February 9, 2021

A Regular Meeting was held by the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury on February 9, 2021 at the Municipal Building located at 1715 Route 46 in Ledgewood, at 7:30PM; however, the Council Room was closed to the public due to the COVID-19 pandemic; therefore, the meeting was broadcast via Zoom Pro in order to allow the continuation of routine municipal business and provide the opportunity for public participation during public comment periods.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilwoman Albrecht led the Pledge of Allegiance.

OPEN PUBLIC MEETING STATEMENT Adequate notice of this Meeting of the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury was given as required by the Open Public Meetings Act as follows: On December 28, 2020, notice was published in the Daily Record. Notice was faxed to the Daily Record, Newark Star Ledger and The Roxbury Register on December 31, 2020. Notice shall also remain posted throughout the year on the bulletin board in the main hallway of the Municipal Building.

Due to the ongoing public health emergency as declared by the Governor, the location of this regular meeting of the Township Council has been changed to be held remotely via telephonic audio conferencing and recorded utilizing the Zoom Pro platform. Adequate advance notice of this change, as well as instructions for accessing the agenda and relevant documents, and making public comment was provided as follows: On February 5, 2021 notice was emailed and faxed to the Daily Record, the Newark Star Ledger, the Roxbury Register; emailed to TAPinto Roxbury; posted on the bulletin board in the main hallway of the Municipal Building and on the exterior door of Town Hall; and electronic notice was posted on www.roxburynj.us.

ROLL CALL (Present): Councilwoman Jaki Albrecht, Councilman Thomas Carey, Councilman Mark Crowley, Councilman Jim Rilee, Councilman Richard Zoschak, Deputy Mayor Fred Hall; Absent: Mayor Robert DeFillippo

Also Present: John Shepherd, Township Manager; Amy Rhead, Township Clerk; Anthony M. Bucco, Township Attorney

Staff: Robert Kuncken, IT Director

Public: approximately thirty (30) members of the public, Mike Condon, Roxbury Register reporter, and Fred Aun, TAPinto Roxbury reporter, were in attendance remotely

Deputy Mayor Hall amended the order of the agenda to share the sad news of the passing of Mayor DeFillippo’s mother in-law. Deputy Mayor Hall announced that Mayor DeFillippo was absent due to the passing of his mother-in-law. Deepest condolences were expressed to Mayor DeFillippo, his wife - former Roxbury Mayor and current Morris County Commissioner - Kathy DeFillippo, and their family for their loss. A moment of silence was held in memoriam.

Deputy Mayor Hall continued to amend the order of the agenda to provide the following community update with regard to COVID-19 (NOTE: full text of “Deputy Mayor’s Opening Remarks from the February 9, 2021 Council Meeting” also available at www.roxburynj.us)

Community Update February 9, 2021

1. Hello everyone and welcome, we hope you have weathered the recent storms over the past week. While the Township continues to clean-up from the record snowfall from a week ago, last Sunday, approximately six additional inches of snow fell in Roxbury. Public Works had all streets cleared by the evening. This week, Public Works continues to clean-up from the record snow events that seem to continue daily. Intersections are being cleared to improve sight visibility. Also, drains are being cleared to provide for drainage along roadways. Please understand that some roads will remain more narrow than normal since it is not feasibly to clear each road to the curb line. A personal thank you for the exceptional work performed by DPW and other Township departments during these large snowfalls, John will go over this in more

Regular Meeting Minutes February 9, 2021 I detail. Also, to all residents who took the time to help their neighbors in need by shoveling, plowing, or providing support during these events, thank you for all you have done.

2. Turning our attention to COVID 19 totals—accumulated current totals in Roxbury is 1,634 which is an increase of 152 from the last update provided by Mayor DeFillippo. There is some good news, the past few days have shown a decline in new cases. With the increases in vaccinations, we are hopeful that these numbers will continue to decline. Please continue follow safety guidelines. We will persevere through this crisis.

3. Regarding the Vaccine Sites, the state has reported that the NJ COVID-19 hotline is able to assist with making a vaccination appointment for those who do not have access to a computer. The hotline number is on the Township’s website and is also available by contacting the Township’s Manager’s Office or Health Department. John will also provide us with some recent changes to locations offering the vaccinations

Mr. Shepherd reported that COVID-19 informational sheets are available in all the township buildings as well as on www.roxburynj.us. Information includes instructions for registering and locations of vaccination sites.

Deputy Mayor Hall returned to the order of the agenda.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES January 12, 2021 – Regular Meeting

Councilman Rilee made a motion to approve the above-listed minutes. Councilman Carey seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Councilwoman Albrecht - Yes Councilman Carey - Yes Councilman Crowley - Yes Councilman Rilee - Yes Councilman Zoschak - Yes Deputy Mayor Hall - Yes

Motion carried unanimously, 6 to 0.

PUBLIC PORTION (3 Minutes /1 Appearance per Individual) Deputy Mayor Hall reminded telephonic callers who would like to speak on any issues to press *6 (star six) to unmute their phone.

Robert Kluska, 274 Emmans Road, Flanders – Mr. Kluska inquired about access to budget meeting information. Mr. Shepherd advised that the budget documents are available on the township website. Mr. Kluska will call Town Hall if he needs further assistance.

Hearing no further comments, Deputy Mayor Hall closed the public portion.

REPORTS OF COUNCIL LIAISON REPRESENTATIVES, COUNCIL COMMITTEES AND NEW BUSINESS / OLD BUSINESS A. Reports of Council Liaison Representatives and Council Committees Councilwoman Albrecht encouraged residents to participate in the online activities hosted virtually through the Roxbury Public Library. She credited Radwa Ali, Library Director, for providing a wide variety of activities and events to members of the community.

Councilwoman Albrecht thanked the Public Works staff for doing a great job plowing during the recent snow storms.

Councilman Crowley stated that the Lake Hopatcong Commission held a meeting the previous evening. He will provide a report at a Council meeting.

Councilman Crowley thanked the Department of Public Works for all their hard work keeping roadways plowed during the recent snow storms.

Regular Meeting Minutes February 9, 2021 II Councilman Crowley thanked all the Roxbury residents who assisted neighbors clearing snow from their property. It is great to see people helping others with snow removal.

Deputy Mayor Hall commented that it is very heart-warming to see so many residents assisting others.

Councilman Rilee concurred with previous comments regarding Roxbury residents who are always willing to help others. He also expressed appreciation to the Department of Public Works for getting Roxbury through the snow storms.

Councilman Zoschak thanked his neighbors for their assistance clearing snow.

Councilman Zoschak said he will be forwarding some snow complaints to the Township Manager.

Councilman Carey inquired as to requirements for residents to shovel out fire hydrants in front of their homes. Mr. Shepherd said the uniqueness of the storm and quantity of the snow made it difficult to completely clear all hydrants of snow.

Councilman Carey mentioned that October is Fire Prevention month. General discussion occurred regarding the extensive programs the Fire Prevention Department and Fire Companies sponsor for both public and private schools.

Mr. Shepherd had no reports at this time.

Senator Bucco advised that the state is continuing to work toward getting vaccines for all residents.

Mrs. Rhead had no reports at this time.

B. New Business/Old Business None

MATTERS REQUESTED / REFERRED BY COUNCIL MEMBERS, MANAGER, ATTORNEY OR CLERK A. Recreation Fees Mr. Shepherd provided an overview and rationale behind the recommendations to amend the fee structure for recreation programs and facility rental fees. Brett Douglas, Recreation Director, and Ryan Williams, Assistant Recreation Director, were in attendance remotely. Deputy Mayor Hall explained that the recommendations are the result of careful examination of programs and comparison of fees charged by surrounding communities for the same or similar programs/usage and have been fully-vetted by the Recreation Advisory Committee. He also thanked Brett Douglas and Ryan Williams for their hard work compiling data and creating a fee structure designed with the goal to ensure self-sustainability. General Council discussion occurred with regard to the changes associated with leasing and subleasing the fields. Brett Douglas, Recreation Director, thanked the Council and Recreation Advisory Committee for reviewing the proposal. Mr. Shepherd advised that an ordinance will be presented at the next Regular Meeting for Council consideration.

B. Overview of Righter Road Greenway Project Mr. Shepherd spoke about the proposal to obtain engineering concept and design plans for a pathway associated with the Righter Road Greenway Project. Mr. Shepherd advised that Andy Tybus of the Open Space Advisory Committee was in attendance remotely and available to answer questions. Councilman Rilee and Mr. Tybus discussed the presence of wetlands properties along Righter Road. Councilman Rilee stressed the importance of having a clear understanding of the scope of the project prior to expending funds. Deputy Mayor Hall explained that the extension of the trail will connect Emmans Road to Horseshoe Lake. Mr. Tybus clarified that it will also connect Roxbury High School, Eisenhower Middle School, Horseshoe Lake, West Morris Greenway, Roxbury Day Care Center, Ledgewood Commons and the Roxbury Mall. Mr. Shepherd will include a resolution authorizing the use of Open Space Trust Fund monies on an upcoming agenda.

Regular Meeting Minutes February 9, 2021 III


Ordinance No. 01-21 was introduced in writing, read by title and will be further considered for final passage, after public hearing thereon, at a meeting of the Township Council to be held at its meeting room in the Municipal Building, 1715 Route 46 West, Ledgewood, New Jersey, on February 23, 2021 at 7:30PM.

Councilman Rilee made a motion to approve the introduction of Ordinance No. 01-21. Councilman Carey seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Councilwoman Albrecht - Yes Councilman Carey - Yes Councilman Crowley - Yes Councilman Rilee - Yes Councilman Zoschak - Yes Deputy Mayor Hall - Yes

Motion carried unanimously, 6 to 0.


Ordinance No. 02-21 was introduced in writing, read by title and will be further considered for final passage, after public hearing thereon, at a meeting of the Township Council to be held at its meeting room in the Municipal Building, 1715 Route 46 West, Ledgewood, New Jersey, on February 23, 2021 at 7:30PM.

Councilman Zoschak made a motion to approve the introduction of Ordinance No. 02-21. Councilwoman Albrecht seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Councilwoman Albrecht - Yes Councilman Carey - Yes Councilman Crowley - Yes Councilman Rilee - Yes Councilman Zoschak - Yes Deputy Mayor Hall - Yes

Motion carried unanimously, 6 to 0.


Ordinance No. 03-21 was introduced in writing, read by title and will be further considered for final passage, after public hearing thereon, at a meeting of the Township Council to be held at its meeting room in the Municipal Building, 1715 Route 46 West, Ledgewood, New Jersey, on February 23, 2021 at 7:30PM.

Councilwoman Albrecht made a motion to approve the introduction of Ordinance No. 03-21. Councilman Carey seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Councilwoman Albrecht - Yes Councilman Carey - Yes Councilman Crowley - Yes Councilman Rilee - Yes Councilman Zoschak - Yes Deputy Mayor Hall - Yes

Motion carried unanimously, 6 to 0.


Regular Meeting Minutes February 9, 2021 IV INTRODUCTION AND ADOPTION OF RESOLUTIONS 2021-041 A RESOLUTION INCORPORATING BY REFERENCE HEREIN AND APPROVING THE FOLLOWING NUMBERED RESOLUTIONS LISTED ON THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA FOR THIS DATE: 2021-042, 2021-043, 2021-044, 2021-045 Councilman Rilee made a motion to approve the adoption of Incorporating Resolution No. 2021- 041. Councilman Zoschak seconded the motion. Roll Call: Councilwoman Albrecht - Yes Councilman Carey - Yes Councilman Crowley - Yes on 2021-043 through 2020-045; Abstain on 2021-042 Councilman Rilee - Yes Councilman Zoschak - Yes Deputy Mayor Hall - Yes Motion carried 6 to 0 for Resolution Nos. 2021-043 through 2020-045. Motion carried 5 to 0 with one abstention for Resolution No. 2021-042.






COMMUNICATIONS January 29, 2021 February 5, 2021 There were no comments or discussion on the above-listed communications.

PUBLIC PORTION (3 Minutes /1 Appearance per Individual) Deputy Mayor Hall reminded telephonic callers who would like to speak on any issues to press *6 (star six) to unmute their phone. Shawn Potillo, 54 Laurie Rd. Landing – Mr. Potillo asked for suggestions about how to clear snow from fire hydrants and asked if residents should call the Township for assistance. Mr. Shepherd responded that the Department of Public Works is still trying to clear the roads and will assist when possible. Councilwoman Albrecht added that the members of the fire department are out shoveling and clearing snow from hydrants.

Robert Kluska, 274 Emmans Road, Flanders – Mr. Kluska referenced the earlier discussion regarding Recreation Fees and noted an absence of language exempting senior citizens. Deputy Mayor Hall assured Mr. Kluska that there is no intent to charge senior citizens for use of the Senior Center. The ordinance will be reviewed to determine whether or not additional language is needed to clarify exceptions to the fee ordinance. Hearing no further comments, Deputy Mayor Hall closed the public portion.


ADJOURNMENT At 8:25PM, Councilwoman Albrecht made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Councilman Carey seconded the motion. Voice Vote: All in Favor- Yes; Motion carried unanimously, 6 to 0.

Submitted by:

MINUTES APPROVED BY COUNCIL: DATE: March 23, 2021 ROLL CALL: Councilwoman Albrecht - Yes Councilman Carey - Yes Councilman Crowley - Yes Deputy Mayor Hall - Yes Councilman Rilee - Yes Councilman Zoschak - Yes Mayor DeFillippo - Abstain


WHEREAS, the Local Government Cap Law, N.J.S. 40A:4-45.1 et seq., provides that in the preparation of its annual budget, a municipality shall limit any increase in said budget up to 1 % unless authorized by ordinance to increase it to 3.5% over the previous year's final appropriations, subject to certain exceptions; and

WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 40A:4-45.15a provides that a municipality may, when authorized by ordinance, appropriate the difference between the amount of its actual final appropriation and the 3.5% percentage rate as an exception to its final appropriations in either of the next two succeeding years; and

WHEREAS, the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury in the County of Morris finds it advisable and necessary to increase its CY 2021 budget by up to 3.5% over the previous year's final appropriations, in the interest of promoting the health, safety and welfare of the citizens; and

WHEREAS, the Township Council hereby determines that a 1.0% increase in the budget for said year, amounting to $232,941.24 in excess of the increase in final appropriations otherwise permitted by the Local Government Cap Law, is advisable and necessary; and

WHEREAS, the Township Council hereby determines that any amount authorized hereinabove that is not appropriated as part of the final budget shall be retained as an exception to final appropriation in either of the next two succeeding years.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury, in the County of Morris, a majority of the full authorized membership of this governing body affirmatively concurring, that, in the CY 2021 budget year, the final appropriations of the Township of Roxbury shall, in accordance with this ordinance and N.J.S.A. 40A:4-45.14, be increased by 3.5% amounting to $815,294.34, and that the CY 2021 municipal budget for the Township of Roxbury be approved and adopted in accordance with this ordinance; and

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that any amount authorized hereinabove that is not appropriated as part of the final budget shall be retained as an exception to final appropriation in either of the next two succeeding years; and

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that a certified copy of this ordinance as introduced be filed with the Director of the Division of Local Government Services within 5 days of introduction; and

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that a certified copy of this ordinance upon adoption, with the recorded vote included thereon, be filedwith said Director within 5 days aftersuch adoption.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the foregoing proposed ordinance was introduced in writing, read by title and passed on the first reading at a meeting of the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury, in the County of Morris, State of New Jersey, held on the 9th day of February, 2021, and that said ordinance will be further considered for second reading and final passage thereon by the Township Council at a meeting to be held on the 23rd day of February, 2021, beginning at 7:30 p.m. prevailing time, in the Council Room of the Municipal Building, 1715 Route 46 West, Ledgewood, New Jersey, or at any time and place to which such meeting may be adjourned, at which time and place all persons who may be interested therein will be given an opportunity to be heard concerning such ordinance.

INTRODUCED: February 9, 2021

Attest: REDACTION: Social Security #, per N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.1 ORDINANCE NO. 02-21


WHEREAS, the Township of Roxbury (the “Township”) filed a Declaratory Judgment Action in the Superior Court of New Jersey, Morris County, captioned IMO Township of Roxbury, Docket No. MRS-L-1763-15 (the “Declaratory Judgment Action”), in furtherance of the Supreme Court’s March 10, 2015, decision In re Adoption of N.J.A.C. 5:96 & 5:97 by N.J. Council on Affordable Housing, 221 N.J. 1 (2015) (the “Supreme Court Decision”); and

WHEREAS, the Township of Roxbury (the “Township”) entered into a Settlement Agreement with the Fair Share Housing Center dated April 16, 2020 and authorized by Township Council Resolution arising out of the Declaratory Judgment that determines the Township’s affordable housing obligation and the mechanisms for how the obligation will be addressed Action (“Settlement Agreement”); and

WHEREAS, the Settlement Agreement was approved by the Superior Court of New Jersey, Morris County Law Division at a duly noticed Fairness Hearing; and

WHEREAS, the Roxbury Township Planning Board has adopted a Housing Element and Fair Share Plan in compliance with the Settlement Agreement and pursuant to the Municipal Land Use Law, N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1, et seq.; and

WHEREAS, the Settlement Agreement, Court’s approval, and adoption of the Housing Plan Element and Fair Share Plan require certain changes to the Township’s ordinances to address compliance issues; and

WHEREAS, this ordinance shall be known as the “Roxbury Township Third Round Affordable Housing Ordinance.”

BE IT ORDAINED by the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury, Morris County, New Jersey, as follows:

Section 1. Chapter 13 the Code of the Township of Roxbury entitled “Application and Interpretation of Low/Moderate Housing Provisions” is hereby deleted and replaced in its entirety with the following:

§13-7.826. Application and Interpretation of Low/Moderate Housing Provisions.

A. Affordable Housing Obligation 1. This Ordinance is intended to assure that low- and moderate-income units ("affordable units") are created with controls on affordability over time and that low- and moderate- income households shall occupy these units. This Ordinance shall apply except where inconsistent with applicable law. 2. The Roxbury Township Planning Board has adopted a Housing Element and Fair Share Plan pursuant to the Municipal Land Use Law at N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1, et seq. The Fair Share Plan has been endorsed by the governing body. The Fair Share Plan describes the ways Roxbury Township shall address its fair share for low- and moderate-income housing and documented in the Housing Element. 3. This Ordinance implements and incorporates the Fair Share Plan and addresses the regulatory and Court Ordered requirements, as may be amended and supplemented. B. Definitions The following terms when used in this Ordinance shall have the meanings given in this Section: “Accessory apartment” means a self-contained residential dwelling unit with a kitchen, sanitary facilities, sleeping quarters and a private entrance, which is created within an existing home, or through the conversion of an existing accessory structure on the same site, or by an addition to an existing home or accessory building, or by the construction of a new accessory structure on the same site.

“Act” means the Fair Housing Act of 1985, P.L. 1985, c. 222 (N.J.S.A. 52:27D-301 et seq.)

“Adaptable” means constructed in compliance with the technical design standards of the Barrier Free Subcode, N.J.A.C. 5:23-7.

“Administrative agent" means the entity designated by the Township to administer affordable units in accordance with this Ordinance and UHAC (N.J.A.C. 5:80-26).

“Affirmative marketing” means a regional marketing strategy designed to attract buyers and/or renters of affordable units pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.15.

“Affordability average” means the average percentage of median income at which restricted units in an affordable housing development are affordable to low- and moderate-income households.

“Affordable” means, a sales price or rent level that is within the means of a low- or moderate- income household, and, in the case of an ownership unit, that the sales price for the unit conforms to the standards set forth in N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.6, as may be amended and supplemented, and, in the case of a rental unit, that the rent for the unit conforms to the standards set forth in N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.12, as may be amended and supplemented.

“Affordable development” means a housing development all or a portion of which consists of restricted units.

2 “Affordable housing development” means a development included in the Housing Element and Fair Share Plan, and includes, but is not limited to, an inclusionary development, a municipal construction project or a 100 percent affordable development.

“Affordable housing program(s)” means any mechanism in a municipal Fair Share Plan prepared or implemented to address a municipality’s fair share obligation.

“Affordable unit” means a housing unit proposed or created pursuant to the Act and approved for crediting by the Court and/or funded through an affordable housing trust fund.

“Agency” means the New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency established by P.L. 1983, c. 530 (N.J.S.A. 55:14K-1, et seq.).

“Age-restricted unit” means a housing unit designed to meet the needs of, and exclusively for, the residents of an age-restricted segment of the population such that: 1) all the residents of the development where the unit is situated are 62 years or older; or 2) at least 80 percent of the units are occupied by one person that is 55 years or older; or 3) the development has been designated by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development as “housing for older persons” as defined in Section 807(b)(2) of the Fair Housing Act, 42 U.S.C. § 3607.

“Assisted living residence” means a facility licensed by the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services to provide apartment-style housing and congregate dining and to assure that assisted living services are available when needed for four or more adult persons unrelated to the proprietor and that offers units containing, at a minimum, one unfurnished room, a private bathroom, a kitchenette and a lockable door on the unit entrance.

“Certified household” means a household that has been certified by an Administrative Agent as a low-income household or moderate-income household.

“COAH” means the Council on Affordable Housing, which is in, but not of, the Department of Community Affairs of the State of New Jersey, that was established under the New Jersey Fair Housing Act (N.J.S.A. 52:27D-301 et seq.).

“DCA” means the State of New Jersey Department of Community Affairs.

“Deficient housing unit” means a housing unit with health and safety code violations that require the repair or replacement of a major system. A major system includes weatherization, roofing, plumbing (including wells), heating, electricity, sanitary plumbing (including septic systems), lead paint abatement and/or load bearing structural systems.

“Developer” means any person, partnership, association, company or corporation that is the legal or beneficial owner or owners of a lot or any land proposed to be included in a proposed development including the holder of an option to contract or purchase, or other person having an enforceable proprietary interest in such land.

3 “Development” means the division of a parcel of land into two or more parcels, the construction, reconstruction, conversion, structural alteration, relocation, or enlargement of any use or change in the use of any building or other structure, or of any mining, excavation or landfill, and any use or change in the use of any building or other structure, or land or extension of use of land, for which permission may be required pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.

“Inclusionary development” means a development containing both affordable units and market rate units. This term includes, but is not necessarily limited to: new construction, the conversion of a non-residential structure to residential and the creation of new affordable units through the reconstruction of a vacant residential structure.

“Low-income household” means a household with a total gross annual household income equal to 50 percent or less of the median household income.

“Low-income unit” means a restricted unit that is affordable to a low-income household.

“Major system” means the primary structural, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, fire protection, or occupant service components of a building which include but are not limited to, weatherization, roofing, plumbing (including wells), heating, electricity, sanitary plumbing (including septic systems), lead paint abatement or load bearing structural systems.

“Market-rate units” means housing not restricted to low- and moderate-income households that may sell or rent at any price.

“Median income” means the median income by household size for the applicable county.

“Moderate-income household” means a household with a total gross annual household income in excess of 50 percent but less than 80 percent of the median household income.

“Moderate-income unit” means a restricted unit that is affordable to a moderate-income household.

“Non-exempt sale” means any sale or transfer of ownership other than the transfer of ownership between husband and wife; the transfer of ownership between former spouses ordered as a result of a judicial decree of divorce or judicial separation, but not including sales to third parties; the transfer of ownership between family members as a result of inheritance; the transfer of ownership through an executor’s deed to a Class A beneficiary and the transfer of ownership by court order.

“Random selection process” means a process by which currently income-eligible households are selected for placement in affordable housing units such that no preference is given to one applicant over another except for purposes of matching household income and size with an appropriately priced and sized affordable unit (e.g., by lottery).

“Rehabilitation” means the repair, renovation, alteration or reconstruction of any building or structure, pursuant to the Rehabilitation Subcode, N.J.A.C. 5:23-6.


“Rent” means the gross monthly cost of a rental unit to the tenant, including the rent paid to the landlord, as well as an allowance for tenant-paid utilities computed in accordance with allowances published by DCA for its Section 8 program. In assisted living residences, rent does not include charges for food and services.

“Restricted unit” means a dwelling unit, whether a rental unit or ownership unit, that is subject to the affordability controls of N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.1, as may be amended and supplemented, but does not include a market-rate unit financed under UHORP or MONI.

“UHAC” means the Uniform Housing Affordability Controls set forth in N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.1 et seq.

“Very low-income household” means a household with a total gross annual household income equal to 30 percent or less of the median household income.

“Very low-income unit” means a restricted unit that is affordable to a very low-income household.

“Weatherization” means building insulation (for attic, exterior walls and crawl space), siding to improve energy efficiency, replacement storm windows, replacement storm doors, replacement windows and replacement doors, and is considered a major system for rehabilitation.

C. Applicability

1. The provisions of this Ordinance shall apply to all affordable housing developments and affordable housing units that currently exist and that are proposed to be created within the Township of Roxbury pursuant to the Township's most recently adopted Housing Element and Fair Share Plan.

2. Moreover, this Ordinance shall apply to all developments that contain low-and moderate- income housing units, including any currently unanticipated future developments that will provide low- and moderate-income housing units.

3. This Ordinance specifically applies to Roxbury Township’s Third Round affordable housing obligations identified in the Settlement Agreement, which sets forth the following affordable housing obligations.

Component of Third Round Obligation: Units Rehabilitation Share: 26 Prior Round Obligation (pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:93): 255 Third Round (1999-2025): 841

4. This Ordinance applies to Roxbury Township’s Third Round affordable housing compliance mechanisms that are identified in the Settlement Agreement, which sets forth the following affordable housing compliance techniques:

(a) Prior Round Obligation

5 (1) Rehabilitation (2) Market-to-Affordable Housing units (3) Supportive and Alternative Housing (4) Family Rental Units (5) Age Restricted housing (b) Third Round Obligation: (1) Rehabilitation (2) Market-to-Affordable Housing units (3) Supportive and Alternative Housing (4) Inclusionary Zoning (5) New Construction (6) Age restricted Housing

D. Affordable Housing Programs The Roxbury Township has determined that it will use the following mechanisms to satisfy its affordable housing obligations: 1. A rehabilitation program: (a) Roxbury Township's rehabilitation program shall be designed through various grant programs administered by the Morris County Department of Community Development to renovate deficient housing units occupied by low- and moderate- income households such that, after rehabilitation, these units will comply with the New Jersey State Housing Code pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:28. (b) Both owner occupied and renter occupied units shall be eligible for rehabilitation funds. (c) All rehabilitated units shall remain affordable to low- and moderate-income households for a period of ten (10) years (the control period). For owner occupied units the control period will be enforced with a lien and for renter occupied units the control period will be enforced with a deed restriction. (d) The program shall dedicate a minimum of ten thousand ($10,000.00) dollars for each unit to be rehabilitated through this program, reflecting the minimum hard cost of rehabilitation for each unit. (e) The program shall designate one (1) or more Administrative Agents to administer the rehabilitation program. The Administrative Agent(s) shall provide a rehabilitation manual for the owner occupancy rehabilitation program and a rehabilitation manual for the rental occupancy rehabilitation program to be adopted by resolution of the Governing Body. Both rehabilitation manuals shall be available for public inspection in the Office of the Municipal Clerk and in the office(s) of the Administrative Agent(s). (f) Units in a rehabilitation program shall be exempt from the Uniform Housing Affordability Controls (UHAC), but shall be administered in accordance with the following: (1) If a unit is vacant, upon initial rental subsequent to rehabilitation, or if a renter- occupied unit is re-rented prior to the end of controls on affordability, the deed

6 restriction shall require the unit to be rented to a low- or moderate-income household at an affordable rent and affirmatively marketed pursuant to the UHAC. (2) If a unit is renter-occupied, upon completion of the rehabilitation, the maximum rate of rent shall be the lesser of the current rent or the maximum permitted rent pursuant to the UHAC. (3) Rents in rehabilitated units may increase annually based on determined standards. (4) Applicant and/or tenant households shall be certified as income-eligible in accordance with the UHAC, except that households in owner occupied units shall be exempt from the regional asset limit. 2. A Market to Affordable program. (a) A market to affordable program is established to permit the purchase or subsidization of units through a written agreement with the property owner and sold or rented to low- and moderate-income households. Subject to the provisions of 2iii below, the market to affordable programs may produce both low- and moderate-income units (the program may be limited to only low- or only moderate-income units as per the Fair Share Plan). (b) The following provisions shall apply to market to affordable programs: (1) At the time they are offered for sale or rental, eligible units may be new, pre- owned or vacant. (2) The units shall be certified to be in sound condition as a result of an inspection performed by a licensed building inspector. (3) The municipality will provide a minimum of $25,000 per unit to subsidize each moderate-income unit and/or $30,000 per unit to subsidize each low-income unit, with additional subsidy depending on the market prices or rents in a municipality. (4) The maximum number of creditable market to affordable units shall be equal to no more than 10 for sale units and 10 rental units or a combined total of 10 percent of the fair share obligation, whichever is greater. (c) The units shall comply with the UHAC with the following exceptions: (1) Bedroom distribution (N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.3(b) and (c)); (2) Low/moderate income split (N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.3(a)); and

(3) Affordability average (N.J.A.C.- 5:80-26.3(d) and (e)); however: [a] The maximum rent for a moderate-income unit shall be affordable to households earning no more than 60 percent of median income and the maximum rent for a low-income unit shall be affordable to households earning no more than 44 percent of median income; and [b] The maximum sales price for a moderate-income unit shall be affordable to households earning no more than 70 percent of median income and the

7 maximum sales price for a low-income unit shall be affordable to households earning no more than 40 percent of median income. E. Alternative Living Arrangements

1. The administration of an alternative living arrangement shall be in compliance with the UHAC, with the following exceptions:

(a) Affirmative marketing (N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.15), provided, however, that the units or bedrooms may be affirmatively marketed by the provider in accordance with an alternative plan approved by the Court;

(b) Affordability average and bedroom distribution (N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.3).

2. With the exception of units established with capital funding through a 20-year operating contract with the Department of Human Services, Division of Developmental Disabilities, alternative living arrangements shall have at least 30-year controls on affordability in accordance with UHAC, unless an alternative commitment is approved by the Court.

3. The service provider for the alternative living arrangement shall act as the Administrative Agent for the purposes of administering the affirmative marketing and affordability requirements for the alternative living arrangement. F. Reserved G. Reserved H. Reserved I. Inclusionary Zoning 1. Phasing. In inclusionary developments the following schedule shall be followed: Maximum Percentage of Market-Rate Minimum Percentage of Low- and Units Completed Moderate-Income Units Completed 25 0 25+1 10 50 50 75 75 90 100 2. Design. In inclusionary developments, to the extent possible, low- and moderate-income units shall be integrated with the market units. 3. Payments-in-lieu and off-site construction. The standards for the collection of Payments- in-Lieu of constructing affordable units or standards for constructing affordable units off- site, shall be in accordance with the Fair Housing Act, the Declaratory Judgment and Settlement Agreement. 4. Utilities. Affordable units shall utilize the same type of heating source as market units within the affordable development.

8 J. New Construction The following general guidelines apply to all newly constructed developments that contain low-and moderate-income housing units, including any currently unanticipated future developments that will provide low- and moderate-income housing units. 1. Low/Moderate Split and Bedroom Distribution of Affordable Housing Units: (a) The fair share obligation shall be divided equally between low- and moderate- income units, except that where there is an odd number of affordable housing units, the extra unit shall be a low-income unit. (b) In each affordable development, at least 50 percent of the restricted units within each bedroom distribution shall be low-income units. (c) Affordable developments that are not age-restricted shall be structured in conjunction with realistic market demands such that: (1) The combined number of efficiency and one-bedroom units shall be no greater than 20 percent of the total low- and moderate-income units; (2) At least 30 percent of all low- and moderate-income units shall be two- bedroom units; (3) At least 20 percent of all low- and moderate-income units shall be three- bedroom units; and (4) The remaining units may be allocated among two- and three-bedroom units at the discretion of the developer. (d) Affordable developments that are age-restricted shall be structured such that the number of bedrooms shall equal the number of age-restricted low- and moderate- income units within the inclusionary development. The standard may be met by having all one-bedroom units or by having a two-bedroom unit for each efficiency unit. 2. Accessibility Requirements: (a) The first floor of all restricted townhouse dwelling units and all restricted units in all other multistory buildings shall be subject to the technical design standards of the Barrier Free Subcode, N.J.A.C. 5:23-7 (b) All restricted townhouse dwelling units and all restricted units in other multistory buildings in which a restricted dwelling unit is attached to at least one other dwelling unit shall have the following features: (1) An adaptable toilet and bathing facility on the first floor; (2) An adaptable kitchen on the first floor; (3) An interior accessible route of travel on the first floor; (4) An interior accessible route of travel shall not be required between stories within an individual unit; (5) An adaptable room that can be used as a bedroom, with a door or the casing for the installation of a door, on the first floor; and

9 (6) An accessible entranceway as set forth at P.L. 2005, c. 350 (N.J.S.A. 52:27D- 311a et seq.) and the Barrier Free Subcode, N.J.A.C. 5:23-7, or evidence that the Roxbury Township has collected funds from the developer sufficient to make 10 percent of the adaptable entrances in the development accessible: [a] Where a unit has been constructed with an adaptable entrance, upon the request of a disabled person who is purchasing or will reside in the dwelling unit, an accessible entrance shall be installed. [b] To this end, the builder of restricted units shall deposit funds within the Roxbury Township’s affordable housing trust fund sufficient to install accessible entrances in 10 percent of the affordable units that have been constructed with adaptable entrances. [c] The funds deposited under paragraph B. above shall be used by the Roxbury Township for the sole purpose of making the adaptable entrance of any affordable unit accessible when requested to do so by a person with a disability who occupies or intends to occupy the unit and requires an accessible entrance. [d] The developer of the restricted units shall submit a design plan and cost estimate for the conversion from adaptable to accessible entrances to the Construction Official of the Roxbury Township. [e] Once the Construction Official has determined that the design plan to convert the unit entrances from adaptable to accessible meet the requirements of the Barrier Free Subcode, N.J.A.C. 5:23-, and that the cost estimate of such conversion is reasonable, payment shall be made to the Roxbury’s affordable housing trust fund in care of the Municipal Treasurer who shall ensure that the funds are deposited into the affordable housing trust fund and appropriately earmarked. [f] Full compliance with the foregoing provisions shall not be required where an entity can demonstrate that it is site impracticable to meet the requirements. Determinations of site impracticability shall be in compliance with the Barrier Free Subcode, N.J.A.C. 5:23-7. 3. Maximum Rents and Sales Prices (a) In establishing rents and sales prices of affordable housing units, the Administrative Agent shall follow the procedures set forth in UHAC, utilizing the most recently published regional weighted average of the uncapped Section 8 income limits published by HUD and the calculation procedures set forth in the Consent Order entered on December 16, 2016, by the Honorable Douglas K. Wolfson, JSC, in In the Matter of the Township of East Brunswick for a Judgment of Compliance of its Third Round Housing Element and Fair Share Plan, Docket No.: MID-L-004013-15. (b) The maximum rent for restricted rental units within each affordable development shall be affordable to households earning no more than 60 percent of median income, and the average rent for restricted low- and moderate-income units shall be affordable to households earning no more than 52 percent of median income.

10 (c) The developers and/or municipal sponsors of restricted rental units shall establish at least one rent for each bedroom type for both low-income and moderate-income units, provided that at least 13 percent of all low- and moderate-income rental units shall be affordable to very low-income households, which very low-income units shall be part of the low-income requirement. (d) The maximum sales price of restricted ownership units within each affordable development shall be affordable to households earning no more than 70 percent of median income, and each affordable development must achieve an affordability average of 55 percent for restricted ownership units; in achieving this affordability average, moderate-income ownership units must be available for at least three different prices for each bedroom type, and low-income ownership units must be available for at least two different prices for each bedroom type. (e) In determining the initial sales prices and rents for compliance with the affordability average requirements for restricted units other than assisted living facilities, the following standards shall be used: (1) A studio shall be affordable to a one-person household; (2) A one-bedroom unit shall be affordable to a one and one-half person household; (3) A two-bedroom unit shall be affordable to a three-person household; (4) A three-bedroom unit shall be affordable to a four and one-half person household; and (5) A four-bedroom unit shall be affordable to a six-person household. (f) In determining the initial rents for compliance with the affordability average requirements for restricted units in assisted living facilities, the following standards shall be used: i. A studio shall be affordable to a one-person household; ii. A one-bedroom unit shall be affordable to a one and one-half person household; and iii. A two-bedroom unit shall be affordable to a two-person household or to two one-person households. (g) The initial purchase price for all restricted ownership units shall be calculated so that the monthly carrying cost of the unit, including principal and interest (based on a mortgage loan equal to 95 percent of the purchase price and the Federal Reserve H.15 rate of interest), taxes, homeowner and private mortgage insurance and condominium or homeowner association fees do not exceed 28 percent of the eligible monthly income of the appropriate size household as determined under N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.4, as may be amended and supplemented; provided, however, that the price shall be subject to the affordability average requirement of N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.3, as may be amended and supplemented.

11 (h) The initial rent for a restricted rental unit shall be calculated so as not to exceed 30 percent of the eligible monthly income of the appropriate household size as determined under N.J.A.C.- 5:80-26.4, as may be amended and supplemented; provided, however, that the rent shall be subject to the affordability average requirement of N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.3, as may be amended and supplemented. (i) The price of owner-occupied low- and moderate-income units may increase annually based on the percentage increase in the regional median income limit for each housing region. In no event shall the maximum resale price established by the administrative agent be lower than the last recorded purchase price. (j) The rent of low- and moderate-income units may be increased annually based on the percentage increase in the Housing Consumer Price Index for the . This increase shall not exceed nine percent in any one year. Rents for units constructed pursuant to low- income housing tax credit regulations shall be indexed pursuant to the regulations governing low- income housing tax credits. (4) Utilities

(a) Affordable units shall utilize the same type of heating source as market units within an inclusionary development.

(b) Tenant-paid utilities included in the utility allowance shall be set forth in the lease and shall be consistent with the utility allowance approved by the NJDCA for its Section 8 program. K. Affirmative Marketing Requirements 1. Roxbury Township shall adopt by resolution an Affirmative Marketing Plan, , compliant with N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.15, as may be amended and supplemented. 2. The affirmative marketing plan is a regional marketing strategy designed to attract buyers and/or renters of all majority and minority groups, regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, marital or familial status, gender, affectional or sexual orientation, disability, age or number of children to housing units which are being marketed by a developer, sponsor or owner of affordable housing. The affirmative marketing plan is also intended to target those potentially eligible persons who are least likely to apply for affordable units in that region. It is a continuing program that directs all marketing activities toward Housing Region 2 and covers the period of deed restriction. 3. The affirmative marketing plan shall provide a regional preference for all households that live and/or work in Housing Region 2 comprised of Morris, Essex, Union and Warren Counties. 4. The Administrative Agent designated by the Roxbury Township shall assure the affirmative marketing of all affordable units consistent with the Affirmative Marketing Plan for the municipality. 5. In implementing the affirmative marketing plan, the Administrative Agent shall provide a list of counseling services to low- and moderate-income applicants on subjects such as

12 budgeting, credit issues, mortgage qualification, rental lease requirements, and landlord/tenant law. 6. The affirmative marketing process for available affordable units shall begin at least four months prior to the expected date of occupancy. 7. The costs of advertising and affirmative marketing of the affordable units shall be the responsibility of the developer, sponsor or owner, unless otherwise determined or agreed to by Roxbury Township. 8. The affirmative marketing plan shall specifically notify the following community and regional organizations in advertisement for affordable housing: (a) Fair Share Housing Center, Cherry Hill. (b) NJ State Conference of the NAACP, Trenton. (c) The Morris County Chapter of the NAACP (d) The Newark NAACP (e) East Orange NAACP (f) Housing Partnership for Morris County (g) Community Access Unlimited, Inc. (h) Northwest New Jersey Community Action program, Inc. (NORWESCAP) (i) Homeless Solutions of Morristown (j) Latino Action Network, Freehold. (k) Supportive Housing Association, Cranford. L. Occupancy Standards 1. In referring certified households to specific restricted units, to the extent feasible, and without causing an undue delay in occupying the unit, the Administrative Agent shall strive to: (a) Provide an occupant for each bedroom; (b) Provide children of different sex with separate bedrooms; and (c) Prevent more than two persons from occupying a single bedroom. 2. Additional provisions related to occupancy standards (if any) shall be provided in the municipal Operating Manual. M. Control Periods for Restricted Ownership Units and Enforcement Mechanisms 1. Control periods for restricted ownership units shall be in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:80- 26.5, as may be amended and supplemented, and each restricted ownership unit shall remain subject to the requirements of this Ordinance until the Roxbury Township elects to release the unit from such requirements however, and prior to such an election, a restricted ownership unit must remain subject to the requirements of N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.1, as may be amended and supplemented, for at least 30 years. 2. The affordability control period for a restricted ownership unit shall commence on the date the initial certified household takes title to the unit. 3. Prior to the issuance of the initial certificate of occupancy for a restricted ownership unit and upon each successive sale during the period of restricted ownership, the

13 administrative agent shall determine the restricted price for the unit and shall also determine the non-restricted, fair market value of the unit based on either an appraisal or the unit’s equalized assessed value. 4. At the time of the first sale of the unit, the purchaser shall execute and deliver to the Administrative Agent a recapture note obligating the purchaser (as well as the purchaser’s heirs, successors and assigns) to repay, upon the first non-exempt sale after the unit’s release from the requirements of this Ordinance, an amount equal to the difference between the unit’s non-restricted fair market value and its restricted price, and the recapture note shall be secured by a recapture lien evidenced by a duly recorded mortgage on the unit. 5. The affordability controls set forth in this Ordinance shall remain in effect despite the entry and enforcement of any judgment of foreclosure with respect to restricted ownership units. 6. A restricted ownership unit shall be required to obtain a Continuing Certificate of Occupancy or a certified statement from the Construction Official stating that the unit meets all code standards upon the first transfer of title that follows the expiration of the applicable minimum control period provided under N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.5(a), as may be amended and supplemented. N. Price Restrictions for Restricted Ownership Units, Homeowner Association Fees and Resale Prices Price restrictions for restricted ownership units shall be in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:80- 26.1, as may be amended and supplemented, including: 1. The initial purchase price for a restricted ownership unit shall be approved by the Administrative Agent. 2. The Administrative Agent shall approve all resale prices, in writing and in advance of the resale, to assure compliance with the foregoing standards. 3. The method used to determine the condominium association fee amounts and special assessments shall be indistinguishable between the low- and moderate-income unit owners and the market unit owners. 4. The owners of restricted ownership units may apply to the Administrative Agent to increase the maximum sales price for the unit on the basis of capital improvements. Eligible capital improvements shall be those that render the unit suitable for a larger household or the addition of a bathroom. O. Buyer Income Eligibility 1. Buyer income eligibility for restricted ownership units shall be in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.1, as may be amended and supplemented, such that low-income ownership units shall be reserved for households with a gross household income less than or equal to 50 percent of median income and moderate-income ownership units shall be reserved for households with a gross household income less than 80 percent of median income.

14 2. The Administrative Agent shall certify a household as eligible for a restricted ownership unit when the household is a low-income household or a moderate-income household, as applicable to the unit, and the estimated monthly housing cost for the particular unit (including principal, interest, taxes, homeowner and private mortgage insurance and condominium or homeowner association fees, as applicable) does not exceed 33 percent of the household’s certified monthly income. P. Limitations on indebtedness secured by ownership unit; subordination 1. Prior to incurring any indebtedness to be secured by a restricted ownership unit, the administrative agent shall determine in writing that the proposed indebtedness complies with the provisions of this section. 2. With the exception of original purchase money mortgages, during a control period neither an owner nor a lender shall at any time cause or permit the total indebtedness secured by a restricted ownership unit to exceed 95 percent of the maximum allowable resale price of that unit, as such price is determined by the administrative agent in accordance with N.J.A.C.5:80-26.6(b). Q. Control Periods for Restricted Rental Units 1. Control periods for restricted rental units shall be in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:80- 26.11, as may be amended and supplemented, and each restricted rental unit shall remain subject to the requirements of this Ordinance until the Roxbury Township elects to release the unit from such requirements pursuant to action taken in compliance with N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.1, as may be amended and supplemented, and prior to such an election, a restricted rental unit must remain subject to the requirements of N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.1, as may be amended and supplemented, for at least 30 years. 2. Deeds of all real property that include restricted rental units shall contain deed restriction language. The deed restriction shall have priority over all mortgages on the property, and the deed restriction shall be filed by the developer or seller with the records office of the County of Morris. A copy of the filed document shall be provided to the Administrative Agent within 30 days of the receipt of a Certificate of Occupancy. 3. A restricted rental unit shall remain subject to the affordability controls of this Ordinance, despite the occurrence of any of the following events: (a) Sublease or assignment of the lease of the unit; (b) Sale or other voluntary transfer of the ownership of the unit; or (c) The entry and enforcement of any judgment of foreclosure. R. Price Restrictions for Rental Units; Leases 1. A written lease shall be required for all restricted rental units, except for units in an assisted living residence, and tenants shall be responsible for security deposits and the full amount of the rent as stated on the lease. A copy of the current lease for each restricted rental unit shall be provided to the Administrative Agent. 2. No additional fees or charges shall be added to the approved rent (except, in the case of units in an assisted living residence, to cover the customary charges for food and services) without the express written approval of the Administrative Agent.

15 3. Application fees (including the charge for any credit check) shall not exceed five percent of the monthly rent of the applicable restricted unit and shall be payable to the Administrative Agent to be applied to the costs of administering the controls applicable to the unit as set forth in this Ordinance. S. Tenant Income Eligibility 1. Tenant income eligibility shall be in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.13, as may be amended and supplemented, and shall be determined as follows: (a) Very low-income rental units shall be reserved for households with a gross household income less than or equal to 30 percent of median income. (b) Low-income rental units shall be reserved for households with a gross household income less than or equal to 50 percent of median income. (c) Moderate-income rental units shall be reserved for households with a gross household income less than 80 percent of median income. 2. The Administrative Agent shall certify a household as eligible for a restricted rental unit when the household is a very low-income, low-income household or a moderate-income household, as applicable to the unit, and the rent proposed for the unit does not exceed 35 percent (40 percent for age-restricted units) of the household’s eligible monthly income as determined pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.16, as may be amended and supplemented; provided, however, that this limit may be exceeded if one or more of the following circumstances exists: (a) The household currently pays more than 35 percent (40 percent for households eligible for age-restricted units) of its gross household income for rent, and the proposed rent will reduce its housing costs; (b) The household has consistently paid more than 35 percent (40 percent for households eligible for age-restricted units) of eligible monthly income for rent in the past and has proven its ability to pay; (c) The household is currently in substandard or overcrowded living conditions; (d) The household documents the existence of assets with which the household proposes to supplement the rent payments; or (e) The household documents proposed third-party assistance from an outside source such as a family member in a form acceptable to the Administrative Agent and the owner of the unit. 3. The applicant shall file documentation sufficient to establish the existence of the circumstances in (b)1 through 5 above with the Administrative Agent, who shall counsel the household on budgeting. T. Administration 1. The position of Municipal Housing Liaison (MHL) for Roxbury Township is established by this ordinance. The Township Council shall make the actual appointment of the MHL by means of a resolution. (a) The MHL must be either a full-time or part-time employee of Roxbury Township.

16 (b) The Municipal Housing Liaison shall be responsible for oversight and administration of the affordable housing program for the Roxbury Township, including the following responsibilities which may not be contracted out to the Administrative Agent: (1) Serving as the municipality’s primary point of contact for all inquiries from the State, affordable housing providers, Administrative Agents and interested households; (2) The implementation of the Affirmative Marketing Plan and affordability controls. (3) When applicable, supervising any contracting Administrative Agent. (4) Monitoring the status of all restricted units in the Roxbury Township’s Fair Share Plan; (5) Compiling, verifying and submitting annual reports as may be required; (6) Coordinating meetings with affordable housing providers and Administrative Agents, as applicable; and (7) Attending continuing education opportunities on affordability controls, compliance monitoring and affirmative marketing at least annually and more often as needed. 2. The Roxbury Township shall designate by resolution of the Township Council one or more Administrative Agents to administer newly constructed affordable units in accordance with the UHAC. 3. An Operating Manual shall be provided by the Administrative Agent(s) to be adopted by resolution of the governing body. The Operating Manuals shall be available for public inspection in the Office of the Municipal Clerk and in the office(s) of the Administrative Agent(s). 4. The Administrative Agent shall perform the duties and responsibilities of an administrative agent as are set forth in UHAC and which are described in full detail in the Operating Manual, including those set forth in N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.14, 16 and 18 thereof, which includes: (a) Attending continuing education opportunities on affordability controls, compliance monitoring, and affirmative marketing as may be required and offered; (b) Affirmative Marketing; (c) Household Certification; (d) Affordability Controls; (e) Records retention; (f) Resale and re-rental; (g) Processing requests from unit owners; and 5. Enforcement, though the ultimate responsibility for retaining controls on the units rests with the municipality.

17 6. The Administrative Agent shall have authority to take all actions necessary and appropriate to carry out its responsibilities, hereunder.

U. Enforcement of Affordable Housing Regulations 1. Upon the occurrence of a breach of any of the regulations governing the affordable unit by an Owner, Developer or Tenant the municipality shall have all remedies provided at law or equity, including but not limited to foreclosure, tenant eviction, municipal fines, a requirement for household recertification, acceleration of all sums due under a mortgage, recoupment of any funds from a sale in the violation of the regulations, injunctive relief to prevent further violation of the regulations, entry on the premises, and specific performance. 2. After providing written notice of a violation to an Owner, Developer or Tenant of a low- or moderate-income unit and advising the Owner, Developer or Tenant of the penalties for such violations, the municipality may take the following action against the Owner, Developer or Tenant for any violation that remains uncured for a period of 60 days after service of the written notice: (a) The municipality may file a court action pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2A:58-11 alleging a violation, or violations, of the regulations governing the affordable housing unit. If the Owner, Developer or Tenant is found by the court to have violated any provision of the regulations governing affordable housing units the Owner, Developer or Tenant shall be subject to one or more of the following penalties, at the discretion of the court: (1) A fine of not more than one thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($1,250.00) or imprisonment for a period not to exceed 90 days, or both. Each and every day that the violation continues or exists shall be considered a separate and specific violation of these provisions and not as a continuing offense; (2) In the case of an Owner who has rented his or her low- or moderate-income unit in violation of the regulations governing affordable housing units, payment into the Roxbury Township Affordable Housing Trust Fund of the gross amount of rent illegally collected; (3) In the case of an Owner who has rented his or her low- or moderate-income unit in violation of the regulations governing affordable housing units, payment of an innocent tenant's reasonable relocation costs, as determined by the court. (b) The municipality may file a court action in the Superior Court seeking a judgment, which would result in the termination of the Owner's equity or other interest in the unit, in the nature of a mortgage foreclosure. Any judgment shall be enforceable as if the same were a judgment of default of the First Purchase Money Mortgage and shall constitute a lien against the low- and moderate-income unit. 3. Such judgment shall be enforceable, at the option of the municipality, by means of an execution sale by the Sheriff, at which time the low- and moderate-income unit of the violating Owner shall be sold at a sale price which is not less than the amount necessary to fully satisfy and pay off any First Purchase Money Mortgage and prior liens and the costs of the enforcement proceedings incurred by the municipality, including attorney's

18 fees. The violating Owner shall have the right to possession terminated as well as the title conveyed pursuant to the Sheriff's sale. 4. The proceeds of the Sheriff's sale shall first be applied to satisfy the First Purchase Money Mortgage lien and any prior liens upon the low- and moderate-income unit. The excess, if any, shall be applied to reimburse the municipality for any and all costs and expenses incurred in connection with either the court action resulting in the judgment of violation or the Sheriff's sale. In the event that the proceeds from the Sheriff's sale are insufficient to reimburse the municipality in full as aforesaid, the violating Owner shall be personally responsible for and to the extent of such deficiency, in addition to any and all costs incurred by the municipality in connection with collecting such deficiency. In the event that a surplus remains after satisfying all of the above, such surplus, if any, shall be placed in escrow by the municipality for the Owner and shall be held in such escrow for a maximum period of two years or until such earlier time as the Owner shall make a claim with the municipality for such. Failure of the Owner to claim such balance within the two-year period shall automatically result in a forfeiture of such balance to the municipality. Any interest accrued or earned on such balance while being held in escrow shall belong to and shall be paid to the municipality, whether such balance shall be paid to the Owner or forfeited to the municipality. 5. Foreclosure by the municipality due to violation of the regulations governing affordable housing units shall not extinguish the restrictions of the regulations governing affordable housing units as the same apply to the low- and moderate-income unit. Title shall be conveyed to the purchaser at the Sheriff's sale, subject to the restrictions and provisions of the regulations governing the affordable housing unit. The Owner determined to be in violation of the provisions of this plan and from whom title and possession were taken by means of the Sheriff's sale shall not be entitled to any right of redemption. 6. If there are no bidders at the Sheriff's sale, or if insufficient amounts are bid to satisfy the First Purchase Money Mortgage and any prior liens, the municipality may acquire title to the low- and moderate-income unit by satisfying the First Purchase Money Mortgage and any prior liens and crediting the violating owner with an amount equal to the difference between the First Purchase Money Mortgage and any prior liens and costs of the enforcement proceedings, including legal fees and the maximum resale price for which the low- and moderate-income unit could have been sold under the terms of the regulations governing affordable housing units. This excess shall be treated in the same manner as the excess which would have been realized from an actual sale as previously described. 7. Failure of the low- and moderate-income unit to be either sold at the Sheriff's sale or acquired by the municipality shall obligate the Owner to accept an offer to purchase from any qualified purchaser which may be referred to the Owner by the municipality, with such offer to purchase being equal to the maximum resale price of the low- and moderate-income unit as permitted by the regulations governing affordable housing units. 8. The Owner shall remain fully obligated, responsible and liable for complying with the terms and restrictions of governing affordable housing units until such time as title is conveyed from the Owner.

19 V. Appeals Appeals from all decisions of an Administrative Agent appointed pursuant to this Ordinance shall be filed in writing with the Court.

Section 2. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances inconsistent herewith are repealed as to such inconsistencies.

Section 3. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof.

Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon passage and publication as provided by law.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced in writing at a meeting of the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury, County of Morris and State of New Jersey, held on the 9th day of February, 2021, introduced and read by title and passed on the first reading and that the said Governing Body will further consider the same for second reading and final passage thereon at a meeting to be held on the 23rd day of February, 2021, at 7:30 p.m., prevailing time, at the Municipal Building in said Township, at which time and place a public hearing will be held thereon by the Governing Body and all persons and citizens in interest shall have an opportunity to be heard concerning same.

INTRODUCED: February 09, 2021 ADOPTED:



20 ORDINANCE NO. 03-21


WHEREAS, the Township of Roxbury has filed a Declaratory Judgment Action in the Superior Court of New Jersey, Morris County, in furtherance of the Supreme Court’s March 10, 2015, decision captioned In re Adoption of N.J.A.C. 5:96 & 5:97 by N.J. Council on Affordable Housing, 221 N.J. 1 (2015) (the “Supreme Court Decision”); and

WHEREAS, one of those conditions for the Township complying with the requirements to obtain a judgment of compliance in the Action was that the Township amend its Development Fee Ordinance in accordance with recommendations from the Special Master assigned to the Township’s Declaratory Judgment Action.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury, Morris County, New Jersey, as follows:

Section 1. Chapter 13, Article VII the Code of the Township of Roxbury, Section 13-7.829, entitled “Mandatory Development Fees”, is hereby amended to read, in its entirety, as follows:

Ҥ 13-7.829 Mandatory Development Fees.

A. Purpose.

1. In Holmdel Builder's Association v. Holmdel Township, 121 N.J. 550 (1990), the New Jersey Supreme Court determined that mandatory development fees are authorized by the Fair Housing Act of 1985 (the Act), N.J.S.A. 52:27D-301 et seq., and the State Constitution, subject to the Council on Affordable Housing's (COAH's) adoption of rules.

2. Pursuant to P.L.2008, c.46 section 8 (N.J.S.A. 52:27D-329.2) and the Statewide Non-residential Development Fee Act (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-8.1 through 8.7), COAH was authorized to adopt and promulgate regulations necessary for the establishment, implementation, review, monitoring and enforcement of municipal affordable housing trust funds and corresponding spending plans. Municipalities that are under the jurisdiction of the Council or court of competent jurisdiction and have a COAH-approved spending plan may retain fees collected from nonresidential development.

3. In Re Adoption of N.J.A.C. 5:96 and 5:97 by COAH, 221 N.J. 1 (2015) (“Mount Laurel IV”), the Supreme Court remanded COAH’s duties to the Superior Court. As a result, affordable housing development fee collections and expenditures from municipal affordable housing trust funds to implement municipal Third Round Fair Share Plans through July 7, 2025 are under the Court’s jurisdiction and are subject to approval by the Court.

4. This article establishes standards for the collection, maintenance, and expenditure of development fees pursuant to COAH's prior regulations and in accordance P.L.2008, c.46, §§ 8 and 32-38. Fees collected pursuant to this article shall be used for the sole purpose of providing low- and moderate-income housing. This article shall be interpreted within the framework of COAH's rules on development fees, as were codified at N.J.A.C. 5:97-8.

B. Definitions. The following terms, as used in this ordinance, shall have the following meanings:

AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT shall mean a development included in the Housing Element and Fair Share Plan, and includes, but is not limited to, an inclusionary development, a municipal construction project or a one hundred (100%) percent affordable development.

COAH OR THE COUNCIL shall mean the New Jersey Council on Affordable Housing established under the Act which has primary jurisdiction for the administration of housing obligations in accordance with sound regional planning consideration in the State. DEVELOPMENT FEE shall mean money paid by a developer for the improvement of property as permitted in N.J.A.C. 5:97-8.3.

DEVELOPER shall mean the legal or beneficial owner or owners of a lot or of any land proposed to be included in a proposed development, including the holder of an option or contract to purchase, or other person having an enforceable proprietary interest in such land.

EQUALIZED ASSESSED VALUE shall mean the assessed value of a property divided by the current average ratio of assessed to true value for the municipality in which the property is situated, as determined in accordance with sections 1, 5, and 6 of P.L. 1973, c. 123 (C. 54:1-35a through C. 54:1-35c).

GREEN BUILDING STRATEGIES shall mean those strategies that minimize the impact of development on the environment, and enhance the health, safety and well-being of residents by producing durable, low-maintenance, resource-efficient housing while making optimum use of existing infrastructure and community services.

C. Residential Development Fees.

1. Imposed fees.

(a) Within all zoning district(s), residential developers, except for developers of the types of development specifically exempted below, shall pay a fee of one and one-half (1 1/2%) percent of the equalized assessed value for residential development provided no increased density is permitted.

(b) When an increase in residential density pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70d(5) (known as a "d" variance) has been permitted, developers may be required to pay a development fee of six (6%) percent of the equalized assessed value for each additional unit that may be realized. However, if the zoning on a site has changed during the two-year period preceding the filing of such a variance application, the base density for the purposes of calculating the bonus development fee shall be the highest density permitted by right during the two-year period preceding the filing of the variance application. Example: If an approval allows four units to be constructed on a site that was zoned for two (2) units, the fees could equal one (1%) percent of the equalized assessed value on the first two (2) units; and the specified higher percentage up to six (6%) percent of the equalized assessed value for the two (2) additional units, provided zoning on the site has not changed during the two-year period preceding the filing of such a variance application.

2. Eligible exactions, ineligible exactions and exemptions for residential development.

(a) Affordable housing developments and developments where the developer has made a payment in lieu of on-site construction of affordable units shall be exempt from development fees.

(b) Developments that have received preliminary or final site plan approval prior to the adoption of a municipal development fee ordinance shall be exempt from development fees, unless the developer seeks a substantial change in the approval. Where a site plan approval does not apply, a zoning and/or building permit shall be synonymous with preliminary or final site plan approval for this purpose. The fee percentage shall be vested on the date that the building permit is issued.

(c) Development fees shall be imposed and collected when an existing structure undergoes a change to a more intense use, is demolished and replaced, or is expanded, if the expansion is not otherwise exempt from the development fee requirement. The development fee shall be calculated on the increase in the equalized assessed value of the improved structure.

(d) Single-family additions less than one thousand (1,000) square feet shall be exempt from paying a development fee.

(e) Developers of residential structures demolished and replaced as a result of a fire, flood or natural disaster shall be exempt from paying a development fee

D. Nonresidential Development Fees.

1. Imposed fees.

(a) Within all zoning districts, nonresidential developers, except for developers of the types of development specifically exempted by this section or by the New Jersey Economic Stimulus Act of 2009, shall pay a fee equal to two and one-half (2.5%) percent of the equalized assessed value of the land and improvements, for all new nonresidential construction on an unimproved lot or lots.

(b) Nonresidential developers, except for developers of the types of development specifically exempted by this section or by the New Jersey Economic Stimulus Act of 2009, shall also pay a fee equal to two and one-half (2.5%) percent of the increase in equalized assessed value resulting from any additions to existing structures to be used for nonresidential purposes.

(c) Development fees shall be imposed and collected when an existing structure is demolished and replaced. The development fee of two and one-half (2.5%) percent shall be calculated on the difference between the equalized assessed value of the pre-existing land and improvement and the equalized assessed value of the newly improved structure, i.e. land and improvement, at the time final certificate of occupancy is issued. If the calculation required under this section results in a negative number, the nonresidential development fee shall be zero.

2. Eligible exactions, ineligible exactions, and exemptions for non-residential development.

(a) The nonresidential portion of a mixed-use inclusionary or market rate development shall be subject to the two and one-half (2.5%) percent development fee, unless otherwise exempted below. (b) The two and one-half (2.5%) percent fee shall not apply to an increase in equalized assessed value resulting from alterations, change in use within existing footprint, reconstruction, renovations and repairs.

(c) Nonresidential developments shall be exempt from the payment of nonresidential development fees in accordance with the exemptions required pursuant to P.L. 2008, c. 46, as specified in the Form N-RDF "State of New Jersey Non-Residential Development Certification/Exemption" Form. Any exemption claimed by a developer shall be substantiated by that developer.

(d) A developer of a nonresidential development exempted from the nonresidential development fee pursuant to P.L. 2008, c. 46 shall be subject to it at such time the basis for the exemption no longer applies, and shall make the payment of the nonresidential development fee, in that event, within three (3) years after that event or after the issuance of the final Certificate of Occupancy of the nonresidential development, whichever is later. (e) If a property which was exempted from the collection of a non-residential development fee thereafter ceases to be exempt from property taxation, the owner of the property shall remit the fees required pursuant to this section within forty-five (45) days of the termination of the property tax exemption. Unpaid nonresidential development fees under these circumstances may be enforceable by Roxbury as a lien against the real property of the owner.

E. Collection Procedures.

1. Upon the granting of a preliminary, final or other applicable approval, for a development, the applicable approving authority shall direct its staff to notify the construction official responsible for the issuance of a building permit.

2. For nonresidential developments only, the developer shall also be provided with a copy of Form N-RDF "State of New Jersey Non-Residential Development Certification/Exemption" to be completed as per the instructions provided. The Developer of a nonresidential development shall complete Form N-RDF as per the instructions provided. The Construction Official shall verify the information submitted by the non-residential developer as per the instructions provided in the Form N-RDF. The tax assessor shall verify exemptions and prepare estimated and final assessments as per the instructions provided in Form N-RDF.

3. The Construction Official responsible for the issuance of a building permit shall notify the tax assessor of the issuance of the first building permit for a development that is subject to a development fee.

4. Within ninety (90) days of receipt of that notice, the Municipal Tax Assessor, based on the plans filed, shall provide an estimate of the equalized assessed value of the development.

5. The Construction Official responsible for the issuance of a final Certificate of Occupancy notifies the Assessor of any and all requests for the scheduling of a final inspection on property that is subject to a development fee.

6. Within ten (10) business days of a request for the scheduling of a final inspection, the Assessor shall confirm or modify the previously estimated equalized assessed value of the improvements of the development; calculate the development fee; and thereafter notify the developer of the amount of the fee.

7. Should the Assessor fail to determine or notify the developer of the amount of the development fee within ten (10) business days of the request for final inspection, the developer may estimate the amount due and pay that estimated amount consistent with the dispute process set forth in subsection b. of section 37 of P.L. 2008, c. 46 (C. 40:55D- 8.6).

8. Fifty (50%) percent of the development fee shall be collected at the time of issuance of the building permit. The remaining portion shall be collected at the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. The developer shall be responsible for paying the difference between the fee calculated at building permit and that determined at issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. No Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued to the developer until all remaining developer fees have been paid in full.

9. Appeal of development fees.

(a) A developer may challenge residential development fees imposed by filing a challenge with the County Board of Taxation. Pending a review and determination by the Board, collected fees shall be placed in an interest-bearing escrow account by Roxbury. Appeals from a determination of the Board may be made to the tax court in accordance with the provisions of the State Tax Uniform Procedure Law, R.S. 54:48-1 et seq., within ninety (90) days after the date of such determination. Interest earned on amounts escrowed shall be credited to the prevailing party.

(b) A developer may challenge nonresidential development fees imposed by filing a challenge with the Director of the Division of Taxation. Pending a review and determination by the Director, which shall be made within forty-five (45) days of receipt of the challenge, collected fees shall be placed in an interest-bearing escrow account by Roxbury. Appeals from a determination of the Director may be made to the tax court in accordance with the provisions of the State Tax Uniform Procedure Law, R.S. 54:48-1 et seq., within ninety (90) days after the date of such determination. Interest earned on amounts escrowed shall be credited to the prevailing party.

F. Affordable Housing Trust Fund.

1. There is hereby created a separate, interest-bearing housing trust fund to be maintained by the Chief Financial Officer for the purpose of depositing development fees collected from residential and non-residential developers and proceeds from the sale of units with extinguished controls.

2. The following additional funds shall be deposited in the Affordable Housing Trust Fund and shall at all times be identifiable by source and amount payments in lieu of on-site construction of affordable units; developer contributed funds to make ten (10%) percent of the adaptable entrances in a townhouse or other multistory attached development accessible rental income from municipally operated units; repayments from affordable housing program loans; recapture funds; proceeds from the sale of affordable units; and any other funds collected in connection with Roxbury's affordable housing program.

3. The Township previously provided COAH with written authorization, in the form of a three-party escrow agreement between the Township, a bank, COAH, to permit COAH to direct the disbursement of the funds as provided for in N.J.A.C. 5:93-8. The Superior Court shall now have jurisdiction to direct the disbursement of the Township’s trust funds.

4. All interest accrued in the Housing Trust Fund shall only be used on eligible affordable housing activities approved by COAH or a court of competent jurisdiction.

G. Use of Funds.

1. The expenditure of all funds shall conform to a spending plan approved by COAH or a court of competent jurisdiction. Funds deposited in the Housing Trust Fund may be used for any activity approved by COAH or a court of competent jurisdiction to address Roxbury's fair share obligation and may be set up as a grant or revolving loan program. Such activities include, but are not limited to: preservation or purchase of housing for the purpose of maintaining or implementing affordability controls, rehabilitation, new construction of affordable housing units and related costs, accessory apartment, market to affordable, or regional housing partnership programs, conversion of existing nonresidential buildings to create new affordable units, green building strategies designed to be cost saving and in accordance with accepted national or State standards, purchase of land for affordable housing, improvement of land to be used for affordable housing, extensions or improvements of roads and infrastructure to affordable housing sites, financial assistance designed to increase affordability, administration necessary for implementation of the Housing Element and Fair Share Plan, or any other activity as permitted pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:97-8.7 through 8.9 and specified in the approved spending plan.

2. Funds shall not be expended to reimburse Roxbury for past housing activities.

3. At least thirty (30%) percent of all development fees collected and interest earned shall be used to provide affordability assistance to low- and moderate-income households in affordable units included in the municipal Fair Share Plan. One- third (1/3) of the affordability assistance portion of development fees collected shall be used to provide affordability assistance to those households earning thirty (30%) percent or less of median income by region.

(a) Affordability assistance programs may include down payment assistance, security deposit assistance, low interest loans, rental assistance, assistance with homeowner’s association or condominium fees and special assessments, and assistance with emergency repairs.

(b) Affordability assistance to households earning thirty (30%) percent or less of median income may include buying down the cost of low- or moderate- income units in the municipal Fair Share Plan to make them affordable to households earning thirty (30%) percent or less of median income. The use of development fees in this manner shall entitle Roxbury to bonus credits pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:97-3.7.

(c) Payments in lieu of constructing affordable units on site and funds from the sale of units with extinguished controls shall be exempt from the affordability assistance requirement.

(d) Roxbury may contract with a private or public entity to administer any part of its Housing Element and Fair Share Plan, including the requirement for affordability assistance, in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:96-18.

(e) No more than twenty (20%) percent of all revenues collected from development fees, may be expended on administration, including, but not limited to, salaries and benefits for municipal employees or consultant fees necessary to develop or implement a new construction program, a Housing Element and Fair Share Plan, and/or an affirmative marketing program. In the case of a rehabilitation program, no more than twenty (20%) percent of the revenues collected from development fees shall be expended for such administrative expenses. Administrative funds may be used for income qualification of households, monitoring the turnover of sale and rental units, and compliance with monitoring requirements as set forth in the Court- approved Settlement Agreement with Fair Share Housing Center dated April 16, 2020. Legal or other fees related to litigation opposing affordable housing sites or objecting to the Council's regulations and/or action are not eligible uses of the affordable housing trust fund.

H. Monitoring.

On or about April 16 of each year through 2025, the Township shall provide annual reporting of trust fund activity to the DCA, COAH, or NJLGS, or other entity designated by the State of New Jersey, with a copy provided to Fair Share Housing Center and posted on the municipal website. This reporting shall include an accounting of all housing trust fund activity, including the collection of development fees from residential and nonresidential developers, payments in lieu of constructing affordable units on site, funds from the sale of units with extinguished controls, barrier free escrow funds, rental income, repayments from affordable housing program loans, and any other funds collected in connection with Roxbury's housing program, as well as to the expenditure of revenues and implementation of the plan approved by COAH or a court of competent jurisdiction. All monitoring reports shall be completed on forms designed by COAH or other entity designated by the State of New Jersey.

I. Ongoing Collection of Fees.

The ability of Roxbury to impose, collect and expend development fees shall expire with its Court-issued Judgment of Compliance and Repose unless Roxbury has (1) filed an adopted Housing Element and Fair Share Plan with COAH, a court of competent jurisdiction or other entity designated by the State of New Jersey; (2) has petitioned for substantive certification, or filed a declaratory judgment action; (3) and has received COAH's or a court of competent jurisdiction’s approval of its development fee ordinance. If Roxbury fails to renew its ability to impose and collect development fees prior to the expiration substantive certification, it may be subject to forfeiture of any or all funds remaining within its municipal trust fund. Any funds so forfeited shall be deposited into the "New Jersey Affordable Housing Trust Fund" established pursuant to section 20 of P.L. 1985, c. 222 (C. 52:27D-320). Roxbury shall not impose a residential development fee on a development that receives preliminary or final site plan approval after the expiration of its judgment of compliance; nor shall Roxbury retroactively impose a development fee on such a development. Roxbury shall not expend development fees after the expiration of its judgment of compliance.”

SECTION 2. This ordinance may be renumbered for codification purposes.

SECTION 3. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances inconsistent herewith are repealed as to such inconsistencies. SECTION 4. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effectupon passage and publication as provided by law.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced in writing at a meeting of the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury, County of Morris and State of New Jersey, held on the 9th day of February, 2021, introduced and read by title and passed on the first reading and that the said Governing Body will further consider the same for second reading and final passage thereon at a meeting to be held on the 23rd day of February, 2021, at 7:30 p.m., prevailing time, at the Municipal Building in said Township, at which time and place a public hearing will be held thereon by the Governing Body and all persons and citizens in interest shall have an opportunity to be heard concerning same.

INTRODUCED: February 09, 2021 ADOPTED:




2021-042, 2021-043, 2021-044, 2021-045

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury, Morris County, New Jersey that the above numbered resolutions listed on the Regular Council Meeting Agenda for this date, are incorporated by reference herein as if fullyset forth atlength and are hereby approved asto eachresolution.

ADOPTED: February9, 2021

Attest: <.2-td ~~ ead,RMC To p Clerk · RESOLUTION NO. 2021-042


WHEREAS, the Township of Roxbury wishes to contract for the collection of solid waste and recyclable materials; and

WHEREAS, on October 6, 2020, the Township advertised for the solicitation of bids for Solid Waste and Recyclable Materials Collection Services; and

WHEREAS, the Township on December 8, 2020 received (1) one bid for said services; and

WHEREAS, Blue Diamond Disposal, Inc. provided the lowest responsible and responsive bid to provide said services; and

WHEREAS, the bids were reviewed by the Director of Public Works, the Purchasing agent and the Township Manager, with a recommendation to award the bid for (5) five years to Blue Diamond Disposal, Inc. in accordance with the bid proposal dated December 8, 2020; and

WHEREAS, the Chief Financial Officer has certified that funds are available for this purpose in Sanitation Department Operating Budget pending the adoption of the 2021 budget.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury, in the County of Morris and State of New Jersey, as follows:

1. The contract for Solid Waste and Recyclable Materials Collection Services is hereby awarded to Blue Diamond Disposal, Inc., in accordance with the Bid Proposal dated December 8, 2020 for a term of (5) five years commencing April 1, 2021 and ending March 31, 2026 for an amount not to exceed $13,225,800 over the term of the contract (yearly amounts below).

Year 1 $2,491,200.00 2 $2,565,600.00 3 $2,643,000.00 4 $2,722,200.00 5 $2,803,800.00

2. The Mayor and Township Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract with Blue Diamond Disposal, Inc. 3. A certified copy of this resolution, notification of award and the associated contract will be forwarded to Blue Diamond Disposal, Inc., upon adoption of this resolution, by the Purchasing Agent. 4. Any and all municipal officials are hereby authorized and directed to take whatever actions may be necessary to implement the terms of this resolution.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Township Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to provide (2) certified copies of this resolution to the Purchasing Agent, a copy to the Director of Public Works and the Chief Financial Officer.

ADOPTED: February 9, 2021


VW/Finance TOWNSHIP OF ROXBURY 1715 Route 46 Ledgewood, NJ 07852


I, Lisa A. Spring, CFO of the Township of Roxbury, do hereby certify as follows:

1. I have examined the capital/current accounts of the Township of Roxbury in order to determine if sufficient funds are available for: Solid Waste and Recyclable Materials and Collection Services

2. The projected cost of which is: $2,491,200.00 April-December@ 207,600.00lmonth

3. I have determined that such funds as are necessary are available in the following accounts:

Ord.# Description Amount Balance Account Charged NIA Contracted Services $2,491,200.00 NIA 1-01-26- 307-202

4. I have determined that the above-described expenditures may be authorized by the Township Council against the aforesaid accounts in the amounts specified in each.

Now therefore, based on the foregoing, I do hereby certify that adequate funds will be available for the purposes and in the line item amounts specified above, upon the adoption of the 2021 Sanitation Operating Budget.

Date RESOLUTION NO. 2021-043


WHEREAS, the Township of Roxbury solicited bids for the Horseshoe Lake Dock Replacement Project; and

WHEREAS, on January 28, 2021 the Township received three (3) bids forsaid work; and

WHEREAS, T. R. Weniger, Inc. submitted the lowest responsible and responsive bid in an amount not to exceed $129,900.00; and

WHEREAS, the Purchasing Agent and Director of Public Works recommends the award of a contract to T. R. Weniger, Inc. for the amount specifiedin the bid proposal dated January 28, 2021; and

WHEREAS, the Chief Financial Officerhas certifiedthat the funds are available forthis purposein Capital Ordinance No. 07-20.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Council, of the Township of Roxbury, in the County of Morris and State of New Jersey, as follows: 1. A contract is hereby awarded to T. R. Weniger, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $129,900.00 based on the bid proposal dated January 28, 2021. 2. The Mayor and Township Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract in accordance with the bid proposal dated January 28, 2021. 3. Any and all municipal officials are hereby authorized to take whatever actions may be necessary to implement the terms of this resolution. 4. A certified copy of this resolution, notification of award and the associated contract will be forwardedto T. R. Weniger, Inc. by the Purchasing Agent. 5. This Resolution shall take effectimmediately.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Township Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to provide (2) certified copies of this resolution to the Purchasing Agent, a copy to the Director of Public Works and the Chief Financial Officer.

ADOPTED: February 9, 2021


VW/Purchasing TOWNSHIP OF ROXBURY 1715 Route 46 Ledgewood, NJ 07852


I, Lisa A. Spring, CFO of the Township of Roxbury, do hereby certify as follows:

1. I have examined the capital/current accounts of the Township of Roxbury in order to determine if sufficient fundsare available for: Replacement and Reconstruction of the Fixed Dock located at the Horseshoe Lake Recreation Complex Beach

2. The projected cost of which is: $129,900.00

3. I have determined that such funds as are necessary are available in the following accounts:

Ord.# Description Amount Balance Account Charged 07-20 Swim Docks HSL $129,900.00 $141,388.49 G-20-55-007- I I I I I 803 I

4. I have determined that the above-described expenditures may be authorized by the Township Council against the aforesaid accounts in the amounts specified in each.

Now therefore,based on the foregoing, I do hereby certifythat adequate fundsare currently available for the purposes and in the line item amounts specifiedabove, further that I shall encumber the same for a period of sixty days fromthe date of this certification or until an ordinance or resolution authorizing the expenditure described above is enacted, whichever event shall occur sooner.

Lisada~ A. Spring, CF Date RESOLUTION NO. 2021-044


WHEREAS, the Township Roxbury has filed a Declaratory Judgment Action in the Superior Court of New Jersey, Morris County, in furtherance of the Supreme Court’s March 10, 2015, decision captioned In re Adoption of N.J.A.C. 5:96 & 5:97 by N.J. Council on Affordable Housing, 221 N.J. 1 (2015) (the “Supreme Court Decision”); and

WHEREAS, in furtherance of compliance with the Court’s directives in the Declaratory Judgment Action, the Township is to adopt an Affirmative Marketing Plan in accordance with the New Jersey Uniform Housing Affordability Controls pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:80-26-1, et seq; and

WHEREAS, a condition of approval is that the Township amend its Affirmative Marketing Plan in accordance with recommendations from the Special Master assigned to the Township’s Declaratory Judgment Action.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury, County of Morris that its Affirmative Marketing Plan be amended and replaced with the following:

Affirmative Marketing Plan A. All affordable housing units in the Township of Roxbury shall be marketed in accordance with the provisions herein and Schedule A as appended hereto.

B. The Township of Roxbury has a Prior Round Obligation and a Third Round Obligation covering the years from 1999-2025. This Affirmative Marketing Plan shall apply to all developments that contain or will contain very low-, low-and moderate-income units, including those that are part of the Township's Prior Round Fair Share Plan and its current Fair Share Plan and those that may be constructed in future developments not yet anticipated by the Fair Share Plan.

C. The Affirmative Marketing Plan shall be implemented by one or more Administrative Agent(s) designated by and/or under contract to the Township of Roxbury. All of the costs of advertising and affirmatively marketing affordable housing units shall be borne by the developers/sellers/owners of affordable unit(s), and all such advertising

1 and affirmative marketing shall be subject to approval and oversight by the designated Administrative Agent.

D. In implementing the Affirmative Marketing Plan, the Administrative Agent, acting on behalf of the Township of Roxbury, shall undertake, at the minimum, all of the following strategies: 1. Publication of an advertisement in one or more newspapers of general circulation within the housing region. 2. Posting of an advertisement on the Township of Roxbury’s official municipal website. 3. At least one additional regional marketing strategy using one of the other sources listed below.

E. The Affirmative Marketing Plan is a regional marketing strategy designed to attract buyers and/or renters of all majority and minority groups, regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, marital or familial status, gender, affectional or sexual orientation, disability, age or number of children to housing units which are being marketed by a developer or sponsor of affordable housing. The Affirmative Marketing Plan is also intended to target those potentially eligible persons who are least likely to apply for affordable units in that region. It is a continuing program that directs all marketing activities toward COAH Region 2 Housing Region in which the municipality is located and covers the entire period of the deed restriction for each restricted housing unit. The Township of Roxbury is located in COAH Housing Region 2, consisting of Essex, Morris, Union and Warren Counties.

F. The Affirmative Marketing Plan is a continuing program intended to be followed throughout the entire period of restrictions and shall meet the following requirements:

1. All newspaper articles, announcements and requests for applications for very low, low-, and moderate-income units shall appear in the official newspaper of the Township of Roxbury. 2. The primary marketing shall take the form of at least one press release and a paid display advertisement in the above newspapers once a week for four consecutive weeks. Additional advertising and publicity shall be on an "as needed" basis. The developer/owner shall disseminate all public service announcements and pay for display advertisements. The developer/owner shall provide proof of all publications to the Administrative Agent. All press releases and advertisements shall be approved in advance by the Administrative Agent. 3. The advertisement shall include a description of the: a. Location of the units; b. Directions to the units;

2 c. Range of prices for the units; d. Size, as measured in bedrooms, of units; e. Maximum income permitted to qualify for the units; f. Location of applications; g. Business hours when interested households may obtain an application; and h. Application fees.

G. Applications, brochure(s), sign(s) and/or poster(s) used as part of the affirmative marketing program shall be available/posted in the following locations: 1. Roxbury Township Municipal Building 2. Roxbury Township Web Site 3. Developer's Sales/Rental Offices 4. Morris County Library 30 East Hanover Avenue, Whippany, NJ 07981

Applications shall be mailed by the Administrative Agent and Municipal Housing Liaison to prospective applicants upon request. Also, applications shall be available at the developer's sales/rental office.

H. The Administrative Agent shall develop, maintain and update a list of community contact person(s) and/or organizations(s) in Essex, Morris, Union and Warren Counties that will aid in the affirmative marketing program with particular emphasis on contacts that will reach out to groups that are least likely to apply for housing within the region, including major regional employers identified in Attachment A, Part III, Marketing, Section 3e of COAH's Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan for Affordable Housing in Region 3 (attached to and hereby made part of this Resolution) as well as the following entities: Fair Share Housing Center, the New Jersey State Conference of the NAACP, the Latino Action Network, the Morris County Chapter of the NAACP, Newark NAACP, East Orange NAACP, Housing Partnership for Morris County, Community Access Unlimited, Inc., Northwest New Jersey Community Action Program, Inc. (NORWESCAP), Homeless Solutions of Morristown, and the Supportive Housing Association. 1. Quarterly informational circulars and applications shall be sent to the administrators of each of the following agencies within the counties of Essex, Morris, Union and Warren: Welfare or Social Service Board (via the Director) Rental Assistance Office (local office of DCA) County Office on Aging

2. Quarterly informational circulars and applications shall be sent to the chief personnel administrators of all of the major employers within the region, as listed on Attachment A, Part III,

3 Marketing, Section 3e (attached to and hereby made part of this Resolution). 3. In addition, specific notification of the availability of affordable housing units in Roxbury shall be provided to the following entities: Fair Share Housing Center (510 Park Boulevard, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002), the New Jersey State Conference of the NAACP, the Latino Action Network (P.O. Box 943, Freehold, NJ 07728, East Orange NAACP (P.O. Box1127, East Orange, NJ 07019), Newark NAACP (P.O. Box 1262, Newark, NJ 07101, Morris County NAACP (P.O. Box 2256, Morristown, NJ 07962), Elizabeth NAACP (P.O. Box 6732, Elizabeth, NJ 07206) and NJ Housing Resource Center.

I. The following is a listing of community contact person(s) and/or organizations in Essex, Morris, Union and Warren Counties that will aid in the affirmative marketing program and provide guidance and counseling services to prospective occupants of very low-, low- and moderate-income units: 1. Housing Resource Center, 600 First Avenue, Suite 3, Raritan, NJ 08869 2. Central New Jersey Community Action Program, Inc. (NORWESCAP), 350 Marshall Street, Phillipsburg, NJ 08865

J. A random selection method to select occupants of very low-, low- and moderate-income housing will be used by the Administrative Agent, in conformance with N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.16 (l). The Affirmative Marketing Plan shall provide a regional preference for very low-, low- and moderate- income households that live and/or work in COAH Housing Region 3, comprised of Essex, Morris, Union and Warren Counties. Pursuant to the New Jersey Fair Housing Act (C.52:27D-311), a preference for very low-, low- and moderate-income veterans duly qualified under N.J.A.C. 54:4- 8.10 may also be exercised, provided an agreement to this effect has been executed between the developer or landlord and the Township prior to the affirmative marketing of the units.

K. The Administrative Agent shall administer the Affirmative Marketing Plan. The Administrative Agent has the responsibility to income qualify very low- , low-, and moderate-income households; to place income eligible households in very low-, low-, and moderate-income units upon initial occupancy; to provide for the initial occupancy of very low-, low- and moderate-income units with income qualified households; to continue to qualify households for re-occupancy of units as they become vacant during the period of affordability controls; to assist with outreach to very low-, low- and moderate-income households; and to enforce the terms of the deed restriction and mortgage loan as per N.J.A.C 5:80-26-1, et seq.

4 L. The Administrative Agent shall provide or direct qualified very low-, low­ and moderate-income applicants to counseling services on subjects such as budgeting, credit issues, mortgage qualifications, rental lease requirements and landlord/tenant law and shall develop, maintain and update a list of entities and lenders willing and able to perform such services.

M. All developers/owners of very low-, low- and moderate-income housing units shall be required to undertake and pay the costs of the marketing of the affordable units in their respective developments, subject to the direction and supervision of the Administrative Agent.

N. The implementation of the Affirmative Marketing Plan for a development that includes affordable housing shall commence at least 120 days before the issuance of either a temporary or permanent certificate of occupancy. The implementation of the Affirmative Marketing Plan shall continue until all very low-, low- and moderate-income housing units are initially occupied and for as long as the affordable units remain deed restricted such that qualifying new tenants and/or purchasers continues to be necessary.

0. The Administrative Agent shall provide the Affordable Housing Liaison with the information required to comply with monitoring and reporting requirements pursuant to N.J.A.C.5:80-26-1, et seq.

ADOPTED: February 9, 2021


~head, RMC To ip Clerk


I. APPLICANT AND PROJECT INFORMATION (Complete Section I individually for all developments or programs within the municipality.)

1a. Administrative Agent Name, Address, Phone Number 1b. Development or Program Name, Address

1c. 1d. Price or Rental Range 1e. State and Federal Funding Number of Affordable Units: Sources (if any) From Number of Rental Units: To Number of For-Sale Units: 1f. 1g. Approximate Starting Dates □ Age Restricted Advertising: Occupancy: □ Non-Age Restricted 1h. County 1i. Census Tract(s): Essex, Morris, Union, Warren 1j. Managing/Sales Agent’s Name, Address, Phone Number

1k. Application Fees (if any):

(Sections II through IV should be consistent for all affordable housing developments and programs within the municipality. Sections that differ must be described in the approved contract between the municipality and the administrative agent and in the approved Operating Manual.)


2. Describe the random selection process that will be used once applications are received.

Income qualified individuals’ names on waiting list will be given first priority. If no waiting list, names will be drawn at random by Administrative Agent if more than one qualified person/household is identified.


3a. Direction of Marketing Activity: (indicate which group(s) in the housing region are least likely to apply for the housing without special outreach efforts because of its location and other factors) □ White (non-Hispanic X Black (non-Hispanic) X Hispanic □ American Indian or Alaskan Native x Asian or Pacific Islander □ Other group:

3b. HOUSING RESOURCE CENTER (www.njhousing.gov) A free, online listing of affordable housing □


TARGETS ENTIRE COAH REGION 2 Daily Newspaper X Star-Ledger Times □

TARGETS PARTIAL COAH REGION 2 Daily Newspaper X Daily Record Morris □ Express Times Warren Weekly Newspaper □ Belleville Post Essex □ Belleville Times Essex □ Bloomfield Life Essex □ East Orange Record Essex □ Glen Ridge Paper Essex □ Glen Ridge Voice Essex □ Independent Press Essex □ Irvington Herald Essex □ Item of Millburn and Short Hills Essex □ Montclair Times Essex □ News-Record Essex □ Nutley Journal Essex □ Nutley Sun Essex

7 □ Observer Essex □ Orange Transcript Essex □ Progress Essex □ Vailsburg Leader Essex □ Verona-Cedar Grove Times Essex □ West Essex Tribune Essex □ West Orange Chronicle Essex □ Atom Tabloid & Citizen Gazette Middlesex, Union □ Chatham Courier Morris □ Chatham Independent Press Morris □ Citizen of Morris County Morris □ Florham Park Eagle Morris □ Hanover Eagle Morris □ Madison Eagle Morris □ Morris News Bee Morris □ Mt. Olive Chronicle Morris □ Neighbor News Morris □ Randolph Reporter Morris X Roxbury Register Morris □ Parsippany Life Morris □ Clark Patriot Union □ Cranford Chronicle Union □ Echo Leader Union □ Elizabeth Reporter Union □ Hillside Leader Union Leader of Kenilworth & Roselle Union □ Park □ Madison Independent Press, The Union Millburn and Short Hills Union □ Independent Press □ News Record Union □ Record-Press Union

8 Scotch Plains Times (Fanwood Union □ Times) □ Spectator Leader Union □ Union Leader Union □ Warren Reporter Warren


TARGETS ENTIRE COAH REGION 2 2 WCBS-TV □ Cbs Inc. 3 KYW-TV Cbs Broadcasting Inc. 4 WNBC □ NBC Telemundo License Co. (General Electric) 5 WNYW □ Fox Television Stations, Inc. (News Corp.) 7 WABC-TV □ American Broadcasting Companies, Inc (Walt Disney) 9 WWOR-TV □ Fox Television Stations, Inc. (News Corp.) 11 WPIX □ Wpix, Inc. (Tribune) 13 WNET □ Educational Broadcasting Corporation 25 WNYE-TV Dept. Of Info □ Technology & Telecommunications 31 WPXN-TV □ Paxson Communications License Company, Llc 41 WXTV □ Wxtv License Partnership, G.p. (Univision Communications Inc.) 47 WNJU □ NBC Telemundo License Co. (General Electric) 50 WNJN □ New Jersey Authority 52 WNJT □ New Jersey Public Broadcasting Authority 54 WTBY-TV □ Trinity Broadcasting Of New York, Inc. 58 WNJB □ New Jersey Public Broadcasting Authority

9 62 WRNN-TV □ Wrnn License Company, Llc 63 WMBC-TV □ Mountain Broadcating Corporation 68 WFUT-TV Spanish □ Univision New York Llc

TARGETS PARTIAL COAH REGION 2 42 WKOB-LP □ Nave Communications, Llc Essex 22 WMBQ-CA □ Renard Communications Corp. Essex, Morris, Union 66 WFME-TV □ Family Stations Of New Jersey, Inc. Essex, Morris, Union 21 WLIW □ Educational Broadcasting Corporation Essex, Union 60 W60AI □ Ventana Television, Inc Essex, Union 36 W36AZ □ New Jersey Public Broadcasting Authority Morris 6 WPVI-TV □ American Broadcasting Companies, Inc (Walt Disney) Morris, Union, Warren 65 WUVP-TV □ Univision Communications, Inc. Morris, Union, Warren 23 W23AZ □ Centenary College Morris, Warren 28 WBRE-TV □ Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc. Morris, Warren 35 WYBE □ Independence Public Media Of , Inc. Morris, Warren 39 WLVT-TV □ Public Telecommunications Corp. Morris, Warren 44 WVIA-TV □ Ne Pa Ed Tv Association Morris, Warren 56 WOLF-TV □ Wolf License Corp Morris, Warren 60 WBPH-TV □ Sonshine Family Television Corp Morris, Warren 69 WFMZ-TV □ Maranatha Broadcasting Company, Inc. Morris, Warren 10 WCAU □ NBC Telemundo License Co. (General Electric) Warren 16 WNEP-TV □ New York Times Co. Warren 17 WPHL-TV □ Tribune Company Warren 22 WYOU □ Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc. Warren 29 WTXF-TV □ Fox Television Stations, Inc. (News Corp.) Warren

10 38 WSWB □ Mystic Television of Scranton Llc Warren 48 WGTW-TV □ Trinity Broadcasting Network Warren 49 W49BE □ New Jersey Public Broadcasting Authority Warren 55 W55BS □ New Jersey Public Broadcasting Authority Warren 57 WPSG □ Cbs Broadcasting Inc. Warren 61 WPPX □ Paxson Communications License Company, Llc Warren


TARGETS PARTIAL COAH REGION 2 Cablevision of Newark Partial Essex □ Comcast of NJ (Union System) Partial Essex, Union □ Cablevision of Oakland Partial Essex, Morris □ Cable Vision of Morris Partial Morris □ Comcast of Northwest NJ Partial Morris, Warren □ Patriot Media & Communications Partial Morris □ Service Electric Broadband Cable Partial Morris, Warren □ Cablevision of Elizabeth Partial Union □ Comcast of Plainfield Partial Union □ Cable Vision of Morris Partial Warren □ Service Electric Cable TV of Partial Warren □ Hunterdon



□ WFAN 660

□ WOR 710

□ WABC 770 FM

□ WFNY-FM 92.3 Spanish □ WPAT-FM 93.1


□ WNYC-FM 93.9 Christian □ WFME 94.7

□ WPLJ 95.5

□ WQXR-FM 96.3

□ WQHT 97.1

□ WRKS 98.7 Christian □ WAWZ 99.1

□ WHTZ 100.3

□ WCBS-FM 101.1

□ WKXW-FM 101.5

□ WQCD 101.9

□ WNEW 102.7

□ WKTU 103.5

□ WAXQ 104.3

□ WWPR-FM 105.1

□ WLTW 106.7


□ WWRL 1600 Essex

□ WXMC 1310 Essex, Morris

□ WWRV 1330 Essex, Morris (Spanish) Essex, Morris □ WZRC 1480 (Chinese/)

□ WMCA 570 Essex, Morris, Union (Christian)

□ WNYC 820 Essex, Morris, Union

□ WCBS 880 Essex, Morris, Union Essex, Morris, Union □ WPAT 930 (Caribbean, Mexican, Mandarin)

□ WWDJ 970 Essex, Morris, Union (Christian)

□ WINS 1010 Essex, Morris, Union

□ WEPN 1050 Essex, Morris, Union Essex, Morris, Union □ WKMB 1070 (Christian)


□ WBBR 1130 Essex, Morris, Union Essex, Morris, Union □ WLIB 1190 (Christian)

□ WMTR 1250 Essex, Morris, Union Essex, Morris, Union □ WADO 1280 (Spanish) Essex, Morris, Union □ WNSW 1430 (Portuguese) Essex, Morris, Union □ WJDM 1530 (Spanish)

□ WQEW 1560 Essex, Morris, Union Essex, Morris, Union □ WWRU 1660 (Korean)

□ WCTC 1450 Union

WCHR 1040 Warren

WEEX 1230 Warren

WNNJ 1360 Warren

WRNJ 1510 Warren FM

□ WMSC 90.3 Essex

□ WFUV 90.7 Essex

□ WBGO 88.3 Essex, Morris, Union

□ WSOU 89.5 Essex, Morris, Union

□ WKCR-FM 89.9 Essex, Morris, Union

□ WFMU 91.1 Essex, Morris, Union

□ WNYE 91.5 Essex, Morris, Union Essex, Morris, Union □ WSKQ-FM 97.9 (Spanish)

□ WBAI 99.5 Essex, Morris, Union

□ WDHA -FM 105.5 Essex, Morris, Union Essex, Morris, Union □ WCAA 105.9 (Latino)

□ WBLS 107.5 Essex, Morris, Union

□ WHUD 100.7 Essex, Morris, Warren

□ WPRB 103.3 Essex, Union, Warren

□ WMNJ 88.9 Morris

□ WJSV 90.5 Morris

13 □ WNNJ-FM 103.7 Morris, Warren

□ WMGQ 98.3 Union

□ WCTO 96.1 Union, Warren

□ WNTI 91.9 Warren

□ WSBG 93.5 Warren

□ WZZO 95.1 Warren

□ WAEB-FM 104.1 Warren

□ WHCY 106.3 Warren

3d. Other Publications (such as neighborhood newspapers, religious publications, and organizational newsletters) (Check all that applies) RACIAL/ETHNIC NAME OF IDENTIFICATION OF PUBLICATIONS OUTREACH AREA READERS/AUDIENCE


□ Sino Monthly /NYC area Chinese-American

TARGETS PARTIAL COAH REGION 2 Daily Bergen, Essex, Hudson, □ 24 Horas Middlesex, Passaic, Portuguese-Language Union Counties Weekly □ Arab Voice Newspaper North Jersey/NYC area Arab-American □ Brazilian Voice, The Newark Brazilian-American □ Catholic Advocate, The Essex County area Catholic Hudson, Union, La Voz Cuban community □ Middlesex Counties □ Italian Tribune North Jersey/NYC area Italian community New Jersey Jewish Northern and Central Jewish □ News New Jersey □ El Nuevo Coqui Newark Puerto Rican community Banda Oriental South American North Jersey/NYC area □ Latinoamérica community □ El Especialito Union City Spanish-Language Basking Ridge, Bound Brook, Clifton, East Rutherford, Elizabeth, La Tribuna Hispana Spanish-Language □ Fort Lee, Greeebrook, Linden, Lyndenhurst, Newark, North

14 Plainfield, Orange, Passaic, Paterson, Plainfield, Roselle, Scotch Plains, Union, Union City, West NY □ Ukranian Weekly New Jersey Ukranian community

3e. Employer Outreach (names of employers throughout the housing region that can be contacted to post advertisements and distribute flyers regarding available affordable housing) (Check all that applies) DURATION & FREQUENCY OF OUTREACH NAME OF EMPLOYER/COMPANY LOCATION

Essex County Newark Liberty International □ Airport Newark Airport, Newark, NJ

□ Verizon Communications 540 Broad St Newark, NJ 07102

□ Prudential Financial, Inc. 751 Broad St Newark, NJ 07102

□ Continental Airlines 1 Newark Airport, Newark, NJ Office of Marketing & Media Relations □ 150 Bergen Street Room D347 University of Medicine/Dentistry Newark, NJ 07103 80 Park Plz Newark, NJ 07102 □ Public Service Enterprise Group 751 Broad Street, Newark, NJ □ Prudential Insurance 07102-3777 Horizon Blue Cross & Blue Shield 3 Raymond Plz W Newark, NJ □ of NJ 07102 Newark Liberty International □ Airport Newark Airport, Newark, NJ Horizon Blue Cross & Blue Shield □ of NJ 540 Broad St Newark, NJ 07102

Morris County Atlantic Health System- 100 Madison Avenue Morristown, □ Morristown Memorial Hospital NJ 07962 295 N Maple Ave, Basking Ridge, □ NJ and 180 Park Ave, Florham AT&T Park, NJ 21 Picatinny Arsenal, Picatinny □ US Army Armament R&D Arsnl, NJ 67 Whippany Rd, Whippany, NJ and 475 South St, Morristown, NJ □ and 5 Wood Hollow Rd, Parsippany, NJ and 24 Mountain Lucent Technologies Ave, Mendham, NJ

□ Pfizer Morris Plains/Parsippany 59 State Route 10, East Hanover, □ Novartis Pharmaceutical NJ 200 Deforest Ave, East Hanover, □ NJ and 7 Campus Dr, Parsippany, Kraft foods NJ 161 E Hanover Ave, Morristown, □ Mennen Sports Arena NJ

15 101 Columbia Rd Morristown, NJ □ Honeywell 07960 5 Woodhollow Rd, Parsippany □ Pfizer and 175 Tabor Rd, Morris Plains 130 Powerville Road Boonton Township, NJ 07005 and 25 Pocono Road Denville, NJ 07834 and 400 West Blackwell Street □ Dover, NJ 07801 and 3219 Route 46 East, Suite 110 Parsippany, NJ 07054 St. Clare's Hospital

Union County

□ A&M Industrial Supply Co 1414 Campbell St Rahway

□ A.J. Seabra inc, 574 Ferry St Newark Bristol-myers Products Research □ & Dev 1350 Liverty Ave Hillside 1091 Lousons Road PO Box 271 □ Cede Candy Inc Union, NJ

□ Comcast Network 800 Rahway Ave Union, NJ 1515 West Blancke Street Bldgs □ HoneyWell Inc. 1501 and 1525 Linden, NJ

□ IBM Corporation 27 Commerce Drive Cranford, nj

□ Howard Press 450 West First Ave Roselle,nj

□ Lucent Technologies 600 Mountain Ave Murray Hill,NJ 1 Merck Drive PO Box 2000 □ Merck & Co. Inc (RY60-200E) Rahway, NJ

□ Rahway Hospital 865 Stone Street Rahway, NJ

□ Rotuba Extruders, Inc 1401 Park Ave South Linden Union County College □ 1033 Springfield Ave Cranford,NJ

Warren County

□ Masterfoods USA 800 High Street Hackettstown, NJ

□ Warren Hospital 185 Roseberry St Phillipsburg, NJ

□ Roche Vitamins 206 Roche Drive Belvidere, NJ 651 Willow Grove St. □ Hackettstown Hospital Hackettstown, NJ 191 Route 31 North Washington, □ Pechiney NJ 390 Red School Lane □ Lopatcong Care Center Phillipsburg, NJ 222 Red School Lane □ Mallinckrodt/Baker, Inc Phillipsburg, NJ


3f. Community Contacts (names of community groups/organizations throughout the housing region that can be contacted to post advertisements and distribute flyers regarding available affordable housing) Name of Group/Organization Outreach Area Racial/Ethnic Duration & Frequency of Identification of Outreach Readers/Audience Fair Share Housing Center State of NJ Low-/Mod-families Website NJ Conference NAACP State of NJ, Trenton African American Website Morris County Chapter of Morris County African American Website the NAACP Newark NAACP Newark area African American Website East Orange NAACP East Orange area African American Website Housing Partnership for Morris County Low-/Mod-families Website Morris County Community Access State of NJ Special Needs Website Unlimited, Inc. Homeless Solutions of State of NJ Low-/Mod-families Website Morristown Supportive Housing Assn. Statewide, Cranford Special needs Website NORWESCAP Central NJ Low-/Mod-families Website Latino Action Network Statewide, Freehold Latino Website NJ Housing Resource Center State of NJ Low-/Mod-Families Website


Applications for affordable housing for the above units will be available at the following locations: 4a. County Administration Buildings and/or Libraries for all counties in the housing region (list county building, address, contact person) (Check all that applies) BUILDING LOCATION Morris County Library 30 East Hanover Avenue, Whippany, NJ 07981 X Warren County Library Headquarters 199 Hardwick Street, Belvidere, NJ 07823 □ Essex County/Hall of Records 465 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Newark, NJ □ 07102 (973)621-4400 Union County/Administration Building Elizabethtown Plaza, Elizabeth, NJ 07207 (908)527- □ 4100 4b. Municipality in which the units are located (list municipal building and municipal library, address, contact person) 1715 Route 46, Ledgewood, NJ 07852 Phone: 973-448-2000 e-mail [email protected]

4c. Sales/Rental Office for units (if applicable)


I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of knowledge. I understand that knowingly falsifying the information contained herein may affect the (select one: Municipality’s COAH substantive certification or DCA Balanced Housing Program funding or HMFA UHORP/MONI funding).

______Name (Type or Print)


______Signature Date

18 RESOLUTION NO. 2021-045


BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury, that the followingpayments be and they are hereby approved as per the listing attached:


2/9/2021 105853-106031 $6,843,050.67

I hereby certify check numbers and amounts listed above are true, accurate and complete to the best of my ability and knowledge.

ADOPTED: February 9, 2021


VW-Finance January 22, 2021 Township of Roxbury Page No: 1 12:4'9 PM Check Register By Check Id

Range of Checking Accts: 01-CURRENT NEW to 01-CURRENT NEW Range of check Ids: 105853 to 105854 Report Type: All checks Report Format: Detail check Type: computer: Y Manual: Y Dir Deposit: Y check# check Date vendor Reconciled/Void Ref Num PO# Item Description Amount Paid charge Account Account Type contract Ref Seq Acct 105853 01/22/21 GOM02 MIGUEL GOMEZ 2543 20-02638 3 JULY-OCTOBER 160.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 1 1 TELEPHONE 105854 01/22/21 USB01 U.S. BANK OPER CENTER 2543 21-00017 2 ADMIN EXP SERIES 2011 POOLED 87.50 1-01-45-941-202 Budget 2 1 POOLED ERI PENSION LOAN

Report Totals Paid void Amount Paid Amount void checks: 2 0 247. 50 0.00 Direct Deposit: __O 0 0.00 0.00 Total: --2 0 247.50 0.00 January 22, 2021 Township of Roxbury Page No: 2 12:49 PM check Register By check Id

Totals by Year-Fund Fund Description Fund Budget Total Revenue Total G/L Total Total current Fund 0-01 160.00 0.00 0.00 160.00 Current Fund 1-01 87.50 0.00 0.00 87. 50 Total of All Funds: 247.50 0.00 0.00 247.50 CHECK# 105855-105857 PAYROLL TRANSFER JANUARY 23, 2021

Payroll Date: January29, 2021

Check# 105855 $664,260.90 Payroll Check# 105856 $518.71 DCRP-Payroll Check# 105857 $360.00 Vision

Batch Total 1$665,139.611 February 3, 2021 Township of Roxbury Page No: 1 03:45 PM check Register By check Id

Range of checking Accts: 01-CURRENT NEW to 01-CURRENT NEW Range of Check Ids: 105858 to 105862 Report Type: All checks Report Format: Detail check Type: Computer: Y Manual: Y Dir Deposit: Y check# check Date vendor Reconciled/void Ref Num PO# Item Description Amount Paid charge Account Account Type contract Ref Seq Acct 105858 02/03/21 BOU01 BOUNDARY MOTEL 2544 21-00316 1 HOMELESS KLECKA 1/11-1/15 300.00 1-25-56-850-103 Budget 9 1 PUBLIC ASST II 105859 02/03/21 FIR49 FIREFIGHTER ONE,LLC 2544 20-03253 2 10272452 QUINT 11 REPAIRS 6,345.82 0-01-26-315-275 Budget 1 1 MR - FIRE/FIRST AID CO #1 20-03532 2 REPAIR LOOSE GROUND/ FIRE 2 460.00 0-01-26-315-276 Budget 2 1 MR - FIRE/FIRST AID CO #2 20-03569 1 FIRE CO 3 TRK 31 SERVICE 663.91 0-01-26-315-277 Budget 3 1 MR - FIRE/FIRST AID CO #3 7,469.73 105860 02/03/21 KEY06 KEY GOVERNMENT FINANCE 2544 21-00077 4 2021 LEASE SCHEDULE 11 5,166.14 1-01-25-240-261 Budget 4 1 VEHICLE PURCHASE/LEASE 105861 02/03/21 SPA06 SPATIAL DATA LOGIC CORP. 2544 21-00090 1 SD3139 /2021 GIS LICENSE 27,000.00 1-01-20-140-203 Budget 5 1 EQUIPMENT MAINT/CONTRACTS 21-00090 2 WATER /2021 GIS LICENSE 7,200.00 1-05-55-502-223 Budget 6 1 INFORMATION/TECHNOLOGY 21-00090 3 SEWER /2021 GIS LICENSE 7,200.00 1-07-55-502-274 Budget 7 1 INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY 21-00090 4 UCC /2021 GIS LICENSE 3,600.00 1-01-22-195-269 Budget 8 1 GIS SOFTWARE MAINT/DATA BACKUP VENYU 45,000.00 105862 02/03/21 USB21 US BANK CUST/PRO CAP 8/PRO CAP 2544 21-00357 1 CERT 19-00044 12002/20 9,100.00 1-13-56-866-108 Budget 10 1 TAX, w&s SALE PREMIUM REFUNDS

Report Totals Paid Void Amount Paid Amount void checks: 5 0 67,035.87 0.00 Direct Deposit: __O 0 0.00 0.00 Total: --5 0 67,035.87 0.00 February 3, 2021 Township of Roxbury Page No: 2 03:45 PM check Register By check rd

Totals by Year-Fund Fund Description Fund Budget Total Revenue Total G/L Total Total cur rent Fund 0-01 7,469.73 0.00 0.00 7,469.73 current Fund 1-01 35,766.14 0.00 0.00 35,766.14 1-05 7,200.00 0.00 0.00 7,200.00 1-07 7,200.00 0.00 0.00 7,200.00 1-13 9,100.00 0.00 0.00 9,100.00 1-25 300.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 Year Total: 59,566.14 0.00 0.00 59,566.14 Total of All Funds: 67,035.87 0.00 0.00 67,035.87 February 4, 2021 Township of Roxbury Page No: 1 02:15 PM check Register By check Date

Range of Checking Accts: 01-CURRENT NEW to 01-CURRENT NEW Range of check Dates: 02/09/21 to 02/09/21 Report Type: All Checks Report Format: Detail check Type: computer: Y Manual: Y Dir Deposit: Y check# check Date vendor Reconciled/void Ref Num PO# Item Description Amount Paid charge Account Account Type contract Ref Seq Acct 01-CURRENT NEW 105863 02/09/21 ACC08 ACC BUSINESS 2545 21�00274 1 00001150180 JAN 186.79 1-01-31-430-205 Budget 180 1 TELEPHONE 21-00274 1 00001150180 JAN 93.38 1-07-55-502-252 Budget 180 2 ALARMS/PHONES 21-00274 1 00001150180 JAN 92.27 1-05-55-502-222 Budget 180 3 TELEPHONE 21-00274 1 00001150180 JAN 1.11 1-12-56-850-209 Budget 180 4 TELEPHONE CHARGES 373.55 105864 02/09/21 ADV15 ADVOCARE FAMILY HEALTH 2545 21-00124 2 POLICE DEPT COVID-19 TESTING 675.00 1-01-23-220-204 Budget 154 1 GROUP INSURANCE 21-00124 4 POLICE DEPT COVID-19 TESTING 225.00 0-01-23-220-204 Budget 155 1 GROUP INSURANCE 900.00 105865 02/09/21 AGR02 AGRA ENVIRO AND LAB SERVICE 2545 20-00161 35 11/3; 11/17, 12/1 INV128688 2,868.00 0-05-55-502-203 Budget 4 1 WATER TESTING 20-00161 36 4tTH QTR RESIDUAL INV 128732 225.00 0-05-55-502-203 Budget 5 1 WATER TESTING 3,093.00

105866 02/09/21 AMA07 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 2545 21-00220 1 1CPVG94FDDK7 FILTER/SENSOR 130.99 1-01-26-310-219 Budget 169 1 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 21-00276 1 1JL63LJXH7DC AC BLOWER SWITCH 54.95 1-01-26-315-266 Budget 181 1 MR/PARKS DEPT 185.94 105867 02/09/21 AMB03 AMBER AIR, INC 2545 20-00602 15 NO Heat Tax office 2989168 1,670.74 0-01-26-310-263 Budget 22 1 AIR CONDITIONING/HVAC

105868 02/09/21 AME71 AMERIGAS PROPANE LP 2545 21-00025 1 201651840 FIRE CO 3 320.92 0-01-31-430-202 Budget 126 1 PROPANE GAS 21-00025 2 201651840 WATER PLANT 75. 77 0-05-55-502-205 Budget 127 1 PLANT OPERATIONS 396.69 105869 02/09/21 AME80 AMERICANWEAR, INC 2545 20-00492 23 Inv766936,769277,771625,773935 68.96 0-01-26-315-249 Budget 10 1 UNIFORMS 11 20-00493 23 Inv766939,769280,771628,773938 24.08 0-01-26-310-249 Budget 1 UNIFORMS February 4, 2021 Township of Roxbury Page No: 2 02:15 PM check Register By check Date check# check Date vendor Reconciled/void Ref Num PO# Item Description Amount Paid charge Account Account Type contract Ref seq Acct 01-CURRENT NEW continued 105869 AMERICANWEAR, INC continued 20-00494 23 Inv766938,769279,771627,773937 108.56 0-01-28-375-249 Budget 12 1 UNIFORMS, BOOTS 20-00495 23 Inv766935,769276,771624,773934 190.84 0-01-26-290-249 Budget 13 1 UNIFORM SERVICE 20-00496 23 Inv766507,768844,771199,773508 65.76 0-05-55-502-249 Budget 14 1 UNIFORMS 458.20 105870 02/09/21 ART06 JOSEPH ARTEAGA 2545 21-00319 1 RES 21-034 UNUSED INSPEC FEES 118.40 1-13-56-852-102 Budget 191 1 INSPECTIONS 105871 02/09/21 ATL04 ATLANTIC SALT 2545 20-03899 1 600 TONS SALT 31,257.54 0-01-26-291-202 Budget 52 1 OPERATING 20-03899 2 705.57 TONS SALT 36,866.06 1-01-26-291-202 Budget 53 1 OPERATING 68,123.60 105872 02/09/21 ATTOl AT&T MOBILITY 2545 21-00358 1 287276777964 DEC 22 - JAN 21 98.12 1-01-25-240-274 Budget 198 1 CONFIDENTIAL INVESTIGATION

105873 02/09/21 BLU09 BLUE DIAMOND DISPOSAL INC 2545 21-00079 3 2021 SOLID WASTE BLANKET 172,780.00 1-01-26-307-202 Budget 147 1 CONTRACTED SERVICES 105874 02/09/21 BSN01 BSN SPORTS/COLLEGIATE PACIFIC 2545 20-03887 1 Basketballs-Rubber/Evolution 901. 05 0-01-28-372-202 Budget 49 1 OPERATING EXPENSES

105875 02/09/21 CAB04 DOUGLAS R. CABANA,ESQ. 2545 21-00313 2 2021 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 2 I 888 .33 1-01-20-155-202 Budget 188 1 MUNICIPAL PROSECUTOR

105876 02/09/21 CAMll CAMPBELL SUPPLY COMPANY 2545 20-03959 1 TRNAS CONTROL MODULE; LABOR 1,728.07 0-01-26-315-271 Budget 79 1 MR/ROADS/ DPW DEPTS

105877 02/09/21 CAS04 CASTLE PRINTING 2545 21-00196 1 graphics 65.00 1-02-40-701-307 Budget 162 1 CLEAN COMMUNITIES O.E.- 2020

105878 02/09/21 CIT09 . CIT-E-NET LLC 2545 21-00042 1 ROXTAXUTIL2020 BALANCE 666.67 1-01-20-130-204 Budget 138 1 CONTRACTED SERVICES 21-00042 1 ROXTAXUTIL2020 BALANCE 666.66 1-05-55-502-228 Budget 138 2 CONTRACTED SERVICES February 4, 2021 Township of Roxbury Page No: 3 02:15 PM check Register By check Date

check# check Date vendor Reconciled/Void Ref Num PO# Item Description Amount Paid charge Account Account Type contract Ref seq Acct 01-CURRENT NEW continued 105878 CIT-E-NET LLC continued 21-00042 1 ROXTAXUTIL2020 BALANCE 666.67 1-07-55-502-228 Budget 138 3 CONTRACTED SERVICES 2,000.00 105879 02/09/21 CIV03 CIVICPLUS 2545 21-00354 2 2021 QUARTERLY FEES HOSTING 2,915.91 1-01-20-140-203 Budget 197 1 EQUIPMENT MAINT/CONTRACTS 105880 02/09/21 COM41 COMPUTER SQUARE, INC. 2545 21-00021 1 00849 4TH QTR 2020 126.00 0-01-25-240-205 Budget 121 1 CONTRACTED SERVICE 105881 02/09/21 CON40 CONNOLLY AND HICKEY 2545 20-02993 1 LAFAYETTE SCHOOL, 79 MILL RD 42,343.75 G-20-55-011-101 Budget 27 1 RESTORATION & REHAB LAFAYETTE SCHOOL 105882 02/09/21 COUOl COUNTY WELDING SUPPLY CO. 2545 20-03738 1 410697 OXYGEN 238.00 0-01-25-267-403 Budget 42 1 EQUIP. ,MAINT, REPAIRS 105883 02/09/21 COU04 COUNTY OF MORRIS TREASURER 2545 20-03950 1 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION COSTS 10,139.14 0-01-20-120-202 Budget 56 1 OPERATING 105884 02/09/21 COU04 COUNTY OF MORRIS TREASURER 2545 21-00130 1 2021 TAX ASSESSMENT QI 2,155,907.13 1-01-55-100-102 Budget 156 1 COUNTY TAX 21-00130 2 2021 DEDICATED OPEN SPACE Ql 64,045.97 1-01-55-100-102 Budget 157 1 COUNTY TAX 2,219,953.10 105885 02/09/21 COU05 COUNTY OF MORRIS TREASURER 2545 21-00040 1 2021 ADDED/OMITTED TAX ASSESS 69,807.49 1-01-55-100-102 Budget 136 1 COUNTY TAX 105886 02/09/21 COU06 COUNTY OF MORRIS TREASURER 2545 21-00041 1 2020 ADDED/OMITTED TAX ASSESS 2,241.51 1-01-55-100-102 Budget 137 1 COUNTY TAX 105887 02/09/21 COU25 COUNTY OF MORRIS 2545 21-00037 1 2021 COUNTY DISPATCH SERVICES 361,940.63 1-01-42-330-205 Budget 135 1 MORRIS COUNTY DISPATCH SYSTEM 105888 02/09/21 CURO! CURRENT 2545 21-00359 1 PLNG BOARD EMP TIME CARDS DEC 97.02 1-13-56-852-102 Budget 199 1 INSPECTIONS 21-00359 2 PLNG BOARD EMP TIME CARDS DEC 1,898.65 1-13-56-854-104 Budget 200 1 PLANNING 1,995.67 February 4, 2021 Township of Roxbury Page No: 4 02:15 PM check Register By check Date check# check Date vendor Reconciled/void Ref Num PO# Item Description Amount Paid Charge Account Account Type contract Ref Seq Acct 01-CURRENT NEW continued 105889 02/09/21 CUS03 CUSTOM BANDAG,INC 2545 20-03960 1 50161572 / POLICE 1,800.00 0-01-26-315-267 Budget 80 1 MR/POLICE DEPT 105890 02/09/21 DAIOl DAILY RECORD 2545 20-03872 1 0004501166 Res. 2020-317 56.07 0-01-20-121-229 Budget 48 1 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS 21-00198 1 0004556311 2021 NOPSA 52.46 1-01-20-121-229 Budget 163 1 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS 21-00202 1 0004544551 PB NOA 1-6-2021 202.96 1-01-21-180-229 Budget 164 1 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS 21-00202 2 0004551895 ZB NOA 1-11-2021 209.84 1-01-21-185-229 Budget 165 1 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS 21-00267 1 0004526050 LEGAL NOTICE 111.11 G-20-55-007-803 Budget 172 1 SWIM DOCKS HSL 21000003 1 0004524112 Res. 2020-342 117.39 0-01-20-121-229 Budget 209 1 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS 749.83 105891 02/09/21 DCROl DCRP/NJ DIV PENSIONS & BENEFIT 2545 21-00309 1 SUBPLAN 022640 JAN 29 PR 239.21 1-01-36-476-101 Budget 185 1 DCRP-3% EMPLOYER PORTION 105892 02/09/21 DELO! DELSEA PEST CONTROL 2545 21-00029 2 2021 General Pest control 54.00 1-01-26-310-207 Budget 128 1 PEST CONTROL 21-00029 3 2021 General Pest control 39.00 1-01-26-310-207 Budget 129 1 PEST CONTROL 21-00029 4 2021 General Pest control 41.00 1-01-26-310-207 Budget 130 1 PEST CONTROL 21-00029 5 2021 General Pest Control 102.00 1-01-26-310-207 Budget 131 1 PEST CONTROL 21-00118 1 ANNUAL FIRE CO 3/ 4047 416.00 1-01-25-267-306 Budget 149 1 BLDGS & GRNDS 652.00 105893 02/09/21 DOVOl DOVER BRAKE & CLUTCH CO INC 2545 20-03961 1 HOSE ASSEMBLY CREDIT/ RX 1 25.30- 0-01-26-315-271 Budget 81 1 MR/ROADS/ DPW DEPTS 20-03961 2 HOSE ASSEMBLIES / RX 1 49.50 0-01-26-315-271 Budget 82 1 MR/ROADS/ DPW DEPTS 20-03961 3 PIGTAILS / RX 1 20.00 0-01-26-315-271 Budget 83 1 MR/ROADS/ DPW DEPTS 20-03961 4 WIX FILTERS 20. 22 0-01-26-315-204 Budget 84 1 INVENTORY 20-03961 5 3 PIN LED LOAD EQUALIZER 45.75 0-01-26-315-204 Budget 85 1 INVENTORY 20-03961 6 WIX FILTERS 43.28 0-01-26-315-204 Budget 86 1 INVENTORY 20-03961 7 HOSE REEL 3/8 185.15 0-01-26-315-202 Budget 87 1 TOOLS/SMALL EQUIPMENT February 4, 2021 Township of Roxbury Page No: 5 02:15 PM check Register By check Date check# check Date vendor Reconciled/Void Ref Num PO# Item Description Amount Paid Charge Account Account Type Contract Ref Seq Acct 01-CURRENT NEW continued 105893 DOVER BRAKE & CLUTCH CO INC continued 20-03961 8 STEEL LATCH/HARDWARE PIN 63.02 0-01-26-315-271 Budget 88 1 MR/ROADS/ DPW DEPTS 20-03961 9 MCX GLOVE; WEA2090-12-12S 43.29 0-01-26-315-204 Budget 89 1 INVENTORY 20-03961 10 JTYP/HOOK;HOSE ENDS;ASSY 108.83 0-01-26-291-202 Budget 90 1 OPERATING 20-03961 11 HOSE ENDS;HYD HOSES 1,045.46 0-01-26-291-202 Budget 91 1 OPERATING 20-03961 12 WEA2047-8-8S 19. 30 0-01-26-291-202 Budget 92 1 OPERATING 20-03961 13 WEA2066-8-10S 31. 56 0-01-26-291-202 Budget 93 1 OPERATING 1,650.06 105894 02/09/21 EAS10 EASTERN CONCRETE MATERIALS INC 2545 20-03755 1 re stock QP from water digs 3,743.47 0-05-55-502-205 Budget 46 1 PLANT OPERATIONS 105895 02/09/21 ENG03 ENGINEERING & LAND PLNG ASSOC 2545 21-00360 1 INV 24357 FULLERTON 132. 50 1-13-56-854-104 Budget 201 1 PLANNING 105896 02/09/21 ESS08 ESS INC 2545 21-00035 2 2021 MAINT/SVC POLICE DEPT 436.00 1-01-25-240-205 Budget 133 1 CONTRACTED SERVICE 21-00035 3' 2021 MAINT/SVC POLICE DEPT 436.00 1-01-25-240-205 Budget 134 1 CONTRACTED SERVICE 872.00 105897 02/09/21 FAMOl FAMILY FORD,INC. 2545 21000006 1 CREDIT HEATER WAT / RX 7 29.82- 0-01-26-315-271 Budget 210 1 MR/ROADS/ DPW DEPTS 21000006 2 RR CONV ASY FRNT MANIFOLD 485.13 0-01-26-315-267 Budget 211 1 MR/POLICE DEPT 21000006 3 PUMP ASY;SEALANT;GSKTS / 171 175.39 0-01-26-315-267 Budget 212 1 MR/POLICE DEPT 21000006 4 RADIATOR PLUG;NUT / 171 21.75 0-01-26-315-267 Budget 213 1 MR/POLICE DEPT 21000006 5 MTR ASY WIPER/ RX 8 365.29 0-01-26-315-271 Budget 214 1 MR/ROADS/ DPW DEPTS 21000006 6 SWITCH ASY / RX 4 76.81 0-01-26-315-271 Budget 215 1 MR/ROADS/ DPW DEPTS 1,094.55 105898 02/09/21 FBI02 FBI NATIONAL ACADEMY ASSOC 2545 21000012 1 2021 fbinaa membership dues 115. 00 1-01-25-240-213 Budget 218 1 DUES PROF ORGS 105899 02/09/21 FER13 FERRIERO ENGINEERING,INC. 2545 21-00361 1 PLNG BOARD ENG INVOICES DEC 128. 50 1-01-21-180-204 Budget 202 1 CONTRACTED SERVICES February 4, 2021 Township of Roxbury Page No: 6 02:15 PM check Register By check Date check# check Date vendor Reconciled/void Ref Num PO# Item Description Amount Paid Charge Account Account Type contract Ref seq Acct 01-CURRENT NEW continued 105899 FERRIERO ENGINEERING,INC. continued 21-00361 2 PLNG BOARD ENG INVOICES DEC 1,613.77 1-13-56-854-104 Budget 203 1 PLANNING 21-00362 1 PLANNING DEC INVOICES 784.64 1-13-56-854-104 Budget 204 1 PLANNING 2,526.91 105900 02/09/21 FIN05 FINCH FUEL OIL CO INC 2545 21-00024 1 ACCT 1876 FIRE CO 3 1,300.48 1-01-31-430-207 Budget 125 1 HEATING OIL 105901 02/09/21 FIR02 FIRE FIGHTERS EQUIP CO INC 2545 21-00022 2 2021 OXYGEN / POLICE DEPT 129.50 1-01-25-240-219 Budget 122 1 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 21-00022 3 2021 OXYGEN / POLICE DEPT 163.00 1-01-25-240-219 Budget 123 1 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 21-00022 4 2021 OXYGEN / POLICE DEPT 56. 50 1-01-25-240-219 Budget 124 1 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 349.00 105902 02/09/21 FIR28 FIRE AND SAFETY SERVICES 2545 20-03963 1 SERVICE / FIRE CO 1 TRK 12 984.06 0-01-26-315-275 Budget 94 1 MR - FIRE/FIRST AID CO #1 105903 02/09/21 GAR01 GARDEN STATE LAB., INC. 2545 21-00216 1 ROX07 INV 00509696 450.00 0-07-55-502-223 Budget 167 1 SLUDGE ANALYSIS 21-00216 2 ROX07 INV 00509696 1,150.00 0-07-55-502-224 Budget 168 1 DMRS TEST 1,600.00 105904 02/09/21 GAR48 GARDEN STATE MUNICIPAL JIF 2545 21-00245 1 2021 ASSESSMENT (1) OF 3 194,480.37 1-01-23-211-203 Budget 171 1 OTHER INSURANCE EXPENSES 105905 02/09/21 GAR53 GARDEN. STATE MUNICIPAL JIF 2545 21-00317 1 DEDUCTALBE RECOVERY 1,500.00 1-01-20-155-206 Budget 189 1 LITIGATION

105906 02/09/21 GEN14 GENERAL CODE, LLC 2545 20-03753 1 Invoice PG000023728 636.00 0-01-20-121-207 Budget 44 1 ORDINANCE/CODIFICATION 20-03753 2 Invoice PG000023727 1,289.00 0-01-20-121-207 Budget 45 1 ORDINANCE/CODIFICATION 1,925.00 105907 02/09/21 GER02 THOMAS J. GERMINARIO 2545 21-00363 1 PLNG BD LEGAL SVCS DEC 90.00 1-01-21-180-204 Budget 205 1 CONTRACTED SERVICES 21-00363 2 PLNG BD LEGAL SVCS DEC 1,440.00 1-01-21-180-241 Budget 206 1 PLANNING STUDIES February 4, 2021 Township of Roxbury Page No: 7 02:15 PM check Register By check Date

check# check Date vendor Reconciled/void Ref Num PO# Item Description Amount Paid charge Account Account Type contract Ref seq Acct 01-CURRENT NEW continued 105907 THOMAS J, GERMINARIO continued 21-00363 3 PLNG BD LEGAL SVCS DEC 1,935.00 1-13-56-854-104 Budget 207 1 PLANNING 3,465.00 105908 02/09/21 GRA03 W.W. GRAINGER, INC. 2545 20-03629 1 9720689281 ANTI FOG GOGGLES 167.50 0-01-25-267-403 Budget 36 1 EQUIP. ,MAINT, REPAIRS 20-03629 2 9721096866 ANTI FOG GOGGLES 167.50 0-01-25-267-403 Budget 37 1 EQUIP. ,MAINT, REPAIRS 20-03629 3 9724320719 ANTI FOG GOGGLES 167.50 0-01-25-267-403 Budget 38 1 EQUIP. ,MAINT, REPAIRS 20-03629 4 9725552088 GOGGLES 167.50 0-01-25-267-403 Budget 39 1 EQUIP. ,MAINT, REPAIRS 670.00 105909 02/09/21 GRE38 MICHAEL GREEN 2545 21-00320 1 RES 21-034 UNUSED INSPEC FEES 623.80 1-13-56-852-102 Budget 192 1 INSPECTIONS 105910 02/09/21 JOH06 JOHNSON-DODGE CHRYSLER JEEP 2545 20-03964 1 HEX FLANGE LOCK/HEAD/ RX 72 14.64 0-01-22-195-259 Budget 95 1 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 20-03964 2 HEX FLANGE;LOCKS;AXLE HALF 380.83 0-01-26-315-267 Budget 96 1 MR/POLICE DEPT 20-03964 3 THROTTLE BODY/ CAR 157 205.09 0-01-26-315-267 Budget 97 1 MR/POLICE DEPT 20-03964 4 PWR STEERING PUMP / CAR 148 1,047.50 0-01-26-315-267 Budget 98 1 MR/POLICE DEPT 20-03964 5 AXLE HALF RETURN 50.00- 0-01-26-315-267 Budget 99 1 MR/POLICE DEPT 1,598.06 105911 02/09/21 KLE12 KLEEN KAR CORP 2545 21-00058 3 2021 EQUIP & REPAIR SUPPLIES 59.90 1-01-26-315-219 Budget 139 1 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES 105912 02/09/21 LAI01 CHRIS A . LAITE 2545 21-00071 1 12222054172 / J NORRIS 184.00 0-01-26-315-203 Budget 143 1 TOOL PUR.-EMPLOYEE PW CONTRACT

105913 02/09/21 LOROl LORCO PETROLEUM SERVICES 2545 20-00264 18 used oil removal 150.00 0-01-26-300-270 Budget 8 1 RECYCLING DISPOSAL 105914 02/09/21 MAClO MACMILLAN OIL COMPANY 2545 20-03965 1 MOTOR OIL;ANTIFREEZE 1,336.50 0-01-26-315-204 Budget 100 1 INVENTORY 20-03965 2 BRAKE FLUID 45.00 0-01-26-315-219 Budget 101 1 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES February 4, 2021 Township of Roxbury Page No: 8 02:15 PM check Register By check Date

check# check Date vendor Reconciled/void Ref Num PO# Item Description Amount Paid charge Account Account Type Contract Ref seq Acct 01-CURRENT NEW Continued 105914 MACMILLAN OIL COMPANY Continued 20-03965 3 ABSORB IT FLOOR ABSORBENT 525.00 0-01-26-315-276 Budget 102 1 MR - FIRE/FIRST AID CO#2 1,906.50 105915 02/09/21 MAC12 MOTT MACDONALD 2545 14-03833 14 50743040420 11,402.94 1-05-55-599-507 Budget 1 1 CHARGE TO WATER ACCTS. PAYABLE 17-02222 58 507430418 210.00 S-20-55-014-101 Budget 2 1 COMPLETION OF AJAA MAIN PUMP ST IMPROV 20-00838 6 507430420 12,008.27 0-05-55-502-211 Budget 23 1 CONSULTING SERVICES 20-00893 13 507430419 1,110.14 W-16-55-005-102 Budget 24 1 WELL NO. 2 IMPROVMENTS(PUMP/MOTOR/BLDG) 24,731.35 105916 02/09/21 MAI13 MAIN POOL AND CHEMICAL CO.,INC 2545 20-00390 13 SEWER CHEMICAL LIQUID CHLORINE 938.00 0-07-55-502-205 Budget 9 1 CHEMICALS 105917 02/09/21 MAS08 WB MASONS OFFICE PRODUCTS 2545 20-03411 1 BIC Cristal blue pens 3.45 0-01-26-300-219 Budget 28 1 MATERIAL/SUPPLIES 20-03411 2 scotch tape dispenser 14.06 0-01-26-300-219 Budget 29 1 MATERIAL/SUPPLIES 20-03411 3 D Batteries 12 pack 28.10 0-01-26-300-219 Budget 30 1 MATERIAL/SUPPLIES 20-03411 4 c Batteries 8 pack 18.81 0-01-26-300-219 Budget 31 1 MATERIAL/SUPPLIES 20-03411 5 AA Batteries 12 pack 18.05 0-01-26-300-219 Budget 32 1 MATERIAL/SUPPLIES 20-03411 6 At A Glance Desk 2021calendars 44.24 0-01-26-300-219 Budget 33 1 MATERIAL/SUPPLIES 20-03411 7 At A Glance yearly 2021 107.76 0-01-26-300-219 Budget 34 1 MATERIAL/SUPPLIES 20-03982 1 CHAIR MATS FOR TOWN HALL DESKS 1,270.62 0-01-20-105-219 Budget 119 1 MATERIAL/SUPPLIES 20-03982 2 DOOR STOPS 8.16 0-01-20-105-219 Budget 120 1 MATERIAL/SUPPLIES 1,513.25 105918 02/09/21 MED23 MEDICAL WAREHOUSE, INC 2545 21-00116 1 205888 STRAP/BATTERY 842.43 1-01-25-267-303 Budget 148 1 ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT 105919 02/09/21 MEY03 CD MEYER, INC 2545 21-00307 1 11527 2021 WEB HOSTING 299.00 1-01-21-182-201 Budget 183 1 ECON DEV-OPERATING EXPENSES 21-00307 2 11567 SEARCH ENGINE NOV-JAN 1,350.00 0-01-21-182-201 Budget 184 1 ECON DEV-OPERATING EXPENSES 1,649.00 February 4, 2021 Township of Roxbury Page No: 9 02:15 PM check Register By check Date check# check Date vendor Reconciled/Void Ref Num PO# Item Description Amount Paid charge Account Account Type contract Ref seq Acct 01-CURRENT NEW continued 105920 02/09/21 MID08 MIDLAND RADIATOR SERVICE 2545 20-03958 1 94582 / RX 1 285.00 0-01-26-315-271 Budget 78 1 MR/ROADS/ DPW DEPTS 21-00070 1 94848 / RX 20 385.00 1-01-26-315-271 Budget 142 1 MR/ROADS/ DPW DEPTS 670.00 105921 02/09/21 MID21 MID-ATLANTIC TRUCK CENTRE INC 2545 20-03966 1 HOSE ASSY COMPR / RX 1 205.71 0-01-26-315-271 Budget 103 1 MR/ROADS/ DPW DEPTS 20-03966 2 CABLE BATTERY 121. 36 0-01-26-291-202 Budget 104 1 OPERATING 20-03966 3 CABLE BATTERY / RX 16 89.69 0-01-26-315-271 Budget 105 1 MR/ROADS/ DPW DEPTS 21-00121 1 MOTOR CONTRL MODE DR ACTUATOR 75.20 0-01-26-315-272 Budget 150 1 MR/SANITATION 21-00121 2 PIN FUEL TANK;BRCK;STRAP 1,153.74 1-01-26-315-271 Budget 151 1 MR/ROADS/ DPW DEPTS 21-00121 3 TURBO KITS;MANIFOLD / RX9 2,941.85 1-01-26-315-271 Budget 152 1 MR/ROADS/ DPW DEPTS 21-00121 4 MOTOR CONTROL A/C DOOR/ RX 23 112.32 1-01-26-315-271 Budget 153 1 MR/ROADS/ DPW DEPTS 4,699.87 105922 02/09/21 MOR123 THOMAS MORLOCK BUDGET 2545 20-00197 38 26270 / 272 CENTER ST PT MORR! 300.00 0-07-55-502-241 Budget 7 1 SEWER LINE MAINTENANCE 105923 02/09/21 MOR56 MORRIS COUNTY YOUTH HOCKEY LEA 2545 21-00334 1 MCYHL League Fees 20/21 14,000.00 0-01-28-372-202 Budget 196 1 OPERATING EXPENSES 105924 02/09/21 MOU02 TOWNSHIP OF MOUNT OLIVE 2545 21-00034 2 FIRE SUBCODE OFFICIAL 2021 6,250.00 1-01-42-330-207 Budget 132 1 FIRE SUBCODE SERVICES-MT OLIVE TWP 105925 02/09/21 NIE07 NIELSEN CHEVROLET 2545 20-03969 1 65392 PUMP / CAR 174 24.04 0-01-26-315-267 Budget 110 1 MR/POLICE DEPT 105926 02/09/21 NJF03 NJ FIRE EQUIPMENT CO 2545 20-03630 1 2011081 SCBA TESTING (80) 3,456.80 0-01-25-267-417 Budget 40 1 SCBA FLOW TEST 20-03630 2 2011081 FLOW METER 400.00 1-01-25-267-417 Budget 41 1 SCBA FLOW TEST 3,856.80 105927 02/09/21 NJM09 NJMMA 2545 21-00190 1 2021 Dues for John M. shepherd 250.00 1-01-20-100-204 Budget 161 1 DUES/PRO ORGS February 4, 2021 Township of Roxbury Page No: 10 02:15 PM check Register By check Date check# check Date vendor Reconciled/void Ref Num PO# Item Description Amount Paid charge Account Account Type contract Ref seq Acct 01-CURRENT NEW continued 105928 02/09/21 NJN02 NJNEOA 2545 21000013 1 membership dues- 2021 175.00 1-01-25-240-213 Budget 219 1 DUES PROF ORGS 105929 02/09/21 NJS03 NJ STATE LEAGUE OF MUNI 2545 21-00066 1 INV 436MLK21 DUES 2021 1,752.00 1-01-20-110-201 Budget 140 1 DUES, PROF ORGS 105930 02/09/21 NJW02 NJ WATER ASSOCIATION 2545 21-00184 1 2021 MEMBERSHIP INV 8747 500.00 1-05-55-502-214 Budget 160 1 DUES 105931 02/09/21 NNJOl NNJ TEAMSTERS BENEFIT 2545 21-00310 1 LOCAL 11 ED FUND JAN 2021 72.96 1-01-23-211-203 Budget 186 1 OTHER INSURANCE EXPENSES 105932 02/09/21 NOA01 NOAHS ARK PORT-A-JON 2545 20-00532 93 Invoice 33319 Landing Park 64.00 0-01-28-375-205 Budget 21 1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 105933 02/09/21 OD008 O'DOWD ENTERPRISES INC 2545 20-03741 1 INV 210176 450.00 0-01-21-182-201 Budget 43 1 ECON DEV-OPERATING EXPENSES 105934 02/09/21 OPT02 OPTIMUM 2545 21-00273 1 479064 TOWN HALL 244.49 1-01-20-140-203 Budget 178 1 EQUIPMENT MAINT/CONTRACTS 21-00273 3 624973 DPW 185.60 1-01-20-140-203 Budget 179 1 EQUIPMENT MAINT/CONTRACTS 430.09 105935 02/09/21 PAD03 PADIK AUTO PARTS INC 2545 20-03956 1 BATTERIES CORE RETURNS 24.00- 0-01-26-315-204 Budget 59 1 INVENTORY 20-03956 2 ALTERNATOR CORE RETURN 80.00- 0-01-26-315-204 Budget 60 1 INVENTORY 20-03956 3 MINI BULB ASST 114.99 0-01-26-315-204 Budget 61 1 INVENTORY 20-03956 4 SPARK PLUGS 10.84 0-01-26-315-266 Budget 62 1 MR/PARKS DEPT 20-03956 5 ROTORS;BRK PADS 232.62 0-01-26-315-204 Budget 63 1 INVENTORY 20-03956 6 BRAKE FLUID 19.48 0-01-26-315-219 Budget 64 1 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES 20-03956 7 BWP BATTERY; BATTERY 320.18 0-01-26-315-204 Budget 65 1 INVENTORY 20-03956 8 TRAILER ADAPTER / RX 1 16.48 0-01-26-315-271 Budget 66 1 MR/ROADS/ DPW DEPTS 20-03956 9 TRAILER ADAPTER 16.48 0-01-26-315-204 Budget 67 1 INVENTORY 20-03956 10 BWP BATTERIES 276.98 0-01-26-315-204 Budget 68 1 INVENTORY February 4, 2021 Township of Roxbury Page No: 11 02:15 PM Check Register By check Date

check# check Date vendor Reconciled/void Ref Num PO# Item Description Amount Paid Charge Account Account Type contract Ref Seq Acct 01-CURRENT NEW continued 105935 PADIK AUTO PARTS INC continued 20-03957 1 BRK ROTORS/PADS 276.57 0-01-26-315-204 Budget 69 1 INVENTORY 20-03957 2 RADIATOR CAPS / RX 3 10.66 0-01-26-315-271 Budget 70 1 MR/ROADS/ DPW DEPTS 20-03957 3 REAR MIRROR ADHESIVE/ CAR 192 11.61 0-01-26-315-267 Budget 71 1 MR/POLICE DEPT 20-03957 4 EXP PLUGS RUBBER 6. 58 0-01-26-315-204 Budget 72 1 INVENTORY 20-03957 5 BRK PADS/ROTORS / RX 12 143.91 0-01-26-315-271 Budget 73 1 MR/ROADS/ DPW DEPTS 20-03957 6 REFLEX TRUCK SHOCKS / RX 12 101.14 0-01-26-315-271 Budget 74 1 MR/ROADS/ DPW DEPTS 20-03957 7 RELAY/ RX 12 18.26 0-01-26-315-271 Budget 75 1 MR/ROADS/ DPW DEPTS 20-03957 8 BRK PADS/ROTORS 276.57 0-01-26-315-204 Budget 76 1 INVENTORY 20-03957 9 BATTERIES,SNOWPLOW FLUID 733. 64 0-01-26-315-204 Budget 77 1 INVENTORY 2,482.99 105936 02/09/21 PER37 JOSE PEREZ 2545 21000002 1 2020 Mailbox Reimbursement 60.14 0-01-26-291-202 Budget 208 1 OPERATING 105937 02/09/21 PITOl PITNEYBOWES GLOBAL FIN SVCS 2545 21-00211 2 2021 METER RENTALS 105.00 1-01-20-105-205 Budget 166 1 POSTAGE/MAIL 105938 02/09/21 POW01 POWER PLACE 2545 20-03973 1 944319 PROPANE FILL 90.00 0-01-26-315-271 Budget 115 1 MR/ROADS/ DPW DEPTS 105939 02/09/21 PRI20 PR! MANAGEMENT GROUP 2545 21000011 1 invoice 10763 1,500.00 1-01-25-240-216 Budget 216 1 TRAINING 21000011 2 invoice 10762 1,500.00 1-01-25-240-216 Budget 217 1 TRAINING 3,000.00 105940 02/09/21 PR030 PROTECTIVE MEASURES, LLC 2545 20-00158 11 Invoice 76162 Townhall timer 174.50 0-01-26-310-274 Budget 3 1 ALARM MONITORING 105941 02/09/21 PUB02 PUBLIC WORKS ASSOC. OF N.J. 2545 21000015 1 2021 Member Public works Assoc 165.00 1-01-26-300-203 Budget 220 1 DUES, PROF ORGANIZATIONS 105942 02/09/21 PUMOl PUMPING SERVICES, INC. 2545 20-03583 1 SQ33523 2" SUB GRINDER PUMP 8,145.00 0-07-55-502-242 Budget 35 1 PUMP STATION February 4, 2021 Township of Roxbury Page No: 12 02:15 PM check Register By check Date check# check Date vendor Reconciled/void Ref Num PO # Item Description Amount Paid Charge Account Account Type contract Ref Seq Acct Ql-CURRENT NEW continued 105943 02/09/21 RECOl RECORDER PUBL CO INC 2545 20-03869 1 "SHOP LOCAL" AD 500.00 0-02-40-743-201 Budget 47 1 CABLEVISION MARKETING GRANT 105944 02/09/21 REElO REED SYSTEMS, LTD 2545 20-03898 1 3650. GALLONS ENVIROBRINE 3,942.00 0-01-26-291-202 Budget 50 1 OPERATING 20-03898 2 2631.5 GALLONS ENVIROBRINE 2,842.02 0-01-26-291-202 Budget 51 1 OPERATING 6,784.02 105945 02/09/21 RJOl R & J CONTROL INC 2545 20-03955 1 22006426 / AJAX UNIT 1,032.54 0-07-55-502-201 Budget 57 1 AJAX PLANT 20-03955 2 22006731 / AJAX UNIT 6,028.46 0-07-55-502-201 Budget 58 1 AJAX PLANT 7,061.00 105946 02/09/21 ROX07 ROXBURY TWP BD OF EDUCATION 2545 21-00331 1 SECOND PAYMENT DUE FEB 19 2021 2,400,713.38 1-01-55-100-101 Budget 194 1 SCHOOL TAX 21-00331 2 DEBT SERVICE DUE FEB 19 2021 44,000.00 1-01-55-100-101 Budget 195 1 SCHOOL TAX 2,444,713.38 105947 02/09/21 ROX35 ROXBURY TWP BOARD OF EDUCATION 2545 21-00224 1 JUL - DEC 2020 SHARE EXPENSES 2,537.88 0-01-31-430-208 Budget 170 1 DIESEL FUEL 105948 02/09/21 RSKOl R.S. KNAPP CO. ,INC. 2545 20-00163 16 12/26/2020-1/26/2021 L00614786 79.00 0-01-20-165-219 Budget 6 1 MATERIAL/SUPPLIES 105949 02/09/21 RSPOl R.S. PHILLIPS STEEL LLC 2545 20-03972 1 0000028116I-l 159.15 0-01-26-291-202 Budget 114 1 OPERATING 105950 02/09/21 SAN15 TONY SANCHEZ LTD. 2545 20-03968 1 Y STRAINER 56.05 0-01-26-291-202 Budget 108 1 OPERATING 20-03968 2 CREDIT DUPL PAYMENT 52318 45.85- 0-01-26-291-202 Budget 109 1 OPERATING 10.20 105951 02/09/21 SAN38 SANTANDER BANK, N.A. 2545 21-00074 5 2586003 MARCH 4,644.77 1-01-25-240-261 Budget 145 1 VEHICLE PURCHASE/LEASE 21-00075 4 2586003 MARCH 5,145.90 1-01-25-240-261 Budget 146 1 VEHICLE PURCHASE/LEASE 9,790.67 February 4, 2021 Township of Roxbury Page No: 13 02:15 PM check Register By check Date check# check Date vendor Reconciled/void Ref Num PO# Item Description Amount Paid charge Account Account Type Contract Ref Seq Acct 01-CURRENT NEW continued 105952 02/09/21 SCL03 DOUGLASS F SCLAR,ESQ 2545 21-00312 2 2021 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 1,300.00 1-14-56-876-001 Budget 187 1 PUBLIC DEFENDER 105953 02/09/21 SER02 SERVICE TIRE TRUCK CENTERS,INC 2545 20-03970 1 822142-07 / RX9 945.52 0-01-26-315-271 Budget 111 1 MR/ROADS/ DPW DEPTS 105954 02/09/21 SHB01 NJ STATE HEALTH BENEFITS 2545 21-00269 1 ACTIVE BENEFITS FEB 21 216,159.58 1-01-23-220-204 Budget 173 1 GROUP INSURANCE 21-00269 2 RETIREE BENEFITS FEB 21 108,847.13 1-01-23-220-204 Budget 174 1 GROUP INSURANCE 325,006.71 105955 02/09/21 SHE02 SHEAFFER SUPPLY, INC. 2545 20-03974 1 CREDIT 1514874-01 70.95- 0-01-26-315-219 Budget 116 1 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES 20-03974 2 SPLIT PT BIT 17.97 0-01-26-315-219 Budget 117 1 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES 20-03974 3 CUTTING OIL;CAPSCREWS, BITS 78.80 0-01-26-291-202 Budget 118 1 OPERATING 25.82 105956 02/09/21 SHE21 JOHN M. SHEPHERD 2545 21-00067 3 2021 MONTHLY EXPENSE 400.00 1-01-20-100-225 Budget 141 1 MONTHLY MANAGER'S EXPENSES 105957 02/09/21 SPE02 SPECTRUM COMMUNICATIONS 2545 20-03971 1 HALOGENS 46, 50 0-01-26-315-267 Budget 112 1 MR/POLICE DEPT 20-03971 2 WHELEN SOW 12V BULB 19.00 0-01-26-315-267 Budget 113 1 MR/POLICE DEPT 65. 50 105958 02/09/21 STA46 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 2545 20-03939 1 Tax office supplies 22 .33 0-01-20-145-219 Budget 55 1 MATERIAL/SUPPLIES 20-03939 1 Tax office supplies 22.33 0-05-55-502-208 Budget 55 2 OFFICE SUPPLIES 20-03939 1 Tax Office supplies 22.33 0-07-55-502-261 Budget 55 3 OFFICE EXPENSE 66.99 105959 02/09/21 STE02 RUSSELL STERN 2545 21-00153 1 2021 NJASLA conference Reimb 169.00 1-01-21-180-222 Budget 159 1 TRAVEL/CONVENTIONS 105960 02/09/21 TABOl TAB MICROFILM SERVICES INC 2545 20-01055 7 2020 DOCUMENTS RETRIEVAL 431. 78 0-01-20-121-245 Budget 25 1 CONTRACTED SERVICES February 4, 2021 Township of Roxbury Page No: 14 02:15 PM check Register By check Date

Check# check Date vendor Reconciled/Void Ref Num PO# Item Description Amount Paid charge Account Account Type contract Ref seq Acct 01-CURRENT NEW continued 105961 02/09/21 TAS02 TASC CLIENT INVOICES 2545 21-00277 1 IN1951402 PLAN B635 MARCH 213.39 1-01-23-220-204 Budget 182 1 GROUP INSURANCE 105962 02/09/21 TRU07 TRUGREEN 2545 20-01079 13 Invoice 132855256 Landing 520.00 0-01-28-375-208 Budget 26 1 TURF GRASS MAINTENANCE 105963 02/09/21 TUM05 MICHAEL TUMMINELLO 2545 21-00318 1 RES 21-033 PERF GUAR RELEASE 461.00 1-13-56-855-105 Budget 190 1 PERFORMANCE BONDS 105964 02/09/21 UPS01 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 2545 21-00324 1 A3719Y041 25.07 1-01-20-105-205 Budget 193 1 POSTAGE/MAIL 105965 02/09/21 USA01 USA BLUE BOOK 2545 20-00503 34 2020 BLANKET ORDER SEWER 233.90 0-07-55-502-201 Budget 15 1 AJAX PLANT 20-00503 35 2020 BLANKET ORDER SEWER 587.82 0-07-55-502-201 Budget 16 1 AJAX PLANT 20-00503 36 2020 BLANKET ORDER SEWER 116.95- 0-07-55-502-201 Budget 17 1 AJAX PLANT 20-00503 37 2020 BLANKET ORDER SEWER 343.26 0-07-55-502-201 Budget 18 1 AJAX PLANT 1,048.03 105966 02/09/21 USA02 USALCO BALTIMORE PLANT LLC 2545 21-00142 2 2021 POLY ALUMINUM CHLORIDE 7 I 004, 31 1-07-55-502-205 Budget 158 1 CHEMICALS 105967 02/09/21 VER06 VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS 2545 21-00272 1 973 973 426-0528 OEM JAN 39.17 1-01-31-430-205 Budget 177 1 TELEPHONE 105968 02/09/21 VERll VERIZON WIRELESS 2545 21-00270 1 282300814 OEM JAN 41. 38 1-01-25-252-203 Budget 175 1 CELLULAR PHONE 21-00271 1 482467823 MOBILE DATA UNIT JAN 170. 31 1-01-31-430-205 Budget 176 1 TELEPHONE 211.69 105969 02/09/21 WES01 WEST CHESTER MACHINERY-SUPPLY 2545 20-03967 1 WIDE OUT ANGLE RAM,RECEIVER 1,022.82 0-01-26-291-202 Budget 106 1 OPERATING 20-03967 2 RAM ASSEMBLY;VALVE 3 WAY 769.04 0-01-26-291-202 Budget 107 1 OPERATING 21-00072 1 RAM ASSEMBLY;LTG HARNESS 688.14 1-01-26-291-202 Budget 144 1 OPERATING 2,480.00 February 4, 2021 Township of Roxbury Page No: 15 02:15 PM check Register By check Date

check# check Date vendor Reconciled/Void Ref Num PO# Item Description Amount Paid charge Account Account Type contract Ref Seq Acct 01-CURRENT NEW continued 105970 02/09/21 WES07 WEST GROUP 2545 20-00523 12 Invoice: 843521250 465. 20 0-01-20-121-204 Budget 19 1 SUBSCRIPTIONS 20-00523 13 Invoice 843354886 465. 20 0-01-20-121-204 Budget 20 1 SUBSCRIPTIONS 930.40 105971 02/09/21 WOR04 WORK'N WEAR 2545 20-03921 1 Fall order-clothing 228.00 0-05-55-502-249 Budget 54 1 UNIFORMS 105972 02/09/21 ALV04 JOSEPH ALVES 2546 21-00106 1 2021 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 599.00 1-07-55-502-263 Budget 27 1 UNIFORMS 105973 02/09/21 ARB02 JOHN ARBOLINO 2546 20-02750 3 JULY-DEC 240.00 0-05-55-502-216 Budget 16 1 CELL PHONE ON CALL PERSONNEL 21-00097 1 2021 BOOT ALLOWANCE 300.00 1-05-55-502-249 Budget 20 1 UNIFORMS 540.00 105974 02/09/21 ASP02 BRUCE ASPLUND 2546 21-00107 1 2021 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 599.00 1-07-55-502-263 Budget 28 1 UNIFORMS 105975 02/09/21 CAPlO ROGER CAPARONI 2546 20-02653 3 JULY-DECEMBER 240.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 11 1 TELEPHONE 21-00232 1 2021 BOOT ALLOWANCE 400.00 1-01-26-315-249 Budget 35 1 UNIFORMS 640.00 105976 02/09/21 CLIO? KEVIN CLIFFORD 2546 20-02640 3 DECEMBER-JULY 240.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 1 1 TELEPHONE 21-00233 1 2021 BOOT ALLOWANCE 400.00 1-01-26-290-249 Budget 36 1 UNIFORM SERVICE 640.00 105977 02/09/21 COS07 DREW COSTANZA 2546 21-00108 1 2021 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 599.00 1-07-55-502-263 Budget 29 1 UNIFORMS 105978 02/09/21 DAR03 EUGENE DARCY 2546 20-02677 3 JULY-DECEMBER 300.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 14 1 TELEPHONE 21-00102 1 2021 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 600.00 1-05-55-502-249 Budget 24 1 UNIFORMS 900.00 February 4, 2021 Township of Roxbury Page No: 16 02:15 PM check Register By check Date check# check Date vendor Reconciled/void Ref Num PO# Item Description Amount Paid Charge Account Account Type contract Ref seq Acct 01-CURRENT NEW continued 105979 02/09/21 DAR23 THOMAS DARCY 2546 21-00109 1 2021 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 599.00 1-07-55-502-263 Budget 30 1 UNIFORMS 105980 02/09/21 DEMll SEAN DEMPSEY 2546 20-02997 3 JULY-DECEMBER 240.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 19 1 TELEPHONE 21-00231 1 2021 BOOT ALLOWANCE 400.00 1-01-26-290-249 . Budget 34 1 UNIFORM SERVICE 640.00 105981 02/09/21 D0001 THOMAS DOONAN 2546 21-00234 1 2021 BOOT ALLOWANCE 400.00 1-01-26-290-249 Budget 37 1 UNIFORM SERVICE 105982 -02/09/21 FAR17 KEVIN FARLEY 2546 21-00235 1 2021 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 600.00 1-01-26-290-249 Budget 38 1 UNIFORM SERVICE 105983 02/09/21 GOM02 MIGUEL GOMEZ 2546 21-00222 1 2021 BOOT ALLOWANCE 400.00 1-01-28-375-249 Budget 32 1 UNIFORMS, BOOTS 105984 02/09/21 GON13 JUAN GONZALEZ 2546 20-02646 3 JULY-DECEMBER 240.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 5 1 TELEPHONE 21-00236 1 2021 BOOT ALLOWANCE 400.00 1-01-28-375-249 Budget 39 1 UNIFORMS, BOOTS 640.00 105985 02/09/21 HOL28 STEPHAN HOLMES 2546 20-02641 3 JULY-DECEMBER 240.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 2 1 TELEPHONE 21-00237 1 2021 BOOT ALLOWANCE 400.00 1-01-28-375-249 Budget 40 1 UNIFORMS, BOOTS 640.00 105986 02/09/21 HURO! MARK HURST 2546 20-02675 3 JULY-DECEMBER 300.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 13 1 TELEPHONE 21-00105 1 2021 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 600.00 1-07-55-502-263 Budget 26 1 UNIFORMS 900.00 105987 02/09/21 HYD05 ADAM HYDER 2546 20-02649 3 JULY-DECEMBER 240.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 8 1 TELEPHONE 21-00238 1 2021 BOOT ALLOWANCE 400.00 1-01-28-375-249 Budget 41 1 UNIFORMS, BOOTS 640.00 February 4, 2021 Township of Roxbury Page No: 17 02:15 PM check Register By check Date check# check Date vendor Reconciled/void Ref Num PO# Item Description Amount Paid charge Account Account Type contract Ref Seq Acct 01-CURRENT NEW continued 105988 02/09/21 KAN01 DENNIS KANNALEY 2546 20-02788 3 JULY-DECEMBER 300.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 17 1 TELEPHONE 21-00239 1 2021 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 600.00 1-01-26-315-249 Budget 42 1 UNIFORMS 900.00 105989 02/09/21 KEL21 ERIC KELLY 2546 21-00099 1 2021 BOOT ALLOWANCE 300.00 1-05-55-502-249 Budget 21 1 UNIFORMS 21-00315 1 CELL PHONE REIMB OCT-DEC 120.00 0-05-55-502-216 Budget 58 1 CELL PHONE ON CALL PERSONNEL 420.00 105990 02/09/21 KEYlO KELLIE ANN KEYES 2546 20-02680 3 JULY-DECEMBER 300.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 15 1 TELEPHONE 21-00240 1 2021 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 600.00 1-01-26-300-249 Budget 43 1 UNIFORM SERVICE 900.00 105991 02/09/21 KOT03 HENRY KOTT 2546 20-02647 3 ]JULY-DECEMBER 240.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 6 1 TELEPHONE 21-00100 1 2021 BOOT ALLOWANCE 300.00 1-05-55-502-249 Budget 22 1 UNIFORMS 540.00 105992 02/09/21 LAB02 PAUL LABELL 2546 21-00241 1 -2021 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 600.00 1-01-26-290-249 Budget 44 1 UNIFORM SERVICE 105993 02/09/21 MAC28 KYLE MACRAE 2546 20-02645 3 DECEMBER-JULY 240.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 4 1 TELEPHONE 21-00243 1 2021 BOOT ALLOWANCE 400.00 1-01-28-375-249 Budget 45 1 UNIFORMS, BOOTS 640.00 105994 02/09/21 MAY13 TONI MAYOR 2546 21-00110 1 2021 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 599.00 1-07-55-502-263 Budget 31 1 UNIFORMS 105995 02/09/21 MOL06 NICHOLAS MOLTEN! 2546 21-00244 1 2021 BOOT ALLOWANCE 400.00 1-01-26-290-249 Budget 46 1 UNIFORM SERVICE 105996 02/09/21 M0004 LOUIS MOORE 2546 21-00246 1 2021 BOOT ALLOWANCE 400.00 1-01-26-290-249 Budget 47 1 UNIFORM SERVICE February 4, 2021 Township of Roxbury Page No: 18 02:15 PM check Register By check Date check# check Date vendor Reconciled/void Ref Num PO# Item Description Amount Paid charge Account Account Type contract Ref Seq Acct 01-CURRENT NEW continued 105997 02/09/21 NOR29 EDWARD NORRIS 2546 20-02650 3 JULY-DECEMBER 240.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 9 1 TELEPHONE 105998 02/09/21 NOR41 JAMES NORRIS 2546 20-02996 3 JULY-DECEMBER 240.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 18 1 TELEPHONE 21-00247 1 2021 BOOT ALLOWANCE 400.00 1-01-26-315-249 Budget 48 1 UNIFORMS 640.00 105999 02/09/21 ORROl KEVIN ORRICO 2546 21-00248 1 2021 BOOT ALLOWANCE 400.00 1-01-26-290-249 Budget 49 1 UNIFORM SERVICE 106000 02/09/21 PICO! MICHAEL PICCITTO 2546 21-00227 1 2021 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 400.00 1-01-28-375-249 Budget 33 1 UNIFORMS, BOOTS 106001 02/09/21 PIT08 SCOTT PITONYAK 2546 20-02643 3 JULY-DECEMBER 240.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 3 1 TELEPHONE 21-00249 1 2021 BOOT ALLOWANCE 400.00 1-01-28-375-249 Budget 50 1 UNIFORMS, BOOTS 640.00 106002 02/09/21 Alignment check VOID 106003 02/09/21 PIZ09 ANDRE PIZZO 2546 21-00101 1 2021 BOOT ALLOWANCE 300.00 1-05-55-502-249 Budget 23 1 UNIFORMS 106004 02/09/21 POI04 JEFFERY A POISSANT 2546 21-00250 1 2021 BOOT ALLOWANCE 400.00 1-01-26-290-249 Budget 51 1 UNIFORM SERVICE 106005 02/09/21 RANll MATTHEW RANUCCI 2546 21-00251 1 2021 BOOT ALLOWANCE 400.00 1-01-26-290-249 Budget 52 1 UNIFORM SERVICE 106006 02/09/21 ROE09 NOAH J, ROEDEL 2546 21-00252 1 2021 BOOT ALLOWANCE 400.00 1-01-26-290-249 Budget 53 1 UNIFORM SERVICE 106007 02/09/21 SCH76 CHRISTOPHER SCHMIDT 2546 21-00253 1 2021 BOOT ALLOWANCE 400.00 1-01-26-290-249 Budget 54 1 UNIFORM SERVICE 106008 02/09/21 SMI42 STEPHEN SMITH 2546 20-02648 3 JULY-DECEMBER 240.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 7 1 TELEPHONE February 4, 2021 Township of Roxbury Page No: 19 02:15 PM check Register By check Date

check# check Date vendor Reconciled/Void Ref Num PO# Item Description Amount Paid charge Account Account Type contract Ref seq Acct 01-CURRENT NEW continued 106008 STEPHEN SMITH Continued 21-00254 1 2021 BOOT ALLOWANCE 400.00 1-01-28-375-249 Budget 55 1 UNIFORMS, BOOTS 640.00 106009 02/09/21 VAN02 TODD VANDERHOOF 2546 20-02673 3 JULY-DECEMBER 300.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 12 1 TELEPHONE 21-00104 1 2021 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 600.00 1-07-55-502-263 Budget 25 1 UNIFORMS 900.00 106010 02/09/21 WAR06 ALFRED WARD 2546 21-00255 1 2021 BOOT ALLOWANCE 400.00 1-01-26-290-249 Budget 56 1 UNIFORM SERVICE 106011 02/09/21 W0002 JEFFREY WOODS 2546 20-02652 3 DECEMBER-JULY 240.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 10 1 TELEPHONE 21-00256 1 2021 BOOT ALLOWANCE 400.00 1-01-26-310-249 Budget 57 1 UNIFORMS 640.00 106012 02/09/21 BL001 RICHARD BLOOD 2547 20-02886 3 JULY-DECEMBER 300.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 9 1 TELEPHONE 106013 02/09/21 KOB02 MICHAEL A. KOBYLARZ 2547 20-02669 3 JULY-DECEMBER 300.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 1 1 TELEPHONE 106014 02/09/21 MONOS ABIGAIL M. MONTGOMERY 2547 20-02769 3 JULY-DECEMBER 300.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 8 1 TELEPHONE 106015 02/09/21 PED03 HEIDI PEDERSEN 2547 20-02688 3 JULY-DECEMBER 300.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 7 1 TELEPHONE 106016 02/09/21 RHE03 AMY RHEAD 2547 20-02670 3 JULY-DECEMBER 300.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 2 1 TELEPHONE 106017 02/09/21 SCH55 ROD SCHMIDT 2547 20-02685 3 JULY-DECEMBER 300.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 5 1 TELEPHONE 106018 02/09/21 SEN06 STEVEN SENESE 2547 20-02995 3 JULY-DECEMBER 300.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 10 1 TELEPHONE February 4, 2021 Township of Roxbury Page No: 20 02:15 PM check Register By check Date check# check Date vendor Reconciled/Void Ref Num PO# Item Description Amount Paid charge Account Account Type contract Ref seq Acct 01-CURRENT NEW continued 106019 02/09/21 SHE21 JOHN M. SHEPHERD 2547 20-02678 3 JULY-DECEMBER 300.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 3 1 TELEPHONE 106020 02/09/21 WIL45 RYAN G. WILLIAMS 2547 20-02682 3 JULY-DECEMBER 300.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 4 1 TELEPHONE 106021 02/09/21 ZACOl MATTHEW ZACHOK 2547 20-02687 3 JULY-DECEMBER 300.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 6 1 TELEPHONE 106022 02/09/21 CUR04 STEVEN CURTISS 2548 20-02255 3 JULY-DECEMBER 300.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 1 1 TELEPHONE 106023 02/09/21 DEL13 ADAM DELGUERCIO 2548 20-02256 3 JULY-DECEMBER 300.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 2 1 TELEPHONE 106024 02/09/21 DIL01 JENNIFER DILLARD 2548 20-02257 3 JULY-DECEMBER 300.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 3 1 TELEPHONE 106025 02/09/21 FOU02 MICHAEL FOURNIER 2548 20-02258 3 JULY-DECEMBER 300.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 4 1 TELEPHONE 106026 02/09/21 GAB01 THOMAS P. GABODA 2548 20-02259 3 JULY-DECEMBER 300.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 5 1 TELEPHONE 106027 02/09/21 GAFOl SEAN R. GAFFEY 2548 20-02260 3 JULY-DECEMBER 300.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 6 1 TELEPHONE 106028 02/09/21 HOL20 MATTHEW HOLLAND 2548 20-02261 3 JULY-DECEMBER 300.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 7 1 TELEPHONE 106029 02/09/21 MAR74 ANTHONY MARCIANO 2548 20-02263 3 JULY-DECEMBER 300.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 8 1 TELEPHONE 106030 02/09/21 PAL02 MARC J. PALANCHI 2548 20-02264 3 JULY-DECEMBER 300.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 9 1 TELEPHONE 106031 02/09/21 WEA07 SCOTT WEAVER 2548 20-02266 4 JULY-DECEMBER 300.00 0-01-31-430-205 Budget 10 1 TELEPHONE February 4, 2021 Township of Roxbury Page No: 21 02:15 PM check Register By check Date check# check Date vendor Reconciled/void Ref Num PO# Item Description Amount Paid charge Account Account Type contract Ref Seq Acct 01-CURRENT NEW continued checking Account Totals Paid void Amount Paid Amount void checks: 168 1 6,110,627.69 0.00 Direct Deposit: __o -__o 0.00 0.00 Total: 168 -1 6,110,627.69 0.00 Report Totals Paid void Amount Paid Amount void checks: 168 1 6,110,627.69 0.00 Direct Deposit: __O -__o 0.00 0.00 Total: 168 -1 6,110,627.69 0.00 February 4, 2021 Township of Roxbury Page No: 22 02:15 PM check Register By check Date

Totals by Year-Fund Fund Description Fund Budget Total Revenue Total G/L Total Total current Fund 0-01 108,500.73 0.00 0.00 108,500.73 0-02 500.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0-05 19,596.60 0.00 0.00 19,596.60

0-07 19,114.36 0.00 0.00 19 I 114. 36 Year Total: 147,711.69 0.00 0.00 147,711.69 current Fund 1-01 5,883,688.88 0.00 0.00 5,883,688.88 1-02 65.00 0.00 0.00 65.00 1-05 14,461.87 0.00 0.00 14,461.87 1-07 11,959.36 0.00 0.00 11,959.36 1-12 1.11 0.00 0.00 1.11 1-13 7,664.78 0.00 0.00 7,664.78 1-14 1,300.00 0.00 0.00 1,300.00 Year Total: 5,919,141.00 0.00 0.00 5,919,141.00 G-20 42,454.86 0.00 0.00 42,454.86 5-20 210.00 0.00 0.00 210.00 W-16 1,110.14 0.00 0.00 1,110.14 Total of All Funds: 6,110,627.69 0.00 0.00 6,110,627.69 - NOT USED -



WHEREAS, it is deemed appropriate that the Township Council discuss the matter(s) hereinafter mentioned without the presence of the public in accordance with the provisions of R.S. 10:4-12b, being Section b of the Open Public Meetings Act.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury, as follows:

Matter(s) relating to:

1. shall be discussed by the Township Council without the presence of the public. It is anticipated that this matter(s) can be disclosed to the public upon resolution of the matter(s).

ADOPTED: February 9, 2021


______Amy E. Rhead, RMC Township Clerk