-C 1539. Public market, Managua. Large, pear shaped, pink, 5 cm wide by 6 cm long. Local name Roma Chilca. Cultivated. Seed. 406955. W-C 1540. Public market, Managua. Large, pear-to-oblong shaped, lobed at apex, pink, 5 cm by 5 cm. Local name Boca de Mono. Cultivated.
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