OF THE Baptist Jfttsstottarg g?octetg,

Addressed to the General Meeting,



THURSDAY, APRIL 30th, 1840.



Kilatibe to fl&e Sotietjj.







Thursday, April 30, 1840, at Exeter Hall.



Moved by the Rev. F. A. Cox, D.D., LL.D., of Hackney; seconded by the Rev. T h o m a s W i n t e r , of Bristol: I. That the Report be adopted; and that the devout and grateful acknowledgments of this Meeting are due to the Spirit of all grace, for the gratifying measure of success with which the proceedings of the Society have been favoured during the past year.

Moved by the Rev. J o h n L e if c h i l d , D.D., of Craven Chapel; seconded by the Rev. J o h n A l d is , of Maze Pond:

II. That this Meeting rejoices in the recent increase to the number of missionaries in the East, and in the prospect of a still further addition; while it learns with deep regret that., the name of Christ is still dishonoured, and the progress of his Gospel impeded by the continued connexion of the British Government in India with the various abominations of heathen idolatry.

Moved by the Rev. J. E . G il e s , of Leeds; seconded by the Rev. E u stac e C a r e y :

III. That in adverting to the present condition of the large num­ bers connected with our churches in Jamaica, who have lately been 4 admitted to thé character and rights of British freemen, this Meeting recognizes, with cordial satisfaction and delight, their orderly habits, their desire for useful knowledge, their attachment to the worship of God, their zeal for the extension of the Gospel of Christ, and, above all, the continued blessing which attends the labours of our mis­ sionaries among them. While these circumstances, taken in con­ nexion with the enlargement of our Eastern Mission, call for a cor­ responding increase in the receipts of the Society, it is earnestly hoped, that general and strenuous efforts will be made to secure that increase, as well as to relieve the mission from the debt with which it is now encumbered.

Moved by the Rev. A r c h ib a l d M a c l a y , M.A. of New York ; seconded by the Rev. T h o m as F o x N e w m a n , of Short- wood : IV- That the Treasurer, William Brodie Gurney, Esq., be requested to continue his services ; that the Rev John Dyer, and the Rev. Joseph Angus, M.A., be the Secretaries of the Society ; and the following Gentlemen the Committee, with power to fill up vacancies, for the year ensuing—(pp. 5 and 6). COMMITTEE AND OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY,

For 1840—41.







C entral (Committee,


BENJAMIN GODWIN Oxford. M e s s k s . J. H. ALLEN Tulse HUl. WILLIAM GRAT Northampton G. F. ANGAS London. SAMUEL GREEN . AV. T. BEEBY Camberwell. WILLIAM GROSER London. W. COZENS Holloway. J. H. HINTON, M.A. Do. J. GUTTERIDGE Do. JAMES HOBY, D.D. Birmingham. JOHN PENNY London. W. H. MURCH, D.D. Stepney. C. J. TOSSWILL Do.

©entrai Committee,

R e v . JAMES ACWORTH, A.M Leeds. CHARLES M. BIRRELL Liverpool. JOSEPH BURTON . Amer sham. T. S. CRISP . . Bristol. JOHN CRAPS . . . Lincoln, J. M, CRAMP . St. Peer's. C. DANIEL . . J. JORDAN DAVIES JAMES EDWARDS . CHARLES H. ELVEN . Bury. BENJAMIN EVANS . Scarborough. 6

R e v . JOHN FORD ' . Dublin. THOMAS FINCH . . Harlow. JOHN EUSTACE GILES Leeds. WILLIAM HAWKINS, A.M , Derby. EDMUND HULL Watford. REYNOLD HOGG . Kinibolton. JOHN JACKSON . Bath. CHARLES LAROM . . Sheffield. W. G. LEWIS . Chatham. JAMES LISTER Liverpool. JOHN LEECHMAN, A.M. . Irvine, JAMES MILLARD . Lymington. THOMAS MORGAN . . Birmingham. J. P. MURSELL Leicester. T. F. NEWMAN . . Shortwood. SAMUEL NICHOLSON . Plymouth. JAMES PATERSON . Glasgow. RICHARD PENGILLY . Newcastle. JAMES PUNTIS . . Norunch. ROBERT ROFF Cambridge. JOSHUA RUSSELL . . . Melksham. CHARLES ROOM . . Portsea. GEORGE SAMPLE Newcastle. JOSEPH SPASHATT . Redruth. D. RHYS STEPHEN . . Swansea. THOMAS SWAN . . . Birmingham. THOMAS THOMAS . Pontypool. FREDRICK TRESTRAIL . Newjtort. I. W. THOMAS WINTER . Bristol. WILLIAM YATES . . Stroud.

M e s s b s . PAUL ANSTIE . . . Devizes. W. P. BARTLETT . . . London. THOMAS BICKHAM late o f Tottenham. THOMAS BLYTH . . Langham. GEORGE CAVE . . Piddington. JOHN FOSTER . . . Biggleswade. R. FOSTER, J e n . . . Cambridge. JOSEPH FLETCHER . . Tottenham. J. C. GOTCH . . Kettering. RICHARD HARWOOD . . Worcester. THOMAS HOPKINS . Cardiff. CHRISTOPHER H. JONES . Liverpool. M. ILLINGWORTH . Bradford. W. D. HORSEY . . . Wellington. HENRY KELSALL . . Rochdale. ROBERT KETTLE . . Glasgow. JOSEPH LEESE . . Manchester. ROBERT LEONARD . . Bristol. JAMES LOMAX . . Nottingham. DAVID M‘ALLAN . . Aberdeen, ANDREW MEGGETT . Edinburgh. T. D. PAUL .... St. Ives. WILLIAM POLLARD . Ipswich. WILLIAM PRANCE . . Plymouth. J. L. PHILLIPS . . . Melksham. WILLIAM REES . . . Haverfordwest. C. ROBSON . . . Berwick. ■ JOSHUA SING . . . Bridgenorth. GEORGE STEVENSON . Taunton. W. TETLEY . . . . Ashe Lodge, Thirsk. J. M. THOMAS . . . Cardigan. LINDSEY WINTERBOTHAM Tewkesbury. JAMES WHITEHORNE . Bristol. illatt of tf>e Sotietg.

I. The name by which the Society has been and still is designated, is, “ The Particular Baptist Society for propagating the Gospel among the Heathen or, “ The Baptist Missionary Society.” II. The great object of this Society is the diffusion of the knowledge of the religion of Jesus Christ through the heathen world, by means of the preaching of the Gospel, the translation and publication of the Holy Scriptures, and the establishment of Schools. III. All persons subscribing 10s. 6d. per annum, donors of £10 or upwards, and Ministers making annual collections on behalf of the Society, are considered as Members thereof. IV. A General Meeting of the Society shall be annually held; at which the Committee and Officers shall be chosen for the year ensuing, the Auditors of Accounts appointed, and any other business pertaining to the Society transacted. V. A General Committee, consisting of not more than one hundred Members, shall be appointed for the purpose of circulating Missionary Intelligence, and promoting the interests of the Society in their respective neighbourhoods; ninth-tenths of whom shall be eligible for re-election for the ensuing year. V I. A Central Committee shall be formed out of the General Com­ mittee, more immediately to conduct the affairs of the Society : which Committee shall meet monthly, in London, on a fixed day, for the dispatch of business. VII. Besides the Treasurer and Secretaries of the Society, who shall be considered Members, ex officio, the Central Committee shall consist of twenty-jive persons ; of whom sixteen shall be resident in London, or its immediate vicinity, and nine in the country ; five members to be deemed a quorum. The Committee to be empowered to fill up, pro tempore, any vacancies from death or resignation. VIII. All Members of the General Committee shall be entitled to attend and vote at the meetings of the Central Committee, and, when­ ever the attendance of any A ember or Members shall be particularly desirable, the Central Committee shall be empowered to request such attendance ; in which case, the Member or Members so invited shall be considered as part of the quorum. IX. All moneys received on behalf of the Society shall be lodged in the hands of the Treasurer; and, when the amount shall exceed £300, it shall be invested in the public funds, in the names of four Trustees to be chosen by the Society, until required for the use of the Mission. .•fForttt of Bequest.

1 give out of my moneys, or personal estate, unto the Treasurer or Treasurers, fo r the time being, of the Baptist Missionary Society, the sum of fo r the use of such Society. And I declare that the Receipt of such Treasurer or Treasurers shall be a sufficient discharge fo r the same.

*** Those friends who wish to promote the Translation of the Scriptures, or the extension of Native Schools may, by distinctly stating their desire, effectually secure the application of their contributions or bequests to that specific object.

All persons who may have bequeathed to the Baptist Missionary Society, Legacies, payable out of the late five per cent. Bank annuities, are hereby respectfully requested to provide a substitute in their Wills, or by Codicils thereto, out of some other part of their Personal Estate. And, further, that, in all bequests of Stock, there be superadded, in case there shall not be any or sufficient money in the Stock named in the Will or Codicil to pay the said Legacy, that the same be paid out of the residue of the Testator’s Personal Estate. By the New Act with respect to Wills, which came into force on the first day o f January, 1838, it is required that all Wills shall be in writing, shall be signed at the foot or end thereof, by the testator, or by some other person in his presence, and by his direction—and that such signature shall be made or acknowledged by the testator in the presence of at least two witnesses present at the same time, who shall attest and subscribe the Will in the testator’s presence. These requirements apply also to any alterations in, or codicils to Wills, which may have been executed previous to the first of January 1838.

This statute does not appeal or alter the 9th G e o. II., c. 3 6 , called the Mortmain A ct; and therefore legacies to charities out of real estate will still be void. I f a Testator desire to leave legacies to charities, he must take care to make them payable, either expressly, or by ordinary course of law, out of such personal estate as may be applied for that purpose. A bequest to a charity of a term for years, or leasehold property; or of money to arise from, or be produced by, the sale of land, or by the rents, profits, or other interest arising from land ; or a bequest o f money, to be laid out in land; or a bequest of money secured by mortgage; or a bequest of annuities, charged on land, or rather rent-cliarges; or a bequest o f money, with a direction to apply it in paying off mortgages on schools and chapels; or a bequest of money secured on parochial rates, or county-rates, or tumpike-tolls—is, in each case, void; and even where n o par­ ticular fund is pointed out in the Will, for the payment of charitable legacies, and they are consequently a charge upon the residue, and the residue consists, in part, of property of all or either of the kinds above specified; so much of the legacies will become void as shall bear the same proportion to the entire legacies as the exempted property bears to the entire residue. REPORT.

T he revolution of another year entitles the friends and sup* porters of the Baptist Missionary Society to a statement of its operations and progress during that period. In presenting that statement, the Committee desire anew to record their grateful sense of the Divine care and goodness, which have continued to attend the Society to the present day; rendering it, in some humble degree, instrumental in advancing the interests o f truth and piety in distant regions of the earth. Our East Indian Mission received a welcome reinforcement^ by the return of our much esteemed friend, Mr. W . H. Pearce, with the four other brethren, Messrs. Tucker, Phillips, Morgan, and Wenger. They embarked for Calcutta soon after the last Annual Meeting, and reached that port, after a safe and prosperous voyage, on the 25th September. A few days after­ wards, a meeting of the brethren was held, in order to assign to each his particular sphere of labour. It was then arranged that Mr. Parsons should proceed to Monghyr, as originally proposed by the Committee, and that Mr. Phillips also should go forward to the Upper Provinces, with a view to strengthen the Mission in Hindusthan. The rest of the newly arrived brethren found abundant occupation, in various ways, in and around Calcutta. Mr. Yates, being desirous, in compliance with the wishes of his friends in and America, as well as of his associates in the Mission, of devoting himself wholly to the important work of translation, resigned his pastorate of the church in the Circular Road, and recommended the church to invite Mr. Tucker as his successor. This recommendation was unanimously adopted by the church, and Mr. Tucker cordially accepted their invitation. B 10

The congregation is increasing, and growing attention is paid to the word preached. The church consists of eighty-three members, ten of whom were added during the past year. The gospel has been proclaimed among the heathen population of Calcutta with persevering assiduity, by Mr. Aratoon, Sujatali, Bishwanath, and Gunga Narayun Sil, in the various native chapels, and on the highways and public places of the city. The elder students of the Native Christian Institution have also begun to take part in these engagements, thus gradually preparing them­ selves for the office of evangelists among their countrymen, which it is hoped they will hereafter sustain. A new chapel has been erected at Sealdah, in the north-east part of Calcutta, and weekly services in Bengali have also been commenced, in two places, for the Roman Catholics, who form a numerous, but much neglected class of the community. Mr. W . H. Pearce has resumed the pastoral charge of the native church in South Kalinga; now consisting of twenty-five members. The number of regular attendants on the Lord’s day is encouraging. Mr. Pearce has of late been visited by a Brah. man, who appears to be convinced of the truth of Christianity, and impressed with the excellency of the gospel. He has gained courage enough to avow his intention of becoming a Christian; but the derision and reproaches of his friends, on this account, afford a striking proof of the difficulty with which a Hindoo has to con­ tend on determining to embrace the Saviour. “ What a fool you are,” said one of his friends to him lately, “ to give up your caste as a Brahman, and instead of being called Great King (Maharaj) and Lord (Thakoor), to be despised by all men! Did you get plenty of money for the sacrifice, it might be worth your while to make it ; but to do it all without the hope o f gaining any thing, shows you indeed to be a fool !M What grace does it require m a new and timid believer to count all earthly advantages but dross and dung, so that he may be found in Christ. Such appears, at present, the state o f mind o f this Hindoo inquirer. May he have grace to endure even unto the end ! The native church in Entally, is under the charge of Mr. Ellis, who connects with his pastoral office, the superintendence of the Native Christian Institution. At the commencement of the pre­ sent year, the church, consisted of twenty-one members, and three n

more were expected shortly to enter into its communion. As a proof of the Christian feeling which prevails among th is small body of converted heathen, it may be mentioned that they have lately formed a Native Missionary Society, in connexion with the Calcutta Auxiliary. The power of divine grace has also been pleasingly exemplified in the dying experience of a member of this church, of whom the following account is given by Mr. Ellis :

“ Ram Krishna Sirimani, our deceased friend, was a young man educated in the school of Mr. Thomas, at Howrah. The instruction he there received was blessed of God to his conversion, and in December 1836, he wholly renounced Hinduism, and avowed his Christian discipleship by being publicly baptized in the presence of many of his early friends and associates, to whom he addressed a full statement of his reasons for the step he then took. Early in 1837, he was received into the Theological class of the Nativ e Christian Institution, where, by his devout piety and diligent attention to study, he secured the highest esteem of all connected with him. During the two years he was in the Institution, there wa3 a simplicity, loveliness, and progressive maturity of Christian character, and no one could know him in the every day matters of life, without admiring the uniform consistency of his spirit and conduct. At the close of 1838, he suffered severely from an attack of bilious fever, and for many following weeks, disease made rapid progress. The whole of his suffering, however, was marked by submissive patience and cheerful resignation to the Divine will. Even in his worst seasons of weakness and pain, a murmur never escaped him ; and he would often say, that although he knew not the reason of his afflictions, he was sure they were for the best end. In December last he proceeded to Cutwa and Monghyr, hoping the change might restore him. Such, however, was not its effect, and he gradually became worse. During his absence he wrote as often as he could, and his letters breathed the same spirit of lovely piety, which he had shown when present with us, and often expressed his strong desires after perfect holiness and love. Knowing that death was near, he wished to return home, and once more see his friends at Calcutta. He did reach home, though he lived but one day after. It appeared as if he was allowed to return among us, that we might hear his dying testimony to the preciousness of Christ and the faithfulness of God, and witness his triumphantly happy death. To all who saw him he spoke of the goodness of the Lord. His increasing weakness and the approach of death occasionally drew a cloud over his hopes; but this was very transient, and he again rejoiced in his God and Saviour, often saying, * Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly.’ His prayer was soon answered, and after a short period of speechless insensibility he ceased to breathe. Such an exhibition of the overcoming and triumphant power of faith in the hour of disso­ lution, is seldom witnessed. Devoutly pious and consistent in the time of health, in sickness patiently submissive and resigned, in death peaceful and gloriously happy, and how, before the throne of God. I can only say, Dear friend and brother, may my end be like thine, and may our friendship and affection be renewed and perpetuated in the abodes and the blessedness of heaven.” The Native Christian Institution has continued to prospei, under the kind and watchful care of Mr. Ellis ; of the fifty-four pupils now in this seminary, five have been lately baptized and b 2 n

added to the church, and two others are candidates for the same privilege. The great design of this institution, is to furnish well educated and pious men who may go forth as preachers of the gospel, and instructors of youth. Such as do not possess talents for mental labour will be taught some useful art, by which they may be enabled to support themselves in future life. The theolo­ gical department comprises seven young men, who have just com­ pleted their first year’s studies in systematic and exegetical theology, the composition of sermons, mental and moral science, with the Bengali and Sanscrit languages, and other departments of knowledge, useful in the great work for which they are pre­ paring. A private examination of the institution was recently held, at which the Rev. William Morton, of the London Mis­ sionary Society, presided. The report, which this able examiner drew up on the occasion, is highly honourable both to the pupils and their esteemed president. It will be shortly published in another form, and prove, we doubt not, very gratifying to the kind friends in this country who take a generous interest in this im­ portant undertaking. The new building for the accommodation of the youth under instruction, and a chapel, which will comfortably seat three hun­ dred persons, for which the munificent donation of £1000 was presented to Mr. Pearce by an anonymous friend, have been erected, and it was intended to open them on the 1st of February. The female department of the Native Christian Institution, in which also the pupils are boarded as well as educated at the expense ofthe institution, is now under the superintendence of Mrs. Penney, in consequence of the return of Mrs. George Pearce to England. It contains, at present, twenty-five pupils, and more are expected to join it. In the instruction given to these young persons, a clear and impressive knowledge of Scripture truth is made the great object of attention, and a divine blessing has evidently rested on the kind and efficient efforts of their teachers. Those of the pupils who have made a public profession of religion, continue to afFord much satisfaction. The whole family now attend the ministry o f Mr. W . H. Pearce, who is much encouraged by their great propriety of behaviour, and evident attention to his dis­ courses. Mr. Robinson having removed to Dacca, the church in the 13

Bow Bazar was left, for a season, without a pastor. For the sake of convenience, sixty-five of its native members, being rather more than one-half, residing at Narsingdarchok and other villages, fifteen miles south of Calcutta, have been dismissed to form a new church in that neighbourhood. Recently, Mr. Bayne has com­ plied with the invitation of the Bow Bazar church to accept the pastoral office among them; and it is hoped that, by the blessing of God, the cause will revive. Since the formation of a separate church at the village station of Narsingdarchok, nine persons, converted from heathenism, have been added to its number. There are several other candi­ dates, of whom pleasing hopes are entertained that they are sub­ jects of a saving change. One assistant missionary (Mr. W . Thomas), and three native preachers, are constantly employed at the station; and, for the accommodation of those who attend public worship, there are four chapels in as many villages. On the arrival of Mr. Pearce and the new missionaries at Calcutta, the village stations of Luckyantipore and Khari were placed under the superintendence of Mr. Wenger, who visited them in October last, accompanied by the native preacher Ganga Narayun Sil. Although, since the lamented departure of Mr. George Pearce, these villages had not been visited so often as was desirable, the work of the Lord has continued to advance. At Luckyantipore thirteen new members had been baptized during the year. Worship was regularly maintained by the assistant missionary, Mr. De Monte, and four native preachers, in five or six of the neighbouring hamlets, as well as at Luckyantipore. The number in church fellowship is now forty-eight; while the whole number, including men, women, and children, who have renounced caste and forsaken idolatry, is 323. Khari has expe­ rienced similar tokens of the divine favour. Eleven have been baptized, and added to the church there, now consisting of thirty- seven ; to which, if we add the children, and the merely nominal Christians,many of whom are connected with the baptized converts by family ties, 205 persons may be considered as connected with the station. Two native preachers reside here, who conduct worship on the Sabbath, hold weekly meetings for catechumens, both at Khari and the neighbouring village of Bananerabad, and preach the gospel to the heathen and Musselmans attending the markets 14

in the neighbourhood, where also they distribute many tracts and copies of the Scriptures. O f the gratifying progress made, during the last year, in the great work of biblical translation, we shall present a statement, taken from a report made to a public meeting, in Calcutta, in the month of January last.

The versions now completed are as follow :— 1. An edition, being the first, of the New Testament in Hin­ dustani, with marginal references in octavo, 1000 copies. 2. Another edition of the New Testament in the same lan­ guage, but in a smaller size, and without marginal references, 500 copies. O f this version, extra copies of each of the Gospels and of the Acts separately, and of the four Gospels and Acts together, making an aggregate of 9500 volumes, were printed. The extra copies o f the Gospels and Acts constituted, in fact, the first edition of that part of this work, as after they were struck off and the marginal references were inserted, the text was subjected to repeated and severe revision, when some inaccu­ racies which had previously escaped observation were corrected, and some important alterations made in the rendering of particular passages or expressions. The second edition was then struck off, after which the matter was set up in another form, and subjected to another close revision, by which means a still greater degree of accuracy was secured in this portion o f the impression. Respecting this version, very gratifying testimonials have been received from individuals, both native and European, well qualified to judge of its merits. S. An edition of the Psalms in Sanskrit verse, 2500 copies. T o this impression an advertisement is prefixed, showing that the structure of the Sanskrit language is such as to admit of a metrical version as dose and faithful to the original as any prose version could be, and at the same time much more easily under­ stood. 4. The third edition o f the New Testament in Bengali, octavo, 1500 copies, with 6000 copies extra of each of the Gospels, 2000 of the Acts, and 500 of the Gospels and Acts together, making a total of 28000 volumes. 15

5. The fourth edition of the New Testament in Bengali, in royal 12mo., 3000 copies, with 2000 extra of the Gospels and Acts together. This beautiful edition of the sacred word left the press rather more than three months ago, and is already in ex­ tensive circulation, being much in request for its great portability. 6. An edition of the New Testament in modern Armenian, with numerous marginal references, 600 copies. This important work was carried through the press by Mr. Aratoon, who be­ stowed great care in selecting the references, and in securing the general accuracy of the work. 7. An edition of the Gospel of Matthew, in Hindui, Nagri characters, 6000 copies. It was stated in the last report, that it was proposed to execute an improved translation of the New Testament into this language, and the Gospel o f Matthew has just left the press, as the first portion of it. The remainder of the work will be deferred for the present, in order to afford time to ascertain how far the version is likely to be understood and appreciated by those for whom it is particularly intended. In this, as well as the other versions, it has been the constant object of the translators to present the word of God in simple, but pure language, in an idiomatic style, so that the sacred volume might be readily understood by the poor and unlearned, and at the same time be not unacceptable to the educated part of the community.

The following works are at this time in progress :— 1. The New Testament in Sanskrit, octavo size, 1000 copies, with 3000 copies extra of Matthew, and 4000 each of the other Gospels. Matthew and Mark have been some time in circulation, Luke has just left the press, and the printing has proceeded to about the middle of John. In this version, a metrical rendering has been given of the quotations from the practical parts of the Old Testament, by which they are readily distinguished from the other parts of the New Testament writings. As all the copies of Matthew intended for separate distribution have been disposed of, it has been determined to distribute in this form the 1000 copies originally intended to be bound up with the Testament, and to reprint this Gospel. & A new edition o f the Gospels and Acts in Hindustani, con­ 1 6

sisting of 4500 copies, the printing of which has proceeded to the middle of John. 3. As considerably more than four-fifths of the two editions of the New Testament in Hindustani have already been disposed of, a third edition, to consist of 3000 copies of the entire Testament, and 1000 copies of the Gospels and Acts together, has been put to press. In this edition, it is proposed to reduce the size of the volume as much as possible: and it is expected the whole will be comprised in 500 small \2mo pages.

Besides the works now enumerated, it is intended to publish, as soon as possible, 1. The Gospel of Matthew in Hindui, Kaithi character, intended for the use of that numerous class of persons in Hin- doosthan who are not familiar with the Nagri character. 2. The Gospel and Acts in Hindustani, Persian character. As many who speak and read Hindustani or Urdu are not familiar with the Arabic character, used in the other editions of the Scrip­ tures in this language, it has been thought desirable to print for them an edition of the Gospels and Acts in the Persian character. S. The Psalms of David in Bengali. Circumstances referred to below having occasioned some delay in putting the Bible in Bengali to press, it has been determined to print, in the mean time, an edition of the Psalms in a neat pocket size, to consist of 5000 copies. 4. An edition of the Proverbs in Bengali, 3000 copies, 18mo. 5. The whole Bible in Bengali, a work which has been long and earnestly desired, not only by the members of this mission, but by their Christian brethren of all denominations. For the sake of securing uniformity in expressing Scripture names, in this and other versions, it is proposed to print a complete list of those names in English and Hebrew or Greek, with their proper ren­ derings in parallel columns, in Sanskrit, Bengali, Hindustani, and Hindui. But as this work, so important to all engaged in biblical translation, must of necessity occupy considerable time, it has been resolved in the first place to print the English and Bengali only. This work has been some time in progress ; and on its completion, the printing of Genesis will be proceeded with. The foregoing statement will show that the operations in this 17 important department of missionary labour have been of consider­ able extent. Those which are now in progress, or shortly to be commenced, are o f still greater magnitude. The number of volumes, the printing of which has been com­ pleted during the past year, is forty thousand, six hundred. O f these 6600 were entire Testaments, 2000 the Gospels and Acts bound together, 2500 of the Psalms in Sanskrit, and 29,500 single Gospels ; which, added to those of previous years, make a total of 92,050 volumes. The works now in hand, or about to be put to press, will not fall short of 60,000 more. In aid of this undertaking, so intimately connected with the ultimate and permanent success of the preaching of the gospel, a renewed donation of five thousand dollars, in English money £10251 s. 2d., has been made by the Committee of the American and Foreign Bible Society, whose repeated liberality we have had occa­ sion gratefully to acknowledge in former reports. A contribution of four hundred pounds towards the same object, has also been received from our venerable friend, Robert Haldane, Esq., of Edinburgh, whose early patronage of our oriental translations introduced them to the notice and extended support of our fellow Christians in the north more than forty years ago. The other contributions to this branch of the Society’s expenditure have been but few and occa­ sional ; but it is hoped that as a separate appeal will hereafter be made for this object by the newly-formed Bible Translation Society, it will henceforth be sustained in a manner better corresponding with its importance and value. The stations occupied by our missionaries in other parts of India beyond Calcutta, are fourteen, exclusive of subordinate stations. Some of these lie north and north-west from the me­ tropolis, following the course of the Ganges; others are to the north-east and east. In this order they will now be reviewed. Cutiva, about seventy-five miles from Calcutta, on the western bank o f the river Hoogley, has been long the scene of missionary operations, a small church having been formed there by Mr. Chamberlain, in 1806. During the past year, two persons have been added by baptism, and an equal number have been removed by death. The labours of the native itinerants have been con­ siderably interrupted by sickness; but much attention is shown 18

to the word preached, and the Scriptures are sought after by the natives for the purpose of being read in their own houses. At Sewry, in Beerbhoom, about sixty miles beyond Cutwa, Mr. Williamson is pastor of a church of forty-three members, all but four of whom are converted natives. Six of these were added a few months ago, of whom Mr. Williamson writes as follows:—

“ The persons who were lately baptized, consist of two young men, with their wives, and one orphan girl, all of Christian parentage, and a middle-aged widow-woman, who renounced heathenism about two years ago. At first I thought their coming forward rather premature, and resolved on recommending their waiting some time longer; but after hearing their experience, and the favourable testimony respecting them by those who knew them best, 1 could no longer doubt of the propriety of admitting them into the church by baptism. One of the young men is our Bengali school master, and the other superintends a small weaving establishment connected with the Christian Boarding School. Tiiey are both promising youths, and I hope that both they and the rest who were received along with them will continue to walk consistently with their profession. May our heavenly Father, for the sake of his beloved Son, sanctify us all by his Holy Spirit, and add many more true believers to our little church.”— p. 12, C. R.

The church at Monghyr has received no accessions during the past year, while five of its number have been removed by death. It now contains forty members, one-half of whom are natives. T o these it is hoped some others will soon be added. The health of Mr. Leslie having been partially restored, he has again deferred his return to Europe. Mr. Lawrence, whose removal to Mong­ hyr was noticed in our last report, has been much exercised by domestic affliction, having lost two o f his children by death, and the health of his valuable partner being greatly impaired. Mr. and Mrs. Parsons, who were sent out by the Society with a view to strengthen the mission at this station, left Calcutta soon after the arrival o f Mr. Pearce and his brethren, and arrived at Mong­ hyr in November last. Mr. Beddy, of Patna, reports a recent addition to the church under his care o f three members— two native women, and a man who had been a Mahommedan. His exertions, in Patna and at Dinapore, are aided by two native preachers, Kast and Haridas ; but as the population of this large city is computed to exceed 300,000 souls, it has been thought desirable to place another missionary there in connexion with Mr. Beddy* and Mr. Phillips has proceeded up the river for that purpose* At Benares, celebrated as the chief seat of Brahminica.1 super­ 19 stition, and resorted to, during the idolatrous festivals, by un­ numbered myriads, Mr. Smith continues, in various ways, to exert himself for the diffusion of evangelical knowledge. His position affords him great advantages for circulating the Holy Scriptures and religious tracts in a variety of languages; nor have instances been wanting of a blessing on the distribution. The native preacher, Ramram, who labours with him in the service of the gospel, was led to search for the truth by reading a Hindi tract; and a copy of the Testament in the same language proved, in a singular way, the means of conversion to two other indi­ viduals. They were servants of Mr. Smith, and ran away with eighty rupees belonging to him, taking also the Hindi Testament, which the man had been accustomed to read to his wife. Such was the effect of the word of God on the minds of both, that they could find no rest; and at the end of two years they returned, weeping and mourning, and implored forgiveness for the ungrate­ ful deed. They restored the money they had stolen, and earnestly begged to be received as candidates for baptism. Mr. Smith was quite overjoyed at their return ; and after a few weeks probation, being satisfied of their piety, he received them into the church by baptism. They afterwards continued to afford him great satisfac­ tion, and at length died in the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ. Subordinate to Benares, about seventeen miles distant to the south-west, is the town and fortress of Chunar. A small church was formed here in 1827, which has ever since been dependent on the valued services of Mr. Smith. The past year has been, to this little Christian society, a season of trial—nine of its members having removed elsewhere, and four having died, leaving the pre­ sent number only seven. There is one candidate for baptism, and the friends at Chunar continue to show their deep interest in the success of the gospel around them by contributing, according to their means, to our auxiliary in Calcutta. The name of the ancient city of Allahabad is well known among us, in connexion with the annual bathing ceremony under its walls, to which vast numbers of pilgrims resort, many of whom perish on the occasion. It is gratifying to state, that the tax hitherto levied on the pilgrims, and which, in their estimation, connected the British government with this idolatrous and destruc­ tive observance, has recently been abalisl.eJ. Mr. Mackintosh 20

has laboured at this station, with various success, since the year 1816. The church now consists of eleven members, and another, it is expected, will soon be added to the number. Three were baptized in 1839, one of whom was a Rajput, who evinced his sincerity by renouncing caste, country, connexions, and employ under the native government, for the gospel. His attention to divine truth is ascribed, under God, to the perusal of some tracts which fell in his way. He is, adds Mr. Mackintosh, a respectable and intelli­ gent man, and has taken charge of a school. Mr. Williams, who presides over the church at Agra, is aided in his labours by a native brother, called Ganpat, and by two English friends, who, while pursuing worldly employments, do what they can to promote the cause of the Redeemer. Including three baptized, and three received by letter during the year, the church comprises forty-nine members, chiefly Europeans and East Indians ; who show their love to the gospel, and their compassion for the heathen around them, by providing at their own cost, for their esteemed pastor, and the native preacher under his direction. Agreeably to the intimation in our last report, Mr. Thompson, on leaving Serampore, repaired to the military station at Ghazi- pore; but as it was not found desirable to remain there, he has since proceeded to his old station in the imperial city of Delhi. During his long passage up the river, Mr. Thompson diligently improved the numerous opportunities which presented of making known the word of life, and distributing tracts and Scriptures; and witnessed, in some cases, a great desire to receive instruction, and possess the book of God. In a similar manner he has been engaged since his arrival at Delhi. “ 1 have gone out daily among the people,” he writes, to the brethren at Calcutta, “ and have testified to multitudes the gospel of the Saviour, called on them to forsake their refuges of lies, and pressed on them the perusal, and consideration, and reception of the word of God, and the truths that make for their peace. I shall not say that my words have become altogether wind, and that no good is likely to result from my ministrations. On the contrary, I have seen indications that promise hopeful results; and I wait with humble prayer to the Saviour, to enable me to realize my expectations in his own good time. O f tracts and gospels, there have been distributed about 3000 copies in the city and at the fair, and a few volumes of 21 the Old Testament Scriptures, in Hindi, Urdu, Persian, Arabic, Panjabi, and Bengali. O f the remaining five stations, which stretch in an easterly direction from Calcutta, that in the district of Jessore is the first in order. Here our missionary, Mr. Parry, has been cheered by evident tokens of spiritual prosperity. The entire number of persons under regular religious instruction, has increased to one hundred and forty. The church consists of sixty-four members, of whom twenty-two were admitted during the last year. One of the native preachers, Nilmani, has fallen a victim to cholera. He had been engaged in the work about ten years, was much beloved by the Christians, and by the heathens also, and died in the faith and hope of the gospel. The schools under the direction of Mr. Parry have declined, in consequence of the diminution of pecu­ niary support. The little church at Burisaul, in the district of Bakergung, has sustained a loss of one member, excluded for conduct unbecoming the gospel. Mr. Bareiro, the missionary at this station, seems to labour under much disadvantage from the nature of the country, a large portion of which is under water a great part of the year,— thus rendering it difficult to visit the scattered population. Such opportunities as occur are diligently improved by Mr. B. and his assistants, and an encouraging degree of attention is paid to their message. Since the removal of Mr. Robinson to Dacca, the church in that city has numbered twenty-two,— eleven having been added by dismission from other churches, and two by baptism. The prom­ inent features of the mission in this populous city, which is sup­ posed to contain 300,000 inhabitants, are street preaching and the distribution of books. The former encounters but little opposition, although Mohammedans are very numerous; while books are sought with such avidity, as often to occasion much inconvenience to the distributor. A subscription has been commenced for the erection of a chapel at this station, which it is hoped will secure the object; but the schools which have been for many years under the management of our aged friend Mr. Leonard, continue to lan­ guish, through the failure of the resources on which they have hitherto depended. Dinagepore and Sadamahl are the seat of two small churches, which rank among the earliest connected with our mission in In­ dia. Their state has been such as to exercise the faith arid patience of Mr. Smylie, the resident missionary; but a recent communica­ tion expresses his cheerful hope that better days are at hand. Three persons are proposed as candidates for church fellowship at Dinagepore, and six others at Sadamahl. The present number of members in the former is nine,— in the latter, twenty-two. Chittagong is the name of a district which forms the north eastern extremity of Bengal, towards Burmah. Our missionaries, Messrs. Johannes and Fink, reside at Islamabad, the capital. Their labours are carried on with much vigour among the Hindus and Mussulmans, as well as the Roman Catholics, and from the manner in which their message has been received, there is much reason to hope that it will not prove in vain. By the removal of Mr. Fink to Chittagong, the station at Akyab, which is an island on the Arakan river, was of necessity left to the care of native preachers, with whom, from the great distance of the station from Calcutta, and the want of acquaintance with their language, it is not easy to communicate. A good report has been received of the diligence and consistency of these humble evangelists, and the church under their superintendence is stated to contain twenty-eight members. Ceylon. The mission in this island has sustained a loss by the death of Mr. Hendrick Siers, who joined it nearly thirty years ago, and had been employed nearly the whole of the subsequent period as assistant missionary. He appeared to realize in his last moments the peace which the gospel alone can impart; and since his death two of his children have taken their father’s God to be their God also, and become members of the church in Colombo. Mr. Harris has been, since his arrival in the island, exercised with much domestic affliction; but, on the other hand, has been greatly encouraged by the copious blessing which has rested on his labours and those of his excellent colleague, in conjunction with the six native brethren who are employed in the service o f the gospel. In compliance with the philanthropic wishes of His Excellency the Governor, Mr. Daniel has occupied a part of the year in seeking out the Veddha and Rodya tribes who inhabit the scarcely accessible forests of the interior, and whose condition,— through the combined influence of total ignorance on their own 23 part, and of the stern prejudice of caste on their Singhelese neigh­ bours,— is described as wretched in the extreme. By the liberality of the Governor, a school has been commenced among the Rodyas, and one of the Veddha tribe has been admitted to Christian fel­ lowship as a kind of first-fruits of that class of the community. In and around Colombo, the capital of the island, the religion of the cross has been regularly published and explained, in ten differ­ ent places, and in the various languages spoken there,— the English, the Portuguese, the Singhalese, and the Tamul. In connexion with this, the parent station, and five others, more recently formed, and by the agency of the eight missionaries already mentioned, no less than one hundred and seven villages have had the gospel regularly published among them. The number of schools is twenty-nine, containing in the whole 1050 children ; and since our last report there have been baptized and added to the several churches, after strict examination and inquiry, one hundred and thirty-one mem­ bers. A new station has been formed at Aloot-Gama, about twenty miles from Colombo, and so encouraging are the prospects of our dear brethren engaged in this mission, that they urgently request an additional missionary, with a printing press, may be sent to their aid. From our missionaries in the important islands of Java and Su­ matra we have little to report. With the latter, indeed, intercourse is so uncertain and precarious, that another year has elapsed with­ out any intelligence from Mr. Ward. The communications from Mr. Bruckner of Samarang show his continued diligence, and the respectful attention of the people among whom he labours; but the veil of Mohammedan darkness does not appear, as yet, to be effectually penetrated by the rays of gospel light. WEST INDIES-

The annual association of our churches in J amaica was held at Brown’s Town, on the 14th of January, and following days. From the returns then presented, it appears that we are again called upon to rejoice in the general prosperity of the mission in that island. Large as was the increase of the previous year, that o f the last has exceeded it, the number of members now reported being 24,777, and of inquirers, 21,111; being an advance, on the former returns, of 3,440 in church fellowship, and 192 in­ quirers. The schools are not quite so well attended as formerly, the number of pupils being stated at 15,007, or 1,113 less than last year. This is probably owing, in part, to the multiplication of schools under the management of other friends to the cause of education; and in part, we fear, to the extreme difficulty of procuring the needful resources. Since Mr. Oughton assumed the pastoral charge of the church in East Queen Street, Kingston, additional accommodation has been required for the increasing congregation. As the church now consists of more than three thousand members, it appeared to the Committee desirable that another should be formed, rather than that the present pastor should be burdened with the augmented care and responsibility connected with a further increase. The church, however, were unwilling to adopt such an arrangement, and the proposed enlargement of the chapel has been made. The state of this large body of professing Christians is repre­ sented as, on the whole, very satisfactory and promising. A considerable number who had strayed from the fold, and asso­ ciated with those whose doctrine and practice are not in accordance with the gospel of Christ, have been readmitted to communion, and upwards of two hundred more have been received by baptism. In the midst of the onerous duties arising out of such a weighty charge, Mr. Oughton has had to encounter new difficulties, from which, indeed, he is not yet fully set free. Certain measures had been adopted by himself, and a respected clergyman in the parish of Hanover, previously to his quitting that part of the island, with a view to preserve the moral purity of the flocks committed to their care. These measures were made the occasion of legal 25 proceedings, which ended in the award of excessive damages, besides heavy costs incurred in the defence. When the particulars of this disgraceful affair were made known in this country, such an impression was created of the flagrant injustice shown towards Mr. Oughton and his companion in adversity, that a subscription was immediately raised to defray the costs of their defence. The case has subsequently been removed into a higher court, where it is still pending; but this, with other instances of a similar kind, clearly shows that much vigilance is still needed to protect our missionary brethren from the opposition to which they are ex­ posed under the forms of law. Mr. George Rouse, who had for several years conducted a school on the British system in this country with reputation and success, has succeeded Mr. Whitehorne in the superintendence of the school connected with East Queen Street; and will render Mr. Oughton such other assistance in the labours of the station as may be compatible with the efficient discharge of his educational duties. Mr. Tinson has been much exercised of late by personal in­ disposition ; yet he has been encouraged by witnessing a con­ tinued blessing on his labours. Fifty-eight have been added to the church under his care at Kingston, and forty-two at Yallahs. At the latter station he has been assisted by Mr. Rae, who con­ ducts the school which has been formed there; and so much atten­ tion has been excited to the preaching of the word, as to render it necessary to enlarge the premises. Much progress has not been made at the newly-planted station in St. Andrew’s, Mount Atlas, for want of the necessary agency and means. The sphere of Mr. Phillippo’s exertions has continued to widen. In addition to the church at Spanish Town, and those which have sprung from it at Passage Fort and Sligoville, new settle­ ments have lately been formed in the neighbourhood by the pur­ chase of land, and its disposal in small allotments to the free peasantry. Three of these infant villages are distinguished by the names of Sturge Town, Kitson Town, and Clarkson Town; and at all of them schools are formed, and divine worship occa­ sionally maintained. Mr. Taylor has been obliged, from declining health, and the urgent claims of his own church at Old Harbour, to discontinue the assistance he had previously rendered to Mr. c Phillippo, but his place has been, in a measure, supplied by another friend recently arrived from England. When, however, it is remembered that not less than 5,000 individuals are con­ nected with the various stations under the direction of Mr. Phil­ lippo, and that the number is still increasing, it will be admitted that one additional missionary, at least, should be sent, without delay, to cooperate with him in his arduous labours. These ex­ ertions have not been without fruit during the last year, the nett increase in the churches under Mr. Phillippo’s care being three hundred and one. Notwithstanding sickness has in some degree restrained the energies of Mr. Taylor, the church at Old Harbour has con­ tinued to prosper. Two hundred and ninety-six are reported, in the annual statement, to have been baptized there, in the year just closed. Mr. Taylor has purchased premises for a new station in the adjoining parish of Clarendon, and has commenced a third in the parish of Vere. The station in Clarendon is deemed peculiarly eligible as a site for the proposed institution for train­ ing native candidates for the Christian ministry, a plan which seems well adapted, under the divine blessing, to promote the cause of the Redeemer in the island, and which it is hoped, there­ fore, may ere long be carried into effect. A brief absence from home proved so beneficial to the health of Mr. Reid, that he was enabled soon to resume his accustomed labours at Four Paths, Clarendon, and Ebony Chapel, Vere. Hence, he has yielded to the earnest desires of the people of his charge to continue amongst them, instead of removing to a dif­ ferent part of the island. Mr. Reid has been cheered by some increase to both the churches under his care, and the chapels are fully attended. In Clarendon, a Christian Instruction Society has been formed, which promises to be o f much benefit, and at both stations, the old and the young are formed into classes, who meet regularly for instruction in the word o f God. Mr. Reid has lately begun to visit a very destitute district in the mountains about twelve miles distant from Four Paths, and is desirous that another missionary should be sent to take charge of the station in Vere. Mr. Kingdon has been much occupied with the erection of his new chapel at Manchioneal, the architect who was engaged upon it, and to whose Christian character Mr. Kingdon 27 bears honourable testimony, having been unexpectedly removed by death. The work of God still extends in this neighbourhood; two additional places are mentioned where divine worship is occa­ sionally maintained, Hectors River, and Haining, and Mr. King- don has been urged to visit Port Antonio, in the northern part of the parish, where many are anxious to hear the word of God from his lips. With this earnest invitation he felt it his duty to comply, though the distance will occasion no small addition to his already heavy labours. The churches under his care at Manchio- neal, and Long Bay, have received a nett increase of fifty-nine during the past year, and the Sunday school affords instruction to one hundred and fifty children. Notwithstanding the sickness with which it has pleased God to visit our esteemed brother Clarke, and his family, and which has occasioned their return home for a season, none of our stations have been more prosperous than those at which he was privileged to plant the gospel standard. Previous to the departure of Mr. Clarke, he had the satisfaction of witnessing the ordination of his friends, the Messrs. Merrick, to the office of the Christian ministry, being the first instance in which persons of African descent have been thus brought into connexion with our Jamaica mission. These worthy men have exercised their ministry with much ac­ ceptance, and no less than five hundred and thirty-nine persons have been admitted by baptism to the church at Jericho, and the smaller ones connected with it. A very considerable proportion of these had undergone strict examination by Mr. Clarke, before he left the station, nor is there any reason to suppose that his absence has relaxed, in any degree, the vigilance exercised in the reception of candidates to communion. W e have gratefully to acknowledge the gift of an acre of land to the Society, at a new village, forming in the neighbourhood by Dr. Ewart, a liberal member o f the House of Assembly. A township has also been begun, on ground bought for the purpose, by Mr. Clarke, which the persons about to settle there have determined to call * Vic­ toria,’ in grateful commemoration of the gracious Sovereign at whose hands they have received the inestimable boon of complete emancipation. The churches at Port Maria and Oracabessa have been fa­ voured with much o f the spirit of harmony and peace, while the 28 word of God has not been dispensed among them in vain. One hundred and fourteen have been added to their number by bap­ tism, and measures are in progress to extend more widely the benefits of Sunday schools in the neighbourhood. A change of residence has proved very serviceable to the health of our mis­ sionary, Mr. Day, who has been enabled to pursue his labours without interruption. The case has been otherwise with Mr. Barlow, at the neighbouring station of Anotta Bay. He has been visited with much affliction in his family, and more recently differences have arisen between him and some of the people o f his charge, which may probably lead to the resignation of his office among them. No report appears to have been made to the Association from Anotta Bay, and Buff Bay. Brown’s Town and Bethany stations, have continued to prosper, under the pastoral oversight of Mr. Clark. The chapels at each place have been very much enlarged, but are still insufficient to contain the numbers who resort to them. In order to accom­ modate those who come from a distance, and many who are unable to travel, a subordinate station has been formed at “ Sturge Town,” where Mr. Clark purchased land for the residence of emancipated labourers, and where nearly one hundred families have determined to fix their abode. This new village is seven or eight miles from Brown’s Town; and another, of larger extent, is about to be formed on the same plan, beyond Bethany. These rapidly increasing engagements have compelled Mr. Clark to solicit further assistance, to facilitate which, his people have cheer­ fully engaged to provide a large share of the support of another missionary, and to defray the whole expense when the debts now due on account of their chapels shall have been paid. To meet this pressing demand, Mr. H. J. Dutton has been sent out by the Committee, and recent letters announce his safe arrival. The statement given by Mr. Abbott with respect to his stations at St. Ann’s Bay, Oeho Rios, and Coultart s Grove, much re­ sembles that just made respecting Brown’s Town, and its depend­ encies. Two new places have been visited with the gospel, Stacey Ville, in Clarendon, and Llandovery, in St. Ann’s. New chapels have been built and opened, both at St. Ann’s Bay, and Ocho Rios; and Mr. Abbott pleads very earnestly that a fellow- labourer may be sent him without delay. The necessity of such 29 aid will be evident, when it is stated that the various congrega­ tions supplied by Mr. Abbott comprise at least four thousand persons, and that the two most distant stations are thirty-six miles apart. At Falmouth, Mr. Knibb has had still to endure much violent and unprincipled opposition. In more than one instance, the press has been made the vehicle of slanders so utterly false and deliberately malicious that, for the sake of public interests, as well as of individual reputation, it was deemed proper to resort to a court of justice for protection. But in Jamaica this was utterly vain. Undeniable and flagrant as were the wrongs inflicted, no redress could be obtained. Before a British tribunal the result was different. A London journalist, having ventured to copy one of the obnoxious articles, was taught that bounds must be set to wanton and unprovoked hostility, and that in the metropolis of the empire, if not always in our colonies, the cause of the inno­ cent may be pleaded with success. Considerable progress has been made, by Mr. Knibb, as well as by other brethren in his vicinity, in forming settlements of emancipated labourers, on land bought for the purpose, with funds advanced by the parties themselves, or by friends in this country on their behalf. This is the plan pursued at other stations also, and it seems happily adapted to remove and prevent much of the strife and litigation now existing on the subject of rent, and similar questions originating in the new state of West Indian society. In the midst of cares and engagements of this kind, from which it seems impossible, under present circumstances, that a missionary can wholly escape, the work of God has continued to advance. The church at Falmouth, and those under the superintendence of its pastor at Refuge and Waldensia, exhibit an increase during the last year of 382 members, and ninety-nine inquirers. In pro­ viding for the support of the ministry, the maintenance of their large and prosperous schools, with the discharge of a heavy debt incurred in building chapels, the people have shown a spirit of hearty consecration to the service of their Heavenly Master: while, at this and other stations, the spiritual wants of Africa continue to be regarded with emotions of lively compassion and self-denying zeal. Mr. T, E. Ward, who has long been a very efficient coadjutor with Mr. Knibb, has expressed his willingness 80

to conduct a few negro Evangelists to the shores of Western Africa. Persons possessing the essential qualifications for the work, and desirous of engaging in it, are to be found at several of our Jamaica stations; so that, it is hoped, a commencement may ere long be made in this important and desirable undertaking. A recent communication from Mr. Dexter contains the following notices respecting the churches at Rio Bueno, Stewart Town, and New Birmingham:

At Rio Bueno, the congregation has been as large as at any former period. The enlargement of the chapel has been completed, and it was re-opened on the 19th of May last. It had long been felt desirable to procure a missionary residence in the neighbour­ hood of the town ; and as a commodious dwelling was for sale, within a mile and a half of the chapel, it was bought, together with fifty acres of land, the greater part of which is being sold out in lots to suit purchasers among the labouring population. The day-school at this station continues to be efficiently conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Innes. At Stewart Town, the means of grace have been as numerously attended as in former years, though many who used to assemble there now worship with the church at New Birmingham. Among the members received by baptism during the year, we have re­ newed cause for gratitude that there are several young persons from the Sabbath school; and we trust that the same Spirit who has changed their nature, is at work upon the hearts of others. The number of scholars has nearly doubled; and among those who have recently entered are many of our older members who appear to feel it a disgrace as well as a hindrance to be unable to read the word of God. Two of our young friends have been accepted by the Mico Normal Institution, and are about to pro­ ceed thither without delay, in order to their being hereafter em­ ployed in connexion with some of our stations. At New Birmingham, we have been severely tried by the illness of Mr. Gibson, the schoolmaster, who has been compelled on this account to leave the station, where he was eminently useful. The first addition to this little church by baptism took place on the 28th of December, when twenty persons, among whom were several scholars, followed the example o f the divine Redeemer. It may be remarked respecting the whole of the stations, that there is an unusual desire to obtain the word of God. W e were visited in July by Mr. Wheeler, of the British and Foreign Bible Society, who took down the names of nearly three. hundred sub­ scribers for Bibles, chiefly of the larger sort. One thing we cannot pass over, though we believe there is no difference in that respect between us and many o f our sister Si

churches. Since the glorious day of freedom, not one member connected with us has been convicted, or even accused of any unlawful act. When we remember that our people have only recently been released from their unnatural restraint', and connect witli this the uncalled-for and unnumbered provocations to which they have been subject, we consider that their universal con­ sistency is worthy of remark. May He who has kept them from sin, have the glory which is due unto his name. During the year, sixty-two have been baptized at Rio Bueno, and one hundred and sixteen at Stewart Town, besides the twenty already mentioned at New Birmingham.

The church at Montego Bay reports an increase of 199 since the last association; but its excellent pastor, Mr. Burchell, has been greatly tried by affliction in his own family, and by the death of Mr. Andrews, who had the flourishing schools at this station under his care. The most recent accounts speak un­ favourably of Mr. Burchell’s own health; which, though his con­ stitution is naturally good, was never equal to the constant and overwhelming labours devolving upon him. The Committee have lately sent Mr. Jabez Tunley, who had acquired considerable experience in the work of education, to supply the vacancy occa­ sioned by the death of Mr. Andrews ; and it would afford them much satisfaction to be enabled, in this case, as in several others, to send out additional help without delay. The churches at Lucea and Green Island, with Gurney’s Mount, have at length been supplied with a pastor, in the person o f Mr. E. J. Francies, who arrived at Lucea in the month o f August last. He found the people much discouraged by previous disappointments, but this was soon succeeded by indications o f a divine blessing, which caused much grateful joy. A large number were baptized and added to each of the churches, and the place o f worship proved far too small to contain the numbers who flocked to hear the gospel. Hence Mr. Francies has strongly urged the necessity of erecting a new chapel: a few contributions have been kindly presented for this purpose, but a much larger sum will be required before it can be accom­ plished. Mr. Dendy has found it necessary to enlarge the chapels occu­ pied by him bdth at Salter’s Hill and Bethtephil, and the people have exerted themselves very strenuously to meet the expence. 32

The churches have been favoured with peace, and, though some painful circumstances have occurred among them, a nett increase of two hundred and forty-three affords encouraging proof that the Lord is still bearing testimony to the word of his grace. Mr. Pickton, who joined Mr. Dendy in January, 1838, as assistant minister and superintendent of the day-school at Salter’s Hill, has been publicly ordained to missionary work; and more recently, valuable aid has been furnished for Bethsalem, the newly-formed station in St. Elizabeth’s, by Mr. George Webb, lately a student at Bristol College, who repaired to Jamaica for the benefit of his health, and has so far regained it as to be able to engage regularly in the work of the ministry. No information as to the state of the churches at Savanna la Mar and Fuller’s Field, appears to have been sent to the asso­ ciation. This was doubtless owing to the severe and unexpected calamity which had then just occurred, and which was felt the more heavily on account of the impaired state of Mr. Hutchins’s health. W e refer to the late destruction of their chapel, in con­ sequence of a fire which broke out at some distance, but which, favoured by the wind, carried devastation through a great part of the town. The people had just made a noble and successful effort to discharge the remaining debt on the premises, when they were thus, as in a moment, deprived of the fruits of their honest toil, and left without a place in which to assemble for the worship of God. Much sympathy has been excited on the occasion in the island, and, among other contributions, His Excellency the Governor has kindly presented the sum of £50. The appeal made on their behalf at home has met, in many quarters, with a friendly response; and it is trusted that further assistance will yet be rendered, towards repairing the loss our Christian brethren have been called to sustain. Bahamas. After considerable delay, the Committee have been enabled to provide for the station at Nassau. The Rev. Henry Capern, who for several years honourably sustained the pastoral office at Long Buckby, in Northamptonshire, has been accepted with that view, and embarked, with his family, for New Provi­ dence a few days since. May it please God to render him abun­ dantly useful in the important sphere he is about to occupy. Mr. Quant has paid occasional visits to several of the smaller 33

islands; and in two of them, Heneagua and Salt Cay, he has baptized four persons on a profession of their faith. Seventeen have been admitted to the church on Turk’s Island. The num­ ber might have been far greater, but for the strict caution which Mr. Quant deems it right to exercise in such cases. While the gradual enlargement of our Honduras mission, and the failing health of Mr. Henderson, our laborious missionary there, have rendered it more than ever desirable to increase the agency at that station, it has pleased God, in his holy providence, again to disappoint our expectations of supplying it. Mr. Wm. Weatherall, a young man, whose prudence, zeal, and devotedness, encouraged the hope that he was one whom our heavenly Master designed to honour as the instrument of much good among his fellow-men, was removed, most unexpectedly, by the hand of death, while yet on his passage to the destined sphere of his labours. The Committee deeply sympathise in the sorrow which this mournful event has occasioned, while they recognise in it the hand of the sovereign Arbiter of life and death, who giveth no account of his matters. It is their anxious desire to send some other brother to this important post with the least possible delay. By the most recent accounts which have reached us from Mr. Aveline, of Graham’s Town, we learn that he has availed himself of the opportunity presented by the location of a body of Fingoes in the vicinity, to make some efforts for their instruction. The congregation at Graham’s Town was numerous, and the state of the church encouraging. The out station at Karega had been visited, and Mr. Aveline hoped soon to re-commence divine worship there.

to 34


I t will have appeared, in the course of the preceding statement, that a larger number of missionary brethren than usual have entered into the field during the past year. Including our esteemed brother Mr. W . H. Pearce, five have been furnished for the East; and, reckoning the two friends who have devoted themselves to the work of instruction in Jamaica, six have proceeded to the West. Three additional Christian labourers are about shortly to embark for India: Mr. W . W . Evans, who has for several years rendered important aid to the Society, as Assistant Secretary, and whose previous engagements in tuition peculiarly fit him to occupy the post left vacant by the death of Mr. Penney; Mr. George Small, formerly of the University of Edinburgh, lately of Bristol Col­ lege ; and Mr. John Parsons, whose elder brother is already occupied in the work at Monghyr. The Committee would rejoice in being enabled to made addi­ tions, even on this scale, to the band of faithful and devoted men engaged, conjointly with themselves, in promoting the kingdom of Christ among the heathen. But what are these among so many ? It would be difficult to find, in any part of the field cultivated by our Society, a station that may be considered adequately supplied, while not a few are languishing for want of additional aid, and too many are dependant, almost for their very existence, on a single life, and that often worn down to exhaustion by incessant toil. When, in addition to this, it is remembered how many appeals are continually made to extend our borders, and enter upon new, and most inviting fields of exertion, it will be admitted, that never was the call for renewed and strenuous exertions more loud and imperative than at the present time. The income of the Society, during the past year, has not been quite equal to that of the preceding. The sum received for general purposes has been £15,236 8s. lOd.; that for other objects, including £1186 18s. extra subscriptions towards the debt, and the generous donation to the Translation Fund from the American and Foreign Bible Society, already mentioned, £3837 4«. 2d.; making a total of £19,071 13s. The expenditure, on the 35

other hand, has been £19,781 6s. 9d., which, with the balance remaining undischarged from last year, leaves a deficit of £8341 7s. This compendious statement will convince our friends, without detaining them by laboured argument on the subject, how much their kind and generous assistance is required, to sustain and carry forward the operations of the Society. Among other benefactions, the following sums of £50 and upwards have been gratefully received since our last report:—

£ S. Leipsic . . 50 0 0 Friend, by B. Young, Esq., Hatfield 50 0 0

In conformity with the resolution of the last annual meeting, the Committee have invited the Rev. Joseph Angus, A.M., of New Park Street, , to the office of Co-Secretary to the Society. They are gratified to state that the invitation has been accepted, and trust that the results of the appointment will be eminently advantageous to the interests of the mission. Mr. Angus will especially apply himself to the work of arranging, more regularly and extensively, the means of obtaining funds for the Society, in which, it is earnestly hoped, he will meet the prompt and hearty concurrence of our ministering brethren throughout the empire. The Committee will not prolong this report by any general re­ marks on the present aspect of the great cause in which it is their honour, in common with many other servants of our Redeemer, to be engaged. That cause has gradually risen to a magnitude which our predecessors little anticipated; and its influence is felt, with more or less of force and distinctness, in nearly every part of the habitable globe. Ancient systems of imposture and superstition 36

exhibit everywhere the signs of mutation and decay, while the power and influence of our own country, and of our kindred empire across the Atlantic, are extending more and more with each successive year. W e cannot forget that many evils spring out o f this enlarged intercourse— evils over which humanity weeps, and which awfully dishonour the sacred name by which we are called; but still to us are committed the oracles of God; and it is by our means, if at all, that these oracles must strike upon the ear and the heart of distant nations, hitherto sunk in ignorance, and wretchedness, and guilt What a responsibility does this involve! How solemn and weighty are the considerations which bind us to prosecute the missionary enterprise with all the energy we possess, and to cultivate that spirit, and those principles, in carrying it forward, which are in accordance with His will, under whose authority we act. May grace, to this end, be copiously vouchsafed to us, and may the progressive advances of truth and righteousness in the earth, and of union and Chris­ tian love among all the disciples of the Redeemer, form the joyful earnest and prelude of the day in which all nations whom He hath made shall come and worship before Him! LIST OF THE SOCIETY’S STATIONS, &c.


B engal. C a lc u it a ...... Circular Road— English Church—F. Tucker, B.A. Native Church— C. C. Aratoon. Lul Bazar— Robert Bayne, W . Thomas. Translation Department—William Yates, D.D., John Wenger, George Small. Printing Office —J . Thomas, and Assistants. Benevolent Institution, ¿fc.— W . W. Evans. Sub-SUitions—Jeeadagote, Debeepoor, Balurampoor, Makharya, Madpore. Native Preachers— Gorachund, Soojatullee, Ganga Na- rayun Sil, Ram-huree, Ram-soondur. E n t a l l y ...... Native Christian Institution—J. D. Ellis. Sub-Stations— Goladanga, Bunda-ghat Native Preachers—Bishwanath, Caleb, Shem, Se e b p u k ...... George Pearce, John Wenger, F. De Monte. Female Department—Mrs. G. Pearce, Mrs. Penney. Sub-Stations — Bonstollah, Kharee, Luckyantipur, Dhankata, Morapai, Maya Bibir Hat, with several villages. Native Preachers— Kashee, Gaur-Prasad, Jacob, Kala- chund. Ho w r a h ...... Thomas Morgan. Native Preacher— Bhim. Dum D u m ...... Native Preacher— Soobrhoo. J k s s o iie ...... J. Parry. Sub-Stations—Badpukaria, Kadamdi, Rajnagar, Buri- danga, Mulgaji, See. Native Preachers—Sharun,John,Bungshe. (Six schools.) Cutwa...... William Carey. Native Preachers— Gurucharun, Kanta, Pans, Digu, Haradhan, Chaytan. Sewuy...... James Williamson. Native Preachers—Sonatan, Sonatan, jun., Haradhan, Judab. Bukibaul...... S. Bareiro. Sub-Stations— Sagurdeep, Shagurdee. A’« tit« Preacher«— Yiswannath, Gorachund. D a c c a ...... O . Leonard, W. Robinson. Native Preachen—Sunga Narayan, Chand. C h i t t a g o n g ...... J- Johannes. Nutive Preacher— Gungarayan, jun. D i n a g u *o k e | ...... Hugh Smylie. S a d i i a m u h a i . | ...... Native Preachers—Bhoodoo, Peter, Gurib. 38

K assias.

C hekbapongee ...... A. B. Lish.

A r r a c a n .

A k v a b ...... J. C. Fincke. Sub-Stations—Krueday, Kimby-won, Arracan Town. Native Preachers — Khepoong, Kullafree, Marang, Kyo-jorhee.


M o n g h t r ...... Andrew Leslie, G. B. Parsons, John Parsons, W, Moore. Native Preacher— Nayansukh. D i g a h ...... John Lawrence. Native Preacher—Hurri-Das. P a t n a ...... Henry Beddy. Native Preachers— Kasi, Harridas. B e n a r e s ...... W . Smith. Native Preacher—Siva-das. A g r a ...... Richard Williams, Thomas Phillips. Native Preacher—Ganpat. A l l a h a b a d ...... J. Mackintosh. Native Preacher— Bhuguwan-das. D e l h j ...... J. T. Thompson. Native Preacher—Devegir.


C eylon.

C o l o m b o ...... Ebenezer Daniel, Joseph Harris. Assistant Missionary— C. M’Carthy. Sub-Stations — Slave Island, Hangwella, Byamville, Matelle, Kottigha-Watta, Weyhan-goda, with eight other places. Missionaries—John Meldor, J. W . Nadar, C. Carolis, H. C. Silva, and William Meldor. Connected with the Ceylon Mission are 29 Day-schools, with 1,050 children in attendance.

J a v a .

S a m a r a n g ...... Gottlob Bruckner.

S u m a tra.

P a d a n o ...... N. M. Ward.


G b a h a m ' s T o w n .... G.Aveline. Sub-Station— Karega. 39 WEST INDIES.

J a m a i c a . North. L u c e a a n d G r e e n I s l a n d . E. J. Francies. SuL-Stations—Fletcher’s Grove, Gurney’s Mount. Teachers—Samuel Stennett, E. Chambers, F. Daly, E. England. M o n t e g o B a y ...... Thomas Burchell. Sub-Stations—Shortwood, Mount Carey, Bethel Hill, Tottenham, Watford Hill. Estates visited— Montpelier, Catherine Hall, Spring Gardens, Eden. Teachers—Jabez Tunley, J. C. Hayles, J. C. Prince, Samuel J. Vaughan, J. Chambers, Miss Commins, Miss Ann Reid, Miss Jane Reid. S a l t e r ’s H i l l & B e t h t e f h i l Walter Dendy. Assistant Missionary—T. F. Pickton. Sub-Statims— Maroon Town, Retirement, Maldon, Sudbury, Prospect. Estates visited— Glasgow, Windsor Lodge, Paisley, Moor Park, Leydon, Guilsborough. Teachers—Thomas F. Pickton, James Lovemore, W. P. Russell, Mrs. Lovemore, Mrs. Russell, Miss E. Tucker. F a l m o u t h ...... William Knibb. Assistant Missionary—T. E. Ward. Sub-Stations— Refuge, Waldensia, Camberwell, Wil- berforce. Estates visited — Golden Grove, Garadu, Mann’s, Tharp’s. Teachers— T. E. Ward, I. M'Lauchlan, Thomas Lever- more, Misses Troop, Miss Clarke, Miss Bennett, Miss M'Kenzie, Mrs. M‘Lauchlan, Mrs. Levermore, F. and Mrs. Eberall, L. Williams, D. Ward. Rio B u e n o fit S t e w a i i t T o w n Benjamin B. Dexter. Assistant Missionary—James Gibson. Sub Station—New Birmingham. Teachei's—William Innes, F. H. Dillon, Mrs. Innes, Miss Thomas, J. Gibson. B r o w n ’ s T o w n ...... John Clark. Sub-Stations— Buxton Town, Sturge Town, Somerset, Mount Zion. Teachers— Frances Johnstone, R . Brown, A. Valentine. B e t h a n y ...... H. J. Dutton. Sub-Station— Clarksonville. St. A n n ’ s B a y ...... Thomas F. Abbott. Assistant Preachers—H. Beckford, Isaac Higgin. Sub-Stations— Ocho Rios, Coultart’s Grove, Stacey- ville, Landovery. Teachers— S. M'Koy, J. Ellis. P o r t M a r i a ...... David Day. Sub-Stations— Oracabessa, Bagnal’s Vale. Teacher—J. Williams. A n n a t t o B a y ...... Josiah Barlow. Sub-Station— Buff Bay. Estate visited— Moor Hall. M o u n t C h a r l e s . . . . W . Whitehorne. Sub-Stations— Brandon Hill, Scott’s Hall. B e l l e C a b t l e , M a n c i u o n e a l John Kingdon. Sub-Station— Long Bay. Estate visited— Amity Hall. Teaohers— J. and Mrs. Kingdon. 40 South.

K i n g s t o n ...... East Queen Street—Samuel Oughton. Sub-Stations— Port Royal, Martyrdom. Teacher—George Rouse. Hanover Street—Joshua Tinson. Sub-Stations— Valias, Mount Atlas. Teachers—W . Woolley, R. H. Rae. S p a n i s h T o w n . . . . . J. M. Phillippo. Sub-Stations — Passage-Fort, Sligo-Ville, Sturge’s Mount, Kitson Town, Rock River, Taylor’s Cay- manas, Clarkson Town. Teachers— J. Soul, George Kirby, Elizah Newell, Mary M'Vicar, Eliza Carr, John Ogborne, W . and Mrs. Norman, S. Bernard, J. O'Meally, A. Anderson. Estates Visited— Cumberland Pen, Dawkin’s Pen. O l d H a r b o u r . . . • . H. C. Taylor. Sub-Stations— New Lionel, Vere, Frudom, Clarendon. Teacher—Joseph Moseley. F o u r P a t h s a n d E b o n y 1 James Reid. C h a p e l , V e r e j Teacher— G. Moody. J e r i c h o ...... John Clarke. Assistant Missionaries and Teachers— R. Merrick, Jo­ seph Merrick. Teachers— Misses S. and D. Merrick, Miss O'Meally, C. Mactavesher. Sub-Stations—Mount Hermon, Lucky Valley, Guy’s Hill, Springfield, Moneague, Smyrna Chapel. S a v a n n a - l a -M a r . . . . John Hutchins. Sub-Stations— Fuller’s Field, Bunyan’s Mount. Estate Visited— New Providence. Teachers— R. L. Constantine, J. Lake, J. Valentine, J. Vaz.

B a h a m a I s l a n d s .

N e w P r o v id e n c e , Nassau . Thomas Leaver. (Henry Capern has sailed for this station ) Sub-Stations— Grant’s Town, Good Hope Hill, Car­ michael Village. T u r k ’ s I s l a n d , G r a n d C a t , Ebenezer F. Quant. % * Caicos Island, Crooked Island, St. Salvador, Wat- ling’s Long Island, Rugged Island, Great and Little Exuma Islands, Eluthera and Andros Islands, are occasionally visited by the Missionaries from Nassau and Grand Cay.


Bay of H onduras, B elize . Alexander Henderson. &i#t of iliU $u&*rcifcr0


By the Payment o f Ten Pounds or upwards at one time.


IN THE FOLLOWING LIST, 1. Those Persons to whose names no place o f abode is attached reside in or near London. ” 2. Tftc donations are inserted without specifying the particular object for which they were given. 3. The names of anonymous contributors, and of persons known to be deceased, are not inserted.

£ s. d. Abercrombie« D r., Edinburgh.... •• 21 0 0 Callender, W . R.t Esq., Manchester 55 0 0 ' D u n n AcUml, Sir T. I>., M.F ...... 20 0 0 C n m p b r il, R e v . 11., S a lo p 10 10 Dyer, Rev. John ...... 40 0 0 Acwurth, Rev. J., \»M., Bradford, 10 0 0 C u m p b e 1. H e * . 11., Sailsworth. . . , 10 1U Easthope, John, Esq.» M .P ...... 10 0 0 Adkins, M r., Middleton Cheney.... 10 0 0 Carey, llev. Eustace ...... 310 0 U j Edmiuson, Rev. R ...... 10 0 0 Adams, .Mr., Cittnbridge...... 60 0 0 Carncpie, Mis* E ., Edinburgh 10 10 0 j Edward*., Kev John ...... 10 0 0 Adshcad, M r. Jo*. Manchester...... 10 0 o Cartwright, 'V, fU, Esq., Devizes 20 0 0 j Edwards, Rev. J., Nottingham 10 0 0 Aked, Mr. T., Bradford...... ‘¿0 0 0 Cartwright, Mr. R ...... 30 0 0 i Edwards, T „ Esq., Caer/eon...... 10 0 0 Alexander, D ., Esq ...... 10 10 0 Carpenter, Mr. VV...... 21 0 0 Edwards, Mrs ...... 10 10 0 Allen, Francis, Esq., From»,...... 10 0 0 Casiou and Cathcrwoo«!, M essrs... 10 0 0 i Edwards, Edward, Esq ...... 10 10 0 Allen, Mr. Joseph II., ^'orw uA.... 10 U 0 Cason, Mr. W ., Eye...... 10 0 0 | Edwards, Janies, Esq., Lyme 10 0 0 Anj:as, G . F . E s q ...... *...... 20 0 0 Cuve, Mr. G ., Piddinzton...... 40 0 0 | Ellis, T , Esq., Sa*d«*r*t...... 21 10 0 Aligns, M ist, Tavistock...... 10 0 0 , S., Esq., Bristol * €0 0 © ; E l l i s , M r s ...... 10 10 0 Angus, M r*.,J.L ., X w cititte...... 10 0 0 Chafl'ev, Johu, E sq...... 10 0 0 | Ellis, Pen r, Esq ...... 21 0 0 An»ti«« Paul, Esq., D m ¿ft...... 2 0 3 0 Chandler, Mr. John ...... 10 0 0 Erskine, T., Esq., Dunder...... 20 10 0 Anti), Mr. H., Nailswnrth...... 20 0 0 Charles, Robert, Esq ...... 10 10 0 Evans, Rev J. H.. A.M ...... 10 0 0 Ariel, Myles, Esq., Bristol...... 10 0 Cheney, Miss C. Bmmuion ...... 20 0 0 E v a n s , VV., E s q ., M .P ., Derby 20 0 0 Armitas«-, M r., jnnnc/ififfr ...... 10 0 0 Christy, Messrs. VV. M „ J., and Co. 10 0 0 j Evaufr, Rev. . W., Caicwtta.... )0 0 O Ash, M r». E l « . , Bristnl...... 10 0 0 Churchill, Mr. R., SheepsheadL. . . . 20 0 0 | Everett, Rev. J. D ., Ipswich, 10 Ashuell,Samuel, Esq., M.D ...... 10 0 0 Claris, Mr. J ...... 10 10 0 I Farmer, T homas, E s q ...... 10 0 A'tmiu. Mr. James, Hourton ...... 10 0 Clark and Collin», M essrs ...... 10 0 0 i Favell, Mrs ...... 10 0 Aspinali, M rs.. Liverpool...... io o Clarke, Rev. R „ Oswestry...... 10 0 0 j Fell, John, Esq., Vlverstone....•• 10 0 Ayres, M r*., Lvnn...... 100 0 Clapham, John, Esq., Leeds...... 10 0 0 | l enn, M r. Sudbuiy...... 10 0 Baron, M n., Bradford...... 10 0 C la y t o n , S . VV., E s q ...... HO 10 0 Ferrier and Co., Dublin...... 41 10 Bailey, John, Esq ...... 10 0 Clifr, M r., Bromley...... 15 0 0 Fiolav, K.. Esq , Glasgow...... 10 10 Baker, Mr , Andover...... • • • • 20 0 Cobb, F. \V., Esq., Afarra«"...... 10 0 Flanders, W .,E sq ...... 10 10 Baker, M rs., Andover...... 10 0 Collingwoi>d. S., Esq. Oxford 51 0 Fleming, R ., Esq ...... 20 0 Baker, Miss S ...... 50 0 Collius, \V.t E sq...... 40 0 Fletcher, Joseph, Esq ...... 200 0 O Barfirld, M r. John ...... 10 0 0 Colmau, Mr. Jeremiah, Scrunch., 10 0 Fletcher, Samuel, Esq., Manchester 25 0 0 Barham, Ht. Non. I.ord ...... 10 0 0 Cnlm «n, J. ;uid L. Stokemills . . . 10 0 v Fludyer, Miss ...... 10 0 0 BariiiK. Sir T ., Bari . M .P ...... 20 0 0 Colla, Mr. S. H ...... 50 0 0 ; Foote, Miss. Bristol...... 10 0 0 B»ri.lK, F. T . , E . q . , S i.I '...... 10 10 0 Colyer, M r. \V. H., Fool*cray ...... 10 10 0 Fordham, J. E., Esq ...... 10 0 0 Barrett, E. M ., Esq ...... lfiO 0 0 Comfort, Mr. R.f Sevenoaks. * 10 10 0 I Foster, John, Esq., Biggleswade.. 403 10 0 B artlett, M r. \V. I*...... 140 0 0 Cooper. E.» Esq., Dereham*...... 10 10 0 ) Foster, M rs., do...... 20 0 0 Bartlett, Nicb«>las, E sq ...... SO 0 0 Cooper, Mr. R., Bourton...... 10 10 0 Foster, R., Esq., Caiafcr’d^e 40 0 0 Batten, M r., Plymouth ...... 10 0 0 Cooper, Miss ...... 10 0 Fo*ter, R., jun , Esq., Po...... 90 0 0 Baylis, M r. J ...... 200 0 0 Cooke, I., Esq^, Bristol...... 60 10 Foster, Ebenexer, Esq., Do...... 160 0 0 Bcasly, M rs...... 10 0 0 Corrie,Adam ,E«q., tl'riliugboroHgh 50 0 Foster, George, Esq., Sabdeu ..., 100 0 0 Beddome, H. B.. Esq ...... 20 10 0 Cort, Mr. JamcH, LHctifer ...... 41 10 Foutks, Arthur, Esq , Bristol...... 30 0 0 Beddome, M r. \V...... 10 0 0 Cottle, Robrrt, Esq ...... 10 0 Freeman, Mrs ...... 20 0 0 Beeby, " . T., Eaq ...... 80 0 0 Courtney, H ., Esq., Dublin 10 0 Frerm an, Mcs«rs. VI. and J , ...... SO 0 0 ¡M l, John, Esn ...... 10 0 0 Courtney, Mrs., Dublin...... 10 0 Freeman, J., Esq ...... 10 0 0 {¡enliara, M r. John ...... 85 0 0 Coward, Johu, Esq., Liverpool « . . . Jb 0 Fripp, James, Esq., Bristol...... 10 0 0 Berkley. M r. R., I*eicester. , ...... • 10 0 0 Cowell, Mr. John ...... SO 10 F re«trson t M r . J . , S'ottiwgham 40 0 0 Ucvan, Charles, E sq...... 10 10 0 Cox, Mrs , Over ...... 10 10 0 Fiy and Steel, Messrs ...... 52 10 0 Btrxlry, Right Hon. L o rd ...... 71 10 o Cox, Rev. F. A., D.U., LL.D 10 0 0 Gntdiner, S., Esq , Coombe Lodge.. 30 0 0 Bickrrstetl», He?. Edward, A .M .... 10 10 o Cozeus, Mr. James, JVorwicb.. 20 0 0 Gurdimr, Mrs. Cheltenham . jhekham.Thomas, Eiq ...... 200 0 0 Cozens, Mr. John, D o...... ^ 0 0 Gee, Mrs. Man-, Hull...... 10 10 Uiruold, ftiotnas, E sq., Norwich** 185 10 0 Coicos, Mr. Williom, London 40 0 Geonse, C., Esq., Bristot...... 10 0 Blackburn* M r. G ., Manchester.. . . 30 0 0 Cramp, Rev. T , St. Peter'* 10 10 i i i l r s , R e v . VV., Manehester...... Blackett, John, F.sq ...... 10 10 0 Cre%vdson, Isaac, E*q.. AT«wcA«trr 20 10 Giles, Samuel« Esq., do. g MklocIc, M r.. Langkam...... 20 0 0 Cropper, John. Esq., Liverpool.... 100 0 Giles, Edward, Esq ...... ¡¡lackmorc, Mr. W ...... 20 0 0 Croxicr, Joseph, Ksq. Comtrwirr.. 25 0 G il r s , M r s ...... 50 0 0 Jjlakeley, Mr. J. R ., Korwxch...... 10 10 0 Cullev, Mr. J., Sorw ich...... 30 0 Gilliat, John, Esq ...... 10 0 0 ¡¡¡in, '1 liotum, E«q ...... 40 0 0 Culley, M r. J., jwn., Nortvith,,,, 20 0 Gillespie, IV., Esq., Glasgow 10 10 0 Jjlytli, T h o m i», E .q ., Langham..., 10 10 0 Ciillry, Mr. H.f do ...... 1C 0 Gilim an, \' Uhaui, Esq ...... 65 10 0 “ «kett, Johu, K.q ...... 10 0 0 Cullrv, Mr. S., d o ...... 25 0 'w iim a n . r ¡ ° <*>ii,Mii., Luton...... 10 0 0 Ctinnlnghame, W ., Esq., Lainshaw SI 0 Goffe, Miss S., Hookuortou 21 0 0 Uol.m, M „ . , Livrrpovl...... 16 0 0 C u r li n g , M r ...... 21 0 Gooder*on«JMr., A'or«*ic/i 10 0 0 Jjooth, Mr. 1C, Cmwntry...... 80 0 0 Dulton, John, Esq...... 10 10 Gootlman, B., Esq., ...... 70 10 0 •Worth, He*. W „ Stafford...... 40 0 0 Donford. John, Esq ...... 10 0 Gordon,^Alexander, Eq...... 40 0 0 Daves, M iss, do...... 20 0 Gortt, James, Esq IK 0 0 M r ...... 20 0 0 Davies, Rev. J. Jordan ...... 10 0 Gnss. M iss, Modburv...... 40 0 0 “ nRbtwell, T ., Etn., Noruirfc .... 15 0 0 Davies, Miss ...... 10 10 G«»tch, J.C., E s q Kettmne..,... 71 10 0 BniRdni, J.. E « q „ llraiU'ard...... 10 Davu, Mart, Esq., £rufo/ ...... 10 10 Gould, N*, Esq., Soiford...... 10 0 0 M r . r . , Norwiek...... 10 10 Davuon, Rev. Dr., fidiMfairfii 10 0 Gould, Mr. G., Louchto*...... 10 0 0 20 0 l>ay, G. G. E*q., St. io«...... 10 0 Gouldsmith, iMrs...... 61 0 0 10 10 Deacon, John, Eaq...... 231 10 Gray, Mr. W illiam ...... 10 0 0 .... 15 0 l)«rm er, Miss ...... 50 10 Gray, R.. Esq., Edinburgh 10 10 0 i'O 0 Deucliar, Robert, K«q., Edinburgh 10 0 Green, P., Esq...... 10 0 0 150 0 Dic«v«T.£.t C/«i*5ro<* 20 0 Green, Thomas, F.sq. ¿frrotutffiam. 50 0 0 {*“« , He». J. IJ htautitu...... HO 0 Di|iby, M r«., Edinburgh...... 10 0 Greenwood, J.. Esq., Oxen&opc*»«« 43 10 0 “ ¡‘¡“ ’’“.T . K, E h ., ...... 60 0 Douglas, James, Esq., Covert 120 0 Gr»v* H on.ljsdy, P orts**.., 10 0 0 10 0 Drummond, H., Esq ...... SO 0 GribbU',Thos., jun., Esq 10 10 0 10 0 DuddeitftMr. J oh n ...... SO 0 Griffith, Mi««...... £0 0 0 i*«wickf r, E»q.t Tew fc«6K ^;.;;;: 100 0 D u n n , M r . J o h n , 10 p Guiunets, Arthur,Esq., Dublin... 55 0 0 42

s. d. £ t. d. £ s. d- Lidgould, M id ...... 2 1 0 0 Robertson, John, Esq., Bristol ^arney, Hon. Mr. B aron ...... 160 lo 0 Robinson, C. B., Esq.. SO 0 0 Lindeman, Mr •■•••• V 10 0 0 Leicester.. L .i'[, Mr. James,Jun., Lmerpool. lo o o Robson, Mr., Berwick...... 80 0 0 si l.ittle, Benjamin, fceq., Brutal.... 2 0 0 0 R o g e r s , M r ...... 10 0 0 Lloyd, Mr. W. F ...... 10 10 0 Rogers, M r., Nottingham...... 10 0 0 Lomax, Mr. J., Kottmgkam...... 95 0 0 Room,M essrs.«'.8c P.,Birmingham 70 0 0 H o u s e , W., E s q ., Torquay.. 10 0 0 g ^ :»i| ."v :":.v :.v :§ S c Long, F. B., Esq ...... I^iraine, M r., Mdmbnrgh...... Rushton, Mr. VV., Liverpool 30 0 0 G urny, l'Ji©oias,jEsq ...... 30 o 0 € Rushton, Joseph, Esq., Manchester 15 0 0 Gurney, Samuel, Esq...... » 0 t Lorimer, M rs., do...... I .o w e , M r . J - , Birmingham...... Russell, rtev. Joshua. Melksltam.. 86 0 0 Gntteridge, Joseph, Esq ...... 0 J Lowe, George, Esq...... Sabine, Mr. John, Bury ...... 10 . 0 0 uUutteridge, u u r n u x c ) M is». Ludlow,M r. R. b., Brutol...... 10 10 Salter, S., Esq , Watford...... 300 0 0 Gutteridge, R- Esq...... j® Salter, S., Esq., Trowbridge...... SO 10 0 Hadfield, G eorge, Esq., Jttnacfcerte- 110 Lunell, M r., Bristol...... 31 10 nianciU) wuipv., —■" Salter, Mrs., do ...... 10 0 0 Haldane, H., Ksq. Edinburgh Luvhni{impson, Robert, F.sq ...... 10 10 0 Haynes, R-, Esq., Watbury.~ 2 0 0 Sinclair, D., Esq., Gleulocha. Killin 120 0 0 Hawkins, M r, Norwich.....Aoncic« ------10 0 M illard, M r. 1*...... Millar, Mr A., Edinburgh...... Sing, Messrs., Bridgnor.h...... 30 0 0 Hayes, P. L.,E sq.... Sinnock, Mr. R., Battle...... ‘.0 1 0 Hayden. Messrs., ...... M illar, Mr. C., Leconport...... M ills, Samuel, Esq ...... » 0 Skinner, Mrs., Èrirtol...... 10 0 0 H eid,»liss M J-, Bradford...... Slnpi-r, Rev. N. E ...... 20 0 0 Heard, Joho.F-sq., Nottingham.... MUHfon, M r, Uinkliy...... ------10*10 Smith, Mr» , Bristol...... 10 0 0 Hearne and Vear., Messrs ...... M o n c r ie « ', VV. S ., E s q ., Edinburgh iso o Monerieff, It S., Esq ...... Smith. Messrs, T., J., and S 10 0 0 Heath, Messrs. J. and E-...... Smuh, M r.«.l ...... 140 0 0 H e a t h , M r . J o b ...... - - M orgau, Kcv. Thoe , Birmingham M orten, Mr. IV., Amertham...... Smith, Mr , Craytard...... 10 0 0 H e m m in g , • ■• :...... 1® Muri h, Kev. W . ll., U.D ...... S m ith , M r ...... 10 0 0 Henley, Kt. Hon. Lord ...... 20 10 0 o Murcatrovil, Mr. W ...... S m it h , M ;s s M . VV., Clapham. Heyworth, L .,E sq, Lu.rrpool 10 •-> 40 0 0 Murray, Mr. R , ...... Smith, M iss, Olney...... Hinton, Rev. James, Oxford...... l o _ Lapford 7o o o 10 lo Nash, W . W ., Esq , Reutttm...... Smith, Mr. Eduard...... Hinton, Mr. IT .. • - ...... Smith, James, Esq , H'atjord... 50 0 o H inton. Rev. J.. H ., A.M ...... l o o Nicbolson, M r. J., Leeds...... Smith, M r., MuHchestrr...... 10 0 0 H ird, Miss A., Liverpool...... i o lo N o e l, H o n . a n d R e ? . G ...... Southampton, Ladv ...... 10 0 o H ohy, Ret. James.» D-D ...... ««•l o Norton, M r., Isleham...... Sperling, H. P., Esq., Henley. Ï 0 0 o Hoby, George, E sq ...... JO 0 Nutter, Jas., F.sq . Cambridge..,. S p r a g g /M r 50 0 o Hoee* Kev. R., Rim M to*...... 1 /0 0 O'Brien, Ladv, liuOlix...... 10 o 0 Hogan, W .C ., Esq., XhiWn...... > " « Oddv, Rev, Miles, Haworth...... Sprot, M rs., Edinburgh...... Stancomb, J , Esq., Trowbridge. s o i o o Holland, Mrs.. B ru ioi-...... Oldfitld, T. B., Esq ...... Stancomh, Jos., Esq , do...... 20 0 o Holland, Rt. Hon. Lori ...... Oliver, Thomas, M. D , Bath . Staucomb, W ., Esq., do...... 120 10 o Hollingsworth, iv V , N --...... lo o Oswald, Miss, Scotitoun...... Stancomb, VV.,jun.,Esq., d o... H ope, W illiam, Esq., Liverpool.... 30 0 Owen, air John, Bt., M. F ...... Steane, Rev. Edward ...... Howard, M rs., Tottenham...... Paye, Mrs , Trowbridge...... Steven, Mrs. S .. 10 0 o H a c k e s , M r ...... Parkin, « ., Esq ...... •••• Stephetison, M n ...... 20 0 0 H ull, Mr. S. Uxbridge...... Parker, John, Esq ...... Stevenson, George, Esq.« Taunton. 10 0 0 10 10 Passmore, Mr. J., Bath...... H ull, M r. J. do...... Stevenson, M rs...... 10 0 0 Hulme, Re» G eorge^...... io io Patterson, John, Esq., Glasgow.... 30 0 Stone, W .,E sq ...... 10 0 0 10 0 Patterson, Mrs., _ do...... io io 41 10 Paltersou, Samuel, Esq., Dalkeith 25 0 Stovel, Rev. Charles ...... 10 0 0 Struit, Edward, Esq., M .P., Derby 10 0 0 Jackson, Mr. S ...... 10 0 Paul, T. D., Esq., St. Ires...... Sturgc, Mr. T ...... 10 0 0 Jackson, Mrs , D o r k n g ... 10 0 Faxtun, M r., Berwick...... Swiuburn, M rs., Derby...... 60 0 0 Jam es, Rev. J. A., Birmingham l o 0 Peek, Richard, Esq ...... Tall, Rev. J., Sutavetey...... in n 0 Jeffs, Mr., Bus-. J» ° Penny, John, Esq ...... 25 0 0 Jenkins, E ., Esq , Pontnewydd.... g o 0 Penfold, W ., Esq., Brighton...... Taylor, James, Esq ...... Taylor, John, Esq ...... 10 10 0 Jenkins, S , Esq. do...... 20 0 Pewtress, Messrs. aud C o ...... 30 0 0 Pctvtress, Mr. John ...... Thomas,Messrs. C .E .k S ., Bristol Jerhson,H,E«q 31 0 10 0 0 Johnson, *£< ?., Birmingham... . . 6 0 10 Pewtress, Mr. T ...... Thomas, Mr. T homas ...... Phillips, J. E»q., IMmglqffan...... Thompson, J., Esq ...... 21 0 o Johnson, Messrs. *c Son, Liverpool 10 ID i o i o o Phillips. John I... E s q ., Metktham Thompson, Henry, Esq ...... Jones, M. G ., E sq-...... 132 0 7o o o Jones, John, Esq., Liverpool.,.,.. 35 0 Phillips, T M ., Esq , (iarringto*.. Thompson, Mr. ï.,Clteadle...... Jones, Josiah, K*q , Liverpool 20 0 *. Phillips, M r., Leicester...... Thompson. T .. Esq ...... 10 10 « Theobald, Mr. T ., Norwich...... 28 0 0 Jones, Thom as, Ersq.,S 0 I*ee«f, Miss Elisa, d o * ....’ 20 0 Readr, T . S. B., E«q., do...... 20 0 Walkden, Mr. John Miss Mari* d o ...... 10 0 Rees, W ,, Esq., Haverfordwest. . . . 187 10 Walkden and Sau., Messrs.. J0 ® l^efevr«-, J. G. S_, E sq..* 10 10 Ha.ynolds, Joseph, Esq , Bristol.... 10 0 Walker, Miss ,Oalry...... }® ? Lcifclt, Mr T 9 J&trith. 20 0 Itidlev, Mr. Sam u el..,...... 10 0 Walker, Miss, Edinburgh...... W R i o , M r , Northampton...... 10 10 W aller, M r. Ed mn nd, Luton. . . .• • W M r ■, Briitvl...... 10 1Û 10 0 0 10 0 Walter, John, E sq .,...,...... Kwi , Brutal.. 20 0 Rippon, M rs ...... 0 o JLnona r«f,• R o • b e r ,,E* K*>i; do...... 8 0 . 0 Risrfon, (S., Esq., Burlingham. . . . 140 10 Ward, Mr. u., ii/«).dirr

£ d. £ ,, d. £ s. d. Warmineton, Mr. Joseph ...... 10 0 0 M • 100 0 0 Wontner, Joseph, E sq...... 10 10 0 Warner, Mr. T , Leicester...... 10 0 0 . . . 21 0 0 W'ootner, Thomas, jon., Esq 6/10 0 W ood, Jobo, E»q ...... 10 0 0 W atson» M e»»rs. • • • ■ •...... 20 0 0 20 0 0 Wavuioulb, Henry, E sq ...,...,.. 100 0 0 10 0 0 Wright, John s. .Esq., Nottingham 21 0 0 W e ll« U Co , M sitit., Chelmtfonl 10 0 0 • •• 180 0 0 W riEbt, M r. J. J., Bristol...... 10 0 0 Wylie, Miss, ...... 20 0 0 Whitaker, P., Esq., Bratton.. .. 15 0 0 292 0 0 Broadway W ylde, John, Esq., ...... 20 10 0 White, Joseph, Esq., Mancheiter .. 15 0 0 20 0 0 Leeds W valt, H., Esq., Stroud...... 70 0 0 While, J. H., Esq ...... 10 10 0 20 0 0 Whippie, M r., S , Bristol*— » . . . 10 0 0 Wilsou, M in, 40 0 0 Wyatt, Prter, Esq ...... 10 10 0 Whiiechurch, M um . S. and W t. 10 0 0 10 10 0 Yates, Rev. W '., Stroud...... 10 0 0 Whitechurch, K ,E tq.t Downton.. 10 10 0 il 10 0 0 Young, B., Esq., Hatfield...... 21 0 0 Wilcox, Thomas, Esq ...... 150 0 0 try 20 0 0 Young, John, Esq., Taunton...... 10 0 0 Wililman, M it«, Cltfton...... 10 0 0 10 0 0


N.B. The sum stated is that actually received by the Society.

Follett, Rev. T., Tizerton...... 1795 Hall, M rs., Amsby...... 40 0 0 L a w , M r ., Birmingham...... 20 0 0 Poole, M r., Bristol...... • Trindcr, M r., Northampton...... 400 0 0 Limi, Mr., J,, ...... 10 0 0 Drwsbnry 1827,* 1803 M organ, Rev. B., Bridgwater-..... 10 0 0 Urry, Mr. J., London...... 10 0 0 Bonville, Thomas, Esq., Bristol.. 45 0 Poole, M ., Esq., Hoodford...... 47 0 0 Broadly, bamuel, Esq., Bradford.. 900 0 Trinder,Mr.,tfirrtfcamj/i., E s q ., Hackney ...... 100 0 Wrcu, Mr. C., Rochdale...... 45 0 0 North, Rev. G. R . ? Ware...... 1 8 21 1809 Ostie, Mrs. Mary, North Shields.. 19 19 0 Auld, Mr.J Jinirj,...... 5 0 0 Pauli, Miss Jaue, Braunston...... Dodkin, Mrs., Ba«t>*ir&ourn.•.• • • 8? 13 4 Dawson, Mrs. V., Duhlin...... 13 17 5 Sadler, M rs. Frauces, Wallingford 100 0 Harford, M i« M., Btaixe Castle.. 2f>0 0 0 Fletches, Miss, Bessel’s Green,. . . 5 0 0 Tomkins. Mrs. R., London...... 233 9 M‘ L., M rs., Edinburgh...... 0 0 Palmer, Miss Ann, Hackney 203 5 0 W ilson, Matthew, Esq., Kettering. 100 0 Scott, M rs., Mattock...... 269 10 0 R o p e r s , M r . VV.f Bmby...... 45 0 0 Smith, J. J., Esq . W itfard.. 90 0 0 3 8 2 9 1810 Young, Mrs , Edinburgh...... 25 0 0 Aspinall, W . Esq.^ Liverpool...... 90 0 Chandler, M r., B., London...... 4S 0 0 Gaviller, George, E sq., Clapton..*. 45 0 1 8 22 Coles, Hu». " ., Kettering...... 10 0 0 Green, Mrs Sarah, Bath...... 20 19 Greeowood, M rs., Ann, \ork *00 0 0 Daris, Mrs. Lacv, London...... 5 0 0 Page, Mrs. E., Bristol...... 19 19 Stringer, M rs., fiatiinglon ...... 460 0 0 Elstou, Mr. Johiù d o...... 210 0 0 Prie*-, M r*. S.. Hammersmith...... 8S 10 Morrison, Mr. J ..S i. A'ùiùiiu.,., 5 0 0 Plice, Mrs«, Newark...... 1811 Puplatt, Mr. M ., ftamsratr ...... 40 0 0 18C 0 Bundy, Mr«. Bristol...... 90 0 0 Roper, K., Esq., Herne H ill SL'o 0 0 Gillespie, M r., Voun, ...... 47 4 0 Salter, W ., Norwood...... 270 0 0 Amphlctt, Mi%. Ann, Evesham.... 10 0 0 IlaiiUiiisou, John, Esq., London. . 90 0 0 Sawkins, Mrs. M ., London ...... 10 0 0 Fell, Mrs. Jane, Lonaon ...... 20 0 0 Lamb, M rs., Clapton...... 4o 0 0 Thorntou, Mrs. M ., Hull...... 7 1 1 3 4 Page, John, Esq., Kennington.... 90 0 0 Tomkius, Mrs. R., London...... 524 9 7 Perkius, Mr. M .Little ClaxbrooP. 34 7 0 1812 Sheustou, Mrs. Sarah, Attervury*. 45 0 0 1 8 2 3 Monlon, M rs., Liverpool...... 90 0 0 Tiiackr*\, M ., Esq., Leeds...... 45 0 0 Taylor, W ., Esq., London...... 90 0 0 Bryson, Rev. Thomas, London..., 20 0 0 Tomkins, Mr. Kedburn, Clapton.. 4 3 0 0 Catte!. Mrs. Elsnet, Elgin...... 5 0 0 W ilson, Mrs. E., Denmark H ill.... 50 0 0 1 8 1 3 Cockburn, Mr. T ,, Edinburgh.... 266 8 9 Erskine, Miss H., do ...... 92 6 2 1 8 31 Douglas, M rs. S. J., Bristol...... 31 7 0 Etheridge, Mr., Hackney...... 101 14 0 Christian, Mr. W , Countessthorpe 17 10 0 King, M rs., Robert, London.... 50 0 0 Dares, Mr., London...... 27 0 0 W allis, Mrs. J., Kettering 35 0 0 Donne, Rev. J., Trologod...... 90 0 0 1 8 3 2 Goff, Mr. E ., London...... 100 0 0 1 8 2 5 Abberley, M rs. Lucv, Stepney...... 45 0 0 lleuard, J., Esq., Hull...... -'0 0 0 Beuuett,M r. W illiam , Birmingham 90 0 0 Betterton, Miss, Chipping A’orfon. 120 4 4 W ailu, Mrs. B., Kettering...... Säö 0 0 tterridee, M r. T ., Northampton.. *. £43 & 5 Corpt Mrs. Elizabeth, Crorfo*rfon.. 15 0 0 1816 Calwell, Mrs., Bath...... 1000 0 0 Dtsaktn, M r. John, Birmingham.. 800 0 0 Child, Miss. London...... 45 0 0 Johuson, Mr. James, Norvneh.**, 5 0 0 Pasco, M rs., Frame...... 20 0 0 Clift, M rs-W , Westbn*y Leigh« . . . 5 0 0 Kiog, Mr. Thomas, Birmingham.. 45 0 9 Turlanil, M iss, Bujfhrook...... 80 0 0 Col man, M r. J. M NorwicH 161 4 6 Marshall, Mr. John, London 22 10 0 Ward, M r. J., Liverpool...... 19 19 0 Cooper, Mrs- A. M , Dublin...... 18 fi 5 Robiuson, Miss Dorotbv, Bridekirk 133 U O W irk M r . E ., Norwich...... 10 0 0 Creighton, Mr. W , Kilwinning*... 50 0 0 Russell, miss S. G ., A'ennin^te».,,« 89 15 0 Wrights, M rs...... 41 10 0 Cutiingbante, M rs. Kilmarnock.... 43 15 11 Harris,M r. Robert,Trowbridge*... 1*0 0 0 1 8 3 3 1 8 1 7 H a r r is , M j . J. M., do 180 0 0 BeMam, Mr. John, Royston...... 18 0 0 Adams, Mr .IVoploii ...... 41 0 0 Hayes, Mrs., London, 58 14 0 Bourn, M rs., Bromsgrove* 2 0 0 fuller, Rev., Andrew, Kettering.,, 87 0 0 Moore, Mr. R., Alcembe...... 45 0 6 BuLcher, M r. R , Frame...... lo 0 0 Green, Miss Lvdia, AalA.. 90 0 0 Palmer. Rev. John, Shrewsbury,, » 9 6 CoUiugbourn Mrs. S., Mtlksham.. 10 0 0 Thrupp, M r. J., London...... 45 0 0 Smith, Rev. W.f do,,,.,,.. 101 11 0 Deakin, Mr. Johu, £irminfàam..l000 0 0 Goodacre, Mrs. L«cy, Aitlm veHà 90 0 0 1818 1 8 2 6 Hill, Mr. John, »«tm intier...... 100 0 0 Oleaoe«, M r., J „ Stockport 200 8 0 Arnold, Rev. T.| Reading.,,. .... 25 0 0 Mowbray, Mr* W ,, H itchin...... 44 13 9 44

£ s. d . £ 9. d. Parker, M r. E .t C%ipfäftjr Norton.. 17 13 0 King, Mr. Thom as, Birmingham.. IS 9 0 £ s. d. Smith, Mr*. M tr^i CamöertwU.* 10 0 0 Sampson, Miss A. G ., AVuxmgto». 45 0 C Buswell, W ., Esq., Abinedou...... 117 8 11 Townsend, W .,Esq., W om ...... 200 0 0 Shenston, Kev. W ., London...... 19 19 C burls, W illiam. Esq., Ldmonton.. 90 0 0 W üioa, Mr. W ., OIm j i . . , . 10 0 0 Skinner. M rs. Susau, Stvenoaks.... 19 19 C Cooke. Miss, Wolverhampton . 640 0 0 W'eare, Mrs. Aon, LoneAthton.... 45 0 0 Dickers, Mr. J., London...... 19 » 0 1 8 3 4 Williams, Mr. Johu, kedditch.... 909 0 U Dix, Mrs., Stepney...... lOO 0 0 Aikin, Mnu E . Ann, A’flein fiw .... 45 0 0 «usher. James, Esq.. Reading. .• • Bowtell, Mr. T., Halsted...... 80 2 0 1 8 3 6 Scott, Robert. Esq , Pensford...... Eymaun, Mr. C., Rhenish Bavaria. 6 12 11 Ste^ht'nson, M r. J., Great ¿V e^ fou , Bewer, M iss, Bradford...... 360 0 0 Hughes, Rev. J., Battersea . 10 0 0 l o rkshirt...... 45 0 0 Chapman, Miss E., Chideock 832 0 0 Harris» Mr. D., Bethany...... 90 0 0 Wakeham, Mr. S., Yealmpto*.,.. 17 tf Ü H ill, Miss Sarah, Ufcnlrn...... 45 0 0 Deakiu, John, Esq., Birmingham,. £00 0 0 King, M r. 7 bomas, Birmingham.. 49 12 11 Fordham, M r. John, 2?«xtoR"rqruarc 10 0 0 1839 Jones, Rev. Thomas, Coventry..,. 19 19 0 Kin^nora, Rev. J., Norwich...... 90 0 0 Dunn, M rs., E ., Sowerby . M ore, Mrs. Martha, Ciifton...... 45 0 0 Lake, Mr. James. Broadmayne.... 132 0 0 Robinson, Samuel, Esq., Lcrndcm, » 60 0 0 Hastie, M r. G., Jtiidcaldf-r...... More, Mrs. Hannah, do...... 77 12 1 Jackson, Samuel, Esq., D orking.. 0 Welsford, Mr. Giles, Ex*f



APR IL 1, 1839, TO MARCH 31, 1840.

Subscribers’ Names of 10s. per annum and upwards, only, are inserted.

When contributions are given specifically in aid of Translations, the letter T . is placed before the sum, S. for Schools, F. E- for Female Education, and W . I. F. for West India Fund. N.B. It will be found that, in some instances, the connexion of Churches in Auxiliary Societies interferes with correctness of geographical arrangement; but this cannot be avoided without inconvenience.


£ ». d. £ a. d. Annual Subscriptions. Edwards, Rev. John, Clapham 1 1 0 Jones, M. G. Esq. do ...... 2 2 0 Edwards, Mrs. Champion Hill 1 I 0 Jones, C. Esq. Audit Office, Somerset £ t. d. Ellis, P. Esq. 4, Paragon, Hackney.. 2 2 0 H ou se ...... 1 1 0 Acocks, Mr. 22, Bishopsgate Street Edgar, J. Esq. East Grinstcad 1 1 0 Johnson, Mr. W . Bishopsgate Street 0 10 6 W ith ou t...... 0 10 6 Johnson, Mr. G. Tottenham (2 years) 1 1 D Arnold, Mr. R. Gracechurch Street. .110 Fauntlerov, R. Esq. Potter’s Fields.. 2 2 0 Fletcher, Joseph, Esq. Lim ehouse.... Kentish, Mrs. Cold Harbour Lane.... 1 1 0 B. B irm ingham ...... 1 1 0 Freeman, Messrs. W . and J. Millbank Knight, Mrs. Ramsgate ...... 1 1 0 Baxter, S. Esq. Paternoster Row 1 1 0 S treet...... 2 2 0 Batley, W . Esq. Hart Street, Covcnt Fuller, Mr. W . C. Brownlow Street, Lainson, Mr. Aid. Bread Street 1 1 0 Garden...... 1 1 0 H o lb o m ...... 1 I 0 Lawrence, Mr. W ell Street,Gray’s Inn Baker, Mr. T. N. Regent St. Lambeth 0 10 0 Fountain, Mr. F-aliwg...... 1 1 0 L a n e ...... Bartlett, W. P. Esq. Nicola« Lane.... 1 1 0 Lemare, J. Esq. Spital Square. 1 1 0 Barley, Mr. G. Addington Place, G a in , M rs. N ew in g ton P la c e ...... 1 1 0 Lindop, Mr. Thom as ...... 1 1 0 C am berw ell...... 1 1 ft Giles, W. Esq. Margate...... 1 1 0 Lloyd and Kev, Messrs. Throgmorton Bavnes, Mr. R. Paternoster Row 1 1 0 Gillman, W . Esq ...... 1 1 0 S treet...... 1 1 0 Beddome, W. Esq. 170, FenchurchSt 1 1 0 Goodings, Mr. W . 14, Clapton Square 2 2 0 Low, J. Esq, Gracechurch Street 1 1 0 Betldomc, Richard Esq. Nicolas Lane 1 1 0 Gouldsmith. Edward, Esq. Highbury Lu-shington, Right Hon. Sir S. LL.D. Beebv, W. T. Esq. S, Old Jewry 2 2 0 T e r r a c e ...... 7 ...... 2 0 0 Great George Street, Westminster.. 3 3 0 liitto, for Translations 2 2 0 Gouldsmith, Mrs. Hackney ...... 1 1 0 Benham, John, Esq. Wicmore Street 2 2 0 Gouldsmith, Jesse, Esq ...... 1 1 0 Maliphant, G. Esq. Frith Street,Soho 1 1 0 Bickersteth, Rev. E., A.M 4...... 1 1 0 Graham, T. Esq. Mitre Ct. Temple. ..110 Mann, Mr. Joel, Paddington ...... 1 1 0 Bickham, T. Esq ...... Green, Mr. S. Princes St. Lambeth.. 1 1 0 Martin, Mr. Thomas, Snow HilL 1 1 0 Bliss, Thomas, Esq. Herne Hill 1 1 0 GroTe, Mr. Thomas, Charing Cross... 1 1 0 Marshall, Mr. S. Austin Friars 1 1 0 Blackett, Mrs. West Smithfield 1,1 0 Gurney, Hon. Mr. Baron, 34, Lin­ Mason, Mr. Thomas, High Holbom.. 1 1 0 Blight, G. Esq., Lombard Street..... 1 1 0 coln’s Inn Fields ...... 5 5 0 Masters, Mrs. 92, Farringdon Street.. 2 2 0 Boxnpas, Mr. Seijeant, Seijeant’s Inn, Gurney, W. B. Esq. Denmark Hill... 50 0 0 Medley, S. Esq. Chatham ...... 1 1 0 Chancery Lane ...... 1 1 0 Gurney, Joseph, Esq. do ...... 10 0 0 Meredith, Mr. J. 3, Durham Place, Bousfield, J. Esq. Finsbury Square.. • 1 1 0 Gurney, Thomas, Esq. do ...... 1 1 0 L a m b e th ...... 1 1 0 Bradford, Major. Montague Square., 1 1 0 Gurney, Mrs. T. do ...... 1 1 0 Merrett, Mr. Thos. Clerkenwell Close 1 1 0 Brown, Mr. St. Paul’» (liurobYard.. 0 10 0 Gurney, Miss, do ...... 1 1 0 Millard, Mr. P. 49,Bishopsgate Street 1 1 0 Burgess. Mr. J. W alworth ...... G u rn ey , M r. 11. d o ...... 1 1 0 Miller, Mr. Bread Street H ill...... 1 1 0 Buttenshaw, Mr. E. G, Fountain Ter­ Gurney, Miss A. do ...... 1 1 0 Mills, Samuel, Esq. 20, Russell Square 2 2 0 race, Camberwell...... 1 1 0 Gurney, Miss M. do ...... 1 1 0 Moore, Mrs. Homerton Terrace 2 2 0 Button, Mr. S. J. Racquet CL Fleet S t 1 1 0 Gurney, Mrs. E. 17,Trafalgar Square, M oore, Mr. M. 6, Queen’s Street Place Button, Mi*», do ...... 0 10 6 W a lw o r t h ...... 1 1 0 Moreland, Miss, Clapton...... 1 1 0 Bunting, Rev. W. M. Manchester.... 1 1 0 Gutteridge, Jos. Esq. Denmark H ill.. 2 2 0 Murch, Rev. W. H., D.D. Stepnev Col. 2 2 0 Burls, Mr. C. New Bridge Street..... 1 1 0 Gutleridge, Miss, do ...... 1 1 0 Muston, Mr. James, Hatton Garden.. 1 1 0 Meacher, Mrs. 8, Hamilton Place, Cabell, T. Eaq. Larkliall Lane 1 1 0 Haddon, Mr. J. Castle St Finsbury.. 1 .1 0 N ew R o a d ...... 1 1 0 Cabell, W . E s q ...... Hale, W . Esq. Homerton ...... 1 1 0 Carey, R ev. E u sta c e , H o x m o m ...... Halford, Mrs. Judith, 7, Dalston Ter... 1 1 0 Nash, MT. W . Esq. Rovston ...... 1 1 0 Urtwright, R. Esq. Warwick Place, Hamilton, Mr. T. Paternoster Row. ..110 Napier, Thomas, Esq. White Friars.. 1 3 0 G ray'« I n n ...... S 0 0 Hanson, Jos. Esq. Camberwell Grove 2 2 0 Newberry, Mrs. Hatton Garden 1 1 0 taton, Mr. 7, Rawstone S t Brompton lla tc h a r d . M r. S tra n d ...... 1 1 0 Nelham, Mr*. Trafalgar Square, Mile Chamberlain, Mr. P. Basinglwll St.. Harris, Elizabeth, a.Tunnsheel Lane 0 10 6 E n d R o a d ...... “ ...... o 10 6 Coiens, Mr. W . Bunhill Row ...... 1 1 0 Heath, Miss J. and E. Blackman SL Cowell, J. Esq. Com Exchange 1 1 0 B o r o u g h ...... 6 5 0 Olney, Messrs. D. and T. Borough.. ..110 CoUm«, M r. AV. O x fo rd S tre e t...... 2 3 0 Henley, Right Hon. Lord ...... 5 5 0 Oliver, Mr. J. Newington Causeway.. 1 1 0 Render, Mias, Richm ond ...... 1 1 0 Hoarc, Samuel, Esq. Lombard Street 5 5 0 Orerbury, Mr. Benjamin, Cateaton'St. 1 1 0 C ievplfv T. Cheque Offlco, Bank 1 1 0 Hobv, George, Esq. S t James’s Street, C'uld, Mr. Brighton...... 1 1 0 P ic c a d illy ...... 1 1 0 Palmer, G. Esq. Throgmorton Street 1 1 0 Chandler, B. Esq. Sherborne ...... S 3 0 Hodge, Jotin. Esq. Drury Lane 1 1 0 Peek, Messrs. Brothers and Co. 31, Hogg, Rev. Reynold, Kimbolton 2 2 0 Love Lone, East Cheap ...... 1 1 0 W ord . Mr. J. Aldcate ...... 1 1 0 Holland, Miss, Xennington Lane..... 1 1 0 Penny, John, Esq. Great Yd. 5 0 0 «»n e, Messrs. G. and J. King W il­ Howard, Luke, Esq. Tottenham ...... Perkins, Mr. W. Curtain Road 1 1 0 liam S treet...... 8 3 0 Huntley, Miss, Bow ...... 1 1 0 Pewtress, T. Esq. Gracechurch Street 1 1 0 ^ »n e, Mr. E. 21, Gloucester Terrace, Hunt, Rev. T. Upper Clapton. 1 1 0 Phillips, Mr. 35b, Oxford Street 1 1 0 Commercial Road ...... 1 1 0 Hunt, Mrs. do...... 0 10 6 Poole, M. Esq. Serle Street, Lincoln's "«me, Mr. G. 0, Clapton Square 1 1 O Hayward. Rev. W ...... 0 0 0 In n F ie ld s...... 1 1 0 Tw\n“ i Si E »q- B a n k o f E n g la n d 1 1 0 Hume, Mrs. by Mr. Toss will...... 1 0 0 Potter, Mr. H. Farringdon Street.... 1 1 0 ^l»ta,M r.D . GrBy-aInn Paaaage.. 1 1 0 Powell, (Jt'orge, Esq. York Buildings, J«1*, Mrs. Keen’« Sow, Walworth... 1 1 0 Jackson, Ab. Esq. Barking Church I slin g to n ...... 2 8 0 ¿J“ ‘>Mr. John, Cockspur Street..... 1 1 0 Y a r d ...... 1 1 0 Powell, Rev. T. Peckham Rve 1 1 0 ftu't Mr. Thoiias, do...... 0 10 0 Jameson, Mrs.W. K. Camberwell.... 1 1 0 Pratt, Rev, Josiah, B»D. 15, Finsbury gM*dalt. Miss, ...... 1 0 0 Jessop, Mr. J. 6, Fountain Terrace, C ir c u s ...... 1 1 0 StanifuHl H ill...... 1 1 0 C a m b e rw e ll...... 1 1 0 Pritchard, Rev. G. 4, York Place, M r, J . S t e p n e y ... . Jones, S. M. Esq. S t Paul's Church Pentonville...... 0 10 0 c?er. R«v. John, Umbtrwell 8 8 0 Y a r d ...... 1 1 0 Prcujer, Mr. E. Lawrsnoe Laoe 1 1 0 46

£ «. d. £ 1. d. Ramsden, R . Esq. Ramsgate ...... 1 1 0 'Williams, J. Esq. Albion St. Tybum 1 1 0 Mrs. Dobinson & Miss Halliburton 0 id o Reid, Mr. Thomas. Mln o n e s...... 1 1 0 W illiams, B. Esq. Iver...... 2 2 0 Miss Frasor and Mrs. Cullen 0 10 o Ridgwav, T. Esq. Highgate Hill 2 2 0 Williams, J. Esq. Upper Clapton 1 1 0 Mrs. Hart and Mrs. Rogers ...... 0 10 o Rjdlev, S. Esq, Newgate Street 1 1 0 Williams, Thos. Esq. Cowley Green.. 0 0 0 Sums under 10s...... 1 f, 5 Rippon, Mrs. T. Rodnev Buildincs, 1 1 0 Wilson, Mis, J. B. Clapham Common 0 0 0 Friends at Frame, by Miss l ’ayne, for R iian, Messrs. and Co. fkickspur St. 1 1 0 W ilson, Miss, do ...... 0 0 0 a pupil at Monghyr...... 6 0 0 Roe, Her. C. H. WintoMro Place, Woolley, Mr. G. B. Friday Street 2 2 0 Do. by Mrs. Coombs, fbr do ...... 5 0 0 B la c k h e a th ...... 1 1 0 Woodw-ard, Mrs. Islington Green 1I 1 0 Friends, by Miss Grafty.Miss F. Cox, Hoe, Freeman, Esq. Camherwell 2 0 0 Mr. Jam68, Tottenham. and Miss E. Corbett, Hackney, for Rowe. Mr. W. K. Brixton...... 0 10 0 Warmington, John, Esq. Plaistow.... EntaUy...... 3 1 0 Russell, Miss, Cold Harbour Lane 1 1 0 Friend at Chelsea, fo r EntaUy 5 0 0 Butt, G. Esq. Fenchurch Street 1 1 0 TaUowley, Mis. C itj Road ...... 1 1 0 Friend, by the Rev. John Dyer 6 0 0 Rutt, Miss, do ...... 1 1 0 Friend, by John Sheppard, Esq 3 3 0 Rust, Mias A. 21, Buccleugh Terrace, Giles, Edward, E sq./or Entally 1 ] 0 C la p t o n ...... 1 1 0 Gillman, W illiam ,l& q ...... 10 10 0 T?™«» M w t PhcEbe, d o ...... 1 1 0 Gorst, James, Esq ...... 10 0 0 Gumey, W. B. Esq. fo r Entally Salter, Mrs. W. A. 12, Claremont Sq. 1 1 0 Donations. (2 d o n s .)...... 30 0 0 Satchen, Mrs. New MUlman Street... 1 1 0 Gumey, Joseph, Beq.for EntaUy fiO 0 0 Saubereue, Mis. 81, Pleasant Row, A grateful heart ...... 1 0 0 Guraev, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, for a Kingsland Road...... 1 1 0 A. G. Z. per J. Nisbet, Esq ...... 20 0 0 youth named “ W illiam,” at Entally 5 0 n Saunders, Mrs. per Mr. Meredith 1 1 0 Amicus (2 dons.)...... 2S 0 0 Do. for a girl named “ Martha ” ...... 4 0 (1 Saunders, Alexander,EBq. Regent St. 2 2 0 An old friend (2 dons.) ...... 2a 0 0 Hanson, Joseph, Esq ...... 5 0 0 Scott, Mrs. 4, Lloyd Sq. Pentonville. .110 A p o o r m a n ’s m i t e ...... 0 10 0 Hargreaves, Rev. James...... 6 0 0 Shaw, Mis. M. 2lJ Brunswick Square 1 1 0 B e e b y ,M is s .for Entally...... 10 0 0 Hinton, Rev. J. H ., M.A ...... 2 0 0 Shenstone, Rev. J. B. Shoreditch 1 1 0 Beeby, children of W . T, E sq...... 1 8 3 H . S . E nez,for Lucea...... 50 0 0 Smith, W . L. Esq. James St. Covent Benh'am, J. L. Esq. and family S 0 0 Jackson, Mrs...... 5 0 0 G a r d e n ...... 2 2 0 Bligh, Mr. S. J .fo r Lucea...... 1 0 0 J. B. H. per Mr. Simmons, Leicester. 5 0 0 Smith, Mis. W, L. Camberwell 1 1 0 Bowser, Mr. Vi. for do...... 10 0 0 Jennings, Mr. bv Mrs, iTimcv 1 0 0 Smith, Miss R. Camberwell Grove 1 1 0 Carey, Ret’. E. and Mrs...... 5 0 0 Kightlev, Mrs. for Entally...... 5 0 0 Spurden, Mr. C. Friday Street. 1 1 0 Chelmsford Ladies' Neemes’ Friend Knight, Mr. Liwtekoute...... 1 0 0 Spalding, Thomas, Esq. Drury Lane. 1 1 0 Societv, for Mr. Phillippo’s schools 6 0 0 Ladies’ Negroes’ Friend Society, for Steinkopff, Rer. Ihr. Savoy, Strand... 1 1 0 C . M . (2 d o n s j : ...... 60 0 0 the Rev. T. Burchett's schools 30 0 0 Stone, Mr. N. Aldermanbury...... 1 1 0 D o .for Lucea...... 5 0 n Masters, M rs./or Entally...... 20 0 0 Sharp, Mr, J. Lisson Grove ...... 1 1 0 E. G. for jewellery ...... 0 10 0 M. E. (3dons.)...... 17 2 0 Stennett, Miss, Brixton...... 0 10 0 Elliott, lir. Camberwell...... 1 1 0 Missionary Box at Fen Court ...... 0 tt 3 Stringer, Miles, Esq. Peckham Road, 1 1 0 Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Clapton...... 10 0 0 Nash, W . W. Esq ...... 10 0 0 E. T. proportion of daily consecration Pirie. John, Esq. Alderman ...... 50 0 0 Taylor, W . Esq. U, Kew Ormond St, 1 1 0 to religious purposes.'...... 1 1 0 Phillips, Miss, WandMwortk...... S. 10 0 0 Thompson, Mr. H. Camberwell 0 0 0 Figeins, Messrs. V. and J ...... 10 0 0 Profits of Hie Youth's Magazine, by Thomson, Rev. J. Jamaica...... 1 1 0 Fnehd, by the Rev. W . H. Pearce, W . B. Gurney, Esq ...... S . 23 0 0 Torwnley, Rev. H. Trrun’s PI. Hackney 1 1 0 for the support and education of a Pupils at the Misses Franklin’s schl. Tomkins, Rev. S. Stepney College 1 0 0 youth, named W illiam Nicholl*, at Coventry, for a pupil at Sibpur, to Tosewül, C. S. Esq. Tomngton Place 2 2 0 tile Native Christian Institution 50 0 0 be named Mary Rebecca Franklin.. 4 0 0 Tripe, Mr. W . 3, Nag’s Head Court, Friends, by Miss J, Rawlings, for a Rippon, Mrs. T ...... 10 0 0 Gracecburch Street...... 1 1 0 p u p il a t Monghyr, to be named Risdon, Benjamin, Esq ...... 10 0 0 Tom er, Shanm, Esq. 32, Red Lion Sq. 2 2 0 Charles Gilbert...... 5 0 0 S. o f ...... 1 0 0 Tucker, B. Esq. Enfield ...... Friends, by the Misses Rawlings, for Southwark Negroes' Friend Society, Tyler, Mr. W . Bolt Court...... 0 10 0 the suprejrt of two pupil» at Jdong- by Mrs. Kitaon, for Mr, Phillippo's kyr, to be named Andrew Reed and s c h o o l s ...... 6 0 0 Walkden, Mr. J. Lawrence Lane 1 1 0 T h o m a s T u r n e r ...... 10 0 0 Spurden, M iss ...... 0 1 0 0 Waller, Sir Watben, Bart. G.H.C. 8, Friends, by the Misses Rawlings, for Stokes, George, Esq ...... 5 0 0 New Cavendish Street...... 2 0 0 three pupils at Uongkyr, under the St urge, George, E sq...... 1 1 0 W alley, Mrs. 3, St- Thomas's Square, care of the Rev. George Parsons: Thank-offering to mvine Providence .500 H a c k n e y ...... 1 1 0 Mr. Joseph Gurney ...... 6 0 0 Vines, Caleb, Esq ...... 10 0 0 ■Walters, S. Esq. Basinghall Street... 1 1 0 Mr. T. Turner...... 2 10 0 Widow by Rev. J. Dver...... 0 10 0 Ward, Mr. Thomas, Paternoster Row 1 1 0 M r, T u r n e r...... 1 0 0 W ills, Miss, Waltkaautow...... 10 0 0 W atson, S. Esq. 'W alworth ...... 1 1 0 M r. D u d d e n ...... 1 0 0 W ilson, Mrs. J. Broadley (2duns.)... 60 0 0 Wanrjneton, Mr. Joseph, Leadenhall 1 1 0 M rs. M o n k ...... 1 1 0 X. Y . per J. Nisbet, Esq ...... 20 0 0 Waymouih, Henry, Esq. 17, Bryan- M iss M o n k ...... 0 10 0 x . y . . . . .rrr...... 6 o o stoae Square...... 2 2 0 M rs. and M iss F r y ...... 0 12 6 Yuung Gentlemen at Denmark HUl Wedd, Mrs. (per J. Gutteridge, Esq.} 1 1 0 Mr. Ganrnun...... 0 10 0 School, by Mr. S. Nicholson, Jun.. 2 10 0

gltmliarp Societies, Congregational Collections, &x.

ANNUAL MEETING, APRIL 26th, 29th, 30th.

COLLECTIONS. £ t. d. £ I. d. £ ,.d Annual Meeting, Finsbnry Chapel.. .,137 8 11 Central Dittriet. Eastern Dittriet. Annual Sermon, Surrey Chapel, Hev. Devonshire Square, Rev. J. H. Hin­ Thomas Roberts ...... Cl 17 4 Bow, Rev. W. Norton...... 10 18 6 Meeting for Prayer at New Park St.. 13 7 b t o n , M .A ...... 40 0 0 Eagle Street, Rev. R. W . (Jverhury .. 27 10 0 Ilford, Rev. E. It. Hammond ...... 7 7 « Little AlieStrret, Rev. P. Dickerson, 8 0 0 Eldon Street, Rev. D. Jones...... 4 10 7 Southern District. Fetter Lane, Rev. J. Elvey ...... 8 1 0 0 Poplar, Cotton St. Rev. J. Upton 10 2 0 Sliakspeare's W alk, Rev. T. M oore... 3 6 0 Alfred Place, Kent Road, Rer. W. Little Wild Street, Rev. C. Woollacott 5 6 0 Y o u n g ...... 4 1 0 Mitchell Street ...... 7 0 0 Stepney, Rev. W . H. Murch, D .D .... 6 13 « Camberwell, Rer. E. Steane...... 62 13 * Prescot Street, Rev. C. Stove! 8 10 0 Church St. Blackfriars, R er. J. Davis 7 10 Salters’ Hall, Rev. S. J. Davis 28 2 6 Northern Dittriet. Svpttnrd, Rev. J. Kingston!...... 3 12 Windmill Street, Rev. W . Jones, M.A. 6 12 0 Greenwich, London Street, Rer. W . Hackney, Rev. F. A. Co*, D .D . LL.D. 23 9 3 B eish er...... 8 0 0 Wettem Dittriet. Hendon, Rev. J. Gundry 2 12 J Do. Banyan CbapeLJRev. J. Belcher 1 6 6 Brentford, New, Rev. W . Hancock, ..400 Homerton, Hev. D. Curtis ...... 7 0 0 Jamaica Row, Rev. W . Dovey...... 4 0 0 Grafton St. Soho, Rev. W . William«.. 6 7 7 Hoxton, Hev. J. Rothenr...... 10 6 0 Maze Pond, Rev. J. A ldis...... 2 4 0 6 Hammersmith, Rev. D. Kattems 13 0 0 Highgate, Rev. E. Lewis...* 3 11 3 Jfew Park Street, Rev. J. Angus, M.A. 23 0 6 Hampstead, Rev. J, Castleden...... 6 6 0 Shacklewell, Rev. J. C o* ...... 7 5 8 Peckham, Rev. T. PowelL ...... 6 0 0 Harlmgton, Rev. J. George ...... 6 12 6 Shoreditch, Providence Chapel, Rev. Regent St. Lambeth, Rev. E. Davis.. 6 6 1 Henrietta Street, Rev. W7 A. Salter.. 15 6 7 W .M ia U ...... 5 7 0 Unicorn Yard, Hev. D. Denham 6 10 0 Keppel Street ...... 10 16 0 Do. Ebenoxer Chapel. Rev. J. Mas- „ ■Walworth, Hawley Street, Rev. H. G. Northampton Street, St. Pancras, Rev. • in g h a m ...... 1 12 0 L e m a ir * ...... 8 2 6 3. Hall...... J10 0 Tottenham, Iter, J. Jordan Davie*... 46 U 9 Do. Ea»t Lane. Rev. J. Hamblin 7 11 0 Bomnev Street, Westminster. 4 6 6 Waterloo Road, Bev. G. Francies.... 810 0 Soho, Oxford Street, Bev. 0, Comb.. 13 0 0 47


£ ». d. SOUTHERN DISTRICT. £ i.d. WESTERN DISTRICT. H ill, M is s ...... 0 10 0 M iss B u r ls ...... 3 10 11 H u g h e s, M re...... 0 10 0 Mr. B. Butterworth 4 0 0 South London Auxiliary. J o n e s, M rs ...... 1 o 0 Miss Crossman ...... 1 6 2 Chelsea— Paradise Chapel. Jackson, Mrs. S ...... 0 10 0 Miss Fleetwood ...... 4 4 6 George Kitson, Esq. Treasurer. £ *. i . Jackson, Mr. John 0 10 0 Miss Jemima Heath 1 0 0 Collections ana Sabs, by KeT. J. M . S o u le , M r. C harles K ing:, M re ...... 0 10 0 Mr. Job Heath, jun 2 7 7 Mr. Skerritt...... 20 0 0 Burls, jun., Secretaries. Marten, Mr. R ...... 1 1 0 Mrs. Keighley ...... 2 18 6 £ I. d. Marten, Mias E ...... 0 10 0 Miss Thomas ...... 0 17 0 Collection at Half-yearly Mullins, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Female Sunday School.. 1 7 4 Hammersmith Auxiliary. Millar, Mr. Dorking.... 0 10 0 M eetin g...... 15 18 10 Subscriptions: Miller, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Rev. D. Katterns. Subscriptions: Alexander, Daniel, Esq. 1 1 0 P a y n e, M rs...... 0 10 C Stephen Cadby, Esq. Treasurer. Bartlett, TV. P. Esq 1 1 0 Alexander, Mr. Frederick 2 2 0 Pewtress, Mr. S ...... 0 10 0 Beddome, Mr. W ...... 0 10 6 Beeby, fr. T. Esq 2 2 0 Collectors— Mrs. Page, Miss Cad- R o g e r s , M r ...... 2 2 0 C o o p e r, M r. TV...... 0 10 0 Burls, Mr. C. jun 2 2 0 bv, Miss Mundy,Miss Katterns, Rawlings, Mr...... 1 0 0 Heath, Mrs. J ...... 1 1 0 Carlisle, W illiam , Esq ..110 Miss Martin, Miss Gomme, Mrs. Rawlings, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Heath, Mrs. E ...... 1 1 0 Gurney. W. B. Esq S 5 0 (Jtridge, Miss Gumey, Miss Al­ Rawlings, Miss...... 0 10 0 Hepburn, Mr. T ...... 1 1 0 Jon es/C . E s q ...... 1 1 0 lom , Miss E. Munriyj Mr. Mun- Rawlings, Miss M 0 10 0 Jacobson, Miss...... 1 1 0 Do. a friend by ...... 1 0 0 dv, Mr. Pratt, Mr. P. Cadby, Rivers, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Jones, M. G. Esq 1 1 0 Kingsford, Rev. J 1 1 0 Mr. Thos. Swinson, Mr. Tange. Russell, Miss E ...... 0 10 0 J o n e s, M rs...... 1 1 0 KitSn.G. Eso ...... 2 2 0 R e n a r d , M r...... 0 10 0 Coll. at Public Meeting. 10 10 0 K itson, M r. W ills 1 1 0 Steane, Rev. Edward.... 1 1 0 51 15 11 Surplus of Tea Meeting. 0 15 3 Kitson, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Infant children of do.... 1 0 0 Children of Sunday-sch. 1 10 2 Kitson, M iss...... 0 10 0 Smith, Mr. J.J ...... 1 1 0 Missionary Box, by Miss Kitson, Miss M ...... 0 10 0 S a u n d ers, M rs. A ...... 0 10 6 New Park St. A uxiliary. Tomlinson fan invalid Kitson, Miss E ...... 0 10 0 Savill, Mrs ...... 0 12 0 confined to the house). 4 15 0 Lewis, Rev. B ...... 0 10 6 T h o m a s , M r ...... 1 1 0 Rev. Joseph Angus, M.A. Do. by the late Mrs. I'aine, J. E sq...... 1 1 0 Thomas, M iss ...... 1 1 0 James Low, Esq. Treasurer. Thompsons (one third) 0 16 6 Williamson, J. Eaq 0 10 0 Wallis, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Mr. Dare, Secretary. Subscriptions : Collected by Miß» Eliia Y o u n g , M r...... 1 1 0 Gillman feagster 0 8 0 For 1838-9. B u g b v , M r ...... 0 10 0 Young, Mr. Thomas 1 0 0 C a a b y , M r ...... 2 2 0 Do. by Mast. « . Burla, Yainton, M r ...... 0 10 0 Subscriptions, atliird,by for ¿»tally ...... 3 17 11 M rs. E v a n s...... 10 5 4 C a d b y, M rs ...... 1 0 0 Missionary Boxes by Rev. J. Angus’s Junior Cadby, Miss ...... 0 10 0 42 13 3 M rs. D y e r ...... 0 16 3 Bible Class JorEntatly 13 0 0 Cadby, Mr. P ...... 0 10 0 Robert "Waters...... 4 2 6 Missionary Prayer-meet­ Cooper, John, Esq 1 0 0 M r. C la p p ...... 1 12 10 ing Box, a third 1 5 6 Cooper, Mrs. J ...... 1 0 0 Battersea Branch. Elizabeth Strangward. .. 2 16 11 Boxes by various friends Douville, M iss ...... 0 10 0 Maria Turney ...... 0 11 0 (m o ie ty )...... 6 0 6 Dudden, J. Esq ...... 1 0 0 By Mr. Tntton. E liza M air...... 0 5 0 D u d d en , E . E s q ...... 1 0 0 Mrs. Eason's Young La­ C oU ection...... 6 13 5 i-J 11 4 English, M r ...... 0 10 0 dies, for Boys'Chnstian Filby, Mre. S ...... 0 10 0 Subscriptions: Boarding School, Cal­ Frere, J. Esq ...... 1 0 0 Blackmon-, "Walter, Ksq. 6 0 0 For 1839-40. cu tta ...... 5 0 0 Female Education, by F rien d , a ...... 0 10 0 Tritton, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Juvenile Ashociation, for Mrs. Arnold ______5 7 0 Katterns, Rev. D ...... 1 0 0 Collected by Native Christian Boar­ Mission Boxes (a third) 6 1 0 E a tt e m s , M is s ...... 1 0 0 Navlor, S. Esq Miss A llo m ...... 1 h 4 ding School in India: Bible Class and Schools 8 10 3 ...... 0 12 0 Miss S. B la ek m ore 4 II 0 Collected by Subscriptions ...... 34 11 1 P a c e , M r...... 0 10 0 Miss C rook ...... 0 13 0 Miss C. Southgate 1 13 7 Pieeon, Mrs ...... 0 12 0 Rainbow, Mr Miss D a vis...... 0 IS 0 Miss Hodges ...... 0 17 1 64 9 4 ...... 1 1 0 Master K iilrk e...... 1 10 11 M iss M . G u m e y ...... 1 10 0 T a h o r, M rs...... 0 10 0 Master M ’ F u r la n e 0 13 3 M iss G r e y ...... 0 12 0 T a n n e r, M r...... 0 10 0 Miss F . N iellili!»...... 1 1 0 Miss M. E. Smith 0 10 0 Trinity Chapel Branch. Thompson, D. Esq ...... 1 0 0 Mis« E. Heddomv...... 0 10 0 T o n g e , M r ...... 0 15 0 Miss Stapleton ...... 0 16 6 Moiety, by Rev. B. Lewis 16 0 0 Missionary Box,for Girls’ Mr. F. Chance...... 0 15 3 Travers, Mr ...... 0 10 0 School, per E. Green. .032 M r. D y s o n ...... 0 1 4 9 Sums under 10s...... 24 2 5 Miss Tilton ...... 0 16 6 Waterloo Road Branch. 23 16 0 Miss Jackson ...... 0 12 0 62 0 4 M uster \V. G u r n e y 0 10 0 Bv the Rev. G. Francies. Suma^under 10s...... 2 13 1 D ix o n , M r. K . S ...... 1 1 0 Camberwell Branch. CliilAfen of Day and Sun­ Pontifex, Mr. R. sen 1 1 0 Harlington Auxiliary. d a y S c h o o l* , for d o . . . . 5 0 0 Coll. by Miss Dixon 1 8 6 M oiety o f co ll. a t P ra v er- Rev. Edward Steane, President. Sums under 10s...... 22 9 9 Do. bvMiss Francies.... 0 14 0 meetings, and M ission­ Miss Gutter idgi‘, Treasurer. Do. by J. and X. Francies 0 5 7 ...... 3 8 6 112 11 6 ary B o x e s Miss Rawling>, Secretary. 4 10 3 Subscriptions: * Appleton, M r ...... 1 1 0 Church Street Branch. Henrietta St. Auxiliary. Appleton, Mrs. T ...... 0 10 0 York Street, TVahcorth. Subscriptions, &c. byM r. By J. Dawson, Esq. Treasurer. Andrews, Mis»...... 1 0 0 H u n t ...... 43 18 6 By Rev. George Clayton. Agutter, M rs...... 0 10 0 S u b scr ip tio n s, & c ...... 44 6 2 C o lle c tio n ...... 3 11 1 Austin, Miss M. A 0 10 6 One-third of collection.. 30 6 0 Bliss, M rs...... 1 1 0 Bliss, Miss...... 1 0 0 John Street Auxiliary. Beddome, Mr. S 1 1 0 CENTRAL DISTRICT. Rev. J. H. Evans, M.A. Brewer, M r...... 1 0 0 Clapham Branch. Bartlett, Mr*...... 0 10 o TV. Coiens, Esq. Treasurer. Boyes, M re...... 1 0 0 By T. Phillips, Esq. Devonshire Sq. Auxiliary, Collections, Subs. &c ____ 100 0 0 Boyes, Xlr. J ...... 1 0 0 Subscriptions, &c 26 0 0 Rev. J. Howard Hinton, M.A. Cobbin, M rs...... 0 10 0 John Davies, Esq. Treasurer. Coles, M r. B ...... 0 10 0 Kensington Gravel Pits. C ra bb .M r...... 0 10 0 Deptford A ssoclation Branch Mr. T . Hawkins, Secretary. Chance, Mr. F ...... 0 10 0 By Rev. J. Broad. Cleaver, A n n ...... 0 10 6 By Rev. J. Kingsfurd— 2 0 Balance of Indies' Sub. ______27 1 0 Uyer, M rs...... 1 1 0 for tl«* education of two Collections and Subs Elliot, M r ...... 2 2 0 girls in India...... 3 0 0 A bricklayer’s labourer, Fenner, M rs. R ...... 1 0 0 Lion St. If'al worth fi ranch ■ Ladies’ 2nd Sub. fordo. 8 0 0 in farthings...... 0 4 9 Green, M r . T h o m a s 2 2 0 Missionary Box ...... 0 8 6 Gum ey, M r...... 1 1 0 By Rev. Samuel Green. O n a c c o u n t...... 39 17 4 27 5 9 Gumey, Miss...... 0 10 0 Subscriptions, &c 40 0 0 Gumey, Miss A ...... 0 10 0 Female Association, by Gumey, Mr. H ...... 0 10 0 Mn. W . H. W a ts o n , Keppel Street Auxiliary. Gumey,Mr. Thom as.... 1 1 0 T r e a s u r e r ...... 30 0 0 Eagle Street Auxiliary. S. Marshall, Esq. Treasurer. Gumev,Mrs. Thunuu... 1 1 0 Subscriptions ...... 2 IS 0 Gutterldge, Mis* 1 1 0 By Mr. Neale...... 20 0 0 Ladi .'1 Association 1 lb 0 Gray, M re. J ...... 0 10 0 Gregory Mi#»... .* ...... 0 10 fi 4 13 0 Gale, M iss ...... 0 10 fi Maze Pond Branch. Prescot Street Auxiliary. Gust, Mr. W ...... 1 0 0 By Mr. licddome. By G. Morris, Esq 46 0 0 A n n ...... 0 10 n Ladies’ Association, bv Hepburn, M r» ...... 3 0 0 Marylefome A miliary. Mrs. llel|iliUm....F.E. 16-15 0 Hepburn, M iss...... 1 1 0 Salters' Hall Sunday school. R e v . TV. B . B ow es. Hepburn, Mr. J. G 1 1 0 Collected by B y M rs. C h e v e ly 0 11 6 By G. T. Keyes, E sq.... 33 0 SB*.«*» ...... 1 1 0 Mrs. Bartlett...... 2 10 6 Hdls, Mr. A ...... 1 1 0 M r. J . TV. B ro w n 1 I 0 48

Northampton Street, £ «. d. £ *. d. £ « d. Dupree, Mr ...... * 2 0 W e b b , M r ...... 1 1 0 Waterman, Miss...... 0 10 o St. Paneras. Ell wood, M r ...... 0 10 0 "White, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Webb, Mr. William 0 10 6 £ t. d. Evans, Rev. W. W 0 10 6 W illia m s , M r ...... 1 0 0 Subs, under 10b...... 15 o c B c t .J. and Mis. Hewitt 110 0 Garland, Mr. T ...... 0 10 0 S m a ll su b sc rip tio n s 9 17 0 Hare, Mr. J. M ...... 0 10 0 37 h 6 H are, M re ...... 0 10 0 8 7 6 11 Oxendon Chapel Missionari/ Huxtable, M r...... 0 10 0 Tottenham Auxiliary. Associatimi. L a ce v . M r ...... 0 7 6 Luntiey, J.J. Esq 1 1 0 HighgaUs Auxiliary. Rev. J. J. Davies. By Ber. T. Archer, M.A. 4 0 0 Miss Dermer, Treasurer. M orten , M r ...... 0 10 0 By Mrs. H opkins...... 3 13 8 Granee, Mre ...... 1 1 0 By the Rev. B. S. Hollis, Reading, Miss...... 0 10 0 of St. Jolui's Chapel, Simmond*, M r...... 0 10 0 Edmonton, being a EASTERN DISTRICT. Smith, B. Esq ...... 1 0 0 Spencer Place Auxiliary. moiety of a fund called Btno Auxiliary. W ils o n , M r ...... 1 1 0 Rev. J. Peacock. St.Jonn’sChapelUnited S m a ll su b scrip tion s fi 14 10 Missionary Fund...... 4 0 0 Mr. Clutterbuck, Treasurer. By Rex. 'William Norton 25 0 9 Missionary boxes by Arnould, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Mre. Beane.. *...... 0 3 1 F o r 1839...... 13 12 4 Baylis, Mrs. J ...... 1 1 0 Ann’s Place Sunday- F o r lW O ...... ID 1 9 B u r g e , M r ...... 0 10 0 Little Alie Street. s c h o la r s ...... 0 6 3 Davie», Rev. J. J ...... 1 1 0 Sabbath-sch. Association 2 0 0 Miss Fuller...... 0 7 6 U 1 Davies, Mrs ...... 0 10 6 M r. G ow er...... 0 6 6 Dermer, Miss 110 M re. K in g ...... 0 3 8 Fletcher, Joseph, Esq. ..220 Shakspere>8 Walk Auxiliary. Mr. Nicholson 0 6 7 Shackleu cll Auxiliary. Fletcher, Mrs. J ...... 1 1 0 By Rev. T. Moore. 10 0 0 Mrs. Clibbens ...... 0 15 4 Mr. Avton, Treasurer. Fletcher, Miss ...... 1 1 0 Fletchcr, Mr. John J.... 1 1 0 Loditi* Association. Mr. w . W ebb, Secretary. Flower, M rs ...... 0 10 0 Mrs. Gamble, Treasurer. A y to n , M r ...... 1 1 0 Flower, Miss...... 0 10 ft Barnes, Miss...... 0 10 0 Gozzard, M bs ...... 0 10 0 Mis* Charlotte Allen, Secretary. NORTHERN DISTRICT. Barrow, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Howard, Mrs. Robert... 1 1 0 A lla n , M rs...... 0 10 0 Battley, Mr...... 1 0 0 Holmes, Mrs...... 0 10 f) * Hackney Auxiliary. A u stin , M r ...... 0 12 0 Do. Family of.....16 0 Hodgkin!», M r ...... 0 10 0 Rer. F. A. Cox, D.D., LL.D., Austin, Mrs ...... 0 12 0 Bolton, Mrs 0 12 C Iv es, M rs...... 1 1 0 P resid en t. Austin and Gray, Misses 0 12 0 B u s c a l, M r...... 1 0 0 Jansons, Mis*s 11 0 Austin, M isfiJ/...... 0 10 6 Colson, Mr 0 10 0 Jo n e s, M rs...... 0 10 0 J. J. Ltm tiey,Esq. Treasurer. Blurhi, Mr»...... 1 1 0 Cox, Rev. John.... 2 2 0 !, Mr*...... 1 1 0 Messrs. T. Garland and F. Cotton, Bums, M rs...... 1 0 0 F lin t. M r ...... 1 0 0 Maitland, M rs ...... 0 10 0 jun., Secretaries. Ilurt«n, Mr...... 0 10 0 Henciiman, Mr...... Cl 10 6 Piiranl, Mrs ...... 1 1 0 C o lla rd , M r*...... 0 10 0 Hitchman, Mrs...... 0 12 6 M r - ...... 1 1 0 Coll. at Annual Meeting 13 3 b Gambi.*. Mrs...... 0 10 0 M a r sh , M re...... 0 10 0 M upix-11, M rs...... 1 1 0 Jnrenik* Society, for the Gr.*v, Mr. J. W ...... 1 I 0 Mauarhan, Mr...... 1 0 0 Sal.mi*, Mn-s...... 1 1 ft education of a native Ireland. Mi*s...... 0 10 0 M a v , M r...... 0 10 0 M r ...... 1 0 0 teacher in India, to be Jarvis, Mr. H ...... 0 12 0 Mom‘U, Mis*...... 0 10 0 Swinscow, Mr* ...... 1 0 0 named Frederick Cox.. 10 0 0 Luntlev, Mr. sen ...... 0 10 0 Neale, Mr. Samuel 1 1 0 S w m > eow , M ish...... 0 10 0 Subscriptions: Luntiey, Mr. J ...... 0 10 0 Neali , Mrs. Thom as.... 0 10 0 S u m sc m v , M wh E 0 10 0 B o r n , M r ...... 0 10 0 M erry,M rs...... 0 10 0 Neale, Miss T ...... 0 10 0 Stacey, Mis*...... 1 1 0 Chaplin. Mr...... 1 1 0 M e r a , M iss...... 0 10 0 Newton, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Stacey, Miss M ...... 1 1 0 CoUms, Miss...... 1 1 0 Norton, Mias...... 0 10 0 R u m b a l, M r ...... 0 10 0 Vincent, Mr ...... 1 1 0 Cotton, Mr...... 1 1 0 T o m e s , M re...... 0 10 0 Saunders, Mr ...... 0 12 6 Warmington, Mr»» 10 0 Do. (donation)...... 1 1 0 T a v lo r , M r ...... 0 10 6 Sibh-v, Mr»...... 0 10 0 Wilson*, M i»s ...... 1 1 0 C o tto n , M n ...... 1 1 o Taylor, Miss ...... 0 10 6 Siblev, Miss...... 0 10 0 W oolla& tnn, M r s ...... 0 10 0 Cotton, Mr. F. jun 0 10 o Tines, M i»*«»...... 6 0 0 Smith, Mrs. Henry 0 15 0 Weekly & monthly subs. 7 15 1 Cox, Iter. F. A., D.D., Du. for a girl in India. .. 5 0 0 Sundius, M rs....! ...... 0 12 6 ¿L d ...... l l o Young Ladies (at Miss Thompson, Mr 1 1 0 42 6 7 Davis, Mr. G ...... 1 1 0 V i n e » ;...... 1 10 0 TJiompaon, Mrs 1 1

DONATIONS TOWARDS LIQUIDATING THE DEBT. I £ £ •. d. A.B.C.D...... 20 0 0 Forner, Mr. Lyminaton. 6 0 Minister, », with small Room , Rev. C. & friends, Angas, Mu*, Tarutock.. 2U 0 0 Guuldsmith, Mrs. hack­ m e a n s...... 20 0 0 Paritea...... 30 0 0 Angus, Rer. J. & friend«, ney...... 10 0 Nicholson, Rev. S. and Steane, Hev. E .& friends, New Park Street 30 0 0 Green, Hev. S .& frien d *, frie n d «, Plymouth..... 30 6 0 Cambenpeli...... 30 0 ß Anonrmou*, U.K. 13115. 30 0 0 Walworth...... 30 0 North - East Cambridge Smith, W. L. E m ...... 20 0 0 Bartlett, W. 1>. Ewj 30 0 0 Gumey, W. B. E*q 100 0 Auxiliary, per Hev. Stephen, Rev. U. It. Beeby, W. T. E«j 30 0 0 Gumey, Joseph, E*q.... ¡50 0 W . W . fiv a a s ...... 30 0 0 bwaiuea...... 5 0 0 Bickham, T. Eaq. 30 0 0 Gutterioge, Joseph, tfcq.100 0 Norton, liev. J. C. and StepheniHin, M r. R . Edin­ Bignold/r. Y*q. Xorwick 30 0 0 Gutteridge, M in ...... 10 0 fruMuU, Langham 12 0 0 burgh...... 30 0 0 Cartwright, Mr. R 30 0 0 Hull, Rev. E. & friend», Page, Mr-.. Trowbridgt.. 20 0 0 T e tle y , IJr. Torquay 2 2 0 Catena,Mr. W ...... 30 0 0 Watford...... 30 0 J’ejier, I ). E sq . Earl'a Wilxou, M ». Bnmdley.. 30 0 0 friend... 30 0 0 Jon«, M. G. Esq 30 0 Colnt...... 1 6 0 Woodstock, by Jtev. C. Edwards, Rf-v. J. and J . P ...... 30 0 Rippon, Mr«...... 6 0 0 D a rk en ...... ß 0 0 frie n d », Clapham 30 0 0 Kent, Rev, S. tc frie n d «, lluusr, Mr. and Mr». Finch. K¿y, T. & friend». Biggleswade...... 30 0 Torquay...... 2 0 0 Harlow...... 30 0 0 L o m a x , J . E *q. Notting­ Itoff, Rev. B. & friend«, Friend, at Watford 10 in o ham...... 30 0 Cambridge...... IS 0 0 F rien d , Walworth 0 6 0 Jfcmfield, William, K«q. 10 0


£ *. d. £ « . d. Alfred Place, Kent Road...... Henrietta Street...... 69 14 0 Salten' Hall...... B a i t e n e * ...... 23 IS 0 H ig h g a te ...... 7 4 XI KhtttkteweU...... B o w ...... 39 1« 3 H o m e r t o a ...... 7 0 0 Sliak»nere‘. W alk ...... B r e n tfo r d ...... 4 0 0 H o x t u n ...... 10 C 0 Stioreditch ...... C a m b e r w e ll...... 22 2 13 4 Ilf... 7 7 0 Soho, Uaford Street...... C h e lM * ...... 20 0 0 Jamaica R ow ...... 4 - _ »o. Ebenerer Chapel C 3m «* Street...... 70 10 10 John Street...... 100 0 0 South London Auxiliary (addi­ C U p h a r o ...... » 0 0 K en x in g ton ...... 27 6 B t io n a l)...... D e p tfo rd ...... 6 12V, Kemiel Street...... 18 1 8 Spencer Place (two year«)...... Devonshire Square ...... 91 S 10 Little Alie Street...... 10 0 0 Eagle Street,...... 47 JO 0 Little W ild Street...... 6 6 0 Eldon Street...... 4 11 7 Mary-Io-lxmc Auxiliary 83 0 (i Trinity Street...... JVtter Lane ...... ft 10 O M a n ; l 'o m l...... 78 18 4 Unicorn l'ard ...... Cinfton fitr«-t,ho...... « 7 7 Mitchell Street...... 7 0 0 Walworth, Rev. Ü. Clayton.... C».rrm id,, UmtìimStreet..... 6 0 0 New Park Street ...... 107 0 10 Do. Itev. S. Green ...... Ho. UunyanCluipel.... 1 8 6 Northampton Street...... Ö 0 0 Do. Rev. J. Hamblin... H a c k n e y ...... 1JÖ 10 S Oxendon Chapel...... 4 0 0 Do. Rev. B.. Lemairt;... Hammer«nith ...... 13 0 0 P i.-ck h iu n ...... S 0 0 Waterloo Road.,...... H a a p t e a d ...... 6 S tí IVwcot K t r e e t . 64 JB 0 W indm ill S t r e e t ...... fiajrlm^ton ...... 10 1 0 Jtegent Street ...... fl 6 1 l l e u d e s ...... 6 6 2 Bcnnney Street, We»tniin*tcr .. 4 6 fi 1786 18 0 CONTRIBUTIONS IN THE COUNTIES



£ t. d. £ «. d. £ t. d. 13eMorli8f)ire. Shambrook. Subscriptions: Newbury. C o o k , M r ...... 1 1 0 C o lle c tio n ...... 4 3 0 BEDTO&SBHISLE A C X IL IlIU . Cook, Mr. M ...... 0 10 0 Rev. J. B. Pike. Servant's Miss. Box 0 10 6 Cook, M r. J. jun ...... 0 10 0 John Foster, Esq. Treasurer. Freeman, Mr...... 0 10 0 Collections ...... 16 0 0 4 13 6 Jmptkill and Maulden. ScroggB, M r ...... 0 10 0 Sums under 10s...... 0 10 0 Subscriptions: By Mr. Claridge. £ t. d. Bkttfvrd. Missionary Boxes 1 17 2 A sp re y , M r. J a m e s 0 10 6 W eekly subs, by D. Free­ Moiety of coll. and rob«. 8 2 3 Rev. B. S. Hall. Barfield, J. Esq ...... 1 1 0 man and R. Bowden.. 2 7 8 Brown, Mr. J ...... 1 1 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 3 14 6 B u n n y , M r s ...... 0 10 O BiggJemadt. Box, by Miss Phipps.... 0 14 7 19 18 8 Champion, A. Esq 1 1 0 C a n ts b y Rev. S. Kent. C lift, M r ...... O 10 6 M rs. W e s t ...... 3 8 10 Leighton Buzxard. Coxhead, Rev. B ...... 1 1 0 Collections...... 14 11 4 M iss H a l l ...... 2 4 0 Elkins, Mr. J ...... 1 0 0 Subscriptions: M rs. B r o w n ...... 1 1 6 Rev. E. Adey. Fisher, Mr. W ...... 0 10 O Burton, M r* ...... 0 10 0 M iss W e s t ...... 0 0 0 Collections...... 8 10 6 Flint, M r.H ...... 1 0 0 Conder, Mr. Samuel.... 0 10 0 J. Grant, Esq ...... S . 2 0 0 Gale, E. E. W. Esq 5 0 0 11 S 11 Graham, F. Esq ...... 1 1 0 Foster, John, Esq 10 10 0 J. D. Bassett, Esq....S. 1 0 0 Do. for Knially...... 5 0 0 Missionary Prayer-meet­ Graham, Mrs ...... 0 10 6 Foster, Mrs...... 2 2 0 H e rb e rt, W . E s q ...... 1 1 O Staugkton. in g B o x ...... 0 14 4 Hawkins, Mr. John. 0 10 0 Do. for Entatly...... 2 10 0 Friend’s CollectingBook 0 7 6 C o lle c tio n ...... 6 16 0 Hedges, Mr. T ...... 2 0 0 D o . F. E. 2 10 0 Weekly Subs.: collected Keens, Mr. W ...... 0 10 0 Foster, Birth, Esq 2 2 0 by Mrs. Adey, Blen- Killick, Mr ...... 0 10 6 H all, M r s ...... S 3 0 T rip toic. come, Brooks, Hart, Do. for Entally...... 2 10 0 Lanfear, Mr. A ...... 0 10 6 Collected by L a d d , an d S h e p p a r d : D o ...... F . E . 2 10 0 and the Misses E. and L a n g fo r d , M r. J ...... 0 10 O Miss Foster...... 1 6 6 Lewis, M iss ...... 0 10 6 Huckle, Mrs. D ...... 0 6 0 M. Claridge, Collett, Mr. Ellis and family 2 8 0 N orris, M r...... 0 10 0 Malden, M rs...... 1 0 0 Dawson, Franklin, Mtren, M rs...... 1 0 0 Smith, Miss E. B 1 « O 3 14 6 George, Hopkins, Kite- Pechey, M r...... 0 10 0 lev, Linnell, Sear, and Sums under 10s...... 2 15 0 R yland, M r ...... 1 0 0 T u r n e r ...... 25 10 0 41 4 0 Wesley, M r...... 1 0 0 Missionary Boxes bv Mrs. Collected by L u t o n A u x i l i a r y . Abbott, Adey, hates, Mr. E van s...... 0 13 0 Feary, Hart," Kiteley, Rev. Henry Burgess, Secretary. Miss H a rrison ...... 2 4 2 Rawlins, Sell, Shep­ Reading. Miss J efferies...... 1 B 0 pard, and Tring; and Cranfitld. Rev. J. Statham. B ox, by M rs. S e y m o u r .. 0 11 11 the Misses Claridge, By Rev. E. Miller 1 9 4 Collett, Gardner, Kite­ O n a c c o u n t ...... 71 0 0 68 1 6 ley, George, and Nash 3 9 6 Coll. by Mrs. Edward Dumtable. W a tk in s & M iss R a tt . 2 12 6 Blunkam. Her. D. Gould. Rev. J. Hindes. 44 4 4 Rev. G. Chew. Collections...... 22 10 0 C o lle c tio n ...... 2 0 4 Collections at Missionary Hindes, Her. J. (2years) 1 0 0 Subscriptions: Luton. Prayer-meetings 2 2 0 Usher, Mr. (2 years).... 1 U 0 A Total Alw tain er 0 16 0 Box, by Miss Riseley. .. 0 10 0 Batchelor, Mr. William. 1 0 0 Union Chapel—Rev. J. S. Bright. Blackwell, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Do. by Mr*. Usher 1 0 6 Moiety of Collection 28 6 6 Blackwell, Mr. J. W .... 0 10 0 Mr. B. Harrison. 1 10 0 Wallingford. 6 10 10 Chambers, Mr. Samuel.. 0 10 0 Collections...... U 15 10 Cheshire, Mr. Henry.... 0 10 0 29 15 6 Cheshire, Mr. Joseph. .. 0 10 0 Collected by Miss Ponkin 3 3 3 Cardington C otton End. Flowers, Mr. Joseph.... 1 0 0 Sunday-school B ox..... 0 4 6 Gould, Rev. Daniel 1 0 0 Subscriptions: R e r . J. F rost. Gutteridge, R . Esq. (the M oiety...... 18 0 0 l a t e ) . . : ...... 2 0 0 ISerfcsfjtrc. Allnatt. C. A. Esq 1 1 0 Gutteridge, Mr. Richard 2 0 0 Allnatt,Mr.C.CrMMumk 0 10 6 Gutter idee, Mr. Joseph.. 0 10 0 Castle, Mr. T ...... 0 10 0 Bamlingay. Groom, Mr. William.... 1 0 0 Athompttead. Clark, Mr. R ...... 0 10 6 Rer. E. Manning. Hawkins, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Rev,. H . Fuller. C o x , M r. H ...... 0 10 6 Dans, Mr. C ...... 1 0 0 Collections...... 8 0 2 Humfrey, Miss ...... 0 10 0 Masters, Johnson, Esq.. 1 0 0 F o r 1839: Deane, Mr. T ...... 1 0 0 Subscriptions: Potter, Mr. James 0 10 0 C o llection s an d S u b « 2 18 6 Field, John, E so ...... 1 1 0 Oates, M iss...... 1 0 0 Scroggs, Mr. G ...... 0 10 0 D o . a t Stntaibu...... 0 11 6 Gammon, Mr. J ...... 1 0 0 Oates, Mr. sen ...... 0 10 0 Tunibun, Mr. W 0 10 0 Mrs. and Miss Blackburn 0 10 0 Marshall, John, E sq.... 1 1 0 P aine, M rs...... 1 0 0 Willis, Mr. William .... 0 10 0 Rev. H. Fuller ...... 0 10 0 Palmer, M rs ...... 1 0 0 Paine, Mr. D ...... 0 10 0 Willis, Mrs. W illiam .... 0 10 0 Mr. Stephens...... 0 10 0 Saunders, M r. R ...... 0 10 6 SkiUcter. M r. W 0 10 0 Sums under 10s...... 0 10 0 F o r 1810: Tvso, Rev. Joseph 0 10 6 Sm ith, M r...... 0 10 0 \Cells,Mrs. Slade End.. 1 1 0 W eekly Collections by Collection and Subs 4 16 0 Whittinghun, Rev. R. Mrs. and Miss Blackburn 0 10 0 Wells, Edward, Esq. do. 1 1 0 V ica r o f P o t t « » 0 10 0 M ines Peel and Cheshire 6 13 3 Misses Gutteridge 6 0 0 Rev. H. Fuller ...... 0 10 0 Cards b y Mrs. Fuller, bv Cards... 1 0 0 27 12 1 Mis« Emma Braybrooks. 2 6 0 Missionary Boxes by Mr. Stephens...... 0 10 0 Miss M a n n in g ...... 8 U 0 A. and B ...... 0 13 0 Miss E m m a P a in e 6 1 3 C ...... 0 4 6 12 5 0 Wokingham. Miss Sarah Woodham.. 114 0 M in Chambers...... 1 0 0 Misses Gutteridge 0 13 6 Juvenile Society.. 7 4 7 80 6 6 Miss Masters...... 1 2 6 Bttck mu. Heelas, W . Esq ...... 1 1 0 E lis a R a d w e l l...... 0 6 2 B y R e r . J. Rodway 5 10 6 Heelas, W. Esq. jun 1 0 0 Sunday-school girl*..... 0 10 10 Heelas, Mr. John 1 0 0 Orantde*. Mrs. W illis ...... 1 1 9 Heelas, Mrs. John 1 0 0 Her. S. Fetors. Kinftton Litle. Letchworth, T. Esq,.... 1 1 0 C ollection ...... 5 6 6 66 19 6 Collection, • ...... 1 10 3 M iln e, R e v . J ...... 0 6 0 Penny-a-week society,by W hite, Mr. HartUy £ 0» 0 10 0 M n . P i k * ...... * 7 0 Woodrow, Rev. G ...... 0 10 6 Hoxto*. Hougkton Regit. c - j. Metcalfe, Esq. jun. 0 10 0 Rev. A. Smith. 5 17 3 xsia 1 Collections ...... 12 2 10

F 50

£ « . d. £ «. d. Bucïungiiamsfiire. Collected by Colnbrook. Bhelford. ^ A M r. J. H u n t ...... S 0 10 Rer. W . Coleman. Collection and subs 23 18 2 M r. P a ck e r ...... 1 15 0 M ission a ry b o x e s 2 IS 2 Missionary Box ...... 0 2 11 C o lle c t io n ...... 8 9 9 Sunday-scholar«...... 1 10 10 Collection...... 19 0 9 26 13 Ï 48 10 7 R . C o x , E s q ...... 0 10 0 Collected by Miss DorrelL ...... 6 10 10 7 Willingham. M n . "W. M o rte n ...... 3 Otoejr. Coll. at Public Meeting. 6 n 0 Subscriptions : Mr. J. W . Soul. Kinp’t Sutton. M r . "W. M o r t e n ...... 2 Collections by Dr. C ox.. 15 0 0 M r . D o r i d i ...... 1 Per Rev. — Catton 1 10 0 M n. Garrett...... 1 0 0 Moiety of weekly subs.. 6 10 0 Mn. T.Morten. 0 10 0 Subscriptions: M n . C ortia...... 0 5 James, the late Rev. J.. 1 0 0 Middleton Cheney. GCbes&tre. Mr. E. W ert ...... 2 2 Johnston, Mr ...... 1 1 0 Smith, Misses A. H . and A udirai. 34 6 9 M. for schools in India 5 0 0 By Rev. B. Thunfleld.. 3 in 0 Soul, Mr. W ...... 0 10 6 Soul, Mr. B ...... 0 10 6 ©amir tìrgra!) tre. Atto* Clinton. Talbot, John, Esq 1 0 0 Chetter. Wilson, Mrs. sen. 1 0 0 Begutray, Eaton 8oken, ÿ c . Coll. by Miss Ecking. .T. 1 0 0 B er. T . A müden. W ils o n , M rs. S ...... 0 10 0 Mr. S. Hawkins, profits Collections...... 1 1 9 S m a ll su m s ...... 110 0 o f a s b e c p ...... 0 15 0 fiftiiiytfd by D o n a tio n s : Miss Ginger ...... 1 10 0 J a m e s, M rs...... 1 0 0 Miss Harropp...... 1 15 0 Talbot, J. H. Esq 1 0 0 Cambridge. CDorntoall. Rev. R . Hoff. 4 9 9 31 12 0 St. AuitU Branch. J. Nutter, Esq. Treasurer. Collections ...... 63 0 0 Collected after Sermons. 2 15 0 Do. at I*ublic Meeting .. 8 1 7 BridUa...... 6 10 0 Primat Ritborougk. Subscriptions...... 50 17 6 Proceeds at sup]wr table Ber. J. Dans. Ladies’ 1‘ennv - a - week so c ie ty ...... 40 10 7 ( A f r ic a ) ...... 2 12 C Sunday-school...... 2 0 0 Chakam. Ladies, by Mn. Roff, B a r lo w , M r ...... 1 10 0 Iiutclier, M r ...... 1 10 0 Rev. T . Payne. F . E . 18 11 6 Quainton. Do. foT Female Boarding Four Friends...... 1 6 0 Medland, Miss Collected by School, Calcutta 10 10 0 ...... 0 10 0 Mr. J. Elliott...... 1 6 0 Ber. D. Walker. Medland, Miss R ...... 0 in 0 Mr. G. Towers ...... 5 17 0 ...... Missionary Box ...... 1 11 2 183 9 7 Stocker, M r 1 in 0 Two Friends...... 10 10 3 Sincere friends...... 7 0 0 Penny-awtei Society at Smaller sums,with Miss. Bev. J. H all's ...... 0 10 0 S pent. b o x b y M ìsb B u t c h e r .. 1 0 0 Subscriptions. Bev. H. Bedding. 21 0 0 Sums under 10s...... 1 13 0 A F r ie n d ...... 0 1 0 0 Collection ...... 5 0 3(1 1 1 Bnttfield, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Haddenham. Garrett, Mr. W ...... 1 0 0 Waddetdon Bill. B ig h t , M n ...... 1 0 0 Bev. G. Bailey. Chacewater Branch. Payne, Bev. W ...... 0 10 0 Bev. H. G. Grainger. Moiety of collection at Coll. after Sermons and Pope. Mr. J ...... 1 0 0 C o lle c tio n ...... 1 18 Annual Meeting 3 0 0 Tomlin, Bev. W ...... 1 0 0 a t P u b lic M e e tin g . . . . 4 19 6 Collected by Ladies’ Association 2 IB 8 Francis, Mr. Henry 0 10 0 Miss E. Grainger 6 17 Missionary boxes 3 13 f1 23 13 3 M o rc o m . M r. J o s e p h . . . . 0 10 0 Mrs. Sm ith...... 1 0 9 Subscriptions...... 3 0 6 Ninnis, Mr. I’aul 0 10 0 M n. Andrews ...... 0 10 9 Do. for Translations 1 10 6 R a b e y , M r. W i l l i a m . . . . 0 10 0 Subscriptions: Crtndon. 11 4 4 A F rien d ...... 1 12 6 6 19 6 Her. W . Hopcraft M n . H o w e ...... 0 10 Collection...... 0 12 7 Hariton. Falmouth Branch. Coll. by Miss DodwelL.. 1 5 3 12 10 0 Coll. by Miss E. Foster.. 4 12 0 C o ll. a t Falmouth and 1 17 10 Fluthinp after Sermons Wingratt and Attoa Abbotti. Homingtea. and a t P u b lic M eetin g 11 1 9 Bev. Thomas Aston. Bond, Mr.W. H., R.N.. 1 1 0 Mr. W. Saunders 5 0 0 C'roggon, Mr...... 1 1 0 Cuddington. Weekly subscriptions... 1 10 0 D o w n in g , M n . W i llia m . 0 10 0 Stranks, M rt ...... 0 8 1 M rs. G r a c e ...... 0 10 6 Melboum. D a s h /M r ...... 0 10 0 D r e w , L ie u te n a n t 0 10 fl Ber. James Flood. E llis , M r ...... 0 10 0 Datdut. C o lle c t io n ...... 5 14 6 Furze, Captain ...... 1 0 0 CoIL by Mr«. Newman.. 2 6 0 Missionary boxes 1 5 2 Fox,G. C. Esq T 1 0 0 B a n b u r y & Ducks. Acxhjaky. Ber. J. Medway...... 1 1 0 G a y , M rs ...... 1 0 0 A fr ie n d ...... 0 10 0 Guthridge, Mr. Peter.... 0 10 0 Banbury. O sier, M r s ...... 1 1 0 Ttney Stratford...... 3 10 0 Mr. B. Goffe. B 10 8 Read, Mr. Edward 1 1 0 Collections...... 20 16 6 Sums under 10s...... 1 6 6 Great Kirnende*. Subscriptions...... 6 9 3 Collected by Missionary boxes 2 10 10 N o r t h -E a s t C ajtbridoesiiiiu : M iss E llis ...... 0 7 1 Ber. H. H. Dobney. A u x i l i a r y . Weekly subscriptions by M iss G reen ...... 0 11 3 Missionary Associatimi.. 10 0 0 Miss C. Goffe ...... 1 7 0 Bev. J. Reynolds. Miss H. Osier ...... 1 » J Miss Heynes, Hooknorton 1 6 2 Miss Hooper ...... 1 1 6 Moiety of collections bv Miss 1‘ascot ...... 0 15 ¡> M r. S p ok es...... 2 4 0 Revs. R. Knill andW . Baddaüutm. Miss Itenfree...... 0 10 8 Mr. Warmington 0 16 6 W. Evans, at Burnell, M r . W . C o x ...... 1 1 0 V a r io u s ...... S 2 6 Barton. Fordham, Jtle- For Mr. T. Burchell’s Mr. D. and Miss V 0 9 0 D o n a tio n s : kam, Stumarket, and schools, Montego Bay: Mr. G. Atkins ...... 1 0 0 Soham...... 15 12 2 Fox, Mn! E.. .77...... 1 0 ® Smallbt u n s . ' 0 7 ® M r. H ey n es...... 0 10 0 Barton Mills. Small sums...... 0 1 3 9 28 6 ~0 Balance in hand 3 7 4 Subscriptions: H u b W y c o v b ï a v z h u x t . Btottford...... 0 11 0 B e ll, M r ...... 0 10 6 M r. D. Hearn, Treasurer. Ellington, Mr. sen 0 1° ® Grampound Branch. Me**n>. P. W right and J. Packer, 41 10 9 Ellington, Mr. R 0 10 0 Secretaries. Ellington, Mr. T 0 10 0 Collected by Mr. H owe.. 0 10 0 Gitter», Mr...... 0 10 6 Mr. Searle...... 2 ° " Collected at Bloxham. O w en s, M r...... 1 1 0 Small sums...... 1 ™ ° Crendon Lane Chapel. ..860 By Ber. D. Nonwick.... 110 1 Do. in iarthings 0 7 6 Ebenexer Chapel...... 6 17 10 Saunders. M n ...... 0 10 0 1 1 6 Public Meeting ...... 8 0 0 S eek er, M r ...... 0 10 0 Buckingham. Subscriptions: T u b b s , M r...... 0 10 6 llcltton Branch. B u tle r , M r . w T t . 0 10 0 Subscriptions...... 2 16 7 Sums under 10s...... 1 0 4 Parker, John, Esq. 1 1 0 Mr. Bennett ...... 5 0 Itleham. Coll. after Sermons and . Wilkinson, jihnTÉsq... 4 4 0 Missionary boxes, «se. . . 9 16 at Public M eeting.... « ® S W right,»¿.Percerai... 0 10 0 Friends, by Miss Hatton, N o r m a n , M n ...... 2 0 0 Do. at Aosewor...... g « „ Donations : fo r BntaUn...... 2 0 Box, by M n. Wibrow... 0 5 0 Best, M r...... » J J H . M r. J ...... 1 0 0 Krs. Priestley ...... 2 2 W o o d s , M r...... 0 10 0 Euxt&ce, M n ...... J ¡J n H e a r n an d V ea ry ,M es»rs. JO 0 0 R o g e r s , T h o m a s . E s q . . . 0 10 0 Head, 0 1 51

£ «. d. £ *. d. £ » . d. Collected by Mr. Blacker ...... 1 8 Salter, M iss ...... 1 1 0 Collected by ^ Miss Rogers ...... 1 6 8 Mrs. Clarke ...... 1 11 Sawer, John, Esq 3 3 0 M. A. Bartlett...... 0 4 6 M rs. J a n u s ...... 1 4 0 Miss Clarke ...... 0 1 8 4 ■Wilccck8,Ebenezer,E*q. 0 10 6 M re. D u n n ...... • 0 17 9 Miss E. J. Clarke 2 10 9 Mr. Harvey, Sunday-sch. 0 19 8 12 16 6 Miss E. M. Clarke 1 6 11 45 1 3 M is s H o r p e r ...... 1 3 2 Mr. T. Clarke ...... 1 3 Miss Clcmence...... 0 16 10 19 7 Maration Branch. Miss Hornblower ...... 0 16 Kingtbridge. roll, by Mr. F. Phillip».. 1 17 Miss E. Parkyn ...... 0 5 7 Mr. F. S. Randall, Treasurer. Mr. Townahend ...... 0 6 Lyme. Collections...... 10 9 9 33 5 0 W. Pinney, Esq. M .P... 2 0 0 Young people, by Sarah 2 2 0 Mr. D. Dunster...... 1 1 0 H a ile y ...... 0 16 0 Weekly subscriptions by PadstoK Branch. Miss Lavers ...... 0 16 0 Cull, after S erm on an d ©umbcrlanö. Miss S. A. Nicholson.... 0 10 6 Poole. at Public Meeting .... 3 12 3 Subscriptions: Rev. S. Bulgin ...... 1 11 0 Ik), by M ìsb Hawken 0 7 (I Carlisle. Mr. Nicholson ...... 1 0 0 Missionary boxes ...... I l l 6 R. Peek, Esq ...... 1 0 0 Mr. J. D . M artyn 1 1 0 G . H . H e a d , E e q ...... 5 0 0 M ils W ills ...... 0 6 0 14 12 3

6 16 8 Newton. ©SSCI. Coll. by Miss Morrish... 1 11 0 Penzance Branch. ü3rrf»Bß^tre. Bishop's Stortford. Coll. after Sermons and Rev. W . Hawkins, M.A. Paignton. C o lle c tio n ...... 4 4 0 at Public Meeting 8 15 5 Box, by Mi«« Hodgkins. 0 6 10 Brown, Mr. J. 8 ...... (I 10 6 Burton-on-Trent. Cane. Joseph, Esq 1 0 0 C o lle c tio n ...... 4 12 8 5 3 6 Friend, for tlu; Jamaica Hawkins, Miss...... 3 17 0 m ission ...... 0 10 6 H u n t, M r ...... 1 0 0 Long, Richard, Esq 1 0 0 Plymouth. Braintree. Owen, Mrs. anil Master . 1 18 0 Morgan, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Tomlinson, Mr ...... 1 0 0 Rev. S. Nicholson. Rev. W . Humphries. 1’idwell, Samuel, Esq. .. 1 1 0 R ouse, M rs...... 0 10 6 Collections...... 26 14 6 Collections ...... 10 19 12 7 8 Weymouth, M r ...... 1 0 0 Ladies’ Branch (moiety) 13 IS 4 Subscriptions : Sabbath-school...... 0 17 3 Collected by M iss H a r t...... 0 10 Derby. A d a m s, M r. P ...... 0 10 0 Young Ladies, by do.... 0 16 M l- s G la sson ...... 11 15 0 Adamson, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Mrs. W. Hemmings 1 15 3 Collections...... 22 14 2 A lg e r , M r ...... 0 10 6 Miss Richard»...... 0 4 n D o . a t P u b lic M e e t in g .. 9 12 0 B a y lv , M rs ...... 0 10 0 Miss T h o m a s...... 0 13 8 Ladies' Association 10 14 5 Brendon, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Mr. W e y m o u th ...... 0 6 9 Missionary boxes ...... 1 9 fi Burnell, M r ...... 0 10 6 Burnham. W. Evans. Esq. M .I\... 1 0 0 D errv , M r...... 2 0 0 Rev. J. G&rringtan. 30 3 3 Mr TWinnicliff, Clifton 1 0 0 Derrv, Mr. D ...... 0 10 6 Deny, Mr. S ...... 1 1 0 Collections - ...... 8 10 46 10 0 Eveleigh, Mr...... 1 1 0 D o . a t TUUugham. 1 10 Redruth Branch. G a n d y, M r ...... 0 10 6 D o . at Atthont...... 1 0 Coll. after Sermons and Loteoe. H ea rle, M r...... 1 0 0 at Public Meeting .... 8 13 2 Mileham, M rs ...... 1 1 0 11 0 D o. a t St. B a p ...... 0 9 By Rer. T. Pottenger. ..11 N ic h o ls o n , M r ...... 0 10 0 Missionary boxes 0 7 9 P r a n c e , M r...... 1 1 0 Colchester. Cock. Mr.'Willium 0 10 0 Trego, Mr. (2 years ^------2 0 0 Cock, Mr. Edwin ...... 0 5 0 8vanwick and Biddings. Tamerton, ftiends at.... 0 12 0 Rev. C. T. Rust. Duckham, M is ...... 0 5 0 Rev. T. l’ottenger. Tucker, ilr ...... 1 0 0 A ver ill, M r...... 0 10 0 Eade, M r...... 0 10 0 Windeatt, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Bolton, Mrs. 0 10 0 Collections ...... 6 15 6 Thorpe H eynes, M r...... 1 0 0 Sums under 10s...... 0 19 3 Bolton and Son, Messrs. 0 10 O Missionary boxes ...... 1 2 10 Interest at savings Bank (1 2 4 Cliaplin, Mr. John (don.) 1 0 0 Sunday-scbolars...... 0 15 9 M ajor, J. I ’ . E s q ...... 0 10 6 5S 17 4 Cross, Messrs. W . and J. 0 10 0 Major, late Miss (legacy) 5 0 0 Catchpool, Mrs. T. (don.) 0 10 0 M orcom , M r. E lish a . . . . 0 10 0 8 14 1 Saltash. Danieli, Mrs. Thomas .. 0 10 O RunnallB, M r ...... 0 10 0 Eisdell, Mr...... 1 1 0 Spasshatt, Mr. J. sen.... 1 10 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 1 14 1 Francis, W . W ...... 2 2 O Spassiiatt, M is ...... 1 10 0 J.Trounsell,Esq..W.I.S. 1 0 0 Harvev,Mr.JohnBawtree 0 10 O Spasshatt, Mr. J .ju n .... 0 10 0 M r. J . B ...... d o. 0 10 0 King & Thorby, Messrs. 0 10 O Spasshatt, M iss...... 0 10 0 Dcbonsfjire. Lewis, Mr. Thomas 0 10 0 Spasshatt, Ma.-t. W . H .. 0 10 0 3 4 1 Patmore, Mr...... 1 1 O Spassiiatt, Mast. S. P ... 0 10 0 Betonport. Rust, Rev. C. T ...... 1 1 O Williams, John, Esq. ,T. 1 0 0 Stokes, George, Esq 1 1 0 Rev. Tliomas Horton. Skaldon. W o lfo r d ,M r s . Black Not- Collected by Rev. E. H. Brewer. ley...... 0 10 O Mm. E a d e ...... 1 13 10 Coll. at Morice Square.. 16 2 0 Miss Spa sshatt...... I 14 H C o lle c tio n ...... 4 Warmin'rton, Mr. E .... 0 10 6 Do. by Master J. W. W ic k s , M r ...... 0 10 0 Miss T resid er...... 1 17 11 B a tten ...... 1 1 0 Mr. Blatchford ...... 0 Miss I lo s k is g ...... 1 6 1 Collected by Subscriptions: Miss R o u se ...... 1 7 10 Miss Patmore ...... 2 11 3 B u tter, M r...... 1 1 0 Miss B on d...... 0 13 1 Rhoda Frosück ...... 1 12 7 F o ste r, M r...... 1 1 0 Mr. M orcom , St. Day. ..114 Miss Bennell...... 0 16 6 Horton, Rev. Thomas... 0 10 6 Tiverton. Sums under 10s ...... 1 0 0 Mrs. Fillet & Miss Carter 0 8 0 M ia ll, M rs...... 1 1 0 B y R e v . J . S ingleton 11 11 4 Missionary box, by Hiss P a u l, M r s ...... 0 10 0 3 5 7 Ï AVarmington ...... 0 14 9 D o ...... T . 0 10 0 Do. Children of the Lan­ P in se n t, M r ...... 1 1 0 Torquay. castrian school 0 6 8 T ru ro Branch. W . Rouse, Esq. and Mrs. Congregational coU 12 2 0 22 17 6 Coll. after Sermons and R o u s e ...... 8 0 0 Mrs. Bristed 31 18 0 at Public M eeting.... 7 ie 2 ...... 1 0 0 Do. at Pcnpali-.TTr.. . .. 0 16 2 Exeter. Clarke, lato M r ...... 1 1 0 Mr. Co mm in. Dunmow. Clarke, M rs ...... 0 1 1 Collections at Mrs. Carter 5 0 0 Clarke, M iss...... 0 10 6 Bartholomew Yard 8 9 3 Clarke, Miss E . J ...... 6 0 10 South Street...... 6 12 5 Clarko, Miss E. R ...... 0 10 6 Earl's Colme. Clarke, Mias E . M ...... 0 10 6 Groevenor Chapel 2 14 B Public Meeting ...... 0 6 - Uorsetalitre. Rev. T. D. Reynolds. Clarke, Master...... o i o 6 Mr. J.D . Piper...... 1 0 Knight, M r ...... 0 16 2 Collected by Dorchester. J*mon, SirC. Bart.M .P. 1 1 0 Miss S. Anstie ...... 2 1 8 M r. T a w e ll...... 0 10 Mitchell, Robert, E sq... 1 0 0 M r. A s h b y ...... 0 6 3 Rev. C. Evans. Collected by Saving» Bank, interest Miss Culverwell...... 0 14 6 A n o n ym o u s , b y M r. H a r ­ Mr. Ladbrook ...... 0 2 from ...... 0 s 0 M r. D a v ies...... 0 18 6 vey ( d o n . ) ...... 0 10 0 Mrs. London 0 8 Sunday-school Associa­ M rs. M a s o n ...... 8 IB 10 B ig g s , M r ...... 0 10 0 Miss Tawell...... 1 4 tion ...... 2 3 0 M iss P a tes...... 0 16 4 D o .i d o n . ) ...... 2 0 0 Mrs. Tawell...... 0 S Turner, Edmund. Eso. S u n d a y -sc h o o l c h ild r e n . 1 15 8 Devenish, Wm. Eaq 1 1 0 M.P ...... ’ * 1 1 0 Missionary Box ...... 0 8 6 H a rvey, M r ...... 0 10 0 S 13 Twewiy, W . E sq.,l...S . 1 0 0 Subscription«: Hopkins. Mr...... 0 10 0 Collected by « Cominin, Mr.'flamea 1 1 0 L lo y d , M r ...... 0 10 0 Epping. Mrs. B a r l o w ...... 0 10 0 Gregory, Mrs...... 1 1 0 M ep h a m , M r...... 0 10 0 « « a B a rlow ...... o 14 2 Lillyerop, Mr ...... 1 1 0 Yoatman. Morgan, Esq. 1 1 0 Rev. W . Wear«...... 2 3 0 “ us Batchelor...... 0 18 6 JHacgownn, Dr ...... 1 0 0 Sums under 10s...... 0 12 6 52

£ I . d. £ t. 4. Halstead. j^ampsfjire. Romsey. Her. W . Clements. 2 0 6 Rev. W . Yarnold. H a m p s b i b i AxrxauxT. CoDectkms...... 18 0 0 J. George, Esq. Treasurer. C o lle c t io n ...... 7 15 3 Mr. John Sudbury, for Eastington. Coll. by Miss George and Africa...... 2 0 0 C o lle c tio n ...... 2 9 0 Andover. Miss Beddomc ...... 6 16 0 The Master Bridges 0 6 6 Rev. J. Watts. Do. by Miss Rorchasc... 2 17 0 £ s. d. Do. by MisB Purdy 0 7 4 20 6 6 Hampton. C o lle c tio n ...... 12 B 8 Children’s offerings, by Rev. J. Dnnn. Small subs, and profitB Miss S. Yarnold 0 8 fi Ilford. o n b o o k s ...... 6 12 10 Mr. J. S. Jackson 0 10 0 C o lle c tio n ...... 6 2 4 Friends, at Mott it font. , . 1 0 0 Mr- and Mrs. Rose 2 0 0 B o x e s ...... 1 15 4 Subscriptions: C o ll. b y M iss R o s e 11 5 6 Mr. James Baker...... 2 0 0 18 14 1 Sunday-school ehilHrpn . 0 14 6 6 17 8 Mr. and Mrs. H ill ...... 4 0 0 Donations : 14 0 0 Kiagttanley. Mr. James Baker...... 20 0 0 Southampton. Mr. and Mrs. HiU 10 0 0 Rev. B. H. Draper, LL.D. H er. J. Cous ms. Langkam. Mr. T. B. M illard ...... 1 0 0 Coll. and Female Assoc. 18 8 0 C o lle c tio n ...... 12 0 Rev. J. C. Norton. Missionary boxes ...... 0 10 0 Missionary boxes 2 7 By Thomas Birth, Esq. 34 1 6 Sunday-school children . 0 10 0 S o r t in g , M r. A . (2 y ears) l o o Draper, Rev. B. H 0 10 0 Mr. Peter King ...... S 0 Ellvett, Mr. R. D 0 10 0 M iss E in e ...... 1 1 0 Askley. L ou gk ton . Lankester, Mrs. J.(2yrs.) 1 0 1) Mr. John Kinr ...... 0 10 Rev. T. Rutter. L in d o e , D r ...... 1 1 0 Rev. S. Brawn. Sums under lus ...... 2 7 Lindoc, Mrs ...... 1 1 (I Missionary Association.. 12 14 11 C o lle c tio n ...... 1 0 0 Oakley, Mr. A ...... 0 10 0 23 15 10 Oakley, Mrs. A ...... 0 10 I) Old Sampford. Beaulieu. Rev. J. Heafford. Painnoick. Rev. J. B. Burt...... 10 0 0 25 0 u C o lle c tio n ...... 0 11 7 Do. and friends...... 5 0 0 Collection...... 1 8 Missionary boxes by Wallop. M. A. Smith ...... 1 0 0 Skipscomb. C o lle c tio n ...... 2 18 3 Potter Street. A. Gardiner ...... 1 5 0 C o lle c tio n ...... 1 3 3 Mrs. Coombs’ box 2 1 » B y M r. 'W en tw orth . 17 11 0 Collected by Mrs. Gipps 2 0 0 Skortwood. Mr. Blackman...... 0 10 0 Kr Saunders. 0 10 0 Rev. T. F. Newman Beaulieu Rails. Wellow—I . W. Mr. Wentworth...... 1 0 0 C o lle c tio n ...... 15 1 0 Collection...... 2 7 0 Sums under 10*...... 1 12 0 Pennv-a-week Society... 4 16 3 M r. H o llis ...... 0 10 0 Mr. Éaraard ...... 1 0 0 A F r ie n d ...... 0 2 6 6 12 0 Mr. Fewster...... 1 0 0 Blaekfield Common. 0 12 c Mr. Hillier ...... 1 0 0 C o lle c tio n ...... 1 4 0 Rayleigh. Mrs. Holmes ...... 0 10 0 Wkitckurck. Rev. J. Pükington. 23 7 3 Broughton. Rev. P. Davies. i."Wells and Perry, Rev. H. Russell. Ckelmsford...... 5 0 0 Slimbridge. C o lle c tio n ...... 7 7 4 A F r ie n d ...... 1 0 0 C o lle c tio n ...... 9 0 0 TwoSabbutli-sch.classea 4 0 « ReT. J. Pilkmgtnn (snb.) 1 0 0 1 10 7 B ox es b y 1 0 0 Coll. bv It. Benluun .... I 111 U D o . M a r c h 3 1 s t ...... '.. 10 0 0 Miss Saunders...... 2 12 6 B u rt, S ir...... 0 15 0 M rs. S m ith ...... 2 13 6 Channel. M r ...... 1 0 0 2 10 7 Sunday-school...... 0 15 2 D a v ies, M r ...... 2 0 0 D o. ( d o n .)...... 6 I) 0 Stroud. 15 1 2 D a vis, M rs ...... 0 10 0 Romford. Rev. W . Yates. D u n n , M r. Basingstoke. .10» Rev. J. R . -Ward. Guernsey. Fletcher, Mr. Longhurst 1 0 0 Collection...... 12 10 0 Netherclift, Mr...... 1 0 I) .B y M r .'W a r d ...... 1 3 Missionary boxes...... 2 17 2 By Rev. T. Nant. 3 0 0 S corey , M r...... 2 0 0 Subscriptions: D o . ( d o n .)...... 5 0 0 Saffron Walden. B ish o p . M r ...... 0 10 0 Jersey— St. Belier's. Scorey, M iss ...... 0 10 0 Rev. J. Wilkinson. Clutterbuck, Mrs 0 10 0 T a n n e r , M r. J o s e p h 0 10 0 Fisher, P. H. E»q 1 0 0 Coll. by Mrs. Grey 3 5 1 Twynan, George, Esq... 0 10 0 Collection...... 14 14 0 H o p so n , M r ...... 0 10 0 W.G.Gîbson,E«q. T.* S. 1 1 0 J a y , M r ...... 1 0 0 33 13 0 D o.(don?H ?!?.....,.. 5 0 0 Lymingion. Parsons, Mr ...... 1 0 0 G. Gibson, Esq. 1 1 0 Snms under 10s...... 0 15 0 Rev. J. Millard. F. Gibson, Esq .do. 1 1 » C o lle c tio n ...... in 15 Portsmouth, Port sea, and Gosport H . D » f , E s q ...... d o . 1 0 0 20 12 s Branch. Mr. Starling...... 1 0 0 Juvenile Association 4 16 J u v e n ile S o c ie ty ...... 1 10 0 Sunday-school do 2 0 Mr. Robinson, Treasurer. Tetbury. Subscriptions: Collections at 20 7 0 Allen, Miss...... l o Miss Overbury & friends 2 0 0 Meeting-liouse A lley.... 20 1 11 A F r ie n d ...... 1 0 Do. Annual M eeting.... llu" F u r a e r , M r...... () 1 E b en ezer...... 3 16 10 Hible Bedingkam. Thornbury...... Millard, Mr 1 0 W h it e ’s R o w ...... 5 14 0 Rev. R. Langford. Rev. W . J. Cross. Millard, Mrs ...... 0 10 L a n d po rt...... 4 13 8 M illa rd , M iss...... 0 10 ColL by Miss Morris 1 10 0 C o lle c tio n ...... 6 0 0 S a le m ...... 0 17 0 P e d le r , M m ...... 0 10 Miss. Prayer-meeting... 1 11 6 M ission a ry b o x e s ...... 7 0 0 Meeting-house Alley Fe­ Upward, M r...... l 0 m a le A s s o c ia tio n . 23 3 9 3 1 6 12 0 0 Do. Sabbath-school 1 16 » 24 1 E b e n e ie r Ju v e n ile A sso c. 3 0 0 Forton Branch and Sun­ Waltham Abbey. Vley. Milford. d a y -s c h o o l...... 2 2 0 Ber. J. Hargreaves. Rev. E. Webb. L a n d p o rt B r a n c h A s s o c. 1 15 « C o lle c tio n ...... 3 0 0 Rev. F. W ills. D o . S a b b a th -s c h o o l 4 18 0 Collection...... 8 3 10 C o lle c tio n ...... 2 4 Mario-la-bonne Sabbath- Mr. Richardson. 1 1 0 Collected by s c h o o l...... 2 3 « Wocdekester. M is« W i lls ...... i n 6 4 10 W hite’s Row Branch As­ Rev. J. Preece. Miss A. S. Wills 1 4 so c ia tio n ...... 3 15 1 C o lle c tio n ...... 2 1 2 6 Miss Brookroan. 0 6 Young Ladies at Mrs. Miss A. Penny ...... 0 2 Robinson's school.,.. 2 6 ® Subs, and Donations : © lo u testers!) ire. Wootton. Absalom, Mrs ...... 0 10 8 Rev. J. Watts. Buckler, M r ...... 0 10 0 Gxm rcctm usiro Auxuukx. Collection...... 7 7 10 Newport—1. W. liouvcrie, Adm. the Hon. 2 0 0 Crasswaller, Mr. C 0 10 « P. King, Esq. Treasurer. Missionary boxes ft 0 2 C o lle c tio n ...... g 4 Sunday-school...... 1 12 7 Ellis, Mrs. sen ...... 1 1 “ Ckalford. S u b s, b y M rs. S t a r lin g ., 0 10 Ellyett, Mr...... 1 J ® Subscriptions.- Rev. F. TrestraiL. . 0 10 ..7T, Ellyett, Mr. B ...... » ? ® Her. 3 . 8 . D eane. Carpenter,Mr 0 10 0 G eorg e, M r ...... 1 1 J E le y , M is . C o lle c tio n ...... 2 1 0 ...... 1 0 o Goode»«, Mrs. (2 y e a n ) . 2 ? J P e r rin , M r...... 1 0 0 M b s B a th ...... 1 1 0 Howard, D. Ésq 1 1 9 H o g e r s , M r...... 1 0 0 Do. Missionary box by.. 0 IS 6 Niton—I. W. Horsey, Mr. 8. s e q * 0 Î2 « Horsey, Mr. 8. JuiT 0 » * 4 0 6 20 10 7 Collection.. Hill, Mr .. ______0 10 « H in to n , M r ...... • > » 6 5$

£ * d. £ .. d. £ «. d. H ob b , M r ...... 0 10 6 Collected by Miss Simmons ...... 7 5 2 8 t .i t > « . H e lb y .M r ...... 1 1 0 M r«. P e w ...... 4 13 10 Misses Mary and Martha Hev. J. Bliss, B.A. K n igh t, M r ...... 1 1 0 Miss Sutton ...... 3 6 0 Damtree, and Miss E. Lower, E. E sq ...... 1 : M iss Y o u n g ...... 6 6 0 E k in s ...... 6 0 0 C olL a t A n n u a l M e e tin g 16 11 4 H arden, H n ...... 1 ( Do. for the education of Subscriptions : Do. after two Sermons.. 14 3 3 Morris, Rev. T ...... 0 10 6 a native girl to be call­ Asplan, Mr. sen ...... 1 1 0 Do. at Tea Party 9 0 0 H aifa, M rs...... 0 10 6 e d “ E lisa U p ton ” . . . . 4 0 0 Asplan, Mr. W. jun 1 1 0 Do. at Missionary Meet­ Robinson, Mrs ...... 1 1 D o n a tio n s : Do. for last year ...... 1 1 0 in g a t Houghton 6 6 10 Room, Rev. C ...... 1 1 M r. E m e ry ...... 1 0 0 Ekins, Mr. L ...... 1 1 0 Do. after Sermon at Rev. Staunton, Sir G. Bart. A F r ie n d ...... 1 0 0 Feary, Mr. Stephen 1 1 0 T . B lis s 's ...... 6 7 2 ...... 5 0 0 M.P Miss Howard ...... 0 10 0 Feary, Mrs. John ...... 1 1 0 Collected by Shoveller, Rev. John.... 1 1 Feary, Mrs. C ...... 1 0 0 Miss Curling and others 1 4 3 ...... 1 1 Subscriptions: Do./or Jamaica Simmons, Rev. J. E 1 0 0 M r. L e ig h ...... 0 15 0 Spicer, I). Esq ...... 1 1 G e a rd , M r ...... 1 0 0 Tebbutt, Mrs. M ...... 2 2 0 M iss G r a v ...... 1 16 0 loung, Mr. W ...... 0 10 G o m m e . M r ...... 1 1 0 Tebbutt, Mr. J ...... 1 1 0 M rs. B ea le...... 0 12 0 D o...... T . 0 10 6 Leonard, Mr...... 1 1 0 Peppercorn, Mr...... 1 0 0 Do. for last vear ...... 1 1 0 M iss N e w itt...... 2 0 0 Watts, Mr. tVilliam .... Misses Stevens and Dun- 120 13 Woollam, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Young, Mr. B ...... 2 O 0 n e ile ...... 5 3 6 Young, Mr. C...... 1 1 0 58 4 9 Subscriptions : Young, Mr. C. jun 0 10 0 Deduct paid to Baptist Ashton, Mr. A ...... 1 0 0 Home Miss. Society.. 10 0 Missionary boxes by 0 B ro w n , M r. P ...... 2 0 0 M iss E w in s...... 0 14 2 Day, G. G. Esq ...... 2 2 0 48 4 9 ?£ertforïref>tre. Misses T. Harris ...... 0 15 8 Goodman, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 Mrs. W . Harris...... 0 13 10 Holland, Rev. J. K. 2 0 0 Bozmoor. M rs. W i le s ...... 1 10 1 Huntingdon. Peek, Mr. William 0 10 0 Mr. Whitbread ...... 0 19 0 Thorpe, Mr. Samuel.... 0 10 0 Hev. W . Wright. Her. P. W . Gotch, B.A. Miss Jane Young ...... 2 2 4 Ulph, Mr. John ...... 1 0 0 Collections...... 6 8 1 Bedmont Village School 0 1 1 0 Coll. at Annual Meeting 10 5 0 V e stry b o x ...... 0 17 10 Do. after Sermon ...... 4 15 0 72 1 4 Collected by Sums under 10s...... 4 17 0 D o . a t Ripton...... 1 13 6 Miss Church ...... 2 19 3 D o . a t Bythorn...... 1 14 6 Moiety 36 0 8 M rs. G o tc h ...... 2 3 6 Cl 12 10 D o. at 1 elling...... 2 0 0 Mrs. J. Beetles...... 1 0 0 Miss T .nmmgr...... 1 0 0 Collected by Mr. Goodman ...... 1 0 0 Sunday-school...... 0 10 6 A F r ie n d ...... 5 0 0 Tring. M iss D r in g ...... 4 3 8 S u b scrip tion s : Miss Dawson ...... 0 7 0 D o ...... 7 10 0 ...... 1 1 0 Friends, by Mr. Grover.. 4 Carev, Rev. E Sunday-school children.. 1 0 9 JosephVipan, Esq 2 10 0 Gotch, Rev. F. W 1 1 0 Stukely frien d s...... 0 4 8 T. D. Paul, Esq ...... 2 2 0 D o...... T . 1 1 0 D o . ( d o n .)...... 20 0 O G otch , M rs...... 1 1 0 Ware. Subscriptions: lnnes, Mrs. Marlowe*. ..110 Miss M edcalfe ...... 1 0 D e a r, M r...... 0 10 6 75 2 8 Wells, M iss ...... 0 10 0 Mr. B. M edcalfe ...... 0 10 Harratt, M r ...... 0 10 6 Lancaster, Mr ...... 0 10 0 j 17 16 4 1 10 0 Maddison, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 St. Neat*. Pumfret, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 1 Rev. G. Murrell. W r ig h t, M r ...... 1 1 0 | Hatfield. Watford. ColL at Public Meeting.. 8 8 0 Missionary boxes by I Do. at Tea Party ...... 6 2 0 Hev. E. Hull. B. Young, Esq. & friends R Fanny Richardson 0 11 Do. after Sermon. 4 19 6 Friend, by d o ...... 50 C o lle c t io n ...... 24 4 0 Mr. Randall...... 0 6 Collected by Adcock, Misses...... 0 10 0 M r. F o ste r ...... 0 4 Miss S. Lovell...... I 15 0 66 3 0 Aldwin, Mrs. W ...... 0 10 6 Master Ridgby ...... 0 7 M iss G ea rd ...... 5 10 O Berner, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 A n n F r a n k s ...... 0 8 Misses Abbott and Paine 7 0 0 B ru n t, M r ...... 0 10 0 Misses Mary Paine and Bemel Bemptiead. B ru sh , M rs...... 0 10 0 31 11 7 M . G e a rd ...... 7 15 0 Rev. J. Hopley. Cha ter, M r ...... 0 10 0 l'oung persons...... 10 0 0 C e c il, M r s ...... 0 10 0 M oiety 15 15 9 By Mr. Bryce ...... 44 1 6 D a le, M iss...... 0 10 0 C oll. a t SpaUwick, (tw o - S u b scrip tion s : Freeman,rreeman, Mrs ...... o 010 o thirds)...... 7 12 9 Hawkins, Mr ...... I 0 0 Hitckin. Friend (don.)...... 10 10 0 j Mr. Foster (sub.) 1 1 0 t Jovce, Mr...... 0 5 d Garey.Mrs. S ...... 0 10 0 Mr. Mann ...... 1 S ole, M r ...... 0 10 0 Rev. J. Griffin. G o ss, M iss...... 0 10 0 Stevens, Mr...... 0 5 0 C o lle c tio n ...... ? ______14 H a w s, M r ...... 0 10 0 25 10 6 Auxiliary Society,by Mrs. H a w s, M iss...... 0 10 0 53 9 G Jeeves...... 10 Hull, Rev. E ...... 0 10 0 Ranucy. Moiety 26 14 9 H u ll, M n ...... 0 10 0 Rev. M. H. Crofts. Hilton, Mr. and fam ily.. 1 12 0 Subscriptions : Coll. at Annual Meeting H in d , M r ...... 0 10 0 B a rk er, M r ...... 0 ó 0 Do. after Sermon ...... K in g , M is s ...... 1 4 0 Bedells. Mr...... 0 10 0 M ill End. Do. at Tea Party ...... M o o re , M rs...... 1 4 0 G ea rd , M r ...... 0 10 0 C o lle c tio n ...... 3 P ilk in , M is s ...... 0 10 " Paine, Mr. Jabez...... 0 10 0 British-scliool...... 0 R e e d , M r ...... 0 10 Paine, Mr. James 0 10 0 Rogers, Mrs. J ...... 0 10 Paine, Mr. Joseph 0 10 0 R oa w cU , M r ...... 0 10 Moiety 7 5 0 Vestry Missionary box.. 0 16 2 S a lter, M r ...... 6 6 29 14 9 Salter, Mr. S ...... 2 2 Subscriptions: Suiter, Mr. S. jun 2 2 Crofts, Rev. M. H 0 10 0 A Friend. 2 0 0 Salter, Mn. S. jun 1 1 Ibberson, Mr. H ...... 0 10 0 StiUom. Infield, Mr. George 0 10 0 Salter, M iss ...... 1 1 Coll. by Miss Brood.. Newton, Mr. S ...... 1 1 0 Roytton. S ea rs, M rs...... 0 10 S h a w , M r ...... 0 10 N ew ton , M r ...... 1 0 0 Mr. Fendcred. Shepherd, M rs ...... 0 10 Newton, Mr. George 0 10 0 Subscriptions : S m ith , M rs...... 2 2 Newton, Mr. William... 0 10 0 Beldham, Mr. Charles.. 1 0 0 Smith, Mrs. E. J ...... 0 1U Newton, M i Andrew 0 10 0 Beldham, Mr.V 10 0 S m ith , M rs...... 0 10 P a lm er, M r...... 1 l o Ürut. Butler, Mr. W. F 0 10 0 Wilkins, J. and H 0 10 Ridlington, Mr. Hicks .. 1 1 0 Fordham, Mr. E. K ...T. 0 10 0 Smaller sums ...... 23 12 Ridlington, Mrs. T 0 10 0 E a s t K e n t A c x i u a r t . Fordham,MrsJ. KeUhall 1 0 0 Missionary boxes 3 3 10 S a u n ders, M r. 11...... 0 10 0 Fordham, Miss Jane, do. 1 0 0 D o n a tio n ...... 0 10 0 Shepperton, Mr. R 0 10 0 Mr. W . Parnell, Treasurer. Whittome,____ Vf_ Mr. 1-1 John....___ ÔA 10 lO A Lucas, Mr. W ...... 0 10 0 Rev. J. M. Cramp, Secretary. Nash, Mr. W. H 1 0 0 92 17 4 Collected by AAfard. Nash, Mr. Charles 1 0 0 M rs. T . S a u n d e rs 1 10 Piggot, Mr. James 0 10 0 Mrs. Crafen ...... 3 5 Rev. Thomas Davis. rendered, Mr. John 0 10 0 Mrs. Ibberson Saunders. 1 15 Collections ...... 11 17 6 Wedd.Mr.J. P ...... 1 1 0 Mrs. Palmer ...... l 2 Quarterly subscriptions. 0 10 0 Misses Grooms & Infield 1 1 Collected by fèunttngtronstyirr. The school children 0 5 M rs. D a v is ...... 0 17 8 10 7 0 Mr. G. Hayward ...... 1 8 2 H dntikodoxsiiire A u x i l i a r y . 25 S 9 Miss Parnell...... 2 8 0 BluntUham. Miss Tappenden 0 11 2 Sawbridgemrtk. Miss Tunbridge ...... 1 8 4 Rev. J. E. Simmons, M.A. Stmenkam. llev.J. Stuart (sub.).... 1 1 0 M ission ary b o x e s ...... 0 13 6 D o. (d o n .)...... l 0 0 M oiety o f Coll. at Annual Rev. W . Orris. Subscriptions : Meeting and after Ser- M r . In g le ...... 1 0 0 12 4 7 Mr. Charles Leeds 1 0 0 I 1 0 Collected by Mrs. Warren ...... 0 10 0 D o ...... T 0 10 6 St. Albata. Miss C. Arf& n...... 4 12 6 Penny society ...... 1 1 9 Sums under 10s...... 1 17 6 Miss Tebbutt...... 6 8 6 Rev. W illiam Upton. Miss A. £. Tebbutt. 2 1 0 3 11 9 33 14 4 Collection»,...... j e H Mrs. S. Feary ...... H 2 0 | 54

£ *. A £ * . d. £ « . d. £ ».

£ i.d . £ « . a. Tunbridge Wellt. Coinè. Oldham. Collected by Rev. H. Kewell. C o lle c t io n ...... 11 2 Mr. T. W. Gordon 0 10 0 M issKeir"- M iss Su C o lle c tio n ...... 8 0 0 Col. by Mias Philips 1 0 10 Qoodthaw Chapel. Preston. Rev. A. Nichols. Rev. W . Giles. C o lle c t io n ...... 3 0 7 C o lle c t io n ...... 10 0 0 Upnor. Haslingden. Rochdale. Friends, by Rev, Mr. Friends, by Rev. W . Love 5 0 4 H e w le t t ...... 4 0 0 Rev. — Blakey Rev. W . F. Burchell. C o lle c t io n ...... 0 3 2 CoU . a t West 8t. Chapel. 78 0 0 Woolwich. Subscriptions ...... 7 17 2 Honk’s Kirby. Rev. J. Cox. Henry Kelsall, Esq...... 100 0 0 Rev. J. Jones. Col. after Sermon at L iv e r p o o l Arxii.iA.HY. 185 17 2 C o lle c tio n ...... 5 ^ Quran Street Chapel.. 6 Do. at P u b lic M eetin g , d o 17 10 6 W . Roshton, Esq. Treasurer. Profits from Tea Meeting Stockport. Rev. J. Lister, Rev. C. M. Birrell, Oadby. at d o ...... 6 3 and Mr. A. Falethorpe, Secs. C o lle c t io n ...... 2 7 0 Do. at Lesness Heatli.... 2 4 Rev. A. Burditt. Do. at Enon Chapel..... 0 15 6 C o ll. a t Pembroke Chapel, C o lle c tio n ...... 1 6 6 Collected by Rev. C. M. Birrell.... M 7 6 Wigan. G. Champion, and John Do. at Public Meeting.. 43 7 6 Rev. B. Millard...... 5 9 0 D o . a t Lime Street, R ev . Skeepshead. Lawrence., C o ll. a t Lord Street 9 12 8 Miss Morris...... 2 B 0 J. L is te r ...... 51 15 2 D o . a t C om m ercia l R o o m 2 10 0 Rev. J. Bromwich. William Chambers 0 12 0 D o . a t Byram Street 7 10 6 D o . a t Great Crotthall 8t. Do. at Sunday-school.... 118 10 C o lle c tio n ...... 13 0 0 Subscriptions : Rev. D. Jones...... 9 0 1 Abethel,Richard, Esq... 1 0 0 Do. at Mr. Wylie's 5 0 0 14 1 6 Cox,ller.John ...... 0 10 0 D o . a t Soho Street, R ev . Button-in-the-Elms. C rickett, J. G . E sq . B la c k - M . F i s h e r ...... 8 18 4 Rev. C. Burditt. heath...... 1 1 0 Missionary box at d o .... 0 12 0 Gardener, M r...... 1 0 0 Collected by Miss Smith, Collection...... l o 11 Gregory, Dr. Olinthua.. 1 0 0 Woodtide...... 2 14 0 Jones, Capt R. N 1 1 0 Do. by Master 'Ward, for £ctccstersf)tre. K irby, M r ...... 0 10 6 p ast y ear...... 4 0 0 Osborne, Mrs...... 0 10 6 A Friend, by Mrs. Lister 2 0 0 Leiczstershirb Auxiliary. Scudds, Mr. R ...... 0 10 0 D o. by d o ...... 1 0 0 Mr. J. Collier, Treasurer. Strarg, Mr. sen ...... 1 0 0 Benson,Robt. Esq. (don.) 25 0 0 Tattcolnsfiirr. Strarg, Mr. ju n ...... 0 10 0 Harling, Mr. Chester 1 1 (I Appleby. Two Friends at Shooters K a y , W . E sq. ( d o n . ) . . . . 10 0 0 H ill ...... 0 12 0 Lister, Rev. James 0 10 C Friends, by Rev. W . Ed­ Boston. Wates, Mr. B ...... 0 10 6 Thomnson, Mr...... 1 1 0 w a rd s...... 1 10 7 Young, John, Esq. Bag- Waterhouse, Mrs. for Ja­ Collections ...... 7 6 4 th o t...... 1 1 0 maica ...... £ 0 0 Collected by Mrs. Man Sunday-sch. Enon Cha­ Am xby. W. Mann, Esq ...... 0 10 0 . W . W . Mr. and Mrs. Man 2 2 0 pel, by Mr. J. Furlong 2 19 4 C o lle c tio n ...... 14 0 0 Do. Queen S t r e e t. 1 13 0 Produce of needle-work.. 4 0 10 Sabbath-scholar ...... 0 2 2 Miss, b ox b y M iss W h o le 0 17 0 0 .. 0 10 Missionary box ...... 1 6 0 . 1 1 0 Blaby. 67 12 11 ...... 1 0 0 Cooke, Mr. J Rev. B. Evans. Collected by Crosfield, Mr. J ...... 1 0 0 Miss W right ...... 0 19 6 Dawson, Mr. John ...... 6 C o lle c t io n ...... 1 12 1 M iss H ill...... l 8 o . 2 0 0 Miss C. H ill...... 2 9 0 . 0 10 0 Miss E. H ill...... 1 8 6 Stancasi) ire. ) 0 10 0 Fortan. Miss M. A. H ill...... 1 . 2 2 0 Rev. J. Blackburn. Miss Bothamlev ...... 3 Accrington. 1. 1 1 0 Mrs. V eall....: ...... 0 C o lle c tio n ...... 4 0 0 BSK, Rev. J. Harbottle. 1. 0 10 0 Interests on deposits at Henderson, M iss. 0 b a n k ...... 0 2 1 C o lle c tio n ...... 13 fi naimes, lur. a . a . 2 0 0 Sabbath-school Mission- Husband's Bonoortk. Hope, Misses...... 0 7 *><«...... 0 4 6 Ashton. Jeffrey, Mr. J. R. . 1 1 0 By Mrs. Barfoot...... 2 10 0 and Fens—Collection 1 5 6 Job, Mr. Samuel. 0 Rev. J. D. Marsh. Kirton—CoUectisn 12 9 a 2 0 0 C o lle c tio n ...... ß 12 1 Johnson, Miss ...... 2 o 0 Leicester—Barney Lane. 30 6 10 Mr. L o r d ...... 0 10 0 Jones, Mr. Thomas.. , 0 10 0 Rev. J. P. MuraeU. J u m p , M iss...... 0 C 2 1 Kav, W m, Esq. (do) . 10 0 0 C o lle c tio n ...... 29 18 7 Grimsby. Kickess, Mr. John .. 0 Sabbath-school 3 11 6 Bacup. King, Mr. Joseph... 0 Savoy Gate ditto ...... 0 10 0 Rev. S. Mars ton. . 1 0 0 Revs. J, Edwards and T. Dawson. Subscriptions: Collections ...... 6 13 6 \ 0 10 0 Collection,ineett Terrace 5 4 1 Billsom,Mr. Charles.... 1 0 0 Coll. by Miss Blow 0 18 0 Lyon, Mr. George P.. . 1 I 0 Do. Ebeneter...... 4 10 0 Collier, Mr. John 1 1 0 Missionary boses 1 8 0 0 10 0 Sunday-school, do 2 10 0 Mason, Mr. Joseph... Ellingworth, Mr. J 1 0 0 . 1 1 0 Penny-a-week Society, Falethorpe, Mr. A ----- F r ie n d , A ...... 1 0 0 1 1 0 8 19 6 by M m . D a w s o n 4 11 0 Priestley, Mr. John.. Hull, Mr. Henry ...... 1 1 0 0 Howorth, Mr. Waterbarn 0 10 0 . 1 1 Murscll, Rev. J. P 1 1 0 . 0 10 0 Howorth, Mr». S 0 10 0 Porter, Mr. T ...... 0 10 0 0 Eoncastle Madan, James, Esq.. .T. 1 0 0 Thomely, T. Esq. M.P. . c o Robinson, C. B. Esq 1 1 0 tir-iti..... ir. . 0 10 0 Ormerod, M iss ...... 1 1 0 Viccars, Mr. Samuel.... 1 0 0 Rev. D. Jones. ) 2 2 0 Uu...... S . 0 10 0 Yiccars, Mr. G ...... 0 10 0 . 0 10 0 Collections ...... 4 7 0 Ormerod, Miss B 1 1 0 Waldron, Mrs. Oadby.... 1 0 0 ) 2 2 0 Collected by Ladies 3 1 0 g o ...... S . 0 10 6 "Wheeler, Mr. T ...... 0 10 0 . 0 10 0 Rev. D. Jones ...... 0 10 0 Whitaker, Mrs. Broad- . 1 IB 0 Cards and boxes: ...... Sums under 10».. clougk 0 10 6 Miss Cockshaw’« pupils 7 18 0 333 1 1 and young friends.... 12 0 0 22 8 7 The Misses Porter 6 8 0 Miss Bedells...... 3 0 7 KUliuffholme. Bolton. Manchester. Mr. J. T. Collier ...... 1 2 0 Rev. W . Rowe. Rev. W . Fraser ...... 4 0 0 CoU. at For* Street, R e v . Master J. H. Collier 8 12 0 Do. for native preacher J . B ir t ...... 11 0 10 M issJ. Smith ...... 0 6 3 Collections ...... 3 16 8 in India, for two yean 20 0 0 D o . a t George Street, R ev. Miss Bywell...... 0 10 0 R e v . W. R o w e ...... 0 10 0 J. Girdwood ...... 16 1 8 MissCEapman ...... 2 10 0 Mr. J. Dimnatt ...... 0 12 0 31 0 0 York St. Juvenile Mias. ! Miss B u m ess...... 0 11 0 Missionary boxes 2 13 7 Society, by Miss Cul- ! M asters J . and A . M uraeU 0 7 0 Master H. Clarke 0 4 1 S u n U e y . vcrwefl,/or Entally,. . 4 0 0 D o . fo r Jamaica 2 0 0 Friend«, by Rev. D. Grif­ George Street Chapel Ju­ 70 10 9 fiths...... 9 6 0 venile Auxiliary 26 IB 0 T w o L a d ie s ...... 2 0 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 0 10 7 Clougltfeld. Do. for additional mis­ Loughborough. sion a ries...... 1 2 0 Mrs. Maddison’s box.... 1 8 7 Rev. R . Heyworth. Rev. W . F. Scott. C o lle c tio n ...... 0 5 0 63 2 6 Collections ...... 11 0 M r. B a r r o w ...... 1 1 *56

£ s . d. £ . . d. Limcohi. Miss Mary Morgan 2 12 3 Caerteon. £ ‘ ' Mr. John Morse...... 1 3 7 Rev. J. Craps. Revs. D. Phillips and J. Evans. Rev. T. Kerwin. Miss Maria Poole 3 0 6 C o lle c tio n ...... 1 0 6 ...... 9 15 10 Collections ...... 2 7 3 Box by Mrs. Davies 1 0 u DittoatTea-meeting.... 2 4 5 17 0 0 Subscriptions: Sums under 10s...... 0 12 C Mr. J. Jenluns ...... 0 10 0 Bratton, M r. J ...... 1 1 0 Abertyckan. Mr. W . Jenkins ...... 0 10 0 2 13 0 Craps, Her. J ...... 2 0 0 Sums under 10s...... 0 12 6 Her. S. Price. Otnmund, Mrs. B 1 0 0 Missionary boxes by Pontkeer. DoiStrTM r.J ...... 0 10 0 Collections...... 4 5 4 Miss Jenkins ...... 3 0 3 Rev. J. Michal. Hickson, M iss ...... 2 0 0 Subscriptions: Mrs. Warren ...... 1 8 9 Hickson, Miss S ...... 2 0 0 C o lle c tio n ...... 2 0 0 Arthur, Mr. C ...... 0 10 0 Miss Caroline Jenkins... 0 18 3 Jelley,M r. J ...... 0 10 0 Lewis, Mr. H ...... 1 0 0 Miss Matilda Evans 2 4 7 Subscriptions: Collected by L e w is , M r s ...... 1 0 0 M iss F r a n ces J o n e s 2 fi 8 M rs. H ile y ...... 1 0 0 Mrs. Allenby and SimHr. 1 9 6 Lawrence, John,Esq.... 0 10 0 Stuns under 10s...... 0 18 4 J. Jenkins, Esq ...... 2 2 0 M ias C lo s e ...... 0 13 10 W illiams. Mr. J ...... 1 1 0 Missionary Praver-meet- W . Jenkins, Esq ...... 2 2 0 M is s F is h e r ...... 1 10 2 Sums under 10s...... 0 15 0 in g b o x ! ...... 0 U 1 M iss J e n k in s ...... 0 10 o M is . F r e e r ...... 0 14 6 Missionary boxes by S u m s u n d er 10s...... 0 7 6 M in i E . F r e e r ...... 1 3 3 Mrs. Arthur ...... 0 8 0 15 9 6 Missionary boxes by M r s . M n r r ...... 1 7 0 Mr. S. Kelly, jun. 1 2 9 M iss J e n k in s ...... 1 10 0 Miss S. M nrr ...... 0 16 7 Miss W oodall...... 0 12 6 Miss C. Davies...... 0 11 9 Miss H. Odling ...... 2 13 2 Sabbath-school children 0 3 6 Cattletoum. Miss Eliza Louis ...... 1 I) u Mias Palethoipe ...... 3 2 6 Misses A. and E. Louis.. 0 18 U Miss C. Powell...... 1 2 Rev. — Jones. 1 11 6 1 M iss M ary A n d r e w 1 S 8 M is s H o s e ...... 1 3 10 C o lle c t io n ...... 2 17 11 S m a ll s u m s ...... 0 13 9 H iss Silvester ...... 0 15 0 Subscriptions: Hiss H. Smnmerscales.. 1 15 2 Arpted. Davies, M rs ...... 1 0 0 13 17 8 Snnday-schooI...... 1 3 5 Rer. T. Davies. Davies, Mr. John 0 10 0 S a m s u n d er IQ s...... 1 3 11 C o lle c tio n ...... 1 4 6 Emerson, Mr. J ...... 0 10 0 Pontrkydyrhyn. B a x e s b y Mr. J. Jenkins ...... 0 10 0 W illiams, Mr. W ...... 1 0 0 Mrs. Banratt...... 0 10 9 Rev. D. D. Evans. Sums under lOf...... 0 17 6 Watkins, Mr. W ...... 0 10 0 Mias E. Bray ...... 0 14 6 Sums under 10s ...... 2 15 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 2 3 6 M is. Doughty ...... 0 17 0 2 12 0 Missionary boxes 1 5 7 Ml*» K. Faster ...... 0 12 3 Subscriptions : Conway, W . Esq ...... 2 2 0 H is s T o y n e ...... 1 7 4 10 18 6 Conwav, C. Esq ...... 2 2 0 S u m s u n d e r 10 s...... 4 15 2 Bethetia. Conway, Mr. B ...... O 10 I) Rev. Timothy Thomas. Evans, Rev. D .D ...... 2 0 0 e o n 3 Chepstow. C o lle c t « ® ...... 1 8 0 F r ie n d , A ...... 0 10 0 C h ape] b o x ...... 2 0 6 Mr. R. Slade... 6 16 4 Sums under 10s...... 3 2 6 Partney. Missionary boxes by 12 15 0 B er. D. 'Wilson. Miss S. Edwarids...... 1 3 3 Llanhiddei. Collections ...... 2 16 6 Miss M. E. Thomas 0 14 6 Pontypool—Tnmumt. » s . Gilliat ...... 0 10 0 M rs. H i m ...... 0 11 2 Rev. J. Davies. Miss. J. Edmonds 0 10 10 English Church— Rev. T. Thomas. Box and Card,by Miss S. Collection and subscrip­ Miss L. R ees ...... 0 7 0 W i llo u g h b y ...... 1 3 0 tio n s ...... 1 14 6 C o lle c t io n ...... 3 13 3 B o x , b y M m s E . W i l ­ M iss A . R e e s ...... 0 5 6 lo u g h b y ...... 0 19 S S u m s u n d er 10«...... 1 7 6 Subscriptions : D a v ies, M r ...... 0 10 6 5 9 4 6 6 0 Llanaenarth. Lewis, Mr. B ...... 0 10 0 Rev. F. Hiley. Phillips, W. W. Esq 2 2 0 Phillips, Mr. W. W. jun. 0 lu 6 Spalding. Beulah. Collections ...... G 12 Phillips, Mr. H ...... 0 10 6 Phillips, The Misses.... 015 Her. W . Margerum. Rev. T. Erans. 0 Thomas, Rev. T ...... 1 1 0 Collections ...... 2 11 11 C o lle c tio n ...... 2 10 4 Monmouth. Missionary hoxes, See. ... 1 5 6 Deeping Fern. Subscriptions : Friend by Rev. T. Loader 4 4 0 ryjurt««.« ...... 0 9 0 Davies, E. Esq ...... 1 1 0 10 18 3 M issio n a r y b o x ...... 0 2 3 Daniel, W . Esq ...... 0 10 0 S n m s u n der ICte...... 1 17 6 3 3 2 W elsh Church—Rev. J. Williams. Missionary boxes by Nant-y-glo. Collection ...... 7 19 3 M is . D a r á s ...... 1 2 6 Rev. R. Pritchard. Mr. J. Bowen ...... 0 10 0 BpiUby. Rer. T. Erans ...... 0 15 10 C o lle c tio n ...... 2 16 0 Sums under 10»...... 1 15 0 Mrs. J. R . Jones ...... 1 6 6 Collections ...... 1 19 fi Sabbath-school...... 4 0 0 10 4 3 8 3 7 Subscriptions : Brewer, G. Esq ...... 1 0 0 B e v a n .M r . T ...... 1 0 0 Tabernacle— Rev. T. Moms. Blaekwood. Morgan, Mr. H ...... 1 0 0 C o lle c tio n ...... 2 13 ? ^om w m tfißtitre. ReT.W . Roberta. V e n n o r , M r...... 0 10 0 Sabbath-school...... 0 10 0 Williams, Mr. W 1 0 0 Collections and Subs 1 18 6 Subscriptions : B yibe Bev. Joseph Barton. Sums tinder 10s...... 2 16 0 M r. M o r g a n ...... 0 10 “ Abergavenny. Blaena Gwent. 14 2 0 W illiams, Mr. A ...... 1 0 0 Sumsu&uer 10»...... • 0 17 6 Frogmore St.—Rer. M. Thomas. Her. — Lewis. 6 11 3 Collection ...... 3 19 7 C o lle c tio n ...... 3 2 6 Newport. Subscription*: Rev. W . S Mile*. Rynney. Conway, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Blaenatxn. Daniel Hr. John...... 0 10 0 C o lle c tio n ...... 6 16 0 Rev. M . James. Daniel, Mr. C ...... 0 10 o H oreb . Subscriptions: Collection, &c...... 5 9 2 P e n n y , M rs ...... 0 10 C C o lle c tio n ...... 2 0 Clapperton, Mr...... 0 10 0 Thomas, Rev. M ...... 1 1 0 M r .J .H i l e y ...... 1 0 Croafield, A. E sq ...... 1 0 0 W y k e . M r ...... 0 10 0 Subs, under 10»...... 0 10 E v a n s , M r. W ...... 0 10 6 Risca. Gething, G. Esq ...... J. 0 0 Collected by Collected by Rei-. D. Edwards. Lewis, J. E sq ...... 0 10 0 MiaaSaunders ...... 1 5 0 Miss Ann HUey ...... 4 0 P h illip s , M r ...... 0 10 6 Collection, & c ...... 1 l g ° M rs W y k e ...... 1 7 * Miss Mary Lewis 1 0 W all,T. Esq...... 1 0 0 Missionary b ox« by Mrs. M organ ...... 0 1® S u m s u n d er I t e ...... 0 14 6 B&rhtnay. Miaa Saunders 0 15 0 Missionary boxes 0 4 6 M rs. W y k e ...... 0 13 6 Bov. D. Robert*. Snms under lös...... 1 1 1 11 14 11 C o lle c t io n ...... " » 7 12 13 0 Ebenster—Rev. W . Jenkins. Subscriptions: n J. Harford. E sq ...... § ® “ C o lle c tio n ...... 2 15 « Penycae. M r. B e d d o e ...... 0 10 0 Mr. J. W illiam s ...... 3 0 ” Lion Street— H er. II. Poole. Sums under 10s...... 2 7 » Sums and under 10s...... 0 7 6 Rev. E. Oliver. C o lle c t io n ...... i 14 0 Collections ...... 6 13 1 Missionary boxes by , Sabbath-school...... i 6 0 3 13 8 C. Harford, Eaq ...... 1 0 0 3. H a rris an d B . D avies 1 10 * Subscriptions: Subs, under 10s ...... 6 8 7 i o » Mr. W . Haraid ...... 1 1 0 B rr» Mam. Nebo Ssbbath-schools... 4 0 0 B er. H. Poole ...... 1 1 0 Forge ditto ...... 4 0 0 Ber. T. Roberts. Lu ^ . .a?d..':.T.a: >o_i2j Collected by Missionary boxes 1 2 0 Hr. Robert Curtis 1 6 6 English Sabbath School I s T l Mr. Enoch dements 1 6 0 a& C a lv a ry ...... 2 0 0 2 3 18 8 Mr. John lisvard 1 10 8 m

£ I. d. £ *. d. £ t. d. £ t. d, Tredegar. Framlingham. S p u rg eon . M r. B ...... 1 0 0 Bugbrook. Rev. J. Roberts. H. Thompson, Esq 6 0 0 Taylor, Mr. J. O ...... 1 1 0 Her. J. LarwilL T ip p le , M r. J o h n ...... 0 10 0 Collections ...... 9 4 6 Theobald, Miss...... 0 10 0 Coll. at Public Meeting.. 10 0 6 By Cards — two-thirds Subscription»: Ingham. T u r n e r, M r ...... 1 0 0 Willett, Mr...... 2 2 0 p ro c e e d s...... 5 14 4 A n o n y m o u s ...... 1 1 0 Rev. J. Yenimore. Wherry, M r..: ...... 1 0 0 Miss, box, by Writing- A fr ie n d ...... 1 0 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 14 12 4 cla s s ...... 0 9 0 Griffiths, Mr. T ...... 2 10 0 Weekly Society, by Mrs. D o n a tio n s : Proceeds of Tea Meeting 4 8 3 James, Mr. W ...... 1 0 0 Davev, Miss ...... 5 0 0 V e m m o r e ...... 4 11 1 Jones, Mr. T ...... 1 1 0 Bag of 100 farthings, by Friend, for Mr. Phillip- 2 0 12 1 Llewellyn, Mr. J ...... 0 10 0 po’s schools...... 1 0 0 alittle girl...... 0 2 1 Parrv, M r. T ...... 0 10 6 ...... 5 0 0 F rien d s, for Lucea 4 10 6 Gooderson, Mr Rees', M r. E ...... 0 10 0 Clipttone. Subscriptions: Roberts, Rev. J ...... 0 10 0 92 19 6 Rev. T. T. Gough. Sums u nder 10s...... 4 5 0 Barber, Mr. G. S ...... 8 0 0 Barber, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 17 10 6 Missionary boxes ...... 4 3 3 St. Clement’s— Rev. J. Puntis. Cooke, Mr. R ...... 1 0 0 Subscriptions...... 13 2 4 Missionary boxes 4 7 2 26 6 2 C ook e, M r s ...... F. E. 0 10 6 Collections ...... 28 9 6 Cooke, Mrs. and family., 1 1 0 Weekly Society, by Mrs. F ra ry, M rs...... 0 10 0 P u n tis...... 12 14 2 35 0 0 Ditto—English Church. Florey, Mr. J ...... 0 5 0 E. J. and M. for schools in India...... 0 18 0 C olle c tio n ...... 1 13 9 F rien d ...... 0 10 6 Ectme, N. J. (don.)...... 6 0 0 M iss, b o x , by M rs. H ow es 0 14 0 Subscriptions: Silcock, Mr. John 1 0 0 Rev. J. Smith Ur. R. Davies...... 1 0 0 Silcock, Mr. R. B 1 0 0 42 15 8 C o lle c t io n ...... 1 10 7 Mr. T. J. (Griffiths. 0 10 0 Silcock, Mr. C ...... 0 10 0 Mr. W . P h il lip s ...... 1 0 0 Vcnimore, Rev. J. (don.) 0 10 6 Orford Hill—Rev. J. Green. Sm all s u m s ...... 0 11 8 Guilsborough. C o lle c t io n ...... 12 0 0 41 13 0 4 16 S Weekly Society ...... 2 0 0 Rev. James Clark. Collections...... 3 14 9 Lynn. Subscriptions: Twyn Gm/n. Bignold, Thomas, Esq.. 10 10 0 Ladies’ Association..... 2 12 1 Rev. W . F. Poile. Fisher, Mr. G ...... 0 10 0 Missionary box ...... 4 4 1 Rev. W . Roberts. Collections...... 8 16 7 Green, Rev. J ...... 0 10 0 D o n a tio n s: C ollection ...... 1 0 6 Holmes, Mr. J ...... 0 10 0 Miss Aspinall...... 6 5 0 Collected by Sundav-scholars...... 0 10 0 Rev. James Clark 1 1 0 Miss Dennis ...... 0 10 10 Tillyard, Mr. R ...... 1 1 0 Friend, by do ...... 2 2 0 Victoria. M rs. K e e d ...... 2 3 0 Miss Parflement...... 0 14 0 Collection, &c...... 2 14 4 27 11 0 18 18 11 H. and E. Whale ...... 0 12 4 Sums under 10s...... 1 3 3 Salehoiue. Haclleton. Subscriptions : Rev. A. Powell. B a k er, M r ...... 1 0 0 Rev. W . Knowles. D o...... 0 10 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 3 3 10 J t o r f o l f c . for Africa Collections...... 19 8 2 D o . ( d o n .)...... 1 0 0 Miss, box, by Miss Cave. 0 11 0 Everard, w . E sq ...... 1 0 0 Skelfanger. Two Sabbath-sc.children 0 8 0 N o n r o t K A u x i l i a r t . F r ie n d ...... 0 15 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 2 4 0 Mr. Joseph H. Allen, Treasurer. K eed , M r...... 1 0 0 F. O. Taylor, Esq 1 1 0 Poile, Rev. W . F ...... 0 10 0 Rev. J. Puntis, Secretary. Do. Missionary box 2 7 0 P a u l. M r ...... 1 0 0 Ayltkam. W h a le , M r ...... 0 10 0 JIarleeton. 6 12 0 Rev. John Bane. Sums under 10s...... 1 0 0 Collection ...... • 2 13 6 Coll. at Public Meeting. 2 14 0 2 2 6 0 Stoke Holy C r o n . Weekly Society ...... 1 10 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 5 0 0 Barpale. 4 4 0 Martkam. Rev. J. Chown. Weekly Society ...... 2 16 11 Btoqffkam. Beetle». C o lle c t io n ...... 7 12 2 Rev. J. Hewitt. Rev. G. Wright. Neatithead. C o lle c t io n ...... 4 9 6 C o llection ...... 4 10 0 Missionary boxes 16 9 Kettering. Mi. W. Deli...... 1 0 0 Rev. W . Spurgeon. Rev. W . Robinson. C o lle c t io n ...... 4 10 7 6 16 3 5 10 0 Monthly subscriptions .. 10 4 7 Girls' Sunday-school 0 18 1 Normiek. Warttead. Buxton. Subscriptions: St. Mary's—Rev, W . Brock. John Wright, Esq 2 0 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 6 16 0 G o tc h , M r ...... 2 2 0 Collections ...... 22 6 10 Weekly Society ...... 6 0 0 Gotch.M r. J. D ...... 1 1 0 Auxiliary Society 9 8 6 Mrs. Clarke...... 1 0 0 Rowlatt, Mr. W ...... 1 0 0 DUi. Missionary boxes by Wallis, Mr. George 1 1 0 14 16 0 Rev. J. P. Lewis. B lin d M a rv ...... 0 13 2 Independent Chapel,Rev. C o lle c tio n ...... 4 6 0 Mrs. Roacli...... 1 4 6 T . T o lle r ...... 2 0 0 Juvenile Association 9 9 8 Mrs. Harmer ...... 0 17 9 18 6 8 Rev. J. p. Lewis 0 10 6 Mrs. Brookes's Servant. .060 J Jeffes, Esq ...... 1 0 0 A n on ym ou s...... 0 6 2 Jl-ortljatnptonsfjire. Miss, b o x , by M rs. M ines 1 0 0 Subscriptions: Eingstkorpe. Sums under 10s...... o i l 0 Allen, Mr. J. H ...... 1 11 6 Rev. G. Ashme&d. Allen, Miss...... 1 1 0 AldainkU. 16 16 0 B rew er, M r ...... 1 0 0 Rev,.D. Parkins. C o lle c t io n ...... 4 0 0 Brightwell, Mr*...... 1 1 0 Friends, by do ...... 6 4 3 Fakenham, Brock, Rev. W ...... 1 1 (I Kielingbury. Colman, Mr. Jeremiah.. 3 3 0 Rev. J. Cousins. Rev. C. T . Crate. Colman, Ur. James 2 2 0 Bliswortk. C olle c tio n ...... 7 10 0 Copeman, Mr. J 1 1 0 C o lle c tio n s...... 6 10 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 19 0 0 Subscriptions: Copetnan, Mr. J. jun.... 0 10 6 Cates, Mr. Robert 1 0 0 C onsns, M r. J a m e s 1 1 0 g o ...... T . 1 1 0 C ozen s, M rs. J o h n 1 1 0 Bra*vuton. Lamport. Pyson, M r ...... 1 0 0 C ro n e , M rs ...... 2 0 0 Rev. R . Miller. Missionary box ...... 0 6 8 Hunt, M r ...... 0 8 0 Culley, Mr. John. 2 0 0 Collections ...... 8 6 0 kpice, M r...... 1 0 0 Culley, Mr. H ...... 1 11 6 Long Buckty. Culley, Mr. H .U ...... 1 1 0 11 16 0 Culley, Mrs. R ...... 1 0 0 Brasfteld. Rev. H. Capera. D a vey, M r s ...... 1 1 0 Collections.... 3 10 4 C o lle c t io n ...... 6 4 2 Fouliham. Fletcher, Mr. J ...... 1 10 0 Rev. D. Thompson. Geldart, Mr. T ...... 1 0 0 Brington. Milton. C o llection ...... 4 0 0 Gooderson&Moll, Messrs. 1 1 0 Hankins, Mr...... 1 11 6 R e v . — L e w is. Rev. T. M arriott Collected by H a r m e r, M r ...... 1 1 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 14 0 0 Miss E lo a A d a m s 2 18 0 H o d d s. M r ...... 0 10 0 Collections...... 5 12 6 Sabbath-schooL 0 8 B Miss M. A. Pratt 8 2 0 L in g , M r s ...... 0 10 0 M a c ro , M r ...... 2 2 0 Subscriptions : Burton. Latimer. 14 8 6 Burrell, M r ...... % 10 0 M a c k ie , M r...... 1 0 0 Burrell, M rs ...... 2 2 0 M o ll, M r ...... 1 1 0 Rev. J. Ashford. Thompson, Rev. D 8 0 0 Newbegin, Mr. J 0 10 6 C o lle c t io n ...... 3 5 2 Morto* Pinkney. Thompson, Mn a o o Norton, Mr. H ...... 1 1 0 By Miss Alhfold 2 6 0 W eekly contributions, by Norton, Mr. R ...... 0 10 0 18 12 0 O x l e y . M i * ...... 1 0 0 6 10 0 Miss W illiam s...... 3 2 0 BingtrTSlr, J. H 2 3 0

f t 58

£ ». a. £ . . d. £ « . d. Moulton. Missionary box, by M rs. South Shield*. Reynold!, Mr ...... 0 10 *8 P a s t e n ...... 0 10 0 Vickers, Mr...... 2 2 0 R er. F. Wheeler. Rev. G. Brown. Miss Rutherford by Mr. W e lls , M r ...... 2 0 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 8 17 7 R o b s o n ...... 1 0 0 Collections...... 6 16 6 R. Ingham, Esq. M.P. ..100 125 17 ~G Dr. Winterbotham 1 0 0 Northampton. 23 10 0 College Street—Rev. W . Gray. 8 16 G Sutton-on- Trent. Broomity. Collections ...... 45 14 2 Friends, by Ber. J. Edge 4 0 0 Female wee.Vh contrib.. 23 9 3 Rer. W . Fisher ...... 17 10 Sunderland. Missionary box, br Mr. W . G r a y . j v n ...... 15 19 0 Revs. A. W ilson, and J. Cormack. Breakfast proceeds 2 8 1 Broughton. C o lle c t io n ...... 6 0 0 Sabbath-school...... 0 19 6 Rev. J. Collins. Subscriptions: ©xfot&stjuc. Collection and don. 2 2 W hitt ha m . Bartham, Mr. R ...... 0 10 6 6 Bumpus, Ur. T ...... 1 1 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 8 15 0 OxTORDSuinx A t j x h j a s t . Cooke, G. Esq ...... 1 1 0 Subs, hv Miss Stuart 2 10 0 T. Bartlett, Esq. Treasurer. Dicey, T. E. Esq ...... 2 2 0 Carlisle. Mr. W iim ot...... 1 0 0 Garrett, Mr. Thomas.... 1 1 0 Collections ...... 2 16 5 S m all su m s...... 0 15 0 Rev. B. Godwin, Secretary. Garrett, M rs ...... 1 1 0 Dixon, Mr. John ...... 3 0 0 Abingdon. Goodacre, M »s ...... 1 1 0 Ferguson, Mr. Joseph. ..200 13 0 0 Gray, Rev. W ...... 1 1 0 Lonsdale, Mr. H 1 0 0 Rev. J. Kershaw, M.A. Gray, Mr. W ...... 1 1 o Small sum s...... 0 9 0 Workington. C o lle c t io n ...... 8 7 6 Hobson, Mrs. E...... 0 10 6 Do. for Translation 8 13 4 Lampson, Mrs ...... 2 2 0 9 5 5 Col. in Scotch Church. ..260 Do. at Public Meeting ..520 Osborne,». Esq JVeisporf 1 1 0 Sub*, by Mr. Hamilton.. 2 9 0 Ballard, Mr ...... 0 10 G Parker, Mrs ...... 0 10 6 Cockermoutk. Collier, M r ...... 0 10 G Rice, Mr. (don.) ...... 10 10 0 Kent, Mr. B ...... 1 1 0 B ic e , M rs. S ...... 1 1 0 Col. at Indep. Chapel.... 2 10 8 K en t, M r. J ...... Ill) Richards, Mr. W ...... o 10 6 Kershaw, Rev. J ...... 1 1 0 Sheppard, Thomas. Esq. 1 1 0 Leader, M rs ...... 1 1 0 Willuuns, Mr. W 1 1 0 Ford Forge. D o ...... T . 10 0 0 Church Lane—Rev. R . Tunley. Rev. J. Black. #otttngf)ameljtrc. P a y n e , M r. T . j u n 0 10 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 4 i- 0 Strange, Mr. J ...... 1 1 0 Collections and subs, by Tomkins, Mr. John 5 0 0 R e r . 3. Clarke, of Ja- KomKOHiMsnrai; Arxrm.RY. Tomkins, Miss ...... 5 0 0 110 15 0 6 6 James Lomax, Esq. Treasurer. Williams, Mr. J ...... 1 0 0 Sub«, for female schools Hmnttkorpe. Beefton. in India, by Mrs. Ker­ Hanuterley. sh a w ...... 7 16 8 Rev. W . Goodrich. Rev. F. Smith. Bev. D. Douglas. M iss, b o x , b y M rs X e a d e r 0 13 6 C o lle c t io n ...... 3 10 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 1 12 0 Do. by Mrs. Coxeter 1 16 1 Collected by Miss Scott.. 1 10 0 Collection...... 1 5 5 S m a ll su m s...... 0 12 5 Calterton. 6 0 0 60 1G 6 Bettan. C o lle c t io n ...... 1 0 0 Rood*. By Mr. Brotherton 3 18 0 Carlton-U-Morland. Arlington Box. Rev. G. Jayne. Coll. by Miss H arris.... Houghton. C o lle c t io n ...... 2 5 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 13 3 9 M r. B e e ...... 0 10 6 Collingham. Standgromnd. Bouriff*-o*-eed C o lle c t io n ...... 3 10 2 11 3 4 Newbold.Mr 0 10 6 Ber. C. Robson, and A, Kirkwood. Newton, M r...... 0 10 6 Collection...... 17 0 0 Shetley Field. Hoberta, Mr. T.Jun 0 10 0 R o g e r s , M r ...... 8 8 0 Paringdon. Collection...... 4 13 0 R o g e r « , M r s ...... j 0 0 Collection...... » 6 0 0 0 0 Bogan, Mr. J 0 10 0 59

£ . . d. Sf)ropsf|ire. £ . . d. Henley-on- Thames. M rs. L u m ...... 20 Missionary boxes by H en rv C la r k ...... 0 3 10 Coll. at Indep. Chapel... 8 10 0 Do. for Mr. Burchell’s Bridgnorth. S c h o o l...... 5 M issfcdgell...... 0 15 2 Subscription*: £ s.d . Do. for Mr. Clark's 6 AnnFranklyn ...... 0 6 8 Benwell, P. S. Esq 1 1 0 Collections by Rev. T. M iss S ton e...... 0 5 5 Subscriptions : Fletcher, M r ...... 0 10 0 Morgan, of Birming­ Mr. Sage’s children 0 7 6 A n o n y m o u s, for extra ef­ Goodchild, Mr. (2 vears) 1 0 0 h a m ...... 20 17 10 Interest of legacy, by Mr. fort, per Mr. Newali .. 5 0 0 Maitland, Fuller, fcsq... 2 2 0 C o o m b s ...... 8 18 0 Maitland, Mrs. 1 uller... 2 2 0 A Thank-offering, by a fe m a le ...... 1 0 0 Friend«, bv Mr. Young, Brosely. 28 18 0 A F rien d ...... 0 10 0 for Entally...... 3 0 0 Rev. J. Thomas. A m o r, M r ...... 1 0 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 1 1R 9 18 5 0 Archard, M r ...... 1 1 0 Sheppard’s Barton. Coll. by Miss Thomas. ..272 A rth u r, M r ...... 0 10 0 Rev. W . Jones. Young People at Birch Blackwell, M r ...... 1 0 0 Hook Norton. Meadow Chapel 2 6 0 Cater, Rev. P ...... 1 0 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 4 14 ...... 0 10 0 Rev. J. A. Jam s. C rook , M r Collected by 6 11 11 D a vis, M r ...... 0 10 0 Collections...... 4 16 0 Miss Button ...... 3 0 Francis, Mrs...... 0 10 0 M iss H e a l ...... 1 6 Miss W h eeler's M iss, b o x 0 6 Godwin, M r.C ...... 1 1 0 M iss P a v n e ...... 1 9 Mr. Wheeler's sub 5 0 G a y , M rs...... I 1 0 M iss S u n s ...... 1 15 Hammett, James, Esq.. 1 0 0 Mrs. Vincent...... 0 14 10 2 (I Hancock, Mr...... 2 0 0 Oswestry. Holiowav, Mr...... 1 0 0 Lechlade. Painter,'Miss...... 0 12 0 Rev. R. Clarke. Ricketts, M r ...... 1 0 0 C o lle c tio n ...... 1 0 6 Ricketts, Mrs...... 0 12 0 Grtirçe Miiward, Esq On account...... 40 S k eate, M r...... 1 0 0 W e s t e r n A u x i l i a r y . William Vizard, Esq 0 10 0 Scartimeli, M r ...... 1 1 0 Sm all su m s...... 3 4 G W . D. Horsey. Esq. Treasurer. Pontesbury. S a lter, M r ...... 1 0 0 S a m u el, M r...... 1 1 0 Rev. J. M. Cnapman, Secretary. 6 1« 0 Rev. F. Francis. Smith, John, Esq 2 2 0 By Miss Roderick 4 10 Smith, Mrs. J ...... 0 10 0 Blindmore. Oxford. Stuart, Captain ...... 0 10 0 C o lle c t io n ...... o 10 9 Svkes, Henrv, Esq 3 0 0 Rev. Benjamin Godwin. ShiffnaL TW lor, A. IÌsq...... 2 0 0 Coll. after Sermons 13 3 0 C o lle c tio n ...... 1 15 Welshman, Mrs. (2 vrs. ) 2 0 0 Bourton. Do. at Public Meeting.. 6 10 8 Coll. by Miss Pace 1 13 Williams, W. Esq...... 1 1 0 W h ite , M r ...... 0 10 0 C o lle c t io n ...... l l 9 Subscriptions: 3 8 Alden, Mr. John ...... 0 10 6 S m a ll su m s...... 15 1 6 Collected by Alden, Mr. Isaac ...... 0 10 0 M iss M o o d y ...... 3 7 0 Alden, Mr. Thomas 1 0 0 Shrewsbury. 111 13 10 Miss S. M oody ...... 1 9 4 A m ett, M r...... 0 10 6 M iss G ile s ...... 0 13 1 Rev. M. Kent. Bartlett, M r ...... 0 10 6 Miss E. Hindlev ...... 0 6 0 Bowler, M r...... 1 1 0 Collections ...... n n 8 B r is t o l A u x i l i a r y . Sunday-scholara ...... 0 8 9 Butt, M iss...... 1 0 0 Do. Public Meeting 9 16 0 R. Leonard, Esq. Treasurer. Cabbell, M r ...... 0 10 0 Profits of Tea Meeting... 10 13 1 7 5 11 Collingwood, S. Esq 1 1 0 Boxes and Subs, in part 7 19 3 Rev. T. Winter & E. H. Phillips, Castle Forgate ...... 1 13 8 Collingwood, M rs..F.E. 0 10 0 Esq. Secretaries,. Bradninck. Elliston, M r ...... 0 10 0 Fidel, M rs ...... 0 10 0 41 13 6 Collections, Subs, ard Rev. C. Sharp. D o n a tio n s ...... 547 S 0 Fiske, M r...... 0 10 Collection ...... 0 19 T . B o y ce , lisa, fo r native Fry, M rs...... (I 10 0 Coll. by Miss Bowden... 2 4 Wellington. agency in Jamaica____ 100 0 0 Godwin, Rev. B ...... 1 M r. B a rton ...... 0 10 Goring, H. Esq ...... 2 Rev. W . Keav. Young Gents, at Mr. 647 b 0 Gould, M r ...... 0 Collections ...... 7 13 i Barton’s school. 0 1 Grubb, M r...... 1 . _ Mies,, b o x an d S u b 1 16 0 Latchmore, Mr...... 1 0 0 Paulton. 3 14 8 Parrot, Mr. and Friend. . 1 0 0 Collected by Paxton, M r...... 0 10 M rs. E llis ...... 5 10 10 By Mr. James Biggs 7 10 0 Pike, M r...... 1 0 Misa Gollins ...... 1 16 5 Bridgewater. M is s J o n e s ...... 2 15 0 Shackleford, M r ...... 0 10 0 Rev. H. Trend. M rs. K e a v ...... 3 19 4 Steane, Mr. S ...... 0 10 P n o x E A c u l u i t . Steanc, Mr. J...... o 10 M rs. S m art...... 1 18 5 Collections...... 12 1 5 Swan, J Esq. £nsAam.. 2 2 Francis Allen, Enq. Treasurer. Mr. J. Brown f2 years).. 1 0 0 Symonds, M rs ...... 0 10 25 0 0 The Misses Gristock, do. 1 1 0 Coll. at Public Meeting.. 6 0 Underhill, Mr...... 0 10 Mr. Nicholls, do ...... 2 0 0 Warne, Mr ...... 1 0 0 Subscriptions: Missionary box, at Ivy Wheeler, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Allen, F. Esq ...... 1 1 Cottage, Stowey 3 12 10 Headincton Sunday-sch. C o lle c t io n ...... 4 S Britain, Mr ...... 0 10 Missionary cards...... 2 0 0 in iialf-pence and far- M r. O n slow ...... 0 10 B u n n , M rs...... 1 1 Coll. at IVayer-meetmgs 1 7 1 th m ga...... o 10 4 B u n n . M iss...... 1 1 Collected by icmng Genu, at Miss 4 13 (! C o o m b s, M r ...... 0 10 Miss A. Beck ...... 0 16 6 _ Home’s, for School* ..07 C oop er, M r...... 0 10 M issCriddie ...... 0 14 6 Col I. b y M is s Co llin g w o o d , Whitchurch. Ledyard, the Misses .... 0 10 0 Miss Gibson ...... 0 6 6 for Schools in Calcutta 0 17 Midilleditch, Mrs t> 10 6 Miss Hurford ...... 0 3 11 Do, Spanish Tn. Jamaica 8 11 Rev. J. Phillips. P orter, M r ...... 1 1 Rawlings, Mr. S ...... O l d 23 15 5 Card» and Boxes—Mrs. Hicks, Collections...... 3 6 10 Sheppard, J. Esq ...... 2 2 T reasu rer. Do. Heath school...... 1 # 0 S in k iu s, M rs. J ...... 1 1 Cards b y Chard. Chapel Miss, box ...... 1 0 0 V a tere, M r...... 0 10 Miss Chillingworth 1 9 Rev. T. Clark. Misa D a v ie s ...... 0 17 Collected by D o n a tio n s: Mia* G r e e n in g...... 0 10 0 M iss W h ittin g h a m 2 16 A Friend, R. P. T 0 10 6 Subscriptions: Miss G r u b b ...... l l M ias S m ith ...... 7 17 Do. by Mrs. Middleditch 0 10 0 B ro w n , M rs...... 1 0 Mre. P errin ...... l 8 Subscriptions: AnnnvmB. contributions. 0 14 0 B ro w n , M r. S 1 0 Mrs. B artlett...... 0 10 Jos. Kinnerley, Esq. . . . ( 0 A lle n , M r...... 1 0 Brown, Mr. J ...... I 0 Miss Steane ...... 0 13 M rs. K in n e r le y ...... 2 0 Allen, Miss...... 0 10 0 F rien d ...... 1 u Mus Thatcher ...... 0 11 Houston, Mr...... 0 10 Toms, Mr. John ...... 1 1 Master T. Grubb 1 6 23 0 2 Jones, Rev. W ...... 0 10 Teachers and Scholars of bams under 10s...... o 11 J on es, M rs ...... 0 10 Sunday-school...... 0 16 Middleditch, Mrs 0 10 Workman's Miss. box... 0 4 Missionary boxes bv Phillips. Mr. J. L 1 0 Mrs. G ru b b ...... 0 13 4 Sa pe, M r s ...... 1 0 i}™ - J1« 1“ ...... 0 IT 11 Sale of tickets at public {2™ Ji“ *...... 0 16 6 b r e a k f a s t ...... 0 12 Miss L . G r iffith s 0 13 2 CoUumpton. S'O tncrfleistM 're. Sums under 10s...... 3 12 bums under 10s...... 2 3 6 Rev. E. Amery. B a t h A u x i l i a r y . 28 9 2 76 9 3 C o lle c t io n ...... 1 17 John Smith, Esq. Treasurer. For Translations...... 0 10 Badecx Lane. Coll. by Miss Frost 3 0 Stow. Iter. P. Cater and Mr. Hancock, Secretaries. Rev. C. J. Middleditch. C ollection ...... 2 11 B 6 7 Collections at C o lle c t io n ...... 6 1 8 Argyll» Chapel...... 8 8 2 Woodstock. Somerset Street Do 6 0 0 Collected by O e w k e ra e . Public Meeting ...... 10 0 0 M ias A lle n ...... 4 12 8 R e v . D a r kin. Rer. S. Davis. c. Children of lork Street M iss B ig g s ...... 1 18 I I Collection ...... i o Sunday-school...... 3 7 3 Mils A. Cooper...... 3 0 0 Collection, &c ...... 6 7 Missionary boxes 2 4 XI M is s T o r te r ...... 4 8 3 60

£ » . d. £ s. d. Suffolk Dorchester. MuTlett, Mr...... 0 10 6 Leverett, Mrs...... l o o Newberry, Mr. Thomas.. 0 10 6 Sums under 10s. Coll. by Ber. C. Evans. Stevenson, G. Esq. 1 1 0 Bury St. Edmunds. M is s S ib ly ...... 1 11 10 C o lle c t io n ...... 8 2 0 Walter, WiUiam, Esq... 1 1 0 Rev. Cornelius Elven. Toung, John, Esq 2 0 0 8 2 0 £ s. d. Collections ...... 22 2 6 Batti. 41 6 6 By Mr. W . Pollard: Subs, through the Bury Rev. J. B. Cox. Association ...... 13 17 6 Collections...... 25 4 fi C o lle c t io n ...... 2 3 0 TiurUuim . C oU . a t W at B ow 2 10 0 Cowell, Mrs. fo r Africa.. 1 0 0 D o . a t Barton Mills 5 8 6 F rien d ...... O i l CoU. by Miss Trott. 0 14 0 Con. by Miss C. H. Cro*s 2 0 0 Her. J. B. Cox (3 rears). 3 0 0 Harwood, Mr. Thomas.. 1 1 0 Hr. Samuel Lawrence... 3 3 0 43 18 6 Lacey, Mrs. and friends, Tnerton. for Africa...... 5 0 0 8 0 0 Osborn, Mr. E ...... 1 1 0 Rev. J. Singleton. Ckarsfield. Pollarti, Mr. W ...... 8 3 0 Ambrose Brewin, Esq... 1 0 0 Rev. J. Runnacles. D o . servan t o f ...... 3 13 3 Honiton. Thompson, Mr ...... 8 0 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 1 15 0 Profits of Baiaar and Vffenlme. C o lle c t io n ...... 7 17 6 53 1 10 Farthing bags ...... 2 11 6 C o lle c t io n ...... 1 0 0 Clan. Ifiuioiuzy box ...... 1 11 0 Friend to the Baptist Otley. Vpctterg. 12 0 0 Mission, by Rev. R. Rev. J. Eyres. K n ill...... Rev. T. Blackmore. C o lle c t io n ...... 8 1 3 9 C o lle c t io n ...... 2 0 0 Rev. J. Eyres ...... 0 10 u Bonmpto*. Croirfield. Rev. J. Bridgman. 9 3 9 JTatckett and WUliton. Rev. A. Catt. C o lle c t io n ...... 1 10 6 Rev. S. Sutton. C o lle c t io n ...... 3 13 3 Stoke Ash. Collections ...... 7 8 W e Abbott. Rev. J. Cooper. Weekly subs, by Eye- Rev. L'. Foot. Miss W illiams ...... 3 10 Rev. S. B. Gooch. C o lle c t io n ...... 1 11 C C o lle c t io n ...... 2 0 0 Miss Gim blett...... 2 13 CoU. alter Sermon 3 7 7 Miss, box by do ...... U 4 Do. at Public Meeting... 2 6 6 Stradbroke. Sundav-school children, Rev. T. Goldsmith. Lyme Regis. 13 16 for Schools ...... 2 0 0 Collection!...... 5 13 1 Ber. A. Wayland. Collected bv Mrs. Freeman: Collected by Collection and sut» 11 0 0 Wellington. Ashford, Mr. S ...... 1 0 0 M iss B u s h ...... 0 18 0 Buchanan, M r ...... 0 10 0 Rev. Joseph Baynes. Mrs. Hoyles...... 0 12 6 ...... 1 0 0 F rien d Mrs. Cockerill...... I) 15 3 C o lle c t io n ...... 9 7 1 I )o ...... 0 12 0 Mtuchead. Mrs. Chenerv...... 0 18 0 Subscriptions: F reeston e, M r...... 0 10 0 Miss M. Darby ...... 0 9 0 Rev. C. Elliott. Gissine;, Mr. S ...... 0 12 6 Cadburv, William, Esq.. 2 2 0 Mrs. Goldsmith ...... 0 13 0 Havward, Mm ...... 0 15 0 C o ll « - t i n n ...... 3 10 7 Cook, Mr. John...... 0 10 6 M iss G ir lin g ...... 0 12 0 W a llU , M rs...... 0 10 0 Elworthy .Messrs. W .& T. 1 1 0 Mrs. Robinson ...... 0 12 6 Kingdon, Mr. W ...... 0 10 6 Small sum1*...... 2 16 10 Mrs. Garrod ...... U 15 0 Mont acute. G a y , M r ...... 1 0 0 Collected by Mrs. Cason: S u n d a y -»c h . c h i ld r e n ..., 0 9 6 Her. J. Price. Horsey, W. D. Esq 1 1 0 Beales, Mr. ancf Mrs 0 10 0 Thome, Mr. Richard 1 1 0 Cason, Mr. and Mrs 1 1 0 12 8 1 Collection ...... 3 3 2 D a y , M is s e s ...... 0 10 0 Subscriptions: 16 13 1 H u n t, M r...... 0 10 0 Sudbury. M r » . G e a rd ...... 0 10 0 S c o tt, M rs ...... 0 10 0 Rev. W . Reynolds. Her. J. Price ...... 0 10 0 Weymouth. Short and Sons, Messrs.. 0 10 0 M r. James Staple...... 0 10 0 S m a ll su m s ...... 1 15 6 Collections...... 3 0 0 Weekly sob», by Mis» Rev. G. H. Davis. Miss, box, by Mrs. Cason 0 10 0 S ta p le ...... 1 13 6 C o lle c t io n ...... 10 0 0 D o . e m a il s u m s...... 0 9 7 Society in aid of Missions Sunday-scholars ...... 0 19 2 Sum» under 10a...... 4 5 0 22 5 6 S. Ray, Esq. Treasurer, M in. box atPrayer-mtg. 3 4 9 Wtneanton. for Translation!. D o . b y M r». P r ic e 0 11 7 Framjsde*. D o . b y M m . S ta p le 1 18 4 Rev. G. Day. Ipswich—Tacket Street— Rev. W. Notcutt 6 11 0 Collections at Ber. J. Ling. 17 3 8 Miss. Prayer-meeting*.. 4 16 11 Stnwmarket — Rev. W . Collection. 3 5 6 W a r d ...... 4 0 0 Public Meeting ...... 4 6 9 Sudbury—Rev. W. Wallis 1 0 n Charlton...... 2 0 6 Prescott. Ipswich. Missionary boxes by 10 11 1» ■Bet. W . M a y . M rs. D a y ...... 1 8 0 Stoke Green Society—Rev. J. C o lle c t io n ...... 1 M rs. G reen ...... 0 4 2 Sprigg, M.A. Miss Horton ...... 0 4 0 Subscriptions: A Suffolk Farmer, by BaintÀiU. 13 0 4 Rev. J. Sprigs, M.A... 6 0 0 Sump. R e». W . Loney. B a v le y , M r ...... 1 0 0 B a y le y , M rs. J ...... 0 10 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 1 7 C Tetnil. Addlestone. Burton, Mr. J. M 1 1 0 Rev. J. M. Chapnun. Christopherson, Mr G .. 1 1 0 Rev. W . C. Worley. Btogmmbcr. C o lle c t io n ...... 6 6 7 Christophenon, Miss E.. 0 10 0 Collected by Cob bald, M iss ...... 0 10 0 M r«. A s h , Kingston 0 13 n Subscriptions : Rer. J. Chapman. Cowell, Mr. S. H 1 1 0 Mrs. Colebrook...... 1 2 9 H a rv ey , M r ...... 0 10 6 Cowell, Mr. George 0 10 0 Mrs. Vaughan ...... 1 9 * C o lle c t io n ...... 3 0 0 Masters, Mrs...... 0 10 0 E lm e r , M r ...... 0 10 0 M aster W o r le y ...... 0 10 1 Masters, Mr. W .H 0 10 0 6ol«criptioiis: Everett, J. D. Esq 1 1 0 Missionary box...... 0 10 6 Burnett, Mr. G ...... 1 0 0 Porter, Mr. W ...... 0 10 6 fr a n c is , M r. J. 0 ...... 1 1 0 W h itb y , M r...... 0 10 6 Chapman, Rev. J 0 10 0 Hannah, Mr. John 0 10 0 4 6 0 Hemming, Ednmnd,Esq. 0 10 0 S u m s u n d er 10 »...... 0 9 6 Lacey, Robert, Esq 1 1 0 Wertcött, Mr. N ....7T7. o 10 0 Neeve, Mr. J ...77?...... 0 10 0 Dorking. 8 6 6 Sum* under 10»...... l 0 o N o tc u tt, J o h n , E s q 1 1 0 Friend», by Mr Jackson. 1 2 6 R id le y , M r. J . « e n . 1 1 0 6 10 0 Ridley, Mr. W ...... 1 1 0 Ridley, Mr. H. jun 0 10 0 Dorman's Land. Rev. G. Chapman. Taunton. S ta f fo r d ire. sSffiK j.ipupiis III S Thompson, Mr. R 1 1 0 F r ie n d s...... 0 0 « Bev. W . H. Coomb«. Newcastle-under-Lyne, Hanley, Sundry small sum», by Do. by Mr». Chapman... 0 14 6 Collections ...... 26 6 ft C o lle c t o r s ...... 9 0 0 Do. by H. D. L ...... 1 1» u Moiety of weekly m bs.. 6 12 10 and Bursum. Collected at Henley, per Rev. C. H. Harconrt. Mr.8. H.Cowell....7. 1 8 6 8 4 « Subscriptions: Mr. Isaac Bass, at (to.... 0 10 0 Ball, Richard, Esq 0 10 6 Collection* ...... 7 9 6 Blake, Mr. J.bTT/. 0 10 6 Rev. C.H Harconrt.... 0 10 6 Kingston- , M r .T h o m a s .. .. 1 1 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 3 10 8 , Rev. R. o 10 6 B y M r. S t o k e »...... 9 10 0 Cowell, A. R. Esq ...... 1 0 0 14 B » 0 10 « Cowell, Mr»...... 10 0 61

£ « . d. £ a. d. £ «. d’ S u s s e x . Birmingham. Westwood, M r ...... 0 10 0 Darkhouse. Willcox, Mr. William... 1 1 0 Coll. at Public Meeting. .24 1 C Collection...: ...... 4 15 2 Woodward, Mr...... 0 10 6 S o b s e x A c x i l i a b y . Do. at the Breakfast.... 87 12 6 Blackwell, J. Esq 1 0 0 W r ig h t , M r ...... 0 10 6 An Independent...... 0 10 0 Green, Mr. J. jun.. 1 0 0 Sundav-school boys 5 19 6 Battle. Beilby, Mr. Thomas 2 2 0 Green, Mr. Joim ...... 0 10 0 Sums under 10s...... 2 2 7 Green, Mr. David, jun... 0 10 0 Rev. K. Grace. Brierlev, M r ...... 0 5 0 £ ». d. Field, Mr. S ...... 0 10 0 G reen, M r. D ...... 0 10 0 94 5 3 Hatton, Mr. per J. W . Friends, by Mr. Sargent. 3 2 0 Hale, Mr. Thomas 1 1 0 Hooper, Rev. Jonathan.. 1 1 0 S h o w e ll...... 0 10 0 Mount Zion. James, Rev. J. A ...... 1 1 0 Rollason, Mr. B ...... 1 0 0 Jones, Rev. John ...... 1 1 0 Rev. J. Hoby, D.D. Skidmore, Mr. J ...... 1 0 0 Brighton. Smith, Miss, 1 1 0 L lo y d , M rs ...... 1 1 0 Collections...... 10 2 SummerhiU ¡J Small sums...... 0 10 0 Bev. W . Savory. Mooreom, C&pt. C. R.... 1 1 0 B ro w n , M r...... 1 1 1 Parker, Mr. J. F ...... 1 1 0 Coll. at Public Meeting.. 12 5 6 Brown, Miss ...... 0 10 6 ; Penny-a-week subs, by P in c h e s, M r ...... 0 10 0 Dn. a t Bond Street 6 6 ‘I Hobr, Rev. Dr ...... 10 0 0 j Miss Rollason ...... 4 15 2 Riland, Rev. J ...... 1 2 6 Sunday-schxliildren, do. 2 9 9 H o b y , M is s ...... F . E . 0 2 6 1 Mrs. W assal...... 1 11 2 Stephenson, Mr. John... 1 1 0 Missionary boxes...... 2 1 6 T im m is , M r. E b e n e r e r .. 1 1 0 | Miss W assal...... 2 2 9 Sturge, Mr. Joseph 5 0 0 Miss, box, by Master F. ! Miss Greenway...... 1 6 2 Collected by Do. by Rev. W .H. Pearce 5 0 0 P h il lip s ...... 0 3 M iss W r ig h t ...... 1 1 3 4 Miss French ...... 1 15 11 Sturge, Mr. Charles 2 2 0 Miss Skidmore...... 1 15 4 Mrs. S a v o r y ...... 2 6 5 Sturge, Mr. John ...... 2 0 0 Sarah H icier...... 1 0 7 Sturge, Mr. Edmund.... 1 0 0 25 10 1 Mrs. Gearinp ...... 2 9 0 Toniunfion, Mr...... 0 10 6 Newhall Street. Eliiabeth Digging 1 5 1 Dudley. Miss Clarke...... 0 10 2 90 H 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 3 12 M rs. L ow er...... 0 12 IP Collections...... 14 4 0 M aster SyUnJorEntally 0 12 0 Bond Street. Brettel Lane. Blackwell, John, Esq.... 2 0 0 Master Brampton,do.... 0 3 C C o lle c t io n ...... 0 14 0 Gordon, Alexander, Esq. 1 1 0 Rev. Thomas Morgan. Hill, Rev. John...... 1 1 0 Subscriptions: Collections...... 20 12 4 Bridgnorth. Rogers, Rev. W. (don.).. 10 0 0 D enham , M r...... 0 10 0 Auxiliary Society ...... 17 5 t* Wood, James, E sq...... 1 0 0 Blomefield, Sir T. Bart. 1 0 0 Reeslev 'Mr. Benjamin.. 0 10 0 Collections ...... 15 17 7 I)o. ldon.l...... 1 0 0 Mr. Joshua Sing 10 0 Penny-a-week subs, by Butler*, M r. E . A ...... 1 1 0 Miss Dancer ...... 2 1 0 Budley, — Esq ...... 0 10 0 Dttvjst, M r. J os ep h 0 10 0 Mr. William Sing 1 0 0 Carr, Jolin, Esq ...... 1 0 0 Mr. John Sing ...... 1 0 0 M iss H a s e ...... 1 13 10 Dickenson, Mr»...... 0 10 0 Miss S. Newer ...... 2 14 0 DumbrvU, Mr. G ...... 0 10 6 Hadley, Mr. Isaac 0 10 6 Sunday-schools ...... 0 18 3 Edwards, Rev. James 1 0 0 Missionary boxes ...... 2 17 9 Hardv, Mr. J. C ...... 1 1 0 35 14 10 French, Miss...... 0 10 6 Lawdcn, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Collected by Hope, Mr. W ...... 0 10 6 l>awden, Mr, Alfred 1 1 0 M iss S i n g ...... 9 2 4 Jeffery, Miss Ann 0 10 (i Leamington. Lamien, Mr. Caleb 1 1 0 Eliza Brown ...... 2 1 9 L ane, — E s q ...... 0 10 0 Lepurd, Mr. Benjamin.. 3 0 0 Sarah Bagnall...... 0 5 0 Rev. O. Winslow. M&instone, M iss ...... 0 10 t Livett, Mr. T. Morgan ..110 By Mr. C os: Marshall, General 1 0 0 Lowe, Mr. William 1 1 0 34 2 6 Polhill,Edward,Esq.... 0 10 0 Collections...... 15 9 10 Morgan, Rev. Thomas.. 1 1 0 Savory, Rev. William. .. 0 10 C Mr. David C larke...... 0 10 0 Palmer. Mr. J ...... 1 0 0 Coventry. M t. R a n sfo rd ...... 1 0 0 S ortaui, Rc*v. Jos . A .B .. 1 1 0 Portlock, Mr. John 1 1 0 Bev. F. Franklin. Mrs. Warburton * 1 0 0 Thatched Mr. C. R 0 10 6 Trapp, Mr. S ...... 0 10 0 C ards b v Sums under lUs...... 1 0 4 Wocihill, Mr. J.C 1 1 0 Coll. on Sabbath-day.... 12 2 10 Miss, boxes, by Miss and Do. at Public Meeting... 9 0 0 M iss H a r ris !...... 0 12 0 46 15 6 Master Allen ...... 2 16 7 D o . a t Kenihoorth 1 0 8 Miss Jones..,...... 0 5 0 Sunday-school girls 6 6 11 A Friend to Missions.... 1 0 0 IS 16 10 HaiUham. Sunday-school boys 4 1 1 A lle n , M rs...... 0 10 0 Good Samaritan Sunday- Astlev, Mrs ...... 0 10 6 Rev. T. Wall. school,—* A. Morgan’s Atkins, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Ketherton. Collection (two-thirds).. 1 10 6 Bible-class ...... 0 10 7 B o o th , M r...... 2 2 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 1 12 0 Booth, Mr. R ...... I 0 0 Collected by F o r fem ale n ative sch o o ls Subscription ...... 1 0 0 in ...... 2 18 4 Butterworth,Mr 2 2 0 Miss Thnrne ...... 2 15 6 India Mi». Wratten ...... 1 19 6 Butterworth, Mrs. T.... 1 1 0 71 12 0 Butterworth, Mr. Joseph 0 10 6 Cash, Mr. Joseph 1 0 0 6 5 6 Providence CbapeL Cash, Mr. Josiah ...... 1 0 0 Cannon Street. C ave, M r...... 0 10 0 C o lle c tio n ...... 4 6 tew e*. Rev. Thomas Swan. Dolby, Mr. S ...... 1 1 0 Floyd, Mr. Berkttoell,. •• 1 0 0 Collection* and subs 12 14 Collection«...... 27 6 Sivby. Franklin, Rev. F ...... 1 0 0 Sunday-school children.. 3 15 Do. at Shirlrv Street.... 0 9 D o. at K in g ’ s N o r t o n .... 0 11 Franklin, Mr. W ...... Rev. E. Fall- Subscriptions : F ra n k lin , M isses...... Do. at Great Lister S t .. 0 6 4 4 0 Female Penny-a-week Mr. IV. Button ...... 1 1 Young Ladies bydo..F.E. 4 0 0 Do. at Withwood Heath. 1 8 S o c ie ty ...... 3 17 6 Mr. X. Hammond 1 1 Auxiliary Society ...... 20 1 ; Gulson, M r...... 0 10 0 M is s .b o x , bvM a rv H a n ess 0 11 6 Mr. R. Lower...... 1 1 : Hands, Mr...... A llin , M r. Jabex’ ...... 0 10 0 10 0 Caldecott, t . Esq ...... 0 10 0 : Hands, Mr. R . A n d erton , M r. W i llia m .. 0 10 Edmunds, Mr. T ...... 0 6 0 Bird, Mr. Jesse...... 0 10 [ Hayland, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 For Translations: Brinton, Mrs...... 1 1 | Herbert, A. Esq. Mavor.. 1 0 0 Cave, Rev. B ...... 0 10 | H ill, M r...... 0 10 0 Ansty, Rev. Mr ...... 0 10 0 Newtek...... 0 10 6 C h irm , M r ...... 0 10 Hine, Mr. J...... 0 10 6 Gibb, Scott, Esq Grenfell, Rev. Mr 1 0 0 By Rev. W . Roberts .... 6 7 0 Cooper, Mr. W illiam .... 0 10 K ir k , M r ...... 0 10 6 P r ic e , M r ...... 1 0 0 Court, Mr. William 1 1 Masters, Mr. WoUton... 1 0 0 Dawes, Mr. W ...... 0 10 i Matthews, M r. . 0 10 0 B y * . 8 8 6 F o r b e s, M r...... 0 10 Menridew, Mr. H ...... 0 10 0 Rev. A. Smith. Griffiths, Mr. T ...... 0 10 Newsome, Mr. H ...... 1 1 0 Newsome, Mr. T ...... 0 10 0 F riend*...... 6 0 0 Hopkins, Mr. Isaac 1 1 SummerhiU. H op k in s, M r. Joh n H . . . 0 10 Newsome, M iss...... 0 10 0 C o lle c tio n ...... 1 16 4 H op k in s, M r. J o s h u a .. . . 0 10 Newsome, Mr. John..... 0 10 0 Vckfieid. Jenkins, Mr. William. .. 1 1 Newton, Mr. James 0 10 0 Johnson, Mr. Owen 1 1 Newton, Mr. Joseph 0 10 0 TTaUalL Collection, & c ...... 6 19 6 Johnson, Mr. Henry 0 10 Pears, Mr. A ...... 1 0 0 Ber. J, Foster...... 2 0 0 Middlemore, Mr. R 1 1 P o r te r , M r...... 0 10 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 17 9 0 Middlemore, Mr. W m ,.. 1 1 Ransford, Mr...... 0 10 0 K 10 6 Middlemore, Mr. James . 1 1 Robinson, Mr...... 0 10 0 IFfii-Bnnwnci. Moxon, Lieut Col 1 1 Sansome, Mr...... 0 10 0 Neale, Mr. David 0 10 S h a w , M r ...... 0 10 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 7 3 8 A Friend, per Miss Green 0 10 0 Pearson. M r ...... 0 10 Smith, Mr. J ...... 1 0 0 Perry, Mr. J. C ...... 1 1 W h ite , M r ...... 10 0 0 A Friend, per Mr. Green 0 10 0 Petibrd, Mr. Joseph..... 0 15 S m a ll su m s...... 4 14 6 M r. C arter...... 1 1 0 313aartotc&8f)t«. Phillips, Mr. W illiam... 1 1 Sunday-school children.. 6 10 0 Mr. Jeremiah Richards.. 0 10 0 Price, Mr. J ...... 0 10 Weekly pence ...... 1 2 6 Collected by Biuuxobak Auxiiust. Room, Mr. James 0 10 Missionary boxes by Mrs. Stokes...... 1 S 6 Owen Johnson, Esq. Treasurer. Room, Mr. John ...... 0 10 Mrs. Astlev ...... 0 10 4 Master Stakes, for How­ Room, Mr. William 0 10 Mary Shuttleworth 1 0 0 rah School...... 0 14 7 Bev. T. M orpui & Rer. T. Swan, Room, Mr. Francis 0 10 M iss H a d lv ...... 0 10 0 M iss G reen ...... 1 2 6 ^ Secretaries. Showell, Mr. John W . .. 1 1 Mrs. Franklin ...... 0 10 0 Miss Grainger 0 10 0 Billion. Showell, Mr. Thomas... 0 10 M & ry L e a v is...... 2 16 2 Sunday-school children, Smith, Mr. W illiam ..... 1 0 per Mr. Green... 8 13 6 R e r . Vf. H. Bonner. John Watson ...... * • 0 14 0 Spien, Mr. William 0 10 Missionary boxes by C o lle c tio n ...... 11 8 2 Swan, Rev. Thomas .... l 1 78 6 0 The Misses Green 0 10 1 h i m . b o x , b y a little b o y 0 8 10 Thomas, Mr. J ...... l l Master Stokes 0 4 8 T o m lin , M r...... 0 10 11 7 0 W a d e , M r ...... 6 0 16 12 8 W alte»,M r.John«.,.,. 0 10 62

£ « . d . £ «. d. £ . . d. W eeU r contribntiona b_v Subscriptions: . Subscriptions : M r s .B . A n s tie ...... 6 17 6 Beavin, Miss, Eaet Tow* 0 10 0 Ellens,G. Esq.. l o o W h t s h i e j : a x d E a s t S o m e r s e t Miss T. Hook ...... 1 10 4 P a g e , M r s ...... 10 0 0 L a w ren ce, J . E s q ...... o 10 0 A c x i i j a r t . Miss Blackwell and Mr. D o ...... T . 5 0 0 Mins hull, L. Esq...... 1 0 0 W h i t e ...... 0 17 2 D o ...... 5 0 0 £ . Anstie, Esq. Treasurer. for Jamaica Scroxton, Mr. J. H ...... l o o Salter, Samuel, Esq 30 0 0 Berkixffton. Scrosto», Mr. Thom as.. o io o 79 14 4 Sims, Miss L u c y ...... 1 0 0 Stephens, Mr. J ...... 0 10 o Bev. E. Edwards. Spender, Mr. William .. 0 10 6 £ s. d. Downton. Stancomb, John, Esq. ..110 18 6 1 Collections...... 7 4 4 Stancomb, Joseoli, Esq. . 1 0 0 "Weekly and quarterly Kev. J. Clare. Walton, Ret. W ...... 0 5 0 contributions...... 1 0 0 . 10 1 0 Wearing, M r.R ...... 0 10 Campde*. Rev. E. Edwards. 0 10 6 2 0 W ilkins, M i. W ...... 0 10 Collections and 6ubs ------

S 14 10 15 3 0 79 16 2

B ra d fo r d . Laveria*. Warminster. Bev. J. Seymour Rev. J. Smith. 2 6 Rev. D. Payne. C o lle c t io n ...... Subscriptions...... 2 0 0 Coll. at Salem Chapel... 30 0 0 Coll. per Mr. Hardwick.. A frie n d ...... 6 0 0 Subscriptions : B ird , M is s ...... 1 1 0 M iss H e a d ...... Ö 2 C Billings, M r ...... 1 1 0 lier. J. Seymour ...... Wettbury. C o lt, M rs...... 1 1 0 MeUaham. Donations : C o lle c t io n ...... 3 5 0 Franklin, Mr. S ...... 1 0 0 Mr. Allwood ...... 1 0 0 Her. Joshua Russell.*11. Mr. J. W ilkins ...... 1 1 0 Haines, Mr. T ...... 1 0 (I B ...... 3 10 0 M u rley , M r...... 1 1 0 C o lle c tio n )...... 9 0 Friends, by do ...... 1 9 b Collected by Swinboume, Mrs ...... 5 0 0 1 Collected by M iss H e a d ...... 0 17 4 Subscriptions 1 Swinbourae, M r ...... 1 1 0 E v a n s, M r ...... S 0 0 : Anna Churchill...... 0 17 11 Thomas, Rev. J ...... 1 1 0 Mrs. Mackie ...... 2 3 5 Mancel Plowman 0 16 t> Miss Taylor ...... 1 7 0 Fox, W. Esq ...... 1 0 0 Winterbotham, Mr. R ... 2 ~ I) M is. lieiph ...... 1 7 5 F r ie n d ...... 0 10 0 Winterbotham, Mr. J. .. Ill) Miss Itodwa)...... o 6 b Do. for Day-schools...... 2 2 0 Yerbury, M iss ...... 1 1 0 E . J.RodwZY,for Entail# 1 10 0 D o . for d o ...... 1 0 0 Jeffers, Thomas, E sq.... 1 0 0 Weetbxry Leigh. 62 10 0 26 12 4 M o o n , M r ...... 56 0 0 Phillips, J. L. Esq ...... 20 0 By Mr. Joseph Clift. 0 Chrpitotc. Bratto*. Phillips, E. Esq ...... 1 1 0 Collections ...... 10 1 P o c o c k , M r...... 6 0 0 Bev. T. Jones. Her. B. Aitrh««^. Pocock, Mr. J ...... 1 0 0 Subscriptions: G la ss, M r...... 1 0 Russell, Rev. Joshua..... 20 0 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 5 2 6 Collections...... e 9 2 Glass, Miss...... 1 0 'Weekly contributions, by Smith, Mr. J. F ...... , 5 0 0 Haynes, Robert, Esq 2 0 1C» S. Birt and J. WcKximan, M r ...... 1 0 0 Maltravers, W. Esq.. S. 1 1 Colrford. W h ita k e r ...... 0 12 0 Missionary boxes by Tucker, Messrs. W. &J, 1 1 Subscriptions - A fr ie n d ...... 0 4 3 Rev. J. Fry. A ttylww in Kj»g B ...... 1 0 0 Mrs. Hutchins ...... 0 3 6 Blatch, Mr. J. G ...... 1 0 0 Mrs. J. L. Phillips , 2 13 2 Collections...... 9 18 9 Blatch, Miss...... 1 1 0 Miss Pollard ...... 1 3 3 Subscriptions: 1 0 0 Rev. J. Russell...... 0 12 0 Batten, Mr. T ...... 1 0 0 F lo w e r , M r ...... 0 10 0 Pupils at Shaw House Batten, Mr. W ...... 0 10 0 Scammel, M i*...... 0 10 0 S c h o o l...... 1 4 9 Executors o f the late Mrs. "Whitaker, Philip, E sq.. 2 2 0 Collected by ©aorcrstcrsfjirt:. Mary Trotter ...... 0 111 0 "Whitaker, Thomas, Esq. 1 1 0 M iss A llw o o d ...... 0 16 3 Harvey,Mr...... 0 10 U 'Whitaker, Mr. Joshua... 1 1 0 M iss H u n t ...... 0 12 9 WoilCESTTBSBIRK AdlU A R Y. Herbert, Mr. James...... 0 10 0 m ite, Mr. H ...... 0 10 6 M r. M o o n ...... 0 7 6 Richard Harwood, Esq. Treasurer. Teague, Mr. P ...... 1 0 0 S u m s u n d er lO e ...... 1 0 0 The late Miss Phi 0 7 Thomas, Mr. James 1 0 0 Mrs. Russell...... 6 6 0 Alcetter. Trotter, Mr. T. B 1 0 0 19 16 fc T r o tte r , M r. J o h n 0 10 0 A n n e S c o t t ...... 0 7 Rev. J. Price. Contributions from frnds. «1 Turner, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 Ckippenham. connected with manu­ Collections...... 8 0 0 Sums under 10s...... 0 10 0 Juvenile contributions,by fa c to ry , b y M r. G ib le t 14 7 7 1 Missionary boxes by Her. J . F o w l » . M iss P ...... 1 3 2 Do. Sunday-scholan*.... 0 12 b Mr. John H ill...... 1 2 8 C o lle c t io n ...... 3 2 Savings in the manufac­ Mr. Richard Phelps 2 4 5 to r y ...... 2 6 8 9 3 2 Collected by Mira Worgan, Five Acre» 0 13 4 Miss Alexander 1 1 Miss Jones’s school 1 1 2 100 17 3 Mrs. Brinkworth ...... 1 1 0 Altwoad. Mr. T. B. Trotter 2 1 0 Mrs. T. Batten ...... 0 13 6 Mrs. Bawling* ...... 11 6 Rev. J. Smith. Norton St. Philip. Miss Lingey ...... 0 13 0 Collections ...... 9 g 1 Mr. Thomas, Ifennell't Rev. J. Mason. Do. at Public Meeting.. ■ 10 11 11 H iU ...... 4 0 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 2 14 2,byJaneWaliord 0 4 6 Cortham. Weekly subs, by Miss Rev. James Smith 1 1 0 Ius trw..0fM “r™:B“ oio « B e v . H . W e b le y . M o g e r ...... 1 4 11 Sums under 10»...... 1 11 2

Collection...... 3 11 10 Missionary boxes by 32 « 0 Subscription*: M iss C o x ...... 1 7 2 Britten. Mr. AUinpUm., M iss F o s t e r ...... 1 C 9 Atehlench. M rs. M a s o n ...... 1 5 0 0 Rev. B. Wheeler. Evetham. for 183S...... 0 10 A debtor to mercy ...... 1 0 0 0 i o 0 Batter, Mr,...... C o lle c t io n ...... 3 7 fi Bev. J. Hockin. Friend...... 0 1 0 8 18 0 Ooald, Mr...... 1 0 0 Collections ...... 5 3 6 . Sp&ckoa&n, Mr...... • ••• 6 0 0 Weekly subs, by Mrs .East 0 19 6 0 Pen/map. RUikmey. Spademan,Mrs...... 1 0 M ill Street— Ilev. G. Cole. Mtnrirniarr b o x a by C o lle c t io n ...... 8 18 Bev. J. Jones. C o lle c t io n ...... « 0 6 W m M. Blake...... 0 D 0 Missionary boxes by C o lle c t io n ...... 10 0 0 Mr, C. Bodman...... Mrs. Curtis. 0 8 7 Missionary boxes...... 1 4 11 Do. at Public Meeting .. 10 0 0 0 10 0 Do. by the Misses Mann 4 18 0 0 Miss Hannah Evans .. 1 14 6 Mim W ebiey...... 14 8 Mrs. M ann...... 1 0 0 11 4 11 14 6 6 M r. C . B u r lin g t o n ... . *8» 0 10 0 Bloekley. 28 U 6 Devize*. SalMuty. Bev. T. Smith. H e r . J . g . B u n ce . Bev. Isaac New. Collections ...... 8 12 6 G onley. Collections...... 22 16 10 Collections ...... 27 Weekly subscriptions... 8 11 1 Bev. J. Hall. Missionary box ...... 4 Sabbath-school do ( 7 4 S u b scrip tion s : Collection3 0 0 Anstie, Benjamin, Esq.. 3 { Anstie, Paul, Esq. . _ . _ _ 31 3 0 22 10 II Missionary boxes by Amtie, C. W. Esq 6 0 0 W . William* ...... } « ' Anstie, Mr». G. W 5 0 0 Trowbridge. Bromtgrove. M . A b r a h a U ...... J * * Biggs, Mr. Richard 1 0 0 Sums under 10s,...... 0 7 5 Cartwright, Mr. W. B ... 1 1 0 Ber. W . Walton. Bev. J. B. Ulakeman. 0 9 0 Leach, Mr, Valentine... 0 10 6 Collections at Collection ...... 7 2 0 S la d e , M r s ...... 0 10 0 Back Street ChapeL 7 6 4 Collected by Bethesda Chapel. 4 14 10 Miss Scroxton 3 10 0 Hertford. ■Waykn, kobertj E sq.... 2 2 0 Juvenile Society, bjr Mr. Misses Nowell and Jane WJutchurch, Mr. S 0 10 0 J. E. Evans ...... 10 17 8 S c ro x to n ...... 2 0 0 Collection...... * 10 8 8nœ » ttnder 10s...... 0 8 0 Miss, box, by Mrs. Salter 1 10 0 Missionary boxes 1 4 1 63

£ . . d. £ *. d. £ d £ . . d. Salendine Nook. Kidderminster. Missionary boxes by Halifax. Rev. J. Stephens. Master J. Savage...... 0 15 9 Rev. S. Whitewood. Rev. J. M’Fberson...... 0 17 4 M iss D u n n Collections...... 17 13 7 C o lle c t io n ...... 10 0 0 C olle ctio n ...... 7 1 6 Miss W illiam s ...... 1 4 2 Miss, boxes an d s u b s fi 1 10 Coll. by Elizabeth Tate.. 1 3 9 Female Association 13 S 0 Sums under 10s...... 1 0 6 Miss, box, by Master J. Penny-a-week society... 20 0 0 IS 3 4 E. W hitewood ...... 0 16 3 18 16 6 43 5 0 Subscriptions: Kington. Bentley, Mrs. H ...... 0 10 0 Sheffield. Stratford. Massey, M rs ...... 0 10 0 Rev. S. B la c k m o re 10 10 0 Rev. James Cubitt. Sherwood, Miss S 0 10 0 Subs. &c. by Mr .Atkinson 76 16 8 Stocks, Joseph, Esq 1 0 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 9 6 9 Swindel, Mr. S ...... 1 1 0 LayihUl and Lydbrook. Cards b y Three young friends .... 1 10 0 Slack Lane. Rev. T. Wright. Misses Allen and Cooper 2 3 7 Walker, Mr. John 2 2 0 Rev. D. Evans. M iss D e a r ...... 0 13 6 C o lle c t io n ...... 2 0 6 Coll. by Mr. Spurden— 2 4 4 Miss Horton ...... 0 11 6 26 16 7 Missionary boxes by Ledbury. E m m a A lle n ...... 0 IS 6 Haworth. Mrs. Cooper ...... 0 6 3 First Church— Rev. J. Winter- L e e d s A u m u i T . C o lle c tio n ...... 2 IS 0 M rs. C o x ...... 0 6 2 b oth a m . Mr. J. H. Townsend, Treasurer. M rs. L a n e ...... 0 S 9 Collections ...... 20 5 7 Rev. James Cubitt 0 11 6 Subscriptions: Mr. Town, Secretary. Leominster. Mrs. Fletcher, Bishamp- Carlill, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Bromley. Rev. M. Jones. ton...... 0 8 0 Missionary box, by do... 1 0 0 Craven, Jir. John 0 15 0 Collection, boxes, &c.... 20 0 0 Collections...... 7 0 1 15 8 0 l ’enny-B-week su b s S 7 ID Greenwood, Mr. W 4 0 0 Missionary boxes...... 1 3 6 Greenwood, Mr. W. jun. 3 0 0 Chapettmen. Mr. G o u ld ...... 'J 10 0 Tenbury. Hartley, Mr. Jolin 1 0 0 Wriffht, Mr. John 1 0 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 3 3 2 Mr E. E v a n s,fo r ch a p els C o lle c t io n ...... 13 1 5 in Jamaica...... 1 0 0 S m all su m s ...... 0 15 0 Parsley. 17 1 S 22 15 7 Tewkesbury. Rev. J. Foster. Deduct for the Home Mis. 4 0 0 Rev. D. Tm tmnn Second Church—Rev.M.Saunders. C o lle c t io n ...... 11 2 0 13 1 5 Collections...... 55 15 8 Subscriptions...... 4 0 0 Subscriptions: Miss.boxes, & one Penny- Clapham, M rs ...... 2 0 0 Gildersome. Lydney. a-week subscription... 16 7 0 G reen w ood , M r s ...... 2 0 0 Rev. W . Scarlett. A l a d y ...... 1 1 0 Greenwood, Miss 2 0 0 Rev. E. E. Elliott. C o lle c t io n ...... 5 11 2 'S ch o o l...... 9 0 0 Greenwood, Mr. Joseph.. 2 0 0 Collections...... 6 15 8 Saunders, Rev. M 1 1 0 Sunday-school...... 1 17 4 86 3 8 Saunders, M rs ...... 1 1 0 Ilortforth. Missionary boxes 9 13 2 10~ 2 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 7 11 1 lb 6 2 Townhope. C o lle c t io n ...... 0 15 0 Hebden Bridge. Eunslet. Monmouth. Rev. J. Crook. Rev. J. Yeadan. Collections ...... 14 7 0 Her. W . Owen- Upton. C o lle c t io n ...... 5 0 0 Penny-a-week society. .. 5 15 0 C ollection ...... 4 7 6 Rev. Jolm Freer. Misaionarv box. by Miss Subscriptions: C o lle c t io n ...... 5 7 0 W illia m s...... 0 10 0 Cocroft, Mr ...... 2 0 0 Leeds. Fawcett, James, Esq 1 1 0 Rev. J. Eustace Giles. 4 17 6 Westmaneoate. Foster, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Foster, Mrs. Thomas.... 1 0 0 Coll. after Sermons 21 5 4 Rev. W . Liddell. Do. at Public Meeting ., 22 7 i Perthore. C o lle c t io n ...... 6 17 0 25 3 0 Fletcher, Mr. J ...... 1 1 0 Rev. C. T. Keene. Goodman,Benjamin,Esq. 5 5 0 Keighley. Goodman, Messrs. B. and Collections...... 12 1 4 Winehemnbe. S on ...... 20 0 0 Do. at P u b lic M e e tin g . . 6 I'J 10 Collections, &c ...... 6 7 6 Rev. J. Mills. White, Mr. Walter 1 1 0 Mrs. H u d s o n ...... 0 10 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 6 1 0 W y ld e , M r ...... 21 0 0 Collected by Coll. by Misses Smith Lockwood. D o. ( d o n . ) ...... 31 10 0 Mrs. A n drew s...... 2 18 0 “ Of thine own have I an d F i n c h ...... 1 1 9 10 Rev. F. W . Dyer. Mrs. J. A n d re w s ...... 4 11 6 Missionary boxes ...... 0 6 4 given thee” ...... 5 0 0 Mrs. N ir h o lls ...... 1 16 3 Collections ...... 9 14 10 Missionary boxes ...... 15 15 0 Mr. G w illa m ...... 1 S 3 Mr. W illett...... 2 2 0 7 7 2 One-third proceeds of •‘'urns under 10s...... 0 8 6 Weekly subs, by Mis. united Miss. Prayer- Missionary boxes 3 18 0 W ille t t...... 4 fi 0 m e e tm g s ...... I... 18 13 2 Worcester. 32 16 8 16 2 10 Collected by Mrs. Townsend: Collections ...... 29 0 8 Fearnsidc, M r ...... 0 10 0 Missionary boxes 22 0 0 Long Preston. Giles, Hev. J. E : 1 0 0 S ou . Subscriptions : Goodman, Bern. Esq 5 6 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 1 15 6 H ea ton . M r...... 0 10 6 Bev. E. Claypole. GreswoUle, M ajor ...... 0 10 0 G rov e, M r ...... 1 1 0 L e w is, M r ...... 0 10 0 C ollection ...... 7 9 7 Lake, Rev. E ...... 0 10 0 Meltham. Matthewman, Mr 0 12 0 N. Morgan, Esq 0 10 0 O'Donaghue, Major 1 0 0 M o rto n , M r...... 0 10 0 Mr. T . 8 . S m it h ...... 0 10 0 Rev. T. Thomas. Ricketl, Mr...... 1 1 0 Nicholson, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Do...... T . 0 10 0 W illiams, Rev. E ...... 1 1 O C o lle c t io n ...... 4 0 0 Townsend, M r ...... 0 10 0 Sums u n der 10s...... 0 10 6 D o n a tio n s ...... 0 12 6 S m a ll su m s ...... 1 16 0 Missionary boxes by MiUtood. Collected by Mrs. Bilbrough: 66 1G 2 Mrs. L ew is...... 1 8 0 Rev. — Templeton. Bilbrough, Mr. J. B

£ ». d. £ » . d. £ t. d. £ I. d. Sftanninobf. Button-in-Crmen. Purdon, Jamec ... 1 0 0 Taylor, Mrs ...... 1 0 o Bavner, W illiam ...... 2 0 0 T e r n r, M r. L ...... 0 10 6 B er. J. Jordan. Ber. W . Fawcett. Richmond, M iss ...... 0 10 6 Tindall, Alderman 1 0 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 4 0 0 Collections ...... 8 16 11 Thornton, John...... 1 0 0 Tindall, Mr. Joseph 1 0 0 Collected by Tindall, Mrs. Joseph.... 1 0 0 Wakefield. M iss B errv...... 2 10 3 113 10 C Tindall, John, Esq 1 0 0 ...... 1 0 0 M iss L a y cb ck ...... 1 1 2 Tindall, Miss Ber. J. Fox. Tindall. Miss A Miss Turner ...... 1 1 0 ...... 1 0 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 3 0 0 Sums under 10s...... 1 5 8 Hwm anby. W e d d e ll, A ld e rm a n 0 10 0 West, G .H . Esq ...... 1 1 0 Rev. J. C. Wyke. Wheldon, Mr. John 1 0 0 14 15 0 Behdi-oed A cm u xi. Collections...... 4 7 5 W illia m s o n , M r. B 0 10 6 Sums under 10»...... 1 0 0 lfiifff Illingworth, Esq. Treasurer. Coll. br Misses Xelson an d t i u n n ...... 1 13 0 For Entaily: H m t East Rroiwa A cxiliaiit. Blackley. & Missionary boxes by Collected by Ber. J. Bigby. John Thornton, Esq. Treasurer. M iss D u n n ...... 0 18 0 Master Barrey ...... 1 0 9 Master W ood ...... 1 0 B C o lle c t io n ...... 3 0 0 Beverley. Miss Cuoper ...... 0 15 4 Sums under 10s...... 1 7 3 M rs. B r o w n ...... 0 15 2 Kev. R. Johnstone. Bradford. 9 1 0 63 6 6 C o lle c t io n ...... 12 2 0 Her. H. Doman. Seam er. Collections at Kilkam. T h e H a ll...... 5 6 6 Bishop Burton. Collections ...... 1 6 7 Zion Chapel...... 9 17 4 Ber. A. Berry. Rev. J. Hithersay. Public Meeting ...... 10 0 0 Collections ...... 2 14 8 WestgateChapel Juvenile C o lle c t io n ...... 4 16 2 Missionarv box, by Miss Bkidbjr. Missionary Societv, by Coll. bv Mrs. Berry 0 13 6 Thomas Sample ...... 1 1 0 H ith e r s a y ...... 1 5 4 Bichard Caton, Esq. Rev. — Stevenson. Robert Fawcett...... 1 n 0 M.D. Treasurer...... 13 0 0 Miss Sedgewick ...... 1 I) 0 4 0 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 1 0 0 Zion Chapel Juvenile So. 12 6 6 Children’s Miss, box 0 2 10 Mr. Stevensonson 0 10 0 H e a to n ...... 1 0 0 Mttrgatroyd,Mr.W.(dan.) 5 0 0 Malton. 1 10 0 Subscriptions: Hev. J. Bowse. Aekrovd, Mr. F ...... 1 1 0 r o r k . A k e d /M r . T ...... 6 S 0 Bridlington. Collections...... 0 3 1 Aked, Mrs. sen...... 2 0 0 Collections ...... 3 10 0 Ber. B. Harness. Miss, box, by Master Axmitage, Ur. S ...... 0 15 0 Grev, W. Esq ...... 1 0 0 B a c o n , M rs...... 1 1 0 Collections...... 27 7 6 G a te n b v ...... 1 0 7 Tearce, R. R ...... 0 5 0 S. Coverlev ...... 0 (i Do. by Miss Smith 0 12 6 Brogden, U r. J ...... 1 1 0 1 Rowntree, Joseph. 0 10 0 A f r i m d ...... 1 0 0 Caton, fi. Esq. M.D 1 1 0 F C ov erley ...... 0 10 0 Spence, Joseph ...... 0 10 0 A lle n , W . Et c ...... 1 0 0 Do. Missionary bos 1 10 0 Collected by W a lle r , I I ...... 1 0 0 Clayton, Mr. J ...... 1 0 I) Miss L. Harness...... 1 3 10 Barton, Mr. E ...... 1 1 0 Hopkins, M r ...... 0 10 0 C o le , M r. J ...... 1 0 0 Miss Beilby ...... 3 0 0 C 15 0 Pickering, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 Eskrigg, Thomas, Esq. S. Harness'...... 0 10 h Priestronn, Mrs Lancaster...... 2 0 0 S m all s u m s ...... 0 10 G ...... 1 0 0 ...... 1 n 0 Firth, Mr. J ...... 1 1 0 S ew ell, M r Southern, Mr...... 0 111 0 No»™ Ridino AcxiLnav. Firth, Mr. James ...... 1 0 0 31 2 6 Harvey, Bev. Joseph 1 0 0 Sums under 10«...... 0 12 h Boroughbridpe and Dishforth. H31, M i. John...... 1 0 0 Cayton. Rev. F. Johnstone. Hill, Mr. Thomas 1 0 0 15 9 10 Illingworth, Miles, Esq. 3 0 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 0 15 0 Collections ...... 21 13 9 King, Ur. John ...... 1 0 0 William Tetley, E sq.... 2 0 0 Homes, Mr. B ...... 1 0 0 Scarborough. D o . ( d o n .) ...... 5 0 0 Do. children of, by week­ Emith, Mr. William 1 0 » Cranswick. Rev. B. Evans. ly p e n c e ...... 1 6 0 Steadman, Bev. T 1 0 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 1 5 6 Tetley, Mrs...... 2 2 0 Collections...... 32 1 4 Joseph Dresser, Esq 2 0 0 T u r n e r , M r. S ...... 1 0 0 Collected by Collected by Jhiguld. Miss E. Waddington 2 6 6 The Misses Brotlierton.. 6 12 8 66 19 6 Miss Taylor ...... 1 0 0 Mrs. M orris ...... 3 16 6 BeT. J. Xormanton. Miss, box, by Miss Dale. 0 6 0 41 8 11 Morbi i I Barnoldsmck. Collections, &c...... 13 0 Subscriptions : C o B e c t io n ...... 3 0 0 Ballomley, w. Esq 1 0 0 HuU. Collins, 11. E sq ...... 1 0 0 Mashatn and Bedale. « M e j f . Dewesbury,W.D.T.E«q. 1 0 0 Berg. D. Thompson & C . D a n iel. Evans, Bev. B ...... 0 10 0 Rev. J. Bromo. Ho t . F. Scott. Collections ...... 66 13 0 Fowler, Mr. H ...... 0 10 0 Collections ...... 7 10 0 Hargreaves, Mr. Joseph. 2 0 0 Salthoune Lane Juvenile F o x , M rs...... 0 10 0 Hepper, Mr. John. 2 0 0 S ociety ...... 20 15 0 Hesp, Mr. J ...... 0 l o 0 FoUitn, Mr. W ...... 1 0 0 George St. Chapel Col­ HiU, 0. Esq ...... 2 0 0 Ripen Rhodes, Mr. John 1 1 0 le c tio n s...... 13 17 6 H U l.T . E s q ...... 1 0 0 B eott, B e r . P ...... 1 1 0 B a rn b y . B ...... 2 2 (I H iU , M r. F ...... 0 10 6 Francis Earle, Esq. M.D. 1 Tesle, Mr. John ...... 2 0 0 Dring, M iss ...... 0 10 0 Purnell, T. Esq. (Mayor) 0 10 6 M rs. E a r le ...... 1 Wilcok, Mrs. Ann. 1 0 0 G reen , M rs...... 1 1 0 Rowntree, Mr. J 1 0 0 Do. collected by ...... 2 Greenwood, George 2 0 0 Rowntre*. Mr. W 1 1 0 Gresham, John ...... 1 0 0 Smith, W . Esq ...... 1 1 0 H o p p e r, M n ...... 1 1 0 Sticknej, Alderman 1 1 0



£ ». d. £ . . d. ftortf) SHaleß. Kensington Stmday-ach. Z 6 1 Llangollen. Miss, box, by Mrs. W il­ Derratatlon — The Bev. Jcnto By Rev. J. Prichard ...... 3 0 0 Ambcck. l i a m s ...... 1 18 4 Thomas, M.A., and the Hev. C o ll. b y M r*. Jon es...... 6 4 6 Daniel Davies.

14 6 1 Pontypool. CARDIGANSHIRE. W . W . P h i l l i p s , / o r i v « a 1 1 0 Anglesea. £ ». i . : Carnarvon...... ByBev.W . M organ.... 22 0 0 Aberystwyth...... 12 * C o lle c t io n ...... 8 9 2 B e t ü l .7 ...... * ¡ y - Wrexham. Cardigan...... 65 0, C o lle c t io n ...... 80 0 0 Kbeneter Llandissil J ¥ B y M r. John Jones. Dola*. JarrM l...... 1f a . YM BgM ao's Society, tea By Ber. W , Jenkin ...... e o o ".'."111! 1 V. . i 17 0 65

£ » . d. £ ». d. £ t. i £ t. d. Llioungwril...... U 3 10 Ree«, Mr. Thomas 0 10 0 Hirwain. Penyvai. Moria...... 0 19 8 Rees, Mr. Joseph 0 10 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 1 10 Ber. D. Thomas. l'nrhyncoch...... 6 16 10 Williams.Mr. Lewis.... 1 0 0 Collection...... 0 12 0 Peuypark...... 2 I I 6 Stuns under 10s...... 1 2 0 Horeb. Pcntrhydfendiged 0 19 10 Missionary boxes by ...... 2 0 0 C o lle c tio n ...... 0 15 Siloam Miss Eliza Jones...... 6 3 6 Pontllyw. Swytldffynon...... 1 1 2 Miss Margaret Gower 5 3 9 Talybont...... 4 3 0 C o lle c tio n ...... 0 i 0 Miss Jane Gould ...... 0 14 4 Laneaovm. Zion Chapel...... 2 1 « Miss Jane Lewis...... 1 17 6 Rev. Robert Williams. Miss Margaret Evans.... 0 5 0 Pontmalby. 94 17 8 MissMaryEdwards (dej.) 9 8 6 C o lle c t io n ...... 0 10 Mrs. Rodway ...... 0 4 0 Rev. James Spencer. Mrs. William Harris 0 12 0 Lantwitmajor. C o lle c tio n ...... 0 11 6 CARMARTHENSHIRE. Master Lewis Hopkins .. 0 3 7 M r. T h o m a s B ees, j u n . .. 1 16 0 Rev. Jabez Laurence. Aberduar...... 6 3 B Mr. James Williams 0 8 8 Collection ...... 1 1 Bxamey. Bethel and Salem 14 4 B Sunday-school...... 3 5 0 Butchygwynt...... 1 0 0 A t B e t h a n y ...... 2 5 1 C o lle c tio n ...... 3 15 9 Bulchyrhiwand Z ion.... 1 12 7 Llwyni. Coll. by Mr. Jones 5 0 0 Carmarthen...... 38 7 11 Tabernacle —Ber. David Jones. 10 0 Rev. Thomas Hopkins. Davies, Mr, W illiam .... 0 Cwmi/or...... 1 0 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 6 10 0 j E v a n s, M r. E v a n ...... 0 10 0 Drefath...... 1 0 0 Rev. David Jones ...... 0 10 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 1 14 8 Jones, Mr. David ...... 0 II) 0 Ubeneier, Llangynog 2 10 U Mr. Llewellyn Jenkins .. 0 10 6 — : Lewis, Mr. Ji hn ...... 1 0 0 Pelinfoel...... 4 4 0 10 0 Mr. Wm. Lvans, Roath 0 10 0 Lysfane. j Morgan, Mr. George.... 0 Perry Side...... 1 1 1 Sums under Ills...... 0 15 0 ■ Morgan, Mr. John 0 10 0 Pfynonhenry...... 1 10 0 Miss, box in Vestry 1 0 2 B e v . Jam es E d m u n d s. j Nicholas, Mr. Jacob 2 10 0 Hebron...... 0 9 6 Do. byMrs. John irancis 0 10 U C o lle c tio n ...... 1 3 5 ! Thomas, Mr. James 0 5 0 Llanelly...... 13 5 0 Do. by Mast. John Jen­ Missionarv box ...... 0 10 0 j Williams, Mr. David.... 0 io o Login...... 2 10 8 k in s ...... 0 3 0 Bev. James Edmunds.... 0 10 }iemca*tle...... 18 6 0 Penrhimgoch...... 1 17 6 67 6 9 Porthyrhyd...... 2 2 8 Rehoboth...... 1 11 6 Maesteg. Khj/dwilym (/or 1838y.... 4 11 1 Caerphilly. Salem, Mydrim...... 6 15 S Coll. at Tonyfelin Cha­ Bev. E. Davies. Sanm...... I 7 6 p e l...... 3 9 B C o lle c t io n ...... 0 18 Sitim...... 1 1 0 Sums under 10s...... 1 6 0 M r. M o r g a n ...... 1 10 Sarda. Smyrna and Cwmtanuldu 2 8 6 Collection.,,...... 0 15 0 4 14 8 2 8 3 126 0 6 Carmel. Merthyr. Siloam. C o lle c t io n ...... 0 4 0 Bethel—Rev. Thomas Davies. Rev. J. Pugh. GLAHORGA NSHI RE. C o lle c tio n ...... 7 4 0 Coiobridge. C o lle c t io n ...... 0 10 9 Aberqfon. Mr. William Bowen 0 10 0 Rev. J. Pugh...... 0 10 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 2 0 4 Rev. T. Davies,...... o 10 0 Rev. D. Thomas. Miss. bo\,bv Mrs. Llewel­ W . Davies, Esq ...... 0 10 6 1 0 9 C ollection...... 4 6 0 l y n ' ...... 1 12 8 Mr. Protheroe ...... 1 0 0 Bobert Smith, Esq. jun.. 1 0 0 Do. by Mrs. June Bees. .070 Sums under 10s...... 1 15 0 Sunday-school Miss, box 1 4 0 Sw ansea. 8 8 U 4 0 0 Miss Paynter’s do 0 6 6 Mount Pleasant—Rev. David Dowlais— Rev. W . R. Davies. Rhys Stephen. Aberdart. Comtoan. C o lle c t io n ...... 10 2 6 C o lle c t io n ...... 6 12 6 Mr. Lewis Edwards 0 10 0 Rev. George Griffiths. Bath, Henry,Esq ...... 2 2 0 Rev. W illiam Lewi». Sums under 10s...... 1 7 6 Bath, Henrv, Esq. jun... 1 1 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 0 10 0 Bird, G. G. Esq. M.D 1 1 0 C ollection ...... 2 11 3 Ebenezer— Rev. Abel Jones. Mr. W illia m H o w e l l « . ... 1 0 0 Cambrian Newspaper 0 5 0 Crvu-y-parc. C o lle c t io n ...... 7 9 0 Jones, Miss R ...... 1 0 0 Moyce and Sibbering 0 10 0 3 11 3 Zion Chapel—Rev. John Jones. Bev. Thomas Thomas. Stephen, Bev. D. HX— 1 1 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 1 9 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 11 14 9 Vivian, H. Esq. M.P.- 2 2 0 Bagland. J en k in s, M r. D ...... 0 10 0 Vos.J.M . Esq ...... 1 1 0 Rev. W . Bowen. Joseph, Mr. D ...... 1 0 0 Walker, Mr. Roger 1 1 0 Cvmtwrtk. Joseph, Mr. M ...... 1 0 0 Walters, David, Esq. 5 5 0 Collection ...... 0 10 0 Ber. David Thomas. Joseph, Mr. T ...... 1 0 0 Walters, Thomas, Esq.. 2 2 0 Joseph, Mrs. Jane 1 0 0 Walters, Mr. T. jun 1 1 0 Bett tot. C o lle c t io n ...... 0 14 0 Joseph, Miss R ...... 1 0 0 Walters, Mr. James 1 0 0 Williams- Mr. Benjamin 1 0 0 Walters, Miss S ...... 0 10 6 C o lle c tio n ...... 0 8 0 Dinat. Sums under Ills...... 1 10 3 W alters, Miss M ...... 0 10 6 Sunday-school Miss, box 1 4 0 Waiters, Miss R ...... 0 10 6 Rev. Bobert Edwards. Bridgend. Tabernacle—Rev. T. Thomas. York Place—Rev. Chas. Thomp­ C o lle c t io n ...... 1 7 4 Ho t . J . J u n e * . so n . D o. for 1838...... 0 17 7 C o lle c t io n ...... 3 0 0 ...... 11 9 1 C o lle c tio n ...... 4 6 11 Coll. by Thomas Hughes 1 4 7 ColL at Public Meeting: 6 h 0 C o lle c t io n Collected by 31m. Lewis 4 11 6 Do. by Reynold Jones... 0 18 0 Hethesda—Rev. Daniel Davies. Missionary box bv M iu Do. by Richard John.... 0 6 0 62 17 0 M org a n ...... 0 12 4 Mr. W illiam David, jun. C o lle c t io n ...... 10 0 0 Do. at Public M eeting-. 12 9 6 Do. by Mrs. James 0 6 6 (2 yea rs)...... 1 0 0 Neath. Mr. T . ■W illiam »...... 0 10 0 Mr. Edward Williams, Rev. Daniel Davies 0 10 0 Sum* under 10s ...... 1 0 0 ju n . d o ...... 1 0 0 Rev. D. L. L. Isaac. S u m s u n der 10&...... 0 10 0 Sums under 10«...... 1 7 6 Collection ...... 9 4 4 Missionary box by 11 7 3 Buckland, Mrs.Hen 1 1 0 Miss Eleanor Jones 1 6 S 8 0 0 Buckland, W .H. E sq.... 1 0 0 Miss Elizabeth Thomas.. 0 10 6 M . an d G ...... 0 10 6 Miss Walters ...... 0 16 0 Cadoxton...... 1 8 9 GeraitM. O w en , M r. N o a h ...... 0 10 6 M iss R . W a l t e r s Rev. Robert William». Collection...... o o Price, J. Tregelles, Esj. ^ ^ ^ Miss M. W alters...... 1 0 9 8 Miss Elizabeth Fulford. 1 1 9 C ollection...... 0 13 0 Rowland, C. Esq ...... 0 10 0 Miss M artin ...... 0 6 0 Mr. W . David ...... 0 18 0 Hermen. Miss, box, by Miss Howell 1 6 2 Mr. T. Walters, jun 0 12 0 Cardiff. Rev. John Williams. 16 1 0 Bethany— Rev. W illiam Jones. C o U e ctw n ...... 0 10 0 71 13 10 Collection...... 11 16 0 Newbridge. Do. atl*ublic M eotlng... 7 11 7 Hengoed. Tongwynltu. W y, Mr. John ...... 1 10 0 Rev. James Richards. R e v . J o h n Jenk ins, Rev. Morgan Evan. J" ...... - T . 1 t) 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 2 14 0 Gower, Mr. Georat 0 10 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 4 0 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 1 1 0 Mr. Daniel Jenkins 0 10 0 tjower, M r«...... 0 10 0 Davies, Mr. William 0 10 0 Rev. Morgan Evan O S O Subs, under 10»...... 11 0 7 gould, Miss ...... 0 10 0 Edward«, Mr. Thomas.. 0 10 0 1 6 0 flopkin», Mr. Thom as... 1 « 0 James, Mr. Lewis 0 10 0 14 4 7 ...... T . 1 0 0 JenJtins, Rev. John 0 10 0 4, pkuu.Mr.J.B 1 0 0 Lewis, M r.Thom as...... 0 10 0 Tieyn-y-ndyn. •le, George, Esq. 0 10 0 Lewis, Mr. William 0 10 0 P o m » . a, M r. J ot)...... 1 10 0 Moni», Mr. John 0 » 0 Rev William Williams. Rev. Thomas Thomas. I Rev. W illiam .... 0 10 6 .M r . E lia s ...... o 10 0 7 10 0 C o l l o d i o n ...... 0 6 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 0 U 0 Aairew, Esq 1 0 0 £ t. d. £ t. d. £ t . d. £ «. d. TTamtrodan. Mrs. Morgan ...... 2 1 0 Goode, Mr. H. P ...... 1 0 0 P h t lp o t jM r ...... 0 10 0 John Jenkins, Esq 2 0 0 Grafton, Thomas, Esq... 0 10 0 Rees, Mr. W illiam ...... 31 10 0 Rev. John William*. Miss E. Lew is ...... 1 10 7 Hitchings, Mr. John .... 1 0 0 Rees, Mr. Richard ...... 0 10 0 C o lle c t io n ...... 1 12 4 Miss A. Thom as ...... 1 6 6 Hnifhes,Mr.Thomas.... 0 10 0 Rees, Mr. Isaac ...... C M 0 Miss Mary Thomas 1 0 0 Jenkins, John, Esq 1 1 0 Richards, Mr. John ...... 0 10 0 Mrs. C. and M. John.... 1 0 0 Jardine, John, Esq 1 1 0 Rowlands, Mr William 0 10 0 T Otvi. Mr. Thomas Morgan 1 0 0 John, Mr. W illiam Pren- Saies, Mr. Charles ...... 0 10 0 Her. David Kannten. Messrs. Rees & Morgan 0 18 5 d e r g a s t ...... 0 10 0 Tomb«, Mr. Joseph ...... 1 0 0 Miss A. Williams 0 18 4 Lloyd, John, Esq ...... 1 0 0 ! Thomas, Mr. W m. High C o lle c t io n ...... 1 Mrs. Anne James and E. Lewis, Mr. David 0 10 0 ! Street...... T h o m a s ...... 0 14 0 Lewis, Mr. William . ... 0 10 0 I Thomas, Mr. Wm. Shut Total 316 9 S Mr. John Price ...... 0 13 4 Lewis, Mr. Thomas 0 10 0 j Street...... 0 10 0 Mr. Charles Phillips.... 0 6 0 Morgan, J. L. Esq. M.D. 1 0 0 I Thomas, Rev. James,jun. 0 lu 0 Morgan, Thomas, Esq... 1 0 0 j W alters, John, E sq ...... 7 7 0 Subscriptions: PEMBROKESHIRE. Messrs. Marychurch and W hittow,Mr. George ____ 1 0 0 Allen, C. B. Esq ...... 0 10 0 O w e n ...... 1 0 0 Williams. Mr. W illiam .. 0 10 ft Bethabara...... 11 10 0 Bowen,W.C. T. W. Esq. 1 0 0 Morse, Mr. Dard ...... 1 0 0 | Sums under 10*...... 4 6 2 ...... 4 19 6 Bethel Baynon, Mr. Thomas 1 0 0 Morgan, Mr. William 0 10 0 Bndak ...... D 14 9 B ow en , M r s ...... 1 0 0 Morris, Miss ...... 0 10 0 ’ Herman...... 2 BU m jfot...... 6 13 8 B ro w n , M r s ...... 0 10 0 M a d o ck s, M essrs. J . & T . 0 10 0 J a bf:...... 8 f f l a i j n w « » ...... 22 14 6 Davies, Rev. David 1 0 0 Mayler, Mr. James 0 10 0 I Llanalojfan...... 21 2 9 Ciyowir...... 3 15 1 Davies, Mrs. Clareston.. 1 0 0 Morgan, Mr. David 0 10 0 i MidSteliitt...... 9 7 0 Bbenezer...... ^3 ^4 6 Davies, Mr. Henry 1 0 0 Owen, Mrs. William 2 0 0 Milford...... 5 1 G Davies, Mr. Lewis 1 0 0 Owen, Mr. James 1 0 0 Mollcston...... 3 14 0 D a v ies, M r. J o h n ...... 1 0 0 Phillipps, Sir R. B. P. fiarberth...... 11 10 0 Davis,Valentine,Esq.. . 0 10 6 B a r t .M .P ...... 6 0 0 Newport...... 6 2 6 Glanrhfd..' ! 0 16 0 Davis, Mr. Draper 0 10 6 Phillips, Mrs. J ...... 1 0 0 Pembroke...... 0 11 3 Groexgoch...... 2 11 10 Davies, Mrs. Bridge St. 0 10 0 Phillips, Philip, Esq.... 1 0 0 Pembroke dock...... 18 17 2 ...... 3 3 0 Harmony Evans, William, Esq 1 0 0 Phillips, Mrs. W illiam .. 0 10 0 Pen ie l...... 1 Haverfitiihoest. Evans, M iss ...... I 0 0 Phillips, Mr. John 0 10 0 Penybryn...... 3 Evans, J. T. Esq ...... 0 10 0 Phillips, George, Esq 0 10 0 Smyrna...... 3 ...... 31 17 2 C W I ff t im t f Evans,Mr. Thomas, Cabi­ Phillips, Mr. Henry 0 10 0 Tabor...... 1 Muskmary boxes & C ards b y net linker...... 0 10 0 Phillips, Mr. Richard,... 0 10 0 Treietert...... 2 M is . D a r i « ...... 3 12 0 Evans, Mr. John ...... 0 10 0 Powell, J. R. Esq ...... 0 10 U IQs*Caroline Howell... 3 0 6 Griffiths, James, Esq 2 2 0 Potter, Mr. Joseph 0 10 0 M f w E r a n * ...... 2 4 6 Griffiths, Mr. David 1 0 0 Perkins, Mr. W illiam .... 0 10 0


£ *. d. £«.■>. £ s.d . £ *. d. Aberdeen. Ihtnkeld. Mrs. Bruce, Kennet, by Ladies' Society, for pro­ Missionary Society, by Miss H. Haldane 1 0 0 moting female educa­ By Mr. G. Brown. tion in India, b y M iss Rev. J. black ...... 3 0 0 Aberdeen Missionary So- D u n c a n ...... 17 13 10 c ie ty , o n e -th ir d ...... 25 0 0 Mr. D. Davidson ...... 1 0 0 East Lothian. 44 13 10 Mr. G. Brow n ...... 10 0 0 Elgin. Society for prom oting the Insch. knowledge of Chris­ By Mr. D. Macallan. tianity, by Miss Brown: Missionary Society, by Juvenile Society ...... 2 0 0 R e v .M 'N i e l ...... 7 6 0 D r . W a lk e r , Lynturk 1 0 0 Mr. P. Begbie, Cairndin- Hr. June* Shaw, by do.. 1 0 0 *M ...... 2 0 0 W . M 'C r o m b ie , E s q 1 1 0 Irvine. Haddington Ladies’ So­ M r .T y t t e r ...... 0 5 0 Glasgow. cie ty ...... F .E . 2 0 0 Friends, bv Rev. J.Leech- Do. Bible and Missionary m a n , A .M ...... 3 7 0 3 9 6 0 By Mr. Joseph Swan. Society, including 24s. Saltcoata Bible and M às. 6d. from Garleton Sab- Juvenile Miss. Society, in Society, by do ...... T . 2 10 0 bath-scholars ...... 3 0 0 John Street Chapel, Friends, by do. for Mr*. Anttruther and Kilrenny. Mr. J. Howden, Garleton 2 0 0 Rev. W. Anderson.... 2 10 0 Barclay'* School, Se- Balance from last year.. O 13 6 A lady, per John Robert­ r a m p o r e ...... 16 1 6 Bible and Miss. Society, s o n , E s q ...... 10 0 0 byH .D. Dickie,Eaq.. 4 0 0 20 18 6 9 15 6 A fr ie n d ...... T . 1 0 0 Blyth, Mr. J. S ...... 2 12 6 Campbell, Mr. & Mrs. J. 1 0 0 Montrose. Auchallader-by-Tyndrum. Edinburgh. Finlay, Miss, Helens­ Penny-a-week Daniel Sinclair, Esq SO 0 0 Robert Haldane, Esq.. T.400 0 0 burgh St...... 1 10 6 Mr. A. Watson, jun... 6 0 0 D o ...... T . 60 0 0 Edinburgh Auxiliary, by F r ie n d , Rothsay, per M r. Do. by Mr. W. Ander­ H e r . C. Anderson 49 b 6 M ilr o y ...... 0 10 0 s o n ...... F . E . 3 0 0 St. Andrew's Missionary Fullarton, Mr. John A .. 0 10 6 Society, by Mr. Dickie fi 0 0 Gunn, Mr. W. jun 1 1 0 8 0 0 Mrs. Mackay and friends, Letham, Mr. M ...... 1 1 0 for Mr.PhiHippo, Span­ Macnair, Mr. and Mrs. Friends, by Mr*. Nichel. 1 0 0 ish Town, Jamaica (see A n d r e w ...... 0 9 6 Perth. Missionary Herald for M iliik cn , M r. J...... 0 10 0 Ladle*' Society .. ..F . E. 6 0 0 J a n u a r y ...... 10 0 0 M itchell, Mr. James .... 2 2 0 Dunfermline. Mr. and Mrs. Waddell, Naismith, Mr. A ...... 0 10 0 Grangemouth...... 2 0 0 Paton, Mr. W . P ...... 1 0 0 Roxburghshire. Mr. D. Dewax...... 3 0 0 J. E. Vivian, of Plean, Small, Mr. P ...... 0 10 6 T.H ...... 6 0 0 Stirlingshire...... 6 0 0 Sum s u n d er 10s...... 0 12 6


Dublin,— By Mr. Parke* ...... i f e I t

Waterford.— By Rev. C. Hardcaitle ...... 1 « 4 67


£ s. d . JR. A. P. Amsterdam. Downing, W . P. Esq. for 1838...... 32 0 0 Williamson, Rev. 3...... 12 0 0 Widow'« mite, by Mr. B. Millard.. O il 8 D o - ( d o n . ) ...... 50 0 0 Woollaaton, H. Esq. (don.) ...... 10 0 0 E. H. (don.) ...... 16 0 0 Gray, E. Esq. for 1839...... 20 0 0 ■R.2357 0 0 Hawkins, J. C. Esq. for 1839...... 50 0 0 Calcutta Auxiliary. Morrow Chandar Bose, Babu 5 0 0 Or, £235 14 0 J. C. fdon.)...... 16 0 0 Donations and Subscriptions. J. E. C. (don.) ...... 5 0 0 Jamaica. R. J. H. C. (don.)...... 5 0 0 £ *. d. Hon. T. C. Robertson, Esq. "Deputy Jones, w . H. Esq ...... 20 0 0 Brown’s Town, Rev. J. Clarke...... 100 0 0 Governor of Bengal...... SO Landers, Capt...... 10 0 0 Hon. Col. W . Morison, C. B. Mem­ M ’Farlan, D. Esq. for 1839...... 32 0 0 Letptic. ber of Supreme Council...... 80 0 0 M olloy, R. Esq. for 1839...... 16 0 0 By Mons. C. C. Tauchnitz...... 60 0 0 Hon. w . W . Bird, Esq. Member qf Native Church, Collingah, per Mr. Supreme Council...... 60 0 0 B e ck ...... 2 0 0 A frie n d ...... 800 0 0 Patton, Capt. (don.) ...... 20 0 0 Netkerland Auxiliary. By Rev. S. Muller ...... 125 0 0 Ainslie, D. E sq...... 20 0 0 Pandazv, C. Esq for 1839...... 20 0 0 Alexander, G. E sq ...... 400 0 0 Porteus'. A. Esq ...... 16 0 0 Alexander, J. W . Esq ...... ]00 0 0 Rabeholm, C. C. Esq. for October, Rotterdam. B. S ...... 5 0 0 November, and December, 1838.. 15 0 0 M r. H osk en ...... 0 10 0 Bailie, N. B. E. Esq ...... 20 0 0 Do. from January to June, 1839 ____ 30 0 0 Balmain, Capt...... 10 0 0 Rivai, J. T. Esq. for 1839...... 100 0 0 Southern Ruaia. Brind, Lieut, snb. May to October 80 Roxburgh, Capt. for 1839...... 20 0 0 German Friends, by Mr. C. C. Calcutta Baptist Missionaries, for Thomas, Rev. J. (don.)...... 12 0 0 T a u c h n it z ...... 9 9 5 1839...... 100 Cdnv, G. Esq. (don.) ...... 1011 0 0 Cockerell, W . H. Esq. for 1839...... 32 W a llis , W . B s q ...... 12 0 0 Total £521 10 1 Colquhoun, J. Esq. (don.)...... 20 Ward, J. Esq. per Mr. Williamson 4 0 0


£ t. d. £ ». d. £ . . d. Brown, Mr. — late of Glasgow.. 44 3 3 Linnctt, Mr. Joseph, late of Hal­ Lawrence, Robert, Esq. late of Watkins, Rev. Joseph, late of ste a d ...... 4 5 0 0 R e a d in g ...... 10 10 0 R e a d in g ...... 60 0 0 Barnes, Miss Tabitha, late of St. Lum, Mrs. Elizabeth, late of Bolton 90 0 0 Nicklin, Mrs Elizabeth, late of Ives...... 231 0 0 S. B. by the Executors ...... 50 0 0 B u r w e ll...... 47 5 0 Mason, Miss Marv, late of South­ Beaver, Mr. John, late of Hunting­ w a rk ...... 4 7 2 697 8 0 d on ...... 19 2 7 Broad, M is. James...... 2 0 0


£ J. d. £ «. d. £ *. d H . S. frien d in E s s e x ...... 60 0 0 Thomas Leigh, Esq. Earith ...... 5 0 0 Mis. Moore, Homerton...... 1 0 0 Tewkesbury, by Rev. D. Trotman .. 80 0 0 Friend, by Rev G. Sample...... 5 0 0 Miss Thornton, do ...... 1 0 0 W. B. Gumey, Esq ...... 25 0 0 Teetotaler, Andover ...... 5 0 0 R e v . W . N o r to n , B o w ...... 1 0 0 Cheltenham, by Itev. James Smith.. 25 0 0 Ingham, by Rev. J. Yenimore 4 18 0 Mr A. Barcham ...... 1 0 0 F rien d, by W . C ozen s, E s q ...... 20 0 0 West Bromwich, by Mr. Stokes 4 15 0 Mr. C. Davies, W allingford ...... 1 0 0 A m ersham , by R ev . J. B u r to n 11 11 0 Soham, bv Rev. S. Green ...... 4 10 0 Mr. Black, Ford Foree ...... 1 0 0 Mrs. Broadley W ilson ...... 10 0 0 Bewdlev, by Rev. G. Brookes...... 2 10 0 Messrs. Hearn and \eary ...... 1 0 0 M. G. Jones, Esq ...... 10 0 0 James Grant, Esq ...... 2 2 0 F r ie n d , by th e T rea su rer...... 1 0 0 Member of the Committee ...... 10 0 O C . S. T o m w UI, E s q ...... 2 2 0 E . J ...... 1 0 0 Tring, by Mr. Grover ...... 7 0 0 Beaulieu, by Rev. J. B Burt 2 2 0 X . Y ...... 1 0 0 Berwick-on-Tweed, by Rev. J. Clarke 6 18 t J. S ...... 2 0 0 Mr. W . Kendle ...... 0 10 0 Barton-Mills, by Mr. Becker 6 12 6 Walsham-le-W illows ...... 1 16 2 Friend, Margate ...... 0 10 0 H itchin ...... 6 4 6 Weston-by-W’eedon ...... 1 10 0 A., Horsington ...... 0 10 0 W . L epard S m ith , E s q ...... 6 0 0 S toke A s h ...... 1 6 6 A n o n y m o u s...... 0 10 0 R- Cartwright, Esq ...... 6 0 0 W . Paxon, Esq ...... 1 1 0 Mis. Hodder ...... 0 2 6 Miss Davey, N orwich ...... 6 0 0 Rev. John Dyer ...... 1 1 0 John Coward, Esq. Liverpool 5 0 0 W.W. Phillips, Esq. Pontypool.... 1 1 0 321 3 8 James Lomax, Esq. Nottingham... 6 0 0 F rien d s a t P rov id en ce C h. S h ored itch 1 1 0


£ « . d. Rev. Andrew Reed.D.D. Hackney ...... 100 0 0 W . Lepard Smltli.Esq ...... 86 0 0 Mr. E. A. Butler, Birmingham ...... 10 0 0 “ G e o r g e " ...... 6 0 0 Rev. James Smith, by Dr. H oby ...... 4 0 0 M i. D. Hearn, Wycombe ...... a 10 0

146 10 0 68



COUNTY AUXILIARY ...... John Foster, Esq. 151 10 4 Ampthill anil Manlrieu. Biggleswade, Blnn ham, C-ii-dington Cotton Enti, «'«m linpay, Grausden. Koxton. Sliariibrook, Shef- forti, Stangliton, Triplow.

LUTON AUXILIARY...... Rev. Henry Burgess----- 152 7 S Cranfii'ld. Dunstable, Hoogtaton-Regis, Leighton Buzzard, Luton. BERKSHIRE...... 179 2 11 Asbaropstesd, Beech HiH, Kingston Li^le, Newbury, Reading, SunninghUl, Wal­ lingford, Wokingham. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE.

COUNTY AUXILIARY ...... 145 17 7 Amersham, Aston Clinton, Brickhill, Ches- ham, Creudon, Cnddinston, Datrhet, Fenny Stratford, Great Mifsenden, Hod- rtenbain, Olney, Princes’ Kifborongh, Quainton, Speen, Wnddesdon Hill, Wiu- grave and A-tun Abbolls.

HIGH WYCOMBE AUXILIARY ...... Mr. D . Hearn. Messrs. P . Wright and J. 48 10 7 High Wycombe. Packer.

BANBURY AND BUCKS AUXILIARY.... Mr. R. Goffe. Rev. W. Catton.. 80 14 2 Banbnry, Kloxham, Bnrkingbam, Coln- brook, King’» Sntton, Middleton Cheney CAMBRIDGESHIRE. COUNTY AUXILIARY ...... E. Randall, Esq. Rev. R . R off. 273 13 11 ; Begwray, Cambridge, Cottenliam, Haddcn- ham, Harnon, Hormingsea, JUelbourn, Shelford, Willingham.


AUXILIARY ...... Rev. J. Reynolds. 24 18 6 Barton Mills, Barwell, Fordham, Isleham, Newmarket, Soham.

CHESHIRE...... 7 10 0 Audlem, Chester. CORNWALL. COUNTY AUXILIARY...... Thomas Roger», Esq. R ev. J . Spasshatt. 101 1 0 St. Aus'.le, Chacewatcr, Falmouth, Gram- poond, HeUton, M ar^zion, Padstow, Pen- eance, Redruth, Truro.

CUMBERLAND...... 5 0 0 Carlisle. DERBYSHIRE. COUKTY AUXILIARY ...... Rev. W . Hawkins, M .A .. 08 12 9 Bnrton-on-Trent, Derby, Lutcoe, 8 wan wick and Ridding*. DEVONSHIRE...... 176 12 9 Devonport, Exeter, Kingxbridgc, Newton, Paignton, Plyiriooth, Saltash, Shalden, Tiverton, Torquay. DORSETSHIRE...... 13 11 7 Dorchester, Lyme, Poole. ESSEX...... 218 4 7 Bishop’s Stortford, Braintree, Burnham, Colchester, Dnnrnow, Earle’s Color, Ep- ping, Hal»tead. 11 lord, Langham, L»agb- ton, Otd Sampfurd, Putter Street, Ray­ leigh, Romford, Saffron Waldon, Sibie : Mediflgbam, Waltham Abbey. 69

AMOUNT AUXILIARIES. TREASURERS. SECRETARIES. CONTRIBUTED. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. COUNTY AUXILIARY ...... P. K ing, Esq. 127 11 6 Clialford, EaM-Comb->, Eastingt->n, Hamp­ ton Kiiicslnnl v, Pains» icl<, Ship« ombt-, Shortwood, Sliinbridge, Strond, Tetbury, Thornbury, Reley, Woodcliester, Wout- ton. HAMPSHIRE. COUNTY AUXILIARY...... J . George, Esq. 222 11 3 Andover. Ashlry, Beau Inn, Beaulieu Rail», Blaclifu'ld Common, Broughton, Guern­ sey, Jersi-y, Lj mington, Milford, New­ port, I.W ., M ton, I.W ., R om x-y, South­ ampton, Wallop, Wellow, I.W ., Whit­ church. Portsmouth, Portsea, and Gosport Branch. Mr. Robinson 120 13 3

HERTFORDSHIRE. 322 4 0 Boxmoor, Hitfield, Hemel Hempstead, Hitrhiu, Mill End, New Mill, Royston, Sawbridgeworth, St. Albans,Tring, Ware, Watford. HUNTINGDONSHIRE. COUNTY AUXILIARY ...... 208 18 8 Bluntisham, Huntingdon. Ramsey, Somer- shani, St. Ives, St. Neots, Sulion. KENT. EAST-KENT AUXILIARY ...... Mr. W . Parnell. Rev. J. M . Cramp 373 1 3 Afhfnrd, Betlu-rsden, Brabourne, Canter­ bury, Deal, Dover, Erigerlo«, Eythorn, Folkestone, Margate, Katnsgite, St. Pe­ ter’s. WEST-KENT AUXILIARY ...... Mr. Southern. Rev. W . Groser 264 5 6 Chatham, Orayford, Eynsford, Maidstone, Mailing, Meopliam, Sandhurst, Seven- oak-, Smartlm, Siaplrluirrt, Tenti rden, Tovill, Tunbiiclge Wells, Upnor, Wool­ wich. LANCASHIRE...... 3S0 11 3 Accrington, Ashton, Bacnp, Bolton, Burn­ ley, Cloughfoid, Colne, Goodfhaw (Cha­ pel, Haslingdon, Manchester, Oldhatn, Preston, Rochdale, StocKpoit, Wigan. LIVERrOOL AUXILIARY. W. Rusbton, Esq. 333 1 1 LEICESTERSHIRE. COUNTY AUXILIARY.... Mr. J. Collier. 152 3 2 Appleby, Anisby, Blabey, Foxton, Hus­ band's Bosworth, Leicester, Loush- borough, l.ntterworth. Monk's Kirby, Oadby, Sheepshcad, Sutton-in-the-Elins. LINCOLNSHIRE...... 110 19 2 Boston, fiiiniHby, Hornrastle, Killing- liolme. Limber, Lincoln, Partuey, Spald­ ing, SpiUby. MIDDLESEX. 1,700 11 9 NORFOLK. COUNTY AUXILIARY ...... Mr. Joseph H. Allen Rev. J. Puntis. 332 16 8 Aylsljam, Beccles, Buxton, Diss, Faken- li:im> Foul sham, Fmmliiigham, Ingham, Lynn, Martliwm, Neati-heml, Norwich, Salelinunc, Shellunger. Stoke Holy-Cro»», Swattliam, W orstead.

NORTHAMPTON SHIRE...... 487 11 11 Aldwinkle, BlUkworth, BtHiinston, Bray- field, Brington, Bugbrook, Burton Lali- *ner, Cllpaton, Ectuno, Gnilsbnrough, Hackleton, Harlentone, Harpole. Ketter­ ing. Kingithorpc. Kisllnttbury, Lamport, «m g Buck by, Milton, Morton Pluck- 70

AMOUNT AUXILIARIES. TREASURERS. SECRETARIES. CONTRIBUTED. ney, Moulton, Northampton, Ravens- thorpe, Roade,Standground, Thrapstone, Towcester. M'est H addon, W eston-by- Weedon, Wigstliorpe. NORTHUMBERLAND. NORTH OF ENGLAND AUXILIARY.... Rev. R. Pengilly. 204 1 3 Berwick-on-Tweed, Bromley, Bronghton, Carlisle, Cockerinouth, Ford Foi ge, Ham sterley, Hetton, Houghton, Keswick, Maryport, Monkwearmouth, Newcastle, North Shield», Shotley Field, South Shields, Sunderland, Whitehaven, "Work­ ington. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. . COUNTY AUXILIARY...... James Lomax, Esq. 163 11 0 Beeston, Calverton, Carlton-le-Morland, Collingham, Newark, Nottingham, Sut- tou-on-Trent. OXFORDSHIRE. COUNTY AUXILIARY...... T. Bartlett, Esq.. Rev. B. Godwin. 226 10 11 Abingdon, Arlington Bos, Bonrton-on-the- Water, Burfoid, Chipping Norton, Ci­ rencester, Ensham, Fairford, Henley- on-Thames, Hook Norton, Lechlade, Oxford. Stow, Woodstock. SHROPSHIRE...... 171 0 I Bridgenorth, Broseley, Llandrinio, Oswes­ tr y Pontesbery, Sliittual, Shrewsbury, Wellington, Wem, Whitchurch. SOMERSETSHIRE. BATH AUXILIARY., John Smith, Esq... Rev. P. Cater and Mr. H ancock...... 111 13 10 BRISTOL AUXILIARY...... R. Leonard, Esq... Rev. T. Winter and E. Bristol, Paolton. H. Phillips, Esq...... 654 18 0 FROME AUXILIARY...... Francis Allen, Esq. 70 5 10 Frome, Shepherd’s Barton. WESTERN AUXILIARY...... W . D . Horsey, Esq. Rev. J. M. Chapman.... 232 16 11 Blindmnre, Bourton, Bradninch, Bridge­ water, Chard, Collnreipton, Crewkertie, Dorchester, Hatch, Honiion, Horsington, Isle Abbott, Lyme Repis, Minehrad, Huntacute, Prescott, SaimhiU, Stogum- btr, Taunton, Thnrloxton, Tivert' n, llflcnlme, Upottery, Watchett and Willi- ton, Wellington, Weymouth, Wiucanton, YeoviL SUFFOLK...... W . Ridley, Esq. 209 2 7 Bnry St. Edmnnds, Charafield, Clare, Crow-field, Eye, Framaden, Ipswich, Otley, Stuke A.ti, >t rad broke, Sudbury. SURREY...... 28 2 0 Addleitone, Dorking, Dorman's Land, Kingston. SUSSEX. COUNTY AUXILIARY...... 97 2 1 Battle, Brighton, Hailsham, Lewes, Ne­ wtek., R ye, Uckfielri. WARWICKSHIRE. BIRMINGHAM AUXILIARY...... Owen Johnson, E sq ., Revs. T. Morgan and T. 041 16 2 Bilston, Birmingham, Brettle Lane, Bridge- S w a n ...... north, Coventry, Cradley, Darkhouxe, Dndley, Leamington, Netherton, Provi­ dence Chapel, Rugby, Sammer-MU, Wal­ sall, West Bromwich. WILTSHIRE. WILTSHIRE AND EAST-SOMERSET AUXILIARY...... B. Anstie, Esqt 4M 11 1 Beckington, Bradford, Bratton, Chippen­ ham, Corah am, Devizes, Do wnton, La- Terton, Melksham, Norton, St. Philip, Penknap, Salisbary, Trowbridge, War- miuster, W octraiy, Wastbury Leigh. 71



COUNTY AUXILIARY ...... Rich. Harwood, Esq. 552 10 1 Alccster, A'twood, Atchl»ncli, Blakeney, Block lev, Broini


WEST-BIDING AUXILIARY ...... OUO•nft 1J15 inill Cowling Hill, Cullingworth, Golcar, Hali­ fax, Haworth, Hebden Bridge, Keighley, Lockwood, Long PreMon, Meltham, Mil- wood, Polenioor, Sabden, Salendine Nook, Sheffield, Slack Lane.

LEEDS AUXILIART ...... Mr. J. H. Townsend Mr. T o w n ...... 258 5 3 Bramley, Cbapeltown, Farsley, Guildrr- some, Homforth, Hunslet, Leeds, Stan- ningly, Wakefield.

BRADFORD AUXILIARY ...... M. Illingworth, Esq. 119 16 6 Blackley, Bradford, Earby and Bacnoldt- wick, Shipley, Sntton-in-Craven.

HULL AND EAST-RIDING AUXILIARY. John Thornton, Esq. 284 18 4 Beverly, Bishop Bnrton, Bridlington, Caton, Cranswich, Driffield. Hull. Hun- niauby, K ilhim . Malton, Scarborough, Seamer, Skidby, Y o r k .

NORTH-RIDING AUXILIARY ...... 52 18 11 Boroughbridge and Disbforth, Masbam and Bedale, Ripon. Total 11,091 5 9

W a lts .

NORTH WALES ...... Amluch, Anglesea, Brecon, Carnarvon, Dolan, Llangollen, Pontypool, Wrex­ ham.

SOUTH WALES. C ARDIG ANSHIRE...... Aberystwyth, Bethel, Cardigan, Ebeuezer Llandissil, Jazreel, Llanrhyityd, Llwyn- dafydd, Llwyngwril, Moria, Penrhvn- cocli, Penypark, Pontrhydfendiged, Si- loam, Swyddflynou, Talybont, Ziou Cha­ pel. CARMABTHENSniRE« ...... Aberduar, Bethel and Salem, Bwlchy- gwynt, Bwlcliyrhiw and Zion, Carmar- then, Cwmifor, Drefach, Ebenerer Llan- P'nog, Felinfotl, Perry Side, Ffynou- 'lcnry> Hebron, Llanelly, Login, New­ castle, Penrhiwgoch, Porthyhyd, Reho- b‘>th, Rhydwilym, Salem, Mydrim.Sarou, »«im , Smyrna and Cwmsarnddu.

GLAMORGANSHIRE...... Aberdare, Bagland, Bettws, firidgend, Cadoxton, Cardiff, Caerphilly, Carmel, Cowbridge, Corntown, Cross-y- parc, Cwmtwrch, Dinas, Gerazim. Her­ ron, Hengocd, Hirwaln, Horeb, Lane«- 7 2

f AMOUNT AUXILIARIES.TREASURERS. SECRETARIES. 1 CONTRIBUTED. ovon, Lantwitmajor, Llwyni, Lysfane, Mae»teg, Merthjr, Neaili, Nevvbiidge, Piiraii, Penyvai, Ponillyw, Ponlwalby, R m n n e y , S 1cm, S*nli.-,, Swk(i sea, Tongwynlas, Twyn-y-rodyn, Wain* trodan, Ystrad.

PEMBROKESHIRE ...... 841 17 4 Bethabara, Bethel, Henlah, Klaenftbr, Hla- eoywann, Ciitotf'ir, Kbeneier, Ffynon, Fi»hgnard, Gallalee, Gianrhyd, Groes* fn d i, Harmony, Haverfordwest, Hermon, Jabec. Llangioffan, Middle Mill, Milford, Mullnton, Narberth, Newport, Pem­ broke, Pembroke Dock, Peuiel, Peuy- bryn, Smyrna, Tabor, Trelelert.

MONMOUTHSHIRE...... 289 17 S Abergavenny, Aben.ychcn, Agreed, Be- thesda, Bnilah, Blackwood, Bl-tena Gwent, Blaeuavnn, B13 n M a w r, CatT- leon, Castletown, UbepMow, l.tanliiddle, Llaotvenarth, Moumonth, Nant-yglo, Newport, Penycae, Pise ah, Pontlu-er, Pontriiydjrhyn, Pontypoul, Bymney, Risca, Kirhowy, Tredegar, Twyn G w jn, Victoria.

- Total 1,259 18 8


Aberdeen, Anstruther and Kilrenny, Ancb- allader-by-T > ndntm, Banff Dnufermline, 1 Donketd, East Lothian, Ediobnrgh, El­ gin, Glasgow, Inscb, Irvine, Montrose, Perth, Roxborehihire ......


Dablin, W aterford...... J 73


FROM APRIL 1, 1839, TO MARCH 31, 1840.

INDIA. Salaries of Missionaries, and Native Preachers, at Twenty-three Stations, and Seventeen Sub-stations...... 6053 12 5 Translations, Schools, Entally Boarding School, and Female Education, as per last year’s Report...... 589 6 11 ------6642 19 4 CEYLON. Salaries of Missionaries, Expense of Schools, &c. at One principal Station, and Six Sub­ stations...... 947 14 9 JAVA. Salary of Missionary, Books, &c...... 211 9 0 JAMAICA. Salaries of Missionaries and Assistants, at Nineteen Stations, and Forty Sub-stations, with Travelling Expenses, Rent, Doctor’s Bills, and other incidental expenses...... 6126 3 5 Schools, and other special accounts...... 214 0 6 Outfit and Passage of Mr. and Mrs. Francies, Mr. and Mrs. Dutton, Mr. G. Rouse, and Mr. J. Tunlev...... 530 0 0 ------6S70 3 11 BAHAMAS. Salaries of Two Missionaries, and incidental expenses...... 792 12 8 HONDURAS. Salary of Missionary and Teacher, Doctor’s Bills,and incidental expenses...... 627 13 3 MISSIONARIES. Board and Education of Missionaries...... 397 8 6 Widows and Orphans of Missionaries...... 152 10 0 Widows’ and Orphans’ Fund...... 96 16 3 Books for Missionaries and Students...... 65 12 3 ------712 7 0 PUBLICATIONS. Printing 6,000 Annual Report and Abstract, ¡Missionary Herald, Quarterly Papers, Brief Accounts, Circulars, Advertisements, Cards, Missionary Boxes, &c. &c...... 763 10 2 Less received for Publications 262 18 10 ------500 11 4 AGENCY. Salaries of Secretaries, Travelling Agents, Assistant Secretary, Clerk, Messenger, and Collector’s Poundage...... 1048 10 2 SUNDRIES. Expenses of Auxiliary Societies...... 5D7 5 7 TravellingExpenses, and other incidentals...... 529 11 9 Carriage, Porterage, Postage, Twine, &c. and Shipping Charges...... 139 15 7 Rent of Mission House, Rates, Taxes, &c...... 223 15 6 Interest of Money Borrowed...... 26 16 11 ------1427 5 4 £19,781 6 9

I FROM APRIL 1, 1839, TO MARCII 31, 1840. Dr. The Baptist Missionari/ Society. Or.

£ jr. ,1. To Balance brought forward., 2,031 13 3 By Extra Subscriptions on account of Debt of last year ...... 1,180 18 1) Disbursements as per List. ,19,781 « » Contributions for General Purposes...... 15,236 8 10 I)o. for Translations...... 579 7 1 Do. Grant from American & Foreign Bible Society 1,025 1 2 ------1,603 8 3 Do. for Schools...... 70 17 5 Do. lor Female Education...... 114 7 7 Do. tor Entally Christian Institution, Calcutta...... 247 16 5 Cash on Annuity...... jq 0 q

Special Objects. By Contributions for Savanna la Mai Chapel...... 311 3 0 Do. Lucea Chapel...... 73 11 (I Do. Native Agency, Jamaica...... 100 0 0 » 0. Jamaica Schools...... 4 1 0 IJ,)- Spanish T ow n S ch ools...... 29 11 0 Do- Montego Jlay School?...... 35 0 0 Do. Brown's Town Schools...... 5 0 0 Do. African Mission...... g 10 0 Do. Monghyr Schools...... 35 0 0 601 16 6 Balance, now owing by the Society ...... 3,3*1 7 0

M,in ti » 22,413 0 0

Examined and found the above balance of three thousand, three hundred, and forty-one pounds, seven shillings, against the Society, to be corrcct.

(Signed CHARLES JONES. CHARLES BURLS. Loyidon, April 13, 1810.

Special Contribuì ions for Extra Missionaries to India.

March 31, 1840. To Education, Outfit, &c. of Four Missionaries...... 2,000 0 I April I, 1839. By Balance biouuht forward ...... 3,495 10 7 Balance due...... 1,642 0 7 I March 31, 1840. Receipts to this date ...... 146 10 0

.! .041 0 7 3,012 0 7 75 \_The folloioing Rules, Sçc., are respectfully submitted to the consideration of our friends, for the purpose of facilitating the formation of County Associations, Congregational Auxiliaries,

i&utes antr Regulations



1. T h a t the fundamental principles and objects of the Baptist Missionary Society have the cordial approbation o f this Association. 2. That this Society be denominated the Association, in aid of the Funds of the Baptist Missionary Society, and that all the Churches in the County, or District, be requested to co-operate in promoting this important object. 3. That all persons subscribing, annually, half-a-gumea or upwards, or Five Guineas at one time, shall be Members of this Association ; that all such Subscribers of half-a.Guinea shall be entitled to the abstract of the Annual Report, and of one Guinea and upwards, to the large Report of the Parent Society. 4. That the business of the Association shall be conducted by a Committe, with one or two Secretaries and a Treasurer. The Committee to hold its meetings quar­ terly in different places in the County or District. 5. That the whole amount of Money received by this Association, after deducting necessary expenses, shall be remitted annually, or oftener, to the Treasurer of the Parent Society in London, with an Alphabetical List of Collections and Subscriptions. 6. That a general Meeting of the Members of the Association shall he held annu­ ally, when a Report of the Proceedings shall he presented, intelligence com­ municated of the operations of the Missions, and a Committee and Officers appointed for the ensuing year. [It is desirable that the arrangements for the Annual Meeting should be announced at the previous Quarterly Meeting of the Committee.] 7. That the following Gentlemen be the Committee for the present year :— and that be Treasurer, and Secretary.

N.B.— The Annual Accounts of the Parent Society are made up on the 31st March, previous to which all Contributions must be forwarded. This is desirable, in order that the Contribution List of the Report may, in future, agree with the balance-sheet of Treasurer.

R uj.e s f o r C ongregational A u x i l i a r i e s in C o n n e x io n w i t h C o u n t y A ssociations .

1. T h a t the principles and objects of the Baptist Missionary Society, formed in the year 1792, are cordially approved o f by this Society. 2. That this Society be designated the Congregational Missionary Society, in connexion with the Association. 3. That all persons subscribing one Penny per Week, or mere, ten Shillings and six­ pence, and upwards, Annually, or five Pounds at one time, shall be Members of the Society. 4. That the Society be under the direction of a Committee of Twelve Persons, in­ cluding a Treasurer aud Secretary, and that the following be the Members and Officers for the present year, viz :

C o m m i t t e e .

1 T r k a s u r e r S e c r e t a r y 76 5. That the Committee meet monthly, to receive the Contributions from the Col­ lectors, and pay over the amounts to the Treasurer, to be remitted annually, or oftener, to the Treasurer of the Association. 6. That a General Meeting of this Congregational Missionary Society be held Annually, on the last '1 hursday o f , for the purpose of receiving the Report of proceedings, and appointing a Committee for the following year.

R u l e s f o r a L a d i e s ’ A u x i l i a r y . 1. That this Auxiliary be formed for the purpose of contributing to the Funds of the Baptist Mission, and o f promoting a spirit of enterprise in extending the kingdom of Christ. 2. That every person subscribing one Penny per Week be a member of the Aux­ iliary and be entitled to a Copy of the Quarterly Papers of the Parent Society 3. That this Auxiliary be under the direction of a Committee of such persons as collect Sixpence per Week and upwards ; or are Subscribers of half-a-Guinea, and upwards, per annum 4. That the Committee meet monthly to pay ovei the Contributions to the Treasurer, and receive Missionary intelligence. 5. That a General Meeting uf the Auxiliary be held on the last Thursday of in each year, when the Accounts shall be balanced, and paid over to the Treasurer o f the , or to the Treasurer of the Parent Society. 6. That the following be the Members and Officers of the Committee :—

R u l e s f o r a Sunday School Missionary Auxiliary.

1 T h a t an Auxiliary of the Teachers and Scholars of this School be formed; for the purpose of contributing to the School Fund of the Baptist Missionary Society. 2. That a Subscriber of one Penny per Week, or a class contributing that sum, or more, be entitled to the Quarterly Papers of the Parent Society ; and a Teacher subscribing ten Shillings and Sixpence per Annum, to the Abstract of the Annual Report. 3. That the Friends and Neighbours of the Children be invited to contribute to this Auxiliary. 4. That the Superintendents and Teachers, who are Contributors, constitute two Committees (male and female) to carry the object of this Auxiliary into effect: and that each Committee appoint its own Treasurer, Secretary, and Collectors. 5. That the consent of the Parent« be obtained before any Child be allowed to become a Subscriber. 6. That the amount contributed by this School Auxiliary be paid over, every quarter, to the Treasurer of the Congregational Auxiliary, to be entered to the School Fund of the Baptist Mission.

It is requested that applications for Collecting Books, Cards, Boxes, Quarterly Papers, tyc., may be made through the Treasurers or Secretaries o f the Auxiliary Societies whenever convenient.


£ • «. d. M r f. G a in ...... O m itted in the R ep ort o f la*t y e a r...... 1 I 0 J. Limtop, E»q ...... D o ...... 110 Rev. W . Hayward ...... D o ...... 1 1 0 )tfr. H . Kuigbt, J L A m eh otu e...... D o ...... 1 i 0