Maine State Legislature
MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) Public Documents of Maine: BEING THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE VARIOUS Pu~lic Officers an~ Institutions FOR THE YEAR ~/ ~188, ~ VOLUME IL AUGUSTA: BURLEIGH & FLYNT, PRINTERS TO THE STAT.14;, 1889. REPORT OF THE Railroad Commissioners OF THE STATE OF nifA_INE. 1887. ---- ·------ AUGUSTA: BURLEIGH & FLYNT, PRINTERS TO THE S-TA'l!E~ 18 8 8. REPORT. To the Gove1·n01· of the State of iliaine: The Board of Railroad Commissioners respectfully submits this their twenty-ninth annual report. It is with a feeling of gratitude and pleasure that we can note the fact, that, while a series of appalling accidents have oc curred on many railroads in other States during the past year, the railroads in Maine have been comparatively free from ac cidents of any kind. This result, we believe, is very largely due to the wisdom, care and efficiency of those entrusted with the management of the several· railroads in the State, in the selection of subordinates and cmployes, and in looking care fully to the physical condition of their roads, and in the adop tion of and adhesion to modern systems of running trains thereon. The reports of the several railroad companies in the State show a most gratifying and, as appears, permanent increase in business both in passenger and freight earnings, notwith standing the fact that in the early part of the season many railroads on the seaboard were seriously effected by some of the provis10ns of the :ilnterstate Commerce Law," which pro visions, in effect, tended to divert freight traffic from railroads to steam and other vessels, at all competing points.
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