Notes on Grasses (Poaceae) for the Flora of China, VI. New Combinations in Stipeae and Anthoxanthum Author(S): Sylvia M

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Notes on Grasses (Poaceae) for the Flora of China, VI. New Combinations in Stipeae and Anthoxanthum Author(S): Sylvia M Notes on Grasses (Poaceae) for the Flora of China, VI. New Combinations in Stipeae and Anthoxanthum Author(s): Sylvia M. Phillips and Wu Zhen-Lan Source: Novon, Vol. 15, No. 3 (Sep., 2005), pp. 474-476 Published by: Missouri Botanical Garden Press Stable URL: Accessed: 21-07-2016 02:11 UTC Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Missouri Botanical Garden Press is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Novon This content downloaded from on Thu, 21 Jul 2016 02:11:29 UTC All use subject to Notes on Grasses (Poaceae) for the Flora of China, VI. New Combinations in Stipeae and Anthoxanthum S+-lvia;V. Phillips Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, Keu. Surrey TB79 3ABt United Kingdom. [email protected] Wu Zhen-LvIrl Herbarium, Northwest Plateau Institute of Biolog!. \(aclemia Sinica, 78 Xiguan Street, Xining, Qinghai 810()01. China ABSTRACT. When Or^zopsis is e onfined to the tv^)e gelleIic reassessmellt for North America and w-ith species, Chinese species are placed in Achrlathe- ollal-)oIatoIs folloss-ed this uith a report on molec- rum and Piptatherum. This necessitates the follow- ular studies (Jacobs et alt 2000) The tBro genera ing new combinations: Pilotatherllnz grelzlfli.iclc- ale nou- collsi(lered separate in America (Soreng, lum, Piptatherum aequiglume var. Iigulatum. 2003) alld s-ill be also in the treatment of Poaceae Piptatherum tibeticum var. psiloleI)is. Pi,vtfltherllm for tlle Florfl of Chin(l. mun.roi var. parviJ/orunl, Achnatherlxm henr! i. an(l X ful-tllel prohlelll in-ol:es the genus Orwzopsis Achnatherum henr+-i s-ar. (Iclltunl. .4chnfltherun Xli(haux This name has l-)een z-idelv used in both henrAi is lectotxpified. The new nallle Pi,l)tfltherlxm helllisl)llelesr s-ith Pipt(ltherum regalded as a Syll- kuoi replac es the illegitimate name Pi)t(ztherllm *)b- onxlll. a -ies- reinforced bs- Freitags paper (1975) tusum, and this species is lectotspified. Hierochloe rex iSillg the spec iex from southwest Asia. Hou-evet; potaninii is transferred to Antho.ranthum as A. o- tlle tx pe species of Or+-zolssis, O. asperiic)lifl Mi- taninii, as [Iierochloe is regarded as a svnonsTm of cllaux (1803) from North America. has manv un- Anthoxanthum. All the grass taxa (Poaceae) liste(l usual featules and is not clc)sel!T related to other are endemic to China. spec iex placed in Or^-zo,vsis (Barks-orth, 1993) Or-- Key words: Achnatherum., Antho.ranthum, Chi- 70/)sis iS therefore considered as monotypic in mod- na, Hierochloe, Orzopsis, Piptatherum, Poaceae. ern treatments (Jacoles et al 2000; Soreng, 2003)* ^s-ith the other species placeel in Pil)tfltherlxm and When preparing the tribe Stipeae. Poaceae. for .4c hnfltherlxrll. the Flora of China, it was necessarv to eonside Nlost Chinese species placed in Or+o,vsis in the generic concepts in the light of Ino(tern research Chinese flora (Lu & Kuo. 1987) alrea(tx have com- as discussed below. This has nec essitatecl a few billatiolls in either Pilot(ltherllrn or Achn(ltherum. new combinations. The opportunity is also taken in Hoss-e-el; a fess- nes- combillations are required as this paper to publish a new combination in An- set out helo+s-. All the taxa listed are endemic to thoxanthum in the tribe Aveneae. Chilla or allllost so (Pil)t(ltherum klloi extends to the Rsukxu islands in Japan and Taiz-an) STIPEAE Piptatherum kuoi S M Phillips & Z L Wu Delimitation of genera in Stipeae is still in a state noIll nos- Replaced nallle: Piptatherum obtu- of flux, but recent work has led to a realignment of stlm (Stapf) Rosheitz in Bot. Mater. Gerb some familiar genera, based in part on molecular Bot Inst Komaros a Acacl Nauk SSSR 14: studies. Opinion has been divided in the Old Borld 102 19z1. non Piptatherum obtusum Nees & on whether to take a broad view of Sti)a itself Nlex ell. 1841. Or+-zo/)sis c)t)tusu Stapf in Hook- including Achnatherum and some slllaller genel a. ers Icoll Pl 24(4): t 2393. 189t TYPE: Chi- or whether to recognize Achnatherum separatelv. na HuSei: Ichang and imnlediate neighbor- Freitag (1985) took a broad view, as did Cope hood. 4 Henr) .Xa07 (lectotvpe. designated (1982) and Noltie (2000). However. Russian and hele. K). Chinese authors have generally kept the two genera separate, for example Tzvelev (1968^ 1976) ancl Lu This species differs markedls from other Pip- and Kuo (1987). Barkworth (1993) has publi,hed a t(ltheorum species in China bs its plump ellipsoi(l. NOVON 15: 474>176. PUBLISHED ON 21 SEPrE4MBER 2005. This content downloaded from on Thu, 21 Jul 2016 02:11:29 UTC All use subject to Volume 15, \lumber 3 Phillips & Wu 475 2005 New Combinations in Stipeae glabrous floret and large callus with circular scar. Piptatherum munroi (Stapf) Mez var. parviflo- It also has glabrous anthers. The other eight Chi- rum (Z. L. Wu) S. M. Phillips 8 Z. L. Wu, nese species (e.g., E munroi (Stapf) Mez) have lan- comb. nov. Basionym: Oryzopsis munroi Stapf ceolate, usually pubescent florets and a very shal- var. parviJ!ora Z. L. Wu, Acta Phytotax. Sin. low callus with a transversely elliptic scar. The 30(2): 174. 1992. TYPE: China. Qinghai: anthers are normally bearded. Menyuan, Zhugu, Xuelongtan, 2700 m, 7 July The species Piptatherum aequiglume (Duthie ex 1962, Geobotanical Group 1651 (holotype, Hooker f.) Roshevitz, P. tibeticurn Roshevitz, and E HNWP). munroi (Stapf) Mez belong to a group of closely This taxon differs only slightly from E tibeticum related species in high parts of western China and Roshevitz, but that species is reported to have an the western Himalaya. The following taxa described ovate floret and 3 to 5 branches at the panicle within this group require transfer from Oryzopsis. nodes, whereas E munroi var. parvifforum has a lanceolate floret and usually paired panicle branch- Piptatherum grandispiculum (P. C. Kuo 8 Z L. es. Wu) S. M. Phillips & Z. L. Wu, comb. nov. Two species within Oryzopsis in the Chinese flora Basionym: Oryzopsis grandispicula P. C. Kuo (Lu & Kuo, 1987) fit better into Achnatherum than & Z. L. Wu, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 19: 435. t. 1. Piptatherum, namely O. chinensis and O. henryi. 1981. TYPE: China. Xizang: Xigaze, Daiduka, These had previously been recognized as different 3700 m, 25 Aug. 1963, Zhi-ye Gin 10210 (ho- from other Chinese species in Oryzopsis (Wu & lotype, HNWP). Zhou, 1981), when a new section Sinoryzopsis was erected to accommodate them. They are best placed This is a variant with large 8-9 mm spikelets, in Achnatherum on account of their more or less close to Ft munroi (Stapf) Mez, but distinguished terete florets with a pubescent callus. The first has from that species and others of the group by its already been transferred as Achnatherum chinense smooth leaves and panicle branches. (Hitchcock) Tzvelev. The second, with its variety, is transferred below. Piptatherum aequiglume (Duthie ex Hooker f.) Roshevitz var. ligulatum (P. C. Kuo & Z. L. Achnatherum henryi (Rendle) S. M. Phillips & Wu) S. M. Phillips & Z. L. Wu, comb. nov. Z. L. Wu, comb. nov. Basionym: Stipa henryi 13asionym: Oryzopsis aequiglumis Duthie ex Rendle, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 36: 382. 1904. Ory- Hooker f. var. Iigulata P. C. Kuo & Z. L. Wu, zopsis henryi (Rendle) Keng ex P. C. Kuo, F1. Acta Phytotax. Sin. 19: 435. 1981. TYPE: Chi- Tsinlingensis 1: 145. 1976. TYPE: China. na. Yunnan: Lijiang-Heqing, 2800 m, 10 Sep. Sichuan: S. Wushan, A. Henry 5530 (lectotype, 1962, Exped. Zhongdian 2270 (holotype, designated here, K). KUN). The specimen selected as lectotype from the This taxon appears to be a local element from three syntypes listed in the protologue already the Piptatherum aequEglumis-Ft munroi species bears a lectotype label "selected by H. Freitag." group. The 8-13 mm ligule is remarkably long, and However, this lectotypification has never been pub- the 0.4 mm lemma pubescence is longer than in lished. The selected specimen is the best of the either aforementioned species. It may prove to mer- three original syntypes, the other two being poor it separate specific status when better known. specimens consisting of only one culm. Achnatherum henryi var. acutwn (L. Liu ex Z. Piptatherum tibeticum Roshevitz var. psilolepis L. Wu) S. M. Phillips & Z. L. Wu, comb. no+7. (P. C. Kuo & Z. L. Tu) S. M. Phillips & Z. L. Basionym: Oryzopsis henryi var. acuta L. Liu Wu, comb. nov. Basionym: Oryzopsis tibetica ex Z. L. Wu, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 19(4): 435. (Roshevitz) P. C. Kuo var. psilolepis P. C. Kuo 1981. Oryzopsis acuta (L. Liu ex Z. L. Wu) L. & Z. L. Vlu, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 19: 435. 1981. Liu, Vasc. P1. Hengduan Mountains 2: 2257. Oryzopsis psilolepis (P. C. Kuo 8 Z. L. Wu) L. 1994. TYPE: China. Yunnan: Weixi, 2500 m, Liu, Vasc. P1. Hengduan Mountains 2: 2257. 8 Mar. 1940, K. M. Feng 3729 (holotype, PE). 1994. TYPE: China. Sichuan: Anning, 2400 m, 4 July 1959, Xin Li 78029 (holotype, PE). ANTHOXANTHUM This taxon differs from the typical variety by its The genus Hierochloe R.
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