Scholarship Update

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Scholarship Update Scholarship Update VOLUME 9 ISSUE 1 DECEMBER 2014 Royal Society of Canada New Scholar Award Congratulations, Dr. Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham! ers who are entering the together from diverse most productive period of intellectual, cultural and Dr. Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham Purposes of their lives, and will speak into social perspectives.” was welcomed as a member Scholarship the future direction of higher of the Royal Society of Reimer-Kirkham adds: “My Update education in Canada. Canada’s College of New research has flourished at Scholars, Artists and Scien- To communicate current st scholarship initiatives within tists on November 21 , 2014 TWU School in Quebec City. Ninety-One of Nursing members were named, from To profile faculty, fifty-one Canadian universi- student, and alumni ties and the National Re- achievements search Council, and they represent the emerging To provide information regarding upcoming conferences generation of scholarly, and funding opportunities. scientific and artistic leader- ship in Canada. Editors: Dr. Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham Established in 1882, The & Lynette Stein Royal Society of Canada Inside this issue: is the senior Canadian colle- gium of distinguished schol- TWU’s Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham is part of the inaugural Dean’s Corner 2 ars, artists, and scientists. cohort of scholars inducted into the Royal Society of Retirements 3 The Society’s primary Canada’s newly established College of New Scholars, Artists, and Scientists. New Faculty/Nursing 4-5 objective is to promote Networking Cafe learning and research in the Along with the Inaugural TWU – in an environment MSN News— 6-8 arts, humanities, and natural Presentation and Banquet, where interdisciplinarity is Graduation/Ottawa and social sciences. The Col- Sheryl attended the RSC’s encouraged, where religion Undergraduate 9 lege, established in 2014, is annual Symposium and and diversity are openly ex- Learning Canada’s first national Annual General Meeting. “It’s plored, and where we share International Visitors 10 system of recognition for the such a privilege to be able to common values of compas- TVN/Graduate 11 emerging generation of Ca- speak into the direction of sion, generosity, hospitality, Students nadian intellectual leader- higher education and research and equity (all themes reflect- International 12 ship. Its establishment al- in Canada, through the Col- ed in my research).” Presentations lows the RSC to benefit from lege,” Reimer-Kirkham said. Scholarship 13-16 the participation of excep- For more details, see: http:// “Already at the induction tionally talented individuals ceremony in Quebec City, in the earlier period of their twu-prof-inducted-to-rsc.html there was a lot of synergy careers. The College will and excitement among the fulfill two roles, bridging new members as we consid- between the Fellowship and ered how we might work the generation of research- VOLUME 9 ISSUE 1 PAGE 2 Dean’s Corner By Dr. Sonya Grypma ranging from course syllabi and ex- amples of student work, to committee minutes, department and university A Vision of Excellence policies. Recently I’ve found myself reflecting In the end, TWU Nursing received deeply on the vision of the TWU strong reports from both groups. In School of Nursing. Our vision is to February 2014 CRNBC renewed its develop and provide godly recognition of the BScN program for Christian leadership in Nursing. seven years, the longest period Furthermore, our mission is to achievable. In February 2015 the equip nurses for excellence in CASN accreditation bureau will meet practice. Quite an ambitious un- to make its determination regarding dertaking when you really think renewed accreditation. In the mean- about it. And lately, we’ve been time, reports from both groups em- really thinking about it. phasized program strengths such as: outstanding preparation of students; Over this past year TWU Nursing has visibility of students as leaders; high undergone two major external quality (and highly sought-after) reviews to renew provincial recog- graduates; engaged, committed and nition and national accreditation of accessible faculty and staff; outstand- our BScN program. These regularly ing faculty scholarship and research. Dr. Sonya Grypma scheduled, external reviews help to In the words of one site visitor: “You ensure that TWU Nursing continues have something precious here. Do to meet provincial professional what you can to protect it.” welcome those whose gifts and standards and, in the case of ac- service are already helping TWU creditation, national standards of At a time when TWU is making head- Nursing to continue its vision: excellence. The reviews were con- lines for reasons other than its Dr. Maggie Theron, Lynn Musto, ducted over a 13 month period by excellence in education and Tracy Stephen and Dorolen Wolfs. the College of Registered Nurses of scholarship, having external visitors We are grateful for each of you and British Columbia (CRNBC) and the reflect back to us in fine detail all the your contributions towards Canadian Association for Schools of reasons TWU Nursing has earned excellence. Nursing (CASN) respectively. such an exceptional reputation is both heartwarming and affirming. The reviews involve submitting It is a reminder not only of who we Finally, brothers and sisters, detailed self-evaluation reports as are—a program aimed to develop and whatever is true, whatever is noble, well as site visits to the TWU provide godly Christian leadership in whatever is right, whatever is pure, campus by experts in nursing nursing—but also whose we are: whatever is lovely, whatever is education and practice. The CASN we belong to Christ. admirable—if anything is site visit in early November, for excellent or praiseworthy— example, involved hosting three In this edition of Scholarship Update think about such things. nursing professors from Ontario and you will see a glimpse of the Phil 4:8 (NIV) New Brunswick who spent a week excellence for which TWU Nursing is observing and interviewing students, known, and of some of the persons faculty, staff, clinical instructors, whose gifts and commitments have administrators, employers and alum- helped to build that reputation. In ni. They visited classrooms, labs particular we want to honour the and clinical agencies where our work of two long-serving nursing students practice and alumni work. professors who have recently re- And they reviewed documents tired: Catherine Hoe-Eriksen and Darlane Pankratz. And we want to PAGE 3 SCHOLARSHIP UPDATE DECEMBER Retirement Farewells by Dr. Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham Darlane Pankratz partnership be- tween TWU and Darlane Pankratz was honoured on March 26th, 2014 at a Christian hospi- a retirement luncheon and reception for her years of ser- tal in Zambia. vice to Trinity Western University. Darlane made many Darlane taught in contributions to the School of Nursing over the years, third and fourth first as a clinical instructor (starting in 1998) and then year courses. Dr. joining the faculty as Assistant Professor in 2006. Profes- Sonya Grypma, Kim Smith, Darlane & Hilary sor Heather Meyerhoff was the master of ceremonies, Dr. Dean of the VanderGugten Sonya Grypma reflected on Darlane’s years of services, School of Nurs- and Darlane was joined by her husband, and TWU alum ing, remarked at Darlane’s retirement celebration: “In the children, Jonathan and Sarah. School of Nursing we know Darlane up close and personal, as a woman after God’s own heart. Her love for the Lord Drawing on her rich and extensive nursing career in infuses everything she does, making it possible for the acute and community care in small communities in B.C., School of Nursing to pursue that lofty goal, of providing an the Yukon, and the Western Artic, she brought to the educational experience that cultivates knowledge and per- classroom a strong body of nursing sonal development to glorify God and knowledge, a passion for new and inno- to serve humankind. Darlane exempli- vative ideas, and leadership in exploring fies both, and we are proud to identify and establishing a mutually-beneficial her as one of our own”. Catherine Hoe Eriksen TWU nursing graduates! The TWU community honoured Cathe- President Bob Kuhn congratulated and rine Hoe Eriksen on September 17th, Darlane and Catherine thanked Catherine for her years of 2014 with a special retirement luncheon and reception. service, and Provost Bob Wood presented Catherine with Catherine joined the TWU Nursing faculty in 1996 and a retirement gift. Many TWU alumni and current students, had the great privilege of teaching each graduating class nursing colleagues, and family and friends joined the since the program’s beginning. celebration, including Catherine’s daughter Kaylee (TWU Alumnus) via a Skype call. We wish you all the best, Dr. Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham was the master of ceremo- nies, former professor Marj Drury offered the table grace, Catherine, and will miss your enthusiasm and energy. and Dr. Landa Terblanche reflected on Catherine’s contri- butions to the nursing program. She noted that Cathe- rine had a genuine interest for each nursing student, and a passion for excellence in nursing. In the words of TWU nursing graduates: You had a profound impact on me and I so often find myself passing on to others what I've learned from you. Was a great blessing to learn from and work with you. Catherine, you had a HUGE impact on me as a person and a nurse. Your passion for health is catching! (I'm still a passionate breast feeding advocate because of you) Thank you for using Catherine and Karen Jonson your gifts in my life and the lives of all my fellow VOLUME 9 ISSUE 1 PAGE 4 Welcome New Faculty Dr. Magdalena Theron training, and has stepped into teaching mental health and mater- We welcome Dr. Magdalena (Maggie) nal health in the undergraduate Theron as Assistant Professor in the program, and knowledge translation School of Nursing.
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