

1 ^e^MWfeiW»taaiM< t HBilWBHwpB

28 , SUN., DEC. 22, 1946 ! daily, include boiled beef with horse- ^ lines to the accompaniment of radish sauce; breaded pork tender-: some torrid swearing . . , Dante's lloin, roast turkey, steaks, chops, va­ magical melodies at Shore Road Christmas Play Christmas Story SCHOOL NEWS IrooWyn and Broadway rious broiled fish steaks, lobster in! Casino music to different styles, and a wide variety: jive-jaded ears. of salad bowls and cold cuts. Popular Joe Awarded Scholarships Boiled chicken or beef in the pot are Doris continues Given at Adelphi Told at Packer The ancient Christmas storv ofl St' ^TWCc* P"P. 41 Butler St" Honors Announced house specialties. funnyman and The sixth grade of Adelphi Acad­ me ancient onristmas story oi,heM the 5emi_anmial scholarship The sweet tooth gets ample at­ MC ... Clos­ emy presented a play, "Why the the shepherds and the angel voices Examinations on Dec. 14. Winners, ing Jan. 1, Ri­ tention with some fine desserts, es­ Chimes Rang," Thursday with from on high was re-enacted this j announced by Brother Bernard, NIGHT LI pecially the cheese cake. It raUvs viera is due to choral singing by the fourth and By Academy Dean reopen April 1 morning in the chapel of the|0. S. F., principal, are Joseph T. with the best in town. fifth grades. By LEW SHEAFFER with a new Packer Collegiate Institute by stu­ 'Harth, 59-10 58th Road, Maspeth The honor roll and credit for the llriiti) YoUniman and John J. Sullivan, 141-11 Cherry LKWS TALK . . . Kleanor The high school glee club sang first marking period of the Fall policy . . . Vi­ dents of the school and junior col­ Ave.,. Flushing. Harth attend St. World's Fair Reminder Koosevelt is a frequent visitor Christmas carols In the hall of the term was announced" by Emory L. cente Gomez, ace guitarist, joins lege. The traditional presentation Stanislaus School and Sullivan is a ,1111? these days to Tammany Hall's the Blue Angel show tomorrow j high school on Friday at noon. at Packer is In pantomime with January, dean of Brooklyn Acad­ It never fails. The first-time visi- than a block away. The restaurant. j when all pa re n Us and friends were pupil at St. Mary's School. emy, 182 Henry St., as follows: 1 1 last "Wigwam" huddles . . . Report tor to Dub&ons Is bound to make^P" * Summer, soon became ... Clark Underwood, Surf Bar choral accompaniment, after a read­ from movieland has the feud be­ Host, is putting up the shutters invited to be present. ing of the Bible story by Dr. Paul Honor Roll , , . . ,, a popular spot with jurists, lawyers tween those two columnists hotter throughout January to go fishing The music in the sixth grade D. Shafer, president of Packer. Joseph Abbadessa, James Bracey,. wme sort of remark about the]^^.^ figures During the than ever . . . Gremlins still down South . . ." Irving Jaeger, play was under the direction of Those who took leading parts In Peter Cullen, John Ohell, Adam Worlds Fair. season, you're likely to find some, 'isobel Kynoch, formerly of the New Boro Students ! plaguing the incoming "Beggar's closing the Little Vienna for New the presentation were Nancy Mer- Chou, Andrew Campbell, Alpert El­ With its frontage of tail, glass of the Dodgers knocking out a Holiday." Program listed Duke Year's Eve, donated the premises l England Conservatory of Music, rltt, Carol Haff, Beverly Welter, V » lis, Joseph Fimmano, Jerome Fab- windows and Itra-modern interior,jhomer on a dish of roast beef orj Ellington for free to alma mater NYU for the jand the teacher of the grade is Sally Castleman, Gerdar Satzlnger, ricant, Anthony Gembs, Joseph the place is strongly reminiscent of .steak. the "book" and senior prom. Miss Jane Gilbert, formerly of the Jean Dedrlch, Rosem^rle Towbin, Granlckas, Vito Granickas. Joyce the swank eating pavilions at the' Everything is a la carte.at Dub- John La Louche j American School in Tokyo. Japan. In Syracuse Frat Gross, Richard Hammett, Marvin J h Dorothy Wolfe; Sheila Condon, and Flushing Meadow spectacle, son's, but the prices are reasonable, MORE EVE PRICKS . . . Here arei ° ,n Libbv. director of the high Muraskln, Henry Muraski, Thomas for "music." . . . hw k rR n Elaine Duff. Others In the "cast Twelve students from Brooklyn Actually, the restaurant was pat- for the quality and generous por-; a few spots omitted from the Ne* *= ? **?. ?t * ^ "", ™ I O'Nlell, Peter Paragone. Lorna Rich- Walter O'Brien, dl tor of were Betsy Flandreau, Lucy John­ are among 465 men recently terned on the main dining hail ofitions. The cuisine features standard; 'Year's Eve roundup . . . Brooklyn-| »* . Trinity Episcopal Church whose sis Mari­ son, Jane Page, Patricia Briger, pledged to fraternities at Syracuse man, Barbara Rubin, Edwin Ryan, the liner Normandie, according to I American dishes, with a smaller as-! iPark Vanderbilt. $10, and Mak-:of "<*»>". anne married Jane Halsted, Diane Decker, Clare University. Freshmen la, the Col­ Henry Smith, Diane Selde, John H. George Dubrow, chief owner. One,sortment of kosher-type special- tobacco heir sik's Roadside, $6. —Steve! James, Carolyn Sparks, > Mildred lege of liberal Arts, William Cohen Van Hoogenstyn, Philip Webb, Ter- entire side of the room is curved and i ties. Richard Rey- Murray's, $10; Old Roumanian, $8,; Anderson, Cynthia Moorehead, Red­ of 180 Lenox Road has been pledged ril Wolff, Edward Wong. divided into sections with scallopedj Appetizers range from ei«ht dif- nolds, likes the : $9 or $10. and Bernstein's, $7.50. mond Thayer, Fiske Warren, An­ to phi Epsilon Pi; Jay Reich of Credit List ed-ges, giving a wave-like effect J ferent kinds of seafood cocktails to. Gertrude Nirsen insurance game. Open house at Bamboo Cafe. Prices thony Worden, Suzanne Palmleri, 709 Avenue K, Phi Epsilon Pi; Jack Other features of the cheerful decorjherring in wine sauce, chopped Berkeley Presents Alfred Abrahamson. Ruby Block, He cornered all the tobacco clan's [are per person and include full- Gail Hfril, Alice Atherton, Shirley Schwartz of 1675 E. 18th St., Phi Morris Bernikoff, Muriel Br let, are walls of old-rose, oyster-white|chicken livers and home-made ge-; policies . . . Today's :mportant (course dinners, novelties, etc. "Open Baraclough, Dolores Dahllnger, Epsilop Pi; Irving Rappaport of 81 chairs and wall-seats of leather, and:fulte fish. For soup, there are Frank Charlton, Francis Cannon, item: Velma Madden, L. I. model, house'' means the usual prices. Jane Day, Barabara Demarest, N. Portland Ave., Sigma Alpha Mu; Lawrance Daley, Elmer Davis, Clara flawing, draperies 24-feet Jong. yellow split pea, chicken consomme! downed five pounds of steak in | Annual Pageant Gloria Goyanes, Margaret Johan- Maurice J. Schub of 1616 54th St., Both owned by the same family,:winrmatzoth balls and onion soup Dempsey, Jerome Druckman, Doro­ one sitting at Bradley's to cop the The annual Christmas pageant nessen, Phebe Kley and Leila Kas- Tau Epsilon Phi, and Harry A. J. thy Eaton, Perry Ferrara, Beverly-"- Dubson's is the tonier sister of Du-.au gratin. lady chowhound title . . . New of Berkeley Institute, 181 Lincoln sab. Shemitz of 1463 E. 18th St., Tau brow's well-known cafeteria less Typical entrees, which- chanse Felnberg, Jerome Freund, William ; Yorker returns to ice with a fig- Hunter Has New Place, was presented on Friday On Thursday night sudents in Epsilon Phi. Paul Tessler of 1589 Greenbergf, Marilyn Helhor, Willard •etnryh irmfnv .i; Ocean Ave. Is a prospective mem- ...... Yire-8 show the day atter'Xriia's morning- -nndor---the— direction .of. the-choir- and glee-club-of Packer •HolHsf Harold Hunton, John Judger . . . Gertrude Niesen reported the athletic department. Members lead a large audience In singing the ber-of—Phi- EpsHoii—Pi.r— Tessler - is Charles Kelly, Karol Kobelskl, Joan set for Zanzibar when it goes off Courses of the lower school took part in familiar Christmas carols and also & sopohomore in the College of Morltz, Jacqueline Paul, Gerard a Liberal Arts. the sepia-standard. Franklin New courses, covering a varietv program that included singing gave a concert of Christmas music, Weber, Seymour Last, Walter Low- Freshmen In the College of Ap- BEST WISHES Hughes will redecorate . . . Lilo of timely and interesting subjects, j carols and the dance of the" Yule- old and new, native and foreign, plied Science, Adolph Prager of ry, James McNamara, William Nay Pike, daughter of Ruby Foo's boss, will be included in the Spring-pro-j tide fairy, while, the elementary under the direction of Elizabeth 1701 W. 3d St, has been pledged tolpler, Bruce Newman, James OTiara, FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS singer-debuts out of town next gram of the Hunter College evening!and intermediate gTades joined in Wright. Tau Epsilon Phi, and Thedore M Christopher Perrotla, Richard Por­ month with Broadway - here - I - and extension division, Director!presenting tho Nativity scene. Dur- Winkert of 5104 Tilden Ave., Sigma ter, Edward Reed, John Romeo, Ed­ AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR come hope . . . Boroite Eddie Broderick Cohen'has announced. lng the intermission the senior up- Chi; Roy G. Colson of 932 Carroll ward Riaff, Charles Raftery, Gil­ Manson to introduce an elec­ Practical horticulture; the theater;per school sang a group of carols Marietta Students St. Is a prospective member of Zeta bert Schacher, Aaron Sabel. Lionel SPECIAL FULL COURSE tricity-run harmonica at a con of Eugene O'Neill; an advertising!which tod been requested by the Horrie for Holidays Beta Tau, and Kenneth J. Rudman Stern, Rhoda Sider, Edwin Solano, cert in February . . With its. laboratory, and an advanced course students, the faculty, and the lower of 1129 E. 8th St., Zeta Beta Tau Norman Sovern, Eric Thorne, James CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR'S DAY colonics fighting for freedom...: iu Russian are-the new adult edu-ischoolsparents^With„_the_conclu- Seventeen students from Brooklyn|c*olson" iTa"freshman"and"Rudman Tighe and Martin Waxenbaum. DINNER 5225 Larry Finley insists the line cation courses which have been sion of the pageant the holiday who

WCBS, 880K.; WNBC, 660K.; WJZ, 770K.; W0R, 710K.; WMCA, 570K.; WNYC.i 7 P.M. TO 10 P.M. 11:10 WCBS—Newt Fetturt. 1:15 WCBS—Phil Co* Shew. \ 11:1 J,WCBS—UN Report. WJZ—The FlUltraldt. WOR—Dorothy and OI«« !•••'• !830K.) WQXR, 1560K.; WHN, 1050K.; WNEW, 1130K.; WEVD, 1330K WNBC—Cieiir 7:00 WCBS—Gent Autry Sh»w. \ WINS—Newt Chamberlain. i Saerehinper. WNBC—Jtik Benny Shi*. WNYC—"Help Wanted W0V, 1280K.; WINS, lOOOK.j WLIB, 1190K. WJZ—Vera Matter, tenti. WJZ—Ore» Pear»an Column at Air." . WOR—Newt, Carter. WOR—Myjterleui Tr«vel»f. WHN—Howard-Shirt •«. WHN-FrlnV Slnnr*. WMCA—Unit Vlewnolat. WMCA—Newt ;"Conduttoc'i WINS—Contirt HaD. i:20 WNYC—Mutli Album. TODAY'S BEST BETS Pedlum." WHN—Robert ft. Lewli. 11:25 WOR—Weather Reporti. WNYC—Misterworx Heur VThers thero ta no Ustlnr for a atatlon preecdim procram la on tho air WINS—Child Evingillim. 11 30 WN8C—Paeltle story. 1:23 WNYC—Contumera' Quldi r.15 WHN—Sporti Flml. WCBS—Mutle Yeu Know, j »:J1 WCBS—Mlttut Shop*. 1:00—People's Platform, WCBS. WJ2—Don Gtrdlner. WJZ—Bothwell Oreh. WNBC—Hl-JInx. 7:30 WCBS—Blondie. WOR—Hampton Oreh. . WMCA—Newt. WMCA—So. if the Border. WNYC— Mutit Albsm. 1:30—Chicago Round Table, WNBC; Football, Yankees vs WNBC—Phil Hirrls She*. 11:45 WOR—Tewne Orth. WINS—Matinee. WJZ—••Stump theAuthere.'" WMCA—"Hlihllihti of Cleveland Browns, WMCA, WINS. WOR—Newe. Elliott. Great Mutli." 8:43 WCBS—Margaret Arlen. WHN—Blnj Croibv- 2:30—Harvest of Stars, Frank Black, Conductor, WNBC. 12:00 WNBC—Newt: Benun Or. WMCA—"Unity View­ WINS—Gilbert end Sulli­ WCBS—Newt: Tewne Oreh. point." 3:00—New York Philharmonic-Symphony, George Szell, Conductor van. WJZ—Newt: Weentt Oreh. WNYC—Around New Ycra WMCA—Nr»«. . WOR—Newt; Oliver Orth, S:55 WOR—Newt. Roblnion. WCBS. 7:45 WOR—Urntr. «•*». WMCA—New». WJZ—Gemt for Thoupht WHN—Surplui Property WHN —Mutli to Re»H Ry WNYC—Niwe. 3:30—Crimes of Carelessness, WOR; Hockey, Rovers vs. Baltimorej Report. WINS—Newt; Moon River. 1:00 WCBS—Newt. King LEARN A GOOD TRADE WMCA—Flnieri t{ Genlui Clippers, WHN. WOR—"Green Light 7:55 WNYC—Newt. 12:13 WMCA—MidniihtSrrenede. ADTO MBOHAmCS - DIESBL REPAIR Riyue." 8.00 WCBS—Adventuree ef Sam! 12:30 WCBS—Tutker Orth REFBIOERATION 8ERVICINa . 4:00—Quiz Kids, Gertrude Lawrence, Guests, WNBC. WNBC—Honeymoon 1* Spade. ELEOTRIO MOTOR REPAIR WNBC—Craig Oreh. Niw Ycrk. WNBC—Edgar Birgea CUssfJ StartUvtr Soon, Enroll 9-8 4:30—Hour of Charm, Phil Spitalny - Orchestra, WCBS; America WJZ—Beneki Oreh. WMCA—Niwi; liabilla Show. WOR—Mooney Oreh. BiaeTL. rttetifaw United, ."What Will Be the Effect of Wage Increases?" WJZ—Paul Whiteman Heur. BROOKLYN WINS—Sign. OH. WJZ—Breakfait Club. WOR—Chrittmat Fable lor WHN—Block Oreh. WNBC; Green Hornet, WJZ. Modernt. 12:43 WOR—Eberle Ortn, TRADE SCHOOL WNYC—Matterwork Hater. WHN—Calvary Hour 12:53 WNBC— Newt, iin Bxcroao A YD. («>. oat<«). HA. MIOO SHORT, INTENSIVE COUR5C WINS— Niwi: Little 5:00—Family Hour, Rise Stevens, WCBS; "The Shadow, WOR; WMCA—Veteran'! Newi WJZ—Showcit*. ^w=li^t' T*'J 'j' o fc.ili:i ci DitlitriAi N. B. C. Symphony Orchestra. Frit/. Reiner, Conductor, WNBC. 3erv!ee. WHN—Nevi: " — Helpar. WNYC—'•Toward Retura te »:IJ WCBS—Thli ll N. Y. To m«» and vorti, rtgardUtt c^ Seclety." WOR—"Aunt Mary." M!m -TTJJEVISH>H • ElICTROfllCS agf, th« fiild of Dittetici' elfarf^ •<• 5:30—"David Harding—Counterspy.' WJZ; Hoagy Carmichael Show Prartiaal t.id Theorctltil C*m* Itul* ta pp. WINS—Bellerota Church. 9:23 WHN—Wiather; Niwi. ctuint opporlunttiti and good po- Featurtt On portupltlet ll Ipduttry, Broadtittlng pr own 8:13 WMCA—London Column. lili'ont ai DictitiQAt with haipilotl, WCBS; "Quick as a Flash," WOR. 1:30 WNBC—Daytime clutlci. Butlrtaaa. Day and Era. Sotalpm, Enroll nrt SW$^§&i*.'Y':' 8:25 WOR—Newt. Brown. Other Station* WOR—Alfnd W. MlCann. fer new elataaa, Caallfltd Vetcrana Eligible. hottflj lchoo?», ctwbi, tfiomiSipi, G:00_Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet, WCBS; Those Websters, WOR 8:30 WCBS—Crime Doctor. WHN—Sermadi. foilroodf, htalih and wttfaro otqn-i- WNBC—Fred Allen shew. zotioni, food monufocturtri, rtilau* 6:30—Kate Smith Show, WCBS; Bob Burns Show, WNBC; Nick Carter WJZ—"TH* Clock." W I V D— VC'tCA —Mutli Bet. RADIO-TELEVISION fan'i, dcparfmtnf ttorti, rdtorti; o';o WOR—Special Invettlgatx. 8:»0—Irlth Heur. 9:45 WNBC—Nelton Olmited. INSTITUTE at food coniLitlaiilt. WOR; Ave Maria Hour,. WMCA. WINS—Lutheran League 8:00—"Remodel (or Vett." WHN—Footllght Eehoea. 4M Lexlagton Ave., N. Y. 17 (44ltl> St.J 10:30—Maiterworki if Mutle. WMCA—"Cerapoter't Note- 9:5I-WNYC— Newi. PLeJa 3-4585 Lieennd by N. Y. State Available to Vtfcrant 7:00—Gene Alttry Show, WCBS; Jack Benny Show, WNBC; Masterwork book." 11:30— On winii of Song. 10:00 WCBS—Give and Take. under G. I. iitl if qualified WNYC—Spotlight Virietict Hour. WNYC. 12:00—"Symphonic Hour." WNBC—Lee Sullivan. 8:45 WHN —Old-Fithloncd Re­ W N E w WJZ—My True Story. FREE National Placement Service 7:30— Phil Hants Show, Alice Fa\e, WNBC; Blondie, WCBS. vival. 4:35— Glenn Miller -Reeordt. WOR—Niwi. Gladttono. ,A D E L P H I Ind.v.rfualiied fnllrutliort by op- 1:00—Muiie You Wint. WHN—Ted Hutlng'i Band- WOR—Newt putnim. proved fotuhy • teclvrei by fmi- 8:00—Edgar Bergen Show, Irene Dunne, Robert Mitchell, Guests, WNBC; 10:15—Andn KirtilamU. ttand. A C A D E M Y • J1L 8:5^ WCBS— Niwi. Calmer. Reeordt. ntn» m*>dicol Sptcialiih •• Exf«r\.!vt, Adventures of Sam Spade, WCBS; Paul Whiteman Hour, WJZ. WMCA—Niwi| Mtnle Baa Co-educational WNYC— Ncw>, - 12:00— Mltkmia'i Matlpe*. WNYC—"Lit There Be Modern fquipmenl * S^O'tly ap­ i'A 182 LAFAYETTE AVENTJI 9:00 WCBS—Hildegarde Show. W 0 X R— Light.' pointed rettauronf operated by and g:SO—crime Doctor, WCBS; Fred Alen Show, WNBC; "The Clock," WJZ. MAIn 3-S72K WNBC—Merry-Ge-Round. 5:05— Melodic! of Old Vienna WINS—Newi; Oerrthy Day. for itudentiand faculty. 8:05—Symphony HalL •• $0.25 9:00— Hildegarde Show, Paulist Choristers, Guests, WCBS; Manhattan WJZ—Walter Wimhill. 10:13.WNBC—Lira Lawtia. aoajnaaSend for Cataloraaaaacpaaaai Dsy «v tviiim • tutraiie* Vy H. Y, Stete s WOR—"Exploring the Un­ 10:30— Mnii. WOR—Bottle Beatry. CHRISTMAS DAY DINNER '7,". i?,M Merry-Go-Round, WNBC; Exploring the Unknown, WOR. known." 11:07— Hior *f tymphewy. WNYC—"Muilcal Comedy Secretarial, Drafting, Journalism Villi #f write fer (etilfrf 12 WMCA—"Faith la Action." HIUKIII." Rtglifir Mew ftr Hiw Semeifer FLOOR SHOW AT 8 O'CLOCK 9:30—Eddie Bracken Show, Ann Rutherford, WCBS; Album of Familiar WNYC—Coneert. D • V E C 154 NASSAU 8TBKKT, I0:2J WJZ—Chureh Hymni. WINS— Gotpel TabernieU. D 11 R aV t* N.T.C. BEekman S-4M0 HAPPY LEWIS, M. C. • MARY LOU KING Music, Donald Dame, WNBC; Double or Nothing, WOR, MONDAY 10JO WCBS—Roroinei if Ivilya 1:15 WINS—Croener'i Corner. SCHOOLS IN ALL BOROTJQHS THE DUFFYS • BILL JULIAN WJZ—Leuella Partoni. 7 A.M. TO 12 M. Wlatira. NEW YORK INSTITUTE 9:45—Hockey, New York Rangers vs. Toronto Maple Leafs, WHN. WNBC—Riad ef Ltfa. 9:30 WCBS—Eddie Bracken WINS—Star Pirada, Shew. NEW YEAR'S EVE RESERVATIONS $"J.OO ££^ 10:00—Take It or Leave It, Phil Baker, M. C, WCBS; Theater Guild on 7:00 WCBS—Arthur fie^frey. WNBC— Familiar Mutle. WNYC—"World ti ERNST SCHOOL of MUSIC OF Vietetic* WNBC—Newt. KltttlL the Air, Oscar Homolka, Aline McMahon, Peggy Conklin, WIZ—Jlmmle Fldler. Wimen." ChATloi Karduen. Director WJZ—Newt. Gardiner. Piano, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, tto, 660 Madison An. (at 60th St.) M.Y. 21 WOR—Double or Nothing Price Includes STEAK SUPPER, Gala Floor Show WOR—Newt, Elliott. 10:45 WCBS—Tlmi to Remember. Guests, WJZ; Don Ameche Show, Frances Langford, WNBC. WMCA—Will Up. Clatilcnl and Popular Course! WHN—Heward-Shelteei. WNBC—Joyce Jerdai. Ttlephorte: REgent 4-7400 and ALL-NIGHT FROLIC America. 8« 7LATBU8H AVENUK BTJ. 2-7121 10.30— We the People, James Stewart, Victor Moore, Guests, WCBS; Meet WMCA—Newt; Mttli ry WJZ—Club Time. 9:45 WJZ — Pillte Wemia. Amerleint, WNYC—Nutrltlai Newt. Me at Parky's, Martha Tilton, Harry Einstein, WNBC. WHN —Hockey. WNYC— Sunrlea Smpheny. lOSS WNYC—Niwt. 1 WINS—Chimberliln. mwt ^5^<«r »:5I WNYC—newt. 11:09 WCBS—Arthur Godfrey. School Directorj-Enroll Now! $ Pf^ p« WIZ—Heur el Filth Pirky'l. WNBC—Oivld Haruae. j nett. WHN— Goodman Oreh. WNBC—Reveille Roundup. ftOBOTTI ACCORDION ACADEMY. Beilnnera and Advanced. AccoTrllOTW rented, t&.d, S*7.p>0 Mutle. WHN—Cilviry Churih. W12—Tid Maleni. o WHN—Haekey. WOR—Meet the Preit. WJZ—Newt. rtchanced and repaired, rully tuaranteed. Low ratoa.^697 B'way (Wd St.), N.Y. OX 6-0020 50 0 Dtpoiit Required 8:11 WINS—Stertd H«iM WNYC— Yi>ung Anfcltii^ WOR—Richard Matwelt. Arllilt. WINS—Turn Faetary. WMCA —Ethical lltuee In WCBS— The.. MaclnjUt L »:30 WJZ—Kay K»lght. WMCA—••Vocal Spotlight." BUSINESS 8CHOOI-S - WINS—F»»»t«b— the Newt. 1:43" WJZ^Sainuel piTtTriiTiir WNYC-— City-centra. OftArOI ftOHfx>Iii Ml« Broadway.- Bklyn (OatetAre.1;- Day-fflfhtr PX>rerflf» »>SM1 WlZ—T«m Ciller. 43 WNRC—Solililf Time. WINS—CindlillgM Mulle. - WNYC— Moeleal Memerlei. WOR — Tei Fletcher, ' 2:53 WNYC— Niwi. 11:85 WNYC—Newa. HETrLEY A BROWNESCHOOL. Diy-Kra. t U'n.'n A-t tvt. Hilbaih, B'ktrn If. NT6. 8-I94I WMCA—'•Uauirlng 10:43 WMCA—Grut Viltit. WMCA—Setred Heerl Prt-> 8:00 WCBS—Newt Roundup. 11:04 WCBS—Kite Smlt*. LAMBS Bus. Training: School. (Day-Era.). 370 9th St. at 6th Aye., B'klyn. SO. 8-4236 grim. Perent." 4 P.M. TO 7 P.M. 10:33 WNYC— Newt: llga Oft. WNBC—Bob Smith Shew. WNBC—Rid Hall, peart. Y. W, O. A. School for Bu.tlneM Tralnlnt, 30 Third AT».. B'klyn. (Day-Eve.) TR. R-1190 WHN— Chnril MBIII. II :JS WNYC—Ntwe. GARDEN CITY HOTEL 11:00 WCBS—Calmer, newt. WJZ—Newt. Mirtln. WJ2—Kenny Bater Show. BROWNE8 BTJ9INEPS SOHOOIS Jamalca-Hempatemd-Lynbrook. REpublta 9-4046 8:10 WNBC—String Querist. 4:00 WNBC—The Qui! Kldi. WNBC—firmer, newt, WOR—Niwi. Robin*. WOR —Nneneri. club, COMFTOMETER SCHOOL, Comptometer mach. oper. 186 Joralfmon St. TR, 5-3595 WCBS—"CeroliM Celling 12 M. TO 4 P.M. WJZ —"An rhete Our WJZ—Niwi if Temprre*. \*/MCA—Newt; Mutli by WINS—Niwt, Grant COUNTRT DAT 8CHOOL— BOYS WJZ—Cone eft. Under Knott Manogcmcnt Chlldrenf" WHN — Newireel Thfitcr. Amtricani. WMCA—Newi; Mr. pad POLT PREP Country Day SohooU 92nd St. and 7lh AvaM Brooklrn. gTHora Road 8-S8O0 WOR—Pulnim. «iwt. 12.00 WCBS—Invltttlen te WOR — HOuto of Myttery. WNYC—Weather: Mutle Mrt. Mvtll fift WOR — Nivt. Elllitt. COMMERCIAL ART WMCA—Nrvt; "Mirehing I eernirl WINS—Tune Faiteey. WMCA—NIWI; Bind BIT. Album. WHN—"World at Ueti." JEAN MOROAN SCHOOL OP ART. Ctoetume, Ade. Art, Day A Pra 1«» L«lntt«a AT«.I(PTJ. 9,<037 GARDEN CITY, LONG ISLAND -- 0«" WNBC—x«M PrM'i". _WMCA—Newt;.'Old Rt- „W1NS— NIWI. WINS-Tlma ti Shim. WNYC— Midday. fivptphen WHN-Rlbli Study. WIZ— F H LlGuirdll frilnt." DAS'Clf uiiiaim WINS—Chimbff Mutli. WOR-"Show Ship." 4:15 WHN—Ti M announeed. WEBER rrrrDIOa 489 Waihlntton Ave., Brooklyn AdalU-Chfldran, MAtn 1-45761 WMCA—Newt; Mitlnee. . Garden City 700 P. G. Maf/hy, Manager 1-43 WOR—LOfritril SherwMd. 4:30 WCBS— Hiur if Chirm. • JVST RECEDED FROM rARlS* DIETETICS WNYC—Mlddiy Symphony. «:55 WNYC—Newt. WNBC— Am'flra United. CHAMPIONSHIP FOOTBALL! ft t. fNSTrnna) af DirrmCA. I« lim™ AT».. to St. H.T.u,', Slh««ety. DRAKE SCHOOL. 154 NaMAU St., N, Y. Dritllnt. Betretirtil. Joumalle. REekman J-4440 BROOKLYN'S n n -. WMCA — Newt; Mntll Llnd WNYC— Oretnrli Hour. COMFIRtNCE WNBC— Elernil Light. ROUAULT WHN—Chnreh ot Air. 4:35 WNYC—Newt. DRAETINO, DERION, BLOEPRrNTS "Wf2—Sondiy Slringt. Reproductions MONDKLL JNflT . 2.T0 W. 41, N. Y,; 129 Montague, B'klyn. Drafttnf, Areh., Much., RleK. Struel, WNYC— MutfTwwk Hour, i UTRILLO I FAMOUS Dalloon Dance WOR—Apeeiil Attignment 3:00 WNBC—N.B.C. Symphony. WIHS— Pilgrim Hour. WMCA —"Aek Or CyiU " WCBS—The r»«i!r Heuf CEZANNE ELEMENTARY CO-ED 1:13 WCBS^—Orgin Mutle. WHN —Heur e< Chimpieni. WJZ—Qulrdem Cln«. anrl tea RENOIR, Etc. rROEBEL ACADEMY. 178 Brooklyn AT*. Oo-Rtt R*«(tfvn«bl« tttrtlota. PRAotdanl «-<«U • WINS—Threi LiKky Severn WOR—"The Shldew." New Year's Eve WNBC—St«ry to Order. rre-framed DEGAS, etc. VAHKEES FINE AND APTI.1ED ARTS WOR—Adventure with Geld 12-41 WOR —Newt. Elliott. WMCA—Newt; "left rRAPHAOEN SCHOOL of fashion, 1680 B'way (52d). N.t. Trad* menhoda. CO. 8-?MO J WIZ —On • But. WNVC—Keyb'ird «llte-l HIOH SCnOOI/—DRArriNO—HOME RTUDT I .<0 WCBS— Peepll'l Plllf«rr». rrrrtrh — tnneaiallr IJ»W J*rtf«. WOR — Ridii Chioet. WINS—Newt: Tiene Teetw, WNBC—Newt. Herlihv. tNTERNATTONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL, 11 W. 42d St.. R t, PE. 8-4851 VANITY WMCA- Newt WI2—Johnny Thewpiee ^ WINS—B.illding r.eunoller S:3o WCBS-Ho.gy Cirralchiil TRIBUNE SUBWAY ART GALLERY BROTHS ItOMK KCOVOM1CR WMN-B't-- auditorium. She* School for ROME BCONOMTO TECHNIC. 275 CHnton Ar#. Bklm, N.Y. MAia t-»481 WOR~CI«ie Citet. WIZ—Ce.,n:eriey. 100 W. 42 St. ifinh Arrarle Doartilt »lr»> DAN C E HALL H.40 WNBC— Romane* and Tou.| MUHlCirAV. MERCHANT MARINE TRAININO 4 »:4S WCBS— lchni«n Fimely. WMCA—Ne*t; Atb'rtten W Qui rt DINNER I SUPPER WH2S""=N —Recorde'i di'ul'."* Mmlc. ' • *** >" A lUMSTRATtn CATAlOOlll- ATt.ANTIC MKRCimNT MARINE ACADEMY, 41 Whitehall St. -BO 9-70A8 WhB(.-l). A H Minert. SlMiW. STADIUM MU8IO »»*V MAW4I100 \/',f WHN—Beyend VHtorTr. ON 90HOOt. OP OPTTOPV 182 Ranry 84... B'klyn X Day ot Bret. CaUlot la. MA.to «-4Jll 1 IO.O» wr.RS—Chureh ef the Air.! WNBC—R'und Table. WOR—Then Wibtteri. MOTEL ^v" Bl!Y V. S. SAVINGS STAMPS WNRC—Ridie rtitP'' WMCA—r«:tbiH. WMCA—Newi; "AuericM PRACTICAL NTJRBINO WU-Ueiiiii al uriet. wiZ-^Simmy Kive- ripevri^e " WNBC eYTCEOrr roaOHTB RCeSPITAI. 141 « Nlrhotee Ara. B'ktrn rl. rre* Orwri*. rTB. »-*500 AND BONDS WOR—No»e. Putmm. WOR — Invenlle Jury. WNYC— relkiOPP*. RADIO—TELEVISION—RLKCTRONtC* SERT WHN —Bible Clitt WINX-F»«lhell. WINS-Newt. \MERICAN RADIO mtYTTTUTE, 101 Weal 63d St.. N. Y. 23. Day A Era. TR* 4-2591 ,Ai*t<-».» Strata WHN —Harry Mcrthtlpicl. WMCA— N»»lj_22y a note_Jo„iwrte_ fcAPTO TRTXVIftlON mrTTirrrTTt; IW IxttnalPft Ae*. us 8t,frN_t- I7r Da* 4V sVa-Pt^a-a^-AaiSS - w NYC—C*fteen— «:u wNYC-'0n»__|t<.»„r»<-. I rAQke "Cf'MejT.' war at. RErRIOERATION, RADIO, OIL BURNER RERVKTNO 1:43 WCBft—Howard K. f»mlth WMCA In Manhattan WNYC—fireit Oaerit. WHN-Nfwt. In "Metropolitan New* 8ROOKI,TH t. U. O. A. TRADR SCHOOU 1117 BeMfftfd Ata\ (Day Ac KTPV) MAIn HlOO WINR—Newt. WOR—Opportunity U. » A WINS-Moti'. SECRETARIAL SCROOL8 10:13 WMC.A-Retlgle.il Ne«. WHN —Ta be en«nu«eed. I'M WHN—Newteatt. Roundup"—every Mon- 7(54^/ 1:30 P.M. CHINESt RISTAURANT5 WOR-^-frinti Kl»fl«». 1*3 WIZ--H It r»l«-^« *:3a wi'.ftS—Kati Smith *.>••>. ;0. P. YOtlNO SECRETARIAL ftCHOOIi 24 ftlrtnM PUce». frwkiTn HMfhfea MAIn 4-(lt« WIN*—Ivnry Tnwef Hellene"' WNBC—R«h rtrirei Sh-w. ddy through Friday at ! DRAKE SCTtOOT. 885 Platbtieh Are.. B'klyn tO«Tdt APK). rHy-NIgM, RUckmlna V* 2-2T03 ' " 'i-.8f-C!twir)JH" '' WHN-fA«tb«ll. WJ2-Wlllia PiPM. P Tr»i|lt" ft jtjJLiy'"' tt»*«rMAr4-4»nHOO««_*V-ia-Oatn»*. |>r*«T-441-U*lnr4rm Art:H V O. MU 9-JA97 S Vi |: A N B E s E E: N wNBft—f.Miejren e Mowr. j.r>ej wr.B»—Wretly N«»». w H N—"Vein H Prepheey." \2:ls P.M. TAOi ENBTTTTrni .0*y-avY.», O0-tl|»l«. 1:41 WNYC— Weethe* TUTORINO »T»*AT - 40T1I »t. vo rovr.ii—r\pioAmvAT» i/iwrxt futrrn WMCA—Newi. J:»* WCBS—Stradlvari Oreh. WINS— RMI, RMM-OH. ':>' fh*,*»_\ ,^».<$jjpW e><«,e». WINS—«|r«l« AftM Jb^,, WNBC—Hatvtat at Mara. • .« WNYC—Newa, ADULMO *V»tmm aV^COtr-Atldy Oanle*. 939 KJnaTa R'war- Rktra. D»>r«r *•#** Untitled Document V

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


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