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WHITE's WINTER 1952 25C B RADIO STATION 1952 LISTINGS RADIQWHITE'S WINTER 1952 25c B. MAR. If44:IL LOG RADIO STATIONS SHORT WAVE TELEVISION FREQUENCYFMMODULATION Vol. 29 Keep "Up -to -Date" on Radio Stations No. 1 WHITE'S RADIO LOG Published quarterly by C. DeWitt White Co.. P. 0. Box 142, Bronxville,N. Y. Charles D'Vir. White, Proprietor.25c per copy, 75c yearly subscription. WINTER 1952 ISSUE January - February- March Entered as second -close matter May 21. 1936. at the Post Office at Bronsville, N. Y., the act of March 3. 1879. under C. DeWITT WHITE CO. Publishers P. 0. Box 142, Bronxville 8, N. Y. COPYRIGHT 1952 BY C. DeWITTWHITE CO. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Absolute accuracy of Station and Program information listed in this publication is notguaranteed, although the publishers have applied their best endeavors in compilingsame. Contents of this booklet fully covered by U. S. copyright. Any person who wilfullyor for profit shall infringe any part thereof will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. 25c Per Copy at Newsstands Yearly Subscription 75 cents Printed in U. S. A. UNITED STATES BROADCASTING STATIONS ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY BY CALL LETTERS NOTE: Only Stations that have been granted a license at time we go to press,appear in this list. FOR WATT POWER OF STATION SEE LIST ARRANGED BY KILOCYCLES Abbreviation: Kg., frequency in kilocycles. Call Let'rs He.Call Let'rs Re.Call Let'rs Re. DZPI Manila,P.I. 800KBKR Baker,Ore. 1490KCJB Minot, N.D. 910 DZRH Manila, P.I. 710KBKW Aberdeen,Wash. 1450TICKN Kansas City,Kansas 1340 KAAA Red Wing,Minn. 1250KELP Red Bluff,Calif. 1490KCKY Coolidge,Ariz. 1150 KABC San Antonio,Texas680KBLI Blackfoot,Ida. 1490KCLA Pine Bluff,Ark. 1400 RADA Ada,Okla. 1230RBMN Bozeman,Mont. 1230KCLE Cleburne,Texas 1120 KAFP Petaluma,Calif. 1490KBMW Breckenridge,Minn. KCLF Clif ton,Ariz. 1400 III= Bakersfield,Calif. 550 1450KCLO Leavenworth,Kan.1410 KAGH Crossett,Ark. 1240KBMX Coalinga,Calif. 1470KCLS Flagstaff,Ariz. 1340 KAHU Waipahu,Oahu,Haw. 920KBMY Billings,Mont. 920KCLW Hamilton,Texas 900 KAKC Tulsa Okla. 970KBND Bend,Ore. 1110KCLX Colfax,Wash. 1450 RAKE Wichita,Ean. 1240KBOA Kennett,Mo. 830KCMC Texarkana,Texas1230 KALA Sitka,Alaska 1400KBOE Oskaloosa,Ia. 740KCMJ Palm Springs,Callf. 1340 KALB Alexandria,La. 580KBOK Waterloo,Ia. 1090IMMO Kansas City,Mo. 810 KALE Richland,Wash. 960KBOL Boulder,Colo. 1490KONA Tucson,Ariz. 580 HALG Alamogordo,N.M. 1230KBON Omaha,Neb. 1490KCNC Ft.Worth,Texas 870 KALI Pasadena,Calif. 1430KBOP Pleasanton,Texas 1380ICON' Broken Bow,Neb. 1490 HALL Salt Lake City,Utah 910KBOR Brownsville,Tex. 1600ECHO Altnras,Calif. 570 HALT Atlanta,Texas 900HBOW Butto,Mont. 1490KCNY San Marcos,Tex. 1470 HAMD Camden,Ark. 1450KBOX Modesto,Calif. 970KCOG Centervilla,Ia. 1400 KAMQ Amarillo,Tex. 1010KBPS Portland,Ore. 1450KOOK Houston,Texas 1430 KANA Anaconda,Mont. 1230KBRC Mt.Vernon.Wash.1430KOOK Tulare,Calif. 1270 HAND Corsicana,Texas 1340KBRL McCook,Neb. 1450ICCOL I't.Collins,Colo. 1410 KANE New Iberia,La. 1240KBRO Bremerton,Wash. 1490KCOM Sioux City,Ia. 620 KANS Wichita,ICan. 1480KBES Springdale,Ark. 1340KCON Conway,Ark. 1230 KAPA Raymond, Wash. 1340KBST Big Spring,Texas 1490ICCOR San Antonio,Texas 1350 RARE Atchison,Kan. 1470KBTA Batesville,Ark. 1340KCOW Alliance,Neb. 1400 HARK Little Rock,Ark. 920KBTM Jonnsboro,Ark. 123011007 Santa Maria, Calif.1400 HARM Fresno,Calif. 1430KBUC Corona,Calif. 1370KORA Sacramento,Calif. 1320 HASA Elk City,Okla. 1240KBUD Athens,Texas 1410KCRC Enid,Okla. 1390 KASH Eugene,Ore. 1600KBUH Brigham City,Utah800KCRE Crescent City,Calif. 1400 HAS' Ames,Ia. 1430KBUN Bemidji,Minn. 1460KCRG Cedar Rapids,Ia. 1600 KASM Albany, Minn. 1150KBUR Burlington,Iowa 1490HORS Midland,Texas 550 KAST Astoria,0 re. 1370KBWD Brownwood,Texas1380KURT Trinidad,Colo. 1240 HATE Albert Lea,Minn. 1450KBYE Okla.City,Okla. 890KCRV Caruthersville,Mo.1370 KATL Houston,Tex. 1590KBYR Anchorage,Alaska1240IMSB SanBernardino,Calif.1350 KATO Reno,Nev. 1340KBZY Grand Rapids,Minn.1490KCS.7 Pueblo,Colo. 590 ICAUS Austin,Minn. 1480KCBC Des Moines,Ia. 1390KCSU Provo,Utah 1400 HAVE Carlsbad,N.M. 1240HOED Lubbock,Texas 1690KCTI Gonzales,Tex. 1450 KAVL Lancaster,Calif. 1340KCBQ San Diego,Calif. 1170IMTX Childress,Texas 1510 ICAWT Douglas,Ariz. 1450KCBS San Fran.,Calif. 740KCUL Fort Worth,Texas1540 ICAYL Storm Lake,Ia. 990 Cuero,Tex. 1600KCVR Lodi,Calif. 1570 HAYS Hays,Kan. 1400KCHA Charles City,Ia. 1580KDAC Ft.Bragg,Calif. 1230 KEIO Burley,Ida. 1230KCHC El Paso,Texas 860KDAL Duluth,Minn. 610 ICBIS Bakersfield,Calif. 970ri.cm chinicothe,mo. 1010KDAS Malvern,Ark. 1420 HBIX Muskogee,Okla. 1490KCHS Hot Springs,N.M. 1400KDB Santa Barbara,Oalif. 1490 KBIZ Ottumwa,Iowa 1240KCID Caldwell,Ida. 1490KDDD Dumas,Texas 800 HBKH Pullman,Wash. 1150KCIJ Shreveport,La. 980IIDEC Decorah,Ia. 1240 ICBM .Alice,Texas 1070ROIL Houma,La. 1490KDET Center,Tex. 930 KBIZO Portland,Ore. 1290IECIM Carroll, Ia. 1380KDHL Faxibault,Minn. 920 2 Call Let'rs Kc.Call Let'rs Re.Call Let'rs Re. AMA Auburn, Calif. 1490KFKU Lawrenco,Kansas1260KGU Honolulu,Hawaii 760 KDIX Dickinson,N.D. 1230KFLD Floydada,Tex. 900KGVL Greenvillo,Texas 1400 ND/CA Pittsburgh,Pa. 1020KFLW Klamath Falls,Ore. 1450KGVO Missoula,Mont. 1290 Ir..DKD Clinton,Mo. 1280KFMB San Diego,Calif. 550KGW Portland,Ore. 620 KDLA DeRidder,La. 1010KFMJ Tulsa,Okla. 1050KGWA Enid,Okla. 960 KDLK Del Rio,Texas 1230KIM/0 Flat River,Mo. 1240KGY Olympia,Wash. 1240 KDLM DetroitLakes,Minn. 1360KFNF Shenandoah,Iowa 920KGYN Guymon,Okla. 1220 'MLR Devils Lake,N.D. 1240KFOR Lincoln,Neb. 1240liGYW Vallejo,Calif. 1190 KDMO Carthage,Mo. 1490ILFOX Long Beach,Calif.1280ERAS Hastings,Neb. 1230 MOMS El Dorado,Ark. 1290KFPW Ft.Smith,Ark. 1230KHBC Hilo,Hawaii 970 KDNT Denton,Texas 1440KFQD Anchorage,Alaska 600KHBG Okmulgee,Okla. 1240 KDON Salinas,Calif. 1460KERB Fatrbanks,Alaska1290IC= Hillsboro, Texas 1560 KDRO Sedalia,Mo. 1490KFRC San Francisco,Calif.610KHIT Lampasas,Texas 1450 ICDRS Paragould,Ark. 1490REED Rosenberg,Tex. 980KM' Los Angeles,Calif. 930 KDSH Boise,Ida. 950KFRE Fresno,Calif. 940KHMO Hannibal,Mo. 1070 EDSJ Deadwood,S.D. 980KFRM Kansas City,Mo. 550EHON Honolulu,T.H. 1380 KDSX Denison,Tex. 950KFR 0 Longview,Texas 1370KHOZ Harrison,Ark. 1240 KDTH Dubuque,Iowa 1370KFRU Columbis,Mo. 1400KHQ Spokane,Wash. 590 KDWT Stamford,Texas 1400KrsA Ft.Smith,Ark. 950KHSL Chico,Calif. 1290 KDYL Salt Lake City,Utah 1320KFSB joplin,Mo. 1310KHUB Watsonville,Calif.1340 KDZA Pueblo,Colo. 1230KFSD San Diego,Callf. 600KHUM Eureka,Calif. 1240 KEBE Jacksonville,Tex. 1400KFSG Los Angeles,Calif. 1150KHUZ Borger,Texas 1490 KECA Los Angeles,Calif. 790KFTM Ft.Morgan,Colo. 1260KIBE Palo Alto,Calif. 1220 KECC Pittsburg,Calif. 990KTTV Paris,Texas 125023 KIBH Seward,Alaska 1340 EECIC Odessa,Texas 920KFUN Las Vegas,N.M. KIBL Beeville,Texas 1490 KEEN San Jose,Calif. 1370KFUO St.Louis,Mo. 850KICA Clovis,N.M. 980 ICEIO Pocatello,Ida. 1440KFVD Los Angeles,Calif.1020KICD Spencer,Iowa 1240 KELA Centralia,Wash. 1470REVS Cape Girardeau,Mo.960KICK Springfield,Mo. 1340 KELD El Dorado,Ark. 1400liFWB Los Angeles,Calif. 980RICO Calexico,Callf. 1490 KELO Sioux Falls,S.D. 1320KFXD Nampa,Ida. 580KID Idaho Falls,Ida. 590 KELK Elko,Nev. 1240KFXJ Grand Junction,Colo. 920KIDO Boise,Ida. 630 KELP El Paso,Tex. 920KFXM SanBernardino,Calif.590KIM/ Eureka,Calif. 1480 KELS Kelso,Wash. 1490KFYN Bonham,Texas 1420KIEV Glendale,Calif. 870 KELT Electra,Texas 1050KFYO Lubback,Texas 790KIFI Idaho Falls,Ida. 1060 KELY Ely,Nev. 1230KFYR Bismarck,N.D. 550KIFN Phoenix,Ariz. 860 /LENA Mena,Ark. 1450EGA Spokane,Wash. KIFW Sitka,Alaska 1230 KENI Anchorage,Ala.ska 550KGAF Gainesville,Tex. 15581001 KIHN Hugo,Okla. 1340 KENM Portales,N.M. 1450KGAE Gallup,N.M. 2230KIHO Sioux Falls,S.D. 1270 KENO Las Vegas,Nev. 1460KGAL Lebanon,Ore. 930KIHR Hood River,Ore. 1340 RENT Shroveport,La. 1550KGAN Kingman,Ariz. 1230ICIJV Huron,S.D. 1340 KEPO El Paso,Texas 690KGAR Gardon City,Kan. 1050KIKI Honolulu,T.H, 860 KERB Kermit,Tex. 600KGB San Diego,Calif. 1360KILA Hilo,Hawaii 850 KERG Eugene,Ore. 1280KGBC Galvoston,Toxas 1540KILO Grand Forks,N.D. 1060 KERN Bakersfleld,Calif. 1410KGBS Harlingen,Texas 850KIMA Yakima,Wash. 1460 KERO Bakersfield,Calif. 1230KGBX Springlield,Mo. 1260KIMO Independence,Mo.1510 KEVA Shamrock,Tex. 1580KGCU Mandan,N.D. 1270KIMP Mt.Pleasant,Texas 960 KEVT Kerrville,Texas 1230KGCX Sidney,Mont. 1480KIND Independence,Kan. 1010 KEX Portland,Ore. 1190KGDE FergusFalls,Minn.1250KINE Kingsville,Tex. 1330 KEXO Grand Junc.,Colo.1230KGDM Stockton.Calif. 1140KING Seattle,Wash. 1090 KEYD Minneapolis,Minn. 1440KGEK Sterling,Colo. 1230ICINY Juneau,Alaska 1460 KEYE Perryton,Texas 1400KGEM Boise,Ida. 1140KIOA Des Moines,Ia. 940 KEYS Corpus Christi,Tex. 1440EGER. Long Beach,Calif. 1390KIOX Bay City,Tex. 1270 KEYY Pocatelloada. 1240KGEZ Kalispell,Mont. 600KIPA Hilo,T.H. 1110 KFAB Omaha,Neb. 1110KGFF Shawnee,Okla. 1450KIRK Kirksville,Mo. 1450 1CFAC Los Angeles,Calif. 1330KGFJ Los Angeles,Calif. 1230NIRO Seattle,Wash. 710 KFAL Fulton,Mo. 900KGFL Roswoll,N.M. 1400KISD Sioux Falls,S.D, 1230 KFAM St.Cloud,Minn. 1450KGFW Kearney,Neb. 1340KIST Santa Barbara,Calif. 1340 ICFAR Fairbanks,Alaska 660KGFX Pierre,S.D. 630KIT Yakima,Wash. 1280 1C.FBB Great Falls,Mont.1310KGGF Coffeyville,Kano. 690KITE San Antonio,Tex. 930 KFBC Cheyenne,Wyo. 710KGGM Albuquerque,N.M. 610KITO San Bernardino,Cal. 1290 KFBI Wichita,Kans. 1070KGHF Pueblo,Colo. 1350KIUL Gardon City,Kans.1240 ICFBK Sacramento Calif. 1530ICGIII Little Rock,Ark. 1250KIUN Pecos,Texas 1400 KFDA Amarillo,Texas 1440KGHL Billings,Mont. 790KIUP Durango,Colo. 930 KFDM Beaumont,Texas 560KGIB Bremerton,Wash. 1540KIVY Crockett,Tex. 1570 KrDit GrandCoulee,Wash. 1400KGIL San Fernando,Calif. 1260KIWW San Antonio,Tex.1540 KFDW Holena,Mont. 1340KGIW Alamosa,Colo. 1450KIXL Dallas Texas 1040 KFDX Wichita Falls, Tax.990KGICB Tyler,Texas 1490KIYI Shelby,Mont. 1230 KFEL Denver,Colo. 950KGKL San Angelo,Texas 960KJAM Vernal,Utah 1340 KFEQ St..Toseph,Mo. 680KGLC Miami3Okla. 910KJAN Atlantic.Ia. 1220 KFFA Helena,Ark. 1360KGLN Glenwd.Sprgs.,Colo. 1340ILTAY Topeka,ICan. 1440 KFGO Fargo,N.D. 790KGLO Mason City,Iowa 1300KJBC Midland,Tex. 1150 KFGQ Eoone,Iowa 1260KGLU Safford,Ariz. 1480KJBS San Francisco,Calif. 1100 KFGR Forest Grove,Ore.1570KGMB Honolulu,Hawaii 590MICE Festus,Mo. 1010 ICFGT Fremont,Neb. 1340MKGNB New Brannfels,Tex.
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