“European Journey Through Legends” — Comenius project — March –April 2009 Under Matilda di Canossa’s Shield After our treasures hunting from and powerful woman in a man’s Thessaloniki-Greece, during our 2nd world. I’ve never heard about her Comenius meeting we were before, but now I realize she is so challenged to find the heritage of important for women’s history as Matilde di Canossa. If you talk about Jeanne D’Arc. “6 For Europe!” Matilda of Canossa to a person from B ut who is Matilda? At this ques- the area of Reggio Emilia it is like tion, our guide from the Canossa talking about a present-day person, a Castle replied to me : “She is my neighbor and this happens especially if love. All my life I’ve been talking you talk to someone who is lucky about her. I’ve dedicated my life to enough to live in the hills surrounding her. And I have no regrets.” Hear- Reggio Emilia. ing him you could believe she is still H ills steeped in history are the alive. But she is alive in the hearts places where are the remains of of Reggio Emilia’s people. Matilda’s castles; old villages, tower- M atilda’s spirit was our host houses and medieval castles constitute during our visit to Italy. the peculiarities of the man-made landscape. Matilda was an intelligent Grazzie! Camelia Kallos –Romania Totemic “thoughts” It is a common human reaction activity. As it concerns the main icons from Reggio Emilia and to “totemize” events of our lives. theme of the meetings, ballads, Canossa, Sala Tricolore, the INSIDE THIS For me the totems of our sec- the variety of creativity version cathedral and the street market, ISSUE: ond Comenius mobility were was fulfilling our basic aim of the Mantova and Palazzio del Te two. Matilda and a song. program, to meet different as- offered us as one characteristic- Once upon in Matilda’s story and legend, be- pects and get inspired from them I think- knowledge of all this Italy 3 cause they were both present enjoying the fresh air of a beauti- Italian area. My Italian there, is by far the answer to the ful thought. From the happy Ro- 4 My second totem is the sound Diary question “ What Italian story did manian cemetery to the detailed of the song playing in the bus you hear at Reggio Emilia? ” Not analysis of the Italian ballad, from La Vita E Bela 5 the moment of our arrival at only due to the historical impor- the excellent dramatization of the school. The first tears, lots of Things That tance of the material but basically Polish story to the passionate Surprised Me 5 hugging, immediately aroused due to the optical enforcement Spanish singing spirit, each one from one happy community of Expectation of the narration- the ladies in and all in the same time embed- 4 young people who had shared traditional clothing and the castle ded feelings and ideas to the view- one day together. I felt so sad 6 Stories - One itself- Matilda’s story made such ers. The usage of ICT technology Journey 6 bringing in conscious that it was an impression to both teachers was also a key factor in increasing the last day of Matilda’s meeting Using Music and students. I also believe that a the impact of the material pre- as I have named it. And Song Into 7 lady’s story presented to a 70% sented. Teaching female audience strengthened The expectations from the My second totem though is not this impression even more. From first day of the polish meeting The town from presentation originate. It has to the heart of educational prospective I found are now higher. The program is 11 do with our last day excursion, water the visit to Cannosa an excellent in full development. the selection of which was abso- paradigm of outdoor learning lutely perfect. Combined with our Zaharias Spanos – Greece PAGE 2 TRAVELING ITALY THR OUGH ITS LEGENDS Interview with Sylwia and Justyna who came back from Italy Interviewer: As we know that you came - Tricolour Hall in Reggio Emilia; I: What surprised you most in this coun- back from Italy. Why did you go there? We ate at school Sylwia i Justyna: Because our class is traditional, Italian taking part in the Comenius project. cuisine. We took We were chosen part in their les- by our teachers to go to the next sons, Information country of our project. Technology. On Valentine’s Day I: How did you get there? we walked from SiJ: We got there by bus, by plane, by class to class and train, by car. It was a long journey. We we delivered Val- really liked flying by plane. entines Cards. I: Describe the place where you lived. I: What were you doing in your free time? try? S: I lived in an old house. It was a big S: I went to the park with peacocks. I SiJ: People from Italy talk very loud, flat. I slept with Francesca in her room. went to the shopping centre in Reggio but for us it sounded like shouting. This house’s surroundings were built in Emilia. I watched when Francesca was They have two dinners and they eat an old style. playing the computer. cakes, sweets for breakfast. They J: My house was very big. I had my own J: I met with Nicoletta’s friends. I went to drive fast and dangerous. The level of bedroom. This house was in Monte play bowling. We had a pyjamas party English was very low. Cavolo. with people from Comenius group. I: What are the similarities and differ- I: Did you like it? I: What did you visit? ences between Polish and Italian cul- SiJ: Yes, of course. SiJ: We visited: ture? I: Describe Italian school and their lessons. - Reggio Emilia – it is city where their SiJ: There are many similarities be- tween Polish culture and Italian. SiJ: Their school is really big – bigger school is; Canossa – there are the ruins of the castle; Mantova – it is a big city, Nightlife among student isn’t popular. than our school. Their lessons were They have got different food than we like ours. They have six lessons for six there are many museums i.e. Palazzo Ducale Palazzo Te; Tricolour Hall – it is have. Their families are hot- days. There were three schools to- tempered. gether: primary school, gymnasium and the Town Council where we can know technical school. history of Italian flag; I: What do you think about Italian people? I: What were you doing at school? - National Park; I: Did you try Italian food? SiJ: The Italians are nice and students SiJ: At school we watched presentation look like we do. They are loud, and about legends and our ballads. We SiJ: We ate lasagna, pasta, piadina, crois- boys are handsome. They sometime presented a ballad about Mrs Twar- sant, pizza. We drank special peach juice, are a bit little crazy. dowska by A. Mickiewicz. We watched different than ours, very tasty. I: Do you know any words in Italian? Power-Point presentations about: I: Did you buy anything special there? - Mantova; SiJ: We can count from one to ten in SiJ: We bought souvenirs for my parents Italian. Hi is ciao. Stop is basta. - Matilde of Canossa; and my friends. Mother is la mamma. Dad is papa. I: Did you meet any Water is acqua. Milk is latte. Yes is si interesting people? and no is no. How are you is comesta. SiJ: We met a teacher I: What was the weather like? from Greece. His name SiJ: In Italy it was sunny but some- is Zaharias. He was times it was cold. The temperature really funny. And the was about 10 C. teacher from Italy, she teaches English, she I: Did you like this visit? wore interesting SiJ: We liked it very much. It was a clothes and make-up. very nice experience, because we met We met people from many new people. Comenius group. They Polish Team were nice and friendly. TRAVELING ITALY THROUGH ITS LEGENDS PAGE 3 Once upon in Italy The Romanian students Carina and Andreea, who went in Italy want to share with us the experience they had there and tell us about the different places they visited. Rep.: Tell us about this project. gna and Ferrara who, after proclaiming the Repubblica Cis- padana, adopted on 7 th January , 1797 a horizontal tricolor of C&A: The project’s name is “European journey through leg- green, white and red (with red at the top) which is consid- end” and this is a partnership between 6 countries like Ro- ered the first Italian tricolor. My teacher received a book mania the meaning coordinate ,Greek, Italy Poland, Turkey, from the one of the town’s authority representant. and Spain. The project has many purposes: we will talk about legends, myths and stories from Europe, we want to share Rep.: You sad that we were at school in every day. Tell us the our tradition and lifestyle with each differences? others . I believe we will improve our C&A: There the students are few in the English. We will visited different class so in this way the teacher could places from our country, but also take care of them almost individually. At from the partners countries, too. And the Foreign Language they have two that’s for sure: we will make friends teachers. But the rest of the classes are for life.
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