Documenta Praehistorica XLIII (2016) Marine shell hoard from the Late Neolithic site of :epin-Ov;ara (Slavonia, Croatia) Boban Tripkovic´ 1, Vesna Dimitrijevic´ 2 and Dragana Rajkovic´ 3 1 Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, RS
[email protected] 2 Laboratory for Bioarchaeology, Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, RS
[email protected] 3 Museum of Slavonia in Osijek, HR
[email protected] ABSTRACT – The focus of this paper is the ornament hoard from the Sopot culture site of ∞epin-Ov- ≠ara in eastern Slavonia (the Republic of Croatia). The hoard contained pendants and beads made of shells of marine clam Spondylus gaederopus and scaphopod Antalis vulgaris. The paper analyses the context and use wear of the objects in the hoard. The results form a basis for: the reconstruction of the role of some of the items and the ways in which they were worn; the premise that the dynam- ics and mechanisms of acquisition of ornaments made of the two Mediterranean mollusc species could have differed; and the identification of a cross-cultural pattern of deposition of ornament hoards. IZVLE∞EK – V ≠lanku se osredoto≠amo na zakladno najdbo z nakitom iz ≠asa sopotske kulture na najdi∏≠u ∞epin-Ov≠ara v vzhodni Slavoniji (Republika Hrva∏ka). Depo vsebuje obeske in jagode, iz- delane iz lupin morskih ∏koljk vrste Spondylus gaederopus in pol∫kov vrste Antalis vulgaris. V ≠lanku analiziramo kontekste in sledove uporabe teh izdelkov. Rezultati nam nudijo osnovo za: rekonstruk- cijo vloge nekaterih izdelkov in na≠inov no∏enja nakita; premiso o razli≠nih dinamikah in mehaniz- mih pridobivanja okrasov iz dveh sredozemskih vrst mehku∫cev; in za prepoznavanje medkulturnih vzorcev odlaganja zakladnih najdb z nakitom.