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B aptist Jftisstonatg gjocietg,

■$>- Addressed to the General Meeting, held at FINSBURY CHAPEL,






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C O N T E N T S.

Page. Resolutions of the Annual Meeting. May 2, 1839 . . 3 Committee and Officers of the Society for 1839-40 5

Plan of the Society . • . 7 Form of Bequests . . . . 8

General Report of the Mission .... . 9 List o f the Society’s Stations, Missionaries, &c. 40

List of Contributions .... . 44

Special Subscription List for additional Missionaries to India .78

General Summary of Contributions for 1838-9 . 80 Donations towards Liquidating the Debt owing by the Society 81

List of Life Subscribers ..... 82

List of Legacies, from 1797 to 1839 . 87 Disbursements from April 1, 1838, to March 30, 1839 90

Balance Sheet ...... 92

Rules, &c., of Auxiliary Societies and Associations . 94 RESOLUTIONS




On Thursday, May 2ndy 1839, at Finsbury Chapel.

W , B. GURNEY, E s q .,


Moved by the Rev. C h r i s t o p h e r A n d e r s o n , of Edinburgh;

seconded by the Rev. T h o m a s R o b e r t s , of Bristol: I. That the Report be adopted ; and that, while this Meeting bows with submission to the dispensations of Providence, in removing valuable Missionaries from the scene of their labours, it rejoices in the continued proofs of his care and kindness.

Moved by the Rev. W i l l i a m B r o c k , of Norwich; seconded by the Rev. C h a r l e s J. M id d l e d i t c h , of Frome: II. That this Meeting especially recognizes the goodness of God, in accomplishing the final termination of negro slavery in the West Indies; and trusts that this auspicious event may be regarded as an earnest of the removal of all other impediments to the progress of scriptural truth throughout the world, and of the copious effusion of the Holy Spirit, to give efficiency to the instrumentality employed.

Moved by the Rev. T h o m a s S w a n , of Birmingham; seconded

by the Rev. S a m u e l N ic h o l s o n , of Plymouth : III. That this Meeting observes with pleasure, that through the kind liberality pf many Christian friends, the receipts of the Society 4 have considerably increased during the past year. It thankfully ac­ knowledges that liberality, and while remembering the present encum­ brances of the Mission, and the certainty of an enlarged expenditure, the Meeting earnestly calls on all the friends of the Society for ex­ tended, vigorous, and systematic efforts on its behalf.

Moved by the Rev. F A. Cox, D.D., LL.D., of Hackney; seconded by the Rev. D. R. S t e p h e n , of Swansea: IV. That the Treasurer and Secretary be requested to continue their services; and that, as, in conformity with the unanimous recom­ mendation of the Quarterly Committee, this Meeting concurs in the expediency of appointing an additional Secretary, for the management of the growing concerns of the Society, the Committee be requested to appoint such an Officer as soon as they may be able satisfactorily to do so;— that Messrs. Charles Spur den, Charles Jones, and Richard Cartwright, be Auditors, and that the following be the list of the Committee for the year ensuing, with power to fill up vacancies.— [pp. 5 and 6.]] COMMITTEE AND OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY, For 1839—40.


g t t v e u t v . R e v . JOHN DYER. &ututo?3,


Le v . JOHN ALDIS . R e v . JAMES SPRIGG.A.M. Ipswich. C. E. BIRT, A.M. Bristol. JOHN STATHAM Amersham. SAMUEL BRAWN Loughtoru EDWARD STEANE Camberwell. F. A COX, D.D., LL.D. Hackney. CHARLES STOVEL London. JOHN EDWARDS Clapham. WILLIAM UPTON St. Albans. BENJ. GODWIN Oxford. M e s s r s . W. T. BEEBY Camberwell. WILLIAM GRAY Northampton JOHN FREEMAN London. SAMUEL GREEN . J. GUTTERIDGE Camberwell. WILLIAM GROSER Maidstone. M. G. JONES London. "J. H. HINTON, M.A. London. JOHN PENNY Bo. JAMES HOBY, D.D. Birmingham EDWARD SMITH Do. W. H. MURCH, D.D. Stepney. C. TOSSWILL Do. -* GEO. PRITCHARD London.

C3ntrral Committfi*,

R e v . JAMES AC WORTH, A M. . Leeds. JOHN BIRT Manchester WILLIAM BROCK Norwich. CHARLES M. BIRRELL . Liverpool. EDMUND CLARKE Truro. T. S. CRISP Bristol. JOHN CRAPS Lincoln. J. M. CRAMP . St. Peter’s. C. D AN IEL . Hull. JAMES EDWARDS . Nottingham. CHARLES H. ELVEN . Bury. BENJAMIN EVANS . Scarboro’ JOHN FORD . Dublin. FRANCIS FRANKLIN Coventry. THOMAS FINCH . Harlow. JOHN EUSTACE GILES . Leeds. WILLIAM HAWKINS, M.A. Derby. EDMUND HULL . Watford. REYNOLD HOGG KimboHon. JOHN JACKSON . Bath. JOHN KERSHAW, A.M. . Abingdon. CHARLES LAROM Sheffield. 6


M e s s r s . PAUL ANSTIE . Devises. W. P. BARTLETT London. THOMAS BICKHAM late o f Tottenham. W. H. BOND .... Falmouth. THOMAS BLYTH Langham. GEORGE CAVE . Piddington. WILLIAM COZENS . Holloway. JOHN FOSTER . Biggleswade. R. FOSTER, J u n . . Cambridge. JOSEPH FLETCHER Tottenham. J. C. GOTCH .... Kettering. RICHARD HARWOOD . Worcester. THOMAS HOPKINS . Cardiff. CHRISTOPHER H. JONES Liverpool. M. ILLINGWORTH Bradford. W. D. HORSEY . Wellington. HENRY KELSALL Rochdale. ROBERT KETTLE . Glasgow. JOSEPH LEESE . Manchester. ROBERT LEONARD . Bristol. JAMES LOMAX . Nottingham. DAVID M‘ALLAN . Aberdeen. ANDREW MEGGETT . Edinburgh. T. D. PAU L St. Ives. WILLIAM POLLARD . Ipswich. WILLIAM PRANCE . Plymouth. J. L. PHILLIPS . Melksham. WILLIAM REES Haverfordwest. WILLIAM RUSHTON . Liverpool. JOSHUA SING . Bridgenorth. GEORGE STEVENSON Taunton. J. M. THOMAS . Cardigan. LINDSEY WINTERBOTHAM Tewkesbury. JAMES WHITEHORNE Bristol. I. The name by which the Society has been and still is designated, is, “ The Particular Baptist Society for propagating the Gospel among the Heathen or, " The Baptist Missionary Society.” II. The great object of this Society is the diffusion of the knowledge of the religion of Jesus Christ through the heathen world, by means of the preaching of the Gospel, the translation and publication of the Holy Scriptures, and the establishment of Schools. III. All persons subscribing 10s. 6d. per annum, donors of £10 or upwards, and Ministers making annual collections on behalf of the Society, are considered as Members thereof. IV . A General Meeting of the Society shall be annually held; at which the Committee and Officers shall be chosen for the year ensuing, the Auditors of Accounts appointed, and any other business pertaining to the Society transacted. V. A General Committee, consisting of not more than one hundred Members, shall be appointed for the purpose of circulating Missionary Intelligence, and promoting the interests of the Society in their respective neighbourhoods; ninth-tenths of whom shall be eligible for re-election for the ensuing year. VT. A Central Committee shall be formed out of the General Com­ mittee, more immediately to conduct the affairs of the Society : which Committee shall meet monthly, in London, on a fixed day, for the dispatch of business. VII. Besides the Treasurer and Secretaries of the Society, who shall be considered Members, ex officio, the Central Committee shall consist of twenty-Jive persons; of whom sixteen shall be resident in London* or its immediate vicinity, and nine in the country ; five members to be deemed a quorum. The Committee to be empowered to fill up, pro tempore, any vacancies from death or resignation. V III. All Members of the General Committee shall be entitled to attend and vote at the meetings of the Central Committee, and, when­ ever the attendance of any Member or Members shall be particularly desirable, the Central Committee shall be empowered to request such attendance; in which case, the Member or Members so invited shall be considered as part of the quorum. IX . All moneys received on behalf of the Society shall be lodged in the hands of the Treasurer; and, when the amount shall exceed £300, it shall be invested in the public funds, in the names of four Trustees to be chosen by the Society, until required for the use of the Mission. dform of B luest.

I give out of my moneys, or personal estate, unto the Treasurer, fo r the time being, o f ike Baptist Missionary Society, the sum o f fo r the use of such Society. And I declare that the Receipt of such Treasurer shall be a sufficient discharge fo r the same.

% • Those friends who wish to promote the Translation of tbe Scriptures, or the extension of Native Schools, may, by distinctly stating their desire, effectually secure the application of their contributions or bequests to that specific object.

All persons who may have bequeathed to tbe Baptist Missionary Society, Legacies, payable out of the late 5 per cent. Bank Annuities, are hereby respect­ fully requested to provide a substitute in their Wills, or by Codicils thereto, out of some other part of their Personal Estate. And, further, that, in all bequests of Stock, there be superadded, in case there shall not be any or sufficient money in the Stock named in the Will or Codicil to pay the said Legacy, that the same be paid out of the residue of the Testator’s Personal Estate. By the new Act with respect to Wills, which came into force on the first day of January, 1838, it is required, that all Wills shall be in writing, shall be signed at the foot or end thereof, by the testator, or by some other person in his presence, and by his direction—and that such signature shall be made or acknowledged by the testator in the presence of at least two witnesses present at tbe same time, who shall attest and subscribe the Will in the testator’s presence. These requirements apply also to any alterations in, or codicil to Wills, which may have been executed previous to the first of January, 1838. This statute does not repeal or alter the 9 Geo. II., c. 36, called the Mortmain A ct; and therefore legacies to charities out of real estate will still be void. I f a Testator desire to leave legacies to charities, he must take care to make them payable, either expressly, oi by ordinary course of law, out of such personal estate as may be applied for that purpose. A bequest to a charity of a term for years, or leasehold property \ or of money to arise from, or be produced by, the sale of land, or by tbe rents, profits, or other interest arising from land; or a bequest of money, to be laid out in land; or a bequest of money secured by mortgage; or a bequest o f annuities charged on land, or rather rent-charges ; or a bequest of money with a direction to apply it in paying off mortgages on schools and chapels ; or a bequest o f money secured on parochial rates, or county rates, or turnpike tolls— is, in each case, void ; and even where no particular fund is pointed out in the Will, for the payment o f charitable legacies, and they are consequently a charge upon the residue, and tbe residue consists, in part, of property of all or either of the kinds above specified; so much o f the legacies will become void as shall bear the same proportion to the entire legacies as the exempted property bears to the entire residue. REPORT.

G r a t e f u l l y acknowledging the various proofs of divine favour which have attended their labours through the past year, the Committee of the Baptist Missionary Society present a con­ densed narrative of its proceedings during that period.

In describing the progress of the mission in Northern India, now so considerably enlarged in consequence of the re-union with the Serampore stations, announced at our last anniversary, we shall derive much assistance from the Report of our Auxiliary in Calcutta, which was presented at their eighteenth anniversary meeting in December last, and has just been received by the overland despatch. The dispensations of divine Providence have continued to retard that increase of agency at Calcutta, which the varied and extending operations in progress in and around that city so much require. Mr. Bayne has been added tt> our missionary band, but prolonged indisposition has, hitherto, prevented our beloved brother, Mr. W . H. Pearce, from fulfilling his earnest desire of returning to his station; and Mr. George Pearce, not having de­ rived the benefit anticipated by a voyage to Bombay, has been compelled to seek a restoration of health by revisiting his native land. Very recent information has shown that the absence of these beloved brethren has not been the only loss which their associates in Calcutta have had to sustain. Mr. Penney, who for two and twenty years had occupied a post of great usefulness there, as Superintendent of the Benevolent Institution, was most unexpectedly removed by an attack of cholera, after a few hours’ illness, on the second of February, deeply lamented by a nume- c 10

rous circle of friends, to whom he was greatly endeared by the Christian excellence of his character. Besides honourably sus­ taining the important office we have mentioned, Mr. Penney heartily united with his brethren in various other departments of missionary occupation, and his death will render additional aid at Calcutta more than ever desirable. Mr. Yates is still favoured to pursue his important and valuable labours in translation, and as pastor of the church in the Circular Road, to which some pleasing additions have recently been made. But, in the midst of his unremitting exertions to promote the cause of Christ, our esteemed brother has sustained a painful loss by the removal of his valuable consort. Mrs. Yates had long been ill, and at length tried the usual expedient of a sea- voyage ; but her constitution had been impaired beyond recovery, and she expired at sea, in the faith and hope of the gospel, on the 22nd of May last. The native church, during the absence of its pastor, Mr. W . H. Pearce, is efficiently supplied by the joint exertions of Mr. Carapeit Aratoon, and Shujatali, who, from a bigoted Mussulman, has become a devoted, faithful servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. The members of this little band of converts from pagan idolatry are reported to evince a growing degree of attachment to the means of grace, and of zeal for the salvation of their countrymen. Nor has the gospel been preached among them in vain. Several persons have been admitted into their fellowship by baptism, among whom was a young Brahman of the highest caste, and connected with some of the most respectable families in Calcutta, named Hurry Hur Sandal, of whom an interesting account has already been published in the Missionary Herald* He continues to be an ornament to the profession he has made; and soon after his baptism, his wife escaped from the custody of her friends, and re-joined her husband. She is now under Christian instruc­ tion, and hopes are entertained that she will become a very useful woman. In the important department of preaching to the heathen, Mr. Aratoon and Shujatali have been assisted by Mr. De Monte, when in Calcutta, by Gunga Narayun Sil and Jacob Christian, and occasionally by Mr. Beck, also a member of the native church- These brethren have conducted stated services in the 11

native chapel at Jan Bazar, in the public streets, in surrounding villages, and in the houses of several friends, where the servants belonging to the respective families have been collected to hear the word of God. At these seasons, tracts and gospels, and other portions of the inspired volume, have been extensively dis­ tributed. On these humble efforts a blessing has rested. In­ stances of benefit have come to light, which afford the fullest encouragement to perseverance, and warrant the belief that saving effects are often produced, when the instruments employed remain ignorant of the pleasing result. The Boys’ Native Christian Institution, under the care of Mr. Ellis, now includes a theological seminary for pious young men preparing for the ministry, as well as a boarding-school for the children of native Christians. It has lately been removed from Howrah to Entally, one of the eastern suburbs of Calcutta, where very desirable premises have been secured, and a new chapel, 48 feet by 34, has been erected. The expense of this building, as well as of the chapel at Jan Bazar, before mentioned, has been greatly diminished by the kind liberality of the architect, Mr. Josiah Rowe, who has gratuitously superintended the work in one instance, and contributed very largely to the cost in the other. Mr. Ellis was assisted, while at Howrah, by Bishwanath, a native preacher, and by two of the students under his care, Ramkista and Shem. Weekly services were thus maintained at Banda-ghat, Howrah Bazar, and Goladanga. The number comprising the native church at Howrah is twenty-five, about one half of whom have removed, and now constitute a church at Entally. Respecting the interesting seminary under his care, Mr. Ellis reports as follows:

" The Boys’ Native Christian Institution continues to prosper, and is altogether in a very flourishing; state. During the past year four have been removed by death. One of them, named Mark, was in the first class, and had been upwards of three years a member of the church. During his long illness there was nothing unbe­ coming the Christian character. He was resigned to the will of God, felt that his affliction was in mercy, and he died in peace, knowing in whom he had believed, and showing unto all around him the supporting power of religion in the last and trying hour. The present number in the institution is about fifty, and we expect this number will be increased. Two have been baptized during the year, and there are others who give every evidence o f piety and qualification for that sacred ordi­ nance. The theological class contains six youug men ; and besides reading in order Horne’s Critical Introduction to the Scriptures, they have commenced the study o f B 2 12

the literary history, interpretation, evidences, and doctrines of the Bible, as a part o f the course o f theological study which has been marked out for them. The elder students have been regularly engaged in preaching both to Christian and heathen congregations, and we have every reason for gratitude to the God of all grace, that both in piety and talent they give promise of becoming able ministers of the New Testament.” On the departure of Mr. George Pearce for , Mrs. Pearce removed from Sibpur to Calcutta, taking with her the children belonging to the female department of the Christian Institution under her care, and accompanied by the native Chris­ tians who had resided with them. Soon after their removal, eight girls belonging to the Institution, together with two women and two young men, were baptized at the Circular Road Chapel. All the candidates were examined and instructed by Mr. Yates, before they were admitted to the solemn ordinance. More than twenty persons have been added during the year to this church, the greater part of whom are young persons, some of them not more than nine years of age. Much benefit has resulted from the diligent exertions of Ram Krishna, the Christian school­ master, whose piety has endeared him to the missionaries, and secured the respect of all his native brethren. This young man has had the pleasure of receiving his mother, who has been so wrought upon by the exemplary conduct of her son, that she has not only abandoned her former violent hostility to his new pro­ fession, but is now herself desirous of becoming a Christian. The village stations to the south of Calcutta, comprising more than twenty villages, were regularly and frequently visited by Mr. George Pearce, as long as the state of his health permitted. After his departure, the missionaries at Calcutta requested Mr. Williamson to visit them, in the hope that he might be induced to remove from Beerbhoom, and take the oversight of this impor­ tant sphere. In J uly last Mr. Williamson, in company with Mr. De Monte, paid a visit to the villages accordingly; but although he was highly gratified with what he saw of the people, he could not regard it as his duty to leave his own station, and thus risk the loss of many years’ labour expended there, while arrangements might be made for the temporary supply of the villages from Calcutta. At Luckyantipore, one of the villages referred to, there is a large and commodious chapel, in which religious services have 13

been regularly conducted throughout the year. The congregation has averaged from 160 to 180: though many of them have suf­ fered much from reproach and oppression, they have grown in grace and heavenly knowledge, and remained steadfast in their Christian profession. The church consists of seventy-six mem­ bers, twenty-four of whom have been added during the past year. There is also a native school, conducted by a Christian school­ master, containing from twenty-five to thirty children, many of whom can read the Holy Scriptures. At Khari, which is fifteen miles farther south from Calcutta than Luckyantipore, the work has been left in a great measure to the native preachers, Bhim, Kalachand, and Ganga-ram. The congregation is about 100; the number of communicants forty, being an increase of fifteen during the last year. There are now eighteen candidates for baptism, and the sacred leaven appears to be diffusing its influence in various directions. A pleasing evi­ dence of this has occurred at the village of Maya Bibir Hat. At this village there is no regular congregation; and the inhabit­ ants, many of whom are Brahmans, formerly opposed the gospel with much violence; so that the missionary has been actually pelted and hooted out of the place. Latterly, however, large assemblies have listened with attention, when visited by a mis­ sionary ; the native preachers have been treated with much respect, and the people have requested that a chapel might be built, and a school established for the instruction of their children. It is pleasing to add, that the native preachers at this station have diligently prosecuted their itinerant labours, and that the concern which they manifest for their neighbours has gained them the respect and affection of the people. While the great land-holders oppose them, the common people hear them gladly. Five other villages, lying a few miles to the south of Calcutta, have been favoured with the preaching of the gospel by Mr. Robinson, the pastor of the Lai Bazar church, Mr. Thomas, an assistant missionary, and five native preachers in connexion with them. Congregations have been collected in each of these places, and at two of them schools are formed, in which about ninety children receive daily instruction. Seventy-eight persons, from this quarter, were united in Christian communion with the church in the Lai Bazar at the close of last year, ten of whom were 14

baptized on the last Sabbath in October. Four others, residing in Calcutta, had also been admitted by Mr. Robinson to that church. Mr. Symes, who presides over the station at Dumdum, seven miles north from Calcutta, has given the following pleasing account of the revival and progress of the work of God among his people:

“ In reflecting on the sucoess with which we have been favoured during the past year, we are constrained to say. It is the Lord’s doing;, and it is wonderful in the eyes of many. Our prospects at the commencement of the year were dark. All around appeared dead, and as it regarded the church, the love of many had waxed cold. There were, however, a few who mourned over our low estate, and deter­ mined on earnestly seeking the Lord by prayer to effect a revival. The efficacy of prayer on this occasion I hope we shall never forget. The means were no sooner used than the end was attained. The members of ;the church were roused, a spirit o f devotion and brotherly love prevailed, the number of prayer-meetings increased, and the tone of piety became altogether different to any thing we had ever witnessed. The ungodly soon felt the influence of practical religion, and the Lord was not back­ ward in answering prayer concerning them. The congregation gradually increased, until the chapel was completely filled, and on some occasions it could not contain the numbers who attended. The word of God was not preached in vain, but was mighty in pulling down the strongholds of sin. Numbers became seriously im. pressed, and soon began to offer themselves as candidates for baptism. The time to which we allude commenced in the month of February, from which period to the present day the work o f conversion has been going on. In the month of July the church formed themselves into an Auxiliary Missionary Society, for the purpose of supporting the native preacher, and for defraying the local expenses of the station. Since that time our subscriptions bave amounted to 37 rupees per month, the whole o f which, with the exception of 10 rupees, is gleaned from persons who have but 10 rupees a month to live on. Our English congregation averages from 160 to 170. The native congregation from 35 to 40. The number of members in communion is 67. " The Lord has added more than thirty to our number this year, an increase which has far exceeded any former period. We expect to baptize others next month. We have bad also to rejoice in the peaceful and happy deaths of some of our members, and in the peace and unanimity that prevail among us.”

A more recent letter from Mr. Symes narrates an incident, con­ firming the belief that benefit may often be received, without its being known to the instrument by whom it is imparted. Mr. Symes visited a neighbouring village, called Raj hat.

H During the service,” he says, “ I observed a female outside striving to make an opening in the mat-work, that she might see and bear what we were doing. I did not think proper to check her, and she remained until the service was over, and the hearers all dispersed. She then came in, and asked if I would give her a book 15

about Jesus Christ. I began to question her, as to wbat she knew about our Saviour, and received in answer an account, of which the following is the substance. Four­ teen or fifteen years ago she attended the Chitpore school, under the charge of Eustace Carey, and was there taught to read. Her parents took her from this semi­ nary, and removed to some distant village, since which she had married, and borne a family j but after her removal from the school, she had neither heard the gospel nor seen a missionary till she saw me. Before her leaving school, Mr. Carey had given her, at different times, three tracts, which she had read over till they were worn out. She still possessed them, and would not part with them for any sum that could be offered. The tracts had taught her that she was a sinner, and that Jesus Christ had died to save sinners ; that Jesus would not only save her soul, but would comfort her under trouble in this life, if she prayed to him. She also knew that what the tracts said was true, for she had lost two children, and had met with many other troubles, but had found comfort by praying to Jesus; and nothing could give her so much pleasure as she derived from thinking about him. This woman had been brought to Chitpore again by her husband on some business, and was thankful she had found one who could give her some more books concerning the Saviour. I gave her a number o f tracts, and a New Testament, which so affected her, that she left me weeping.”

On a general review of the churches in and around Calcutta, it is manifest that there has been a decided progress. The nume­ rical increase of converts has been greater than in any former year; there is a growing improvement in their intellectual and moral state; the various educational establishments, under the constant personal direction of our missionary friends, have borne fruit unto life eternal; while the advancing character and attain­ ments of the native ministry warrant the hope that, under the divine blessing, we shall soon be permitted to see yet greater things than these. In the important work of translating and printing the Scrip­ tures in the oriental languages, the progress made by our brethren since the last report has been very satisfactory. The demand for the revised edition of the Bengali New Testa­ ment, noticed in the last report, soon rendered another supply necessary; and in consequence, an enlarged impression, consisting of 1500 of the entire Testament, with 6500 additional copies of each of the gospels, and 1500 copies of the Acts for separate distribution, was soon after commenced. In December last, the printbg had proceeded as far as the Acts of the Apostles. O f the revised edition of the Bengali Psalms, mentioned in the last report as prepared by Mr. Yates for the Calcutta Bible Society, an edition of 5000 copies has been forwarded to its 16

depository. The printing of the Old Testament in Bengali has been hitherto delayed, in order to afford time for the casting of a new fount of types, and for the completion of several versions of the New Testament more urgently demanded. The delay in commencing it has been improved by Mr. Yates, in the prepara­ tion of an important work, called Biblical Apparatus, which it is intended very shortly to put to press. From the prospectus and specimen of the work which have reached this country, we doubt not it will be found of great use to all translators of the sacred Scriptures. The improved version of the New Testament in Hindustani, prepared by Messrs. Yates and Thomas, has steadily advanced during the year. Two editions, one of 500 copies, with margi­ nal references, and another of 500 copies without this appendix, besides additional copies of the Gospels, have been carried on simultaneously, and proceeded as far as the Colossians. The demand for the work, rendering a much larger supply of the Gospel and Acts necessary, another edition, consisting of 4500 copies, has been recently commenced. The exertions of our brethren have this year, for the first time, had reference to the Hindui, the language next to the Bengali most extensively spoken in Hindusthan. A version in this lan­ guage was several years ago prepared by the late Mr. Chamber- lain, and printed at Serampore, as far as the 2nd of Corinthians, a short time before his lamented death. It is proposed to re-print this version, with some few alterations, continuing it to the end of the volume, by a translation which Mr. Leslie is engaged in completing.

In the S a n s k r i t , the version of the New Testament has been completed, and put to press; and an edition of the Psalms, con­ sisting of 2500 copies, is considerably advanced in printing. The version in Modern Armenian, under the editorship of Mr. C. C. Aratoon, has been printed as far as the Acts. It is accompanied by a much larger collection of Scripture references than has ever before appeared in the language. With the exception of the Psalms in Bengali, the expense of printing the different versions above referred to has fallen on this Society. Had it not been for the liberality of the American and Foreign Bible Society, this expense could not have been met. 17

That noble institution, however, has laid your Committee under the deepest obligations, by a further contribution of £1041 14s. 2d., presented in person by its esteemed Secretary, the Rev. C. G. Som­ mers, on his late visit to England. Our brethren in India notice with gratitude the rise and progress of this society, and the con­ sequent receipt of enlarged supplies for printing the Scriptures, exactly at the time when their preparation of different versions, and their increased facilities for their judicious distribution, ren­ dered such supplies essential to their usefulness. While we and they gratefully acknowledge the goodness of Divine Providence, in thus furnishing valuable assistance from a distant country, the Committee trust that Christians in England will cheerfully co­ operate with our transatlantic friends, in aiding efforts so intimately connected with the purity and prosperity of the numerous churches now rising up in India, as well as the conversion to the faith of Christ of its overwhelming population, who are yet ignorant of his name. Mr. William Carey states, that the church at Cutwa, under his care, contains forty members. No less than seven of these are employed as native preachers, who are diligent in their work, and meet with acceptance among the people. Still no additions have recently been made to the church. “ W e need,” says Mr. Carey, “ the fervent prayers of the people of God, that he may copiously send down the blessed Spirit, and awaken the sleeping people to see and feel the folly of their ways, and turn from dumb idols to the living God.” At Sewry, in Beerbhoom, the employment of similar agency, in connexion with Mr. Williamson, has been followed with more encouraging results. Four persons have been received by bap­ tism into the fellowship of that church ; while one has been excluded for conduct inconsistent with the Christian profession, and Bolaram, a valuable native preacher, has died in the faith of the gospel. Three other converted Hindoos assist Mr. William­ son in his ministerial duties, and the two schools, of which men­ tion has previously been made, continue to afford the benefit of instruction respectively to Hindoo youth, and to the children of native Christians. About thirty pupils attend in each. Dinagepore and Sadamahl. These stations are occupied by Mr. Smylie, assisted by three native preachers— Budhu, Peter, 18

and Gurib. " Nothing besides the salvation of my own soul,” writes Mr. Smylie, in a recent communication to the brethren at Calcutta, iC would give me more pleasure than to be able to say, that the idols of this station and district are no more; that the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ is established throughout all India. Perhaps I have more reason to complain than some, and a great deal less than others. I could wish to see more attend wor­ ship, particularly at Dinagepore, where we have often not more than twelve. At Sadamahl it is otherwise; there the house is often so crowded, that numbers sit in the doorways and veranda. The poorer order of the natives listen attentively to the word of God, and many of them confess that it is the truth, and receive tracts thankfully. The Brahmans only oppose; numbers of the poor people have thrown off much of their idolatry through hearing the word of God, and are frequent in their inquiries about the way of salvation. W e have only one school, and that is at Sadamahl. In it we have nine boys and eight girls, and five Hindoo children— in all, twenty-two. Five or six among them can read their Bibles; of the rest, some are writing on leaves, and some on the ground, and learning to read.” Respecting the station at Monghyr, Mr. Leslie has lately fur­ nished a brief account in these terms:

“ The average number of persons attending our Sabbath native congregation is from 150 to 200. The number of persons in communion with the church, and now present in Monghyr is, I believe, about 50 ; one half Europeans, and the other half natives. The church has increased four. O f schools we have two, both for boys; the one containing from 30 to 40, and the other from 50 to 60. They are taught nothing but reading, writing, and accounts in their way, and the doctrines of Christianity through the means of catechisms and reading the Scriptures. The teachers (natives) are Christians, and members of the church. The knowledge possessed by the chil­ dren of the essential doctrines o f the gospel is very gratifying. The schools are supported out of the subscriptions. A few gospels have been distributed in Hindui and Urdu. The same of tracts. There is little call for either in the town : the people having been abundantly supplied. Eut in our missionary excursions to other places where there are no missionaries, the demand is generally great. No mis- sionary journeys have been made during the past year, in consequence of ill health and other causes.”

Besides the individuals mentioned in the statement we have quoted, another would have been united with the church, had she not been suddenly removed by an attack of cholera. 19

“ She had been,” says Mr. Leslie, “ for years attending the native chapel, but was (1 can hardly tell how) entirely unnoticed by and unknown to me. The Lord, however, had been noticing her ; and had, I have every reason to believe, made her a subject of his converting grace. Whon she came to me, I was surprised both at the depth of her experience and her knowledge ; and on making inquiries as to her character, I found that she was one who exhibited no small degree of the spirit and conduct of a real Christian. I readily, therefore, proposed her to the church ; but, before the time of her probation had expired, God took her to the church above. She was quite sensible during the attack, and died trusting, nay, rejoicing in Christ.”

Declining health has not only prevented Mr. Leslie from renewing his itinerant labours, but has constrained him to listen to the urgent and repeated solicitations of his friends and bre­ thren, that he would leave his charge for a season, and try the effect o f a voyage to his native land. In anticipation of this movement, Mr. Lawrence has removed from Digah to Monghyr, a change made with the less reluctance, as the British troops, to whom the gospel had been preached by Mr. L. with considerable success, were about to change their quarters, and soon after left for Ghazipore. One native, baptized by Mr. Lawrence, during the year, accompanied him to Monghyr. The native preacher, -Hari Das, remains to assist Mr. Beddy, who will now supply the vacancy at Digah, as far as possible, in connexion with his former station at Patna, from which it is only about seven miles distant. Mr. Smith, who has for many years been actively engaged in evangelical labours at Benares, has a regular congregation of about two hundred persons. The church under his care contains nine members. Four were baptized in the last year, among whom were two Hindoos of the writer caste. One member of the church had been removed by death, and six others had gone from Benares to reside in the upper provinces. At the important military station of Chunar, though no mis­ sionary of this Society has ever been stationed there, a church has existed for some years, together with a branch missionary society, in connexion with our auxiliary in Calcutta; this church comprises twelve members in full communion, who regularly maintain divine worship, and have built for that purpose a neat chapel, which will accommodate 150 persons; and whenever a missionary pays them a visit, the house is well filled. A temper­ ance association has been formed here, the effects of which are, 20

described as most pleasing ; so that instead of the scenes of riot and excess which formerly prevailed, the voice of prayer and praise is now to be heard nightly ascending from a large pro­ portion of the houses in which Europeans reside. If a missionary could be stationed here, there is every prospect that much benefit would follow, not only to nominal Christians, but to the heathen around. In the course of the past year, the Committee have been enabled to add the name of Agra to the list of stations occupied by the Society. In this populous city, the capital of the upper provinces, Mr. Richard Williams has been occupied for some years in proclaiming the gospel of Christ, and has succeeded in raising a church, which, though weakened by the removal of a part of its members, still consists of about thirty persons. Mr. Williams was introduced to the notice of the Committee some years since by Mr. Leslie and Mr. Lawrence; and their recom­ mendation having been sustained by the brethren at Calcutta, he has been cordially received into connexion with the mission. Public worship is maintained three times a week jn a commodious chapel, which has been lately enlarged, and six persons have been recently baptized, one of whom is a native, who previously gave satisfactory proof of his conversion to God; others are expected shortly to express their attachment to the Saviour. Mr. Williams is assisted in his labours among the natives, by a Hindoo convert, an able and useful man, who is supported by one of the European members of the church. At Dehli, Mr. J. T. Thompson resided for many years, not only labouring in the city, but making it the centre of extensive journeys in various directions, tb make known the word of God. For the last three years, he has been employed at Serampore, principally with a view of printing a translation of different por­ tions of the Scriptures into Hindui; and the station at Dehli has in consequence been left to the care of Devigir, his native assistant Mr. Thompson having completed the work assigned him at Serampore, will resume his former duties; but as Dehli is very remote from the other stations occupied by the Society, and as it is deemed by the Committee desirable to concentrate rather than extend their operations, it is proposed not to be occupied, at least for the present. Mr. Thompson’s services will probably be 21 transferred to Ghazipore, whither many of the pious soldiers, lately under the care of Mr. Lawrence, have removed. Burisaul is occupied by Mr. S. Bareiro, with three native preachers under his direction. The number of communicants is seven, who appear to be growing in grace, and the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The gospel is preached in the villages, markets, and bazars around Burisaul, on which occasions tracts and portions of the word of God are distributed. Jessore. The exertions of our missionary, Mr. Parry, extend over the whole of this district. He is assisted by three native brethren, Nilmani, Swaran, and Bangsi. The regular Christian congregation at the principal station varies from thirty to fifty; the number of communicants is fifty-one, of whom six were bap­ tized during the last year. In six of the villages schools have been established, in which 259 children are instructed. Mr. Parry derives encouragement from the fact, that prejudice is manifestly declining. “ The heathen,” he remarks, “ are dis­ posed to listen quietly to the gospel message, to admit the truths we propose for their consideration, to think less of caste, to respect in some measure our native brethren, and to value our books; for in general they are eagerly sought after. I have no doubt great numbers of them are read, and light is gradually making inroads on their benighted minds. It appears to me there are not many zealous supporters of the former superstition, except among the Brahmans, who find it their interest to support idol­ atry.” The exertions of Mr. Leonard at Dacca have been principally employed in the management of Schools, in which more than five hundred native children, besides sixty belonging to Christian families, have been under instruction. Considerable aid towards those schools has been rendered by the European residents of Dacca, but unless speedy assistance be rendered from this country, there is reason to fear they must be considerably lessened, if not entirely given up. The age and infirmities of Mr. Leonard scarcely allow him to engage in direct missionary work. Hence the aid of Mr. Robinson, who, with two native preachers, is about to proceed from Calcutta to this populous station, will be found very seasonable. !22

Akyab, in the district of Arracan, was formerly occupied by Mr. Fink; but he left the station about eighteen months ago, since which it has been under the care of native assistants. There is a native church consisting of about 20 members, but from the great distance, and the language of the province not being under­ stood by our brethren in Bengal, a proposition has been made to our American brethren, who have planted a mission at several stations in the vicinity, to take Akyab under their charge. A similar arrangement has been proposed for Assam, where Mr. Robinson, jun., having accepted a public employment, will no longer require support from the funds of the society. At Chirra’poongee, the operations of the mission are suspended for the present; Mr. Lish having been obliged to remove from the district through ill health, and there being no other individual acquainted with the language. Mr. Johannes continues to reside at Chittagong, where he has l o n g been usefully employed in the instruction of native youth: there is also a native church of eight members, and a commodious chapel has lately been erected. Mr. Fink having taken up his abode at Chittagong, co-operates with Mr. Johannes in his missionary labours.

W e have still the satisfaction gratefully to report continued progress in our Ceylon mission. The earnest and persevering exertions of our brother Daniel have been followed by tokens of divine approbation. Between thirty and forty individuals have been baptized and added to the various churches, over which he watches with a truly parental care. Nor have the labours of the press been neglected. Besides his engagement in revising the Singhalese scriptures, Mr. Daniel has published several tracts, some of which, designed to expose and refute the errors of popery, have excited considerable interest. A new station has been formed at Kottighawatta, about five miles from Colombo, where a church of twelve members has been formed, over whom a native pastor has been placed, who is continually occupied, in that village, and seven or eight others ; both publicly, and from house to house, preaching and teaching the Lord Jesus. A mission house has been erected for his accommodation, on ground 23

kindly granted for the purpose by the government; and the cost of the building, £40 sterling, has been liberally provided by a friend in this country. We have much pleasure in adding that Mr. and Mrs. Harris and their family arrived safely at Colombo on the second of Novem­ ber. During their voyage from the Cape thither, the ship was struck by the electric fluid, by which all on board were placed in imminent danger, but the hand of God graciously protected them. The arrival of Mr. Harris was peculiarly seasonable. A ser­ mon and a public meeting on behalf of the mission had been publicly announced, and the new Missionary was compelled, by friendly importunity, to present himself immediately before a highly respectable auditory to plead the cause to which he has devoted his life. Among his hearers were the Right Honorable the Governor of the island and his family, who manifest, on every occasion, a warm attachment to the Gospel, and their earnest desire that it may bless, with its benign influence, the inhabitants of that benighted land. At the public meeting, the chair was taken by the Chief Justice ; the Governor moved the first resolu­ tion, and others of the most influential gentlemen in the island took part in the proceedings.

Mr. Bruckner is still constantly employed, as far as his strength will permit, in efforts to promote the spiritual benefit of the native population in and around Samarang, by familiar con­ versation, and by circulating tracts and portions of the holy scriptures. A copy of the Javanese New Testament, sent by him to the interior, had fallen into the hands of one of the native princes, who perused it with great diligence, and professed to feel much admiration for the character of the Saviour, as described therein; but the set time for gathering in the fruit of long continued labour in this portion of the missionary field does not seem to have arrived. We are still without information from Mr. Ward of Sumatra. 24


T h e year which has passed over us will always be memorable in the annals of our colonial history, on account of the com­ pletion, by legal enactment, of the great work of Negro Eman­ cipation. Apprehensions had been felt by many as to the effect of prolonging compulsory servitude in the case of the praedial labourers, after the liberation of the domestic apprentices, accord­ ing to the plan originally proposed; but, by the blessing of heaven upon the strenuous efforts made by the friends of justice and humanity, all danger from that cause was averted, and the 1st of August, 1838, witnessed the delightful spectacle of the whole body of the negro population rising simultaneously to the enjoyment of British freedom. The manner in which this moral triumph was celebrated, reflected the highest honour on those for whom it was achieved. No demonstrations of riotous merriment, or of intemperate excess, deformed the festive scene: the univer­ sal cheerfulness was sober, rational, and in many instances devout. Throughout Jamaica the joyful day was kept as a season of pub­ lic worship, and Christian sanctuaries were everywhere crowded by multitudes who assembled to pour out their hearty thanks­ givings to the Supreme Benefactor, who had remembered them in their low estate, and redeemed them from the oppressive bondage in which they had been so long detained. A variety of interesting particulars, relating to the manner in which the day of freedom was observed at our various missionary stations have been published, both in the Herald, and in a sepa­ rate pamphlet, relating entirely to that subject. Subsequently, it is well known, representations have been made, in some quarters, impeaching the conduct of the new-made freemen, and accusing them of indisposition to labour on terms of equitable remunera­ tion ; and it has even been asserted, that some of the missionaries have abetted them in this injurious course. That such charges should be preferred by those who have uniformly been hostile to the religious instruction of the negroes, and who strenuously resisted, till resistance was hopeless, the concession of their inalienable rights, can excite no surprise, though it is difficult to conceive what motives the authors of such idle calumnies could 25

attribute to the teachers of religion for a line of conduct so manifestly adverse to their own interests. That tfie'nev, ¿late of society in the colonies has been attended with some difficulties, and that our missionary brethren have been called on, in conse­ quence, both by masters and servants, to form and express their opinions on questions from the discussion of which they would gladly have been exempt, as not immediately within the range of their spiritual function, is undoubtedly true : but not the shadow of a proof has been adduced that the object of such interference has been, in any case, unbecoming their sacred character, or the effects unfriendly to the just rights of any of the parties con­ cerned. On the contrary, repeated and decisive testimony has been borne, by parties whose station afforded the best means of information, and secured them from all suspicion of partiality, to the value and success of the efforts made by our missionaries to inculcate habits of industry and order among all to whom they have access: and not a few proprietors, sensible of the benefit derived from their exertions, have made liberal offers of assistance to induce them to extend, yet more widely, the sphere of their operations. ' Nor have the calumnies already referred to been the only form in which the character and conduct of our Jamaica missionaries have lately been assailed. Attempts have been made to revive charges against the purity of then1 churches, and the arrangements adopted for their inspection and government, which were advanced several years ago, and successfully repelled by our brethren at that time in this country. When the Committee wrere apprized that statements of this description were circulated to some extent, especially in the north, they immediately sought an interview with the gentleman from whom they proceeded. After considerable delay this was attained; and although it was found that many of the allegations were merely a repetition of what had been long ago, in the deliberate judgment of the Committee, satisfactorily disproved, yet, in order to remove all ground of suspicion on a subject of such importance, the missionaries were immediately furnished with a copy of the statements made, and desired to examine, promptly and carefully, into the facts, that if, notwith­ standing their watchful care, any just grounds of complaint existed, proper means might be used to remove them. This com- c munication reached Jamaica in time to be presented at the annual association held at Montego Bay, in January ; and several bre­ thren 'have already sent home communications on the subject, which satisfy the Committee, that unabated confidence may be placed in the faithful care of their missionaries, and the general state of the churches under their pastoral inspection. It is to be regretted, that, on information confessedly limited and defective, such accusations should have been brought against men acknow­ ledged as Christian brethren, and known to be exhausting them­ selves in arduous and successful labours for the glory of God and the salvation of souls. The usual annual return from the respective churches, made to the recent association, shows that, amidst all the scenes of secular excitement which have recently occurred, the work of God con­ tinues to advance in a very encouraging degree. A nett increase of 2617 has taken place in the number of members, which is now 21,337. The inquirers are scarcely less numerous, amounting to 20,919. A large increase is also reported in the number of pupils receiving instruction in the schools in connexion with our mission. The day schools contain 5413, the evening schools 577, and 10,127 are taught on the Sabbath, making a total of 16,117, being 5214 beyond the number last reported. As a further proof o f the rapid growth of those habits and feelings which, under God, are the best security for the social welfare of a community, it may be added that our missionaries have solemnized 1942 marriages during the last year. The church in East Queen Street, Kingston, has been un­ expectedly deprived of its valuable pastor, Mr. Gardner, who expired, after a very short illness, on the 8th of May, in the thirty-second year of his age. His death was occasioned, in all probability, by exposure to a heavy fall of rain at the close of a journey, in which he had been travelling several hours, beneath the influence of a nearly vertical sun. By his removal, in the midst o f his days, the church has lost an active and devoted pastor, who pursued with Christian simplicity of purpose the work to which his life was consecrated, and was favoured with much success in his ministry. After his decease, the church was supplied, for several months, by Mr. Samuel Whitehorne, who kindly under­ took, for a season, the labours of the pulpit, in addition to the 27 constant superintendence of the school. More recently, Mr. Oughton has been invited, by the destitute church, to assume the pastoral charge over them; and as the request was seconded by the recommendation of his missionary brethren, he has complied, and removed accordingly with his family from Lucea. The con­ gregation at East Queen Street has so much increased, that it has been proposed to enlarge the chapel; and the general prospects are very encouraging. Mr. Tinson has lately formed a school in connexion with his church and congregation at Hanover Street. Both the stations under his care have been favoured with prosperity ; seventy-four having been added to the church in Kingston, and seventy-one at the country station at Yallahs. Mr. Tinson has visited a part of St. Andrew’s Mountain district, where he found the people very desirous of hearing the gospel, and where, it is probable, another church will be formed, and committed to the care of one of the deacons of Hanover Street, who has been employed, for a con­ siderable time, in proclaiming the gospel. A minister or school­ master is much wanted also, to carry forward the work at Port Royal. Offers of local assistance have been made to Mr. Tinson in various directions; and the observations he was enabled to make, during a late journey, on the existing spiritual destitution which prevails in a great part of the island, have led him most earnestly to desire that greater efforts may be made to supply it. At Spanish Town, and its dependent stations at Passage Fort and Sligo Ville, the persevering exertions of Mr. Phillippo are crowned with a rich blessing. Upwards of 300 persons have been admitted to the fellowship of these churches since our last account, and the attendance at Spanish Town is such as to render it necessary again to enlarge the chapel, which is one of the most spacious in the island. Could the requisite means be provided, Mr. Phillippo would gladly establish many new schools, for which purpose offers of land have been made him by several members of the House of Assembly, and other gentlemen, who jusdy appreciate the value of his operations in that department. By a recent return it appears, that at present there are seven schools under his direction, four of which are located on estates; con­ taining in the whole 2564 pupils. As an instance of the benefit c 2 28

which has attended these efforts to promote the education of the young, we quote the following passage from the last communica­ tion received from Mr. Phillippo :

“ A few years a go, a gentleman of colour came from the country to reside in Spanish Town, bringing with him a large family of children, which he had by two sisters, his slaves, and begged me to take two or three of them into the schools on the easiest terms the institution would allow. Knowing that he was much reduced iu his circumstances, and that the children had been in every sense of the word deplorably neglected, I offered to educate the whole on his paying a trifling con­ sideration yearly fbr the eldest, a girl, who seemed to be about thirteen years of age. They all accordingly attended the schools, and continued regular in their attendance for several years. Now I have the high gratification to state, that, out o f that whole number, only two have turned out irreligious characters. O f the rest, one died when a scholar, a most triumphant death ; four are exemplary and useful members o f a Christian church j and the others, some of whom are still at school, and, with one exception, connected with a Bible-class, already afford pleasing indications of piety. Three of the four just mentioned as decidedly pious, are now in charge of schools under my direction, and one is respectably married. Two of the younger ones succeeding next in age are being trained at the Metropolitan Normal School for Teachers ; and I am not without hopes that, in a short time, the whole family will be thus devoted and useful. “ Soon after the children were received into the school, the parents also attended the house of God. The mothers almost immediately abandoned their evil habits ; and, in the course o f a few months, they exhibited such a decided and happy change o f heart and conduct, that they were admitted as members o f the church under my pastoral care. To this day they continue steady and exemplary in their lives and profession. It was my long cherished hope that the father also would prove himself to be a brand plucked from the fire ; and by some it is still thought that his repent­ ance was sincere, but his destiny has long since been determined by an unerring Judge. At his decease, both the mothers and the children were cast almost unknown and unbefriended on the world ; but the latter, from the knowledge which the oldest o f them had acquired in the schools of a few of the mechanic arts, as well as o f reading, writing, and arithmetic, (a school of industry being then connected with the establishment,) have, by the blessing of God, supported themselves in comfort and respectability, whilst the surviving parents have abundantly realized the promise of God to those who trust in him, that their bread should be given them, and their water should be sure.”

Very considerable additions have been made to the church at Old Harbour, under the care of Mr. Taylor, who, like most of his brethren, remarks on the increased attendance, both on divine worship and in the schools, since the memorable 1st of August, as well as on the facilities presented for occupying new spheres in the surrounding district. At the date of Mr. Taylor’s last letter in December, seventy-eight persons had been examined, and ad­ mitted for baptism. 29

The progress of Mr. Reid, on whom has devolved the care of the churches at Ebony Chapel, in Fere, and Four Paths, in Clarendon, has been considerably interrupted by ill health, which is the more painful, as here also the late happy change in the social condition of the people has occasioned a more urgent demand for exertion. A young man, belonging to the church at Four Paths has been sent to the Normal School of the Mico Institution, to be trained for a schoolmaster. Mr. Reid has lately been staying at Port Royal, with a view to the improvement of his health; and the Committee have recommended his removal to the north side, to take the stations lately supplied by Mr* Oughton, in the hope that the change may be found beneficial in that respect. Mr. Whitehorne, from Mount Charles, reports that the num­ ber of his hearers gradually increases; and that occasionally he is cheered by witnessing among them deep and simple anxiety about their immortal souls, and tearful inquiries how they are to be saved. The congregation at Belle Castle, or Manchioneal, has so much increased, that Mr. Kingdon has found it necessary to commence a new building, so constructed as to answer the double purpose of a chapel and a school-room. Some of the neighbour­ ing planters manifest a disposition, not only to encourage the efforts of Mr. Kingdon to give instruction on their estates, but to attend on his ministry. Twenty-nine have been baptized in con­ nexion with the two churches of which Mr. K. is pastor— at Manchioneal and Long Bay. Mr. Clarke, who connects with the station at Jericho five others, at Mount Hermon, Lucky Valley, Guy's Hill, Springfield, and Moneague, has continued to experience much affliction in his person and family. He was induced, in the early part of the year, to seek relief by a voyage to America, an expedient which had proved eminently beneficial in other cases of the same kind. While in the United States, he received great kindness from many Christian friends, and his personal testimony as to the results of emancipation in Jamaica appeared yery seasonable and important. Some amendment took place in the state of his health, but we regret to add, by no means such as to enable him fully to resume his arduous labours; on which account it is ex­ 30

pected lie must revisit his native land. These important stations, at which the number of communicants is upwards of fourteen hundred, have been chiefly supplied by the Messrs. Merrick, to whose diligence and faithfulness we had occasion to bear honour­ able testimony in our last Report. One hundred and one persons were reported to the Association as baptized at Jericho during the year, and subsequently to that statement one hundred and sixty-seven were admitted to that ordinance by Mr. Clarke. The people are making great exertions to discharge the debts incurred by the erection of their various chapels. After having long been as sheep without a shepherd, the churches at Port Maria and Oracabessa have found an acceptable pastor in Mr. Day, who removed thither from Gurney’s Mount, at their earnest request, sustained by the approval of a quarterly meeting of his missionary brethren. The cause has greatly re­ vived since he undertook the charge of these stations, and he has met with an encouraging reception at Bagnal'sVale, where public worship was also maintained by our late friend Mr. Baylis. It has pleased God, however, greatly to afflict Mr. Day since his settlement at Port Maria. Death has been commissioned to re­ move his valuable partner, leaving an infant family behind her, the youngest only twelve days old; and his own health, and that o f his children also, has been seriously affected. There is some reason to fear that this may partly be owing to the unfavourable situation of the house which, from the impossibility of procuring another, they have been compelled to occupy; but which, it i? hoped, Mr. Day will soon be enabled to exchange for a more salubrious residence. During this period of deep affliction our brother has been greatly refreshed by the kind and un­ remitting attentions of Mr. and Mrs. Barlow, to whose house he was removed. W e rejoice to add that the stations at Annotta Bay and B luff Bay, where Mr. Barlow labours, partake in the prosperity vouchsafed to so many of our churches in Jamaica, 234< having been added by baptism during the last year. The chapel at Annatto Bay has also been repaired and enlarged. It was stated in our last Report, that Mr. Clark, of Brown’s Town, had opened a new station at Bethany. Since then he has found means to establish schools at Somerset, in St. Ann’s, and at Mount Zion, in Clarendon; which he was enabled to do by 31

having several young men rising up in his church qualified to act as schoolmasters. One hundred and eight have been admitted into communion at Brown’s Town, and the two churches there and at Bethany contain nearly fifteen hundred members. What value they attach to the ordinances of divine worship may be inferred from the fact that, at their thanksgiving meeting on the first of August, they contributed £450 currency towards the debt on their new chapel. This incumbrance was soon after wholly removed; but such is the increased number of attendants, that an enlargement must immediately be made of both their places“ of worship, which it is estimated will cost at least £2000. Mr. Clark bears testimony to the praiseworthy conduct of his people amidst much that is calculated to irritate and annoy them. He has distributed a considerable number of Bibles, Testaments, and other instructive books; and refers, with much interest and satis­ faction, to their growing desire to promote the introduction of the gospel of Christ among the benighted and much injured tribes of Western Africa. For a most satisfactory account of the three churches in Si. Anns, of which Mr. Abbott is pastor, we refer to a detailed com­ munication inserted in the Missionary Herald for last month. The number baptized at the Bay and Ocho Rios appears to be one hundred and forty-two, and the whole number in communion five hundred and four. Here, also, further expenditure is called for, to provide the means of accommodation for the numbers who crowd to hear the gospel. In common with several of his brethren, Mr. Abbott has been called to suffer from bereaving providences, three of his children having been removed in suc­ cession to an early grave. To our zealous friend, Mr. Knibb, of Falmouth, the past year has proved a season of more than usual excitement and occupa­ tion. None rejoiced more heartily than he in the complete ter­ mination of negro bondage; and the public meeting held in his spacious chapel to commemorate that auspicious event amply proved, not only that the labouring classes were ardently grateful for the long desired boon, but that they had been well instructed as to its real nature, and the social duties devolving upon them in their new character as freemen. It is, however, to be regretted that some who witnessed these demonstrations of heartfelt and 32

reasonable joy, found in them new grounds of accusation and hostility; and determined to express their feelings by burning the effigy of Mr. Knibb. This unwise project, which the simplicity of the negroes interpreted into a purpose of assassinating their friend and advocate, created the utmost alarm among thousands on the estates throughout the parish,, and might have been at­ tended with serious consequences, but for the prompt and suc­ cessful exertions of Mr. Knibb, powerfully aided by the influence of E. B. Lyon, Esq., a respected Special Magistiate for the dis­ trict. In the exercise of his pastoral duties, Mr. Knibb has continued to experience much of the divine blessing. At Falmouth, two hundred and thirty-five have been added to the church, and thirty- five at the Refuge. The whole number of members in connexion with these two churches is 2156, and of inquirers, 1340. A leading attorney in the parish subscribes towards the schools under Mr. Knibb’s direction; and the value of this mode of benefiting the rising generation becomes more and more apparent in the increase of moral and industrious habits among them. By the aid o f individual friends in this country, Mr. Knibb has pur­ chased a tract of ground, which may hereafter furnish occupation and residence for those whose circumstances may render it neces­ sary ; and thus he hopes to promote, in connexion with the spiri­ tual interests of the people, the peace and prosperity of the colony at large. At Rio Bueno and Stewart's Town, the liberality of the con­ gregations attending the ministry of Mr. Dexter has enabled him to discharge the debts due on the chapels at these stations; but the continued ill health of his family renders it necessary for him to build a dwelling-house in a more favourable situation than that he has hitherto occupied. Two of the schoolmasters connected with these churches, Messrs. Gibson and Dillon, assist Mr. Dexter in preaching; and a third station has been formed, by the dismission of fifty-four members from Rio Bueno, which bears the name of New Birmingham. Mr. Burchell has continued to exert himself with zealous per­ severance in the wide sphere of labour Providence has assigned him, amidst no slight measure of groundless obloquy, and occa­ sional attacks o f indisposition, resulting from extreme fatigue. S3

More assistance is greatly needed by him, especially as the appli­ cations for new schools become more and more urgent. An appeal to the Committee on this subject, signed by himself and neighbouring brethren, was published in the Herald for Septem­ ber, intreating that six new missionaries might be sent to that district without delay ; and it is to be regretted that hitherto it has not been found possible to do so. In the mean while, the preaching of the gospel at Montego Bay is attended with the happiest effects, three hundred and thirty-nine having made a profession of faith in the Redeemer, and been received into the church there, during the last year. From the Association held at Montego Bay in January, a com­ bined representation was addressed by our missionaries to the Committee, on the desirableness of planting a mission in Western Africa, accompanied by assurances of the willingness of their people to render all the pecuniary aid in their power. A proposal was also made to commence a theological institution in some con­ venient part of the island, at which those members of the churches, who appear to possess gifts for the Christian ministry, might acquire sound biblical information. That objects like these should occupy the attention of our brethren, is a gratifying proof of the progress of the work of God among them; and we humbly hope that a wise and gracious Providence will open the way for their accomplishment. By the removal of Mr. Oughton to Kingston, and the settle­ ment of Mr. Day at Port Maria, the stations at Gurney s Mount and Fletcher's Grove are, for the present, without a pastor, as well as Lucea and Green Island. Circumstances have prevented the accomplishment of arrangements for their occupation which the Committee had proposed; but it is now expected that this object will be partly secured by the removal of Mr. Reid. Still it will be necessary that further help should be sent without delay to this quarter, which has been favoured with as much prosperity, in a spiritual point of view, as any other portion whatever of die missionary field. Salter’s Hill and* B ethtephil continue to be the scene of the zealous and successful labours of Mr. Dendy, who has of late formed a new station at M aldon, where he has purchased land, to be sold in small lots to the negroes, and on which he proposes to 34

build a chapel and school-house for the benefit of the neighbour­ hood. A small station has recently been commenced also at Prospect, in St. Elizabeth’s, in the hope that the Committee will, before long, be enabled to redeem their pledge to send a mission­ ary thither. At Salter’s Hill and Bethtephil, the number bap­ tized has been two hundred and twenty-four. Mr. Hutchins, with a brief notice of whose stations we close our review of Jamaica, has had, like several of his brethren, to drink deeply of the cup of sorrow. Personal sickness has abridged his labours, and he has been called to part with an amiable wife, who rendered him much assistance in his pastoral duties. The closing scenes of her life were highly irradiated with the hopes and consolations of the gospel; and it is gratifying to add, that greater prosperity has attended the churches, both at Savanna-la-Mar and Fuller s Field, than we have had to record in any previous year. Fifty-six members have been added to each of these churches; and among those baptized at Fuller’s Field were an overseer and his wife, who had given evidence for a considerable time of a change of heart, and were resolved, at any sacrifice, to follow the steps of the Redeemer.

From the Bahama mission, or rather from the principal station at Nassau, in New Providence, we have but little to report. It was stated, at our last anniversary, that Mr. Burton, by whose self-denying exertions this mission had been founded, was under the necessity, from severe illness, of quitting the colony. The cause at Nassau has subsequently been in a state of much de­ pression, and the Committee are very anxious to be directed to some faithful servant of Christ, qualified by some degree of expe­ dience in the pastoral office, to occupy this difficult and trying post. At Turk’s Island, which is nearly at the eastern extremity of the Bahama groupe, and distant about 500 miles from Nassau, Mr. Quant, amidst many privations, and the dangers incident to fre­ quent navigation among these rocky islands, has been favoured with tokens of the divine approbation. Thirty-five members have been added to the small church under his care; and opportunities of visiting the Caicos, and other of the neighbouring islands, have been embraced. The day of freedom was observed in this 35

remote island, as it was in Jamaica, as a season of devout ac­ knowledgment ; and the prayers of the poor people, or rather their thanksgivings, flowing from grateful hearts, in simple and unaf­ fected strains, proved how deeply they felt the benefit conferred upon them. Subsequently, these islands were visited by a furious hurricane, attended with much destruction of life and property. By this calamitous visitation the staple commodity, salt, has been, for the present season, entirely lost, which has occasioned great distress to the poor inhabitants, and deprived them of the means of contributing to the cause of religion, which they had previously shown themselves ready to do, according to their power. Our Honduras mission has sustained a severe and unexpected loss in the decease of Mr. Philpot, who was removed on the 7th of September, only about four months after his arrival. Short as was the period of his service, he had greatly endeared himself to his new friends by his unaffected modesty, amiable disposition, and earnest desire to do good. He had entered with zeal upon the duties of the school, and delivered one discourse in the name of his adorable Master, when he was summoned to enter into his heavenly rest. The undivided labours of the station lmve thus fallen once more upon Mr. Henderson, whose own health has been impaired of late, and who is very importunate that help should be sent him without delay. Five persons have been added by baptism to the church, and an additional place of worship, in a distant part of the town, has been provided, through the generous zeal of Mr. Adams, one of the deacons. In South Africa, as well as in South America, we have been reminded that the servants of God are not suffered to continue by reason of death. Mr. Davies, of Graham’s Town, whose health had been for some time declining, expired, peacefully realizing the hope of the gospel, a few days only after our last Annual Meeting. Under this painful bereavement, the church continued to enjoy peace and harmony; and, in compliance with their earnest desire, another pastor was sent them— die Rev. George Aveline, late of Maidstone, who left this country in September last, and reached his destination about the end of the year. It is hoped that the return of tranquillity to the province will enable Mr. A. shortly to connect with his pastoral duties of Graham’s Town, some exertions for the benefit of the natives in the vicinity, at the Karega and elsewhere. 36


S i n c e our last annual meeting, four missionaries have em­ barked for the East: Mr. Harris for Ceylon, Messrs. Bayne and Parsons for Calcutta, and Mr. Aveline for South Africa. The three former have been sent in consequence of the successful appeal made by our beloved friend Mr. W . H. Pearce; whose health, we rejoice to add, has so far improved, as to warrant the expectation that he will shortly be permitted to embark once more for the scene of his labours in the East, accompanied by four other brethren. Two of these, Messrs. Tucker and Phillips, after several years’ instruction at Stepney, have completed their studies at the Universities of Glasgow and Edinburgh. Mr. Morgan has been educated at Bristol College, from whence so many former missionaries have gone forth to their honourable warfare. Mr. Wenger is a native of Switzerland, and studied at the University of Berne, with a view to the ministry in con­ nexion with the established church of his native country; but having, from conscientious conviction, embraced our distinguish­ ing sentiments, he is now about to accomplish the long cherished desire of his heart, by going forth as “ a messenger to the heathen.” To the West Indies none have been sent, but it is hoped that reinforcements will be speedily furnished to Jamaica, New Provi­ dence, and Honduras. Severe indisposition, which a voyage to Bombay was found insufficient to remove, has occasioned the return from Calcutta, for a season, of Mr. George Pearce. He has already derived some benefit from the change, and trusts, after awhile, to resume the important labours in which he has long since been actively and usefully employed. The appeal by Mr. W . H. Pearce, for the means of engaging and sending out ten additional missionaries, has been favoured with complete success. Something more than the amount so­ licited has been obtained; and, in addition to this, an anonymous friend has most generously presented the sum of one thousand pounds for the erection of a new chapel and school-house in Calcutta, as proposed by Mr. Pearce. To that unknown friend, and 37 to the many others, of various denominations, who have united in this effort to enlarge the means of evangelizing British India, the cordial thanks of the Committee are respectfully presented. While, in consequence of the addition of the Serampore sta­ tions to those formerly supported by the Society, as well as by the entrance of new missionaries on the field, the expenditure of the eastern branch of our mission is greatly increasing, we have thankfully to acknowledge that a considerable increase has taken place in the Society’s income. The receipts applicable to the general purposes of the mission, which form the true criterion of its financial progress, have been £16,223 10s. lid., being an advance of about £4000 on the amount reported at our last anniversary. If to this sum be added what has been received for translations,* schools, and other minor objects, including con­ tributions for sending new missionaries to India, and towards the removal of the debt, it will form an aggregate of £22,411 4?. 6d., an amount considerably beyond the income of any previous year. This augmented income, arising from the kind attention yielded to the claims of the Society in various-places whence support had not formerly been derived, from the strenuous exertions used, in other instances, to enlarge contributions where auxiliaries formerly existed, from collections in and Ireland, and lastly, from the sums furnished by our recently planted churches in Jamaica, (which last, including what was paid in before the last year’s cash account was made up, amounted to £840,) has just sufficed to meet the current expenditure. But it will be remembered, that at the commencement of the year, the Society was burdened with a debt of nearly £4000. This amount was subsequently lessened by donations for that special purpose, which reduced it to £2673; and as the expenditure of the Society, from the most careful calculation, is expected to be still greater in the present year than it was in the past, it is much to be desired that this incumbrance should at once be removed, especially as there are now bills accepted

* The continued liberality of our honoured brethren comprising the American and Foreign Bible Society towardB our translation fund has been stated in a former part of the Report. Their generous contribution of 5000 dollars, conveyed by the bands of their esteemed secretary, the Rev. C. G. Sommers, of New York, amounted to £1041 14s. 2d., out of £1204 9s. 8d. ! Surely British Christians should be more active in supporting this great and necessary part of the missionary work. 38 from abroad, which when due will absorb nearly £3000 of the resources of the new year. These facts render it incumbent on the Committee to use the utmost earnestness in soliciting the friends of the Society, in every direction, zealously to co-operate with them in exertions still further to augment the pecuniary supplies, without which the affairs of the mission will be involved in painful embarrassment. In connexion with this subject, the subjoined list will show the amount of donations, amounting to £50 and upwards, not including those applied towards the reduction of the debt:

C. M. (2 don.) . . . two donations £ 1 1 0 Friend, by Benjamin Young, Esq. Hutjield 105 James Douglas, Esq., Cavers 100 Daniel Sinclair, Esq., Achallander 100 George Foster, Esq., Sabden 100 Thank-offering on recovery from sickness . 100 C. F., by Mr. George Dyer 60 Miss S. Baker ..... 50 Old Friend ..... 50 Joseph Gurney, Esq. .... 50 Mrs. Leader, Wootton .... 50 John Coward, Esq., Liverpool 50 Miss Griffith ..... 50

The Committee have taken into consideration the best method of strengthening the official department of the mission. The operations of the Society have become so extensive, and the necessity of greater and more systematic exertions in order to provide the pecuniary means required to conduct them is so urgent, that it is deemed necessary to obtain the aid of an addi­ tional secretary, upon whom may be devolved the management of the home proceedings in general, and especially whatever relates to the raising of funds. The Committee are not un­ mindful that such a measure will involve some additional ex­ pense ; but should they find, as they hope they may, a suitable person for the office, they feel a perfect confidence that it will be more than justified by the enlarged support it will bring to the Society. In the event, also, of its being adopted, the office of Assistant Secretary will cease, and Mr. Evans, who has dis­ charged its duties with entire satisfaction to the Committee, be 39 most usefully employed in a new and productive agency in the great towns and cities. We have to renew the expression of sincere and grateful acknowledgments for the seasonable and welcome aid rendered to the cause of education, both in the East and in the West, by our kind female friends, who have continued to supply packages of useful clothing, &c., to be sold by our missionaries, and the produce applied to that object. They have thus been instru­ mental in promoting exertions second only in importance to the Christian ministry, and the benefits of which will probably be extending long after the present generation shall have been gathered to their fathers.

In conclusion, the Committee desire once more to unite in ascribing thanksgiving and praise to Him who has sustained and prospered their feeble exertions through another year, and to commend anew to his continued protection, and subordinately, to the affection, the liberality, and the prayers of their respected friends, the sacred cause in which they are engaged. Ever may it may be conducted in the spirit of faith, and love, and humble dépendance on the guidance and blessing of our faithful Re­ deemer ; and then we may anticipate, without presumption, that he will graciously honour it, as one of the means, by the harmo­ nious combination of which the whole world shall be finally brought under subjection to his righteous and gentle dominion ! LIST OF THE SOCIETY’S STATIONS, &c.


B e n g a l . C a l c u t t a ...... Lai Basar— William Robinson, W . Thomas. Translation Department, Circular Road Chapel— Wm. Y ates. Native Church—W. H. Pearce, C. C. A ratoon. Printing Office— J. Thomas. Benevolent Institution—(Vacant.) Robert Bayne— George B. Parsons. (About to sail with Mr. W . H. Pearce)—J. Wenger, F. Tucker, A. B., Thomas Phillips, and Thomas Morgan. Svb-Stations—Jeeadagote, Debeepoor, Balurampoor, Makharya, Madpore. Native Preachers— Gorachund, Soojatullee, Ganga Na- rayun Sil, Ram.huree, Ram.soondur. E n t a l l y ...... Native Christian Institution—J. D. Ellis. Sub-Stations—Howrah, Goladanga, Banda-ghat. Native Preachers—Ram Kistu, Shem. S e e b p c r ...... George Pearce, F. De Monte. Sub-Stations — Bonstollah, Kharee, Luckyantipur, Dhankata, Morapai, Maya Bibir Hat, with several villages. Native Preachers—Vishwanath, Kashee, Bhim, Gaur- Prasad, Jacob, Kalachund. D um Dcm ...... W . B. Symes. Native Preacher—Soobrhoo. J e s s o b e ...... J. Parry. Sub- Station—Bhursapoor. Native Preachers—Neelmunee, Sharun, Bungshe, Ram- dhun. C u t w a ...... William Carey. Native Preachers—Gurucharun, Kanta, Pans, Digu, Haradhan, Chaytan. Se w e y ...... J- Williamson. Native Preachers—Sonatan, Mathur, Kaiayan. B u e i s a u l ...... S. Bareiro. Sub-Stations—Sagurdeep, Shagurdee. Native Preachers—Viswannath, Gorachund, Panchoo. D a c c a ...... O. Leonard, with several native preachers. Chittagong ‘...... J. Johannes. Native Preacher— Gungarayan, jun. Dinagepore } . . . . Hugh Smylie. Sadhamuhal ) . . . . Native Preachers—Bhoodoo, Peter, Gurib.

K a s sia s .

Cherrapongee .... A. B. Liah. 41

A r r a c a n .

A k y a b ...... J. c. Fink. Sub-Stations— Krueday, Kimby-won, Arracan Town. Native Preachers—Khepoong, Kullafree, Ong-gee- jying. Kyo.jorhee.

A s s a m .

G o w h a t t e e ...... W . Robinson, jun.


M o n g h y r ...... Andrew Leslie. Assistant Missionary— W . M oore. Native Preacher—Nayansukh. D i g a h ...... John Lawrence. Native Preacher—Hurri-Das. P a t n a ...... Henry Beddy. Native Preacher— Kasi. B e n a r e s ...... • W . Smith. Native Preacher—Siva-das. A g r a ...... Richard Williams. One native Preacher. A l l a h a b a d ...... J. Mackintosh. Native Preacher— Bhuguwan-das. D e l h i ...... J. T. Thompson. Native Preacher— Devegir.


C e y l o n .

C o l o m b o ...... Ebenezer Daniel, Joseph Harris, Hendrick Siers. Sub-Stations—Slave Island, Hangwella, Byamville, Matelle, Kottigha-Watta, Weyhan-godah, with eight other places. Assistant Missionaries— John Meldor, J. W . Nadar, Carolis, H. C. Silva, and William Meldor.

Connected with the Ceylon Mission are IT Day-schools, with upwards o f 500 children, exclusive of Sunday-schools.

J a v a .

Sa m ar an o Gottlob Bruckner.

S u m a t r a .

Padano . N. M. Ward,


J a m a i c a . North. L ucea & G r e e n I sla n d . (Vacant.) Sub-Stations— Fletcher’s Grove, Gurney 's Mount. Teachers— Samuel Stennett, E. Chambers, F. Daly, E. England. D 42

M ontego B a y .... Thomas Burchell. Bvb-Stations— Shortwood, Mount Carey, Bethel Hill, Tottenham, Watford Hill. Estates visited— Montpelier, Catherine Hall, Spring \ Gardens, Eden. Teachers— J. R . Andrews, J. C. Hayles, J. C. Prince, Samuel J. Vaughan, J. Chambers, Miss Commins, Miss Ann Reid, Miss Jane Reid. Sa l t e r ’s H il l & B e t h - 1 Walter Dend TEPHIL ...... ) J Assistant Missionary—T. F. Picton. Sub-Stations— Maroon Town, Retirement, Maldon, Prospect. Estates visited—Glasgow, Windsor Lodge, Paisley, Moor Park, Leyden, Guilsborough. Teachers—Thomas F. Picton, James Lovemore, W. P. Russell, Mrs. Lovemore, Mrs. Russell, Miss E. Tucker. F a l m o u t h ...... William Knibb. Assistant Missionary—T. E. Ward. Sub-Stations—Refuge, Waldensia, Camberwell, WiL berforce. Estates visited—Golden Grove, Garadu, Mann’s, Sharp’s. Teachers—T. E. Ward, I. M'Lauchlan, Thomas Le- vermore, Misses Troop, Miss Clarke, Miss Bennett, Miss M'Kenzie, Mrs. M'Lauchlan, Mrs Levermore, F. and Mrs. Eberall. Rio Bueno and Stew art! „ -or»* rpQWN > Benjamin B. Dexter. Assistant Missionary—James Gibson. Sub-Station—New Birmingham. Teachers—William Innes, F. H. Dillon, Mrs. Innes, Miss Thomas. B r o w n ’ s T o w n .... John Clark. Sub-Stations—Bethany, Somerset, Mount Ziou. Teachers—Frances Johnstone, R. Brown, A. Valentine. St. A n n ’s B a y .... Thomas F. Abbott. Assistant Preachers—H. Beckford, Isaac Higgin. Sub-Stations—Ocho Rios, Coultart’s Grove, Stacey- ville, Landovery. Teachers—S. M'Koy, J. Ellis. P ort M a r i a ...... David Day. Sub-Stations— Oracabessa, Bagnal's Vale. Teacher—J. Williams. A nnatto B a y .... Josiah Barlow. Siib-Station— Buff Bay. Estate visited— Moor Hall. M o u n t Ch a r l e s . . . W . Whitehorne. Sub- Station—Brandon Hill, Scott’s Hall. Belle Castle, Manchi-1 t , , s ONEAL J°hn KmSd°n- Sub-Station—Long Bay. Estate visited—Amity Hall. Teachers—J. and Mrs. Kingdon. South. K in g s t o n ...... East Queen Street—Samuel Oughtoo. Sub-Station—Port Royal. Teacher— Samuel Whitehorne. Hanover Street—Joshua Tinson. Sub-Stations—Yallahs, Mount Atlas. Teachers—W . Woolley, R. H. Rae. 43

Spanish Town . . . . J. M . Phillippo. Sub-Stations — Passage - Fort, Sligo - Ville, Sturge’s Mount, Kitson Dale, Rock River, Taylor’s Cay- manas. Teachers—George Kirby, Eliza Newell, Mary M‘Vicar, Eliza Carr, John Ogborne, W . and Mrs. Norman, S. Bernard, J. 0 ‘Meally, A. Anderson. Estates visited—Cumberland Pen, Dawkin’s Pen. Old Harbour . . . . H. C. Taylor. Teacher— Joseph Moseley. Four Paths and Ebony ) t C h a p e l, V e r e . . . $ James Reid. Teacher— G. Moody. J e r i c h o ...... John Clarke. Assistant Missionaries and Teachers—R. Merrick, Jo­ seph Merrick. Teachers—Misses S. and D. Merrick, Miss 0 . Meally, C. Mactavesher. Sub.Stations—Mount Hermon, Lucky Valley, Guy's1' Hill, Springfield, Moneague. Savanna-la-Mar . . . John Hutchins. Sub-Stations—Fuller’s Field, Mountain Side, Elstow Green. Estate visited—New Providence. Teachers—R. L. Constantine, J. Lake, J. Valentine, J. Vaz. Mr. E. J. Francies, late of Stepney College, is about to sail for Jamaica.

B a h a m a I s l a n d s . New Providence,Nassau. Thomas Leaver. Assistant Missionary—Archibald Taylor. Sub-Stations— Grant’s Town, Good Hope Hill, Carmi­ chael Village. T u r k ’ s I sl a n d , G r a n d \ _ 0 AY . . | Ebenezer F. Quant. % * Caicos Island, Crooked Island, St. Salvador, 'Wat* ling’s Long Island, Rugged Island, Great and Little Exuma Islands, Eluthera and Andros Islands, are occasionally visited by the Missionaries from Nassau and Grand Cay.


Bay of Honduras, Belize. Alex. Henderson.


Graham’s Town . , . G. Aveline. Sub-Station—Karega. LIST OF CONTRIBUTIONS


FROM April 1, 1838, to March 31, 1839.

(Subscribers’ names of in«- per annum, and upwards, ouly, are inserted.)

When contributions arc given specifically in aid of Translations, tlie letter T is placed before the sum S for schools, F E for Female Education, and W I F for West India Fund.

At the close of the present List will be found another for Contributions in aid of the object of sending additional Missionaries to India.

_V.B. It will be found, that, in some instances, the connexion o f Churches in Auxiliary Societies in’erferes with correctness of geographical arrangement ; but this cannot be altogether avoided.

[Our Friends are particularly requested to forward correct Lists of Contributions, alphabetically arranged, as in the Report, with the Names of the Minister, Treasurer, aud Secretary connected with each Auxiliary and Association, before the 15th of March, of each ) ear.]


lirtifortisfjirc. Meen, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Kidgnumnt—Rev. 3. H. Brookes. Morton, Mr. Thomas.. 0 10 0 Collection, &c...... 3 15 « £. *. d. Pcchey, Mr. Richard.. 0 10 0 Byland, Mr...... 1 o 0 Slaughton—Rev. T. Robinsou. Bedfordshire Aibiliary. Collection...... 5 0 0 John Foster, Esq., Treasurer. 61 5 9 Profits of a sheep by Ampthill— Mr. Hawkins...... 0 12 0 Moiety Coniribnfious,by Cardington, Cotton End—Rev. J. Mr. Claridge...... 6 0 0 Frost. 5 12 0 Bedford, Old Meeting, Collection...... 15 0 0 Trifilow— Penny-a-week Society.. 15 0 0 Ga?nlitigay—'Re\. E. Manning. Collected by Miss Foster 0 14 0 King, Rev. T. (5 years’ Collections...... 4 11» 0 sub.)...... 5 5 0 Curd by L c to n A u x i l i a r y . Miss M. A. Braybrook 1 11 0 Rev. Henry Burgess, Secretary. 20 5 0 Miss Einina Paine 10 1 2 MissSavill...... ÿ i H Beachuiood Green, Rev. H. Bi"u. Collection...... 2 0 0 Biggleswade, Rev. S. Kent. Miss Margaret Savill. . 1 6 0 Collections...... 14 1 0 Luton, Rev. H. Burgess. Miss S. Woodham 1 1 6 Collections and Sub­ Card by Subscriptions— scriptions...... 60 12 10 Miss Harris...... 3 1 0 Oats, Mr., sen...... 0 10 0 Union Chapel, Rev. J. Miss Harrison...... 1 12 II Paine, Mrs...... 1 0 0 S. Bright, moiety of Miss Jefferies...... 1 15 5 Paine, Mr. David 0 111 0 collection...... 25 9 0 Mr- Evans...... 0 17 4 Skilleter, Mr. W 0 10 V Harrison, Mr...... 3 10 0 Mrs. Seymour, Heniow 0 11 1 Smith, Mr. Henry 0 10 0 Whittingham, Kev. R ., Subscriptions— 26 19 9 Burton, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Vicar ef Potton 0 19 0 Conder, Mr. Samuel.. 0 10 0 31 4 7 Market Street, Rev. J. Heath- Foster, John, Esq 1« 10 0 Collection and Mission­ Do. for Howrah Schools 5 0 0 ary B o x ...... 6 6 0 Foster, Mrs...... 2 2 0 Gransden—Rev. S. Peters. Do. for Howrah School 2 10 0 Collection ...... 2 1 9 Toidington, Rev. W . Wood. D o...... F. E. 2 10 0 Sharnbrook— Collection and Mission­ Foster, Mr. Blyth 2 2 0 Collection in July 4 0 0 ary Boxes...... 9 12 6 Hall, Mrs...... 3 3 0 Do. in November 5 5 10 Leighton Buzzard, Rev. E. Adcy. Ha. tor Howrah Schools 2 10 0 Missionary Box, by a Collections and Subs... 28 17 4 D o...... F,E. 2 10 0 female servant 0 10 6 By Mr. M atthews..... I 12 ® Hall, Miss...... I 0 0 Kent, Bev. S ...... 0 10 0 9 18 4 30 1) 4 Malden, Mr. Joshua.... 1 0 0 45

Leighton, Second Church, Rev. Colnirook—Rev. W . Coleman. Newbury— Collection...... 6 1» 2 R. Clark. Collection...... 7 13 Collected by Misses Sunday-school children 0 16 4 Rutt and Chew 3 13 0 Subscriptions— Cox, R. Esq...... 0 10 0 Mis. Pool’s Box 0 2 2 Barfield, John, Esq.. . . 1 1 8 S C Browne, Mr. John.. . . 1 1 3 14 2 Bunny, Mrs...... 0 10 Champion, Mr. A ...... 1 1 Chesham—VLev. W . Payne. Dunstable, Rev. Dan. Gould. Childs, Mr...... 1 0 Moiety of Collection.., 5 13 0 Public Collections...... 27 2 0 Clift, Mr...... 0 10 Collected by Penny-a-week Collec Coxhead, Rev. B 1 1 Two Friends...... 10 4 10 tion, by the Mi«ses Elkyns, Mr. John 1 0 Mr. Elliot...... 1 6 0 Gutteridge (2 years).. 9 16 0 Fisher, Air...... 0 10 Mr. G. Towers...... 4 10 1 Do. by M isses Cheshire Flint, Mr. H ...... 0 1» Sunday-school children 1 5 0 and Peel .'2 years)___ 13 0 0 Fuller, Mr...... 0 10 Gale, Mr...... 5 0 Subscriptions— Missionary Box at Mr. Butfield, Mr...... 0 10 0 Gutteridge’s...... 0 16 0 Graham, Fuller, Esq.. 1 1 Graham, Mrs...... 0 10 Garrett, Mr. W illiam .. 1 0 0 Sunday School Girls. Hight, Mrs...... 1 0 0 . chiefly of the 1st class 1 10 0 Hawkins, Mr...... 0 10 Harbert, William, Esq. 1 0 Payne, Rev. W 1 0 0 Subscriptions— Hedges, Mr...... 2 0 Pope, Mr. J...... 1 0 0 A total Abstainer...... 0 15 0 Keen, Mr...... 0 10 Tomlin, Rev. W 1 1 0 Bachelor, Mr. W ...... I 0 0 Lanfear, Mr. A., Hun- Widow’s Mite...... 0 10 0 Blackwell, Mrs...... 1 0 0 gerford...... 0 10 Blackwell, Mr. J. W .. 0 10 0 Langford, Mr. J., ditto 0 10 28 19 11 Chambers, Mr. Samuel. 1 0 0 Lewis, Miss...... 0 10 Cheshire, Mr. Joseph.. 0 10 0 Norri9, Mr...... 0 10 Crendon—'Rev. W . Hopcraft. Cheshire, Mr. Henry.. 0 10 0 Winter, Mrs...... 1 1 Collection...... 0 17 10 Cheshire, Mr. Thomas.. 0 5 0 Subs, under 10s...... 2 11 Flowers, Mr. Joseph... 1 1 0 Collected by Gould, Rev. Daniel.... 1 0 0 32 13 Miss Dodwell...... 1 0 2 Groom, Mr. W illiam.. 1 0 0 1 18 0 Gutteridge, R. Esq...... 2 2 0 W antage— Gutteridge, R. E ^ . jun. 2 0 0 Hayward,Rcv.W.,M.A. 1 1 0 Gutteridge, Mr. Joseph 0 10 0 Wallingford—"Rev. J. Tyso Datchet—'B.ev. W. Bailey. Hawkins, Mr...... 0 10 0 Gammon, Mr. Joseph,. 0 10 0 10 0 Collected by Hitclnnan, Mr. J. H ... 0 Mrs. Bailey...... 2 0 0 Humphrey, Miss...... 0 10 « Wokingham— Mayles, Mr. Joseph.... 0 10 0 Collection and Subs.... 12 17 0 Potter, Mr. James...... 10 Goldhill—Tlev. D. Ives. 0 0 ...... 0 5 8 Scroggs, Mr- George .. 0 10 Total 132 0 3 Collection 0 Tredway, Mr...... 0 5 0 Willis', Mr. William... 0 10 0 Willis, Mrs. W illiam.. 0 10 0 0 10 8 Donations— Gutteridge, R. E sq .... 25 0 0 iSuctungfiamsiiire. Haddenham—Rev. P. Tyler. Gutteridge, R. Esq. jun. 5 0 0 Collected by Flowers, Mr. Joseph... *2 0 0 Aston Clinton—Rev. T. Amsden Chamber?, Mr. Samuel. 1 0 0 Collection.. 1 17 Mr. Jnggers, Emington 0 10 0 Gould, Rev. Daniel.... 1 0 0 Mr. Bowden, Totaery.. 0 14 0 Amersham—Rev. John Statham. Saunders, Mr. J., Stone 0 10 0 Collection...... 22 3 103 7 0 Cox, Mr. W . (sub.).... 1 1 0 Collected by Do. March 23...... 1 I 0 Miss Ainsworth...... 0 17 Odd sums...... 0 12 4 Houghton Regis, Rev. A. Smith. Miss Dorrell...... 4 6 Towersey and Eming­ Public Collections 15 7 7 Mrs. Knight...... 0 4 ton, Friends at. 1 7 6 Mrs. Morten...... 3 0 Subscriptions— 5 15 10 Cook, Mr. M...... 0 10 0 Subscriptions— Cook, Mr. S...... 1 1 0 Cutis, Mrs...... 0 5 Freeman, Mr...... 0 10 0 Dorrell, Mr...... 1 0 H igh W ycombe A u x il ia r y. Friends, by ditto 1 13 7 Garrett, Mrs...... 0 10 Mr. Daniel Hearn, Treasurer. Friend, by Mr. Anstie.. 1 0 0 Morten, Mr...... 1 1 Friend...... 0 12 10 Morten, Mrs.T...... 0 10 Messrs Packer and Wright, Secs. Gutteridge,Mast.,¿toxijr 0 10 0 Statham, M rs...'...... 0 10 Scroggs,Mr. F ...... 0 10 0 West, Mr...... 2 2 Collections at Scroggs, Mr. W 0 5 0 Crendon Lane Chapel.. 7 2 36 18 Ebenezer Chapel...... 4 15 22 0 0 Public meeting, includ­ ing donation from G.H. Total 434 8 C Beaconsfield— Dash wood, Esq. M.P. 9 2 6 Collection, by Rev. E. Carey...... 5 5 0 Collected by Brickhill, by Mr. Theobald. Mr. Hunt...... 2 16 10 Bcrfisfitrc. For Jamaica Schools.., 1 Mr. Packcr...... 1 6 1 For East Indian Schools, Missionary Boxes 0 13 by the Sunday-school Seech H ill—Rev. J. Rodway. Subscriptions— Collection ...... 1 18 G children...... 1 16 Butler, Mr. W . T 0 10 0 Reading— Wilkinson, John, Esq .4^0 Received un account.,. 83 0 0 Wright, Mr. P 0 10 0 46

Donations— Subscriptions— Subscriptions— Rt. lion. Lord Carring­ Barton-Mills— Barlow, Mr.'...... 0 12 0 ton, Wycombe Abbey. 5 0 0 Bell, Mr...... 0 10 « Butcher, M r...... 0 12 0 llearn & Veary, Messrs. 8 0 0 Ellington, Mr. sen 0 10 0 Medland, Miss...... 0 10 0 Kent, S. L. Esq 1 0 0 Ellington, Mr. T 0 10 0 Medland, Miss R . 0 10 0 Locas, Bichard, Esq.. . 1 0 0 Ellington, Mr. R 0 10 0 Stocker, Mr...... 1 7 0 Parker, William, Esq.. 1 0 0 Gitters, M r...... 0 10 6 Suras under 10s...... 2 1 10 Parker, Jobs, Esq 1 0 0 Missionary Box, by Mrs. Subscriptions, Extra... 17 8 4 Seeker...... 0 14 0 48 0 0 Owens, Mr...... 1 1 0 28 0 0 Do. in farthings 0 8 0 Ixrughton— Saunders, Rev. R ...’.. 0 10 6 Collection...... 1 4 6 Seeker, Mr...... 0 10 6 Chacewater Branch—Rev. J. Tubbs, Mr...... 0 10 6 Webster. Missenden—Rev. H. H. Dobney. Sums under 10«...... 0 11 6 Collections...... 4 0 2 Collections and Subs... 15 0 0 Isieh am— Subscriptions— Olney—Rev. J. James. Norman, Mrs...... 2 0 0 Francis, Mr. Henry.... 0 10 0 Morcom, Mr. Joseph.. 0 10 0 Subscriptions— Bos, by Mrs. Wibrow 0 7 0 Woods, Mr...... 0 10 0 Ninnis, Mr. Paul 0 10 0 Johnston, Mr...... 1 1 0 Rabcy, Mr. William.. . 0 10 0 Raban, Miss 0 5 0 22 8 6 Webster, Mr. J- 1 0 0 Smith, the Misses A. H. Sums under 10*...... 0 16 10 and M., for Schools in India...... 50 0 Haddenham—Rev. G. Bailey. 7 17 0 Soul, Mr. J. W 0 10 6 Moiety of Collections.. 4 14 1 Soul, Mr. R ...... 0 10 6 Subscriptions— Wilson, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Biddall, Mr. James..T. 0 10 6 Falmouth Branch—Rev. W. F. Wilson, Mrs. S...... 0 10 0 Camps, Mr. William.T. 0 10 0 Bnrchell. Subs, under 10i...... T. 0 10 0 Collections...... 13 12 10 8 17 0 Camps, Mr. William .. 0 10 6 Collected by Dimmock, Mr. John... 0 10 0 Miss Ellis...... 0 7 7 Howlett, Mrs...... Quainton—Rev. D. Walker. 0 10 0 Miss Green...... 1 0 8 Reed, Mr. Joh n ...... 0 10 0 Miss H ooper...... 1 9 0 Collected by Sennett, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Mr. J. Taylor...... 1 10 10 Miss Pascoe...... 1 0 9 Subs, under 10*...... 1 15 3 Small sums...... 0 13 2 Ladies’ Association, by Stony Stratford—Rev. E. L. Fos­ Subscript ions— ter. Mrs. E. Biddall...... 2 14 0 Sabbath-school ditto, by Bond, Mr.W. H.(R.N.) 1 1 0 Collections, See...... 20 0 0 Mr. R o s e ...... 0 6 8 Burchell, Rev. W . F. E. 1 1 0 Wingrave and Aston Abbots— Croggon, Mr. Richard.. 1 1 0 Rev. Thomas Aston.: 13 U 0 Downing, Mrs. W 0 10 0 Dash, Mr...... 0 10 0 Weekly Subscriptions.. 3 9 6 Hauxlon-Mill— Grace, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Ellis, Mr. J...... 0 10 0 Coll. by Miss Foster.. . 4 11 0 Fox, J. Esq. (2 years) T. 0 17 4 4 0 0 Furze, Capt...... 1 0 0 Melbourne—Rev. James Flood. Gay, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Collections...... 6 14 1 Gutherhlge, Mr. P 0 10 0 Waddesdon Hill—Rev. H. Grain­ Missionary Boxes...... 1 IS 1 Nash, Mr...... 0 10 O ger. Osier, Mrs...... 1 1 0 8 7 2 Collection...... 4 0 0 Read, Mr. Edw ard.... 1 1 0 Renfree, Miss (2 years) 0 10 0 Woobum— Shelford—Rev. W . W . Cantlow. Wynn, Miss...... 0 10 0 « A grateful heart ” . . . . 1 0 0 Collections and Subs... 11 18 1 Sums under 10«...... 2 0 0 Missionary Boxes...... 3 7 5 Subscriptions, extra.... 14 5 2 Total 198 3 7 15 5 6 For Rev. T. BurcheU’t Schools, Montego Bay. CCamtrtirgcefiirc. Wittleqford— Abstinence S ociety.... 2 0 0 Missionary Box, by Mr. Fox, Mrs. E ...... 1 0 0 C a m b r i d g e A u x i l i a r y . Foster...... 2 2 0 Small sums...... 0 17 0 E. Randall, Esq. .Treasurer. Total 224 5 6 49 18 6 Cambridge—Rev. R. Roff. Collections, April 12... 59 14 2 Helston Branch—Rev. C. Wilson. Remitted, Oct. 1 7 .... 91 5 8 Collections...... 9 10 6 Warner, Miss, by J. Nantwich— Collected by Crozler, & q ...... 5 0 0 Fergusson, Mr. & Mrs. 5 0 0 Gotobed, James, Esq., Miss Jane Rogers 1 8 6 for Chitpore School... 2 0 0 Mrs. Lugg...... 0 8 8 Cotntoall. Subscriptions— 157 19,10 Best, Mr ...... 0 7 0 C o r n w a l l A u x i l i a r y . Ellis, Mr. James 0 10 0 Eustace, Mrs...... 1 0 0 N o r t h -E a s t C ambridgeshire Thos. Rogers, Esq., Treasurer. A u x i l i a r y . Rogers, Thomas, E sq.. 0 10 0 Rev. J. Spasshatt, Secretary. Read, Mr. Charles.... 1 1 0 Moiety of Collections at Read, Mr, J. M ...... 0 10 o New-market, Bnrwell, St. Austle Branch—Rev. Thomas Barton-miUf, Iileham, Harris. 15 5 8 and Böham, June 2,3, 12 14 6 Collection...... 4 18 10 47 Maraaion Branch—Rev. J. Par­ Subscriptions— Heboitsfitre. sons. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs.. 2 2 0 Coll. by Mr. R. Phillips 1 17 0 Clarke, Miss...... 0 10 6 Bampton—Rev. T. Thomas. Townshend, Mr...... 0 5 0 Clarke, Miss E. J 0 10 6 Clarke, Miss E. R . . . . 0 10 6 Box at the Missionary 2 2 0 Clarke, Miss E. M .... 0 10 6 Prayer-meeting 0 18 3 Clarke, Master. 0 10 6 Do. by Mrs. Thomas... 0 12 0 Padstow Branch—Rev. T. Howe. Friend...... 0 10 0 Collection...... 2 0 0 Knight, Mr...... 0 10 0 1 10 3 Coll. by Miss Hawken 0 8 0 Lemon, Sir C., Bart., Missionary Boxes« 1 8 7 M.P...... 1 1 0 Bovey Tracey—Rev. J. L. Sprague. Subscriptions— Michett, Robert, Esq ..100 Weekly subs., by Mrs. Martyn, Mr. J. D .'.... 1 1 0 Turner, E. Esq. M .P .. 1 1 0 Sprague...... 2 2 0 Sums under 10«...... 1 IS 10 ;Tweedy, W . Esq. ...S . 1 0 0 Miss Sprague’s Mission­ Williams, Mrs. £ ...... 0 10 0 ary Box...... 2 14 0 6 14 1 Savings' Bank, interest from ...... 0 6 6 4 16 0 Penzance Branch—Rev. W . H. Sunday School Assoc.. 3 7 5 Fuller. Chudleigh— Collections...... 9 10 9 37 8 7 Anonymous (1Z. S .)... . 2 0 0 Collected by Devonport,Morrice Square—Rev. Miss L. Brown...... 1 6 0 Grampound—Rev. B. Beddow. T. Horton. Miss C. Thomas...... 0 13 8 Collection...... I l l 2 Collections...... 17 0 6 Subscriptions— Coll. by Miss Seccomb Saltash Collection 1 3 8 Brown, Mr. J. S...... 0 10 6 and Luke...... 1 0 0 Came, Joseph, Esq. . . . 1 0 0 Searle, Mr ...... 2 0 0 Subscriptions— Elliot, Mr...... 0 10 0 Sums under 10«...... 0 19 6 Batten, Mr...... 1 1 0 Friend to the Jamaica Foster, Mr...... 1 1 0 Mission...... 0 10 0 5 10 8 Friend (J. B .)..W .I.F . 0 10 0 Morgan, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Horton, Rev. T ...... 0 10 6 Pidwell, Samuel, Esq.. 1 1 0 Total 199 0 10 Miall, Mrs 1 1 0 Paul, M rs...... 010 0 16 1 11 D o...... T. 0 5 0 Cutnierlanft. Pinsent, M r...... 1 1 0 Redruth Branch—Rev. J. Spass- Trounsell, J.Esq.W.I.S. 1 0 0 Maryport—Rev. H. Anderson. Collections...... 8 12 Anderson, Rev. H 0 10 6 6 Fletcher, Mr. Joseph.. 1 1 0 25 9 2 Collected by Mitchell, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Mrs. Eade and late Miss Kingsbridge—Rev. J. P. Hewlett. Magor...... 1 16 1 Total 2 11 6 Miss Spasshatt...... 1 5 2 Collection, 1837...... 5 14 9 Miss Hosking...... 0 16 11 Collected by Miss S. Miss Rouse...... 0 11 4 Nicholson...... 1 13 6 Miss Cock and Miss Derbgsfitre. Do. at Marlboro’ Chapel 1 0 0 Mitchell...... 0 12 0 Donation from a Friend 5 0 0 Burton-on-Trent— Rev. J.J. Owen. Collections, 1838...... 9 12 2 Subscriptions— Collections...... 0 5 1 Cock, Mr...... Sunday-school children 0 3 6 0 10 0 Coll. by Miss Sinking.. Eade, Mr. M. (2 years) 1 O 0 Collected by 3 14 0 Heynes, Mr...... Miss Hawkins...... 3 7 0 Subscription by Miss 1 0 0 M. B. Nicholson...... Mayor, J. P. Esq...... 10 Mrs. Owen...... 1 11 7 1 5 6 0 6 Earles, Mrs...... 0 Morcom, Mr. E ...... 0 10 0 Missionary B os,by Mr. 4 4 Rouse, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Tomlinson...... 0 10 0 Runnals, Mr...... 0 10 0 28 7 9 Subscriptions— Acknowledged last year 10 0 SpasBhatt, Mr...... 5 0 0 0 Spasshatt, Mr., late of Bass, M. T. Esq 2 0 0 18 7 Penzance (legacy) T. 5 0 0 Hunt, Mr...... 1 0 0 6 Williams, John, Esq. T. 1 0 0 Owen, Rev. J. J 0 10 0 Sums under 10s...... 0 15 0 Paington— by Mr. Trow- Sunday School...... 0 8 4 15 3 8 ard ...... 3 5 0 Plymouth—Rev. S. Nicholson. 80 8 4 Derby—Rev. W . Hawkins, M.A. Collections...... 28 0 0 Public Collections 28 11 3 Ladies Branch (moiety) 14 5 0 Truro Branch — Rev. Edmund Ladies’ Association.... 7 19 8 Sabbath-school...... I 12 3 Clarke, and Rev. T. F. Jordan. Missionary Boxes 0 17 3 Collections...... 10 0 1 Subscriptions— Subscriptions— Do. at Penpoll 0 13 3 Dunnicliff, Mr. Clifton Adams, Mr. P ...... 0 10 6 Collected by (2 years)...... 2 0 0 Adamson, M r ...... 0 10 0 Mra. Barlow...... 0 16 3 Alger, Mr...... 0 10 a Miss Barlow 1 4 7 39 8 3 Bnyly, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Miss Batchelor...... 0 13 10 Brendon, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Mr. Blacker...... 1 12 1 Su/amsick and Biddings— Rev. Burnell, M r...... 0 10 6 Miss Bound...... 0 12 3 T. Pöttinger. Derry, Mr...... 2 0 0 Mrs. Clarke...... 1 16 0 Public Collections..... 6 15 2 Derry, Mr. D...... 0 10 0 Miss Clarke...... 1 1 0 Missionary Boxes 1 2 10 Derry, Mr. S ...... 1 1 0 Miss E. J. Clarke 1 0 6 Eveleigh, Mr...... 1 1 0 Mr. T. Clark...... 1 5 4 7 IB 0 J.G ...... S. 0 10 6 Miss Clemence...... 0 17 7 Gandy, M r ...... 0 10 0 Mias Hornblower. 1 5 3 Total 62 0 1] George, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Mist Parkyn...... 0 9 5 Hearle, M r ...... 1 0 0 48

Nicholson, Bev. S .. . 0 10 o Subscriptions— Enfield, Mrs...... o in c Prance, Mr...... 1 1 0 Eisdell, Mr. J. C 1 0 C Haddon, Mr. D. B 0 10 0 Tamerton, friends at... 1 0 P Francis, W . W . Esq . . 2 2 0 Norton, Rev. J. C I 1 •* Sums nnder 10s...... 1 12 0 Patmore, Mr. R 0 10 0 Page, Mrs. Robert . . . . 1 0 O Rnst, Rev. C. T 1 0 o Salmon, Mrs...... 1 o 0 58 15 3 Stokes, G. Esq...... 1 0 0 Spurgen, Mrs...... 1 I 0 Walker, Mr. W 0 10 0 Taylor, Mr. T ...... * 1 0 0 Total 114 3 2 Warmington, Mr. E ... 0 10 0 Donations— Two Friends...... 15 0 0 20 6 10 81 2 9 3Borsfisf)trç. Collections and Subscriptions re­ ceived in March : Laughton—Rev. S. Brawn. Dorchester— Rev. C. Evans. Collections...... 30 1 6 Collections, April 22... 21 C 8 Collection at Public Missionary Association. 12 4 !) Meeting...... 4 12 0 Collected by 0 Miss Patmore...... 1 7 7 33 11 5 Yeatman, M., Esq.. .. 1 1 Miss Bennell...... 1 2 S A few Friend»...... 1 0 10 0 7 0 Rhoda Frostic...... 0 15 1 Coll. by Mrs. Brown.. Small Sams 1 1 2 Mersey—Rev. J. Rogers. Coll. by Mrs. Rogers.. 1 ii 0 7 0 10 Subscriptions— Averil, Mr...... 0 10 0 Potter-streel—V.ev. John Gipps. Collection, & c ...... 2 12 0 Lyme— Catchpool, Mrs.T. (don) 0 10 0 Edwards, James, Esq.. 10 0 0 Cross, Mr. J...... (do.) 0 10 0 Rayleigh—Rev. J. Pilkington. Daniell, Mr. Thomas . . 0 10 0 Collection, & c ...... 0 1 0 Sierborne— Eisdell, Mr. J. C 1 0 0 Chandler, B., Esq...... 3 3 0 Francis, W . W . Esq... 2 2 0 Rorrrford— By Mr. Ward...... 1 5 0 Weymouth—Rev. G. W Davis. Harvey, Mr. J. B 0 10 0 Collection ...... 10 0 0 Knight, Mr. T.. .(don.) 0 10 0 Saffron Waldron—Rev. J. W il­ Lewis, Mr. T...... 0 10 0 kinson. Collected by Patmore, Mr...... 1 1 0 Collections...... 15 10 6 Miss Robens...... 2 18 9 Rust, Rev. C. T 1 0 0 Jnvenile Society 2 0 0 Mrs. Tizard...... 1 10 5 Stokes, George, Esq... 1 0 0 Gibson, W.G.Esq.(don.) 5 0 0 Mrs. Davis...... 2 3 1 Do...... (don.) 1 0 0 Do. sub., . . . . T. & S. 2 2 0 Mrs. Scriven...... 0 16 9 Warmiugton, Mr. E. ., 0 10 C Gibson, F. E ?q.. .do... 2 0 0 Mrs. Evans...... 1 11 5 W ix, Mr...... 0 10 0 Gibson, Miss...... S. 2 2 0 Mrs. Wyatt...... 1 1 1 Sums under 10s...... 2 5 0 Day, R- Esq do. I 1 0 Miss Read...... 0 18 9 Mrs. Beddome...... 0 17 0 48 6 1 30 4 6 Jnvenile Association... 4 8 0 Total 68 12 11 Subscriptions— SibleItedingham—Rcv. R. Lang­ ford. Brinsley, M r...... (S.) 0 10 0 Earl’s Colne—Rev. T. D. Rey­ Williams, Mrs...... 1 1 0 nolds. Coll. at the Missionary Prayer-meetings 1 18 3 Welsford, G., Esq...... 1 1 0 Collected by Welsford, G. C., Esq.. 1 1 0 Mrs. London...... 1 0 7 Thorpe—Rev. W . Bolton. Bolls, Mr...... 0 10 0 Miss Tawell...... 1 7 0 Collection...... 4 8 4 LUI, Mrs...... 0 s 0 Mrs. Tawell...... 0 15 fi Harding, Mr...... e 5 0 Waltham Abbey— Subscriptions— Hargreaves, Rev. James 2 10 0 30 18 3 Piper, Mr. J. D. (3 yrs.) 3 0 0 Collected by Tawell, Mr. W . (2 yrs.) 1 0 0 Miss B. Pngh...... 1 2 10 Mrs. J. BrackeU 0 10 0 Wimborne—Rev. J. Dore. 7 3 1 Missionary Box...... 0 5 7 4 2 10 Subscriptions— Harlow—Rev. T. Finch. Bndden, Mr., Sopley.. 0 10 0 Ladies Association . . . . 20 0 0 Total 270 11 1 Mieli, Mr. J ...... 0 10 0 Ilford—By Miss Rose. Mieli, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Thank-offering o f a Subscriptions...... 11 3 0 Friend...... 2 10 0 Sunday-school Children 1 0 2 ©loufcfiterfiîjiîf.

4 5 7 12 3 2 G loucestershire A u x i l u r jr. Mr. P. King, Treasurer. Total 55 7 8 Langham—Rev. J. C. Norton. Collection...... 25 12 7 Avening—Rev. S. Webley. Collection...... 0 14 5 Collected by Mrs. T. Blyth...... 1 16 8 Chalford—Rev. J. S. Deane. Mr. S Blyth...... 0 1?. 4 Collection...... 1 3 7 Miss Page...... 1 1 0 Bath, Miss...... 1 1 0 Booking— Miss Spurgin...... 117 8 Missionary Box by do. 0 19 0 Tabor, G., Esq...... 2 2 0 Do., produce of Ladies Burnham—Rev. J. Garrington. w ork...... 0 10 0 3 3 7 Collection...... I l l 4 Subscriptions— Beard well, Mr. T . . . . . 1 0 0 Chamhridgc— Colchester— Rev. C. T. Rust. Collection...... 3 5 0 Collection«...... 0 13 10 Beardwell, Mr. T. jun. 0 10 I) Blacklock, Mr. Ford 20 0 0 Cutsdean— Collected, by Blyth, Mr. Daniel 1 0 0 Col. by Mrs. Ricketts at Ml« Patmore.... 2 3 6 Blyth, Mr. Thomas.. . . 5 0 0 the Missionary Prayer- MU» Bennell...... I 17 0 Blyth, Mr. Samuel.. . . 1 0 0 Meeting ...... 1 4 0 Eastington— H a m p sh ire . Subscriptions Collection...... 1 13 0 Draper, Rev. B. H 0 10 0 Ellyet, Mr. R. D 0 10 0 Fairford—Rev. D. Williams. H a m p s h i r e A u x i l i a r y . Lindoe, Dr...... 1 1 0 Collection, &c 3 0 0 Josiah George, Esq., Treasurer. Lindoe, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Oakley, Mr. A 1 0 0 Gloucester— Andover—Bev. Isaac Watts. Oakley, Mrs? A 1 0 0 Suba. by Mr. Reynolds 6 0 0 Collection...... 6 15 0 Hampton—Rev. J. Dunn. Missionary B o x . 0 18 4 30 0 0 Collection...... 3 0 0 Subscriptions— Sway—Rev. G. Jones. Missionary Boxes by Baker, Mr...... 2 0 0 Collections...... 5 0 0 Davies, Mrs...... 4 0 0 Mr. Sampson...... 0 12 6 Whitchurch—Rev. P. Davies. Miss Parsons...... 0 7 6 Donations— Collection...... 7 0 0 Sabbath-school Class... 2 0 0 4 0 0 Baker, Mr...... 20 0 0 Davies. M rs...... 10 0 0 Subscriptions:— Thank offering...... 1 0 0 Chappell, Mr. W 1 0 0 Kingstanley—Rev. J. Cousins.’ Small subs., including Davies, Kev. P ...... 2 0 0 Collection...... 7X1 6 Profit on Books sold Davies, Miss...... 0 10 0 by Mrs. Davies 6 2 8 Dunn, Mr. Basingstoke 1 0 0 Subscriptions— Fletcher, Mr...... 1 0 0 King, Mr. Peter 5 0 0 50 6 0 Nethercliff, Mr...... 1 0 0 king, M iss...... 1 1 0 S corey, Mr...... 2 0 0 King, Mr. J...... 0 10 0 Ashley— Rev. T. Rutter. Donations— Sums under 10s...... 1 15 0 Collection...... I 0 0 Davies, Rev. P 5 0 0 Scorey, Mr...... 5 0 o 15 17 6 Beaulieu Rails, 1st Church. Collections...... 3 10 0 •27 10 0 Naunton and Gutting— Beaulieu, 2nd Church—Rev. J. Col. by Rev. J. Burton 10 13 7 Winchester—Rev. J. B. Titlier- B. Burt. ingion. Shortwood—Kev. T. F. Newman. Collection...... 5 5 0 Collection, &c...... 5 2 6 Collection...... 10 14 3 Burt, Rev. J. B 1 0 0 Weekly Subscriptions.. 8 5 10 A Friend...... 1 0 0 P o r t s m o u t h , P o r t s e a , a n d Female Bible-class. . . . 0 5 0 Small Sums...... 1 0 6 G o s p o r t B r a n c h . Subscriptions— Burt, Rev. J. B., don. for Jamaica...... 20 0 0 Mr. Robinson, Treasurer. Antill, Mr...... 1 0 0 Collections at Antill, Mrs...... 1 0 0 28 5 0 Fevvster, Mr...... 1 0 0 Meetinn-house Alley ... 18 19 4 Hillier, Mr...... 1 0 0 Annual Meeting 15 1 1 Holmes,Mrs...... 0 10 0 Broughton—Rev. H. Russell. Ebenezer...... 6 15 6 Collection...... 9 8 7 White’s R o w ...... 5 6 0 23 15 1 Do. at Wallop 3 10 11 Landport...... 4 13 0 F orton ...... 3 6 8 Box by Meeting-house Alley Fe­ Stroud—Rev. W . Yates. Mrs. Smith...... 3 0 0 male Association 21 6 6 Collection...... 11 5 0 Mrs. Coombs...... 2 13 9 Do. Sabbath School ... 2 5 0 Missionary Boxes 0 6 2 Miss Saunders 2 7 9 Ebenezer Juvenile Asso­ Subscriptions— ciation ...... 2 10 0 SI 1 0 Forton Branch Asocia- Fisher, H. P., Esq 1 0 0 tion Sabbath School.. 3 3 11 Hopson, Mr. S...... 0 10 0 Landport Branch Assoc. 2 0 0 Jay, Mr...... 1 0 0 Lymington—Rev. J. Millard. Do. Sabbath School.. 5 11 1 Parsons, Mr...... 1 0 0 Collections...... 10 8 6 Marie-la-bone Sabbath Sums under 10s...... 0 10 0 Juvenile Association... 6 17 1 School...... 2 8 10 Sunday-school do 2 18 8 White’s Row Branch 15 11 2 Association 4 0 5 Subscriptions— Young Ladies at Mrs. Thornbury—Rev. W. J. Cross. Allen, Miss C...... 1 10 0 Robinson's School.... 2 13 6 Collection, &c...... 10 5 6 Millard, Rev. J...... 1 0 0 Turner, Mr...... 1 0 0 .. Subs riptions— V le y -Rev. E WeT>b. West, John, Esq 1 1 0 Absolom, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Collection...... 2 1 6 Bucklcr, Mr...... 0 10 0 Crassweiler, Mrs ...... 0 10 6 Woodchester— Rev. J. Preece. 24 15 3 Ellis, Mrs. sen...... 1 1 u Collection...... 113 0 Ellyet, Mr. T ...... 1 1 0 Wotton—Rev. J. Watts. Romsey—Rev. W. Yarnold. George, Mr. T ...... 1 1 0 Collection...... 6 l.t 9 Collection...... 6 10 0 Helby, Mr...... 1 1 « Misses George & Bed- Missionary Boxes 8 15 9 Hinton, Mr...... o 10 6 Sabbath School...... 1 14 C dome...... 5 0 0 Horsey, Mr...... 0 10 0 Miss Purdy...... 1 4 11 Horsey, Mr. S. J <> 1'» ti Subscriptions— Mr. John Jackson 0 10 0 Horsey, Mr. James.. . . 0 5 0 Carpenter, M r 0 10 0 Howard, D. Esq 1 1 i> Perrin, Mr...... 1 0 0 13 4 11 Hobbs, Mr...... « 10 6 Rogers, Mr...... 1 0 0 Knight, Mr...... 1 1 o Lower, E. Esq...... 1 I » Southampton—Rev. B. H. Draper. 19 14 0 Mardcr, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Collections...... IS 11 (i Morris, Rev. T...... 9 10 6 Total 125 11 4 Female Association 5 7 0 Robinson, Mrs...... 1 I o Card by Master R oe... 1 0 0 Ralls, Mrs...... 0 10 6 E 50

Room, Rev. C 1 1 Nash, Mrs...... 0 5 3 Salter, Mrs. S. jun 1 1 0 Shoveller, Rev. John .. I I Shrubb, Mrs...... 0 9 0 Salter, Mi«»...... 1 1 0 Do. for Jamaica I 1 Silsby, Mrs...... 0 8 10 Smith, Mrs. Hamper Spicer, D. Esq 1 1 Wells, Miss...... 0 8 3 M ills...... i i n Young, Mr. W ...... 0 10 Wiles, Mrs...... 1 12 4 Smith, Miss...... 0 10 C Do...... T. o 10 Young, Miss J ...... 1 6 0 Smith, Miss E. J 0 10 6 Sears, Mrs...... 0 10 o Subscriptions— 119 12 Smith, Mrs...... 0 10 o Gomme, Mr...... 1 1 0 Tidcombe, Mr...... 0 10 o Total 329 7 0 Geard, Mr...... 1 0 0 Wedd, Mrs. (dec.) 2 2 0 Leonard, Mr...... 1 1 0 Wilkins, J. & H 0 10 0 Peppercorn, Mrs...... I 6 0 Missionary B oxes 2 « u 1 1 0 Smaller Sums ...... 31 0 5 $2ertfnrirs!)trc. Young, Mr. B...... 2 0 0 Young, Mr. C...... 1 1 0 100 14 6 JBoxmoor—Rev. F. W . Gotch. Young, Mr. C. jun...... 0 10 0 Collection...... 1 0 1 Donations— Ware— Weekly Subscriptions, Miss Medcalf...... 1 0 0 by Miss Church 3 15 0 A Friend...... 1 0 0 Sabbath School...... 0 14 6 Ward, Mr. Joh n...... 1 0 0 Total 377 12 11 Subscriptions— Singer, Miss, by Rev. Gotch, Rev. F. W 1 1 0 Joseph Harris...... 1 0 0 Innes, Mrs., Marlowe*. 1 1 0 Thank-offering for a year’s mercies, from an pguittingfronfifHrc. '7 11 7 unknown Friend...... £ 10 0 Huntingdonshire A u x il ia r y . 73 12 6 Hcmel-Hempstead— T. D. Paul, Esq., Treasurer. 'Rev. T. Hopley Collections...... 14 0 6 Subscriptions for the Native Teach­ Bluntisham— Rev. J. E. Simmons, A.M. Penny-a-week Society. 10 0 5 er at Matelle, Ceylon, per Mrs. Anniversary Collection. 6 1 11 Missionary Boxes 2 16 7 Leonard : Mr*. Page, Trowbridge 1 1 0 Do. Public Meeting.. 14 11 2 Subscriptions — Tea Party...... 10 12 0 Cornwall, Mrs...... 1 0 0 R.Leonard, Esq. Bristol 1 1 0 E. VVeedon, Esq. Glo- Field, Mrs. Isaac 5 0 0 Moiety...... 13 12 0 Ford, Mr...... 2 0 0 cesler...... 1 1 0 George, Mr. John 2 0 0 H. S. Selfe.Esq.-London 1 1 0 Collected by Howard, Mr. W 2 0 0 Mrs. S. Leonard, Har- The Ladies’ Association 6 8 0 .Howard, Mr. W . ju n .. 1 0 0 penden ...... 1 1 0 Miss Asplan...... 4 7 0 Hopley, Rev. T 1 0 0 Two young Friends at 5 5 0 Fenton...... 4 3 3 40 17 6 Friend at Over...... 012 0 Totteridge and Whetstone Asto- Miss H utchinson 3 0 0 Hatfield— ciation— The Misses Simmons .. 5 7 0 'Young, Benjamin, Esq. 21 0 0 By J. Wood, Esq 5 4 5 MissTebbutt...... 4 5 0 Weekly Subs., by do.. .506 MissTebbutt, of Earith, 0 10 o Friend, by do...... 105 0 0 WATFORD AUXILIARY. Subscriptions— Rev. Edmund Hull. 131 0 6 Asplan, Mr. sen 1 1 0 Miss Smith, Treasurer, Ekin, Mr. L ...... 1 1 0 Mill End, Rickma worth— Miss Salter, Secretary. Feary, Mr. John 1 1 o Collection...... 2 11 0 Feary, Mr. Stephen— 1 I 0 Collection at Annual Feary, Mrs. C 1 0 0 New Mill and Tring— Meeting...... 34 14 7 Leigh, Mr (don.) 5 0 0 Baldwin, Mr. Joseph Subs criptions— Simmons, Rev. J. E .. 1 0 <> Berkhamstead 1 0 o Tebbutt, Mrs...... 2 2 0 Bnlcher, Mr. Thomas.. 1 1 0 Adcock, Misses...... 0 10 0 Watts, Mr...... 1 1 o Elliott, Mr. Thonias... 1 1 0 1 Aldwin, Mrs. W 0 10 6 Elliot, Mrs. Col. by 1 12 4 10 Ridlington, Mr. T 0 10 0 Mrs. Flint...... 0 3 0 Sanders, Mr. H 0 10 0 K ent. Miss C. Banks...... 0 2 9 Whittorne, Mr. J 0 10 0 Master T. Flint...... 0 8 5 E a s t K e n t A u x i l i a r y . William Hookt-r 0 8 10 23 19 3 Mr. W . Parnell, Treasurer. William Jacobs...... 0 3 10 Rev. J. M. Cramp, Secretary. Richard Kingsford . . . . » *> ‘2 Somers/iam— Edward Forwood 0 C 10 Ptnny-'a-week Society 3 4 6 Ashford—Rev. Thomas Davis. Collections...... 12 16 3 Donation— Subscriptions— Miss Philpot 40 0 O Ingle, Mr...... I 0 0 Collected by Leeds, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Mrs. Davis...... 1 2 2 Subscriptions— Pocock, Miss...... 1 0 0 Mi s Parnell...... 2 10 0 Mr. G. Hayward..... 0 19 6 Christian, Mr...... 1 1 0 Warner, Mr...... 1 o 0 Dowst-tt, Mr...... 1 I 0 ...... o 10 0 Missionary Boxes...... 0 7 3 Warner, Mrs.' Flint, Mjgs...... 1 1 o Subscriptions— Flint, Mr. A...... 1 1 u 4 0 0 Gregory, G., Esq. ...S . 1 I 0 Flint, Mr. B. F...... I l l b Parnell, Mr. W ..... T. 0 10 6 Flint, Mr. Thomas . . . . 0 10 6 St. Ives—Rev. J. K. Holland and Howland, Mr...... 1 1 0 Rev. T. Bliss, B.A. 19 15 8 107 18 6 Collection Betkersden— At Mr. Holland’s II 14 8 Haflenden, M r...... 0 10 6 Deal—Rev. E. Davis.' At Mr. Blip's...... 6 5 6 Brabourne — Rev. Thos. Scott. At Public Meeting 20 10 6 Collection...... 8 15 10 Collection...... 2 2 0 Do. after ¡he Missionary At Tea-party...... 7 13 0 Coll. by Mrs. Skinner.. 1 4 8 Prayer-meeting 5 4 2 Collected by Scott, Rev. Thomas.. . . 1 1 0 14 0 0 Miss Gray...... 1 11 l 4 7 8 Miss Girling...... 1 6 2 Mr. Leigh...... 0 14 6 Dover— Miss Newitt...... 2 11 0 CANTERBURY AUXILIARY. Collections...... 34 8 8 Do..-in Januarj- 19 6 6 Miss Robinson...... 0 10 0 Mr. T. Flint, Treasurer. Miss Stephens and Miss Auxiliary Society 16 16 6 Collected by Dumville...... 3 16 0 Collected by Mrs. T. Ulph...... 0 18 0 Miss Barber...... 2 15 5 Mrs. Carter...... 1 3 2 Master Barnes...... 0 12 0 Moiety...... 28 11 2 E. Forwood...... 1 9 2 Mrs. Bayly...... 0 8 0 R. Kingsford...... 1 6 8 Mr. Brow n...... 0 7 8 Subscriptions— Miss Philpot...... 15 0 0 P. Dyason...... 1 14 8 Mrs. West...... 5 12 2 Mr. J. B. Hamilton— 5 13 8 Ashton, Mr. A 0 10 0 Thank-offering(a friend) 1 0 0 Barnes, Miss...... 2 0 0 Mr. Holtum, jnn 0 13 4 Beetles, Mrs. J 1 0 0 Collected by Mis« Philpot, in aid of Mr. G. Leach...... 0 5 111 Brown, Mr. P ...... 1 0 0 Education in Jamaica. Miss M a y ...... 0 7 9 Day, (J. G. Esq 1 1 o From Mr. J. Pearce...... 1 U 0 Goodman, Mr. J 1 0 0 Mr. Howland...... 1 0 0 Miss Pepper...... 0 8 6 Goodman, Mrs 0 10 0 Mr. Woodhams...... 1 0 0 Mw. Phillips...... 0 18 0 Holland, Rev. J. K . .. 1 0 0 Mr. W esl...... 1 0 0 Mr. D. Smith...... 1 4 4 Paul, T. D. Esq 1 I 0 Mr. B. F. Flint 0 10 0 Mcs. Tamsett...... 0 7 « jj’ph. Mr...... o 10 0 A Friend...... 0 10 0 Pent Side Sunday-sch.. 0 5 11 o-um» under 10s...... 0 10 0 Mis# Philpot...... 0 10 0 Little Boy’s Miss. B os

Subscriptions— Subscriptions— Edmett, Mrs. G...... 0 10 0 Bayley, Mr. R ...... 0 10 0 Barrow, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Friends, by Rev. G. Hamilton, Mr. J. B. .. 0 10 0 Bradley, Mr. R...... 1 0 0 Aveline...... 1 0 0 Hogbcn, Mr. R 0 12 0 Cramp, Rev. T ...... 1 1 0 Golding, Mr...... 0 10 0 Kingsford, Mr. Alfred.. 5 0 0 Cramp, Rev. J. M Ill) Groser, Rev. W ...... 0 10 6 Kingsford, Miss Jane.. 5 10 0 Hayes, Miss L. A 0 10 6 Johnson, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Hayes, Miss E ...... 0 10 6 Laker, Mr. and Mrs. .. 1 5 4 97 15 C Newby, Mr. H. jun. .. 1 10 0 Marchant, Mrs...... 0 10 « Saffery, M rs...... 0 10 0 Prance, Miss...... 2 2 0 Sniithett, Mrs. R. M ... 1 1 0 Stanger, Mr. & family 1 6 0 Eythorne—Rev. YV. Copley. Smith, Mr. T., T oril... Collection...... 3 13 6 1 1 0 Donations— Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. 1 0 0 Subscriptions— Bradley, Mr. R ...... 1 0 0 Sums under 10s...... 4 15 5 Castle, M r...... 0 10 G Cramp, Rev. T...... 3 3 0 Clark, Mr. Thomas 0 10 fi Cramp, Rev. J. M .. .. 2 2 0 21 17 9 Clark, Mr. George . . . . 0 10 ® For Translations— Clark, Mr. H ...... 0 10 6 Mailing— Harvey, Thomas, Esq.. 1 1 0 Cramp, Rev. T ...... 0 10 6 Collection (less exps.).. 5 6 0 Do. (donation)...... 4 0 0 Cramp, Rev. J. M .. .. 0 10 6 Do. Feb. 25...... 9 4 0 Harvev, Mi, T., iun .. 1 1 0 Hayes, Miss L. A 0 10 0 Card by Mrs. Collings . 2 2 0 Harve'v, Mr. W . H .... 1 1 0 Hayes, Miss E ...... 0 10 0 Do. Do !.. 2 0 8 Harvey, Mr. W 1 1 0 Box by do...... 0 13 fi Lawrence, Mr...... 0 5 0 29 2 10 Diplock, Mr. S...... 2 0 0 Spanton, Mr. H 0 10 6 Card by do...... I 10 0 Waustall, Mr. John. ... 0 10 6 WEST KENT AUXILIARY. 22 16 3 15 5 6 Mr. Southern, Treasurer, Rev. W . Groser, Secretary. Menpham— Folkstone—Rev. J. P. Briscoe. Bexley Heath— Frienda by Rev. W . Collections...... 10 15 2 Pope...... 3 5 0 Weekly Subscriptions. .670 Carter, M r...... 5 0 0 Silvester, Mr.H 1 1 0 Sessell's Green—Rev. W. Paine. Plaxtoll— Stace, Mr. W. H 0 10 6 Collection...... 5 0 0 Col. at Dunk’s Green..- 10 15 3 Missionary Box by Mrs. Borough Green—Rev. W . Bolton. Box by Mrs. Dawson. . 0 14 0 Tregedger...... 0 9 0 Collection...... 3 13 8 11 9 3 19 2 8 Chatham— Brook, per Rev. F. Overbury...... 11 3 2 Sandhurst— Margate—Rev. D. Pledge. Zion, per Rev. W . G. Collection, per Rev. W . Collected by Mrs.Pledge 2 4 0 Lewis...... 10 8 8 G. Lewis,...... 8 4 6 Small Sams'...... 1 12 2 Stone, W . Esq. per do. 3 0 0 Sevenoaks—Rev. Thomas Shirley. Missionary Boxes o f Col. at Public Meeting 12 1 6 Collections...... 10 6 5 Ebenezer Chapel...... 0 10 10 42 13 2 Ladies’ Association.... 6 16 3 Miss Brazier...... ' 0 3 6 Miss Goulden...... 0 10 0 Collected b Mr. Lewis...... 0 8 6 Cranford—Rev. O. Watts. Miss R. Barcham 1 0 6 Ladies Association 10 0 0 Margaret Griffiths 19 7 Subscriptions— 0 Smith, M r...... snb. 1 1 0 Mr. Hall...... 0 18 0 Carthew, Mr...... 0 10 0 Ann Hunt'...... 0 6 8 Cobb, F. W . Esq 2 2 0 11 1 0 Miss Paine...... 0 10 0 Flint, Mr. T. R ...... 0 10 0 Miss Turner...... 1 1 3 Flint, Mr. J. B 0 10 0 Eyntford— Plaxtol, Collection a t.. 1 11 0 Giles, Mr. W ...... 0 10 0 Rev. J. Rogers and Paine, Mr. W ...... 0 10 0 friends...... 12 17 Subscriptions— Potts, Mary...... 0 12 0 Alwork, Mr...... 0 10 0 Radford, Mr...... 0 10 0 Grafty Green— Arnold, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Rybot, Mr...... 0 10 0 Collection by Rev. W . Barcham, Mr., Tun­ Stephens, Mr. T...... 1 1 0 G. Lewis...... 1 1 bridge ...... 1 1 0 Wbiddington, A...... 0 10 0 Gravesend— Comfort, Mr...... 1 1 0 Sams under 10s...... 1 10 0 By Mr. Pepper...... 4 15 Green, Mr...... 1 1 0 Do. by Mrs. Pepper, for Harman, M r...... 1 1 0 14 14 0 Chitpur...... 1 0 Harrison, Mr...... 1 1 0 Harrison, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Ramtgate— 5 IS Harrison, Miss...... 1 1 0 Hurst, Mr. J...... 1 0 0 Humphrey, Mr...... 1 0 0 Parker, Mr. T...... 1 1 0 St. Peters—Rev. T. Cramp, and Hadlow—Rev. E. Crowhurst. Read, Mr...... 1 1 0 Rev. J. M. Cramp. Collection...... 3 3 9 Read, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Collection...... 3 19 7 Lessness Heath— Shirley, Rev. T...... 1 1 0 Collected by Collection...... 1 4 0 Shoobridge, Mr 1 1 0 Southern, Mr...... 1 1 0 M im Barrow...... 1 5 0 Maidstone—Rev. W . Groser. Stringer, Miss...... 0 10 0 Milt Brown...... 0 10 6 Beeching, Mr...... 0 10 0 Friend...... 1 0 0 Miss Basbridge...... 1 2 0 Bentlif, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Mr. R. M. Coclt 1 10 fi Bentlif, Mr. G. A 1 0 0 41 3 8 Mr. Cavell...... 1 8 6 Bentlif, Misses E. & C. 0 13 0 Misg Cramp...... 0 18 o Clarke, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Mr. Hodgman...... 0 10- fi Clever, Miss...... 0 10 0 Smarden—R w , W. Syckdmoorc. Master Hodgman 0 15 6 Craig, Mrs...... 2 2 0 CiillccliiJii.s by Rev. W . Sundries ...... 0 16 3 Edmett, Mrs...... 0 12 0 L.;uis...... 2 18 4 53

Slaplehurst— Sabden— Mancheste 1— Ballard, Mr...... 1 0 0 Collection...... 16 17 8 Subscriptions— Jennings, Mr...... 0 15 0 Do. by Sunday-school Adshead, Joseph, Esq.. 10 0 0 Jnil, Mr. and Mrs 2 0 0 Children...... 3 9 4 Bickham, William, Esq. 5 0 0 Miss. Box by do 1 7 6 Bickham, T. H. Esq .. 3 3 0 Donations— Bickham, Spencer, Esq. 3 3 0 5 2 6 Hindle, Mr...... 1 0 0 Bury, Mr. James...... 1 0 0 Foster, G. Esq...... ] 13 0 Callender, W . R. Esq.. 30 0 0 Danby & Miller,Messrs. 0 10 0 Tenterden—Rev. G. W . Moulton. 23 0 0 Collection, per Rev. W . Fowden, William, Esq. 1 1 0 Giles, Samuel, E sq .... 5 0 0 G. Lewis...... 7 4 0 Girdwood, Rev. Joh&.. 1 0 0 L i v e r p o o l A u x i l i a r y . Gregson, Mr. W...... 1 0 0 WOOLWICH AUXILIARY* W . Rushton, Esq., Treasurer. Gregson, Mr. J. S...... 1 0 0 Heron, J. H. Esq...... 1 0 0 Mr. W . Ranwell, Secretary. Rev. J. Lister. "J Hudson, Isaac, E sq .... 2 0 0 Col. by Miss M orris... 1 7 0 — C. M. Birrell. > Secretaries. Hull, Mr. J...... 0 10 0 Mr. A. Palethorpe. ) Enon Sabbath-school... 1 15 8 Jones, Mr. James...... 10 0 Do. Day-school 0 7 6 Cash received Sept. 10.200 0 0 Leese, Joseph, E sq .... 50 0 0 Subscriptions— Coward, J., Esq. W .I.. 50 0 0 Leese, Joseph, jun. Esq. 5 0 0 A bethel, A. Esq 1 0 0 Col. at By rom St. Cha­ Lee, Mr. John...... 1 0 0 Cox, Rev. J...... 0 10 0 pel, per Mr. J. L. Phil­ Mayson, Messrs. J. and Oai diner, Mr...... 1 0 0 lips...... 31 10 1 1 1 0 Gregory, Dr. Olinthus.. 1 0 0 M‘ Cartney,' Mr. w'.'.Y. 1 0 0 Subscriptions in aid o f the Board­ Petty, John, Esq...... 1 0 0 Jones, Capt., R. N . . . . 1 1 0 ing-school at Chitpore. Kirby, Mr...... 0 10 6 Thompson.Messrs.J & J. 1 0 0 Coward, John, E sq .... 5 0 0 Donations— Otborne, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Cropper, John, E sq .... 5 0 0 Pickernell, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Bannerman, H. Esq,.T. 2 0 0 Strang, Mr...... 1 0 0 Gurney, W. B. Esq.... 5 0 0 Binyon, Alfred, Esq. .. 1 0 0 Hampton, Mr...... 5 0 0 Boulton, William, Esq. 2 0 0 Stubbs, Mr. (2 yrs.J ... 1 0 0 Jones, Messrs.R. & Sons 10 0 0 VVates, Mr. B...... 0 10 0 Burd, John, Esq...... 1 0 0 Kaye, W . Esq...... 5 0 0 Butterworlh, Mrs. A ... 0 10 0 Young, Mr...... 1 1 0 Lang, John, Esq 5 0 0 Sums under 10s...... 0 10 6 Clunie, Rev. Dr., per Medley, Messrs.W.& G. 5 0 0 W. W. Evans...... 0 10 0 13 13 6 Smith, the Misses 5 0 0 Crewdson, Isaac, Esq.. 10 10 0 Walker, Mr. W ...... 5 0 0 Crewdson, Joseph, Esq. 5 0 0 Total 542 18 S Doveston, Mr. G...... 0 5 0 336 10 1 Eveleigh, Mr. Samuel.. 1 0 0 Fletcher, Samuel. Esq. 5 0 0 Ashton-under ljyne—Rev. J. D. Fletcher, Rev. Richard 0 10 0 Hanrasfiire. Marsh. Friend, a (J. H. C .)... 2 0 0 Friend, a . 0 10 0 N o b t h -E a s t D i s t r i c t A s s o c i ­ Subscriptions— Goodwin, Samuel, Esq. Johnson, Mr. John 2 2 0 10 0 a t i o n . Goodier, Krauss, and Lees, Edward, Esq 2 2 0 Rev. D. Griffiths, Secretary. Co., Messrs...... 10 0 Metcalf, Mr. John 1 0 0 Hadfield, G. Esq...... Sunderland, Mr. W 2 2 0 5 0 0 Accrington— Rev. J. Harbottle. Houghton, Mr. Richard Wright, W . Esq 1 0 0 0 10 0 Collection...... 13 17 10 Huline, J. H. Esq...... 6 0 0 Proceeds of Bazaar... . 3 1 9 Donations— Lees, Jonathan, Esq. .. 1 0 0 Col. by Sunday-school. 0 15 5 B u c k l e y Etq.Massley 1 0 0 Lewis, Mr., Surgeon... 1 0 0 Neave, Mr. Samuel.... 0 10 0 17 15 0 Buckley, Mr. J. .do. .". 0 10 0 Andrew, Mr. M. .d o .. . 0 2 6 Percival, Mr. D...... 1 0 0 Deane, Mr. James 0 10 0 Procter, J. Esq...... 5 0 0 Bacup— Rev. J. Edwards, Rev. Higginbottum, J. Esq.. 1 0 0 Raleigh, Joseph, Esq... 5 5 0 T. Dawson. Knott, Mr. J ...... 0 10 0 Roebuck, Mr. J...... 0 10 0 Collections...... 25 13 4 Mason, Mr. T...... 0 10 0 Rushton, Joseph, Esq.. 1 0 0 Sykes, Robert, Esq. . . . 10 0 Burnley— Rev. D. Griffiths. Swire, Samuel, Esq. .. 1 0 0 Walker, Miss, Fairfield 1 0 0 Sliimwell, Mr. J ...... 0 5 0 Collections...... 14 8 1 Worthington, Mr. John 1 0 0 Weekly Subscriptions.. 2 15 3 Waring, Mrs., Moss Card by Miss Slater. .. 0 7 10 Lodge...... 2 0 0 Crompton, Mrs., d o.... l o o IBS 3 0 Missionary Boxes by Oldham—Rev. J. D. Casewell. Miss Whittaker ...... 0 10 8 17 8 6 Mr. Lceraing...... 0 2 $ Subscriptions...... 0 12 C Mr. Kershaw...... o 12 3 Bolton— Rochdale, IVest Street Chapel— Lum, Mrs...... 10 0 0 Collection, June 27,1836 23 10 2 18 10 fl Quarterly and \\ eekly Subscriptions...... 12 7 6 Colne— Manchester, York Street— Rev. J. Birt. Collections, Sep. 20.... 193 5 1 Collections...... 13 15 2 Collection, Sep. 9...... 19 19 7 229 2 9 Goodshaw—Rev. A. Nichols. Sunday-school Assoc. S. 4 0 0 Collection...... 5 0 0 Hey wood—Rev. T. Harbottle. Huiliujzdtm—Rev. J. Blakey. 23 19 7 Collection...... 3 3 3 Collection...... 9 12 9 ■Uox by Miss Hindle ... 4 3 10 Ogden Chapel—Rev. J. Allison. Ci'oiyc Street—Rev. J. Girdwood. Collection...... 4 3 11 Brandi Association.. . . 25 0 0 Staleybridge—Rev. 0. Morrell. 13 16 7 Misses S. and E. G ill.. 2 0 0 Collection, aud Sub?... 8 14 6 Att»i4_R, v. J. Driver. Collection...... 2 0 0 Total968 14 11 fteicesterfifitre. ■Emcolnsfjiw. Helvringham— Collections...... 1 17 3 LEICESTERSHIRE AUXILIARY. Lincolnshire A uxiliary. Homcastle—Rev. David Jones. Mr. Gollier, Treasurer. Rev. John Craps, Secretary. Collections...... 10 14 10 Am sby— ' Collection ...... 15 10 0 Boston—Rev. A. Burdett. Collected by Blaby—Rev. £ . Evans. Collections...... 12 2 8 Mrs. Crowder and Mrs. Collection...... 1 4 0 Burdett, Rev. A 1 0 0 Briggs...... 1 19 0 Bosworth— Collected by Mrs. Marm— Mrs. and Miss Briggs.. I 12 7 Collectiou...... 2 10 8 Garfit, \V. Esq...... 1 0 0 Mrs. Carter...... 0 8 0 Col. by Mrs. Barfoot. .244 Mann, W. Esq...... 0 10 0 Boxes by Mann, Mr. and Mrs. .. 2 0 0 Mrs. Briggs, jun o 3 6 4 15 0 Missionary Box...... 2 1 6 Miss Briggs...... 0 4 6 Various contributions.. 6 9 9 Miss Carter...... 0 7 0 Foxton—Rev. J. Blackburn. Collected by Miss Wright— Sunday School, don. .. 0 10 6 Collection 4 0 0 Small sums...... 1 1 4 Subscriptions— Leicester, Harvey Lane—Htv. J. Needle-work sold...... 0 6 0 P. Mnrsell. Carter, Mr. T ...... 0 10 o Collections...... 25 6 8 Collected by Crowder, Mrs. jnn...... 0 10 0 Sabbath-school...... 1 6 1 Miss Hill...... 2 6 0 Jones, Rev. D ...... 0 10 0 Little Girl’s Savings .. . 0 4 0 Miss Bothamley...... 2 0 0 Scott, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Sauvey Gate School... 0 4 9 Miss Eliza Bothamley.. 0 19 3 Subscriptions— Mrs. Veail...... 1 13 0 18 O il Beales, Mr. James 0 10 0 Mr. Dowse...... 0 5 0 Collier, Mr. J ...... I 1 0 Sabbath School B o x ... 0 4 2 Killing holme—Rev. W . Roe. Friend, a ...... 0 10 0 Kirton End— Collection...... 3 7 0 By Mrs. Millhouse . . . . 0 7 6 Murseil, Rev. J. P . . . . 1 1 0 Boxes by Porter, Mr. T...... 0 10 6 Holland Fen— Robinson, C. B. Esq.. 1 1 0 Mrs. Rowe...... 0 7 3 Collection...... 0 14 0 MissDannatt...... 0 7 2 Russell, Mr...... 8 10 0 Missionary Box...... 0 6 0 Viccars, Mr. G...... 0 1» 0 Mrs. Jackson...... 0 3 7 Miss Young...... 0 3 1 Viccars, Mr. S ...... 1 1 0 35 C 2 Donation— 4 8 1 Robinson, C. B., Esq., Burgh—'Rev. B. J. Bull. for addit. Missionaries Collections...... 7 9 2 to the West Indies... 25 0 0 L im ler— Cards and Boxes. Boxes by Collection...... 0 19 2 Miss BedeUs...... 3 6 0 Miss Ashlin...... 0 19 2 Box, by Mrs. Maddison 1 1 4 MissBorness...... 0 9 0 Miss Carter...... 1 5 7 The Misses Chapman.. 3 10 0 Miss Cheale...... 0 7 1 2 0 6 - Mr. J. T. Collier 1 15 6 Misses M. A.& R. Crow 0 8 4 Master J. H. C ollier... 8 11 4 Miss Gask...... 0 4 7 Lincoln—Rev. John Craps. Miss Cockshaw’fr young Miss Hutton...... 0 1 9 Collections...... 16 0 6 Friends and P upils... 8 8 0 Miss M. Parish...... 0 5 8 Do. at Tea-meeting.... 3 8 6 Mrs. Richardson...... 0 3 9 The Misses Porter 7 5 6 Subscriptions— Miss Bywell...... 0 3 0 Miss M. Tbornerlow .. 0 10 0 Master J. C. Trull 0 18 0 Mrs. George West...... 0 7 7 Allenby, Mr...... 0 10 0 Bratton, Mr...... 1 0 0 93 2 4 12 2 8 Craps, Rev. J...... 2 0 0 Couplaud, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Loughborough—Rev. W . P. Scott. Grimsby—Rev. S. Marston. Doughty, Mr...... 1 0 0 Collection...... 14 18 7 Collection...... 10 0 0 Friend, a...... 0 10 0 Barrow, Mr...... sub. 1 1 0 Subscriptions— Hickson, Miss...... 2 0 0 Hickson, Miss S 2 0 0 Collected by Rev. S. Marston...... 1 0 0 A Reclaimed Drunkard 0 5 0 Jelley, M r...... 0 10 0 Miss Keightley...... 2 8 1 Palethorpe and Fisher. Miss Oldershaw...... 0 17 0 Boxes by Misses...... 0 10 0 Miss Sutton...... 0 10 4 Master Marston...... 0 12 0 Penney, Mr...... 0 10 0 Miss Fisher...... 0 9 3 Miss Weightman...... 0 7 6 Mis* Kirton and Mrs. Collet ted by 20 4 3 Loftus...... 0 3 2 Miss H. Oiding...... 1 16 2 Miss S. Murr...... 1 11 0 Monk's Kirby— 12 7 8 Sunday School 0 12 8 Collection...... 2 17 0 Boxes ly Oadby— Hechintton-Rev. —. Lefevre. Collection...... 1 11 9 Mrs. Allenby...... 1 0 0 Collection...... 2 0 7 Mrs. Bray...... 0 10 l) Waldron, Mrs sub. 1 0 o Subscriptions— Mrs. Doughty...... 1 0 0 Briggs, Mr...... 9 10 0 Mr. Douglass...... 0 1 2 3 0 7 Levenley, Mr...... 1 0 fi Mrs. Footer...... 0 4 7 Several Friends...... 1 1 6 Sheepshead—Rev. J. Bromwich. Mrs. Freer...... 0 3 0 Boxes by Mrs. Mimmock...... J 0 o Collection...... 7 3 8 Mrs. Burcham...... 0 14 0 Mrs. Murr...... 0 17 8 Subscriptions, &c 3 16 4 Mrs Briggs 0 4 0 Miss Murr...... 0 2 7 Misses Palethorpe and 11 0 0 Mrs. Byron...... 0 3 11 Mrs. Chapman...... 0 2 6 Fisher...... 0 15 3 Miss P ow ell...... 0 5 0 Sutton-in-Elms —Rev. C. Burditt. Mrs. Petchebs...... 0 8 8 Mrs. K«dshaw 0 4 2 Master Penny...... 3 8 0 Collection...... 4 1 0 Miss Watson...... 0 5 3 6 0 1 Total 156 17 2 41 12 0 55

Partney— Rev. D. Wilson. .Spilsbp— Wainfleet— Collections . 2 13 0 Collections...... 3 13 0 Collections 1 5 5 Mrs. Braclcenbury, Box by Miss Maidens.. 0 17 7 Card by Miss Willough­ Raithby Hall...... 2 0 0 by...... 0 15 4 Do. by Miss Thorn Alley o 10 6 Box by Ditto...... 0 15 2 4 13 0 2 13 0 4 19 0 Spalding—Vies. W . Margerum. Total 148 15 10 Collections, &c...... 2 6

•Edgar, J. Esq., Dissenters’ Assur. Office 1 1 0 fHtirirlesei. Evans, Mr. W . W ., Bethnal Green 0 19- ? LONDON. Fauntleroy,R. Esq. Potter’ sFds.,TooleySt. 2 2 Franklin, R. Esq., Potter’s Fids. Toeley St. 2 New Subscriptions marked thus * Flight, Mrs., H ackney...... 1 Annual Subscriptions. Freeman,Messrs.W. &J., MiIlbank,Westr. 2 Acocks, Mr., 22, Bishopsgate St. without. 0 10 0 Fuller, Mr. W . C., Brownlow St. Holbn. 1 •Arnold, Mr. R ., Gracecliurch Street.... 1 1 0 Gibbs, Mr. S. N...... B., Birmingham...... 1 1 0 Gillman, W . Esq...... Ballance, T. Esq., 37, Seward Street, Goodings, Mr. W ., 14, Clapton Square.. Spitalfields...... 1 1 0 Gouldsmith, Mrs., Hackney ...... Bailey, W. Esq. 20, Hart St. Covent-garden 1 1 0 Gouldsmitli, Jesse, jun. Esq...... Bagster, S. Esq., Paternoster R o w 1 1 0 Graham, Thomas, Esq., Mitre Ct. Temple •Baker, Mr. T. N., Regent St. Lambeth.. 0 10 0 Green, Stephen, Esq. Princes St. Lambeth 1 Bartlett, W . P. Esq., Nicholas Lane 1 1 0 Grove. Mr. T., 33, Charing Cross...... 1 Bayley, Mr. George, Addington Place, Gurney, Hon. Sir John, 34, Lincoln’s Inn Camberwell...... 1 I 0 Fields...... 3 3 Baynes, Mr. Richard, Paternoster Row. .110 Gurney, Mrs. E., 17, Trafalgar Sq., Walw. 1 1 Beddome, W. Esq., 170, Fenchurch S t... 1 1 0 Gurney, W . B. Esq., Denmark H ill... . 50 0 Beddome, Richard, Esq., Nicholas Lane'. 1 1 0 Gurney, Mr. Joseph do. . . . . 10 0 Beeby, W . T. Esq., 8, Old Jewry 2 2 0 Gurney, Mr. Thomas do. . . . . 1 1 Do. for Translations...... 2 2 0 Gurney, Mrs. T. do. . . . . 1 1 Benharo, J. Esq., Wigmore S t...... 2 2 0 Gurney, Miss do. . . . . 1 1 Bickersteth, Rev. Edward, A. M ...... 1 1 0 Gurney, Mr. H. do. . . . . 1 1 Bickham, T. Esq., Tottenham...... 2 2 0 Gurney, Miss A. do. . . . . 1 1 Blacket, Mrs., West Sraithfield...... 1 1 0 Gurney, Miss M. do. . . . . 1 1 Bliss, T. Esq., Herne Hill...... 1 1 0 Gutteridge, Joseph, Esq. do. . . . . 2 2 Blight, Mr., Lombard Street...... 1 1 0 Gutteridge, Mrs. do. . . . . 1 1 Bompas, Mr. Sergeant, 9, King’s Bench Gutteridge, Miss do. . . . . 1 1 Walk, Temple...... 1 1 0 Haddon, Mr. John, Castle St. Finsbury.. 1 1 Bousfield, J. Esq., Finsbury Square 1 1 0 Hale, W . Esq., Homerton...... 1 1 Brookes, J. S. Esq., John St. Gray’s Inn Halford, Mrs. Judith, 7, Dalston Terrace 1 1 Lane...... 1 1 0 Hamilton, Mr. T., Paternoster Row 1 I Brown, Mr., St. Paul’s Church Y a rd .... O 10 O Hanson, Joseph, Esq, Camberwell Grove 2 2 Bunting, Rev. W. M ...... 1 1 0 Hatchard, Mr., Strand - ...... 1 I Burgess, Mr. J., Walworth ...... t 1 1 0 Heath, Messrs. J. & E., Blackman Street, Buttcnshaw, Mr. E., 6, Fountain Terrace, Borough...... 5 5 Camberwell...... 1 1 0 Henley, Right Hon. L ord...... 5 5 Button, Mr. S. J., Racquet Ct. Fleet St; 1 1 0 Hoare, Samuel, Esq., Lombard Street.... 5 5 Button, Miss, do...... 0 10 6 Hoby, George, Esq., St. James’s Street, Cabell, T. Esq., Larkhall Lane...... 1 1 0 Piccadilly...... 1 1 0 Cabell, W . Esq., 5, Newington Place ... 0 10 6 Hodge, John, Esq., Diury Lane...... 1 1 0 Carey, Rev. Eustace, B oxm oor...... 1 0 0 Hunt, Rev. T., Upper Clapton...... I 1 0 Cartwright, Mr. R., Warwick Place, •Hunt, Mrs. do...... 0 10 6 Gray’s In n ...... 2 2 0 Jackson, A. Esq., Barking Church-yard.. 1 1 0 Caton, Mr., 7, Raivstorne St. Brompton.. 1 1 0 Jameson, Airs. W . K ...... , 1 1 0 Chamberlaine, Mr. P., Baisinghall Street 0 10 6 Jones, C. Esq., Audit Office, Somerset-hs. 1 1 0 Clayton, Rev. John, Tryon’s PI. Hackney 1 1 0 Jones, Mr. M. G., St. Paul’s Church-yard 2 2 0 Cozens, Mr. W ., Bunhill R ow ...... 1 1 0 Jones, Mr. S. M., do ...... 1 1 0 Cowell, J. Esq., Corn-market...... 1 1 0 Johnson, Mr. W ., Bishopsgate Street.... O 10 6 *ChaIlis, Thomas, Esq., Finsbury Square Kentish, Mrs, Cold Harbour Lane .Camber. 1 1 0 *Cheveley,Thomas,Esq., Cheque-off. Bank 1 1 0 Kitson, George, Esq., Camberwell 2 2 0 Conder, Miss, Richmond...... 1 1 0 Knight, Mrs., Ramsgate...... 1 1 0 Danford, Mr. J., Aldgate...... 1 1 0 Lainson, Mr. Aid., Bread Street...... 1 1 0 Deane, Mr. G., Clapton Square...... 1 1 Lawrence, Mr., Well St. Gray’s Inn Lane 1 1 0 Deane, Messrs. G. & J., King William St. 3 3 0 Lemare, Mr. J., Spitai Square...... 1 1 0 Deane, Mr. E., 24, Gloucester Terrace, Lloyd & Key, Messrs,Throgmorton Street 1 1 0 Commercial R oad...... 1 1 Law, Mr. James, Gracechurch Street.. . . 1 1 0 Deunis, Mr. S., Bank of England 1 1 Lushington, Right Hon. S., LL.D., Great Dermer, Miss, per J. Gutteridge, E sq .... 1 1 0 George Street, Westminster...... 3 3 0 Desbois. D. Esq., Gray’s Inu Passage.... 1 1 0 Maliphant, G. Esq., Blenheim Street. . . . . 1 1 0 Bore, Mrs., Keen’s Row, Walworth 1 1 Mann, Mr. Joel, Paddington...... 1 1 0 Dunster, Mr. D., Lyme, Dorset...... 1 1 Martin, Mr. J., Snow Hill...... 1 1 0 Dunt, Mr. John, Cockspur Street 1 1 0 Martin, Mr. Thomas, 64, Tooley Street. .110 I)unt, Mr. Thom:», do...... 0 10 0 Marshall, Mr. S., Austin Friars...... 1 1 0 *Dick, Mr. Joshua, Skinner St. Snow-hl. 0 10 0 Masnn, Mr. T., Higij Holborn...... 1 1 0 Dyer, Rev. J. and family, Camberwell.. 3 8 0 Meredith, Mr. J .,3, Durham PI. Lambeth 1 1 0 Edwards, Mrs., Champion Hill...... 1 1 0 | Millard, Mr. P., -10, Bishopsgate Street. .110 Edwards, Rev. J., Clapham Rise I 1 0 Miller, Mr., Bread Street Hill...... 1 1 0 Ellis, P. Esq., 4, Paragon, Hackney 2 2 0 I Mills, Samuel, Esq,, 20, Russell Square.. 2 2 0 56

Moore, Mr. Mark, 1, Queen St. Place... 1 1 0 Salter, Mrs. W . A., 12, Claremont Square 1 1 0 Moore, Rev. T., Lucas St. Commer. Rd. 0 10 0 Saubergue, Mrs., 81, Pleasant Row, Kings- Moore, Mrs., Homerton Terraee...... 2 2 0 land Road...... 1 1 o Moreland, Miss, Clapton...... 1 1 0 Saunders, Mrs., per Mr. Meredith 1 1 0 March, Rev.W . H. D.D., Stepnej Col.. 2 2 0 Saunders, Alex. Esq., Regent Street.... 2 2 0 Maston, Mr. J., Hatton Garden...... 1 1 0 Satchell, Mrs., Millman St. Guilford S t.. 1 1 0 Napier, Thomas, Esq., Whitefriars...... 1 1 0 ♦Scott, Mrs., 4, Lloyd Street, Pentonville 1 1 0 Nash, W . W . Esq...... 1 1 0 Shaw, Mrs. Mary, 21, Brunswick Square 1 1 0 Nelham, Mrs., Trafalgar Sq. Mile end Rd. 0 10 0 Shenston, Rev. J. B., Shoreditch...... 1 1 0 Olney, Messrs. D. & T., Borough...... 1 1 0 Smith, W . L. Esq., James Si. Covent-gn. 2 2 0 Oliver, Mr. James, Newington Causeway 1 1 0 Smith, Mrs., Camberwell...... 1 1 0 Overbury, Mr., Cateaton Street...... 1 1 0 Spalding, Thomas, Esq., Drnry Lane.. . . 1 1 0 Palmer, G- Esq., Throgmorton Street... . 1 1 0 Spurden, Mr. C., 42, Friday Street 1 1 0 Peejc, Brothers, 31, Love Lane, Eastcheap 1 1 0 Steinkopff, Rev. Dr., Savoy, Strand 1 1 0 Penny, Mr. John, Great Scotland Yard 5 0 0 Stone, Mr. N., Aldermanbury...... 1 1 0 Perkins, Mr. W ., Curtain Road...... 1 1 0 Thomson, Rev. James, Jamaica...... 1 1 0 Pewtress, Mr. T., Gracechurch Street . . . 1 1 0 Toswell, Mr. C., Torrington Square 2 2 0 Phillips, Mr., 358, Oxford Street...... 1 1 0 Townley, Rev. Henry, Tryan’s PI. Hack. 1 1 0 Poole, Moses, Esq., Lincoln's Inn...... 1 1 0 Tripe, Mr. W ., 3, Nags-head Court, Grace­ Potter, Mr. Henry, Farringdon Market.. 1 1 0 church Street...... 1 1 0 Powell, G. Esq., York Bnildgs. Islington 2 2 0 Turner, Sharon, Esq., 32, Red Lion S q .. 2 2 0 Powell, Rev. T., Peckham Rye...... I 1 0 Walkden, Mr. J., 27, Lawrence L ane... 1 1 0 Pratt, Rev. Josiah, B.D. 15, Finsbury Circ. 1 1 0 Walters, S. Esq., Basinghall Street 1 1 0 Pritchard, Rev. G., 4, York PI. PentonvL 0 10 6 Waller, SirWathen, Bart., G.C.H. 8, New Prosser, Mr. Edward, Lawrence Lane.... 1 1 0 Cavendish Street...... 2 0 0 Ramsden, R. Esq., Ramsgate...... 1 1 0 Walley, Mrs., 3, Thomas’ Square, Hack. 1 1 0 Reid, Mr. Thomas, Minories...... 1 1 0 Ward, Mr. Thomas, Paternoster Row. .. 1 1 0 •Ridgway, Mr. T.,’ Stoke Newington ... 2 2 0 Watson, S. Esq., Walworth...... 1 1 0 Ridley, S. Esq., Newgate Street ...... 1 1 0 Wavmouth, H. Esq., 17, Bryanstone Sq.. 2 2 0 Rippon, Mrs. T., Rodney Bldgs. Kent Rd. 1 1 0 Wedd, Mrs., per J. Gutteridge, Esq 2 2 0 Rixon, Messrs. & Co., Cockspnr Street... 1 1 0 Woolley, Mr. G. B., Friday S tr e e t...... 2 2 0 •Roe, Rev. C. H., Manor Street, Clapham 1 1 0 »Williams, J. Esq., Albion St. Tyburn .. 1 1 0 •Rowe, Mr. W . K., Brixton...... 0 10 0 Wilson, Mrs. J. B. Clapham...... 10 10 0 Russell,Miss, Cold Harbonr Lane,Camber. 1 1 0 Wilton, Miss, Clapham Common...... 1 0 0 •Rust, Misses A. & Phoebe, 21, Bucclench Yallowley, Mrs., City R oad...... 1 1 0 Terrace, Clapton...... 2 2 0 Rutt, George, Esq., Fenchurch Street.... 1 1- 0 307 0 6 Rntt, Miss, d o...... 1 1 0

Donations, Friend, by Rev. E.Davis 2 0 Gumey, Joseph, Esq., Donations for Miscellaneous A . B...... 0 10 0 for Chitpore...... 50 0 A. B. C...... (P.) 1 1 0 Gnrney, Thomas, Esq., Objects. Amicus, for Jamaica. . 20 0 0 for ditto...... 5 0 Anonymous (No. 45008) 5 0 0 D o...... F. E. 4 0 Ashby, E. S. Esq., for Anonymous, for Ceylon 5 0 0 Griffiths, Miss, by Mr. Rev. W. Krubb's Schts. 1 0 0 Anonymous...... 2 0 0 Adeney...... 50 0 Sykes, Mrs., Clifton, Ao. 1 0 0 A. Z ...... 5 0 0 Hughes, Sarah 0 10 Dudley, Mary, by Mr. Baker, Miss S., Assem­ J. D ...... 5 0 Kitson, for Jamaica bly Row...... 50 0 0 Manfield, William, Esq. 10 8 Schools...... 2 10 0 Bayley, Mr., by Rev. Masters, Mrs., for Chit­ Friend, by Mrs. Pearson, C. Stovel...... 0 10 0 pore...... 20 for Turk’s Island Chap. 0 10 0 Baylis, John, Esq., Pon­ Merrett, Mr. ju n 1 Foster, George, Esq. Sab- der’j End...... 5 0 0 M, N. L., Newick 4 rlen, for Jamaica SchsAOO 0 0 Baylis, Mr. James, do . 4 0 0 Moore, Mrs., Homertim 2 Ladies’ Society for Edu­ Baylis, Mr. J., jun., Old Friend...... 50 cation in the East, for Tottenham...... 2 0 0 Phillips, Miss, Wands- Sibpur...... 25 0 0 Bickbara, T. Esq., for inorth...... S. 10 Walker, Miss, for Ba­ Chitpore...... 5 0 0 Produce of diamond ring 4 hama School...... 10 0 0 Blackmore, Mr. W .... 10 0 0 Rippon, Mrs. Thomas . 5 Angas, Mrs. J. L., New­ Bennet, George, Esq., Salter, Min...... F. E. 4 castle, for Rev. J. M. Hackney...... 5 0 0 Thank-offering on re­ Phillippo’s Schools..., 10 0 0 Browniow, ffm . Esq.. 10 10 0 covery from sickness..l00 0 Negros’ Frnd. Carter, Mrs...... 5 & 0 Thornton, Miss S., by Society, for M r. Bur­ C. F., by Mr. G. Dyer 60 0 0 Mrs. Moore...... 1 0 chett's School...... 5 0 0 Children of the Baptist T. L...... 10s. T. 1 0 Do. for Mr. Knibb's do. 5 0 0 Pree School, by Mr. Wenger, Rev. J...... 0 10 Shrewsbury, for Rev. J . Kendrick...... 3 1 8 Wilson, Mr. J. B.,Clap­ M. PhiUipo's School.. 12 12 0 Do., received March 30 2 5 1 ham...... 30 0 Peck, R. Esq., for Rev. C. M...... 120 0 0 Wills, Miss, Woolwich. 5 0 J. King dons Chapel.. .560 Cole, Mr., by Rev. J. Vines. Joshua, Esq., by Lum, Mrs., Bolton, for Barton...... 1 ® 0 Dr. Murch...... 10 0 0 M r. Knibb's Schools ..BOO Crosier, Joseph, Esq... 25 0 0 Collected by Mis» Beeby Do. for Mr.Hutchin'sdo. 5 0 0 D .A . E...... 10 0 0 for Chitpore...... 10 0 Mrs. Bolton, of Walton, D. E. F., for Jamaica. 10 0 0 Miss. Box by the Assist. for Mr. Knibb’s Schools 1 0 0 Dimsdale, Miss, High- Secretary...... 1 0 Do. tor Mr. Burch elC t do. 1 0 0 c a t e ...... 1 0 0 Do. at the Miss. House 8 3 Clapham Ladies' Society, Dornford, Mr...... 2 .2 0 Do. by Miss Sptirden.. 1 0 by Mrs. Brown, for M r. Eason, Mrs., and pupils, Do. by Mr.J.L.Benham 5 0 Burchett's Schools . . . . 5 0 0 for Chitpore...... S 0 0 Foster, Josiah, Esq..S. 1 0 0 775 13 7 191 17 0 Friend...... 5 5 0 57 Auxiliary Societies in London Gurney, Mrs. Joseph... 1 1 0 Anniversary Collections, 1838. Gurney, Mr. Thomas .. 1 1 0 and its vicinity. Gurney, Mrs.Thomas.. 1 1 0 Gutteridge, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Annual Meeting, Fins­ S o u t h e r n D i s t r i c t . bury Chapel...... 155 18 8 Gutteridge, Miss 1 1 0 Annual Sermon, Surrey South London Auxiliary■ Gray, Mrs. J ...... 0 10 0 Chapel, Rev. John Birt 50 1C 2 Gotch, Mrs. F...... 1 1 0 llattersea, Rev. J. M. George Kitson, Esq., Treasurer. Gale, M iss,...... 0 10 6 Soule...... 8 5 0 Rev. J. M. Souk, Gregory, M iss...... 0 10 t> Bow, Rev. W . Norton.. 10 5 6 Mr. Charles Burls, jun. | Secs. Hepburn, Mrs...... 3 0 0 Camberwell, Rev. K. Hepburn, Miss. 1 1 0 Steane...... 52 9 6 Coll. at Public Meeting 5 8 0 Hepburn, Mr. J. G 1 1 0 Hill, Miss...... 0 10 0 Church St., Blackfriars, Subscript ions— Rev. J. Davis...... 8 0 0 Jones, Mrs '...... 1 0 0 Clapham, Rev. J. Ed­ Beeby, W. T. Esq ...... 2 2 0 Jameson, Mrs. W . K . . 0 10 6 Burls, Mr. C. jun...... 10 wards...... 8 10 8 Burls, Mr. C. jun 0 10 G Jackson, Mrs. S...... 0 10 6 Devonshire Square, Rev. Carlisle, W . Esq ...... 1 1 1 0 0 Jessop, Mrs...... 0 1# 0 J. H. Hinton...... 40 0 0 Dixon, Mr. R. S ...... 1 1 0 King, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Dockhead, Rev. J. P. Gurnev, W . B. Esq. .. 5 5 0 Marten, Mr. R. jun. .. 1 1 0 Hill, Mrs...... Edgcombe...... 0 16 6 Hill, Mrs...... 0 5 0 Marten, Miss E ...... 0 10 0 Eagle Street, Rev. R. W . Jones, Charles, Esq.. . . 1 1 (I(1 Moore, Mr...... 0 10 6 Overbury...... 27 10 6 Kingsford, Rev. J ...... 1 0 0 Mullins. Mrs...... 0 10 6 Ebenezer Ch. Shoreditch Kitson, George, Esq... 3 3 0 Payne, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Rev. J. Massingham... 1 10 0 Kitson, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Pewtress, Mr. S 0 10 0 Fetter Lane, Rev. J EI- Kit»ou,Kitson, Mr. Wills 1 1] 0 Rogers, J. Esq. (don.) 5 5 0 vey...... 3 16 6 Kitson, Miss...... 0 10 0 Rawlings, Mr...... 1 0 0 Greenwich, Rev. J. Bel­ Kitson, Miss M...... 0 10 0 Rawlings, Mrs...... 0 10 0 cher...... 1 0 0 Kitson, Miss E ...... 0 10 0 Rawlings, Miss...... 0 10 0 Do., Rev. W . Belsher. . 6 0 0 Lewis, Rev. B ...... 0 10 f>f) Rawlings, MUs M 0 10 0 Hackney, Rev. Dr. Cox 21 14 3 Paine, —, Esq...... 1 1 0 Russell, Miss E...... 0 10 0 Hammersmith, Rev. D. Pontifex, Mr. R. sen.. 1 1 1 0 0 Renard, Mr...... 0 10 0 Kalterns...... 8 0 0 Soule, Rev. J. M...... 1 11 0 0 Steane, Rev. Edward.. 1 1 0 Vignrs, George, Esq... 1 1 0 Hampstead, Rev. J. Cas- Vignrs, George, Esq... 1 1 0 Infant Children of d o .. 1 1> 0 tleden...... 5 0 0 Williamsoii, J. E sq .... 0 10 0 Smith, Mr. J. J______1 1 0 Henrietta Street, Rev. Donations— Stevenson, Mr. J. G .... 1 1 0 W . A. Salter...... 15 6 4 Saunders, Mrs. A 0 10 0 Armitage, Mr. J ...... 0 10 0 Savill, Mrs...... 0 12 0 Highgate, Rev. E. Lewis 5 3 0 Bartlett, W . P. Esq.... 1 11 0 0 Hotnerton, Rev.D.Curtis 7 3 0 Try, Mr...... 2 2 0 Boyes, Mr...... 0 10 0 Try, Miss...... 1 1 0 Ilford, Rev. E. R. Ham­ Boyes, Mr. jun...... 1 00 0 mond...... 5 15 c Thomas, Mr...... 1 I 0 Gurney, W . B. Esq___ 10 0 0 Thomas, Miss...... 1 1 0 Kensington, Rev.J. Broad 13 10 0 Heath, Mr. E...... 1 1 0 Keppel Street, Rev. P. Westley, Mr...... 1 I 0 Kingsford, Rev. J ,, , 1 0 0 Young, Mr...... 1 1 0 E. Butler, A. 8...... 6 6 5 Steane, Rev. Edward.. 5 0 0 Little Alie Street, Rev. Moiety of an unexpected return of money by do. 2 0 0 P. Dickerson...... 15 1 e 49 15 0 Mitchell Street, Rev. W . Young, Mr. Thomas. .. 1 0 0 Miall...... 8 0 0 Juvenile Association by New Brentford...... 2 7 10 Camberwell Auxiliary— Miss A. Gurney, for the New Park Street, Rev. Rev. Edward Steane. support of two boys and J. Angus, M.A ______21 2 6 two girls in the Board­ Northampton Street, %t. Miss Gutteridge, Treasurer. ing Schools in India— Pancras, Rev. J. Hall.. 2 0 0 Miss Rawlings, Secretary. Collected by Old Brentford, Rev. C. Robinson...... 4 10 5 Suhscri ptlons— The Misses B oys 1 13 10 Miss R. Cartwright... . 1 9 6 Peckham, Rev.T.Powell 3 10 0 Appleton, Mr...... 1 1 0 Prescot Street, Rev. C, Miss Dyson.. . . •...... 1 1 4 Appleton, Mrs. T 0 10 0 Miss R. Fisher...... 0 10 0 Stovel...... 14 19 7 Andrews, Miss...... 1 0 0 Providence Cha., Shore­ Miss M. Gurney 1 5 0 Agutter, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Miss A. M. H anson.... 1 17 2 ditch, Rev. J. Smith .. S 0 0 Austin, Miss M. A 0 10 6 Romney Street, Rev. S. Miss A. Jackson 0 11 lo Bliss, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Miss H. Phillippo 1 5 0 Hewlett...... 4 18 6 Bliss, Miss...... 1 0 0 Miss Rowe...... 1 3 4 Salters' Hall, Rev. S. J. Beddome, Mr. S 1 1 0 Davis...... 29 0 0 Miss M. E. Smith 1 0 4 Brewer, Mr...... 1 0 0 .Sums under 10s...... 6 2 8 Sliacklewell, Rev. J. Cox 5 13 0 Bartlett, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Shakspeare’s Walk, Rev. Boyes, Mrs.. . . . : ...... 0 10 0 18 0 0 T. Moore...... 2 2 0 Boyes, Mr. J ...... 0 10 0 Stepney College, Rev. Carey, Mr. Jonathan.. 1 0 0 Children of Day and Dr. Murcli...... 4 1 2 Carey, Miss...... 0 10 0 Sunday Schools, for Tottenham, Rev. J. J. Cooke, Mr...... 1 1 0 Chitpore...... 5 7 0 Davies...... 31 16 9 Cobbin, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Master W . Gurney’s Unicorn Yard, Rev. D. Dyer, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Miss. Box for Schools Denham...... e 10 1 Elliott, Mr...... 2 2 0 in India...... 1 11 0 Walworth, Rev. G. R. Favill, Mrs...... I 0 0 Lcmaire...... 8 0 0 Fenner, Mrs. R 1 0 0 Missionary Bores by Waterloo Road, Rev. G. Friend, by Mrs. Jack­ Mrs. Dyer...... 0 6 2 Franciee...... 4 7 6 son, of D orking 0 10 0 Eliza Mare...... 0 5 3 Windmill Street, Itov. Green, Mr. Thomas 2 2 0 Ann Smith...... 1 0 8 W. Jones, M .A...... 5 13 0 Gurney, W. B. Esq.... 1 1 0 Sums nndcr 10s...... 19 3 8 Gurney, Miss...... 0 10 0 053 11 10 Gurney, Miss A 0 10 0 113 15 3 Gurney, Mr. Joseph. . . . 1 1 0 F 58

York Street, Walworth— Whittaker, Mr. P 2 * 0 Hammersmith Auxiliary— Rev. G. Clayton, M.A. Woolley, Mr...... 2 2 0 Rev. D. Katterns. Small Sums: per Mr. Stephen Cadby, Esq., Treasurer. One-third of Collection 30 0 0 Cranston...... I 5 2 Do. Mr. Jessop...... 0 14 6 Collectors. Walworth, Lion St. Auxiliary— Mrs. Page, Mrs. Tennant, Miss Rev. S. Green. 56 2 9 Cadby, Miss Mundy, Miss Kat- Mrs. Chin, Treasnrer. terns, Miss Martin, Miss Hoby, Mrs. Green, Secretary. Fetter Lane—Rev. J. Elvey. Miss Gomme, Mrs. Otridge, Miss Collection, Subs. &c. .. 48 0 0 Gurney, Miss E. Mundy, Mrs. Coll. by Mrs. Elvey.... 6 4 4 Bland, Mrs. Tabor, Mr. Mundy, Trinity Chapel, Borough— Mr. Jennings, Mr. Pratt, Mr. P. Total 62 7 1 Rev. B. Lewis. Cadby, Mr. T. Swinson, Mr.Tonge, and Mr. T. Voysey. Auxiliary Society 15 0 0 W estern D istrict. Coll. at Public Meeting, Church Street, Blachfriars— including dons, from Rev. Joseph Davis. John Street Auxiliary— D. Thompson, Esq. £ l, and John Dudden,Esq. Mr. Hnnt, Treasnrer. Rev. J. H. Evans, A M. £3 ...... 12 3 0 Auxiliary Society 31 13 4 W. Cozens, Esq., Treasurer. Surplus from Tea-meet. 2 3 10 0 Sunday School...... 0 9 0 Maze Pond Auxiliary— Collection and Subs....140 0 Missionary Box, by Miss Tomlinson, an invalid Rev. J. Aldis. Henrietta Street Auxiliary— confined to the house.. 5 6 8 W. P. Bartlett, Esq., Treasurer. Rev. W . A. Salter. Mr. Ebenezer Heath, Secretary. Subscriptions— Collection and Subs... . 53 19 0 Mr. Dawson, Treasnrer. Bourke, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Ladies’ Association, by Mr. Higham, Secretary. Bugby, Mr...... 1 0 0 Mrs. Haighton..«.F.£. 15 15 0 Cadby, Mr...... 2 2 0 Collection...... 1 10 0 Cadby. Mrs...... 1 1 0 69 14 0 Collected by Cadby, Miss...... 0 10 0 Cadby, Mr. P...... 0 10 0 Mrs. Cross...... 2 6 2 Total 360 17 7 Cooper,John,Esq.(2yrs) 2 0 0 Miss Addinsell...... 3 4 0 Cooper, Mrs. sen 1 0 0 Miss Braden...... 1 16 7 Dorville, Miss...... 0 18 0 Miss Gundry...... 3 911 C e n t r a l D i s t r i c t . Driver, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Miss Higbam...... 1 3 7 Devonshire Square Auxiliary— Dudden, John, Esq.. . . 1 0 0 Miss Paxon...... 2 11 6 Dudden, E. Esq...... 1 0 0 Rev. J. H. Hinton, M.A. Miss Taylor...... 2 11 10 Hrere, J. Esq...... 1 0 0 Miss Welton...... 1 15 6 John Davies, Esq., Treasurer. Filby, Mrs. S...... 0 10 0 Mr. George Dawson... 4 12 9 Hoby, Miss...... 0 1 0 0 Mr. T. Hawkins, Secretary. Mr. J. DeiUson...... 0 15 2 Hoby, G. Esq...... 0 10 0 C oll. at Public Meeting 8 1 1 Mr. John Stacey 1 4 1 Kaiters, Rev. D 1 0 0 Ladies' Branch Society, Sunday School...... 2 0 0 Katterns, Miss...... 1 0 0 per Mrs. Davies, Trea­ Missionary Boxes. 1 16 2 Keene, Stephen, Esq.. 1 0 0 surer...... 32 16 9 Keene, The M isses.... 0 15 0 Less acknow. Subscriptions— Millar, Mrs...... 0 10 0 last y e a r.... 18 2 3 Addinsell, Mr...... 1 1 0 Naylor, Mr...... 0 12 0 ------14 14 C Braden, Mr...... U 10 6 Page, M r...... 0 10 0 Ladies’ Sub. for educa­ Braden, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Pigeon, Mrs...... 0 12 0 ting a girl in India, per Braden, Mr. A. S 0 10 0 Rainbow, Mr...... 1 1 0 Mrr. llintun...... 5 0 0 Bowen, Mr...... 0 10 0 Thompson, Mrs. D . ... 1 0 0 Dawson, Mr. B...... 1 1 0 Tonge, Mr. jun...... 0 10 0 Subscriptions— Desbois, Miss...... 0 10 0 Sums under 10*...... 32 11 10 Barker, Mr...... 1 1 0 Dodd, Mr...... 0 to 6 Browne, Mr. Thomas.. 0 10 0 Dodd, Mrs...... 0 10 G 75 6 10 Dafft, M r...... 1 1 0 Grimes, Miss...... 0 10 0 Davies, John, Esq 1 1 0 Gundry, Mr...... 0 10 0 Chelsea— Rev. S. Packer. Davies, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Hathaway, Mr...... 0 10 0 Green, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Higham, Mr...... 1 1 0 Collection and Subs.... 29 0 0 Haddon, Mr...... 1 I 0 Higham, Mr. John A .. 0 10 6 Oxenden Chapel Miss. Hawkins, Mr. T 1 1 0 Lilley, Mr. J...... 0 10 0 Ass. by Rev. T. Archer 8 0 0 Hawkins, Mrs. T 0 10 6 Mabyn, Mr...... 0 10 6 Hem», Mr. B ...... 0 10 0 Mason, M r ...... 0 10 0 315 6 1 Hinton, Mr...... 1 0 0 Obre, Mr...... 1 1 0 Jackson, Mr.W. (2yra.) 1 0 0 Salter, Rev. W . A 1 1 0 Leigh, M r...... 1 1 0 Swaine, M r ...... 1 1 0 N o r t h e r n D i s t r i c t . Manning, Mr...... 1 0 0 Tonkin, Mr...... 0 10 0 Tottenham— Rev. J. J. Davies. MiUard, Mr. Samuel... 0 10 0 Tosswill, Mr...... 1 1 0 Miss Deriner, Treasurer. Morgan, Mrs. £ ...... 0 10 0 Welton, M r ...... 0 10 0 Nicholson, Mr...... 0 10 0 Wbitehorn, Mr...... 0 10 6 Subscriptions— Overbury, Mr. T 1 1 0 Arnould, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Peake, M r...... 0 10 0 49 19 3 Baylis, Mrs. James.. . . 1 1 u Price, Rev. T., D.D.. .110 Bickham, Mr...... 1 1 0 Richardson, Mr. W „ Bickliam. The Misses.. 1 1 ° Waltham Abbey 1 1 0 Marylebone Auxiliary— Bwye, Mr...... 0 10 0 Robins, Mr...... 1 1 0 Davies, Rev. J. J 1 « ® Ktarling. M r...... 0 10 0 Rev. W . B. Bowes. Davies, Mrs...... 0 10 « Smith, Mr. E ...... 2 2 0 Mr.

Fletcher, M iss...... 1 1 0 Collected by Eastern D istrict. Fletcher, Mr. John J .. 1 1 0 Little A lie Street— Flower, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Miss Fuller...... 0 10 0 Flower, Miss...... 0 10 0 Miss Meen...... 0 17 9 Rev. P. Dickerson. Gozzard, M iss...... 0 10 0 Sunday Sch. Association 2 14 Gregory, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Missionary Boxes by Stepney—Rev. Dr. Murch. Hodgkins, Mr...... 0 10 0 Miss E. Burgess 0 16 2 Holmes, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Mrs. Clibbin, and Sub. 1 2 8 Subs, by Mr. S. Murch 6 0 0 Horne, Mrs...... S. 0 10 0 Miss Ellwood...... 0 1 11 Knight, Mr. H ...... 0 0 Howard, Mr. R ...... 1 1 0 Mr. Litchfield...... 0 2 2 Howard, Mr. J...... 2 2 0 Miss M. Newport 0 17 1 Ives, Mr...... 1 1 0 Sunday School Children 0 2 1 Janson, Miss...... 0 10 6 Cotton Street, Poplar— Janson, Miss C...... 0 10 6 Subscriptions— Johmon, Miss...... 1 1 0 Austin, Mr...... 0 12 0 Rev. J. Upton. Jones, Mr...... 0 10 0 Austin, Mrs...... 0 12 0 Collection and Subs.. . . 9 15 0 Laundv, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Austin and Gray, Misses 0 12 0 Sunday Sch. Children.. 1 11 6 Maitland, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Austin, Miss J...... 0 10 6 Box by Mast. J. Smith 0 5 6 Piffard, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Blight, Mrs...... 0 15 9 Reeves, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Bnrton, Mr...... 0 10 0 11 12 0 Sabine, Miss...... 1 1 0 Burns, Mr...... 0 10 6 Sanderson, Mr...... S. 5 0 0 Burns, M rs...... 1 0 0 Shakspeare’s Walk— Scott, Mr...... 0 10 0 Collat'd, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Rev. T. Moore. 1 1 0 Collins, Charles, Esq... 1 1 0 Stacey, M iss ...... 1 1 0 Collins, Miss...... 1 1 0 Juvenile Association... 5 0 0 Stacey, Miss M...... 1 1 0 Cox, Rev. Dr...... 1 1 0 Row Auxiliary—Rev. W . Norton. Swinscowe, Mr...... 1 0 0 Cox, Mrs., Friend b y.. 5 0 0 Swinscowe, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Cotton, Mr. F ...... 1 1 0 Coll. at Annual Meeting Swinscowe, Miss...... 0 10 0 Cotton, Mr. F. ju n .. . . 0 10 0 including £ l from Ark Swinscowe, Miss S ... . 0 10 0 Cockin, -Mr...... 0 10 0 Chapel, Stratford.. . 10 11 9 Vincent, Mr...... 1 1 0 Cockin, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Collected by Warminsjton, Mr...... 1 0 0 Davis, Mr. George 1 1 Miss Burford...... 1 3 7 Wilson, The Misses... . 1 1 0 Dnpree, Thomas, Esq.. 2 2 Mrs. Church...... 1 17 0 Woollaston, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Ellwood, Mrs...... 0 10 Miss Garratt...... 117 2 Weekly and Monthly Ellis, Mr., Mare Street 0 10 MissC. Ivimey...... 0 18 4 Subscriptions...... 7 4 2 Evans, Mr. W . W ... . 0 10 6 Miss E. Johnson 0 18 0 Gamble, Mr...... 1 0 o Miss Maywood...... 7 18 9 40 9 2 Gamble, M rs...... 0 10 Miss J. Morris...... 2 6 6 Garland, Mr...... 0 10 Miss A. Parnell...... 2 12 6 Hoby, Mrs...... 1 II Sabbath Sch. Miss. Box 0 15 0 Shackleuclt Auxiliary— Hare, Mr. J. M 0 10 0 Rev. J. Cox. Hare, Mrs...... 0 10 Subscriptions— Mr. Ayton, Treasurer. Huxtable, Mr...... 1 1 Fletcher, J. Esq. (2 yrs.) 2 2 0 Ireland, Miss...... 0 10 Gibson, J., Esq...... 1 0 0 Mr. W . Webb, Secretary. Ivory, Mr...... 1 1 Huntley, Miss...... 2 0 0 Coll. at Public Meeting 6 0 6 Jarvis, Mr...... 0 12 Newman, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 l-acey, Mrs...... 0 10 Sutter ip tions— Norton, Rev. W 1 1 0 Luntley, Mr. J .J 1 11 Friend, by do. (don.).. 0 10 0 Ayton, Mr...... 1 1 Luntley, Mr .J. jun. .. 0 10 Norton, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Battley, Mr...... 1 0 M , Miss...... 1 0 Cox, Rev. John 2 2 Martin, Mr...... 0 10 39 13 4 Halford, Mr. (don,).... 0 10 Orauge, Mrs...... 1 1 Henchman, Mr...... 0 IB Poole, Mr...... 2 0 Total 65 1» 4 Maugham, Mr. T 1 0 Rayner, Mr. sen 1 0 May, Mr...... 0 10 Rayner, Mr., Hackney Neale, Mr. Samuel.. . . 1 1 0 Road...... 0 10 Harlington—Rev. J. George. Taylor, J. Esq. (d on .).. 5 0 0 S. G...... 5 0 0 Coll. at Prayer-meetings 2 18 6 Thompson, Air...... 1 1 0 Smith, B. Esq...... 1 0 0 Thompson, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Smith, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Uxbridge— Webb, Mr. W illiam... 0 10 0 Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. 0 10 0 Mr. W ilkinson’s pupils 1 0 0 Sums under 10*...... 3 3 0 Tomes, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Vines, the Misses.n 5 0 0 Ealing— 25 0 0 Do...... F.E. 5 0 Fountain, Mr., by Rev. Young Ladies at the J. Broad...... 1 1 0 Misses Vines’ ...... 1 1 0 Spencer Place, Goswell Road— Williams, Mr...... 0 15 0 Twickenham— 7 0 Rev. J. Peacock. Wilson, Josiali, Esq.... 1 1 0 Coll. by Mrs. Litchfield 1 Waters, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Collection and Subs.,.. 16 10 9 Webb, Mr...... 1 1 0 West Drayton—Rev. W . Nash. White, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Monthly collections... . 5 ® ® Hackney Auxiliary— Sums under 10«...... 8 18 5 Total 11 6 6 Rev. F. A. Cox, D.D. LL.D. Donations— Mr. J. J. Luntley, Treasurer. Arnold, S. P. Esq 1 0 0 Chaplin, M r...... 1 1 0 Messrs. Cotton and W . W . Evans, iHonmoutÇôïiw. Secretaries. Donations under 10s... 0 17 6 Mrs. Gamble, Treasurer, and Miss 88 5 6 Abergavenny—Frogtnore Street C. Allen, Secretary, of the Ladies' Rev. M. Thomas. Association. Total 17» 14 5 Coll. at Public Meeting 10 14

Subscriptions— Blaenau, Gwent—Rev. J. Lewis. Newport, Welsh Church— Conway, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Collection...... 1 10 0 Rev. W . Thomas. Daniel, Mr...... 0 10 0 Sums under 10*...... 1 3 0 Collection...... 4 7 7 Thomas, Rev. M 1 1 0 Wyke, M r...... 0 10 0 2 13 6 Boxes by Coll. by Mrs. J. Wyke 1 3 a Miss K . Thomas...... 0 13 4 Blaenavtm, Eoreb—Rev. J. Jones. Mr. W . Thomas...... 2 0 0 6 10 6 Miss Tombs...... 0 16 2 Collection, &c...... 1 0 7 Miss Roberts...... 0 7 9 Box by Miss Hiley.... 1 13 0 Liar. Street—Rev. H. Poole Card by do...... 1 17 0 Subscriptions— 2 0 7 Collection...... Box by Miss L ew is.... 0 14 6 Morgan, Mr...... 0 10 0 Sabbath School...... 1 10 0 Perkins, Mr. H...... 0 10 0 Collected by 6 5 1 Tombs, Mr. W ...... 0 10 6 Mr. T. M oase...... e 2 2 Tombs, Mr. D ...... 0 10 6 Mr. E. C lem ents...... i 6 1 Vo. Ebenezer— Rev. T. Jenkins. Workmen of do...... 0 19 9 Sums under 10*...... 4 4 0 Mr. R . Curtis...... 0 18 7 Collection...... 1 2 7 Mr. J. Havard...... 0 12 0 Miss M. Morgan...... 0 19 5 Subscriptions— 15 9 7 Miss M. Poole...... 0 18 2 Ashwell, J. Esq...... 1 0 0 Beddoes, Mr...... 0 10 6 Subscriptions— Sums under 10s...... 1 0 0 Do. English Church— Havard, Mr. Wr...... 1 1 0 Rev. W . S. Miles. Poole, Kev. H...... 1 1 0 3 12 7 Collection...... 1 16 0 Wyke, Mr...... 2 0 0 Do. Public Meeting.... 8 5 0 14 9 0 Caer/

Trosnant, English Church— Subscriptions— I Braunston—Rev. R. Miller. Rev. T. Thomas. Davies, Mr. R ...... 1 0 0 Collections...... 6 0 10 Collection...... 2 8 3 Griffiths, Mr. T. J 0 10 0 Bugbrook—Rev. J. Larwill. Phillips, Mr. W 1 0 0 Collections...... 8 3 6 Boxes by 5 0 9 Burton Latimer— Rev. J. Ashford. The Misses Phillips----- 1 0 0 Collection...... 6 0 0 Master L. Thomas...... 1 1 3 Total 227 19 6 Clipsione—Rev. T. T. Gough. Subscriptions— Collection...... 16 4 3 Phillips, W . W . Esq.. 2 2 0 Weekly Subscriptions.. 13 2 9 Phillips, Mr. W. W .... 0 10 6 Phillips, Mr. H...... 0 10 6 jio r fo lft . 29 7 0 Thomas, Rev. T...... 1 0 V N orfolk Auxiliary. Sums under 10»...... 0 12 6 John Culley, Esq., Treasurer. JTacklettm—ficY. W . Knowles. Collections...... 12 2 0 9 5 0 Bacton— Rev. Charles Green. Collection, &c...... 1 16 2 Haddon f W . ) —Rev. W . B. Bot- Do. Welsh Church— tomley. Burnham— Col. by Miss Hanbury. 2 1 6 Rev. J. Williams Mrs. T. Browne 1 0 0 Collection...... 4 2 6 Diss—Rev. J. P. Lewis. Kettering—Rev. W . Robinson. Subs, nnder 10i...... 2 0 0 Collection...... 4 0 0 Missionary Association. Juvenile Association... 9 9 ° Mr. J. D. Gotch, Treasurer. 6 2 6 Jeffes, J. Esq...... 1 0 0 Lewis, Rev. J. P 0 10 6 Monthly Subscriptions 8 0 5 Pontypool, Penygam Tabernacle. Girls’ Sunday School.. 0 15 7 Missionary Boxes by Gotch, Mr...... 1 1 0 Rev. T. Morris. Miss Clarke...... 0 4 6 Wallis, Mr. George.. . . 1 1 0 Collection...... 4 6 9 Miss Elvey...... 0 12 0 Mrs. Raffles...... 0 4 0 Subscriptions— 10 18 0 Davies, Mr. B ...... 0 10 0 16 0 0 ¡.Subs., by Rev. T. Toller 2 0 0 Morgan, Mr. J ...... 0 10 0 Williams, Mr. A I 0 0 Ingham—Rev. J. Venimore. Kingsthorpe—Hev. G. Asbmead. Sams under 10*...... 0 15 0 Cooke, Mrs F.E. 0 10 0 Collection...... 5 10 0 Kingslingbury—Rev. C. T. Crate. 6 1 9 Mar thaw.— Collection...... 1 15 0 Collection (two-thirds). 8 18 0 Col. by Miss Derry 1 12 3 Weekly Contributions, Rhymney—Rev. M. James. by Miss Manning 1 2 6 Collection...... 1 10 5 3 7 3 Sabbath schoolChildren 0 11 1 Card by Miss M. Price 0 14 2 Harris, Mrs. sen 0 10 0 Subs, under 10s...... 2 15 0 Neatishead—Rev. W . Spurgeon. Harris, Mrs. ju n 0 10 0 Col. at Public Meeting. 6 2 2 Rothersthorpe, by Miss 4 19 7 Norm ch—R e v W . Frock. Dunkley...... 1 12 0 Davey, Mbs (donation) 10 0 0 Syrhowy—Rev. D. Roberts. 13 3 7 Collection...... 1 15 1 Salehouse— Rev. A. Powell. Box by Miss Armstrong 0 13 4 Collections, &c...... 4 7 9 Lamport— Subs, under 1 0s...... 2 15 0 Snettiskam— Missionary B o x ...... 0 7 6 Rev. T. Clowes...... 1 0 0 Long Buckby—Rev. H. Capern. 5 3 5 Two Friends, by d o .... 2 0 0 Collection...... 7 11 6 Tredegar, Welsh Church— 3 0 0 Milton—Rev. T. Marriott. Rev. J. Roberts. Collection...... 13 12 6 Collection...... 2 3 0 Shelf anger—Rev. — Dallison. Do. for T ...... 0 16 0 Do. Public Meeting 2 3 11 Collection...... 2 12 0 Box by Mr. E. ReeB... » 1 8 3 Taylor, F. O. Esq 1 I 0 14 8 6 Sundry do...... 0 19 6 Subscriptions— 3 13 0 Market. Harbro'— Per Rev. H. Toller.... 5 0 0 Anonymous...... 1 1 0 Worstead—Rev. W . Humphreys. Friend, a...... 0 10 0 Collections, &c...... 13 10 0 Morton Pinkney— Griffiths, Mr. T...... 2 0 0 Weekly Contributions, Harford, S. Esq...... 1 0 0 Yarmouth—Rex. H. Betts. by Miss W illia m s.... 3 7 6 Janies, Mr. W ...... 1 0 0 Col. by Mrs. and Miss Jones, Mr. Theophilus.. 1 1 0 Betts...... 5 2 0 Northampton, College Street— Jones, Mr. J ...... 0 10 6 Rev. W . Gray. Llewelyn, Mr. J 0 10 0 Total 74 10 6 Parry, Mr. T...... 0 10 0 Collection...... 38 9 10 Rees, Mr. E ...... 0 10 0 Do. at Breakfast 2 6 0 Bazaar (one-third) 45 4 3 Williams, Mr. John.... 2 10 0 Sums under ...... 3 10 0 ßortfjantptonsijire. Ladies Association 23 1 5 Sabbath-school...... 0 19 I NORTHAMPTONSHIRE AUXILIARY 20 17 8 Subscription— Aldwinkle—Rev. D. Parkins. Collection...... 7 0 0 Barthani, Mr. R 0 10 "16 Do. English Church— Buinpus, Mr. T 1 1 4 l;Rev. C. Thompson. Brayfield— Cooke, G. Esq...... 1 1 0 Collection...... 3 0 4 Collection...... 1 4 10 Dicey, T. E. Esq...... 2 2 0 Sunday School Box .. . 0 10 5 Bringtun—Rev. — Lewis. Garnett, Mr. T ...... 1 1 0 Other Boxes, & c 0 9 0 Collection ...... 3 4 0 Garnett, Mis...... 1 1 0 62

Goodacre, M rs...... I 1 0 Anonymous, per Mr. J. Heard, John, Esq 10 0 0 Gray, Rev. W ...... 1 1 0 L. Angas...... 1 0 0 Henson, Mr...... 1 0 o Gray. Mr. W . jun ..... 1 1 0 For Translation«, per J. R ...... 0 10 0 Hobson, Mr. E...... 0 1« 6 Rev. R. Fengilly 10 0 0 Lamb, Mr...... 0 10 6 Lampson, M rs...... 2 2 0 Lock, Mr...... 2 2 0 Osborne, G. Esq. New­ 56 18 6 Lomax, James, Esq. .. 5 0 o port ...... 1 1 0 Lomax, Mr. ju n I I « Rice, Mrs. S ...... 1 0 0 Church in Weaver's Newboulrt, Mr...... 1 1 0 Richards, Mr. W ...... 0 10 6 Tower...... 1 5 0 Newton, Mr...... 0 10 G Sheppard, J. Esq...... 1 1 0 Bedlington, by Mr. Phil­ Roberts, Mr. T .,jo n ... 0 10 o Williams, Mr. W ...... 0 10 6 lips ...... 0 6 0 Rogers, Mr...... 3 3 0 Reynolds, Mr...... 0 10 6 126 15 7 1110 Vickers, Mr...... 1 1 0 Wells, Mr...... 2 O 0 Berwick on Tweed— • Donations— Church Lane—Rev. R . Tunley. A Friend...... 2 0 0 Collection...... 3 15 4 Associate Congregation­ Felkin, Mr...... 1 0 0 Piddington— al Missionary Society 1 0 0 Rogers, Mr...... 10 0 0 Cave, Mr. G., for Ceylon 40 0 0 Keyworth,Mr.(a Globe) 1 0 o Vessey, Mr. Joseph. .T. 0 10 0 Ravensthorpe—Rev. W. Goodrich. 3 0 0 Collection...... 4 7 0 124 3 5 Ford Forge—Rev. J. Black. Moade—Rev. G. Jayne. Collections...... 10 0 10 Subs, for Jamaica .... 5 0 0 Sutton Ashfield-Hcv. C. Noll. Towcester—Rev. John Barker. Total 66 9 6 Collection...... 1 10 0 Collection...... 11 S 9 Col. by Miss Roby 2 0 0 Southwell—Rev. J. Taylor. Clerical Candour 0 10 0 Collection...... 3 13 5 Friend, by Rev. J. Bar­ Jtottingfjams^tre. ker...... 1 0 0 Woodbero’ and Culverton— NOTTINGHAMSHIRE AUXILIARY. Rev. T. Ward. Collection...... 1 7 4 14 15 9 James Lomas, Esq. Treasurer. Beeston— Rev. F. Smith. Total 165 1 8 Thrapstone— Rev. E. Wiliams, Collection...... l l o 6 M. A . Collection...... 16 0 .0 Collingham—'Re.v. G. Pope. Collection...... 12 9 0 Wellingborough— Collected by Mrs. Pope 1 14 0 ©iforijgfjtre. Corrie, Adam, Esq.. .. 5 0 0 Sunday School...... 0 3 0 Barnard, Miss, for Chit- O xfordshire Auxiliary. Weston-by- Weed on— p u r...... 0 10 0 Mr. T. Bartlett, Treasurer. Rev. W. Williams. Collection ...... 7 6 8 Subscriptions— Abingdon—Rev. J. Kershaw. Collections, &c...... 57 2 0 Weldon— Andrews, Mr...... 2 2 0 Friend, by the Rev. J. Nichols, Mrs...... 5 0 0 Bampton —Rev. R. Pryce. Jenkinson...... 0 2 6 21 18 0 For Jamaica. Woodford—Rev. W . Ragsdell. Collections at Collections...... 4 6 6 Newark— Standlake Chapel 2 2 0 Collection...... 4 8 0 Coate Chapel...... 2 11 7 Total 373 15 11 Bampton Chapel 0 10 0 Subscriptions— Weekly subs., by Mr. J. Deeping, D r...... 1 1 0 Giles...... 0 8 0 Robinson, Mr...... 1 0 0 Subscriptio n s— Jiotfljtimterlanlr. 6 10 0 Dutton, Mr. J ...... 0 10 0 Dutton, Mr. W ...... 0 10 0 North of England A u x il ia r y . Nottingham—Rev. J. Edwards. Pryce, Rev. Richard... 0 10 0 Rev. R. Pengilly, Sec. Williams, Mr. P., Shif- Collection (George St.) 39 15 2 f o r d ...... 0 JO 0 North Shields » 16 C Public Breakfast 4 13 10 South Shields...... 2 0 0 Misaionary Boxes 4 2 8 7 11 7 Weekly Contributions. 14 3 3 Hetton (2 years) 7 16 0 Broughton...... 3 0 0 Subscriptions— Bourton-on-the- Water— Broomley...... 3 18 0 Baker, Mr...... 1 1 0 Rev. T. Coles, A.M. Barnett, Mr...... 1 0 0 Subs, and Dons, lor Mr. ShatteyfieH...... 1 17 o Barby, Mr...... 0 10 0 Knibb’s Chapels and Stanley...... 0 17 o Bradley, Alderman... . 1 0 0 Schoola...... 15 7 3 Houghton 0 10 c Chamberlain, Mr 2 0 0 Wmson Mills, by Mr. Clarke, C. H. Esq 1 1 0 R, Coles...... 10 0 0 Newcastle— Churchill, M r ...... J 1 0 Edwards, Rev. James.. 2 2 0 25 7 3 Subscriptions— Etherington, Mr 1 1 0 Per Mr. J. Bradbum.. 10 13 C Frearson, Mr. J 2 2 0 Burford— Per. Mr. J. W. B ell... 116 0 Frearaon, Mr. H 1 0 0 Collected by Mrs. Roberte 1 1 0 Freeman, M r...... 2 0 0 Miss Crokett...... 0 14 10 Mis* Angas...... 1 1 0 Felkin, Mr...... 1 0 0 Miss Wall...... 3 13 8 Do. for Serampore Col­ Fost, Mrs...... 1 0 0 lege...... I 1 0 Goodall, Mr...... 1 1 0 4 8 6 Mrs. Jackson 0 10 £ Hallam, Mr...... 1 0 0 63

Chipping Norton— Middle ton Cheney-Tic v. W . Catton. 11 'em— Rev. G. Stoneliouse. Coll ction ...... t 4 O Collection...... 3 1 0 Collection...... 10 17 4 Col. by Mrs. Catton .. . 4 6 10 Harris, Mr. G...... 0 10 0 Col. by Mifs Palmer.. 0 19 c Onslow, Mr. R ...... 0 5 0 11 10 10 II 1C 10 3 16 0 Total 321 0 10 Oxford—Rev. B. Godwin. Collections...... 23 15 8 Wehh-Hampton— Cards and Boses, by Collection...... 0 10 0 Mrs. Hicks, Treasurer 9 13 8 •Kutiantrstjirtf. Welshpool—Hex. A. Jones. Headington S. School.0 6 6 Collection...... 2 0 6 Subscriptions— Oakham— Alden, Mr. John 0 10 6 Crate, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Wellington—"Rev. W . Keay. Alden, Mr. Isaac 0 10 0 Col. by do...... 1 4 0 Collection...... 5 6 8 Alden, Mr. Thomas ...100 Keay, Rev. W ...... 2 U 0 1 14 0 Arnett, Mr...... 0 10 G Collected by Bartlett, Mr...... 0 10 6 Bowler, Mr...... 1 1 0 Miss A. Lawrence.. .. 2 12 7 Butt, Miss...... 1 0 0 Miss M. Jones...... 2 10 6 Mrs. Keay...... 2 7 1 Collingwood, S. Esq... 1 1 0 g'tvops^ire. Elliston, Mr 0 10 0 Fidel, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Broseley— 14 16 10 Fiske, Mr...... 0 10 6 Collection...... 2 15 0 Fry, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Col. by Miss Thomas .. 1 0 0 Godwin, Rev. B 1 1 0 Whitchurch—Rev. J. Phillips. Collection ...... 2 7 0 Goring, H. Esq. (2 yrs.) 4 4 0 3 IS 0 Missionary B ox...... 0 7 0 Do...... (don.) 1 0 0 Kinuerly, Joseph, Esq. 5 0 0 Gould, Mr...... 0 5 0 Bridgnorth— ...... 1 1 0 Grubb, Mr By Rev. T. Morgan ... 33 10 8 Collected by Hicks, Mr...... 1 1 o Miss Whittingham . . . . 3 15 0 Latchmorc, Mr...... 1 0 0 Llandrinio, Morton, Sweeney, Miss Jane Smith...... 4 7 0 Parrot, Mr. and Fiiend 1 0 0 and Maesbrook— Paxton, Mr...... 0 10 6 By Rev. D. Crumpton 1 10 1 15 16 0 Pike, Mr. (2 years) ... 2 1 0 Shackleford, Mr 0 10 0 Oswestry—Rev. R. Clarke. Total 151 8 11 Steane, Mr. S...... 0 10 C Steaue, Mr. J ...... o 10 6 Missionary Association. Swann, J. Esq Ensham 2 2 0 Mr. T. Jones, Treasurer. Underhill, Mr...... 0 10 0 Mr. E. Morgan, Sec. sromersctsiiire. Warnc, Mr ...... 1 0 0 Wheeler, Mrs...... 0 10 i) Collection...... 8 14 3 BATH AUXILIARY. Missionary Breakfast,. 4 11 6 John Smith, Esq., Treasurer. CO 16 10 Collection after d o 0 10 11 Messrs. Cater and Hancock, Secs. Collected by SubB. by Miss Collingwood— Balancc reed. Aug. 3 .. 9 0 11 Miss Beard...... 0 3 3 Received Nov. 15...... 40 0 0 For Schools in Calcutta 9 17 0 Miss Minett...... 0 13 0 Fletcher,Mrs.W. W.I.F 5 0 0 ------Spanish Miss M. M orris 2 11 8 Town, Jamaica 8 13 0 Mr. E. Morgan 0 17 2 54 0 11 Miss Roberts...... 1 1 10 18 11 0 Mr. B. Roberts 1 2 10 Miss Thomas...... 0 16 0 BRISTOL AUXILIARY. Woodstock—Rev. C. Darken. Mrs. W indsor...... 0 13 0 Collection, &c...... 5 0 0 Miss W ynne...... 1 14 9 R. Leonard, Esq., Treasurer. Wootton— Subscriptions— Rev. T. Winter and Mr. E. H. Phillips, Secretaries. Leader. Mrs...... 50 9 0 Clarke, Rev. R ...... 1 0 0 Jones, Mr. T...... 0 10 0 Collections— BANBURY AM) BUCKINGHAM Minett, Mr...... 1 0 0 Broadniead...... 100 18 9 AUXILIARY. Morgan, Mr. E ...... 0 10 6 Counterslip...... 45 C 6 Mr. R. Gofl'c, Treasurer. Phillips, Mis^...... 0 10 0 Pithay...... 13 10 6 Powell, Mr...... 0 10 0 Itev. W . Catton, Secretary. King Street...... IB 17 6 Roberts, Mr. Edward.. 1 0 0 Pubfic Meeting...... -8 3 6 Banbury— Roberts, Mr. T ...... 0 10 0 Paulton...... (i 11 6 ColU. and Subs...... 27 6 0 Keynsham...... 4 0 7 Studdart, Mr...... 1 0 0 35 0 8 Studdai t, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 Female Branch Associations— Broadniead, by Mrs. 29 C 0 Pontsbuiy—Rev. J. Francis. Collection, Acc...... 4 17 0 Summers...... 55 2 4 Counters I ip, by Mrs. Bloxham— Rev. D. Nunnick. Shreti'sbury— Rev. M. Kent W inter...... 25 10 0 Collection, & c ...... 1 10 0 Pill, by Miss Davis 9 0 0 Claremont St. Aliss. Association. Buckingham— Small Subscriptions— Collection and Subs... 33 0 0 Collections, &c...... 33 0 0 King Street...... 8 I 4 Hook Norton— Rev. J. A. Jarvis. Castle Foregate— Rev. W . Haw­ Counters]ip Sumlay-sch. 1 14 7 Collection ...... 4 0 0 kins. Mission. Box, Paulton 3 8 6 'V heeler, Mr...... I o 0 Collection...... 1 4 2 Keynsham...... 1 14 5 5 0 0 Shifftuill— Legacy Collection, &c 1 12 0 Mrs. E. Jacques 10 0 0 64

Donations— Collected by Subscriptions— Boyce, Mr. Thomas 1 0 0 Miss M oody 2 1 0 Ball, Richard, Esq . . . . 0 10 G E. and L. O 1 0 0 Miss E. Moody...... 9 11 8 Blake, Mr. J. D ...... 0 10 6 Hare, John, Esq. sen.. 10 10 0 Blake, Mr. R ice ...... 0 10 G 4 11 1 Subscriptions— Bult, Mr. John...... 0 5 G Coombes, Rev. W . H .. 0 10 6 Addington, John, Esq. .110 Eyre, Mr. T. S ...... 0 10 G Ash, Mr. Joseph 1 1 0 Chard— Rev. T. Clark. Collection...... 3 7 4 G ...... 1 0 0 Ash, Richard, Esq 2 2 0 Hill, Mr. T...... 0 10 0 Ash, Mrs. Samuel 1 1 0 Subscriptions— Horsey, Mr. T ...... 1 1 0 Ashmead, Mr. G. C. .. 0 10 6 Brown, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Humphrey, Rev. R. .. 0 10 6 Bonville, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Brown, Mr...... 1 0 0 Mattock, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Bryant, Mr. Lewis. . . . 1 I 0 Brown, Mr. J ...... 1 0 0 Mullett, Mr...... 0 10 6 Campbell, Mrs. T I 1 0 Toms, Mr. J ...... 1 1 0 Newberry, Mr. T ...... 0 10 n Cary, Mr. S am u el.... 1 1 0 Stevenson, G. Esq...... 1 1 0 Chapman, Mr...... 1 1 0 7 8 4 Walter, William, Esq . 1 1 0 Clift, Mr. James 1 1 0 Young, John, Esq...... 2 0 0 Coulsting, Mr. James.. 1 1 0 Covill, Miss...... 1 1 0 Omitted last Year. 25 10 3 Crisp, Rev. T. S 1 1 0 Collection...... 2 19 0 Cross, M r ...... 1 1 0 Brown, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Cuzner, Mr. H ...... 1 1 0 Brown, Mr...... 1 0 0 Tiverton—Rev. J. Singleton. Dix, Mr. John...... 0 10 6 Brown, Mr. J...... 1 0 0 Collection...... 4 5 C Dnncan, Mr. B. A . . . . 0 10 0 Toms, Mr...... 1 1 0 Fuller, Mr. J. G 1 1 0 TVatchel and TVilliton— Gonld, Mr...... 1 1 0 7 0 0 Harwood, Mr. J. L .. .. 0 10 6 Rev. S. Sutton. Hinton, Mr. Jam es.... 1 1 0 Collection...... 4 1 0 Holden, Mr. A ...... 1 1 0 Crewherne—Rev. S. Davis. Holmes, Mr. F ...... 1 1 0 Collection...... 3 15 C Collected by Hopkin, Mr. W 1 1 0 Mrs. Cimblett...... 2 0 0 Hughes, Mr. J. C 1 1 0 Collumpton—Rev. R. Amery. Miss Gimblett...... 1 5 0 Leonard, Isaac, Esq. ..110 Col. by Miss Frost . . . . ft 0 0 Miss Williams...... 2 5 0 Leonard, Mr. Robert .. 1 1 0 Parkhousc, Miss (sub.) 0 10 0 Livett, Mr. A...... 1 1 0 10 0 0 Livett, Mr. J...... 1 1 0 5 10 0 Pointing,Mr...... 0 10 6 Omitted last Year. Pollard, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 noniton—Rev. S. S. Hatch. A Friend...... 5 0 0 Pratten, Mr. B ...... 1 1 0 Collection...... 2 10 2 Probert, Rev. Evan . . . 0 10 6 Hemming, E., Esq 0 10 0 Do. at ArUmiliatori.... 1 11 1 Prnst, Stephen, Esq. ..220 Missionary B oxes...... 2 4 Collected by Sherring, Ur. J. B 1 1 0 0 Miss W illiams...... 2 2 0 Sherring, Mr. R. B. .. 1 1 0

Subscriptions— Collected by Grundixburgh—Tlcv. S. Collins. Harvey, Mr...... 0 Miss Bigwood ...... 1 7 2 Collection...... 3 2 C Masters, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Miss Button...... 4. 14 8 Ipsivieh—Rev. J. Sprigg. Masters, Mr. W. H. . . o 10 0 Miss Heal...... l is 10 Porter, Mr...... 6 Miss Payne...... 2 4 0 Stoke Green Branch— Whitby, M r...... 0 Miss Sim s...... l i~ 2 Col. after Sermons 15 14 0 Subs, under 10«...... 0 Do. at Public Meeting. 14 12 8 Subscriptions— Do. at Henley, by Mr. 9 3 0 Allen, P . , Esq...... ] l 0 Cowell...... 1 13 2 Brittain, Mr...... o 10 0 Bunn, Mrs...... l i o Subscriptions— Omitted last Y ear. Bunn, Miss...... 1 1 0 Bayley, Mr. W ...... 1 0 0 Collection...... 3 Coombs, Mr...... O 10 0 Bajley, Mr. Jabez . . . . 0 10 O Chapman, Rev. J. M . 0 10 6 Cooper, Mr...... o lo e Burton, Mr. J. M 1 1 0 Harvey, M r...... 0 10 a Led van], the Misses .. . 0 10 O Free-will Offering from Masters, Mrs...... 6 Middleditch, M rs...... 0 10 6 Mr. and Mrs. Burton . 1 10 0 Masters, Mr. W . H. . 0 10 6 Porter, Mr...... l i o Christopherson, Mr. G. 0 12 O Porter, Mr. W .,. . . 0 10 6 Sheppard, John, Esq .. 2 2 0 Chiistopherson, Miss.. 0 10 0 Whitby, Mr. E ...... 0 10 fi Sinkins, Mrs. J...... l l o Cowell, Mr. S. H 1 1 o Sums under ]0 i...... 6 Cowell, Mr. G ...... 0 10 O 73 13 4 Everett, Mr. J. D 1 1 0 9 3 9 Elmer, Mr...... 0 10 O Total 727 7 1 Francis, Mr. J. 0 ...... 1 1 0 Hannah, Mr. J...... 0 10 0 Donations for the Rev. J. M. Hanvood, Mr. T 1 1 0 Phillippo’s Schools in Jamaica. Lacey, Mr. R ...... 1 1 0 Sriafforîrsfitrc. Notcutt, J. Esq 1 1 0 Taunton— Neeve, Mr. J...... 0 10 O Ball, Mrs...... Stoke on-Trent— Osborn, Mr. E ...... 1 1 0 1 0 0 Col. by Mr. Vicars . . . . Bunt, Miss...... 0 10 0 3 0 0 Pollard, Mr. W...... 0 10 0 Cogan, Mrs...... 0 5 0 îïalsull—Rev. J. Maurice. Ridley, Mr. J. sen 1 1 0 Davve, Mrs. M...... 1 0 0 Collection, ¿Lc...... 15 10 0 Ridley, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Dymond, the Misses .. 0 10 0 Ridley, Mr. H. ju n .... 0 10 0 Friend...... 0 2 0 Total IS 10 0 Sprigg, Rev. J ...... 1 1 0 Horsey, Mr. T ...... 0 10 0 Thompson, Mr. R 1 1 0 Stevenson, G. Esq...... 2 0 0 Sundry small Sums, per Welrnan, the Hun. Mrs. I 0 0 S u ffo lk . Collectors...... 11 8 0 Young, John, Esq...... 10 0 0 Young, William, Esq.. 1 1 0 Aldborough— 63 12 4 Dr. Ash, Bristol...... 5 0 0 Collection...... 1 17 2 Bacon, John, Esq., Ex eter...... Subscriptions— Salem Chapel— Rev. T. Middle- 1 0 0 Broodbank, Mr. R...... 0 10 6 ditch. Wellington— Lincoln, Mr. & Friends 0 12 6 Col. after Sermons . . . . 4 9 4 Hannam, Edward, Esq. Swindell, Rev. J., 3iid Cowell, Rev. A. K 1 0 0 1 0 0 young Gentlemen . . . . 1 i 6 Cowell, Mrs...... 1 0 O Knivctt, the Misses___ 1 2 0 Fox, Miss...... 1 0 0 4 4 8 6 9 4 Pox, Sylvanus, Esq___ 1 0 0 Fox, Charles, Esq...... 1 0 0 bury—Rev. C. Elven. Fox, Henry, Esq...... 1 0 StoJie Ash—Rer. J. Cooper. 0 Collections...... 20 11 6 Fox, Mrs. Samuel...... 0 10 0 Collection...... 2 13 0 Bury Miss. Association 9 0 0 Fox, Mrs. Henry...... 0 10 (1 Collection at Bxadliekl 0 12 0 Stradbrook— Rev. T. Goldsmith. 31 o 0 Collection...... 5 10 0 Otley—Rev. John Eyres. Crowfield— Collection...... 4 7 8 Collection...... 4 4 0 Eyres, Rev. J...... 0 10 0 FROME AUXILIARY. Eyres, Mrs...... 0 10 0 F. Allen, Esq., Treasurer. Eye—"Rev. S. B. Goocli. Miss. Box. by Mrs.Peck 0 14 0 Collection...... 4 0 0 Card, by Mrs. Smith.. 0 10 10 Sadcox Latte— Sunday-school Ch., forS. 2 0 0 Collection...... 5 0 4 Thank-ottering...... 10 0 0 6 IS 0 Collected bn Mrs. Cason— Collected by Mr. and Mrs. Baylis .. 0 10 0 fT~attisham—Rev. — Cooper. Mr. Cason...... 0 10 0 Collection...,...... 6 3 0 Miss Allen...... 4 0 8 Misses D ay...... 0 10 0 Miss Biggs...... i io 3 Mrs. Scott...... 0 10 0 Miss A. Cooper e 0 0 Suffolk Society in aid of Missions, Mr. Short and family., tl 10 0 by S. Hay, Esq., Treasurer : Miss Porter...... 4 13 4 Small S um s...... 1 5 6 Mi. Sage’s Children... 0 13 0 Miss. Box, by Mrs. C . 0 5 0 Ipswich, Taeket Street — A little Sunday-sell, girl 0 1 0 Rev. \V. Notcutt 5 1 0 luterest of Legacy by Collected by Mrs. Freeman— Mr. Coombs...... 8 18 0 Mrs. W allis...... t) 10 0 Mrs. Hayward...... 0 10 0 Stowmarket Miss. Associalion. Middleditcli, Rev. C. J. Rev. W. Ward...... 7 5 0 W o»-)...... T. o 10 6 Mr. S. Ashford...... 0 10 0 Subscriptions lor edu­ Mr. II. Buchanan 0 10 0 Sudbury—Rev. W. Wal­ cating a native Preach- Mr. S. Gissing...... 0 10 o lis...... 2 0 0 efi per Rev. G. Parsons 5 0 0 A Friend...... 0 10 0 Small Sums...... 2 8 0 14 6 0 Sheppard's Barton— 25 8 C) Total 174 <1 10 Collection...... io o 5 6 6

. Surreg. Newtek— Jenkin«, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Collection by Mr. Wake 1 6 0 Johnson, Mr. O...... , 1 1 0 Kingston— Do. at Miss. Prayer- Johnson, Mr. H...... 0 10 0 Friend, by a Card 0 13 0 meetings...... 3 13 6 Middlemore, Mr. R. .. 1 1 0 0 Dorman sLand—Rev.G.Chapman. Middlemore, Mr. W . . 1 1 4 19 6 Middlemore, Mr. J .. . . 1 1 0 Collection...... 4 0 0 Moxon, Lieut.-Col..... 2 s 0 D orkin g— Rye—Rev. A. Smith. Neale, Mr. D avid... 6 Perry, Mr. J. C Jackson, Mrs...... 10 0 0 Collection...... 5 7 0 ...... 1 1 0 Friends by Mrs. Dyer.. 1 17 0 Phillips, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Uckfield—Rev. J. Foster. Pierce, Mr. J...... 10 6 II 17 0 Collection...... 2 18 3 Price, Mr. J ...... 0 10 6 Subs, and Donations... 8 10 0 Pearson, M r...... o 10 0 Total 16 10 0 Foster, Rev. J .. E.I.M. 1 0 0 Room, Mr. James... 10 6 Two Friends...... do.. 0 15 o Room, Mr. John 0 10 C Room, Mr. William .. o 10 6 12 18 3 Room, Mr. Francis . .. o 10 6 S u s s e x . Swan, Rev. Thomas. .. 1 1 0 0 Battle—Rev. R. Grace. Total 145 14 7 Showell, Mr. J. W ., .. 1 1 Collection, &c...... 5 3 0 Showell, Mr. T. .. 0 10 C 0 Weekly subs., by Rev. Snape, Mr. Samuel.. .. 1 0 . . 0 10 6 E. S ...... 1 11 0 Spiers, Mr. William. ffiSSartotdtfifitrc. Sweet, Mr. T...... 0 10 0 6 14 0 Thomas, Mr. J ...... 1 0 B i r m i n g h a m A u x i l i a r y . Wade, Mr. John... . 1 0 Owen Johnson, Esq., Treasurer. Williams, Mr. J . .. 1 1 0 B r i g h t o n A u x i l i a r y . WriIlcox, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 J. N. Wigney, Esq., Treasurer. Rev. Thos. Morgan ) c ___ Walters, Mr. John.. . . 0 10 6 - Thomas Swan* Secretar,es- Westwood, Mr...... 0 10 6 Balance from last year. 2 15 4 Col. at Public Meeting. 44 6 1 Woodward, Mr. 10 6 Do. of last Ann. Meet­ Wright, Mr...... 10 6 ing, including 21. from Subscriptions— Webb, Mr. S...... 10 0 J. H. Paget, Esq 12 15 6 Beilby, Mr. Thomas ... 2 2 0 Sub:, under 10«. . . . . 19 4 Pnb. Meeting, Aug.1837 11 II fi Carter, Mr...... 1 1 0 Col. at Salem Chapel., f 14 2 104 13 0 Do. Son. ScU. children 1 10 9 Hale, Mr. T ...... 1 1 0 Hooper, Rev. J...... 1 1 0 Subscriptions— James, Rev. J. A 1 1 0 Hope, Mr...... 0 10 0 Jones, Rev. John 1 1 0 Bond Street—Rev. T. Morgan. Mainstone, Miss 0 10 0 Lloyd, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Collections...... 22 0 0 Savory, Rev. W 0 10 0 Moorsom, Capt. C. R . . 1 1 0 Auxiliary Society 16 14 7 Sortain, Rev. J ...... 1 1 0 Nutter, M r...... 2 0 0 Sunday-school Girls .. . 5 1 8 Collected, by Parker, Mr. J. F 1 1 0 Sunday-school Boys .. . 2 16 7 Mis* Chapman...... 0 5 6 Pinches, Mr...... 0 10 0 Good Samaritan Sun­ Ann C ook ...... 0 8 0 Riland, Rev. J ...... 1 1 0 day-school ...... 0 17 4 Elizabeth Digging 1 17 9 Stephenson, Mr. J 1 1 0 Collected for Female M m. Fletcher...... 3 13 7 Sturge. Mr. John 2 0 0 School in India 3 8 f> Miss French...... 2 5 8 Sturge, Mr. Joseph 2 0 0 Missionary B oxes 2 6 0 Mr». Gearing...... 2 6 8 Sturge, Mr. Bdmnnd .. 1 0 0 Sarah Hider...... 1 2 9 Sturge, Mr. Charles 1 1 0 Subscriptions— Mis* H onm ell...'. 0 10 0 Tonkinson, Mr...... 0 10 6 Blackmore, Mr. E . . . . 1 1 0 Elizabeth Miles...... 1 0 7 Brierley, M r...... 0 5 0 Butler, Mr. E. A 1 1 0 Mrs. Savory...... 2 15 7 Beesley, Mr. Benjamin 0 10 0 Prodace of Miss. Boxes 2 0 0 06 3 7 Davis, Mr. J osep h ,... 0 10 0 Collected by Hardy, Mr. J. C 1 1 " Mils Mainatone,forBoyg Cannon Street—Rev. Thos. Swan. Hadley, Mr. Isaac . . . . 0 10 6 Boarding-school 1 9 7 Collections...... 34 II 11 Lepard, Mr. Benjamin. 3 0 0 MasterT.Woolfe, for do. 0 3 1 Auxiliary Society 17 16 8 Lawden, Mr. Thomas. . 1 1 0 Sunday-school Boys. . . 8 6 7 Lawden, Mr. Alfred . . 1 1 n S9 3 0 Col. by Sun -sch. Schol. 2 7 1 Lawden, Mr. Caleb.. . . 1 1 0 Missionaiy B oxes 3 0 11 Livett, Mr. T. M 1 1 0 Col. for Female Native Lowe, Mr. W illiam .... 1 1 0 Hailsham—Rev. W . Davies. Morgan, Rev. T 1 1 0 Moiety of Col., &c.... 9 12 8 Schools in India 3 18 0 Col. at King’s Norton.. 0 11 6 Portlock, Mr. John.. . . 1 1 » Hastings—’Rev. P. J. Saffery. Woodhill, Mr. J .C ... . 1 1 9 Col. after Sermons . . . . 15 0 0 Subsc iptions— Trapp, Mr. S...... 0 10 0 Public Meeting...... C 19 2 Arrowsmith, Mr. J .. . . 1 1 ° Missionary Boxes...... 8 IS 6 Allin, Mr. Jabez 0 10 0 Beech Lane— Anderton, Mr. W 0 10 6 Collection...... 0 16 1 30 15 8 Brinton, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Palmer, Mr. J. ..(sub.) 1 0 0 Brown, Mr ...... 1 1 0 Brown, Miss...... 0 10 6 Carter Lane— Lewes—Rev. T. W . Wake. Bird, Mr. Jesse 0 10 6 Collection...... 1 14 » Collections, &c...... 12 11 6 Court, Mr. W ...... I 1 0 Subscription* Cave, Rev. B...... 0 10 0 Harborne— Button, M r ...... 1 1 0 Chirin, M r (dou.) 0 10 6 Boys School Bible class 0 10 0 Hammond, Mr...... 1 1 0 Dean, Mr. C ...... 1 1 0 Lower, Mr...... 1 1 0 Groom, Mr...... 0 10 0 73 17 0 Simmonda, M is s io n .) 0 10 0 Griffiths, Mr. T 0 10 0 Hopkins, Mr. Isaac.. . . 1 1 0 16 4 C Hopkins, Mr. J. H 0 10 C Mount Zion—Hev.J. Hoby, D-D; Hopkins, Mr. Joshua.. 0 10 C Collections...... I« 3 v 67

Subscriptions— Bilston— Willenhall— Hoby, Rev. J...... 2 2 0 Collection...... 6 10 0 Collection...... 5 3 9 Swift, Mr...... 1 1 0 Subscriptions— Weekly Subs, by Miss Kendrick...... 4 15 0 Timmis, Mr. £ ...... 1 1 0 Barber, Mr...... 1 0 0 Bissell, Mr. Paul 1 0 0 9 18 9 20 7 9 8 10 0 Total 477 2 9 Bridgnorth— Cradley— Collections...... 19 6 3 Collection...... 1 7 0 Missionary B oxes...... 3 1 0 Sunday-schools...... 0 13 9 Darkhouse, Coxeley— SHliltsijirc. Collection!!...... 4 7 1 Subscrip tions— W i l t s a n d E a s t S o m e r s e t Weekly Subscriptions by A u x i l i a r y . Clarke, Rev. R ...... 0 10 0 Miss Rolason...... 3 0 0 Sing, Mr. Joshua...... 1 0 0 Mrs. Wassail...... 2 4 7 Benjamin Anstie, Esq., Treasurer. Sing, Mr. W m ...... 1 0 0 Miss Wassail...... 2 17 6 Sing, Mr. John...... 1 0 0 Beckington—Rev. E. Edwards. Miss Greenway...... 1 17 2 Collections...... 2 15 7 Bach, Mr...... (don.) 0 10 0 Miss Wright...... 1 15 10 Thursfield, M r,...... 0 2 6 Miss Skidmore...... 1 12 10 Bradford—Rev. J. Seymour. Collection...... 4 13 % 27 3 6 Subscription— Rolason, Mr. B...... 0 10 0 Weekly Subs, by Mr. Sums under 10s...... 0 15 0 J. Dunsden...... 1 9 4 Coventry—Rev. F. Franklin. Do. by Miss M. J. Head 0 13 0 Collections...... 20 5 4 19 0 0 Subscriptions— Do. at Warwick and Cadby, Mr...... 1 0 0 Kenilworth...... 3 1 3 Dudley—Rev. W . Rogers. Head, Miss M. J 6 0 0 Sunday-school Children 6 10 7 Collection...... 5 13 7 Seymour, Rev. J 0 10 0 Missionary Cards 0 16 2 Collected by 14 5 6 Weekly Subscriptions by Miss Dancer...... 2 1 0 Miss Hase...... 1 17 0 Mrs. Franklin...... 1 0 0 Miss Rogers...... 1 13 3 Bratton—Rev. R. Aitclieson. Mary Lea vis...... 1 15 0 Miss Male...... 0 17 0 Collection...... 11 17 0 Miss S. Newey...... 0 17 6 Collected by Missionary Box by Miss Mitton...... 0 12 1 Mr. Brent...... 0 12 0 Miss Astley 0 13 0 Miss Beaseley...... 0 3 0 Mr. J. Whitaker...... 0 8 0 Mrs. W . Franklin . . . . 0 10 3 Subscriptions— Subscriptions— Mary Slmttleworth.. . . 1 0 0 Aitclieson, Rev. R . . . . 0 10 0 Miss Hadley...... 0 12 0 Blackwell, John, Esq.. 2 0 0 Blatch, M iss...... 1 1 0 Mrs. Barton...... 0 6 7 Gordon, Alex., Esq... . 1 0 0 Blatch, Mr. J. G 1 0 0 Hill, Rev. John...... 1 0 0 Brent, M r...... 1 0 0 Subscriptions— Rogers, Rev. W ___ ,. 2 0 6 Flower, Mr...... 0 10 0 Wood, James, Esq...... 1 0 0 Allen, Mr...... 0 10 0 Jarvis, Mr...... lit) Scammell, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Astley, Mrs...... i 6 20 16 5 Booth, Mr...... 2 2 0 Whitaker, P. Esq 2 2 0 Butterworth, Mr. H. 2 2 0 Whitaker, T. Esq 1 1 0 Grendon— Whitaker, Joshua, Esq. 1 1 0 Booth, Mr. R. jun . . . . 1 0 0 Ward, Mr...... 10 0 0 Butterworth, Mrs. T. .. 1 1 0 Whitaker, Miss 1 1 0 Bntterworth, Mr. J . . .. 0 10 e Henley in Arden— White, Mr. H...... 0 10 6 Cash, Mr. Joseph...... 1 0 0 Col. by Miss London.. 1 9 6 Small Sums...... 1 0 0 Cave, Mr...... 0 10 .0 Donations— Dalbey, Mr. S ...... 1 0 0 Leamington—Rev. D. J. East. Aitclijson, Rev. R 0 10 0 Everard, Mr., Quarry. 1 0 0 Collections...... 21 0 11 Whitaker, P. Esq 10 0 0 Franklin, R ev.F ...... 1 0 0 Donations...... 1 10 2 Whitaker, T. Esq 1 1 0 Franklin, Misses...... 4 4 0 Collected by a Lady. .. 0 10 0 Whitaker, Joshua, Esq. 1 X 0 Franklin, Mrs., col. by 0 10 0 Missionary Card by Franklin, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Mrs. G len...... 0 16 10 37 16 6 Franklin, Mr. G. B .... 0 10 0 Miss Walker...... 0 7 6 Floyd, Mr., Herkswell. 1 1 0 Missionary Boxes 8 5 16 Hands, Mr. R ...... Chippenham—Rev. J. Fowler. 1 I 0 Collection ...... 4 13 0 Hands, Mr...... 0 10 0 32 11 3 Hay land, Mrs...... 0 10 Gumiry, W . Esq., May­ 0 or, (donation)...... 1 0 0 Hennel, Mr...... 0 10 0 Netherton— Brinkworth, Mrs. (sub.) 0 10 6 Hine, Mr. John...... 0 10 0 Collection .. 1 0 Kirk, Mr...... e io 6 Collected by Mellows, Mr., Wolston 1 0 0 Providence Chapel— Mrs. Brinkworth 0 19 6 Collection...... 2 4 7 Merridew, Mr. H...... 0 10 0 Mr. Alexander...... 0 13 0 Newsome, Mr. H...... 0 10 6 Summer H ill—"Rev. — Yardley. Mrs. Rawlings...... 12 5 0 Newsome, Mr. J...... 0 10 0 Collection...... 1 0 1 Newton, Mr. Jas...... 0 10 0 20 1 0 Pears, Mr. A. M ...... 1 0 0 Wtdnesbury— Smith, Mr...... 1 0 0 Collection...... 1 a 6 Corsham—Rev. H. Webley. Shaw, Mr...... 0 10 0 West Bromwich— Collection...... 4 17 0 White, Mr...... 0 10 0 Coll. at Bethel Chapel 1 4 6 Gould, Mr...... 1 0 0 Wliittem, Mr...... 0 10 0 Sunday School Children Spackman, Mr...... 5 0 0 Sums under 10s...... 7 15 6 at ditto...... 0 12 0 Spademan, Mrs. J .,. .. 0 10 0

73 19 8 1 16 6 11 7 0 68

Devises—Rev. J. S. Bunce. Stancomb, W . E sq .... 10 0 0 Campden—Rev. E. Stephens. Collections...... 44 13 3 Stancomb, Mr. Joseph . 1 0 0 Collection...... 4 2 2 Stancomb. Mr. John... 1 1 0 Subscriptions...... 1 3 6 Weekly Subscriptions- Spender, Mr. W ...... 0 10 6 Don. by Miss Williams 0 10 0 The late Miss Anstie & Wearing, Mr...... 0 10 6 Mrs. Anstie...... 5 7 3 Walton, Rev. W ...... 0 5 0 5 15 8 Miss Blackwell...... 0 19 0 Wilkins, Mr. W ...... 0 10 6 Miss T. Hook...... 1 14 8 Cheltenham—Rev. J. Smith. Subscriptions— 53 17 0 Collection...... 18 2 0 Anstie, B. Esq...... 1 1 0 Box by Mr. Jordan 0 5 6 Anstie, Mr. P...... 1 1 0 Warminster—Rev. D. Payne. Subscriptions— Anstie, Mr. G. W ...... 1 1 0 7 4 Bird, Miss...... 1 1 0 Anstie, Mr. J. O ...... 1 1 0 Col. by Miss Jutson.... 0 13 9 • Billings, Mr. T ...... 1 0 0 Biggs, Mr. R...... 1 0 0 Colt, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Leach, Mr. V ...... f) 10 « 8 1 1 Franklin, S...... 0 10 0 Slade, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Gerbury, Miss...... 1 1 0 Sutton, Miss S., Howde 0 11 0 Westburi/ Leigh— Haynes, Mr. T 1 0 0 Wavlin, R. Esq...... 2 2 0 Col. by Rev. T. Gongh 16 3 6 Murley, Mr...... 1 1 0 Whitchurch, Mr. S .... 0 10 0 Do. at Providence Cha­ Thomas, Rev. J 1 1 0 Sums under 10s...... 0 5 6 pel, by Rev. S. Evans 5 0 0 Winterbotham, Mr. R .. 1 1 0 Miss Evans’s miss, box 0 14 G Winterbotham, Mr. J . . 1 1 0 62 7 2 Mr. Ward, Crockerton. 1 0 0 28 4 6 Doumton—Rev. J. Clare. 22 18 0 Collection, & c...... 16 2 10 Coleford—Rev. J. Fry. Total 350 16 6 Collections...... 10 6 6 Missionary B oxes 15 3 6 Laverton— Per Rev. J. Russell. . . . 7 1 2 4 Subscriptions— Batten, Mr. T...... 1 0 0 iL23orcestrrsf)trf. Harvey, Mr...... 0 10 0 Melksham—Rev. J. Russell. Herbert, Mr...... 0 10 0 Collections...... 0 0 9 W orcestershire A u x i l i a r y . Thomas, Mr. Janies.. . . 1 0 0 Collected by Trotter, Mr. T. B 1 0 0 Mr. R. Harwood, Treasurer. Trotter, Mr. John 0 10 0 Miss Allwood...... 1 4 9 Alcester—Rev. J. Price. Trotter, Mrs. M. (ex­ Miss Davis...... 0 12 2 Collections...... 12 3 0 ecutors o f)...... 0 10 0 Mr. Giblett ...... 4 6 3 Teagne, Mr. T ...... 1 0 0 Do. for old tw in e...... 2 12 0 Weekly Sub3. by Miss P rice...... 1 0 0 Turner, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Miss Hunt...... 0 13 11 Subs, under IOj...... 0 10 0 Miss Moon...... 0 18 0 13 3 0 Miss Phillips...... 1 5 1 32 10 0 Mrs. J. Pocock...... 0 12 2 Alias Pollard...... 1 0 0 Astwood— Rev. J. Smith. Condicote— Mr. John Redman, jun. 0 7 0 Collection, &c...... 10 16 7 Wells, Mrs...... X 0 0 Mrs. Russell...... 5 5 0 Mr. Evans’s pupils.... . 0 12 9 Atchlench—Rev. B. Wheeler. Cutsdean— Rev. J. Russell’s mis­ Collection...... 2 14 0 Coll. by Mrs. Ricketts.. 1 4 0 sionary box...... 2 2 8 Bewdley—Rev. G.Brookes. Subscriptions...... 3 5 0 Evesham— Subscriptions— Collection at Cole S t.. 4 12 0 Evans, Mr. M...... 3 0 0 Blocldey—Rev. T. Smith. Ilo. at Prayer-meeting 7 0 0 Friend, a...... 10 0 Collection...... 9 13 9 Box by Miss M. Pearce 0 3 2 Moon, M r...... Sunday School Associa. 3 3 8 .. 5 0 0 Collection at Mill Hilt 6 10 0 Phillips, J. L. Esq .. 10 0 0 Pocock, Mr...... 12 17 5 Coll. by the Misses Mann ( ¡ 8 0 .. 5 0 0 Do. for Schools. 0 10 0 Pocock, Mr. J ...... 0 0 Mann, Mrs...... S. 1 0 0 Russell, Rev. J...... 20 0 0 Blakeney—Rev. J. Jones. Burlington, Mr. C. ..S . 0 10 0 Smith, Mr. F...... 2 2 0 Missionary Boxes 2 0 3 26 13 2 77 4 c Bromsgrove—Rev. J. B- Blake- man. Collection...... 6 13 0 Fownhope—Rev. T. Harris. Shrewton—Rev. J. Matlier. Collection...... 0 14 0 Collected by Contributions in 1837.. 0 16 8 Gorsley—Rev. J. Hall. Miss Scroxton...... 3 17 6 Collection ...... 6 0 0 Trowbridge— Misses Nowell and J. Coll. at Back St. Cha­ S croxton ...... 1 1 0 Hereford— pel, Rev. W. Walton 7 0 0 Miss C. Pearsall 0 6 1 Collection...... 8 15 3 Do. at Bethesda Chapel 0 19 6 Misses Wilkins & Lees 0 4 4 Gardener, Mr. J ...... 1 0 0 Sunday Sch. Children.. 0 2 2 Griffiths, J. Em)...... 2 0 0 Missionary Boxes by Western, Mr. S. A ... . 1 0 0 Mrs. Salter...... 110 0 Subscriptions— Mis» Wearing...... 0 10 0 Minshall, L. Esq 1 0 0 12 15 3 Lawrence, J. Esq 0 10 0 Subscriptions— Scroxton, Mr. J. jun... 0 15 0 Kidderminster—Rev. J. Stevens. Page, Mrs...... 5 0 0 Scroxton, Mr. Thomas . 0 10 0 Collection...... 6 3 0 Do...... T. 5 0 0 Subs, under 10*...... 0 10 0 Missionary Boxes 5 8 0 Salter, S. E*q...... 10 Ü 0 Ellens, Geo. li^q. (don.) 1 0 0 Prayer-meeting.... 0 18 ® Salter, Mrs., for the «•duration of a iiirl lo be 16 0 1 12 !» » cull'd Aiiii;t Fletcher 4 0 0 Kington—Rev. S. Blackmore. Cox, Mr. James. 5 0 0 Subscriptions— Collection, &c...... 10 0 0 Cox, Mr. Samnel 5 0 0 Caton, Dr...... 1 1 0 Falkener, Mr...... 5 0 0 Tetley, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Ledbury— Lane, Mr...... 5 0 0 Collection...... 2 8 0 67 9 l Box by Mrs. Treherne.. 0 4 0 27 8 11 J. D. T. (sub.)...... 0 10 0 Cowling Hill—Rev. N. Walton. 3 2 0 Tewkesbury—Rev. D. Trotman. Collection...... 2 0 0 Collections, Donations, and Subscriptions . . . . 79 1 0 Cullingworth—Rev. J. Harvey. Leominster—Rev. M. Jones. Boxes & Weekly Subs. 9 13 8 Collection...... 2 7 4 Collections...... 13 6 3 Subs, for F. E., India. 10 14 10 Coll. by E. & L. Win­ Earby—Rev. W. Wilkinson. Lydbrooi—Rev. T. Wright. terbotham, for Boys’ Collection...... 1 7 3 Collection...... 2 8 6 School, Calcutta 2 8 0 Caddick, Thomas, Esq., Farsley—Rev. J. Foster. Lydney—Rev. E. E. Elliott. for Chitpur.'...... 5 0 0 Collection, &c...... 5 11 6 Collection...... 4 6 4 Friend, a, do...... 5 0 0 Missionary Boxes 7 1 2 Gilder some—Rev. W . Scarlett. Collection...... 2 10 0 I ll 17 c 11 7 C Golcar—Rev. W . Colcroft. Upton—Rev. J. Freer. Collection...... I 15 1 Madeley—Rev. W . Jones. Collections, & c...... • 9 6 0 Collections...... 2 11 0 Westmancote—Rev. W . Liddell Halifax—Rev. S. Whitewood. Collection, &c...... 6 5 0 Collection...... 9 9 9 Monmouth— Col. by 2 young friends 0 19 7 Collection...... 4 0 0 Winchcomb—Rev. J. Mills. Box by Master J. E. Collection...... 1 19 9 Whitewood...... 0 17 6 Coll. by Miss Slatter .,. 2 14 9 Pershore—Rev. C. T. Keene. Subscriptions— Collections...... 18 3 8 4 14 6 Bentley, Mrs. H 0 10 0 Boxes by Brown, G. B. Esq .. . 2 2 0 Mrs. H. Hudson 0 10 0 Massey, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Withington—Rev. J. Davies. Swindell, Mr. S 2 0 0 Mr. Gittins...... 0 19 10 Collection...... , 2 10 6 Mr. S. Conn...... 0 1 7 Stainland, Mr. B. M.. 1 0 0 Mrs. Warner...... 0 2 9 Worcester— Walker, Mr. John 2 2 o Misses E. Simmonds & Collections...... 33 1 2 Three young friends... 1 10 0 S. Saunders...... 1 10 10 Missionary Boxes...... 20 6 2 2] 0 10 Subscriptions— 21 8 8 Evans, R. Esq...... 2 0 0 Haworth, West Lane— Grove Mr...... , 1 0 0 Collection...... 3 5 8 Peterchurch—Rev. W . Stanley. Lake, Rev. Edward. .,. 0 10 0 Collection...... 2 6 3 Ricketts Mr...... 1 1 O Subscriptions— Subs, nnder 10s...... , 0 10 0 Carlisle, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Ross—Rev. E. Claypole. Craven, Mr. John 0 15 O Cullections...... 9 8 0 58 8 4 Greenwood, Mr. W . ..400 Alrs. Lewis F.E. 0 18 8 Hartley, Mr. J ...... l 0 0 Total 508 0 2 Wright, Mr. J ...... 1 0 0 Boxes by Subs, under IQs 0 16 0 Miss Barry ...... 0 4 1 Miss Biggs ...... 0 14 0 11 16 8 Miss Bofill...... 0 9 0 Miss Clarke...... 0 7 11 ¥orfesf)trr. Haworth, Second Church— Miss H ill...... 0 3 10 Collection...... 2 6 8 Mrs. Lewis...... 0 2 7 W est Riding A uxiliary. Miss W all...... 0 5 0 Subscriptions— Barnoldswiclc—Rev. J. Spooner. Claphan, Mrs...... 2 0 0 Collection...... 6 6 5 12 13 1 Greenwood, Miss 2 0 0 Blackley—Rev. T. Rigby. Greenwood, Mr. W . jn. 3 0 0 Collection...... 1 0 0 Greenwood, Mrs 2 0 0 Rypford—Rev. W . Williams. Greenwood, Mr. James 2 0 0 Collection...... 3 0 6 Bradford Branch— Saunders, Rev. M 1 1 0 Box by Master J. T. Collections at West Saunders, Mrs...... 1 1 0 W illiam s...... 2 0 0 Gate Cbapel...... 34 9 r> Do. at Sion Chapel 14 12 8 15 8 8 5 1 0 West Gate Juvenile Association...... 10 0 O Stourbridge— Rev. J. Savage. Hebden Bridge—Rev. J. Crook. Sion Chapel Juvenile Associa- Collections...... 9 0 0 Rev. J. Savage and Sis­ tion, Mr. Jas. Cole, Treasurer, ter, for a native teacher 10 0 0 Cocroft, M r...... 1 0 0 Mr. L. Morgan, Secretary— Foster, Mr...... 1 0 0 Donations...... 0 14 0 Collected by M. Townend...... 0 4 (1 11 0 o 10 14 0 M. A . Jennings...... 0 10 2 Emma Taylor...... 0 15 2 Horsforth— Stratford—Rev. J. Cabitt. Miss Thom son...... 0 5 3 Collection...... 3 11 0 Collection...... 6 13 4 Mist E llis...... O 2 0 Hunslel—Rev. J._ Ycadon. Card by Misses Allen & Miss Jane F irth 0 15 0 Cooper...... 1 1 3 Miss Jane Colo 0 7 s Collection...... 1 15 6 ,Hox by Mrs. Cubitt... O 12 10 Miss Billinsly...... 1 12 2 Keinhley— Do. by Mrs. Cox 0 1 G Missionary Boxes 1 13 0 Collection ...... 6 0 0 70 n..n f Rev- D. Thompson, L e e d s A u x i l i a r y . Slack Lane—Rev. D. Evans. H u ll- ¿ Rev c DallieU Collection...... 2 5 0 Mr. Joseph Town, Treasurer. Stanninglcy—Rev. J. Jordan. Mr. J. H. Townsend, Secretary. Collections...... 74 17 1 Collection...... 3 14 C Juvenile Society...... 17 0 0 Bramley— Sleep Lane— Collected by By Mr. Cliff...... 11 0 0 Collection...... ~ 1 2 Do. March 4th...... 15 0 0 Miss Lamb...... 1 7 c Do. do...... T. 7 0 0 Sutton—Rev. W . Fawcett. Mrs. Longstaff...... 2 10 0 Collections, &c...... 14 15 6 Mr. S Eley...... 2 4 0 33 0 0 Cayton— Sunday Sch. Children. 0 7 0 Collection...... 1 9 3 Mrs. Noble...... 0 9 0 Leeds— Coll. after Sermons and Dishforth— Subscriptions— Collection ...... 7 13 0 Public Meeting...... 86 0 3 Barnby, Mr. B ...... 2 2 6 W. Tetley, Esq...... 1 0 0 Collected by Bowden, Mr. James... 0 10 0 Green, Mrs. John... . . 1 1 0 Misses Holroyd & Rad­ 8 1 3 0 ford, for Education in Gresham, Mr. John. .. 1 1 0 India...... 7 9 7 Hopper, M rs...... 1 1 0 Miss Holroyd...... 0 7 0 Driffield—Rev. J. Normanton.l Purdion, Mr. J ...... 1 0 0 Mrs. Marsden...... 4 19 6 Collection...... 7 16 C Itayner, Mr. William 2 2 0 Miss R adford...... 5 1 6 Rhodes, Mr. Y ...... 1 Ï 0 D o...... F.E. 3 14 £ ! Allham—Rev. J . Hithersay. Richmond, Miss...... 0 10 c Mrs. Smith...... 0 7 0 Collections ...... 2 3 3 Rigg, Mr. Charles...... 0 10 0 Mrs. Storey...... 1 0 0 Coll. by Miss Hithersay 0 6 0 Rutherford, M r . A. R. I 1 0 Mrs. Tilney...... 1 19 0 Servant, a fem ale ...... 0 10 0 Mrs. Townsend...... 3 17 8 2 9 3 Thornton, John, Esq.. 1 1 0 Mr. C. W ales...... 0 12 6 Small Sums...... 0 8 2 Maltón—Rev. J. Rowse. 112 5 7 Subscriptions— Collections...... 5 0 0 Cadman, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Donations— Hunmanby—Rev. J. C. Wyke. Goodman, B. Esq...... 5 5 0 Collections...... 2 5 li Do. (donation)...... 0 Allen, W . Esq...... 1 0 0 5 5 Barton, E. Esq 1 1 Giles, Rev. J. E ...... 1 1 0 ...... 0 Collected by Smith, T. T. Esq...... 5 5 0 Fletcher, Mr. Joseph.. I 1 0 Miss Nelson...... 1 2 0 Lewis, Mr. L ...... 1 0 0 Subscriptions— Miss Smith...... 1 0 3 Radford, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Hopkins, M r...... 0 10 0 Miss. Prayer-meeting.. 0 10 0 Town, Mr. Joseph . . . . 1 1 0 Pickering, Mrs...... 1 0 0 White, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Priestman, The Misses 1 0 0 Missionary Boxes by Sewell, Mr...... 0 10 0 Miss Cooper...... 0 11 4 133 11 4 Taylor, Mr...... 0 5 0 Miss Dunn...... 0 13 0 Miss Hutchinson...... 0 14 2 Long Preston— 15 11 0 Miss Nelson...... 0 6 0 Collection...... 2 8 4 Lockwood—Rev. F. W. Dyer. 7 2 6 Collection...... 6 0 0 H u l l a n d E a s t R i d i n g A u x i l i a r y . Mellham—Rev. T. Thomas. Scarborough—Rev. B. Evans. Missionary Box 2 1 3 J. Thompson, Esq., Treasurer. Collections...... 32 1 C Coll. by Miss E. Wad- Milxcood—Rev. — Templeton. Beverley—Rev. R . Johnstone. (lington...... 1 18 0 Collection...... 2 0 7 Collections ...... 14 6 0 Missionary Boxes by Jiawden—Hev.'S. Hughes. Bishop Burton—Rev. A . Barry. R. M. Beverley, Esq.. 1 5 0 Collection.....'...... 5 2 0 Collection...... 4 1 0 Sabbath School 0 16 8 Coll. by Mrs.Berry.. 0 13 0 Sums under 10 c 0 9 8 Rishworlh—Rev. T. Mellor. Children’s Miss. Box. ,023 Profits of Breakfast... 1 8 0 Collection...... 1 7 7 Friend, a female 1 0 0 Subscriptions— Salendine Nook—Rev. i. MPher- Subscriptions— son. Bottomley, W . Esq. .. J 0 0 Fawcett, Mr. R l o o Dewsbury, W. D. T. Collections...... 30 11 0 Sample, Mr...... 1 I 0 Female Association----- 7 0 0 Esq...... 1 0 0 Evans, Rev. Benjamin 0 10 0 7 17 9 37 11 0 Fowler, H. Esq 0 10 C ------Fox, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Hesh, J. Esq. (mayor) 0 10 0 Shipley—Rev. P. Scotu Burlington—Rev. R . Harness. Collections...... 17 3 0 Hill, C. Esq...... 2 2 0 Collection...... 0 0 c Hill, T. Esq...... 1 0 0 W eekly Subs...... Collected by Miss L. 1 11 6 Harness...... 1 8 0 Howson, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Subscriptions— Missionary Box by Miss Purnell, Mr. T 0 10 6 Hepper, Mr. James___ 1 1 0 E. lieilby...... I 1 C Iddland, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Pulían, Mr. W ...... 1 0 0 Do. Miss S. Harness.. 0 11 6 Rowntree, M r. J 1 1 0 Rhodes, Mr. John . . . . 1 1 0 Kowntree, Mr. W ... . 1 0 0 Scott, Rev. P ...... 1 I 0 Subtcriplions— Smith, W. Esq...... 1 1 0 Teal, Mr. John...... 2 ft 0 Coverley, Mr. S 1 0 0 Stickney, Alderman... 10 0 Wilcock. Mrs, Ann.... 0 10 0 Coverley, Mr. F 0 10 l) Taylor, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Wilcock, S. Ann...... 0 10 0 Sums under 10i...... 0 » 6 Terry, Mr. L ...... 0 10 6 Tindall, Joseph, Esq. .110 14 15 0 22 4 0 Tindall, Mrs. Joseph.. 1 1 0 Tindall, J. Esq 1 0 n 71

Tindall, Alderman. . . . 1 0 0 Tileu— Masham— Tindall, Miss...... 1 0 0 Collections...... 0 13 6 Collection...... 3 0 0 Tindall, Miss A n n .... 1 0 0 Weddell, Alderman... 0 10 0 West, G. H. Esq 1 1 0 Dedale—'Rev. J. Brame. Ripon— Wheldon, J. Esq 1 0 0 Collection...... 4 4 0 Dr. E arle...... 1 0 0 Williamson, Mr. R .r.. 0 10 0 Mrs. Earle...... 1 0 0 Sums under 10s...... 1 10 0 Boroughbridge—Rev. F. Johnston. Coll. by Mrs. E arle... 2 0 o Collection...... 3 19 0 62 17 4 Coll. by Mrs. Johnston 4 0 0 and friends...... 7 4 9 Total 707 17 2 Skidby—Rev. — Stephenson. 11 3 9 Collection, & c...... 1 5 0


fiortf) SHUtles. Penrhyncoch—Rev. M. Lewis. Cwmfelin— Collection...... 1 13 o Collection...... 0 5 0 Amlwch— Rev. D. W oolcock o 10 0 By Mr. G. Palmer 0 13 6 Pontrhy/endigaid— Collection...... 3 4 0 0 15 0 Denbigh—Rev. J. Davis. Penycoed—Rev. J. Williams. Subs, and Miss. Boxes. 3 10 2 Collection...... 2 7 10 Drefach— Collection...... 2 2 6 Llangollen—Rev. J. Prichard. Penypark—Rev. W . Roberts. Subscriptions— Collection...... 1 10 0 Ebenezer, Llangynnog—■Rev. T. Griffiths, Mrs. K 1 0 0 Williams. Talybont— Rev. O. Owen. Collection...... 2 6 0 Friend, a ...... 0 10 0 Collection...... 1 1 6 Prichard, Rev. J ...... 1 0 0 Owen, Mrs. M ...... 0 10 0 Felinvoel— Roberts, Rev. J., Llan- Collection...... 2 4 6 silin...... 1 0 0 Subs, under 10s...... 0 Roberts, Mrs. J o 10 0 1 U 6 0 10 2 14 6 4 0 0 Verwig— Collection...... 2 0 2 Hebron— Newtmcn—Rev. B. Price. Collection...... 0 11 8 Collections and Subs .. 23 12 9 Total 89 8 11 Evans, Mr. (2 years) ..200 Horeb— Morgan, Mr. S 0 10 C Collection...... 0 8 0 Carmarthenshire. 26 5 3 Llandilo— Aberduar—Rev. F. Thomas. Collection...... 0 11 0 Collections...... 6 3 9 Wrexham—"Rev. R . Sayce. Llanelly—Rev. D. Davies. Collections, &c...... 40 0 0 Bethlehem and Salem— Collection...... 3 10 1 Collection...... 1 15 0 Subscriptions— Total 60 8 11 Bwlchgwynt—Rev. O. Williams. Dawkin, Mr. J. M .... 0 10 0 Collection...... 1 12 6 Nevill, R. J., Esq...... 0 10 0 Carmarthen—Rev. H. W. Jones. Thomas, Mr. J ...... 1 0 0 Stout!) Saaalcs. Collections...... 14 6 4 Subs, under 10s...... 1 10 0 Do at Peniel...... ' 6 3 0 Cardiganshire. Do. at Ferry Side. ... 0 10 1 7 0 1 Subscriptions— Aberystwyth— Rev. W . Evans. Llangendeirn— Collections, & c...... 20 5 0 Adams, Mr. J...... 1 0 0 Collection 2 0 0 Davies, Rev. J...... 1 0 0 Cardigan—Rev. D. Rees. James, Mr. B...... 0 10 0 Login— Collections, & c...... 52 11 3 Jones, Rev. H. W...... 0 10 0 Collection, &c...... 12 12 11 Jones, Mrs. M. L ...... 0 10 0 Jezreel—Rev. M. Lewis. Jones, Mr. T ...... 0 10 0 Llwynhcndy— Collection...... 1 0 0 Lloyd, Mrs. H ...... 0 10 0 Subscription...... 1 1 0 0 Morris, D. Esq. M .P.. 1 0 Newcastle Emlyn—Rev. T. Tho­ Llanrhyslyd— Morris, Mr. J...... 0 10 0 Collection...... 0 8 0 mas. Roberts, Mr. J. N ...... 0 10 0 Collections, &c...... 16 5 0 Llwyndafydd— Rev. D. Williams. Thomas, Mr. J ...... 0 10 0 Collection...... 2 0 0 Watkins, J. P. Esq___ 1 0 0 Penybont— Williams, Mr. J...... 1 0 0 Collection...... 0 9 0 Moriah— Subs, under 10«...... 4 10 0 Collection ...... 015 8 Do. at Peniel and Ferry Porthyrhyd— Ellis, Mr. John...... 0 2 C S id e...... 3 0 6 Collection...... 1 0 3

0 18 2 37 9 11 Collection ... 12

Salem Mydrim—Rev.T. Williams. Subscriptions— Penyrai—Rev. D. Thomas. Collection...... 5 1 5 Evans, Mr. W ., R oast Collection...... 0 8 o Sunday-school...... 1 10 3 2 years...... 1 0 0 Swansea— Subscriptions— Jenkins, Mr. L . 0 10 0 Collection at Jones, Rev. D ...... 0 10 0 Howels, Mr. John 1 0 0 York Place...... 3 0 0 Thomas, Mr. D ...... 0 10 0 Bethesda...... 7 2 6 Thomas, Mr. J ...... 0 10 0 Williams, Captain . . . . 0 10 0 Thomas, Mr. B...... 0 5 0 Mount Pleasant 15 7 4 Public Meeting...... 8 17 0 Williams, Rev. T 3 0 0 44 18 II Williams, Mr. D 2 0 0 Subscriptions— Williams, Mr. J I 0 0 Cowbridge—Rev. E. Thomas. Bath, H. Esq...... 2 c o Bath, Mr. H. jun 1 1 0 14 12 8 Collection...... 1 4 4 Box by Mrs. J. Rees. .085 Eaton, R., E sq...... 110 Moyse and Sibbering, 1 12 9 Messrs...... 0 10 0 Sittim and Felinwen—Rev. J. Vivian, J. H., Esq., Davies. M. P ...... 2 -2 0 Collection...... I l l 3 Comtown— Collection...... 0 7 0 Voss, J. M., Esq 1 1 0 Total 117 7 1 Croesypark—Rev. T. Thomas. 42 3 10 Collection...... 1 2 6 Hengoed—Rev. J. Jenkins. Tnngwynlais—Rev. M. Evans. Glamorganshire. Collection...... 2 6 2 Collection...... 1 7 0 Rev. M. Evan»..(sub.; 0 5 0 Aberavon—Rev. D. Thomas. Subscriptions— Collection and Subs. .. 1 10 0 Jenkins, Rev. John ... 0 10 0 1 12 0 Lewis, Mr. William .. 0 10 0 Betties— Lewis, Mr. Thomas ... 0 10 0 Ticynyrodyn— Collection...... 0 3 0 Morris, Mr. J...... 0 10 0 Collection...... 0 11 6 Subs, under 10s...... 2 6 0 Bridgend—Rev. J. James. Wantroda—Rev. J. Williams. Collections...... 2 15 1 6 IS 2 Collection...... 1 16 o CoL by Mrs. L e w is... 5 15 4 Boxes by Miss Morgan Total 161 16 2 and Mrs. James 0 12 0 U w y n i—Bjer. T. Hopkins. Subs, under 10s...... 1 0 0 Collection...... 0 8 0 Ltysfaen—Rev. J. Edmunds. Pembrokeshire. 10 2 5 Collection...... 0 10 0 Missionary Box ...... 0 14 0 Bethabara— Caerphilly— Do. by Mr. Edmunds.. 0 10 1 Collection, &c.. 12 0 Collection...... 2 0 2 Rev. J. Edmunds (sub.) 0 5 0 Box by Mrs. R. Evans 0 5 9 Bethel— Sabs, under 10s...... i o o 1 19 7 Collection...... 1 7 0 Sunday-school 16 6 3 11 11 Maes teg—Rev. E. Davies. Collection...... 1 3 6 3 3 C Cardiff, Bethany Chapel— Merlliyr— Bethlehem— Rev. W . Jones. Collection...... 2 1 8 Collection at Do. at the Association. 10 4 0 Collection...... 7 12 9 Dowlais...... 5 12 0 Chapel Missionary Box 3 0 0 Sion Chapel 7 0 0 12 5 s Ebenezer...... 3 10 6 Missionary Boxes, by Bethel...... 5 0 0 Bethlehem Newport— Bethany Sunday-school 1 10 0 Tabernacle...... 0 14 1 i. Jones. Evans, Miss M...... 0 3 10 Rev. D Hirwain...... 0 10 0 Collection...... 0 0 Gower, Miss M 3 3 3 ...... 5 Subscriptions— Harries, Mrs. W 0 9 1 B eulah— Hopkins, Master L 0 3 8 Joseph, -Mr. D ...... 1 0 0 Collection...... 1 7 0 Jones, Miss Eliza 3 1 0 Joseph, Mr. J...... 1 0 0 Lewis, Miss Jan e 2 10 0 Protheroe, Mr...... 1 0 0 Blaenyffos— Walters, Mr. W 1 0 0 W illiams, Mr. B 1 0 0 Collection, &c. 6 I) Subs, under 10s...... 1 5 0 . Subscriptions— Blaenywaun—Rev. W . Thomas Cullecuon, &c. 0 8 Edy, Mr. J o h n . 1 10 0 27 11 7 Gower, Mr. John 0 10 0 Carmel— Hopkins, Mr. Thomas . 1 0 0 Neath— Collection...... 0 0 D o...... T. 1 0 o Collection...... 4 15 6 Hopkins, Mr. J. B 1 0 o Box by Miss H ow ell.. 0 11 (j Cilvowir— James, Mr. J o b 1 0 9 Collection...... 0 0 Jones, Rev. W ...... 0 10 6 Subscriptions— Ebenezer—Rev. W. R. Pa vies. Jones, Mr. E lias 0 10 o Bockland, Henry, Esq. 1 0 0 19 6 Miller, A. E sq. 1 0 0 Buckland, Mrs. (2 yrs.) 2 2 0 Collection, &c . Rees, Mr. Thomas 0 10 o Owen, Mr. N ...... 0 10 0 Fishguard— Rees, Mr. Joseph 0 10 0 Price, J. T., Esq.. . . S. 1 I 0 Collection...... 5 8 Williams, Mr. Lewis. . 1 0 0 Subs, under 10s...... o 7 6 Chapel Box ... 5 2 Sobs, under 10s...... 1 14 6 10 7 6 Missionary Boxes, by Tabernacle—Rev. D. Jones. Miss Nicholas , 3 6 Collections...... 5 7 0 Newbridge— Miss Phillips...... 0 3 7 Missionary B o x 2 3 4 Collection...... 4 0 0 Miss Williams.. 2 1 73

Subscriptions— Higgon, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Phelps, S. M. Esq., Davies, Mr. J ames . . . 1 0 0 Hi tellings, Mr. John.. 1 0 0 Llangwarren...... 0 10 0 Gwynne, W ., Esq 0 10 0 Jenkins, John, E sq... l i t Richards, Mr. J., Malh- Jenkins, Mr. Joel ___ 1 0 0 Jardine, Mr. John 1 1 0 r y ...... 0 II 0 Owen, Colonel...... 1 0 0 Lewis, Mr. David 0 10 6 Richards, Mr. H., d o .. 0 10 0 Price, Mr. VV...... 0 10 0 Lewis, Mr. W illiam... 0 10 0 Thomas, Mr. S., Tresi- Wilcox, Mr. W ...... 2 0 0 Lloyd, Mr. William ... 0 10 0 silt...... £ 0 0 Subs, under 10s...... 2 3 (i Morgan,^Miss...... 1 1 0 Subs, under 10s...... 2 3 0 Morgan, J. L., Esq., 12 3 0 M.D...... 1 0 0 £1 18 0 Morgan, Thomas, Esq. . 1 0 0 J-ywMon—Rev. T. E. Thomap. Morgan, Mr. W 0 10 0 Letterstone— Collection...... 15 15 6 Morgan, Mr. T., Stone Collection...... 1 7 4 M ason ...... 0 10 0 Sums under 10s...... 1 18 0 Subscriptions— Marychurch and Owen, Davies, Mr. J., Bryn . 0 10 0 Messrs...... 1 0 0 3 5 4 I’rotheroe, Captain. . . . 3 0 0 Morris, Miss...... 0 10 0 Thomas, Rev. T. E ..., 1 0 0 Morse, Mr. David 1 0 0 Middlemill— Thomas, Mr. H 1 10 0 Morgan, Mr. David ... 0 10 0 Collections...... 4 9 0 Maddocks, Messrs 0 10 O Subscriptions— 21 15 6 Meyler, Mr...... 0 10 0 Owen, Mrs. W illiam.. 2 0 0 Bevan, Mr. Henry 1 0 0 Owen, Mr. James 1 0 0 Bevan, Mr...... 0 10 0 Galilee—Rev. H. Evans. Bowen, Mr. H ...... 0 10 0 Collection...... 0 6 0 Philipps, Sir Richard, B. P., Bart...... 5 0 0 Harries, Mrs. Sarah ... 0 10 0 Groesgoch— Phillips, Mrs. J 1 0 0 Reynolds, Mr. W . . . . 1 0 0 Collection...... 1 5 0 Phillips, Mrs. W 0 10 0 Reynolds, Mr. D 1 0 0 Sums under 10s...... 0 10 o Phillips, Mr. John 0 10 0 Reynolds, M rs...... 0 10 0 Powell, J. R., Esq 0 10 o Thomas, Mr. James ... 1 0 0 1 15 6 Potter, Mr. Joseph... . 0 1 0 0 Thomas, Mr. W 0 10 0 Perkins, Mr. W 0 10 0 Subs, under 10s...... 0 10 0 Harmony— Phillips, George, Esq. . 0 10 0 Collection...... 0 10 8 Phillips, Philip, Esq. . 1 0 0 11 9 6 Harries, W ., Esq 1 0 0 Rees, Mr. William 25 0 0 Sums under 10s...... 1 4 0 Rees, Mr. Isaac o 10 0 Milford Haven—Rev. H. Morgan. Rees, Mr. Richard 0 10 0 Collection...... 4 14 0 3 1 2 Rule, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Saies, Mr. C harles.... 0 10 0 Moles ton—Rev. E. Price. Il'ircrfordiccst—Rev. I). Davies. Tombs, Mr. Joseph... . 1 0 0 Collection...... 3 5 0 Collectious...... 39 Thomas, Rev. J. jun .. 0 10 0 Narberlh—Rev. B. Thomas. Missionary Boxes, by Thomas, Mr. W ., High Collection...... 11 0 0 Miss Ann Williams... 4 1 Street...... 0 10 0 Allen, J. H. Esq 5 0 0 Miss Caroline Howell . 3 8 Thomas, Mr. W ., Shut Mr. David Evans 2 4 Street...... 0 10 0 10 0 0 Miss Elizabeth Lewis.. 2 1 Walters, John, Esq. ..060 Mrs. Davies...... £ 0 Walters, Mr. George., . 1 0 0 Pembroke— Mrs. Morgan...... 1 14 Williams, Mr. W 1 0 0 Collection...... 2 9 0 Wh ittou-, Mr. George. 1 0 0 Anne Thomas...... 1 10 Pembroke Dock— Miss Mary Thomas 1 6 Subs, under 10s...... 3 15 0 Messrs. Rees & .Morgan 1 2 0 Rev. G. D'Evereaux. Mrs. Evans...... 1 0 0 Collections...... G 13 0 Mr. John P rice 0 10 2 Juvenile Society 11 3 9 Mr. James Thomas .,. 0 13 8 Hermon—Rev. W. Davies. Philipps, Major 1 0 0 Subscriptions— Collection...... 0 19 6 Box by Miss Davies .. 0 10 0 18 10 9 Allen, C. Ii. Esq 0 10 0 Davies, Mrs., lihydy- 1 0 0 liowen, C. W ., Esq. ..100 g a th ...... l o 0 Peniel—Rev. E. Thomas. Bowen, Mr. William. . 1 0 0 Sums under 10s...... 0 17 C Beynon, Mr. Thomas.. 1 0 0 Collection...... 0 10 0 Thomas, Rev. E 0 10 0 Brown, Mrs...... O 10 0 3 7 0 liowen, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Davies, Rev. D 1 O 0 1 0 0 Davies, Mrs., Clares ton 1 0 0 Jabcz—Ilev. \V. Owen. Davies, Mr. H enry... . 1 0 0 Collection...... 2 0 1 Penj/bn/n— Davies, Mr. Lew is.... 1 o 0 Collection...... 2 7 0 Davis, Valentine, Esq. 0 10 C Llangloffan— Popchill and Sardis— Davies, Mrs., Bridge St. 0 10 0 Collection ...... 6 0 6 Collection...... 0 17 G Davies, Mr. John 1 0 0 SubtcripHons— South Dairy— Davies, Mr. Thomas .. 0 10 0 Collection...... 0 7 0 Jjuvies, Mr., Bridge St. 0 10 0 Davies, Rev. H...... 2 0 0 Rees, Rev. J ...... 0 8 0 Evans, William, Esq.. I o 0 Davies, Mrs., Carna- Evans, M iss...... 1 o 0 chenwen...... 1 1 0 0 15 0 Evans, Mr. T., Cabinet Do. (don.) 0 10 0 M aker...... 0 10 0 Evans, Mr. J., Mabus. 1 0 0 Evans, Mr. T., Lime Harries, J. H. Esq., Tabor— Rev. J. Harries. Merchant...... 0 10 0 P risktlly...... 1 0 0 Collection...... 2 0 0 Evans, Mr. John 0 10 0 John, Abel,Esq., Trehall 1 0 0 (¡tilliths, James, E sq.. 2 2 0 John, Mrs. d o... 1 0 0 Total 347 3 2 t'fillilhs, Mr. D a v id ... 1 0 0 John, Miss do... 0 10 0 «■•oude, Mr. H. P , 1 0 o Lloyd, \V. S. Esq., Total for S. Wales 715 15 4 Uruiton, Thomas, Esq. 0 10 0 Longhousc...... 2 2 0 74


Collected in September, 1838, by Ladies Association— Methodist Ch., Rev.— the Rev. C. Anderson, and the Collected, by Price...... 1 18 4 Rev. S. Nicholson. Independent Ch., Rev. Miss M. A. Croggon .. 3 0 l — Radcliff...... 1 0 8 Armagh— Miss B utler...... 1 3 o Rainolds, Major...... 1 0 0 Beilby, G. Esq., M.D.. 2 0 0 Mis. D avis...... 2 17 o M‘Cully, Mr. R ...... 0 10 0 Miss Palmer...... 3 8 5 M'Cully, Mr. J...... 0 10 0 Belfast— MissPurser...... 2 16 4 Lowry, Miss...... 0 2 0 Barnes, Mr. R ...... 0 10 0 Miss Thompson , 0 12 3 M'Tier, Mi. James 1 0 0 Mrs. Parke's.... 1 16 10 12 0 0 At the Missionary Pray- 1 10 0 er-meetings .. . 1 18 10 Mallow— Subscriptions— Clonmel— Haines, C., Esq...... 0 10 0 Collection...... 1 0 10 Allen, Mr. J. W ...... 1 0 Lombard, Mrs., & Miss Grubb, Mr. Thomas..S. 0 10 0 Bellingham, Miss F ... 0 10 W allis...... 0 10 0 Morton, James, Esq. . , 0 10 0 Bewley, A. Esq S. 1 0 Gibson, Rev. C. B.,and Sums under 10s...... 0 16 ‘ t> Bewley, S. Esq S. 1 0 Friends...... 1 4 0 Bewley, H. Esq 2 0 Sums under 10s...... 0 13 0 £ 17 4 Booth, M r...... 0 10 Chambers, James, Esq . 1 0 2 17 (i Coleraine— Cooper, Mr...... 0 10 0 Courtney, M rs...... 10 0 0 Col. at Rev. — M‘A1- New Ross— din’s...... 2 8 6 Courtney, M iss 1 0 0 Ferrier, Pollock, and Collection...... 0 11 1 Cork— Co., Messrs...... 10 0 0 Deane, J. Esq., and Fa­ Collections at Figgis, Thomas, Esq .. 1 1 0 mily ...... 2 5 0 Figgis, John, Esq 1 1 0 Drake, J. Esq...... 0 10 0 Primitive Methodist Franks, Mr. M...... 1 '0 0 Preaching House 2 16 6 Groghegan, H. Esq. ..100 3 6 1 Marlborough St. Chap. 3 0 6 Gordon, Mrs. and Miss 1 10 0 George Street Chapel.. 5 0 0 Guinness, Arthur, Esq. 10 0 0 Subscriptions— Hardy, P. D. Esq 1 0 0 Newry— 6 4 8 Abbott, Mr. S...... 0 10 0 Hewetson, Mr. J 1 0 0 Collection...... Adams, Mr...... 0 10 0 Hogan, W . C. Esq 10 0 0 Thomson, the Misses.. 0 10 0 Cotter, J. Esq...... 1 0 0 lrweir, Rev. Henry... 1 0 0 Dowden, Mr. J. W. ... 1 0 0 Jones, Mrs...... '... 1 0 0 6 14 Good, Mr. J ...... 0 10 0 Keirnan, Miss ...... 1 0 0 Kimahen, Mr. R. H ... 1 Hobart, Dr...... 1 0 0 0 0 Newton Limavady— La Touche, J. D. Esq., Jones, Mr. A ...... 1 0 0 Collection...... 3 0 0 Lane, S. Esq...... 1 0 0 (deceased)...... 2 0 0 Lcekv, Mr. Joseph 1 Large, Mr. W ...... 0 10 0 Tubbermore— Logan, Mr. W ...... 1 0 0 Mallett, Mr...... 1 Manley, J. H-, Esq. .. 1 0 0 Marshall, Major 3 Collection...... 2 9 0 Mannix, W. Esq 1 0 0 Medicus...... 1 Parker, Mr. R. l i 0 10 0 M. C. H ...... 1 W aterford— Phipps, Mr. M ...... 0 10 0 M'Lean, Mr...... 0 Collections...... 9 13 2 Topp, Mr. J. W ...... 1 0 0 Nicholson, Mr. C. B ... 0 10 0 The Mayor of Waterford 1 0 » Topp, Mr. R. W 1 0 C Palmer, Mr...... 1 0 0 Barnes, Mr. T ...... S. 0 10 0 Vincent, Miss...... 0 10 0 Parkes, John, Esq 10 0 0 Budd, Mr. B ...... 1 0 0 Willes, Dr. and Mrs... 2 0 0 Parker, Samuel, Esq.. 1 0 0 Coombe, Mr. J ...... 0 10 0 Sums under 10s.‘ ...... 1 10 0 Purser, John, Esq. . . . 10 0 0 Denny, Mr. A ...... 0 10 0 Peebles, Dr., childrefa Denny, Mr. D...... 0 10 ft 27 17 0 o f ...... 0 17 10 Hardcastle, Rev. C 0 10 u Perrin, Mr. H. G 1 0 0 Harris, Mr. J...... 1 0 0 Querle, Mr...... o 10 o Dublin— Jacob, Mrs. M ...... S. 0 10 0 Robertson, Mr. J 0 10 0 Jones, Dr...... 0 10 0 Collections at Russel, Mr. H S. 0 5 0 Mackesy, Mrs...... 1 0 « Scot’s Church, Rev. J. Turner, Mr. T ...... 1 0 0 M'Ewen, J. Esq...... 1 0 11 Carlile...... 18 10 0 Warren, Mr...... 1 0 0 Murphy, M iss...... 1 0 0 York Street, Rev. Dr. Wright, Miss C. E ...,. 1 0 0 Strangman, Mr.J.W. S. 1 0 0 Urwick...... 10 0 0 Waring, Mr. Jog S. 0 10 0 Dorset Institutn. Room, 152 0 0 Watson, Miss J...... S. 0 10 0 Williams, J. Esq..... 1 1 11 Rev. J. F o r d ...... 7 9 2 Letter Kenny— Union Chapel, Rev. D. Wilson, Mr. T ...... 0 10 o Stuart...... 5 15 5 Col., Mr. John Elliot.. 7 10 0 Sums under 10s...... 0 10 <> King’s Inn Street, Rev. Londonderry- Do. Do...... S. o 5 « W . C ooper...... 4 2 6 D'Olier St. Presbyt.Ch. 4 0 0 Collect ions at 23 15 2 Church by Rev. Thou. First Presbytrn. Cong., Kelly ...... B O O Revds. — M‘ Lure and Total 208 5 » Sackville St. Meeting . 1 2 1 W alla ce...... 6 18 0 75


Aberdeen— Dundee— Robertson, James, Esq. 5 5 0 Collections at Auxiliary Society .... 12 9 10 Robertson, Mr. Thomas 0 10 0 ...... Silver Street Chapel .. 13 3 4 Collections at Robertson, Mrs 0 10 0 George Street Chapel.. 4 10 0 Roy, F. L. Esq...... 1 0 0 Klackfriars St. Chapel 3 It) 9 Ward Chapel...... 12 10 0 Snodey, Mr...... 2 0 0 Public Meeting 8 10 0 Do. Public Meeting. .. 10 2 6 Speirs, M iss...... 1 0 0 Missionary Society.... 21 10 0 Meadowside...... 3 0 0 Spence, Charles, Esq.. 1 0 0 Aux. Soc., being the ba­ Seagate...... 6 3 8 Stevenson, Mrs...... 1 0 0 lance due by theTreasr. Miss. So. Bap. Ch. dn. 4 4 0 Stewart, Miss, Mussel­ in Dec. 1831, including Chapelside weekly sub. 6 10 0 burgh...... 1 0 0 3/. from New Deer... 12 13 9 Ditto...... T. 2 0 0 Thorburn, Mr. W . sen. 1 1 0 Missionary B o x 0 5 0 Park Place S. E. Sch. Watson, Rev. Mr., Friend, a, by Mr. M‘ A1- for Chitpore...... 1 0 0 Musselburgh...... I 1 0 lan...... 2 0 0 Box by Mrs. D. Urqu- Wemyss, Mrs...... 5 5 0 Friend, a ...... 0 2 6 hart...... 0 10 0 Wilson, Mr. G...... 1 1 0 Anderson, Mr. Alexan. 0 10 0 Wilson, Mr...... 1 ] 0 CG 5 4 Baxter, Edward, Esq.. 5 0 0 Y. Y ., per Mr. Ogilvy . 1 0 0 Friend, a ...... 1 1 0 Small sums...... 0 8 3 Rowland, Mr. O. J .... 0 10 0 Aberchirder— Collection...... 3 3 3 289 2 4 65 11 0 Ansf.ruther — Auxiliary Society 6 0 0 Dunfermline— Edinburgh Auxiliary. Juvenile do...... 2 14 6 Collected at Queen Ann’s Street... 5 .3 6 Mr. H-. D. Dickie, Treasurer. 8 14 6 Baptist Chapel...... 12 16 6 Inglis, Mr. G...... 1 0 0 Subscriptions and Donations— Banff— Alexander, W m. Esq. 1 1 0 Col. at Independt. Ch. 3 15 6 19 0 0 Anderson, Rev. Christ. 1 0 0 Friends...... T. 1 0 0 Beilby, Dr...... 1 1 0 Nicliol, Mrs. & Friends 10 0 Edinburgh— Beveridge, Mrs 1 0 0 Friends at Pitgair 0 10 0 Collections at Black, Adom, Esq 0 10 6 Do...... T. 0 10 0 Albany Street Cbapel.. 5 7 0 Brown, Rev. Dr. John 0 10 6 Do___ Seramp. Sch. 0 12 0 Dickie, H. D Esq.... 1 1 0 Argyle Square do 7 r 0 Dick, Mr. John 0 lo O 7 7 0 Baptist Ch., Bristo St. 6 15 0 Duncan, Mr. Henry... 0 10 6 Charlotte Street 60 0 0 Gibb, Mr. H. M 0 10 0 Clyde Street Chapel .. 3 2 4 Gibson, Mr. John 0 10 6 Beggar— Elder Street do...... 23 13 0 Gourlay, Wm. Esq 1 1 0 Bible Ass. for Religs. Leith...... 9 10 0 Grant, James, Esq. .. . 1 1 0 Purps., Rev. D. Smith 5 0 0 Portobello...... 3 4 5 Grey, Rev. Henry 0 10 0 Rose Street Chapel.. . . 12 6 10 Haldane, J. A. Esq. .. 1 1 0 Bcnrickshire General Tabernacle...... 23 0 0 Bible Society, by T. Macandrew, Mr. John 0 10 0 Thompson, Esq.. . .T. 10 0 0 Leith Auxiliary Mis­ Megget, Aitken, Esq.. 1 1 0 sionary Society 10 0 0 Purdic, Dr. W illiam.. 0 10 f> C a vers— Society in Relief Cha­ Robertson, John, Esq. 5 5 0 Douglas, James, Esq. .100 0 0 pel, Leith...... 5 0 0 Robertson, T. R. Esq.. Miss. Fund, Elder St., W. S. 1 0 0 Cupar— Rev. Mr. lnnes 5 0 0 Robertson, Miss E 0 12 O Collections at South College St. Relief Rose, Hugh, Esq 1 1 0 Rev. Mr. Burnett’s ... 2 2 4 Ch. Asso. for Religious Sliaw, James, Esq 0 10 6 Rev. Mr. Watson's,.. . 7 10 0 Purposes, by Mr. Cot­ Snodey, Andrew, Esq .110 Cupar Mission. Society 5 0 0 ton Treasurer...... 5 0 0 Sprott, Miss (2 years). 2 0 0 Col. by Mrs. Sturrock.. 4 9 3 Stephenson, R. Esq. .. 1 1 0 A Friend...... T. 1 0 o Alexander, W . Esq. .. 3 3 0 Thorburn, W m. Esq .110 Buchanan, Mrs...... 1 0 0 W'emyss, Wm. Esq. .S. 0 10 6 20 1 7 Campbell, M iss 1 0 0 Wilson, Archibald, Esq. 1 1 0 C. C...... 50 O 0 Sums under 10s...... 2 19 7 Dalkeith— Cruickshank.A.Esq. S .' 1 0 0 Collection.. 5 10 0 Dickie, H. D. E sq .... 1 1 0 Coll. by Miss Alexan­ Dunlop, Mr. J oh n 1 0 0 der, Leith, from Dumfries— E. R „ M iss...... 0 10 0 Miss Carstairs...... 0 10 0 Friends, by Mrs. Bruce 8 15 o Collections at Mrs. Cullen...... 0 10 0 Friend, a...... 1 0 0 Miss C ullen...... 0 10 O Rev. Mr. Machray’s... 12 2 6 Gibb, H. M. Esq 2 0 0 Mrs. Wernyss...... I 1 0 Rev. Mr. Dunlop’s 5 5 0 Gourlay, W . Esq 5 0 0 Sums under 10#...... l 7 6 New Ch. Public Meet. 2 0 10 Haldane, Robert, Esq. 2 2 0 Bap.Ch. by Mr. Canon 1 0 0 Henderson, Alex. Esq. 1 1 0 s ia e Friend, a ...... 1 0 0 lnnes, Mr. W . ju n 1 0 0 Ladies, t w o 0 10 0 Dick, Mr. Jas. (2 yrs.) 0 17 4 21 17 4 Macandrew, Mr 1 0 0 Lawson, Mr. r. (2 yrs.) 1 0 0 Mack, Mrs...... 0 10 0 M. B. (for 1838)...... 1 0 0 Dumbarton— Martin, M r...... 1 1 0 St.Andrew’s University Coll. at Secession Cha. 2 0 3 M'Comie, W . Esq 1 1 0 Society for Serampore 2 0 0 Monatt, Mrs...... 0 10 o Duncanstoum— Oliphant, Mr...... 0 10 6 40 19 5 Coll. at lndep. Chapel 2 2 2 Purdic, Dr. W ...... 1 o o 76 Elgin— Greenock— Kilmarnock— Missionary Society. . . . 5 15 C Collections at Coll. at Relief Chapel. 7 10 0 Collections at Relief Chapel...... 5 6 0 Stewart, Messrs. J.&A. 2 2 0 Baptist Chapel...... 3 15 1 Baptist Chapel...... 8 0 0 9 12 0 Rev. Mr. Lind's ...... 5 3 4 Do. for Chitpore 3 9 6 Rev. Mr. Pringle’s . . . . 3 15 4 Gray, J. Esq...... 2 2 0 J. M. R. (a deceased Lusk, Mr. sen...... 1 0 0 Kirkaldy— friend to missions) ... 10 0 0 Martin, W . Esq 1 1 0 Dobie, Mr...... 0 5 0 Macdonald, M r. 1 0 0 M‘ Fie, Mrs. R ...... 0 10 0 Ogilrie, Mr. D ...... 1 0 0 Muir, A. Esq...... 1 1 0 Ktrkcudbrigh t— Urquhart, Mr. A 1 0 0 Friend, a...... 0 5 0 Coll. at Secession Cha. 2 2 0 Small sums...... 0 9 6 M‘ Gowan, Miss 1 0 0 22 15 0 31 18 9 3 2 9 Haddington— Fairlie — Ladies Miss. So.. .F.E. 1 10 0 Parker, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Largs— Friends...... 1 0 0 Helensburgh— Coll. at Parish Ch 3 14 0 Finlayson, Mrs...... 0 10 6 2 0 0 Coll, at Indep. Chapel 2 4 9 A Friend...... U 5 0 4 4 0 Forres— Coll. at Indep. ChapeL 5 13 0 2 9 9 Lumsden Village— Gatehouse— Huntly— Coll. at Secession C h.. 2 3 0 Coll. at Secession Cha. 1 11 0 Coll. at Indep. Chapel 12 0 0 Mill-Port, Cumbraes— Garliesttm— Male Branch, Miss. So. 4 0 0 Coll. at Secession Cha. 1 17 S Youth’s Miss. Society 1 1 0 Collection...... 2 0 8 Y outh’s Prayer-meeting Glasgow— Missionary Box. 0 10 0 M ontrose— Colleetums at A Friend...... 0 5 0 Collection...... 13 4 2 Anderston, Rev. Mr. Prayer-meeting at In­ Stratfaer...... 9 1 6 17 16 0 dep. Chapel...... 2 0 0 George Place, Rev. Mr. Suoday-sch.Union.F E. 1 0 0 Milne, Mr. David 0 5 0 M 'Leod...... 9 14 6 Insch— Hope Street, Rev. Mr. Patterson...... 10 0 0 Collection...... 1 12 0 16 9 2 Do. at the Ordination Juvenile Miss. Society. 3 0 0 Sums under 10«...... 1 15 0 o f Mr. Reid...... 0 14 6 N aim — John Street, Rev. Mr. 6 7 0 Coll. at Indep. Chapel 2 2 1 Anderson...... 8 0 0 Donaldson, Mr. J 0 7 0 Portland Street. 5 0 0 Robertson, Mr»...... 1 0 0 D o...... T. 1 0 0 Inverness— Regent Place, Rev. Dr. Collected at 3 9 1 H eugh...... 7 11 7 Renfield Street, Rev. East Parish Chapel. .. 5 12 7 Paisley— Mr. W illis...... 11 7 6 Indep. Chapel...... 3 1 C Secession Chapel 2 19 4 Baptist Chapel, Rev. Glasgow College Mis». Mr. Taylor...... 2 0 0 Association...... 6 0 0 Arkly, M r...... 1 0 0 AnonymouB, per post. . 1 0 0 Coll. at Mr. Nisbet’s . . 1 1 1 Anderson,Mr. J., Com. Chambers...... 1 0 0 13 13 5 3 1 1 Barr, John, Esq 2 0 0 Blyth, Mr. W . S 1 1 o Perth— Campbell, Mr. James .110 Irvine— Collections ai Kettle, Robert, Esq 5 0 0 Collection...... 2 0 0 Lethem, Mr. P ...... l l 0 Female Ind. Bible Soc. 4 0 0 Baptist Chapel...... 0 15 10 Lethem, Hr. M...... 0 10 6 Allen, Miss...... 1 1 0 Secession Chapel 2 10 0 Moir, Mrs...... o 10 0 Barclay, Rev. G 1 0 0 Public Meeting...... 0 4 3 Montgomerie, M. Esq. 1 1 0 Breckenridge, Mr 1 0 0 Auxiliary Society .... 6 0 0 Paton, Mr. W . V 1 1 o Leechman, Rev. J... , 1 0 0 Smith, David jon. Esq. 2 2 0 Mackirriy, Miss...... 0 2 0 21 10 1 Stuart, J. Esq. (2 yrs.) 1 0 0 M‘Fie, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Swan, Joseph, Esq 2 2 0 Miller, Mr...... 1 1 0 Port Glasgow— Tannahill, R. Esq 1 0 0 Mitchell, M r...... 1 0 0 Watt, Mr. H ...... 2 0 0 Coll. at Parish C h .. . . 2 10 0 88 18 1 Watt, Mrs. H ...... 2 0 0 Rhynie— Glence— 17 5 6 Collection...... 3 0 0 Coll. at Major Dalzel's 2 18 o Grant own— Sanquhat— Kennethmount— Collection...... 0 Collection...... i n 3 Juvenile Miss. Society 1 5 0 1 15 Grant, Mr. Peter 0 10 0 M'Kenzie, Mr o 10 0 Killin- St. Andrew's— Stewart, Mias...... 0 10 6 Collection...... 6 16 0 Collection...... 2 8 ¡j Sum# under 10f...... 1 13 0 Sinclair, Daniel, Esq.. 50 0 0 Missionary S ociety .... 10 0 0

5 1 3 56 10 0 12 8 6 77

Stirling— Stranraer— Touyh— Collection...... 3 11 Coll. at Secession Ch. 5 0 0 4 Collections at Stirlingsh. & Vic. Soc. Tullimct— for Religions Purposes 5 0 0 Relief Ch...... 7 4 G Collection...... 5 16 0 Peddie, Mr. Robert.., . 1 0 0 Reformed Cli...... 6 8 8 Turriff— Sums under 10«...... 0 10 0 Secession Ch...... 6 6 lo Collections 1 16 0

10 1 4 19 19 1) Total 1075 0 3


Jamaica. Netherlands Auxiliary. Kingston— By Rev. J. Muller...... 130 0 0 Childreu iu Mico Charity Schools, per South Africa. Rev. J. M. Trew...... 2 10 0 Graham's Town— By Mr. Nelson...... 60 o 0 Gurney’s Mount, ¿J-c.—Rev. S. Oughton. Collections, &c...... 74 0 0 266 JO 0


Tritton, Henry, Esq., late of Battersea 00 0 0 Salter Miss, late of Watford...... 160 0 o Jennings, Mrs, late of Camberwell .. .. 42 2 4 Jackson, Samuel, Esq., late of Dorking 45 0 0 Wedd, Mrs., late of Watford...... 20 0 0 Penny, Mrs., late of London...... 450 0 0 Morten, Mr. W . jun., late of Amersham 15 0 0 Patient, Mr. W., late of Shute...... 19 19 0 Philipps, Mrs. Elizabeth, late of Llan- Dunn, Mrs. Elizabeth, late of Sowerby, rithan...... 94 1 4 Yorkshire...... 50 0 0 Leonard, Isaac, Esq., late of Bristol, by R. Leonard, Esq...... 45 0 0 1107 4 4 Ilastie, Mr. George, late of Midcalder.. 56 1 8


Legacy of Mr. Miller, late of Gallowtown...... 50 12 6 Legacy of Rev. J. Turquand...... 18 0 0 Litlycrop, Rev. S ...... 1 1 0 Dixon, Mrs., Corfu, by Miss Sanderson...... 1 0 O American and Foreign Bible Society, by Rev. C. G. Sommers ;. . . . 1041 14 2 Sinclair, Daniel, Esq., Perthshire...... 50 0 0

1162 7 8 Sums acknowledged in General List...... 42 2 0

1204 9 8 78


Towards sending out Ten additional Missionaries to India, in consequence of

the Appeal of the Rev. W. H. P e a r c e , of Calcutta.


London and its Vicinity. Barton-Mills— Tebbutt, Mrs. M 3 0 0 Owens, Mr...... 0 10 0 Upsher, Mr...... 2 0 0 A . B ...... 0 10 0 Ellington&Sons, Messrs. 1 0 0 W atts, Mr...... 1 0 0 Cartwright, Mr. R 10 0 0 Youngman, Mr 0 10 0 Sums under 10j...... 2 14 0 St. Ives— Freeman, J. Esq...... 10 0 0 Barnes, Miss...... 5 0 0 Friend, Walworth 0 10 0 Johnson, Mr. E...... 2 0 0 M. H. S...... 0 10 0 Cornwall, Paul, T. D. Esq 10 0 0 Piper, Thomas, Esq.. . . 5 0 0 Ulph, J. B. Esq 5 0 0 Pirie, Mrs...... 3 0 0 Helston— Swinscow, Mrs...... 2 0 0 Rogers, Miss...... 0 14 0 Small sums...... 0 5 0 Lancashire. Devonshire. Liverpool— Bedfordshire. Kingsbridge— Houghton, Mr. J I 0 0 Friends at, by Mr. Ni­ Manchester — Biggleswade,— ...... 5 9 6 Foster, John, Esq 10 0 0 cholson Gill, Misses S. & E. .. 1 1 0 Foster, Mrs. J ...... 3 0 0 Foster, Blyth, Esq. . . . 2 0 0 Essex. Leicestershire. Foster, Mrs. B...... 1 0 0 S. Hedingham— Leicester— Foster, J. N. Esq 2 0 0 Bakley, Miss...... 1 0 0 Kent, Her. Samuel. ..110 Friends at, by Rev. R. Malden, Mr. Joshua .. 1 0 0 Langford...... 2 0 0 Sheepshead— Malden, Mrs. Caleb.. 1 0 0 Harlow— Christian, Mr...... 1 0 0 Meen, Mra...... 0 10 0 Collected by S. B 1 1C 6 Ryland, Mr...... 0 10 0 Norfolk. Sums under 10«...... 0 11 0 Gloucestershire. Antingham— Cheltenham— Barchem, Mr. J 0 10 0 Berkshire, Bell, Dr...... 1 0 0 Buckslone— Gardiner, Mrs...... 10 0 0 Wallingford— Wright, J. Esq...... 1 0 0 Gammon, Mr. J 0 10 0 Tewkesbury Caddict, Thomas, Esq. 5 0 0 Earlham— Friends at...... 5 0 0 Friend...... 10 0 0 Cambridgeshire. Winterbotham, J. B. Faltcnham— Esq...... 5 0 0 Thompson, Rev. D 10 0 0 Cambridge— Naunton— Norwich— Adams, W. Esq...... 20 0 0 Friends at, by Rev. J. Allen, Miss...... 0 10 0 Ashton, W . G. Esq. .. 5 0 0 Acock...... 10 0 0 Bignold, Thomas, Esq. 25 0 n Bashan, Mr. W . P .... 1 0 0 Cozens, James, Esq... 2 2 0 Brimley, A. G. Esq... 5 0 0 Herefordshire. Cozens, John, E sq.... 10 0 0 Cooke, Mrs...... 5 0 0 Culley, John, Esq 5 0 0 Cribb, J. J. Esq 2 0 0 Ledbury— Culley, H. Esq 5 0 0 Ell is ton, W. Esq 5 0 0 J. D ...... 0 10 0 Culley, Mrs. It 1 0 o Foster, Richard, Esq... 10 0 0 Crane, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Foster, R. jun. Esq... 20 0 0 Hertfordshire. Davey, Mrs...... 5 0 0 Foster, Ebenezer, Esq. 30 0 0 Delf, William, Esq. .. 5 0 0 Foster, G. E. Esq 5 0 0 Harpenden— Delf, Mr. S...... 0 10 0 Foster, E. F. Esq 5 0 o Leonard, S. Esq 5 5 0 Darkins, Cannel, Esq. 5 0 0 Foster, Edmund, Esq. 5 0 0 Fletcher, Mr. Josiah .. 10 0 Tring— Friend, by Mr. Cozens 1 0 0 Foster, Eben. jun. Esq. 5 0 0 Elliott, M r ...:...... 2 0 0 Gooderson and Moll, Foster, H. S. Esq...... 5 0 0 Grover, i jr ...... 1 0 0 Ingle, J. Esq...... 1 0 0 Messrs...... 2 2 0 Lee, Mr. John...... 1 0 0 Harmer, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Nutter, James, Esq 10 0 0 Huntingdonshire. Macrow, Mr...... 1 0 0 Randall. E. Esq 2 2 0 Mackie, Mr...... 0 10 0 Smith, E. Esq...... 5 0 0 Blunt isham— Newbigin, Mr...... 1 0 0 Saunders, W . E sq .... 5 0 0 Asplan, Mr...... 2 o 0 Norton, H. Esq 2 0 0 Tapting, Mr. Joshua... 1 0 0 Ekins, Mr...... 1 0 0 Ringer, J. Esq...... 2 2 0 Feary, M r...... 2 0 0 Taylor, J. O. Esq 2 0 0 M elbourne— Feary, Mr. S...... I 0 0 Tellyard, Mr...... 0 10 0 Medway, Rev. J 5 0 0 Feary, Mrs."...... 0 10 0 Willet,E. Esq ...... 5 0 0 Isleham — Goodman, Mr...... 2 0 0 X . Y. Z ...... 9 0 0 Norton, Mr...... 10 0 0 Simmons, Rev. J. E :.. 0 10 0 Stuns under 10«...... 0 11 o 79

Stoke Mills— Leonard, Robert, Esq.. 5ft 0 0 Matherson, Mrs 0 10 o Colman,Messrs. J. & L. 10 0 0 PollaTd, W. Esq 1 1 0 Newsome, Mr. H 1 1 0 Sherring, R. B. Esq. ., 20 0 0 Newsome, Misses 1 0 0 Thetford— Sherring, Mrs...... 5 0 0 Newton, Mr. James. .. 1 1 0 F y son, Mr. C...... 1 0 0 Stephens, Mr. Isaac.... 5 0 0 Robinson, Mr...... 1 0 0 Thrixton— Robertson, John, E sq.. 20 0 0 Rowton, Rev. N 0 10 0 Taylor, i. Esq...... C 0 Wassell, Rev. D., and White, Mr...... 1 1 0 Friends...... 2 0 0 Whittem, Mr. D 2 0 0 Whitehorne, Jas. Esq. 5 0 0 Small sums...... 3 3 10 Northamptonshire. Whittuck, Charles, Esq. 5 0 0 Wilis, F. Esq...... 1 0 0 Stratford— Two-thirds of Bazaar, by Fisher, Mr...... 1 0 0 Ladies at Northampton 00 8 7 Frome— Biggs, Mr...... 1 0 0 Wiltshire. Nottinghamshire. Coombs, Mr...... 1 1 0 Cooper, Mr...... 1 0 0 Boddenham— Car Itan-le-Moreland— Cooper, Miss...... 1 1 ’ 0 Atwater, M iss...... 5 0 0 Friends at, by Rev. W . Cooper, Miss F ...... 1 1 0 Robinson...... 2 0 0 Davies, Mrs., coll. b y .. 0 12 0 Bradford— Collingham— Middleditch, Mrs 1 1 0 Cadby, M r...... 1 0 0 Gilbert, Miss...... 1 0 0 Porter, Mr...... 1 0 0 Cadby, Misses.., 1 0 0 Taylor, Mr 0 10 0 Friends (A. B.)...... 1 0 0 Dunsdon, Mr. 10 0 Woolley, Mr. T. 1 0 0 Friend (C. R .)...... 0 10 0 Edmonds, M r.... 1 0 0 Sums under 10s...... 1 0 0 Do. by do...... 0 10 0 Edmonds, Mr. E 1 0 0 Small sums...... 0 7 6 Friend...... 1 0 0 Newark— Head, Miss M. J 50 0 0 Bigsby, Dr...... 0 10 0 Pearce, Messrs... 2 0 0 Staffordshire. Ralph, Mrs . 0 10 0 Nottingham— Seymour, Rev. J 0 10 0 Pick, Mr...... 0 5 0 Burton-on-Trent— Slater, J. Esq___ 1 0 0 Fellow-traveller 0 10 0 Douglas, M r...... 2 0 0 Devizes— Swinetkorpe— Collett, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Suffolk. Anstie, Paul, Esq.... 20 0 0 Anstie, G. W. E sq .... 5 0 0 Bury — Anstie, Mr. & Mrs. B. 2 0 0 Oxfordshire. Sabine, J. Esq...... 1 0 0 Anstie, Mr. E ...... 1 0 0 Cartwright, W . R. Esq. 20 0 0 Oxford— Ipswich— Randell, E. Esq 1 0 0 Bartlett, T. Esq 5 0 0 Ridley, Mr. H. sen.... 2 0 0 Sloper, G. E. Esq 1 0 0 Goring, H. Esq...... 5 0 0 Tomkins, Dr...... 2 0 0 Shackleford, Mr. W ... 0 10 0 Warwickshire. Waylin, R. Esq 5 0 0 Small sums...... 0 2 6 Birmingham— Trowbridge— Anonymous, by Rev. Dr. Page, Mrs...... 30 0 0 Shropshire. Hoby, for School-room Stancomb, W . Esq. . . . 50 0 0 and Chapel iu Calcutta 1000 0 0 Stancomb.W.jun. Esq. 20 0 0 Bridgnorth— Jenkins, Mr. W 5 0 0 Stancomb, John, Esq .500 Coll. by Miss Sing 2 0 0 Fellow Traveller 1 0 0 Stancomb, Jos. E sq.. 20 0 0 Do. Miss Thompson... 113 ti Spires, Mr. and Mrs.. 2 0 0 Trapp, Mr...... 1 0 0 Worcestershire. Widow...... 1 0 0 Somersetshire. W ilcox, Mr...... 2 2 0 Worcester— Harwood, Mrs 1 0 0 Bath— Coventry— Rickett, Mr...... 5 0 O Hancock, Mr. E 5 0 0 Astley, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Small sums...... 1 1 0 Friend, by Mr. Newell 5 0 0 Booth, It. Esq...... 20 0 0 Yorkshire. Mansford, J. Ci. Esq.. 10 0 0 Butterwortli, Mrs 1 0 0 Smith, John, Esq 20 0 0 Cash, Mr. Joseph 2 0 0 Leeds— Dolbey, Mr. S ...... 0 10 0 “ Of thine own have I Bristol— Franklin, Rev. F 1 0 0 given thee” ...... 10 0 0 Ariel, Myles, Esq 5 0 o Franklin, Misses 5 0 0 Bonville, Mrs...... 3 0 0 Young Ladies at Semi­ Cary, S. Esq...... 5 0 0 nary of do...... 1 0 0 North Wales. Crisp, Rev. I'. S ...... 5 0 0 Franklin, Mr. G. B. .. 0 10 0 Wrexham— Hare, John, Esq 25 0 0 Friend to the Cause. ..100 Rawson, George, Esq. .500 Holland, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Friend...... 1 0 o Hughes, J. C. Esq ‘2 0 0 Juvenis...... 1 I 0 2128 (5 11 Leonard, Isaac, Esq... 20 0 0 Jerrard, Rev. J 1 0 0 GENERAL SUMMARY OF CONTRIBUTIONS

For the Year 1838-39.

£ s. d. £ s. d. ‘ CO LONDON AND ITS VICINITY : Lincolnshire . b- 15 10 Annual Subscriptions 307 0 6 Middlesex . . 11 6 0 Donations 775 13 7 Monmouthshire 227 19 6 Do. for Miscellaneous Ob- Norfolk . . 7 4 10 0 jects .... 1 9 4 17 6 Northamptonshire . 3 7 3 15 11 Anniversary Collections G53 11 10 Northumberland . 6 6 9 G Auxiliaries : Nottinghamshire . 105 1 8 Southern District . 3 6 0 17 7 Oxfordshire . 321 0 10 Central 02 7 1 Rutlandshire . 1 14 0 Western 315 6 1 Shropshire . . 151 8 11 Northern 179 14 5 Somersetshire 727 7 1 Eastern .... 65 19 4 Staffordshire . 18 10 0 Suffolk . 172 9 10 Bedfordshire . 434 8 6 Surrey . 16 10 0 Berkshire .... 132 0 3 Sussex . . . . 145 14 7 Buckinghamshire . 198 3 7 Warwickshire . . 477 2 9 Cambridgeshire . 2 2 4 5 6 Wiltshire 3 5 0 16 G Cheshire 5 0 0 Worcestershire . . 5 0 8 0 2 Cornwall .... 199 6 10 Yorkshire 2 Cumberland . 2 11 6 70 7 17 Derbyshire 62 9 11 W ales : Devonshire 114 3 2 North . 8 0 8 11 Dorsetshire 55 7 8 South 7 1 5 15 4 2 7 0 11 1 Essex .... S cotland . . 1075 0 3 Gloucestershire . 125 11 4 I reland 2 6 8 5 0 Hampshire 329 0 7 F oreign S ocieties . 2 6 6 10 0 Herefordshire {see Worces­ tershire Auxiliary.') Legacies 1107 4 4 Hertfordshire 377 12 11 Translations . 1162 7 8 Huntingdonshire 172 6 3 List for India 2 1 2 8 6 11 K en t...... 5 42 18 8 Lancashire 968 14 11 Total 18,757 13 10 Leicestershire . 156 17 2 81


Towards Liquidating the Debt owing l>y the Society,

APRIL 1, ]839.

Amicus...... 20 0 0 Jephson, H. F.sq. M.D., Leam 'ngton 21 0 0 Bailey, Mr. W ., Ipswich...... 2 0 0 Jones, M. (i. Esq...... 50 0 0 Beeby, W . T. Esq...... 50 0 0 Jovnson, Mr., St. Mary Cray...... 5 0 0 Bluntisham, Coll. at, by Rev. J. Burton . 13 16 7 J. 1»...... 10 0 O Burt, Rev. J. B., Beaulieu...... 5 0 0 Juli, Mr., Stuplchurst...... 1 0 0 Camberwell, Coll. at Denmark Place Cha­ Kingsford, Iler. J...... 2 0 0 pel, per Rev. E. Steane...... 27 8 4 Lacey, Mr. K., Ipswich...... 5 0 0 Cartwright, Mr. R...... 10 0 0 Laundy, Joseph, Esq...... 20 0 0 Church Street, Coll. at, by Rev. J. Dav.s . 15 10 9 “ Lest by any means I should hinder the Cotton, Mr. F...... 5 0 0 gospel of Christ” ...... 5 0 0 Cozens, William, Esq...... 10 0 0 Long, F. B. Esq...... 30 0 0 Col lings, Mr., Town Mailing...... 2 2 0 Lushington, Charles, Esq. M.P...... 5 0 0 Debtor to Mercy...... 30 0 0 Marlborough, Mr...... 5 0 0 Dyer, Rev. John...... 10 0 0 Member of the Committee...... 20 0 0 “ Ebenezer” ...... 5 0 0 “ Of thine own have 1 given thee "...... 6 0 0 Elliston, Mr. J., Ipswich...... 1 0 0 Olney, Mr. D., Tring...... 5 0 0 E. S...... 10 10 0 Paul, T. D. E?q, St. Ives...... 20 0 0 Evans, Mr. W . W ...... 10 0 0 Pollard, Mr. W., Ipswich...... 5 0 0 Friend at Cupar...... 1 0 0 Priestley, Mrs., Buckingham...... 25 0 0 Friend, by Mr. P ...... 21 0 0 Ridley, Mr. J. sen., Ipswich...... 1 0 0 Friend at Watford...... 20 0 0 Ridley, Mr. H. do...... 1 0 0 Friend, by J. P...... 10 0 0 Risdon, Benjamin, Esq...... 10 0 0 Greig, Mr., Cupar...... 1 0 c Robinson, C. B. Esq., Leicester...... 25 0 0 Gurney, W . B. Esq...... 250 0 0 S. C...... 20 0 0 Gurney, Joseph, Esq...... 100 0 0 Seaford, Ripht Hon. Lord...... 50 0 0 Gurney, Thomas, Esq...... 50 0 0 Smith, W . L. Esq...... 20 0 0 Gutteridge, Joseph, Esq...... 50 0 0 Stevenson, Mrs...... 10 0 0 Hadden ham, Coll. at, by Rev. J. Burton.. 3 0 0 St. Ives, Hunts., Coll. at, by Rev. J. Bur­ Harris, Rev. Joseph, Ceylon...... 10 0 0 ton ...... 15 14 10 Harrison, Mr., Hadtow...... 10 0 0 Thompson, Mr. R., Ipswich...... 5 0 0 Hawkins, Mr. T ...... 2 2 0 Thurston, J. M. Esq...... 1 0 0 Hearne and Veary, Messrs...... 6 0 0 Walkden and Son, Messrs...... 80 0 0 Hinton, Rev. J. H...... 5 0 0 Walworth, Coll. at Lion Street, per Rev. Holland, Right Hon. Lord.'...... 20 0 0 S. Green...... 10 0 0 Holland, R ev. J. K., St. Ives...... 0 10 0 Whitaker, Mr. P...... S « 0 Hogg, Rev. R., KimboUon...... 60 0 0 W. P. B...... 20 0 0 Jennings, Mr., Staplehurst...... 0 10 0 8 2

Efct of 1Lift dttfrfcrfterj*



By the Payment of Ten Pounds or upwards at one time.

alphabetically arranged.

IN THE FOLLOWING LIST , 1. Those Persons to whose names noplace of abode is attached reside in or near London. 2. The donations are inserted without specifying the particular object fo r which they were given. 3. The names of anonymous contributors, and of persons known to be deceased, are not inserted.

Abercrombie, Dr., Edinburgh 2] 0 Bliss, Thomas, Esq...... 40 0 0 Acland, Sir T. D., M.P...... 20 0 Blyth, Thomas, Esq., Lattgham...... 10 10 0 Acworth, Rev. J., A.M., Bradford 10 0 Bockett, John, Esq...... 10 0 0 Adkins, Mr., Middleton Cheney ... 10 0 Bolton, Mrs., Luton...... 10 0 0 Adams, Mr., Cambridge...... 30 0 Bolton, Mrs., Liverpool...... 15 0 0 Aked, Mr. T., Bradford...... 20 0 Booth, Mr. R., Coventry...... 10 0 0 Alexander, D., Esq ...... 10 10 Bosworth, Rev. W., Stafford...... 40 0 0 Allen, FraDcis, Esq., Frome 10 0 Bousfield, Messrs...... 40 0 0 Allen, Mr. Joseph H., Norwich 10 0 Bousfield, John, Esq...... 40 0 0 An gas, G. F., Esq...... 20 0 Boyce, Mr...... 20 0 0 Angas, Miss, Tavistock...... 10 0 Brighhvell, T., Esq., Norwich...... 15 0 0 Antil, Mr. B., Nailsworih...... 20 0 Brogden, J., Esq., Bradford.. 10 0 0 Ariel, Myles, Esq., Bristol. . 10 0 Broaden, Mr. T., Norwich 10 10 0 Armitage, Mr., Manchester 10 0 Brown, Messrs. and Son, Leeds.... ’ 20 0 0 Ash, Mrs. Eliz., Bristol...... 10 0 Bnrls, Messrs. W ., C., and J...... 15 0 0 Ash well, Samuel, Esq., M. D 10 0 Burk, Mrs...... 20 0 0 Ashvvin, Mr. James, Bourton 10 0 Burnett, J „ Esq., Kemitay...... 150 0 0 Aspinall, Mrs., Liverpool...... 10 0 Burt, Rev. J. B.. Beaulieu...... 10 0 0 Ayres, Mrs., Lynn...... 100 0 Buxton, T. F., Esq., M .P...... 50 0 0 Bacon, Mrs., Bradford...... 10 0 Cabell, Messrs. W., T., and S 10 0 0 Bailey, John, Esq...... 10 0 Cadby, Mr. S...... 10 0 0 Barfield, Mr. John...... 10 0 Caddick, T., Esq., Tewkesbury 100 0 0 Barbara, Et. Hon. Lord...... 10 0 Callender, W . R. Esq., Manchester 25 0 0 Baring, Sir T., Bart., M.P...... 20 0 Campbell, Rev. H., Salop...... 10 10 0 Baring, F. T., Esq., M .P ...... 10 10 Campbell, Rev. H., Nailsworth..... 10 10 0 Barrett, E. M., Esq ...... 160 0 Carey, Rev. Eustace...... 310 0 0 Bartlett, Mr. W . P...... 140 0 Carnegie, Miss E., Edinburgh. 10 10 0 Bartlett, Nicholas, Esq...... 50 0 Cartwright, Mr. R ...... 10 0 0 Batten, Mr., Plymouth...... 10 0 Carpenter, Mr. W ...... 21 0 0 Baylis, Mr. J...... 200 0 Caslon and Catberwood, Messrs.... 10 0 0 Beasly, Mrs...... 10 0 Cason, Mr. W ., Eye...... 10 0 0 Beddome, R. B-, Esq...... SO 10 Cave, S., Esq., Bristol...... 60 0 0 Beddome, Mr. W ...... 10 0 Chafiev, John, Esq...... 10 0 0 Beeby, W. T., Esq...... 30 0 Chandler, Mr. John...... 10 0 0 Bell, John, Esq...... * 10 0 Charles, Robert, Esq...... 10 10 0 Benham, Mr. John...... 35 0 Cheney, Miss C., Braunston 20 ü 0 Berkley, Mr. R., Leicester. 10 0 Christy, Messrs. W. M., J., and Co. 10 0 0 Bevan, Charles, Esq...... 10 10 Churchill, Mr. R., Sheepshead. 20 0 0 Bexley, Right Hon. Lord...... 71 10 Claris, Mr. J...... 10 10 0 Bickersteth, Rev. Edward, A.M.... 10 10 Clark and Collins, Messrs...... 10 0 0 Bickham, Thomas, Esq ...... 200 0 Clarke, Rev. R., Oswestry 10 0 0 Bignold, Thomas, Esq., Norwich... 160 10 Clarke, Rev. E., Truro...... 20 0 0 Biackbam. Mr. G., Manchester.... 20 0 Clapham, John, Esq., Leeds 10 0 0 Blackett, John, Esq...... 10 10 Clayton, S. W ., Esq...... 110 10 0 Blackmore, Mr. W ...... 10 0 Cobb, F. W ., Esq., Margate 10 0 0 Blakeley, Mr. J. R , Norwich 10 10 Collingwood, S., Esq., Oxford. 51 0 0 83

S. a. d. £ . s. Collins, W ., Esq...... 40 0 0 Finlay, K ., Esq., Glasgow...... 10 10 Colman, Mr. Jeremiah, Norwich.... 10 0 0 Flanders, W ., Esq...... 10 10 Colls, Mr. S. H...... 50 0 0 Fleming, R., Esq...... 20 0 Colyer, Mr. W . H., Footscray 10 10 0 Fletcher, Joseph, Esq...... 200 0 Comfort, Mr. R., Sevennaks 10 10 0 Fletcher, Samuel, Esq., Manchester 25 0 Cooper, E., Esq., Dereham 10 10 0 Pludyer, Miss...... 10 0 Cooper, Mr. R., Bourton...... 10 10 0 Foote, Miss, Bristol...... 10 0 Cooper, Miss...... 10 0 0 Fordham, J. E., Esq...... 10 0 Cooke, 1., Esq., Bristol...... 60 10 0 Foster, John, Esq., Biggleswade... 383 0 Corrie,Adam, Esq.,Wellingborough. 50 0 0 Foster, Mrs., Do...... 20 0 Cort, Mr. James, Leicester...... 41 10 0 Foster, R „ Esq., Cambridje 30 0 Cottle, Robert, Esq...... 10 0 0 Foster, R., jnn., Esq., Do...... 75 0 Courtney, H., Esq., Dublin 10 0 0 Foster, Ebenezer, Esq.J)o...... 130 0 Coward, John, Esq., Liverpool. 25 0 0 Foulks, Arthur, Esq., Bristol. 30 0 Cowell, Mr. John...... 30 10 0 Freeman, Mrs...... 20 0 Cox, Mrs., Ovem...... 10 10 0 Freeman, Messrs. W . and J 20 0 Cox, Rev. F. A., D.D.,LL.D 10 0 0 Fripp, James, Esq., Bristol. 10 0 Cozens, Mr. James, Norwich 20 0 0 Frearson, Mr. J., Nottingham .... 40 0 Cozens, Mr. John, Do...... 40 0 0 Fry and Steel, Messrs...... 52 10 Cozens, Mr. William...... 30 0 0 Gardiner, S., Esq., Coomb9 Lodge. 30 0 Cramp, Rev. T., St. Peter’s 10 10 0 Gee, Mrs. Mary, Hull...... 10 10 Crewdson, Isaac, Esq.,Manchester 10 0 0 George, C., Esq., Bristol...... 10 0 Cropper, James, Esq., Liverpool... 100 0 0 Giles, Rev. W., Eccles...... 10 0 Cropper, John, Esq., Do. ... 100 0 0 Giles, Samuel, Esq., Manchester... 25 0 Cnlley, Mr. J., Norwich 30 0 0 Giles, Edward, Esq...... 50 0 Culley, Mr. J.,jun., Norwich 20 0 0 Giles, Mrs...... 50 0 Culley.Mr. H., Do...... 10 0 0 Gilliat, John, Esq...... 10 0 Cnlley, Mr. S., Do...... 25 0 0 Gillespie, W ., Esq., Glasgow 10 10 Cuninghame, YV., Esq., Lainshaw. 31 0 0 Gillman, William, E sq...... 65 10 Curling, Mr...... 21 0 0 Gillman, Mrs ...... 10 0 Dalton, John, Esq...... 10 10 0 Goffe, Miss S., Hooknorton...... 21 0 Danford, John, Esq...... 10 0 0 Gooderson, Mr., Norwich...... 10 0 Davey, Mrs., Norwich...... 20 0 0 Goodman, B., Esq., Leeds...... 60 10 Davey, Miss, Do...... 10 0 0 Gordon, Alexander, Esq...... 135 10 Davies, Rev. J. Jordan...... 10 0 0 Goring, H., Esq., Oxford...... 120 0 Davies, Miss...... 10 10 0 Gorst, James, Esq...... 138 0 Davis, Hart, Esq., Bristol...... 10 10 0 Goss, Miss, Modbury...... 40 0 Davison, Rev. Dr., Edinburgh 10 0 0 Gotch, J. C., Esq., Kettering 71 10 Day, G. G. Esq., St. Ives...... 10 0 0 Gould, N., Esq., Salford...... 30 0 Deacon, John, Esq...... 231 10 0 Gould, Mr. G., Lovghton...... 10 0 Dermer, Miss...... 50 10 0 Goaldsmith, Mrs...... 61 0 Deuchar, Robert, Esq., Edinburgh 10 0 0 Gray, Mr. William...... 10 0 Dicey, T. E., Esq., Claybrook Hall 20 0 0 Gray, R., Esq., Edinburgh 10 10 Digby, Mrs., Edinburgh...... 10 0 0 Green, P., Esq...... 10 0 Douglas, John, Esq., Cavers 20 0 0 Green, Thomas, Esq., Birmingham 50 0 Drummond, H., Esq...... 30 0 0 Greenwood, J., Esq., Oxenhope.... 43 10 Dudden, Mr. John...... 30 0 0 Grey, Hon. Lady, Portsea...... 10 0 Dunn, Mr. John...... 10 0 0 Gribble, Thos., jun., Esq...... 10 10 Dunn, Mr. W ...... 10 0 0 Guinness, Arthur, Esq., Dublin.... 45 0 Dyer, Rev. John...... 30 0 0 Gurney, Hon. Sir John...... 160 10 Easthope, John, Esq., ...... 10 0 0 Gurney, Joseph, Esq., Norvcich.... 50 0 Edminson, Rev. R ...... 10 0 0 j Gurney, J. J., Esq;,Do 60 10 Edwaids, Rev. John...... 10 0 0 Gurney, John, Esq.,Do 10 0 Edwards, Rev. J., Nottingham.... 10 0 0 Gurney.R.H., Esq.,M.P.,Z?o 124 10 Edwards, T., Esq, Caerleon 10 0 0 Gurney, W . B., Esq...... 1787 *0 Edwards, Mrs...... 10 10 0 !! Gurnev, Joseph, Esq...... 726 0 Edwards, Edward, Esq...... 10 10 0 || Gurney, Thomas, Esq...... 245 0 Ellis,T., Esq., Sandhurst.,...., 21 1 0 .0 I; Gurnev, Samuel, Esq...... 10 0 Ellis, Mrs...v>...... 10 10 0 j Gutteridge, Joseph, Esq...... 410 0 Ellis, Peter, Esq...... 21 0 0 j Gutteridge, Miss...... 20 0 Erskine, T „ Esq., Dundee...... 20 10 0 ! Hadfield, George, Esq., Manchester 110 0 Evans, H ev.J.H .,A .M ...... 10 0 0 | Haldane, R., Esq., Edinburgh 600 0 Evans, W ., Esq., M.P., Derby.... 20 0 0 ! Haldane, J. A., Esq., Do...... 54 0 Everett, Rev. J. D., Ipswich 10 0 0 ! Hale, William, Esq...... 10 0 Farmer, Thomas, Esq...... 10 0 0 Hall, Mrs., Cheltenham...... 160 0 Favell, Mrs...... 10 0 0 I Hammond, Mr., Bonham...... 10 0 Fell, John, Esq., Ulverstonc 10 0 0 ! Hanbury, —., Esq...... 10 0 Penn, M r Sudbury...... 10 0 0 ; Hancock, Mr. J., Bath ...... 10 0 terrier and Co.. Dublin...... 31 7 6 Hankev, W. A., Esq...... 186 JO , £ . *. d. £. s. d. Hänson, Joseph, E sq.,...... 115 0 0 Leese, Miss Ann, Do...... 10 0 0 Harford, J. S., Esq., Bristol. 30 0 0 Leese, Miss Eliza, Do 10 0 0 Hardcastle, A ., Esq...... 10 10 0 Leese, Miss Maria, Do 10 0 0 Haiyreaves, Rev. J...... 10 10 0 Lefevre, J. G. S., Esq...... 10 10 0 Harris, C., Esq., Bracffbrd. 10 0 0 Leigh, Mr. T., Earith...... 20 0 0 Harrison, Mr., Hadloiv...... 20 0 0 Legg, Mr., Bristol...... 10 10 0 Hartland, J. A., Esq., Tewkesbury. 10 0 0 Leonard, Robert, Esq., Bristol.... 30 0 0 Hartley, T., Esq , Roscrow 10 10 0 Lepard, Mr. B., Birmingham. 10 0 0 Harvey and Napier, Messrs 10 10 0 Liagould, Miss...... 21 0 0 Haynes, R., Esq., Westbury 20 0 0 Lindeman, Mr...... 10 0 Ü Hawkins, Mr., Norwich...... 10 0 0 Lister, Mr. James, jun., Liverpool. 10 0 0 Hayes, P. L., Esq...... 21 0 0 Little. Benjamin, j^sa., Bristol. 20 0 0 Haydon, Messrs., Guildford. 15 0 0 Lloyd, Mr. W. F...... 10 10 0 Heard, John. Esq., Nottingham.... 70 0 0 Lomax, Mr. J., Nottingham 95 0 0 Heame and Veary, Messis...... 20 5 0 Loraine, Mr., Edinburgh...... 10 0 0 Heath, Messrs. J. and E ...... 15 0 0 Lorimer, Mrs., Do...... 10 0 0 Heatb,Mr. Job ...... 10 0 0 Lowe, Mr. J., Birmingham 10 0 0 Hemming, J., Esq...... 10 0 0 Lowe, George, Esq...... 10 0 0 Henley, Rt. Hon. Lord...... 20 0 0 Ludlow, Mr. R. S., Bristol. 10 10 0 Heyworth, L., Esq., Liverpool. 10 0 0 Lum, Mrs., Bolton...... 90 0 0 Hinton, Rev. James, Oxford. 10 0 0 Lunell, Mr., Bristol...... 31 0 0 Hinton, Mr. I. T...... 10 10 0 Lushington, Dr. M .P...... 10 10 0 Hinton, Rev. J. H., A .M ...... 10 0 0 Mackenzie, Mr., Birmingham 10 0 0 Hird, Miss A.JäverpooL ...... 10 10 0 Macleod, Mrs...... 10 0 0 Hoby, Rev. James. D.D...... 70 10 0 Manfield, W ., Esq...... 170 10 0 Hoby, George,Esq...... 20 0 0 Manley, J. H. Ksq., Cork...... 10 0 0 Hogg, Rev. R.,Kitnbolton...... 120 0 0 Marlborough, Mr...... 20 0 0 Horan, W . C., Esq., Dublin 10 0 0 Marsh, Rev. W., A.M., Colchester 10 10 0 Holland, Mrs., Bristol...... 60 0 0 Marten, H. H., Esq...... 10 0 0 Hollingsworth, S. N., Esq...... 10 0 0 Martin, John, Esq., M.P...... 10 0 0 Hope, William, Esq., Liverpool.... 20 0 0 Marton, Mr., Clulton...... 10 0 0 Howard, Mrs., Tottenham...... 20 0 0 Masters, Mrs...... 40 0 0 Hughes, Mr...... 10 0 0 Matthews, Miss, Bristol...... 10 0 0 Hnll, Mr. S., Uxbridge...... 20 0 0 M‘Dowell, Lieut. Gen., Stranraer. 10 10 0 Hall, Mr. J., Do...... 10 10 0 M'Niel, Mr. P., Crieff...... 10 0 0 Halme, Rev. George...... 10 10 0 Medley, Mr. W., Liverpool 10 0 0 Hont, Henry, Esq.. Bristol...... 10 0 0 Meyer, G., Esq...... 51 0 0 lnglis, Sir R. H., M. P...... 41 10 0 Miall, Mrs., Devonport...... 10 0 0 Jackson, Mr. S...... 10 0 0 Middlemore, Mr. YV., Birmingham 10 0 0 James, Rev. J. A., Birmingham.... 10 0 0 Middlemore, Mr. J., Do. 10 0 0 Jeffs, Mr., Diss...... 10 0 0 Middleton, A.. Esq., Bannockburn. 10 0 0 Jenkins, E., Esq., Pontnewydd...,. 20 0 0 Millard, Mr. P ...... 20 10 0 Jenkins, S., Esq., Do...... 20 V 0 Millar, Mr. A., Edinburgh...... 21 0 0 Johnson, Mr. O., Birmingham 60 10 0 Mills, Samuel, Esq...... 25 0 0 Johnson, Messrs. & Son, Liverpool. 10 10 0 Milligan, Mr., Hinkley...... 10 10 0 Jones, M. G., Esq...... 82 0 0 Moncrieff, W . S., Esq., Edinburgh 130 0 0 Jones, John, fLsq.JAverpool. 35 0 0 Moncrieff, R. S., Esq ...... 90 0 0 Jones, Josiah, Esq., Liverpool. 20 0 0 Morgan, Rev. Thos., Birmingham. 10 0 0 Jones, Thomas, Esq., SouthCerney 10 0 0 Morten, Mr. W „Amersham 10 0 0 Keck, T. A ., Esq., Leeds...... 10 0 0 March, Rev. W . H., D.D...... 30 0 0 Kelly, Rev. Mr., Dublin...... 21 0 0 Murgatroyd, Mr. W ...... 10 0 0 Kelsall, Henry, Esq., Rochdale..., 415 0 0 Murray, Mr. D.f Lapford...... 10 0 0 Keisall, Mrs., Do...... 60 0 0 Nash, W . W ., Esq., Royston 30 10 0 Kelsall,Mr. H.,jun.,2>o...... 15 0 0 Nicholson, Mr. J., Leeds...... 10 0 0 Kelsall, Miss, Do...... 15 0 0 Noel, Hon. and Rev. G ...... 10 0 0 Kelsall, Mis* E., Do...... 15 fl 0 O'Brien, Lady, Dublin...... 20 0 0 Kemble, Henry, E«q, M. P 40 10 0 Oddv, Rev. Miles, Haworth 10 0 0 Kemble, Edward, Esq...... 30 10 0 Oldfield, T. B., Esq...... 10 10 0 Kennard, J., Esq...... 10 0 0 Oliver, Thomas. M. P.. Bath... 10 0 0 Kennerly, J.Esq.. Whitchurch 20 0 0 Oswald, Miss, Snotstown 7% 10 0 0 K ent, H.R.H., Duchess of. 10 0 0 Owen, Sir John, BL, M.P...... 10 0 0 Kershaw, Mr., Manchester...... 25 0 0 Page, Mrs., Trowbridge...... 10 0 0 Kingsford, Mr. Alfred, Dover 10 0 0 Parken, W ., Esq...... 10 10 0 Kiton, George, Es<]...... 110 0 0 Passmore, Mr. J., Bath...... 10 0 0 Lang, Mr. John, Liverpool. 10 10 0 Patterson, John, Esq., Glasgow. . . . 30 0 0 Leese, Joseph, Esq.; Manchester... 255 0 0 Patterson, Mrs., D o ...... 10 10 0 Leese, Mrs., Do 70 0 0 Patterson, Samuel, Esq., Dalkeith. 25 0 0 Leese, Mr. Joseph, jun.. Do 10 0 0 Paul, T. D.,Esq., St. Ives...... 65 ° 0 Leese, Miss, Do...... 10 0 0 Paxton, Mr., Berwick...... 120 0 0 85

£ . s. d. £. s. d. Peek, Richard. Esq...«...... 30 0 0 Sing, Messrs., Bridgnorth...... 30 0 0 Penny, John, Esq...... 165 0 0 Sinnock, Mr. R., Battle...... 20 1 0 Penfold, W ., Esq., Brighton 10 10 0 Skinner, Mrs., Bristol...... 10 0 0 Pewtress, Messrs. and Co...... 20 0 0 Sloper, Rev. N. E ...... 20 0 0 Pewtress, Mr. John...... 20 0 0 Smith, Mrs., Bristol...... 10 0 0 Pewtress, Mr. T ...... 30 0 0 Smith, Messrs. T. J. and S...... 10 0 0 Phillips, J. Esq., Llangloffan 20 0 0 Smith, Mr. YY . L...... 120 0 0 Phillips, John L., Esq., Meiksham 10 0 0 Smith, Mr., Crayford...... 10 0 0 Phillips, T. M., Esq., Garrington.. 30 0 0 Smith, Mr...... 10 0 0 Phillips, Mr., Leicester...... 10 0 0 Smith, Miss M. W ., Clapham. 10 0 0 Pirie, John, Esq...... 20 0 0 Smith, Miss, Olney...... 40 0 0 Pitta in, Mr., Buckingham...... 10 10 0 Smith, Mr. Edward...... 70 0 0 Ponton, R., Esq., Edinburgh 10 0 0 Smith, James. Esq., Watford. 50 0 0 Pope, H., Esq., Manchester 10 0 0 Smith, Mr., Manchester...... 10 0 0 Pope, Samuel, Esq., Manchester... 15 0 0 Smith, John, Esq., Bath...... 10 0 0 Powell, Col., M. P., Abirystwyth 15 0 0 Southampton, Lady...... 10 0 0 Poynder, John, Esq...... 10 0 0 Sperling, H. P., Esq., Henley 20 0 0 Prance, R., Esq...... 10 0 0 Spragg, Mr...... 50 0 0 Prance, YV., Esq., Plymouth 10 0 0 Sprot, Mrs., Edinburgh...... 10 0 0 Prentice, T., Esq., Stowmurket 10 0 0 Stancomb, Mr. J., Irowbridge 30 10 0 Price, Rev. Thomas, D.D...... 10 0 0 Stancomb, Mr. YV., Do...... 60 10 0 Procter, Joseph, Esq...... 10 0 0 Steane, Hev. Edward...... 10 0 0 Protheroe, J., Esq., Bristol. 105 0 0 Steven, Mrs. S...... 10 0 0 Protheroe, P., Esq., Do...... 41 0 0 Stephenson, Mrs...... 20 0 0 Pryce, Pryce, Esq., M.P.,Cardigan 10 0 0 Stevenson, George, Esq., Taunton. 10 0 0 Randoll, Thos. Esq...... 105 0 0 Stone, YV., Esq...... 10 0 O Pnget, YV. H., Esq., Brighton 10 0 0 Stovel, Rev. Charles...... 10 0 0 Radford, Mr., Leeds...... 50 0 0 Strutt, Edward, Esq., M.P., Derby 10 0 0 Ransford, T., Esq., Bristol. 40 0 0 Sturge, Mr. T...... 10 0 0 Rawlings, Mr- D., Chippenham 10 0 0 Swinburn, Mrs., Derby...... 60 0 0 Rawson, G., Esq.,Leeds...... 31 0 0 Tall, Rev. J., Swavesey...... 10 0 0 Reade, T. S. 13., Esq., Do...... 20 0 0 Taylor, James, Esq...... 20 0 0 Rees, YV., Esq., Haverfordwest..,. 162 10 0 Taylor, John, Esq...... 10 10 0 Reynolds, Joseph, Esq., Bristol.... 10 0 0 Thomas, Messrs. G .E . & S., Bristol 30 0 0 Ridley, Mr. Samuel...... 10 0 0 Thomas, Mr. Thomas...... 10 0 0 Rice, Mr., Northampton...... 10 10 0 Thompson, J., Esq...... 21 0 0 Rippon, Mrs...... 10 0 0 Thompson, Henry, Esq...... 10 10 0 Risaon, B., Esq., Burlingham 130 10 0 Thompson, Mr. T., Cheadle 70 0 0 Robarts, N., Esq., Barnet...... 171 10 0 Thompson, T., Esq...... 10 10 0 Robertson, John, Esq., Bristol 60 0 0 Theobald, Mr. T., Norunch 23 0 0 Robson, Mr., Berwick...... 30 0 0 Thorburn, YYr., Esq., Leith...... 10 0 0 Rogers, Mr...... 10 0 0 Tillyard, Mr. Robert, Norwich 10 0 0 Room,Messrs.W.&i F.,Birmingham 70 0 0 Todd, J., Esq., Dundee...... 10 0 0 Rouse, YV., Esq., Torquay...... 10 0 0 Toller, Mr. Jos., Gt. Wilbraham.. 10 0 0 Rushton, Mr. YV., Liverpool. 30 0 0 Tomkins, .Tohti, Esq., Abingdon 10 0 0 Rushton, Joseph, Esq., Manchester 15 0 0 Tomkitis, Miss...... 10 0 0 Russell, Rev. Joshua, Meiksham..., 66 0 0 Tosswill, Mr. C .S ...... 10 0 0 Sabine, Mr. John, Bury...... 10 0 0 Tracy, C. H.. Esq., M.P...... 10 0 0 Salter, S. Esq., Watford...... 300 0 0 ! Trevelyan, YV. B., Esq., Leeds 20 0 0 Salter, S., Esq., Trowbridge 20 10 0 Trotter, Mr. G., Coleford...... 10 0 0 Salter, Mrs., Do...... 10 0 0 Trueman, Joseph, Esq...... 110 0 0 Salter, Mr., jun...... 59 0 0 Trueman, Joseph, jgn., Esq 35 0 0 Saunders, Mr. A ...... 20 10 0 Trueman, Mis...... 10 0 Ü Saunders, Robert, Esq...... 10 0 0 Try, John, Esq ...... 10 0 0 Saunders, Mr. James, Annan 41 0 0 Tnrnley, Francis, Esq., Belfast .... 20 0 0 Savage, Rev. J., Stourbridge 10 0 0 Yrickers, Mr., Nottingham...... 20 0 0 Scri vens, George, Esq...... 10 10 0 Vines, Mr. Joshua...... 10 0 0 Sevier, James, Esq...... 20 0 0 Vines, the Misses...... 10 0 0 Sharp, Mr. A., Leeds...... 10 O ' 0 Yroysey, Annesley, Esq...... 10 0 0 Sharp, Mr. YV., Do ..... 10 0 0 Ware, Miss...... 21 0 0 Sharp, Mr. J ...... ll) 0 0 YVare, John, Esq...... 10 0 0 Sheppard, John, Esq., Prome 95 0 0 YVare, Martin, Esq...... 10 0 0 Sherring,Messrs. J. &. R., Bristol... 20 0 0 Wallis, John, Esq...... 10 0 0 Sheweli, J., Esq...... 10 0 0 Walkden, Mr. John...... 30 10 o Shipman, T., Esq...... 10 10 0 Waldren, Mrs., Oadby...... 20 0 U Shaw, Beniamin, Esq...... 155 0 0 YValker, Miss, Dairy...... 10 0 0 Sibthorp, ftev.R. YV...... 10 0 0 Waller, Mr. Edmund, Luton 10 10 0 Simpson, Robt., Esq...... 10 10 0 Walter, John, Esq., M.P...... 10 0 0 Siücluir, D., Esq., Glen'.oclta, Killen 20 0 0 YY'ard, Mr. B., Stundground 31 0 0 Ward, Mr., Grendon...... 30 O O Wilson, Mrs. Broadley...... 251 10 WarmiDgton, Mr. Joseph...... 10 0 0 Wilson, Joseph, Esq...... 20 © Warner, Mr. T., Leicester...... 10 0 0 Wilson, Mrs., Nottingham...... 20 0 Watson, Messrs...... 20 0 0 Wilson, Miss, Do...... 40 0 Waymouth, Henry, Esq...... 100 0 0 Windsor, Hon. T ...... 10 10 Wells & Co., Messrs., Chelmsford 10 0 0 Winterbotham.Messrs.R.L. and L. 10 0 White, Joseph, Esq., Manchester. . 15 0 0 Winterbotham.L.,Esq.,Tewkesbury 20 0 White, J. B., Esq...... 10 10 0 Withnall, Mr., Manchester...... 10 0 Whippie, Mr. S., Bristol...... 10 0 0 Wontner, Joseph, Esq...... 10 10 Whitchorch, Messrs. S. and W 10 0 0 Wontner, Thomas, jun., Esq 67 10 "Whitchurch, S., Esq., Downton 10 10 0 Wood, John, Esq...... 10 0 Wilcox, Thomas, Esq...... 150 0 0 V\ right, John S., Esq., Nottingham 21 0 Wildman, Miss, Clifton...... 10 0 0 Wripht, Mr. J. J., Bristol...... 10 0 Wilkin, Mr. S., Norwich...... 100 0 0 Wylie, Miss, Broadway...... 20 0 Wilks, John, Esq...... 21 0 0 Wylde, John, Esq., Leeds...... 20 10 Wills, Miss...... 20 0 0 Wyatt, H., Esq., Stroud...... 70 0 Williams, Mr. by Dr. R...... 10 0 0 Wyatt, Peter, Esq...... 10 10 Williams, Thomas, Esq...,...... 180 0 0 Yates, Rer. \V., Stroud...... 10 0 87


N.B. The sum slated is thal actually received by the Society.

1795 1815 Trinder, Mr., Northampton 400 0 0 Dares, Mr., London...... 27 0 0 Donne, Rev. J., Trologod...... 90 0 0 1803 Goff, Mr. E., London...... 100 0 0 47 0 0 Renard, J.,Esq., Hull...... 20 0 0 i 88 14 3 \\ allis, Mrs. B., Kettering...... 3S5 0 0

1805 1816 Etheridge, Mr., London..,, 94 0 0 Pasco, Mrs., Frame...... 200 0 Turland, Miss, Buqbrook...... 30 0 0 1806 Ward, Mr. J., Liverpool...... 19 19 0 j Wigg, Mr. E., Norwich...... 10 0 0 35 5 7 Wrights, Mrs...... 41 10 0 Duuglas, Misa S. 73 11 0 1817 1808 1 Adams, Mr., Napton...... 41 0 0 Ludlow, Dr., Bristol...... 100 0 0 i Robertson, W., Esq., May bole...... 44 18 0 1 Fuller, Rev. Andrew, Kettering.... 27 0 0 45 0 0 Green, Miss Lydia, Bath...... 20 0 0 Thrupp, Mr. J., London...... 45 0 0 1809 89 13 4 1818 260 0 0 Gleanes, Mr. J., Stockport...... 266 9 0 21 0 0 Hall, Mrs., Arnsby...... 40 0 0 269 10 0 Law, Mr., Birmingham...... ¿0 0 0 Lind, Mr. J., Dewsbury...... 10 0 0 1810 Morgan, Rev. B., Bridgwater 10 0 0 45 0 0 Urrv, Mr. J., London...... 10 0 0 Coles, Rev. W ., Kettering...... 10 0 0 Greenwood, Mrs. Ann, York... 200 0 0 1813 450 0 0 Hill, Miss P upertia, London 100 0 0 Maddocks, Mrs., Nantwich 180 0 0 1811 Phillips, Rev. W., Leicestershire. 20 0 0 90 0 0 Walmsley, W ., Esq., London 180 0 0 47 4 0 Williams, Mrs., Hitihin...... 45 0 0 Hankinson, John, Esq., London.... 90 0 0 45 0 0 1820 1812 Anonymous, London...... 100 0 0 90 0 0 Manns, Airs., Do...... 5 0 0 White, Miss, Do...... 10 0 0 90 0 .0 Williams, Mrs., Bristol...... 18 0 0 1813 ^'«ugias, iura. ö. J urtstoi 31 7 9 1821 King, Mrs., Do... 19 19 0 Auld, Mr. J., Dairy...... 5 0 Holmes, J., Esq., Stanbury. 90 0 0 Dawson, Mrs. V., Dublin...... 13 17 Fletcher, Miss, liessets Green 5 0 1814 Palmer, Miss Ann, Hackney 203 5 100 0 0 Rogers, Mr. W ., ttraby...... 45 0 Mnuter, Mrs. Ann, Sunderland.... 45 0 0 Smith, J. J., Esq., Watford. 90 0 "«»i, Mies Mary, Thame...... 10 0 0 Young, Mrs., Edinburgh...... 25 0 88

£ . d. 1822 Cox, Mr. Henry, Waddeudon 45 0 0 £ . s. d. Fletcher, H.. £sq., Shadwell...... 317 4 7 Davis, Mrs. Lacy, London...... 5 0 0 Gregory, Mr. Richard, Edmonton. 30 7 0 Elston, Mr. John, Do...... 210 0 0 Lister, D., Esq., Hackney...... 100 0 0 Morrison, Mr. J., St. Ninians 5 0 0 North, Rev. G. R., Ware...... 37 0 0 Puplatt, Mr. M ., Ramsgate 40 0 0 Ostle, Mrs. Mary, North Shields.. 19 19 0 Roper, P., Esq., Heme Hill. 225 0 0 Pauli, Miss Jane, Braunston 90 0 0 Salter, W., Esq., Norwood. 270 0 0 Sadler, Mrs. Frances, Wallingford 100 0 0 Sawkins, Mrs. M., London 10 0 0 Tomkins, Mrs. R., London 233 9 C Thornton, Mrs. M., Hull...... 71 13 4 Wilson, Matthew, Esq., Kettering. 100 0 0 Tomkins. Mrs. R., London 524 9 7 1829 1823 Bryson, Her. Thomas, London 20 0 0 Aspinall, W., Esq., Liverpool 90 0 0 Cattel, Mrs. Elspet, Elgin...... 5 0 0 Gaviller, George,Esq., Clapton.... 45 0 0 Cockbum, Mr. T., Edinburgh 266 8 9 Green, Mrs. Sarah, Bath...... 20 19 8 Erskine, Miss. H., Do...... 92 6 2 Page, Mrs. E., Bristol...... 19 19 0 Etheridge, Mr., Hackney...... 101 14 0 Price, Mrs. S., Hammersmith 88 10 0 Mann, Mr. Thomas, London 71 6 0 Price, Mrs., Neuark...... 20 0 0 Oldham, James O., Esq., Do 401 5 0 Trigg, John, Esq., Melbourn Bury 90 0 0 1830 Woolston, Mr. John, Banbury 37 16 0 Amphlett, Mrs. Ann, Evesham 10 0 0 Fell, Mrs. Jane, London...... 20 0 0 1824 Page, John, Esq., Kennington 90 0 0 Perkins, Mr. W ., Little Claybrook 24 7 0 Bult, Mr. John, London...... 90 0 0 Shenston, Mrs. Sat ah, Atterbury... 45 0 0 Sharp, Mrs. Jane, Mary port 8 17 2 Thackrey, M., Esq., Leeds 45 0 0 Sutcliffe, Mr. D., Hebdenbridge... 257 17 0 Tomkins, Mr. Redbnrn, Clapton... 48 0 0 Wallis, Mrs. B., Kettering 35 0 0 Wilson, Mrs. E., Denmark Hill... 50 0 0 18-25 1831 Bennett, Mr.William, Birmingham 90 0 0 Benidge, Mr. T., Northampton. ... 643 5 5 Christian, Mr. W ., Cauntessthorpe 17 10 0 Calwell, Mrs., Bath...... 1000 0 0 Crawford, C., Esq., Richmond. 280 10 0 Child, Miss, London...... 45 0 0 Deakin, Mr. John, Birmingham.... 720 0 0 Clift, Mrs. VV., Westbury Leigh... 5 0 0 Marsh, Mr. Thomas, Salisbury 45 0 0 Colman, Mr. J. M., Norwich 161 4 6 M'Donnell, Mrs., Lymington 90 0 0 Cooper, Mrs. A. M ., Dublin 18 5 5 Middjefon, Miss Sarah, IslingUm.. 10 0 0 Creighton, Mr. W.. Kilwinning..... 50 0 0 Pickering, Mrs., Bristol...... 45 0 0 Cuninghame, Mrs., Kilmarnock.... 43 15 11 Stuart, Mrs. and Miss M- Parlane, Harris, Mr. Robert, Trou&ridge... 180 0 0 Edinburgh...... 369 12 4 Harris, Mr. J. M., Do...... 180 0 0 Westley, Mr. Robert, London 50 0 0 Hayes, Mrs., London...... 58 14 0 Moore, Mr. R., Alcombe...... 45 0 6 Palmer. Rev. John, Shrewsbury... 9 9 6 1832 Smith, Rev. W ., Do 101 11 0 Abberley, Mrs. Lucy, Stepney 45 0 0 Betterton, Miss, Chipping Norton. 120 4 4 1826 Corp, Mrs. Elizabeth, Crockerton.. 15 0 0 Arnold, Rev. T., Reading...... 25 0 0 Deakin, Mr. John, Birmingham, 300 0 0 Follett, Rev. T., Tiverton...... 15 0 0 Johnson, Mr. James, Norwich 5 0 0 Poole, Mr., Bristol...... 45 0 0 King, Mr. Thomas, Birmingham. 45 0 0 Marshall, Mr. John, London 22 10 0 Robinson, Miss Dorothy, Bridekirk 133 11 0 1827 Rusoell, Miss S. G., Kennington... 89 15 0 Bonville, Thomas, Esq., Bristol... 45 0 0 Broadlev, Samnel, Esq., Bradford. 900 0 0 1833 Coade, Mrs. Eleanor, Camberwell. 261 12 0 Howlett, Rev. Mr., Long Crendon. 142 0 0 Beldam, Mr. io\\a,Royttton 18 0 M ottershaw,Thomas,Esq. .Stafford. 89 0 0 Bourn, Mrs., Bromsgrove...... 2 0 J Butcher, Mr. R., Frome ...... 10 0 Collingbourn, Mrs. S., Melksham. 10 0 < 1828 Deakin, Mr. John, Birmingham.1000 0 0 Browning, Mr*,, WaUcp...... 27 0 0 Gooducre, Mrs. Lucy, Lutterworth 90 0 Boll, Rev. S., Basaingbourn...' 10 0 0 Hill, Mr. John, Westminster 100 0 *> Cook, Mrs. Ann, Hull...... 44 13 6 Mowbray, Mr. W ., Hitchin 44 13 « 89

£ «. d. £ «• d. Parker, Mr. E., Chipping Norton. 17 13 0 183G Smith, Mrs. Mary, Camberwell.... 10 0 ô Townsend, W ., Esq., London 200 0 0 Bewer, Miss, Bradford...... 360 0 0 Wilson, Mr. W'.,0lney...... 10 0 0 Chapman, Miss EL, Chideock 832 0 0 Deakin, John, Esq., Birmingham.. 200 0 0 Fo'dham, Mr. John, Euston-square 10 0 0 1834 Jones, Rev. Tnomas, Coventry..... 19 19 0 Lake, Mr. Janies, Broadmayne.... 132 0 0 A ¡kin, Mrs. E. Ann, Newington... 45 0 0 Robinson, Samuel, Esq., London. . 50 0 0 Bowtell, Mr. T., Halslcd...... 80 2 0 Welsford, Mr. Giles, Exeter 57 19 3 Evniaun, Mr. C., Rhenish Bavaria 6 12 11 Williams, Mrs. Sarah, Adderbury. 45 0 Ö Hughes, Rev. J., Battersea 10 0 0 Harries, Mr. D.,Bethany...... 90 0 0 Hill, Miss Sarah, Uffbultn...... 45 0 0 King, Mr. Thomas, Birmingham... 49 12 11 1837 Kinghom, Rev. J., Norwich 90 0 0 .More, Mrs. Martha, Clifton 45 0 0 Adam,Rev.Thomas,CW/irtfes,.^.B. 11 23 4 More, Mrs. Hannah, Do...... 77 12 1 Bwve, Miss Sarah, Tottenham 19 0 0 Mnnsey, Mrs. Mary, Westminster. 5 0 0 Burnley, Mr. John, Batley, near Richardson, Mrs. Mary, Copdock.. 90 0 0 Dewsbury...... 19 19 0 Shoveller, Rev. J., Jamaica 220 8 0 Carroll, Mrs. Ann, Southivark 19 19 0 Smith, Michael, Esq., Northampton 45 0 0 Coleman, Miss Maiy, Dublin 500 0 0 Dixon, Mrs., Boldre...... 1241 4 0 Sparkes, Mr. W ., Uffculm...... 26 12 0 Waters, W . E., Esq., Hackney 376 8 2 Folliot, Mr. John, Norwich 108 0 0 West, Mr. C., Gt. Portland Street 10 0 0 Robinson, Mrs., Wellingborough... 30 0 0 Taylor, Mrs., Greenock ...... 4 13 1 Willison, Hon. Mrs. Perth, N.B.. 34 6 2 1835 Baker, Mr. W . Hampstead Road, 200 0 0 1838 Clark, Rev. Richard, Worstead.... 10 10 0 Cock, Horatio. Esq., Colchester.... 5784 13 6 Buswell, W ., Esq , Abingdon 1-17 8 11 Drinkail, Mr. John, Ruslan cl. 35 0 0 Burls, William. Esq., Edmonton... 90 0 0 Greaves, Mrs. I .Iiz., Nottingham.. 100 0 0 Cooke, Miss, Wolverhampton 540 0 0 Hodges. Mrs. Eliz., Long Ashton.. 19 19 0 Dickers, Mr. J., London...... 19 0 0 King, Mr. Thomas .Birmingham.. 13 9 6 Dix, Mrs., Stepney...... J00 0 0 Sampson, Miss A. G., Kensington. 45 0 0 Rusher, James, Esq.,Reading 45 0 0 Nhenston, Rev. W ., London IV) 19 (j Scott, Robert, Esq., Pensford 205 3 1 Skinner, Mrs. Susan, Sevenoaks.... 19 19 0 Stephenson,Mr. J., Great Preston, Weure, Mrs. Ann, Long Ashton... 45 0 0 Yorkshire...... 45 0 0 Williams, Mr. John, Reddilch 909 0 0 Wakeham, Mr. S., Yealmptai 17 15 0


From A p r il 1, 1838, to M a r c h 31, 1839.

INDIA. £ s. d. £ s. d. Salaries of Missionaries, Assistants, and Native Preachers, at 23 Sta­ tions and 17 Sub-Stations...... 5631 18 7 Translations, Schools, Chitpore Boarding school, and Female Education, as by last Year's account...... 403 14 9 ------6035 13 4

CEYLON. Salaries *of Missionaries, Expense of Schools, &c., at 1 Station and 5 Sub-Stations ...... 693 14 G

JAVA. Salary of Missionary, Books, &c...... 2339 0

JAMAICA. Salaries of Missionaries and Assistants at 18 Stations and 37 Sub- Stations, with Travelling Expenses, Rent, Doctors’ Bills, and other incidental expenses...... 6156 12 5 Schools, not appropriated, and remitted to the Treasurer of the ‘ Jamaica School Society’ ...... 107 10 0 Grant towards Repairs of Chapel at Annotta Bay...... 250 0 0

6514 2 5 Loan to Mr. Knibb repaid...... 500 0 0 ------GO! 4 2 5

BAHAMAS. Salaries of 4 Missionaries and 1 Assistant; return of Mr. and Mrs. Burton, and family, and Mr. aw} Mrs. Applegate; with other inci­ dental Expenses...... 1493 18 f!

HONDURAS. Salary of one Missionary, and an Assistant, together with incidental and travelling Expenses ...... 435 140

SOUTH AFRICA. Outfit, Passage, &c,, of Mr, and Mrs. Aveline to Graham’s Town 186 9 10 Disbursements continued. 91

MISSIONARIES. £ s. d. £ s. d. Widows and Orphans of Missionaries...... 220 0 0 Widows’ and Orphans’ Fund...... 42 3 10 Books for Missionaries and Students...... 62 15 4 Expenses of Missionary Students...... 39 1 6 ------364 0 8

PUBLICATIONS. Printing Annual Report, Missionary Herald, Quarterly Papers, Circu­ lars, Advertisements, Missionary Boxes, Cards, 8cc. &c...... 383 6 8 Received for Publications sold...... 4 17 5 ------37S 9 3

AGENCY. Salaries of Secretary, Travelling Agents, Assistant Secretary and Ac­ countant, Messenger, Clerk, and Collector’s Poaudage...... 930 0 0


Expenses of Auxiliary Societies...... 501 14 2 Travelling Expenses, and other incidentals 496 1 4 Carriage, Porterage, Postage, Twine, &c. . 145 0 7 Rent of Mission House, Rates, Taxes, &c. 131 7 9 Interest of Money borrowed...... 35 16 1 ------1309 19 11

1S055 U 7 [[From A p r i l 1, 1838, to M a r c h 31, 1839.] Dr. The Baptist Missionary Society. per Contra. Cr.

£. s. d. £ . s. d. To Balance brought forward...... 3993 16 2 By Extra Subscriptions on account of the Debt...... 1323 2 6 Disbursements (as per List)...... 18055 11 7 Contributions for the General Purposes of the Mission...... 16223 10 11 Do. for Translations...... 162 15 G Grant from American and Foreign Bible Society...... 1041 14 2 ------1204 9 8 Do. for Schools...... 75 2 0 Do. for Chitpore (now Entally)...... 235 7 3 Do. for Female Education...... 116 2 2 Cash on Annuity...... 240 0 0 Balance, now owing by the Society...... 2631 13 3

22,049 7 9 22,049 7 9

Examined, and fonnd the above Balance of Two Thonsand Six Hnudred and Thirty-one Pounds, Thirteen Shillings, and Threepence against the Society to be correct.


Dr. The Special Subscription for Additional Missionaries to India. Cr.

1839. £• <*■ 1S38. £ s. a . March 31. To Education, Outfit, Passage, &c., of three Missionaries...... 1500 0 0 March 31. By Balance brought forward from Inst Report...... 3064 10 (? 1839. Chapel and School House in Calcutta...... 1000 0 0 March 31. Receipts to this date...... 2993 10 0 Expenses of Printing and Travelling...... 62 9 11 Baptist Mission...... 3036 11 2 Ladbroke and Co ...... 458 19 5 ------3495 10 7

6058 0 6 6058 0 6 E The follo wing Rules, ^r., are respectfully submitted to the consideration of our friends, for the purpose of facilitating the formation of Auxiliary Societies, Branch Associations,

KuU* antr Simulation*



1. T h a t the fundamental principles and objects o f the Baptist Missionary Society have the cordial approbation of this Auxiliary. 2. That this Society be denominated the Auxiliary Society, in aid of the Funds o f the Baptist Missionary Society, and that all the Churches in the County, or District, be requested to co-operate in promoting this important object.. 3. That all persons subscribing, annually, half-a-guinea, or upwards, or Five Guineas at one time, shall be Members of this Auxiliary ; that all such Sub­ scribers o f half-a-Guinea shall be entitled to the abstract of the Annual Report, and of one Guinea and upwards, to the large Report o f the Parent Society. 4. That the business of the Auxiliary shall be conducted by a Committee, with one or two Secretaries and a Treasurer. The Committee to hold its meetings quar­ terly in different places in the County or District. 5 That the whole amount of Money received by this Auxiliary, after deducting necessary expenses, shall be remitted annually, or oftener, to the Treasurer of the Parent Society in London, with an Alphabetical List o f Collections and Subscriptions. 6. That a general Meeting of the Members of the Auxiliary shall be held Annually, when a Report of the Proceedings shall be presented, intelligence communicated of the operations of the Mission, and u Committee and Officers appointed for the ensuing year. [It is desirable that the arrangements for the Annual Meeting should be announced at the previous Quarterly Meeting o f the Committee.] 7. That the following Gentlemen be the Committee for the present year :— and that be Treasurer, and Secretary.

N.B.— The Annual Accounts of the Parent Society are made up on the 31st March, previous to which all Contributions must be forwarded. This is desirable, in order that the Contribution List o f the Report may, in future, agree with the balance-sheet of the Treasurer.

R u le s, & c., f o r B r a n c h A ssociations in C o n n e x io n w it h a C o u n t y A u x i l i a r y .

1. T h a t considering the magnitude and importance of Missionary labours, and the expenditure necessary in sustaining them to any considerable extent, this Branch be formed, for the purpose of inviting as many of the Inhabitants of as possible to contribute to the great object of the Society. 95 2. That a Preaident, and Committees of Ladies and Gentlemen, with their re. spective Treasurers and Secretaries, be chosen annually to carry this object into effect ; each Committee having power to add to its number, and three forming a quorum. 3. That the following Ladies and Gentlemen be appointed for the ensuing year, viz. :

P r e s id e n t

L a d ie s ’ C o m m it t e e . G e n t l e m e n ’ s C o m m it t e e .

T r e a s u r e r T r e a s u r e r

Se c r e t a r y Se c r e t a r y

4. That a Subscriber of one Penny, or more, per Week, be entitled to the Quar­ terly Paper of the Parent Society; of ten Shillings and sixpence per Annum to the Abstract o f the Annual Report; and of one Guinea and upwards, to the large Report. r 5. That the Committees severally appoint Collectors, and meet monthly to receive the Contributions, and pay over the accounts to their respective Treasurers. C. Tl*at a General Meeting of this Branch Society be held annually, for the pur­ pose o f electing Committees and Officers for the ensuing year, and receiving a Report of the Proceedings of the Society.

H o les f o r C ongregational A ssociations in C o n n e x io n w i t h

B r a n c h S o c ie t ie s .

1. T h a t the principles and objects of the Baptist Missionary Society, formed in the year 1792, are cordially approved of by this Society. '2. That this Society be designated the Congregational Missionary Society, in connexion with the Branch Society. 3. That all persons subscribing one Penny per Week, or more, ten Shillings and sixpence, and upwards, Annually, or five Pounds at one time, shall be Members of the Society. 4. That the Society be under the direction o f a Committee of Twelve Persons, including a Treasurer and Secretary, and that the following be the Members and Officers for the present year, viz. :

C o m m it t e e .

T r e a s u r e r ______S e c r e t a r y

5. That the Committee meet monthly, to receive the Contributions from the Col­ lectors, and pay over the amounts to the Treasurer, to be remitted annually, or oftener, to the Treasurer of the Auxiliary. 6. That a General Meeting o f this Congregational Missionary Society be held Annually, on the last Thursday o f , for the purpose o f receiving the Report of proceedings, and appointing a Committee for the following year. 9(5

R u les fo r a L a d ie s ’ A sso c ia t io n .

1. That this Association be formed for the purpose of contributing to the Funds of the Baptist Mission, and of promoting a spirit of enterprise in extending the kingdom o f Christ. 2. That every person subscribing one Penny per Week be a Member of the f Association, and be entitled to a Copy of the Quarterly Papers of the Parent Society. 3. That this Association be under the direction of a Committee o f such persons as collect Sixpence per Week and upwards ; or are Subscribers o f half-a-Guinea, and upwards, per annum. 4. That the Committee meet, monthly, to pay over the Contributions to the Trea­ surer, and receive Missionary intelligence. 5. That a General Meeting of the Association be held on the last Thursday of iu each year, when the Accounts shall be balanced, and paid over to the Treasurer o f the , or to the Treasurer of the Parent Society. 6. That the following be the Members and Officers of the Committee

R ules f o r a S u n d a y S ch ool M is s io n a r y A ssociation.

1. T h a t an Association of the Teachers and Scholars of this School be formed, for the purpose of contributing to the School Fund of the Baptist Missionary Society. 2. That a Subscriber o f one Penny per Week, or a class contributing that sum, or more, be entitled to the Quarterly Papers of the Parent Society ; and a Teacher subscribing ten Shillings and Sixpence per Annum, to the Abstract o f the Annual Report. 3. That the Friends and Neighbours of the Children be invited to contribute to this Association, 4. That the Superintendents and Teachers, who are Contributors, constitute two Committees (male and female) to carry the object of this Association into effect; and that each Committee appoint its own Treasurer, Secretary, and Collectors. 5. That the consent of the Pureats be obtained before any Child be allowed to become a Subscriber. 6. That the amount contributed by this School Association be paid over, every quarter, to the Treasurer of the Branch Society, to be entered to the School Fund of the Baptist Mission.

*„* It is reguested that apjilicuttoim fw Collecting limiks, Cards, Bores, Quarterly Pajiers, c., may be made through the Treasurers or Secretaries of the AurUuiry Satieties, if tl is not inconvenient to do so.

I’rlnU-d by J. Haddon, Castle Street, Finsbury.