Challenges and Chances for SBB in Small and Mid-Sized Communities
Challenges and Chances for SBB in Small and Mid-sized Communities Railway Stations and Spatial Development in Small and Mid-sized Communities in Switzerland IRL – Institut für Raum- und Landschaftsentwicklung Professur für Raumentwicklung Imprint Editor ETH Zurich Institute for Spatial and Landscape Development Chair of Spatial Development Prof. Dr. Bernd Scholl Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5 8093 Zurich Authors Mahdokht Soltaniehha Mathias Niedermaier Rolf Sonderegger English editor WordsWork, Beverly Zumbühl Project partners at the SBB Stephan Osterwald Michael Loose SBB Research Advisory Board Prof. Dr. rer.pol. Thomas Bieger, University of St.Gallen Prof. Dr. Michel Bierlaire, EPFL Lausanne Prof. Dr. Dr. Matthias P. Finger, EPFL Lausanne Prof. Dr. Christian Laesser, University of St.Gallen Prof. Dr. Rico Maggi, University of Lugano (USI) Prof. Dr. Ulrich Weidmann, ETH Zurich Andreas Meyer, CEO of Schweizerische Bundesbahnen AG (Swiss Federal Railways, SBB). Project management Mahdokht Soltaniehha Mathias Niedermaier (Deputy) Print Druckzentrum ETH Hönggerberg, Zurich Photo credit Mahdokht Soltaniehha: Pages 8, 36 and cover photo Rolf Sonderegger: Pages 28 and 56 Data sources Amt für Raumentwicklung (ARE) Bundesamt für Statistik (BFS) Kantonale Geodaten AG, BE, SO, ZH Professur für Raumentwicklung, ETH Zürich - Raum+ Daten Schweizerische Bundesbahnen (SBB) swisstopo © 2015 (JA100120 JD100042) Wüest & Partner (W+P) 1 Final Report: SBB research fund Challenges and Chances for SBB in Small and Mid-sized Communities Railway Stations and Spatial Development in Small and Mid-sized Communities in Switzerland Citation suggestion: Scholl, B., Soltaniehha, M., Niedermaier, M. and Sonderegger, R. (2016). Challenges and Chances for SBB in Small and Mid-sized Communities: Railway Stations and Spatial Development in Small and Mid-sized Communities in Switzerland.
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