Chekhov in English 1998 • • • 2008 logo Northgate Books Oxford, 2008 i Anton Chekhov in English 1998 • 2004 • 2008 Compiled and edited by Peter Henry This bibliography was prepared for publication in association with Robert Reid and Joe Andrew, joint editors of Essays in Poetics, which was published at the University of Keele, Keele, UK, from 1976 to 2006. Northgate Books. Oxford 2008 i Also published by Northgate Books: Vsevolod Garshin at the Turn of the Century. An International Symposium in Three Volumes. Edited by Peter Henry, Vladimir Porudominsky and Mikhail Girshman (2000). This bibliography is accessible on the Neo-Formalist Circle page of the BASEES (British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies at This is a private publication. Free copies are available from Northgate Books, 50 Collinwood Road, Risinghurst, Oxford OX3 8HL UK, or from Professor Peter Henry at the same address. Free copies are also obtainable by telephone: 44 (0) 1865 744 602 or by e-mail:
[email protected] ii This modest publication is dedicated to the memory of Georgette Lewinson-Donchin, a renowned authority on Russian literature, an inspiring and supportive teacher and generous friend, who sadly passed away in February 2008. Georgette will always be remembered with much affection, admiration and deep gratitude. iii Acknowledgements It is my pleasant task to record my gratitude to the many people who have helped me with this bibliography: in the first place to Gordon McVay, Senior Research Fellow at Bristol University and a Chekhov specialist; likewise to Harvey Pitcher, Chekhov scholar and translator.