The Moments That Matter Annual Report: July 2012–June 2013 BOARD of TRUSTEES Honorary Board
The MoMenTs ThaT MaTTer annual reporT: July 2012–June 2013 BOARD oF TrusTees honorary BoarD Herb Scannell, Chair* Kate D. Levin, ex officio Peter H. Darrow President, BBc WorldWide america commissioner, neW york city dePartment senior counsel, oF cultural aFFairs cleary gottlieB steen & hamilton, llP Cynthia King Vance, Vice Chair*, Chair† advanced strategies, LLC Anton J. Levy Eduardo G. Mestre managing director, chairman, gloBal advisory, Alexander Kaplen, Vice Chair* general atlantic LLC evercore Partners executive, time Warner Joanne B. Matthews Thomas B. Morgan John S. Rose, Vice Chair† PhilanthroPist senior Partner and managing director, Lulu C. Wang the Boston consulting grouP Bethany Millard ceo, tuPelo caPital management, LLC PhilanthroPist Susan Rebell Solomon, Vice Chair† retired Partner, Richard A. Pace neW YORK puBlIC raDIo senIor sTaFF mercer management consulting executive vice President, Bank oF neW york mellon, retired Laura R. Walker Mayo Stuntz, Vice Chair† President and ceo memBer, Pilot grouP Ellen Polaner Dean Cappello Howard S. Stein, Treasurer Jonelle Procope chieF content oFFicer managing director, gloBal corPorate President and ceo, and senior vice President and investment Bank, citigrouP, retired aPollo theater Foundation Thomas Bartunek Alan G. Weiler, Secretary Jon W. Rotenstreich vice President, PrinciPal, managing Partner, Planning and sPecial ProJects Weiler arnoW management co., inc. rotenstreich Family Partners Thomas Hjelm Laura R. Walker, President and CEO Joshua Sapan chieF digital oFFicer and vice President, neW york PuBlic radio President and ceo, amc netWorks Business develoPment Jean B. Angell Lauren Seikaly Margaret Hunt retired Partner and memBer, Private theater Producer and actress vice President, develoPment client service grouP, Bryan cave Peter Shapiro Noreen O’Loughlin Tom A.
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