STONE SOUP Vegetarian Recipes for the Dinner Table
STONE SOUP vegetarian recipes for the dinner table Avtk. Anandla Rucira Acarya O 1994 by the author All rights reserved by the author, No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrival sysltem, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherise, without the prior permission of the author. Published by: Progressive Women's Spiritual Association Eastern .Metropolitan By-pass Tiljala, Calcutta -700039 lndia Printed in lndia by: Ancrnda Printers Eastern Metropolitan By-pass Tiljala, Calcutta -700039 lndia Stone Soup ANNAPVRNA, Mother of the Universe, World Provider, dressed herself as an old hag in tatters to journey through the forest. She stopped to rest in a clearing of sturdy oaks and tall poplar. "Have you got anything to spare for an old woman?" she called to the sparrows above her head, "No," twittered the sparrows. "there's nothing here, nothing here." And to a passing doe, "Have you a bit of food for a tired traveller?" "No. there's hardly anything at all for me, what to say for you." "Hey, rabbit! What have you got for a hungry stranger?" "I've got such adarge family to feed, what I have is just enough. How can I possibly help you?" And so it went with a fox, a squirrel, a hedgehog and an opossum, too. No one could share their food with a stranger, and a human, no less. There was a gleam in her eye and she sighed to herself, but not so softly that those around couldn't hear, "Ahh, that's too bad.
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