Acacius (Patriarch), 40 Ad Ecclesiam (Salvian of Marseilles), 312
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02175-4 - The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Attila Edited by Michael Maas Index More information Index S Acacius (patriarch), 40 change and transformation in, Ad ecclesiam (Salvian of Marseilles), 247–263.Seealsochange and 312 transformation in Age of Attila Adid the Arab, 135 chronology of, xv–xvi administrative bureaucracy, imperial, defined, xiii 33–35, 51, 378–379, 390, 392 economies in, 44–60.Seealso Adomnan,´ 400 economies in age of Attila Adrianople, battle of (378), 7, 16, 19, 23, education in, 376–393.Seealso 58, 128, 137, 196, 209, 213–214, education 241, 243, 304, 321 geographical awareness and adscript colonate, 52 imagination in, 394–413.Seealso Aegidius (Roman general in Gaul), 39, geographical awareness and 136, 164 imagination Aelia Eudoxia (wife of Emperor geopolitical zones of, 4–5.Seealso Valentinian III), 28, 102, 103, 105, Eurasian steppe; North Africa; 109, 115, 141 northern Europe; Roman empire; Aeneas of Gaza, 385 Sasanian Persia Aeneid (Virgil), 355 mobility in, 97 Aetius (Flavius Aetius; general) religion in.SeeChristianity; Jews and assassination of, 31, 38 Judaism; pagans and paganism; Burgundians settled in Gaul by, 261 religion Catalaunian Fields, Attila’s defeat at “self ” and “other,” Late Antique drive (451), 193–194, 254 to define, 358 dynastic principle and, 103, 109, 112, agricultural/rural areas.Seecountryside 115, 121 Agrippinus (minister), 39 followers of, 258 Ailia of Gaza, 72 governance of Roman empire and, Akatzirs, 256 26–43 Alamanni, 221 Huns, alliance with, 8, 17, 198 Alans invasion of Italy and, 328 contact with Romans prior to politics of Roman military and, 135, migration/invasion, 253 136 Gaul, settlement in, 38, 40 tax burdens triggered by barbarian Huns, confederative associations push-back of, 315 with/dominance by, 221, 222 Age of Attila, 3–25 Huns, effects of arrival of, 8, 215–221 barbarians in.Seebarbarians; northern Huns, origins of, 177 Europe; specific groups, e.g.
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