
TffT TTETiyg STAR. WASHINGTON D. C„ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 192T. 21 the establishment of KDKA and the PASSION PLAY ON AIR. on Program feat it performed in broadcasting the DE MERVEAUX FACES ! RADIO’S BEST OFFERINGS | “Serenade” election of President Harding in 1920 ! TONIGHT. Os Hotel Orchestra marked the beginning of the new era Famous Production Will Be IfWit-n RADIO ADVERTISING in radio.” that time, however, INSANITY RADIO TWO WIN PRIZES At CHARGE OF FIELD MEN Penn State song j College cally Portrayed. Is Key to Contest there were only 10.000 listeners in. night, WPSC, 8 o’clock. serve an audi- I)rigo’s “Serenade" played by Today over 700 stations The ‘‘Passion riay,“ as produced by broadcast ence of 16,000,00 P persons, he said. Film Director Procures Ger- play. Any Cost,” a hotel orchestra was plans which Counsel for the people of Oberammergau, One-act “At last night by the Mr. Houcheron described I by studio players, \\ NAC, at 7:35 o'clock CITED are either completed or under way to many, will be musically portrayed to (he ADVANTAGES Jury Awards AIDING BOARD 1 RADIO CDNIEST selected for Warrant After NEW IN second station 8:30 to 9 o’clock. increase the facilities of the two great the radio audience of WTIC, Hartford. identification in The Star's radio systems country today—- contest for the thirteenth and . radio of the to Fencer. Conn., during Holy week, by William the Southern division, which readies SSOO Ipana Troubadours, WRC, Hon- final contest week. The third I Corporation Official Tells Club i 11. Rhodes, lecturer and traveler, Supervisors Called in from |E. N. Jefferson Divides will be picked np to- up into the Central States and blan- p WEAF and associated sta- station kets the populous part of the will divide the presenta tions, 9 o’clock. night between 7:30 and 8 o’clock. most I By the Associated Pros*. Mr. Rhodes to 9:30 of Great ‘ Nation, and the Pacific Coast “hook- parts, Various Districts to ors by Picking Out 5 of A cash prize of SIO is award- Here LOS ANGKI.KS, March 30. -Lieut. turn into two the first to be ! the contestant identifying the i up." which covers the markets in the Maxwell hour, KDKA, ! ed vicinities of San Francisco and Los . Gerard de Mervraux. fencing instruc.- presented April 12 at R o'clock and th« WBZ. greatest number of stations. In I the hotn Possibilities. ' Angelos. ; who awarded in his second on April 14 at same Tell Conditions. KYW. WHAS. WMC and 7 Stations. the event of a tie the full award t«>r. was s.>oo by organist and 9 The mechanics of ,1. He will he assisted an WSM from to 10 ! - the tying contestants. $25,000 damage suit against Stuart WJZ. I is given iikcn it to a newspaper, as it naturally soloists. o'clock. director, several Factors which have led to the phe- divides up into the editorial division, Blaekton, motion picture to- Expert is b< ing E. N. Jefferson. 410 South Oak advice from the field identify were WLW and which arranges the program and di- day was sought on an insanity war- liven the Federal Radio Commission “The Pirates of Penzance,” street. Lyon Park. Va., and Miss Flor- son- failed to , nomenal growth of radio broadcasting Federal Positions Vacant. Maryland avenue WWNC. Miss Poston did not iden- rects the publicity, and the advertising rant. while immigration authorities in- r»y district radio supervisors of the by the WEAF Light Opera Co., ence Poston. 802 and the possibilities which it presents bureau, price northeast, winning tify WBT and WIP. ; which determines the of The Civil Service Commission toduv Department of Commerce, who have share the honor of i advertising hour, vestigated reported lapse of his en- WRC-, WEAF and other sta- . Merrick, 636 East as a future medium of advertising on the basis of the competitive examina «»n called to Washington by William The Star’s radio contest for the week Miss Bessie i from announced tions, 10:30 to 11:30 o'clock. identified five Capitol street,, was the only contest- indicated in an address by Pierre lie said. trance permit Austria. D. Terrell, chief of the Radio Division. of March 21-27. Each < , were luncheon at A. A. Kidder, Blaekton'sattorney.ob- tions to fill vacancies in the following seven stations selected for ant who named two stations correctly. . advertising and publicity- The address followed a It is anticipated that no small degree of the succeeded in iden- Boucheron, which prizes donated by V. T>. Moses, tained the insanity warrant after l»e positions: sug- identification during the week. Ac- Many of the others or consideration will be given the ¦ manager of the Radio Corporation of Philipsborn and George E. Shaeffer Merveaux disappeared from the court- operator, at $1,140 the JOINS BLUE CHAIN. cording to the rules of the contest, tifying only one station. Undermultigrnph gestions and recommendations of WBAL i 1 America, meeting Ad- were awarded. room yesterday before a verdict was broadcasting the full of before a of the year; junior multigraph operator, at Supervisors respecting li- each will receive award Norman C. Kal, president of the returned. Judge Walter A. Gates or- a vertising Men's Club yesterday at the mimeograph op cense applications, for no one knows Inaugural Program Likely to Be $lO. club, presided. dered the sheriff to hold up the arrest $1 320 a year, and better than each supervisor the serv- M. D. Rathgeber, 3512 New Hamp- NEW STATION TO FILL UP ; City Club. the jury His attorneys era at $1,140 a year, departmental second until reported. tor. ice being rendered by various stations Broadcast Soon. shire avenue, was a close to In tracing the history of radio Mr. promised to produce him today. service. regions the amenabil- the prize winners, identifying four of SPOT’ NEAR QUEBEC charges allege Map printer’s helper. Geological in various and OP).—An- ‘DEAD Boucheron placed the real recognition Holy Name Broadcast. Mr. Kidder’s the ity restraint the station , March 30 the seven stations. Mrs. H. L. enemies Survey, at a year. to reasonable Station AYNYC will broadcast the swordsman’s principal are S9OO tAvners have shown in the past. nouncement that WBAL, owned and Briggs, 2577 Rhode Island avenue Cana- of the use of wireless communication windmills —that De Merveaux is sub- lithographic pressfeeder. Geological northeast, Mrs, L. B. Olmstead. CNRQ. Eleventh Opened by Bringing his aides together from operated by the Consolidated Gas & and as having occurred at the time of the annual Holy Name Society communion ject to delusions that he is beirfg per- Survey, at $1,140 a year. supervision station H, route 9, each named information and application each of the nine zones of Electric Co. of Baltimore, will join dian National Railways. Will ] Florida-Republic disaster, in 1909. “The breakfast of the New York Police De- secuted and financially ruined: that ho Full is in no way connected with the public three stations correctly. with the partment by direct wire from the Ho- has threatened to kill Kidder and blanks may he obtained from the office the National Broadcasting Co.’s “blue identifica- April 7. next great step forward came hearings on radio culled by the cum The stations selected for Broadcast First Program adventj of the World War and Amer- tel Astor Sunday morning at 10:30 Blaekton’s two daughters, and that he of the United States Civil Service Coin mission, Mr. Terrell says. Thev have network.” was made today by Frank tion during the week follow: 1917,” said, “while o’clock. is a dangerous person to be at large. mission, 1724 F street. 21—WSAI, Cin- till up a "dead spot” in ica’s entrance in ho come to consult concerning the re- A. Arnold, director of development for Monday, March In order to i situation in their respective dis- cinnati. i the vicinity of Quebec City, the radio ’ gional broadcasting company. to !>e instructed as to the the Tuesday, March 22—WBT, Char- department< of the Canadian National tricts and open broad- administrative phases of radio control He said the inaugural program prob- lotte. N. C. RailwaysI is about to a new ' ably will be broadcast early in April. in that city. This they must carry out under the com- Wednesday, March 23—WLW, Cin- easting station - < station, which is to have the call let- mission's orders. | cinnati. on have come to Thursday, March 24 WWNC, ters CNRQ, will start its career Seven supervisors Radio Fake. Sicily Believes. 1 joint program from Washington from the following dis- Asheville, N. C. April 7, with a In the island of Sicily- the natives CNRM, Montreal, and CNltO* Ottawa. tricts! r. (’. Kolster, Boston; Arthur Friday, March 25—WOC, Daven- ' Batcheller, New Yotk; W. Van Nos- don't believe in radio. They have port, lowa. , The new Quebec station will be the (i. Deiler, seen demonstrations, hut they still Saturday, March 26—WJAX, Jack- eleventh to be opened by the Canadian trand, ji\, Atlanta: Theodore its chain of O. I’,. Redfern. Seattle; think the operator is playing a trick* sonville, Fla. National Railways in New Orleans: extending end of Edwards, Detroit, and E. A. on them. This was discovered by Sunday, March 27—WIP, Philadel- stations from one S. W. Dominion to the other. It will be a ( radio manufacturers who tried sell the Announces Beane, hieago. to phia. , wave. Commissioner J. F. Dillon, appointed sets there. The two stations which Mr. Jeffer- on the 340.7 meter the post of The station in all its broadcasts to the commission from by either telegraph radio supervisor of the San Fi k’leisco will he connected col or telephone wire to the studios of district, wil consult with his I.ONG RANGE RADIO ENTERTAINMENT |: stations, conditions there, while C. the Montreal or Ottawa an- leagues on being in both French 11. Linden, acting supervisor, remains WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1927. nouncements timely English. On occasions of it New a* d note Sale of charge, no successor to Mr. Dillon In also will be connected with CNRT, at having as yet !>een named. The Balti- Pi¦Of/rams of Distant Stations Scheduled for Eastern Standard Time I represented at I Toronto. The comblna'ion of the four more district is being formed is expected to Washington by 1,. Herndon, assist- stations thus Supervisor R. Y 4 TO 5 P.M. Stations. Meters. Miles. till in many of the "dead spots” found ant supervisor. \vh" near each of these cities. In addition Cadmus is absent >n an inspection 4:oo—New York: Vocal and instrumental artists: Robert’s Pals. . .WHN 361.2 204 New York: Vocal and piano solos: “Modern Spain” WEAP lit].5 204 to the 11 stations at Moncton, Quebec, trip. New York: Radio Ramblers: boosts: piano selections. WPCH 272.6 204 Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Winnipeg, Tlipre question Boston: Entertainers; Sinfonians WNAO 300 is some whether the Eisenbounr's 430.1 Saskatoon, Edmonton, Cal- radio law describes 4:3o—New York: Waldorf-Astoria Concert Orchestra WJZ 434.3 204 Regina, fact that the new 4:40 —: Police reports: organ; trumpets WOO 508.2 123 gary and 'Vancouver, each of the will not cause fusion five radio zones « TO 6 operated by the under the Depart- P.M. transcontinental trains of the nine districts 5:00—Boston: Theatrical hour with Grace Hayle WlfAO 430.1 300 Canadian National Railways is into five zones. On New York: WEAP 401.5 204 DRESSES! ment of Commerce “The Ocean Duster”: Jansen's Orchestra equipped with radio receivers. the other hand, it is stated the five- New York: Hour of Successful Women, with Mine. BeIIe..WPCH 272.6 204 New .. .WJZ 204 provision simply York: Waldorf-Astoria Concert Orchestra: markets. 454.3 zone was a sectional Chicago: Vocal and violin solos: the Cook Sisters WBBM 220 504 device for the purpose of selecting as Chicago: Mandel Bi-others’ Trio: Mothers in Council... .WMAQ 447.5 5514 Chicago: PLANTS REOPEN. many representatives to coni Field’s Orchestra: algebra lesson: organ WON 303 504 NITRATE regional Mooseheart. 111.: Children’s hour: faculty talks WJJD 370 624 prise the commission, the law specifi : Readers’ Club WCCO 416.4 037 263 of them to go on sale cally stating that one commissioner s:4o—New York: Anna Moran, soprano: Vernon's Juveniles. .. .WNYC 526 204 Mills Will Resume to Meet In- must come from each zone. O TO 7 hand, P.M. On the other the law is inter- 6:oo—Chicago: Organ "The Million Sing”: 303 504 creased Demand. Chicago: recital: solos WGN Wjrißk preted as contemplating five districts Children’s Club: songs: stories: pianist.... WEBH 370 504 YORK, OP).—Re- Chicago: Tops.v program; bag 504 NEW March 30 Friday turv.v 447.5 tomorrow, supervisory administrative time mail WMAQ and for and opening of three old plants of the present Detroil: Dinner concert WWJ 352.7 307 purposes as well. The district Detroit: Goldkette’s Ensemble: stories: news; markets.... WCX 516.9 307 Anglo-Chilean Consolidated Nitrate for • division is deemed most convenient Detroit: Tuller Orchestra: markets: news; stories WGHP 270 397 Corporation on the Tocopilla Pampa, and quick accessibil- New York: Songs: “Broadway Chat”: the Happy Tunester. .WPCH 272.6 204 purposes of easy New York: concert WEAF 491.5 204 in expectatoin of lower prices and in- headquarters points Waldorf-Astoria Orchestra Saturday, ity from the to New York: Pianist: market reports; Spanish lesson 526 204 at WNYC creased demand, was announced here radio difficulties which New York: Uncle Geeben: Mai Hallett’s Entertainers WGBS 315.6 204 the scene of yesterday. The plants are known as supervisors inspect. Schenectady: Markets: news: book talk: “Agriculture".... WGY 379.5 313 the must Cleveland: Dinner concert by the Neapolitans WTAM 389.4 303 the Santa Isabel, Peregrina and Coya headquarters Philadelphia: Weather reports: Benjamin Franklin Con- yj|Pj It is possible that five Sura and are situated on a part of the points might be established with vari- cert Orchestra: market reports; songs WIP 508.2 123 6:ls—Philadelphia: Pennsylvania Orchestra: harmony singers. ... WCAU 277.6 123 old Anglo-Chilean development. ous branch points wh re assistant in- Springfield: Lenox Ensemble; news bulletins WBZ 333.1 321 Production of the new plant of the spectors might be stationed. It is Minneapolis: Children’s hour: talk from New Y’ork WCCO 416.4 937 Boston: Kiddies' Klub: Lido Venice Orchestra WNAO 430.1 390 corporation, in which the new Gug- pointed out that the present nine dis- Banyard. genheim established when Newark: Shelton Ensemble: Frank baritone.... WOR 405.2 195 nitrate process was Intro- tricts were, after all. 6:3o—New York: Knickerbocker Concert Orchestra WHN 361.2 204 duced ago, reported largely Philadelphia: Ernie Holst's Adelphia Orchestra WFI 394.5 123 some time is as radio communication meant selections by 325.9 403 having approximately communication, eight of the 6:4o—Cincinnati: Piano Lola Smith WSAI doubled in the maritime 6:4s—New York: “The Political Situation in Washington Tonight.” past week. being ports. by Frederic Wile, jointly nine headquarters points William from WRC. broadcast The progress is being by Today necessity as great, if not with WTAM. WOC. WCCO and WEAP 491.5 204 .watched the is Chicago: News bulletins and market reports KYW 535.4 594 other nitrate interests in the Latin greater, for inland supervision, in i 7 TO 8 P.M. American country, with a view to view of the great increase of program J• 7 00—Miami Beach. Fla.: Fleetwood Concert Orchestra WMBF 384 4 928 adopting the Guggenheim process if broadcasting. Chicago: Bedtime stories: Congress dinner concert KYW 635.4 594 it proves out satisfactory in capacity Davenport: Sport news; Voss Vagabonds WOC 483.6 78< operation. With its usual array of Wednesday 1 New York: Synagogue services WEAF 491.5 204 augmented by a Cincinnati: "Mrs. Dumbly": chimes concert WSAT 325.9 403 night attract fans New songs: pianist a York: Talks; WHN 361.2 204 concert by the Army Band and ; Newark: Shelton Ensemble: Kings' Orchestra IVOR 405.2 195 Argentina exports an average of 46,- resume of the political situation in j Boston: Lido Venice Orchestra: the Rival Rambler.... WNAC 430.1 390 000 tons of agricultural products a Minneapolis: Markets and roads reports: soloist; talk. ..WCCO 4104 937 day Washington by Frederic William i Springfield: Adams’ Orchestra; nature league WBZ 333.1 321 In the Spring months. Wile. WRC will be on the air eon- j Philadelphia: Roll call: birthday list: recitations WIP 508.2 123 from 6:45 to 11:30 Cleveland: Talks: studio recital ..WTAM 389.4 303 tlnuousiy tonight j Philadelphia: Jewish folk songs: pianist: Haenle Trio..WCAU 277.6 123 o’clock. . j New Spanish police saw artist.... WNYC 526 204 „ , York: lesson: reports: which will be Cincinnati: talk WLW 422.3 403 Heading the features I • Gibson Orchestra: is the National New York: VucaJ and instrumental recital: talk: Span- ????????????| drawn from New York j ish lesson WPCH 272.6 204 Light Opera Co.’s interpretation of 1 Chicago: Organ recital; "The Story Lady” WQJ 447.5 594 Organ recital: Players WJJD 370 624 Jf Do Not Do the Gilbert and Sullivan funeral satire Chicago:Mooseheart. 111.: Palmer .WGN 303 594 3f ex- Market reports: Punch and Judy: Drake Ensemble. on British respectability and the j New York: Commodore Orchestra WJZ 454.3 204 Jg This to \ 3f Your 3f agge rated moral sense of the ie- ; Chicago: Entertainers: stock reports WENR 266 594 as , Des Moines: Bankers’ Little Symphony WHO 526 895 torian era known the “Pirates of > 7:ls—Nashville, Announcements;' Radio Set )f' ” ! Tenn.: bedtime story; Jackson 4 Penzance The other New York at- Orchestra WSM 282.8 565 Smith Brothers, J: 7:3o—New York: Calvary Baptist Church services WOAO 361.2 tractions include the j meeting Army.... 2.5 2j>4 Ipana Buffalo. N. Y.: ’Spiritual hv Salvation WKR" 36 291 the Davis Saxophone Octet, tjie ; New York: Conservation program: “Life’s Show Windows” WAB(, 316.6 204

, third of the , by the States Army Band, ...... Troubadours and the New York: Concert United WJZ 454.3 204 series of Balkite “Cycles of Romance.” WRC and on Philadelphia: Rosander's J. W. C. I. Band .WOO 608.2 123 Aside from Mr. Wile’s talk Pittsburgh: Market reports: University address...... KDKA 309.1 188 DRESSES politics and the Army Band concert, New York: South Sea Islanders. "’TAG, WTAM. WBAI. B g B and WEAF 491.5 204 will be another outstanding fea- WGY WEAF there TO » P.M. of local origin, program by the 8 ture a Wife,” by Perfect Diamond Entertainers, which B:oo—New York: Dr-bate: “The Two-Job Lena Phil- lips and John Maey National Cavaliers Male Quartet. . to advertised as a distinctive radio WJAR. WLIT and WRC. from . WEAK 491 o 204 will give Philadelphia: J. I. Band; Spring cantata. “Rose novelty. The artists who W. C. 608.2 two prominent Maiden" WOO 123 this program are , New York: “Life’s Show Window’s”: “On Broadway’ : solos WABC 315.6 204 We maintain staff of whom has University program: WGN 303 594 a of ex- Washington pianists, one Chicago: Tribune mimic perts who will repair !J reputation composer. Des Moines: Paul Christensen's Orchestra MHO n26 895 J your regular national as a all from | Jack Keefe -WSM -62.8 our a Tenn.. Jackson Orchestra: 565 set at a reasonable price Nashville. WEBH 3/0 594 j wavelengths Chicago Kdgewater Beach Orchestra: talk )L and at once. Roaming the was an j Chicago: Varied musical program - - WMAQ 447. a 594 jA j and symphony orchestra; 3»r engrossing pastime last night, j Detroit: Light opera company: solos WGHP 2/ j a Sig- Cincinnati: Studio program ’J,*'" VM Batteries Installed • productive of excellent results. Schenectady: Remington Band 313 ¦ soloist; trio 3/9-5 Aerials nals of most of the out-of-town sta- , New York: Piano Twins: Lewisohn course: ..WNYC 526 204 Installed ...... 369.4 —simply "TAM 303 reduced! through . stock came with good volume Cleveland) Studio recital Repairing Rons i Burn# period ...... 123 Occasionally, however, | Philadelphia: Unity Artists: . . .WCAU 277.6 J and audibility. Boston Musical program: one-act play At Any Post "NAC 430.1 .190 * n i>arrage of code would threaten the j Newark: Talk: Vanderbilt Concret Orchestra: C. Eeland STAR fJknnoji buri tone WOK 405.2 JOd RADIO quiet of the fireside, but there was , night .WPSC I A dress sale of exceptional importance. High-grade State College Pa.: Collette fraternity eon* 2§l 881 T 409 11th St. N.W. consolation in the fact that static had Maimi Fla : News and police bulletins . WMBF 384.4 928 2 at J Beach Mary Gately. 384.4 itself. The dot-and-dash h 3D-New York- TYio Ideale: contralto WLWL 204 Frank. 8848 models that should sell at a far higher price. Fashion- absented j Hymns: church choir WRVA 256 95 3f^ particularly bad on the 390 r!chmond V™ .' WHAS 399 8 471 tack was LmiurriUe? Violin fecital: thrift talk •???? end 410 meter channels. New York’ Talk: vocal soloists WHN 361.2 204 ???????? ed of exquisite silks and georgettes —in the latest Br> ringfield ’ Canto Quartet WBZ 333.1 321 Our nightly excursion over the j Male from. 204 following Newyork: TbeArm Chair hour. KDKA and KYW. . WJZ 454.3 styles—bloused, tucked, tiered, wavelengths produced the I New York- Davis Saxophone Octet. WELL "JAR. WGR, Don’t Fuss With Paris draped—elab- results: WTAM, Cleveland: WRNY.j \VLIT WRC. WCSH WCAE and WTAM, from WEAF 491.6 204 New York; WLIT. Philadelphia;! 9 TO 10 A.M. orate frocks or simply tailored. Detroit; WLS, Mustard e York- Ipan a Balkite hour. WEEI. Plasters! WKBW, Buffalo; p cat New WJR. oO—New toi Troubadours’ WGY and Chicago; WJZ. New York; \\ TIC, ] WCAE. WWJ. WLIB. KSD. WEAF 481.5 204 of New YorkWRf"• Maxwell hour: soloist: Shiikret’s Orchestra. Don’t mix a mess mustard, flour Hartford; WGBS, New York; N and WHAS. WSM. WSB WMC. from WJZ 454 3 204 and water when you pain, — WSM.J WBZ KDKA KYW. Huntington WHN 204 can relieve Nashville; WWNC, Asheville, N. New York" Vocal’and instrumental solos: Four . 361.2 soreness or stiffness with a little Featuring Rio Rita Blue—Wild Aster Richmond Va. • Musicians’ Club recital WRVA 256 95 »nd WLBW. Oil City. Pa. violin, and harp solos WLWL 364.4 204 clean, white Musterole. New York Talk: vocal ’. Newark- Studio guild program . "OR 405.2 195 Musterole is made of pure oil of All the Neiv Paris Shades — Boston’ Northeastern University Glee Club ami Banjo CIub.WNAC 430.1 390 mustard and other helpful Philadelphia: Fell ns* frolic hour wcau 277.6 123 ingredients, ’ Auditorium program ...... "TAM 389.4 303 and takes the place of mustard j Local Radio Entertainment Cleveland: “Moving ...."NYC New York Lewisohn course: Merchandise 526 204 Women's and Misses Sizes lecture 447.5 594 plasters. Chicago? Chapman’s Orchestra: WMAQ Musterole usually gives Mooseheart 111 ’ Childrens musical hour...* WJJD 3,0 624 prompt Wednesday, Mar. 30, 1927 Des* Moines: “Doc Mu.” singer: pianist: whistler.,...... WHO 526 895 relief from sore throat, bronchitis, New Playlet. “The Widow of "asdale; The tonsillitis, croup, stiff York: w A .11 -.”4 neck, asthma, VaouproM . . j{(, neuralgia, headache, Chicago Rauland Lyric Trio; Samovar Orchestra: others.WENß 266 594 congestion, NAA—Washington Navy Yard (434.0 Chicago: Coon-Sanders . WBBM 226 594 pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains Springs. Community program VEMi. 31 0.6 533 and aches of the Meters!. 9 15—Berrien* met* WKBVV .291 back or joints, RuffaJo N. Y • Prayer t!tiff .462.5 sprains, muscles, p»5 Philadelphia: Orchestra and studio program -WOO 508.2 123 sore bruises, chil- 3 45 p.m.—Weather Bureau reports. Fox Dusty Rusty 94.. Easy City: and VTUAh Payments | *jo—Kansas “White Braves”: 365.6 blains, frosted feet, colds of p.m.—Arlington time signals. 9 program wgn 303 r»94 the chest 9:55 I Chicago: Concert (it may prevent pneumonia). 10:05 p.m.—Weather Bureau re- 10 TO II P.M. it! In addition to the reduction, ports. 10:00— Philadelphia: Fox program WOO 508.2 }23 Think of wonderful Co* Angeles: Fishers Orchestra , 1 36. -.30;' —Washington Radio Hospital New York: Waldorf-Astoria Dance Orchestra "ABC 315.6 204 we are offering you the of EASY DE- * 9H;> i WHHF I Des Mmnes: Philbreck’s Orchestra "HO 526 convenience Fund (356 Meters). Nashville James Melton, tenor WSM 2282.8 565 Tenn.: 694 noon—Current events and 'Chicago ’ Vocal and instrumental program WMAQ 447.5 FERRED PAYMENTS! Come in and make your 11 to 12 j New York: “China and the World”; pianist: police and police reports. Schenectady: Harmony Iwtns *«& selection —pay a small deposit and we willdivide the program "TAM 389.4 303 Washington Radio Forum' Cleveland: Studio 4 30.1 390 Orchestra V>XMr WMAI. Boston Bucknimstc v\( (293.9 Meters). Phibtfl«ll>bia: \ euetian Orrhentra Ai; \ vpw'irk review: Th** SitljK*4 ‘ new* WOK 405.2 105 ¦ Literature 204 Butter than a mtutard plotter Silent. \>VV York l!)\rs tm<*n!H’: Ninore Knmjmble. . .‘484 4 r of America 'son gs ’ Id*Dari/ e ’ Orchestra ’.’...’.’. ’. ’. .TwHN hill .2 204 WRC—Radio Corporation Ra.hotrons,*R‘racial 3 204 Meters). New York WBZ. WBZA. KDKA WEBH . . WJZ 454 (468.5 ,t o, O KC LAK N rk from WEAF 481.5 204 pun.- "The Political Situation j "Vwj "SAl KSD te WcAV Jd WnAV . 645 I < hi. Arabian Nijfhtfc’ entertainment \V(,N .‘UK* 504 in Washington Tonight,” by Frederic j Cincinnati’ The Heermann Trio: Castle Farm program. . ..WLW 422.3 403 with WEAK. ; Fleetwood Dance Orchestra WMBF 384.4 928 Interest Extras William Wile, broadcast M "Beach. Fla.: No or Pittsburgh: Ponoert prosrram: weather report KI>KA *400.1 JBB p.m. by the United States songs ™ 7 --Concert i New York Entertainers: pianist: H j?5 7 Army Band, broadcast jointly with j Chicago: Classical '•one*»rt • .. 552.0 SSS4CM A\ IZ from 7:30 to 8 p m. 50-—( Piano and artists Davenport MUMeal program: or Kan recita1...... V£A\WOC 48.4.0 % pun.—Schwartz’s Diamond Enter- j Nf w York * Pirates of Penzance, by the WEAF Ufht ta liters. Or«-ia(bmpany "’LIT. WRC.’WCAE aiul WGY. fromWEAK 491.5 204 8:15 pun.—National Cavaliers from 11 TO 12 MIDNIGHT. Immediate Wear " WEAF. U ~~ IJO111 'n,"w : Salon Royal Orchestra. .WPCH 6 204 Saxophone imiimati:Vork Pianist* .272 p.m.—Davis Octet j 493 830 Cincinnati: Sinton Dance Orchestra ¦ "bAI 3~6.0 WEAF. Chicago’ Varied musical program Kiw 535.4 694 I from Bible reading.WGN 303 m p.m.—lpana Troubadours, from Chicago. Sam and Henry “The Music Box”’ 694 1 ('mcinnati Organ recital: Latonia Melody Boys .WLW 4.22.3 403 WEAF. New York: N T. G. program: Freddy Bell, songs and 9:30 pun.—Balkite Hour, front ukulele; Silver Slipper Orchestra WHN 361.3 -04 Lo« Angeles: Bank program • KNX 337 -.300 WEAF. Newark: Hagan’s Manger Orchestra 1* 4,66.- 195 10 p.m.—Smith Brothers, from Richmond Va.; Varied program MjA.i.'Ai? 2‘>6 95 WEAF. Hot Springs: Colored jubilee singers KTHS 3,4.8 900 Pirates of Nashville. Tenn. Roger Williams University Quartet WSM 282.8 565 10:30 to 11:30 pun. "The j Cleveland: Roth's Fenway Hail Orchestra WTAM 389.4 303 Ponjcoa*.” by WEAF Light Opera : Springfield missing person reports WBZ 333.1 321 the Weather and 123 from W EAF. Philadelphia Ihttong's Cheer-Up Club WCAU 277.6 Co., Chicago: Popular musical program WQJ 447.0 594 Early Program Tomorrow. Chicago’ News bulletins: songs: Edge water Orchestra. ... WEBH .370 594 Angeles: program 495 lais News bulletins: musical KHJ 2 2..300 / 6:45-7:45 a.m. —Tower health oxer jl 30 New York: Wadsworths Roosevelt Darns l Orchestra WEAF 491.5 204 eises. 12 MIDNIGHT TO 1 A.M. 11:30 a.m.—Lenten Bible study l« 00__|x>s Angeles: Harris program KHJ 105.2 2.300 Davenport Kings Orchestra WOC - 48.3.6 787 Angeles program . KNX .337 Hour. services, Eos Feature 2.300 12:30 p.m—Lenten New York Frivolity Club Orchestra WHN 361.2 204 Organ recital; Meeker’s Dance Orchestra 594 1 p.m.—Horticulture flashes. Chicago: WLIB 302.8 624 Orchestra. Mooseheart. 111.: Palmer Victorians: songs WJJD .370 1:15-2 p.m.—Mayflower Co* Angeles: Musical program by the Gleaner Quartet KFI 467 2,.300 • City: Players: 1 3 1” Kansas Niflithawk frolic: Plantation, Weems’ I Orchestra; organ recital "’IMF 366.6 942 Stations on Low Waves. 1 TO 2 A.M. & g stations now are broad ii no Chicago Revue Kdgewater Beach Dance Orchestra WEBH 370 594 and soothing Four radio Angeles Sunset Quartet: soloists KFI 2,399 sL 467 sts. >•* Instrumental casting lengths below , ,tt.;:c!..* program 2,300 Safe on wave j.. • KNX .337 1 Musnal 226 594 meter*, in addition to He ir rcgulul Chicago The Nutty Club: CoOB-Snitders; “Colonel Nut”.. WBBM at> WLW, WOT, j * TO a A.M. channels. These 2,300 KHivA unu WU.N 1". 2 ,yo—Los Angeles: Arnhexms Ambassador Dance Orchestra KNX 337