“European Journey Through Legends” — Comenius project — March –April 2009 Under Matilda di Canossa’s Shield After our treasures hunting from and powerful woman in a man’s Thessaloniki-Greece, during our 2nd world. I’ve never heard about her Comenius meeting we were before, but now I realize she is so challenged to find the heritage of important for women’s history as Matilde di Canossa. If you talk about Jeanne D’Arc. “6 For Europe!” Matilda of Canossa to a person from B ut who is Matilda? At this ques- the area of Reggio it is like tion, our guide from the Canossa talking about a present-day person, a Castle replied to me : “She is my neighbor and this happens especially if love. All my life I’ve been talking you talk to someone who is lucky about her. I’ve dedicated my life to enough to live in the hills surrounding her. And I have no regrets.” Hear- . ing him you could believe she is still H ills steeped in history are the alive. But she is alive in the hearts places where are the remains of of Reggio Emilia’s people. Matilda’s castles; old villages, tower- M atilda’s spirit was our host houses and medieval castles constitute during our visit to . the peculiarities of the man-made landscape. Matilda was an intelligent Grazzie! Camelia Kallos –Romania Totemic “thoughts” It is a common human reaction activity. As it concerns the main icons from Reggio Emilia and to “totemize” events of our lives. theme of the meetings, ballads, Canossa, Sala Tricolore, the INSIDE THIS For me the totems of our sec- the variety of creativity version cathedral and the street market, ISSUE: ond Comenius mobility were was fulfilling our basic aim of the Mantova and Palazzio del Te two. Matilda and a song. program, to meet different as- offered us as one characteristic- Once upon in Matilda’s story and legend, be- pects and get inspired from them I think- knowledge of all this Italy 3 cause they were both present enjoying the fresh air of a beauti- Italian area. My Italian there, is by far the answer to the ful thought. From the happy Ro- 4 My second totem is the sound Diary question “ What Italian story did manian cemetery to the detailed of the song playing in the bus you hear at Reggio Emilia? ” Not analysis of the Italian ballad, from La Vita E Bela 5 the moment of our arrival at only due to the historical impor- the excellent dramatization of the school. The first tears, lots of Things That tance of the material but basically Polish story to the passionate Surprised Me 5 hugging, immediately aroused due to the optical enforcement Spanish singing spirit, each one from one happy community of Expectation of the narration- the ladies in and all in the same time embed- 4 young people who had shared traditional clothing and the castle ded feelings and ideas to the view- one day together. I felt so sad 6 Stories One itself- Matilda’s story made such ers. The usage of ICT technology Journey 6 bringing in conscious that it was an impression to both teachers was also a key factor in increasing the last day of Matilda’s meeting Using Music and students. I also believe that a the impact of the material pre- as I have named it. And Song Into 7 lady’s story presented to a 70% sented. Teaching female audience strengthened The expectations from the My second totem though is not this impression even more. From first day of the polish meeting The town from presentation originate. It has to the heart of educational prospective I found are now higher. The program is 11 do with our last day excursion, water the visit to Cannosa an excellent in full development. the selection of which was abso- paradigm of outdoor learning lutely perfect. Combined with our Zaharias Spanos – Greece PAGE 2 TRAVELING ITALY THR OUGH ITS LEGENDS

Interview with Sylwia and Justyna who came back from Italy Interviewer: As we know that you came - Tricolour Hall in Reggio Emilia; I: What surprised you most in this coun- back from Italy. Why did you go there? We ate at school Sylwia i Justyna: Because our class is traditional, Italian taking part in the Comenius project. cuisine. We took We were chosen part in their les- by our teachers to go to the next sons, Information country of our project. Technology. On Valentine’s Day I: How did you get there? we walked from SiJ: We got there by bus, by plane, by class to class and train, by car. It was a long journey. We we delivered Val- really liked flying by plane. entines Cards.

I: Describe the place where you lived. I: What were you doing in your free time? try? S: I lived in an old house. It was a big S: I went to the park with peacocks. I SiJ: People from Italy talk very loud, flat. I slept with Francesca in her room. went to the shopping centre in Reggio but for us it sounded like shouting. This house’s surroundings were built in Emilia. I watched when Francesca was They have two dinners and they eat an old style. playing the computer. cakes, sweets for breakfast. They J: My house was very big. I had my own J: I met with Nicoletta’s friends. I went to drive fast and dangerous. The level of bedroom. This house was in Monte play bowling. We had a pyjamas party English was very low. Cavolo. with people from Comenius group. I: What are the similarities and differ- I: Did you like it? I: What did you visit? ences between Polish and Italian cul- SiJ: Yes, of course. SiJ: We visited: ture? I: Describe Italian school and their lessons. - Reggio Emilia – it is city where their SiJ: There are many similarities be- tween Polish culture and Italian. SiJ: Their school is really big – bigger school is; Canossa – there are the ruins of the castle; Mantova – it is a big city, Nightlife among student isn’t popular. than our school. Their lessons were They have got different food than we like ours. They have six lessons for six there are many museums i.e. Palazzo Ducale Palazzo Te; Tricolour Hall – it is have. Their families are hot- days. There were three schools to- tempered. gether: primary school, gymnasium and the Town Council where we can know technical school. history of Italian flag; I: What do you think about Italian people? I: What were you doing at school? - National Park; I: Did you try Italian food? SiJ: The Italians are and students SiJ: At school we watched presentation look like we do. They are loud, and about legends and our ballads. We SiJ: We ate lasagna, pasta, piadina, crois- boys are handsome. They sometime presented a ballad about Mrs Twar- sant, pizza. We drank special peach juice, are a bit little crazy. dowska by A. Mickiewicz. We watched different than ours, very tasty. I: Do you know any words in Italian? Power-Point presentations about: I: Did you buy anything special there? - Mantova; SiJ: We can count from one to ten in SiJ: We bought souvenirs for my parents Italian. Hi is ciao. Stop is basta. - Matilde of Canossa; and my friends. Mother is la mamma. Dad is papa. I: Did you meet any Water is acqua. Milk is latte. Yes is si interesting people? and no is no. How are you is comesta. SiJ: We met a teacher I: What was the weather like? from Greece. His name SiJ: In Italy it was sunny but some- is Zaharias. He was times it was cold. The temperature really funny. And the was about 10 C. teacher from Italy, she teaches English, she I: Did you like this visit? wore interesting SiJ: We liked it very much. It was a clothes and make-up. very nice experience, because we met We met people from many new people. Comenius group. They Polish Team were nice and friendly.

TRAVELING ITALY THROUGH ITS LEGENDS PAGE 3 Once upon in Italy The Romanian students Carina and Andreea, who went in Italy want to share with us the experience they had there and tell us about the different places they visited.

Rep.: Tell us about this project. gna and who, after proclaiming the Repubblica Cis- padana, adopted on 7 th January , 1797 a horizontal tricolor of C&A: The project’s name is “European journey through leg- green, white and red (with red at the top) which is consid- end” and this is a partnership between 6 countries like Ro- ered the first Italian tricolor. My teacher received a book mania the meaning coordinate ,Greek, Italy Poland, Turkey, from the one of the town’s authority representant. and Spain. The project has many purposes: we will talk about legends, myths and stories from Europe, we want to share Rep.: You sad that we were at school in every day. Tell us the our tradition and lifestyle with each differences? others . I believe we will improve our C&A: There the students are few in the English. We will visited different class so in this way the teacher could places from our country, but also take care of them almost individually. At from the partners countries, too. And the Foreign Language they have two that’s for sure: we will make friends teachers. But the rest of the classes are for life. like in my country. Oh, and I must say, Rep.: What did you done there? What they have school classes on Saturday. places did you visit? Rep.: Did you had free time? What did C&A: In every day we went to school. you did? In the first day the others countries C&A: Yes, we had a lot of free time. We had the presentation of their ballads. went with girls to the Zoo, and after that In the second day we had Valentine’s we went at the restaurant and we eat day and we share the love notes that students write for the traditional Italian food called “Piadina”. In the evening we girls. After, we went to a place to visit one of the many cas- went in another town for Bowling. We had a great time tles of Matilde di Canossa. there and a lot of fun. And our hosting families were great. Rep.: Who is Matilde di Canossa? Rep.: What do you want to tell the others students about this C&A: Matilde was an educated and a powerful woman. At trip? Canossa the guide of the remains of the castle offered us an C&A: This was an unique experience from my entire life. The outdoor history lesson. We learn a lot about Matilde. She family was amazing with me and I am so happy that I had this was a princes and after her sister and her brother’s death all opportunity to get part of this project. I made friends and the the families castles returning to her. She had a husband for country and the people from there is amazing. You should go politics reasons and she was stayed for a while in foreign there to convince yourself. countries. She came back together with her husband in Italy Rep.: Would you want to go there again? where the Pope had a arguing with the king Henry. She man- age to make peace between them. C&A: As soon as I can. This project is the best thing from my life. Rep.: So what did you do in the others days? Rep.: Thank you your share your opinion with us. C&A: We went in different places. One day we were at “Sala del Tricolore” where we learned about the Italian tricolor C&A: It was my pleasure to tell the others what a great op- flag. This building is currently the council chamber of the portunity I had, and to tell all the new things I learned . Reggio Emilia. This room in fact, on December 27, 1796, Romanian Team – Rocomenius hosted the congress of delegates from Reggio, , Bolo- My Life Experience In Reggio Emilia This has been my first Comenius experience and I should say it´s been a rich and highly positive time from my point of view. We have more things in common than one would think, and you have to travel abroad, share experiences to realize it fully. I´ve enjoyed Friday´s session, ballads from different countries presented in such a lively way, and then, in the break time we´ve tasted the cakes, pastries families have brought for us. Delicious! On Saturday morning we´ve been to Canossa and have learnt about Mathilda and her time. In the afternoon we’ve visited Parma with a wonderful guide: Luca. On Sunday I had to come back to Barcelona but I brought with me many experiences to share with my students, eager to take part in it. Maitetxu Marcellán - Spain PAGE 4 TRAVELING ITALY THR OUGH ITS LEGENDS My Italian diary In February 12th 2009 we went to Italy, Sunday we woke up and we went home ing, I liked very much. On the coming back by plane. After we landed in the airport at Ida. I was spending my day with my trip, my teacher and the Greek teacher in we expected the Turkish friends and their parents. In the afternoon organized a song competition: Comevi- team and we got on bus to reach station we went to visit Reggio Emilia, sion, it’s was where we got on the train to Reggio we saw the “Piazza San Pros- very nice! All Emilia. In station in Reggio Emilia I met pero” and we walked to the teams had to my host Ida and left to her house to streets of the town. In the eve- sing a song, unpack and accommodate in Monteca- ning we went to play bowling. and the kids volo near Reggio Emilia. Then at 4 p.m. This was the first time I played had small bills we went to Nico, she is a friend of Ida bowling and it’s was cool. for voting the and she had a guest Yustina from Po- Monday we went to school and best team. The land. At Nico house came Carina and best team was her host Vanessa and I spent all after- the Polish noon at Nico. At 8 p.m. we went home, team. and I met her family and I went to sleep W ednesday because I was very tired. The next day it’s was my last day in Italy. In the morning we went to school by bus and at school I went with Ida to school and I attended we had a presentation about each coun- to her classes: at geography, the teacher try ballads. After we went home by bus was very friendly and funny and we stud- and we ate pizza then at 4 p.m. we went ied Romania; at the history, the teacher to shopping was serious and she don’t talk with us; center. The Carina and I were talked about Romania shopping center at German class and in the sport class we it’s very cool we saw a presentation of stood and talked with the girls. In the but I didn’t “Mantova”. After this pres- afternoon I was with Ida’s family for a visit found something entation we went to “Sala to Ida’s cousin. Late in the night I made my cheap and tricolore”. This building is something to baggage and I went to sleep. like a government house only This one week was a big experience for like. Saturday a little smaller. After this we we went at me because I didn’t traveled in another went back to school. In the country before, this was my first time school and we afternoon we went to shop- saw a presenta- abroad. I’ve enjoyed very much this week ping and in the evening Nico, because everything was amazing. Everyone tion about “Matilda de Canossa”. After Yustina, Vanessa and Carina come at Ida’s the presentation we travel by bus to was so kind, the places were wonderful Canossa, to visit the remains of one of home and we saw a movie. and the Italian food was good. And what Matilde’s castle. In the afternoon the Tuesday I went to school and we take is the most important result from this girls came at Ida’s home and we were the bus and were visited another town, experience? I made new friends. Mantova. In Mantova we were at Palazzo playing ping-pong. In the evening we Thank you, Comenius! went to Nico home and we had a pa- Ducale and Palazzo Te and after we are jama party. went to Fun Park. The park were amaz- Andreea Szabo - Romania My Italian adventures I had a week like a dream. I was told about its history. Learning that Matilda of Canossa was very excited. After we arrived once as powerful as men was really interesting. We bought at the train station and we met books describing Canossa. The next morning we went to the families who were waiting Awa's classes. We had a stroll around school. I talked about for us. I met my host family Turkey to her. Then we went to home together. She wore and their daughter and loved my clothes and I wore hers. Her mother darned my hair and all of them. I had brought that was nice. them some gifts from Turkey and they really We also went to Mantova. I took every place’s photos. And liked gifts I gave. I cooked them special Turkish coffee and her in our last day in the bus everyone said goodbye to each father liked it very much. I explanied them how to cook it. That other. It was the only sad part of our journey. My family took night I slept with my partner. me from school in the evening. That night was my last night Next day I got up at five o'clock in the morning. We had a nice at home with Awa. We took photos with Awa and her fam- breakfast. After breakfast we went to school together. Then, she ily. We wrote letters to each other. I have really loved her. I introduced me to her friends. All of Comenius people were prepared my bag and we slept. In the morning I left home. there. We ate the lunch in Mc Donald's.After that we went Because we were returning to Turkey. I said goodbye to shopping with her mother. And in the evening I spoke to my them and we hugged and kissed each other. After we had family on internet. At dinner we ate pasta, we listened to Italian lunch with Awa she said: “I will miss you so much” and we music together and then we slept. The next day we met at the couldn't resist crying Land our mobility finished. I want to school than we went to . It was so crowded because of thank to my teachers and everyone in the Project fort his big the carnival. Buildings and architecture was great. At the lunch opportunity. we ate famous pizza of Italy. Until evening we were in there and Tansu Day - Turkey we took a lot of photos. Next day we went to Canossa. They TRAVELING ITALY THROUGH ITS LEGENDS PAGE 5 La Vita E Bela ( especially if you’re in Italy ☺ )

Meeting new people, visiting new places, learning new cultures…You can do these things with Comenius Project…Like I did

I went to Italy thanks to this Project and stayed in an Italian the most prominent figure of her time and Italian people still family’s house for a week. I learned their life style while I remember her. She was one of the first women in history was living them. They were so kind to me. They taught me a who could be equal of men. lot of things about Italian people and their way of living. It An Italian man showed us some pictures and told her story was a fabulous experience for me. and he said she was respected by all the people including In Italy we Pope and the Emperor. Before that day I knew nothing visited lots of about these things but now I know that women can be as places. We powerful as men J Matilda achieved this even in that time. I went to Man- Canossa we also tasted some Italian food. Italian bread was tova and Ven- really tasty. I drank a cup of tea with lemon. It tasted like ice. In Venice, I peppermint. I liked it so much that I couldn’t had a great stand having another one. An Italian lady told time. It was me that it’s their special tea. We also took lots like a dream of photos there. The castle was beautiful. Al- that I would never want to wake up. though the weather was a bit cold we had so There was a Carnival in there. Everybody much fun there. was wearing different clothes. We made Like every beautiful thing has an end this ex- our hairs green. perience also came to end L it was time to go There were lots of people in Venice and back to Turkey. It was really hard to leave my by dying our hair green we managed not friends even if I missed my family and my and to lose anybody in our group. J We also friends in Turkey much. We only had a short bought masks. It was a crazy day for me. time together Then we went to an Italian restaurant but it was and we tasted real Italian pasta. I ate the most delicious enough for me pasta in my life there. In my opinion Italian pasta is much to feel them like more delicious than pizza… my sisters and In Mantova I had a great time too…We visited huge build- brothers. When ings. I learned that Mantova is famous for art. The buildings it was time to we visited were fantastic and the frescos on the buildings’ say good bye, we walls were awesome. While I was looking at them I was started to cry. I hate saying good bye…But we have really really fascinated by their beauty. We also took crazy photos strong friendship now and I’m sure we’ll see each other in in Mantova J I had so much fun. After visiting the palace we future. went to an amusement park. I was with Romanian and I believe that I’m so lucky. It was a great chance for learning Greek students and we did crazy things together. We new cultures, making new friends. Now I know a lot of played games; we laughed all the day and we saw that no things about other countries and this opportunity comes matter where we are from, we have a lot of things in com- once in a lifetime. So, I wanna say “Thank you” to everyone mon. in Comenius. It was the best week in my life. I will never During our staying we also visited a castle in Canossa and forget that experience. learned about a powerful woman named “Matilda”. She was Elif Damla Yildiz - Turkey Things That Surprised Me From my trip to Italy I expected to meet people from other countries and to learn about their languages, their cultures and their everyday lives. Experiencing the Italian everyday life I saw many things that surprised me. We are two nations near geographically, but at the same time we differ a lot as far as our everyday lives are concerned. First of all, the two educational systems are totally different. Through the Greek educational system it is hard to enter university but it is not that hard then to attain the university degree. On the other hand, through the Italian educational system one can easily enter university, but it is very hard to finish it. Another difference be- tween the Greeks and the Italians is that the Italians go back home at around 8’o clock in the afternoon to relax, whereas the Greeks return home many hours later. Finally, there is a remarkable difference in the price of the most necessary goods: Contrary to what happens in Italy, in Greece the prices for clothing are higher than the prices for food. I would like to say thanks to my teachers for giving me the chance to go to Italy and I hope that I will have such opportunities in the future too. Anastasios Kostas - Greece PAGE 6 TRAVELING ITALY THR OUGH ITS LEGENDS 6 stories - one journey Impressions from the Italian school and the educational system Although we felt mesmerized by Italy, with Greece and Italy are both Euro- Moreover, in the Italian education its beauty, wonderful culture and history pean countries but although they are system, there is one more year than in and by meeting new friends, we couldn’t near to each other, they have a lot Greece. Also, we were informed that it forget the purpose of our journey. The of differences in their educational is quite easy to get in the university but presentation of the ballads chosen by each system, from the school accommo- only few finish it. In Greece, things are country was the highlight moment of our dation. So many tings impressed me quite different, because getting into project. I had the opportunity to see a during my stay to Italy. university is as hard as finishing it. One wonderful display of culture and folkloric tradition of each country presented in a To begin with, the first impres- thing that really impressed me was that unique and attractive manner. For example sion I had when I first saw the all students how the opportunity to one of the pedagogical approaches used by school building in Reggio Emilia was choose a lesson they want to attend, most of the countries was the power point that it was very big, concerning the far instance informatics, cooking, arts etc. that action is very important for presentation. I have personally found them school in my country. Also the sport very informative and helpful in offering us the students because they gain practical accommodation was incredible, since visual support for certain moments in the skills for the lessons and exercise their it has 2 football and one basketball presentations. Singing was highly entertain- interests. pitches. Something else I noticed ing and I must confess that my heart shiv- was that there were many special To sum up they journey to Italy was ered at the hearing of the melodious voices laboratories for instance, for chemis- very interesting and helpful for me to of the Spanish and Greek children and try, computers and physics. Another understand the differences in the coun- teachers. The other teams were also in- thing was that students there have tries educational system, which other- vited to share these moments by singing more freedom and that can be wise I wouldn’t know. It was amazing along with them. seen from the fact that they are to have the chance to see and know The surprise element was also a very inter- allowed to have wallpaper in the the others country. esting approach which was used by the walls of their favorite singer actor or Georgia Klifopoulou - Greece Greeks in their presentation. The scattered TV show. “theme notes” were used as a starting Expectation point for the discussion of several concepts present in Saint George’s ballad. (E.g. the Generally the expectations of the Comenius program significance of no. 3, eating people, greet- are many. Most of them, if not all, were successfully ings etc.). Besides being very interactive and fulfilled during our visit to Italy. One of the most impor- making all the countries participants to tant expectations was to learn more informationImpressions about from the Italian schooltheir and presentation, the educat this ional method system helped us Italy and especially Reggio Emilia, our hostess city. Even discover similarities between the Greek more important, we got the chance to see G reece and know and Italy are both European culture Moreover, and the in cultures the Italianof the other education coun- their daily program and habits, like whatcountries students butare although they are near system,tries. Drama there playedis one an more important year than role in in doing after they finish school, what hobbies or special activities they have. Overall, to each other, they have a lot of differ- Greece.the presentations, Also, we were too. informed It not only that helped it is we had a great opportunity to learn and understand the culture of the people from the audience perceive the story and the ences in their educational system, from quite easy to get in the university but only Reggio Emilia and generally from Italy. concepts better, but it also had an enter- the school accommodation. So many few finish it. In Greece, things are quite taining role in making all the participants Thanks to the previous consideration oftings the impressed Italian teachers, me during we visitedmy stay many to different, because getting into university is loosen-up. It also offered a different point places with historical and mythological interest,Italy. that showed us the culture and as hard as finishing it. One thing that of view by adapting the story to a modern the history of that specific area. This was very efficient because not only we had really impressed me was that all students To begin with, the first impression I approach which made it easier for the audi- the theoretical and informational part (via the electronic presentations) but we had when I first saw the school build- howence the to understandopportunity the to key choose elements a lesson from also had the chance to visit these places and see with our own eyes the things that ing in Reggio Emilia was that it was theyeach want presentation. to attend, We far can’t instance forget infor- the we learned. very big, concerning the school in my matics,charismatic cooking, Italians arts who etc. delighted that action us with is One element that is very important for thecountry. success Alsoof the the program sport is accommoda- cooperation verytheir important energetic for performance the students nor thebecause won- between the students and team spirit. Actually,tion was itincredible, was noticed since that it has team 2 foot- spirit theyderful gain costumes practical and skillsacting for of the the Polish lessons and wasn’t encouraged enough, so it was moreball difficult and onefor thebasketball children pitches. to get to Some- know andRomanian exercise girls. their interests. and communicate with each other, so students didn’t have much time with the thing else I noticed was that there H Tavingo sum the up opportunity they journey to to discover Italy was ele- other Comenius partners. Last but not least, another goal that was succeeded was were many special laboratories for veryments interesting from the cultures and helpful of each for country me to I that we learned more Italian words since we were hosted in an Italian family, we instance, for chemistry, computers and understandrealized that the some differences of the stories in the seem coun- very heard natural daily dialogs and we learned more about their language physics. Another thing was that stu- triesfamiliar educational not only system,for me butwhich for otherwisethe partici- (pronunciation, some words). dents there have more freedom and I pantswouldn’t of otherknow. countries,It was amazing too. Thusto have the To some up, our expectations were almostthat fulfilled can beand seenwe had from the thechance fact to that see theintercultural chance to element see and makes know us the realize others that and contrast our country with Italy in manythey aspects are allowed of life to and have understand wallpaper the in country.we are all part of the European Culture and differences. Overall, we had a great time in Italy and we hope that the program will all the countries derive from it. the walls of their favorite singer actor Georgia Klifopoulou - Greece keep up like this way. or TV show. Ioana Nicodin – Romania Georgia Klifopoulou - Greece TRAVELING ITALY THROUGH ITS LEGENDS PAGE 7 Drama lyrics. It was composed and mixed by our music teacher. Drama exercises became popular in Polish curriculum about 8 (Thanks a lot, Peter. Good years ago. I remember the time, when almost all students job!). Then it was the time to wrote their diplomas at university either about games used to decide on costumes of a devil teach kids, or drama activities used among youngsters and and a noble. And the decora- teenagers. I thought that such topics were popular because tions, just a few posters to students were willing to act and to do it. make a better visual impres- But when I started my teaching career, it turned out that stu- sion. dents considered it to be childish to act. So I quickly changed And the most important part, my mind and tried not to make them do such activities. From record the voice of the narra- time to time they accepted to do role play, but nothing else. I tor and girls had to learn the realized that they were too young to understand that it was lyrics by heart. But they had only a play. But I didn’t want to discourage them and feel to be aware of the voice of a ashamed, so I gave up this idea. narrator. And they managed to do it perfectly. I am proud of their However, doing drama exercises in Polish was not a problem job, because I was only helping them and it was their work. for kids. They very often act at school academies and they are Then the time of performing came – in Italy. They were afraid and pretty good. So maybe it’s caused by the fear of talking in scared in order not to forget the text and to do it well. But they English in front of the audience. They don’t feel confident did it. enough to do it. They had a chance to perform it again at school for all the stu- It was in January this year, when two of my students were dents. I must admit they seemed to be even more afraid than in brave enough to get prepared to act in Italy during our visit Italy before the performance. But they succeeded. within the Comenius project. The task was really difficult from They were admired by the teachers and students, who were im- the very beginning. First, the whole class decided on a ballad. pressed they could remember such a long text and to have such a To remind you, or to let you know what it was – “Mrs Twar- fun. I hope that it helped them and encouraged them to act in from dowska” by Adam Mickiewicz. Then we had to translate it into of the audience and use English. And if not soon, so maybe in a few English. It was a good experience to try translating skills, as weeks or months they will be confident to stand on a stage and most students hadn’t done it before. I must admit they did it quote something like .... “To be or not to be” ;) excellent, paying attenuation to the rhythm and rhymes. Magdalena Pakulska –Poland Then we chose the melodies which could accompany the Using music and song into teaching During our staying in Italy, we had a pleasure, a transforming human experience, and easy to make an effective worksheet. chance to experience a lot of things in a unique way of knowing, access to our Music can play a really important part in the context of educational methods. musical cultural heritage, an enhancement the language classroom. It can change the One of the most memorable of them to quality of life, an opportunity to develop atmosphere in the room within seconds. was our song contest we held during potential. Teaching English to Young Learn- Songs sung in English are listened to our bus trip to Mantova. Every group ers has become a trend nowadays. In teach- around the world and students can often performed a song and then the best ing young learners is not like teaching feel real progress in their level of English one was chosen by the students. It was adults, children have their own way of when they can begin to sing along to the really fun for both the students and learning. Since children like to play and have chorus or even just to be able to separate the teachers. We saw there that the fun, the learning and teaching process what at first seemed to be a constant songs are very good tools to motivate should be suited with the nature of the stream of words! I am going to split this students, it also worked as a break for children themselves. One of the forms of article into using music and using songs. the routine. Because the students who fun activities for children is through music, Before bringing music into the class, it were sitting and getting bored started and songs are the common form of music may be worthwhile to do a music survey to be more interested in the things that children know. Through songs, children or questionnaire to find out what the around them after the music was in- could enhance their language skills, such as: students enjoy listening to. As much as cluded. We all know that music is listening (to the song) - Following the song possible try to use music they will like. I special. Virtually every person every to determine words, reading - (following the have found that the students’ motivation day experiences music. Every person lyrics to determine the words), writing levels are the determining factor in has the capacity to enjoy and make (filling in the blanks) - Reading the lyrics, whether or not a song will work with music. Every culture in the world in- speaking (singing the song). them. If the students really like the song cludes music in some form: for cere- Songs provide a valuable source of authen- and the artist they become determined to mony, relaxation, communication, tic language and there are hundreds of ways understand. If you choose the task care- celebration and enjoyment. Imagine to exploit them in the classroom. The inter- fully even lower levels will be able to get the absence of music in our lives. The net has made it very easy to find the lyrics something out of working with tricky world would be inconceivable without of songs. A search on Google with the name songs where the language is way above it. So, why don’t we use music and of the band, the song title and the word their level of English. songs in our classes? ‘lyrics’ will bring up a selection of sites you An education in music enriches stu- can use. Once you have copied and pasted Cemil GÜLBAHAR - Turkey dents' lives by providing: joy and the lyrics into a word document it is quick PAGE 8 TRAVELING ITALY THR OUGH ITS LEGENDS General view regarding our trip to Italy

•My expectations: to make new friends, to have fun •I was afraid because I didn't know how I'll get and visit history monuments. on with the family I will stay at. •I was expecting people from there to think different •I though that the children will not be sociable then we are doing, and to learn new things. and I though that I will have accommodation •To learn about Italian way of life and their culture, problems and I though I will have fear of high, meet new people and see different places, etc. but was better that I was expecting. •Meeting new people and learning new culture •To loose my way in the city ☺ •To learn English, meet people, know their culture •What their living conditions, communication and food. problems and if we have free time. •Have fun and meet new people!!! •Not to fail our expectations. •I think I will meet a lot of new people. F E A• R SIf I don’t like the family or the house... that can •I expect to have a very great time, to meet people be a big problem...

EXPECTATIONfrom other countries and to learn a little bit of each •I’m scared of which kind of family will be the country and their legends. mine. I hope they’ll be nice people. •I expect to meet some new European people and get •I’m scared about my Italian family, Will they be to know their culture. Have a lot of fun and enjoy it. good or bad? •Visit nice places in Reggio or in other towns. •I have no fear.

Rubiera Rubiera’s inhabitants call Reggio people ‘’squareheaded’’. It was Piazza San Prospero because of the prisoners who were hit with shovels and their heads took square form.

Room of the Tricolor Flag

Reggio Emilia is famous for being the place where the Italian tricolor was in

MY PARTNER’S TOWN vented. A model of the original flag is kept at the Sala del Tricolore housed in the town hall in Piazza Prampolini. Now it is the hall where town council meets. Except for the meeting days, you can go Municipal Theatre and visit it for free.

• Luciano Pavarotti he is very famous because he was an Italian deaf artist famous as painter, en has an amazing voice. graver and ceramist. •Andrea Bocelli he is famous too because of his •Durante degli Alighieri (known as Dante) was a voice. poet from Florence, Italy. •Giovanni Trapattoni he was born in 1939.He is a •Marco Polo was a trader and explorer; he was one famous footballer in Italy. of the first to travel to China and visit Kublai •Gentile Bellini she was born in 1429.She is a Khan (grandson of Genghis Khan). famous painter in Italy. •Stefano Baldini is an Italian athlete and the 2004 Olympic and current European champion in the

I T A L• YMonica Belluci she is the one of the most fa mous models in the world marathon. •Laura Pausini she is a famous singer in Italy and •Fabio Cannovaro he’s a football player who in the world. plays in Real Madrid. In 2006 he has won the •Giacomo Benevelli (born in 1925) is an Italian “Golden Ball”. FAMOUS PEOPLEsculptor. FROM He was born in Reggio Emilia •I don’t know. •Oreste Carpi (3 November 1921–11 March 2008) Fragments from students’ workbooks. TRAVELING ITALY THROUGH ITS LEGENDS PAGE 9 Something I didn’t like at all  Something I really enjoyed ☺ •We spent too much time on the way coming in Italy. •I like that the family were very • I was so tired, that's all. friendly. •My partner’s friends were rude. •I enjoyed to know my partner. •I didn’t like that the other countries were in Reggio since today •It was my first day in Italy and and tomorrow we will miss their presentations… I love that country ☺ •I didn’t like the train. It was dirty and it smelled strange... •My room and my partner. •We had to wake up very,very early!!! At 5 a.m.! •I met new people •I was very tired because the trip was very long and a little bit •I really enjoyed all the adventure generally hard. because it made our bonds tighter. •I didn’t had enough time to talk with students. •I loved the trip by plane. •The houses where we were staying were far from each other •I enjoyed visiting the city very much. and it was difficult to meet altogether. •During the trip I laughed a lot with my new friends. •Waking up at 6 in the morning. •We met the students from other countries and that was •The trip from house to school. It takes an hour and it’s very fantastic!!! tiring. My partner must do it twice everyday. •I liked my partner’s school and friends •I was shy to sing with all the Comenius people looking at us. •I love making new friends and today was the best day of •It was very cold. making friends •I went to sleep late. •I ate some Italian food • The Italians didn’t go with us and they are distant with some of •When students presented their legends. the “Comenius kids”. •The presentations of all the countries were very good •Today it was my birthday and I haven’t been so much time with and funny my friends. •Meeting lots of people from different countries. •It’s Saturday and I was in the school… it’s a new and hard thing •The castle, Matilda di Canossa’s Story for me! •My partner and I listened to music together at the train. •Time passed quickly :( •I had so much fun that day, it was the best day of my •I was very tired because of the trip and because we walked a journey... lot in Bologna. •Pajama-party •That the train we took to went back to Reggio was full! •The first view of the city •The time restrictions. •Taking photos in Venice with people in beautiful fancy- •The distance between houses of children-school. dresses •No program/accompanying from hosts for the afternoon. •Finally the Greeks are here! They are really funny. •I was bored in the palaces, because we visited two or three of •In Canossa we met the Greek teacher. He was absolutely them, which were almost the same instead of something else . crazy. We laughed all together and we took some beauti- •The museum was really boring. ful pictures. •We visited to little Reggio Emilia. •That I took the second place at the bowling. •I did not like that our partners were not accompanying us all •I liked Venezia very much. I will never forget this day. day through. •There was a Carnival there... It was just amazing... •I had to wait for more than 3 hours doing nothing! Some Ital- •Bowling. ians had special lessons (they played computer games in school) and they made us wait for them. •Peacocks walked close to people •We’ve been lot of time in the bus, although we spent some •I really enjoyed the trip because we were altogether for fantastic moments there. the whole day! •That not everyone did what some others asked. •The city of Bologna is very nice! •It was a boring day. I didn’t like the pizza that we ate in Man- •Waking up at 10:30. tova. •The history of Reggio Emilia’s Tricolore. •I would have liked spending more time inside the ‘’Planet’’, the •It was a sunny day :) musical pub. •I liked when we ran to the bus stop •We only have one day left before returning to our country. I’m •I really enjoyed when we went to the municipality‘s office sad. and we learned more about the history of the town . •The sense of going back home. •We asked questions to an “important” person of the •I cried a lot, I will miss Comenius people :( town council. •This week was too short. I hate saying good bye ... :( •We found a pub in Reggio where we could listen to very •I couldn't be happy today, I will miss my friends... good music •That as soon as we started to have a stronger relationship with •We went to an amusement park, we did something crazy each other, we had to separate. •We got to know people from the Comenius group better •We had to come back home. I’ll really miss these days. It has •We won the song contest “Comevision” and we danced been a fantastic trip; I’m not going to forget it... never!!. in the coach. •I don’t want to return back to my home, here we were very •I liked, that the delegations from all countries were alto- happy! gether for a lot of hours during the trip to Mantova. •Going Back home ... Tomorrow we have classes :( •Everywhere we went, everywhere we laughed. Fragments from students’ workbooks. PAGE 10 TRAVELING ITALY THR OUGH ITS LEGENDS

Dictionary English Romanian Turkish Italian Polish Greek Spanish

Yes Da Evet Si Tak Ναι Si

No Nu Hayır No Nie ‘Όχι No

Please Te rog Lütfen Te prego Proszę Παρακαλώ Porfabor

Teşekkür Thank you Mulțumesc Grazzie Dziękuje Ευχαριστώ Gracias ederim Good Bună Günaydın Buon giorno Dzień dobry Καλημέρα Buenos dias morning dimineața

Hello/hi Bună/ Ceau Merhaba Ciao Siema Γεια σας/ Γεια Hola

Goodbye La revedere Güle güle Ciao Do widzenia Αντίο Adios How are Ce faci? Nasılsın Come estai? Jak się masz? Πως είσαι; ¿como estas? you? Fine Bine Iyiyim Bene Dobrze Καλά Bien

Hungry Foame Aç Fame Głodny Πεινάω Hambre

Thirsty Sete Susamış Sete Spragniony Διψάω Sediento

Friend Prieten Arkadaş Amigo Przyjaciel Φίλος Amigo

Mother Mamă Anne Madre Mama Μαμά Madre

Father Tată Baba Padre Tata Μπαμπάς Padre

Brother Frate Erkek kardeşImpressions Fratella from the ItalianBrat school andΑδερφός the educat ionalHermano system

Sister Soră Kız kardeş Greece andSorella Italy are both SiostraEuropean Moreover,Αδερφή in the ItalianHermana education countries but although they are near system, there is one more year than in Bread Pâine Ekmekto each other,Pane they have a lotChleb of differ- Greece.Ψωμί Also, we were informedPan that it is ences in their educational system, from quite easy to get in the university but only Water Apă Su the school Acqua accommodation. Woda So many few finishΝερό it. In Greece, Agua things are quite tings impressed me during my stay to different, because getting into university is Milk Lapte Süt Italy. latte Mleko as hardΓάλα as finishing it. Leche One thing that really impressed me was that all students Good Bine Iyi To beginbene with, the first impressionDobrze I Καλά Bien had when I first saw the school build- how the opportunity to choose a lesson they want to attend, far instance infor- Bad Rău Kötü ing in ReggioMala Emilia was thatźle it was Κακά Mal very big, concerning the school in my matics, cooking, arts etc. that action is One, two Unu, doi Bir iki country. AlsoUno the duo sport accommoda-Jeden, dwa, very important‘Ένα Δύο for the studentsUno, dos because tion was incredible, since it has 2 foot- they gain practical skills for the lessons Three, four Trei, patru üç , dörtball and onetre basketball quatro pitches.trzy Some- and exerciseΤρία theirΤέσσερα interests. Tres, cuatro thing else I noticed was that there To sum up they journey to Italy was Five, six, Cinci, șase, Beş, altı , Cinque, sei, Cztery, pięć, Πέντε, Έξι, Cinco, seis, were many special laboratories for very interesting and helpful for me to seven șapte yedi instance, forsette chemistry, computerssześć, and understandΕπτά the differencessiete in the coun- physics. Another thing was that stu- tries educational system, which otherwise Eight, nine, Opt, nouă, Sekiz, dentsdokuz, there Otto,have morenovo, freedom Siedem, and I wouldn’tΟκτώ know. , Εννιά It was , amazingOcho, nueve, to have ten zece on that can bedieci seen from the osiem, fact that the chanceΔέκα to see and knowdies the others they are allowed to have wallpaper in country. the walls of their favorite singerDziewięć, actor Good night Noapte bună Bouna notte Georgia Klifopoulou - Greece or TV show. dziesięć Fragments from students’ workbooks. TRAVELING ITALY THROUGH ITS LEGENDS PAGE 11 Free day in Venice - the town from the heart of water Intro During Carnival the streets are alive, people wearing It's been a big dream of mine to visit Venice during the masks are all over. You could meet harlequins or other masks typical for the “commedia dell'arte” or Carnival. Buy a mask, put on a long cloak and wander th through the early morning mists of the lagoon in late ladies of the 18 century, or Don Giovanni or the February was my fantasy. Also take lots of photos for famous Casanova and his beloved Camilla. disbelieving relatives back home. This is the best way to The City of Venice is a masterpiece born from wa- celebrate the carnival with the best backdrop in ter. Venice looks like a complicate maze with narrow the world! and gloomy streets, small gardens, colorful bou- Venice is a city of fairytales at anytime, but tiques, dark and twisting canals and miniature nothing compares to it during the fabulous bridges. Venice could be visit only by feet or by celebration known as Carnival! It is a city gondola. All those streets are going to the city cen- steeped in traditions, a city with a rich history ter, in San Marco Square, the heart of the town, one with past intrigues, power and pageantry. I of the most beautiful place from entire word. In this really thought about how much this place is charming “plazza”. Who hasn't heard about the ro- like a movie set. Everything just seemed to be unreal, mantic “Piazza of San Marco”, “Ponte dei Sospiri” - the from the narrow streets to the saturated colors of the buildings. bridge of sighs and the Doge’s Palace? “Il Carnevale” bling creditors, to take risks over love or business etc. Where does Carnival come from? And what is it, The most traditional type of costumes worn really? First mention to origin of Venetian Carnival during the long history of Carnival included long- start in the 12 th century. The Carnival finished nosed masks in black or white, a black cloak or sometimes around 18th century, when Venice has white veil, and a tricorn hat. The “bauta” is typical been merged into mask in Venice during XVIII century. This mask Austria, and lot of could be wore both during carnival and normal life traditions were as common accessory. For many histori- forbidden. Start- ographers, Word bauta come from ing form 1979 children claims "bau-bau" and for other the authorities of historians, from "bava" the name of Venice decided to cone of lace in Venetian dialect. There recreate this lost Venice are many kind of typical tradition. -the Laguna of Love- masks. One is "servetta Carnival, or Carnevale, has been cele- muta" (the silent maid) It is well known Venice is a brated for centuries throughout Italy. The and this is a little black town which is define through story said the word Carnevale may well mask for women with a romance, it's a town of su- derive from "carne vale" a.k.a "farewell button to be kept only preme love but also is the to meat". There are many stories regarding wear- with the mouth. An- town of deepest and cruel ing masks in Venice. Wearing masks has always other one has a long nose contained filter prepared love’s betrayals. Of course, been more than just simple fun for the Venetians; with aromatic plants to send away the awful smell this town has many legends it's still a strongly felt tradition with deep cultural of the water from the channels during historical and stories. If the stories are roots. Venetians were famous for being libertines times. Other traditional masks were some masks true or not is doesn’t mat- and for transgression - they didn't just use masks which were wear by man in the purpose to be ter, Venice still remain a mys- during the official Carnival. Putting on a mask in disguise with female clothes. terious and very attractive Venice meant taking forbidden liberties: you could Strange old times, adventurous lifestyle! place. gamble without being caught, to hide from gam- Another local legend promises eternal love to One day in Venice couples that kiss in the Gon- In our February trip to Italy, some of us had the dola under every bridge in opportunity to spend a day in Venice during Venice, specially the “Bridge Carnevale. Animation, popular music and dancing of Sighs”. bring together locals and visitors. Of course, the bridge of Venice's Carnival took place in this year in sighs could remind about the February 14th - 24th. The ceremony for opening agony of love of Casanova - the Carnival started with an event called “The eternally lover. Angel’s flight. Another main event is the parade of Those legends makes Ven- costumes from Piazza San Marco. The Carnival ice to be another city of love. ends with a impressive fireworks games which is There is one legend who tell also held in the San Marco Square. We were us Venice has appeared from there in February 15th, the first Carnival’s Sun- the water. Unfortunately, this day. Looking at our pictures everybody could understand the way we felt there. Trying to get city has an unsure future: the around Venice during the Carnival was a real challenge. It seems all the people from the earth were there! town is sinking into the sea. It Being there, was an extraordinary experience: for a couple of hours the reality of every day life seems, this town has the was replaced with a fun and festive atmosphere. Venice is a magic place, is the perfect place curst and the honor of hard where you could be lost on time and history, through velvet’s masks, black mantles and tricorn times, but who know, the hats. You could spend a lifetime in Venice, and still not know it. power of love will save the And, I think I'm one of those people, who have fallen in love with a city…Venice. city. Camelia Kallos - Romania PAGE 12 TRAVELING ITALY THR OUGH ITS LEGENDS Crossword

Using the definitions from the bottom of the page, please complete the crossword puzzle below :

Impressions from the Italian school and the educational system

Greece and Italy are both European Moreover, in the Italian education countries but although they are near system, there is one more year than in to each other, they have a lot of differ- Greece. Also, we were informed that it is Across: ences in their educational system, from quite easy to get in the university but only the school accommodation. So many few finish Down: it. In Greece, things are quite tings impressed me during my stay to different, because getting into university is 1. Here were held our second meeting Italy. 2. The main workingas hard theme as finishing of our meeting it. One thing that 3. The hero of Polish ballad presented in Italy To begin with, the first impression5. Our European I really program impressed me was that all students how the opportunity to choose a lesson 4. The most powerful women from Italianhad historywhen I first saw the school6. Italian build- friend ;) ing in Reggio Emilia was that it was they want to attend, far instance infor- 7. Our hosting town 8. The partnership's motto (see page 1) very big, concerning the school in my matics, cooking, arts etc. that action is 9. The name of the Spanish ballad country. Also the sport accommoda-12. River in Emiliavery Romagna important for the students because they gain practical skills for the lessons 10. Italian dish (Image 2) tion was incredible, since it has13. 2Italian foot- dish (Image 3) ball and one basketball pitches. Some- and exercise their interests. 11. Statue from the main square from Reggio-Emilia (Image 1) 14. The place of the first castle visited in Italy thing else I noticed was that there To sum up they journey to Italy was 13. The working language from our partnership were many special laboratories16. Where for thevery Rigoletto’s interesting house and is. helpful for me to 15. The Saint from the Greek's ballad presentedinstance, forin Italychemistry, computers17. Italian and flag understand the differences in the coun- physics. Another thing was that stu- tries educational system, which otherwise 18. The name of Romanian little charmed ewe 19. The place where Romanian Merry Cemetery is dents there have more freedom and I wouldn’t know. It was amazing to have that can be seen from the fact that the chance to see and know the others they are allowed to have wallpaper in country. Romanian Team – Rocomenius This material is realised by the ICT team of the Comeniusthe walls project of “European their favorite Journey Throughsinger Legends”actor || Coordinator: CameliaGeorgia Kallos Klifopoulou || MayApri - Greecel 2009 This project is financedor with TV the show. support of the European Comitee through the Comenius Project. This material reflects only the authors opinion, thus the European Comitee is not liable for its content.