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-- Volume 1. Number 1 .\ueurt-S.a*rudn?r. 197Y FE\TI’Rl.b ,,,I -,,:.!,!I Tilting in lhe Lisa. Phil Surguy repons Cover illu~,m,iw, and drauingr on page> on the reasons why bat-seller lists II, and I I by Bnan Cranley should be sampled with a large grain Cxicauuc of M;lrian Enpel by Phil of salt 3 rvialleue IJ . “Shakespeare and I.. .” Denise Phu,oqaph of In 1”; I_.,! 1”” b> John Buckowski reveals the joys and head- Rezre. aches inhexen, in ecring es bving Other draumg, ,hmphnu, ~hc I~US b? Layton’s editor 7 Rowmary Alliwn Gay Abandon. John Hofsess argues ,ha, o few gay militanlr in real life are deswying the gains homosexuals are I I, .,I. :,,:I ,a:,:. making in literature IO Rawmar~ \Ilbun I\ a Two~wilrri\L. Poet Dn\id Body English in Alice Munro. Excerpt Break wcm,,, ynrcd m Twumu innn Aus- from anessay by Bronwen Wallace 13 malia.. Fre&;mcer Denise Bvrkewrki ~rdecidti,! Look Outward, Engel. Now. Merien m,, a De,,“,,. vn, fAer> I. L-dlmr cmcnlY* “l Engel’s new novel. The Ghrs.~~ Sm. B.nd\ ,A (;rw.r.,.r: h,. Cw~r,,, !r,rwv rhr, is reviewed by Val Clery I4 \Owrmrh m .mhdnp~ g>i mil_w~nu ;rn*,n AM Becomes Electra. Wayne Grady during ,hr pas, 30 ywn. uill be published by reviews Murder by Microphorrr. a Macmillm ,hb hl,. Do& Cowan ir a Tomnw salbical killer about the CBC by Ewr:noman’r Almanac 1978. b? ,hc xuerr. nliw. md urilcr John Cruikshank i, a John Reeves I6 EveryDay Collectkc: Herstsr) 1978. rcpwer lo< Ihe K,nr.h>n ,,%,e-P,,n,,,l. Va’m- by ,he Saskeloon W~~men’r Calendar ~~*YYUT ~rwr Tera Celllr I\ currcmh nudging Syllabus for Survival. Lorne Hill looks livr her Ph D ~\a”,. I” <,m,p;lraurr lilentvre il, a, the outline for a new Canada Cnlleulive: Women in Canadian Life: Litrruturr. b) M. G. McClung: lhc Vnncr,,,y ,*I W’nwnr,n J..A.S. Eva,w Studies program and finds that many wwhcr ekDw\ AI CBC Fan Women in Cnnadinn Life: Law. by is a tine old secred cow are szvxiliced IO rerve the 0nliln.1” mrrqucradm~ a. H,ruard En@. s,a,e 30 Linda Silver Dmnnfl 21 Cnhem Fws, wxhe, hwwnider 41 Capilan~ Sorlheru Va8ebund: The Life end Colles+ I” Nwth \‘.mr~r\cr \\‘e>nr Grad? i. a RE\‘IE\\S Career uf J.B. Tjrrcll. h) Alex copy whwr tar II e tl~uJ UW~WM Lnme Hi,, Ingli* 28 Fun Tomorrow. by John Gray I5 lcrho hwor) I” thr Fxulg 1-i Eduurlion 41 the Nutionnlisn~ aud ,br Quclw L’.,IT John Horw., irwlmw.ou# of Hamdlon. TheScarlel Mmdle. by W. G. Hardy I8 Question. by Nicole Arnwd and Del. Chrinophrr Hume I\ 4 Twonlo muswan Red Dust, by W. D. Valgxdson: Girl Jocquch Dofny: Quebec Indr- and ar, buit Susan kmnucri wxhe. English ill in Gingham. by John Metcalf I8 pendeuce: The Beck8round Lo u Tonmw’. R,crwn Pol>,echn,cal ,II.I~IU,C Tangle Your Web and Dosey-Do. by Nationrl Crisis. cditcd by Achim Jnrc,!” Lewencr I. .I T,rmn,o I’ree,,nwr Helen Levi I9 Ualcelm Lnlcr I. lhe Lc~er I” #he peblirhing Krull and Murray Shukyn 28 Loosety Tied Hands. by Joe Rosen- hoax 0, ,.c*,er si Orprn Wriwr md pee, Dnrid Getting Sex. hy John Allsn Lee JU blats Still Jack. by John Thompson 20 \,srfer,anc retcnll? relurnrd 118 Dnlario Imm a Libcr,) and the HoI) CR!: The Idea of Eumpan Grand Twr Phi, \,al,eur I, aTumn~o Protective Footwear. by George Freedom ie English Hislorj. h) 21 .wri~l. Snndrs \,ar,in 15 cwcdirmg a hook of Bowering Michael Mxklcm 33 Rupen Brwkc’r uac, urmngh lw Pclcr Marlin And Sleep in the Woods. by Thomas 4wwillc. Dumb \lrMim leacher In the Wiling York 2’ I~l,‘\HI\II~I~ W,nk.hcsp a~ Ywk Cn,\cr.,,> Rw Ken Yew,, Especially Babe. by R. Russ Anne,, 2.1 I\ m cdwr 1~1 Morrcd’. Vehicule Pre.r At Mnrsport Drugstore. by Al Purdy 23 The Spoken Word. hy Doris Cowan 3-l Chreucc ,;. Rcdcknp wwhv. p,,l,,ic;l, rconon,> Alter Ego, by Pmrick Wa,son 23 Fin, Imprzssionr. by Sandra Marlin 35 ~1 ahc I’o,T R. Parirk Snu, 15 .I Tommo Ahmi. by Marion Rippon 24 On the Rack%. hy Paul Suwwc xl I.wgcr \tIchael Smith i\ a~hm.wr) uriwrand 0 Toronto. by William Kurelek: Carl The Brewer. hy Morri\ Wolfe 3x Yacherhr4 mS# \,x)xnn, Paa,S,ucweira Schaefer. by Mar8arel Gny. MPQ Interview wilh Rngcr Caron. h) John rc,?ul;lr unnsibaor I- lhuw pp. a IS hir friend ad Ivllsu h~hhophde Phi, Surguj arer Rand. and Lois Steen 25 Cruikshsnk 3x Srvillr Can% No. 35 -m Thompson w.whr, hiax! 41 the Unncney of Come With Us: Children Speuk for Wcrlem Omrrw Rw Scnn Virgo axnptinc% in Themselves. co-ordinaled by Judy Men and Their Lihmrics. hq FUU XI Talp<ai,. Nlld Bronwrn \\‘e,,ece I. ,t Kinr\mn. McClvd and Naomi W,dI 26 Lc,,err ,o ,hr Edisw KI OS.. Hreer >,nrr,\ We& ncvd~ no ;am- A Master Killing. by Ronald The edi,urs rccwnmcnd ,I ducdon .md ahml. ,hcm unlucl! .+u;r>. Inn Hambleton 26 Banks received -lI Young I\ Ihc edhar 14Card!sl Prcv EDITOR: Douglas Marshall. ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Julie Wasilewski and Pier Giorgio Di Ciwo. ART DIRECTOR: !vllar\ LuToms. GENERAL MANAGER: Susan Traer. ADVERTISING: Swan Truer and Robin EBIICOII. CIRCl!LATIGN: Susan Aihoshi. CONSULTANTS: Robert Filrrelly and Jack Jensen. Herilyc h-e,, C” ,_,d ,SSS 0045.156,. 2 Booke in Canada. Augusl-September. 1978 Eest-seller lists are the products of hype. and are rarely accurate. So who seeds them, who reads them, and who needs them?. by Phil Surguy OSL THLG ~LIOST everyone in the publishing industry knows for eccoratc es we ceo m&c it and as national es can be devised.” It is sort is tbu your avuagc bookseller does not repott his best-selling based on e complex mathematical formula worked oat by punt books to the compilers of best-seller Sits. lostcad, they say. he eompaoy Maclean-Hunter’s statisticians. The main function of the Iht, bis turkeys. the books of which he has huge unsold piles formula (which includes en appreciation of shelf-space allotment cluttcting up his shop. lie is hoping, of course. that the public will in verious shops)‘is to 8ivc e proper value to the repotls the M’L’ his non-sellers on the best-seller lists and start boyiog them: megczioe wives every two weeks fmm 51 book stores -s the then the turkeys will become genuine best seUers. and he won’t country. .Wiculer care is t&en to ensure that the list is not hwe hem lying tier all. He’ll have been simply anticiptiog dominaled or distorted by rcpons from the large Tomoto market. wffess. TheStar’s list appears in its Saturday editions nod is syndicated At last one half of the 30.odd book people intcniavcd for this to 12 other Canadian papers. The Star also roes a syndicated list of article reported variations of that scenario. However. like most paperback best sellers. The lists ore compiled by Mrs. Heather coovcntidnol wisdom, it retlccts only a fraction of the troth. If such Gamester. She receives weekly reports by mail from 50 book blatant dishonesty wcrc the sole foundation of best-seller lists, stores. located throughout the country but cxcloding Mootrcal end they cotdd be dismissed es a fiaed and forgottco. Bol most book- sellers w in fact fairly honest when meking up their lists; yet, pxaioxically. they erc rarely eccwete. YRe job 0P compiling a repoti is a chore, Bat-seller lists, you see. arc almost totally subjective things. onethat most booksellers do out of a sense Rick Archibald. ao associotc editor et Doubleday Cooeda. cites of duty but don’t take vey seriously. os ao cxample the odd case of Bury Bmedfoot’s first two books. 7.a Last Years. which sold more then 30.088 copies in hardcow. we, somctbing of a sleeper. Prc-publication orders were light: so. Toronto; she assesses those two cities by telephone. calling four as demand for the book grew. the stores wcnz constantly having to stores in Montreal and 10 in Tomnto. The stows she cells me reorder it. As a result. because the book was tiqueotly on their differcot every week. minds, the booksellers pot it on their lists and come to think of Mrs. Gamester does not heve e sophisticated formula to help her Bmndfoot and best sellers as being synoo)moos. It wes almost calculate tbe.Smr’s top IO fiction and non-fiction titles. Ha inevitable. then. that pn-publication orders for Broadfoot’s second method: on every report, she assigns e value of 10 to the nombcr book. Six tt’er Ewrs. would anticipate heavy soles. Archibald one book in each category. The number two books arc given nine says the second book sold almost as well as the first; yet, beecure points. end so on down to the number tens, which get one point rdo didn’t match the often entcasaeeble cxpcctations many each. Theo she adds up the points accumulated by the various hookscllcrs had for it. they nportcd that Sir War Years was selling titles. Simple. wr\irfwob/.r Iess then Ten Lost Years. If the stores reporting to both lists wcn doing so according to Such thinking oo the pert of booksellers.