The Ukrainian Weekly 1980

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The Ukrainian Weekly 1980 І СВ ОБОДА J^SVOBODA І І Ж УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОАІМИШЖ ^ЩВг О К Я А ( /у ; Л /V D 41 IV І , UkrainiaENGLISH-LANGUAGnE WEEKLY EDITIOWeekN l VOL. I.XXXVII. No. 13 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 24, 1980 25 CENTS At heritage village Smorodsky expresses optimism 10,000 attend unveiling of monument about Madrid Conference by George B. Zarycky become buried in charges and counter­ to Ukrainian Canadian pioneer family charges, but he added that if events did take such a turn, he was confident that EDMONTON - With more than After the unveiling ceremonies, there 10,000 in attendance on the grounds of such an exchange would be more dama­ was a concert with performances by ging to the Soviets, as their record on the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village, Ukrainian choirs, ensembles and solo­ Ukrainians celebrated the 75th anniver­ human rights is clearly far more perfidi­ ists from Edmonton, Calgary and ous than that of the United States. sary of Alberta with the unveiling of a Lloydminster. Masters of ceremonies at monument to the Ukrainian pioneer the concert were Messrs. P. Savaryn, I. Addressing the growing concern family on August 10. The bronze mo­ Broda and R. Ostashevsky. among some Ukrainians that many of nument, which.was presented as a gift to America's allies have shown indications the province of Alberta by the Ukrai­ Among the guests were Sen. M. of being gun-shy as the conference nians of Canada, was designed by Byelish; Provincial Ministers Julian opening nears, Mr. Smorodsky stated sculptor Leonid Mol-Molodozhanyn, a Koziak, Mr. M. LeMesurier and Mr. that he was optimistic that by Novem­ member of the Royal Academy of Arts yfT. Dkchuk; judges Mr. P. Greshchuk ber the allies world support the final of Canada. and Mr. I. Decore; former Minister D. American position, although he admit­ Mazankovsky; Laurence G. Decore, ted that, given Western Europe's proxi­ The festivities were organized by the president of the Ukrainian Canadian mity to the Soviet Union, the allies are Provincial Council of the Ukrainian Professional and Business Federation justifiably skittish at the prospect of Canadian Committee of Alberta, head­ and chairman of the Canadian Consul­ seriously antagonizing the Soviet Uni­ ed by Wasyl Kunda, and by a citizens' tative Council on M ulticulturalism; and on. Moreover, in light of Western committee, headed by member of Par­ Mr. M. Sukhoversky, president of the Europe's emerging economic indepen­ liament Mr. I. Batiuk. Edmonton branch of the UCC. dence and strength, Mr. Smorodsky Myroslaw Smorodsky admitted that the question of assured Representing the UCC were Serge JERSEY CITY, NJ. - Attorney West European cooperation with the During the unveiling ceremonies, Radchuk, president; Mr. S.J. Kalba, Myroslaw Smorodsky, who was recent­ United States is a difficult one. Peter Lougheed, premier of Alberta, executive director; and Dr. I. Hlynka, ly appointed a public member of the spoke of Ukrainian contributions to the president of the Shevchenko Foun­ United States delegation to the Madrid Mr. Smorodsky also mentioned that development of the province. He noted dation, a major contributor of funds for Conference by President Jimmy Carter, he hopes to meet with other ethnic that the monument would remain a the monument. outlined the probable American stra­ public members of the U.S. delegation symbol of Ukrainian achievements. to hammer out a coherent strategy that On this occasion, Mr. I. Borykh ot tegy relating to the talks at a meeting with UNA executives and editors of would ensure an ethnic input into the The day's festivities commenced with Lamont, a contributor to and patron of formulation of the U.S. government's the concelebration of a Moleben by many Ukrainian institutions and orga­ Svoboda and The Ukrainian Weekly here on August 12. overall approach to the talks. Prepa­ Archbishop Borys of the Ukrainian nizations was awarded the Shevchenko ratory meetings concerning the confe­ Orthodox Church, Bishop Neil Savaryn Medal by representatives of the UCC Mr. Smorodsky, who was a prime rence are scheduled to begin on Septem­ of the Ukrainian Catholic Church and headquarters in recognition of his mover behind the American Bar Asso­ ber 9. other clergy. service to the Ukrainian community. ciation's adoption of a resolution in defense of imprisoned Ukrainian dis­ Mr. Smorodsky added that he has sident Lev Lukianenko earlier this been in constant communication with month, stated that the American dele­ Dante B. Fascell, chairman of the U.S. UCC outlines recommendations gation will probably press for linkage Commission on Security and Coope­ between all the "baskets" of the Helsinki ration in Europe, and has been working for new Canadian Constitution Accords, and by doing so, ensure that with the UCCA and the WCFU in Western concerns regarding human readying pertinent material for the rights in the Soviet Union are not preparatory session. WINNIPEG - In connection with a clude a charter of human rights which Mr. Smorodsky also noted that, in new round of talks between the federal would assure individual citizens and overshadowed by Soviet concerns about economic and security measures incor­ view of the Soviet invasion of Afgha­ and provincial governments of Canada ethnocultural groups, irrespective of nistan, and the Soviets' urgent need for dealing with revisions in the Canadian their origin or time of becoming Cana­ porated into the first two "baskets" of the agreement. Western technology, the United States Constitution, the. Ukrainian Canadian dian citizens, or their province of is in a far better bargaining position Committee sent a memorandum on residence in Canada, equal opportunity When asked about increasing skepti­ than it was in Belgrade, and, although July 27 outlining its recommendations to participate in all aspects of govern­ cism as to the effectiveness of the the actual enforcement of the Helsinki to Prime Minister Pierre E. Trudeau ment and community fife, and that such Helsinki process, especially in light of Accords is too much to expect, the and all the provincial premiers. Copies rights assure every citizen and ethno­ events at the Belgrade Conference, and United States can take concrete steps were also sent to members of Parliament cultural group equal support to main­ the implication that the accords provide toward strengthening the impact of the tain and develop the culture and langu­ de jure recognition of Soviet borders, human rights provisions. age of their choice, including the right of Mr. Smorodsky noted that, from a legal The proposals for the new constitu­ the parents to choose the official langu­ standpoint, the Helsinki Accords are tion were: age in which their children are to be not binding. Mr. Smorodsky added educated. that the ultimate effectiveness of the INSIDE: That the Constitution of Canada human rights provisions of the agree­ Ш President Jimmy Carter's re­ define the basic character of the Cana­ That section 38 of the Official Langu­ ment can be bolstered if the United marks during the fifth anniversary dian nation as a free people in a free ages Act be amended to recognize all States works within the agreement and commemoration of the Helsinki society, a country rich in diversity of its , languages rooted in Canada a"s Cana­ uses the economic and security clauses Accords — page 7. linguistic communities, cultural heri­ dian languages and to recognize a as leverage to force the Soviet dele­ Ш Helen Perozak Smindak's fea­ tages and regional-identities, where positive responsibility of Canada to­ gation to address the question of the ture on George Mendeluk, director individual and group fulfillment is the ward these languages, and we further status of arrested Helsinki monitors and of the newly released movie "The fundamental goal of society. submit that the Official Languages Act other issues related to human rights Kidnapping of the President" - and the commissioner of official langu­ violations. page 11. That, as basic prerequisites to demo­ ages be renamed as Canadian Langu­ Mr. Smorodsky also said that he did Ш Summer camps, courses - cracy, freedom and unity, the Canadian ages Act and as commissioner of langu­ not foresee the conference turning into a pages 8-Ю. Constitution among other things in­ ages in Canada, respectively. forum for polemics in which the issues 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 24, 1980 No. 13 Raissa Moroz writes about plight Chicago Tribune features of Ukrainian Helsinki group members embroidered Ukrainian icons NEW YORK - Raissa Moroz. in a health, he has been о ma hunger strike. I CHICAGO - The Chicago Tribune The icons depict traditional religious letter to the editor of The New York fear for his life. Magazine recently carried a story titled subjects which aptly express the hope Times, dated Friday. August IS, called Zynovij Krasiwsky, the poet and "From Soviet prisons - with hope" and longing of the prisoners. "One of attention to the recent Soviet strategy writer, also is in danger of losing his life. along with illustrations of embroidered the icons, the only one not showing a regarding political prisoners. In citing Years of imprisonment and forcible icons which were secretly made in a traditional religious subject, is actually the cases of Mykola Horbal, -Vyaches- treatments with neuroleptic drugs in Mordovian labor camp in the 1950s and a collective self-portrait of the mother lav Chornovil, Zynoviy Krasivsky,` psychiatric hospitals have seriously have recently been smuggled out of Uk- and her cellmates praying the rosary, Yaroslav Lesiv, and Petro Rozumny — impaired his health. In 1978, he was their captivity starkly depicted by the all former political prisoners and mem­ released from a psychiatric hospital, barred window above them and the bers of the Ukrainian Helsinki moni­ prior to the expiration of his sentence. parasha (a prison toilet bucket) in a toring group, Mrs.
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