1506 Supplement to the London Gazette, 20 March, 1945
1506 SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 20 MARCH, 1945 Able Seaman Reid Howard Virtue, The Distinguished Service Medal. R.C.N.V.R., ¥.65076 (Bowmanville, Chief Engine Room Artificer Harold Leslie Ontario). Stubbs, C/MX.4798i (Gillingham). Petty Officer Albert Berwick, C/JX. 129585 For gallant service, endurance and devo- (London). tion to duty while operating from or serving in H.M. Ships Campania, Nairana and Mention in Despatches. Bamborough Castle in Arctic seas while Captain John Annesley Grindle, C.B.E., Royal escorting convoys to and from North Russia. Navy. Second Bar to the Distinguished Service Cross. Commander (E) Alfred Godfrey Blake Acting Temporary Lieutenant-Commander Norman, Royal Navy (Chatham). Magnus Spence Work, D.S.C., R.N.R. Able Seaman Frederick John Hope, C/J.gbfa (Kirkwall). (South Croydon). Able Seaman Alfred Henry William Watkinson, The Distinguished Service Cross. C/J.46211 (West Croydon). Temporary Lieutenant (A) Allen Russell Burgham, R.N.Z.N.V.R. (Auckland, N.Z.). For great gallantry in carrying out his Temporary Sub-Lieutenant (A) Alexander Ian duties: Farningham, R.N.V.R. Temporary Sub-Lieutenant (A) Maurice Mention in Despatches (Posthumous}. William Henley, R.N.V.R. Stoker First Class Trevor Anstes, D/KX. Temporary Sub-Lieutenant (A) William 525896 (Rhydyfelan, Glam.). Joseph Lennox Hutchison, R.N.V.R. Temporary Sub-Lieutenant Frederick Robert For good services in transporting troops to Johnson, D.S.M., R.N.V.R. (London). the Normandy Beaches: The Distinguished Service Medal. Mention in Despatches. Able Seaman Frederick Neville Worden, Mr. Joseph Billingham, Chief Officer, Merchant R.A.N.R.
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