7 f J 4 - ANNÜÄL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE B aptist Jftisstonatg gjocietg, ■$>- Addressed to the General Meeting, held at FINSBURY CHAPEL, THURSDAY, MAY 2nd, 1839. WITH A LIST OF CONTRIBUTIONS^ AND OF THE STATIONS OF THE SOCIETY. BEING A CONTINUATION OF T H E PERIODICAL ACCOUNTS &elatit>e to tfie JWifiSion. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE GENERAL MEETING. LONDON: PRINTED BY J. IIADDON, CASTLE STREET, FINSBURY. A i;;,, t* C O N T E N T S. Page. Resolutions of the Annual Meeting. May 2, 1839 . 3 Committee and Officers of the Society for 1839-40 5 Plan of the Society . • . 7 Form of Bequests . 8 General Report of the Mission .... 9 List o f the Society’s Stations, Missionaries, &c. 40 List of ContriButions .... 44 Special SuBscription List for additional Missionaries to India .78 General Summary of ContriButions for 1838-9 . 80 Donations towards Liquidating the DeBt owing By the Society 81 List of Life SuBscriBers ..... 82 List of Legacies, from 1797 to 1839 . 87 DisBursements from April 1, 1838, to March 30, 1839 90 Balance Sheet ...... 92 Rules, &c., of Auxiliary Societies and Associations . 94 RESOLUTIONS OF THE FORTY-SEVENTH GENERAL MEETING, * HELD On Thursday, May 2ndy 1839, at Finsbury Chapel. W , B. GURNEY, E s q ., IN THE CHAIR. Moved By the Rev. C h r i s t o p h e r A n d e r s o n , of EdinBurgh; seconded by the Rev. T h o m a s R o b e r t s , of Bristol: I. That the Report Be adopted ; and that, while this Meeting Bows with suBmission to the dispensations of Providence, in removing valuaBle Missionaries from the scene of their laBours, it rejoices in the continued proofs of his care and kindness. Moved By the Rev. W i l l i a m B r o c k , of Norwich; seconded by the Rev. C h a r l e s J. M id d l e d i t c h , of Frome: II. That this Meeting especially recognizes the goodness of God, in accomplishing the final termination of negro slavery in the West Indies; and trusts that this auspicious event may Be regarded as an earnest of the removal of all other impediments to the progress of scriptural truth throughout the world, and of the copious effusion of the Holy Spirit, to give efficiency to the instrumentality employed. Moved By the Rev. T h o m a s S w a n , of Birmingham; seconded by the Rev. S a m u e l N ic h o l s o n , of Plymouth : III. That this Meeting oBserves with pleasure, that through the kind liberality pf many Christian friends, the receipts of the Society 4 have consideraBly increased during the past year. It thankfully ac­ knowledges that liberality, and while rememBering the present encum­ Brances of the Mission, and the certainty of an enlarged expenditure, the Meeting earnestly calls on all the friends of the Society for ex­ tended, vigorous, and systematic efforts on its Behalf. Moved by the Rev. F A. Cox, D.D., LL.D., of Hackney; seconded By the Rev. D. R. S t e p h e n , of Swansea: IV. That the Treasurer and Secretary be requested to continue their services; and that, as, in conformity with the unanimous recom­ mendation of the Quarterly Committee, this Meeting concurs in the expediency of appointing an additional Secretary, for the management of the growing concerns of the Society, the Committee be requested to appoint such an Officer as soon as they may Be aBle satisfactorily to do so;— that Messrs. Charles Spur den, Charles Jones, and Richard Cartwright, Be Auditors, and that the following be the list of the Committee for the year ensuing, with power to fill up vacancies.— [pp. 5 and 6.]] COMMITTEE AND OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY, For 1839—40. C r m u m , WILLIAM BRODIE GURNEY, E sq . g t t v e u t v . R e v . JOHN DYER. &ututo?3, M essrs. CHARLES SPURDEN, CHARLES JONES, and RICHARD CARTWRIGHT. Le v . JOHN ALDIS London. R e v . JAMES SPRIGG.A.M. Ipswich. C. E. BIRT, A.M. Bristol. JOHN STATHAM Amersham. SAMUEL BRAWN Loughtoru EDWARD STEANE Camberwell. F. A COX, D.D., LL.D. Hackney. CHARLES STOVEL London. JOHN EDWARDS Clapham. WILLIAM UPTON St. Albans. BENJ. GODWIN Oxford. M e s s r s . W. T. BEEBY Camberwell. WILLIAM GRAY Northampton JOHN FREEMAN London. SAMUEL GREEN Walworth. J. GUTTERIDGE Camberwell. WILLIAM GROSER Maidstone. M. G. JONES London. "J. H. HINTON, M.A. London. JOHN PENNY Bo. JAMES HOBY, D.D. Birmingham EDWARD SMITH Do. W. H. MURCH, D.D. Stepney. C. TOSSWILL Do. -* GEO. PRITCHARD London. C3ntrral Committfi*, R e v . JAMES AC WORTH, A M. Leeds. JOHN BIRT Manchester WILLIAM BROCK Norwich. CHARLES M. BIRRELL . Liverpool. EDMUND CLARKE Truro. T. S. CRISP Bristol. JOHN CRAPS Lincoln. J. M. CRAMP . St. Peter’s. C. D AN IEL . Hull. JAMES EDWARDS . Nottingham. CHARLES H. ELVEN . Bury. BENJAMIN EVANS . Scarboro’ JOHN FORD . Dublin. FRANCIS FRANKLIN Coventry. THOMAS FINCH . Harlow. JOHN EUSTACE GILES . Leeds. WILLIAM HAWKINS, M.A. Derby. EDMUND HULL . Watford. REYNOLD HOGG KimboHon. JOHN JACKSON . Bath. JOHN KERSHAW, A.M. Abingdon. CHARLES LAROM Sheffield. 6 R e v . JAMES LISTER Liverpool. JOHN LEECHMAN, A.M. Irvine. JAMES MILLARD . Lymmgton. THOMAS MORGAN Birmingham. J. P. MÜRSELL Leicester. T. F. NEWMAN . Nailsworth. SAMUEL NICHOLSON . Plymouth. JAMES PATERSON Glasgow. RICHARD PENGILLY . Newcastle. JAMES PUNTIS . Norwich. ROBERT ROFF . Cambridge. JOSHUA RUSSELL Melksham. CHARLES ROOM Portsea. GEORGE SAMPLE Newcastle. MOSES SAUNDERS . Haworth. D. RHYS STEPHEN . Swansea. THOMAS SWAN Birmingham. THOMAS THOMAS PontypooL THOMAS WINTER . Bristol. WILLIAM YATES Stroud. M e s s r s . PAUL ANSTIE . Devises. W. P. BARTLETT London. THOMAS BICKHAM late o f Tottenham. W. H. BOND .... Falmouth. THOMAS BLYTH Langham. GEORGE CAVE . Piddington. WILLIAM COZENS . Holloway. JOHN FOSTER . Biggleswade. R. FOSTER, J u n . Cambridge. JOSEPH FLETCHER Tottenham. J. C. GOTCH .... Kettering. RICHARD HARWOOD . Worcester. THOMAS HOPKINS . Cardiff. CHRISTOPHER H. JONES Liverpool. M. ILLINGWORTH Bradford. W. D. HORSEY . Wellington. HENRY KELSALL Rochdale. ROBERT KETTLE . Glasgow. JOSEPH LEESE . Manchester. ROBERT LEONARD . Bristol. JAMES LOMAX . Nottingham. DAVID M‘ALLAN . Aberdeen. ANDREW MEGGETT . Edinburgh. T. D. PAU L St. Ives. WILLIAM POLLARD . Ipswich. WILLIAM PRANCE . Plymouth. J. L. PHILLIPS . Melksham. WILLIAM REES Haverfordwest. WILLIAM RUSHTON . Liverpool. JOSHUA SING . Bridgenorth. GEORGE STEVENSON Taunton. J. M. THOMAS . Cardigan. LINDSEY WINTERBOTHAM Tewkesbury. JAMES WHITEHORNE Bristol. I. The name By which the Society has Been and still is designated, is, “ The Particular Baptist Society for propagating the Gospel among the Heathen or, " The Baptist Missionary Society.” II. The great object of this Society is the diffusion of the knowledge of the religion of Jesus Christ through the heathen world, By means of the preaching of the Gospel, the translation and publication of the Holy Scriptures, and the estaBlishment of Schools. III. All persons suBscribing 10s. 6d. per annum, donors of £10 or upwards, and Ministers making annual collections on Behalf of the Society, are considered as MemBers thereof. IV . A General Meeting of the Society shall be annually held; at which the Committee and Officers shall be chosen for the year ensuing, the Auditors of Accounts appointed, and any other Business pertaining to the Society transacted. V. A General Committee, consisting of not more than one hundred MemBers, shall be appointed for the purpose of circulating Missionary Intelligence, and promoting the interests of the Society in their respective neighbourhoods; ninth-tenths of whom shall be eligible for re-election for the ensuing year. VT. A Central Committee shall Be formed out of the General Com­ mittee, more immediately to conduct the affairs of the Society : which Committee shall meet monthly, in London, on a fixed day, for the dispatch of Business. VII. Besides the Treasurer and Secretaries of the Society, who shall Be considered MemBers, ex officio, the Central Committee shall consist of twenty-Jive persons; of whom sixteen shall be resident in London* or its immediate vicinity, and nine in the country ; five memBers to be deemed a quorum. The Committee to Be empowered to fill up, pro tempore, any vacancies from death or resignation. V III. All MemBers of the General Committee shall be entitled to attend and vote at the meetings of the Central Committee, and, when­ ever the attendance of any Member or MemBers shall Be particularly desiraBle, the Central Committee shall be empowered to request such attendance; in which case, the Member or MemBers so invited shall Be considered as part of the quorum. IX . All moneys received on Behalf of the Society shall be lodged in the hands of the Treasurer; and, when the amount shall exceed £300, it shall be invested in the puBlic funds, in the names of four Trustees to be chosen By the Society, until required for the use of the Mission. dform of B luest. I give out of my moneys, or personal estate, unto the Treasurer, fo r the time being, o f ike Baptist Missionary Society, the sum o f fo r the use of such Society. And I declare that the Receipt of such Treasurer shall be a sufficient discharge fo r the same. % • Those friends who wish to promote the Translation of tbe Scriptures, or the extension of Native Schools, may, by distinctly stating their desire, effectually secure the application of their contributions or bequests to that specific object. All persons who may have bequeathed to tbe Baptist Missionary Society, Legacies, payable out of the late 5 per cent. Bank Annuities, are hereby respect­ fully requested to provide a substitute in their Wills, or By Codicils thereto, out of some other part of their Personal Estate.
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