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GRAPHIE by Cornelia D. Niles with INTRODUCTION and BOTANICAL A BIBLIOGRAPHIC STUDY OF BEAUVOIS' AGROSTO- • GRAPHIE By Cornelia D. Niles WITH INTRODUCTION AND BOTANICAL NOTES By Aones Chase nrntODTJCTiON The Essai d?une Nouvelle Agrostographie ; ou Nouveaux Genres des Graminees; avec figures representant les Oaracteres de tous les Genres, by A. M. F. J. Palisot de Beauvois, published in 1812, is, from the standpoint of the nomenclature of grasses, a very important work, its importance being due principally to its innumerable errors, less so because of its scientific value. In this small volume 69 new genera are proposed and some 640 new species, new binomials, and new names are published. Of the 69 genera proposed 31 are to-day recognized as valid, and of the 640 names about 61 are commonly accepted. There is probably not a grass flora of any considerable region anywhere in the world that does not contain some of Beauvois' names. Many of the new names are made in such haphazard fashion that they are incorrectly listed in the Index Kewensis. There are, besides, a number of misspelled names that have found their way into botanical literature. The inaccuracies are so numerous and the cita- tions so incomplete that only a trained bibliographer* could solve the many puzzles presented. Cornelia D. Niles in connection with her work on the bibliography of grasses, maintained in the form of a card catalogue in the Grass Herbarium, worked out the basis in literature of each of these new names. The botanical problems involved, the interpretation of descriptions and figures, were worked out by Agnes Chase, who is also respon- sible for the translation and summaries from the Advertisement, Introduction, and Principles. The translation is a free one in that no attempt has been made to preserve the author's style. No pains 135 136 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. have been spared to convey the precise meaning, but it is given in as few words as possible. Beauvois' writing is exceedingly verbose, with numerous references to "the useful and amiable science of botany." These literary rococo decorations have been omitted. SUMMARY OF BEAUVOIS' ESSAY. Beauvois' Essay consists of two parts, preceded by an Advertise- ment, explaining the purpose of the work. Part one, pages i to lxxiv, is in French. It consists of an Introduction explaining Beauvois' New Principles of Agrostology, and describing and discussing the structure of grasses from root to grain, with a chapter on the classi- fication [Methode] of earlier authors and an explanation of his pro- posed new method. There follows a combined glossary, explana- tion of abbreviations and partial bibliography. A large Tabula Methodica (in Latin) showing the arrangement of genera in sec- tions, these in cohorts, these in tribes, and the tribes in families, is in- serted at the end of the introduction. The second part of the work (pages 1 to 145) "Genera Novae Agrostographiae " is in Latin with observations in French. The genera are arranged in accordance with the classification shown in the Tabula Methodica. The " index " is a combination of an index and a list of identifications, many names of grasses not included in the text being listed and referred to particular genera, many followed by " ?" This index is of importance because it is only by means of references there given that the basis of many of Beauvois' names can be ascertained. The Essay, which is an octavo, is accompanied by a quarto of 25 plates of several figures each, with explanations. The validity of some of Beauvois' names is based on the names and brief descriptions given in these explanations. The more important parts of the Advertisement and Introduction are here presented in translation. Other parts are summarized, the summaries being set in smaller type. The translations and sum- maries will give an idea of Beauvois' understanding of the mor- phology of grasses and of his proposed new system of classification. They also show the self-confidence and want of accuracy characteris- tic of the author, which resulted in the confusing complex of botanical and bibliographical problems we here attempt to solve. "ADVERTISEMENT." " This work is as yet only an attempt, subject to change and im- provement. The confusion, I should even say disorder, found in this important branch of botany does not admit of the desired degree of perfection in a first tentative work. Such as it is, however, I venture NILES—BEAUVOIS' AGROSTOGRAP H IE 137 to flatter myself that it will lead to a more perfect knowledge of the grasses. The changes which may [hereafter] be made will be in certain details, in the uniting or segregating of genera; but I do not think it will be possible to attack at all the basis and principles of the classification [Methode]. All the genera are there distinguished by characters certain, constant, and easy to comprehend. w Some persons, perhaps too much attached to the old order, will protest against the great number of genera. But this protest will not be on the part of botanists de voted to the progress of the science; they will not be in haste to judge, and, before expressing their opin- ion, they will wish to examine the new classification, to study it, to catch the spirit of it as a whole, without devoting themselves minutely and separately to details which are an integral part of the whole. " It may be that some of the new genera will have to be reduced, * * * such as Sorghum to Andropogon, Air a to A vena, Dactylis and Koeleria to Rromits, Meoschittm to Colladoa, Milium and Axon- opus to Paspalum, Cinna to A per a, Chondrosium to Bouteloua, etc. " However, I present this essay to botanists. Their judgment and their counsel will enable me to carry the Agrostographie to the high- est degree of perfection possible and desired. * * * " Beauvola planned to follow the Essay with a larger work giving detailed descriptions of all the species. To this end he begs botanists to send him species not found in his collections. In this projected work he expected the cooperation of Desvaux. Their intention was to illustrate all the species not figured by well-known authors, such as Morison, Plukenet, Schreher, Host, Cavanilles, etc. Beauvois counted on this work to enable him to perfect his classification. The illustration of the species had been commenced and so far as completed the figures were published with the Essay. The plates were is- sued in quarto because it would increase the size and the price of the work if they were printed in octavo like the text, while to print the text in quarto would make an inconvenient volume. A limited edition in quarto was published. " In many parts of this work I have made it a rule to cite the names of the botanists who have contributed [specimens] from their collec- tions, with the amenity, zeal, and benevolence characteristic of every botanist zealous for the science * * *. I shall here present the list in order to pay publicly to these scholars the tribute of my thanks. They are MM. de Jussieu, Desfontaines, who not only placed their herbaria at my disposal, but contributed [specimens] from the beautiful and rich collections of the Natural History Museum; Bosc, known for his zeal for science * * *; Dupetit-Thouars, de Les- sert, Desvaux, Persoon, Richard, Poiret, Delile, Thuillier, Gay, to whom I owe a large number of species described by Gaudin, Koemer, and Balbis. The last two have sent me all the exotic or indigenous grasses which they have at their disposal." 21371—25 2 138 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM. Owing to the difficulties of correspondence [during the Napoleonic wars] Beauvois had not been able to establish communication with Swartz, Thunberg, Afzelius, Robert Brown, and others. If his letters had reached them he is con- fident they would have been eager to send him what he asked, and his work would have been more complete, especially in regard to the great number of obscure genera which he could not place definitely in his classification, He hoped that his Essay would reach them and that their advice and interest would enable him to add two plates illustrating the characters of the genera as yet unknown to him. There follows a request that botanists will note the Errata (given after the index). " INTRODUCTION." " The grasses, including wheat, maize, rye, barley, millet, sugar- cane, oats, and the innumerable genera and species which adorn and enliven the prairies, are, undeniably, the most generally useful of all plants known. These valuable plants supply the needs of man in all climates, whether for his own food or for that of the domestic animals which serve his need or his pleasure. ' The leaves of grass afford rich pasture to flocks and herds: the small seeds are food for the birds and the larger seeds are food for men' [Linnaeus] Philos. Bot. " In our climate the grasses are of especial interest; they are the basis of the comfort and wealth of the landowner. They yield a bountiful return for the care and labor of the farmer. Even the poor man, gleaning after the reapers, secures food for his numerous family for part of the winter; and the culms gathered with care serve to thatch his humble cabin. Finally the grasses are not less interesting to the botanist * * ♦ the object of his researches and meditations. " When one contemplates the value of the grasses one is astonished that this branch of botany has not, up to the present time, attracted the same attention, excited the same enthusiasm and interest, as have other plants, doubtless more beautiful in foliage and flower, but of less special utility; and that the study of these plants has not been undertaken and followed with a perseverance proportionate to their value and which their interest deserves.
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