Commemorative volume for the 80th birthday of Willem Vervoort in 1997 A new type of symbiosis: Heterocyathus japonicus (Cnidaria: Scleractinia) living on Fissidentalium vernedei (Mollusca: Scaphopoda) H. Zibrowius Zibrowius, H. A new type of symbiosis: Heterocyathus japonicus (Cnidaria: Scleractinia) living on Fissi• dentalium vernedei (Mollusca: Scaphopoda). Zool. Verh. Leiden 323, 31.xu.1998: 319-340, figs 1-50.— ISSN 0024-1652/ISBN 90-73239-68-0. Helmut Zibrowius, Centre d'Oceanologie de Marseille, Station Marine d'Endoume, Rue Batterie des Lions, 13007 Marseille, France, e-mail:
[email protected]. Key words: Scleractinia; Scaphopoda; Sipuncula; Heterocyathus symbiosis; manganese crust; Japan; Taiwan; China Sea. After introductory remarks on the solitary coral genera Heterocyathus and Heteropsammia, commonly known to be symbiotic with a sipunculan inhabiting a gastropod shell, Heterocyathus japonicus is redescribed in detail. It occurs from Taiwan to northern Honshu, Japan. It is the first of these symbiot• ic corals to be found in association with an alternative partner, living specimens of the large scapho- pod Fissidentalium vernedei. The coral always occupies the apical end of the shell, the part that pro• trudes from the sediment. It is thus preserved from being buried and is maintained in an upright position (the same advantages it also gets when its partner is a sipunculan). On live F. vernedei, H. japonicus incrusts a manganese rich black mineral coating that characterizes the exposed, apical part of the shell. It is speculated about which factors may cause coral larvae to associate with the partner (sipunculan squatting a shell, scaphopod in its own shell). Introduction The solitary Indo-Pacific scleractinian genera Heterocyathus Milne Edwards & Haime, 1848 (Caryophylliidae) and Heteropsammia Milne Edwards & Haime, 1848 (Dendrophylliidae) are known for their convergent symbiotic way of life.